When to collect hop cones for hair. Hops for hair - the best ways to use it. Hops for hair - a small revolution at the cellular level

Since ancient times, women have used hops. For hair, it has always acted as a powerful restorative agent. To this day, adherents of alternative medicine and simply lovers of natural cosmetics actively add this plant to various mass-produced products. It is worth noting that a positive effect can be achieved only with proper use and compliance with all established standards and dosages.

Hops for hair: medicinal properties

Today, in the pharmacy you can buy cones of this plant, from which decoctions and infusions are made. Their positive effect on the hair structure is explained by a whole list of various vitamins and beneficial microelements. For example, cones are rich in vitamin B complex, as well as C, P and E. It is worth noting the presence of fatty acids, in particular nicotinic, formic and valeric. Thanks to essential oils, wax and resins, even the smallest voids are filled. Thus, regular use allows you to regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which is a real salvation for quickly dirty hair. And due to the rich vitamin composition, hair follicles are strengthened. Do not forget that this product is fundamental in the technology of preparing high-quality beer, and in turn, is responsible for the growth and fullness of hair, making the hair more voluminous and attractive.

Hops for hair: folk recipes

Of course, today in stores you can buy a ready-made mask or shampoo with But, as practice shows, such products turn out to be much less effective than their homemade counterparts. Of course, an ordinary person has no time to dry things on his own due to being busy at work. The ideal solution in this situation would be to buy the plant in crushed form at the nearest pharmacy. Prepare a decoction of hop cones. For hair prone to brittleness, dryness, and excessive hair loss, you need to mix it with a decoction of calendula flowers. It is enough to rinse your hair after washing with this product several times a week. If the damage is associated with frequent staining, you can make a collection of hops, chamomile (for blondes) or nettle (for dark shades), mint and linden leaves. To eliminate excess oiliness, you can resort to tincture; it is better to rub it directly into the roots of the hair.

Hops for hair: reviews

Most women who regularly used this product in its various variations were satisfied with the result. Indeed, the hair acquires shine, becomes more elastic and vibrant. However, to activate their growth, ladies recommend using oil that contains hops. For hair, it’s a good idea to combine it with burdock, castor and even olive. I would like to note the need to strictly adhere to the indicated dosage, otherwise the medicine may turn out to be poisonous. Then the subjects note the manifestation of side effects in the form of an aggressive mood, fatigue, fatigue, headaches, and even a constant state of anxiety.

Medicinal plants are an affordable and effective way to make your hair shiny, beautiful and healthy. For several centuries, women have been using hop cones for their hair - they effectively fight early baldness, dermatological problems of the scalp, and accelerate growth. How to properly use hop fruits at home?

Hops is one of the best natural remedies for hair loss, it helps get rid of male and female alopecia at an early stage. It contains a lot of ascorbic and nicotinic acid, B vitamins, potassium, calcium, magnesium. Cones and medicinal products based on them can be purchased at the pharmacy, or you can create masks and rinses yourself at home.

Beneficial properties of hop cones for hair:

  • alkaloids and vitamins nourish and heal the scalp, strengthen roots, prevent hair loss, accelerate metabolic processes;
  • phytoestrogens effectively eliminate the initial manifestations of alopecia, normalize the synthesis of collagen and elastin;
  • wax and organic resins add shine to curls, make them smooth and manageable, protect them from the negative effects of external factors;
  • natural pigments help fight gray hair;
  • lupulin restores damaged structure;
  • Choline strengthens the roots and activates the work of dormant bulbs.

Important! Hop cones can give light hair a yellowish or brown tint, and the strands can darken one tone.

Hops extract is added to shampoos, balms and masks, which can be purchased in specialized stores. These products are used to strengthen and improve hair health, accelerate growth, and restore damaged structure. Hops help cope with dandruff, increased oiliness of strands, and split ends.

How to use buds

At home, a decoction or infusion is prepared from hops, which is used to rinse, add shine, strengthen hair - depending on the components, they moisturize dry strands and dry out oily curls. Masks and tinctures are used to treat baldness and dermatological diseases of the scalp; they can be used 2-3 times a week. After 15 sessions you should take a break for a month.

How to wash your hair with hops:

  1. Prepare a classic decoction - finely chop 5 g of fresh cones, or chop 10 g of dry ones.
  2. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over the raw material.
  3. Cook the mixture over low heat, covered, for 20 minutes.
  4. Leave for 2 hours.
  5. Apply the decoction to the skin and hair, massage, rinse after 5-7 minutes.

Can be used as a rinse - the decoction normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, prevents the appearance of split ends, accelerates the growth of strands, and is effective for hair loss and skin diseases. To enhance the therapeutic and moisturizing effect, you can add a few drops of vitamin A, E.

The infusion is used to restore damaged strands, it adds shine, makes curls smooth and healthy, and accelerates growth.

  1. Grind 100 g of cones, pour in 300 ml of hot water, leave for 40–45 minutes.
  2. Rub the product into the scalp an hour before washing your hair.

Alcohol tincture is an excellent remedy for combating excess fat, seborrhea, dandruff, and hair loss. Grind 25 g of dried hop buds into powder, place in a glass container, pour in 100 ml of medical alcohol or 220 ml of high-quality vodka. Place the jar in a dark place for 2 days. Strain and rub into roots a quarter of an hour before washing your hair. After application, a slight warmth should occur; if a strong burning sensation occurs, the tincture should be washed off immediately.

Important! After using intoxicating products, hair should be dried naturally - dry your head vigorously with a towel; using a hair dryer is not recommended.

Masks with hops

Masks based on hop fruits effectively affect the roots and scalp; trichologists recommend including them in complex therapy for early baldness and gray hair. The product should be applied to damp strands and left for 30–40 minutes; for better results, it is better to insulate your head with a polyethylene cap and a towel.

Hair growth mask recipe

Mix 10 g of dried hop cones, birch leaves or buds, St. John's wort, grind the mixture into powder with a blender. Dilute the mixture with warm beer until it becomes thick sour cream, leave for 2 hours in a warm place. Gently rub the product into the roots and distribute along the entire length of the strands. The mask should be applied every other day and can be stored in the refrigerator for a week.

For dandruff and itching

Against hair loss, dandruff, severe itching, you should prepare the following mask - add 5 g of crushed burdock root, hop fruit, nettle herb and horsetail. Pour the mixture with 120 ml of boiling water, leave for 1.5 hours, grind the pulp in a blender until smooth. The treatment procedure should be done twice a week.

Strengthening mask

Mask for strengthening hair, restoring even very damaged strands:

  • hop heads – 10 g;
  • liquid honey – 15 ml;
  • quail yolks – 2 pcs.;
  • milk – 200 ml.

Boil milk, cool slightly, add honey and crushed cones, yolks. Beat the mixture a little, distribute it onto the roots and hair, and leave for half an hour.

A home remedy for normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands is to mix 20 g of crushed hop buds and oak bark, pour 100 ml of boiling water. After 45 minutes, add 2 fresh or frozen strawberries, 2 quail whites, 25 ml of liquid honey. Apply the mixture evenly onto the strands, rinse after 30–40 minutes.

To treat overdried strands, you should prepare a classic infusion of hop buds, mix it with 40 ml of fat sour cream, 20 ml of milk and 25 ml of olive oil. Apply the mixture to your curls and leave for 20 minutes.

Important! Hop cone-based products can aggravate problems with blood pressure and circulation.

Professional remedies

Oily hop extract is a unique product for the beauty of skin and curls and helps get rid of many diseases. How to use hop oil for hair? It must be warmed up first and add 3 drops to each portion of shampoo or balm.

In case of severe hair loss, mix 20 ml of almond and olive oil, add 5 drops of hop essential extract, heat, lubricate the strands. Wash off the mask after 1.5–2 hours; it is enough to do the procedure once a week.

You can purchase ready-made hair serum “Nettle and Hops”. The natural product contains extracts of medicinal herbs, hot red pepper, protein, protein, silk, keratin, essential oils, D-panthenol. The product eliminates the appearance of baldness, stimulates growth, makes strands healthy and strong. A small amount of serum should be massaged into damp scalp before bed; there is no need to rinse it off. Cost – 160 rubles.

Important! Hop-based products wash out chemical dyes from the hair structure.

With proper and regular use of hop cones, you can significantly improve the condition of your hair. The effectiveness of this plant is recognized by professional cosmetologists; hop extract is added to various hair care products.

Even before the invention of various shampoos and hair conditioners, people used many folk remedies. In many books and fairy tales, even as children, we read about Russian beauties with waist-length braids. What was their secret? Of course, the lack of coloring and the use of electric stylers in ancient times had a beneficial effect on hair growth. However, in addition to this, plant components, such as hop cones, have always been used. Thanks to traditional medicine, inexpensive natural remedies are available that can cope with dull hair.

Medicinal properties and benefits of hop cones

Many people are accustomed to thinking in a standard way and believe that hops are used exclusively in the production of beer, not knowing about its use in cosmetology.

Hops are an amazing plant. He calculates very quickly, about 5 cm per day, and only clockwise.

Many people grow this magical plant in their dacha. It wraps around fences and walls of the house, like a vine, clinging to the slightest protrusions with rough stems. The height of hops can reach approximately five meters. In mid-summer, cone-like inflorescences begin to bloom: males are smaller and females are larger. By early autumn, spiral-shaped fruits appear.

