Vetiver, Vetiver essential oil - Vetiveria zizanoides. The magical properties of essential oils - the magical influence of aromas

Vetiver oil

Sources and methods of obtaining

Essential oil vetiver obtained from the roots of Indian Vetiver (Vetiveria zizanoides Stapf). Receipt method oils - steam distillation. The oil yield is about 1.5-3%.

Color vetiver oil – brown or red-brown. Aroma – deep, persistent, woody, earthy and smoky. Consistency - a very thick, dense liquid.

Compound: The composition of the oil is complex and depends on the place of cultivation and the age of the rhizomes. The main elements of essential oil are vetiven, vetivenene, vetiselinene, cadinene, amorphene, kusen, tricyclovetine and other components.

Compatibility: bergamot, verbena, geranium, jasmine, ylang-ylang, cypress, cinnamon, lavender, myrtle, juniper, patchouli, rosewood, sandalwood, pine, clary sage and evernia. Particularly popular is a mixture of vetiver and grapefruit, which is called the “Aphrodite mixture”.

Description of the ether carrier

Family: cereals (Graminae).

Vetiver – tall perennial grass with narrow leaves.

Vetiver is native to India. It grows wild and cultivated in tropical and subtropical countries: India, China, Ceylon, Malaya, Indonesia, Brazil, Java, Haiti and Japan. Vetiver from Reunion Island is considered the best quality. The essential oil from there is called “Bourbon”.


Vetiver oil is translated from Hindi as “oil of calm.” Its name reflects the main property of the oil - soothing, calming.

In ancient times in India, local residents wove rugs and window curtains from vetiver to create an atmosphere of calm, comfort, and home. Indian women also wove fans from the roots of vetiver so that in hot weather, pouring water over the wicker to refresh themselves and their homes.

Indian soil scientists planted vetiver, which has very tenacious roots, to prevent soil erosion.

In ancient times, noble women used vetiver baths to restore the original slimness of their figures after childbirth.

Vetiver oil began to be used in perfumery in Europe in the 19th century. The most expensive and prestigious perfumes were created from vetiver.

Impact on the body

Vetiver oil:

  • normalizes digestion;
  • activates metabolism;
  • improves local blood circulation;
  • relieves muscle tension;
  • improves the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, relieving myasthenia gravis, contracture, myositis;
  • improves the condition of arthritis and arthrosis;
  • helps with hoarseness, inflammation vocal cords and laryngitis;
  • softens cough;
  • relieves tracheitis and bronchitis;
  • eliminates congestion;
  • improves the condition varicose veins veins;
  • stimulates red blood cells;
  • increases immunity;
  • used for wounds, irritations, burns, infectious diseases skin, inflammation;
  • normalizes feminine hormonal system;
  • relieves irritability during menopause, softens postpartum depression;
  • regulates sexual functions;
  • is an erotic stimulant, helps with erotic infantility, decreased potency, frigidity;
  • strengthens, stabilizes and calms the nervous system;
  • relieves the effects of stress, fatigue, anxiety, fear, depression, depression;
  • promotes concentration;
  • restores the structure of natural biorhythms, eliminates the symptoms of insomnia or increased sleepiness;
  • improves mood and promotes an optimistic mood.

Cosmetic effects

Vetiver essential oil:

  • restores skin covering fading, dry and thin skin;
  • improves skin elasticity and firmness;
  • rejuvenates the skin;
  • smoothes expression wrinkles;
  • promotes skin regeneration;
  • stimulates the synthesis of natural collagen and melanin;
  • regulates activities sebaceous glands, drains and shrinks pores, eliminating acne, rashes, dermatitis;
  • eliminates keratoses, swelling, allows you to get rid of congestive inflammation;
  • fixes the tan, eliminates all photodermic reactions and prevents negative influence ultraviolet;
  • restores the keratin structure of hair;
  • restores hair after chemical damage and unfavorable factors;
  • prevents hair loss;
  • prevents the accumulation of excess weight;
  • helps remove stretch marks on the stomach and chest;
  • helps maintain the elasticity of the mammary glands, especially after the end of lactation of babies;
  • deodorizes and optimizes perspiration.

Ways to use vetiver oil internally

1 drop of verive oil with 1/2 teaspoon of honey or jam is used internally. The mixture is washed down with wine, juice, tea or coffee. On empty stomach cannot be used. It is best to consume vetiver after eating meat.

Methods for external use of vetiver essential oil

Vetiver essential oil is most actively used for aroma lamps, aroma baths, inhalations, compresses and massage.

Oil burner: 4-6 drops per 15 sq. m.

Aroma medallion: 1-2 drops of oil.

Bath: 3-5 drops per 1 tablespoon of emulsifier. The duration of the procedure is no more than 20 minutes.

Sauna: 4-6 drops per 15 m2.

Massage: 5-6 drops per 15 g of base.

Erotic massage: 3 drops per 15 g of base (jojoba oil, macadamia oil).

Inhalations: 1-2 drops. For hot inhalation, the procedure time is 4-6 minutes, cold inhalation – 5-8 minutes.

Compresses: 5 drops per 10 g of base oil.

Enrichment of cosmetics: 2-3 drops per 15 g of base, which should be pre-cooled.

Aroma combing: 5 drops per 10 g of base oil. Apply to comb teeth.

Other uses

Vetiver oil is widely used in cooking, cosmetology and the perfume industry.

Veriver oil is used as a base note in perfumes east direction. Vetiver oil is also used to produce vetiverylacetate (a liquid with the scent of tobacco and rose), which is actively used in perfumery.

In cosmetology, vetiver essential oil is used as a fixative in all cosmetic products: creams, soaps, lotions, etc.

IN Food Industry the oil serves as a natural preservative, for example for asparagus.


Do not use during pregnancy. Check the scent for individual tolerance.

Sometimes a person feels a strong tension that is difficult to deal with. Or the mind is in turmoil, abandoning peace of mind. If you are experiencing such problems, then it is time to learn about vetiver oil. From this article you will learn what beneficial and healing properties vetiver essential oil has, as well as recipes for its use.

Vetiver oil is used for various healing purposes. It is a good antiseptic and sedative, able to gently calm frayed nerves. Once you know that this oil has a number of benefits, you will want to purchase it and experience the benefits for yourself.

  1. Vetiver will help get rid of lice

  2. Will cheer you up

    Vetiver oil is also a great enemy of stress. According to Ayurveda, it helps to find harmony, significantly reduces stress levels, eases the intestines and improves sleep.

  3. Vetiver essential oil is good for the skin

    This amazing oil removes external inflammation skin. It eliminates rashes and redness, as well as the effects of prolonged exposure to the sun. It is also useful for severe dryness and flaking caused by eczema.

  4. Helps get rid of acne

    Vetiver oil fights acne and blackheads. It has strong anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Under the influence of the antibacterial components of vetiver oil, an unfavorable environment for the development of bacteria is created. This helps prevent the development of new rashes, as well as eliminate existing ones. Anti-inflammatory components relieve redness and promote regeneration. This makes the skin smooth and blemishes go away. In addition, the components of the oil control new acne lesions, preventing their development.

  5. Anti-aging

    Vetiver oil also promotes cell regeneration, which slows down aging. The components contained in vetiver oil promote the production of collagen in a more active mode. Using this oil, you will forget about blemishes, dryness, wrinkles, as well as blackheads. Long-term use oils strengthens connective tissue epidermis. Epidermal cells restore lost elasticity. As a result, the skin becomes younger, it simply radiates health. That is why vetiver oil is very widely used in anti-aging cosmetics.

  6. Vetiver improves emotional well-being

    Vetiver oil is also an effective remedy for nerve problems. By using oil, you can be sure that the nervous system receives the necessary support. Nervous system becomes stronger, resistance to emotional shocks, fears and emotional trauma increases. In addition, the use of this oil will be an excellent prevention against nerve problems such as seizures, Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis.

  7. Vetiver oil helps in intimate life

    Vetiver oil is also a strong aphrodisiac. The amazing aroma of this oil evokes sexual desire in men. It can also be used for problems such as impotence, frigidity, premature ejaculation and lack of libido.

  8. Reduces stress

    This oil can fight depression and anxiety. In some cultures, vetiver oil is believed to have therapeutic effect on a spiritual level, controlling the seven chakras of the human body. This eliminates all existing negativity not only from the mind and body, but also from the soul. Nerves, mind and body relax, positivity and peace of mind sets in. Using oil, you will forget about stress and anxiety, which is very important for our modern life.

  9. Used in perfumery

    Due to its amazing aroma, vetiver oil is widely used in the perfume industry. It has a fresh lemon aroma. Many of the best scents have been created by combining vetiver oil with other ingredients.

  10. Good for the digestive system

    It can also be consumed internally as a food product. It improves blood circulation and immunity. The body becomes resistant to viral and fungal infections. It is also used as a flavoring in various dishes.

All these positive properties make vetiver oil super remedy which improves health and beauty. This product simultaneously performs the functions of a medicinal, massage oil, food product, a component of spirits, as well as a spiritual healer. Knowing all these benefits, everyone will want to buy vetiver oil as soon as possible.

7 recipes for using vetiver oil

  1. Remedy for varicose veins

    Compress – add 4 ml of vetiver oil to 200 ml of water. This compress is kept for no longer than an hour. The product will relieve swelling and also alleviate inflammation. If you have varicose veins, then a compress with this oil will be a real godsend. It will relieve pain and heaviness.

  2. For headaches

    Inhalations from this ether will also be useful. They will eliminate headaches due to colds. To prepare the product, add a few drops to hot water. You need to breathe for about a quarter of an hour. Also, such inhalations combat nasal congestion. To increase immunity

    Ingestion. In this case, it is important to remember that vetiver oil should not be taken on an empty stomach. The rules of administration are as follows: dilute 10 drops of oil in 200 ml of honey. You can use jam instead of honey. Drink the mixture with vetiver oil three times a day. You can eat no more than a teaspoon at a time. It is advisable to drink the product with juice. The immune system will become stronger, and the intestines will work better.

  3. Vetiver oil for skin

    It is often used to improve the condition of skin and hair. An important property of this oil is the stimulation of collagen production.

    Vetiver essential oil can be found in various cosmetics. It helps restore skin and helps tighten pores. As a result, there are fewer blackheads. Vetiver can be enriched with face cream. This will help with fine wrinkles. If you use it regularly, your skin will smooth out. She will simply radiate radiance. If you add oil to the cream you apply around your eyes, it will help remove crow's feet.

    Vetiver is suitable for sensitive skin. This ether can be added to body scrubs. It will help tighten the skin and fight cellulite. This remedy increases melanin production. If you enrich your after-sun product with it, it will be more durable and your skin will be sufficiently moisturized. How to add vetiver oil to cosmetics? Add 2 drops per 10 ml.

  4. Hair recipe

    You can also add vetiver oil to your hair products. It will improve the condition of brittle hair by restoring keratin layers. In addition, the oil will help with hair loss and cure dandruff. Brushing will also be helpful. A mixture of 5 drops of oil with 10 ml of base oil is applied to the comb.

Syn: vetiver, couscous, khus, bladderwort, has-khas, ushira, viteveria, Indian air conditioner, incense root, elixir of serenity, herb of tranquility, sleep-herb.

Vetiver, or couscous, is a special variety of the family of cereal plants that grow in the tropical and subtropical zones of the planet. The homeland of vetiver is South India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka. The plant has pronounced antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, tonic, cooling, rejuvenating, moisturizing and many other properties. The essential oil obtained from this plant has found wide application in perfumery, aromatherapy and cosmetology.

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Flower formula

Vetiver flower formula: O2+(2)T3P1.

In medicine

Vetiver is not included in the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation and is not used in official medicine(in the form of decoctions and infusions). However, earning the title of “one of the most versatile plants of the third millennium,” vetiver is used in Ayurveda as a means to remove excess heat from the body (both internally and externally). No wonder the plant was nicknamed the Indian “air conditioner”.

Vetiver is called the "elixir of serenity" and "oil of tranquility" in Ayurveda, as its legendary essential oil has some sedative properties that promote quick elimination panic, anxiety, shock states, hysterics, depressive disorder, fatigue. Some Ayurvedic doctors recommend that people use vetiver oil to normalize sleep, improve mood, and also to weaken joint and muscle pain for rheumatism and arthritis.

It is worth noting that the vetiver plant is recognized by Ayurveda quite a powerful antidepressant, allowing you to easily relieve fatigue, fears and anxiety. In addition, vetiver helps regulate appetite, relieves muscle tension, improves the overall tone of the body. Vetiver herbal preparations ease the course of female menopause and help relieve the manifestations of PMS.

In traditional eastern medical practice Vetiver oil is used to stimulate the lymphatic and endocrine system. In addition, the plant is an excellent antiseptic, acting against both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Vetiver based medicines are used oriental medicine as contributing to the regulation of metabolism and enhancing the production of the hormone estrogen.

Vetiver oil is included in Veda Vedica cream, Vedica herbal face and body wash powder, Vedica stretch mark oil, Vedica patchouli and vetiver shower gels. Vedica hair oil, Vedica anti-hair loss oil, MEDIMIX lakshadhi oil soap, MEDIMIX 18 herbs soap, Vedica body milk, etc. have proven themselves well.

For example, vetiver oil in Veda Vedica moisturizing cream removes various inflammations, rashes, irritations, cools, tones the skin, improves complexion by delivering oxygen to the blood, gives the skin elasticity. Shower gel “Patchouli & Vetiver” relieves fatigue and tones the entire body, and also emphasizes the scent of the patchouli plant and gives elasticity to the skin.

The essential oil used in Vedica hand cream infuses life into them, rejuvenating and toning the skin, restoring dull and dry skin susceptible to negative influences external environment. Vetiver oil for hair, which is part of specialized products from the Vedica line, promotes hair growth, gives it strength, tones the scalp, relieves inflammation and cleanses the skin.

Contraindications and side effects

Vetiver essential oil, as well as any herbal preparations (creams, ointments, gels) based on this plant are not recommended for use for medicinal and cosmetic purposes by pregnant women, nursing mothers, children under 6 months and persons with individual intolerance to the components of the plant.

In perfumery

Vetiver oil is successfully used in the perfume industry. Its aroma is valued both in itself and as a reliable fixative for a bouquet of different aromas. For example, vetiver goes well with citrus fruits (citron, mandarin, bergamot), spicy ones (cinnamon, cardamom), jasmine, ylang-ylang, mimosa, lavender, rose, patchouli, sandalwood.

In the global perfume market, the demand for the vetiver plant is growing every day due to the wonderful and unique smell of its oil. And this is not in vain: the plant gives perfumery products quite pleasant aroma, helping to reduce the rate of evaporation. Vetiver is the basis of Indian perfumery and a key ingredient in 38% of all Western fragrances, 22% of which are fragrances for men.

In India, vetiver essential oil is an essential component of all women's perfumes and men's eau de toilette. For a long time it was called the "oil of tranquility" and was the most sought-after ingredient in powdered incense in both India and the island of Sri Lanka. As mentioned above, the aroma of vetiver oil is valued for its fixative qualities and is still used to stabilize the most delicate volatile aromatic ingredients, preventing them from quickly evaporating.

In cosmetology

Thanks to his unique property stimulate synthesis natural melanin and collagen, increase the elasticity of connective tissues, and due to its soothing, cooling and anti-inflammatory properties, vetiver is widely used in cosmetology. For example, the cooling effect of the plant has a pleasant effect on the skin, soothing it. Cosmetic herbal preparations of vetiver (creams, gels), due to their anti-inflammatory and soothing properties, help relieve irritation and redness on the skin, rashes, inflammation, swelling, smooth out facial wrinkles, and heal cuts.

Vetiver oil can regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands, drain and shrink pores, eliminate acne and destroy excess sebum. The rejuvenating and tonic properties of couscous essential oil saturate the skin with moisture, eliminate flaking, dryness, and heal cracks. Thanks to its moisturizing effect, vetiver oil is perfect for the ongoing care of irritated, oily and sensitive skin.

It is worth noting that the use of vetiver in cosmetology does not end there. The plant oil is effective means to improve and full recovery firmness and elasticity of the skin. In addition, herbal preparations based on vetiver oil improve blood microcirculation, cleanse the skin of dead cells, rejuvenating it, and also have a tightening effect. Some cosmetic products that contain vetiver oil are ideal for caring for thin, dry and naturally loose skin.

Vetiver oil, the use of which has found wide popularity in perfumery and cosmetology, is used as a massage product separately from the base oil. vegetable oil or with other herbs. Massage Oil It also relieves fatigue, tightens the skin and makes it elastic, and perfectly relaxes the entire body. Cosmetologists strongly recommend taking tonic baths with vetiver oil.

Vetiver oil is used for hair with the same success as for skin. Cosmetics based on this plant promote hair growth, add strength to it, delivering additional oxygen to the hair follicles. Also, such products have a tonic effect on the scalp, relieve various inflammations and cleanse the skin. People who use such products note a pleasant feeling of coolness on their heads. In addition, essential oil in hair products is an effective remedy for lice.

In other areas

In aromatherapy

In aromatherapy, there are three types of effects of the aromas of couscous essential oil: psycho-emotional, healing and magical. The emotional impact of the aroma of vetiver oil helps relieve fear and strengthen the spirit from certain temptations. This scent is suitable for use in difficult periods life, as well as before exams, going to the dentist, meeting with the authorities, etc. This scent helps you decide psychological problems too open and sensitive people.

The therapeutic effect of couscous oil is sedative and helps relieve anxiety, relieve obsessions. No wonder it is called “the oil of calm and tranquility.” A bath with vetiver essential oil is a great stress reliever. Because it is derived from the roots of the plant, it is believed to have “earthly properties” that help support the soul and bring it into balance with the mind and body.

The magical effect of vetiver oil is a special aroma that protects its owner from enemies and black magic from the outside.

In other areas

Vetiver, the aroma of which combines perfectly with the scents of vanilla, oakmoss, patchouli, sandalwood oil and rose, is a constant companion of expensive perfumery and cosmetic products around the world, is widely used in the creation of fragrances for the production of expensive varieties of soap, and is also used in the aromatization of Indian soft drinks. drinks - sherbets.

In addition to its main purpose - use in perfumery and cosmetology - diluted vetiver oil is widely used for many other purposes and is included in air fresheners, men's aftershave lotions, and is also used as a flavoring agent for the food industry. Couscous is used in chewing gum against smoking.

Dried vetiver roots are used as packaging for perfumes, for weaving baskets, rugs and fans. Curtains made from this plant save people in their homes from the heat, and if the curtains are sprinkled with water, aromatic coolness will hang in the air. This practice is widely used by the population of southern countries in summer period. The stems of the plant make excellent brooms. Vetiver is used together with bamboo to make paper. In everyday life, the plant is used as a repellent against fleas, cockroaches and other insect pests.

Unlike most other herbs, the roots of fragrant vetiver grow deep into the soil instead of spreading outward. Such roots can reach up to 4 meters in depth. This makes vetiver an excellent soil erosion control agent in the tropical climates where it grows. The plant does not cause the slightest damage to agricultural species.

Vetiver, thanks to the unusual structure of its root system, is also used to strengthen terraces, river banks, slopes, mines, ravines, aqueducts, canals, rice fields, dams, and dunes. The plant is planted on slopes to prevent the flow of water during the rainy season in certain countries. This is very relevant for Agriculture in hilly and mountainous areas, for example, in the Himalayas. In India and other Asian countries, residents plant vetiver to maintain a terrace, on which, in turn, citrus fruits and tea are cultivated.

Vetiver root is often used in so-called folk magic. The fact is that the roots of this plant are considered capable of ensuring human safety and increasing his financial resources. A well-known ritual is associated with this, designed to promote their own safety: people inhale the aroma of vetiver and acquire the ability to isolate themselves from bad energy from others.


The vetiver plant (Latin: Chrysopogon zizanioides L.) is one of the species of perennial herbs belonging to the genus Chrysopogon (Latin: Chrysopogon) and the family Poaceae (Latin: Gramineae), or Poaceae (Latin: Poaceae).

Botanical description

Vetiver is a tall, dense perennial herb. amber color, having narrow linear leaves and brown flowers blooming on long stems. Vetiver can reach up to 1.5 m in height. It is curious that while others herbaceous plants have roots that grow parallel to the surface (to the sides) at a shallow depth, vetiver has long roots, reaching a length of up to 4 meters and growing vertically. The thin roots around the main root of the plant are rich in essential oil. The oil yield from one such root is up to 2%. The plant reproduces by division or layering. This fast-growing perennial can live up to 55 years or more. Vetiver flower formula: O2+(2)T3P1.


Vetiver is native to Northern India, Sri Lanka and Indonesia. Vetiver is a cultivated plant grown in Brazil (and other countries) South America), in the Comoros, Polynesia, China, Japan, the islands of Java, Haiti, Reunion (Bourbon), the Philippines, France, the warm Mediterranean countries of Spain and Italy, as well as Northern California.

Currently, the plant is cultivated in Northern India (states of Rajasthan, Punjab, Utar Pradesh) and in Southern India (states of Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh). Vetiver grows on almost any soil located at altitudes of no more than 1200 m. The plant especially loves river banks, wetlands and plains.

Being an upland xerophyte, vetiver is able to withstand long-term drought, it can survive in conditions of prolonged seasonal flooding, it tolerates extreme temperatures and grows in a wide range of soil moisture. Vetiver grows wild in India, Burma, Tahiti, Ceylon, Java, and Haiti.

Procurement of raw materials

Dried couscous roots are used as medicinal raw materials, from which essential oil is obtained; leaves and seeds are less commonly used. The legendary vetiver essential oil is a valuable raw material extracted from the thin and long roots of the plant. These roots reach a length of up to 1.3 m and surround the main root. Vetiver oil is obtained by steam distillation. Only old (at least 2 years old) couscous roots are processed. Immediately before distillation, the roots are soaked in water. This happens on the islands of Java, Reunion and Haiti. It is worth noting that aromatic properties This oil varies depending on the place of growth and distillation of the raw material.

The main producer of the most valuable essential oil is the island of Java. This is where steam distillation of old roots is carried out over 24-36 hours with steam high pressure. This allows for the most complete extraction of high-boiling aromatic components. The oil yield from each root is from 2 to 3%. The resulting vetiver oil has an amazing aroma - delicately smoky, bittersweet, dryish-tart, woody-balsamic. Externally, the oil is not fluid and light, as is usually the case. It is heavy, viscous, dense, rich, dense, and has a distinct mustard or amber-tea tint.

Part of the vetiver raw material comes to Europe, where the highest quality oil used in perfumery is obtained from the roots using the same high-power steam distillation. In places where there is no appropriate equipment (Reunion, Haiti), conventional steam distillation is used for a long time (about 3 days). However, even this does not allow the most complete extraction of aromatically important sesquiterpene alcohols from the roots of the plant (yield up to 1.5%).

Chemical composition

The vetiver plant contains vetiverol, benzoic acid, furfural, α and β-vetivone, vetiven, vetivenate, vetivenil. The chemical composition of vetiver oil, despite its importance, has not yet been adequately studied. It is only known that it includes α-amorphene - 2.57%, valencene - 1.12%, β-vetiverne - 3.59%, eudesmol - 4.60%, husimol - 24.11%, isovalensenol - 16 .61%, β-vetivone – 5.03%, α-vetivone – 6.70%.

Pharmacological properties

Medicinal properties vetiver is due to the presence healing substances in its chemical composition, in particular, essential oil. Vetiver oil has bactericidal, immunomodulatory, analgesic, sedative, astringent, cleansing, antispasmodic, hormonotropic, anti-inflammatory, relaxing and other properties.

For example, the local blood-stimulating property of vetiver essential oil makes it indispensable in complex therapy rheumatism and arthritis. Due to its property it is effective and quick to remove painful sensations in joints and muscles, vetiver significantly improves the quality of life of individuals experiencing these problems.

Bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, restorative and immunomodulatory properties have allowed vetiver oil to prove itself as a remedy for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract and nasopharynx: hoarseness, laryngitis, inflammation of the vocal cords, bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, colds, chronic cough.

Due to the sedative and relaxing properties of couscous oil, as well as its psycho-emotional aromatic effect on the body, psychiatrists and neurologists recommend aromatizing rooms with vetiver or carrying a special aroma pendant for insomnia, neurosis, depression, syndrome chronic fatigue, panic attacks, self-doubt, etc.

The properties of vetiver essential oil, which activate metabolism, prevent obesity, and the blood-stimulating effect improves the body's condition in case of varicose veins, eliminating congestion. Also, thanks to the stimulation of red blood cells (erythrocytes), vetiver is able to deliver oxygen to all organs, increasing its levels.

The hormonotropic property of the plant allows it to promote the production of the hormone estrogen in the body, which is especially important during menopause. Vetiver oil also has a good effect on the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, relieving myositis, myasthenia, and contracture.

Vetiver is an aphrodisiac and tonic for female body, which has a fairly powerful erotic effect, is an erotic stimulant that increases potency in men and reduces frigidity in women. Vetiver, as an aphrodisiac, relaxes and pacifies, treats sexual dysfunctions that arise on the emotional and mental levels. He also has unique property attracting the opposite sex, increasing sexual desire. Promotes intense sexual release in the body, giving unique erotic emotions.

Use in folk medicine

Fragrant roots Vetiver herbs have been used by healers and healers for both medicinal and cosmetic purposes since ancient times. Various potions, decoctions, and infusions that have an antiseptic effect were and continue to be prepared from them.

Vetiver essential oil has been valued among traditional healers with its powerful healing properties and is used in various tinctures, decoctions, creams as a sedative, antispasmodic, antiseptic, rejuvenating, laxative and blood circulation-restoring agent.

Historical reference

The smell of vetiver is its “calling card”. The aroma of this plant is described as dry, warm, tart, earthy and woody with smoky and balsamic notes. In addition, the smell can be warm, like tobacco leaves, or it can be cool and fresh, like lemon verbena.

Vetiver essential oil, obtained by distilling its roots, is recognized throughout the world as one of the best oriental scents. There are about a hundred different vetiver scents on the perfume market, widely in demand among leading perfumers around the world.

Currently, the Vetiver Network International organization operates around the world, which includes about 100 countries that use technologies related to vetiver planting.

In poor third world countries, master classes are held to teach women the art of weaving various vetiver products. This gives women the opportunity to earn at least a small financial income. Most often, such training is conducted by specialists from India.

Vetiver oil, beneficial features which is difficult to overestimate, cannot be replaced and recreated synthetically. Its complicated chemical composition and high solubility in alcohol improve compatibility with other cosmetic materials, making vetiver a unique perfumery resource that does not tolerate any alternatives.

In some Asian countries where vetiver grows, its oil is considered the oil of money. According to the popular belief of those countries, in order to attract financial success, you need to lubricate your money with this oil.


1. Botany. Textbook for universities: in 4 volumes = Lehrbuch der Botanik für Hochschulen Begründet von E. Strasburger, F. Noll / Ed. A.K. Timonina, I.I. Sidorova. - M.: Publishing house. Center "Academy", 2007. - T. 3. - P. 379. - 576 p. - ISBN 978-5-7695-2746-3.

2. Biology: Encyclopedia / Ch. ed. M. S. Gilyarov. - M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia, 2003. - P. 678. - ISBN 5-85270-252-8.

3. Tsvelev N. N. Order of cereals (Poales) // Plant life in 6 volumes / A. L. Takhtadzhyan. - M.:: Education, 1982. - T. 6. Flowering plants. - pp. 341-378.

4. Cereals // encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg, 1890-1907. (Retrieved August 20, 2009).

5. Voitkevich S.A. Essential oils for perfumery and aromatherapy.

6. Sellar V. Encyclopedia of essential oils.

7. Davis P. Aromatherapy from A to Z.

8. Lawless D. Encyclopedia of aromatic oils.

Vetiver is a tropical, fragrant and exotic plant that has long been known to mankind. India, Burma and Ceylon, as well as the islands of Tahiti and Java, are the places where vetiver grows. This is exactly what this plant is called. Vetiver oil, which has an incomparable aroma, is extracted from its roots. It has a lot of beneficial qualities for our body and has an amazing aroma. Today you will learn the properties that vetiver has and how to use it.

Application of vetiver oil

Vetiver oil has been actively used in the production of perfumes for several centuries, both for women and men. Its deep, slightly heavy aroma transforms and plays with new shades in the vicinity of grapefruit, jasmine, ylang-ylang, and geranium oil. You can create your own aromatic composition based on these oils and, diluting it with a little light base oil (for example, avocado oil), you will get a wonderful oil perfume.

It is widely used in cosmetics and medicinal purposes. Vetiver essential oil has analgesic and antiseptic properties, it promotes blood circulation, activates metabolism and prevents the formation of fat.

It is beneficial to use vetiver oil in massage mixtures, especially for arthritis, joint pain and muscle pain.

Vetiver oil is an adaptogen. This means that during the season colds Use it more often in an aroma lamp. Since this oil perfectly enhances the body's protective properties, tones and strengthens its ability to resist infections, you will survive the autumn-winter period without colds and flu.

Do not forget about the effect of vetiver oil on the psycho emotional condition. With its help, you will survive stressful situations more easily, and insomnia will no longer bother you. This essential oil can give self-confidence and overcome anxiety, fears and neuroses. If you have a long and difficult journey ahead, be sure to take an aroma pendant with vetiver oil with you. With it you will endure the hardships of travel much easier.

Vetiver oil is especially important for women. It helps get rid of PMS symptoms and in general, has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system. In addition, vetiver oil is also well-known and strong aphrodisiac. It will help a woman feel fragile and feminine, and give men confidence. Women will also appreciate vetiver oil for its help in caring for aging, problematic skin and hair.

But this is not the only way vetiver is used. Magic properties This oil is used to eliminate energy holes; it has a beneficial effect on the Vishuddha chakra and Svadhisthana. Vetiver oil for money and attracting wealth is also used quite often. It’s not for nothing that it’s called “money” oil. To attract abundance, apply a few drops of oil to banknotes.

Vetiver oil will probably find its application in your life. You can buy it and other essential oils in our store.

The tropical plant vetiver has long been known - the essential oil from this herb has a completely unique spectrum of action. True, for us in Russia vetiver is rather exotic, but everything can change.

The process of extracting vetiver oil is expensive and labor intensive., but the result is not the usual light essential oil, but a thick liquid, heavy and viscous, bright color– rich mustard or amber tea.

Important! Since vetiver oil is expensive and difficult to produce, there is a high probability of stumbling upon a fake. Buy the product only from trusted manufacturers, only then vetiver will show all its unique properties.

Vetiver oil has one of the deepest and most complex aromas with unique persistent notes. This essential oil is obtained from a cereal plant - Indian vetiver, which is called couscous in its homeland. This tall perennial grass with narrow leaves has nothing in common with the cereal of the same name, which is obtained from durum wheat. It is related to such fragrant tropical herbs as lemongrass, palmarosa and citronella. The essential oil is contained not in the leaves, but in the thinnest peripheral roots of this amazing plant. For a long time, fans and wickerwork have been made from the roots of vetiver, which emit a subtle aroma, and in the heat, if they are wet, they refresh the room.


Vetiver oil is an invariable component of the most expensive and prestigious perfumes.: the beginning of it active use in the production of perfumes dates back to the 19th century. It is actively used in medicine, cooking, cosmetology, and the perfume industry. This is one of the most expensive and falsified oils, which can only be purchased from reliable manufacturers whose products are sold in pharmacies.

Essential oil is obtained from vetiver rhizomes by steam distillation. Externally, the oil is not light and fluid, as usual, but heavy, viscous and dense, thick and rich, with a clear mustard or amber-tea tint.

The aroma of vetiver oil has pronounced forest and smoky-earthy inclusions, it is quite dry, warm and bitter, with skin notes at the base. Vetiver oil is considered one of the most persistent: it is always used as a bottom, base note in perfume compositions.

Blends perfectly with distinctive and vibrant essential oils– patchouli, limette, ylang-ylang, bergamot, cinnamon, grapefruit, verbena, lavender, geranium, cypress, sandalwood, pine, myrtle, juniper, rose oil and clary sage oil.

This oil belongs to the groups of aphrodisiacs and adaptogens and is associated with luxury and chic.

The healing properties of vetiver oil

Vetiver oil has wide range effects on the body due to its regulating, antiseptic, rejuvenating, angiotonic, cleansing, diuretic, laxative, diaphoretic, analgesic properties. This is one of the most effective essential oils for hoarseness, inflammation of the vocal cords and laryngitis, softening cough, relieving tracheitis and bronchitis.

Improves the condition of varicose veins, eliminates congestion, activates metabolism, prevents obesity, as prophylactic regulates sexual functions. Vetiver oil also has a very good effect on the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, relieving myasthenia gravis, contracture, myositis, and also improving conditions in arthritis and arthrosis. No other aroma oil can boast such effectiveness in relieving muscle pain.

Use in cosmetology

Thanks to its unique ability to stimulate the system of natural collagen and melanin and increase the elasticity of connective tissues, vetiver oil is actively used in the cosmetic field. Skin under the influence of this essential oil will become smoother and more elastic, while vetiver is also shrinks pores, actively draining the epithelium. Vetiver does not protect the skin from tanning, but fixes it, completely eliminating all photodermic reactions and preventing the negative impact of ultraviolet radiation on the characteristics and appearance of the skin.

Also vetiver oil eliminates keratoses, swelling, allows you to get rid of congestive inflammation, for example premenstrual and hormonal rash. This aroma oil also has a very good effect on the condition of the hair, restoring the keratin structure directly and quickly renewing the hair to normal condition after chemical damage and adverse factors. In addition, vetiver is also prevents hair loss.

Recipes with vetiver oil

  • For massage, add up to 5 drops of vetiver oil to 15 ml of base oil or massage cream.
  • For inhalation, you can use no more than 2 drops of aroma oil, and the duration of the procedure itself should be reduced to 5 minutes.
  • For aromatic baths You cannot use water whose temperature is higher than 38 degrees, while the essential oil (only up to 4 drops) is dissolved in salt, milk or honey immediately before taking a bath, immediately introduced into the water. The duration of the procedure is up to 20 minutes.
  • About 5 drops of vetiver oil are added to cosmetic and medicinal creams, adding it only to pre-cooled formulations.
  • Vetiver root oil is added to the aroma lamp only after the water has warmed up, and for every 15 square meters room, you can add no more than 6 drops of aroma oil.
  • To care for hair, oil mixed with base oil is applied to the teeth of a comb. The dosage is the same as for rubbing and compresses - 5 drops per 10 g.