The essence of materia medica. ACIDUM PHOSPHORICUM (ph-ac.) PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM Phosphoric acid

10. ACIDUM PHOSPHORICUM (Acidum phosphoricum)-phosphoric acid.XI - the first decimal division is water solution phosphoric acid, further divisions - dilution with alcohol. Acidum phosphoricum acts mainly on the nervous system, on the head, spinal cord, on the bone; from organs, especially the digestive and respiratory organs, as well as the genitals. The main characteristic feature of this remedy is stupor or stunned drowsy state when the patient is unaware of anything (with typhoid fever) - one of the best means. To a lesser degree, this may occur after oppressive states of mind(grief as a result of the loss of a loved one). The subject is clearly depressed by grief, may turn grey, has fatigue, an exhausted, melancholy, hopeless appearance, sweating. The patient in such cases complains of a pressing, tight pain in the crown, neck and back of the head. This condition is one of the results of masturbation and sexual excesses. Acidum phosphoricum is suitable for growing quickly, thin, this good remedy for headaches in students, especially those who are growing fast. As for the indications of Acidum phosphoricum, it is good for typhoid conditions; according to it, you also need to choose according to the symptoms between Arnica and Baptisia. With Arnica there are often petechiae, or bruises, which is not found with Acidum phosphoricum, and with Baptisia there is a tendency to the decomposition of juices (smelly urine and feces), with Phosphoricum Acidum they are watery, light-colored. Also characteristic is the effect of Phosphoricum Acidum on the intestines, the stomach distended by gases, transfusion in the intestines - noise and splashing of water, painless, liquid light yellow stools without pain and weakness, although the general oppression and weakening is pronounced. Therefore, with Phosphoricum Acidum, abundant, and sometimes prolonged diarrhea are not accompanied by weakening due to them, this is the main characteristic feature of the remedy. Deep weakening or inhibition of Phosphoricum acidum concerns nervous system, and it is there - it doesn’t matter whether there is diarrhea or not. The damage to the nervous system with Phosphoricum Acidum is primary. Moreover, if the patient is young, complains of mental weakness, lethargy, apathy, if he grows quickly, Phosphoricum Acidum is indicated. A characteristic symptom in men is a feeling of weakness in the chest when talking, a cough with profuse, liquid, foul-smelling sputum, urine that is copious, light-colored, watery, or milky looking But in its effect on the body, especially in high divisions, the acid is similar to phosphorus.

Phosphoric acid - H3 PO4.

The first two dilutions are prepared with water, the third - with water and half and half alcohol. Subsequent dilutions are prepared in pure ethyl alcohol.

Effect on the body.

When phosphoric acid was taken orally, severe gastroenteritis developed and the poisoned person died. If the dose was non-lethal, there was a decrease in mental abilities, visual and hearing impairment, pain in the periosteum, diarrhea with white flakes, and a cough with yellowish sputum.

Indications for use

1. Neuroses. Memory loss. Decreased mental performance. Insomnia.

2. Headaches in the occipital and parietal region, as if from pressure, as if the temples were clenched, provoked by changes in weather, mental overstrain. Worse from noise, movement, touch. Typical for schoolchildren and students.

3. Bone diseases accompanied by inflammation of the periosteum. The pain is “as if someone were scraping the periosteum with a knife.”

4. Diseases of the upper respiratory tract(laryngitis, tracheitis), accompanied by a cough, dry in the evening, in the morning - with yellow, often purulent sputum. At the same time, sweating is pronounced. Increased cough cold air, after meal.

5. Gastritis with severe thirst, sour belching, nausea, vomiting, need for cold drinks. Pain in the stomach area of ​​a burning nature.

6. Hepatitis, liver cirrhosis.

7. Pancreatitis.

8. Profuse diarrhea, involuntary bowel movements, light stools, intestinal bleeding.

9. Spastic constipation, pencil-shaped stool, hard. Burning in the anal area.

10. Urolithiasis disease with predominance phosphate stones. Phosphaturia. Hemorrhagic diathesis.

Constitutional type

Acidum phosphoricum is suitable primarily for children and young people growing rapidly, experiencing serious physical and intellectual stress at school or college. As a result of this, they develop severe fatigue, weakness, and aversion to any work. A pronounced decrease in memory appears. Similar manifestations are observed in adults who are overtired from work, as a result of sexual excesses or difficult experiences. The character is gentle, submissive, and is characterized by tearfulness. Tearfulness in children due to inability to remember new material(Yu.Yu. Lyutynsky). The complexion is often pale, the eyes are sunken, with blue around them.


Worsening after physical and mental stress, after excitement, from sexual excesses, standing, lying on the left side, during changes in weather, in the evening and at night.
Improvement from daytime short sleep, from warmth, from walking.


Quoted according to R. Hughes: “For diseases of the nervous system, for “phosphaturia,” for eating disorders, for diarrhea or cholera, phosphoric acid works well in dilutions from 3 to 12. But, as a tonic, for the genital area, for purpura, for diabetes mellitus and caries, it works better in a dose of a few drops of the first decimal dilution."


Phosphoric acid

Very clearly expressed general weakness leading to nervous exhaustion. First of all, mental weakness, then physical. The natural “soil” for the development of the Phosphoricum ac picture turns out to be the state rapid growth in young people, especially if there is also overwork - mental or physical. When the body is overworked due to acute illness, excesses, grief, loss of body fluids, conditions arise that are indications for prescribing this remedy. Heartburn, bloating, gases, diarrhea, diabetes, rickets and inflammation of the periosteum. Post-amputation neuroses of the stump. Bleeding during typhoid fever. Helps relieve pain due to cancerous tumors.

Psyche. Inattention. Weakening of memory (Anacard.). Apathy, indifference. Unable to gather thoughts or find the right word. He understands with difficulty. Consequences of grief and mental shock. Delirium with a pronounced stuporous state. Expressed despair.

Head. Heaviness, confusion. Pain as if temples were squeezed in a vice. Worse from shaking or noise. "Crushing" headaches. Pressure in the vertex region. Early graying of hair; their loss. Dull headaches after sexual intercourse; with eye strain (Nat. tit.). Dizziness in the evening when standing up or walking. Hair becomes thinner and turns gray early.

Eyes. Bruises and circles under the eyes. The eyelids are inflamed and cold. The pupils are dilated. Glazed look. Avoid sunlight; rainbow colors of objects are seen. Feeling of eyes increasing in size. Amblyopia after masturbation. State of relative torpidity optic nerves. Pain, for sure. eyeballs they are forcibly squeezed together, squeezed deep into the head.

Ears. Growling with decreased hearing. Noise intolerance.

Nose. Bleeding. He picks his nose with his finger. Itching.

Mouth. Lips are dry, cracked. Bleeding gums lag behind the teeth and tighten. The tongue is swollen, dry; covered with viscous foamy mucus. Feeling of cold on teeth. At night he accidentally bites his tongue.

Face. Pale, earthy; sensation of skin tension, as if smeared with something drying out egg white. Feeling of coldness on one side of the face.

Stomach. I am very drawn to everything juicy. Sour belching. Nausea. Worse from sour food and drinking. Pressure, as if from some kind of heaviness in the stomach, with drowsiness after eating (Natrium choleinicum). Thirst: desire for cold milk.

Stomach. Bloating and fermentation in the intestines. Enlarged spleen (Ceanothus). Pain in umbilical region. Loud rumbling.

Chair. Diarrhea is white, watery, involuntary, painless, with a lot of gas, not particularly debilitating. Diarrhea in weak, delicate, rickety children.

Urinary system. Frequent, copious urination; urine is watery, milky in appearance. Diabetes. Urination is preceded by

there is a feeling of melancholy; then burning. Frequent urination at night. Phosphaturia.

Male genital organs. Emissions at night and during defecation. Vesiculitis (Oxal, os.). Lack of sexual strength; testicles tender and swollen. The genitals relax during physical intimacy (M“.). Prostatorrhea even when passing soft stools. Eczema of the scrotum. Swelling foreskin and swelling of the glans penis. Herpes of the foreskin. Sycotic growths (tttya).

Female genital organs. Menses premature and profuse, with pain in the liver. Itching; yellow leucorrhoea after menstruation. There is little milk; When feeding, the health condition worsens.

Respiratory organs. Disorders of the chest that occur after severe brain fatigue. Hoarseness. Dry cough from tickling chest. Salty sputum. Dyspnea. Feeling of weakness in the chest when talking (Stann.). Pressure behind the sternum causing shortness of breath.

Heart. Rapid heartbeat in children growing too quickly; after grief; after masturbation. Pulse is irregular, intermittent.

Back. Boring pain between the shoulder blades. Pain in the back and limbs, as if bruised.

Limbs. Weakness. Tearing pains in joints, bones and periosteum. Cramps in upper sections arms and hands. Significant weakness. Pain at night, as if bones were scraping. Stumbles easily and twists his feet. Itching between the fingers or in the joint folds.

Leather. Pimples, blackheads, blood blisters. Ulcers with very offensive pus. Burning red rash. Feeling of crawling sensations in various parts of the body. Hair loss (Nat. tit.; Selen.). Tendency to form abscesses after fever.

Dream. Drowsiness. Lustful dreams with emissions.

Fever. Chills. Profuse sweat at night, in the morning. Sluggish fever with lethargy and stupor.

MODALITIES. Improved by warmth. Worse from fatigue; when called for a conversation; with loss of vital fluids; from sexual excesses. Anything that impedes blood circulation causes deterioration.

RELATIONSHIPS. Antidotes: Coffea.

Similar: Oenothera biennis (diarrhea without effort with nervous exhaustion. Incipient hydrocephalus, whooping cough and spasmodic asthma); Nectranda atate ( watery diarrhea, dry tongue, colic, blue circles under the eyes; sunken eyes; restless sleep); China; Nux; Pic. ac.; Lactic ac.; Phos.


Homeopathy - type alternative medicine, very popular among many people. They resort to it in the treatment of minor diseases that do not threaten human life. For example, if there is a lack of calcium in the body, doctors often prescribe the drug "Calcium phosphoricum". Its use leads to strengthening of bones, teeth, hair and nails. Let's take a closer look at its instructions, composition and principle. pharmacological action, as well as reviews from people who have tried this medicine on themselves.

Composition and form

This drug is considered a homeopathic remedy, which is one of the salts patented by Dr. Schussler. He is the creator of therapy, which is based on the use of inorganic substances in treatment. The product is usually available in tablets that are designed to be dissolved in water. The mass of one of them is 250 mg. The medicine is supplied to pharmacies in glass bottles packed in a cardboard box. The minimum cost of the drug is about 150 rubles. You can purchase it without a doctor's prescription. You can store the medicine in any place inaccessible to children or animals. Its implementation period is 5 years. The drug is produced by the German company Schwabe.

"Calcium phosphoricum" consists entirely of potassium phosphate - the active active substance. Auxiliary components are magnesium stearate, potato starch and lactose. It is worth noting that it can only be used as maintenance therapy. It is highly not recommended to replace medications prescribed by your doctor with them.

"Calcium phosphoricum" (homeopathy): indications for use

Doctors usually prescribe this remedy in addition to more serious medications. Before using homeopathy, you should definitely consult a specialist. Potassium phosphate is an important mineral salt of inorganic origin. She is providing beneficial influence on the functioning of the human brain, nervous system, muscles and bones. Therefore, it is prescribed to adults suffering from complex and poorly healing fractures, bruises and sprains, varicose veins veins, osteoporosis ( increased fragility bones). The drug is used to improve the condition of teeth, hair and nails. The drug is prescribed as a maintenance treatment for serious illnesses bones.

Small children can also take Calcium phosphoricum. It is included in the diet when growth retardation is detected. Salt strengthens bones and promotes their development. Homeopathy can be treated both during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. However, before you start taking it, you still need to consult your doctor.

Contraindications for use

The drug "Calcium phosphoricum" has practically no contraindications. Homeopathy is considered in a safe way treatment, but at the same time studies have not confirmed it high efficiency. Doctors do not recommend using such drugs if you have tuberculosis or the presence of any malignant neoplasms. Homeopathy should not be taken by people preparing for or recovering from surgery. It is also best to minimize intake this drug if the patient has acute infectious diseases.

Since the product contains a large number of lactose, it is not recommended for people suffering from lactose intolerance. Allergic reactions may also occur in patients who do not digest potato or

Side effects

When using homeopathic mono-remedies side effects are extremely rare. "Calcium phosphoricum" was no exception. Instructions for use describe only possible appearance food allergies to lactose or starch, which can result in nausea, flatulence, irritation and skin rash. The drug does not in any way affect the reaction speed when driving a car.

Sometimes, when taking homeopathy, patients also complain of a temporary exacerbation of symptoms of the disease. In this case, you must stop taking the medications and consult a doctor for advice. If you suspect that the drug causes any other side effects not described in the instructions, then be sure to inform your specialist.

"Calcium phosphoricum" (homeopathy): application

The amount of drug required to provide positive effect on the body, can only be prescribed by a specialist. Please visit your doctor or qualified homeopath to determine your dosage before starting. Adults should take the medicine half an hour before meals. The tablets should not be swallowed or chewed; it is best to let the product dissolve slowly in the mouth. You can take the medicine after eating, also waiting about half an hour after taking it. In addition, before use, the drug can be dissolved in 100 ml of warm water, drinking a tablespoon several times a day. The course of treatment with this remedy lasts from 2 weeks to 2 months, depending on the complexity of the disease.

At acute conditions adults and children over 12 years of age are recommended to take 1 tablet no more than 6 times a day. At chronic diseases or for prevention, the drug is taken 3 times a day. Small children need to significantly reduce the dose. They are usually prescribed 1-2 tablets per day. Before taking, they also need to be dissolved in warm water. The maximum dose for infants under 1 year of age is 1 tablet per day. It needs to be diluted in a teaspoon of water and poured into the mouth through a special pipette. At breastfeeding The mother can take the drug instead of the child. During the treatment period, homeopaths recommend excluding mint products, coffee, citrus fruits and dark chocolate from the diet.

Drug overdose

"Calcium phosphoricum" is a homeopathic mono-remedy that does not have a serious effect on the body. That's why severe symptoms caused by an overdose of the drug have not been identified in practice. However, if you take a dose that is many times higher than the daily dose, it is recommended to stop taking the medicine for a while and consult a doctor.

Positive reviews about the drug

Homeopathy is a controversial science, therefore, before using the drug "Calcium phosphoricum", patients prefer to read the reviews of people who have already been treated with it. There are few of them, but they often evaluate the medicine well. As a rule, doctors prescribe it for young children. We list the main advantages that users noted:

  • the result of treatment is visible within a few days after starting to take the drug;
  • a non-toxic product that will definitely not harm even the smallest child;
  • low cost of the drug, one package is usually enough for the entire course of treatment;
  • at correct dosage can be eliminated instantly acute symptoms diseases;
  • absence of any side effects.

Negative reviews about the drug

However, it is often possible to see negative reviews about the drug. Most often people complain about inefficiency medicine. They drink it for several months, but visible result No. Besides, in last years find what you need homeopathic remedy pretty hard. Regular pharmacies sell such medicines less and less, and specialized institutions exist only in major cities. Seeing a qualified homeopath will also cost a considerable amount, so many people prefer to be treated with traditional medicine.

Calcium phosphoricum (homeopathy) can be a good auxiliary drug. Indications and contraindications for use, instructions, composition and patient reviews - these issues were most fully discussed in our article. It is worth remembering that treatment can only be prescribed by a qualified doctor. It is not recommended to turn to homeopathy for complex diseases requiring emergency medical intervention. Moreover, one cannot abandon traditional medical care in her favor.

Early gray hair. Thinning and hair loss. Alopecia (loss, baldness) after grief.

Dizziness in the evening when standing up or walking.

Pale, earthy. Sensation of skin tension, as if it were smeared with egg white.

Feeling of coldness in one half of the face.

Bruises and circles under the eyes. The eyelids are inflamed and cold. The pupils are dilated. Glazed look.

Avoid sunlight; monochromatic objects seem multi-colored, rainbow-colored.

Feeling of eyes increasing in size. Amblyopia after masturbation.

Decreased functional activity of the optic nerves.

Pain as if the eyeballs were being pressed into the head.

Ear pain. Growling with decreased hearing. Noise intolerance.

Epilepsy + mysticism, a kaleidoscope in my head.

Disorders of the chest that occur after severe overwork.

Bronchopulmonary pathology (tuberculinic constitution).

Frequent colds. Allergic pathology, but without asthma. Hoarseness.

Feeling of weakness in the chest when talking.

Feeling of pressure behind the sternum embarrassing breathing.

Nosebleeds. He picks his nose with his finger. Itching. The nose is pointed.

Dry cough from tickling in the chest. Salty sputum.

Vascular problems in the form of hemorrhages with clotting disorders.

Ulcerative, nosebleeds. Bleeding due to typhoid fever.
Painful disorders in humans, incl. and mental ones who underwent bloodletting (donors too).
Rapid heartbeat in children growing too quickly; after grief, mistreatment of a child.

Pulse is irregular, intermittent.
Pain, fatigue of the heart from cold air. Fainting after excitement, eating, emission.


Dyskinetic disorders.

Dyskinesia with spastic pain of the gallbladder, biliary tract, colitis.

Lips are dry, cracked. Bleeding gums lag behind the teeth and tighten.

The tongue is swollen, dry; covered with viscous foamy mucus. Feeling of cold on teeth.

At night he accidentally bites his tongue. Nodes on the tip of the tongue with ulcers.

Burning of teeth at night. Toothache from music.

Neurotic conditions with “incredible” stomach pain.

The pain is often spastic in nature (stomach ulcer, gastroduodenitis). Pain in the stomach after coitus.
Loss of strength after profuse vomiting. Heartburn. Flatulence. Sour belching. Nausea.
Dyskinetic disorders. Ahilia. Gastroenterocolitis.

Worse from sour food and drink. Thirst with desire for cold milk. Thirst unquenchable due to dryness of body.
Wish juicy food, fruits, cold milk, refreshing foods and drinks.

Disgust: Bread (too dry). Sour. Dry food, cookies, pizza.

Spastic colitis. Presence of blood in the discharge. Diarrhea.

Bloating and fermentation in the intestines. Enlarged spleen.

Pain in the navel area. Loud rumbling.
Nervous diarrhea. Diarrhea in weak, sickly, rickety children.

Diarrhea is white, watery, involuntary, painless, with an abundance of gas, and does not cause severe exhaustion.

Wide range inflammatory diseases, often with the presence of blood in the discharge (with cystitis, urethritis).

Polyuria. Frequent, copious urination; urine is watery, milky in color.

Urination is preceded by a feeling of anxiety; then burning. Frequent urination at night.

Urine is white, cloudy. Albuminuria, axalaturia. Phosphaturia.

Burning urine during passage.

Vulvovaginitis. Itching, yellow leucorrhoea after menstruation. Menopausal hysteria.

Uterine prolapse (prolapse).

Menstruation is premature and profuse, accompanied by pain in the liver.

Painful burning menses with milky urine before them.

Sometimes pain in the kidneys before menstruation.

Dysmenorrhea and even amenorrhea due to nervous shock.

There is little milk; When feeding, the condition worsens.

Pressing pain in the mammary gland. Itching between the breasts.

Potency problems: someone slammed the door - fright - impotence.

Lack of sexual strength; testicles, painful to touch and pressure and swollen.

The genitals relax during physical intimacy. Masturbation.

Emissions at night and during defecation. Prostatorrhea even when passing soft stools.

Eczema of the scrotum. Vesiculitis (spermatocystitis). Swelling of the foreskin and glans penis.

Herpes of the foreskin.

Sycotic growths.


Pain as if someone were scraping the periosteum with a sharp object.