Detoxification from alcohol intoxication at home. What to take for alcohol intoxication? How to prevent alcohol poisoning

Intoxication of the body can occur for many reasons. Her treatment is carried out in a hospital setting or at home. In this article, we looked at how to relieve intoxication at home, what medications can be used before the doctor arrives, and in what situations it is necessary to hospitalize the patient in the hospital.

How does intoxication of the body manifest itself?

Reason intoxication syndrome may be germs, toxins, chemicals, food, medications, toxic gases, etc. Hazardous substances enter the body through digestive tract, respiratory system, skin or mucous membranes. Clinical manifestations depend on the type and amount of the toxin, the method of its penetration, individual characteristics poisoned person.

Please note that poisoning from chemicals and medications often occurs in young children who like to taste and put into their mouths everything they see around them. Cleaning solutions they mistake for sweet drinks, and colorful pills They find it delicious candy.

Poisoning of the body can be acute or chronic. With simultaneous massive contact with the toxin, it develops acute lesion body. Chronic intoxication develops with daily contact with toxic substance. For example, when working with heavy metals.

Intoxication of the body can be manifested by symptoms and clinical signs listed below.

  • General intoxication syndrome. It is characterized by an increase in body temperature, headache, general weakness, aches in muscles and joints. How stronger poisoning, the more pronounced these manifestations are. Some intoxication conditions are characterized by sharp increase temperature (for example, in case of poisoning with sleeping pills, salts heavy metals), and some occur against the background of unchanged body temperature (for example, mild food poisoning).
  • Operational disruptions digestive systems s. A poisoned person may develop nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, intestinal colic, abdominal pain, heartburn, flatulence.
  • Defeat respiratory system, which most often develops due to inhalation of toxins. A person may have a dry cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, rapid breathing, and chest pain.
  • Violations by of cardio-vascular system. Depending on the type and amount of toxin, hypotension may develop (falling blood pressure) or hypertension (increased blood pressure), slow or increase heart rate.
  • Defeat of the central nervous system manifested by the appearance of hallucinations, general convulsions, impaired consciousness, falling into deep coma. The nervous system suffers from alcohol abuse, medicines, poisonous mushrooms etc.

Please note that each type of intoxication has its own clinical picture. If the patient is feeling unwell, you should ask him possible reason intoxication, for example, taking large quantity medicines. This information will further help doctors when providing first aid.

How can you help a patient yourself if intoxication develops?

Treat body intoxication and household poisoning should be supervised qualified specialist. By self-medicating and following the advice of relatives, friends or information obtained from the Internet, you risk not only the patient’s health, but also his life. Only a doctor can objectively assess the condition of a poisoned person and prescribe the necessary therapy.

When the first signs appear acute poisoning or intoxication, you should immediately consult a doctor. If the patient’s condition worsens sharply, symptoms increase quickly, you need to call an ambulance. If a person is feeling relatively normal, for example, with mild food poisoning, you can independently consult a doctor at a clinic or hospital.

Remember that in case of poisoning with mushrooms, canned food, drugs, gases, detergents, paints, chemicals, you should urgently call an emergency medical team.

While waiting for the doctors to arrive, we can try to independently reduce or remove the intoxication of the body. When severe poisoning the patient's life often depends on the first first aid. Below are its main components.

Stopping contact with the toxic agent

If a person is in a smoky room or in an environment with polluted air, he should be removed from there immediately.

Stomach cleansing

Flushing the gastric cavity helps get rid of residual toxins that have not had time to be digested or absorbed into the bloodstream.

The patient should drink a large amount of plain water in one gulp and induce vomiting. This procedure is not carried out independently in living conditions in the following cases:

  • when black or bloody vomit appears. This symptom is a sign gastrointestinal bleeding. In this condition, you cannot rinse the stomach or give the patient anything to drink or take;
  • in case of impaired consciousness of the patient or severe alcohol intoxication;
  • in case of poisoning with acids or alkalis. In this condition, gastric lavage is carried out through a tube and done by doctors.


A cleansing enema helps relieve intoxication. It can be used to remove bacteria, toxins and poisons from the body. Colon cleansing is carried out using boiled water. Its temperature should be room temperature. The enema should be repeated several times. criterion effective cleansing intestines is the appearance of clean rinsing water.

