If a smelly liquid oozes from the wound. The sores secrete clear liquid. Lymph flows - what to do

Almost every person has encountered the appearance of ichor. What should you do if clear liquid leaks from the wound? Its occurrence indicates that the integrity of the tissue was violated: the person was cut or injured.

What is ichor?

The ichor is a colorless liquid that flows from the wound. After some time, the ichor turns into a film and covers the wound. Thus, the wound is protected from various infections.

The medical name for ichor is lymph. There are no red blood cells in lymph, but there are a huge number of lymphocytes. Lymph is mainly released from small wounds. Its movement occurs from top to bottom. When a person is injured, little or no lymph may leak from the wound.

The human body can contain from one to two liters of lymph. The lymphatic fluid in the nodes of the same name is cleansed. Nodes are located at the junction of several vessels into one.

However, ichor is not only a colorless liquid. A similar name may refer to bloody discharge from a wound or purulent discharge. Purulent discharge will indicate that the wound is infectious. The release of pus helps the wound to cleanse faster. During this period, it is important to provide proper care to the wound so that bacteria do not enter there. Isolation of ichor is also possible from drainage wounds.

The appearance of ichor is normal, if it is, of course, colorless. Its appearance indicates that the human body’s immune system is functioning correctly and is ready to protect the body from infection at any time. Also, the appearance of a colorless liquid characterizes the normal functioning of blood vessels. If lymph is released from the wound, then the vessels are not damaged.

There are several varieties of ichor:

  1. Gynecological discharge. A woman may notice such discharge immediately after the end of menstruation, during gestation and during the onset of menopause. If the discharge appears in small quantities, it does not pose any danger to the woman.
  2. Discharge of ichor from the nose. Discharge from the respiratory tract is also commonly called ichor. They are caused by the development of inflammatory processes and the appearance of viral diseases. The ichor can be either yellow or transparent, or bloody. Discharge includes a number of other symptoms that characterize the onset of the inflammatory process in the body.

From what wounds does ichor come out?

It is known that ichor flows not only from recently received wounds. For example, colorless discharge can also appear in newborns in the navel area. This is a sign of healing in the umbilical area. If purulent fluid with a specific odor begins to come out of the navel, the baby’s parents should show him to the doctor as soon as possible. To treat purulent ichor, an antibiotic ointment or some other type of treatment may be prescribed.

The clear fluid released from the umbilical area in a newborn requires special care than the discharge of such fluid in older people. However, care should not necessarily be provided by the staff of the children's clinic or pediatrician. The baby’s parents will be able to handle the procedure on their own, without outside help.

Thorough disinfection of the area of ​​fluid release is necessary.

It must be carried out several times a day, especially after replacing a diaper with a new one, as well as after water procedures, which are usually carried out in the evening. As a means to dry the wound, it is recommended to use not hydrogen peroxide, but ordinary brilliant green, which is available for sale in any pharmacy in the city.

It is important to ensure that moisture does not get into the umbilical ring area. This can negatively affect the healing of the wound: it will take longer than expected.

Ichor can also be released in older people. This occurs after surgery. The place where the ichor is released is the scars left after the operation. In people aged 30-40 years, this phenomenon is extremely rare.

Discharge accompanies the healing of the suture after a cesarean section. Disinfection measures are similar to caring for the umbilical area of ​​a newborn. Such discharge will accompany the woman while she is under the supervision of medical personnel in the parental home. Therefore, she is unlikely to have to worry about how to care for the wound on her own. All necessary disinfection procedures fall on the shoulders of the medical staff and maternity hospital staff, who will provide the young mother with adequate care.

Such appearances of ichor are absolutely harmless. However, it is important to ensure that the wound does not become inflamed.

Ways to combat the release of ichor from wounds

The ichor does not have to be removed at all. Gradually, the discharge from the wound will stop on its own, without the participation of the wound owner in this process.

If the discharge of lymph is accompanied by unpleasant sensations or discomfort, the wound should be treated with hydrogen peroxide. Before using hydrogen peroxide, you should carefully read the instructions. It should indicate whether it is necessary to dilute the peroxide with water before use. If you use the drug without first studying the instructions, you can get a severe burn, which will cause the wound to become even more inflamed.

The wound is treated with a cotton swab or bandage. Under no circumstances should you pour peroxide into the wound from the bottle in which it is poured, or apply a bandage or cotton swab soaked in the liquid for a long time.

As an alternative, streptocide can be used. It is sold in pharmacies in tablet form. Before use, the tablets must be crushed to a powder using a kitchen board and knife, and sprinkled on the wound. You can also use sea buckthorn oil or brilliant green.

Absolutely any medications that have drying and healing properties can be used as methods to combat ichor.

If self-treatment of the wound does not help, you should seek the help of a qualified medical professional. He will treat the wound with specialized medications that cannot be purchased independently without a doctor’s prescription.

Special ointments can be used to heal the wound. Adults are prescribed Levomekol, an ointment that promotes not only the rapid healing of wounds, but also the resolution of swelling after burns. Children are recommended to smear their wounds with Panthenol.

The main task is to protect the wound from possible infection. To prevent this from happening, all precautions should be taken by applying a sterile bandage to the wound.

As soon as the ichor stops appearing, you need to be careful not to accidentally tear off the crust that appears instead on the wound. The crust performs a function similar to lymph - it protects the wound from pathogenic microbes entering it. If the crust is nevertheless torn off, a scar may subsequently appear at the site of the wound.

What to do in case of excessive lymph flow?

If lymph flows profusely, dressing the wound with an elastic bandage can help.

If the presented methods of dealing with excessive leakage of lymph do not bring any results, you should immediately contact a medical institution to receive qualified help. There are simply no other effective measures. Be healthy!

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Questions and answers on: ichor from a wound after surgery

2015-09-28 21:02:53

Alexey asks:

Hello! I am 20 years old. 3 operations were performed to excise the EC. September 2014 (1 operation) March 2015 (2 operation) and June 2015 (3 operation)
I am concerned about the healing of the wound (after the 3rd operation) in the place where the drainage was installed. I will try to tell you in as much detail as possible: the operation was performed in early June, I was hospitalized for a month. At the end of the month, the wound had not yet healed, but after a week they stopped putting a tampon in the wound. In the end, everything seemed to go well, although the report said that “the process was sluggish”
Further, throughout July the early healing began slowly but surely; there was discharge in the form of blood and odorless white liquid (ichor?)
Then in August, for about 3 weeks, the wound hardly changed, it looked like a cavity, measuring 1.5-2 cm in height, about 1.5 cm in width and ~1.5 cm in depth (only meat was visible in the wound itself, no indentations were visible inside , not entirely sure). The discharge was still there, but less.
After this, at the end of August and until mid-September, the wound began to sharply decrease, eventually turning into a small wound of an irregular oval up to 1.5 cm in width and less than 1 cm in height and 1-1.5 cm in depth. There was little discharge, mostly a little blood with a clear, odorless liquid. But the wound was constantly changing, that is, the meat itself in the wound either went somehow deeper, or, on the contrary, was at the level of the wound. This may sound kind of stupid, but I’m telling it like it is. But in the end, over the last 2 weeks the wound has hardly changed and has not healed.
Can the wound take such a long time to heal, or has it somehow healed incorrectly? Could 3 operations in a row in a short time affect healing? Or will it end up being a relapse again? By the way, there is no pain, I can lie down, walk, sit quietly, I hardly feel any discomfort (only if I sit for a long time)
Can you recommend any ointments, or maybe exercises for faster healing?
I apologize for such a huge wall of text!
Thanks in advance for your answer!

Answers Tkachenko Fedot Gennadievich:

Hello, Alexey. If the wound was not initially sutured (and this technique is quite often used in the treatment of patients with epithelial coccygeal tract), then such postoperative wounds can actually take a long time to heal - about 4-6 months. As for the recommendation regarding the use of ointments, I cannot recommend anything without examining the wound, it would be wrong. Your operating surgeon can best answer this question.

2014-09-08 06:05:00

Svetlana asks:

My husband suffered a comminuted fracture of the heel with displacement on 08/06/2014. had surgery. The heel was assembled using plates and bolts. On day 9, the stitches were removed and he was discharged. The suture does not heal and oozes ichor and pus. I have diabetes 2 units, sugar 9 units. The specialist from the diabetic foot office recommends removing the bolts and plates, but the orthopedic traumatologist says that it is impossible to remove them earlier than three months after the operation. They wash the wound and nothing else. Please advise what to do, help save my leg.

Answers Nemesh Mikhail Mikhailovich:

It’s really too early to remove the plate. You need to try treatment - antibiotic therapy (after culture from the wound and determination of sensitivity to antibiotics), local treatment. If after these procedures it does not heal, then the metal must be removed. why is it leaking?... there are 2 options - the first is an infection (osteomyelitis develops), the second is a (less likely) allergy to metal, the body does not perceive it. (If possible, come to us. Our purulent surgery clinic is very successful in this.

2014-01-19 16:10:08

Daria asks:

Hello. My mother is 39 years old. 1.5 years ago they opened a purulent inflammation, diagnosed paraproctitis, half a year ago she developed a second purulent inflammation, they said it was necessary to remove the fistula. Now she is undergoing surgery. At the moment she has two open wounds after previous openings of ulcers from which something is still oozing it’s like ichor with admixtures of pus. They don’t swell but they hurt. I’m interested in the question about the postoperative period after removal of the fistula. What is possible, what is not. And most importantly, is it possible to have sexual intercourse (ordinary). And how long does the postoperative period last.

Answers Tkachenko Fedot Gennadievich:

Hello Daria. To answer your questions, you still need to see the patient. It all depends on the characteristics of the upcoming surgical intervention. It would be right if you ask your operating surgeon these questions. Sincerely, Fedot Gennadievich Tkachenko.

