Wheat germ oil application. Use of wheat germ oil for cosmetic purposes. Reviews of wheat germ oil

Wheat grows almost everywhere and is a popular product in both cooking and cosmetology. Young shoots are placed under pressure, then primary raw materials rich in antioxidants and vitamins are obtained. Wheat germ has long been credited with anti-aging properties. Even modern medicine uses the oil of this plant to prepare medicines.

Chemical composition and beneficial properties of wheat germ oil

Of all types of vegetable oils, this is the most used in medicine, cosmetology and Food Industry. It is loved for its antioxidant properties and record vitamin E content. Let’s take a closer look beneficial features oils:

  • improves metabolism in the body;
  • qualitatively and thoroughly cleanses the human skin;
  • removes waste, toxins and harmful substances from the food system;
  • perfectly eliminates acne and pimples, makes the skin matte and clean;
  • relieves redness and treats inflamed areas of the skin;
  • heals small wounds, 1st degree burns;
  • pleasantly tones the skin and effectively evens out the complexion;
  • activates the process of blood circulation in tissues;
  • an excellent anti-cellulite remedy;
  • smoothes wrinkles and folds of the face;
  • strengthens hair roots and structure;
  • fights cancer and cardiovascular diseases;
  • delivers oxygen to muscles;
  • copes successfully with depressive states And nervous disorders;
  • due to the presence of magnesium it reduces high rate blood sugar;
  • promotes the absorption of phosphorus and calcium with the help of vitamin D, which is contained in it;
  • B vitamins activate neural processes in the cerebral cortex, which is useful for excessive mental work;
  • zinc and selenium produce testosterone, which strengthens sexual health men.

In addition, wheat germ oil is not an allergen. It can be recommended to both adults and children. Not a single pill from a pharmacy can replace big list beneficial properties of this product.

So what does this oil so useful? It includes:

  • vitamins A, groups B, E, D, PP;
  • microelements such as phosphorus, zinc, selenium, iodine, iron and potassium;
  • lecithin, which strengthens the liver;
  • the amino acid methionine, which produces immune cells;
  • beta-carotene and protein;
  • squalene, which saturates human organs and tissues with oxygen;
  • folic, pantothenic, palmitic acid. They play an important role in metabolism.
  • zinc, which slows down active cell aging.

Thus, using wheat oil as food additives, you will get a balanced set useful substances. Its systematic use will improve your health and reduce the likelihood of contracting any disease.

The use of wheat germ oil in cosmetology and its benefits for the skin

From the archives ancient China it became known about the use of this oil for facial skin care, intimate hygiene And general strengthening health.

Since wheat oil smooths out wrinkles, strengthens the hair structure, and makes the skin clean and healthy, cosmetologists recommend using it in various creams, masks, and baths.

Modern look life wears out our body at an accelerated pace. IN major cities environment with its exhaust fumes, dirt, dust, noise and constant stress negatively affects the condition of the skin.

To replenish nutrients and enrich our bodily shell with healthy elements, cosmetologists recommend using wheat germ oil as follows:

Hair masks

  • Prepare a simple mixture of butter and honey in a 2:3 ratio. Apply the nutrient solution to your hair, hold for a while and rinse with warm water. This procedure will strengthen your hair along its entire length and eliminate split ends.
  • Another recipe for stimulating growth is to prepare a mixture of olive, castor and wheat oil in a 2:2:2 ratio. Heat this mix in a steam bath and add one egg yolk, a spoonful of honey and a pinch of mustard. Then leave it on your hair for half an hour and wash it off with shampoo. By repeating this procedure 2 times a week, you will be surprised at the result - your hair will become stronger and healthier.
  • A coconut-wheat mask will add shine and strength to your hair. To prepare it you will need coconut pulp, egg yolk, 4 tablespoons of our famous oil. The product must be kept on the hair for 60 minutes.

Lotion to eliminate dark spots around the eyes

IN Not a large number of wheat oil, add 5-10 drops of rose essential oil, mix thoroughly, then apply the finished mixture to the desired area with massaging movements. Do this procedure every day before going to bed for one week. The result should surprise you.

Medicine for eyelashes

If your eyelashes are weak after wearing makeup, strengthen them and add volume with wheat germ oil. Just take a few drops and rub them directly into your eyelashes. After a few days you will notice an improvement.

Anti-cellulite product

Add 2 tablespoons of oil to 50 grams of ground coffee. Apply the resulting scrub to problem areas using circular movements.

Wheat germ oil for nails and cuticles

The beneficial substances contained in the product have a complex effect on the cuticle. Constant care with wheat oil will moisturize, nourish, and also disinfect the area around the nail plate. A few drops are enough to heal wounds and hangnails. Vitamin E in its composition makes the skin elastic.

Let's prepare a health cocktail for cuticles based on wheat oil. So, we will need a small disposable syringe, a cup and a glass storage bottle. Measure it using a syringe (10 ml) and pour it into the bowl. Then add 5 drops of essential oil (lemon, eucalyptus, ) according to your taste. Mix the ingredients and use a syringe to pour the finished mixture into a storage container. The shelf life of cuticle oil is 4-5 months.

For body

Wheatgerm Oil can be used to moisturize the entire skin, for example in winter, when required extra food. If in your region of residence the water passes through limestone and after a shower “tightens” the skin, additional moisturizing will also be needed. In this case, simply massage using this oil. Some people don't use it in pure form and get divorced.

For the chest

What woman does not dream of having a curvy and firm breasts? Of course, in most cases, nature takes its toll and mammary glands can only be enlarged surgically. But here's the regular one manual massage using vegetable oil wheat will help tighten delicate skin and, which is very important after long period lactation.

For hands

Wheat germ oil works great for dry hands winter time, and is also an indispensable tool when restoring nails after extensions. It is enough to apply the heated product to your hands and nail plate 2-3 times a week and put on warm gloves for 30-60 minutes. After just a few procedures, the skin will look younger and perfectly moisturized.

For children

Due to its oily consistency, wheat germ oil can be used to rub and moisturize children's skin during diathesis, starting from 6 months, if there are no allergies or serious contraindications to the product. For oral administration as tonic You can use the product from 5 years old, half a teaspoon 2 times a day. However, do not rush to self-medicate your child and consult with your doctor.

Bodybuilding athletes also often use this unique remedy. Just one tablespoon of pure oil per day for a month will help increase the body's endurance to large physical activity and gets rid of toxins.

Contraindications and features of use

IN in kind As a rule, it has practically no contraindications. However, with great caution, it is necessary to prescribe the drug orally to people with a predisposition to the formation of kidney stones, gallstones and bladder. In addition, before use, you need to make sure that there is no allergic reaction or individual intolerance to the product.

Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should consult a physician before using wheat germ oil, even in for cosmetic purposes. The same applies to children under 5 years of age.

Truly versatile herbal product is a treasure trove of useful substances. Possessing both medicinal and preventive properties, this remedy will help rejuvenate and tone our body. Wheat germ oil certainly deserves attention and should be in every family medicine cabinet.

Wild wheat grains have been known to man since the Stone Age. Their homeland is Southern Europe, Asia and North Africa. Only in the 16th century was wheat brought to America, in early XIX– to Canada and Australia.

In fact, this is bread - the basis of the diet of most people on our planet. But besides this, it is the key to our youth, a source of plant collagen - the protein of longevity.

The most valuable thing in the sprouts from which wheat germ oils are obtained is plant collagen

It does not cause allergies, is completely safe, and at the same time perfectly rejuvenates organs and tissues. Moreover, it does this in two ways:

  • Stimulates the production of the body's own collagen.
  • It itself rejuvenates the skin, acting as part of cosmetic products.

Attention! Plant collagen is the basis of the connective tissue framework.

The most interesting thing is that the composition of sprouted wheat is subordinated to the production of this collagen. Judge for yourself. In order for the synthesis of this youth protein to take place, many components are needed. But they are precisely what are present in wheat:

Important! Before using the oil you need skin test– guarantees the absence of individual intolerance.


Wheat germ oil has unique properties effects on the human body:

  • It contains a lot of vitamin E - the vitamin of beauty and youth. It prolongs the life of cells.
  • The biologically active substances that the oil is filled with allow it to participate in all metabolic processes.
  • The use of wheat germ oil is also important for removing toxins and waste.
  • Wheat germ elixir has a unique effect on the skin: cleanses, relieves signs of inflammation, makes it elastic, removes wrinkles. Stimulates healing processes, restores natural protection, evens out complexion. Moisturizes and nourishes.
  • Wheat oil has an anti-cellulite effect due to its ability to break down fats and smooth the surface skin, improve its blood supply.
  • Wheat germ oil corrects hair structure, stimulates hair growth, and actively fights dandruff.

Important! Cereal sprout oil is most beneficial when used in a combination of internal and external use.


Wheat sprouts, the oil of which has found its use in different areas human life, demonstrate effectiveness in all sorts of ways.


How to take wheat germ oil internally? There are several options:

Important! An overdose of oil can cause symptoms of intoxication.

External use

How to use wheat germ oil externally? Different methods:

Properties and application in cosmetology

The most convincing effect of sprouted wheat oil in cosmetology. In its pure form it is a bit heavy in texture. But as part of any cosmetic product it gives simply amazing results.


The meaning of care is to use plant collagen

Because only its molecules are capable of penetrating through the pores of the skin into its deep layers and stimulating the production of its own collagen. More often unique product added to serums, creams, other oils and used:

  • In skin care with signs of aging. Here, an effective mask is made from a mixture of 10 ml of germ oil, to which citrus, mint, and sandalwood oils are added drop by drop. A napkin moistened with the solution is applied to the face for 30 minutes. No need to rinse off. The entire mixture is absorbed into the skin without any residue.
  • For acne treatment(acne oily skin): Add 2 drops of cedar, clove, and lavender oils to a tablespoon of the product. The method is the same.
  • To get rid of age spots use compresses from a mixture of lemon, lime, bergamot, juniper (1 drop each) and wheat (1 tablespoon) oils in the morning and evening.
  • In the care of the skin of the lips and eye area use daily care with the addition of 2 drops of wheat oil to the finished cream (serum). Or dissolve a drop of neroli (aphrodisiac from orange) and sandalwood in 10 ml of germ oil and massage along special lines.
  • Dry skin softened with pure wheat oil, ready-made means with it or a mixture of oils: wheat (1 tablespoon), rose and lemon balm (2 drops each). The scheme is usual: morning-evening, on clean skin for half an hour.

Attention! If oil gets into your eyes, rinse them thoroughly with running water. The appearance of redness and burning is a reason to consult a doctor.


The easiest way to care for your hair is to regularly add a tablespoon of product to your shampoo before washing your hair. But you can make masks from a mixture of active substances:

  • For hair loss to strengthen their bulbs, mix 10 ml of germs with ginger, pine, cedar or citrus fruits, eucalyptus, thyme (drop by drop). Rub into the roots for 30 minutes under a warm towel. Wash off with shampoo.
  • For hair growth Mix 15 ml each of amaranth and wheat oil. Apply for 20 minutes under a towel, spreading over the entire length of the hair. Wash off with warm water.
  • To prevent early gray hair comb your hair every evening with pure wheat germ oil. This improves blood supply to the bulbs.
  • Brows Apply pure oil daily in the evenings. Place cotton pads with warm oil on the eyelashes morning and evening. Don't wash it off. Suction is complete.


Problem areas are treated with a healing product and included in programs therapeutic massage and weight correction:

Attention! Ready-made cosmetics with plant collagen cannot cost less than 2,000 rubles due to the high cost of obtaining it.

Cosmetic oils with wheat germ oil

Most often, the healing elixir from wheat is mixed with the following oils, complementing their properties:

  • Jojoba: This strong antioxidant and tonic. It is able to slow down aging and, in combination with germ oil, demonstrates amazing effectiveness. When taken orally, it exhibits properties to relieve pulmonary spasms and promote expectoration.
  • Grape seeds: filled to the brim with vitamin E, and also contains calcium and potassium - regulators of micronutrient metabolism. When combined with wheat germ, the rejuvenating effect becomes unsurpassed. Ingestion strengthens bone tissue, tooth enamel, regulates the blood supply system.
  • Burdock: has the property of hyper-moisturizing, corrects dry skin, flaking, brittle hair. When taken orally, it increases immunity.
  • Macadamia (nut): increases local and general immunity, exhibits anti-inflammatory properties and a general strengthening effect.
  • Almond: When taken orally, it strengthens the immune system and reduces cholesterol. In cosmetology – nourishes the skin, protects from UV rays.
  • Castor: used for masks used to treat hair. Orally – treats constipation, stimulates intestinal function.

Important! Germ oil always forms the basis of the healing mixture.

Video lesson: properties of wheat germ oil.


Very few:

  • Individual intolerance, most often congenital.
  • Use caution if you are prone to stone formation (kidneys, gall bladder).
  • Mental disorders.

Selection, storage, use in cooking

Real wheat germ oil has a recognizable aroma, thick consistency, and color - all shades of amber. It comes in light glass bottles, but is stored in the dark and cool. Maximum term safe use- 3 months. You should always pay attention to the release date of the product.

Wheat germ oil, whose properties and uses in cooking have been known for a very long time, is used mainly as a salad dressing. For the same purpose, it is added to porridge, potatoes, and other side dishes. The basic rule is not to heat the oil above 60* to preserve its culinary value.

Important! The oil is very high in calories, but due to its ability to break down fats, it is recommended fat people. 100 g contains 884 kcal.


A unique creation of Nature, filled with biological active substances, is widely used in various areas of human life.

This is the only high-calorie product recommended by nutritionists for obesity. It must take its rightful place on your table and in your home medicine cabinet.

Beauty is a gift of nature that requires constant attention and care. To maintain their entire body in excellent condition, women today use a huge number of cosmetics. But what could be better than a gift from nature?

The record holder among products that slow down the aging process is wheat germ oil. The uniqueness of this oil is achieved thanks to its production technology - pressing young sprouts grain crops. 3 liters of this miraculous remedy is obtained from 100 kg of embryos.

Oil composition

This remedy is called a real gift of nature, because already in its natural form wheat is rich a huge amount vitamins and microelements that are useful to consume, both internally and externally. In fact, the value of this product can be compared with the value of animal proteins ( chicken egg, casein, milk powder).

Excellent rejuvenating effect is achieved thanks to maximum number Vitamin E. This concentration is no longer found in any natural product that is a source of this vitamin.

No less important are components of the oil such as vitamins A, B, PP and D. Polysaturated acids also have a beneficial effect on human skin. This oil is better known today as essential oil. It, of course, also contains other components, but the main effect of the oil still remains in force. In addition, this type of natural oil is actively used in medicine, the food industry and cosmetology.

Useful properties of oil

There are many indications for the use of wheat germ oil, both externally and internally. It's connected with big amount its beneficial properties. Let's look at them all in order.

    Oil great option for care problem skin face and whole body. It has cleansing properties. With its help you can get rid of freckles, blackheads, age spots, blackheads, pimples. Regular use This oil, according to the recommendations of experts, gives an excellent effect, improving appearance skin and its condition. After using the oil, your complexion improves significantly. This use has no contraindications.

    If the oil is rich in vitamin E, then one cannot fail to mention its ability to care for aging skin. This oil tightens the skin, makes it elastic, keeps it fresh and youthful. This oil perfectly tightens the oval of the face.

    The oil is used to make wonderful masks even for the skin around the eyes. It has the effect of getting rid of wrinkles in this problem area. You can also use it to get rid of wrinkles on the neck and décolleté.

Wheat sprouts give youth

    The oil has restorative properties. That is why it is so often used as night mask on the skin of the hands and face. The décolleté area is not ignored either.

    The softening property of the oil helps combat compacted areas on the elbows and heels. You can use it to care for the skin of your lips. They become tender and soft and all kinds of wounds heal. The oil is effective in combating pimples in the corners of the lips.

    The oil has good healing properties. Fights cracks on the feet, burns, abrasions and other wounds heal faster with it. Thanks to this property, the oil is actively used in medicine to combat eczema and dermatitis.

    The oil helps remove toxins and other pollutants from the body more quickly.

    Promotes good blood circulation in tissues. Strengthens capillary walls and has an anti-rosacea effect. Oil is natural antioxidant, accelerating cell growth and helping the formation of new ones.

    Helps strengthen hair and restore vitality to it. Plus, using oil on hair helps stimulate hair growth.

    Helps fight stretch marks and cellulite.

    The oil helps with such women's gynecological diseases, such as vaginitis, cervical erosion and mastopathy. But use alone is contraindicated. Consultation with a doctor is necessary.

All this diversity is an indicator of the quality of the use of oil in one area or another: medicine, cosmetology.

Use of oil in medicine

Wheat germ oil can be used not only for medicinal purposes, but also as a prophylaxis for many diseases internal organs. In this case, it acts as a food additive. Remember that any use of the drug internally should only occur after consultation with a doctor. For prevention purposes, you can drink a teaspoon of oil 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Pregnant, nursing mothers and children aged 6–15 years are recommended to take a preventive course for at least 2 weeks, 0.5 teaspoon 2 times a day.

It is used to prevent gastritis, colitis and ulcers. Diseases are very responsible and the dosage should be prescribed strictly by your doctor, according to the disease you are struggling with.

Use of oil in cosmetology

Cosmetology today actively uses wheat oil for various purposes. It is used to combat various problems skin of the face, hair, skin of the hands and generally the whole body. Let's take a closer look at some of the uses of this oil.

Wheat germ oil is quite heavy in nature. Therefore, you can rarely find its use in its pure form. Most often, cosmetologists dilute it with almond, peach, apricot oil. Rosehip oil is most often used for the skin around the eyes. Combination options with jojoba oil are also possible.

Clean oil can be used for small areas skin, with severe peeling, ulcers, hardening of the skin, for applications, masks or when rubbed directly into problem area. If we talk about the face, then it can be applied clean to the forehead, nasolabial folds, and lips. Also, oil without any impurities is used to treat abrasions, burns, acne, abscesses, and pimples.

Facial oil

Wanting to restore healthy and healthy skin fresh look You can prepare various masks and applications based on wheat germ oil. Let's look at specific recipes and situations.

    For aging skin, a mask is made with ingredients such as mint, orange, rosewood, and sandalwood oil. You need to take one drop of each of them. All this is applied to a napkin and then to the skin of the face for 30 minutes. There is no need to wash off this mask. All remaining oil should be absorbed into the skin.

    To combat acne, pimples and other problems with facial skin rashes, the following mask is recommended: a tablespoon of wheat oil, lavender, cedar, and clove oils, 2 drops each. Apply in the same way as the option for aging skin.

    We said that oil can restore complexion and get rid of freckles and age spots. To do this, you should make the following mask: a tablespoon of wheat oil plus lemon, juniper and bergamot oils, 1 drop each. Make this mask in the morning and evening, also applying the mixture to a napkin and soaking your face with it.

Wheat germ oil will get rid of age spots

    Dry skin causes many problems, especially during the cold season. But if you have wheat germ oil, this is not a problem. For dry skin, it is enough to lubricate problem areas with pure oil or add a drop of rosewood or lemon balm oil to it. Problem areas can be processed 2 times a day to achieve the desired effect.

    The delicate skin around the eyes can also look well-groomed and beautiful with regular treatments using this oil. It helps get rid of swelling. Simply prepare a mask with a tablespoon of wheat oil, 2 drops of rose oil and a drop of sandalwood and neroli oil. This mask is applied with gentle and gentle massage movements over the entire face (if other options exclude the area around the eyes, then it must be included here). There is no need to wash off the mask. The oil is completely absorbed and leaves no greasy residue.

Hair oil

If you have problems with your hair: lack of healthy shine, hair loss, brittleness, you can do procedures using pure wheat germ oil. It is acceptable to use it 2 times a week. You simply rub oil into the roots of your scalp 30 minutes before washing your hair, and then wash your hair in the usual way. If you have greasy hair and you feel that pure oil weighs them down even more, then add a drop of oils such as thyme, orange, eucalyptus, cedar and ginger to a tablespoon of wheat oil.

An excellent effect will be obtained after using wheat oil with jojoba oil in a ratio of 1 to 1.

All these masks strengthen hair, restore health and accelerate growth after a month of regular use.

Hand oil

The skin of your hands also requires special care. In addition to manicures, you need to regularly make masks that are applied with massage movements. Wheat germ oil makes the skin of your hands soft and tender. It is simply applied to your hands and rubbed. If desired, adding a few drops of bergamot or lavender won't hurt.

To combat cellulite, wheat oil is often used as a base. massage oils. Add 3 drops of grapefruit or orange oil to a large spoon of wheat oil. After which the mixture is rubbed with massage movements into problem areas.

It is worth saying that wheat germ oil prolongs the effect of massage oils. Sometimes cosmetologists add it precisely for this purpose.

Contraindications to the use of oil

There are practically no contraindications to the external use of oil. Individual cases possible if you have very sensitive facial skin. But your cosmetologist will definitely tell you about this. Those who suffer from diseases such as cholelithiasis and urolithiasis should also be careful with internal use. You can begin treatment with oil only after the recommendation of a doctor.

So that unwanted things do not arise allergic reactions, it is better to conduct a test before use. Apply a small amount of oil to the skin behind the ear or on the forearm for 30 minutes. If there are no visible reactions, then you can use the oil without restrictions.

Oil storage

If you purchased the oil and have not used it yet, then you should store it in a dark place and tightly closed. The room temperature should not exceed +15 degrees. Under these conditions, the oil retains all its beneficial properties for 12 days. Once you start using the oil, you should store it in the refrigerator.

From our article it follows that wheat germ oil is an almost universal remedy that nature itself created. A person only slightly transforms its components and receives ideal means to combat many internal and external diseases.

Beauty is a terrible force. You should take care of it carefully, but carefully, so as not to harm it and the health of the whole body.

The oil contains many useful fatty acids : Omega-3, Omega-6; amino acids not synthesized in the human body; V in moderation vitamins, as well as, etc. It contains and in the highest concentration, which provides a powerful antioxidant effect and improves.

Also, wheat germ squeeze contains phytosterols, which are responsible for strengthening cell membranes and have the ability to reduce the level when taking the product internally.

Benefits of wheat germ oil

Wheat is a unique crop; it contains a lot of amino acids, oils, etc.

Did you know? Ancient people were forced to eat unripe wheat, since the wild crop crumbled immediately after ripening, and it was almost impossible to collect it.

Wheat germ oil accumulates everything useful qualities cereal. The rich composition of the product makes it incredibly useful for.

When used internally:

  • Helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels and increase their elasticity.
  • Removes bad, reducing its level to normal.
  • Stimulates insulin production, which is important for people suffering from ( we're talking about about type 2).
  • Normalizes blood pressure.
  • Has a stimulating effect on reproductive function.

For external use:
  • Nourishes, moisturizes, softens.
  • Has a lifting effect.
  • Brightens dark spots, reduces .
  • Tones.
  • Nourishes and...

Application in cosmetology and medicine

An extract from sprouted wheat germ was actively used as a medicinal and health product back in ancient times Chinese medicine. Now it is used in cosmetic procedures, making various things based on it.

IN medical practice A 10% solution is usually used, since the product has a pronounced taste, which is very noticeable when taken orally.

  • As a dietary supplement, it is taken orally for prevention and treatment. Vitamin E, which is the main component, ensures vascular elasticity and reduces the risk of coronary disease.
  • Wheat germ oil is successfully used in gynecology, it is especially useful for hormonal imbalances in the body, provoking, as well as with erosion of the cervix and other inflammatory processes genital area.
  • To treat gastritis or colitis, take the product after meals in the amount of 1 teaspoon.
  • The miraculous remedy is also prescribed to people who have undergone chemotherapy; it allows the body to quickly restore strength and strengthens.

For cosmetic purposes, the scope of application is no less wide.
  • Wheat germ oil is excellent in treatment, it helps well, drying and soothing.
  • Freckles noticeably lighten after just a few applications. Inflammation and peeling also heal successfully and quickly thanks to this remedy. However, it is worth remembering that in its pure form the product has a rather dense and viscous consistency, so when applied to it, it is usually recommended to dilute it with other oils that have a lower density.
  • Wheat germ oil does an excellent job with facial expressions and is best suited for age-related skin.
  • This product works well for a variety of purposes, including smoothing out and making defects less noticeable.

Did you know? The main traditional dish of the ancient Navruz holiday, celebrated by the peoples of Iran and Central Asia, is prepared from sprouted wheat grains and is called« sumalak» .

Recipes for use

Included of this product there is no magic, but the vitamin E present in it, also known as vitamin, has made the product popular among cosmetologists and those who take care of their skin. There are a great many ways to use it; the product is mainly used in cooking.

For face

Wheat germ oil helps to improve the face, and its use is also practiced to soften and soften the face.

It needs to be slightly warmed to a comfortable temperature, and the baths should be given for 15-20 minutes. A simpler and more convenient way is to massage your hands, cuticles and nails using the same heated product. For a whitening effect, it will be useful to add 1-2 drops lemon oil, and mint in the same amount will help cope with dryness and flaking of the skin.

For massage

The high density of this product makes it convenient to use when carrying out massage.

Very high efficiency shows wheat germ oil in the fight against stretch marks, reducing their severity. For these purposes, mix the base (1 tablespoon) with citrus oils (orange, grapefruit, lemon) 1-2 drops each and massage problem areas.

For bruises and stretch marks

External use of the product is not limited to the cosmetic area. For example, for bruises or sprains, it will relieve some pain and reduce inflammation in the area. Use consists of massaging the affected area using pure, undiluted product, warmed to a temperature slightly higher than body temperature.

How to store at home

Wheat germ oil can be stored for 2 years. Closed containers are stored in a dry, dark place at temperatures up to +25°C, but it is recommended to store an open bottle in the refrigerator.

Contraindications and precautions

This drug has no specific contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance reactions, which is the basis for discontinuation of the drug.

People suffering from gallbladder diseases or urolithiasis, it is recommended to consult a doctor regarding the advisability of use.

So, today we took a look at a great inexpensive natural remedy, a cold-pressed product of wheat germ. Its composition and healing properties are unique and correct use will allow you not only to make your skin radiant and well-groomed, but also to overcome ailments and strengthen your skin.

Help strengthen weak, brittle hair at home nourishing masks from natural ingredients. Wheat germ oil contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements necessary to restore frozen hair bulbs and prevent dry hair from falling out. Regular use of this product protects the ends from split ends, eliminates the symptoms of seborrhea, skin itching, normalizes functioning sebaceous glands, exfoliation of dead cells.

The cosmetic product is made by cold pressing from sprouted grains. It has high nutritional and biological value, has a balanced composition of polyunsaturated fatty acids, differs high content vitamin E. Tocopherol has a pronounced antioxidant effect, improves blood circulation in the deep layers of the dermis, relieves inflammation, accelerates wound healing, stimulates lipid and water metabolism.

Wheat germ oil also contains β-carotene, which helps increase local immunity, nourishing the scalp, slowing down the aging process and the appearance of premature gray hair. B vitamins strengthen the structure and stimulate hair growth. Cholecalciferol protects the epidermis from fungal diseases, seborrhea, folliculitis, inflammation and irritation.

Nicotinic acid activates redox reactions on cellular level, acts directly on the follicles, stimulating their growth, awakening frozen hair follicles. The embryos contain vitamin PP, which promotes cell renewal, slows down the aging process, increases the production of melanin - a pigment that gives color and shine to hair, preventing the appearance of gray hair.

Wheat oil contains a plant antioxidant - squalene, which has fungicidal, wound-healing, antibacterial and immunomodulatory properties. The product is rich in macro- and microelements, which are beneficial for nourishing the hair, follicles and epidermis of the head.

Indications for use of wheat germ oil:

  • seborrhea;
  • dry, brittle, sparse hair;
  • split ends;
  • irritation, itching of the skin;
  • hair restoration after drug therapy;
  • slow growth of strands;
  • dull, lifeless curls;
  • defence from negative impact ultraviolet rays;
  • early appearance of gray hair.

Wheat germ oil for hair is used to restore strands after dyeing, restore shine and silkiness, eliminate split ends, contains complex therapy at various forms seborrhea. Individual intolerance is a contraindication to the use of a cosmetic product. active ingredients and menstruation period.

How to properly use oil at home?

The product has a very thick, viscous consistency, so it is not applied in its pure form. Most often it is diluted with other, lighter natural oils. For example, wheat essential oil can be diluted with apricot, almond (read about the properties and benefits of almond extract), peach, lavender, grape seeds, jojoba or orange.

The prepared composition is applied to washed, wet hair starting from the roots. Massage the skin at the roots for several minutes, then distribute the mixture along the entire length of the curls with a fine comb. Cover your head with film and a terry towel, hold it for 20–30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with shampoo under running water.

Can be diluted cosmetic product With store masks for hair at the rate of 100 ml of washing product per 10 ml of oil. During treatment, you should not use shampoos containing silicone to wash your hair; this substance forms a film on the surface of the skin and makes it difficult for vitamins and beneficial components to penetrate.

Oil in its pure form is used only to treat areas of redness, inflammation and peeling of the skin. To do this, apply lotions to the affected area 2-3 times a day, hold the compress for 15 minutes, then wash off warm water with soap.

Recipes for homemade hair care masks

1. Effective method strengthening falling curls: dilute 1 teaspoon of wheat oil with the same amount of jojoba oil and add a few drops of orange essential product. The composition is rubbed into the roots 20 minutes before washing your hair, the procedure is repeated 1-2 times a week, the course of treatment is 2-3 weeks. The mixture must be applied warm.

2. You can make masks with wheat germ concentrate; this product is sold in pharmacies and comes in the form of disposable capsules. There is no need to dilute it, just open the shell and apply the contents to the hair roots, gently rub in with massage movements and hold for 30 minutes.

3. Recipe for a hair mask against dandruff: prepare 0.5 liters of chamomile decoction with a string, add a teaspoon of wheat oil, ½ tsp. dry yeast and the same amount lemon juice. Distribute the composition onto the curls, rub into the scalp and leave for 20 minutes. Therapy is repeated once a week for a month.

4. Recipe for a mask to treat split ends: a tablespoon of wheat germ oil,
2 tsp. eucalyptus and lavender, 1 tsp. liquid honey. The ingredients are heated in a steam bath and applied to the damaged areas, kept for 30–40 minutes, then washed off with warm water and shampoo. You need to apply the product once a week for a month.

5. Recipe for a mask for oily hair: 2 tablespoons of yogurt, ½ tsp. lemon juice, 1 tsp. wheat germ oils. Regular use of this composition normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, removes excess shine from strands, making them light and voluminous. It is enough to carry out the procedure once every 7 days.

6. The recipe for a mask to accelerate hair growth has received good reviews. To prepare it, you will need wheat germ oil, castor oil (more about its benefits in the article), and almond oil in equal proportions. The ingredients are distributed on the strands while warm, wrapped in film and wrapped in a terry towel, and left for 30–60 minutes. You need to use the composition at home twice a week until the condition of your curls improves. Preventive procedures can be done 2-3 times a year.

Homemade masks deeply nourish the scalp, stimulate metabolic processes, blood flow to hair follicles, normalize the secretion of the sebaceous glands. Thanks to these properties, curls become silky, shiny, their fragility stops and growth accelerates, split ends disappear. The cosmetic product can be used both to treat damaged strands, seborrhea, and to prevent hair loss and strengthen follicles.

Reviews of the results of using wheat oil

“After taking antibiotics, my hair started falling out a lot. I tried many different shampoos and conditioners, there was no effect until I bought one natural oil from wheat. I learned about it from a friend who uses it all the time. I made masks at home with the addition of others healthy ingredients within a month. As a result, the strands look much better, the loss has stopped.”

Oksana, Nizhny Novgorod.

“In winter, my curls become dull, brittle and require care. It is not always possible to visit a beauty salon, so I often use folk remedies. My favorite product is wheat germ concentrate, I dilute it with orange oil and add a little lemon juice, make masks 1-2 times a week. I’m very pleased with the result, the strands are shiny and silky, my friends are jealous.”

Victoria, St. Petersburg.

“And I was treating dandruff, I read about its benefits on the Internet, many women leave good reviews about wheat germ hair oil. I used several recipes, added honey, yogurt and others essential preparations. I want to say, this is a great way to cure damaged strands, split ends and get rid of the symptoms of seborrhea at home.”

Marina, Moscow.

“After the birth of my child, my hair began to fall out a lot, I didn’t have time to visit salons, so I decided to resort to folk remedies. My friends advised me to try wheat germ hair oil. I read many reviews and interesting articles about its benefits. At home I used a recipe with the addition of castor and lavender oil, I did the procedures 2 times a week. After a month of use, my hair became stronger and no longer falls out.”


“As I got older, my hair began to turn gray and my hair began to fall out. A hairdresser I know advised me to take a restorative course with the help of nutritious oil for hair. I prepared masks with wheat, adding almond and burdock. The strands look more vibrant, they don’t fall out, now I use this medicine constantly and recommend it to my friends.”

Elizaveta, Rostov-on-Don.

“I have heard many times good reviews about the benefits of wheat germ extract for strengthening and growing hair, so I decided to try this product myself. Of all the recipes, I chose the most suitable one and performed the procedures 2 times a week. Positive result was noticeable after just 2 applications, and a month later my strands were unrecognizable.”