Taking drugs from the group of sorbents

Medicines in this group help relieve diarrhea and reduce intoxication syndrome. Once in the digestive system, they adsorb all toxins and poisons.

Please note that sorbents are drugs that must be available in every home medicine cabinet. Check their expiration date periodically. After this period, medications become dangerous and ineffective.

You can use any representatives of sorbents, for example:

  • atoxyl;
  • polysorb;
  • Activated carbon;
  • enterosgel;
  • smecta;
  • sorbex.

The dosage of the drugs is indicated in the instructions. It should be read carefully before taking the sorbent.


Liquid is necessary to accelerate the elimination of toxins, reduce dehydration and intoxication. All drinks should be non-carbonated and at room temperature. Allowed to drink plain water, alkaline mineral water, sweet black tea.

Treatment of intoxication at home

Mild intoxication can be treated at home. The doctor describes in detail to the patient the scheme and duration of treatment, diet, regimen. It is prohibited to change its purpose on your own. Types and quantities medicines, diet depend on the etiology of intoxication, toxic substance.

Severe poisonings are treated in the infectious diseases or toxicology department. Patients in critical condition are placed in wards intensive care, resuscitation. The success of treatment depends on the timeliness of seeking medical help.

Treatment of intoxication syndrome at home may include the following components:

  • dietary food;
  • bed rest;
  • drinking plenty of water;
  • sorbents;
  • antacids;
  • enzymes;
  • antibacterial drugs;
  • antispasmodics;
  • antipyretics;
  • antiemetics.

Treatment of intoxication at home can only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Self-medication can be not only ineffective, but also dangerous for the poisoned person. When the first clinical signs illness, you need to seek medical help. The prognosis for the patient largely depends on timely appeal to the doctor and from the correct first aid provided to him. With the help of gastric lavage, enemas and sorbents, most toxins can be removed and the patient’s condition can be significantly improved, and these procedures also contribute to a complete and rapid recovery.

Alcohol is one of the most toxic products created by mankind. Drinking even small amounts of alcohol leads to irreversible changes in the nervous, vascular, digestive systems, as well as the heart muscle. If you drink alcohol regularly, problems with your vision and hearing may occur. Alcohol is especially dangerous for women: even doses conventionally considered safe have a negative effect on reproductive function and in the future may become the reason birth defects and fetal defects during pregnancy.

Alcohol intoxication is the most common consequence of alcohol consumption. alcoholic drinks. These drinks include liquids containing ethyl alcohol (ethanol) - colorless clear liquid with high flammability properties and monoatomic formula. Ethanol can cause poisoning of the body, manifested by severe clinical symptoms and depending on the degree alcohol intoxication. To help a person cope with feeling unwell, you need to know how to relieve intoxication before seeking medical help.

Dangerous doses of alcohol

Poisoning after drinking alcohol is called alcohol intoxication. This acute condition, which develops when breakdown products enter the blood ethyl alcohol and rapid absorption of alcohol vapor into the systemic bloodstream. The time for the onset of pathological symptoms depends on the amount drunk, physical condition human functioning immune system and availability chronic diseases. If a person is physically weak, has neurological problems, or is subject to psycho-emotional fluctuations, intoxication can occur within 30-40 minutes. More strong people(mostly men) get drunk a little later – acute manifestations alcohol intoxication they develop approximately 1.5 hours after consuming a critical dose.

Critical doses of alcoholic beverages, after which a person becomes intoxicated varying degrees severity are presented in the table below.

Note! A dose taken by one person at a time for 30-50 minutes is considered dangerous.

How does alcohol intoxication manifest?

Minor intoxication is most often characterized only by behavioral changes. The person becomes cheerful, sociable, and can joke a lot. Some have the opposite symptoms, expressed by increased isolation, reluctance to contact others, and less often, causeless aggression.

With more severe intoxication from alcohol, a person has noticeable physical changes, most often associated with the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. These include:

  • hyperemia (redness) of the facial skin;
  • pallor of the skin of the hands and feet;
  • tremor (involuntary contractions and shaking) of the upper and lower extremities;
  • convulsions (in severe cases);
  • violation of motor coordination and orientation in space;
  • incoherent speech;
  • constriction of the pupils;
  • attention disorder;
  • temporary partial amnesia;
  • lack of an adequate response to speech addressed to a person.

Drugs to combat intoxication

You can relieve alcohol intoxication at home with medications and traditional methods. The first method is more effective, as it allows you to quickly cleanse the blood of toxic products, restore damaged cells of the liver and other internal organs, and normalize the water-salt balance, which is disrupted when taking any doses of alcohol.


The most popular means to combat pathological symptoms are sorbents. These are medicines that contain substances that have a porous structure and collect all harmful products. Sorbents quickly remove alcohol vapors from the body, reducing the degree of intoxication. Some of them are able to cope with poisoning in just 1 hour, so people prone to increased alcohol consumption, as well as their relatives, should always have medications from this group in their home medicine cabinet. The most effective sorbents from alcohol and products and its breakdown, as well as their method of use and dosage are listed in the table.

Drug name How to use? Price (minimum prices are indicated for packaging with a smaller volume)
"Activated carbon" 1 tablet for every 10 kg of weight. Crush the tablets into powder, mix with 100 ml of boiled water and drink between meals. Take 3-4 times a day. You can take the tablets whole with plenty of water. 4-11 rubles
"Enterosgel" 1 sachet 3 times a day 360 rubles
"Neosmectin" 1 sachet 3-4 times a day 135 rubles
"Polysorb" Mix 2 tablespoons in 150 ml of water and drink 1-2 hours before meals. Take 3-4 times a day. 370 rubles
"Filtrum-sti" 2-3 tablets per day (divided into several doses) 75-280 rubles
"Smecta" 1 sachet 3-4 times a day 110 rubles

Note! Any medications from the group of adsorbents must be taken at intervals of 1-2 hours with other medications, since sorbent substances negatively affect digestion and absorption active ingredients other medicines.

Liver restoration products

Treatment at home necessarily requires taking medications that restore the structure and function of damaged hepatocytes (liver cells). About 90% of wine alcohol is processed by the liver, so it is the liver that suffers the most from alcohol intoxication. If you ignore this treatment point, the risk of developing alcoholic cirrhosis or hepatitis will be very high, and the patient's life expectancy will be reduced by approximately 10%.

The most effective drug for the restoration of destroyed hepatocytes is considered “ Essentiale Forte-N» with a maximum concentration of phospholipids - complex lipids and polyhydric alcohol esters containing the residue phosphoric acid. The cost of the drug is quite high, but relieving alcohol intoxication without the use of hepatoprotectors will be ineffective.


It is equally important to ensure a sufficient supply of vitamins that help quickly restore the functioning of the nervous system and support the functioning of the heart muscle, which begins to work at a double rhythm, provoking an attack of tachycardia, arrhythmia or angina. It is better to administer vitamins intravenously, using the following composition for treatment:

  • glucose or dextrose solution 40% – 20 ml;
  • ascorbic acid (in the form of a solution for intravenous infusion) – 10 ml;
  • vitamin PP solution (nicotinamide) – 1 ml.

Vitamin B6 can be administered intramuscularly to the patient. If the dosages are observed, a person’s condition will improve within 40-60 minutes.

What to do in case of severe poisoning?

Severe alcohol intoxication – dangerous condition, which can lead to the death of the patient if he is not promptly provided health care. If a person is unconscious or has difficulty breathing, a team must be called immediately emergency care. It is impossible to give any medications on your own in this situation - this can provoke an intensification of the attack and a deterioration in the patient’s well-being. Majority potent drugs are incompatible with alcohol, so only a doctor should decide on the possibility of administering any medications.

What relatives of a person with signs of severe alcohol intoxication can do before the doctor arrives is written below.

  • any alcohol causes vasodilation, which can cause hypothermia. To prevent this from happening, the person needs to be covered with a blanket (especially the limbs), even if the room is warm;
  • if the patient is not vomiting, he should still lie on his side, since an attack of vomit may begin suddenly with rapid penetration into the respiratory tract;
  • if a person is conscious, you can give him plenty of fluids to cleanse the stomach of toxic products. It is better if it is warm water with added small quantity potassium permanganate (literally a few crystals so that the water acquires a pale pink tint). If the solution has become saturated pink color, its use is prohibited due to possible burns to the gastric mucosa.

