Where is the navel located in dogs. How to get rid of an umbilical hernia in dogs: treatment of education on the abdomen of an animal with conservative and surgical methods. Why do puppies get umbilical hernia?

In dogs, umbilical hernia is a fairly common pathology. This is a birth defect that is considered harmless by many breeders and is not health threatening adult dogs. This opinion is fundamentally wrong, since a hernia in a dog on the stomach can cause serious complications under certain circumstances. The condition is especially dangerous when the umbilical hernia is infringed and its contents are deprived of blood circulation.

Why does an umbilical hernia develop?

This disease is hereditary in nature, so it is impossible to prevent its formation in puppies. In dogs, there is an opening in the abdominal cavity, to which, when intrauterine development the umbilical cord is attached. After birth, the umbilical ring closes, from which, after a few days, the shrunken umbilical cord falls off by itself. If the tone abdominal wall low, or the shape of the umbilical ring is incorrect - a hernia develops.

In adult dogs, the hernial ring is normally closed by adhesions. However, under certain pathological conditions animal ( severe vomiting, prolonged constipation, abdominal trauma, bloating) the adhesion may diverge - in this case (depending on the degree of divergence), an umbilical hernia of one kind or another is formed. Quite often this process is observed during pregnancy. Many owners are concerned about the question: “What to do if the dog has a hernia on its stomach” - the answer is unequivocal, you should, without delay, show the animal to the veterinarian in order to avoid the development of complications dangerous to the health of the pet.

Types of umbilical hernias

Depending on how far the adhesions of the hernial ring have diverged, several types of umbilical hernia are distinguished:

  • True - under the skin on the stomach through a broken adhesion, the abdominal membrane, part of the intestine, a fragment of the uterus or part of the bladder can be squeezed out. For appointment effective therapy the veterinarian needs to determine the width of the hernia gate and understand how mobile the contents of the hernia are.
  • Reducible hernia - dropped out through umbilical ring a fragment of the organ can be returned “into place” by means of physical pressure on the hernia.
  • Incarcerated (irreducible, hard) - the umbilical ring clamps a part of the prolapsed organ, while the contents of the hernia increase in size due to edema.
  • A false umbilical hernia in a dog looks like a small rounded formation near the navel. It is soft to the touch, easy to spread with fingers. Over time, the false hernia fills with fat.

The size of an umbilical hernia always depends on how widely the hernial ring has spread. False fatty formations can be up to two centimeters in diameter, while increased loads they increase. A true hernia with extensive prolapse of any organ in size and shape may resemble an orange, and in particular severe cases may be larger in diameter.

In addition to umbilical hernias, dogs can develop inguinal, perineal, and intervertebral hernias. Inguinal hernia in small breed dogs is most often diagnosed in pregnant bitches. Its contents (part of the intestines, uterus, bladder) may be reducible or irreducible. If the contents of the bag is a pregnant uterus, then with the growth of the fetus, the hernia increases. If it falls into the inguinal hernia bladder, then when pressed on it, the animal may excrete urine.

What is dangerous umbilical hernia

For the health, and, sometimes, the life of the dog, true and strangulated umbilical hernias are of particular danger. When the intestinal ring is infringed, a fragment of it loses blood circulation. In this case, the clinical picture will be completely similar to intestinal volvulus. Symptoms of a strangulated umbilical hernia may include:

  • refusal of food;
  • weakness / depression;
  • constipation, vomiting or urge to it;
  • swelling and hardening of the formation due to a violation of blood circulation in it.

Without treatment, necrosis of part of the intestine will develop with intoxication and subsequent sepsis, which can lead to lethal outcome.

If the tissues receive nutrition, and the blood circulation in them is not disturbed, but they still remain in a clamped state, this is fraught with stagnation of waste products and the development of inflammation. In this case, the dog may experience an increase in temperature and depression. What to do with umbilical hernia in dogs?

Self-treatment can significantly aggravate the situation and lead to the development serious complications. Untimely rendered veterinary care often leads to tragic consequences. Always consult a specialist.

Treatment of an umbilical hernia in dogs

most efficient and safe method therapy in this case This is an operative intervention. Removal of an umbilical hernia in dogs is most often carried out routinely, during sterilization and other procedures. In this case, the surgeon can work according to two “scenarios” (depending on the type of hernia):

  • The hernial sac is opened, the prolapsed organs are set, and the hernial opening is sutured.
  • With irreducible hernias and necrotic process, an abdominal operation is performed to remove the contents.

There is another method of therapy - gluing a reduced hernia, but it is effective only for young puppies.

The appearance of a pet in the house is a very joyful event. With a new family member, you need to play, educate, walk with him, and, of course, monitor his health. But dogs, like people, are subject to different kind diseases. Hernia is considered one of the most common types of diseases. How to determine the presence of a pathology, what are the consequences of such formations, what measures should be taken to eliminate it, and what care is needed for the pet after surgery. The answers to the questions posed are given in our article.

A hernia occurs due to the prolapse of internal organs through certain openings, due to rupture abdominal tissue. If the component of the hernial sac in animals is not pinched, this pathology is safe. Most types of hernia pathologies are treatable, mainly surgically. Few times possible drug therapy or bandaging. IN veterinary practice There are five types of hernia in dogs: inguinal, umbilical, perineal, diaphragmatic, and intervertebral. Pathologies are congenital and acquired. In education birth defect heredity plays a big role. There is an assumption that most often, mistakes in taking birth cause trauma that contributes to the formation of this defect. You can buy a hernia in case of injury, blows, fights with other dogs, accidents, falls from a height, as well as having chronic diseases of the internal organs.

Hernia in the groin

Inguinal hernia in dogs is a very common type. The most susceptible to the formation of such an ailment are female individuals. The main factor to education is physiological structure inguinal region and increased intrauterine pressure. The uterus, bladder, intestines can fall into the groin. During pregnancy, such a hernia increases in size. If there is urine in the inguinal sac, then the dog will have frequent urges to urination.

Inguinal formation affects the general well-being of the animal, food is refused, body temperature rises, and pain appears when pressed. The presence of this hernia is detected visually when examined by a veterinarian.

Elimination occurs only surgically. Under general anesthesia operations are carried out, and the doctor sutures the enlarged inguinal ring, if there is a pregnant uterus, then the fetus is removed. After the anesthesia wears off, the dog is taken home. Homes for get well soon a quiet, warm and secluded place is required. Every day the seams must be processed antiseptic. Feed your dog light liquid food(soups, cereals, broths).

Hernia in the umbilical region

It is most common in newborn puppies. The lowering of the internal organs occurs in the umbilical ring, in connection with which, a rounded swelling is formed. But adults can also acquire such a hernia. The causes are constipation, childbirth, trauma, flatulence, spasms, intra-abdominal pressure. Visually, such a hernia is determined quite easily. On the stomach of the dogs, a rounded bulge is formed, covered with skin. Size from a few millimeters to several centimeters.

There are such signs of an umbilical hernia as: loss of appetite, weakness and depression, increased heart rate, pain when pressed. In general, such a pathology can occur in a dog of absolutely any breed. At the genetic level, dachshunds, poodles, bull terriers are predisposed to such an ailment. There is an assumption that the prerequisites for the appearance of such an ailment may be the incorrect behavior of a person or a female during delivery.

Umbilical hernia The dog has several types:

  • False - a soft rounded formation near the navel, straightens when pressed;
  • True - there is a direct formation in the hernial sac;
  • Reducible - with a certain pressure, such a hernia returns to its original position;
  • Unreducible - the prolapsed organ is clamped by the umbilical ring and becomes enlarged.

A true hernia is very dangerous disease. An urgent consultation with a veterinarian is required. If umbilical formation detected in infancy, then with the help of gluing the umbilical cord, the hernia is pressed in and no longer disturbs the dog. With an unreduced type of hernia, such characteristics like refusing to eat general weakness, cardiopalmus.

What to do if you suspect an umbilical hernia in a dog? A veterinarian consultation is required. By palpation, the doctor determines the size of the hernial ring, its contents and mobility. The performed procedure helps to determine the degree of progressiveness this disease and prescribe appropriate treatment. It is possible, for example, that in a newborn pet, a hernia will resolve itself, or with the help of drug therapy.

Small hernias may not cause complications, hernial rings are so small that they cannot fall out through them internal organs. If there is the slightest chance of getting internal organs into the hernial orifice, then the operation is definitely necessary. Untimely access to a doctor can significantly worsen the condition of the dog and lead to death.

Removal of a hernia in adult dogs is possible only with the help of surgery:

  • Before the operation, the doctor determines the type of anesthesia used, draws up a plan for additional postoperative care and chooses suture material to carry out the operation.
  • During the operation, the animal is given anesthesia and firmly fixed.
  • At the end of the operation, the specialist imposes knotted sutures.
  • After surgery, the dog needs extra care. The doctor prescribes a course of antibiotic injections. On the first day after the operation, the dog will feel bad and lie down all the time. Gradually, as the seam heals, the pet will no longer be bothered by this scar.

Dogs diagnosed with a hernia are spayed, due to the fact that the disease is inherited.

Hernia in the perineal region

Perineal hernia is formed in dogs due to weakening pelvic muscles. Outwardly, it looks like a rounded protrusion under the tail on the side of the anus. The cause of perineal pathology can be straining abdominals due to defecation, trauma, congenital pathologies genitals. Most often this species is found in dogs, mainly small short-tailed breeds.

Symptoms are manifested in the form of a deterioration in the condition of the dog, there is lethargy, apathy, frequent constipation and urination. On initial stage perineal hernia is soft and painless, does not cause discomfort and is treated by medication. Due to the progression of the disease, the swelling in the perineal area increases in size and becomes painful.

To eliminate the pathology at this stage, surgical actions are carried out. After surgery, patients are prescribed a course of antibiotics, prescribe special food and diet. During the first month after the operation, loads are contraindicated, jerky movements. You need peace and careful care for your pet.

Hernia in the diaphragm

Pathology occurs due to the displacement of the abdominal organs into the chest. Most often, the intestines, spleen, and liver fall out. The diaphragm ruptures at its weakest point.

Diaphragmatic hernia in dogs can be congenital (non-traumatic) or acquired (traumatic).

  • The causes of congenital formations are malformations of the chest and abdominal cavity. The most common type of non-traumatic hernia is pathology food hole diaphragm. When the abdominal part of the esophagus and stomach moves into the chest cavity.
  • The cause of a traumatic nature is any injury to the abdomen and an increase intra-abdominal pressure due to accidents, falls from a height, injuries. abdominal organs located in chest, contribute to the emergence inflammatory process. Deterioration occurs respiratory process food intake causes nausea and vomiting.

To confirm this diagnosis, it is necessary to take an x-ray of the abdominal organs and thoracic, Abdominal Ultrasound. Upon confirmation of the diagnosis, surgical correction. After surgery organs abdominal region are returned to their place, and the diaphragm is sutured.

Hernia in the spine

Due to the load on the spine, a displacement occurs intervertebral discs. In this situation, it is important how much affected spinal cord. You can recognize the presence of a spinal hernia by the behavior of the dog. Slow movements, tension in the back muscles, difficulty in bending the head indicate the presence of pathology.

This type of hernia is the most dangerous, as it can lead to paralysis. If you suspect a vertebral hernia, you should contact the veterinary clinic. The doctor will full examination, will make an x-ray of the spine. Based on the data obtained, the veterinarian prescribes medical therapy. At mild form displacement of the intervertebral discs, prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs. At running form hernia requires urgent surgical intervention.

Umbilical hernia in puppies is a common pathology. This defect is characterized by prolapse of internal organs (uterus, intestinal loops, omentum) into a formed or physiological hole. lower section belly. Most often, the disease is hereditary and has a genetic nature.

Umbilical hernia in a puppy: causes

The birth of an animal is accompanied by the closing of the abdominal opening, to which the umbilical cord was previously attached, connecting the baby with the mother's womb. The umbilical ring usually closes completely within a day. The skin on the abdomen becomes even. But sometimes there is a deviation, manifested in an increase in the size of the ring or a change in its shape. The result is stretching connective tissue and organ prolapse. This defect can either disappear after a few days or become a prerequisite for infringement of internal organs.

The main causes of an umbilical hernia in a puppy are:


low tone of the abdominal wall;

weakness of connective tissues;

improper removal of the umbilical cord;

birth trauma;


increase in intra-abdominal pressure.

Dachshunds, bull terriers, chow chows, collies, have a genetic predisposition to pathology. german shepherds, basenjis, poodles, bobtails and pekingese.

Types of pathology

Formations are congenital (inherited as recessive trait) and acquired. In the second case, tumors arise under the influence of external factors or anatomical features. Umbilical hernias are classified into four types.

True. A hernial sac, formed by a protruding pleura or peritoneum, falls into the unclosed umbilical ring. The contents of the sac are part of the internal organs.

False. They are soft, hollow outgrowths that fill with fat over time.

Adjustable. Part of the prolapsed organ is elastic and movable, it easily gets back to its original place when pressed.

Infringed (solid). The hernial orifice pinches the organ and can cause tissue swelling and growth of the formation.

Symptoms of an umbilical hernia in a puppy. Diagnosis of the disease

Education is an elastic tumor of soft consistency that occurs in the navel region. She does not violate skin covering and in most cases does not cause discomfort to the dog. The size of the build-up varies from the size of a pea to walnut. The defect is easily palpable and perfectly visualized. With more thorough pressure, a hernial ring can be detected.

to secondary clinical manifestations acquired hernia include:

the presence of seals;

change in the rhythm of breathing;

pain sensations;

depression and lack of appetite.

Preliminary diagnosis can be put by the owner himself, having determined the main symptom of an umbilical hernia in a puppy - a convex area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin of a rounded shape - with visual inspection or palpation. The final conclusion is made by the veterinarian on the basis of a blood test (general and biochemical) and urine. Conducted if necessary ultrasonography organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

Treatment of umbilical hernia in a puppy: what to do at home

Having discovered a tumor, the owner must take measures to treat it. Important! Before starting any therapeutic manipulations, it is necessary to consult a veterinarian. In the first two months of a puppy's life, the doctor may decide on non-surgical gluing of the hernia, if it is reducible.

Self-help is possible provided that the education has small size and the puppy is still small. In these cases, palliative care is used. The method consists in applying a fixing bandage over the growth, consisting of a coin or a dense lump of cotton wool, fixed with several strips of adhesive tape. The procedure is carried out immediately after reduction.

good results can be achieved by a firming massage of the area around the navel. The purpose of the procedure is to activate blood circulation, relieve spasms, strengthen the abdominal wall and ligamentous apparatus. Five-minute manipulations are carried out several times a day. The technique is based on kneading and stimulation abdominal region.

First, stroking is carried out with the fingertips, which helps to relax the animal. Then, slowly in a clockwise direction, circular movements begin. Watch the reaction of the pet - if there is pain, the procedure should be stopped immediately. Attention! Massage is contraindicated in infections, wounds, elevated temperature and inflammation.

Remember that a pet with a hernia should not be allowed to stand on hind legs. You can take a sick dog in your arms only under the stomach.

Surgical method of treatment

An unpleasant consequence pathology, pinching of the organs of the hernial sac, impaired blood supply and necrosis can become, which makes the umbilical hernia in a puppy mandatory for removal. Clinical picture pinching includes:

increase in body temperature;

enlargement and redness of the hernia;

swelling of the peritoneum;

rapid breathing and heartbeat;

tension and pain on palpation;

apathy, nervousness;

refusal of food;

no chair.

In the presence of the above symptoms, independent or untimely assistance can aggravate the situation, and in advanced cases, lead to death. At the slightest suspicion of infringement, the owner should immediately contact a veterinarian.

The goal of surgery is to restore the normal functioning of the body and prevent negative consequences. A simple operation is performed under local anesthesia using sedatives. The surgeon cuts the skin, opens the hernial sac, then sets the internal organs, tightens the umbilical ring and sutures. The procedure is possible only if the puppy is fully vaccinated.

After the operation, the animal is shown wearing a bandage. Healing of sutures is facilitated by courses of antibiotics, painkillers, vitamins and immunostimulants.

Hernia is one of the most common surgical pathologies of internal organs in animals. The disease can be congenital or acquired. Infringement of organs is a potential danger to the pet, as it is often complicated by necrosis and peritonitis. Effective treatment involves surgery. Conservative therapy due therapeutic effect does not render.

Read in this article

Reasons for the appearance

A hernia is a protrusion of internal organs through natural or pathological openings due to rupture of the tissues of the abdominal cavity (hernial orifice). The most common contents of the hernial sac are intestinal loops, uterus, bladder, mesentery (omentum). Veterinary practice shows that the disease can be congenital, as well as be acquired.


Most often veterinarians faced with umbilical congenital hernia. hereditary predisposition in this case plays a major role in the pathophysiology of the process. The cause of the development of a birth defect is a wide inguinal canal, as well as an uncovered umbilical opening. Many dog ​​breeders believe that improper assistance to newborn puppies during childbirth can lead to pathology.

Umbilical hernia


The causes of an acquired disease in veterinary medicine include:

  • Injuries. Hitting, hitting a vehicle, falling from a height, mechanical damage abdominal organs in fights with relatives - the most common causes development of acquired inguinal and umbilical hernia.
  • Increased intra-abdominal pressure. chronic diseases heart and blood vessels, kidney pathology, severe pathological childbirth, chronic constipation often lead to increased pressure in the peritoneum and contribute to the protrusion of the internal organs.

Factors contributing to the development of the defect include obesity, weakening of muscle tone, excessive physical activity.

After operation

Hernia as a complication after abdominal surgery is a rare occurrence. In dogs, pathology can develop as a result of urethrostomy, sterilization of females, operations on the intestines and other surgical interventions.

Types of hernia, their features and symptoms

Depending on the localization of the problem in veterinary practice, umbilical, inguinal, vertebral and diaphragmatic pathologies are distinguished.

Localization of hernias: 1 - paracostal hernia; 2 - dorsal lateral hernia; 3 - inguinal hernia; 4 - rupture of the cranial pubic ligament; 5 - femoral hernia; 6 - umbilical hernia; 7 - ventral hernia; 8 - hernia of the scrotum.


Most often, owners encounter this hernia in newborn animals. The disease is congenital in nature and is manifested by the lowering of the internal organs into the umbilical ring. Deviation from the norm of the shape of the hole, a decrease in muscle tone are the main causes of the defect. genetic predisposition to this type of hernia have such breeds of dogs as dachshunds, poodles, German shepherds, bull terriers.

An umbilical hernia is easy to detect by a protrusion in the corresponding anatomical region of the abdomen in a young animal. Size pathological education does not exceed, as a rule, a few centimeters, it is soft to the touch, painless. The hernial contents are easily reduced, the hernial ring is palpated.

Lateral abdominal radiography: umbilical hernia

A feature of umbilical hernia in puppies is that most of the defects are eliminated with age. The diagnosis is established on the basis of examination, palpation of the hernial ring. Sometimes they resort to puncture (for differential diagnosis for an abscess).

An umbilical hernia is successfully treated with both surgical and conservative methods. Young animals at small defects often helps palliative therapy in the form of bandages and fixing dressings, strengthening.


This type of pathology, such as inguinal hernia, is more often diagnosed in bitches. The uterus, bladder, and sometimes intestinal loops fall into the inguinal ring. The animal has not only a protrusion in the inguinal region, but also the general condition worsens: the temperature rises, the pulse and respiration become more frequent, food refusal and pain syndrome are observed.

  • Avoid chronic constipation in pets.
  • Promptly treat comorbidities.
  • Castration of males reduces the risk of perineal hernia.
  • Prevent injuries and mechanical damage to internal organs in dogs.

Umbilical hernia in dogs is most often diagnosed in puppies and young animals. Inguinal, perineal and diaphragmatic hernia observed with injuries, increased intra-abdominal pressure. These varieties of pathology are fraught with infringement of the hernial contents.

Diaphragmatic hernia requires immediate surgical intervention. The vertebral column develops as a result of degenerative processes in cartilage tissue spine. Conservative treatment ineffective, the operation requires a highly qualified doctor.

Umbilical hernia in puppies is quite common. Owners should understand the essence of this disease, the need for consultation with a specialist.

Types of hernia in dogs, causes

A hernia is a soft, painless tumor in the area of ​​​​natural openings (for example, the umbilical) or pathological (formed as a result of trauma).

It is formed by a protrusion of the shell, which is lined with a cavity with further loss of internal organs into it. Puppies are:

  • umbilical;
  • inguinal;
  • perineal.

In the structure of the hernia, there are:

  • hernial sac (formed by a membrane - peritoneum or pleura);
  • contents (usually omentum, sometimes intestinal loop, other organs);
  • gate (abnormally enlarged opening, allowing the shell to protrude).

The main cause of a hernia is the hernial orifice. Often, an umbilical hernia in puppies is a congenital phenomenon that manifests itself soon after birth. The mechanism for the development of an umbilical hernia is quite simple: the umbilical ring, formed by the abdominal muscles, should narrow with the growth of the puppy, if the ring remains expanded into it, under the weight of the internal organs, the adjacent part of the peritoneum begins to hang down and protrude. In the absence of help, competent measures aimed at combating the disease, the puppy's ring continues to expand, the omentum falls into the formed hernial sac. At further development pathology, adjacent internal organs protrude into the hernial sac. Usually a loop of intestines.

At this stage, the disease poses a serious threat to the puppy's life, since the intestinal loop may be clamped by the muscles, the hernial ring. Infringement of the intestinal loop occurs.

If possible, manipulations allocate hernias:

  1. reducible;
  2. irreducible.

Reducible are safe enough for the condition of the puppy, however, this does not mean that there is no need for control by the veterinarian. A reducible hernia is called with the possibility of painless, effortless, return of the hernial contents into the anatomical cavity. Sometimes a minor umbilical hernia may disappear on its own. In connection with the growth, strengthening of the abdominal muscles, the umbilical ring contracts, preventing the peritoneum from falling out again. Sometimes you can do with conservative methods of treatment.

The impossibility of reduction indicates the development of adhesions of the hernial sac with the walls of the hole. This type is subjected to surgical treatment.

Treatment of an umbilical hernia in dogs

Reducible small hernias can be left without treatment. Periodic supervision by a veterinarian is required. If the formation does not cause inconvenience to the puppy, it gradually decreases in size, there is a possibility of spontaneous healing. It is recommended to carry out 3-4 point injections ethyl alcohol at the edges of the hernial ring. It is believed that the aseptic inflammation that has developed as a result of injections leads to a narrowing of the hole. Another method is the reduction of hernial contents with subsequent fixation. On the area of ​​the reduced hernia, the puppy's navel, a coin or a flat plate is applied, firmly fixing it, crosswise, with an adhesive plaster. It is worth considering that in order to obtain any significant effect from such a procedure, it is necessary to constantly wear this fixing bandage for a long time.

Irreducible hernias in puppies are removed by surgery.

Of particular danger are strangulated hernia. As a rule, in similar cases a hernia in a puppy reaches a size larger than a walnut, there is pain, an increase in local temperature.

There may be reddening of the skin in the area of ​​the hernia, worsening general condition, depression, lack of defecation, vomiting. Similar signs indicate infringement of the intestinal loop, impaired patency. This state considered urgent, requires the most urgent surgical intervention. Infringement of the intestinal loop threatens its necrosis, the development of sepsis, and the rapid death of the animal.

Noticing similar symptoms combined with the presence of an umbilical hernia in a puppy, it is necessary to immediately take the dog to the clinic for surgery.

Surgical intervention is performed by dissecting the skin, peritoneum. The contents of the hernial sac are being studied. If necessary, the necrotic part of the intestine is excised. Hernial contents are returned to abdominal cavity, the hernial sac itself is excised, the umbilical ring is narrowed with suturing, preventing the recurrence of peritoneal prolapse. The removal of superficial sutures is carried out on the 9-10th day after the operation. With a well-conducted surgical intervention recurrence of the disease does not occur.