Alcohol intoxication. Acute alcohol intoxication

Symptoms following alcohol poisoning occur for several reasons. We will talk about them below. It should also be noted that such unpleasant signs intoxication is pronounced. It's quite difficult not to notice them.

general information

Alcohol poisoning (symptoms and treatment at home will be described below) occupies a leading position in our country among all household poisonings. In more than 60% of cases, this condition leads to death. Most of them (about 95-98%) occur before medical care is provided.

So how to recognize the symptoms of severe alcohol poisoning and what measures to take to avoid tragic consequences? You will learn about this in the presented article.

What is alcohol?

Alcohol is the name given to drinks that contain ethanol (wine or a chemical colorless and volatile substance of moderate toxic activity that is easily flammable. Ethanol can be mixed with plain water in any quantities. It is easily soluble in fats, and also easily penetrates biological membranes and quickly spreads throughout the body.

Intoxication, poisoning, intoxication

Alcohol intoxication is a special state of the human nervous system, which occurs as a result of drinking drinks containing ethanol.

There are four degrees of intoxication:

  • lung;
  • average;
  • heavy;
  • coma.

On initial stage This state is manifested by an unreasonably joyful and also elevated mood (that is, euphoria). The consciousness of the intoxicated person is preserved (small disturbances may be observed). After some time, thinking processes slow down. In addition, a person’s mental and physical activity decreases, his consciousness is depressed, and he becomes slow, lethargic and drowsy.

When coma develops, they speak of severe alcohol poisoning.

As for severe intoxication, this condition is associated with the toxic effect of ethanol breakdown products on the human body.

What are the symptoms of alcohol poisoning?

Speaking about the signs of alcohol poisoning, one cannot help but note the fact that they can manifest themselves in different ways. It depends on the amount you drink and the quality of the drinks. In addition, the symptom of alcohol poisoning is closely related to which human system or organ has been exposed to toxic effects.

Gastrointestinal tract

In case of primary organ damage digestive system the person experiences abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea and nausea. What is associated with each of the listed symptoms of alcohol poisoning?

Abdominal pain occurs due to the direct damaging effect of ethanol on the mucous membrane of the small intestine and stomach.

Diarrhea occurs due to a disruption in the absorption of minerals, water and fats, as well as a rapidly occurring deficiency of the enzyme that is necessary for the absorption of lactose.

Nausea is a sign of general intoxication.

As for vomiting, most often it is central in nature. In other words, it is associated with the toxic effect of alcohol on the central nervous system.


When the nervous system is damaged, a person experiences: mental agitation, delirium, euphoria, impaired coordination of movements, hallucinations, increased sweating, convulsions, decreased body temperature, dilated pupils, impaired attention, thermoregulation, as well as speech and perception.

Each symptom of alcohol poisoning mentioned is associated with a metabolic disorder nerve cells, oxygen starvation, the damaging effect of ethanol on the cells of the central nervous system and the toxic effect of intermediate products of the breakdown of alcohol (acetate, acetaldehyde,


The first signs of alcohol poisoning from the heart are:

  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • dizziness;
  • facial redness;
  • general weakness;
  • pale skin;
  • malaise.

The appearance of such symptoms is explained by the fact that the patient loses a lot of fluid during diarrhea or vomiting. Also due to increased permeability vascular walls, liquid from vascular bed goes into the space between cells. To compensate for the volume of blood (circulating), the human body includes the following compensatory mechanisms: narrowing of peripheral vessels and increased heart rate. Thanks to this, the blood is redistributed and saturates more important organs.

Respiratory tract

How does alcohol poisoning affect the respiratory system? Symptoms of such a lesion are expressed as follows:

  • acute respiratory failure;
  • noisy and rapid breathing.

The listed symptoms arise due to damage respiratory center, development of cerebral edema and metabolic disorders. The occurrence of acute is associated with the entry of vomit into the respiratory tract and a reflex spasm of the bronchi and larynx.

Renal system

With kidney damage, the patient experiences increased urination or, conversely, decreased urine formation (sometimes to complete absence).

Such conditions are associated with the fact that by reducing secretion (of the hypothalamus, which retains water in the body), ethanol increases the process of urination. In addition, alcohol promotes the removal of calcium, potassium, and magnesium from the human body, disrupting their absorption in the intestines. Thus, a deficiency of these elements occurs.

IN severe cases ethanol damages the kidney structure.

Liver damage

Symptoms of alcoholic liver poisoning are also pronounced. These include severe pain in the right hypochondrium, as well as yellowing skin and sclera. Such signs arise due to the damaging effect of ethanol on liver cells and disruption of intracellular metabolism.

Acute alcohol poisoning: symptoms

At severe poisoning the patient may fall into a coma. At the same time, he loses consciousness and also does not respond to any external stimuli(For example, loud sounds, patting the cheeks, tingling, etc.).

A concentration of alcohol in the systemic circulation of 3 g/l or higher causes coma. Currently, there are two phases: superficial and deep. Let's look at their symptoms in more detail.

  • Superficial coma.

This condition is characterized by: loss of consciousness, floating movements eyeballs, decrease pain sensitivity, excessive salivation, pupils of different sizes (constricted - dilated), reaction to irritation with protective movements or changes in facial expressions, rapid heartbeat, redness of the skin and eyes, shortness of breath.

  • Deep coma.

Symptoms of alcohol surrogate poisoning are very often accompanied by loss of pain sensitivity, decreased body temperature, and lack of tendon reflexes, convulsions, loss of muscle tone, decreased blood pressure, pallor or cyanosis of the skin, decreased depth and frequency of breathing, and a pronounced increase in heart rate.

Severity of alcohol intoxication

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning can be mild or severe. What does this depend on? We will answer the question posed right now.