2013-10-14 05:54:05

Vitaly asks:

My father is 55 years old, he had two mini-strokes, high blood sugar and blood pressure. Two years ago he fell and broke the femur of his leg. After a long fusion and removal of the Ilizarov apparatus, the bone rotted. Two cleaning operations did not help. Constant leakage of pus and ichor from wounds.

Answers Samusenko Igor Valentinovich:

Vitaly, this is a complex problem. Your father needs a consultation at the osteomyelitis clinic of the Institute of Orthopedics and Traumatology of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine. Head of the clinic prof. Gritsai Nikolay Pavlovich

2013-09-03 14:23:30

Ivan asks:

Hello. On July 4th of this year I was operated on for ECC in the proctology department. The wound was not sutured. After the operation I do dressings with panthenol (prescribed by the doctor). the wound is not healing completely, ichor is oozing from it and itching has appeared in the wound area. What could this be connected with and what do you recommend to speed up the healing of the wound? thank you in advance.

Answers Tkachenko Fedot Gennadievich:

Hello, Ivan Everything that you describe, in principle, fits into the normal course of the postoperative period. An open wound after excision of the coccygeal tract can heal from 2 to 6 months. I think that you should see your operating surgeon to clarify the condition of the wound and possibly change the ointment. itching may be caused by an allergy to Panthenol, or perhaps it is a consequence of healing.

2013-08-07 16:27:15

Sergey asks:

Good afternoon Dear Fedot Gennadievich!

I have something like a boil between my buttocks (in the area of ​​the tailbone), and for about three days there has been a small discharge from it (something like ichor). I assume that this is an epithelial coccygeal duct (coccyx cyst). I did not have the symptoms described on the Internet (pain in the tailbone area, temperature, etc.).

After reading about this disease on the Internet, I realized that it can only be treated by removing the ECX. If I understand correctly, the operation is carried out in two stages: opening the abscess and after some time radical removal of the ECX. I also understood from what I read that the wound is not sutured, the post-operative period is very long (according to reviews, 2-3 months) and very painful, and the dressings are just terrible (people almost lose consciousness on them), you can’t sit down after the operation 3- 4 weeks and a high probability of relapse.

I want to know how the treatment is going at the clinic where you work? Will the operation also be carried out in two stages? How long will I need to stay in hospital, how long will the wound take to heal, how long will it take for me to sit?

I also read on the Internet that in one of the Kyiv clinics an operation to remove the coccygeal tract is performed with an ultrasonic scalpel and 5-6 hours after the operation I can go home. Tell me, is this possible?

Will I be able to be treated at your clinic if I am not from the Kyiv region?

Thank you very much in advance!

Answers Tkachenko Fedot Gennadievich:

Hello Sergey. If there is currently no abscess, then the operation can be performed in one stage. At the same time, the wound can be sutured.
There are various techniques that can be used by you. I cannot say in absentia. Come for a consultation, after the examination you will be able to answer all your questions more correctly. Regarding a consultative examination, you can contact me by phone. 050-358-43-23. I will be glad to help you.
Sincerely, Tkachenko Fedot Gennadievich.

2012-02-21 06:25:53

Asks Svetlana Vladimirovna:

Hello, Doctor. My son, 24 years old, had two operations: first, they opened the abscess, then completely excised the coccygeal cyst. 10 months have passed since the operation, but two through holes are periodically opened on the seam and ichor flows from there. Daily rinsing gives a good result, the wounds quickly heal, it goes away 2-3 weeks and history repeats itself. The surgeon said that there is a chance that the wound will heal, but repeated surgery is possible. intervention. The question is: how can you be treated at home? (except for washing) Is it possible to apply sterile 4-7.5% mummy ointment? Do baths? Is it possible to identify yourself at home? And how long will it take for full recovery?

Answers Tkachenko Fedot Gennadievich:

Hello, Svetlana Vladimirovna. The symptoms you described may indicate that your son has a relapse (recurrence) of the epithelial coccygeal tract. If my assumptions are confirmed, then repeated surgery is unlikely to be avoided. Regarding the use of baths and ointments, I do not see any contraindications to these methods of treatment.

2011-09-17 19:09:40

Tatiana asks:

During the removal of gangrenous-perforated appendicitis, the infection "acinetobacter baumannii" and staphylococcus were introduced. 1.5 months after the operation there was a rash all over the body (similar to measles and chickenpox). The allergy center tested me for six days, but the allergy was not confirmed. 2.5 months after the operation, the suture became inflamed and a fistula formed. A piece of surgical thread came out along with the pus. Ich continues to flow from the wound. Upon discharge from the surgical department, repeated cultures for staphylococcus and "acinetobacter baumann" did not give growth. Where to go, what to do?

Answers Tsarenko Yuri Vsevolodovich:

Dear Tatyana. You need to contact a purulent surgery specialist. You have a ligature fistula - you need treatment in the department of purulent-septic surgery.

2016-06-21 11:56:39

Victor asks:

Hello, I had surgery in the hospital on March 23, 2016. Diagnosis: Ishiorectal abscess (main). Acute purulent paraproctitis. Locally: In the anus area at 3 o’clock on the conventional dial, there is a focus of infiltration and pain of 3x2 cm, tissue hyperemia, a positive symptom of fluctuation. He was discharged after 3 days in satisfactory condition. The dressing was done on an outpatient basis with Levomekol ointment. A small amount of fluid was released from the wound every day. The doctor says it's ichor. Subsequently, after 1.5 months, the wound swelled, the pain in the wound area intensified, and the temperature increased to 38.5. After examination, the doctor prescribed the antibiotic Ceftriaxone and Baneocin ointment. After defecation, a small amount of sea buckthorn oil was injected into the anus for washing, which came out through the wound. After 15 days I stopped using the ointment, the wound is treated only with Zelenka. A small amount of fluid continues to leak from the wound. There is a suspicion that there is a complete, intrasphincteric fistula, because a small amount of yellow-brown liquid with the smell of feces is released from the wound. Also, when a small amount of Chamomile decoction is poured into the anus, it comes out through the wound. 3 months have passed since the operation. The wound has healed, but there is a hole measuring 1x1mm. Now I have decided to inject Miramistin into the anus for washing and healing of the fistula.
I’ll add that I’ve had hemorrhoids for 20 years (maybe stage 1 or 2), and haven’t bothered me much.
We will consult a coloproctologist and perform a sigmoidoscopy after the wound has healed.
Please tell me:
1. Based on the above, do I have a fistula, if so, what kind?
2. How to speed up the healing of a fistula inside the rectum?
3. Is it possible to use Natalsid suppositories to heal a fistula, or can other suppositories be used?
4. Is it possible to do a sigmoidoscopy before the wound heals?
5. Is it possible to perform a joint operation to excise the fistula and remove hemorrhoids?
Thank you very much for your help, otherwise I can’t stand it anymore!

Answers Pirogovsky Vladimir Yurievich:

Chief proctologist of the Kyiv region, head of the proctology department of the Kyiv regional clinical hospital, proctologist surgeon of the highest category, member of the board of the Association of Coloproctologists of Ukraine, member of the European Association of Coloproctologists

All consultant answers

Good afternoon, dear Victor, It is more likely that you have chronic paraproctitis - a rectal fistula. An accurate diagnosis for chronic paraproctitis is established by a proctologist after conducting standard examinations for paraproctitis, including sigmoidoscopy, special transrectal ultrasound, in order to determine all the passages of the fistula and its internal opening - the presence of a wound and fistula are not a contraindication to these examinations. The fistula will not heal on its own, since the infectious process in the perirectal tissue is constantly supported by microflora entering through the internal opening of the fistula from the intestine. For healing, it is necessary to carry out a radical operation with excision of all infected tissues of the fistula and its internal opening. The operation can be performed no earlier than 3 months after the last operation. This operation cannot be combined with surgery for hemorrhoids, since with paraproctitis the wound is infected. Modern minimally invasive TGD surgery for hemorrhoids can be performed after complete healing of a postoperative wound for chronic paraproctitis. Best regards, Vladimir Pirogovsky

Everyone has probably heard the popular term “ichor”, but this name cannot be found in official medical documents. This is usually the name given to a colorless liquid that may have blood in it. In fact, the ichor is an anatomical watery mass consisting primarily of lymphocytes. What can its appearance mean and under what symptoms should you consult a doctor?

The lymphatic system is the body's protector

Lymph is a type of connective tissue. This fluid circulates from the bottom of the limbs to the large ones. Lymph is cleansed in the lymph nodes - large formations located at the junction of several vessels. The ichor is lymph, and its appearance indicates that the body needs additional protection.

Blood from wounds

With cuts and other types of superficial damage to the skin, lymphatic fluid may be released in small quantities. This is normal. The main purpose of this liquid is to wash the wound and form a protective film on its surface. Do not forget that ichor is lymph; therefore, its release onto the surface of the skin indicates that large blood vessels are not damaged, the body’s immune system is working normally and is ready to protect the body. In this case, the ichor should not be removed. If desired, you can wash the wound with hydrogen peroxide, wait until the ichor dries, and carefully treat the edges of the damage with brilliant green.

Gynecological discharge

People often say that ichor is mucous membranes from the vagina, which may contain inclusions or even blood clots. They can appear immediately after the end of menstruation, during menopause, and sometimes during pregnancy. In small quantities, such secretions are not dangerous. But if the ichor appears during pregnancy, it is dangerous. A woman in an interesting situation should promptly notify the supervising doctor about any changes in the state of her body and well-being. Abundant ones of any color and consistency are a reason to call an ambulance. Sometimes the ichor can appear over a long period of time. There is no need to be afraid of this, but it is urgent to seek medical help. This symptom most likely indicates that labor will begin soon.

Nasal ichor and other types of discharge

Sometimes ichor is also called secretion from the respiratory tract caused by inflammatory processes and viral diseases. The fluid may be clear, with blood or purulent inclusions. If such an ichor appears, what should you do? The discharge is usually accompanied by other symptoms. This may include pain, increased body temperature and fever, cough and other signs. If nasal ichor and other symptoms bother you for several days and there is no improvement, you need to contact an ENT doctor for a diagnosis and treatment. Ichor can be released not only from fresh wounds. Transparent discharge is observed in newborns from the navel during its healing period, as well as in patients of any age when scars heal after surgical interventions. There is no need to be afraid of this phenomenon, but in order to prevent the wound from becoming inflamed, care for it should be improved. It is useful to change sterile dressings more often and treat with antiseptics. You can also leave the wound open, thereby drying it out. If the skin damage bothers you too much, you can ask your doctor to recommend a good healing ointment. Levomekol ointment is often recommended for adult patients, and panthenol-based creams are prescribed for young children.

When injured, as everyone knows, scratches, bruises, abrasions, bruises, and wounds appear. Some of them quickly resolve without causing much trouble, but with open wounds it is somewhat more difficult.

What kind of fluid is released from the wound?

Here it is advisable not to let everything take its course, but to treat wounds and bandage them to counteract infection. However, the risk of infection is present even if the wound has healed. In this case, lymph begins to flow from it - a transparent liquid in which there are no red blood cells, but there are lymphocytes. Lymph flowing from small wounds is called ichor.

Lymph moves from the tips of the fingers and toes to the chest. Usually, when injured, not much lymph is released from the wound; it may not appear at all. However, in some cases, lymph flows out quite actively, which should not cause much concern, but it is worth taking care to stop this flow.

Lymph is designed to remove poisons from the body, especially those secreted by protozoa. In addition, the role of lymph in creating and maintaining immunity and protecting against pathogenic bacteria and viruses is also important. The leakage of lymph occurs against the background of edema.

Lymph flowing from the wound dries, and the resulting crust protects the wound from infection.

Sometimes, along with the ichor, a yellowish purulent or bloody fluid is released from the wound, which occurs when the wound is already infected.

The rather complex lymphatic system is designed to return substances from tissues to the blood. The body contains approximately one and a half liters of lymphatic fluid.

Excessive discharge of lymph is called lymphorrhea. It represents the flow of lymph not only onto the surface of the body, but also into its cavity. This condition can be initiated by a wound, other injury, or vascular disease. For example, lymphorrhea often appears when a large amount of subcutaneous tissue is removed during surgery. This is a serious pathology that can be difficult to cope with. Sometimes a second operation is even necessary, but for lymphorrhea. Lymphorrhea also develops when a large lymphatic vessel is destroyed, again, during surgery or medical procedures that affect lymph, and the predisposing factor here is lymphostasis (impaired lymphatic drainage).

How to treat lymphorrhea?

Lymphorrhea caused by injury to the lymphatic vessels is treated by applying a pressure bandage. Blunt wound tamponade is also possible. Then the purulent wound heals and lymphorrhea stops. There are also cases of persistent lymphorrhea, the treatment of which requires stitching or coagulation of the lymph outflow zone.

Thus, lymphostasis is treated with compression therapy, bandages, lymphatic drainage massage, and medications. To reduce the volume of secreted lymph, special “knee socks” are also used.

When the wound suppurates, antibiotic drugs are prescribed, but only those to which there is no resistance from the microorganisms present in the wound. The wound is also treated with some solutions - hydrogen peroxide, fucorcin and crushed streptocide tablets. This powder should be sprinkled on the wound several times a day. Medical glue, brilliant green, dioxidin, and sea buckthorn oil are also used. and any similar drying and healing agents.


Chronic diseases: not specified

Good afternoon After the fall, a deep abrasion formed on the bottom of the knee; it was only possible to treat it with brilliant green after a few hours. About a day later, yellow liquid began to ooze from the wound, flowing slowly but constantly, while the wound did not dry out. After another 2 days, itching began to appear around the wound, and yellow liquid also flowed. I started applying levomekol and Vishnevsky ointment - to no avail. For the second week now, the wound has not healed, a crust has formed, but it is also constantly leaking. The itching began already on the lower part of the leg, and even there the same yellow liquid flows from the scratched wound. Tell me, what could it be? And how to heal these wounds?
Thank you in advance.

Tags: yellow liquid flows from the wound, the wound becomes wet and some liquid flows, yellow liquid from the wound

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5 answers

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Apparently you are already irritated by the ointment; you need to show up and decide on the choice of drug for dressings

Joseph 2014-11-13 02:00

Hello! More than 5 months ago I had surgery in the hospital with a diagnosis of diabetic foot, after which I am receiving further treatment in the clinic. The wound has not completely healed; brownish liquid is flowing from the wound. The surgeon says that it’s not pus, but fiber, and it won’t heal for me, but it will. I can go to him for dressings, I can not go, it won’t do any good, and in order for the wound to possibly heal, I need to not walk at all and not step on my foot. And it’s not a fact that this will help. I can’t go through life without walking at all. What to do?

If possible, you should contact a diabetic foot center. Diabetic foot syndrome, which develops against the background of diabetes, requires long-term treatment, long-term dressings, and drug therapy. Sometimes it takes a long time to select drugs for dressings.

Evgeny 2014-12-25 09:48

I have an open wound on my leg, from which joint fluid constantly flows. The ankle is deformed due to the back Bifida. The joints are cracked. Sometimes it starts to swell, it hurts a little and my temperature reaches 38.6. At such moments I start taking Lincomycin, and the fever and all other symptoms go away. I was in the hospital, but they treated me with a wild drip and that’s all. It's started again now. I really don’t want to go to the hospital in my city. Can anyone advise what to replace Lincomycin with? Maybe something needs to be added.

You need an in-person examination and treatment in conditions of (presumably) purulent surgery. To determine antibacterial therapy, culture of wound contents is necessary


Any adult or child can fall or injure themselves unexpectedly. The consequence of such an accident will be bruises, abrasions or even wounds. As a rule, a small amount of clear liquid flows out of the wound along with blood - lymph flows.

A small abrasion usually heals quite quickly, but larger wounds cause more trouble. The wound may not heal for a long time, and fluid will continue to flow out of it. People call her ichor. Before you understand why fluid is flowing from a wound, you need to understand what lymph and the lymphatic system as a whole are.

Lymph and lymphatic system

Lymph is a clear, colorless liquid containing lymphocytes, the scientific medical name for ichor. It always begins to stand out at the site of any skin damage.

Having received a wound, a person most often treats it independently at home with an antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide or brilliant green), then covers it with a plaster or bandage. The main task in treatment is not to introduce infection into the healing wound. After all, even after it has been tightened by a crust, the risk of infection exists. If after a long time a wound, for example on a leg, does not heal, the person panics and goes to the doctor with the words: “Help, fluid is oozing from the leg.”

Any doctor will immediately reassure the patient, because lymph is designed by nature to remove salts, water, protein and toxins from tissues and return them to the blood. Lymph is always contained in the human body in a volume of 1-2 liters.

The lymphatic system is a very complex component of the vascular system of the human body. It is involved in metabolism. Its main function is to cleanse and disinfect the body of the “garbage” accumulated inside and prevent the penetration of external infections.

The lymphatic system is involved in maintaining and improving human immunity, protecting against viruses and harmful microbes.

Causes of lymph flow

Pus or ichor?

If the flow of lymph in small quantities is normal, then the presence of pus is a reason for concern or even a visit to the doctor. According to statistics, suppuration of sutures after surgery occurs in 15% of operated people.

Other reasons for possible suppuration:

  • Damaged skin that has not been treated with antiseptics;
  • Individual intolerance to drainage or prosthesis;
  • Weakened immunity.

How to distinguish pus from lymph?

When fluid leaks from a wound, you can distinguish pus from lymph by the color of the fluid that is released from the wound. If the discharge is red, then blood flows out. Lymph is a colorless viscous liquid, and pus is cloudy, most often yellow or yellow-green.

Lymphorrhea and lymphostasis

Excessive discharge of clear fluid is called lymphorrhea. This condition is caused by impaired drainage of lymph from the human body. Gradually accumulating, the fluid increases tension in the tissues located nearby and makes it difficult for itself to drain. This causes tissue swelling. Lymphorrhea often occurs after surgery or other medical procedures.

This is a fairly serious problem that requires observation by a specialist or even repeated surgery. With severe lymphorrhea in the legs, the disease can develop into lymphostasis.

Lymphostasis is a pathology of the lymphatic system in which lymph circulation completely stops. In the most severe third stage of the disease (popularly called “elephant disease”), there is a continuous flow of lymph from the wounds. Treatment should only take place under the supervision of medical professionals.

Leakage of lymph in trophic ulcers

One of the serious complications in which the situation of lymph leakage from wounds on the legs occurs is trophic ulcers. Ulcers appear with such a common disease as varicose veins.

Trophic ulcers are a chronic process, usually lasting more than 6 weeks, in which a skin defect occurs on the leg (usually on the lower leg) with a weak tendency to heal. This disease occurs due to venous stagnation of blood caused by varicose veins.

The most common cause of ulcers is increased stress on the veins of the legs when a person walks for a long time or spends time standing on his feet. If the patient engages in heavy physical labor and is not treated, the disease progresses. Thinning of the skin and walls of the veins in the legs occurs, the veins “come out” and become visible and painful.

When trophic ulcers appear, lymph and purulent-bloody discharge flow, and the smell is usually unpleasant. Itching occurs when cleansing. In this situation, urgent effective treatment is necessary, the purpose of which is to clean the wound and prevent infection.

The result of treatment of trophic ulcers.

How to stop lymph flow

In a situation where discharge from a small wound bothers the patient with unpleasant sensations, doctors recommend treatment with hydrogen peroxide (using a piece of bandage or a cotton swab). If the situation does not improve or suppuration occurs, then you should undergo a course of more complex drug treatment: ointments with antibiotics (for example, Levomikol) are most often prescribed.

If drug treatment for suppuration does not help, then the wound is often opened surgically, then the pus is removed and the wound is disinfected. Next, treatment is carried out until the wound surface is completely scarred.

If lymphorrhea is diagnosed, treatment should be more complex:

  • treating the wound with special solutions (fucorcin, dioxidin, hydrogen peroxide) or streptocide powder - done 2-3 times a day. Also, brilliant green and sea buckthorn oil are used for drying and healing;
  • dressing the affected area with knee socks or an elastic bandage;
  • medications (antibiotics are prescribed to act on microorganisms that cause suppuration in the wound);
  • surgical suturing of the wound.

Treatment with herbal decoctions and infusions

As an additional therapy for lymphorrhea, treatment with folk remedies is used:

  • plantain infusion helps stabilize the flow of lymph. Freshly picked plantain leaves are crushed. Then in the evening the mixture is poured with water at a ratio of 2:500. In the morning, drink the resulting infusion on an empty stomach (1/2 cup), then drink the rest throughout the day. The next portion of the infusion is re-prepared in the evening;
  • Dandelion decoction works well to relieve swelling. To prepare it, add 1 spoon of chopped dandelions to half a liter of boiling water and cook for 5 minutes. The decoction should be drunk 1 glass in the morning on an empty stomach. Additionally, apply lotions with it at night on the sore spot;
  • decoctions of cranberries, black currants (leaves and berries), dogwood, rowan or rose hips. All these plants contain vitamins P and C, which are necessary for the patient. Decoctions prepared in advance are taken half an hour before meals;
  • Freshly squeezed pomegranate and beet juices will be very useful for lymphorrhea.

The process of leakage of lymph (or ichor) from any wound is a normal reaction of the human body. To avoid causing further problems and complications, the patient must treat the damaged area of ​​skin and prevent infection. If the problem cannot be solved on your own, then you should definitely contact a specialist.


The nature of vaginal discharge is an indicator of women's health. After all, they are the first to react to inflammatory and infectious processes occurring in the vagina or reproductive organs, changing their color, consistency and smell. For example, the appearance of ichor in the vaginal secretion may indicate the occurrence of acute inflammation, which must be treated immediately, as it can lead to serious health problems. But sometimesbloody dischargeThey also arise for physiological reasons that do not require any therapy. And when their appearance is natural, and when it is a reason to see a doctor, we will now tell you.

Natural phenomena

The ichor is streaks of blood that are present in vaginal secretions. They can appear in different phases of the menstrual cycle and in most cases are not an indicator of the development of pathologies.

Many women experience ichorin the middle of the menstrual cyclewhen ovulation occurs. This period is characterized by the release of the egg from the dominant follicle, during which its membrane ruptures and its small capillaries are damaged, resulting in slight bleeding, which is manifested by streaks of blood in the vaginal secretion. As a rule, in this case, the number of veins in the discharge is small and they are observed for no more than 3-4 hours.

Also appearance vaginal ichorcan occur several days before the onset of menstruation and within 1-2 days after their end. In the first case, its occurrence indicates the beginning of menstruation. At first there is a small number of them, but after that the volume of blood veins increases and after a few days menstrual bleeding begins. Appearancebloody discharge after menstruationis also not a deviation. In this case, they are a sign of the end of menstruation and the release of residual blood from the uterus.

All these conditions are completely natural and do not require any medical procedures. Moreover, if a woman does not have health problems, such discharge is almost never accompanied by itching, burning, irritation, pain and other unpleasant symptoms.

Other non-pathological causes

The appearance of bloody discharge can also occur as a result of other conditions that have nothing to do with the development of pathologies. Most often, their occurrence is observed after mechanical injury to the vaginal mucosa, resulting from:

  • Rough intimacy.
  • Instrumental diagnostic gynecological examination.
  • Carrying out gynecological procedures (after installation of an IUD, cauterization of erosion, biopsy, etc.).

Quite often the occurrence of bloody discharge is observedafter curettage(abrasion) of the uterus, for example, for the purpose of terminating pregnancy in the early stages or cleansing the uterine cavity when placental particles are not completely released from it after childbirth. This procedure is also often used to remove overgrown inner epithelial layer of the uterus, fibroids or polyps.

At the same time, such discharge can be observed one or two days after the procedure, since the first few days after abrasion there is heavy bleeding, which is associated with damage to the integrity of the mucous membranes of the uterus. If, after cleansing, no bloody discharge is observed, but instead pinkish, watery, mucous, brown or bloody discharge appears, then you should definitely inform your doctor about this, since such a phenomenon may signal the formation of a thrombus (large blood clot) in the cervical canal, which prevents the removal of blood from the uterus and contributes to the occurrence of congestion.

In addition to mechanical trauma to the vaginal mucosa, taking contraceptive medications can provoke the appearance of sanguineous discharge. They contain hormones that suppress the production of progesterone in the body, which is responsible for the onset and maintenance of pregnancy. As a result of this, a hormonal imbalance occurs and until the body gets used to the new conditions, vaginal secretion can constantly change its character and even contain ichor.

But, according to doctors, the body’s adaptation when taking contraceptives should not exceed 2-3 months. If, after this time, ichor is also observed in the discharge, this indicates that the drug was chosen incorrectly and needs to be replaced with another one.

The appearance of bloody discharge can also occur after the installation of an intrauterine device. In this case, they can also be observed for several weeks. As soon as the spiral “takes root”, the discharge will stop. If this does not happen and the discharge is accompanied by painful sensations in the abdomen, you should definitely visit a doctor, since the installation of an IUD leads to damage to the mucous membranes of the cervical canal and can cause the development of cervicitis.

In some women, the presence of ichor in vaginal discharge is noted during menopause. Its occurrence is caused by changes in hormonal levels, extinction of reproductive functions and depletion of the endometrium of the uterus. Such discharge can be observed for several months. And if they are not accompanied by pain or fever, they should not cause alarm.

Ichor during pregnancy: normal or pathological?

Women often complain about the appearancebloody discharge during pregnancy. And in this case there are also a huge number of reasons for their occurrence. In the early stages of gestation, their appearance occurs due to the introduction of the fertilized egg into the uterine cavity, during which the small capillaries of the organ are also damaged. However, in this case, ichor is observed in the discharge for no more than 2 days. Next, the woman should experience normal leucorrhoea.

If this does not happen and the volume of the ichor increases, a feeling of rigidity in the abdomen or pain appears, then you should immediately run to the doctor, since such symptoms may signal a decrease in the tone of the uterus, rejection of the fertilized egg or placenta, which will lead to spontaneous termination of pregnancy.

The appearance of ichor in the second trimester is also dangerous. In this case, its occurrence may indicate:

  • Dropping of the fetus.
  • Increased/decreased uterine tone.
  • Placental insufficiency.
  • Inflammatory or infectious diseases.

In all these cases, the woman must undergo a course of drug therapy. Otherwise, she may lose the child.

In late pregnancy, the appearance of bloody discharge may signal that labor is approaching. As a rule, they appear at 37-38 weeks and can be observed for a long time. If the ichor is accompanied by strong mucous white discharge, then this indicates the passage of the plug and requires immediate hospitalization of the woman, since labor can begin at any time.

When does the discharge of ichor indicate pathologies?

The appearance of ichor in the discharge against the background of the development of pathological conditions is always accompanied by additional symptoms. Among them are:

  • Abdominal pain of varying intensity.
  • Irritation in the intimate area.
  • Unpleasant smell.
  • Temperature increase.
  • Weakness.

The most dangerous condition is when the ichor is accompanied by itching and burning in the vagina, and the discharge itself acquires a green-yellow hue and exudes a rotten aroma. All these symptoms indicate the development of an infection in the genitals, which must be treated immediately. Among the diseases of the genital area that have such a clinical picture are:

  • chlamydia;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • syphilis, etc.

Important! If these diseases are not treated, they lead to impaired reproductive functions and the development of infertility. Moreover, the infection can spread to other internal organs, provoking various pathological processes in them.

Bartholinitis is another disease of the genital area, which is accompanied by sanguineous discharge and nagging pain in the abdomen. It is characterized by the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the Bartholin gland, the provocateurs of which can be both infections and inflammation in other organs of the reproductive system.

Also, the appearance of ichor in vaginal discharge can occur with the development of candidiasis. This disease belongs to the category of infectious pathologies, but it occurs against the background of activation of pathogenic microflora, as a result of which increased activity of fungal representatives of the flora is observed.

In this case, the discharge may look like granular cottage cheese or a transparent white liquid mass mixed with blood. In this case, there is always a sour smell, itching, burning and hyperemia of the external genital organs.

In addition, many women begin to secrete ichor due to the presence of a cyst on the ovary. It is a hollow formation containing serous fluid inside. It usually occurs as a result of blockage of the ovarian ducts or against the background of hormonal disorders, as a result of which the follicle does not rupture, as it should, but continues to grow, forming a kind of pouch.

Such cysts are called functional and they resolve on their own within several menstrual cycles. A woman can celebrate this process when her next menstruation begins. It manifests itself as a copious discharge of mucous secretion streaked with blood and clots.

But there are also cysts that do not resolve on their own (for example, dermoid cysts). In this case, women often experience delays and problems conceiving a child. Treatment of such cysts is carried out only by surgery. Depending on the size of the cystic formation, the operation can be performed either laparotomically or laparoscopically. In the first case, the cyst is removed through an incision in the abdominal wall, in the second - through small punctures. After which a suture is placed on the wounds. After surgery, a woman may experience copious discharge that is scarlet in color. On the 4th-5th day they should stop and a dauber should appear instead.

If a woman begins to smear from the vagina, along with nagging abdominal pain, this often indicates the development of endometriosis. This disease is characterized by abnormal growth of the internal epithelium of the uterus beyond its limits and is dangerous because it can provoke the development of oncology. Therefore, for this disease, hysteroscopy is often prescribed, during which the uterine cavity is examined using a special device. In parallel with this procedure, a biopsy is performed, in which cells are collected for microscopic examination.

Important! If cancer is detected during the examination, the woman needs urgent hospitalization, surgery and chemotherapy.

In addition to these diseases, the following pathologies can provoke the appearance of ichor: