Why do you dream about a fluffy kitten? Why does a woman dream about a kitten? I just dreamed about one kitten

Beautiful and white kittens that a woman dreams of warn her. In reality, the dreamer needs to be very careful, because enemies and envious people will try to deceive her into their laid out nets. Here Gustav Miller recommends relying only on your own intuition and common sense.

If kittens in a dream are dirty, skinny or multi-colored, in reality the dreamer may become a victim of her own carelessness. In general, Miller is sure that any dreams with kittens are a bad sign, indicating future difficulties in life. A change of professional activity is possible.

Why do you dream about kittens? Modern dream book

If the kittens are red, cash flows are coming in reality. A white kitten portends an unexpected turn in life or bad news. Seeing a gray kitten in a dream means daily chores around the house. In principle, this dream does not bode well, since troubles in life are commonplace. It is curious that a favorable dream is one in which you can see black kittens.

Aesop's dream book: kittens

Dreams in which you can see a cat with kittens promise unexpected and big problems with children. Perhaps some of the child’s innermost secrets will soon be revealed, which will bring disappointment and discord into the family. If in a dream a kitten runs away from a dog, climbing a tree, in reality the dreamer should be extremely careful. If a kitten, seeing an evil dog, stealthily runs to the roof of a house, in real life the dreamer should beware of the dangers and tricks prepared by his envious people.

I dreamed about kittens. Interpretation of Phelomen

Kittens in a dream are a symbol of loneliness, depression and indifference on the part of people around you. A man playing in a dream with a kitten, which scratches and tries to bite, foreshadows unpleasant news: the dreamer’s other half has an evil disposition and a terrible character. She is not at all who she says she is. White fluffy kittens seen in a dream advise you to be on your guard in relationships with this or that person.

Flea-covered kittens in a dream speak of a strange situation in the professional sphere: the fact is that in reality only the dreamer will be satisfied with the result of his work, the rest of his colleagues will feel disappointed and offended. Dreaming of blind kittens speaks of the dreamer’s importance in the professional sphere. Receiving a kitten as a gift in a dream means suffering certain losses from a stranger.

Interpreting dreams is easy and very interesting. To understand why a kitten is dreaming, you need to take into account all the information that complements the plot. In addition, it is worth knowing that different dream books may present different interpretations, so you should draw an analogy with your real life.

Why do you dream about a red kitten?

An animal of this color symbolizes cunning, so you need to be on guard, because there is deception ahead and intrigues that are woven behind your back.

  1. For a girl in a relationship, a red kitten portends a rival who can significantly spoil the relationship.
  2. For single ladies, such a dream predicts a lover who will bring a lot, but separation is inevitable.
  3. Seeing a red kitten thin and dirty in a dream means you should expect disappointing news related to loved ones.
  4. If you had to drive away an animal, this is a favorable omen, indicating that life will soon improve and problems will subside.
  5. A dream in which a ginger kitten was held in your arms indicates that there is an enemy nearby, so you need to be vigilant.
  6. The dream interpretation of a kitten with red fur walking down the street promises communication with an acquaintance whom the dreamer has not seen for a long time. The meeting will be warm and will bring a lot of positive emotions.
  7. A bathed baby indicates an imminent renewal, that is, it will be possible to feel a kind of second wind.

Why do you dream about a white kitten?

An animal of this color surprisingly often portends bad events. To obtain broader information, you need to take into account other nuances of the plot:

  1. Watching a white kitten run away is a favorable sign, foreshadowing the solution to all existing problems. Don't worry, a calm period in life will soon come.
  2. A white kitten for a woman is considered a warning that people from close circles are weaving intrigues behind their backs.
  3. Seeing a large number of snow-white babies means that problems that have been weighing on you for a long time will disappear.
  4. Chasing away a white kitten in a dream is a positive omen, indicating that in a difficult situation you will be able to pull yourself together and find the right solution.
  5. A night vision of a snow-white animal promises an interesting meeting and good news.
  6. There is an interpretation of why you dream of a white kitten playing with a ball - this is an indication of the intrigues that entangle the dreamer. It is worth noting that the more tangled the threads are, the more difficult it will be to understand the situation.
  7. The presence of a large number of white and fluffy babies in a dream means strong pressure from competitors.

Why do you dream of a black kitten?

Many dream books agree that an animal with this fur color is a harbinger of deception, but depending on the plot, the interpretation may change.

  1. Small black kittens promise deception that will be directed against a sleeping person.
  2. Seeing a black kitten that was dead in a dream means that existing problems will be resolved successfully and in the near future.
  3. For girls in relationships, such a dream serves as an indication that the man next to him is a deceiver and it is worth considering whether he is needed or not.
  4. A night vision in which you had to pet an animal indicates that the dreamer will receive ingratitude in response to help.
  5. Playing with a kitten in a dream means that in real life you will have to make many mistakes. The dream book recommends consulting with a person whom the dreamer completely trusts before making important decisions.
  6. A dream where a black kitten attacks warns that other people will ruin their reputation. If the dreamer was able to fight him off, then the situation will end in his favor.
  7. If you managed to catch an animal, it means that soon.

Why do you dream about a gray kitten?

A dream in which an animal with this fur color appears can portend both good and bad events, since everything depends on the details of the plot.

  1. Often a gray kitten portends an attack. If the animal is aggressive, then the situation will get worse.
  2. An affectionate baby does not bode well, and according to one of the dream books, you will soon have to face deception.
  3. For people in a relationship, seeing a kitten with gray fur in a dream is a bad sign, indicating problems in the relationship.
  4. A purebred, beautiful and well-groomed animal is a harbinger of a gift or a small profit.
  5. For a woman, a dream about a gray kitten serves as an indication that she should not be afraid of changes and the time has come to diversify her boring life.

Why do you dream of a pink kitten?

Such a dream can be classified as unusual, but it also contains important information for a person.

  1. Pink animals symbolize tender and trusting relationships with loved ones. In such a dream there is also a warning that there is no need to idealize people too much, since being disappointed in them will hurt later.
  2. A pink kitten in a dream indicates the dreamer’s excessive gullibility and naivety. Because of the love of dreams, the chance of realization in real life is constantly decreasing.

Why do you dream about a blue kitten?

In this case, we are talking about a smoky shade, which is often called “blue”. A dream with such an animal symbolizes home comfort and harmony. If you dream of a kitten with blue fur, it means that a favorable period has come to fulfill your cherished desire. Positive changes in financial matters can be expected in the near future. The blue color also symbolizes spiritual energy and fidelity.

Why do you dream about a striped kitten?

An animal that has a color similar to a zebra, that is, there are light and dark stripes, indicates that in the future a similar scenario is expected in life: good events will be replaced by some problems or disappointments, and vice versa. The dream book recommends being patient in order to survive this difficult stage. There is another interpretation of what a tabby kitten dreams about; this should be taken as a warning that you will soon have to face deception and betrayal.

Why do you dream of a tricolor kitten?

Original animals, in which different colors are mixed, appear in a dream to indicate the dreamer’s carelessness and fussiness. In addition, such a plot shows a person’s inability to set priorities. When figuring out what a small kitten with multi-colored fur means in a dream, it is worth pointing out that such a dream may also portend deception on the part of others. The tricolor animal represents the lack of free time and bustle.

Why do you dream of picking up a kitten?

A night vision in which a person saw an animal and decided to pick it up indicates that the person from time to time takes responsibility for those around him, solving their problems, and sometimes gratitude is not received for this. Picking up a kitten in a dream means that the dreamer will bring trouble upon himself. A homeless animal is an indication of frivolity. If you dream of a kitten that a person picked up on the street, it means that the person should look for the source of all his problems in himself.

Why do you dream of feeding a kitten?

There are several interpretations of such a dream, which differ in the nuances of the plot:

  1. A night vision in which you had to feed a kitten means that the dreamer creates problems for himself, and they prevent him from fully enjoying life.
  2. In one of the dream books, such a plot is considered a warning of impending danger, so you need to be on guard.
  3. If you dreamed of a small kitten and it was fed, then expect an improvement in your financial situation.
  4. For a woman who wants to get married, a dream about feeding animals predicts an unhappy marriage with an obstinate husband.

Why do you dream about a flea-filled kitten?

A dream in which an animal was sick, although it has an unpleasant coloration, in some cases can portend good events.

  1. A terminally ill kitten in a dream foreshadows getting rid of something, for example, you will be able to recover from an illness or you will have to part with a person with whom you have been burdened for a long time.
  2. Seeing an emaciated and sick animal means that the dreamer will soon find a new hobby, but it will not bring anything good.
  3. Holding a sick kitten in your arms in a dream is a harbinger of loneliness and boredom.
  4. It is worth finding out why a woman dreams of a kitten that is sick - this is advice that she should think carefully before saying or doing something.

Why do you dream of a dead kitten?

A dream in which the main object was an inanimate animal has a good interpretation in most cases.

  1. If the kitten was dead in a dream, it means that soon the opponents will retreat and the black streak will end.
  2. A deceased animal represents getting rid of existing complexes and prejudices.
  3. If a strangled kitten was lying in front of the threshold of the house, then we should expect changes in the situation.
  4. A non-living animal in the mud or puddle portends a solution to everyday and financial problems.
  5. If a dead kitten came to life in a dream, this is a good sign that foreshadows the receipt of results from the work done.
  6. For women, a deceased animal promises deliverance from an annoying suitor, who will make room for a worthy life partner.
  7. Night vision in which a cat gave birth to dead kittens is a harbinger of a solution to existing financial problems.

Thanks to this page you will learn Why do you dream of Kittens in a dream? according to the dream book.

It can be difficult to determine what kittens mean in dreams, since there is plenty of room to roam around. This could be a hint of a future gift, or the universe has prepared a portion of good luck for you. At the same time, it can symbolize collapsed dreams that you are still lamenting.

Miller advises to be careful, as kittens sometimes attract deception or some kind of fraudulent actions. So if you were planning to purchase something large (equipment, apartments, etc.) or jewelry, then keep an eye on both. They will try to deceive you in every possible way. These are also harbingers of minor squabbles, quarrels and misunderstandings. For lovers in a relationship, a kitten will really run through, bringing a chill to their feelings.

Why do kittens dream according to Miller?

The psychologist regards what kittens dream about as harbingers of failure. Of course, trouble can be avoided if you managed to drive them out of your house or away from your doorstep. If the fluffy scratches and generally behaves extremely aggressively, then you have very dangerous enemies. Moreover, their initial goal is your image. They will tarnish your reputation and drag your name through the mud. This can cause you to suffer greatly. But drive them away, and you will save your situation again. To illness if you find a very thin kitten. And this applies to your friend. Feed him and you can help out your friend in reality. It's bad if you don't see the furballs, but you hear them squealing, hissing or meowing somewhere nearby. This means you have a fake friend. The enemy is hiding under the fake smile and pretense, and he is setting traps for you. Save your money if you get a scratch. Your ill-wishers will try to take away part of your earnings and divide them among themselves. It is also bad to notice a completely snow-white kitten. You will get very confused about something and may lose a lot.

Why do kittens dream about Vanga?

Vanga also did not treat soft lumps with warmth, and what kittens dream about can be taken as a bad omen. It is not advisable for a young girl to take kittens into her arms, stroke them and cherish them. In reality, they plan to involve you in dark affairs. It is possible that you are just a cover or that all the blame will be attributed to you. So refuse suspicious offers and better not take risks. If your earnings directly depend on sales, then strengthen your vigilance and start working at full capacity. Dreams with kittens foretell blows from your competitors. Moreover, they will probably decide to unite against you and ruin your business. It is very strange to see a kitten who decided to play with a snake. In reality, this means that you support your enemy with all your might. But you do this intentionally, because it is important for you to find out some secret that only he knows. Moreover, this secret is about you. It is dangerous for women to see white kittens, as she will be lured into a net. But she has enough dexterity and cunning to get out of problems.

Why do kittens dream according to Freud?

Freud believed that all your secret desires are hidden in cute little pet furballs. So if you don’t yet know why kittens dream, now you can discover something new in yourself and your feelings. Basically, the arrival of kittens in your dreams hints at the revelation of your nature. It is possible that you are a very sensitive person. You are guided by emotions and desires, not by your head. You are also easily excitable both in bed and in other activities. That is, they are easy-going, grab onto profitable projects and the like. It is interesting if you are petting and playing with a small kitten. Because sexually you are attracted to young partners. This is not a reference to relationships with minors. You're just attracted to young people, or at least people younger than you. If the kitten comes running to you and demands affection, then you are a very attractive person. And your sexual energy attracts partners to you. If you feed them, you want sex with minors. And one will not be enough for you. If you decide to kill or cause harm, then you have sadistic tendencies inside you.

Why do you dream of kittens according to Nostradamus?

