In a dream I dreamed of bedbugs, why. Why do bedbugs dream about Vanga's dream book? Why do you dream of bedbugs: positive interpretations

In real life, it is unpleasant to see such insects, which sometimes appear in houses and apartments. We are talking about cockroaches and bedbugs. Most likely, feelings of disgust also arise in dreams. In order to compare all the details of a dream, you need to clearly remember them, and then decide why bedbugs are dreamed about.

In real life, it is unpleasant to see such insects that sometimes appear in houses and apartments

There are a great many dream interpreters today. And many of them have completely different explanations for the same vision.

  1. Dream book of Simeon Prozorov says that if in a dream you dreamed of a large number of bedbugs, it means that the one to whom you dreamed of them also had many envious enemies in reality. And they are ready to attack at any moment.
  2. If bedbugs show considerable aggression in a dream, violently biting the dreamer, such a dream warns that the enemies who surround him may soon perform some kind of mischief.
  3. According to Miller's dream book even just seeing bedbugs means that the dreamer can expect a serious and long-term illness in the near future.
  4. If bedbugs, as the same dream book states, pretend to be dead, but are not, this means that as a result of the illness that the dreamer develops, undesirable events may occur.
  5. Some dream books claim that insects portend wealth: a lot of them means a lot of money. The only problem is that in order for the dreamer to get these material benefits, he still needs to overcome some obstacles.

When furniture with insects is seen in a dream, the dreamer will experience great and difficult trials.

Bedbugs in the dream book (video)

Seeing bedbugs in a bed, on a bed in a dream

It goes without saying that you dream when you sleep, lying on the bed. But when you dream that insects are crawling on the bed, even in a dream it does not cause delight.

Dream book of the 21st century gives an optimistic forecast: insects in a dream mean money.

Why do you dream about bedbugs and cockroaches?

  • If you dreamed of insects in the form of blood-sucking bugs that calmly live in the thickets of the forest, such a dream says that the dreamer is too protective of a relative or friend.
  • I dream of bedbugs for money.
  • Dream about illness.
  • A lot of insects means big trouble.
  • Bedbugs mean trouble or an annoying neighbor.
  • A woman dreamed of a quarrel with her loved one over relatives.

A man saw such a dream - to his wife’s betrayal.

Dreamed of bedbugs on the body or their bites: meaning

In reality, bedbugs bite and feed on blood. A sleeping person does not feel their bites, but the next morning traces of such insect feasts are noticeable on the body.

I dreamed of blood-sucking insects. They are smelly and quite large - such a vision may carry a warning sign, since quite serious, unpleasant events are expected very soon.

Serious troubles will begin if a person feels panic and fear in a dream.

Bedbugs in Vanga's dream book

The dream book of the world-famous Bulgarian fortuneteller Vanga gives her own idea of ​​what bedbugs and cockroaches mean in dreams.

  1. If you happen to see them, then such a dream says that in the near future minor quarrels may occur in the family of the person who saw such a dream. And they will bring with them resentment, which will soon disappear without a trace.
  2. Vanga did not consider bedbugs as harbingers of happiness and prosperity; on the contrary, for her they were difficulties in life, unpleasant situations. The only thing that can make you happy is that the troubles will soon pass.
  3. Bloodsuckers are people - bosses, exploiters - this is how the healer interpreted them.

Insects, in the interpretation of the soothsayer, meant troubles, but Vanga did not specify whether they would be pleasant.

A dream where you see a lot of bugs crawling around foreshadows troubles, illnesses and other misfortunes. Squashing bedbugs in a dream foreshadows disputes and disagreements with relatives. To be tempted by bedbugs is to get a rich fortune in reality.

Getting rid of bedbugs by disinfecting your apartment means that you will be asked to think about moving to another, higher-paying, but less prestigious job. Dead bedbugs portend an accident.

Turning into a bug in a dream is a threat of mental illness. Bedbugs falling on you from the ceiling mean a successful outcome of a serious illness.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Bedbug

If you dreamed of a bug crawling along the wall (the blanket, but not over you and your clothes!), then very soon you will find a treasure. For this to happen, you must catch the bug and take it to the lake.

If you dreamed of a bug crawling on you (biting you), then you or someone close to you is under a curse. Don't waste your time, seek help from professionals.

Interpretation of dreams from

For many dream books, bedbugs in a dream are a bad omen. But this negativity will manifest itself differently for everyone. Each interpreter explains this phenomenon from his own point of view.

Small Velesov Dream Book predicts minor troubles, boring acquaintances with whom you will have to communicate out of respect. But this dream book believes that bedbugs will bring money into the house, although with a lot of hassle and time.

Women's dream book: bedbugs warn of an imminent illness with a serious illness. Perhaps it will be mental illness after a bad experience or illness of relatives.

The interpreter of the Yellow Emperor specifically talks about diseases that are foreshadowed by insects in a dream. Problems in the heart, kidneys, sclerosis, sleep disturbances, and nervous diseases will develop.

Insects in the mattress

Many dream books indicate the importance of little things in dreams. For example, you need to remember where bedbugs are, where they move, and their number. All this has a certain meaning when deciphering dreams.

According to David Loff, bedbugs in a mattress warn of the appearance of envious people. They may be from your close circle; you need to be attentive to your deeds and actions so as not to cause unnecessary negative emotions. This may have a negative impact on your health.

Destroy bedbugs in a dream

I dreamed about bedbugs biting

When it comes to bedbug bites, the location of the bite is important. The result of the interpretation depends on this. Bedbugs bite:

  • in the head - to a quarrel in the family;
  • in your hands - to minor troubles at work;
  • on your fingers - you will soon be counting money;
  • in the stomach - to an exacerbation of an old disease;
  • in the back - to an unpleasant meeting with an old acquaintance;
  • in the knee - for a long journey;
  • in step - to a possible change of job or activity, hobby;
  • in the foot - to reconciliation after a long conflict.

Seeing bedbugs in bed

Bedbugs in bed warn of problems in personal relationships - this is stated by all collections of dream interpreters. Betrayal of soul mates, close friends or girlfriends is possible. It also warns of the presence of sexually transmitted diseases.

Forest bugs in dreams

Green forest bugs are also present in dream books. Seeing them in a dream means a warning about being too protective of your close relatives. They should be given more independence. If the inhabitants of the forest have settled in the kitchen, walk around the tables freely, and are not afraid of human presence, then you need to pay attention to your rest. It’s better to take a walk in the park, be in the fresh air, and not spend time at home on weekends. If you have the opportunity to get out into nature.

Dream books consider it a good sign to see forest bugs dying. If you crush them, you will be able to overcome the difficulties of life, you will have time to solve all problems, and you will have the strength to make new plans.

Bed bugs on clothes

The appearance of insects on clothes:

  • on underwear - be attentive to your surroundings;
  • on the headdress - bad thoughts haunt the head;
  • on a festive shirt - to a change of work;
  • on a home apron - to news about the family;
  • on an old skirt - a good event is happening with distant relatives;
  • in your pocket - to profit;
  • on the sleeve - to an unpleasant neighborhood that will develop into friendship;
  • bedbugs on the body, moving onto clothes - you can catch the disease.

Miller's Dream Book about bedbugs

According to the dream book of the American psychologist Gustav Hindman Miller, dreams have been interpreted since ancient times. He believed that a dream is not a random set of pictures, but an encrypted code.

Vanga about bedbugs in a dream

Dreams occupy an important place in the emotional sphere of a person. The most impressionable people idealize dreams and consider them harbingers of future events. Skeptics do not see anything incredible in them.

There is no logic in dreams; events can contradict standards, overlap each other, and get mixed up. Is it worth believing such a mixture from the point of view of generally accepted logic? It will seem that - no. You can enjoy sleep by letting go of all problems. Having renounced everyday worries. Feel happy in a world without rules, logic, questions and answers. You should not look for meanings and definitions that do not exist.

Psychologists talk about dreams as a continuation of unfinished business in reality. Individual experiences that do not allow the brain to rest. Sleep is emotional life.

Religion believes that you should pay attention to what you dream about. After all, this may be a clue to shortcomings that need to be eradicated. Having seen a bad dream, you need to spiritually cleanse yourself, atone for guilt, then you will have bright dreams.

Each person can independently decide whether he will believe his dreams. You need to analyze your emotions, understand what is bothering you, and whether it is related to dreams.

Dreams in which bedbugs appear can hardly be called pleasant. But there are also positive interpretations of such stories. Modern dream books will help you figure out why bedbugs dream.

In the Small Veles Dream Book, bedbugs symbolize boredom. A sleeping person in reality is tired of his usual activities and, perhaps, even work. The dream suggests that the time has come for change. There is no need to be afraid of them. It is enough just to take a step out of the comfort zone, and new interesting prospects will begin to open up before the dreamer. But eating a bug means an unpleasant quarrel with a stranger in the very near future. The culprit of the conflict will be the sleeper himself.

The women's dream book suggests that the appearance of the discussed insects in night dreams indicates that a person has a serious chronic disease. If a man or woman has no health problems, a similar plot can predict strong emotional experiences. Most likely, they will be caused by separation from a dear loved one.

In the dream book of Simon Kananita, it is noted that bedbugs from a dream become a harbinger of a meeting with an unpleasant character in real life. Communication with him will take away the dreamer’s energy and mental strength. But getting rid of such an interlocutor will not be easy. You might even have to quarrel with him to do this.

Why do you dream about a lot of bedbugs?

If a lot of insects appear in a dream at the same time, it means that in reality a person will face fatal events that will affect all areas of his life. You need to gain strength to face both positive and negative changes with dignity.

If there are a lot of bedbugs in the apartment of the person sleeping, this is a good sign for him. A man or woman will have an excellent opportunity to improve their own financial situation.

But a successful murder attempt is a good harbinger. Dead bugs in a dream symbolize a long period of calm and balance in reality.

Poison, catch, crush

If a person angrily catches bedbugs in his night dreams, tries to destroy them and at the same time experiences incredible rage, it means that in real life he will have a difficult family conversation. It will not be possible to bypass it, since important issues have been awaiting resolution for a long time.

It happens that the dreamer catches bedbugs with his hands and crushes them right in his fingers. Such a dream promises a man or woman an increase in wages. True, it will be accompanied by a demotion. A sleeping person will need to choose what is more important to him - material well-being or the place of a boss.

Seeing a big bug in a dream - interpretation

But bedbugs on the hands portend serious problems in the family. One of the relatives will slip up or make a mistake that will not be easy to forgive.

The sleeping person watches as the bug ends up on the child’s body and sucks blood? In the near future he will have to take on someone else's responsibility. Most likely in the workplace.

If a woman sees a bug on the body of her long-time friend, she should take a closer look at him as a man. The friend has long had sincere feelings for the girl, but he just can’t admit it and decide to take the first step.

Bed bugs in a dream symbolize new acquaintances with people who will be useful to the dreamer in business. True, relationships with them will not be easy. If the whole bed is covered with bedbugs, it means that many serious tests await him in real life.

Bedbugs bite

Does a bug bite a person painfully on the neck or head? This is a clear sign that in reality he needs to devote more time to himself, relax, do an interesting hobby and forget about work for a while.

If bedbugs bite the body of a man or woman under clothes, then soon you will have to sort things out with your significant other. When a conflict occurs, you must carefully avoid insults and any offensive words.

Bedbugs cause a feeling of disgust in almost every person, since they live in dirty places. In addition, insects can bite humans, thereby causing a lot of inconvenience. Similar negative symbolism extends to dreams in which bedbugs appeared. To find out the most accurate and detailed information, you need to analyze the dream taking into account the main details of the plot, and then use the proposed interpretations.

Why do you dream of bedbugs?

Many dream books consider these insects to be a negative symbol and most often they promise the occurrence of a long-term illness and various kinds of troubles. There is also information that a dream about bedbugs predicts an improvement in your financial situation. For a young girl, such a night vision can be taken as a warning that she will soon have to fight her rivals who will take active action. It may also be a signal about the insincerity of a loved one. If you see a bug on your body, it means that an envious person will appear in your life. For a representative of the fair sex, such a dream indicates the emergence of a two-faced admirer.

A dream where you catch a bug is an unfavorable sign that predicts the emergence of huge financial problems. If insects have made their way through the skin, it means that in life you may lose people close to your heart due to selfish behavior. Night vision, where you watch from the side as bedbugs jump, is a symbol of hopelessness. If you look at dead bedbugs, this is a positive sign that symbolizes finding peace and balance. A dream in which forest bugs appeared indicates that in reality you feel worried about your relatives and friends. Seeing bedbugs in your hair means that in reality you cannot part with the memories of the past, which negatively affects life in general.

Why do you dream that bedbugs bite?

If you are bitten by bedbugs, it means that your financial situation will improve significantly in the future. For a representative of the fair sex, such a dream promises shame. A dream where insects bite an animal predicts loneliness. Another dream book contains information that night vision in which you see biting insects symbolizes the occurrence of minor troubles and health problems.

Why do you dream about a lot of bedbugs?

A large number of bedbugs predicts the onset of fatal events in life. Such a dream can also symbolize an improvement in material condition. If you see a lot of bedbugs and try to kill them, but nothing works and you have to run away, this is a negative sign that indicates that you should soon expect serious disappointments and problems.

Why do you dream of crushing bedbugs?

If you crush bedbugs and water comes out of them, it means that in reality you should not worry about the problem that has arisen. illness or accident, because in the end everything will end well. Another dream book says that such a dream promises the emergence of various disputes and scandals within the family. Night vision where you accidentally crushed an insect in bed predicts trouble.

Why do you dream about bed bugs?

In this case, night vision can be interpreted as betrayal on the part of people you trust. For people involved in business, such a dream warns that they should not agree to participate in risky transactions. Seeing bedbugs in your bed means someone is preparing a conspiracy, and it can also be a symbol of gossip and intrigue. There is also information according to which such a dream predicts meeting unpleasant people, and you will have to do business with them.

Dream Interpretation: Why Do Bedbugs Dream?

It is quite difficult to answer the question of why bedbugs are dreamed of in monosyllables. Indeed, today there are many different dream books that can interpret the insects seen in different ways.

For example, one of the most popular - Miller's dream book - reports that bedbugs in a dream are harbingers of either a long-term illness or some other misfortune. And if there were a lot of bedbugs in the dream, then this could mean very sad consequences. But if in a dream you are exterminating bedbugs, this means that the disease you get will not be dangerous, and everything will pass quite quickly. In the same case, if the bugs you saw in a dream are crawling up a white wall, then this means that your worries about the outcome of the disease that has struck you will be in vain, you will definitely recover. This is what bedbugs mean in dreams according to this interpretation.

And here is how such a dream is interpreted by David Loff’s dream book. He believes that bedbugs in a dream warn a person that in reality he has envious people. And if a woman had such a dream, then it means that her loved one is actually not at all what he shows himself to be. If a person dreams of a bed full of bedbugs, then this indicates that very soon he will experience betrayal from seemingly faithful and devoted friends. And only if a person crushes a bug in a dream does this mean that illness or some serious trouble awaits him.

If we read any dream book in which bedbugs foreshadow an imminent illness, we can conclude that all these data have something in common with Miller’s dream book, but there are still some discrepancies. For example, a modern family dream book says that seeing bedbugs in a dream means illness, but only if in the dream a person crushes them and blood is visible from them. Then the disease can be very serious.

Tsvetkova’s dream book interprets bedbugs seen in a dream completely differently. She claims that these insects are after money. And the Russian dream book says that bedbugs in a dream are just minor unpleasant surprises. So the question of why bedbugs are dreamed of is interpreted differently here. But it should be noted that almost no dream book promises anything good. Bedbugs always warn people about troubles and, most often, diseases. Moreover, in any situation, you must try to remember in what specific situation you dreamed about bedbugs. After all, quite often the interpretation of sleep depends on this.

The Yellow Emperor's dream book interprets the dream of a bedbug quite interestingly, although, in general, the interpretation coincides with the most common one - to a disease. But this dream also speaks of the complete collapse of affairs, constant scandals and stressful situations. And he clearly recommends urgent medical intervention. True, it also points to specific diseases. According to the Yellow Emperor's dream book, bedbugs portend heart disease, kidney failure, as well as possible insomnia and even weakening of memory. But, unlike other dream books, this one tells you how you can avoid all the troubles described above. The dreamer must stop looking for those to blame in his surroundings and become calmer and more balanced. He needs to stop getting irritated over every little thing. And then he will be able to change the predictions of fate and his future. It’s not for nothing that they say that a person is the smith of his own happiness. And such a dream should be a signal to begin serious and painstaking work. Work on yourself, which will allow you to change not only yourself, but also your life, your health. This is what bedbugs mean in dreams, according to the Yellow Emperor’s dream book.

Why do you dream about bedbugs all over your bed?)))


° ~...THE ONLY...~ °

In each dream book you can find different interpretations.
Dream interpretation of those born from September to December

Bedbug – Seeing a lot of bedbugs in a dream means money.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

"Bedbug - Money // troubles, boredom, annoying acquaintance; look for - troubles, losses; eat a bug - quarrel."

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Bedbug - To the appearance of a person who will drink a lot of your blood.

Love dream book

Bedbug - It’s better not to dream about bedbugs, since they, just like in life, do not promise anything good. You will find out that your current admirer is a two-faced person.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Bedbug - Annoying person

Dream book of the 21st century. Dream interpretation

Bedbug, bedbugs – Bedbugs dream of money. Squashing bedbugs means trouble, you will happily avoid an accident.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Bedbugs – A bedbug crushed by you in bed is a sign of trouble.

Women's dream book

Bedbugs - Bedbugs seen in a dream foreshadow a long-term illness or other misfortune. If you see them in huge numbers, fatal events can occur. Squeezing bedbugs and seeing them bleed water instead of blood means a minor illness or accident. Seeing bedbugs crawling up a white wall means that you will become seriously ill, but you should not be afraid of death.

Dream interpreter. Dream interpretation

Bedbugs - Seen in a dream, have the same meaning as fleas.

Dream book of Tsvetkov. Dream interpretation

Bedbugs - For money.

Miller's Dream Book. Dream interpretation

Bedbugs - Seen in a dream, they foreshadow a long-term illness or other misfortune. If you see them in huge numbers, fatal events can be expected. Seeing bedbugs that appear dead foretells misfortune caused by disease. Squeezing bedbugs and seeing water appearing from them instead of blood means a worrying, but not fatal, illness or accident. Seeing bedbugs crawling up a white wall means that a serious illness will strike you, but the fear of a fatal outcome will be in vain.

Dream Book of the Wanderer. Dream interpretation

"Bedbugs, lice - Trouble; money."

BUT!!! I dare say that you shouldn’t take everything to heart. WHY? The whole point is that you need to take into account what day you had the dream. Perhaps on this day I have empty dreams,
Which you shouldn't pay ANY attention to.
Therefore, I advise you to look here:


To the money...


Seen in a dream, they foreshadow a long-term illness or other misfortune. If you see them in huge numbers, fatal events can be expected. Seeing bedbugs that appear dead foretells misfortune caused by disease. Squeezing bedbugs and seeing water appearing from them instead of blood means a worrying, but not fatal, illness or accident. Seeing bedbugs crawling up a white wall means that a serious illness will strike you, but the fear of a fatal outcome will be in vain.


A dream about bedbugs portends a long-term illness and troubles.
If there are a lot of bedbugs, fatal accidents are possible.
If the bedbugs are motionless, this portends misfortunes caused by the disease.

Lyudmila Sukhorukova

If you dreamed of a bug, then in reality you have envious people. For a woman, seeing a bug in a dream means that her admirer is a two-faced person. A dream in which you see a bed with bedbugs foreshadows the betrayal of people who pretend to be your friends. If in a dream you crushed a bug, then in reality you will face serious troubles, as well as health problems.


Ir, don’t listen to anyone and don’t worry about it. everything you dream about is about money. The main thing is to believe in it and everything will be OK!))))))))))))))))))

Kill a bug

Dream Interpretation Kill a bug dreamed of why you dream about Killing a bedbug? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Killing a bedbug in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Bedbugs

A dream where you see a lot of bugs crawling around foreshadows troubles, illnesses and other misfortunes. Squashing bedbugs in a dream foreshadows disputes and disagreements with relatives. To be tempted by bedbugs is to get a rich fortune in reality.

Getting rid of bedbugs by disinfecting your apartment means that you will be asked to think about moving to another, higher-paying, but less prestigious job. Dead bedbugs portend an accident.

Turning into a bug in a dream is a threat of mental illness. Bedbugs falling on you from the ceiling mean a successful outcome of a serious illness.

Dream Interpretation - Bedbug

Seeing a lot of bedbugs in a dream means a complete disaster, an unfavorable set of circumstances, a streak of bad luck. It is believed that seeing bedbugs crawling up is a sign that your bad feelings will not come true. Squashing bedbugs in a dream means illness. However, if you get dirty with blood, the disease will be serious. Crawling bugs in a dream mean troubles, worries from which you do not know peace day or night. For homeowners, such a dream predicts the envy and hatred of their tenants. Sometimes such a dream predicts illness.

A dream in which you saw bedbugs crawling on your clothes foreshadows dishonor and shame due to the betrayal of your spouse or lover. It is believed that being bitten by a bug is a sign of insult inflicted on you by a person who is not worth your little finger.

Dream Interpretation - Bedbug

Often bedbugs dream of money, but they also portend illness.

If there are a lot of them, it means all sorts of big troubles.

Bedbugs also mean troubles and the appearance of some annoying person in your life, who will not be easy to get rid of.

To feel that you have been bitten by bedbugs is to find out that someone will slander you and speak badly about you.

A young woman may quarrel with her loved one because of annoying relatives.

A man who sees a bug crawling on his clothes in a dream can become a cuckold in reality.

Dream Interpretation - Bedbugs

Seen in a dream, they foreshadow a long-term illness or other misfortune. If you see them in huge numbers, fatal events can be expected.

Seeing bedbugs that appear dead foretells misfortune caused by disease. Squeezing bedbugs and seeing water appearing from them instead of blood means a worrying, but not fatal, illness or accident. Seeing bedbugs crawling up a white wall means that a serious illness will strike you, but the fear of a fatal outcome will be in vain.

Dream Interpretation - Bedbugs

Seeing bugs crawling means you have a lot of envious people who are trying to set you up. If bedbugs bite you, expect a dirty trick from your enemies.

Imagine that you are poisoning bedbugs with a poisonous aerosol.

Dream Interpretation - Bedbug

If you dreamed of a bug crawling along the wall (the blanket, but not over you and your clothes!), then very soon you will find a treasure. For this to happen, you must catch the bug and take it to the lake.

If you dreamed of a bug crawling on you (biting you), then you or someone close to you is under a curse. Don't waste your time, seek help from professionals.

Dream Interpretation - Bedbug

Bedbug - It’s better not to dream about bedbugs, since they, just like in life, do not promise anything good. You will find out that your current admirer is a two-faced person.

Dream Interpretation - Bedbugs

Bedbugs seen in a dream foreshadow a long-term illness.

If you crushed a bug in a dream, you might get sick with something, but not seriously.

Dream Interpretation - Bedbug

Like a tick, the image of a bedbug in a dream testifies to wasted vital forces, drop by drop, as well as possible losses that are imperceptibly caused to you by other people.

However, a dream with a bedbug may also hint that the source of such harm is someone from those closest to you. It may even be one of your friends or relatives, so be careful and not be too trusting.

Dream Interpretation - Bedbug

Seeing a bug means problems in life.

Destroy the bug - hard times are over, the enemies have retreated.

Seeing a goat means wealth.

Seeing goats fighting is a symbol of unsuccessful business.

A woman sees a goat - to a disease of the internal organs.



the bugs were near me and then left


Hello! I dreamed that I had something like a mini kindergarten at home and at some point I looked, and bedbugs were crawling everywhere, on the carpet, on the children’s heads, there were just a bunch of them. I started squashing them, nothing came out of them it leaked out, they just lay there dead, then I realized that it was useless and started pouring poison into the whole apartment, like from a Karcher... well, they seemed to be dying, I don’t remember what happened next. Thank you!


Hello Tatyana! I dreamed that I had a lot of bedbugs on my T-shirt and someone helped me crush them, and then we carefully removed this T-shirt from me along with the bedbugs. Thank you if you explain what this means.


I found a bedbug at my workplace and tried to kill it. I took off my shoe and hit him, he grew in size, I got scared and hit him again, he grew again and flew at me, I dodged and he flew out and flew outside the office


there are a lot of green bugs, as if there is a glass damper attached to the wall and under it there are a bunch of these bugs and I’m letting them out


I was lying on the bed with my husband, and he jumped up because he was bitten by bedbugs. I looked at the bed, there were several large bugs, they lifted their muzzles up and moved their paws, and there were a lot of tiny white ones, like midges, bugs, they didn’t bite me and I woke up


hello......jumping bugs, a huge number crawling out of the sofa, which were all killed by me


I dreamed that we were leaving somewhere and leaving the apartment with friends, they brought a lot of cats and dogs into it, in the end the whole apartment was covered in bedbugs, only they were kind of strange, mostly red and blue.


Hello. I dreamed of a lot of bedbugs or insects, all the walls were white and on these walls there were a lot of bedbugs almost everywhere and there was fear, I was very afraid of them, I was scared that they would bite me. and if I’m not mistaken there were also bites. I really wanted to understand this dream since it was the first time I had a dream [email protected]


I fell in love with bedbugs, they were huge, and for some reason I lay on them, then I stood up and, out of fear and anger, began to destroy them


the man took off my clothes, cut them, and then sewed some scraps, then we went to his bed, the man tore a piece from the mattress and a huge number of bedbugs fell from there. The bugs bit.


I dreamed that bedbugs bit me badly, then they began to dig under my skin, and I squeezed them out from there. and squeezed out the fish


I dreamed of relatives who consider me an enemy! I was sleeping at their house and found a white bug in the duvet cover and started squashing it!


I dreamed I was swimming in the sea, there were green bugs floating in the water when I came out of the sea there were a lot of bugs on my back, they shook me off, but the next day I went for a swim in the sea again there were bugs on my back and other people had nothing


Good afternoon. On September 15th (in the morning) I dreamed that I was moving into a hostel, I was given a room, and when I entered it I saw bedbugs with long proboscis and wings on the wall. They accumulated on a white wall. I was indignant, but the dormitory commandant said that bedbugs are a common occurrence in their dormitory. Then I saw these bedbugs on my feet. They dug into my legs. I understood that they were drinking my blood, but I didn’t feel any pain. I got scared and started taking them off, but it wasn’t easy. It was painful, and there were blisters and scars where the bug sat. I woke up.


there were a lot of bedbugs in the apartment, my parents and I chased them around the room, they ran away from us and after all this I found the place where they were crawling, I told my dad that we needed to beat that place, he said we should beat it and I woke up


I’m eating a cake, and bedbugs are crawling out, I see there are a lot of them on the floor, I crush them with my feet, and there are even more bedbugs running around


I fell asleep normally, but by the morning it was terrible!!! It’s as if the whole body is dotted with young (transparent bugs). But not a single one bit.


Hello. I dreamed about it in the morning. that on the road there are three bags in one bag containing sugar and it was torn, and I began to lift it and the sugar began to fall to the ground, I tied it in a knot where it was torn. the second bag was with rice and bugs were crawling from the top of the rice, I poured it onto the ground and they began to crawl along the road. and the third bag was with peas and there were also bugs crawling from the top. I was very scared and I also poured them out onto the ground and then a girl came up and began to crush them with her hands and I stood white with fear. and when she got up and walked away, I told her to shake off all the bugs on your palms. She told me I’ll wash them now and left. I woke up scared...


I saw transparent white bugs, they ran out and I crushed them, but I had to crush them with difficulty, they didn’t choke well, and when crushed, their insides came out (I’ve never seen them in real life, only in a picture, in my dorm room that I rent out the tenants really got bedbugs, my niece lives there, we decided to re-stick the wallpaper to get rid of bedbugs, perhaps reality has moved into a dream, but perhaps this is not the only problem)




I ended up in the hospital. They assigned me a bed. just blankets. I lay down and covered myself. then I threw back the blanket, and there were a lot of bugs on my legs, similar to ticks. I tear them off, nothing leaks, and there are no fewer of them))))


My dream began that I woke up from some kind of noise, went into the living room, went to the TV to turn it off, but then I touched a box with pins and needles with my foot, and bedbugs crawled out from there. They were colorful, like street ones, they made me very sick. it stank. I ran up to my mother and said that we had bedbugs in our house, to which my mother replied that the bedbugs came from the second floor, seeing what a mess we had, but the room was clean, somehow suddenly I found myself next to these bedbugs and I couldn’t run away anywhere, I just jumped and screamed for help, bugs started crawling on my legs, I was very scared and at that very moment I woke up in reality.


Hello Tatyana, I dreamed that I entered a room, and there were a lot of bedbugs sitting on the white walls and I was thinking what to do: throw away the mattresses or disinfect the room. What could this mean? Regards, Tatiana


A large bug was sitting on the wall on the wallpaper, with a smeared blood stain around it. I tried to crush him. He began to run away, I caught him, crushed him, blood poured out of him onto the wall, but he still didn’t die, then I tore him in half and thought that he should be washed down the sink.


Hello! In the dream, there were bedbugs on the ceiling, they fell on me. At that time I was sleeping or lying down and someone threw them on me. I couldn’t get up, I was in a hurry somewhere, I was late, but I didn’t have the strength to get up. The dream was very heavy, nervous......I often had prophetic dreams in my life, before the death of my relatives I had a dream that a loved one died, and soon this happened in reality exactly the same. And in general, all dreams are only bad, I’m even afraid of dreams, I don’t remember so that a good dream comes true…………Thanks for the answer.




Yesterday in my dream I saw light-colored bedbugs, one was dark, I tried to kill it with my fingernail, I killed it, but there was no blood, what was this for?


I dreamed that I woke up bitten by bedbugs, but I didn’t see any insects, only red blisters under my knees.


Hello Tatiana! I dreamed that I saw a green bug crawling in an apartment, but not mine.


I was bitten by bugs on a minibus. There were a lot of them, I started throwing them away. and saw a bug on another woman. and thought that someone had dragged them into the minibus, got scared and woke up


I bought a beautiful red coat when I unwrapped the coat and saw it. that it is covered with bedbugs. I started crushing them and crushed them all. but the stains remained


Good day, Tatyana! My name is Anastasia! My dream is more than short: In a dream, I wake up and see a bug sitting on my white blanket. And he was fat (I think he drank my blood)


The black bug was big, I couldn’t crush it, but I poked it in the back with a knife and killed it, and there was a pink bug, just like that. My mother-in-law also said in a dream that I brought them from the doorway


Bedbugs were crawling on me and there were bloody stains on the bed from bedbug bites, I woke up with bedbugs crawling on my left hand in horror, I thought that it was real


A bug appeared on my palm, I began to shake it off, and more bugs appeared. Then there were a lot of them on both palms. I washed them off with water, and there were even more of them. Then I finally washed them off my hands.
The dream left an unpleasant aftertaste.


my child was bitten by bedbugs, I saw a small one crawling and then I saw a very large one that looked more like a tick and killed him


I dreamed... that a large pile of bedbugs and cockroaches fell on me and I began to throw them off myself, and they scattered across the floor. they were not whole, but halves... I woke up


I don’t really remember the dream and how it started, but I clearly remember how the guy came up to me and said that he had been bitten by bedbugs, that’s all I remember (((


I dreamed that a healthy bug fell from my wife onto the table, and I cut it with a knife, first in half, then into many small pieces


I dreamed of bedbugs, but not ordinary ones, but they looked like small crabs and they had a very strong shell, it was impossible to kill it with a slipper.


I dreamed that I was lying under a blanket and between my legs I saw a bunch of cockroaches, I lifted the blanket and there were a bunch of bedbugs crawling. I started squashing them...


Good afternoon. The dream had the following content:
In the bathroom, on the pine wall, there were 3 “larvae” of a worm-caterpillar-shaped bug (at least, I took them for larvae) of a bug. She crushed 2, and the 3rd hid (like in a crack under a hanger). At the same time, on the same wall (to the left) there was a black and clear pine bug, motionless, but alive, which I did not touch, but was scared. And to all this, in the same place (on the wall), but to the right, there was a tree of ants (one clear and close, the other blurred). I saw the ants first, then the larvae and then the bug.
Thank you in advance.


hello, I dreamed that two or three lice were running all over my head and biting me, I was very scared that others would find out about this, but then something crawled over my body and bit me; it turned out to be bedbugs that lived in the sofa, they were puffed up with blood and I tried them kill and crush but nothing worked, I have never experienced so much horror and fear, even in a dream.


I dreamed that I was standing covered in bedbugs. They were crawling all over me - all my arms, legs, body - everything was covered in bedbugs. And my brother stands next to me and is silent. I tell him, “Sasha, save me!” and he is silent.


Hello, I dreamed of a black and white dog, I was stroking it and suddenly I noticed a bug on its fur, it was big, I crushed it, then I noticed another one and tried to crush it, but the dog began to whine and then my dream was interrupted


my name is Rita and
From Saturday to Sunday I had a dream that my whole apartment was covered in bedbugs and I was itching all over, in my head and everywhere there were many many bedbugs, some people whom I rarely meet scolded me for something [email protected]


The dream began when I came home from school and was very tired. I decided to lie down and eventually fell asleep, then when I woke up I found dark brown bedbugs on my bed and on my body. they were everywhere. I was bleeding everywhere. I woke up for real out of fear.


I dreamed of a bug on an animal (dog or cat). they were under the animal's armpit. I dreamed of them being fat and full of blood and I was crushing them on the animal.


There was a folded paper lying on the table, I poked my finger and realized that there was something there, when I opened it I saw a lot of bedbugs, I had a brush with poison in my hand, I anointed them and they began to scatter and crawled over my husband and began to die and I woke up




I dreamed of huge bedbugs at the top of a light wall. I tried to kill them, but my friend didn’t let me do it. I would really like to know what this is for?


Hello! I dreamed of a bug, I crushed it and red blood flowed out of it. After I saw another one, I told my friend, look at the bug, and there is an ordinary beetle crawling on the window. What could such a dream portend? I dreamed from Sunday to Monday.


Ticks fell from the top of the curtains from the ceiling onto the bed pillow, I shook them off onto the floor


I had a dream that it was as if I was not in my apartment, but in my neighbors’ room and on the sofa, bedbugs were crawling on the blanket, but someone was lying on the sofa, I don’t remember who


In reality we had bedbugs, or rather they already existed when we moved into the apartment. We are poisoning them now. Today I dreamed that I found their lair, in the corridor under the door, I don’t remember exactly 6 or 8 of them. I didn’t have time to kill a single one, they fled.


Hello. Dream: My eldest son brought home a box of bedbugs, big and small... And I began to crush them, screaming...


I had this dream in the morning. at 6 I woke up, and then fell asleep and realized that I and my relatives were going to leave the guests. we arrive at the station and buy tickets. but suddenly I go to the nearest market and buy 1 huge apple there and then I took another apple but it is half rotten. the seller cleans it for me from rot, thus cutting out half of the apple. weighs it on the board and asks me for 45 rubles. I bargain and give her 30 rubles. she agrees. then my mother hands me a child covered in colorful bugs on his head, I kill him and pull him out of his hair.


I dreamed that my daughter was scratching her head very much and I decided to check what was there. I move the strand aside, and there are a bunch of medium-sized bugs (light brown in color). I began to remove them, I felt an unpleasant smell from them. Then my sister removed the same monsters from my head. Then after them I dream about smoke in my village where I grew up. At the end, I went into my home - which burned down. And she stayed there. All


I was in the room and noticed that something strange was crawling. I went up and looked, and it was a bug. One crawled out of the mattress, then the second, and when I cut the mattress, there were a lot of them, a large swarm of bedbugs, I started killing them, then with scissors, then with my feet, then with slippers


Hello Tatiana! Today I had a dream about how my daughter and I were in a bathhouse, I was whipping foam on my head, it seemed like I was dyeing my hair, my daughter, she is 34 years old, shouts to me, saying that mom is holding a bug in her hands, I shout to her that it’s a bug, and she She crushed it with her fingers, why did she need her hands, ugh!


bedbugs are crawling on the pillow and my mother and I (my mother died 2 years ago) are trying to kill them and they run away


First dream. I dreamed of bedbugs on my body, two escaped, and I crushed the rest.
Second dream. I dreamed about my old job, my friends and my uncle (deceased).


I dreamed of black bugs in large numbers, crawling along the wall, then began to crush


I sleep in a dream, and then I wake up, and there are so many bugs on the pure white ceiling; they are huge, like ladybugs, bright red, and crawl along the ceiling, and then crawled under some wooden planks that are on the ceiling, dividing the ceiling into squares.


In the evening, on the eve, my husband and I had a very heated quarrel... At night I had a dream that my classmates and I were sitting in class, only everyone was at today's age... my head itched sharply, as if from a bite... I ran my hand through my hair and a bug jumped out of my hair ! Big. white, with a bright pink spiral pattern on the belly. I remember the drawing well. He jumped on a classmate’s open notebook, which she immediately slammed shut. I also remember that blood sprayed all over the notebook.


Hello Tatyana, why is there a bug crawling along the wall and it looks like it has had enough of blood, I killed it but there was no blood, why would that be?


From Thursday to Friday I saw a lot of bedbugs in my dreams and tried to crush them as much as possible.


I dreamed that I was looking for bedbugs in my apartment, like if there are spiders, then the bedbugs are nearby. I tried to catch them but they ran away. I still managed to catch one in a box... At first the bugs were completely white and small, then at the end of the dream I saw a brown bug crawl into the sofa. At first the spiders had long legs, but at the end of the dream I saw a hairy, plump spider.


I dreamed of bedbugs on my head, I was bald in the dream and I also started squeezing them, there was so much blood


My face was covered in bites and it was not clear what had bitten me, then slowly I began to remove either bedbugs or ticks from my clothes.
[email protected]


In my dream, I was in my apartment, but in reality I don’t have one, I saw the valves in the closets, but then I left there and saw one of the relatives of the deceased, but I don’t remember which father or husband he called me to fight, I did to he took a step, but then I left him and saw cockroaches.


I dreamed that I came to work (I work as a nurse), my sister, the owner, brought me medical pants and they were all 4 pieces of fresh blood in large drops, I told her the bugs bit me, and I took off 2 bedbugs and threw them on the hot stove.


I dreamed that my mother and I were fighting bedbugs. One was huge and looked like a crab. Mom crushed it, and some kind of white muck flowed out of it))


I dreamed that I was my stepbrother and my father went to the store to collect, so to speak, they bought me a dental abrasive and a razor at the hospital, then they walked along the road in a circle of puddled snow, suddenly I saw a window sill, there was a small hole from there, home bugs crawled in, my father began to poison them with a spray, but they kept climbing and there were a lot of them, then I began to poison them, they began to disappear and in the end they disappeared, to make sure that they were not there, I poked into the hole in the window sill for a very long time and made sure that I was finished with them, I woke up!


The ceiling in the room and the corridor is strewn with large stripes of bedbugs. I took the aerosol and started spraying them, and they fell on me.


Hello. I dreamed that I saw 2 bedbugs near the door to the room, I definitely didn’t crush them myself, but it seemed like someone was with me in the dream, maybe he crushed them. I definitely wanted them to get crushed.


in a dream I threw back the blanket, and there was a healthy bug running (it seemed drunk) and I crushed it


bedbugs crawled on the child's bed and on the child. Then I tried to marinate them, but there were a lot of eggs behind the crib. but in the end I was able to get them out, with great difficulty


good time of day, I dreamed that I was approaching a bed, someone was sleeping on it and I saw Clo jumping and I was trying to find and kill him


I dream about my mother's apartment. The room where I spent my childhood. For some reason, I stayed with the children overnight. She began to dismantle the bed. I see a bug crawling along the wall. I started looking at everything carefully and found a couple more pieces. I left the room to prepare the spray solution. I woke up with this.


Hello! I dreamed: At home, on the floor I saw a huge (10 cm) grass bug, I hit it with a slipper, hard, I couldn’t kill it, it fell apart in half and its wings fell off. I don’t remember further.
What could it mean?
Thank you!


Hello. I dreamed last night that I had a white sheet on my hands and large, blood-soaked bedbugs were crawling across it. And I crushed them with my hands through the sheet and heard and felt them bursting! I remembered this in the morning, a few hours after waking up.


I went to visit a friend and I looked at the ceiling and there was a cockroach crawling there, then I smelled a bug, I immediately = went home and woke up ALL


I dreamed that bedbugs and sometimes cockroaches were climbing through the windows, and I collected them with a vacuum cleaner with my father-in-law


hello, my name is Galina, I dream about bedbugs and goosebumps, the bugs were bothering me and the goosebumps were all around me, which means whether the dream is good or not, help me Tatyana


One big bug in my hair.
Some girl asked me what it was
I looked in the mirror, saw a large bug, silently took it and threw it into the washbasin, where it disappeared.


Hello! In my dream I saw either bedbugs or black lice (in real life I can hardly distinguish bedbugs from other insects, because I haven’t seen bedbugs in real life). It’s as if they have taken possession of my nails and I remove them, I want to crush them.


I had a dream that I woke up and my child was crying and I opened the sofa there were bedbugs, and they were crawling on my children with large mustaches


I SAW MY SON. and I. and he saw bedbugs. crawling on the wall.... In our life, there was such a misfortune once in our apartment and I worried in a dream that it happened again and something needs to be done again!


On my daughter’s head I found instead of lice, which were at first like lice, then turned into very large bugs and sucked blood, and I called my father to crush them..


Hello, I did this. In a dream, I open my eyes and see a bug sitting and looking at me about a meter away from me, I picked it up and threw it into the toilet, then I went and went back to sleep.


My wife and I are divorced. At the moment we want to change our apartment and move away. From Thursday to Friday (today is Friday) I had a dream as if we had another apartment and I was asked to move there. When inspecting the apartment there were a lot of cockroaches. It seems that I even slept on the sofa. Before coming to this apartment, I remember my late father and my ex in my apartment.


there were a lot of ticks or bedbugs. They were swarming on the sofa. They were crawling on our hands and biting. We wanted to throw out the sofa in our sleep


as if he bit my mother, and I crushed him, but there was no blood, there was some kind of light liquid, and my mother was left with a red spot the size of a large button

Dream interpretation of hamsters - why do you dream?