  • Amount drunk. When large dosages of ethanol enter the human body, especially at one time, the liver does not have time to process it. Thus, the products of incomplete alcohol breakdown accumulate in the blood, after which they damage vital organs such as the brain, liver, kidneys, heart and others.
  • Age. Children and the elderly are the most sensitive to the effects of alcohol. This is due to the fact that adolescents have not yet developed all the necessary neutralization mechanisms, and in old people they no longer perform their function in the required capacity.
  • Individual intolerance. Personal intolerance to ethanol and, as a consequence, the rapid development of intoxication is especially common in people. This is due to the fact that they have reduced activity of a special enzyme, which is necessary for the complete breakdown of alcohol.
  • Pregnancy, malnutrition, fatigue, diseases of the pancreas, liver and diabetes. Such conditions reduce the work and neutralizing function of the main cleansing organ (liver).
  • Combination of alcohol and medications. The toxic effect of alcohol increases several times when simultaneous administration with drugs such as tranquilizers, sleeping pills, antidepressants, NSAIDs and others.
  • Additives and impurities. The toxic effect of alcohol is increased by additives and impurities such as methyl alcohol, aldehydes, higher alcohols, ethylene glycol, furfural and others.
  • Ethanol consumption on an empty stomach. When drinking alcohol on an empty stomach, it is absorbed into the blood in half the dose, which can lead to severe poisoning.

What to do if intoxicated?

Now you know why alcohol poisoning occurs. Symptoms and treatment of this condition are presented in this article.

If you notice that your friend feels unwell after drinking alcohol, you should immediately call ambulance. This is due to the following points:

  • Heavy pathological condition caused by alcohol intoxication, quite often leads to death.
  • Only experienced doctor is able to assess the condition of the victim and prescribe treatment.
  • Treatment of poisoning requires the use of a number of medications.
  • In most cases, treatment of severe alcohol intoxication is carried out in the intensive care unit or intensive care unit.

First aid at home

How should alcohol poisoning be treated (symptoms and treatment for this condition are described in this article)? First, you need to call a specialist. While the doctor is on the way, it is necessary to provide first aid to the victim. What is it?

  • Ensuring airway patency. To do this, you need to remove the patient’s tongue (if it is retracted), and then clean the oral cavity. If possible, use a rubber bulb. If excessive salivation occurs, the patient should be given 1.0-0.1% atropine intravenously. These measures are necessary to ensure adequate oxygen supply and prevent blockage of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Give to the victim correct position(on its side) and fix its tongue (for example, press it with a finger or a spoon).
  • Execute artificial respiration And indirect massage heart (during respiratory and cardiac arrest). Such procedures must be carried out until the heartbeat and breathing appear.
  • Bring the victim to consciousness if he has lost consciousness. To do this, you need to bring cotton wool with ammonia to the patient’s nose.
  • Induce vomiting (only if the person is conscious). To do this, he needs to be given a saline solution or special remedy, vomiting. This procedure is effective only in the first hours after drinking ethanol.

If the above methods do not help, then resort to the following:

  • Gastric lavage. The victim is given the maximum amount of water, and then pressure is applied to the root of the tongue.
  • Warming the patient. The person is placed in a warm bed and wrapped in a blanket.
  • Reception of adsorbent. The victim is given sorbents that can absorb different kinds toxins. They accelerate the neutralization and removal of alcohol from the body.

Medicines for the treatment of alcohol poisoning

In a hospital, the victim may be prescribed the following medications:

  • The drug "Metadoxil" intramuscularly. This is a medication that was created specifically for the treatment of alcohol poisoning. It increases the activity of enzymes that are responsible for the utilization of ethanol. Thus, the product in question accelerates the processing and removal of alcohol. In addition, it restores liver cells and improves mental condition the victim.
  • Vitamins and glucose mixed in one syringe. This cocktail improves metabolic processes and also accelerates the neutralization and elimination of ethanol. In addition, it reduces the risk of alcohol-related psychosis.
  • Droppers for water-mineral balance. They improve blood circulation through the vessels, and also help restore the necessary water and mineral balance.

It should also be noted that symptoms of alcohol poisoning of the pancreas and liver require the use of hepatoprotectors. Such medications improve the functioning of these organs, restore damaged cells and accelerate the neutralization of ethanol.

Often, for alcohol intoxication, doctors use the drugs Pyrozol and Fomepizole. This newest antidotes, used for poisoning with ethylene glycol and methyl alcohol. They reduce the activity of the liver enzyme and interrupt the formation of toxic elements.

If the patient has alcohol intoxication, can help cope with the cause of the occurrence A complex approach: hangover treatment, detoxification, medication. Poisoning with alcohol-containing drinks is common in medical practice. Depending on the degree of manifestation of signs of intoxication, certain approaches to therapy are used. For light to medium acute stages requires medication for severe dangerous stage– you will need an IV and complex treatment alcoholism.

What is alcohol intoxication

By international classification Alcohol intoxication is a condition that occurs after ingesting alcoholic beverages. It is accompanied by changes in physiology, behavioral attitudes, psychological state. Alcohol is a strong nerve poison that has a negative effect on the central nervous system, causes vegetative neurological abnormalities and mental dysfunction.

Stages of alcohol poisoning

There are three degrees of alcohol intoxication, which have different characteristics and symptoms:

  • light – concentration ethyl alcohol 0.5-1.5 ppm, human mental functions suffer;
  • medium – the level of alcohol in the blood is 1.5-2.5%, a disruption of body functions occurs, and deviations in neurology are observed;
  • severe – characterized by 2.5-4 ppm of alcohol in the blood, the patient’s internal organs and systems suffer from intoxication, and death is possible.

Symptoms of the stages of alcohol intoxication differ. Their typical examples are given in the table:


With mild intoxication observed good mood, talkativeness, loss of attention, impatience

Slow thinking, lack of attention, loss of direction, rudeness

Loss of consciousness, passive position body, lack of response to pain, respiratory arrest, possible death


Poor coordination of movements, mental disorders

Unsteady gait, decreased sensation


Redness of the face, rapid pulse, breathing problems are observed

Pale face, nausea, vomiting

Alcohol poisoning - symptoms and signs

Alcohol intoxication is characterized by the following symptoms, the degree of manifestation of which depends on gender, age, nationality, addiction to alcohol, amount drunk and metabolic rate:

  • severe headaches;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • lethargy, dizziness;
  • trembling in the arms and legs;
  • strong thirst;
  • bloating;
  • pain in the liver area;
  • sweating;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • In patients with alcoholism, alcohol withdrawal syndrome develops - at the stage of chronic alcohol abuse.

Hangover symptoms

After mild and moderate stages of intoxication, severe hangover characterized by the following symptoms and signs of poisoning:

  • anxiety, insomnia, Bad mood, dysphoria;
  • loose stools, diarrhea, constipation;
  • increased or decreased blood pressure, rapid heartbeat;
  • nausea, severe vomiting and thirst, dry mouth;
  • sweating or dry skin, swelling;
  • tremor;
  • headaches, dizziness;
  • increased sensitivity to sounds and light;
  • chills, weakness, fever.

Why is alcohol poisoning dangerous?

After moderate and severe intoxication with alcoholic drinks, the following dangerous consequences of poisoning are possible:

  • the effect on the central nervous system (CNS) causes disruption of the control and regulatory functions of the brain;
  • ethanol molecules penetrate the blood-brain barrier, affecting the structure of the neocortex, and act on the centers of the peripheral autonomic nervous system;
  • alcohol stupefaction;
  • alcoholic coma.

Types of alcohol intoxication

Coma is the most serious consequences alcohol intoxication. There are three degrees of development comatose state:

  • superficial coma - constriction of the pupils, there is a reaction to light and ammonia, but the patient does not come to his senses; in this state, gastric lavage helps;
  • moderate severity poisoning – muscle tone is relaxed, weak reaction to inhalation of ammonia vapor, no recovery occurs after gastric lavage;
  • deep – a critical condition characterized by a bluish tint to the skin of the face, sticky cold skin, thread-like pulse, shallow intermittent breathing.

Acute poisoning

Upon admission large dose alcohol, acute poisoning develops. This disrupts the normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, central nervous system. With mild poisoning, a person experiences euphoria, with moderate poisoning, coordination of movements is impaired, and severe poisoning is characterized by an alcoholic coma. Symptoms of acute poisoning due to the action of toxic substances are the following:

  • facial swelling, redness;
  • slow pulse;
  • increased sweating;
  • vomit;
  • acute psychosis;
  • dilated pupils;
  • difficulty moving;
  • slow breathing;
  • loss of consciousness.

Chronic form

Alcohol intoxication chronic form develops with prolonged use of alcoholic beverages. The liver is subject to significant damage. Initially, the dysfunction is reversible, but then becomes impaired carbohydrate metabolism, the hyperglycemic index increases with a sugar load, and the reaction to the input of adrenaline and glucose is weakened.

Galactose intolerance occurs from constant exposure to alcohol in the body. Other signs and symptoms of poisoning include:

  • liver damage;
  • increased blood alkalinity;
  • weakening of the prothrombin and antitoxic functions of the liver, increasing the risk of hemorrhages;
  • general emaciation, jaundice;
  • liver diseases - acute alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis with constant high doses of ethanol.

What to do if you have alcohol poisoning

For mild to moderate degrees of ethanol intoxication, the following actions should be taken to alleviate the patient’s condition:

  • the victim must accept Activated carbon– one tablet per 10 kg of weight, crush and drink big amount water, if vomiting occurs, drink another 3-4 tablets;
  • you need to take painkillers or analgesics;
  • put the victim of surrogate poisoning to sleep, open the window to quickly remove toxins and allow the body to recover.

In severe cases of poisoning with vodka or alcohol substitutes, the following medical recommendations will help:

  • lay the patient on his side so that he does not choke on his own vomit;
  • call an ambulance;
  • rinse the stomach - give 400-500 ml of cool water without gas, induce vomiting;
  • if you have a chill, apply a heating pad to your legs and cover your body with a blanket;
  • If there is no pulse or breathing, perform artificial respiration and chest compressions.


Alcohol intoxication requires diagnosis, which consists of an assessment of the clinical picture, qualitative and quantification ingested alcohol in urine, air, blood. The Rappoport reaction, the Karandaev method, photometry, the enzymatic ADN method, and the gas-liquid chromatography method are used. Lab tests will help you understand whether poisoning or coma has occurred.

Gastric lavage with activated carbon

After the diagnosis is made, the patient’s stomach is washed and intubation is performed in order to remove toxins from the body and relieve the alcohol load on the liver. To prevent the absorption of ethyl alcohol from the stomach, the patient is given 2-3 tablespoons of crushed activated carbon. Other treatments are:

  • drinking plenty of water, inducing vomiting by pressing on the root of the tongue with a spoon or injecting apomorphine;
  • washing the stomach cavity with 50 ml of 4% soda solution;
  • to protect against collapse, take 100 ml of water with the addition of 5-10 drops of ammonia, or an injection of a solution of caffeine, cordiamine.

Drugs to reduce blood alcohol concentration

To achieve detoxification and correct acid-base balance, improve the rheological properties of blood. Apply the following drugs:

  • Colma;
  • Proprothene-100;
  • Anti-E;
  • Zorex;
  • Metadoxyl;
  • Rekitsen-RD;
  • Bitredin;
  • Glycine;
  • Limontar;
  • Yantavit;
  • Alka-Seltzer;
  • AlkoStop;
  • Silibor;
  • Sofinor;
  • Silibinin;
  • Hepatofalk.

Intravenous injections for severe alcohol poisoning

If alcohol intoxication occurs, the patient is given droppers with saline solutions, glucose and vitamins. To restore the properties of blood, solutions of Rondex, Reogluman, Reopoliglyukin, Reomacrodex are administered. For alcohol detoxification, a drip with a neohemodez solution (up to 400 ml) is placed. It is good to use a mixture of insulin with glucose, nicotinic acid, vitamin C, B1 and B6, and panangin. To speed up the process of neutralizing toxins, you can drip isotonic solution metadoxyl.

For this purpose they carry out infusion therapy in a volume of 40-50 mcg per medicines:

  • intravenous injection of 15 units of insulin per 20 ml of 40% glucose solution;
  • 1 ml of 1% nicotinic acid solution with 10 ml of 4% solution ascorbic acid;
  • intravenous drip 10 ml of panangin, 3-5 ml of 5% solution of vitamin B6, 5 ml of 5% solution of vitamin C, 3-5 ml of 5% solution of vitamin B1 with hemodez or 250 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution ( saline);
  • for kidney dysfunction, use a 10% solution of calcium chloride and 10-20 ml of a 25% solution of magnesium sulfate;
  • for metabolic acidosis, 50-100 ml of a 4% soda solution is administered (up to a liter per day), for metabolic alkalosis - up to 150 ml of a 1% potassium chloride solution.

Medicines to maintain the patient's condition

If the patient is admitted with a moderate or severe degree of intoxication, after the procedures he is given the following medications:

  • analeptics – 1-2 ml of a 25% solution of cordiamine subcutaneously, 2 ml of a 10% solution of sulfocamphocaine intramuscularly or intravenously, subcutaneously up to 2 ml of a 25% solution of caffeine;
  • cardiac glycosides – solution of strophanthin, korglykon, mildronate, caffeine;
  • with increased growth blood pressure– Papaverine, Noshpa, magnesium sulfate, Eufillin, Trental;
  • diuretics to stimulate diuresis - Mannitol, Lasix;
  • supporting agents - hepatoprotectors: Heptral, Essentiale;
  • nootropic drugs–Piracetam, ATP, vitamins B and C;
  • to remove alcoholic psychosis: Flormidal, Tiapridal.

How to relieve alcohol intoxication at home

You can independently get rid of the consequences and symptoms of serious poisoning by following a number of steps:

  • taking enterosorbents and enveloping medications (including treatment with traditional methods) to remove ethanol residues;
  • restoration of water-salt balance and intestinal microflora;
  • neutralization and removal of toxins, breakdown products of alcohols;
  • relieving intoxication from low-quality alcohol, eliminating pain, supporting the heart, stopping vomiting.

Dropper for alcohol intoxication at home

To carry out detoxification at home, you will need a dropper and solutions. With the help of a doctor or in a hospital, you can treat with solutions of Drotaverine, Spazmolgon, soda, glucose, magnesia, Atropine, Propazine, Essentiale Forte.

Aspirin for hangover

Alcohol intoxication is accompanied by a hangover syndrome. Effective on it acetylsalicylic acid, which dilutes capillary microclots that cause swelling and headaches. Contraindications for taking Aspirin are the presence of an ulcer and simultaneous use with alcohol. It is better to take instant tablets at a dosage of 500 mg per 35 kg of weight.

Restoring fluid balance in the body

Vomiting dehydrates the body and washes out minerals from it, so in case of poisoning, you need to drink a lot of water - mineral water or with lemon juice. The imbalance can be eliminated by rehydrating agents: Regidron (10-17 ml per 1 kg), Gidrovit, Citralglucosolan. Instead, use a solution: per liter of water, take half a teaspoon of salt and soda, four tablespoons of sugar. Give the patient a solution at the rate of 10 ml per hour.

Cleansing diet

To achieve rapid recovery of the body after eliminating the symptoms of poisoning, follow a gentle diet:

  • eat boiled, stewed, baked, steamed food;
  • avoid fried, spicy, smoked, fatty foods;
  • eat more fruits, vegetables, natural juices;
  • season salads with oil or sour cream;
  • Cook your first courses with lean broth and drink more water.


Alcohol poisoning occurs in different ways in people. The severity of symptoms in this situation depends on many factors, which include the dose of ethanol taken, the quality of the alcohol product, the general condition of the human body, and so on. This is why the symptoms of alcohol poisoning may vary slightly from person to person. Bad feeling causes in an alcoholic a large number of unpleasant symptoms that can be overcome only by following the treatment prescribed by the doctor. Often, the first signs of alcohol poisoning subside when they start taking medications - this greatly facilitates the recovery process and normalizes the functioning of the body.

Why does alcohol poisoning occur?

Before treating alcohol poisoning at home, you need to understand why it occurs. Narcologists claim that the disease develops due to the ingestion of alcohol substitutes into the drunkard’s body, which have a negative effect on him and cause signs of poisoning. Such surrogates include:

  • butyl alcohol;
  • varnish;
  • denatured alcohol;
  • alyl alcohol.

At constant reception alcohol for several days, surrogates quickly cause kidney failure and problems with liver function, which leads to the death of the drunkard.

However, not only surrogates can become the main toxic substance - low-quality alcohol or too strong strong drinks can also cause intoxication of the body. For example, ethyl alcohol is found in all alcohol products, as well as colognes, medicines and perfumes. If a person drinks a small bottle of cologne, he will definitely get poisoned, since there are surrogates in it huge quantities. There are, of course, fewer of them in alcohol, but if a drunkard drinks it constantly, poisoning will overtake the patient quite quickly.

By paying attention to the symptoms of alcohol poisoning, you can take timely measures to eliminate them and quickly remove dangerous substitutes from the body. But, unfortunately, not all alcoholics have a “positive” attitude towards the health of their body, and also want to be treated with medications against alcoholism. As a result, intoxication does not go away for a long time, which leads to irreversible consequences and causes a large number of dangerous diseases.

To avoid developing alcohol poisoning, the symptoms of which cause serious harm to human health, you should not take methyl alcohol is a poison that is used only in chemical industry, but the smell is very similar to ethyl alcohol. However, if you drink the ethyl version in large quantities, it can gradually “saturate” the body with toxic metabolites that appear as a result of the breakdown of alcohol. Therefore, narcologists always advise drinking in moderation so as not to cause health-threatening diseases, the treatment of which is not always positive and effective for health.

Symptoms and signs of alcohol poisoning

In case of alcohol poisoning, which a person has drunk in large quantities, the symptoms of the disease manifest themselves quite quickly. IN in this case they resemble signs of developing intoxication. The danger of such symptoms is that they occur covertly on the first day of the development of poisoning, and this significantly complicates diagnosis and timely provision of first aid.

What signs of alcohol poisoning can a patient notice?

The main ones include excitement of the body, euphoria from drinking alcohol, and loss of coordination.

But, unfortunately, all of them do not cause anxiety in an alcoholic, since he this moment fun, because a good mood from drinking alcohol always accompanies the ritual of drinking alcohol. Over time, in the absence of treatment for alcohol poisoning, a person develops a craving for strong drinks, which the drunkard cannot overcome on his own. Then the above symptoms of poisoning also include:

  • abdominal pain;
  • temporal pain;
  • long lasting vomiting;
  • blurred vision;
  • the appearance of flies and black dots before the eyes.

If after this the victim was given first aid and he no longer took alcohol, these manifestations of alcohol poisoning will disappear after 2-6 days. If the disease is acute, it is better to treat in a hospital, since it is quite difficult to overcome the signs of the disease at home.

If during treatment of poisoning a person drinks strong drinks again, the symptoms of the disease will worsen significantly and will last for 7-12 days. Then the disease will also be characterized by drowsiness, long-term blurred vision and stupor of the patient. 6-8 hours after the development of the pathology, the drunkard will notice severe thirst, pain in the legs, the appearance of cyanosis on the skin and mucous membrane, and a gray or white coating on the tongue. Also additional signs alcohol poisoning, which does not always manifest itself in the patient, are considered:

  • increase or jumps in blood pressure;
  • increased heart rate;
  • convulsions;
  • disturbance of consciousness;

If first aid is not carried out to the patient even after these signs, death may occur due to paralysis of the respiratory system or impaired functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

What are the first signs of alcohol intoxication in an alcoholic?

Of course, it is better to fight intoxication at the initial stage of its development, while the patient has not yet developed a persistent formation of mental and physical dependence, as well as metabolic syndrome, gastroenteritis and acidosis. In addition, it is important to pay attention to the symptoms of alcohol poisoning so that the substitutes found in alcoholic beverages do not cause the following complications:

  • hepatic colic;
  • increase in bilirubin;
  • the appearance of jaundice;
  • disruption of the functioning of the heart chambers;
  • eye sclera.

You will be able to notice these symptoms very quickly, since they cause pain and other unpleasant sensations. But you should not try to overcome them yourself at home, as this will only worsen your health condition and aggravate their course.

The first signs of poisoning are:

  • frequent hiccups after drinking alcohol;
  • hemorrhages on the mucous membrane and skin;
  • transaminases (the first damage to the pancreas by alcohol surrogates);
  • pancreatitis, more precisely, its onset of development in the body, characterized by pain and pain in the upper abdomen;
  • – it manifests itself already at the beginning of poisoning of the body and is characterized by impaired consciousness, loss of coordination and lack of normal and sensible dialogue;
  • deterioration brain activity– this occurs due to the fact that large amounts of creatinine, urea and other types of metabolites accumulate in the organs and systems of the body.

The sooner the patient notices the symptoms and begins treatment for the disease at home, the faster the body will recover, and the likelihood of developing pathological processes occurring in internal organs.

If a person has been poisoned “minorly” and has only some signs of intoxication, a visit to the doctor is still necessary, since the following manifestations of the disease can overtake the victim within a few days.

Is it worth treating intoxication at home or is it better to trust doctors and be treated for poisoning in a hospital? If the disease is severe or medium degree severity, it is better to carry out therapy in a hospital setting, since a person can get worse at any moment and need help - but at home they will not be able to provide it efficiently. In addition, at home, it is not always possible to find the medications and IV solutions necessary for the patient, which will help normalize the general state of health.

Complications caused by untreated alcohol poisoning

At active action surrogates in the body of an alcoholic, he will face many complications, which cannot always be cured quickly and effectively. Such complications are:

  • development of stroke - if the patient is not provided with proper care at home medical care, death may occur;
  • uncontrolled bowel movements;
  • uremic coma;
  • involuntary (independent) urination;
  • poisoning with morphine derivatives, which significantly worsens the course of intoxication.

These complications manifest themselves especially often if a person is treating a moderate or severe illness at home, rather than in a hospital setting.

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What's so bad? There’s no point in mixing, just drink one!

Alcohol poisoning is not uncommon, and most people still do not know how to act correctly in this case. A comrade who has had too much is usually simply put to bed, without thinking about what ethyl alcohol intoxication might lead to in the near future. Alcohol intoxication has insidious consequences, which in some cases are fatal.

If you feel sick in the morning from alcohol: what to do

Quickly to the pharmacy, buy sorbex and betargin. Drink 3 sorbex tablets, then dilute 1 ampoule of betargin (drinking ampoule) in half a glass of water at room temperature and drink too. Afterward, drink highly carbonated water. All symptoms will disappear in 2-3 hours. I checked it myself))

Well, the most ancient way

  1. Disturbance of the gastrointestinal tract: profuse vomiting, diarrhea, cramping abdominal pain, hypersalivation;
  2. Loss of coordination of movements, accompanied by headache, severe dizziness;
  3. Damage to the blood vessels of the sclera of the eye: lacrimation, redness of the eyes, painful reaction to light;
  4. Chills, tremors of extremities, difficulty breathing;
  5. Increased blood pressure, rapid pulse.
  6. Loss of consciousness;
  7. Involuntary urination or defecation;
  8. Muffled heart sounds, severe bradycardia;
  9. Blueness of the skin, coldness of the extremities due to disruption of the functioning of the heart and normal blood flow.

Alcohol intoxication is sometimes confused with the banal alcohol intoxication, which is most often due to people's lack of awareness of the difference between them.

  • Feeling of euphoria, liberation;
  • Impaired coordination of movements;
  • Speech becomes slurred, fast, loud;
  • A person under the influence of alcohol increases his physical and mental capabilities, gets involved in conflicts and discussions;
  • A sparkle appears in the eyes;
  • The sense of proportion is dulled.

Intoxication – light form intoxication, which usually ends in a hangover and headache, but also causes enormous harm to health due to the death of nerve cells.

Acute alcohol poisoning is a serious threat to human life and therefore requires immediate treatment.

Treatment of alcohol intoxication is aimed at removing the toxic substance from the body, normalizing blood pressure, pulse rate and respiration.

Alcohol poisoning: treatment at home using traditional methods

Alcohol poisoning, treating it at home using well-known folk methods, allows you to avoid dangerous consequences toxic effects of ethyl alcohol components on the body. If you suspect alcohol poisoning, you should not put the victim to sleep, because in a dream a person can die from asphyxia by vomit, from cardiac or respiratory arrest.

What to do in case of alcohol poisoning:

  • Force the victim to drink at least a liter of clean water with the addition of 1 tablespoon table salt, then press with your fingers or a spoon on the root of the tongue, thus inducing vomiting. These activities can be stopped only after vomiting is present only clean water. This way you will help the victim get rid of toxins, which will significantly alleviate his condition;
  • If the poisoned person has severe chills, you can warm him up with a light blanket or rug;
  • If a person is unconscious, it is worth turning him on his side to prevent inhalation of vomit and tongue retraction;
  • Call an ambulance.

When alcohol poisoning occurs, the body loses water, so you need to replenish your water balance.

What to drink to prevent dehydration:

  1. Warm tea with lemon. It is undesirable to drink coffee, because caffeine leads to a narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels, which aggravates the process of intoxication;
  2. Mineral water;
  3. Brine (this drink has a high concentration of salt);
  4. Milk.

Treatment after alcohol poisoning is aimed at restoring normal vital functions body. You can’t “treat” weakly alcoholic drinks. For several days, it is advisable for the victim to sleep a lot, drink plenty of fluids and saline solutions (normohydron, rehydron). To completely remove toxins, you can use adsorbent preparations: activated carbon, smecta, enterosgel.

First aid for alcohol poisoning, algorithm of actions

First aid for alcohol poisoning can be provided independently. To do this you will need: clean water, table salt, soda, activated carbon.

In case of alcohol poisoning, you need to follow the algorithm:

  1. Remove a toxic substance from the body. To do this, induce vomiting by pressing on the root of the tongue with your fingers or a spoon;
  2. To disinfect the stomach and slow down the absorption of alcoholic products, it is worth giving the victim a saline solution (add 1 tablespoon of table salt and ½ teaspoon of soda per liter of water);
  3. Adsorb the remains of the toxic component. To do this, you should drink activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight;
  4. For severe headaches, apply a compress of damp cloth to the back of the head and ventilate the room well;
  5. After the activities have been completed, calm down and put the alcohol victim to sleep.

Poisoning with alcohol surrogates, how to recognize low-quality alcohol

Poisoning with alcohol substitutes is common, so you should be especially careful when choosing alcoholic beverages. IN food purposes It is relatively safe for humans to consume alcohol made from ethyl alcohol. “Underground” drinks are made from industrial alcohol (methyl alcohol), which cannot be processed by the human liver due to the lack of an enzyme that breaks it down.

It is impossible to treat poisoning with surrogate alcohol at home, so if you suspect intoxication with “scorched” alcohol, you must call an ambulance.

How to recognize low-quality alcohol:

  • A good drink cannot be cheap, so there is no need to buy alcohol online or on special offer;
  • A factory bottle must have excise taxes;
  • If you feel that you are getting drunk very quickly when drinking a questionable alcoholic drink, urgently rinse your stomach and call an ambulance;
  • It is difficult to distinguish low-quality alcohol by taste, but methyl alcohol gives off a sharp alcoholic smell. Cognac, whiskey and quality wines do not smell of alcohol.

Activated carbon for alcohol poisoning, the role of adsorbents in the treatment of alcohol intoxication

Activated carbon for alcohol poisoning perfect assistant for adsorption and timely removal of the toxic substance. The use of activated carbon cannot cause harm to health and has a minimum of contraindications. Coal is in every first aid kit and is cheap, which makes this drug widely available, but no less effective.

In case of alcohol poisoning, it is advisable to take the adsorbent after gastric lavage, since activated carbon helps to weaken the urge to vomit. To achieve the desired effect, you should drink at least 5 tablets of coal.

Alcohol poisoning pills, how they work

Tablets for alcohol poisoning are divided into groups according to their ability to eliminate the symptoms of alcohol intoxication:

  • Adsorbing agents such as activated carbon, smecta, polysorb have enveloping and adsorbing properties, which helps eliminate discomfort from the gastrointestinal tract. Such medicines are sold without a doctor's prescription, are found in almost every home, and do not provide harmful action on the body;

  • An anti-nausea remedy is validol. Its action is due high concentration menthol, which has a depressant effect on the vomiting center in the brain. There are others antiemetics(metoclopramide, cerucal), however they can only be purchased with a doctor’s prescription;

  • Painkillers are necessary for victims of alcohol intoxication due to the development of severe headaches. Aspirin upsa (soluble effervescent tablet) is best suited for this purpose. However, this drug is contraindicated for people suffering from gastric ulcers;
  • Complex antioxidants for ethyl alcohol poisoning: zorex (is an antioxidant, hepatorotector, promotes rapid excretion of ethyl alcohol products in the urine); biotredin.

Vodka poisoning, how not to get poisoned during a celebration

Vodka poisoning most often occurs due to a person’s lack of sense of proportion. The amount of vodka that can cause alcohol intoxication varies from person to person, so it’s best to stick to next rule: drink 50 grams of vodka per hour. This way you can avoid a hangover in the morning, and at the party you will be cheerful and at the same time remain in adequate condition.

It’s easier to get poisoned with cognac than with other alcoholic drinks, because high-quality cognac contains a small amount of methyl alcohol, which is extremely toxic to the human body. It is not advisable to consume such a drink in an evening in quantities exceeding 100 grams.

To avoid poisoning from wine, you should not mix this low-proof drink with others (vodka, beer, champagne). At a table with a lot of fruits and meat dishes, you can allow yourself about 300 grams of this noble drink and not worry about the consequences.

To be poisoned by low-quality alcohol, 50 grams will be enough. If you are not sure of the quality of an alcoholic drink, it is better not to drink it at all.

What to drink if you have alcohol poisoning to feel better

What to drink if you have alcohol poisoning to quickly recover from severe intoxication:

  1. Enterosgel is an adsorbent drug that binds toxic complexes of ethyl alcohol products and naturally removes them from the body. This product also has enveloping and anti-inflammatory properties on the stomach wall irritated by alcohol toxins;

  1. Regidron is a drug that restores natural water-salt balance body. Thirst after drinking excess alcohol is caused by dehydration, which leads to alcohol consumption. Rehydron is available in powder form, which is diluted in a liter of clean water. A person who has been poisoned by alcohol should drink a rehydron solution within several hours after the first symptoms of intoxication appear.

Vomiting due to alcohol poisoning: why it occurs, how to stop it

Vomiting in case of alcohol poisoning is a natural protective reaction of the body aimed at cleansing the body of a toxic substance. Vomit undigested leftovers food and alcohol should not cause you concern. To speed up the process of cleansing the stomach, you should drink 0.5-1 liter of water with salt. If the vomiting becomes mucous, bitter and does not stop for a long time, you should contact a specialized medical institution, to provide emergency assistance. Vomiting bile indicates that alcohol consumption has disrupted the functioning of the liver and bile ducts.

How to stop vomiting in case of poisoning:

  • Wash with cold water, go out Fresh air;
  • Drink coating agent such as enterosgel or smecta;
  • Place a validol tablet under your tongue;
  • Drink warm tea with lemon or milk.

If the above measures do not help, you should contact specialized assistance in hospital.

Remedy for alcohol poisoning: traditional methods of treatment

After a successful holiday, many are looking for the ideal remedy for alcohol poisoning. Of course, the best cure for this disease is a sober lifestyle. But there are some easy ones folk recipes, allowing you to relieve headaches, relieve nausea and weakness after a feast.

Traditional recipes for hangovers:

  1. Drink 1 - 1.5 liters in the morning on an empty stomach cucumber pickle, which will restore the salt balance in the body, start the digestive system, and ease headaches;
  2. Drink a raw egg, after shaking it with a few drops of vinegar and a pinch of salt;
  3. Prepare black tea with milk and sugar. Milk will relieve stomach pain and the urge to vomit, while glucose will start the work mental activity, will give energy;
  4. Accept cool shower, but do not wash with too cold water to avoid vasospasm.

It is better not to treat severe alcohol poisoning on your own; perhaps you have come across low-quality alcohol, the intoxication from which can only be eliminated by a specialist.

Methyl alcohol poisoning: how to recognize and treat

Poisoning with methyl alcohol is very dangerous, since, unlike ethyl alcohol, methyl alcohol is a purely technical liquid, which, when consumed by a person, is converted into formic acid, which can destroy almost all organs and tissues of the body.

Externally, by color and smell, ethyl and methyl alcohols almost identical, so it is almost impossible to distinguish them. To protect yourself from drinking industrial alcohol, you should purchase only high-quality alcoholic beverages in specialized stores.

Signs of poisoning:

  1. Acute abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting;
  2. Flickering of flies before the eyes, momentary loss vision;
  3. Rapid intoxication, aggression, which are sharply replaced by weakness, apathy and drowsiness.
  4. Increased heart rate sharp drop pressure;
  5. Excessive drooling;
  6. Loss of consciousness.

If you are noticed listed symptoms, you should take immediate action:

  • Call an ambulance;
  • Rinse the stomach with saline solution or clean water;
  • Drink activated carbon.

Ethyl alcohol poisoning is nothing more than banal alcohol poisoning. Intoxication can develop due to excessive consumption of alcohol or due to individual intolerance to alcohol by a certain person.

How to avoid ethanol poisoning:

  • If you drink alcohol, you should have a snack oily fish or meat dishes and vegetable salads, which will allow ethyl alcohol to be absorbed more slowly;
  • Do not drink alcohol with carbonated drinks;
  • Do not mix different types alcoholic drinks (for example, champagne and vodka);
  • Don't drink alcohol if you know you have an intolerance.

Acute alcohol poisoning can be fatal, so do not think that uncontrollable vomiting, spastic headache or loss of consciousness are not a reason to see a doctor. You can try to eliminate unpleasant symptoms at home, but if there is no proper result, a visit to the doctor will not hurt you.

Signs of ethyl alcohol poisoning:

  • severe vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, drooling and watery eyes;
  • severe loss of coordination of movements;
  • memory loss;
  • involuntary urination and defecation;
  • the appearance of seizures;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • loss of vision, flickering of spots before the eyes;
  • a sharp drop in blood pressure;
  • loss of consciousness.

Poisoning with ammonia is quite rare, since ammonia is most often used in medical practice.

Ammonia is an irritating substance that is used to revive a patient who is losing consciousness. The pungent ammonia smell irritates the human nervous system, which brings him out of unconsciousness.

Typically, ammonia poisoning develops through prolonged inhalation of its vapors and is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • burning in the throat, dry, severe cough;
  • dizziness, disorientation in space;
  • dry mucous membranes;
  • lacrimation;
  • nausea, profuse vomiting;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • double vision, short-term loss of vision;
  • hallucinations;
  • hot flashes, increased sweating.

Help for ammonia poisoning:

  1. take the victim out into the fresh air or open the windows in the room;
  2. stop human contact with the toxic substance;
  3. wash your face cool water, rinse your mouth and nose with water;
  4. at in serious condition the victim, call an ambulance.

It is strictly forbidden to take ammonia orally, as it destroys the walls of the stomach and destroys cells of the liver, kidneys, and circulatory system.

If ammonia gets inside, you need to:

  1. urgently call a doctor;
  2. induce vomiting in the victim using drink plenty of fluids clean water;
  3. Give the patient a tablespoon of lemon juice.

Video on the topic of alcohol poisoning:

Any ailment or pathology has its own characterizing moments, and alcohol intoxication also has them. Symptoms, stages, treatment - all this is inherent in alcohol poisoning.

Alcohol, as such, is not a poison for the human body. When it comes to intoxication, we mean the quantity of drink and its quality. Most often, poisoning occurs when consuming low-grade, adulterated alcohol and, of course, when abusing it.

Moreover, alcohol poisoning caused by excessive amounts is very common - this is the most common hangover. From the point of view of medical specialists, it indicates a slight intoxication of the body with alcohol.

Signs of alcohol intoxication

Doctors determine the presence of intoxication in the body as a result of consuming alcohol-containing products by establishing the ppm level:

  1. An indicator from 1 to 2 indicates the initial stage.
  2. Numbers of 2-3 indicate an average degree of alcohol poisoning.
  3. When the indicator exceeds 3, we are talking about a severe stage of intoxication.

Of course, these indicators are considered by narcologists in conjunction with other symptoms that characterize poisoning and distinguish it from ordinary intoxication.

Of course, it is impossible to determine ppm “by eye”, therefore, in order to diagnose and treat alcohol intoxication at home, you should focus on the following signs:

  • dizziness;
  • disturbances in coordination, confusion in space;
  • severe nausea With muscle spasms, turning into vomiting;
  • disruptions and delays in breathing;
  • dysfunction speech apparatus;
  • redness of the skin, turning into cyanosis;
  • rapid decrease in body temperature and chills;
  • increased anxiety.

Acute alcohol intoxication of the body, in which a person turns blue, cannot form words, and suffers from convulsions - this condition requires the immediate arrival of specialists and treatment in a hospital.

Such poisoning occurs when consuming technical alcohols, poorly purified ethyl alcohol, and drinks that contain a significant amount of impurities hazardous to health. Unfortunately, such products quite often end up on store shelves and it is quite possible to become poisoned by such a product, not by leading an antisocial lifestyle, but by celebrating something with family and friends.

First aid

Treatment of alcohol intoxication begins with providing first aid to the victim. Under no circumstances should you leave a person showing signs of alcohol poisoning alone, because his condition may worsen at any moment. This is dangerous due to a number of factors - from the risk of choking on masses of your own vomit to the onset of coma, which can cause death.

Providing first aid for alcohol intoxication is as follows:

  1. Urgently rinse your stomach, this can be done as simply as warm water, so weak solution potassium permanganate.
  2. After all the vomit and bile, which has a characteristic odor in case of alcohol poisoning, have passed, give sorbents, for example, charcoal.
  3. Provide the victim with a hot drink containing vitamin C, ideal strong tea with sugar, raspberries and lemon.

In no case should you artificially induce vomiting in an unconscious person, and if the patient is very nauseous, but is in a semi-fainting state, then you need to turn him on his side to avoid the risk of choking on vomit.

You should also not hesitate to call an ambulance. Many people prefer not to call doctors, fearing that they are at risk of being admitted to a drug treatment hospital and forced hospitalization. These fears are unfounded and can cost your health.

In fact, the team of specialists who arrive on call will use the so-called “sobering up method”, conducting detoxification therapy used for alcoholism and alcohol poisoning. This procedure includes:

  • Intramuscular administration of a drug containing vitamin B6.
  • After 10-15 minutes, the patient is given a mixture of nicotinic acid, corazol and phenamine.
  • To reduce the concentration of alcohol toxins in the blood, a solution of glucose, nicotinic and ascorbic acids is used.

After which, after half an hour, a decision is made about the victim’s condition; if there is improvement and there is no suspicion of any complications, doctors give recommendations on outpatient treatment, including medications and leave.

Of course, only if the condition of the injured person does not cause concern and there is really no need for inpatient observation or treatment.

Treatment at home

Removing alcohol intoxication at home, as well as its treatment, involve two approaches:

  1. Using medications.
  2. Folk remedies.

Moreover, when treating the consequences of poisoning after alcohol, these methods do not exclude each other; rather, on the contrary, they complement each other.

  • Alka-Seltzer - helps remove general symptoms and normalizes the functioning of the kidneys and liver.
  • Zorex is a drug that removes alcohol toxins from the blood and helps relieve intoxication in the internal organs.
  • In case of alcohol intoxication, Regidron effectively eliminates dehydration of the body, normalizes the level of leukocytes, and restores liver function.
  • Metadoxil is the No. 1 medicine for alcohol intoxication, completely eliminates all symptoms of poisoning, alcohol intoxication of the liver and removes residual decay products of toxic alcohol.
  • Biotredin - these tablets remove psychosomatic consequences acute intoxication alcohol, normalize metabolism and reduce the amount of acetaldehyde produced in the body.

They also help to cope with headaches and improve the general condition of a person very well. regular aspirin and citramon. With a slight hangover, which, by the way, also indicates alcohol intoxication, only weak, and usually caused by an excessive amount of alcohol, and not its poor quality, these drugs cope well with this condition.

How long the treatment process lasts, how long it will take to get rid of alcohol intoxication and its symptoms, depends on the severity of the poisoning and the strength of the victim’s body.

As for folk remedies for helping someone poisoned by alcohol or its substitutes, they will not replace medications, but they have no equal in how to get rid of symptoms, alleviate the general condition, cope with dehydration and support the body.

You shouldn’t think about what folk methods are and look for complex “magic” recipes; the improvised means used are just:

  1. Drinks – cranberry fruit drinks, raspberry leaf teas, infused lemon water, cabbage pickle– everything that is rich in vitamin C and other substances beneficial to the body.
  2. Food – hot rich soups and broths, which traditionally relieved hangovers among merchants, solyanka, pickles and marinades, and fermented milk products.

Drink plenty of fortified drinks and foods rich in essential elements, such as potassium and magnesium, that warm the body. As people say, “to make you break out in a sweat,” they help to minimize the consequences of alcohol intoxication and speed up the treatment that the pills a person takes provide.

Video: alcohol poisoning - what to do?


There are situations in which the question arises, what to do if there is absolutely no time to treat poisoning? How to quickly relieve alcohol intoxication and get a person back on his feet? The answer is simple - a dropper.

This method is certainly associated with hospitalization, as people say, “they’ll put you in the hospital and get sick.” However, this is not entirely true. In case of any circumstances or when contacting paid clinic, alcohol intoxication can also be treated at home under a drip.

This method is good because the drug complexes used can not only quickly and effectively cleanse the body, but also prevent the development of any complications or pathologies in it that may result from poisoning with alcohol-containing products.

Classically, in the treatment of intoxication with a dropper, the following drugs are used:

Solutions containing electrolytes and digestible sugars:

  • Ringer's solution;
  • one percent calcium chloride;
  • glucose in five or ten percent solutions;
  • four percent sodium bicarbonate;
  • panangin;
  • isotonic solution with a substance content within 0.9%.

Drugs that affect the lymphatic system:

  • rondex;
  • rheopolyglucin;
  • rheomacrodex;
  • polyglucin.

Disinfectant agents:

  • hemodesis;
  • neohemodesis.

Liquid vitamins:

  • thiamine chloride;
  • calcium pangamate;
  • ascorbic and nicotinic acids;
  • pyridoxine hydrochloride.


  • no-shpa;
  • euphilin;
  • papaverine;
  • containing magnesium sulfates.

Drugs that restore the psyche and analeptic drugs:

  • sulfocamphocaine 10%;
  • cordiamine 25%;
  • sodium benzoate 20%;
  • caffeine-containing solutions.

If necessary, a number of drugs with psychotropic effects:

  • sodium thiopental;
  • flormidal 0.5%;
  • Relanium 0.5%;
  • tiapridal.

Hepatoprotective agents:

  • piracetam solution;
  • solution containing heptral;
  • mildronate with added glucose.

Treatment with a drip not only almost instantly, compared to other methods, removes a person from a state of alcohol poisoning, but also provides a general comprehensive preventive effect on the body, allowing you to avoid any consequences in the form of diseases or pathologies of internal organs and mental disorders.

The question of how to relieve alcohol intoxication at home - with or without the help of a drip, with or without the involvement of doctors, with medication or not - depends on the severity of the poisoning, its source and general condition the person himself.

However, in everything related to health, it is much better to exercise caution and play it safe by enlisting professional help and diagnostics, rather than relying on chance and in the future encountering any consequences of the intoxication experienced in the form of emerging pathologies or complications.