A means to help a drowning person. First aid for drowning

Drowning statistics are alarming - according to different estimates, every year in Russia from 3,000 to 10,000 people drown, this is the population of a small town. Most common cause Experts call the cause of death on water alcohol intoxication, which accounts for about 40% of all drowning cases. The second most common reason is self-confidence, no matter how strange it may sound. People overestimate their capabilities and underestimate the risks associated with swimming in bodies of water, and this sometimes leads to tragic consequences.

In order to avoid drowning, the Water Rescue Society calls on you to observe following rules behavior:

  1. Do not enter the water while intoxicated;
  2. Do not dive in an unfamiliar place;
  3. Do not approach vessels by swimming, do not be on the course of a vessel, even if this vessel is a small boat, motor boat or pedal boat;
  4. Do not swim far on inflatable mattresses, circles, toys, etc.;
  5. Don't arrange dangerous games in water, associated with comic drowning, grabs, fright, being pulled under water;
  6. Children should be near water, and especially in water, only accompanied by adults and under their constant supervision.

Compliance with these simple rules could prevent the lion's share of tragedies associated with the death of a person on the water. Unfortunately, understanding the importance of this sometimes comes too late.

What to do if an accident occurs? You should immediately begin providing first aid, because in this case a person’s life directly depends on how fast and correct the rescuer’s actions were.

How to properly pull a victim ashore

The rescuer’s task is not only to save the drowning person, but also to save his own life, and since everything needs to be done quickly and there is no time to think, you need to clearly know the following:

  1. It is necessary to approach the victim from behind, to grab him in such a way that he cannot grab onto the rescuer (this happens reflexively, the drowning person is not able to control his actions). It is considered classic among rescuers to grab the victim from behind by the hair, if its length allows. No matter how rude it may sound, nevertheless, this option is effective, as it allows you to move quite comfortably and quickly, keep the victim’s head above the water and protect yourself from clinging to death grip, it will pull the rescuer into the depths;
  2. If, nevertheless, the drowning person grabs onto the rescuer and pulls him down, you should not fight back, but dive - in this case, the drowning person will instinctively unclench his hands.

Source: Methods for capturing a victim in water

Types of drownings

When the victim is pulled ashore, it is necessary to quickly assess what type of drowning was encountered, since the first aid algorithm will depend on this.

There are two main types of drowning:

  1. Blue, or wet (sometimes also called true drowning) – when ingested, into the stomach and respiratory tract a large number of water. The victim’s skin turns blue because water, quickly entering the bloodstream, dilutes the blood, which in this state easily seeps through the walls of blood vessels, giving the skin a bluish tint. Another sign of wet or blue drowning is that a large amount of pink foam is released from the victim’s mouth and nose, and breathing becomes bubbling;
  2. Pale or dry (also called asphyxial drowning) - when during the process of drowning the victim experiences a spasm of the glottis and water does not penetrate the respiratory tract. In this case, all pathological processes are associated with shock and suffocation. Pale drowning has a more favorable prognosis.

First aid algorithm

After the victim is pulled ashore, the upper respiratory tract must be quickly cleared of foreign objects(mud, dentures, vomit).

Since when drowning is wet, or blue type, in respiratory tract There is a lot of liquid in the victim, the rescuer must place him on his knee with his stomach, face down, to allow the water to drain, put two fingers in the victim’s mouth and press on the root of the tongue. This is done not only to induce vomiting, which will help free the airways and stomach from water that has not had time to be absorbed, but also to help start respiratory process.

If everything worked out and the rescuer achieved the appearance of vomit (their hallmark is the presence of undigested pieces of food), this means that first aid arrived on time, was carried out correctly, and the person will live. However, you need to continue to help him remove water from the respiratory tract and stomach, without stopping pressing on the root of the tongue and calling again and again vomiting reflex- until water stops being released during vomiting. At this stage, a cough appears.

If several attempts in a row to induce vomiting are unsuccessful, if at least shortness of breath or coughing does not appear, this means that there is no free fluid in the respiratory tract and stomach, it has been absorbed. In this case, you should immediately turn the victim onto his back and begin resuscitation.

Providing first aid for dry drowning differs in that in this case resuscitation should begin immediately after the upper respiratory tract is cleared, skipping the stage of inducing vomiting. In this case, there are 5-6 minutes to try to start the respiratory process in the victim.

So, in a condensed form, the algorithm for providing first aid for drowning is as follows:

  1. Free the upper respiratory tract (mouth and nose) from foreign substances;
  2. Throw the victim over the knee, allow the water to drain, induce vomiting and remove water from the stomach and respiratory tract as completely as possible;
  3. If breathing stops, begin resuscitation ( artificial massage heart and mouth-to-mouth or mouth-to-nose breathing).

When drowning is of the pale or dry type, the second stage is skipped.

Actions after first aid

After being able to launch spontaneous breathing, the victim is laid on his side, covered with a towel or blanket to keep warm. It is necessary to call ambulance. Until the doctor arrives, the victim must be constantly monitored; if breathing stops, resuscitation measures should be resumed.

The rescuer must insist on medical care to the victim, even if he is able to move independently and refuses it. The fact is that the terrible consequences of drowning, such as cerebral or pulmonary edema, sudden stop breathing, etc., can occur several hours and even several days after the accident. The danger is considered to have passed only when, 5 days after the incident, no serious problems There were no health problems.

Drowning– spicy respiratory failure(suffocation) resulting from immersion in water.

  • Water entering the respiratory tract (85%).
  • A reflex spasm of the larynx that interferes with the passage of air.

Signs and symptoms of drowning

  • Breathing disorders, up to complete absence.
  • Cyanosis (blueness) of the lips and limbs.
  • Cramps.
  • Vomit.
  • Foaming at the mouth.
  • Heart failure.

First aid algorithm for drowning

  1. Remove a drowning person from the water. Removal must be carried out carefully: face up, in horizontal position. This helps limit collapse blood pressure(collapse is a drop in pressure and deterioration in blood supply to vital organs).
  2. Call ambulance.
  3. If the victim is conscious: sit him down, warm him up and calm him down. Provide influx fresh air: indoors - open the window, outdoors - ask people not to crowd around. Observe him until the ambulance arrives.
  4. If the victim is unconscious and breathing(): clean his mouth from foreign objects and give it to him. Check your breathing every minute and, if it stops, be ready to perform. Wait for the doctors to arrive.
  5. If the victim is unconscious and not breathing: clear his mouth of foreign objects and begin CPR: 30 chest compressions and 2 artificial respirations.
  6. When signs of life appear: sit down, warm and calm the victim. Observe his condition until the ambulance arrives.
  7. With absence visible effects from CPR: do not stop and continue resuscitation until the doctors arrive. If there are people nearby who know how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation, change every 5 cycles (1 cycle = 30 compressions + 2 artificial respirations).

Why is drowning dangerous?

With absence timely assistance, drowning carries with it serious and irreversible consequences, including death. Let's look at some of them:

  • Lack of oxygen slows the heart rate down to full cardiac arrest within 5-6 minutes. Blood stops circulating, which leads to dysfunction of all cells in the body. The brain swells: cerebral edema forms. Strong pressure leads to compression nerve structures and irreversible consequences.
  • Fluid entering the lungs causes suffocation and disrupts gas exchange between the blood and the air contained in the alveoli.
  • To preserve the remaining oxygen in the body body temperature decreases, which leads to .

Precautionary measures

  • Do not drink alcohol before or during swimming.
  • Choose right place For beach holiday: not too much sharp changes bottom, the presence of rescuers and a medical center.
  • Observe the prohibitions on swimming: dangerous currents, jellyfish, too cold water.
  • Monitor your children carefully.
  • Beware of big waves.
  • Avoid slippery cliffs and rocks.
  • Never swim alone or swim too far from shore.

If a problem arises, try to remain calm and swim towards shore. You should wave your arms and call for help if there is a possibility that you will be noticed or heard. Too much sudden movements They quickly use up their reserves of strength, and a relaxed body floats better than a tense body. Force yourself to calm down, breathe deeply and slowly.

There are times in life different situations, but it is better to take precautions than deal with the consequences. Take care of yourself and your loved ones.

Saving a drowning man is the work of the drowning man himself. This expression is true in many areas of life, but not in its literal sense. A person can do a lot to prevent it on the water, but when he becomes this very “drowning” person, he can no longer help himself.

What to do if you saw a drowning person? At this moment, it is important to urgently take measures to save him. After all, it only takes a few minutes for a person to drown. It is extremely important in as soon as possible assess the situation and choose optimal method providing assistance. IN similar situation we must remember that the reward for actions taken can be human life.

We correctly assess the situation

To begin with, it is important to understand that not every drowning person will call for help and flounder violently in the water. Spasms of the vocal apparatus, interruptions in breathing and panic can prevent a person in trouble from making any sounds to attract the attention of potential rescuers.

What a person needs outside help, may indicate his stay in one place, periodic departure under water and traceable panic in his movements and facial expressions. If you are not sure that someone is really drowning, try to call out to them or draw the attention of others. When confirming this assumption, it is necessary to remember what actions are performed when rescuing a drowning person.

Determining the rescue method

Rushing into the water to help a drowning person is a noble cause, but not always justified. This should not be the first thing that comes to your mind in such a situation, especially if you are not a very experienced swimmer. Better take the following steps:

  1. Encourage others to help.
  2. Determine whether it is necessary to jump into the water to save a drowning person or whether assistance can be provided from the shore, boat or pier.
  3. Find items that can help in rescue.

We help without plunging into water: option No. 1

If the distance and condition of the drowning person allows, you can grab his hand. To ensure a reliable grip, you need to loudly and clearly explain to the drowning person that he needs to grab your hand as tightly as possible. Try to speak in a calm but confident voice so as not to increase the panic of the person you are rescuing.

To avoid ending up in the water, take a lying position, spread your arms and legs wide and ask someone to hold you. Never provide assistance while standing or crouching. Do everything possible so that saving a drowning person does not become a fight with death for you too.

We help without plunging into water: option No. 2

If it is impossible to reach the victim with your hand, take an oar or a rescue pole, find a strong stick, branch or other strong object nearby and, holding it out to the drowning person, explain that he must grab it tightly. If a person, tired of the struggle for life, does not have the strength to hold on to something, he will still have to jump into the water and help him (an option is acceptable if there are at least two rescuers).

We help without plunging into water: option No. 3

Any non-sinkable object at hand can serve an excellent purpose when rescuing a drowning person. A piece of foam plastic, wood, or even plastic bottle. If possible, tie a string to whatever you will be using. With its help, it will be much easier to pull the victim out of the water.

However, when throwing a rescue object into the water, be careful not to hit a person. Try to time the throw so that the current carries the object to the drowning person. If the victim is weakened and cannot hold on to an object thrown at him, it is necessary to swim up to him and help him do this.

When and who should swim to the rescue?

What should you do if you notice a drowning person far from the shore, pier, boat or edge of the pool? In this case, the methods of saving a drowning person are not so varied. If you are an excellent swimmer and have good physical fitness and endurance, you can safely throw yourself into the water. But it would be better to ask someone to swim with you for backup.

If you are not confident that you are able to cope with the task, you should not take risks. The best thing you can do in such a situation is to call for help. If you are in public place, there is probably at least one person in your circle who can help and knows how to do it. While the rescue is being organized, call an ambulance.

We swim to the drowning man

Trying to save a drowning person who is panic-stricken can end up in quite a lot of trouble. dangerous situation. While fighting for life, he may not behave quite adequately. The state of shock in which he is in may prompt him to take actions that threaten the life of his savior, and, accordingly, his own. It is possible that a drowning person will grab onto the one who is helping him, interfering with his freedom of movement and plunging both under water.

In view of such danger, it is better to swim up to a drowning person from behind, so as to remain unnoticed by him until the last moment. If the action takes place on a river, dive into the water in a place where the current will help you swim to the drowning person. If possible, take with you a lifebuoy or other object that you can grab onto to stay on the surface of the water. Do not jump into the water wearing clothes, as their heaviness after getting wet will complicate your movement, and it will be easier for a drowning person to cling to you.

Transporting a drowning person

The rules for rescuing a drowning person also apply to further movement with him through the water. The tactics of behavior here depend on his condition. If he is calm and adequate, you can easily transport him after he firmly grasps your shoulders.

If a person in a panic randomly grabs you, first try to relax and dive under the water with him. Then, when he releases you and rushes towards the surface, you will have a chance to grab him correctly. Perfect option girth - from the back, place a hand that is comfortable for you under the drowning person’s arm and grab his opposite shoulder. In this case, you will have to swim sideways, using one free hand.

If a person behaves calmly, he can be transported in other ways. For example, while lying with your back on the water, you can use one or both hands to hold his chin above the water. If you hold your chin with one hand, you can use the other to row.

Another option is to start your own strong hand under the same hand of a drowning man and use it to support his chin. You can hold a drowning person from behind by the hand lying on his chest and passing through armpit second hand. The best way to rescue a drowning person will be determined by the situation.

Saving a drowning man in winter

The algorithm for saving a drowning person under whom the ice has fallen is completely different. It is important here to call rescuers and an ambulance without wasting a minute. While they are getting to the scene of the accident, you can gently help the victim out of the icy water. To do this, you need to arm yourself with a stick, belt, scarf or other object, the other end of which the victim can grab onto.

The victim should be approached from the side of the thickest ice. This should only be done by crawling, with your arms and legs spread wide. When he can grab the edge of the object you are using, carefully, in smooth movements, move back, dragging him along with you. When getting to the shore on the ice, try not to get close to each other, crawl slowly, avoiding sudden movements.

We provide first aid

If, while in the water, a person managed to drink it, what can vomiting, loss of consciousness and a bluish complexion tell about when he finds himself in safe place, you should first help him cleanse his lungs and stomach. To do this, position the victim face down, you need to throw your leg bent at the knee and press on the interscapular space.

Another important action on which the salvation of a drowning person depends is the normalization of his breathing. Sometimes all it takes is opening his mouth wide and tugging on his tongue. If he cannot breathe due to spasm, there is a need for artificial respiration. You may also need a cardiac massage.

Afterwards, try to calm and warm the victim as soon as possible. To reduce heat loss, you need to quickly remove wet clothes from him, massage his limbs, rub his body with a dry cloth (alcohol can be used) and wrap him in warm, dry clothes. This is especially important if a drowning person is rescued in winter. In this case, if there are no dry things, you need to squeeze out the wet ones, moisten them well with alcohol and put them on the victim again. This will create a warm compress. Another option is to wrap it on top with plastic wrap.

Unfortunately, there have often been situations in life when, in an attempt to pull someone out of the water, the rescuer himself lost his life. This almost always happens because the basic rules for saving a drowning person are known to a very small percentage of the population. While, armed with this vital important information, you can accomplish a feat and still remain alive.

The postulate that saving drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves can be taken with sarcasm. Although a person may be able to save himself somehow, no one will be able to perform resuscitation on his own. Therefore, the rules for assisting a drowning person are the first thing any person going to a body of water should know. After all, not only strangers, but also your loved ones may need help.

Alas, our people still often drown not in luxury, but in rivers and other bodies of water. This is not the place to talk about how to save a drowning person. Now you will learn (if you didn’t already know it before) how to provide first aid in case of drowning.

How to provide first aid to a drowning person

Before providing first aid to a drowning person, you should try to determine the type of drowning. And it can be “true” when a person has swallowed and even “inhaled” water. In addition, drowning can also be “dry” if the respiratory tract of the drowning person turns out to be impassable for water due to a spasm of the larynx.

In the first case, first aid to a drowning person, if the victim, pulled out of the water, is unconscious, it is necessary, first of all, to remove the water from his lungs. To do this, the rescuer must, as quickly as possible, place the victim on the knee of his bent leg, face down, and begin to squeeze the lateral surfaces of him with sharp jerking movements. chest for 10-15 seconds, and then turn him over on his back, turn his head to the side and slightly raise his legs. If necessary, this procedure should be repeated.

Providing assistance to a drowning child is more difficult - his still thin ribs may not withstand this technique. Therefore, it is better to simply give him one or two (if necessary, a few more) gentle blows with your palm between the shoulder blades.

Next, the rescuer should wrap the finger with some material (handkerchief, gauze...) and clean the victim’s mouth of mucus, algae and sand. If it is difficult for the victim to open his mouth because the muscles of his face are cramped, you need to press on both sides of the corners of the lower jaws.

The next steps to help a drowning person if the measures you take do not bring the victim to consciousness are artificial respiration. It can be carried out in two ways: “mouth to mouth” or “mouth to nose”.

When performing artificial respiration, the victim's head should be thrown back. The rescuer holds his head with one hand and at the same time squeezes (closes) the victim’s nose, with the other hand he slightly opens his mouth by the chin and, having removed everything unnecessary from there (remains of algae, sand), takes a deep breath, after which, pressing his lips to the drowned person’s mouth, he makes a sharp exhalation.

If the victim’s mouth cannot be opened, air can be blown through the nose using a sharp exhalation.

When providing first aid to a drowning person, the rhythm of artificial respiration should be 12-16 exhalations per minute.

Sometimes a drowned person even has to do indirect massage heart (of course, in case of cardiac arrest). But if the rescuer is not confident in himself, he should not take on this difficult task.

So, if a drowned person’s pulse cannot be detected carotid artery(it’s not difficult to find it: turn his head to the side and feel the muscle that starts from the inner corner of the collarbone, place 4 fingers along the inner edge of this muscle, feel the pulsation of this artery in the upper half of the neck), you need to put your hands on his sternum (one on top of the other ), raising your fingers. Hands when giving first medical care for a drowning person, should be located at the level of the lower third of the sternum and be fully straightened. You should press the victim’s chest with all the weight of your body sharply and briefly.

IN similar cases indirect cardiac massage can be done simultaneously with artificial respiration. In this case, for every 12 compressions on the chest, you should make two mouth-to-mouth exhalations. Since this “combined” procedure is quite difficult to carry out alone, especially for a person inexperienced in such matters, it is possible to do indirect cardiac massage together. In this case, one person kneels at the side of the victim and places his palms on the lower third of the sternum (palms are placed one on top of the other so that thumbs were directed: one to the head, and the other to the legs of the victim). He presses his entire body sharply on his sternum five times and counts the thrusts out loud. And on the count of “five,” the second rescuer exhales into the victim’s mouth, after which everything starts all over again.

Carrying out artificial respiration when providing first aid to a drowning person should not be completed immediately after you detect the presence of respiratory movements in the victim - continue it for at least another minute to be on the safe side.

While waiting for the doctors to arrive, the victim who has regained consciousness should be thoroughly rubbed to increase blood circulation, and bottles of water should be applied to his feet. hot water and drink hot tea.

Alas, in case of “dry” drowning, it is almost impossible to provide unprofessional first aid to a drowning person. And therefore, it is necessary to urgently call specialists (who usually in such cases perform an emergency tracheotomy or conicotomy - cutting the trachea to ensure air access through the resulting hole).

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