Furagin's testimony. Furagin: instructions for use, reviews for various diseases. Composition of Furagin ®

Furagin-S3 is an antimicrobial drug that is a derivative of nitrofuran. It is intended for internal use in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory pathologies of organs urinary system.

The country of origin of the drug is Russia. The manufacturer adheres to European GMP standards.

This is a fairly serious medication that has a number of contraindications, so it is not recommended to use it without prior consultation.

IN otherwise the patient will not only not achieve positive results in treatment, but can also cause significant harm to your health.

Composition and release form

Furagin-S3 is produced in the form of flat-cylindrical tablets. Their hue can vary from greenish-yellow to yellow-orange.

Main active ingredient of this medicine– furazidine (50 mg). It is he who provides antibacterial effect. The medication also contains auxiliary components, such as lactose monohydrate, starch, stearic acid and polysorbate.


Furagin-C3 is active against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, staphylococci, as well as other microbes that are resistant to antibacterial drugs.

In addition, the medicine can act on gram-positive cocci, gram-negative bacilli and protozoa.

Absorption of the drug occurs in small intestine, by passive diffusion. It is poorly metabolized (no more than 10% of the volume entering the body). This process occurs in the liver. The maximum concentration of the drug in the blood plasma can last from 3 to 8 hours. The medicine can be detected in urine 3-4 hours after its use.

distributed evenly throughout the body. Therapeutic effect from the drug is observed at the moment when the drug reaches a high concentration in the lymph. This helps prevent the spread of pathogenic bacteria through the lymphatic tract.

After consuming the drug, its concentration in bile is several times higher than its concentration in serum. At the same time, in cerebrospinal fluid the volume of furazidine is even less in serum. In saliva, the volume of the active substance is 30% of its concentration in serum.

The level of the drug in the blood and tissues is relatively low. This is explained by the fact that the product is short time excreted from the body. Moreover, the volume of furazidine in the urine is several times higher than in the blood.

Removal medicinal substance to a greater extent (85%) occurs through the kidneys. In this case, a small part of it undergoes reverse reabsorption in the kidney tubules.

Medical studies have shown that with a low level of furazidin in the urine, the process of filtration and secretion occurs most actively, while with high rates secretion decreases and, on the contrary, reabsorption increases.

This drug is a weak acid, so it does not dissociate in acidic urine and is therefore subject to active reabsorption. This can cause the development of many undesirable phenomena. With a more alkaline urine reaction, the medication begins to be excreted from the body more intensively.

If the patient's renal excretory function is weakened, the drug will be metabolized more.

Mechanism of action

Furazidin actively inhibits the respiratory chain and the Krebs cycle, suppresses vital biochemical processes, as a result of which the membrane and cytoplasmic membrane of the pathogenic microorganism is destroyed.

Under influence medicine bacteria release fewer toxic substances. For this reason, the patient may notice an improvement in well-being even before the growth and development of microflora is suppressed.

In addition, furazidin stimulates the immune system. The patient's complement titer increases, and the ability of whites improves. blood cells phagocytose microorganisms.

When using the medicine in correct dosages– the body’s production of leukocytes increases.

Resistance to this drug develops extremely slowly and ultimately still does not reach the maximum level.


Most often, doctors prescribe medication to patients in the following cases:

Among other things, this product can be used in for preventive purposes before operations on the urinary system. This will help avoid infection.


  • pathological sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • renal failure, which occurs in a particularly severe form;
  • lack of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
  • porphyria;
  • polyneuropathy (including if it is caused diabetes mellitus).


The medication must be taken orally after meals. The dosage should be as follows: adults - 50-100 mg three times a day, and children over 3 years old - 25-50 mg three times for 24 hours. It is very important that the dosage of the medication for children does not exceed 5 mg per 1 kg of body weight.

The course of therapy in each case is determined by the attending physician. Typically, it lasts about 10 days. If the patient needs to repeat the course of treatment, he must pause for 10-14 days.

To prevent infection during operations, Furagin-S should be taken once in a dosage of 50 mg. It is advisable to do this half an hour before meals.

The drug cannot be used to treat children under 3 years of age.


An overdose can occur if the patient takes more than 600 mg of furazidine per day.

In this case, he may encounter the following unpleasant phenomena:

If symptoms of overdose occur, the patient should contact his doctor as soon as possible. In this case, the drug may have to be temporarily discontinued.

The following will also help alleviate the patient’s condition:

  • drinking plenty of liquid (and it is advisable that it is not tea or compote, but clean water);
  • consumption of activated carbon;
  • introduction of B vitamins;
  • use of antihistamines.

In the most severe cases may be needed .

Side effects

Quite often, during treatment with medication, patients experience the following side effects:

In more in rare cases the course of therapy is accompanied by:

  • anemia;
  • neuropathy;
  • hypertension;
  • polyneuritis;
  • pulmonary disorders (in various forms);
  • discomfort in the muscles;
  • pancreatitis;
  • pain and inflammatory lesion joints;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • liver dysfunction (jaundice, hepatitis).

During treatment with this drug, the patient's urine will turn yellow or Brown color. There is no need to be afraid of this. This is absolutely normal.

special instructions

During drug therapy, you should avoid drinking alcohol, as this can provoke the development of severe side effects.

At severe violation kidney and liver functions, the use of this medicine is not recommended.

The medicine should not be combined with the use of ristomycin, sulfonamide and chloramphenicol. Failure to comply with this rule may result in the patient's hematopoietic process being disrupted.

Also, you should not use the medication simultaneously with drugs that can change the pH of urine in an acidic direction.

Concomitant use of furazidine and drugs that reduce acidity gastric juice, can lead to insufficient digestibility of the first.

If any side effects of the medication occur, you should stop taking it. If the next dose of furazidine was missed, then there is no need to double the dosage during the next one.

To prevent the development of neuritis during treatment, the patient should be prescribed additional vitamin-mineral complexes, which include B vitamins. However, the drug does not have any effect negative influence on the central nervous system, so it can be taken by patients whose work requires a quick response.

The point of view of doctors and reviews of patients who took the drug Furagin-SZ:

Furagin-SZ is a very good drug of the nitrofuran series. If patients do not have a contraindication to it, then I always prescribe it for the treatment of cystitis. Most patients tolerate it well this tool. The course of therapy usually lasts 5 days. This is quite enough to get rid of the disease and prevent its relapse. In severe cases, this course may be longer.

Irina Mikhailovna Ilyina, 37 years old, doctor

Furagin-SZ is one of the most effective urosoantiseptics on this moment. Its advantage also lies in its low cost. The medication, accumulating in large quantities in the urine, changing its Ph, kills pathogenic bacteria in the shortest possible time.

It is very important that microbial resistance to this drug remains at a low level today. This makes it possible to carry out treatment in cases where other antibiotics are powerless.

Yuri Alekseevich Gordeev, 42 years old, doctor

Even as a schoolgirl, I often waited for a long time for the bus on the street. At this moment, my feet were very cold. As a result, now I have chronic inflammation kidney In my case, the urologist recommended Furagin-SZ. I drink it during every exacerbation of the disease, as well as after freezing to avoid relapses.

Relief usually occurs after 1-2 tablets, and after a few days recovery occurs. This is one of the most important drugs in my medicine cabinet. One day my husband tried to take it for his kidneys. Unfortunately, the medicine did not suit him. Based on this, I can conclude that this medicine is more suitable for women.

Irina, 29 years old

Furagin-SZ is very effective medicine with cystitis. In the past, during an exacerbation of the disease, I took Furadonin, but it constantly made me feel sick. I don’t experience any discomfort with this drug. Now Furagin-SZ is a real salvation for me in autumn and spring.

Elena, 38 years old

I take Furagin-SZ on the advice of a doctor during exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis. In addition, I can take the medicine after I have a slight cold. This helps stop the spread inflammatory process. The effect of the medicine always occurs almost immediately, and after 5-6 days the disease disappears completely.

Alexander, 54 years old

During another exacerbation of cystitis, I started taking Furagin-SZ. The drug helped, but because of it I felt constant nausea. In this case, I decided to consult a doctor and he advised me to drink more fluid. Since then, I began to make sure that the volume of water I drink per day is 1.5-2 liters. After that unpleasant symptom stopped bothering me.

Ekaterina, 23 years old

During therapy with Furagin-SZ, I developed indigestion. There was flatulence, diarrhea, and heaviness in the abdomen. My attending physician explained to me that the antibacterial drug destroys not only pathogenic microorganisms, but also beneficial bacteria which are in the intestines and advised me to take Linex. Already from the second tablet I felt relief. I took Linex until the end of the course of therapy with Furagin-SZ and then for another week. I also advise patients who have also encountered dysbiosis during treatment with this medication to take Linex.

Dmitry, 35 years old

Advantages and disadvantages

Furagin-SZ, like any other medicine, has advantages and disadvantages.

The first ones can be listed as follows:

  • high efficiency;
  • ease of use;
  • lack of addiction during long-term treatment;
  • affordable price;
  • no negative effect on the central nervous system.

As for the disadvantages of the drug, among them are the following:

  • impossibility of use for the treatment of small children, pregnant and lactating women;
  • negative effects on kidney and liver tissue;
  • Availability large number side effects (it is worth noting that not everyone develops them).


The cost of the drug at the moment is approximately 260 rubles.

Storage conditions and periods

Furagin-SZ should be stored in a dry, protected from sun rays place at a temperature of no more than 30 °C. Children should not have access to the drug.

Shelf life – 4 years. After this period, it is not recommended to use the medicine.

Vacation at the pharmacy

To purchase the drug at a pharmacy, the patient must have a doctor's prescription with him.

Drug analogues

At the moment, the following drugs are analogues of the drug in composition:

  • Furasol;

In addition, there are also medications that are different in composition, but similar in effect to Furagin-SZ.


This is one of the most famous Furagin substitutes. It is effective on many pathogenic bacteria that cause pathologies of the urinary system. High efficiency The drug is associated with its ability to inhibit the production of proteins in a pathogenic organism.

The course of treatment usually lasts 10 days. The dosage of the medicine is selected by the doctor in each case separately. As with the treatment with Furagin-SZ, you need to drink plenty of water during therapy.

This medicine, like the main one, affects gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. The main active ingredient in the drug is fosfomycin. It is he who destroys the cell walls of microbes and thereby makes them vulnerable.

comes in powder form, from which you need to make medicinal drink. It should be taken once, in the evening.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that it is not recommended to replace a fixed asset with its analogue on your own. If for any reason the patient cannot take the medication, he must inform the doctor. The specialist will take into account the characteristics various drugs and the characteristics of the patient’s body, after which he will give the correct recommendations.

The drug furagin is a drug from the nitrofuran group, which has a fairly wide spectrum of action. Its action is aimed at eliminating microorganisms in the urinary system. Available in the form of tablets, 10 pieces in one plate. One tablet of furagin contains the antibiotic furazidin in the amount of 50 mg.

The drug furagin is active against bacteria such as staphylococci, streptococci, salmonella, shigella, proteus, giardia, enterobacteria, klebsiella and escherichia coli. The drug acts on the enzymes of these bacteria, thereby disrupting the respiration process of microorganisms and causing their death.

Indications for use of the drug

Indications for use of furagin:

  • Urethritis acute and chronic
  • Cystitis acute and chronic
  • Pyelonephritis acute and chronic
  • Prostatitis acute and chronic
  • Anomalies of the urinary system (congenital)
  • Before catheterization of the bladder, especially long-term (as a preventive measure for the development of infection)

Indications for use apply to both adults and children.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

Contraindications to the use of the drug are:

  • Allergy to drugs of the nitrofuran group
  • Pregnant women at 38-42 weeks
  • Breastfeeding
  • Infants in the first week of life
  • Chronic renal failure
  • Chronic liver failure
  • Polyneuropathy
  • Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase enzyme deficiency

Overdose and side effects

Furagin in some cases can cause the following side effects:

  • Increased fatigue and drowsiness
  • Decreased visual acuity
  • Constipation alternating with diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Itchy skin rash
  • Increased body temperature

If the dosage of furagin is not observed, the following symptoms occur:

  • Headaches and dizziness
  • Depressive states
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Anemia
  • Bronchospasm

Instructions for use of the drug

Instructions for use of furagin are the same for children and adults. The drug must be taken with meals that are rich in protein foods. This is necessary so that the urine has an acidic environment, facilitating better absorption of furagin.

Instructions for use of furagin recommend taking the drug 3 times a day, 2 tablets, on the first day, the dosage frequency is 4 times. The use of furagin as a preventive measure is recommended once a day, 1 tablet (preferably before bedtime). Treatment with the drug takes on average 7-8 days. If necessary, the course is repeated after 2 weeks.

The drug furagin for children is prescribed based on body weight - 5-7 mg per 1 kg per day. If the doctor suggests long-term treatment, the dosage is calculated according to the scheme 1-2 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day. For children under one year of age, furagin should be mixed with tea, milk or a mixture, first ground into powder on a napkin.

special instructions

Furagin for cystitis should be combined with a diuretic to enhance the effect. And to prevent dehydration, take an additional 3 liters of fluid per day.

Use Furagin during pregnancy in the same way as in other situations, with the exception of 38-42 weeks, when the drug is contraindicated.

While taking furagin, drinking alcohol is not contraindicated.

The drug furagin, according to the instructions, loses its effectiveness when simultaneous administration with medications to reduce stomach acidity that contain magnesium.

There are special wipes (Activtex-f) that have antimicrobial properties. They contain Diflucan and help fast healing wound They have found their use quite widely in pediatrics ( diaper dermatitis, various diaper rashes and inflammation of the umbilical wound). Also has good efficiency and among adult patients.

Analogues of the drug

Furagin analogues: furamag, furazidin, furasol. Each of these drugs contains a detailed annotation describing the drug.

In this article you can find instructions for use medicinal product Furagin. Reviews of site visitors - consumers of this medicine, as well as the opinions of specialist doctors on the use of Furagin in their practice are presented. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: whether the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not stated by the manufacturer in the annotation. Furagin analogues if available structural analogues. Use for the treatment of cystitis, pyelonephritis and urethritis in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

Furagin- antimicrobial agent, a derivative of nitrofuran. Active against gram-positive and gram-negative microbes, pathogenic strains of Staphylococcus spp. and other microorganisms resistant to antibiotics. Effective against gram-positive cocci (Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp.), gram-negative rods (Escherichia spp., Salmonella spp., Shigella spp., Proteus spp., Klebsiella spp., Enterobacter spp.), protozoa (Lamblia intestinalis).


Furazidin + excipients.


Absorption - in the small intestine, by passive diffusion. Metabolized in the liver. Excreted by the kidneys 6%; the average concentration of furazidin in urine exceeds its bacteriostatic concentration.


Release forms

Tablets 50 mg.

Instructions for use and dosage

Inside, after meals, with a drink big amount liquids - adults 50-100 mg 3 times a day for 7-10 days, if necessary - repeatedly with an interval of 10-15 days between courses; children - 25-50 mg 3 times a day, but not more than 5 mg/kg per day. For the prevention of infections - adults 50 mg, children - 25 mg, once 30 minutes before the procedure.

Locally - for douching and rinsing, use a solution (1:13000 in saline solution).

Side effect

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • drowsiness;
  • mild intracranial hypertension;
  • neuritis, polyneuritis;
  • decreased appetite;
  • flatulence;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • visual impairment;
  • hematopoietic disorders (agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, aplastic anemia);
  • pancreatitis;
  • angioedema;
  • hives;
  • dermatitis;
  • papular rashes;
  • erythema multiforme;
  • transient alopecia (baldness);
  • arthralgia;
  • cholestatic jaundice;
  • hepatitis;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • peripheral neuropathy;
  • acute and chronic pulmonary reactions. An acute pulmonary reaction develops rapidly and is manifested by severe shortness of breath, fever, pain in the chest, cough with/without sputum, eosinophilia. It is possible that, simultaneously with an acute pulmonary reaction, the appearance of skin rashes, itching, urticaria, myalgia, angioedema(swelling of the face, neck, oral tissues and larynx). The basis of an acute pulmonary reaction is the reaction hypersensitivity, which can develop over several hours, less often over minutes. The acute pulmonary reaction is reversible and disappears when the drug is stopped. A chronic pulmonary reaction can develop over a long period of time after cessation of treatment with nitrofurans (including furazidine). Characterized by a gradual increase in dyspnea, rapid breathing, unstable fever, eosinophilia, progressive cough and interstitial pneumonitis and/or pulmonary fibrosis;
  • weakness;
  • increase in body temperature.


  • renal dysfunction;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • children under 3 years of age;
  • deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;

    polyneuropathy (including diabetic);


  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • hypersensitivity to nitrofuran derivatives.

Use in children

Furagin is contraindicated in children under 3 years of age.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Contraindicated during pregnancy. Breastfeeding should be stopped during treatment.

special instructions

To prevent side effects, it is prescribed drinking plenty of fluids.

To prevent the development of neuritis, it is necessary to prescribe B vitamins.

Drug interactions

Aminoglycosides and tetracycline enhance antimicrobial activity. It should not be used simultaneously with chloramphenicol, ristomycin, sulfonamides (the risk of hematopoietic suppression increases).

Analogues of the drug Furagin

Structural analogues of the active substance:

  • Furagin soluble 10% with sodium chloride 90%;
  • Furagin-LekT tablets 50 mg;
  • Furagin tablets 0.05 g;
  • Furazidine;
  • Furamag;
  • Furasol.

If there are no analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases for which the corresponding drug helps, and look at the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.

Manufacturer: Arterium (Arterium) Ukraine

PBX code: J01XE03

Farm group:

Release form: Solid dosage forms. Pills.

General characteristics. Compound:

Active ingredient: furazidin;
1 tablet contains furazidine in terms of dry matter 50 mg;
excipients: cellactose 80, potato starch, magnesium stearate, Tween-80 (polysorbate 80).

Pharmacological properties:

Furagin belongs to the group antimicrobial agents- nitrofuran derivatives that have wide range antimicrobial action. It has an effect on various gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and in some cases inhibits the growth of microorganisms resistant to sulfonamides and antibiotics. Mechanism antimicrobial action drug is associated with recovery
nitro group to amino group. In this case, the reduced forms of the drug have a direct effect on cellular macromolecules and electron transport in the microbial cell. Interacting at the DNA level, it causes breaks and mutations in it, which leads to disruption of its biological function. It is also assumed that the reduced form of the drug oxidizes a number of enzyme systems of microorganisms. In relation to some microorganisms, the antimicrobial effect of Furagin is higher than that of other nitrofurans. The drug is especially active against infections urinary tract.

Indications for use:

Furagin is prescribed for the treatment of acute and chronic pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis.

Important! Get to know the treatment

Directions for use and dosage:

Furagin is prescribed orally, after meals, with plenty of water in a dose of 100-200 mg 2-3 times a day. Children over 5 years old (body weight from 20 kg) are prescribed in daily dose 5-7 mg/kg body weight. Depending on the form and severity of the disease, the course of treatment is 7-10 days. If necessary and there are no side effects, the course of treatment can be repeated after 10-15 days. For prophylaxis, the drug is prescribed 50 mg (1 tablet) 1 time per day (preferably in the evening). In case of overdose, acute toxic hepatitis, hematotoxicity (hemolytic or megaloblastic anemia, leukopenia), neurotoxicity (hemolytic or megaloblastic anemia, leukopenia), neurotoxicity (nolineuritis). In this case, you should stop taking the drug, rinse your stomach and consult a doctor.

Features of application:

Prescribed orally with caution in case of violations functional state kidneys, with phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency. Cautions for use. It is prescribed with caution in cases of impaired renal function, as well as in patients with diabetes mellitus, since the use of the drug may cause symptoms of polyneuropathy. It is not recommended to prescribe Furagin for urosepsis, as well as for infection of the kidney parenchyma. During the period of use of Furagin, there may be false positive results determination of glucose in urine using Benedict and Fehling solutions. The results of determination of glucose in urine, performed by enzymatic methods,
remain correct. During long-term treatment Furagin should periodically monitor the level of leukocytes in the blood, as well as indicators of liver and kidney function. Furagin does not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions, therefore it is prescribed to patients whose activities require increased attention. Before starting treatment, you should consult your doctor!

Side effects:

Possible decrease or loss of appetite, sometimes pain in the stomach, allergic reactions. Sometimes neurotoxic phenomena are observed - dizziness, insomnia, general weakness, excessive sweating. In the described cases, the dose of the drug is reduced or its use is stopped. Side effects decrease when taking the drug only after meals and when consumed large quantity liquids. At long-term use in large doses, and also in case of long-term treatment in small doses, with a decrease in renal excretory function, cardiac decompensation, and alcoholism, it may occur. With insufficient liver function, as well as hereditary deficiency of erythrocyte enzymes of the pentose phosphate cycle, in the case of long-term treatment or use in large doses, acute symptoms may develop. If any unusual reactions Be sure to consult your doctor regarding further use of the drug!

Interaction with other drugs:

When used simultaneously with drugs of the tetracycline group, a potentiation of the effects of the drug is observed; in combination with erythromycin, fusidine, nystatin, levorin - summation; with ristomycin, chloramphenicol, polymyxins, long- and extra-long-acting sulfonamides, nalidixic acid - a decrease in the total effect. Antacids reduce the activity of the drug by reducing the absorption of the drug. With the simultaneous use of nitrofuran derivatives with 8-
hydroxyquinoline, nitroxoline, enteroseptol and drugs containing it, the summation of the neurotoxic effect of these drugs is noted. The drug should not be used with indirect adrenergic agonists (ephedrine, phenamine), anorexigenic drugs (fepranon), MAO inhibitors, or alahol. If you are taking any other medications, be sure to consult your doctor about the possibility of using the drug.


Increased individual sensitivity to furagin (idiosyncrasy). The drug is contraindicated for use between 38 and 42 weeks of pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Childhood up to 5 years (body weight up to 20 kg).

Storage conditions:

Best before date. 4 years. Do not use after the expiration date indicated on the package! Store in original packaging at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Vacation conditions:

On prescription


Tablets No. 10 in a blister, 3 blisters in a pack.

Treatment of acute and chronic infections genitourinary system is carried out using the drug Furagin - instructions for use contain all necessary information about its mechanism of action and dosage for adult patients. Can be used topically as an antibacterial disinfectant to treat burns or purulent wounds.

Furagin tablets

The antibacterial drug Furagin belongs to a line of synthetic antimicrobial agents. The mechanism of action of the main active substance is based on inhibition of the reproduction processes of gram-negative bacteria, suppression of their vital processes. Due to this bacteriostatic effect, relief of the patient’s condition is achieved (until the complete death of the microorganisms that provoked the inflammation).

Composition and release form

The active ingredient of the drug Furagin, furazidin, is a derivative of nitrofuran. The product is produced in three main forms - tablets, capsules and powder. Capsule form release contains 25 mg of the main substance and the following excipients:

  • titanium dioxide;
  • quinoline;
  • gelatin.

Furagin capsules are called Furagin-Aktifur, packaged in sealed blisters of 10 pieces; one box can contain from 30 to 150 capsules and instructions for use of the medicine. Furagin, produced in powder form, has another name - Furasol. Packaged in sachets of 1 g, the content of furazidine in each sachet is 100 mg. Excipient serves as sodium chloride. The composition of the tablet form of the drug is presented in the table below:

Pharmacological properties

How it works antimicrobial drug, used for the treatment and prevention of infections, Furagin - the instructions for use describe in detail, its main pharmacological properties. The main active ingredient - furazidin - is active against gram-negative microorganisms (staphylococci and streptococci) and gram-positive microorganisms - salmonella, shigella, coli. Therapy with the drug is ineffective against the following infectious agents:

  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
  • enterococcus;
  • protea;
  • serration.

Absorption (assimilation) of the active substance occurs in the small intestine by passive absorption. This is how furazidin enters the lymph, preventing the spread of infection through lymphatic system. Metabolized by the liver 4-8 hours after absorption and excreted in the urine. According to the instructions for use, the main effect is achieved due to the high bacteriostatic concentration of furazidin in the urine, therefore it is actively used in urology.

Furagin - antibiotic or not?

According to the instructions for use, Furagin is not systemic antibiotic. It has an antibacterial effect on the organs of the urinary system - bladder, kidneys, urethra. Especially high concentration furagina in urine makes it effective means in the fight against urinary tract infections. Is antibacterial drug local action(helps with purulent wounds and various gynecological infections), and not with an antibiotic.

What are Furagin tablets for?

The main indications for taking Furagin, according to the instructions, are acute and chronic recurrent urinary tract infections, the pathogens of which are sensitive to the active ingredient of the drug. These include:

  • cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • urethritis;
  • complications of an infectious nature after operations on the urinary system.

Maybe local application as a solution for burns and purulent wounds, in the treatment of keratitis, conjunctivitis, vulvovaginitis. As a preventative antiseptic Furagin's solution is used during diagnostic and surgical interventions in urology, for washing with peritonitis and pleural empyema.

Directions for use and dosage

According to the instructions for use, the dosage regimen and duration of drug therapy are determined by the attending physician in accordance with the diagnosis and severity of the patient’s condition:

  • Treatment of cystitis is usually carried out by standard scheme– 50-100 mg of the product (one or two tablets) three times a day. Take Furagin after meals with a sufficient amount of liquid. The maximum duration of a continuous course cannot be more than 14 days. If it is necessary to continue therapy, a break in treatment is prescribed for at least 10 days.
  • For topical use, prepare a solution based on the powder form of the drug. To do this, add 100 ml warm clean water dissolve 50 mg or 1 g of the drug, obtaining a half-percent or one-percent solution.
  • To treat burns and purulent wounds, a nine percent sodium chloride solution is added to the suspension (see photo below).

special instructions

The instructions for use recommend using the drug with caution in case of illness. nervous system, dysfunction and other diseases of the kidneys and liver. Furagin can cause individual intolerance and allergic reactions, therefore in some cases, according to the decision of the attending physician, therapy is accompanied by taking antihistamines. To prevent side effects, drinking plenty of fluids is recommended. IN in some cases B vitamins are prescribed to prevent neuritis.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, the female urinary system is weakened, therefore it is especially susceptible to inflammatory and infectious diseases. If symptoms of inflammation appear - pain when urinating and frequent urges if your temperature rises, you should immediately consult a doctor. Advanced inflammation difficult to treat, contribute to the development of such dangerous conditions, like gestosis, become a threat to both the fetus and the life of its mother. Therefore, a doctor may decide to have a pregnant woman undergo a course of treatment with Furagin.

Furagin for children

According to the decision of the attending physician, Furagin is prescribed for children over 1 year of age if there are appropriate indications. Therapy should be carried out with caution, with strict adherence to the dosage and dosage regimen. The instructions for use contain instructions for calculating the maximum daily dosage for a child. The recommended dose of the drug is calculated based on body weight - 5-7 mg/kg/day. If side effects occur, use is stopped immediately and the child is immediately shown to a doctor. Topical use is not recommended for infants under 6 months of age.

Drug interactions

Simultaneous use with ristomycin, chloramphenicol, sulfonamides, according to the instructions for use, increases the risk of hematotoxicosis. Concomitant use of other nitrofuran derivatives, as well as urine oxidizers, e.g. ascorbic acid or potassium chloride. Ethanol can increase the severity of side effects and reduce the effect of the main active substance.

Furagin and alcohol

When drinking alcohol during the course of treatment with the drug, a number of unpleasant side effects associated with the activity of the central and peripheral nervous system may occur. Avoiding drinks containing ethanol, will help you avoid:

Side effects

The instructions for use describe the side effects that may occur while taking Furagin. They may be caused by an incorrectly calculated dosage or an individual reaction. These include:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • decreased appetite;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • development of polyneuritis;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • allergic reactions.


If the treatment regimen is incorrectly calculated, an overdose of the drug may occur. According to the instructions for use, it is accompanied the following symptoms and conditions - neurotoxic reactions, polyneuritis, liver dysfunction, acute toxic hepatitis. Treatment begins with the abolition of Furagin, heavy drinking is prescribed, symptomatic therapy, B vitamins. There is no specific antidote.


A course of treatment with the drug can be prescribed by a doctor when the expected benefit from taking it exceeds possible harm. Therefore, in some cases (for example, during pregnancy), it can be passed drug therapy, but with caution, under the supervision of specialists. The manufacturer states in the instructions for use that Furagin is contraindicated for:

  • pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding);
  • hypersensitivity to nitrofuran derivatives;
  • renal dysfunction;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • lactose deficiency and intolerance;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • in childhood.

Terms of sale and storage

The drug is sold in pharmacies and is available without a doctor's prescription. Stored out of the reach of children, shelf life is 3 years from the date of issue. It is not allowed to take an expired drug.


The most common analogue of Furagin is imported drug Furadonin. Active substance Furadonin - nitrofurantoin - has a pronounced antimicrobial effect. Another popular substitute with a similar active substance(furazidine) is Furamag. A doctor can prescribe Furagin or Furamag based on clinical picture diseases and individual characteristics patient. In case of adverse reactions one drug can be replaced by another.

In addition to these drugs, it is possible to replace them with:

  • Furasol;
  • Monural;
  • Furacilin.

Price for Furagin

Furagin is sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. The drug can be ordered through the online store and delivered to your home (the price will then be lower than usual). With a price range of different shapes release can be found. looking at the table below:
