Can that terrier have a melon? What vegetables and fruits can you give your dog? Can dogs be given mushrooms? In moderation

Dogs, like people, need vitamins and minerals, the sources of which are the most delicious gifts of nature - fruits. However, not every fruit will be beneficial for your pet; some are dangerous for dogs. In this article we will tell you which fruits will be beneficial and which will be harmful to your health.

Can dogs eat fruit?

As you know, the ancestors of dogs are wolves. However, not everyone knows that these predators are often not averse to eating the fruits of fruit trees, berries and roots that have fallen to the ground. This is how wolves quench their thirst and receive useful substances. Our pets can receive all these vitamins and minerals from specially developed vitamin foods, however, fruits, vegetables and berries cannot be replaced by any nutritional supplements.

The fruits of fruit plants serve well as an incentive treat and help fight seasonal vitamin deficiencies. In addition, experienced breeders recommend certain fruits in cases of constipation in an animal. However, it is important to understand that not every fruit is good for dogs.

Many fruits and berries can cause allergies, digestive and intestinal disorders, gases, and sometimes even the death of the animal. If they tell you that a dog can eat anything, don’t believe it, such owners are simply careless and inattentive to those they have tamed.

Many inexperienced breeders go from one extreme to another. Some people don’t give fruit to their dogs at all, while others (vegan owners) believe that what’s good for them will be good for their dog.

Some people mistakenly believe that animals are able to identify the fruit their body needs by smell. Unfortunately, it is not. In this case, it is not the dog’s natural need for some useful component of the fruit that is at work, but the dog’s social essence - I want what my loved one eats. Let's figure out what you can do to please your dog.

Acceptable fruits

The healthiest fruits are apples. They are less likely than others to cause allergies, contain a lot of vitamins A and C, and a large amount of fiber, which improves digestion in dogs. Breeders recommend grinding apples with carrots, this not only improves the taste, but also adds carotene, a substance beneficial for vision and coat. For dogs with red hair, it is especially important to get carotene from their diet, as this affects the shade and shine of the coat.

Many dogs love to treat bananas. The high amount of potassium makes this fruit especially useful, as this element regulates metabolism, bone development and the nervous system. However, bananas contain a lot of water, so it is not recommended to treat your pet more than once a week. Overripe fruits cause stool disorders in dogs.

Pear- an excellent, healthy fruit that is loved by our four-legged friends. It contains a lot of fiber, complete with copper, vitamins C and K. Veterinarians advise giving dogs a quarter of a pear per week in order to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Melons And watermelons They perfectly quench thirst, gently stimulating the dog’s intestinal peristalsis, however, due to the large amount of liquid, the dog, like any other creature, will soon want to get rid of it. It is not recommended to give peels - all the chemicals that are used to treat plants accumulate in them.

A small amount of papaya you can give, according to the breeders, this stops any.

Many pets love berries. For example, in rowan contains a lot of vitamin C, gooseberries a lot of fiber and blueberry good for dogs' eyesight and strengthens blood vessels, preventing strokes.

However, not all fruits and berries are as healthy as we would like.

Fruits that should not be given

  • a lot of papaya will increase blood sugar;
  • all citrus fruits are allergens and irritate mucous membranes;
  • persimmon causes intestinal obstruction;
  • cherry the fruits contain cyanide in the seeds, which is acutely felt by the dog;
  • apricot And peach- natural dog laxatives;
  • strawberry in 90% of cases it leads to severe allergies in animals;
  • raspberries, blackberry— allergens;
  • grape And raisin- harmful to the kidneys, and in small dogs causes nausea and vomiting;
  • grenades irritate the stomach, bones are toxic;
  • avocado is especially harmful for dogs, as it contains persin, a substance that causes pulmonary edema, problems with the heart, and even death;
  • quince- causes vomiting;
  • pineapples contain bromelain, an enzyme that destroys the lining of the oral mucosa and stomach, and also causes severe diarrhea in dogs.

Before adding fruits or berries to your dog's diet, make sure they are fresh and ripe.

You should not use your animal as a waste bin; the dog’s body will respond in kind by using your carpet instead of a toilet.

Fruits can be given to puppies, however, this should be done carefully, first give a small slice, wait, and if there is no reaction within a couple of days, you can gradually increase the amount of treat.

Veterinarians warn that you should not combine fruits and dairy products on the same day, as this is harmful to digestion.

Jam is not the same as fruit! It contains too much sugar.

On average, for a dog weighing more than twenty kilograms, it is enough to give half an apple a day, the same applies to all other fruits - no more than one hundred grams. A smaller dog should eat a smaller dose. As for berries, their number should not exceed 3-4 pieces.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Not every fruit is good for your pet;
  2. Dogs cannot live on a fruit diet;
  3. Healthy fruits: apples, pears, bananas;
  4. Harmful fruits: pineapples, oranges, persimmons;
  5. Fruits must be introduced gradually;
  6. Jam and dried fruit are not equal to fresh fruit.


Watermelon or meat bones - what will your pet choose? What berries does your dog like? Does he get the puppy dog ​​look when he sees bananas? Share funny stories in the comments.

A list of key foods that are controversial about their suitability as dog food. The table contains general recommendations, but first of all you should focus only on the individual characteristics of your pet. Even if all veterinarians unanimously recommend a certain product, and the dog experiences discomfort or problems from consuming it, this product should be excluded from the diet.

Can a dog have rice? - Yes

Rice is a source of many useful vitamins and microelements; it contains vitamin B, iron, zinc, potassium, calcium, magnesium. This is why rice is included in many super-premium foods.

When giving rice to your dog, make sure it is well cooked. Do not give rice to dogs with diabetes. Rice can cause constipation in some dogs.

Can a dog have carrots? - Yes

Beta-carotene in carrots is good for vision. Carrots are recommended for dogs with long hair because they have a positive effect on the condition of the pet's skin and coat.

Because of their shape, carrots are convenient to use as a snack for your pet; the dog will happily chew on them.

Carrots are allowed to be consumed by animals both raw and boiled. Carrots contain sugar, so they should be given to animals with diabetes with caution.

Can a dog eat fish? - Yes

Boiled fish is a source of fatty acids that are almost impossible to obtain from other foods. Therefore, fish must be present in the animal’s diet.

Can a dog eat pears? - Yes

Pears are a healthy source of vitamins for dogs and contain many nutrients. However, before giving it to your pet, you need to remove the seeds, cuttings and core.

You should not feed animals fruit. Fruits are only an addition to the main diet, most of which should be meat.

Can dogs have bananas? - Yes

Bananas are absolutely harmless to dogs if your pet does not eat kilos of them. A large amount of vitamins are found only in bananas. The fiber in their composition helps with digestion, but excessive consumption of bananas can lead to constipation in the animal.

Can dogs eat meat? - Yes

Meat is the most important ingredient in a dog’s diet; it should make up about 40% of the total food daily. Meat is recommended for pets in raw and boiled form. It is worth giving your pet meat in large pieces so that the dog does not swallow it immediately, but chews it. You should not feed your pet freshly purchased meat; it is better to freeze it for several days and pour boiling water over it before serving.

When feeding your dog raw meat, it is worth regularly carrying out anti-helminth procedures.

Can a dog have pumpkin? - Yes

Pumpkin is a super food for dogs. It improves digestion, softens stool, helps to cope with constipation and diarrhea, is recommended for treating the stomach, beta-carotene in the composition is good for vision.

Dogs can eat boiled pumpkin. Despite all the positive qualities, you should not overfeed your dog with pumpkin, or feed it raw.

Can a dog have lettuce and spinach? - Yes

Most types of greens are well digested by dogs and spinach lettuce is no exception. Greens contain many beneficial vitamins, which is why they are often included in dog food. But, as with most foods, you should know when to stop and not overfeed your pet. Greens are a healthy addition, not a staple food.

Can a dog have melon? - Yes

Saturated with vitamins B9, A, C, PP, glucose, carotene, iron, fiber and many other microelements, melon can be considered a useful vitamin for a dog, but like all vitamins, it should be consumed in moderation. A small portion of melon without peel after the main meal 2-3 times a week is an excellent and healthy dessert.

Melon has a positive effect on intestinal function, helps with constipation, but can cause a slight laxative effect.

Can a dog have pineapple? – in moderate quantities

Small servings of pineapple are good for dogs' digestion. They contain an enzyme that helps digest protein. Pineapple is a source of fiber, vitamin B6, magnesium and iron.

Can a dog eat mushrooms? – in moderate quantities

Only edible mushrooms purchased from a reputable store are safe for dogs. You should not feed your pet raw mushrooms, and you should not risk treating your pet with mushrooms collected in the forest.

If the dog does not have a great love for this product, it does not have to be included in its diet.

Can a dog have watermelon? – in moderate quantities

A healthy dessert for dogs is watermelon pulp without peel and seeds. The berry activates the kidneys and is useful for preventive cleansing of the body. Especially recommended for animals that have sand in their kidneys. It has a diuretic effect, so after treating your pet to watermelon, you will have to go for a walk early.

Watermelon should be given to your pet in small portions (no more than 60 g) strictly after the main meal and no more than 2-3 times a week. Watermelon should not be given to puppies, dogs over 8 years of age, or animals with kidney stones, urinary system disorders, or a tendency to diarrhea.

Can a dog eat bread? – in moderate quantities

Bread is not a healthy or necessary food for a dog, but if your pet is partial to it, bread can be used as a reward for good behavior or following commands. It is worth giving preference to black, stale bread, unleavened biscuits, and crackers.

Freshly baked bread, buns with filling or toppings, fried or moldy bread are contraindicated for dogs.

Can a dog eat potatoes? – in moderate quantities

Potatoes are one of the most controversial foods in a dog's diet. Raw potatoes are neither harmful nor beneficial to the animal. Therefore, if your pet expresses a great desire to try a tuber, you can treat it, but you should not give it often.

Many quality dog ​​foods include potatoes. The question often arises: “why?” if in its raw form it is useless for the animal. Let's figure it out:

Dry food uses dried potatoes that are extruded—processed with heat and pressure. Potatoes contain vitamins (B3, B6, C, etc.), minerals (manganese, phosphorus, etc.), antioxidants, as well as potassium, iron, copper and fiber. Consequently, potatoes as part of feed are healthy and well digestible.

Can dogs have sausages? – in moderate quantities

The main ingredient in a dog's daily menu is meat. Although sausages contain a certain percentage of meat products in their composition, their processing deprives the meat of the original vitamins that are beneficial for the dog. A few pieces of sausage will not harm your dog, but it is not suitable for a daily diet and certainly cannot replace meat.

Can a dog have apples? – in moderate quantities

Like pears, apples are a source of vitamins that are beneficial for dogs. However, before giving them to your pet, you need to remove the seeds, cuttings and core.

Can a dog have broccoli? – in moderate quantities

Can a dog have blueberries? – in moderate quantities

Blueberries contain many antioxidants, fiber and vitamins: A, B, C, E, K. Blueberries are often included in high-quality dog ​​foods. Small portions of berries will be beneficial for the animal, but you should not overfeed.

Can a dog eat tomatoes? – in moderate quantities

Tomatoes should only be given to your dog as a treat. If you feed your pet tomatoes often and in large portions, you will not avoid stomach upset. Please note that this product causes an allergic reaction in many dogs. Pasta, ketchup and unripe fruits are prohibited for dogs.

Can a dog have strawberries? – in moderate quantities

Like blueberries, strawberries are only good for dogs in limited quantities, as a small addition to a basic meat diet. Before giving your pet a treat, remove all stems and leaves.

Can a dog have cheese? – in moderate quantities

Cheese contains a lot of protein, which is good for dogs, but lactose can cause stomach upset. If you treat your pet with cheese, you should give preference to low-fat varieties.

The key to any diet is moderation. You shouldn’t rely on any one product; your pet’s menu should be varied and without bias in any direction.

To keep your pet healthy and to be sure that its diet is balanced and healthy, we recommend not experimenting with products, but choosing high-quality premium, super-premium or holistic class dog food. It is impossible to create a balanced menu on your own and without special education that would meet all the requirements of the dog’s body.

You can read about which foods are prohibited and can harm your dog in our blog article

Every dog ​​owner wants his dog to grow up healthy, beautiful, and strong. To do this, the diet must consist of nutrients. An excellent source is fresh vegetables and fruits, which contain many beneficial substances. But first, it’s worth finding out what vegetables and fruits can be given to dogs. Yes, the dog is definitely a carnivore and primarily eats raw meat. The digestive system is very different from the human one. However, you can offer them in small quantities as a treat to your pet.

The main thing is not to overuse it; the basis of feeding the dog is still raw meat, cereals, dairy products, fermented milk products, cottage cheese and quail eggs as additives. But some people on the forums share that their four-legged friends happily eat apples, raw carrots, and cucumbers. At the same time, they do not cause food allergies, although they are poorly digestible. If you decide to pamper your pet with fruits and vegetables, it is recommended to give them small pieces, checking the body’s reaction to the new introduced product.

Healthy vegetables and fruits for dogs' health

A dog that has not been accustomed to plant foods since childhood will, in most cases, refuse vegetables, since they are not part of its natural diet. However, plant-based foods are beneficial for pets, so they should be part of the daily diet. In reasonable quantities, such food has a beneficial effect on the animal’s health, as it is a source of fiber, which improves digestion. Veterinarians recommend feeding adult dogs with vegetables and fruits that are included in the list of permitted ones, so that the body receives a sufficient amount of vitamins of various groups. Let's figure out exactly what vegetables and fruits you can give your dog.

Vegetables and fruits that you can definitely give to dogs

First, let's look at what fruits and vegetables our pets can eat without fear of consequences. Such products are neutral and very rarely cause allergies. They can be used every day, as much as the animal wants, but of course you cannot force it.

Vegetables that are definitely safe

  1. Carrot. Most four-legged friends simply love to chew on carrot-shaped treats. And it's just wonderful! Carrots are rich in vitamins and beneficial microelements. The vitamin A it contains improves vision, reduces the incidence of cancer, beta-carotene makes the coat smooth and silky. There is no need to think in what form to give this fruit to the dog. You can eat either raw carrots or boiled or baked ones, whichever you prefer. Grate with a drop of flaxseed oil, cut into cubes, serve with whole carrots. The latter is useful for teeth, as it acts as a brush. When a puppy chews a carrot, plaque is removed, more saliva is produced, which helps reduce bacteria in the mouth, and, consequently, reduce the disgusting odor.
  2. Cucumbers. An excellent option to dilute a mixed diet. This fruit is completely safe for dogs. Removes unpleasant odor. Rich in B vitamins. Contains microelements such as:
    - magnesium;
    - potassium;
    — vitamin PP;
    — vitamin C and B;
    - vitamin B;
    - carotene;
    - chlorophyll.
    It consists mainly of water and contains virtually no fat or carbohydrates. Perfect as a means of combating extra pounds. But the serving size should still be limited so that diarrhea does not develop.
  3. Sweet potato. You can eat in moderation, otherwise the animal will begin to gain weight. Sweet potatoes are well digestible, rich in minerals, rich in vitamins B6, C, and beta-carotene. You cannot feed raw sweet potatoes; you must cook, bake, or boil them.
  4. Bulgarian pepper. You can let your pet crunch with fresh sweet bell peppers, but first remove the seeds. It contains beneficial vitamins and beta-carotene necessary for a luxurious, dazzling, thick coat. It is better to buy red peppers rather than green or yellow ones, as they contain more nutrients. If the dog refuses to eat a raw product, it can be baked. What other vegetables and fruits can be given to puppies and adult dogs.
  5. Pumpkin. The product prepared by boiling is suitable for pets suffering from constipation. It improves digestion and contains many beneficial microelements.
  6. Zucchini. This fruit, like pumpkin, is very safe for animals. It contains useful substances, potassium, folic acid, calcium. However, pumpkin is more suitable for a dog's diet. Zucchini is served raw or baked.
  7. Celery. The product contains a huge amount of substances that have a positive effect on the body. Namely:
    - phosphorus;
    - amino acid;
    - vitamin A;
    - vitamin C;
    - vitamin B;
    - calcium;
    - sodium.
    Thanks to this set of microelements, celery has an effect on reducing the possibility of cancer. Improves blood circulation and heart function. It is an anti-inflammatory agent and gives fresh breath. Only a stalk of celery is suitable for nutrition, although it has high rigidity. Therefore, it needs to be cut into small pieces. Very useful in winter.
  8. Cauliflower. Unlike white cabbage, cauliflower is good for the stomach of doggies. It is quickly and easily absorbed without irritating the mucous membrane. For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, mixed meals can be diluted with this product. Since there is no coarse fiber in it, bowel movements will be simple and regular. If the gallbladder and liver are not working well, then cauliflower can also be fed to your pet.

Fruits that are definitely safe

  1. Apples. Earlier in the article: “”, we wrote that the full-fledged raising of puppies must be accompanied by a balanced diet, which is why apples are included in the menu. They are extremely useful for people and animals. They almost always do not cause allergies, so this is the first fruit that is introduced into the diet of children and puppies. A green apple with peel improves digestion. It contains vitamin C, which is necessary for life. A salad of grated carrots and apples is very useful for a growing organism.
  2. Bananas. What vegetables and fruits can your pet dog eat? Of course bananas, but only unripe ones. Overripe fruits can cause stomach upset. This product should be included in your dog’s diet, as it has beneficial properties and enriches the body with potassium, biotin, and fiber. Half a banana once every five days
  3. Watermelon. You can give watermelon to your dog all the time, naturally, which was grown without dyes; it is difficult to find such in the city of Moscow and other cities of our country. It is worth feeding watermelon along with the rinds; they contain minerals useful for growth.
  4. Melon. Although this fruit does not particularly benefit the body, it copes well with thirst. It should be given to the animal in small slices, but quite often.
  5. Gooseberry. It rarely provokes allergies, so it can be consumed in large quantities. Only if you planted and grew them yourself, without chemical additives.
  6. Pear. Firm pears, like apples, are not allergenic products, so they are introduced into complementary foods for small dogs first. Puppies happily feast on crunchy fruits.
  7. Rowan. The tasty sweet berry contains many vitamins, without having any contraindications for the health of pets.
  8. Blueberry. Another berry that you can feed your dog without fear. However, four-legged friends do not like to eat it, as it has a specific taste.

Fruits and vegetables that can be given to dogs, but with certain restrictions

We have already found out whether dogs can eat vegetables and fruits. But there are fruits that, in principle, can be eaten by animals, but only if an allergic reaction does not occur. In its absence, the portion of these fruits should be in a limited volume. Advice: to avoid negative effects and harm your pet’s health, start introducing the product gradually, one feeding in the form of a small piece once a week.

Vegetables whose benefits are worth thinking about

  1. Turnip. On the one hand, this fruit is healthy because it contains a lot of calcium and has antibacterial properties. Although the stomachs of representatives of predators do not have special enzymes for breaking down the shell of a plant cell, turnips still accelerate the absorption of products. However, it is worth introducing it a little at a time. Some animals periodically experience diarrhea after consumption.
  2. Beet. Red-colored pets who regularly eat beets have a bright, deep coat color. Folic acid, antioxidants, potassium - these are the advantages of the fruit. But unfortunately, it often causes an allergic reaction, which is expressed by severe diarrhea.
  3. Radish. It is a natural brush for canine fangs because it consists of hard fibers. But you can’t feed it to a dog with a sick stomach.
  4. Cabbage. Many of our smaller friends love to gnaw white cabbage, as the leaves crunch on the teeth. It is filled with natural antioxidants that give your pets a healthy appearance. But fresh cabbage provokes bloating and pain in the intestinal area, so it is better to stew or cook it.
  5. Eggplant. Vegetables can be given from time to time, only in cooked form, for example, boiled or baked. Contraindicated in animals with kidney disease. Is an allergenic product.
  6. Tomatoes. You can feed your dog ripe red tomatoes in small quantities. They have anti-inflammatory properties. But if you overdo it with the serving size, then deterioration of digestion, muscle weakness, and failure of the cardiovascular system will certainly occur.
  7. Asparagus. Raw asparagus should not be given to the baby animal, as it is very poorly digested. Therefore, so that it does not lose all the useful microelements during cooking, it is steamed.

Fruits whose benefits are worth thinking about

  1. Apricot. Be sure to feed without seeds and peels. With frequent and heavy use, diarrhea occurs.
  2. Persimmon. The peel and seeds are also removed. Soft varieties help normalize intestinal function.
  3. Kiwi. What other fruits and vegetables can dogs eat as treats? Kiwi, which contains vitamin C, is perfect for little ones with a sweet tooth, but only no more than two cups per month.
  4. Papaya. Fruit brought from an exotic country should be given in its purified form. A small block of interesting fruit can stop diarrhea. Constant eating will lead to constipation.
  5. Raspberries and strawberries. Sweet aromatic berries that many dogs love very much. Berries are strong allergens, so monitor your pet’s reaction. If everything is in order, then you can eat two pieces a day in the summer.
  6. Cherry. Cherries, like sweet cherries, are eaten pitted in small portions. Veterinarians advise against consumption. These berries are not beneficial for dogs.
  7. Currant. If your pet likes the berries and does not show allergy symptoms, then there is no need to limit the quantity.

These vegetables and fruits should not be fed to dogs.

We have found out what vegetables can be given to dogs, now let's look at what is not allowed. There is a certain list of vegetables and fruits, which includes prohibited foods for animals. These plant fruits can cause serious harm to your pet with disastrous consequences. Therefore, I advise you to read and show the list of those who rated it not only in your own opinion, but also according to the recommendations of veterinarians to your dog lover friends.

Vegetables you definitely shouldn't feed dogs

  1. Broccoli. Although this product contains many microelements beneficial to the body, it can still be harmful to the pet. Broccoli contains the element isothiocyanate, which is very toxic to dogs and can cause death if consumed in large quantities every day.
  2. Green tomatoes. They pose a great danger to our smaller friends, unlike red ripe tomatoes. When breastfeeding, an upset stomach will certainly occur, and various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract may also appear. Avoid this feeding.
  3. Corn. Of course, dry food manufacturers often add corn to livestock food. Corn is a filling and cheap food that contains a huge amount of fiber. But it will not bring any benefit to pets, but on the contrary, it can cause harm. If a dog gnaws on several raw ears of corn, he will develop a colon obstruction. The doggies' stomach does not have enzymes to break down the shell of plant fiber, so the output will be undigested corn kernels.
  4. Potato. Raw potatoes are harmful to both the animal and human stomachs. It contains poisonous corned beef. Therefore, eating a raw product will lead to poisoning. Eating milk-based purees will definitely lead to diarrhea. It is eaten in small quantities baked or boiled.
  5. Onion garlic. Can they be fed to dogs? Veterinarians recommend avoiding these products. They contain thiosulfates, which negatively affect red cells, which will lead to anemia.
  6. Legumes. A plant from the legume family is poorly absorbed by the body, and only causes bloating and stomach pain in predators.
  7. Mushrooms. Very heavy food for animals. Should not be included in the diet at all. Problems with the liver and pancreas may occur.

Fruits you definitely shouldn't feed dogs

  1. Grape. Even a small portion will harm the dogs. Vomiting, severe diarrhea, dehydration - all these are the consequences of eating berries. And then kidney failure.
  2. Peaches. Contraindicated for use in dogs as they cause diarrhea. And when fed with a bone, they are generally poisonous, since they contain cyanide.
  3. Citrus. They are strong allergens for our little friends. It's rare to find a dog that doesn't have a negative reaction to these fruits.
  4. Quince. The fetus causes profuse vomiting, leading to dehydration.
  5. Avocado. Due to the high content of a substance that impairs the functioning of the cardiovascular system and respiratory tract, it is contraindicated for dogs.
  6. Pomegranate. It corrodes the walls of the stomach very much.

Rules for feeding plant foods

We described above what vegetables and fruits a dog can eat. Now let's look at the rules for eating plant fruits:

  • New foods unknown to your pet should be introduced gradually and little by little. It is enough to give one teaspoon of a new treat once a day.
  • If any allergic symptoms occur, you should immediately discard the product. And for a couple of days, give only proven food.
  • Vegetables should be heat treated before consumption.
  • Vegetables can be fed to pets in stewed, boiled, steamed, raw form, depending on the product, see above.
  • Cook and simmer foods for 20 minutes without salt.
  • You can prepare a salad of several vegetables using flaxseed oil.
  • You cannot force it; some dogs are not attracted to vegetables and fruits at all.

Melon season occurs at the end of summer - beginning of autumn, and many dog ​​owners wonder what will happen if they feed their four-legged pet with ripe berries from time to time. Even among doctors, there is no consensus regarding the need for melon in a dog’s diet. There is no categorical ban at the moment, but some restrictions still exist.

The main myth is that melons are not digestible by the dog’s body.

This opinion is widespread among dog breeders, and is based on the fact that sugar in large quantities is too toxic for dogs. Even though melons are sweet, they are absolutely harmless in small quantities, unlike raisins or grapes. There are two important limitations:

  1. It is advisable to treat melon only as a snack, after the dog has eaten the main course. This will help the melon plant to be better absorbed in the animal’s body.
  2. When introducing melon into the diet, it is important to remove seeds from the piece, which can cause digestive problems in animals.

Not all dogs eat melons

In some cases, dogs may refuse to eat melon themselves. This will mainly depend on their breed, health and time of year. In hot conditions, an animal is unlikely to refuse a piece of a cool berry, because dogs love melon mainly not for its excellent taste, but for the coolness it provides. In any case, you should not force your pet to try the treat. If the dog refuses to try, then it doesn’t need it at the moment.

What are the dangers of overeating?

If a dog likes melon, it can eat the treat in unlimited quantities, which can lead to unpleasant consequences. As a rule, significant overfeeding of melons leads to a laxative effect and strong urination, which in an apartment will be an unpleasant result for both the animal and its owner. In some cases, problems with the digestive system may occur. It is important to remember that improper food intake in a dog affects it much more acutely than in the case of a person.

Is there any benefit?

It is known that melon is very rich in vitamin C, which has a beneficial effect on the protective properties of the body. Of course, dogs and humans absorb the vitamins they need in different ways, but in any case, animals find useful substances in melons. If the owner sees that the pet has suddenly begun to show food interest in melon, then there is no need to curb his appetite: it is enough to make sure that the pet does not overeat the ripe delicacy.

Most often, dogs eat melon to get a little coolness. Animals often lead a very active lifestyle, and in hot weather they regularly need cool water - eating melon perfectly solves this problem.

How often can I give?

As mentioned earlier, melon is not provided to the dog as a main dish - just a light snack served as a dessert or soft drink. If you follow this approach, you can give out a piece of melon 2-3 times a week, but no more. You can carefully observe the dog's behavior: if there are no visible changes in its behavior and health, then you can slightly increase the portions when the animal shows interest.

Wait for the season to come

When melons appear on the shelves too early or too late, there are strong suspicions about high nitrate content in the fruit. Even for a person, eating 2-3 melons with a high content of toxic substances in a short period can result in serious problems with the body. This negative effect on dogs will be tens of times stronger, even leading to death if there is an excess of nitrates in the animal’s body. When providing melon in your pet’s diet, you must make sure that the dog receives only vitamins and not poison in the form of a huge number of toxins.

As a result, the inclusion of melon in a dog’s diet should be fully considered by its owner. The first use of melon fruit is carried out under the watchful supervision of the owner to identify all the negative aspects after eating. If a dog begins to have digestive problems, melon should be removed from the diet immediately to prevent more serious problems from occurring.

Someone might be amused by a dog happily crunching an apple or plucking a berry bush in their garden plot. But this is not surprising, because fruits and berries for a pet are a natural dessert and a valuable source of vitamins. To pamper your pet with a healthy treat, you should find out what fruits dogs can eat.

Today, domestic dogs are fed mainly industrial food. Despite this, the benefits of natural sources of vitamins, microelements, glucose, and fiber can hardly be overestimated. Even the most nutritious, balanced food cannot fully satisfy this need. The dog is the ancestor of wild wolves, an omnivore. And in nature, wild animals always eat fruits that fall from trees or feast on wild berries.

Fruits and vegetables are a natural source of nutrients. If your pet begins to show a strong interest in living plant foods, this is a reason to think about a possible lack of some microelements or vitamins in his body. In order to diversify and replenish the existing diet, you need to know which common fruits can be beneficially and safely given to dogs to eat, and which ones are undesirable or even prohibited.

Allowed fruits and their benefits

  1. Green apples are the safest and most accessible fruit. Excellent supplier of vitamin C and fiber. Improves digestion and is an ideal treat for older dogs due to its low fat and protein content.
  2. Pears practically do not cause allergies and help reduce the risk of stroke. You need to give preference to hard varieties.
  3. Bananas are a supplier of potassium. But you need to avoid overripe fruits, which can cause digestive upset. And due to the abundance of sugar, it is not advisable to give it to dogs too often.
  4. Dogs can eat plenty of watermelons grown without the use of nitrates and various accelerators. Due to their composition, they are an additional source of water for the body in the hot summer. A side effect is frequent urination.
  5. Pineapples are rich in an enzyme that helps digest proteins - bromelain. Great as a dessert.

It is possible, but very carefully

Under no circumstances should you buy impeccable and perfect-looking imported fruits for pet food.

It should be understood that such products are brought to a beautiful state artificially, using toxic substances.

  1. “Slippery” fruit varieties such as melon, kiwi or plums stimulate intestinal motility and can cause diarrhea.
  2. A slice of pitted and peeled papaya, on the contrary, cures a slight upset stomach. But with frequent use, it increases blood sugar and contributes to the development of diabetes.
  3. Persimmon can also normalize broken stools. But it contains tannins in large quantities. Frequent use can lead to constipation.
  4. Peaches, peeled, are acceptable in small quantities. They are a good source of vitamin A.

Be sure to remove the pits before eating - they are poisonous to dogs due to their cyanide content.

The same caution applies to apricots. In addition, these fruits can weaken and can cause severe diarrhea, especially in puppies.

the Forbidden fruit

Separately, it is necessary to highlight those fruits that are strictly contraindicated for dogs:

  1. Grapes are the most toxic berry for dogs. The fruits of this vine conceal a mortal danger to the health of your four-legged pet. They negatively affect the functioning of the kidneys in the body - they can provoke kidney failure and problems with urination. Just a few berries can be a deadly treat for a medium-sized dog. The same goes for raisins. Even if the grapes were grown in an ecologically clean garden, without treatment with chemicals, it is still unacceptable to treat them to an animal.
  2. Pomegranate contains many acids that irritate the mucous membranes of the digestive tract. Bones also pose a particular danger.
  3. Citrus fruits - oranges, tangerines - are allergens and also irritate the sensitive walls of the stomach.
  4. Avocados are rich in a substance dangerous to animals called persin. May depress the functioning of the respiratory system and the heart.

Healthy berries

Berries are another acceptable and healthy treat. However, among them there are also varieties that pose a danger.

Sweet cherry pits contain cyanide and can become stuck in the throat if swallowed.

What berries can be included in your diet in moderation:

  1. One of the first summer berries is strawberries. Serves as a source of fiber and vitamin C.
  2. Blueberries are useful for antioxidants, vitamins A, E, K. This berry is often included in high-end industrial specialized feeds.
  3. Raspberries have anti-inflammatory properties. May be useful for older animals. It is also rich in vitamin C.
  4. Rowan has no contraindications and is a good source of microelements. Contains essential organic acids and pectin. There is more provitamin A in its ripe berries than in some vegetables, for example, carrots. It is advisable to get used to this berry from a young age.

How to properly include fruit in your menu

No matter how your pet asks for a fruit or berry treat, you should not forget to be careful.

All new products are introduced gradually and in a limited manner. It is better to feed them at a separate meal, without mixing them with anything.

Before offering it to your dog, you need to wash the peel well, or even better, cut it off. All bones must be removed.

Then the pet's condition is monitored. The first signs of allergy or poisoning may appear within a few hours. If no suspicious symptoms have appeared during this time, you should still monitor her well-being for another day.

The occurrence of the following negative consequences is assessed:

  • signs of digestive disorders: bloating and increased gas production, diarrhea, constipation, vomiting;
  • formation of rashes, pimples, blisters;
  • redness of the eyes, nasal discharge;
  • peeling fur, itching;
  • breathing problems, swelling.

In case of allergic manifestations, you should immediately give the dog an antihistamine. For more severe and prolonged symptoms, it is better to consult a veterinarian for help.

Although there are some health benefits, fruit is allowed in limited quantities for dogs. They should only be present as a reward during training or as a rare treat.

When creating a menu for your pet, these recommendations will help:

  1. It is better to feed your dog in moderation.
  2. Stick to variety without experimenting with unfamiliar products.
  3. Never treat your pet to foods whose quality is questionable.
  4. If you absolutely want to give your dog a fruit treat, but he refuses, you cannot insist or force him. Using its unique sense of smell, the dog is excellent at distinguishing between potentially harmful and dangerous foods.