Pear leaves useful properties and contraindications. Pear, benefits and harms to human health. Useful qualities of fruits

Pears are fruits known to man from ancient times.

Now no one can say for sure when and where it came from to a person.

Her miraculous nature was sung by Homer in the Odyssey.

IN ancient rome and Egypt, the gods were depicted with this fruit in their hands.

Hindus animated her, and in Europe for a long time she was treated.

Today, more than 5 thousand of its varieties are known. They differ from each other in shape, taste, color, size. Only its valuable and beneficial features.

Pears: composition, how to use

Pears are famous not only for their amazing taste and aroma. In its composition, they contain a lot of useful and valuable substances for humans. According to some of their indicators, the pear surpassed even the apple. 100g contains:

Vitamins: PP (0.1mg), A (2.01mg), B1 (0.02mg), B2 (0.03mg), B5 (0.05mg), B6 ​​(0.03mg), B9 (2mcg), C (5mcg ), H (0.1 µg), E (0.4 µg), K (4.5 µg).

Macronutrients: calcium (19mg), sodium (14mg), magnesium (12mg), potassium (155mg), sulfur (6mg), chlorine (1mg), phosphorus (16mg).

Trace elements: zinc (0.19mg), iron (2.3mg), iodine (1mcg), selenium (0.1mcg), copper (120mcg), manganese (0.056mcg), molybdenum (5mcg), fluorine (10mcg), boron (130mcg ), silicon (6mcg), vanadium (5mcg), nickel (17mcg), cobalt (10mcg), rubidium (44mcg).

A balanced combination of all these elements has a beneficial effect on the heart, kidneys, pancreas, nervous system, cell metabolism, cholesterol levels. Their combined effect improves general well-being person. Its essential oils tone, give strength, invigorate, cheer up.

Nutritional value (in 100g present):

0.3 grams of fat;

10.3 grams of carbohydrates;

0.4g of proteins;

2.8g of dietary fiber;

0.5g of organic acids;

0.5 g of starch;

9.8g of mono- and disaccharides;

0.7g of ash;

85g of water.

It has long been noted that the calorie content of any vegetable, fruit depends on the variety and degree of maturity. Pear refers to low-calorie fruits. Depending on the variety, in its 100g is only from 42kcal to 58kcal. Benefits of pear diet fruit, priceless. Its pulp quickly fills the entire volume of the stomach, creating a feeling of fullness.

The pear retains its beneficial properties in any form. That is why it is used in medicine, dietetics, cosmetology, and cooking.

Use in cosmetology. Scrubs, masks, lotions, creams are made from pears. It is present in the composition of anti-aging cosmetics. Its extracts help restore skin elasticity, tighten pores, give it healthy color, elasticity and smoothness. Masks based on it relieve acne, relieve inflammation and have a lifting effect.

Many women rub their face with a crushed pear. This procedure has a scrub effect. Stony particles, acetic and malic acids perfectly rid the skin surface of old dead cells.

There are many recipes when you can make masks, lotions on your own.

For skin whitening: crushed fruit pulp is applied to the face for 15-20 minutes, then washed off. If the skin is dry, then milk is added to the pulp.

For oily and normal skin mix the pulp and egg white. The mixture is applied for 20 minutes, then washed off. This blend quickly refreshes and tones the skin.

For pale and tired skin, you can prepare a mask of lemon juice (1chl), pear pulp (1-2st l) and egg white. The mask applied for 30 minutes will change the color of the skin, give it freshness.

Its juice, when rubbed into the hair, eliminates dandruff. To make this effect more persistent, the juice is applied to the hair roots 30 minutes before washing them.

For the preparation of lotions, masks, it is better to use ripe fruit, since it contains the maximum amount of useful and necessary connections.

Application in cooking. Usually, desserts, jams, juices, compotes, jams, salads, and snacks are prepared from pears. In many world cuisines, it is added to meat and fish. It can be baked, dried, canned, boiled, used raw, but its benefits to the body will not change.

Application in dietetics. Significant amount of dietary fiber and low energy value make it possible to use the pear as a component in many diets. It creates a feeling of satiety, helps to remove toxins, toxins and cholesterol. low calorie allows you to use it for weight loss. During weight loss, when a person lacks minerals and vitamins, the fruit easily makes up for this deficiency.

Use in medicine. The ability to counteract many chronic, infectious, inflammatory diseases, rid the body of toxins, toxins and heavy metals, increase immune defense, make it possible to use the pear as a medicine.

It affects the heart, liver, kidneys, stomach, intestines, pancreas. Helps to quickly cope with colds, diabetes, dermatitis, prostatitis, stress, fatigue and depression. It is recommended to include it in the diet for severe physical activity, loss of appetite, hypersensitivity to cold, poor wound healing.

In many traditional medicines, pear is the main component. All useful properties and healing effects are shown only by well-ripened, juicy and fragrant fruits. Even a dried pear does not lose its properties, it can be treated all year round.

Pears: what are the benefits for the body

There are many ways to improve health without taking medicines. Pear has great health benefits. Since ancient times, it has been considered not only as a tasty fruit, but also as healing agent. Her healing abilities were sung in the odes and poems of poets from different countries even in ancient times.

A pear is useful for any use: raw, baked, dried. Its beneficial properties are used for:

Strengthening immunity;

Counteracting any inflammatory processes;

Human protection from negative impact various toxins, poisons;

Improving the work of the heart and blood vessels;

Stabilization of the stomach, pancreas and intestines;

Lowering body temperature;

Cleansing the body of toxins, heavy metals and toxins;

Replenishment of deficiency of vitamins and minerals;

Performance Improvements thyroid gland;

Fight against colds and viral diseases.

The pear is natural and fast way replenish the energy of the body. Its pulp is well and quickly digested. In the stomach and intestines, it helps to form an environment that destroys pathogens.

Tannin and pectin compounds strengthen the walls internal organs. Iron and folic acid take part in the processes of hematopoiesis, regeneration, strengthen and cleanse blood vessels.

Fruit without fear is allowed to be consumed by diabetics and those who have excess weight. This is explained by the fact that it contains a lot of fructose, and the stomach and intestines do not need insulin for its digestion and absorption.

The pear has long been used as wound healing agent. Its juice and decoction have antibacterial action because they contain arbutin - an antibiotic natural origin.

All known ways The use of pear as a medicine is effective because it has the following properties:








General strengthening;



It fully shows all its properties only after full ripening, when the fruits become juicy, fragrant, melting in the mouth.

Pears: what is the harm to health

The presence of fruit in the diet is not only beneficial for the body. There are several precautionary rules, the observance of which will prevent the pear from causing harm to health:

It should not be consumed before meals on an empty stomach;

Do not combine with raw and carbonated water, fresh milk, heavy and fatty foods;

Do not eat unripe fruit.

Alimentary fiber, tannins and lignified cellulose have negative impact on the body during periods of development and exacerbation of inflammatory processes in the digestive system. They irritate the mucous membranes of organs and increase intestinal peristalsis. Their presence in the composition is a reason to refuse to use it when:

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: colitis, ulcers, gastritis;

chronic form constipation

Weakened immunity;

Tart and sour varieties are contraindicated in diseases nervous system and paralysis.

To reduce its harm, it is important to choose the right pear:

It should be ripe, soft in moderation, without rot;

Well washed.

These elementary rules allows everyone to enjoy its taste without harm to health.

Pears for children: useful or harmful

A tasty, fragrant, juicy pear is necessary not only for an adult, but also for a child. Its rich in vitamins and minerals composition helps to grow and shape properly. children's body, raises immune defense, positively affects the functioning of organs.

Pear contains no allergens. This fact allows you to include it in the diet of even the smallest children. For babies up to a year, it is in the composition of mashed potatoes, juices. If the baby has a tendency to allergies, then pediatricians advise giving a baked pear. This method of processing it removes from the pulp and reduces the effect of allergenic components on the child.

Pear puree is recommended to be introduced into the diet of babies from 6 months, juices - a little earlier - from 4-5 months. When introducing it into complementary foods for a child, it is important to observe the reaction of his body: problems with the gastrointestinal tract may occur. intestinal system. If negative reactions were not observed, then you can safely accustom the baby's body to this fruit. A pear is more easily digested by a child's body than an apple.

Whether a pear will bring health benefits or harm will depend on the amount eaten, and how correctly it was eaten.

Pears have been used for thousands of years not only as a delicacy, but also to promote health, in the most different recipes folk medicine. For many, a pear, the beneficial properties of which have been known since Ancient Greece, has become a daily useful addition to the diet.

Pear. Medicinal properties

Nutrients found in pears:

  1. Essential oils. It is thanks to these oils that juice from fresh pears is considered an excellent diuretic.
  2. Natural antibiotic - arbutin. traditional healers, knowing this, it is advised to drink pear broth to alleviate the symptoms of fever, reduce the temperature. In addition, pears are used for cooking folk remedies, which help men recover from prostatitis, as well as provide effective prevention this disease, which is associated with the cleansing effect of the antibiotic on the microbes that inhabit the kidneys and bladder.
  3. Natural components of mineral salts of iron, iodine, potassium, copper, manganese, cobalt, calcium, molybdenum, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc. Such a composition is able to compensate for the lack of many nutrients in the body, supplement the diet in such a way as to improve health.
  4. Organic pear acids. The beneficial properties of these components can suppress the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria, creating an unfavorable acidic environment for them in the stomach.
  5. . Capable of depriving pathogenic bacteria mobility, making it easier for the body to fight them.
  6. Sahara. Not in vain in many folk recipes advised to eat pears - in the very different form. After all, even with diabetes (a prerequisite for good tolerance), you can drink fresh pear juice half an hour before meals. These fruits also help support a restrictive diet as they are low in energy and high in water.
  7. Vitamins: A, PP, C, B1 B2, P, carotene and. Pears are a natural pantry of vitamins necessary for the body. This is especially important for pregnant women. In addition, these vitamins are able to strengthen capillaries. Pear, due to the presence of iron in the composition, can serve as a medicine for anemia (in combination with honey it gives a good effect).
  8. Catechins. These are natural antioxidants that have the property of rejuvenating cells.
  9. Nitrogenous substances strengthen the stomach and intestines.
  10. Tannins have a positive effect on the body with any signs of problems in the gastrointestinal tract.

Pear. Contraindications

This rich composition provides the pear with unique medicinal properties, gives it the ability to provide energy and vigor. But, like any remedy, pear-based drugs have their own contraindications.

  1. It is not recommended to use a fresh pear for people who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases. As an option - try boiled pears, from which there will be no heaviness in the stomach, but healing properties they will deliver as needed.
  2. You can't eat pears empty stomachnatural acids, which are part of these fruits, will irritate the esophagus and stomach.
  3. It is not recommended to drink pears with water, so as not to provoke heartburn.
  4. Do not eat meat immediately after pears.
  5. For best effect, you need to eat pears half an hour after eating.
  6. For older people, from 70 years old and older, it is better to choose juicy soft pears. If the pears are hard, it is allowed to bake them in the oven. This must be done to avoid stomach problems.

In general, for many problems with the body, a pear can help, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which are well studied by scientists. The main approach is the reasonable use of any means.

Pear jam - a recipe for the best result

Recipe 1. Pear-lemon jam with grapes.

Ingredients: Ripe but firm pears. For 1 kg. pears need 200 gr. light raisins, 1 lemon, 1 kg. 100 gr. sugar, 300 gr. water. Pears need to be prepared: wash, dry, cut into 4 parts and remove the core. After that, cut into small pieces. wash. Prepare syrup: Add sugar to water and bring to a boil. When the sugar dissolves and the syrup begins to foam, pour the cooked fruit into it. Then cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, for 1 hour. Squeeze lemon juice into a container with jam (at the same time, if there are seeds, it is better to drain lemon juice in a cup so that you can choose them). After adding the lemon juice, leave the jam to boil for another 10 minutes.

Recipe 2. Pear jam in a slow cooker.

Many housewives appreciated such a relatively new device as a slow cooker. Of course, there are already many recipes for how to cook excellent pear jam not just in a pot. It is very easy to prepare such a dessert, while the hostess is relieved of many troubles - she does not need to monitor the boiling of the jam from the container, and it is also unusually easy to wash the dishes after cooking.

Pears for jam are taken hard, but sweet. Based on 1 kg. pears need 800 gr. jam. It is recommended to dilute the syrup with citric acid (0.5 tsp) or juice.

Having prepared the pears (washing and cutting them into pieces), put the fruits in the multicooker bowl, immediately add sugar, add citric acid. It is allowed, if the pears are not juicy, to add juice (but be careful - otherwise good pears will give a lot of juice, and the jam will not be thick).

The jam is cooked in the “jam” mode (if this mode is not in the multicooker options, replace it with the “stewing” mode) for 1 hour. After that, leave the jam for 20 minutes in the “warming up” mode, then boil the jam for 10 minutes (“warming up” mode, if available in the options). After that, you can pour the finished jam into sterilized jars, which must be turned upside down with lids and wrapped until completely cooled.

Recipe 3. Pear jam with poppy seeds.

They also take hard, but sweet pears. The jam has a peculiarity - the fruit must be peeled. Then the finished dessert will have a pleasant texture and a transparent texture.

For cooking you need: 800 gr. pears, poppy seeds (2 tablespoons), 200 gr. sugar, 1 lemon.

Squeeze the juice from the lemon and pour it over the diced pears. Cover fruit with sugar and leave to soak for 2 hours. Then bring the mixture to a boil, quickly reduce the heat and boil again for 20 minutes.

During cooking, you need to stir the mixture regularly, and remove the foam in time. Then grind half of the jam in a blender. Fry poppy seeds in a pan without oil, grind (using a coffee grinder or pestle).

Having combined all the parts of the jam, add poppy seeds, and cook for 10 minutes until the jam reaches the desired density. After that, the dessert can be poured into prepared jars.

Pears: calorie content and energy value indicators

For connoisseurs proper nutrition and those who like to make their own diets, you need to know that during weight loss you can eat pears, their calorie content is only 47 kilocalories per 100 grams. In this case, the composition of pears is approximately the following:

  1. Carbohydrates - 10, 3 gr.
  2. Water - 85 gr.
  3. Acids - 0.5 gr.
  4. Fats 0 0.3 gr.
  5. Vegetable fibers - 2.8 gr.
  6. Monosaccharides and disaccharides - 9.8 gr.
  7. Proteins - 0.4 gr.
  8. Starch - 0.5 gr.

The qualitative characteristics of a pear are the presence of stony cells in the composition (which create the very characteristic crunch when biting the fruit). Lignified (it is she who is part of nutshell) may irritate mucous membranes. Therefore, for people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is contraindicated to use fresh pears. It is also not always useful for diarrhea or, conversely, constipation. With these stomach disorders, pears can be consumed only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Pathologies and conditions of the body in which doctors recommend pear remedies:

  1. During the period of prevention of infectious diseases;
  2. When capillary permeability is significantly impaired.
  3. With reduced immunity.
  4. The tendency of a person to frequent acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections.
  5. State of depression.
  6. Severe intractable cough.
  7. Jades ( inflammatory diseases kidneys).
  8. Intestinal disorders of various etiologies.
  9. Loss of normal appetite.
  10. Treatment and prevention of prostatitis.
  11. Rapid fatigue of the body.
  12. Vertigo.
  13. With poor wound healing.

Proper preparation of pear medicines for various diseases.

With prostatitis - in the form of compotes. The drug is taken in combination with the main treatment.

Constipation - the patient should eat fruits from compote.

Anemia - two pears are peeled, kneaded and two tablespoons of honey are added. Means to eat at dinner.

Bronchitis - in a glass of pear juice, add a small spoon. The resulting drink drink half a glass three times a day.

In the treatment of nephritis and to relieve inflammation urinary tract use decoctions and pear juices.

With children's dyspepsia (difficulty digestion), it is useful to cook oatmeal, adding pears to it, in combination with compotes and jelly.

A pear is one of those products that combines wonderful taste and significant nutritional value. The pear contains a large amount of fiber and sugars, so it is an excellent treat for children and adults. And the content of vitamins P, PP, B1, C, iodine and others chemical elements makes the pear very useful for the body.

Useful properties of pears

First of all, it should be noted that maximum benefit a pear brings if it is eaten on an empty stomach or at least half an hour after eating, nothing but plain water without drinking.

Pear contains arbutin, which is a natural antibiotic. Therefore, ripe fruits increase the body's resistance. various infections, fight inflammation, strengthen immunity. Pear also helps to eliminate toxins and other harmful substances, cleanses the body of toxins.

Organic acids, pectin and other substances contained in the pear, improve digestion. They inhibit the activity of microflora in gastrointestinal tract, stimulate the release gastric juice, increase appetite. Fiber improves intestinal motility. Pear also has a diuretic effect.

Pear improves performance of cardio-vascular system . It is believed that the stronger the smell of this fruit, the more benefit it benefits the heart and blood vessels. Pear stimulates hematopoietic function, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and normalizes the rhythm of contractions of the heart muscle. This is facilitated by potassium and sodium ions.

Pear accelerates growth processes and slows down the aging process. Therefore, it is recommended for both pregnant women and children. It is also worth noting that the pear is a hypoallergenic product, so even kids can enjoy it. Naturally, in reasonable quantities.

Due to the large amount of easily digestible fructose, pear can also be consumed by people who have a tendency to obesity, as well as diabetics.

Noted positive influence pears on the nervous system. This fruit makes it easier to endure stress, soothe "shattered" nerves, and improve overall well-being.

Pear promotes recuperation after severe mental or physical work, accelerates tissue regeneration.

men pear allows you to lead a full sex life, protects the prostate from diseases.

  • Deterioration of capillary permeability.
  • Cough.
  • Nervous disorders, depression.
  • Overweight, metabolic disorders.
  • Prostatitis.
  • Kidney disorders.
  • Poor wound healing.
  • Chronic fatigue.
  • Arrhythmias.
  • Imbalance of the microflora of the stomach and intestines.
  • Inflammatory processes.
  • Gastritis.
  • cholecystitis.

Pear contraindications

It is advisable for the elderly and children to eat only soft ripe fruits. Unripe pears are high in solid fiber, which irritates the stomach and can cause indigestion.

Limit or eliminate the use of pears should be:

  • Diseases of the stomach and intestines. Hard cells that are in the pulp can cause an exacerbation of the disease.
  • Diseases of the nervous system (hard and sour fruits).

The pear is one of the most popular fruits in the world: there are more than 3 thousand of its varieties. The ancient Greek poet Homer called it "the gift of the gods."

It is believed that the birthplace of pears is South Asia: namely, from there in 1000 BC. they were brought into the territory modern Europe. Pears came to Russia in the 6th century, and the people called them doulas.

Vitamin composition

All varieties of pears are divided into dessert and wild.

Desserts are good palatability and large size.

Wild pears are usually small, hard, sweet and sour.

The main nutritional advantages of fruits are high nutritional value and low calorie content.

100 g of fruit contain only 50 kcal. The nutritional value of pears is explained by the high content of fruit sugars in it:

  • fructose;
  • glucose;
  • sucrose.

Due high concentration fructose, it is enough to eat 1-2 fruits to feel full. Therefore, many nutritionists recommend replacing apples with pears when losing weight.

Of all the fruits common in our latitudes, the pear is perhaps the richest. vitamin composition. It contains almost all B vitamins:

They provide:

  • normal course of metabolic processes,
  • participate in the synthesis of red blood cells, hemoglobin and antibodies,
  • regulation of CNS activity.

In terms of micro- and macroelement composition, pears are superior to apples. In the pulp and skin of pears in high concentrations are present:

  • potassium,
  • phosphorus,
  • zinc,
  • iron,
  • copper,
  • calcium.

They are also characterized by a high content of unsaturated fatty acids.

Medicinal properties

Pear is a real sweet healer. It is included in the list of products that do not cause food allergies.

Iron is an indispensable element of hematopoiesis and an obligatory participant in the synthesis of hemoglobin in red blood cells.

Thanks to hemoglobin, the cells of the body receive vital oxygen, which is converted into energy.

Iron deficiency results in fatigue, weakness, and a drop in brain activity.

The lack of this element is best illustrated by the sleep-on-the-go state.

To make up for iron deficiency, it is enough to eat 1-2 pears and the task of consumption daily allowance iron will be executed.

Pear fruits are rich in antioxidants, in particular glutathione. Its main function is to normalize blood pressure. Reducing the load on the heart, protects the body from cardiovascular pathologies, incl. and heart attack.

The invaluable benefits of pears for diabetics. Its fruits abound in fructose, which stimulates the function of the pancreas.

Fructose is one of the sugars that the body does not need insulin to digest. Therefore, the fruits of sweet and sour varieties are recommended for diabetics and those who suffer from obesity.

Pear is an effective natural immunomodulator due to the high concentration ascorbic acid.

Eating fresh fruit supports protective functions body during the rampant seasonal infections.

The vitamin charge contained in the pear enhances the effect of other means of treating colds.

Organic acids present in fruits, stimulate hepatic and renal functions. Pear helps with inflammation, aggravating the course of colds:

  • it is enough to eat a couple of slices of fruit to relieve a sore throat and remove hoarseness.

Only 100 g is enough to provide the body daily dose cobalt, which is very useful for the thyroid gland.

Eating fresh pears prevents brittle bones Therefore, the fruit is useful for the prevention of osteoporosis.

The microelement composition of fruits includes boron, which forms a stable compound with calcium contained in the bones.

Due to this, calcium is not "washed out" from the body.

Finally, the pear is useful expectant mothers, thanks to the high concentration of folic acid.

This vitamin is especially important in the formation of the neural tube of the fetus in the first weeks of pregnancy.

Wildlife benefits

Despite the fact that wild varieties of pears are almost never eaten, most medicinal decoctions prepare, precisely, from them.

Wild pear decoction is an effective and affordable antidiarrheal agent.

The tannins in its composition quickly deal with pathogens - the causative agents of indigestion, and the pectin present in the wild pear strengthens the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.

Freshly squeezed wild pear juice used in the treatment of urolithiasis. Regular intake the drink helps to crush stones to sand and remove it through the urinary tract.

Pear juice is also useful for diabetes:

Arbutin and vitamin P, present in the fruits and leaves of wild pear, contribute to the suppression of inflammatory processes and stimulation of blood circulation in the prostate gland.

For Therapy erectile dysfunction V folk medicine compote from wild game is used.

The healing properties of fresh pear juice were discovered by Avicenna. If you regularly wipe a crusted wound with a fresh cut of fruit, it will dry out and fall off much faster.

Application in cosmetology

Pear extract is present in many cosmetics luxury niche.

The biologically active substances contained in it are characterized by a whole range of properties that are beneficial for the skin:

IN folk cosmetology water infusion pear leaves were used to treat seborrhea () - excessive excretion sebum, coupled with strong peeling, and acne.

An infusion of pear leaves not only tightens pores, but also nourishes the skin with vitamins. Its regular use allows you to even out the complexion () and eliminate enlarged pores.

Pear masks - vitamin "delicacy" for oily and combination skin. For their preparation, only ripe fruit with no signs of decay.

For skin whitening and clarification age spots it is recommended to apply on the face the pulp of a ripe pear without the addition of auxiliary components.

Pear juice helps get rid of dandruff.
It is enough to rub it into the hair roots half an hour before washing for 2-3 weeks and you will notice that white “snow” falls from the hair much less often.

Can hurt

The pear has incomparably more useful properties than contraindications, but nevertheless, they exist.

Raw fruits contain the so-called. stony cells that irritate the intestinal walls.

Therefore, with exacerbations of gastrointestinal pathologies, it is advisable to refrain from delicacy of juicy fruits.

Varieties with a tart and sour taste are undesirable for older people, because. a lot of energy is spent on their assimilation.

In other cases, pears will only benefit. The main thing is not to abuse the quantity!

While watching the video, you will learn about the beneficial properties of pears and some tasty, healthy ones. recipes.

Pear is a fruit not only tasty, but also very healthy. The regular inclusion of pears in the menu allows you to reduce blood cholesterol levels, helps strengthen immunity, and allows you to get rid of extra pounds. Pears can be eaten as absolutely healthy people, and the sick. These fruits are useful for pregnant women and young children, as pears contain many vitamins and minerals.

It is known that the more aromatic the fruit, the more useful components it contains.

100 g of pear contains:

    Ascorbic acid - 5 mg.

    Tocopherol - 0.4 mg.

    B vitamins: vitamin B2 - 0.03 mg, vitamin B5 - 0.05 mg, vitamin B9 - 0.002 mg, vitamin B1 - 0.02 mg, vitamin B6 - 0.03 mg.

    Potassium - 155 mg.

    Sodium - 14 mg.

    Calcium - 19 mg.

    Iron - 2.3 mg.

    Phosphorus - 16 mg.

    Magnesium - 12 mg.

    Sulfur and silicon - 6 mg each.

In addition, pears have such necessary for a person substances like molybdenum, iodine, boron, zinc, manganese, vanadium, fluorine, nickel and many others. Eating pears in food allows you to saturate the body folic acid which is especially beneficial for pregnant women.

Ripe pears are 97% juicy pulp, the remaining 3% are seeds and peel. Pear is a valuable source of fiber, which normalizes bowel function. The inclusion of a pear in the menu allows you to adjust the biocenosis in the body, since the fruit is a natural antibiotic.

The pulp of the fruit contains flavonoids, organic acids, tannins and enzymes. Pear also contains starch.

However, those pears that grow in environmentally unfavorable areas will not benefit the body. Fruit should not be picked from trees along highways. Such fruits will contain heavy metals, including lead, thallium and strontium.

Pears can be safely consumed by people with excess body weight, as these fruits are a low-calorie product. 100 g of pear contains about 47 kcal, of which 10.7 g are carbohydrates, 0.3 g are fats, and 0.4 g are proteins.

Useful properties of pears for the health of the body

The health benefits of pears cannot be overestimated.

Through the use of these fruits, one can achieve following effects:

Due to the fact that the pear contains a large amount of ascorbic acid, blood vessels are strengthened, strength and elasticity increase. vascular wall. Pears can be consumed to prevent atherosclerosis, as they help to reduce.

Since the pear is rich dietary fiber, it is useful to include it in the menu for people with. Pear lovers have not only hair and nails in excellent condition, but also skin and teeth. It is recommended to regularly eat pears for people suffering from cancer, as these fruits increase the effectiveness of drugs designed to treat cancer.

Pears help in the fight against the following diseases:

    Skin diseases. With a tendency to allergies, as well as eczema, it is necessary to use a decoction of pear leaves. To prepare it, you need to pour 0.5 liters of boiling water into a glass of young pear leaves. Then the resulting mixture is boiled over low heat for 2 minutes. In the resulting broth, gauze is moistened and applied to the inflamed areas of the skin.

    Diseases of the urinary system. A decoction based on pears can reduce the intensity of pain during urination, for example, with cystitis. In addition, the amount of urine excreted increases, and an unpleasant odor ceases to emanate from it.

    Diseases of the biliary system. WITH therapeutic purpose it is useful to take a decoction based on dried fruits. You need to chop one pear, pour it with 500 ml of water and boil the resulting mixture until the fruit becomes soft. Then the broth is removed from the fire and kept under the lid for 3 hours. Drink the resulting composition 3-4 times a day for half a glass. This is very useful tool in diseases of the gallbladder.

    Diseases of cardio-vascular system. Since pears contain potassium, it is useful to eat them both fresh and dried. Can be made with fruits various drinks: compotes, juices, fruit drinks.

Pears allow you to get rid of edema, increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, and normalize the functioning of the gallbladder. To do this, it is enough to eat about 100 g of fruit per day. This portion makes it possible to 100% saturate the body with cobalt.

Very useful pear variety Conference. It should be included in the menu for people with disorders in the work of cardiac activity, as well as problems with the immune system. This variety contains organic acids and dietary fiber. Conference can be eaten with diarrhea, as well as to accelerate weight loss.

Not less than useful pear Duchess varieties. These are quite large fruits, the weight of which can reach 0.8 kg. Duchesse pears contain an antibacterial component - arbutin. It is detrimental to most pathogenic flora person. Doctors recommend using a decoction of Duchesse pears for people with diseases respiratory system, as well as at strong cough. Such a “medicine” will definitely appeal to all patients, because Duchesse pears have a pleasant nutmeg flavor.

However, you should not use Duchess pears in large quantities, as this can provoke indigestion in the form.

It is not recommended to eat unripe pears for the elderly. For eating, you should choose only ripe fruits, which are best pre-cooked, for example, baked in the oven.

An impressive set of useful properties has a wild pear. In dried form, it is prescribed to people who are sick. Effectively relieves painful cough baked or boiled pear. For the treatment of children from colds, a decoction of wild pear is used.

Unsuitable for food are fruits with rot or too overripe fruits. Such pears provoke the processes of decay in the intestines.

Wild pears are useful for people with kidney stones to include in their menu. It is enough to eat two fruits a day. You can cook unsweetened compote from them.

Another useful variety pear is called Williams. These fruits have a low calorie content, and also do not cause allergic reactions. It is very useful to give such baked pears to often ill children. Breastfeeding women should not refuse to use Williams pears. Including them in daily menu improves the quality and volume of breast milk.

Williams pears help to strengthen the immune system, so they should be eaten by pregnant women.

Pear contains many minerals and vitamins that are needed for chronic prostatitis, so all men will benefit from this fruit.

It is known that men are more susceptible than women. Pear, in turn, helps fight early hair loss. To do this, you need to regularly use a pear-based mask.

Mask ingredients:

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, after which the mask must be applied to the scalp, intensively rubbing it into the hair roots. Withstand this composition for half an hour, then rinse with warm water.

Another useful property of a pear for men is an increase in potency. On the day you need to eat 2-3 ripe fruits. The same amount of pears should be eaten by men engaged in heavy physical labor.

The benefits of pears for women are invaluable during menstrual cycle. Its use in food can reduce the severity unpleasant symptoms, namely: improve mood, relieve pain, increase efficiency.

Cystitis is one of the most common diseases among women. Speed ​​up recovery and reduce pain during urination is possible due to the use of pear with mountain ash and cranberries. Such a fruit and berry mix allows you to increase the volume of urine separated.

Pear is a valuable component that is part of face masks:

    Pear pulp (2 tablespoons) should be mixed with honey (1 teaspoon) and a pinch of cinnamon. Apply this mask to the face once every 3-4 days. This will refresh the skin and give it a healthy look.

    Mixture pear puree(2 teaspoons) and hydrogen peroxide (4 drops) is very effective tool to fight acne rashes and age spots.

Pear-based masks should only be applied to intact skin. Do not use pear masks for people with very sensitive skin faces.

It is known that many women seek to get rid of extra pounds. It is very useful to include a pear in the menu when various diets. This fruit will saturate the body beneficial substances, but will not allow you to gain body weight due to its low calorie content.

In addition, the pear is rich in insoluble dietary fiber. Their regular intake in the body contributes to the normalization of the work of all digestive organs, as well as the elimination of toxins. Therefore, in summer and autumn, when the pear harvesting season comes, you need to eat at least 2 of these fragrant fruits a week.

Pears are useful during pregnancy, as they allow you to saturate the body with folic acid and increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood. In addition, pregnant women often suffer from constipation, and pears will gently solve this problem.

The benefits of pears for children

The benefits of pears for children come down to the normalization of bowel function. You can offer a decoction of dried fruits children prone to constipation. Also, this drink is useful for colds accompanied by.

As anthelmintic you can offer children pear seeds. They help stop diarrhea.

Pears should be included in the child's menu during the season of colds, as they allow the body to more effectively fight viruses.

Benefits and harms in various diseases

A pear can be beneficial and harmful when various diseases, namely:

    Diabetes. Pear can be included in the menu for people suffering from diabetes. These fruits contain fructose, the processing of which will increase blood glucose levels more evenly. Pear juice, diluted in equal proportions with water, allows you to lower. However, the juice must be freshly pressed. In severe form diabetes you should check with your doctor about the possibility of including pears in the menu.