For Nostradamus, what kittens dream about could be a prediction of something very significant, and on a large scale. Usually kittens carried symbols of good luck, home comfort, tranquility and some kind of shrine. At the same time, they are symbols of everything otherworldly and assistants to witches. So dreaming about purrs can be both a symbol of something good, and a manifestation of the greatest evil and misfortune in your future. For example, if you notice a tabby kitten walking peacefully and purposefully along the road, then very soon a person endowed with knowledge will come. His wisdom will be a turning point not only in the evolution of your consciousness, but in the lives of all people. And you will easily understand when he appears. Because before this something very important will happen related to this animal. The dream where a kitten is brought in a basket to the center of the palace also speaks of an important person. Count down 10 years, because after that the most important person in politics will come to the city. His deeds will be so significant that many will treat him as a deity.

See also other interpretations of dreams about kittens:

Kittens in a dream often become good harbingers of pregnancy or that a woman is thinking and dreaming about this situation.

Much depends on what color the little furry animals will be and what exactly they will do. For example, if a pet scratches, this will be a warning of a not very happy family life.

Seeing kittens in a dream what does it mean

Modern dream books They associate the appearance of recently born pets in a dream with life problems - fictitious or real.

Dream Interpretations interpret that the more a person dreams of a cat, the greater the troubles in life.

You should also be careful seeing a black man in a dream pet. Dream books confirm the popular belief that the black color of a cat is a warning to humans.

Why do little kittens dream?

The little cat who woman dreams, is a symbol of a certain trap on the path of life. Therefore, a girl needs to be careful in her relationship with her man.

Pregnant girl in such a dream, you need to analyze what feelings you experienced in a dream when you saw a feline baby. If you were pleased, then the birth of a child will bring great happiness.

Both women and men need to remain especially careful if you see drowning animal.

If a woman dreams of kittens

If you dream small kittens for a woman, then a man will burst into her life. There is a high probability that he will not become a spouse, but the girl will become pregnant from him.

If a woman dream of a pet in your arms, this means that the girl will soon let a rival into her house, who will be aiming for your place.

Seeing many small kittens in a dream

If you dream small woman a lot, and they are clumsy, then this is a sign of weakness and helplessness of the fair sex. They are a sign of your own fears.

These pets are found in large numbers in dreams when problems arise in life.

Vanga's Dream Book confirms - many cat children talk about a streak of failures.

If you dreamed of a red kitten

I dream about redheads to replenish cash. If a woman sees “saffron milk caps” in a dream, then in the near future she will have a young man who stands well on his feet. However, there is no guarantee that this man plans to become your husband. His intentions will not be serious.

Why do you dream of a black kitten dream book

cat black color indicates not the best news about a relative that will be reported in the near future.

If these cubs are show aggression, scratch, then you are surrounded by a large number of ill-wishers who can bring real trouble.

Seeing white and gray kittens in a dream

if you dream about gray cat, then various everyday worries await you. And to dream of white means an unexpected turn of fate.

If you white cat drive away in your sleep, then in reality you will not act very nicely with someone close to you.

What do you dream about newborn kittens?

Seeing newborn pets in a dream means annoying mistakes, a bad streak and troubles.

In Miller's dream book it is said that newborn pets should alert a sleeping person.

Vanga interpreted this dream as follows: the sleeper comes up with problems for himself, and it’s time to get rid of them so that a scandal does not ripen.

Seeing a lot of kittens and cats in a dream

Freud's Dream Interpretation of the birth of kittens in a cat associated with increased excitability. If many animals were born, this indicates a high desire for physical intimacy.

Such a plot can warn against wrong steps in real life and against mistakes made due to inattention.

What does the dead mean in dreams?

Dead a pet is not a sign of real trouble. It promises minor troubles that a person will bring to himself.

Such a dream is a signal that man or woman It's time to reconsider your attitude to life and your behavior.

Such a dream often becomes a symbol that you will get rid of an annoying acquaintance. But if death occurred due to the influence of outside forces, then the problem in reality should be solved on its own.

In ordinary life, everyone really likes little kittens. Little fluffy balls play and frolic, purr on their laps and evoke only the most positive emotions.

But in a dream many little kittens most often - a bad sign, indicating minor troubles and... To find out the exact meaning, you need to carefully remember all the details of the dream and read the meaning according to the interpreter.

A woman saw newborn kittens

If you have such a dream, this is a bad sign; you are on the wrong path, which will give rise to a large number of problems. The business that has been started will not succeed.

If a young lady saw such a dream- it’s better to postpone until better times, some misfortune may happen.

If the kittens are black or striped, wait. Kittens purring on their knees - premature birth may begin.

Vanga's Dream Book

If a woman saw a lot of small kittens, changes will soon occur in her destiny, and they will not be joyful. A serious illness of one of your loved ones is possible.

If kittens scratch your hands– there is a lot of hard work ahead. Kittens meowing is a very bad sign, it brings trouble. Be extremely careful.

If kittens sleep peacefully on your lap, everything will be calm at home and at work. If they dig, it means the loss of family and friends. If they were white- problems will pass you by. If black - betrayal of your best friend.

Miller's Dream Book

For a woman, many kittens mean minor squabbles and troubles., it could be a quarrel at work or with neighbors.

If they meowed - expect bad news from afar; if they scratch before - troubles due to relatives, problems with the division of inheritance are possible.

If the kittens were red, this is a good sign, pleasant and cheerful news that you do not expect.

White kittens - an unexpected gift from. If you dreamed of a lot of black kittens- a long journey for a sad reason.

Family dream book

If a woman saw a lot of little kittens- everything will be fine in her life, problems will bypass her. If they played - a cheerful and carefree life, financial well-being. If they sit on your hands - .

If she hissed and protected them, your enemies are preparing a trap for you, be careful, do not trust strangers.

If kittens are sitting in a litter box, this is a very good sign; your family will soon experience financial well-being and money problems will fade into the background. If they rumble- comfort and peace will reign in the house, there is no reason to worry.

Ancient French dream book

Many small kittens - a sign of love affairs. If the kittens were red, the woman will have a young and handsome lover.

Black kittens - k. White kittens are an unexpected pleasure. If you dreamed about kittens, the woman will have many admirers, but none of them will bring happiness.

Kittens wash themselves- there will be a big holiday in the house and many guests. Kittens scratch their hands - gossip and slander from relatives. Kittens run away - you may miss your happiness, do not reject a person who is very devoted to you.

Chinese dream book

Many little kittens mean noisy fun on a rich table. White kittens– a very good sign, it brings happiness in love and family life. Red kittens- to the birth of twins in the family. Black kittens– tears and troubles in the family and at work.

Kittens broke the dishes - for the arrival of distant relatives whom you have not seen for a long time.

They sit on their knees- to bright changes, better times will come soon.

Lunar dream book

If you dreamed that a cat gave birth to many kittens– the same in your family. If the kittens were large, a healthy and strong baby will be born.

If they were small and weak, the child may be born unhealthy. If a young girl saw a dream, she will soon have a passionate admirer.

If an elderly lady saw a dream, it means minor problems related to finances.

For a business, many small kittens mean difficult times; put off concluding an important deal and signing a major contract. In general, kittens portend anxiety and worry.

Ancient Jewish dream book

For a woman, many kittens mean family troubles. If you dreamed about them in the kitchen, it means worries about the arrival of distant relatives.

If you dreamed about it in the bedroom, it means a family quarrel over money. Kittens playing in the garden- your friends will support you in difficult times. You dreamed of kittens in a dark corner - you have a secret ill-wisher, he wishes you harm, be careful and circumspect.

Azar's Dream Book

A lot of playing kittens portends difficult trials. that you will have to overcome. If they sleep peacefully, the global crisis will bypass you, and you can even get some benefit from it.

The kittens were with the cat- big and small troubles at work.

Autumn dream book

Many affectionate kittens - to bright beginnings that will soon come in your life. What you have in mind will soon come true.

Kittens play happily - your life will be easy and joyful. If they sit on your lap, your main dream will come true, a stranger will come to your aid.

Black kittens are a rich and generous patron. - a sign of prosperity, your labors will not be in vain. Black - to a lot of work that will not soon bear fruit. Snow-white - to meet a wonderful stranger with whom a whirlwind romance will begin.

Dream book of the fortuneteller Mary

Kittens are guides to the subtle worlds; they can bring both bad and good. If an unmarried woman saw a dream, then she should be wary, they wish her harm.

If a very beautiful woman had a dream, she will soon have a rich and generous patron.

An elderly woman had a dream- gossip and minor troubles, children will cause a lot of trouble and anxiety.

Dream Interpretation Maya

If a woman sees a lot of kittens, this means conflicts. If they play happily, the conflict will be difficult and bloody.

If they are sleeping, the global crisis will soon end and a favorable period will begin. If they scratch their hands, the world will be covered with diseases and epidemics, but scientists will find the right medicine. Kittens meow loudly– a major man-made disaster, release of radiation and contamination of the territory.