How to plant smoking tobacco correctly. How to grow tobacco at home. What determines the quality of the finished product?

What is not grown in garden and summer cottages, in the gardens, avid gardeners. An unexpected option is smoking tobacco. Why not? For a gardener-smoker, this is a good way to stock up on your own.

The main feature of tobacco is the wide variety of varieties. They differ greatly in the methods of planting, care and harvesting. For example, shag is the most unpretentious option. If you grow ordinary tobacco in your garden, you will have to put in a little more effort. He loves warmth more, less water.

IMPORTANT! To grow tobacco in the garden, it is better to find out in advance which variety is suitable for a particular area.

In general, tobacco is planted, processed and fed like many other plants. For example, the process of transplanting seedlings into soil smoking tobacco very similar to planting tomatoes. It follows that anyone can grow tobacco in a garden.

Planting by seeds

In order to get tobacco seedlings, you need to sow the seeds. Tobacco is quite capricious and heat-loving, so it requires proper care and knowledge of the process. At the first stage of interaction with him, it is recommended to plant a large number of units of a plant to understand the principle of its cultivation.

Tobacco seeds have some features:

  • size. They are so small that they look more like dust. Hence the peculiarities of planting tobacco seeds for smoking: they can simply be “scattered” over the surface of the ground and only slightly pressed;
  • germination. Tobacco seeds retain their germination properties long time. This means that fairly old seeds can be sown;
  • quantity. To obtain a result equal to a smoker’s annual supply, a quarter of a gram of tobacco seeds is enough. This a small amount of material gives a decent amount of harvest.

Tobacco seeds - photo

Due to these features, a specific landing is required. Tobacco seeds are not planted deep. Maximum depth their planting is up to 1 cm. To do this, simply scatter them on the surface of the soil and only slightly press them into it. After this, carefully pour a thin stream of water. If the pressure is too strong, the seeds will easily be washed out and spread over the surface, going beyond the allotted limits.

ATTENTION! Tobacco seeds can be planted slightly germinated, this will speed up the process of seedling germination. To germinate seeds, you need to soak them in water 4-5 days before planting.

An important factor influencing the rate of seed germination is temperature. It should be within 25-28 degrees, otherwise the seeds may not sprout at all.

Video - technology for planting tobacco seeds

Planting seedlings in open ground

How to understand that tobacco seedlings are ready to move to open ground vegetable garden? There are a number of signs for this:

  • seedlings have a height of about 15 cm;
  • leaves have formed on it, there are about 5 pieces on each plant;
  • the root system has developed sufficiently;
  • frosts have passed and the likelihood of their occurrence is minimal. This factor is extremely important, since any sudden drop in temperature can destroy the entire crop.

ATTENTION! Before transplanting into open ground, tobacco plants must be hardened off. Otherwise, they will not be able to adapt to changed conditions.

The essence of hardening is to reduce the frequency of watering and periodically remove the seedlings to the open air. This will help strengthen the plants and make them a little more resilient to the elements.

The process of planting in the ground does not differ much from the standard one. Each bush is planted in separate holes, after pouring plenty of water into it. In addition, it is worth planting tobacco with a small amount of soil so that the root system is not severely damaged. This will help the plants survive the stress of replanting more easily and “get over it” faster.

Care and feeding

Tobacco care involves regularly performing the following actions:

  • weeding from weeds is necessary as they appear;
  • loosening the soil around the plant. This helps oxygen saturate the soil and nourish the tobacco root system;
  • feeding It is similar to what is made for tomatoes;
  • watering. Tobacco does not like abundant watering; it is better to water it rarely, but abundantly. Just during the summer (not very hot) 3-4 times are enough.

When to harvest and how to dry it?

Growing tobacco is not as important a process as harvesting and drying it. The result directly depends on the correct implementation of these actions. Improper drying or fermentation can ruin all efforts to grow tobacco for smoking.

Drying tobacco is an important step in the process of growing tobacco.

Tobacco that has changed the color of the leaves should be removed. If at first, at the stage of maturation and growth, they are green, then when they are ready for harvesting, they are closer to yellow. If the same bush has leaves of different colors, then they should be collected when ready. Hence, the harvesting process sometimes drags on for a long time.

Tobacco drying takes place in several stages:

Pests and diseases

To protect the crop from pests, it is worth knowing which ones threaten tobacco.

NameSymptoms, characteristicsDanger
Peach aphidPest attacking plant leavesThreatens complete destruction of the crop or a significant reduction in the quantity
MosaicAppears as the name suggests. Some leaves remain green, some turn yellowLack of treatment threatens plant destruction
BlacklegThe plant lies down, the stem becomes thinner, withersDestruction of a plant
Black rotPlant wilting, drying outDeath of the crop
Powdery mildewWhite-yellow coating in the form of a cobweb on the leaves, gradually completely covering the plantReduces yield, negatively affects the quality of tobacco

Diseases can completely cover the entire plant and spread to neighboring ones. Treatment is carried out in the same ways as for other plants. Good for processing copper sulfate and other means depending on the degree of plant damage.

Video - step-by-step instructions for growing tobacco in the garden

Thus, it is possible to grow tobacco for smoking in the garden. To do this, it is enough to care for it in approximately the same way as other plants. Tobacco does not like abundant watering, but loosening should not be neglected. In addition, air temperature is important. After harvesting, it is important to properly dry and ferment it. It’s a shame to lose the harvested tobacco crop at the last stage, so the drying process should be treated with special responsibility.

The constant rise in cigarette prices stimulates the interest of many smokers in growing tobacco on their land. In the pre-revolutionary years and especially during the revolutionary devastation in Russia, one of the most unpretentious types of tobacco was grown everywhere.

Currently, you can purchase seeds of the most exquisite varieties. Knowledge of how to grow tobacco for smoking in the garden will probably inspire many lovers of quality cigarettes.


Growing smoking tobacco is an exciting activity for a cigarette lover. It is impossible to compare the taste of fresh fried fish With canned fish, or the taste of zucchini game with stew from fresh vegetable. Thus, the taste and aroma of real tobacco cannot be compared with what is included in cigarettes.

Tobacco is a plant from the nightshade family, annual, tall, with large veined leaves and a tap root.

The plant is an industrial cultivated species of hybrid origin. This species has not been found growing wild anywhere.

A plant that belongs to a different species, well known in our country, is shag or samosad. They belong to the alkaloid plants containing nicotine, nicotine, nicotine, nicotelline, cornicotine.

There are over 70 types of tobacco that grow in temperate and southern regions of America, Australia, China, India, Turkey, and Polynesia. Smoking tobacco is used to obtain raw materials in the tobacco industry.

Growing tobacco in Russia began in large quantities during revolutionary events, when its supplies from other countries were stopped. Country tobacco, that is, shag, grew well not only in the southern regions, but even in the Urals region.

IN Soviet time many varieties of tobacco were bred for cultivation in the Krasnodar region and in Black Sea coast. After all, this plant is very heat-loving, and, in addition, all varieties have a long growing season, more than 100 days.

Currently, the State Plant Register of the Russian Federation lists 17 varieties of tobacco, including domestic selection:

  • Burley;
  • Virginia;
  • Large-leaved;
  • Holly;
  • Ruby;
  • Samsun;
  • Trapezond;
  • Anniversary.

You can purchase foreign varieties in online stores:

  • Kentucky Barley;
  • Maryland;
  • Havana;
  • Orinoco;
  • Perique;
  • Herzegovina Flor;
  • Sumatra;
  • Dubek.

Important! Each variety has its own unique aroma and taste, nicotine content, and absorption qualities.

Even shag has numerous varieties:

  • Mopacho (Peruvian);
  • Moscow;
  • Yeletskaya;
  • Turkish;
  • Crimean;
  • Khersonsky-7.

This type of tobacco, which is called country tobacco, although inferior in taste to American varieties, is the most unpretentious and frost-resistant.

Shag has a different taste, it is more aromatic than real tobacco and much stronger. Some fans collect wonderful collections of 70 varieties and offer seeds that can be grown on your own plot.

There are no industrial plantations of this plant in Russia today. The agricultural technology of once cultivated varieties has been forgotten. Amateurs cultivate tobacco on their own plots. Cultivation and care are not very different from the cultivation of other nightshades.

It is easy to make cigarettes from home-grown tobacco using a machine for cutting dried leaves and rolling cigarettes. These devices are inexpensive - 500 rubles each. If you take into account the cost of a pack of cigarettes, then with your own raw materials you can significantly save your budget.


Culture requires a lot of time and labor. Seeds are used to grow tobacco. They are very small, and the shelf life reaches 15 years, like tomatoes.

Planting tobacco begins with growing seedlings. Sowing dates depend on the region; for the middle zone it is mid-April.

Important! The duration of growing seedlings is 45–50 days, another 40–60 days pass from transplanting into the ground to budding, and 90–120 days before harvesting the leaves.

The question of how to plant tobacco and how to grow it arises for everyone who has not encountered this plant. The technology for preparing seedlings includes several standard points:

  • landing at a certain temperature;
  • watering and fertilizing;
  • crop protection;
  • hardening.

Growing from seeds begins with planting seedlings. The seeds are laid out superficially in a small container with soil, without covering them with soil.

Which soil do you prefer? It is better to choose a universal soil for vegetables without excess fertilizer. After sowing, the container is covered with polyethylene or a lid.

How to properly care for crops before germination

The container should be in a warm environment at +26–30 °C; the lid over the seedlings for air circulation can be slightly opened twice a day for five minutes. On the 3rd day we leave the lid over the crops slightly open by 0.5 cm, on the 7th day we remove it completely. Tender seedlings will get used to dry air and will not die. At this time, we do not water the seedlings; the soil is already moist.

On days 7–10, we begin watering through the pan. After 2 weeks, combine watering with fertilizing with a weak infusion onion peel. When mold appears on the ground, it must be loosened with a match and a little potassium permanganate should be added to the water for irrigation.

If there are not many plants, you can pick them up and plant them in individual cups. Picking is carried out at the moment of growth of two true leaves, 3 weeks after planting.

Before planting in the beds, the seedlings are hardened off. That is, she should be accustomed to being in the sun. 1.5 weeks before transplantation, we begin to expose the container with seedlings to the sun. On the first day - for 20-30 minutes, on the second - for 40-60 minutes and so on.

At the end of hardening, the seedlings should stand outside all day without experiencing stress. In this case, you need to monitor the soil moisture.

Planting tobacco seedlings in open ground begins from the time the plant produces 4–5 true leaves and reaches 10–15 cm in height.

When to plant seedlings in the garden? Like all nightshades - after establishing positive temperatures above + 14 ° C in the soil at a depth of 10 cm. At an air temperature of +4 ° C, tobacco dies. Therefore, it is important that there are no return frosts after planting.


To grow tobacco in open ground, you first need a temperature suitable for the plant. It is better to plant tobacco in an open, sunny place protected from the wind. This crop is demanding on soil fertility, but for a tobacco plantation it is better to choose poor lands.

Important! The poorer the land, the better the tobacco tastes.

Tobacco care involves carrying out the following work:

  • weeding and loosening;
  • watering and fertilizing (usually no more than 2 times per season);
  • plantation protection;
  • removal of stepsons;
  • finishing

The scheme for planting tobacco in the country is 50 cm between plants, 80 cm between rows. For those growing several varieties of tobacco, it is worth installing signs with the name of each variety.

Agricultural technology is similar to that of tomatoes. In open ground, the first few days the tobacco is watered daily. Once the plant has established itself, it does not need watering.

If there is a drought and the leaves of grown tobacco become wilted in the morning and evening, then the plantation should be watered. Drooping leaves in daytime does not cause concern.

Important! The more moisture, the weaker the tobacco.


Smoking tobacco is affected by some infections, and the most common is tobacco mosaic. Infection occurs through sucking insects. Therefore, immediately when planting seedlings, you can water each hole with Prestige.

Dilute 15 ml in 10 liters of water and pour 200 ml under the plant. That is, the planted plant is watered with 1 liter of water, then 200 ml of the drug solution, and then another 0.5 liter of water.
Other tobacco diseases include:

  • bronzeness;
  • mottling;
  • burnt

Diseases are mainly transmitted through insects, so it is worth treating the plantation with an insecticide several times. The diseases themselves cannot be treated; at the first manifestations, the diseased bushes should be removed along with the roots.

If crop rotation was observed on the site and tobacco grew where there were no nightshade crops before, then the risk of infection is minimal. After 3-4 weeks, it is recommended to tear off 2-3 lower leaves. This allows the plant to be better ventilated and to protect against disease and mold.

Top dressing

At the end of 2 weeks of growth, the first and only feeding is carried out with Fertika or Kemira Lux. It is enough to dilute 1 matchbox of fertilizer in a bucket of water.

Water 1 liter of water under each plant, then 1 liter of fertilizer and again 1 liter of water.

There is no need to feed more, especially nitrogen fertilizers. They make the taste of tobacco unpleasant, it hurts and burns the throat. Phosphorus fertilizers are applied during autumn digging. Potassium fertilizers are sprinkled during spring digging of the soil.


At the end of the second week, the plantation begins to become overgrown with weeds. They should be weeded out and the soil loosened. Weeding can be done a couple of times, when the tobacco grows to 50 cm, its huge leaves will drown out all the weeds.

In adult plants, the procedure is to remove stepsons that have grown to 3–4 cm. This must be done periodically, as new stepsons grow.

When about 40% of the flowers bloom, a topping procedure is carried out - the flowers are torn off from upper leaves. This procedure accelerates ripening; the plant spends a lot of energy and nutrition to ripen the seeds. After all, tobacco takes a long time to grow and does not always have time to ripen. The same procedure for shortening the stem is typical for many pumpkins so that its fruits have time to ripen.

Seed collection

To stock up on your own good seeds, we have to try. To collect smoking tobacco seeds, 1–3 plants with central peduncles are left, the lateral inflorescences are torn off. To preserve the purity of the variety, you can put an agrospan bag on them before flowering begins.

It is also necessary to regulate the number of seed pods on the bush. Leave no more than ten large boxes. On a seed bush, the leaves are picked off only 2-3 times.

The seed pods ripen gradually. Each is picked at the moment of full ripening. The boxes are laid out in a sunny place on a sheet of paper for 2 weeks. Then seeds are selected from them, sifted from debris through a sieve and placed in small plastic bags, signing the name of the variety and the year of harvesting.

Procurement of raw materials and fermentation

While caring for a tobacco plantation is not at all difficult, preparing high-quality raw materials for making cigarettes is not easy. Even in summer cottages, where a very small number of large plants can be grown, a special place must be equipped for drying leaves - a dryer.

The production of smoking tobacco from raw materials takes place in several stages:

  • collection (breaking);
  • languor;
  • drying;
  • laying down;
  • fermentation;
  • slicing.

Important! The leaf matures gradually along the stem, in tiers. Leaves are removed from one plant in 4–8 approaches.

40–45 days after planting, they begin to break the leaves in the lower tier. This occurs at approximately the same time as the appearance of flower buds. After 40–45 days from the start of harvesting the lower tier, the leaves on the upper tier begin to break.

The ripe leaf is very dense, lumpy and sticky, curls down, and the color changes to pale green with yellowish tint. The matured sheets click when assembled.


Drying is one of the main operations for obtaining real raw materials from leaves. The leaves are torn off by hand when they are 90% yellowed, strung on ropes in stacks and spread apart to the width of a finger. After which they are hung for several days in wooden sheds or attics to languish. They weigh in the dark, without sunlight, at a temperature of +25–35 °C and humidity 80–90%.

Important! The leaves change color, becoming yellow or red-brown, but do not completely dry out. And they also acquire a specific smell.

Drying usually lasts 3-4 days for light green leaves and a week for dark green leaf tobacco. Hang bunches of leaves to a height of about a meter.

Second necessary operation preparation of raw materials - drying. Bundles of leaves for drying can be hung higher to make room for the next batch to simmer. It needs to dry for at least a month. In a well-dried leaf, the central vein breaks with a crunch, but does not bend when folded.

After going through the full manufacturing process, any tobacco needs rest - resting. Dry leaves are placed in a box, where they lie for 3–4 months.

Important! The taste and aroma of collected and properly prepared tobacco after resting becomes more refined and noble.


The fourth operation is fermentation. Fermentation technology at home is different. It is developed by the gardener himself, who must be satisfied with the taste of the tobacco resulting from this process.

To start the fermentation process, a heat source is needed: stove, oven, radiator, microwave, special cabinet, solar heat. The easiest way to ferment is using an electric oven:

  • completely dry and yellow leaves are slightly moistened with a spray bottle on both sides and placed in a pile for a day, covering them with polyethylene;
  • disassemble the leaves and remove the central vein;
  • using a noodle cutter, the leaves are cut into strips 1–2 mm thick;
  • place the slices in glass jars, filling 2/3 of the volume, and close with an airtight lid;
  • The jars are placed in a cabinet and turned on at +50 °C, leaving them there for 5–7 days.

Important! During the fermentation process, condensation should not form on the glasses.

As a result, the sheet acquires its usual dark brown color, herbal smell gives way to a specific tobacco aroma, bitterness is lost, and flammability increases.

It is worth saying that some types of tobacco are not fermented: New Jubilee 142 and Kentucky Barley.

When growing tobacco, it is still worth remembering folk wisdom: “Smoking is harmful to health.” But everyone is free to choose for themselves what to do.

However, tobacco leaves can be used for more than just smoking. This is a very valuable means of protecting many crops from pests. They also use tobacco in medicinal purposes, during treatment:

  • rheumatism;
  • gout;
  • dropsy;
  • epilepsy;
  • as an anthelmintic;
  • for leg diseases.


Growing tobacco plants in the garden for smoking is a fun activity. 17 zoned varieties of Soviet selection are registered in the State Plant Register of the Russian Federation; several dozen foreign varieties can be purchased in online stores. And each one has its own unique taste and aroma.

Growing tobacco in the garden can be a very interesting hobby, no worse than winemaking or growing exotic and rare plants.

Many gardeners, in love with the aroma of cigar smoke, often think about trying to grow tobacco on their plot. You can kill two birds with one stone - we get and pure product for smoking, without chemical resins, and significant savings on the family budget. Contrary to concerns about the complexity of the process, it is no more difficult than planting and caring for other garden crops. And for those who like to experiment with exotic plants technology for growing tobacco at home It will seem completely simple.

The main thing, when deciding to grow tobacco, you need to remember that it taste qualities very much depend on the condition of the soil. It will grow on almost any soil, but its composition will certainly affect the aroma of the final product. Externally this will be expressed by the size, color and texture of the leaves. Dry soils and a small amount of mineral salts give plants big size, pale color and almost complete absence aroma. Tobacco grown in silty and clayey areas will have small, but fleshy, bright, fragrant leaves.

A film about growing tobacco from A to Z. From dawn to dusk.

Growing tobacco from seeds at home

For tobacco, the classic system of growing from seeds to seedlings with further planting in open ground is used. Depending on the region, seeds begin to be sown at the end of February (in the south) or beginning of April (northern regions). Tobacco seeds are very small and so that they are distributed evenly, they are mixed with fine dry humus. For one square meter 0.4 g of seeds is enough area.

The optimal temperature for the emergence of friendly shoots is 28 0 . Further it is recommended to reduce it to 18-22 0. Seedlings that “live” indoors for about two months need plenty of light and high humidity – up to 80%. The dry period is established for plants only a week before removal into the ground. It is recommended to cancel watering two to three days before transplanting.

To disembark on Fresh air It is advised to choose plants that have reached 13-15 cm and have at least seven leaves (including cotyledons). The land intended for growing tobacco must be prepared in advance. It will be good to add humus or rotted compost about two months before planting. The location of the future “plantation” should be inaccessible to northerly winds.

Tobacco can be planted after night frosts are practically eliminated. But to be on the safe side, it is better to do this in two stages. During planting, the stem of the plant is buried into the ground by about 4 cm, while making sure that the growing point is on the surface. Planting patterns for different varieties tobacco differ. Large-leaved plants are planted according to a pattern of 30*70 cm, small-leaved plants - 15*60 cm, medium-leaved plants - 25*60 cm. Before transplanting, the bed needs to be watered: light soil - a few hours, clay soil - a day. Established plants need to be watered abundantly - within 10 liters of water per 1 m2. Next, moisture is increased - water should penetrate into the soil at least one meter.

Tobacco is fertilized with standard organic matter - compost, chicken manure, manure, green manure. In the first half of development, plants need nitrogen (but not in excess), and it is recommended to periodically add potassium and phosphorus throughout the entire growth period. The condition and color of the leaves are a good indication of a deficiency or excess of one or another element. A lack of phosphorus makes the lower leaves droop, and its high content leads to early aging and burning of the leaf. A lack of potassium gives the plant a bluish tint, the leaves begin to turn yellow, bulge and die.

In the care of tobacco plants, they practice topping - the removal of side shoots that tend to grow from the leaf axils. How extensive the procedure is to carry out depends on the soil of the tobacco plantation, the weather and the type of tobacco.

The leaves are considered ripe when they begin to turn slightly yellow. The ripening period for different varieties varies from 72 to 108 days. Ripening occurs in stages, starting from the lower leaves. They are broken out in the morning or evening, evenly strung on twine, then simmered and dried.

If you decide to growing tobacco at home, you can easily find more detailed information about care methods and methods correct processing raw materials. Technology for growing tobacco at home if followed correctly, it will allow you to stock up on smoking materials for the whole year.

Every day more and more smoking people, in order to save money, they are trying to grow tobacco at home. Some people, of course, do not do this for long, but others begin to take a more detailed interest in how to plant tobacco correctly. Quite often it is grown not for consumption, but for decoration. During cold weather, it is recommended to grow it on a windowsill, and only when it is warmer should tobacco be transplanted to where it will grow all the time, without replanting it from place to place. During seedlings, do not neglect the correct method of planting the plant, in otherwise it may not take root.

Before you start planting the beds, you need to make sure that moisture will not constantly collect there. The place where tobacco will grow must be protected from drafts.

In order for tobacco to grow well, you do not need to pre-prepare the soil, you just need to get rid of the weed in a certain area and loosen it.

Before planting tobacco, the area must be fertilized, preferably with rotted compost in the following proportions: one bucket of compost per square of land.

After you have done everything, you can start planting tobacco. The gap between seedlings should be at least twenty centimeters and no more than fifty centimeters. The distance directly depends on the type of tobacco. The hole in which you are going to plant tobacco should be at least twenty centimeters and no more than thirty centimeters deep. Before planting, pour some compost into the hole and water with water, but not cold. You don’t need to pour a lot of water; half a liter will be enough. Then you transplant the tobacco into open ground, being careful not to damage it and don’t forget to water it afterwards.

Virginia tobacco 202

The most popular tobacco variety in Russia is Virginia 202. It is very popular because the content of rare resin in it is the smallest, and its smell attracts even non-smokers. This variety is popular not only in Russia, but all over the world.

Due to the fact that he was bred on the territory Russian Federation, then he was brought into State Register varieties of the North Caucasus region. Virginia 202 tobacco has oblong leaves oval shape light green color. On average, one hectare of planting produces up to fifteen hundred kilograms of product. On average, one seedling produces twenty-two leaves, the length of which can exceed thirty-five centimeters if grown correctly.

Planting usually begins at the end of the first spring month, it is grown using seedlings. Usually, transplant tobacco to permanent place accepted in early May. Seedlings should be located no closer than fifty centimeters to each other.

In order for the harvest to be good, do not forget to care for the plant, or rather, periodically water it, plant it, remove inflorescences, and fertilize it.

The only drawback Virginia 202 is that the variety contains a large amount of chlorophyll, which imparts to the leaves green color. The process of their leaching takes for a long time.

How to properly care for tobacco seedlings

Growing tobacco is not a difficult and interesting task; you will spend a minimum of effort and a little more time. First of all, tobacco is planted on seedlings, after some time the tobacco is pruned. At the same time, it is necessary to pay Special attention soil moisture content, indoor microclimate.

Care before picking

At this stage, caring for the plant is not difficult. After the shoots have appeared, remove the film and move the seedlings to the windowsill on the sunny side. Otherwise, the growth of tobacco will be greatly retarded. The soil should not dry out and the plant should not be watered cold water. It is also necessary to occasionally turn the tobacco towards the sun. reverse side, thanks to this the plant will grow evenly.

Caring for the plant after picking

After more than two leaves have sprouted, you can safely begin picking. This must be done so that the plant grows freely, because it will be cramped in a small container. Usually, tobacco is poured into small plastic glasses, with no more than two plants in one glass. Don't forget about watering, do it daily.

Tobacco fertilizers

After a couple of weeks, the plants will already need fertilizer. When choosing fertilizer, be careful; the nitrogen content should not be too high. Fertilizer proportions are one to ten. warm water, no more. If after a week you do not notice much growth of the plant, then use chicken manure as fertilizer.

Before transplanting, begin to move the plants out into the fresh air to prevent them from freezing after transplanting. Also note that a week before transplanting should pass without watering.
The optimal temperature for growing, which must be maintained, is at least eighteen degrees. But also on extreme heat There is also no need to hold tobacco, the maximum temperature should be twenty-four degrees.

On this moment many people began to grow their own tobacco, this is due to the fact that buying cigarettes in stores has become too expensive. Growing tobacco takes a long time. Only from two weeks to a whole month should be spent on allowing the plant to sprout, then it must be pruned.

The optimal time to start transplanting tobacco is when the plant puts out a few leaves. If you don't do this, the plant won't grow. This is due to the fact that small seeds sprout frequently and the plant interferes with each other.

It is best to replant tobacco, one or two plants at a time, in one plastic cup. They will germinate much better there, because nothing will hinder their growth. It is also best to transplant tobacco from such containers to a permanent place.

The soil for picking is the same as for planting. They create it from a small amount of soil from their own plot, purchased land, and a small amount of wood ash.

In order for the seedlings to get out of the ground better, they need to be watered thoroughly. After the plant has been carefully removed, plant it in a glass, carefully sprinkle it with soil and tamp it down.