    Gastritis. Pears can be consumed by people during remission of the disease. The anti-inflammatory effect is achieved due to the fact that these fruits contain astringent components and tannins. With gastritis with hyperacidity gastric juice is useful to drink pear juice. But with gastritis with low acidity it is better to refuse these fruits.

    Prostatitis. With prostatitis, it is useful to eat pears of various varieties, and drink compote based on them. Therapeutic effect It is achieved due to the normalization of blood circulation in the pelvic organs, as well as due to the diuretic effect.

You need to choose pears correctly, only in this way you can get the maximum benefit from the fruit. Most often, unripe fruits fall on store shelves. If it is not possible to buy a ripe pear, then after acquiring the fruits, it is necessary to keep them for several days at room temperature. This will allow them to ripen and get the maximum taste.

In addition, you should pay attention to the following characteristics:

    Pear color. This figure will vary depending on the type of fruit. However, no pear should have large black dots, as this indicates a rotting process taking place inside the fruit.

    Aroma. most useful and delicious pears are those that exude pleasant subtle smell. It is enough just to smell the “correct” pear to awaken the appetite.

    Integrity. On the pear should not be mechanical damage, dents, abrasions and scratches. If the skin of the fruit is damaged, then it is better to refuse to purchase such a product.

    Pear surface. The fruit should not shine, and there should not be a greasy coating on it. As a rule, such fruits are treated with harmful chemicals to extend the shelf life.

    Peduncle. It should not be too dry in a ripe pear. You should choose the fruit in which the stalk is soft and elastic, and also does not break when bent.

Pears can be stored at home, but this must be done correctly. If a large crop was harvested from the garden, then fruits should be placed in wooden boxes or baskets. Different varieties Pears need to be stored in different containers.

There must be holes in the box through which air will flow. Place paper on the bottom of the container. Pears are laid out with the stalk up. It is necessary to carry out the laying in such a way that the fruits do not touch each other. Pears are stored in one layer.

If fresh pears will be stored in the cellar, then mold and fungi must first be eliminated in the room. The air temperature should be low (from -1 to 0 degrees), and the air humidity should be high (about 85%). It is not recommended to keep any vegetables or fruits near pears. In addition, you need to carefully monitor the fruits. If one pear shows signs of damage, then it must be removed immediately. Rotten fruits will lead to spoilage of the entire crop.

When pears are stored in an apartment, a glazed loggia can be used for this purpose. Subject to all conditions, fruits can retain their freshness for 3 months. To increase the shelf life of pears, each fruit must be wrapped in paper. It is best to use parchment for this purpose.

You can also store pears in the refrigerator, pre-packing them in half a kilo plastic bags. Ventilation holes must be made in the bag.

Even with perfect observance of all conditions, pears will not retain their freshness for more than 4 months. In the refrigerator, fruits are stored for 30 days.

Harm and contraindications of pears for humans

    Overripe fruits should not be included in the menu, as they can provoke intestinal disorders. These fruits are high in methyl alcohol, acetic and lactic acids, acetaldehyde.

    If the fruits are ripe, then they should be eaten half an hour after eating and not combined with other foods, otherwise fermentation in the intestines is possible.

    The joint use of pears and fatty meat, dairy products and smoked delicacies.

    What is more useful: pears or apples? Both pears and apples are healthy fruits. Apples have a lower calorie content compared to pears, they contain a lot of iron. Eating apples stimulates the brain, and also allows you to cleanse the intestines of toxins. Pears, in turn, act as natural antibiotic, saturate the body with minerals and vitamins, normalize the work digestive system. Pears taste sweeter than apples, but they contain less sugar. However, a person needs to consume all fruits in moderate amounts.

    How to eat a pear? Pears can be eaten in any form. They are useful fresh, dried and dried. Skillful housewives make wine, marshmallow, candied fruits, marmalade from pears. Dried fruits are very tasty. Throughout the year, you can eat pears and drinks based on them: decoctions, juices, teas. If to pear juice add apple or lemon juice, then the drink will acquire an even more pleasant smell and taste. Duchess pears can be used for making dryers and compotes. They are great for jars.

Conclusion about the benefits of pears

Pears can and should be consumed by people of all ages. These fruits strengthen the immune system, enable the body to quickly cope with colds. Regular inclusion of pears in the menu allows you to normalize the functioning of the nervous system, prevent the development oncological diseases. Pears help with diarrhea.

During the harvest season, be sure to eat pears, but in moderation. At the same time, you can stock up on fruit tree leaves for the winter and enjoy delicious and healthy tea in the cold season.

Education: Diploma of the Russian State Medical University N. I. Pirogov, specialty "Medicine" (2004). Residency at the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, diploma in Endocrinology (2006).