Hop cones are nothing more than its flowers

Hops contain a whole complex of vitamins and nutrients:

  • antioxidants allow you to remove heavy metals from the body;
  • vitamin B1 (Thiamin) promotes rapid hair growth;
  • vitamin PP (Nicotinic acid) reduces hair loss and slows down the appearance of gray hair;
  • Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and stimulant;
  • Vitamin E gives hair elasticity and shine;
  • choline prevents split ends and makes hair stronger;
  • essential oils cope with dandruff and alopecia;
  • wax creates a film that protects from the harmful effects of the external environment;
  • lupulin is a unique substance from which special anti-inflammatory drugs that are effective in the fight against dandruff are made;
  • phytoncides - biologically active substances that inhibit the growth of bacteria, fungi and protozoa;
  • substances that enhance the production of elastin and collagen.

This plant also contains many acids:

  • oil reduces the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, temperature changes and chemicals, creating a special shell along the entire length of the hair;
  • vinegar evens out the structure, smoothes and adds shine;
  • Hop tanning substances accelerate hair growth when heated;
  • formic is known for its disinfecting properties and copes well with dandruff, fungi and microdamages on the scalp;
  • humelen saturates the hair and gives it strength;
  • Valerian is especially effective for dermatitis and itching, soothes irritated skin.

Thanks to such an abundance of beneficial substances in hops, it can not only significantly affect the condition of the hair, but also become an antibacterial agent that suppresses the action of various gram-positive bacteria, strains of staphylococcus and other microorganisms that provoke the occurrence of boils, acne, irritations and rashes on the skin.

Video about the appearance of hops

The entire plant is used to prepare various cosmetics. You can either grow hops at home or buy a pre-prepared mixture at the pharmacy.

Dry hop cones, which are sold in pharmacies, are suitable for decoctions.

The effectiveness of the products depends very much on how the plant was grown, prepared and harvested. There are several tips:

  • It is very important to collect the cones at a certain period. They do not have to be completely ripe. As soon as the color begins to change from green to yellowish, you can begin harvesting;
  • The technique of separating the cone from the stem is important. Inexperienced gardeners grab their hands in the wrong place, tear off half of the petals, and thereby reduce the content of nutrients in the harvested plant. You only need to grasp the stalk, which is located at the base of the flower;
  • The collection can be used immediately fresh or left to dry in a dark and well-ventilated place. You need to spread the paper on a flat surface and lay out the harvested crop in one layer. Stir several times a day to avoid bloating. Usually 7–10 days are enough for complete drying;
  • You can store it either in a paper bag or in a glass jar in a dark place.

Please note that hops are a fairly active plant that has coloring properties and can make your hair color a shade darker. Among other things, sometimes it washes out the paint, returning the natural color. Before use, try testing the product on a small section of hair and observing its reaction.

After use, there is no need to dry your hair, pat it dry with a towel and let it dry on its own. Do not use a hair dryer.

Recipes for different occasions

There are many ways to prepare treatments for each hair type and for different scalp problems.

Hop decoction

Many other products are made based on this recipe.

This product has a general strengthening effect on hair. It should be used as a rinse aid.

Infusion of infusion against loss

The simplest and fastest option.

  1. Pour one tablespoon of dried hops into 0.5 liters of boiling water.
  2. Cover and leave for about 40-60 minutes.

The resulting infusion can be used daily as a rinse. If you rub it into the scalp, this will stop the initial stages of alopecia and strengthen the follicles.

Strengthening mixture for hair prone to dryness

  1. Add one tablespoon of hop cones, chamomile flowers, horsetail, dried mint and linden to one liter of boiling water.
  2. Leave to infuse for five hours in a dark room, and then strain.

Best used once or twice a week, rinsing hair after shampooing.

Infusion to combat seborrhea

  1. Mix hops, dried nettle, yarrow, burdock and horsetail in equal proportions.
  2. Pour the resulting mixture in an amount of 50 g with a liter of boiling water and leave for one hour.
  3. Before use, strain and then rub into the scalp with massaging movements and do not rinse.

When using hops, you need to be very careful. It is considered the most fire-hazardous plant due to its high content of alpha acids, which instantly ignite upon contact with fire.

Mask based on hop oil

  1. Take a teaspoon each of burdock root, horsetail, stinging nettle and coltsfoot flowers.
  2. In a small saucepan, boil 200 ml of water and add one spoon of hop oil to it, then pour the resulting mixture into the herbal mixture and let it brew for 40 minutes.

The mask should be applied to the hair and scalp, put on a cap and leave on for about 30 minutes.

Strengthening mask for normal hair

Despite the not-so-pleasant smell, this product has a truly beneficial effect on the condition of your hair.

  1. Take equal quantities of hop cones, birch leaves and St. John's wort flowers.
  2. Grind them in any convenient way and pour three tablespoons of the mixture with a glass of slightly heated beer. You should get a very thick mask, which you will leave to infuse for several hours.
  3. Apply the resulting mixture first to the scalp, rubbing into the bulbs with light movements, and then distribute over the entire length of the hair and leave under a cap for at least half an hour.

A hop-based mask strengthens hair and prevents hair loss

Alcohol tincture for oily hair

  1. Grind 50 g of hop cones in a blender and pour in 200 ml of vodka.
  2. The resulting mass should ripen in a jar in a dark room for several days.
  3. After the specified period, strain and rub a small amount of tincture into the scalp.
  4. Leave for ten minutes and rinse with warm water.

Frequent use eliminates greasiness and also accelerates blood circulation, increasing the supply of nutrients to the follicles.

Alcohol tinctures can be prepared in large quantities, as they are stored for a very long time

Conditioner for blonde hair

  1. Take two tablespoons of hop cones and chamomile flowers.
  2. Grind and mix thoroughly.
  3. Pour a glass of boiling water and leave for forty minutes.
  4. Filter the resulting infusion and use after washing your hair.

Mask for hair restoration and strengthening

  1. Over low heat, stirring constantly, boil a glass of milk, add a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of hop cones.
  2. After cooling, add the yolk.
  3. Bring the resulting mixture to a homogeneous consistency and strain.
  4. Apply to scalp and hair. This mask must be kept under a cap for 30 minutes.

Hops extract for hair

This herbal preparation is sold in pharmacies. You can use it by adding 2-3 drops to shampoo or hair conditioner before each use.

Hops extract is sold in pharmacies and is also included in many medicines.

You can also mix 3 tbsp. l. olive oil, 2 tbsp. l. almond and 10 drops of hop extract, heat in a water bath and apply to hair. It is best to keep this mixture under a cap for several hours, and then rinse with shampoo under warm water.

Video: strengthening hair with hops

Effect after use

With regular and correct use of various hop-based products, the following changes can be noted:

  • the hair structure is restored;
  • appearance improves, shine appears;
  • hair follicles are strengthened;
  • dandruff and itching disappear;
  • reduced scalp greasiness;
  • blood circulation in the scalp is stimulated;
  • hair loss is significantly reduced, hair begins to grow faster;
  • the electrification disappears, the hair looks neat and well-groomed;
  • Sometimes the hair is given a golden, darkish tint.


Despite the many beneficial properties that hops have, it, like any other natural substance, has a number of contraindications. This plant should be used with caution by people with impaired blood pressure and circulation, or with individual intolerance. If you have very dry hair, then using products incorrectly can make the problem worse. Choose the options that are right for you.

Folk remedies invented several centuries ago will help you grow healthy and shiny hair. You can easily give up expensive cosmetics that contain a lot of chemicals. In some cases, after the first use, significant changes in the appearance of the hair are observed, and flaking and itching are reduced. But do not forget about possible contraindications, carefully study your body’s reaction to the action of hops before use.

Higher education in biology (St. Petersburg State University, Master of Biology), specialization - human genetics. Rate this article:

Hops are a plant with medicinal properties, due to which it is used not only in brewing, but also for cosmetic purposes. Hop cones contain useful substances that restore hair structure and moisturize the scalp, thereby significantly improving the appearance of curls. With regular use of decoctions and masks based on this plant, you can strengthen your hair, making it healthier and thicker.

Many trichologists recognize the medicinal properties of hop inflorescences, which is why they even use it in traditional medicine.

The plant has the following beneficial properties:

  • has a relaxing effect on the body;
  • has a sedative effect;
  • soothes the scalp;
  • relieves inflammation and dulls pain;
  • is an excellent diuretic;
  • contains vitamins B and C, as well as calcium and magnesium, which significantly improve the hair structure.

From hops you can prepare various masks, decoctions, infusions, rinses and lotions that are suitable for any type of curls.

All these folk remedies can not only prevent hair loss, but also accelerate their growth.

Anyone can prepare a miracle remedy, even at home. Since it consists of natural ingredients, hops rarely cause an allergic reaction.

To prepare a miraculous decoction you will need:

  • hop cones;
  • calamus roots;
  • nettle leaves;
  • horsetail;
  • yarrow.

All ingredients need to be combined and, pour 1 liter of boiling water, cook for 15-20 minutes. After this, remove the broth from the heat and leave for another hour. After filtering the product, it is poured into a glass container and stored in a dark place.

This decoction is used as a rinse. Its regular use will help you get rid of oily hair forever.

I often use hop cones for weak hair in case of hair loss. This collection will strengthen them and make them thicker.


  • 40 g burdock;
  • 35 g of cones;
  • 30 g calendula flowers;
  • 30 g sea buckthorn seeds.

This collection of herbs needs to be poured into 1 liter of boiling water and left for 3 hours. The resulting tincture should be filtered. Use it no more than 3-4 times a week. Pour a small amount of liquid onto your hands and rub it into your scalp in a circular motion. The entire course of treatment lasts no longer than 1 month. If you do not see significant results, consult your doctor.

It is imperative to take into account that this product cannot be stored for a long time, so you will have to prepare the tincture each time before applying it to your head. Usually, after a couple of weeks, there is a significant improvement in the condition of the curls: the roots become stronger and hair loss stops completely.

You will also need to collect cones if your scalp has become too dry, which has led to dandruff. This decoction of hop cones for hair should be used daily until the problem disappears.


  • Yarrow herb;
  • 1 tsp cones;
  • Nettle leaves.

Pour all ingredients into 1 liter of water and cook for 5 minutes. Let the broth sit for 3-4 hours, then use it to rinse your hair. This folk remedy moisturizes the skin and nourishes it with moisture. After a couple of weeks, the dandruff should completely disappear.

Hop cones have been used to strengthen hair for many years. As part of decoctions, tinctures, and masks, they help cope with almost any troubles associated with hair.

To prepare a miracle decoction you will need:

  • 1 tbsp. l. hop inflorescences;
  • 0.5 liters of boiling water.

The herb is poured with boiling water, and after cooling, they begin to rub into the scalp and hair roots. If you use this product no more than once a week, the roots of the curls will be strengthened, 2 times a week, the hair structure will improve and its growth will accelerate. Regular use of the decoction will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the scalp, which will be a good prevention of dandruff.

Also, to strengthen and grow hair, you should periodically use a rinse, which is used after washing your hair. To prepare it, you will need approximately 4 tbsp. l. hop inflorescences and 0.5 liters of boiling water. Cook the miracle tonic over low heat for 5-7 minutes. The first effect can be felt after two weeks of regular use of the product.

It is important to understand that the effectiveness of the procedures will largely depend on the quality of the herbal collection. And in this matter there are several subtleties that you should know about.

Firstly, you need to collect the inflorescences at least 2-3 days before they are fully ripe, then the cones have a yellowish tint. Secondly, the ideal time for collecting would be mid-August; later there is no point in collecting weed: it fades and loses all its healing properties.

The inflorescences should be picked off along with the pedicels, then during drying they will not deteriorate or rot. It is necessary to dry hops not indoors, but outdoors.

At the same time, you should not allow the cones to be exposed to direct sunlight. This will prevent the grass from drying out. To properly dry the inflorescences, place them on a cotton cloth, then the flowers will not ripen. If you see that after drying the hops have retained their color and elasticity, then you did everything right.

Hop cones are indispensable for hair growth, but this natural remedy also has some contraindications. Some people may have an allergic reaction to hops, so before using a decoction or tincture, try applying a small amount to your wrist. If it appears red or itchy after 5 minutes, do not apply it to your head.

Also, do not discount the correct dosage.

Some people take many times the dosage specified in the prescription to get quick results. This can negatively affect both the condition of the hair and the scalp. Therefore, be very careful and do not strive for very quick results.

Wishing you beautiful, healthy and thick curls!

Hop cones are often used to improve hair condition. They have a healing effect on the hair. This plant is widespread; it is actively used not only in the brewing industry, but also for cosmetic purposes. This budget-friendly product helps to cope with many problems related to hair health.

Beneficial properties of hops for hair

The use of hops for hair care is due to a number of beneficial properties that it provides. Young buds contain large amounts of ascorbic acid. They can be taken orally to stimulate the immune system and used topically to strengthen hair. The essential oils that make up hops have a healing effect. At the same time, the hair follicles are healed.

The cones contain a large amount of alkaloids that nourish the hair shaft. Resins and wax promote shine and smoothness, which improves the appearance of strands, making them manageable. However, in order for the plant to provide maximum benefits, the cones must be collected at the appropriate time. This must be done when the shade of the shoots changes from green to yellow. It is important to seize the moment, since the most beneficial substances are concentrated in the cones at this time.

To treat hair, you can use both fresh cones and pre-dried ones. It is recommended to collect raw materials only in environmentally friendly areas.

Hop cones can significantly improve hair quality

Medicinal properties of hops - video

Homemade recipes for hair products with hop cones

To act directly on the hair and scalp, you can use hop cones, both dry and fresh. Basic recommendations for using this plant for hair treatment:

  • when using masks, it is advisable to wrap your head in polyethylene to enhance the effect of the plant extract on the hair;
  • Blondes should be careful - hops can give the strands a darker shade;
  • The buds should always be crushed before use.

The following recipes are used quite often.

Hair strengthening mask

You will need dry hop cones, St. John's wort and birch leaves. Preparation and use of the mask:

  1. The cones need to be crushed in a coffee grinder along with St. John's wort and birch leaves.
  2. Then take 100 g of the resulting flour and pour warm beer (about 38 degrees) until the consistency of sour cream is formed.
  3. Let stand for 2 hours.
  4. Then apply the product to your hair from roots to ends.
  5. Wait 20 minutes and rinse with water. Use once a week for three months.

Mask against dandruff and to accelerate hair growth

You will need hop cones, burdock and horsetail. All ingredients should be used dry. How to prepare and use the product:

  1. Mix the raw materials taken in equal quantities.
  2. Then pour 200 g of the resulting mixture with boiling water so that the liquid covers the plant material.
  3. After 2 hours, grind everything in a blender and apply to the scalp and hair roots.
  4. Leave for 30 minutes.
  5. Then rinse off with plenty of water. Repeat the procedure 1-2 times a week for two months.

Effective mask of hop cones for hair growth - video

Decoction for hair loss

You will need 1 tbsp. l. crushed hop cones. Raw materials can be taken both dry and fresh. It is recommended to use the decoction as a hair rinse after pre-washing with shampoo. You need to use this product regularly, at least 2-3 times a week for 1-2 months. The decoction is prepared as follows:

  1. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over the cones and place in a saucepan.
  2. Cook for 20 minutes.
  3. Then let it brew for 2 hours and filter.

Infusion for restoring damaged hair

You will need hop cones and chamomile flowers. The infusion can be used to rinse hair after washing. Use 3 times a week for two months. Preparation:

  1. Both ingredients need to be crushed and taken in the amount of 2 tbsp. l.
  2. Pour 400 ml of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes.
  3. Then filter.

It is better not to use metal utensils for storing hop cones and subsequent preparation of infusion.

Product recipes depending on hair type

Depending on the type of hair, you can use the appropriate recipe that will bring maximum benefit.

For oily hair

In this case, you will need hop cone extract. It is sold in any pharmacy. The extract can also be replaced with dry raw materials, which must be mixed in equal quantities with nettle, horsetail and yarrow. All ingredients should be taken in the amount of 2 tbsp. l. and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Leave for 15 minutes and filter. Use to rinse hair after each wash for 2 months.

For dry hair

You will need hop cone oil in the amount of 1 tsp. and 3 tbsp. l. burdock Both ingredients must be mixed and applied to damp hair. Particular attention should be paid to the roots. Leave for 30 minutes and rinse with water. For convenience, the hair must be wrung out and placed under plastic. To enhance the effect, you can wrap a towel around your head.

For normal hair

You need to take fresh hop cones and calamus. Both ingredients need to be ground in a blender in equal quantities. Six to seven tablespoons of the mixture should be poured with warm water until a creamy consistency is obtained. Then distribute evenly throughout the hair, starting from the roots. Leave the composition for 20 minutes and rinse with water. Repeat once a week.

Hop cones, in addition to their strengthening effect, eliminate itching of the scalp and. With regular use, you can get rid of oily seborrhea.

Ingredients for preparing products with hop cones - gallery

St. John's wort has a healing effect on hair loss Birch leaves strengthen hair Beer softens hair
Burdock leaves accelerate hair growth
Horsetail stimulates growth and strengthens hair Chamomile flowers make hair softer and more manageable Nettle improves the condition of oily hair Yarrow strengthens oily hair and helps reduce sebum production Burdock oil moisturizes the scalp Air is suitable for any hair type

Contraindications for use

There are very few contraindications to the use of hop cones, since this plant is well tolerated and does not cause an allergic reaction. However, it is recommended that raw materials be used with caution by people with differences. The decoction should not be used by women with colored blond hair. Hop cones may change color.

People with circulatory problems should also approach the use of the product with caution. Pain in the head of unknown origin is also a contraindication.

Hop cones have been used to treat hair for a very long time. This plant is safe for health and does not cause discomfort during use. It is not difficult to prepare a useful remedy with hop cones, and the result will please you after the first use. Hair will become healthy, strong and shiny.

For some reason, many people believe that hops are used exclusively in brewing. In fact, this plant is widely used in folk medicine, cooking and cosmetology. At the same time, with its help you can successfully cope with any hair disease, be it dandruff or baldness. The systematic use of such traditional medicine prepared from the plant will make the locks truly strong and healthy.

Benefits of hops for hair

Application of hops:

Hair care using hops is one of the best and most effective ways to give it a beautiful appearance, getting rid of split ends, brittleness, dull color and dandruff. Plus, it helps to quickly strengthen and improve hair health and significantly accelerates its growth.

Hop based masks are rich in:

    • vitamin C, B;
    • various essential oils necessary for the full “life” of strands;
    • potassium;
    • calcium;
    • magnesium

The beneficial properties of this substance are difficult to overestimate, since it is a real salvation from 1001 hair-related problems. At the same time, making intoxicating hair products with your own hands is very easy. You can make them at home from common, readily available ingredients. Thanks to this, such hair treatment is available to everyone, as it does not require large financial costs.

Using hop cones for hair

Hair care with hops gives quick results. However, you should not hope that it will appear after the first application. In most cases, it takes two to three months to control diseases. But, be that as it may, hop cones for hair bring brilliant results and give a lasting effect. They have no contraindications and do not harm the body, which is a big advantage. When choosing folk recipes, you need to take into account your hair type, since each mask has its own effect on the hair.

Some recipes slightly dry the strands, removing oily shine, while others, on the contrary, moisturize them, eliminating brittleness. Please note that hair hops are used as a decoction and infusion. Each method of healing has its own characteristics.

Hop decoction for hair

The recipe for hop decoction is simple and easy. It is often used to combat excessive dryness and in cases where the hair becomes “straw.” Rinsing your hair with hops should be done daily. To do this, pour one hundred grams of cones (we use dry ones) with boiling water (we take about a liter, spring water) and leave for twenty minutes in a water bath. Before rinsing your hair with hops, add a few drops of vitamin A and E.

Hop infusion for hair

This is the easiest and best way to make your curls strong. The tincture perfectly helps against hair loss, restores it after coloring, gives shine and a healthy appearance. Hops in this form are suitable for hair growth, as a result of which it is recommended for use by girls who dream of having a long braid. To prepare it, pour a cup of hops with three cups of hot water and leave for forty minutes. You need to rub in the product forty minutes before taking a bath.

The best homemade hop hair mask recipes

Hops are widely used in cosmetology. You can make a wide variety of homemade masks from it, which allows each girl to choose the best option. Pay attention to the composition of the miracle remedy you have chosen; you may be allergic to some components. Therefore, approach the selection process responsibly. The mask recipe must be prepared strictly according to the instructions using the specified ingredients.

If you want to find a recipe for treatment at home, we present eight of the best.

Mask with hops and nettle

Result: allows you to strengthen your hair, accelerate its growth and promote health.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades.

But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.


    • burdock root - one spoon;
    • horsetail (we use leaves) - one spoon;
    • nettle - two spoons;
    • coltsfoot grass flowers - one spoon;
    • yarrow - one spoon;
    • water – two hundred grams;
    • hop oil for hair – one spoon.

Application: heat the water and melt the butter in it. Wash and chop the herbs, then fill them with water and oil, which should be hot. Leave for forty minutes. Leave on hair under a cap for about twenty minutes.

Mask with hops and oak bark

Result: this hair mask with hops helps strengthen its structure and helps perfectly in the fight against hair loss. At the same time, it is recommended to enrich hops for hair loss with vitamins A and E, which you will find freely available in specialized pharmacies.


    • oak bark - one spoon;
    • hop cones - one spoon;
    • nettle leaves (use large ones) - one spoon.

Application: pour the ingredients with a liter of water, after crushing them. Let it sit for several hours, then apply it to your hair for ten minutes after washing your hair. Rinse with water.

Mask with hops for hair loss

Result: it perfectly helps against hair loss, strengthens them and “removes” dandruff. Hops prepared according to this recipe also helps to strengthen hair.


    • horsetail grass;
    • water;
    • hop cones.

Application: place one spoon of ingredients into a bowl, fill them with water and leave for several hours. Using a blender, grind the cold mixture and spread it on dirty hair. Keep it under a towel for forty minutes.

Mask with hops for hair growth

Result: helps accelerate hair growth almost three times. You can change the recipe a little. However, to obtain the desired effect, you need to brew hops with birch and St. John's wort leaves. We also advise you to look and choose an effective recipe for yourself - 30 masks for hair growth.


    • hop cones;
    • birch leaves;
    • St. John's wort;
    • warm beer.

Application: we take the gifts of nature in equal proportions and grind them well with a coffee grinder or blender, after which we heat the beer and pour the liquid over the grass. The consistency of the mask should be similar to sour cream. It should infuse for two hours, after which it is applied to the hair and combed with a comb. It is recommended to wash it off after forty minutes.

Mask with hops to strengthen hair

Result: helps restore even very damaged hair, strengthens and restores it.


    • hop cones - one spoon;
    • honey - one spoon;
    • egg - yolk;
    • milk - two hundred grams.

Application: bring the milk to a boil, dissolve honey in it and add crushed hop cones. After the liquid has cooled, add the egg and apply for thirty minutes, keeping the mask under a cap.

Anti-dandruff mask with hops

Result: this is the best anti-dandruff remedy, which gives results after the second or third application. Gently cleanses hair and gives healthy shine.


    • burdock (take both root and leaves);
    • fresh nettle leaves;
    • water – two hundred grams;
    • hop cones;
    • salt.

Application: place one spoonful of nature's gifts into a blender and grind. Then add salt and rub well into the scalp, leaving for five minutes.

Mask with hops for oily hair

Result: eliminates oily shine, strengthens and gives a healthy shine.


    • oak bark - one spoon;
    • hop cones - one spoon;
    • protein - one piece;
    • strawberries - one spoon;
    • honey - one spoon;
    • water - one hundred grams.

Application: bring water to a boil, pour in crushed oak bark and hop cones. After the gifts of nature have infused and the liquid has cooled, add liquid honey, chopped strawberries and protein. Leave on hair for thirty minutes.

Mask with hops for dry hair

Result: eliminates fragility, split ends, and makes hair more “alive.”


    • hop cones - one spoon;
    • sour cream - two spoons;
    • milk - one spoon;
    • olive oil - one spoon.

Application: soak hop cones in hot water, mix with milk, then add other ingredients. You need to keep the mask on for about fifteen minutes.

For weakening and hair loss Self-made products based on hops can help effectively. Any parts of this plant are suitable for these purposes - leaves, stems and cones.

Most recipes use hop cones for hair loss.

The beneficial properties of hops against hair loss are due to its unique composition, including:

  • almost all valuable B vitamins;
  • vitamins C, K, E and PP;
  • vegetable resins;
  • tannins;
  • natural waxes;
  • phenol, lupulin and other substances essential for hair.

Hops are used to make infusions and infusions that can relieve such troubles as increased fat content, dandruff, as well as significant weakening and loss of curls.

IMPORTANT: The components present in hops contribute to a general improvement in the structure of the hair, strengthening the hair follicles, effectively cleansing the scalp, activating the blood circulation process and accelerating hair growth. In addition, hops have virtually no competitors in terms of their bactericidal and nutritional properties.

How to use it correctly to get maximum effect?

There are many home remedy recipes prepared with hops. We bring to your attention those that can guarantee the best therapeutic and cosmetic effect.

Infusion for rinsing

Pour 2 tablespoons of hop cones into a glass of hot boiled water and leave infuse for at least one hour. After this time, the prepared infusion should be carefully strained.

As a result, hair will not only stop falling out, but also will become strong, shiny and healthy.

Alcohol infusion

To prepare an alcohol tincture you will need:

  • 3 tablespoons of dried and thoroughly crushed hop cones;
  • 1 glass of alcohol.

Plant materials should be filled with alcohol and leave for two days. After this, be sure to strain.

It is very simple to use the resulting tincture - it must be rubbed into the scalp with massage movements after each hair wash.

The best products for light and dark hair

For that to stop blonde hair loss, you should prepare a decoction of dried hop cones and chamomile flowers (2 tablespoons of each product), and then add 1-2 tablespoons of light, well-aged rum to it.

Your hair will stop falling out and acquire a charming golden hue.

Recipe for dark hair implies use instead of chamomile. And light rum can be replaced with a dark analogue of this drink.

Decoction for daily rinsing

You can rinse your curls daily with a decoction that can be easily prepared at home. Two tablespoons of dry and crushed hop cones should be poured into one liter of hot water and boiled for twenty minutes, placed on the stove minimum fire level. Then strain.

Hair loss mask

A mask based on hops and other beneficial herbal ingredients is very effective for hair loss.

Required ingredients:

  • 2 tbsp. hop cones;
  • 2 tbsp each birch and St. John's wort leaves;
  • heated beer.

Cones and should grind into powder using a coffee grinder or blender. After this, add warm beer and stir until the consistency is homogeneous - it should resemble not very thick sour cream.

The mask should be infused for two hours in a warm place. It is recommended to apply this product to the roots of the hair, gradually distributing it along all their lengths using a comb.

Keep the mask on your hair for 30-40 minutes, for the best effect, put a cellophane cap on your head and wrap it in a towel. At the end of the procedure, rinse off the product with regular shampoo and warm water.

Efficacy and possible contraindications

To achieve the effect of a mask with hops, it is recommended to use it twice a week. In total, the course of treatment consists of ten such procedures.

Alcohol tinctures are used for rubbing after each hair wash. The desired result will occur in at least 1.5 months.

A decoction should be used for daily hair rinsing. no longer than 30 consecutive days.

ATTENTION: Despite the high effectiveness of hops, this plant should be treated with caution. Any drugs based on it are contraindicated for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Hops should also not be used by people who have allergic reactions to its components.

Decoctions, infusions and masks prepared from cones and other parts of hops with the addition of other plant components will greatly benefit your hair, stopping hair loss and making it perfectly beautiful and strong.

Useful video

This video describes another recipe for using hops for hair: