Recipes for light salads without mayonnaise. Festive salads without mayonnaise - they won’t harm your figure! Recipes for meat, vegetable, mushroom salads without mayonnaise for the holiday table

On the eve of the upcoming holidays, I decided to take care of a selection of delicious salads without mayonnaise. I found several recipes for such amazingly delicious salads that can be safely placed on the New Year’s table - if you decorate them festively and elegantly, and some of them don’t even need to be decorated.
But now my task is to choose “mayonnaise-free” salad recipes, since I consider modern industrial mayonnaise an extremely harmful product. And if not many people can give up meat for the sake of health, then I think everyone who thinks even a little about what exactly they put on their plate should give up mayonnaise...

Then I’ll make a similar selection of salads without meat - with an emphasis on lighter meals. In the meantime, keep them on hand for the holidays. After all, traditionally these days will be “critically exceeded” in terms of the amount of food consumed per hour of free time! Let’s at least exclude harmful store-bought mayonnaise from this inevitable chain of post- and pre-holiday culinary excesses...

1. Amazingly delicious and simple salad without mayonnaise with chicken breast

Insanely TASTY, tender and unusual salad WITHOUT MAYONNAISE. The salad will decorate any table, including a holiday table! These are tender egg pancakes, juicy chicken breast, fresh cucumber and zucchini, and a very tasty salad dressing! A simple and quick recipe.

I tell you how to cook. First things first, let's deal with the eggs. Traditionally, we boil hard-boiled eggs in such salads. This recipe is more original! Since all the components, as you can see from the picture, are cut into strips, we also need to cut the eggs in such an interesting way. To do this, take an egg and break it into a bowl. Lightly add salt and beat with a fork or whisk.

Pour our egg mixture into a frying pan, heated and lightly greased with vegetable oil, and lightly fry on both sides. Based on the pancake principle.

We get 3 of these egg pancakes. When they have cooled down and become available for slicing, stack them one on top of the other. First we cut it into wide strips, which we also fold into a “stack” - and only then we can cut it all into the strips we need.

Chicken breast can be cut into small strips or disassembled into fibers. The main thing is to maintain the general shape of the straw and make not very large pieces so that they are well soaked in our dressing (I remind you that we are making a salad without mayonnaise!)

Next, cut the remaining ingredients into equal size strips. Zucchini too. I personally love them, but for those who don’t really respect this vegetable, add a cucumber instead of zucchini, and you will be happy. Although zucchini has a neutral taste, it is with our dressing that they become juicy and aromatic. Not everyone will even recognize them by sight after trying our salad!

By the way! For those who don’t know yet, I’m sharing a simple method, how to make bitter onions tasty . Pour boiling water over the chopped onion and leave for 5-10 minutes. I also add a spoonful of vinegar. We drain the water and... the result is a pickled, crispy, yet fresh onion, perfect for our delicious salads.

Now let's prepare the dressing. Two tablespoons of vegetable oil and 2-3 tablespoons of soy sauce, plus crushed garlic cloves - mix in a separate cup, add salt and pepper to taste. You can also chop some smaller greens there. You can add lemon juice. These are your taste preferences.

We season our delicious salad with this filling, mix it and place it on portioned plates.

2. Recipe with photo - Spicy salad without mayonnaise with meat and beans (Tbilisi salad)

Salad with beans “Tbilisi” is an excellent option for those who want to prepare a delicious salad without mayonnaise. The Tbilisi salad is quite spicy, but delicious! This colorful salad with beans and meat will decorate any holiday table!

First, finely chop the onion into half rings and marinate it, as described above, in wine vinegar to remove the bitterness.

Mix everything artistically with vegetable oil and spices, salt to taste. The photo turned out a little dark, but the salad turns out very bright - both in appearance and in taste!

3. Delicious Japanese Kyoto salad with light dressing (no mayonnaise)

This salad has a very fresh taste, largely due to the interesting ingredients and light dressing. The best salad that you can prepare every day, or even for a holiday. Your guests will never guess what kind of delicious light “noodles” are included in this crispy salad without mayonnaise! But all this is thanks to the Japanese TAMAGO omelette and Chinese cabbage.

First, prepare the eggs, according to exactly the same principle as in our first recipe above. This method is called “Tamago omelette”; it allows you to cut eggs into interesting noodles and, depending on the dressing, give them the desired taste.

Now take Chinese cabbage, separate one leaf at a time and wash it well. Cut into strips.

We also cut green onions and cucumbers into long strips.

Chili pepper, of course, is not for everyone... But it gives a unique aroma and spicy taste. If you really don’t like it spicy, replace it with red bell pepper. Before cutting the chili pepper into strips, rub the pod between your palms. This way we can easily shake the seeds out of the pod.

We also cut the ham (can be replaced with any boiled meat) into strips.

We take the egg pancake omelets we prepared, roll them up and cut them into strips.

Now we make the dressing - take and mix 2 tablespoons of dark (dark oil is more aromatic than light), lemon juice and soy sauce. Yes, we also add a spoonful of sugar to remove the excess acidity of the lemon, but this is up to your taste.

In a large plate, carefully mix the salad with two forks or chopsticks, creating an airy slide. Take lightly roasted sesame seeds and sprinkle generously on our wonderful salad.

4. Delicious but quite filling salad without mayonnaise with beef liver

Very tasty, rather not a salad, but a cold appetizer, but quite “unhealthy” from the point of view of healthy nutrition, although formally it falls under our today’s criterion - “salad without mayonnaise”. But the good thing about holidays is that you can forget for a while solely about the benefits and think a little about the taste :) And the taste of this salad comes out wonderful!

Place the frying pan on low heat and start chopping the onion into half rings. Fry the onion until half cooked.

Mushrooms can be boiled and then lightly fried with onions. You can take raw ones - then you will have to fry them longer and separately from the onions. If these are champignons, wait until the moisture has evaporated, and then fry for some time to taste. By the way, do you know that fresh champignons can be eaten even raw? I really like them, they have an interesting, spicy taste. But not everyone can digest mushrooms raw, so for guests and for holidays it’s better not to take risks and cook everything “according to the classics” - by heat treatment.

It’s better to take beef liver, you can use boiled meat, you can probably use chicken, but the taste will be different. I boil the liver in hot salted water in small pieces. When it cools down, cut it into thin strips. We also cut the pickled cucumbers into strips. I take ready-made carrots from the store, you can cut them a little smaller.

For the dressing, we take less than a tablespoon of vinegar, if you are not afraid of spiciness - 2 cloves of garlic (do not forget that Korean carrots are already quite spicy and spicy, there is garlic there too) and vegetable oil. You can also add a teaspoon of mustard - this will add an unusual flavor note to our salad without mayonnaise!

Mix it all and pour it into our salad.

This is such beauty and deliciousness!

5. Light and beautiful salad without mayonnaise “Harmony”

This, I admit, is my favorite salad. It is, in general, similar to the famous Greek salad.

Not only is it very tasty, but it also looks very beautiful on the holiday table - without requiring any special “decorations” in the form of mayonnaise and egg additives and sprinkles...

Cut the tomatoes into medium slices.

Cut the onion into half rings. You can take raw onions; if they are very bitter, marinate them for 5 minutes in vinegar and boiling water, as described above.

Carefully cut the cheese into cubes. It seems to me that it tastes better with white cheese (Feta, for example).

We cut the greens not very finely, add pitted black olives.

Add dressing - lemon juice, salt to taste.

The salad looks very elegant and appetizing! At the same time, it is light, crispy and very tasty.

Delicious and unusual salads without mayonnaise, recipes with photos of which will be illustrated in detail in this article, can become an equally complete replacement for dishes with harmful sauce. They will help you maintain your figure and pleasantly impress your family and guests, and many of them are suitable for vegetarians. In this selection, everyone will find a dish to their liking - gourmets will like unusual salads, and those who value time will enjoy easy recipes. You will see that even without adding mayonnaise it is possible to prepare a truly tasty and varied menu.

Salads without mayonnaise recipes with photos

A holiday is not a reason to retreat from dietary nutrition. Are you faced with a dilemma - to maintain your figure or to eat deliciously? Don’t worry, recipes with photos will help diversify your usual diet, because you can create an unusual and worthy dish for the New Year or another holiday without using mayonnaise.

You can go two ways - replace the harmful dressing with a healthy one, otherwise without deviating from preparing your favorite salad, or use one of the recipes I selected.

Salad dressings that can replace mayonnaise

Any of the sauces presented is a healthier alternative to mayonnaise, which is not only added to salads, but also served with hot dishes or greased on sandwiches.

  • finely chop a bunch of parsley, chop a handful of nuts (almonds or cashews), add a spoonful of olive oil, squeeze out the juice of ½ lemon, add a pinch of coriander, the same amount of black pepper, use a blender to make a puree consistency;
  • combine 3 large spoons of olive oil, ½ freshly squeezed lemon juice, 1 small spoon of mustard, 5-6 large spoons of sour cream or natural low-fat yogurt, add a pinch of salt and allspice;

  • Pour 100 grams of cashews with hot water, leave for 7-8 hours, add a spoonful of lemon juice, 200 ml of water, salt. This nut sauce is ideal for spring rolls or dishes containing seaweed.

In general, you can freely combine your favorite products in the sauce, because you can make it sour, sweet or spicy. You don't have to limit yourself to a standard set of products. For example, I really like to make sauces from pickled ingredients - here both capers and pickled cucumbers will help you. Avocado will help create a calmer taste, and I also like the flavor that fennel and white wine give (the main thing with it is not to overdo it).

I will show you several worthy recipes for very rare salads for the holiday table. We bet that you are seeing many of them for the first time? I promise you won't be disappointed!

Pumpkin salad

Boil the pasta in advance - you need about 150 grams of it. Heat 1 large spoon of olive oil in a frying pan. As soon as the oil starts to heat up, add the onion mixture (leek rings and half a red onion), add a little salt. The onion should have an appetizing crispy crust. After this, add fresh pumpkin in cubes (200 grams), while the pan is hot, the vegetable will also become golden brown. Then reduce the heat, add water and simmer for a quarter of an hour, adding a little shredded white cabbage, 1 finely grated carrot and a couple of cloves of garlic.

Mix pasta and roasted vegetables in a container. Drizzle with balsamic vinegar.

Warm salad with couscous

You can prepare the dressing sauce in advance: combine a tablespoon of olive oil with lemon juice and finely chopped mint. Add a pinch of sugar and black pepper.

Pour boiling water over couscous (200 grams) for a quarter of an hour, strain. Add the same amount of boiled chickpeas (they cook for about half an hour; to shorten the time, you can soak them in water overnight). Leave the ingredients to dry.

At this time, cut a small zucchini at an angle and fry. Cut 5 cherry tomatoes in half, also fry at the cut point. By the way, if you add a little thyme and rosemary to the oil before frying, the dish will turn out a little spicy.

Cut Adyghe cheese (100-150 grams) into plates, fry each on both sides.

Mix couscous, chickpeas, zucchini and cherry tomatoes, tear green salad leaves. Mix. Lay out the prepared ingredients like this: salad, cheese, sauce.

Quinoa salad

Boil 2 tablespoons of quinoa. To it add fresh lettuce leaves, radishes (3-4 pieces cut into thin rings), cherry tomatoes (4 pieces also in rings), half a fresh cucumber (pieces), salt and pepper.

Dressing: Mash half of the avocado, gradually pouring in olive oil (1 large spoon).

Delicious salads without mayonnaise: recipes with photos

To diversify your daily diet, you can also make tasty and healthy recipes without mayonnaise with photos of the most suitable dishes for this, below. The beauty of them is that they can be stored much longer, eliminating the need to stand at the stove every day.

Korean cucumbers

Grate half a kilo of fresh carrots. Do you have a tool in your kitchen arsenal for grating vegetables into Korean dishes? Great! A thin and long straw will look much more aesthetically pleasing. Don't have such a grater? It doesn’t matter, this definitely won’t make the vegetables any less tasty! Cut 2 fresh cucumbers into slices (the photo shows how they should look in the end).

Prepare the dressing: finely chop 3 garlic cloves, 50 grams of grated ginger root. These components can also be chopped in a blender. Pour 40 ml of oil and the same amount of soy sauce into the garlic-ginger mixture. Mix the dressing and vegetables and place in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes.

Marinated chicken and greens

You can also prepare meat salads without mayonnaise. If meat or poultry is successfully marinated, the resulting bouquet of taste will be incomparable.

Prepare the dressing: mix 20 ml of oil and mustard, juice of ½ lemon, pepper and salt.

Marinate the chicken breast: a spoonful of dry seasonings (in equal parts: coriander, curry, oregano, thyme), 2 cloves of garlic, salt and pepper. Leave for half an hour. Then bake in the oven (35 minutes at 180ºC). Remove and cut into long strips. Add sun-dried tomatoes (100 grams) and 50 grams of parmesan, diced. Place on lettuce leaves (for everyday use, greens can be torn and added to the dish). Sprinkle thin leek rings on top.

Shrimp + avocado

Marinate shrimp in soy sauce and fry with garlic. Combine with sliced ​​avocado. Tear watercress and sprinkle with pine nuts.

Salads without mayonnaise: simple recipes with photos

You can, of course, create a real culinary masterpiece by mixing ingredients into an unusual sauce to add piquancy or spice. But there are some products that you just need to lightly sprinkle with juice or oil to get really simple recipes for unusual salads without mayonnaise, I’m attaching photos, as always. You can of course vary the ingredients or dressings. Try experimenting and see if you can come up with a new healthy dish!

Eggplant salad

Cut the eggplant into slices and soak in salted water (this will remove the bitterness from the vegetable). Pour olive oil into a frying pan (when hot, add garlic and thyme), fry each plate on both sides. For convenience, the fried eggplant can be cut into smaller strips. Add half a red onion (in thin rings) to the vegetable, cut a few cherry tomatoes in half. Season with balsamic vinegar - sprinkle a little, sprinkle with hot pepper extract and basil.

Cabbage + corn

This recipe can be transformed however you like! I'll show you the basic version, and you can experiment a little, giving free rein to your imagination (add crab sticks - you'll get a simple and inexpensive crab salad, or you can adapt to the season by replacing cabbage with another variety).

Finely chop 200 grams of Chinese cabbage, chop a small fresh cucumber into strips, add half a can of canned corn, add dill. Season with salt and any vegetable oil.

Holiday salads without mayonnaise: interesting recipes with photos

Agree, many holiday salads without the addition of mayonnaise can decorate any celebration; recipes with photos will help you decide on the final menu and choose a dish that will become the highlight of the evening, establishing you as an excellent hostess.

Meat salad with honey mushrooms

Do you think it’s impossible to prepare a salad without fatty mayonnaise, which contains meat? Now I will prove that this is not so. The main thing is to choose the right ingredients, each of which has a bright taste. And here is an example:

Cut the boiled pork into strips, add fresh cucumber (also into strips), white crackers and a couple of large spoons of pickled honey mushrooms. Season with oil and pepper.

Sweet salad with pear

Cut 1 large pear in half: cut one of them into large slices, the other into thin slices. Place a spoonful of butter in a hot frying pan and add 4 tablespoons of honey. As soon as the mixture boils, dip large pear slices into it and cook over maximum heat, turning all the time. Mix the resulting delicacy with other ingredients: 100 grams of cheese (preferably Dor Blue), thin slices of pear, a handful of walnuts, arugula. Lightly salt and pepper. Drizzle with ½ small spoon of olive oil.

Vegetable mix

Cut half a green apple into thin, almost transparent slices, add a handful of young pea pods, grate half a raw carrot, finely chop red cabbage (50 grams). Tear romaine leaves. Lightly sugar, salt and sprinkle with olive oil.

Salad without mayonnaise: recipe with photos step by step

Let's use the example of a very tasty chicken dish and try to prepare a step-by-step recipe for chicken without mayonnaise, with a photo, of course.

We will need: chicken breast fillet, green beans - 200 grams, 4 chicken eggs, 3 small potatoes, olives - 8-10 pieces, cherry tomatoes - 4 pieces, 2 garlic cloves, olive oil - 40 ml, Dijon mustard - ½ tbsp. spoons.

  1. First, prepare the dressing. Mix mustard, oil and lemon extract. Mix thoroughly.
  2. Boil potatoes and eggs.
  3. Boil the chicken breast, do not drain the broth.
  4. As soon as the chicken is cooked, remove it and add green beans to the broth, keeping them in boiling water for about 5 minutes.
  5. Cut the olives into circles, the breast into slices, cherry tomatoes into 4 parts, potatoes and eggs also into quarters.
  6. Mix all vegetables together with half of the dressing.
  7. Place chicken pieces and eggs on top, add some salad. Drizzle with remaining dressing.

This step-by-step salad recipe without adding mayonnaise is very versatile - you can decorate the table for a holiday or feed your family, adding any side dish.

Light salads without mayonnaise

The light and quick salads below without adding mayonnaise are also very satisfying. They can replace a full meal, and the beneficial components will not be deposited on your waist in the form of extra centimeters.

Baked potatoes with corn

Wash small new potatoes (300 g) thoroughly, cut each tuber in half and marinate for 20 minutes. For the marinade, we need a spoon of soy sauce, a pinch of curry, the juice of a quarter of a lemon, a chopped sprig of rosemary, salt and pepper. Next, either bake the potatoes in the oven (preferably on parchment) or on the grill. To the prepared vegetable, add corn kernels (canned or boiled), bell pepper (cut ½ of the vegetable into slices).

With cauliflower

Cut the cabbage into small heads, pour in wine vinegar for 5 minutes. Boil 1 potato, cut into cubes. Add a quarter stalk of chopped celery and green onion rings. Season with sauce: mix a spoonful of mustard, sour cream, salt and pepper.

Diet salads

Almost all dietary salads are prepared without harmful sauce. A healthy and tasty substitute is lemon juice and soy sauce. These quick salads will help satisfy your hunger and not gain weight.

Bean salad

Cut 2 medium tomatoes into cubes. Half a red bell pepper - slices. Leek rings. Add half a can of canned beans. Sprinkle with lemon juice and soy sauce.

Pickled beets

Cut 2 medium beets into cubes and marinate. Prepare the marinade from lemon juice (½ citrus), garlic (2 cloves), olive oil (2 tablespoons). Leave for 3 hours. Add finely chopped parsley and cubed feta cheese (60 grams). Sprinkle with pepper and salt.

Vegetable salads

Many vegetable salads are also prepared without harmful sauce. To make them healthier, try adding vegetable oil or soy sauce. I assure you, even the simplest combination of vegetables will benefit from such a dressing. Here are just a few examples of fresh salads.

Avocado and pepper

1 large tomato cut into slices. Yellow bell pepper - cut into strips. Cut half of the avocado into slices. Season with soy sauce, sprinkle with olive oil.


Cut the feta cheese into cubes (you will need 200 grams). Add to it 1 small spoon of thyme, a little hot chili pepper, squeeze out a clove of garlic. Stir and fry the cheese in a frying pan. Add to it ½ sweet pepper, 5-6 cherry tomatoes, red onion in thin rings, a handful of olives. Sprinkle with oregano and drizzle with wine vinegar.

With daikon

Peel and grate the daikon radish. Do the same with carrots. Keep in mind that these two components are taken in equal quantities. Calculate their quantity based on your needs. I can say that 300 grams of daikon and carrots is more than enough. Fresh vegetables are seasoned with coriander and garlic (2 cloves per 300 grams). Pour freshly squeezed orange juice into the daikon. Sprinkle finely with herbs (parsley, basil, dill), salt.

Beet salad without mayonnaise

You can prepare this simple, economical, but incredibly tasty beet salad without mayonnaise both in winter and summer, diversifying your usual diet.

  • Grate fresh beets, carrots and apples on a Korean grater.
  • Lightly sugar and salt.
  • Grate half an apple.
  • Sprinkle with lemon juice and garnish with mint leaves.

New Year's salads without mayonnaise

Not everyone can celebrate a family holiday and do without a feast. If you are losing weight, I suggest that you do not give up your usual dishes, but replace them with healthier ones; you will see that no one can distinguish New Year’s traditional salads without mayonnaise from the original!

Agree, it is simply impossible to completely remove the dressing in salads such as herring under a fur coat or Olivier salad. They will become dry, and the abundance of ingredients needs to be connected with something. I offer three options:

  • natural yogurt;
  • sour cream;
  • homemade mayonnaise.

If we are already familiar with the first two dressings, then I will now introduce you to a useful variety of sauce. I’ll just add that choose both sour cream and yogurt with a low fat content. By the way, herring under a fur coat will become much tastier if its layers are coated with sour cream, to which chopped pickles and dill have been added.

Homemade mayonnaise

In a blender, mix a couple of spoons of sour cream, Dijon mustard (1 small spoon), juice of a quarter of a lemon, 1 small spoon of olive oil, a pinch of salt. I also don’t recommend overusing this variation of sauce, although it is much healthier than store-bought.

Healthy salad recipes

And finally, I’ll show you a few more recipes for healthy salads, so that you definitely have no doubt that mayonnaise is easy and simple to remove from your diet.

With persimmon

Cut 1 medium persimmon into small slices. Add to it: ½ avocado (diced), red onion (small onion diced), 3 cherry tomatoes (cut into 4 parts), tear a bunch of spinach.

Dressing: 1 small spoon of olive oil + 5 ml of wine vinegar + a pinch of salt + black pepper.


Sauce: heat 1 tsp in a separate container. balsamic vinegar and ½ tsp. Sahara.

Rub the chicken breast thoroughly with a mixture of salt and pepper and fry. Cut into pieces. Add half an avocado (in thin slices), 100 grams of mozzarella (in slices), cherry tomatoes (3 pieces cut into quarters). For greens, add romaine lettuce and basil. By the way, traditional caprese, which is one of the most popular restaurant salads, is made without chicken, but it will add nutrition and will not spoil the taste at all.

Fruit salad

No mayonnaise should be added to any fruit salad. Choose any combination of berries and fruits. Gourmets may like this recipe: combine strawberries (quarters), blackberries (whole) and blueberries (also whole). Cut the kiwi into thin slices. Garnish with fresh mint.

If you don’t have enough juiciness, you can add a spoonful of natural yoghurt to the fruit mix, but keep in mind that it won’t be stored for long, so it’s better to eat it right away.

I hope that with this article I have proven that a holiday table can be not only tasty, but also surprisingly healthy. But salads without mayonnaise are not necessary; recipes with photos of which will help you make your choice; you need to prepare them only for a holiday. By introducing them into your daily diet, you will understand that such food gives lightness and leads to gradual weight loss.

Subscribe to my blog updates, and I will definitely show you many more different dishes. I would be very grateful if you write your favorite recipes in the comments. See you again!

Salads without mayonnaise are a large number of simple recipes for delicious salads that do not contain any product harmful to your figure. We have collected 7 of the most delicious salad recipes without mayonnaise.

1. Vegetable salad with olives and feta


  • tomatoes,
  • cucumbers,
  • bell pepper
  • feta – 200 g
  • 15 pitted olives
  • greens to taste,
  • salt,
  • pepper,
  • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice.


Cut the cucumbers into strips, tomatoes into cubes. You need to remove the seeds from the pepper and cut it into strips. To prepare a delicious dressing, you need to mix lemon juice and oil. Add pepper and salt. Mix tomatoes, cucumbers, chopped peppers with dressing. Finely chop the washed greens.

Mash the feta cheese with a fork and add herbs to it. Form balls from the resulting mass. Place an olive inside each ball. Place the salad in a salad bowl and decorate it with feta balls.

2. Vegetable salad “Tsvetnoy”


  • Chinese cabbage – 200g
  • Cucumbers – 200g
  • Carrots – 100g
  • Canned corn – ½ can
  • Lettuce leaves – ½ bunch
  • Salt - to taste
  • Vegetable oil - to taste


Clear the work surface for the ingredients for the vegetable salad. You will need 200g of Chinese cabbage, an average of 3 cucumbers (200g), one carrot (100g), lettuce, canned corn, vegetable oil. Take a wooden cutting board and cut the Chinese cabbage into small squares. Before doing this, rinse the cabbage leaves under running water to remove dust and dirt. Wash the cucumbers, and if desired, peel them completely. Cut the ends off the cucumbers as they may taste bitter. Cut the cucumbers into small cubes.

Peel the carrots and wash. Cut into small cubes on a cutting surface. You can also grate carrots on a coarse grater for convenience. Rinse fresh lettuce leaves and cut into large pieces. You can also do without a knife and just carefully tear the lettuce leaves directly into the salad bowl. Place all the chopped ingredients into a deep salad bowl: carrots, cucumbers, Chinese cabbage, lettuce. Pour in the canned corn and mix everything well. Season the salad with vegetable oil (or olive oil), salt and pepper to your taste.

3. Cucumber, cabbage and corn salad


  • Cucumbers – 200g
  • White cabbage – 100g
  • Canned corn – ½ can (150g)
  • Vegetable oil – 3 tbsp.
  • Lettuce leaves – 1 bunch
  • Salt - to taste


On the work surface, place the ingredients you will need to prepare the salad: cucumbers, cabbage, canned corn, lettuce leaves, salt and vegetable oil. Wash the cucumbers, cut off the ends (if they taste bitter). If you wish, you can peel the peel completely, but this is not necessary. Cut the cucumbers into bars: first along the stripes, and then across. Chop the cabbage and squeeze it thoroughly with your hands. It will release juice and become softer in the salad. You can shred cabbage either finely or coarsely, depending on your preferences.

Wash the lettuce leaves to remove dust and dirt. Shake the water off them and chop them, not very coarsely. You can also do without a knife by tearing the leaves with your hands. Place chopped vegetables and canned corn in a deep salad bowl. Salt the salad to your taste, season with vegetable oil and mix well. Do not overdo it with oil; the salad should not swim in it.

4. Crispy salad


  • 200 g white loaf
  • 250 g chicken fillet
  • 150 g cheese
  • 300 g cucumbers
  • 150 g onion
  • 1 bunch of green salad


  • 4 tbsp. vegetable oil
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 1 tbsp. vinegar 6%
  • pepper


Boil the fillet until cooked (cook for about 20 minutes after boiling). Then cool the meat and disassemble it into fibers. Now cut the white loaf into cubes and fry it until golden brown.

Cut the cucumbers into strips. Also cut the onion into half rings. If you bought bitter onions, then first pour boiling water over them, leave for 10 minutes, then drain the water, rinse the onions in cold water. Then grate the cheese (use a fine grater for this).

Next you need to do the refueling. You need to mix vinegar, salt, vegetable oil, pepper, and also squeeze garlic into the mixture. You can tear the salad with your hands. Then add cucumbers, chicken fillet, onion, cheese, as well as croutons and dressing. We recommend adding croutons before serving, this will allow them to remain crispy.

5. Spicy carrot salad


  • Carrots 500 g
  • Cucumbers 200 g
  • Garlic cloves 1 pc.
  • Fresh ginger 3 cm
  • Soy sauce 50 ml
  • Sesame oil 40 ml
  • Sesame 20 g


Cut the carrots into thin strips, but you can grate them using a grater, which is used to prepare Korean carrots. Then cut the cucumber into thin slices and add it to the carrots. Peel fresh ginger and garlic. The garlic must be cut into small pieces, and the ginger must be grated on a fine grater. Next, grind everything well in a mortar until you get a homogeneous mass. Then add oil, soy sauce and mix well. Pour the dressing into the salad, mix, let stand for about 30 minutes. in a cool place. Serve the carrot salad sprinkled with a little sesame seeds.

6. Korean-style seaweed and carrot salad


  • Cabbage with garlic - 0.5 kg,
  • Korean carrots - 0.5 kg,
  • Canned green peas - 250 grams,
  • Canned corn - 3 tablespoons,
  • Red bell pepper, olives, dill - for decoration
  • Korean carrots - 0.5 kg:
  • Garlic – 2 cloves
  • Vinegar 9% - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • Olive oil – 3 tbsp. l.
  • Paprika – 0.5 tsp.
  • Onions – 1/4 pcs.


To make Korean carrot salad, make the carrots first.

Peel, wash and grate the orange vegetable. You can also chop carrots in a blender. Place the chopped vegetable in a glass or enamel bowl. Peel and chop the garlic using a press or grater. Mix it with carrots. Season the vegetable mixture with vinegar and mix thoroughly.

Experiment and add apple cider vinegar instead of regular one. Place a heavy-duty frying pan over high heat, add olive oil and let it foam well. Add paprika to the pan, reduce heat, and simmer in oil for 60 seconds. Thanks to the red pepper, the oil acquires a pleasant aroma, and the paprika will lose its pungency. Peel the onions, wash them, cut them into small cubes and simmer in a frying pan for several minutes until golden brown. Strain the olive oil to remove the onions.

It can adversely affect the taste of carrots and ruin them. Send the oil to the carrots, stir, cover with a lid and let it brew for a whole day. After 24 hours, you can start preparing the salad. If the seaweed is already prepared or even with additives, this is good. Otherwise, you need to rinse it well several times and let the water drain. Transfer the cabbage to a deep bowl.

Add ready-made Korean carrots to it. Place green peas and corn on a sieve; when the juice has drained from them, pour the ingredients into the salad. Mix all the products well. Wash the sweet pepper and cut into arbitrary pieces. Dry the olives; if there are pits, remove them. Wash and cut the dill sprigs.

Garnish the finished salad with pieces of bell pepper, olives and dill.

7. Italian salad


  • Chinese cabbage leaves – 15 pcs.
  • Arugula – 1 bunch
  • Red sweet onion – 1 head
  • Cherry tomatoes – 10 pcs.
  • Olive oil – 20 ml
  • Lemon juice


Cut the onion into half rings, sprinkle with a mixture of lemon juice, oil and salt. Mix chopped Chinese cabbage, arugula, tomatoes and onions. Pour the dressing mixture over the salad.

Sometimes we want to unload ourselves not only mentally, but also physically. Fatty, fried foods, salads with mayonnaise - and the stomach begins to beg for help. Salads without mayonnaise are a great find both for those who are on a diet or trying to live a healthy lifestyle, and for those who are simply looking for different ways to prepare salads.

The variety of possible replacements for mayonnaise in a salad will surprise you and provoke a desire to master the basics of the peculiarities of their preparation, because the taste from the compatibility of ingredients can become even more expressive not only by dressing the salad with all the well-known mayonnaise, but also thanks to dressings that give a special taste. They can be almost all available products: sour cream, yogurt, cream, different types of white sauce. You can also use lemon juice or garlic, vegetable oils: corn, olive, mustard, sunflower or any other oil you wish.

By experimenting with different sauces, you can see that even well-known salads can have a completely unusual, deliciously new taste.

In Asian salads, instead of mayonnaise, dressing with soy sauce is best; seafood-based salads go well with ordinary lemon juice.

How to prepare salads without mayonnaise - 15 varieties

This type of salad can deservedly be called one of the summer and affordable ones. The ingredients that make up it can be found on the market at a cheap price in summer and autumn.


  • Eggplant - 3-4 pcs.;
  • Sweet pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • Tomato - 3 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Parsley, onion or dill - optional and to taste;
  • Salt pepper;
  • Vegetable oil - 40 g.


Cut the eggplants into small circles up to 1 cm thick. Salt, pepper and let sit for up to 30 minutes. Place them on a heated frying pan and fry thoroughly on both sides until golden brown. Leave the finished eggplants until cooled.

Wash and clean the sweet peppers, cut into thin circles. We also chop the tomatoes and onions.

Combine the prepared vegetables in a plate, add chopped herbs, salt and pepper to taste. Season it all with vegetable oil, preferably olive oil, and enjoy the taste of the salad without mayonnaise!

To remove the bitter taste from eggplants, you need to rinse them thoroughly in warm water.

If you want to try something completely unusual, but healthy and tasty, then this recipe can surprise you. Tasty, healthy and easy to prepare, it will undoubtedly become indispensable on your table in the future.


  • Head of red cabbage;
  • Apples - 2 pcs.;
  • Honey - 3-4 tbsp. spoons;
  • Salt, pepper, vegetable oil to taste.


Shred the cabbage, add apples cut into thin strips, season it all with honey. Salt, pepper, season with any vegetable oil, garnish with herbs. Salad ready!

This salad is healthy because it contains a lot of protein and also has a delicious taste.


  • Chicken fillet - 300 g,
  • Canned peas - 150 g,
  • Fresh cucumber - 2-3 pcs.;
  • Dill, sour cream, salt, pepper - to taste.


Cut fresh cucumber into large cubes, mix it with finely chopped dill and green peas. Add chopped cooled chicken breast to the mixture. Mix all this, season with sour cream, salt and pepper to taste. The salad is ready to eat!

This amazing recipe will attract the attention of all women who value their time and love to cook deliciously and quickly!


  • Corn - 1 can;
  • Tomatoes - 3-4 pcs.;
  • Cucumbers - 3-4 pcs.;
  • Onions - 1 pc.;
  • Cheese - 250 g;
  • Salt pepper.


Cut cucumbers, tomatoes and cheese into cubes, add corn and onion cut into rings. Season the salad with olive oil, salt and pepper to taste. Bon appetit!

This salad has an excellent taste that is difficult to beat any salad with mayonnaise!


  • Loaf - 4-5 pieces;
  • Chicken fillet - 200 g;
  • Any type of hard cheese - 200 g;
  • Bulb;
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • Lemon juice, vegetable oil, salt, pepper, lettuce leaves.


Cool the boiled fillet and cut it into pieces. We make crackers from the bread, frying it until golden in color. Three cheese on a coarse grater, cut the cucumber into strips, cut the onion into half rings. Place all ingredients on a plate and garnish with salad. The dressing in this case is a mixture of lemon juice with vegetable oil, salt, pepper and herbs. Salad ready! Crunch and enjoy!

Crackers should be added immediately before use so that they do not become soggy and lose their crunchiness.

Thrill-seekers can definitely start preparing this spicy salad right now! Will cheer up anyone!


  • Green tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • Garlic - at least 5 cloves;
  • Hot pepper - 1-2 pcs.;
  • Vinegar - 2 tables. spoons;
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Seasonings, olive oil.


Dressing: mix seasonings and sugar with vinegar and vegetable oil. Cut the pepper into small pieces, pass the garlic through a press. Add chopped tomatoes, season with sauce and refrigerate for at least one day. Enjoy!

This recipe embodies the culinary tricks of the Italians. The combination of all ingredients gives an unforgettable taste that will suit the holiday table for any occasion!


  • Mozzarella - medium sized ball;
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • Basil, parsley, vegetable oil, salt, pepper, Italian herbs, soy sauce.


Cut the tomatoes and mozzarella into circles, place them alternately on a plate, garnishing with basil. Season the salad with soy sauce, olive oil, add herbs, salt and pepper.

If you wish, you can decorate the dish with pine nuts and sesame seeds. This will give a special look to the salad and give even more superior taste.

An incredibly easy to prepare and healthy salad that will appeal to lovers of healthy and tasty food.


  • Cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • Bell pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • Tomatoes - 2-3 pcs.;
  • Sour cream, salt, pepper.


Cut the tomatoes and peppers into cubes and mix with the curd mass. Season the salad with sour cream, mix, add salt and pepper to taste. Salad ready!

Salad "Prague"


  • Boiled chicken breast - 200 g
  • Cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
  • Boiled chicken eggs - 3-4 pcs.;
  • Onion greens;
  • Carrot.

For refueling:

Boiled yolk; mustard beans - 1 tsp; olive oil, salt, pepper.


Cut boiled chicken breast, cucumbers and eggs into cubes and fresh carrots into thin slices. Add finely chopped green onions.

Mash the boiled yolk into a bowl for the dressing, mix it with mustard, olive oil, salt and pepper. Mix it all in a salad bowl and eat with pleasure!

The combination of fruits and seafood always gives dishes an unforgettable taste. This recipe will be a godsend for lovers of light but tasty food.


  • Shrimp - 350 g;
  • Grapefruit - 1 pc.;
  • Cherry tomatoes - 300 g;
  • Spinach leaves - 300 g;
  • Garlic cloves - 3-4 pcs.;
  • Sesame seeds - 1 tsp;
  • Lime juice - 3 tsp;
  • Vegetable oil, seasonings to taste.


Remove the peel and film from the grapefruit, fry the shrimp with garlic for about 5 minutes. Mix the cherry tomatoes with the chopped fruit and shrimp. Pour olive oil and lime juice over the salad, salt and pepper. You can decorate with sesame seeds and spinach.

A juicy spring salad will brighten your mood for the whole day!


  • Lettuce leaves - 150 g;
  • Cucumber - 120-140 g;
  • Herring fillet - 150-180 g;
  • Onion greens;
  • Quail eggs - 10-12 pcs. or
  • chicken - 2-3 pcs.;

For the sauce:

  • Olive oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Mustard beans - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Salt pepper.


Chop the fresh salad with your hands and place chopped cucumber and herring on top. Cut the quail eggs into 4 pieces, add chopped green onions. Season it all with a mixture of vegetable oil, vinegar, and mustard. Salt and pepper.

This salad is very easy to prepare, but will amaze your loved ones with its unforgettable taste and low cost!


  • Radish - half a kilo;
  • Fresh cucumber - 2 pcs.;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Dill, salt, pepper to taste.


Cool hard-boiled eggs and cut into pieces. We cut the washed cucumbers and radishes together with the peel into thin circles. Mix the ingredients and season it all with sour cream, spices and finely chopped dill.

Salads with radishes should be eaten immediately after preparation, because the radishes may release juice and the taste will no longer be the same.

A spicy salad will find its place in your kitchen, because it is amazingly tasty and quick to prepare.


  • Pepper - 1 pc.;
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • Marinated mushrooms - 400 g;
  • Dill, salt, pepper, vegetable oil.


Cut the onion into half rings and pour boiling water over it to remove the bitterness. After 10 minutes, drain the water. Pepper mode in strips, tomatoes - in slices. Mix the ingredients, add finely chopped dill. Salt, pepper, season with vegetable oil.

The privilege of this salad is its richness in nutrients, incredible simplicity, low calorie content and wonderful taste. See for yourself!


  • Boiled or canned beans - half a kilo;
  • Onion - 2 pcs.;
  • Pickled cucumber - 2 pcs.;
  • Vegetable oil - 20 g;
  • Vinegar, herbs, salt, pepper to taste.


Mix finely chopped onion and cucumber with beans, season with vegetable oil, salt, pepper and herbs. You can also decorate the salad with croutons before eating. Enjoy!

An ordinary, but tasty and healthy salad will give you a feeling of lightness in your stomach for a long time and supply you with many vitamins.


  • Cucumber - 2-3 pcs.;
  • Cabbage - half a head;
  • Corn - half a can;
  • Vegetable oil - 30 g or sour cream - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Green salad - 1 bunch
  • Salt, pepper - to taste


Combine chopped lettuce, shredded cabbage, corn and cucumber in a salad bowl. Season it all with vegetable oil or sour cream, salt and pepper. Your treasure trove of vitamins is ready for use!

Mayonnaise is a very common product in the post-Soviet expanses, a legacy of the USSR, so to speak, because in those days many other sauces simply did not exist on wide sale. It was and is traditionally added generously to many salads. But even having undeniable taste advantages, this sauce - let's be honest - is not very healthy for health, and especially its “factory” version, and not the home-made form. Those who want to control their kilograms by eating wholesome and healthy foods will also have to give up high-calorie, too-fatty sauce. But fortunately, you can do without this ingredient quite easily: light salads without mayonnaise come to our rescue - an excellent alternative! This article is a kind of selection, where there are both “ceremonial” dishes and everyday options. And even dietary light salads without mayonnaise - with vegetables, poultry, seafood. They will allow you to implement any menu, filling your meals with maximum benefits.

The simplest recipes for light salads without mayonnaise

Yes, they exist in nature - amazing and delightful in their simplicity. And they can be made in almost a few moments if the declared components are available. Needless to say, their ingredients will by no means be rare and expensive, or some kind of delicacy (although they are incredibly tasty). Most are fresh vegetables, which are abundant in any kitchen and supermarket (market) during the harvest season. Here are some options.


Today, probably, everyone knows that it is not citrus fruits that are the true suppliers of vitamin C to the human body, but simple and cheap white cabbage. It also contains folic acid and a lot of fiber! The taste of fresh and young cabbage is very rich and pleasant. We’ll also add strong cucumbers, bright carrots, a sour apple, juicy and sweet peppers, the freshest herbs and a spoonful of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Since we are preparing a light vegetable salad without mayonnaise, we season everything with fragrant and aromatic virgin olive oil. Either flaxseed or cold-pressed sunflower. By the way, we also recommend avoiding vinegar dressing; as a last resort, use natural apple or grape balsamic.

Ingredients: half a head of cabbage, several fresh cucumbers, a couple of sweet bell peppers, one large carrot, a bunch of fresh herbs, a spoonful of lemon juice and a spoonful of vegetable oil, salt.


Refined and at the same time simple, quite cheap and very tasty - all this is about the Caprese salad, which will become a real decoration for any table, festive or everyday. The preparation is simple: cut the tomatoes and mozzarella into slices, place them in a container in layers, sprinkle with basil leaves and sprinkle with olive oil (you can use flaxseed, sesame, and sunflower). And that is all. We are preparing a light salad, without mayonnaise. However, there is one rather interesting option - season with liquid honey and lemon juice. The solution is, of course, unusual, but worth a try.

Ingredients: half a kilo of large tomatoes (fresh), 150-200 grams of mozzarella, several sprigs of basil, olive oil, salt.


Telling how and from what you can prepare simple light salads (without mayonnaise, of course), you can’t do without mentioning Greek. Moreover, classical traditions do not at all cancel creative freedom. Traditional feta (very high in calories, by the way) can be replaced with other cheeses: feta cheese, Adyghe cheese, suluguni (tofu for vegans). Onions - leeks or white, red salad. The dressing can be extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice, balsamic or natural apple vinegar. It is customary for us to cut the ingredients into cubes, season and mix. But the Greeks do it differently: they serve dressings separately, and coarsely chopped cheese and vegetables separately.

Ingredients: several fresh tomatoes, feta cheese - 150-200 grams, onion, one sweet pepper, pitted black olives, vegetable oil and lemon juice.


You may be surprised, but this favorite dish can be prepared without mayonnaise. A light and tasty chicken salad will be a real decoration for your holiday table! Secret: to make the Caesar as juicy as possible (which is quite difficult to achieve if you boiled the breast - it is too dry), we will not use boiled meat. Cut the raw fillet into pieces and quickly fry (2 minutes is enough) in boiling oil. The fillet will turn out juicy, so the “lemon juice + olive oil” dressing will be quite enough. And fresh vegetables, crispy leaves of green salad or arugula provide the dish with rich taste and juiciness. Crackers with sesame seeds, garlic, eggs, which can be chicken or quail - well, just a feast for the stomach!

Avocado with squid

What other simple recipes for light salads without mayonnaise can you try for the New Year's table? So that everything would be festive and delicious? Take one ripe avocado, half a kilo of peeled boiled (or marinated) squid, freshly prepared crackers (half a loaf of toaster bread is browned in the same machine and cut), any hard cheese, lemon juice (1 spoon) and orange juice (1 spoon), a little mustard with spices . We cut everything and mix it - and here we have a fragrant, very airy, tender and festive representative of the glorious family of light salads without mayonnaise (see photo above). And believe me, on any holiday (including New Year’s) table this dish will not remain untouched for long.

Herring under a fur coat

We continue the holiday theme - and it is very extensive. All housewives probably know how to prepare such a familiar and traditional salad in the post-Soviet space as herring under a fur coat (although there are various variations of it). We offer another equally interesting method: cooking without mayonnaise. Yes, yes, this is quite possible. This is a lighter version of everyone's favorite holiday dish. Now it’s fashionable (in the sense of a healthy lifestyle), and some home cooks boldly remove fatty and unhealthy mayonnaise from the recipe, replacing the ingredient with sour cream and mustard sauce, and to give the salad an original look, they make it in the form of parts - separate portions, that is, they add classic layers not in large containers, but separately in cups. It will even taste better this way. All that remains is to decorate with herbs and serve on the festive table. And your collection of recipes with photos of light salads (without mayonnaise) will be replenished with one more type. In addition, the preparation of the dish (except for the dressing) remains unchanged: we lay herring fillets, potatoes, onions, carrots, beets, and eggs in layers. Well, in general, everything is as it should be.

With chicken and pineapple

Olive oil, soy sauce, wine vinegar (or balsamic) - from these ingredients we get a flavorful dressing that successfully replaces high-calorie mayonnaise and allows you to prepare this healthy salad. Or you can try adding a new ingredient - honey (liquid, freshly pumped out). Otherwise, the recipe will remain unchanged: take slices of chicken fillet and fry in a frying pan or grill over high heat. Next, take canned pineapple pieces, add ginger and lettuce, red onion and carrots, bell pepper and broccoli - you can take them in equal proportions. Mix together with the prepared meat in a deep container, adding the dressing mentioned above. And on top of the finished salad you can sprinkle crushed peanuts. This will add a special piquancy and culinary zest to the dish.

With crab sticks (shrimp) without mayonnaise

The recipe for “crab” salad is probably in every home cook’s arsenal. Some cheaper ingredients - crab sticks - are replaced with boiled and peeled shrimp, but this will make its cost more expensive. Otherwise, everything is according to plan: canned corn, egg, fresh cucumbers, onions.

Shall we try our delicious salad without dressing at all? Fresh cucumbers and sweet juicy corn will give him enough liquid so that the crab sticks are thoroughly soaked with it. So, as we see, fatty and familiar mayonnaise can be completely eliminated - without any harm to the taste. Try it - you won't regret it!