Protein foods: weight loss without damaging muscle tissue. Protein foods - what are they? Protein foods for weight loss and muscle growth


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Meat, fish and other protein products are the basis of many dishes, the use of which brings satiety and relieves hunger for a long time. That is why it is recognized as one of the most effective, useful and safe. Strict compliance with all rules of this dietary technique will provide comfortable and proper weight loss, as well as restoration muscle tissue after physical activity.

Protein foods for healthy weight loss

Protein food is an essential component in the human diet, without which no enzymatic activity is possible. Acting as a building block for the growth and restoration of absolutely all biological tissues, protein helps launch all metabolic processes and plays a paramount role for our health. Many modern diets completely exclude protein from the menu, while for normal functioning of the body, protein foods should make up 15-20% of the total daily diet. It is also a mistake to believe that protein is needed solely for building muscle mass. This is not true, because protein foods also affect memory and thought processes.

Proteins are responsible for building new cells and replacing worn-out ones, which is why insufficient consumption of protein foods can worsen the condition of the skin and the functioning of the nervous system.

Rapid weight loss leads to the appearance of stretch marks on the skin, which is not very pleasant, especially during the swimming season. To avoid this problem, experts recommend using cosmetics, such as modeling cream. Unfortunately, many manufacturers use synthetic preservatives in the production of cream - parabens, which accumulate in the body and over time lead to serious health problems. Dermatologists recommend using only natural cream, such as the product from Russian company Mulsan Cosmetic. Certified cream consists of 100% natural ingredients and absolutely safe for health. We recommend that you go to the website and familiarize yourself with the wide range of natural cosmetics produced by the company.

Protein foods are foods with high content protein of plant or animal origin. The main sources of animal protein are fish, meat, eggs and cottage cheese. Legumes, cereals, nuts are protein plant foods. and healthy eating means the right combination all these products. Average rate squirrel in daily diet an adult should be 100-120 grams.

In fact, all food consumed by a person consists of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, only in some products carbohydrates predominate, and there is very little protein, while in others it’s the other way around. To answer the question “protein food is, what foods exactly?” a special table was created containing a list of products indicating the amount of protein per 100 grams in each of them.

The table shows that the most protein foods are meat, fish, eggs and dairy products, as well as nuts and legumes. Cereals, vegetables and fruits, in turn, are light protein foods.

Why can't protein foods be replaced?

Proteins are complex organic substances built from simple and complex amino acids and containing nitrogen. Since proteins are the main components cells, they are essential for normal human life. Happens constantly in the human body protein metabolism: some of the proteins are broken down, others are synthesized, combined or disintegrated, releasing energy that ensures human life. However, not all proteins are valuable and are digested into fuel for the body.

Most of the amino acids coming from low-quality foods are simply excreted. This is why it is so important to eat the right protein foods. Examples of such protein foods: meat, fish, cottage cheese, kefir, cheese, eggs. Excluding protein foods from the diet is fraught with many complications: loss of muscle mass, deterioration of hair and nails, depression of the nervous system, chronic fatigue, violation hormonal levels, baldness, decreased immunity and problems with cardiovascular system. The most important proteins for health are insulin and hemoglobin, the lack of which can lead to disastrous consequences for good health.

Daily protein requirement

Nitrogen balance occurs when at least 70 grams of protein enters the body. For pregnant women, nursing mothers, and people involved in sports, the protein norm increases to 120 grams. However, you shouldn’t overdo it with protein foods either. Excess protein is not stored in reserve, but breaks down into metabolic products in the liver and is excreted through the kidneys, which increases the load on these organs and negatively affects health.

In addition, high protein content in the diet has a detrimental effect on the central nervous system and disrupts the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Protein diet

The protein diet is considered one of the best practices getting rid of excess weight without causing damage to muscle tissue. The essence of the diet is to artificially create a deficiency of carbohydrates and fats and an excess of protein in the human body through the consumption of large amounts of meat, fish and other protein products. As a result of such nutrition, a significant restructuring of metabolism occurs. Without enough carbohydrates and fats, the body begins to burn its own fat reserves. Protein foods, in turn, ensure the normal functioning of all organs and allow you to build muscle mass. As a result of such a diet, a loss of 4 to 8 kilograms of excess weight occurs in 2 weeks.

As already mentioned, with a protein diet, the main part of the diet is protein foods. Let's find out what kind of food it should be.

Sample protein diet menu for 2 weeks

1st and 14th day

  • Breakfast: natural coffee without sugar, 20 grams of cheese.
  • Dinner: 2 hard-boiled eggs, coleslaw with vegetable oil, 200 ml. tomato juice.
  • Dinner: 200 grams of boiled lean fish.

2nd and 13th day

  • Breakfast: natural coffee without sugar, 1 cracker.
  • Dinner: oven-baked fish, tomato and cucumber salad with vegetable oil.
  • Dinner: 150 grams boiled beef and 200 grams of kefir.

3rd and 12th day

  • Breakfast: black tea with 2 slices of cheese
  • Dinner: large zucchini, cut into rings and fried in butter, 2 apples baked with cottage cheese.
  • Dinner: 150 grams of boiled chicken, 2 eggs, fresh cabbage salad with butter.

4th and 11th day

  • Breakfast: unsweetened black tea, 200 grams of cottage cheese.
  • Dinner: a raw egg, 20 grams of cheese, 3 boiled carrots.
  • Dinner: apple, orange, peach.

5th and 10th day

  • Breakfast: 1 grated carrot with lemon juice.
  • Dinner: boiled fish, 200 ml. tomato juice.
  • Dinner: fruit of your choice

6th day and 9th day

  • Breakfast: unsweetened coffee, 3 almonds.
  • Dinner: 150 grams of boiled turkey, cabbage and carrot salad.
  • Dinner: 200 grams of cottage cheese with 2 grated carrots.

7th and 8th day

  • Breakfast: unsweetened tea, 1 piece of cheese.
  • Dinner: 200 grams of boiled beef and 1 cucumber.
  • Dinner: 2 eggs, 1 tomato.

The menu includes sample list protein food, which is a source of protein for the human body. It is worth noting that eating protein foods requires more water in the body. Therefore, to prevent dehydration, you need to drink at least 2 liters of water daily.

Video about protein diet

Video about protein and its effect on health

Protein recipe videos

Protein meal replacements

The diet can consist only of such cocktails, or you can replace one or more meals with it. For example, drinking a glass of cocktail instead of dinner. At the same time, such a cocktail will help curb your sweet cravings. Most of them contain certain sweeteners and are available in the flavors of certain sweets (chocolate, strawberry, and so on).

Very good composition, for example, at a cocktail. Another good option is .

Proteins (proteins) are the main element of any biological life on our planet. This is a very diverse compound in structure and species specificity - a polymer based on carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen and other elements. Creating your own specific proteins is the most important function of all living beings. The human body contains about 25 kilograms of protein. Every day, about 400 grams of this protein undergo breakdown and the same amount is synthesized anew.

On average, all proteins in our body are renewed in 80 days. At the same time, the rate of protein renewal in different tissues is different. For example, muscle proteins are renewed every 180 days, liver proteins every 10 days, etc. If we take into account the daily loss of nitrogen in the absence of protein in food, then we can calculate the amount of protein that is finally destroyed every day. This value is called the Rubner wear coefficient and is about 23 g of protein per day.

Proteins are part of all the tissues of our body and even the tissue of bones and teeth. The structure of protein is based on amino acids connected in different sequences and combinations. The order of connection and further packaging (multidimensional folding) of a long molecule is determined in the hereditary information base - DNA.

In order for us (like all other living organisms) to create protein, we need its building blocks - amino acids. All proteins have their own species specificity - they differ from each other, therefore proteins obtained from food are first broken down into amino acids. We then build our own proteins from them. Basically, the synthesis of most types of protein requires the presence of 20 essential amino acids.

Common green plants synthesize amino acids from carbon dioxide, water and nitrogen with the help of chlorophyll. Then, based on them, plants build their own proteins. In animals and humans, amino acids can be produced from other amino acids during metabolism, or created on the basis of other compounds. However, there are amino acids that we cannot create on our own and must be obtained in finished form, as part of proteins contained in food products. These amino acids are called "essential". Some of the amino acids are synthesized in our body, but the starting points for this are essential amino acids, so they are classified as “conditionally essential”.

The completeness of products - sources of proteins (proteins) is precisely determined by the presence essential amino acids and the ability to assimilate them. If a protein contains all the essential amino acids, then it is considered a complete protein. Thus, food containing even large amounts of protein may be incomplete if these proteins lack at least one essential amino acid.

An “ideal protein” (for humans) should contain the following proportions of essential amino acids:

table. The ratio of essential amino acids in an ideal protein for humans

Amino acid milligrams per gram of ideal protein
Isoleucine 40
Leucine 70
Lysine 55
Methionine and Cystine 35
Phenylalanine and tyrosine 60
Tryptophan 10
Threonine 40
Valin 50

The most complete protein composition for products of animal origin - meat and meat products, milk and dairy products, eggs and caviar, seafood. Typically, their composition includes the entire set of nonessential, essential, and conditionally essential amino acids. The protein content of meat, milk or eggs ranges from 100% to egg white or whey protein to 75% pork or beef protein. Not all animal proteins are complete. For example, protein from skin, bones and connective tissue does not contain a complete set of essential amino acids and is classified as incomplete.

Plant foods also contain protein, but in smaller quantities and not as complete. Protein completeness plant origin varies from 75% for proteins soybeans up to 50% for peanut protein. The main amount of protein in plants is contained in the seeds.

Inferiority of vegetable protein can be easily overcome by combining various starting products. With such combined dishes, the lack of essential amino acids in one of them will be compensated by the presence in the other. Based on this, people who adhere to vegetarian dietary principles are recommended to diversify their diet as much as possible.

The speed and ability to digest food proteins depends on their structure and differs in different products. The structure of the protein also changes depending on its cooking. Thus, the meat cooked different ways, as well as fried or baked will have varying degrees digestibility. This especially applies to some herbal product. Some of them can be absorbed only after preliminary heat treatment. Preliminary processing cereals and legumes also reduce the presence of some unwanted proteins (lectins) in them, which require control in some people with hypersensitivity to them. Also, in addition to proteins (proteins), products contain other organic and inorganic compounds that affect their usefulness and digestibility, as well as the ability to regulate biochemical processes in the body after they are digested.

Our body cannot store amino acids obtained from food as a reserve, therefore, amino acids not used for the construction of its own proteins are subject to disassembly in the liver (deamination). As a result of the deamination of amino acids, ammonia (NH3) is formed, which can either be used to build new amino acids or other compounds we need, or removed from the body in the form of urea, and others important productsfatty acid, precursors of ketone bodies and glucose. Thus, when receiving a large amount of proteins (especially incomplete ones) from food, the excess amount of amino acids can be used for the synthesis of energy compounds - lipids (fats), glycogen.

However, there is a mechanism that allows you to smooth out periods of lack or absence of complete protein in the diet. This reserve is the supply of a special protein albumin circulating in the blood. It is synthesized in the liver from amino acids obtained from food and can subsequently be used during periods of insufficient or inadequate protein nutrition. The total amount of albumin in the blood of an adult is 35–55 g per 1 liter of blood. With full protein nutrition his average speed synthesis is about 10 - 18 g per day.

This protein does a lot important functions in our body, therefore cannot be used completely. A decrease in its level below 30 g per 1 liter of blood is undesirable and is accompanied by edema and an increase in lipid levels in the blood. The circulation time of albumin to its half-life is approximately 17 days.

Based on this, it is not necessary to strictly control the presence of all essential amino acids in one meal. It is quite enough to combine various products throughout the day to top up required properties each of them. Moreover, the digestion process is not instantaneous, but can take up to 7-8 hours, depending on the type of food. Therefore, the nutrition plan should be based on the right system calculation daily ration taking into account all individual characteristics each person.

Daily value of protein in the human diet

A person's daily protein intake depends on many factors. During the period of growth and development, as well as for women during pregnancy or breastfeeding, the daily amount of protein should be increased in relation to the average person leading a normal lifestyle. It is also believed that during physical activity a person requires an increased amount of protein and, accordingly, amino acids. Despite the fact that during physical work, protein metabolism in muscles is indeed significantly activated, it must be understood that muscles do not “burn” protein as a source of energy. To do this, they use primarily carbohydrates.

A safe norm is at least 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of weight. This is provided for a healthy average person of middle age (over 18 years old) not engaged in heavy work. physical labor. At the same time, half of the consumed proteins should be represented by proteins of animal origin. Thus, a person weighing 70 kg should consume about 60 grams of protein per day. Please note that we're talking about about the amount of protein, and not the product containing protein. The amount of protein in staple foods is shown in the table below.

Table of protein content in food.

the content of components is indicated in grams per 100 g of product and the total calorie content

Product containing protein

Quantity of protein

Amount of fat

Number of carbohydrates

Calorie content of the product Kcal

Meat, offal, egg
Mutton 24 25 300
Lean lamb 21 9 166
Beef lean 20,2 7 168
Beef (minced meat) 23 15,2 220
Goose 29 22 319
Turkey (lean) 24 7 165
Rabbit, hare 24 9 181
Chicken (without skin) 25 6 150
Chickens (broilers) 22,6 8,3 0,5 158
Chicken liver (broil) 18-21 3-10 2 135
Chicken heart (broil) 15-22 7-10 1 150
Chicken stomachs 20-22 4-7 136
Beef brains 11 8,6 124
Lamb liver 19 3 100
Beef liver 17 3 100
Pork liver 18 3.6 110
Lamb kidneys 12,5 3 80
Beef kidneys 12.5 2 70
Pork kidneys 14 3 92
Pork is fatty 19 50 332
Pork lean 25 28 226
Fatty veal 20 8 148
Skinny veal 22 1 89
Duck 17,6 26,6 313
Lamb heart 14 2.5 75
Beef heart 15 3.0 85
Pork heart 15 3.5 90
Sausages 10-20 11-35 1-4,2 Up to 420
Beef tongue 16 12 173
Whole chicken egg 1 piece - 50 g 6,7 12 0,6 75
Egg, yolk (1 pc.) 2,7 5,2 0,1 59
Egg, white (1 pc.) 3,9 0,3 17
Fish and seafood
Beluga 24 4 131
Pink salmon 21 7 147
Chum salmon caviar 27 13,4 261
Squid fillet) 18,0 2,2 75
Flounder 18,2 2,3 105
Sea kale 1,7 0,6 3,6 11
Carp 19,9 1,4 95
Mullet 21,4 4,3 85
Crabs 18,7 1 0,1 85
Shrimps 20 1,8 95
Icy 17,4 3 98
Bream 21 4,7 126
Macrurus 15,3 1 68
Pollock 17 1 75
Lamprey 15 12 165
Sea bass 20 3,6 112
Sturgeon 16.5 11 163
Cod liver 24 66 613
Blue whiting 17,9 1 81
Saberfish 20 3.2 110
Saira 18.6 12 182
Salaka 18,0 7 133
Sardine 23,7 28,3 188
Herring 15,5 8,7 140
Salmon 16,3 10,5 160
Smoked salmon 25,4 4,5 142
Whitefish 19 7.5 143
Mackerel 18 13,2 191
Horse mackerel 18.5 5 119
Sterlet 17 6 122
Som 17 8.5 143
Zander 21 1,3 97
Trepang 7.0 1 37
Cod 17 0,7 76
Smoked cod 23,5 1 111
Tuna 23 1 101
coal fish 14 11 157
Acne 17 32 320
Oysters 14 3 95
Trout 15,5 3 89
Hake 16,6 2,2 86
Pike 18 0,5 78
Ide 18.2 1 81
Milk and dairy products
Brynza 18 20,1 0 260
Kefir (yogurt) 0.1-1% 3 0,1-1,0 4 30
Milk 0.1-1% 3 0,1-1,0 0,2 5,1
Milk 1.5-5% 3 1,5-5,0 4,8 60
Buttermilk 3,3 1,0 3,9 39
Cream 2,8 20 3,7 206
Sour cream 1,5 48,2 2 447
Hard cheeses (medium) 20-30 25-35 Up to 4 300
Dutch 26,0 26,8 1 352
Kostroma 25,2 26,3 1 345
Poshekhonsky 26,0 26,5 1 350
Lithuanian 29,0 15,0 1 258
Smoked sausage 23,0 19,0 2 270
Processed cheese 20 20 3,8 271
Cottage cheese 0.6% 16 0,6 1,6 88
Cottage cheese 20% 14 4 1,2 96

Protein diets

Protein diets are nutritional systems proposed by some experts, based on the use of foods containing mainly proteins for a long time. Typically, such diets are presented as a way to quickly lose weight. It is believed that protein gives off 4 kcal during metabolic transformations in the body. energy per gram. It also says that fats are not created from proteins in the body. As you may have read above, excess amino acids can form fats.

Some directly indicate that when eating increased amount Protein in the body grows muscle mass and burns fat. It's a delusion! Such diets do not lead to muscle growth, and weight loss occurs as a result further violation metabolic processes. Muscle mass can only be built up through training, not at the dinner table.

Our body is designed for a complete mixed diet. Meat and meat products do not contain the vitamins, microelements and other substances necessary for our body that determine high quality life and its duration. These foods don't provide nutrition. normal microflora intestines. Losing weight on a protein diet () is a path to deterioration of your health.

Protein is the most important building element for body cells.

It is known that it is involved in many human life processes, but its entire role has not been fully revealed.

Protein and its importance for the human body

A description of the number of functions of a protein could fit in a book with a hundred pages.

The following main purposes of this element for the human body are distinguished:

  1. Construction.
  2. Hormonal (many hormones are proteins or their compounds).
  3. Transport (serves as a supplier of nutrients between other cells of the body).
  4. Protective (for example, the protein fibrinogen thickens the blood, thereby preventing its loss).
  5. Nutrient (casein and albumin are sources of nutrients for intrauterine development fetus).
  6. Stabilizing (supports normal level pressure in cells).
  7. Contractile (serve as the main elements for the relaxing and contracting functions of muscles).

Proteins are delivered to the body along with food.

There are plant and animal sources of their intake.

It is not even the protein itself that is important, but the 22 amino acids that are synthesized during the breakdown of protein. It is believed that the body is able to obtain 13 of them on its own, but 9 amino acids must come from food.

How to calculate the daily protein intake for your diet

When a person consumes foods such as meat, milk, cheese, peas, the digestive system first breaks down food proteins into amino acids. They enter the blood, combine with enzymes and form proteins that serve the body. For example, to build muscles.

Nutritionists are not unanimous in their opinion about the daily intake of protein foods. The whole point is that in digestive tract some types of protein are not broken down due to the lack of appropriate enzymes.

Therefore, different protein products are absorbed differently. So, eggs are almost 95-100% broken down in the body, and peas are only 50-60%.

The first person to calculate the daily protein intake was Max Rubner. The scientist also introduced the concept of anabolism (the creation of new substances) and catabolism (the breakdown of substances). Calculated the wear rate (how much protein is lost by tissues per day).

A hundred years ago, he conducted research and found that 0.3 grams of protein per 1 kg of body weight are needed per day. Translated into products, this is approximately a liter of milk for a person weighing 70 kg.

The research was carried out a long time ago, so it has lost its relevance.

IN modern world Other protein intake standards have been developed:

  • recommended for middle-aged people daily norm is 1.5 grams per kilogram of weight;
  • for babies during rapid growth the established norm is 2.2 grams per 1 kg;
  • for children aged 7-10 years, the daily norm is about 36 grams in total;
  • Pregnant women should receive an additional 30 grams of protein above the average for an adult. For example, if future mom weighs 70 kg, then in addition to the norm of 105 grams you need to add 30 grams of protein.

All these rules are valid under certain conditions:

  • additionally carbohydrates and fats must be supplied to the body;
  • the quality of the protein must be high, and its amino acid composition must be complete;
  • ratio of animals and vegetable proteins must be complied with. The latter must be at least 30% of total number and no more than 35%.

So, an adult weighing 65 kg should consume about 98 grams of protein per day, provided that all the points above are met. At the same time, vegetable proteins should be about 29 grams of the total amount.

For athletes, norms are calculated individually and, as a rule, they are slightly higher than usual.

How does a lack of protein affect the body?

To determine protein deficiency in the body, a person just needs to look at himself in the mirror. Pay attention to your well-being.

If the following changes are observed, then it’s time to sound the alarm:

  1. Loose skin, sagging muscles on the body (if the person is under 30).
  2. There are wrinkles on the face and an uneven oval of the face.
  3. Skin, nails, and hair are made of protein. Therefore, with a deficiency of this substance, their condition leaves much to be desired.
  4. Obesity and muscle loss.
  5. Decreased immunity.
  6. Digestive problems: constipation, flatulence, etc.
  7. Low resistance to stress.
  8. Fast fatiguability.

If most of the points fit the description of a person’s appearance and behavior, then he urgently needs to change his eating habits.

The cause of protein deficiency can be not only its insufficient intake from food, but also somatic diseases(colds and flu).

When taking a blood test, it is observed reduced content hemoglobin and immunoglobulin.

A balanced diet based on the consumption of both animals and plant sources protein supplemented with fats and carbohydrates.

About the importance of proteins in the diet in the video.

Plant foods containing protein and their benefits

Animal products containing protein were mentioned above: meat, cheese, milk, fish. It is considered to be a quality source of protein.

Plant products contain protein, which does not contain all amino acids, but you must include two types of food in your diet. Especially when it comes to athletes or people on a diet.

Positive qualities of protein-containing products of plant origin:

  • no fat. This means that the dishes will be easily digestible and are perfect for losing excess weight;
  • Vitamins, minerals, and amino acids enter the body along with proteins;
  • controls the feeling of hunger due to long and partial digestibility;
  • fiber content, which is good for the digestive tract.

Protein is actually found in many plant foods. In the table we consider only those with the most protein.

The second column will show the amount of protein as a percentage per 100 g of product weight.

Lentils 27,6
Peas 22,4
Soybeans 23-26
Wheat 11
Rye 10,6
Buckwheat 12,5
Semolina 11,1
Pearl barley 9,1
Barley 9,6
Rice 7,1
Pshenka 11,6
Vegetables and greens
Asparagus 2,2
Tomatoes (red) 2,6
cucumbers 0,7
Beet 1,6
Potato 2
Carrot 1,4
Garlic 6
Sweet pepper 1,3
Zucchini 3,1
Onion 1,1
Spinach 2,9
Brussels 4,8
Kohlrabi 2,8
Colored 2,5
Broccoli 2,8
White cabbage 1,8
White 5,5
Chanterelles 2,5
Oyster mushrooms 3
Honey mushrooms 2,0
Average for all mushrooms 3,2
Dried fruits
Date fruit 2,6
Prunes 2,2
Dried apples 2,2
Dried apricots 5,3
Raisin 1,9
Sunflower seeds and seeds
Sunflower 20,7
Pumpkin 30
Sesame 18
Poppy 18
Linen 18
Cashew 21
Peanut 26
Gretsky 15,2
Brazilian 14,3
Pistachios 20
Almond 18,7
Pine nut 11,5
Hazelnut 15
Egg pasta 11
1st grade 10,7
Top grade 10,5
Oranges 0,9
Bananas 1,1
Kiwi 1,1
Lemons 1,1
Tangerines 0,8
Apples 0,3

As you can see from the table, a lot of protein is contained in legumes, seeds, and nuts, but vegetables are also not far behind. Cabbage, zucchini, peppers and even garlic contain a decent amount of protein.

Porridges are not only rich in protein, but also in other components: fiber, carbohydrates and vitamins. Fruits have the least amount of protein, but dried fruits have twice as much protein.

List of animal products with the highest protein content

The most proteins are found in products of animal origin, and these products contain all the amino acids for the body. The same cannot be said about plant-based proteins.

Here is a table of protein content in products.

Eggs come first, because they are ideal in composition and digestibility.

Product Amount of protein per 100 grams
Eggs with yolk 6
Eggs without yolk 3,5
Quail eggs 6
Mutton 20-21
Beef 20-23
Goose 28-30
Pork 17,5
Chicken 26
Duck 19
Turkey 25
Liver (beef) 17,5
Liver (pork) 18,7
Liver (lamb) 18,6
Tongue (beef) 13,5
Kidneys (beef) 12,5
Tongue (pork) 14,2
Fish and seafood
Caviar (chum fish) 27
Cod liver 24
Sardine 24
Mackerel 18
Tuna 23
Salmon 25
Squid 18
Pink salmon 21
Blue whiting 16
Herring 17,7
Cod 17,4
Horse mackerel 18,5
Acne 14,5
Salmon 19
Tilapia 24
Squid 18
Trout 17,5
Cottage cheese 16
Milk of different fat content 3
Kefir 3
Ryazhenka 3
Yogurt (1.5% fat) natural 5
Condensed milk 7
Curdled milk 2,8
Gouda cheese 25
Russian cheese 23
Blue cheeses 21
Roquefort 22
Swiss cheese 27
Parmesan 38
Mozzarella (assuming low sodium) 28
Edam 25
Canned meat
Beef 16,8
Pork 15
Ham 22
Boiled sausage 10-14 (depending on composition)
Semi-smoked 16-23
Raw smoked 21-25

It can be seen that animal products with high content quite a lot of protein. It's primarily meat. low-fat varieties and products made from them (sausages, sausages, canned food).

Secondly, these are dairy products. They can be protein-rich cheeses, especially Parmesan.

With medium protein content: cottage cheese and products made from it. Milk, yoghurt and fermented baked milk do not contain as much protein as it might seem, but they have other beneficial properties.

Protein products for an ideal figure

Protein-rich foods are best suited for weight loss.

With their help, you can not torment yourself with hunger and at the same time lose weight.

It is known that a person normally needs to consume about 110 grams of protein per day. Abuse can lead to health problems and improper absorption of food.

What foods to eat are good for both health and figure? In order not to exceed or underestimate daily consumption, you need to know how much protein is in your food.

We will list only foods that are useful for weight loss and the amount of protein in them.

Product Protein content in grams per 100 grams
Kefir 3
Yogurt 4-5
Cottage cheese 15-17
Milk 2,9-3,1
Chicken meat 25-26
Beef meat 20-24
Veal meat 21-22
Fish 17-27
Eggs 3-6
Legumes 23-27
Soybean meat 52
Nuts 11-21
Buckwheat 12
Oatmeal 9
Cheese 22-25

In the first place in the table are products with a low protein content. But these proteins have a big advantage - they are easily absorbed in the body.

Low-fat cottage cheese can keep you feeling full for a long time. Next according to the degree of digestibility milk is coming. It is better to choose one with low fat content and do not overuse this product.

You need to be careful with meat. The fat content can let you down, and there is a risk of gaining even more weight. It is important to properly cook veal, chicken or turkey, namely by baking or stewing.

Fish - the most useful product For healthy eating, contains not only proteins, but also omega fatty acids, which are beneficial for immunity and metabolism.

Eggs are good to eat for breakfast, but you shouldn’t overuse them either. No more than five pieces per week.

Vegetable protein must be present in the diet of a person losing weight. These are all kinds of legumes, nuts, cereals.

This is how you can eat varied foods and still lose weight. The main thing is to choose the right products and do not use frying or fats for cooking.

Protein diet: principles

Such well-known and sensational diets as Dukan and Kremlin are based on the principles of consuming large amounts of protein. The whole point is to limit your intake of fats and carbohydrates.

After all, it is known that a large amount of energy is spent on feeding muscles. This means that the more muscle tissue, the more excess fat is burned even at rest.

Such diets are suitable for those people who cannot tolerate fasting and want to achieve results in a short time.

What principles should you follow when choosing a protein diet:

  1. Every meal should contain protein.
  2. Sugar and flour products prohibited.
  3. Fresh vegetables are required.
  4. Limit consumption of starchy foods (potatoes, carrots, beets, corn).
  5. The only fruits you can eat are apples and grapefruits, and only in small quantities.
  6. Refusal fried meat, fish and other products in favor of boiled, baked and steamed.

Despite the limited selection of products, you can create a fairly varied menu.

Food, water, fiber

The main products you should choose when on a protein diet:

  • chicken;
  • eggs;
  • beef;
  • various types of cheeses (low fat);
  • dairy products;
  • cottage cheese;
  • vegetable oils (olive, flaxseed, mustard and others);

It is better to give preference to vegetables such as cucumbers, lettuce, cabbage of all varieties, tomatoes, bell peppers, and herbs.

If you introduce these products into the diet without observing the basic laws of distribution, then there will be little benefit.

What are the rules?

  1. I'm eating rich in fiber It is better to use in the morning or early afternoon.
  2. The dinner menu should consist of protein-rich foods.
  3. Before breakfast, you need to eat a tablespoon of bran (about 20 minutes before meals).

In addition, we need to mention the liquid. Every day you need to drink two liters of water, no less. This is very important, because with a lack of water, ammonia is retained in the body, and processes that poison the body begin.

The role of fiber in a protein diet is to support digestive system. After all, with such a diet, constipation is not uncommon.

Flax seeds, bran, and vegetables are rich in fiber.

Any diet involves limiting the consumption of any vitamins, so you need to take them in the form of tablets and syrups.

If we add protein diet physical activity and sports, you can achieve excellent results in losing weight and creating an ideal figure.

Sample menu

  1. Breakfast: three soft-boiled or hard-boiled eggs, tomato and herb salad. Use any vegetable oil as a dressing.
  2. Dinner: chicken or turkey breast, steamed or baked without oil, with apple
  3. Dinner: white fish prepared by any non-prohibited method.

Tea and coffee are allowed, but without sugar. If you add milk to these drinks, then only low-fat milk.

Harm from protein foods

Excess of any type of protein is bad for kidney function. Therefore, when dieting, you need to consult a doctor and undergo tests.

If a person has the following diseases: ulcers, gastritis, and dysbiosis, it is better to discuss the diet with your doctor.

Disadvantages of Plant Protein

If a person wants to give up animal proteins and become a vegetarian, then he must take into account the disadvantages of plant protein:

  • lack of vitamin B and iron (brewer's yeast and multivitamins can replenish them);
  • legumes can cause discomfort gastrointestinal tract in the form of flatulence;
  • Animal protein is better for building muscle.

For people who want to get in shape, plant-based proteins are healthier.

You can learn the main quality characteristics of proteins in food products from the video.

In contact with

Our body needs protein like it needs air. This substance is responsible for construction processes in the body, metabolism, helps to grow, reproduce, better absorb vitamins and minerals. How to eat properly so that your body receives required rate squirrel?

All proteins contained in food can be divided into animal and plant proteins, depending on their source of origin. For several years now, there have been endless debates between fans and opponents of vegetarianism: the former are confident that to maintain excellent health it is enough to consume only plant proteins, while the latter insist that it is extremely important to include meat and dairy products in the diet.

Protein: the main problem

Lentils and beans have the same amount of protein as beef or pork. However, the most problematic is not the quantity of such an important substance itself, but its digestibility. It turns out that in nature there are no food proteins that our body would accept ideally, but still certain types are absorbed much better.

In the ranking of digestibility, the primacy is held by the proteins that make up eggs and dairy products. They are followed by proteins from poultry and mammals, fish and soy, and then legumes and nuts. Protein from cereals is the hardest for the body to absorb.

Remember that Protein is best absorbed after heating (or as a result of heat treatment).

What foods contain protein?

The main source of proteins is food of animal origin: meat (beef, pork), eggs, cottage cheese and other dairy products, poultry, fish and other seafood.

A large number of Protein is found in nuts and seeds: hazelnuts, peanuts, cashews, almonds, Pine nuts, pumpkin, sunflower and hemp seeds.

Cereals are also not inferior in protein content: buckwheat- the queen among cereals in terms of protein content. A side dish like rice, is also rich in protein. And don’t forget about the most useful oatmeal!

Lots of protein in legumes: beans, peas, lentils, soybeans.

Proteins can be replenished regular use bread made from wholemeal rye or wheat flour. Pasta from durum wheat varieties also rich in protein.

Among vegetables, the most protein is found in asparagus, cucumbers, zucchini, zucchini, potatoes, Brussels sprouts, figs, avocado and etc.

10 products with the greatest content squirrel

Poultry meat – from 17 to 22 grams (per 100 grams of product)

Meat – from 15 to 20 grams

Fish - from 14 to 20 grams

Seafood – from 15 to 18 grams

Eggs – 12 grams

Hard cheese – from 25 to 27 grams

Cottage cheese – from 14 to 18 grams

Legumes – from 20 to 25 grams

Cereals – from 8 to 12 grams

Nuts – from 15 to 30 grams.

Daily allowanceshape of a squirrel

Daily requirement adult human protein content is 1.3-1.4 g per 1 kg of body weight, for people who exercise physical work this norm is 1.5 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight or more. Athletes need an average of 2.0-2.5 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight per day. Based on this norm, on average for men it is necessary96-132 g of protein per day and 82-92 g for women.

Nutritionist advice on protein intake

According to nutritionists, it is advisable to combine protein products of both plant and animal origin in one dish. The most successful unions, which contain a sufficient amount and good quality protein, you can count porridge and muesli with milk, scrambled eggs with beans, sushi with rice and fish, rolls, as well as meat and poultry with a side dish of cereals or legumes.

You should also remember to competently protein to fat ratio. Very often, protein-rich foods (such as cheese or nuts) contain a lot of fat. Due to their caloric content, they should not be abused.

Excess protein in the body

Lack of protein can cause extreme serious problems with health, and therefore every day it is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of protein products. But if protein is overused, your health can also significantly worsen.

First of all, it can happen intoxication, because during the digestion of protein, especially if it is of animal origin, many toxins are released into the body, which it needs to have time to eliminate.

Plus, animal protein provokes increased cholesterol in the blood and can cause cardiovascular diseases.

And finally, scientists have recently come to the conclusion that any excess protein is converted by our body into fat. Therefore, you should not abuse protein products - everything should be in moderation!

When it comes to proper nutrition, everyone begins to unanimously repeat about consuming certain amounts of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but not everyone can immediately determine what foods contain the same proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and in what quantities should they be consumed? To systematize all your knowledge that you already possess to some extent, I will highlight several key aspects and call them foods containing proteins, fats and carbohydrates V large quantities per 100 grams. In terms of composition, each product from a certain category (be it proteins, fats or carbohydrates) will be the richest in useful substance, in the category of which this product located. I will also highlight good products containing proteins, fats and carbohydrates and bad when we talk about right and balanced diet. So, let's begin.


Carbohydrates should make up 40-50% of your total caloric intake if you are not losing weight, but maintaining your weight at a normal level, and 30-40% if you are in the process of losing weight. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for your body. The more active your life, the more carbohydrate products should be present in your diet. But there is one BUT...

While carbohydrates do a good job and provide you with the energy you need to work, exercise, and even relax, they are also quite insidious. , you need to consume it correctly, namely: at a certain time of day, in certain quantities and in certain products. Too many restrictions, you say. But it won’t work out any other way with carbohydrates, since neglecting these rules will entail:

1) their excess, and this will subsequently lead to excessive fat storage and the appearance of extra pounds on the scales;

2) their deficiency, which manifests itself in feeling unwell, loss of strength, lethargy and depression, drowsiness and fatigue even at the beginning of the day.

A certain time of day means that it is best to consume in the first half of the day (before 2 o'clock in the afternoon).

Amount means: consume at least 30% and no more than 50% carbohydrates of your total caloric intake.

And I present a list of specific products below. It indicates some productshigh in carbohydrates per 100 g of product.

Foods containing carbohydrates

It should be remembered that you should give preference foods containing complex carbohydrates. They are absorbed slowly by your body and do not cause sharp increase blood sugar and the release of the hormone insulin, which is the main “fat store” in the body.

Below I give examples of “good” complex carbohydrates which should prevail in your daily menu, and “bad” fast carbohydrates, which you should, if possible, avoid altogether or at least not consume frequently.

We seem to have figured out carbohydrates. The most important thing you need to remember:

  1. Carbohydrates should make up 40-45% (for weight maintenance) or 20-30% (for weight loss) of your total caloric intake.
  2. Your menu should be dominated by foods containing complex carbohydrates(porridge, wholemeal bread, durum wheat pasta, etc.)
  3. Minimize your intake of “bad” carbohydrates and products containing fast carbohydrates (some fruits, sweet drinks and juices, cereals instant cooking, sugar, etc.)
  4. Consume carbohydrates in the morning.


Protein is key construction material for your muscles and a source of essential amino acids, so proteins should make up 40-45% of the total calorie content of your diet if you are not losing weight, but maintaining your weight at normal, and 45-50% if you are in the process of losing weight or.

In this table you can familiarize yourself with the products that have increased content protein per 100 g.

Products containing protein

Proteins are divided into two types: animal and plant origin. Your diet should include foods containing protein both types. But you should know that animal proteins are complete, they have a high degree of absorption and a rich amino acid composition. While proteins of plant origin, on the contrary, are not completely absorbed by our body and have a poor amino acid composition.

Below are products containing protein of animal and plant origin.

Remember that a person needs to consume 1.5-3.5 g of protein per 1 kg of weight (a smaller amount will lead to its deficiency, and the body will be forced to compensate for it from your muscles and organs). This figure can reach greater value(5-6 g), but this is if you have heavy training with iron and your goal is to gain weight. IN otherwise, your body does not need such a larger amount of protein, since an excess of protein has a bad effect on the liver and kidneys, overloading them with its breakdown products, and also leads to the accumulation of ketone bodies, which can cause intoxication of the entire body. Therefore, using foods containing protein in large quantities, you need to remember that everything is good in moderation. Proteins are your help in creating beautiful body with sculpted muscles, but only if you adhere to the following rules:

  1. Eat proteins from both animal and plant sources, but choose more products containing protein animal origin (eggs, fish, cottage cheese, chicken, beef, etc.)
  2. Eat the right amount of protein based on your workouts, weight, and calorie intake. The average amount of protein is 2 g per 1 kg of weight.
  3. The evening meal should be mostly protein. Try to use foods containing protein and steamed, either boiled or baked in the oven.


Fats are another source of energy, but more powerful than carbohydrates. Internal fat together with subcutaneous fat, which we all hate so much and which we want to get rid of, actually have a number of very important functions in our body:

- fats are the main source of energy during illness and famine, when the supply of nutrients to the body is reduced or not received at all;

- fats help our blood vessels remain elastic and can be easily walked on nutrients to all cells and tissues of our body;

— fats are responsible for the condition of hair, nails and skin (this is especially important for us girls);

- fats are involved in the synthesis of hormones and are responsible for normal menstrual cycle in girls;

- fats improve the taste of food, etc.

Products containing fats must be present in your daily diet nutrition.

Average amount of fat necessary for a person is 1 g per 1 kg of weight. This is approximately 25-30% of the total calorie content of your diet, both for those losing weight and for those not losing weight.

Products containing fats

Speaking of fats, you should know what to eat saturated fats And unsaturated fats. The first category is healthy (good) fats, consuming them in in moderation Helps the body burn fat! And the second category is harmful (bad) fats; consumption of such fats leads to the accumulation of cholesterol and atherosclerosis.

Below I provide a list of foods containing good and bad fats.

So, let's sum it up with fats:

  1. Products containing fats it is possible and even necessary! As a percentage of fat, our body should receive 20-30%, in grams - about 1 g per 1 kg (if you lose weight, it can be reduced to 0.8 g).
  2. Consume foods containing healthy unsaturated fats(vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, fatty varieties sea ​​fish).
  3. Try to avoid using fatty foods in evening time.

Well, we figured it out, what foods contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates and in what quantities. Now you know that foods containing carbohydrates, it is better to consume in the first half of the day; foods containing protein, are important for the growth and recovery of your muscles; A foods containing fats, are responsible for normal condition nails, hair and skin. All this should not be forgotten and taken into account when drawing up your menu for the day.

Your coach, Janelia Skripnik, was with you!

Wish you, dear girls, eat right and always stay healthy and slim!