Important! If the situation is critical and the patient cannot breathe on his own, it is allowed intravenous administration"Eufillina" in minimum dosage, but only after reading the list of contraindications.

To avoid health problems and unpleasant consequences associated with the rapid absorption of wine alcohol into the blood, you should not drink on empty stomach. Best choice as a snack protein products, and complex carbohydrates(for example, black bread). For people who cannot tolerate alcohol well and get drunk even from 50-100 ml of strong drinks, it is better to give up alcohol altogether.

In case of alcohol poisoning and prolonged vomiting, it is important to find out in detail how to relieve alcohol intoxication at home, what to drink in case of such unpleasant condition person. Since poisons ensure productive absorption into the systemic circulation, in the absence resuscitation measures the patient can expect sudden death. You can remove harmful toxins using official and alternative methods, but first consult with a narcologist. First aid for alcohol poisoning should be carried out at home.

What is alcohol intoxication

Essentially, this is poisoning with ethyl alcohol, which is found in large doses in vodka, cognac, wine and other alcoholic drinks. If your blood alcohol level is more than 3%, we're talking about about severe intoxication, which can cause serious problems with health. Restoring the body is not a matter of a single day, but you have to survive a severe hangover, ensure the productive removal of toxins from chemical composition blood. It will not be possible to do this quickly, and it is also not recommended to engage in superficial self-medication.


You can ensure productive detoxification at home conservative methods, however, the first step is to recognize your condition. Symptoms of alcohol intoxication can be confused with manifestations food poisoning, however, they frighten with their intensity and unpredictability. After taking it at home activated carbon general health does not return to normal, you additionally need to pay attention to the following signs of alcohol intoxication:

  • headache;
  • urinary retention;
  • congestion fluids in the body;
  • nausea, less often – prolonged bouts of vomiting;
  • dry mouth;
  • signs of toxicosis;
  • feeling of thirst and dehydration;
  • dizziness;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • bowel problems;
  • pathological increase liver;
  • psychical deviations;
  • tremor of the limbs.


It is possible to eliminate the pathology at home, but do not forget about the consequences of alcohol intoxication. To recover from alcohol intoxication, you need to completely quit bad habit, pass the conservative treatment, aimed at updating the structure and functions of the liver, cleansing the systemic blood flow. Quitting binge drinking is a long process, the complications of which are detailed below:

  • damage to the nervous system of the body by toxins;
  • chronic diseases heart relapse stage;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • circulatory disorders in the brain;
  • kidney pathologies acute stage;
  • diabetic coma for the sick diabetes mellitus;
  • decreased immunity;
  • death due to alcohol intoxication of the body.

Treatment of alcohol intoxication

Every person should know what to do in case of alcohol poisoning, what to take for relief general well-being and ensuring the long-awaited period of remission. You can drink Aspirin for a headache or take a sorbent, but the effect of such drugs is rather mediocre. To get rid of unpleasant symptoms forever, the approach to a health problem must be comprehensive. A cleansing drip for alcohol intoxication at home and calling an ambulance are not excluded. Later, if the patient stops vomiting, drug treatment symptomatic.

First aid

Doctors who need to be called to your home can stop a relapse. severe symptoms alcohol intoxication. Shown intramuscular injection vitamin B6, 20 ml of 40% glucose solution, 10 ml of 5% ascorbic acid solution, 1% nicotinamide solution in a volume of 1 ml. Additionally shown reception multivitamin complexes, a solution of Panangin, sodium chloride, to alleviate the symptoms of poisoning and accelerate the removal of ethanol from the systemic circulation. In the future, alternative methods help, but as a component symptomatic treatment.


Infusion therapy is produced on the basis of solutions of glucose and salts, which are indicated for intravenous drips for productive blood purification. It is possible to cure organs affected by toxins, but the first step is to reliably find out what the patient could have been poisoned with. The intensive care regimen is as follows: 5 ml glucose solution intravenously, additionally administer vitamins B1, B6 and 10 ml of solution through a dropper. ascorbic acid. Relieve general state It is quite possible after the first procedure, but ideally it is necessary to carry out three consecutive sessions.


At severe hangover you can drink brine, but such a healing liquid provides temporary relief, and does not treat the affected liver and other internal organs. Answer to main question how to relieve alcohol intoxication at home is provided by the attending physician, who also prescribes medical supplies full course. It is not recommended to violate medical recommendations; moreover, it is fraught with serious complications. These are the effective tablets for oral administration in a given direction, which will help remove all symptoms of poisoning:

  • adsorbents for the productive removal of alcohol intoxication products: Enterosgel, Polyphepan, Lignosorb, Entegnin, Karbolen, Enterodes, Enterosorb;
  • homeopathic remedies for poisoning at home: Proproten-100, Anti-E;
  • preparations for rehydration and detoxification: Regidron, Polysorb;
  • injection drugs: glucose, sodium bicarbonate, repolarizing solution;
  • drugs for intoxication: Zorex, Biotredin, Metadoxil, Alka-Seltzer.

Folk remedies

It is possible to solve the problem of how to quickly relieve alcohol intoxication at home using alternative methods. For example, the patient is advised to drink heavily sweet tea or warm water with honey in the amount of 200 ml. It wouldn't hurt to provoke artificial vomiting with further use of sorbents. It could be white coal, Sorbex, activated carbon or Smecta solution from home first aid kit.

In addition, it is recommended to drink more fluid, and to do this, prepare diuretic decoctions of hawthorn, chamomile, and rose hips. Classic recipe: pour 2 tbsp. l. dried raw materials 400 ml of boiling water, leave under a tightly closed lid and strain. Take orally in equal portions throughout the day. Additionally include in daily ration natural antioxidants, vegetable fiber.

Video: how to relieve alcohol intoxication at home

Knowledge of how to cleanse the body of alcohol is necessary for all those who are prone to drinking it. It is very easy to lose your measure when drinking alcohol, and therefore, in order to get rid of the unpleasant consequences of a hangover, the body is detoxified from alcohol. This procedure can be carried out either in medical institution, and at home, with medications or folk remedies.

Alcohol detoxification is necessary procedure not only for those people who seek to quickly cleanse the body after prolonged drinking. Knowing how to remove toxins from the body can also help those who rarely drink alcohol but still suffer from alcohol intoxication to cleanse and recover. Cleansing and restoration can quickly improve your health, as well as minimize the harm that can be caused by drinking alcohol.
When drinking alcohol, it is necessary to take into account that intoxication occurs 15-30 minutes after consumption. This means that by the time intoxication occurs, alcohol toxins are already in excess in the body. This is especially true for those who like to drink. Using alcoholic drink, you need to remember that it affects the functioning of all organs and systems of the body. The following suffer especially from excess alcohol:

  • liver;
  • kidneys;
  • stomach;
  • intestines;
  • brain;
  • organs of the cardiovascular system.

Removing alcohol from the body allows you to minimize the harm from its use and helps you quickly cleanse yourself.

Important! The later recovery begins, the more difficult it is to stop cell destruction caused by drinking alcohol. Therefore, if you know how to quickly remove ethylene from the body, you can avoid the health-damaging consequences of the holidays.

Cleaning at home

Detoxifying the body from alcohol at home can be done in several ways:

  • reducing the amount of absorbed ethylene and its excretion;
  • reduction of manifestations of poisoning;
  • restoration of disorders caused by drinking alcohol;
  • renewal normal operation organs and systems.

You can remove ethylene from the body at home using: medications, and folk remedies. The choice of methods is very wide, which allows everyone to choose the most suitable option.


This category includes the use of any medications that can be purchased in pharmacies without a prescription. Some drugs can put stress on the gastrointestinal tract. This is especially true for people who want to cleanse themselves after alcohol poisoning, but at the same time have chronic kidney, liver or stomach diseases.
Here sample list drugs that help with cleansing:

  • Activated carbon. It is a natural sorbent. Absorbs ethyl alcohol, stopping its absorption. Taken after alcohol. The dosage is calculated based on the patient's weight: 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight. The use of such a drug will help speed up the cleansing of alcohol from the body, but will not relieve severe intoxication. Similar drugs: Smecta, Polysorb, etc.
  • Glycine. Restores the functioning of the nervous system and protects cells from destruction. Used to overcome alcohol intoxication. Administration is carried out sublingually every hour, 2 tablets for 5 - 6 hours.
  • Succinic acid. Participates in energy metabolism processes, and therefore is necessary to speed up the cleansing process. Removes alcohol and helps restore normal organ function. Take 1 tablet 3 times a day. It is worth noting that this remedy is used with caution in the presence of chronic stomach diseases.
  • Glutargin is also used in detoxification therapy for alcoholism. Helps activate the excretion of ethylene breakdown products through the kidneys. Taken according to instructions.
  • Zorex is often recommended to those who are looking for a way to cleanse their blood of alcohol. It activates the excretion of ethyl alcohol and prevents its further absorption.
  • B vitamins. They have a protective effect on the cells of the nervous system, which are particularly affected by alcohol intake. Taking these vitamins helps restore normal liver function.
  • Aspirin. Used to thin the blood, which is necessary after prolonged drinking of alcohol. With the use of aspirin, ethylene begins to be eliminated from the body much more actively, as the activity of capillary circulation increases. Detoxification from alcohol using aspirin and its preparations should be carried out in the absence of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Enterosgel. It helps not only to reduce the absorption of ethylene, but also has a hepatoprotective effect.

Cleansing with folk remedies

Traditional medicine also contains a large number of recipes that cleanse the body of the effects of drinking alcohol. These recommendations have been tested for decades, and therefore can be very effective:

  • Water. Replenishing fluid levels helps you recover from intoxication.
  • Fermented milk products are one of the ways to restore the stomach after poisoning. Their use makes it possible to restore the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Dairy products perfectly quench thirst, restore water-salt balance and help normalize intestinal microflora.
  • Rice. This tool known for its absorbent properties, but it requires some preparation. 3 tbsp. Unrefined cereal is poured into a glass of water. The next day, the rice is washed in this water and filled with new water. This needs to be done about 5 times until the starch is completely removed from the cereal. Then the cereal needs to be cooked 1 tbsp at a time. within 25 minutes. During cooking, the water needs to be changed 1-2 times. It is recommended to take the porridge daily on an empty stomach. Rice has a binding effect and neutralizes the effect of alcohol.
  • Honey drink. Glass of cool boiled water mixed with the juice of 1 lemon slice and 1 tablespoon of honey. Vitamin C, which is contained in lemon, helps restore fluid levels in the blood. Honey is a natural antioxidant that cleanses and restores the body protective functions. This drink is used 1 glass daily for 7 days.
  • Oats. 1 tablespoon of oat groats is poured into 1.5 liters. water and put on low heat. The decoction is prepared within 1 hour. It is consumed 1/3 glass several times a day. The use of oat decoction helps speed up the restoration of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Sauna. Visiting a sauna or bathhouse helps speed up the cleansing of the body. Heat and humidity activate metabolic processes, which helps to quickly get rid of the manifestations of intoxication. It is recommended to perform 3 sessions of 5, 10 and 20 minutes.

Important! Severity of effect folk remedies may be different - it depends on the metabolic rate and individual characteristics of the body.

Restoring the body after alcohol poisoning

Excessive alcohol consumption leads to disruption of the functioning of all organs and systems. This is felt as lethargy, weakness, lack of coordination, nausea, and vomiting. Fast recovery at similar conditions possible only under conditions hospital inpatient. There, by alternating droppers, they carry out complete cleansing blood from alcohol.
Detoxification for alcoholism can also be carried out at home. It includes the use of means to restore normal functioning of all organs and neutralize ethyl alcohol:

  • Ethylene binding is carried out using activated carbon or its analogues - Smecta, Enterosgel.
  • Restoration of microflora is possible by consuming lactic acid products.
  • Resumption water-salt balance involves drinking large amounts of fluid. Better to use mineral water to restore electrolyte balance.
  • Best used for food chicken bouillon– it will not have an irritating effect on an overloaded stomach.
  • The use of diuretics will help prevent swelling and speed up the elimination of alcohol.
  • Vitamin C and B vitamins help restore normal functioning of the nervous system and help cope with performance disorders.
  • Aspirin will help restore blood thickness and activate capillary circulation. Also, using aspirin will help get rid of headaches and chills - common symptoms hangover.

Knowing how to cleanse yourself from alcohol, you can quickly recover after the holidays. Using simple tips will help you restore your performance and cleanse your blood of alcohol, reducing its harmful effects.

Severe intoxication after drinking alcohol often leads to unpleasant symptoms– headache, weakness, as well as nausea, vomiting, hand tremors, the person feels completely overwhelmed. This condition is caused by toxins entering the bloodstream. How to detoxify the body at home? In what cases is medical assistance required?

Degree of alcohol poisoning and symptoms

The degree of alcohol intoxication most often depends on the amount of ethanol that a person has taken. However, other factors also influence his condition - physical and mental health, as well as experience of drinking alcoholic beverages. What are the symptoms of alcohol intoxication?

There are three degrees of alcohol poisoning, each of which is characterized by the ethanol content in the blood.

Alcohol intoxication of the body in a mild degree of intoxication does not require medical intervention. In this case, the concentration of toxic substances in human blood is 0.5-1.5 ppm. Alcohol in such concentration usually only affects the human psyche. He feels an emotional uplift, becomes cheerful or, conversely, experiences sadness and sadness, and talks a lot. At mild degree Alcohol intoxication causes people to lose patience and the ability to concentrate. At this stage, minor neurological manifestations may already be noticeable - the face turns red, the fingers shake a little, the gait becomes uncertain, and the heartbeat quickens.

The average severity of poisoning by alcohol toxins - in human blood the concentration of ethanol is 1.5-2.5 ppm. You can already observe the following changes in behavior - a person shows aggression, is rude, his speech is slurred and blurred, he is poorly oriented in time and space, and has great difficulty understanding others. Skin The patient turns pale and may begin to vomit.

Severe degree of intoxication - the ethanol content in the blood can reach up to 5 ppm. This condition can be life-threatening. The person cannot move, his body goes limp, the pupils are usually constricted, and the body does not react to pain at all. In some cases, even with an alcohol concentration of more than 4 ppm, fatal outcome, since internal organs (depending on the person’s health status) may fail. If the patient is a chronic alcoholic, with such a concentration of alcohol in the blood, he is still able to conduct conversations.

How to relieve alcohol intoxication at home yourself?

If a lot of alcohol has been taken, a hangover soon sets in, which can last up to 2-3 days. The patient's condition is characterized severe weakness, fatigue, headache, abdominal pain, nausea, often vomiting, tremors of the limbs. How to help to a loved one relieve these symptoms as soon as possible, if it is not possible to call an ambulance or go to the hospital?

1. The very first thing to do is to remove the remaining alcohol from the stomach so that it does not have time to be absorbed into the blood, which will further aggravate the condition. It is necessary to perform gastric lavage. Prepare weak soda solution– for a liter of water, a level teaspoon of soda. Give the patient a drink. Then immediately try to induce vomiting by pressing on the root of the tongue.

2. If there are diuretics in the house, give the patient a drink. This will allow you to quickly remove toxic substances from the body. Along with diuretics, provide the patient drinking plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration. If there are no diuretics, take honey water. Dissolve in a liter warm water a tablespoon of honey. They drink it in small sips often. A decoction of dill and parsley is no less effective.

3. After half an hour, you need to take some sorbent. Good effect Give Enterosgel, Smecta. On extreme case Activated carbon is suitable. Adsorbents will help clean gastrointestinal tract from toxins. If you don’t have such medicines on hand, boil the rice; it is a natural sorbent. Give the patient at least a tablespoon to eat.

4. After these actions, it is better for a person with alcohol intoxication to get some sleep. Sleep will help you regain your strength.

5. After waking up the best medicine it will become a little cool shower.

6. Then you can take a tonic drink again. Suitable citrus juice - freshly squeezed orange or lemon drink. Brine sauerkraut It also helps get rid of a hangover.

In what cases can you not do without medical help?

If a person who has taken a lot of alcohol is unconscious, he should be sent to the hospital. Before the ambulance arrives, provide him with a flow of air and place him on his side.

Urgent medical assistance It is also necessary in case of poisoning with a surrogate - low-quality vodka and its derivatives. As a rule, very often such poisonings end fatal, so emergency treatment is needed.

If you are planning a party with the presence of alcoholic beverages, protect yourself in advance - take a few tablets (5-10) of activated charcoal before drinking alcohol. If this is not possible, eat butter, it will become a slight obstacle to the absorption of toxic substances into the blood in the intestines.