How to gently cleanse the intestines at home. Effective folk remedies for cleansing the intestines. Broom salad for colon cleansing

Human internal organs wear out over time and begin to age. This is how various diseases appear. Most often, pathologies occur in the intestines. The digestive system is also susceptible to diseases. This article will tell you how to cleanse the intestines of toxins. Reviews of various methods will be given below.

Human digestive system: general description of work

Before you learn how to cleanse the intestines of toxins at home, you need to say a few words about the organ. During ingestion, food enters the esophagus. It then accumulates in the stomach, where it is processed by juice and bile.

Only after this do all products enter the intestines and begin to actively break down. Necessary substances are absorbed and enter the bloodstream, and everything harmful passes on. After wandering through the loops of the intestine, coarse fibers and unnecessary substances turn into feces. Some of the products settle on the walls and become slag and dense stones.

Slags and toxins

Most of the unnecessary substances are located in. It is from here that waste can actively poison human life.

Doctors say that you need to periodically cleanse your intestines. Only in this case can you avoid excessive even if you constantly adhere to healthy image life, you will not be able to prevent the appearance of harmful substances.

The presence of waste and toxins in the body can have a variety of symptoms: deterioration of the skin, depression, insomnia, excessive weight gain, nausea, upset stool, and so on. All this is not only unpleasant, but very harmful.

How to cleanse the intestines of toxins at home?

There are several ways to get rid of toxins and other harmful substances. All of them can be divided into medicinal, folk, gradual and mechanical. It is worth noting that before cleansing the intestines of waste and toxins, it is necessary to undergo an examination. Some correction methods will be ideal for some people, while others will not be suitable at all. Let's look at the most popular and effective methods of how to cleanse the intestines of waste and toxins at home.


The simplest and effective way Colon cleansing is an enema. It is worth noting that this method allows you to remove toxins. But it will not save you from intoxication. That is why you need to know exactly what pathology you are dealing with.

Making an enema is quite simple. To do this, you will need a device called and plain water. Remember that the liquid must be clean. Also, do not take warm water. IN otherwise it will simply be absorbed into the walls and will not produce a cleansing effect. Prepare water at a temperature of 27-30 degrees. An adult will need about two liters of liquid. Place this volume in the device and take a horizontal position. It is much easier to administer an enema when the person lies on his left side. Insert the plastic tip into anal hole and open the faucet of the device. After this, you need to wait until all the liquid has passed into the body. After completing the procedure, wait a few minutes if possible. Cleansing can take place in several stages.

Medication method

How to cleanse the intestines of toxins with medications? In this case, tablets, syrups, powders and other substances will come to your aid. Some of them have soft action, for example, Duphalac syrup, Regulax tablets and others. You need to drink them regularly and your stool will improve.

More effective are the following drugs: “Senade”, “Purgen” and so on. They actively affect intestinal motility and cause the urge to defecate. Remember that such medications should not be used by children without a doctor's prescription. Also, the drugs are contraindicated for bleeding and malignant intestinal tumors.

How to cleanse the intestines of waste and toxins with medications? If your goal is to eliminate intoxication, then sorbents will come to the rescue. In this case, you can use the following drugs: “Smecta”, “Polysorb” and others. These products gently cleanse the intestinal cavity of toxic substances and remove them from the body.

Application of activated carbon

How to cleanse the intestines of toxins with “Coal”? This remedy is quite safe, but effective. Activated carbon tablets have a brush effect. The drug dissolves in the intestines and removes everything from it harmful substances.

The medicine should be used in the following way. For every ten kilograms of weight you need to take one capsule. Calculate the right dosage and take the drug for one week. Don't be surprised when your stool turns black. This is absolutely normal reaction cleansing body.

Appropriate nutrition

If you don’t know how to cleanse the intestines of toxins at home without an enema, then this point will tell you about it.

Try to drink more clean water. This liquid can normalize intestinal motility and dilute stool. You should also eat more coarse fiber. Boast of high content this component can be green fresh vegetables, greens and some grains. Cleanse the intestines and improve regular stool Bran will help. This product can be purchased at a pharmacy chain or supermarket. It is necessary to eat them with big amount liquids. Just a few tablespoons a day will help you normalize stools and remove toxins from the intestines.

While cleansing the body, you should refrain from any harmful products: smoked meats, sausages, sparkling water and sweets. Otherwise, the effect may not be what you expect.

If you remove waste, toxins and fecal stones If you need it quickly, then a magic salad will come to your aid. It's quite simple to prepare. Take one sugar beets and carrots. Peel the root vegetables and grate them on a coarse grater. Add a few spoons to the mixture olive oil and finely chopped prunes. Within 4-5 hours after eating this food you will feel the effect.

Folk recipes

How to cleanse the intestines of toxins? Reviews say that you can use traditional methods. They have a gentle effect on the body and remove accumulated deposits and waste from the intestines.

Uses of honey water

Take a glass of clean water in the evening. Put a tablespoon of liquid honey there. You can also add a few drops of lemon juice. The substance must be mixed thoroughly and drunk immediately after waking up. The procedure must be repeated daily for one week.

Castor oil

You can cleanse the intestines of toxins using regular castor oil. Take one glass of apricot juice and add 25-30 milliliters of castor oil. Stir the substance and drink in one gulp. The cleansing process will not take long.

Apple nutrition

Take one every day before breakfast green apple. You can do this regularly throughout your life. The more fruit you eat in the morning, the more effective the results will be in the afternoon.

How to cleanse the intestines of toxins: reviews

Those people who had to deal with bowel cleansing say the following. The most effective and fastest remedy is an enema. However, this manipulation is not very pleasant. Patients claim that you can currently purchase the drug Microlax at the pharmacy. It has the same effect as a regular enema. However, you do not have to pour several liters of liquid into yourself.

Users also note that the most gentle way to get rid of toxins is proper nutrition and following a certain diet. However, this is quite difficult. There is always a temptation to eat something tasty and not entirely healthy.

Doctors prefer to prescribe medicines to cleanse the intestines of waste and toxins. Such drugs act quickly and have virtually no side effects. Once you stop taking it, the strong laxative effect also disappears.

Tips that will come in handy when cleansing your colon at home

So, now you know how to cleanse your intestines of toxins. Reviews from people who have passed this procedure, they say that you need to choose a specific day for this. Choose a time when you don't have to go anywhere. Otherwise, the effect of this or that remedy may take you by surprise.

Also, you should not cleanse during illness or general malaise. Try to drink more fluids during correction. This will help avoid dehydration.


So, now you know all the ways that allow you to cleanse your intestines of waste and toxins. Remember that before choosing one or another method, you should consult a doctor and get diagnosed. If you feel worse during the correction, you should immediately stop the procedure and visit a therapist.

Regular removal of waste and toxins will help you maintain good health. appearance and feeling great. Such manipulations need to be carried out approximately once a year. It all depends on your diet and the quality of food you eat.

Cleanse your intestines correctly and as comfortably as possible for you. Choose for this only safe methods. Good luck and good health!

A clean intestine is the key to good immunity. If there is no waste in it, a person feels more active, lighter and full of energy.

When food enters the body, it travels a very long way.

Through the esophagus, penetrating the stomach, it passes through the small intestine and then passes into the large intestine. The length of this path will be from 8 to 12 meters. Just imagine how many toxins can accumulate in the corners of the intestines if not proper nutrition.

Why is this necessary?

Undigested food debris and waste accumulate in the body and release toxins.

Their influence contributes to disruption of work internal organs and leads to various diseases.

The large intestine, if there are toxins in it, begins to put pressure on the internal organs. This is especially noticeable in people suffering from diseases of the kidneys, liver, lungs and diaphragm.

Negligent attitude towards your own body will lead to serious illnesses, up to the development of various oncologies and the accumulation of visceral fat.

Cleansing your intestines will help you become healthier. The blood will be cleansed after toxins leave the body, and the nutrition of blood vessels and internal organs will improve. Headaches will go away and digestion will improve.

Cleansing the intestines will also affect your appearance. With regular cleansing, the skin will cleanse, become smoother and healthier, and inflammation and acne will disappear.

The mood will also change, as a feeling of lightness and freedom will come. Confidence in yourself and your abilities will appear. A lot of energy will appear.

Signs of contamination

You can determine the need for intestinal cleansing by the following signs:

  • frequent diarrhea or constipation;
  • labored breathing;
  • the appearance of skin problems;
  • frequent colds;
  • regular bloating;
  • headache;
  • radiculitis;
  • general weakness.

Nowadays, most people are trying to be more attentive to their health:

But they sometimes forget that before starting to lead such a lifestyle, it is necessary to get rid of old waste and toxins by cleansing the intestines, even at home.

Home Recipes

At home, colon cleansing can be done in various ways.
The most common:

  • cleaning with cereal porridge.

Porridge is the easiest and most painless way remove toxins from the body, thanks to their high content of fiber and plant fibers.

Any cereal is suitable for cleaning:

  • buckwheat;
  • oatmeal;
  • millet;
  • wheat;

The porridge is cooked in water without the use of salt. At the very end of cooking, you can add a little vegetable oil. To achieve results, you need to stick to this diet for about a week.

This diet will not only help you get rid of toxins, but will also allow you to lose a few pounds.

It is good to use honey to get rid of toxins.

It not only has a positive effect on the digestive system, but also helps the body produce useful biologically active substances.

With the help of honey, the intestines can not only be cleansed of toxins, but also rid of pathogenic microflora.

To carry out the cleansing procedure use water and honey solution. For a warm cup boiled water you need to take a tablespoon of honey.

The resulting drink must be taken three times a day for two months.

Good for cleansing the intestines and jelly made from prunes and buckthorn. For two liters of water, take 0.5 kilograms of prunes and 60 grams of buckthorn.

Place the berries and water in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Cook for about half an hour over low heat. Cool the resulting broth and take half a glass before bed.

The prepared broth should be stored in the refrigerator.

Vegetables rich in fiber, can also be used to cleanse the intestines. For the salad you will need white cabbage, beets, carrots, celery.

All ingredients are crushed and mixed. The resulting salad does not need to be seasoned with oil or salt. Salad is good to eat for breakfast or dinner.

The resulting drink acts as a mild laxative and removes toxins from the body.

For 250 grams of milk we take 20 ml of butter. Boil the milk and leave in a warm place for 24 hours. Then add oil to it and drink. Greatest effect can be obtained by drinking a drink before bed.

IN autumn time You can cleanse your intestines with apples. They are rich in fiber and also help remove toxins from the body.

To remove toxins, it is enough to spend one fasting day eating only apples and water.

Helps well Herb tea . To prepare it, mix:

A tablespoon of the prepared mixture is poured with boiling water and left to infuse. You need to take 65 ml of infusion three times a day before meals.

The infusion is taken in a course, after which they take a break of one and a half months and repeat.

Natural process of removing toxins

As natural remedies To cleanse the intestines, you can eat foods high in fiber. It allows you to easily remove toxins from the intestines.

For example, eat sprouted flax seeds and oats, strawberries, apples, vegetables, beans, and whole grain cereals.

Be sure to drink plenty of pure drinking water.

At least 1.5 liters per day.

Eat fermented foods: kefir, yogurt, sauerkraut, tea mushroom.

Include greens in your diet, spinach, Brussels sprouts, parsley, cilantro, arugula, lettuce, peas, mint and cumin.

Side effects and possible contraindications

It is recommended to consult a doctor before undergoing a colon cleansing procedure.

You can’t cleanse your intestines if you have heart disease or renal failure, 3 degrees hypertension or a history of a heart attack, stroke, or in the period after recent operations.

For diseases of the large intestine ( ulcerative colitis, rectal cancer, dysbiosis, hemorrhoids) you should also not cleanse the intestines.

Remember to clean only when you feel like it.

Do not force yourself under any circumstances.

Prepare your body, get ready, let your health return to normal.

If you feel good and are ready for such a procedure, only then will it benefit the body.

IN in rare cases After intestinal cleansing, dysbiosis may occur.

Preventive measures

As a preventative measure for bowel cleansing, it is necessary to pay attention to the correct and balanced diet. Consider the amount of food consumed per meal, as well as the frequency of meals.

Monitor the quality of prepared dishes. Be sure to include hot food in your diet liquid food- soups, porridges.

Try to refrain from excessive consumption of potatoes, bread, hard cheeses, mayonnaise, ketchup, caffeinated drinks, baked goods, alcohol, fatty and fried foods.

Be sure to supplement your routine light days physical activity: exercise, evening walk, yoga.
If your health allows, periodically visit the bathhouse or sauna.

Using homemade colon cleansing recipes in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle will not only help you get rid of waste and toxins in your body, but will also make you healthier, give you more energy and improve your overall well-being.

Watch the video on how to cleanse your intestines at home.

The main cause of most diseases is slagging in the body. Various harmful substances are deposited and, accumulating, provoke malaise, frequent colds, drowsiness and excessive fatigue.

To directly prevent such unpleasant phenomena You should cleanse your body regularly. Experts recommend paying attention, first of all, to the intestines. After all, it is through it that various harmful substances penetrate inside. Many people don’t really want to go to the doctor and think about how to quickly and effectively cleanse the intestines at home.

In fact, three main stages can be distinguished in cleansing the intestines: regulation with food, the use of enemas and sorbents, and the colonization of healthy flora. One or more of the following symptoms indicate the need for a colon cleanse:

  • bad strokes;
  • white coating on the tongue and bad smell from mouth;
  • violation of proper intestinal regulation (no stool for 1-2 days);
  • general lethargy, weakness, visible lack of sleep and facial fatigue;
  • problematic skin on the neck, chin, and around the mouth.

Read more about the stages and methods of colon cleansing below.

A few words about the dangers of toxins

Before you begin cleaning, you should understand the nature of the problem.

A very clogged intestine can contain up to 25 kilograms of slag stones. Such formations gradually decompose, releasing decay products called toxins, which subsequently enter the blood. In turn, the blood carries all substances throughout the body. Once in tissues and organs, toxins provoke the occurrence of dangerous diseases.

In addition, growths form in the contaminated intestines, lumps of mucus and mold appear. For this reason, any person who wishes to keep own health and prolong youth, you need to know how to properly cleanse the intestines and follow the right techniques.

This article describes effective ways, thanks to which you can not only cleanse your intestines without leaving your home, but also lose weight. During brushing, you need to take care of your teeth and the entire oral cavity, avoiding the entry of unnecessary bacteria, fungi, and infections through unwashed food.

General rules for direct colon cleansing at home

  1. Balanced diet. The diet must include fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs. Honey is also very useful.
  2. Limiting the consumption of fatty, flour and sweet foods.
  3. You should eat fish and lean meat at least once a week.
  4. Eating should be done in moderation. To practice fractional meals 5-6 times a day in small portions.
  5. Drink plain clean water daily (at least two liters). Therapeutic effect melt water has. Mineral and sparkling water can only be consumed as a supplement to the two liters mentioned above, but not as a replacement for them.
  6. Do not perform procedures if you are temporarily or permanently unwell. These include pain during menstruation, dental pain, etc., so as not to aggravate the situation.

Every more or less serious cleansing of the body should begin with the large intestine. It would not be superfluous to use an enema or monitor bowel cleansing procedure.

Proper functioning of the intestines can be achieved with the help of oat infusion. To prepare such a product, you need to pour ground oats with water and leave for three to four hours.

A mixture of carrots and spinach is a good cleaning product: you need to consume a mixture of 300 grams per day carrot juice and 200 grams of spinach.

The best way to solve problems with constipation is to eat foods containing protein, as well as yogurt and kefir.
Video: colon cleansing

Products, products and preparations for colon cleansing

What do you eat during a colon cleanse?

  • Broccoli
  • Beetroot
  • Spinach
  • Apples (green and red)
  • Berries (blueberries, gooseberries, lingonberries, strawberries and raspberries)
  • Avocado
  • Flax seeds
  • Celery seeds
  • Grapefruit
  • Legumes
  • Cress
  • Aloe vera
  • Lemon
  • Fruit juice
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Garlic
  • Green tea

What NOT to eat during a colon cleanse?

  • Oil
  • Cottage cheese
  • Meat (pork, beef, sausages, sausages, deli meats, veal, fish, canned meat)
  • Alcohol
  • Cigarettes
  • Cakes
  • Bakery
  • Cookie
  • Sugar
  • Ice cream
  • Sour cream
  • Mayonnaise
  • Steak sauce
  • Salad dressings
  • Chocolate
  • Ketchup
  • Soft drinks or energy drinks
  • Nuts

#1 Colon cleanse with apples

To improve the condition of the body, you can spend a fasting day on fresh fruit. You will need at least 2 kilograms of them. During the day you should eat only apples; herbal tea and mineral water. It is recommended to organize a similar method of intestinal cleansing once a month.

#2 Cleansing with porridge

Porridge provides an opportunity to remove all excess from the body (remains of food, fecal stones). In addition, eating this dish helps strengthen the walls of the entire gastrointestinal tract and even heals their damage. Good porridge can be prepared according to the following recipe. You need to take equal parts rice and oats, total which should be 1 glass. After washing all this, you need to cook the porridge; if necessary, you can salt it. There is no need to add oil.

Cereal porridge is a good cleanser. You need to prepare a mixture of 1 tbsp in the evening. flax seed, the same amount of bran and 3 tbsp. “hercules”, pour it warm water. In the morning, you can add honey, dried fruits, nuts to taste and eat the porridge on an empty stomach.

#3 Cleansing with decoctions

Take a tablespoon of coltsfoot and hops, add a couple of tablespoons of calendula. Brew a glass of boiling water.

#4 Cleansing with bran

This cleansing course takes quite a long time. Its duration will be one month. You need to take two tablespoons of bran three times every day before meals. Bran wash down with plain clean water. By the way, this way you can not only cleanse your intestines well, but also reduce weight.

#5 Colon hydrotherapy with saline solution

We need to prepare brine correct consistency. Place 1 tablespoon of salt per liter of water. In an hour and a half you need to drink 10-12 glasses of this solution. The liquid will have a powerful laxative effect. All harmful substances will quickly come out.

Recommended to drink saline solution until it comes out as clean as it originally was. There is a certain nuance: the water should be slightly saltier than blood. Otherwise, the desired effect will not be achieved. It is better to carry out such cleaning in the morning on an empty stomach. After completion of the procedure, a light breakfast is allowed. Porridge, vegetables or fruits will do.

#6 Vegetable peeling

Organize a fasting day on vegetables. You need to eat 2 kilograms of vegetables. Any other products are completely excluded. You can drink it with non-carbonated mineral water.

It is better on this day to eat vegetables such as carrots, cabbage, cucumbers, bell pepper. The addition of herbs and green apples is allowed. This option is also perfect for cleansing the stomach, which is closely connected with the intestines.

It would be an excellent option vegetable salad from the listed ingredients. You can salt it and season it with vegetable oil.

#7 Enema cleansing

At bad tests It turns out that the use of enemas is necessary. It's better to do them early in the morning. The liquid temperature should be 30-35 degrees.
An enema can be done using an Esmarch mug. It is commercially available; if necessary, such a device can be purchased at a pharmacy. At least 2 liters of water should be poured into the body.

Today there are different recipes enemas that you can use. But it will be quite enough to carry out the usual procedure using simple heated water.

Some people decide to undergo a whole series of procedures at once. For example, three to four water enemas are performed in one week. However, some experts do not recommend this intensity, as it leads to the leaching of beneficial bacteria from the body.

#8 Cleaning with fresh juices

Cleansing should be carried out no more than once a month. You can prepare fresh juices from peaches, apples or citrus fruits. Throughout the day you should drink at least two liters of juice (in several doses, of course). You can't eat anything. In addition to fresh water, you are allowed to drink water (mineral without gas and regular clean).

This method also helps excellently, including carrying out. Don't forget that the intestines are functionally strongly connected to your liver. Therefore, it is advisable to clean them together.

#9 Cleansing with dried fruits

You need to take 300 grams of dried apricots, figs and prunes. Grind everything and mix with aloe (100 g) and honey (100 g). The result will be a very healthy and tasty mass. You need to eat a few spoons of this mixture twice a day. The duration of the course is only 10 days. During this period, you need to drink plenty of water. The mass can be stored in the refrigerator.

#10 Cleansing with juices and kefir

On the first day of cleansing, you should do an enema on an empty stomach. Then drink only kefir until the evening. You can eat a small slice of Borodino bread. In the morning of the second day, also give an enema. After this, you need to drink various freshly squeezed juices. The third day is dedicated to separate vegetarian meals (only vegetables, fruits, juices, herbs). This treatment method can be used once a month.

#11 Cleanse with flax seeds

A tablespoon of flax seeds should be boiled in a liter of water for 20 minutes. Then cool the broth, add a couple of tablespoons of mustard oil (mix 1 tsp mustard powder thoroughly with 200 grams of olive oil). Introduce the remedy into the intestines in the evening using an Esmarch mug.

On the second day, the volume of the cleansing enema should be increased by half a liter. Third day – 2 liters. water, two tablespoons of flaxseed, the same amount of mustard oil. On the fourth day you should take a break. Then you need to repeat the three-day cleanse and again organize a break of 1 day.

#12 Cleaning with fir water

Treatment solution: pour 500 g. boiling water 2 handfuls of fir needles, let it brew for half an hour under the lid. After this, the infusion must be filtered and taken into an enema. It should be warm, not hot. The product must be kept in the body for 3 minutes.

The course of treatment lasts a week. First, you should use half a liter of infusion, on the second day - 1 liter, on the third - a break. On the fourth day - one and a half liters of infusion, then a two-day break. Seventh day – 2 liters ( maximum dose). Re-cleaning fir water is repeated every month, then you need to add a month at a time, gradually increasing the interval between cleansing to six months.

#13 Use of sorbents

Sorbents belong to medical drugs, therefore, it is wiser to take them with the doctor’s permission, increasing your fluid intake to at least half a liter per day. The course of treatment using them should not exceed 2 weeks.

The following sorbents are usually used: polysorb, silica gel, Activated carbon, enterosgel and others.

7-Day Natural Colon Cleanse Diet Plan for Complete Detoxification

Based on numerous requests from our readers, LadyWow magazine, together with a nutritionist, has created a weekly intestinal cleansing diet plan for complete detoxification. The plan is presented in the form of a table below.

Explanation of the table:

  • Drink as much clean drinking water as possible throughout the day;
  • The “Snack” column in the table means that if you get hungry between meals, you can use a snack.
  • Very important! ONLY on the first day at 7 am you need to mix 2 tablespoons of unrefined sea salt (do not use table salt) with 250 ml warm water. Drink this solution. After you drink salt water, you may feel headache, nausea and even vomiting - after all salty water removes all toxins. Because this process happens quickly, you will begin to visit the toilet more often.

Table: 7-Day Natural Colon Cleansing Diet Plan for Complete Detoxification

Day Breakfast (8.00) Lunch (13.00) Dinner (19.00) Snack (between meals)
Day N1 1 glass of freshly squeezed vegetable juice + 1 avocado + half a glass of raspberries. 1 bowl stewed vegetables+ cup pureed vegetable soup. 1 small banana + half a cup of raspberries + one apple. 1/2 cup raspberries + 1 apple
Day N2 1 glass fresh apple juice, as it flushes out all toxins, stimulates intestinal motility and improves general state digestive system + 1 plate of green salad. 1 green apple + 1 cup raspberries + 1 cup fresh carrot juice (no sugar) + 1 bowl chopped green leafy vegetables. 1/4 avocado + 1/2 cup mango (or pineapple) + 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper + 1 cup blueberries + 1/2 kiwi. 1 medium-sized cucumber (eat it raw) + 1 glass of freshly squeezed juice.
Day N3 1 cup raspberries + 1 pear + 1 cup pineapple + 1 teaspoon flax seeds. 1 bowl of fresh vegetable soup + 1/2 avocado + 1 orange + 3 celery stalks. 1 banana + 1 cup raspberries + 1 tablespoon flaxseeds + 1/2 cup steamed broccoli. 1 apple + 1/2 cup cooked green beans.
Day N4 Eat a plate of green salad made from: peas, spinach, broccoli + 1 apple + 1 cucumber + 2 carrots. 1 apple + 1 cucumber + 1 bunch of celery + 1 teaspoon ginger + 1/2 bowl of spinach. 1 glass of water + 1 cup of hot vegetable soup + 5-6 broccoli sprouts + 1 raw carrot. 1 cup raspberries + some prunes. This will help you get rid of toxins from your colon.
Day N5 We use 1/2 papaya fruit + 1/2 banana + 2 tablespoons flaxseed (ground). 1 cucumber + 1 handful of cilantro + 1 tomato + 1 medium raw beetroot. 1 cup fresh orange juice + 1 cup berries + 1/2 cup steamed brown rice (cooked). Drink a glass of water before bed. 1 banana + 1 small apple.
Day N6 Add 1 tablespoon flaxseed (finely ground) to 1 cup water. Mix thoroughly and drink. After 30 minutes, eat a fresh green apple, not a red one. Next, eat a plate of green leaf salad. Drink a glass of freshly prepared vegetable juice (any) + eat a plate of raw vegetables + 1 fruit (any) after 10 minutes. Prepare flaxseed infusion (1 tablespoon of flaxseed powder per glass of water) and drink 30 minutes before dinner. Then, after 30 minutes, eat a bowl of green salad or hot vegetable soup. 1 avocado + 1 cup raspberries.
Day N7 1/4 cup spinach + 1 banana + 1 cup blueberries + 1 tbsp. spoon of flaxseed. 1 pear + 1 cup grapes + 1 pomegranate + 1/2 beets + 1/2 carrots. Eat 1 bowl stewed cabbage+ 1/4 cup green peas + 1/2 cup broccoli + 1 cup raspberries. 1 apple + 1 cup green grapes.

Prevention of slagging for pregnant women

We need to think about proper and, most importantly, careful cleansing of the body during the period when they begin to plan a pregnancy and during its course. There are a lot different methods, right down to the most radical ones who need medical control. This article will provide information about gentle and gentle ways to cleanse the intestines at home.

To prevent slagging, pregnant women should not eat:

  • fatty foods;
  • cocoa and any of its derivatives (chocolate butter, candies, chocolate);
  • excessively salty, sour, spicy;
  • mushrooms;
  • fresh yeast products;
  • peas;
  • confectionery with a lot of buttercream.

Pregnant women can benefit from eating the following foods:

  1. vegetables (especially cucumbers and potatoes);
  2. fruits: apples, pears, etc.;
  3. berries: cherries, grapes, cherries, etc.;
  4. dairy products;
  5. lean meat, fresh fish;
  6. dried apricots, raisins, prunes;
  7. dried fruits compote.


With proper nutrition with a cleansed intestine, both pregnant and ordinary women will feel light, notice an improvement in the condition of their skin, sleep, and feel a surge of strength and vigor.

Any of the listed methods of cleaning the intestines at home has its advantages. It is wiser to give preference to a technique whose use will bring the least discomfort. If you clean the intestines regularly, then all processes will be normalized, wellness and an attractive appearance is guaranteed.

Today we will look at several effective folk ways colon cleansing at home and tell you how to effectively remove toxins from the body without an enema.

Colon cleansing with salt water

Complete colon cleansing with salt water (or method of Indian yogis Shank Prokshalana) is one of the most famous and effective ways to get rid of toxins and other harmful deposits (such as feces) at home. This method will help to quickly cleanse the intestines, since this will require only 2-3 procedures, which are carried out no more than 2 times a year.

The body is cleansed only with boiled and filtered water at room temperature and salt. Usually simple table rock salt is used, but you can also buy a saline laxative at the pharmacy. Salt interferes with the absorption and removal of water during urination.

To carry out the procedure, we will need about 2-3 liters of water and 2-3 tablespoons of salt, respectively. You can also add lemon juice to the water, which has excellent cleansing properties.

Shank Prokshalana procedure lasts from one to three hours and is carried out in the morning on an empty stomach. Also, the day of cleaning should be completely free.

Salt water cleansing method:

  1. Drink 200 grams of water and do a special series of exercises.
  2. Drink another 200 grams of water and repeat the following exercises. Thus, you drink about 5 - 6 glasses of water until the colon is emptied.
  3. After emptying, you need to wash with warm water and lubricate the anus with cream or special oil.
  4. Next, you drink 200 grams of water and do exercises each time. If the desire to have a bowel movement does not arise, then continue to drink water.
  5. By the color of the water and its appearance during emptying, you will see that the procedure must be completed. The liquid in the emptying should be clear. It is not recommended to drink more than 3 liters of water in one process.
  6. At the end, you drink 2-3 glasses of warm water and induce vomiting in order to stop the cleansing process and “turn off” the sphincter.
  7. The first meal should be no earlier than 30–60 minutes later.

Also very effective cleansing soda and salt: 1/2 teaspoon of soda must be dissolved in 200–250 ml. water. Take 2 times a day before meals.

Colon cleansing with honey, water and juices

1 way. Honey and water cleanse the intestines in the presence of a disease such as colitis. For this we take 200 grams cold water and dissolve 1 tablespoon of honey in it and drink before eating. We carry out the procedure 3 times a day before meals. The duration of cleansing is from 1.5 to 2 months.

Word colitis came from two Greek words: "itis"- inflammatory process, "kolon"- colon. This is a disease of the colon that appears as a result of inflammation of the mucous membrane.

Method 2. Weekly apple cider vinegar cleanse.

  1. Add 2 tbsp to a glass of water. apple cider vinegar and drink it in the morning on an empty stomach.
  2. We make the same drink and drink it before meals in the morning and evening.
  3. Break!
  4. Add 3 tbsp to a glass of water. vinegar and drink before meals 3 times a day.
  5. Add 2 tbsp to a glass of water. vinegar and drink before meals in the morning and evening.
  6. Add 2 tbsp to a glass of water. vinegar and drink before meals in the morning on an empty stomach.

Flaxseed with kefir for colon cleansing

Recommended by nutritionists, as it will help within 3 weeks completely cleanse the intestines from various deposits. Flax flour (seeds ground in a coffee grinder) helps removes harmful toxins (waste) from the colon and reduces cholesterol levels in the body.

Mode of application:

  • In the first 7 days take 1 dessert spoon flaxseed flour with 100 gr. kefir
  • In the second 7 days - 2 dessert spoons of flour with 100 gr. kefir
  • In the third week - 3 dessert spoons of flour with 150 gr. kefir

This mixture should be taken instead of breakfast. During the period of cleansing the body, you need to drink a lot of water.

You can also make various salads with flax seeds, vegetable dishes, sauces and even baked goods to make the colon cleansing period more effective.

Colon cleansing with vegetables, fruits, herbs

Method 1. For 1 liter of melt water, take 2 cups of dry prunes. We insist for about 12 hours. Then we squeeze out the swollen prune fruits and get a medicinal cleansing infusion, which must be taken daily, 200-250 grams in the morning before meals.

Method 2. One of super recipes is cleansing salad "Metelka", which how a brush removes all harmful substances from the intestines.

For the salad you need to take:

  • 250 grams of shredded cabbage;
  • One carrot;
  • One small beet;
  • One sour apple;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of unrefined olive oil;
  • 1 teaspoon honey;
  • 1-2 sprigs of dill and parsley.

All vegetables and fruits must be grated, finely chop the greens and combine it all in one salad. Stir, add honey, lemon juice and oil.

Method 3. You need to take 30 grams of garlic, chop it and take it between meals 3 times a day with a glass of any freshly squeezed vegetable juice. Gradually, the dose of garlic is increased to 120 grams per day.

Method 4. Herbs They also perfectly cleanse the intestines. Cleansing tea made from immortelle, birch buds, St. John's wort, and chamomile will help you get rid of toxins. To prepare the infusion, you need to take 100 grams of all the herbs and mix them. Then 1 tbsp. spoon herbal collection pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and let it brew for about 30-40 minutes. Take 200–250 milliliters of infusion at night with 1 teaspoon of honey dissolved in it. The second part in the morning needs to be warmed up a little, add honey and also drink on an empty stomach. The cleansing course continues until the end of the entire herbal collection.

Method 5. There are 3 ways to cleanse the intestines using pumpkin.

  1. To cleanse the intestines, take pumpkin seeds, crush them and pour boiled water (about 60°C) into a glass. Leave for 7 days in a cool place. The infusion is consumed 1 tbsp. spoon before eating. The procedure lasts about 1 month.
  2. You need to remove the seeds from the pumpkin and make a container into which you need to pour honey. Leave the pumpkin with honey in a warm place for 9 - 10 days. Next, take 1 tbsp of pumpkin pulp soaked in honey. spoon for 3 weeks on an empty stomach.
  3. Freshly squeezed pumpkin juice (1 glass) is drunk on an empty stomach before meals. You can also eat 0.5 kg of raw pulp instead of juice.

Method 6. Rosehip (holosas syrup), senna and white raisins will help cleanse the intestines quickly and effectively.

Infusion ingredients:

  • Separately pour 250 grams of white raisins and 200 grams of senna into 2 liters of boiling water.
  • Let it sit for 1 hour.
  • Mix with 300 grams of holosas syrup.
  • The infusion is stored in the refrigerator.
  • Take 60–100 grams before bedtime.

The cleansing process must begin with small doses so that the body gets used to such a diet. It is better to take the infusion after 10 pm. The cleansing course lasts about 2 weeks (but not less than 10 days). It is recommended to carry out 2 times a year. Also, at this time, a gentle diet will not hurt, which will prevent the intestines from becoming even more clogged.

Castor oil is a fatty and pungent-smelling substance that the body is unable to absorb. pure form, therefore, colon cleansing is carried out using freshly squeezed lemon juice, which allows not only to break down the fats contained in castor oil, but also to suppress the gag reflex.

This cleansing procedure must be carried out before bedtime!!!

Also, for the full effect, before taking the drug, you must stop eating 4 to 5 hours so that the stomach can digest all the food and empty.

For the cleansing procedure, the dose is calculated castor oil: 1 gram per 1 kg of body weight. If the calculations are incorrect, you may not achieve the desired result.

If the dose of castor oil is underestimated, the intestines will not be able to completely cleanse themselves, and if it is too high, severe headaches, nausea and diarrhea may occur.

After taking castor oil, you should immediately wash it down with natural lemon juice (about 100–150 milliliters) with a small amount Sahara. You can also eat some raisins. The course lasts only 1-2 days no more, since if it is exceeded beneficial features castor oil can be harmful to the body and lead to a deficiency of vitamins and useful substances, which will be removed along with the waste.

This cleansing is contraindicated for pregnant women, people suffering from abdominal pain of unknown etymology, chronic obstruction intestines, with diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Colon cleansing with eucalyptus

To prepare the decoction you need:

  • Take 30 grams of eucalyptus leaves and pour 1 liter of water over them.
  • Bring to a boil and cook the mixture over low heat for 10 - 15 minutes.
  • Close the lid and leave until morning.

Also, for cleaning you will need 2-3 kilograms of fresh lemons, Eucalyptus oil, sea salt, juicer and Esmarch mug.

Before going to bed, drink about 150 grams of lemon juice.

1 day. In the morning we do a cleansing enema (2 liters of warm water), and then administer 1 liter of eucalyptus decoction (40 - 42 °C) with 5 drops of eucalyptus oil rectally. After emptying, repeat, and then administer 150 ml with a syringe. lemon juice.

Day 2 We repeat a similar procedure, only add 1 tbsp to the eucalyptus oil. spoon of sea salt. At night we drink 150 grams of lemon juice (do not administer it rectally in the morning).

Day 3 The procedure is repeated (add 10 drops of oil). Lemon juice enter rectally.

Day 4 The procedure is repeated (add 15 drops of oil). At night we drink 150 grams of lemon juice.

So we repeat alternating procedures for 8 days, adding 5 drops of oil every day, reaching no more than 30 drops.

Colon cleansing with celandine

Fresh shedding and stems of celandine are necessary grind in a mortar and pour hot water in proportions 1: 10. Cool and use as enemas.

Before administering the celandine infusion, it is necessary to do a regular cleansing water enema 2-3 hours before. If possible, withstand medicinal solution in the colon for 1-2 hours and have a bowel movement.

The procedures are performed once a day for several days. In more complex cases, it can last 10-20 days.

The health of the digestive system largely determines the state of the immune system and the overall well-being of a person. Improper and unbalanced nutrition leads to the fact that undigested food particles can linger in the bends of the intestine, between the folds and villi of the mucous membrane. This leads to their rotting, poisoning of the body with toxins and accumulation of toxins.


The mildest option for cleansing the intestines is to use foods that have a mild laxative and disinfectant effect. As a rule, these are dishes and mixtures plant origin, rich in fiber:

  1. Bran is the most popular product in this category. A course of cleansing with their help is carried out no more than once a year, using 1-2 tbsp. l. grind three times a day a quarter of an hour before meals and wash down with water. It swells as it passes through the digestive tract and cleanses its mucous membranes like a sponge. For prevention, bran can be taken daily in an amount not exceeding 2 tbsp. l. per day.
  2. Apples help produce quick cleansing intestines and detoxification of the body. During the day, you should consume 2 kg of the product, dividing it into 5-6 doses. No other solid food or coffee is consumed during this day; you must limit yourself to water or green tea. The procedure can be repeated once a month.
  3. Another option for quick cleaning is possible using kefir or “live” yogurt without additives; they also have a mild laxative effect. Fasting days can be carried out 1-2 times a week or 1 time a month, drinking only fresh fermented milk drink throughout the day.
  4. A fruit mixture for cleansing the intestines consists of dried apricots, raisins and figs, taken in equal parts (250 g each), as well as senna leaves soaked for 2.5 hours in boiling water and squeezed out. The ingredients must be crushed using a meat grinder, mixed and taken 1 tbsp. l. composition during the week in the afternoon.
  5. Oat decoction is taken 100 ml 4-5 times a day for 7 days. To prepare it, the cereal is stewed in the amount of 200 g per 2 liters of water for 40 minutes.
  6. A simple diet consisting of: daily use porridge with vegetable oil and without salt for breakfast and dinner for 7 days, significantly improves peristalsis and allows you to free the intestines from toxins. Rice, millet, buckwheat and oatmeal cereals are suitable for the procedure.
  7. Regularly eating a salad of beets, celery, cabbage and carrots without salt and oil in the morning helps keep the intestines in good shape. For better absorption, vegetables must be finely chopped or processed using a grater. To give good taste and if the acidity of the gastric secretion is low, it is recommended to add sauerkraut juice.
  8. Fruits and vegetables rich in pectin are extremely beneficial for cleansing the body. These include cabbage, beets, strawberries, gooseberries, grapes and peaches. Pectin is a sorbent natural origin, forming a gel inside the digestive tract that can effectively collect and remove toxins.

Water for purification

Using drinking water to cleanse the intestines is the most cost-effective, simple and in a safe way impact. A glass of hot water on an empty stomach in the morning helps digestive system“tune in” to work in the best possible way (the temperature of the liquid should be comfortable).

The method of cleansing the intestines with salt water is also popular, since it is not absorbed into the blood; on the contrary, it takes away liquid, freeing the mucous membrane from toxins. To prepare the drink, use sea salt, dissolving 1 tsp. for 1 liter of water. It is taken on an empty stomach after waking up in the amount of 2 glasses, then one glass as it passes through the sections of the digestive tract.

In total, you need to drink about 10 (no more than 12) glasses of liquid in an hour and a half. During the procedure, the intestines are cleansed, and by the end of the procedure, a clear solution begins to come out of it when emptying. At the end of detoxification, you need to drink clean water to quench your thirst, and it is also useful to have breakfast with oatmeal and fruit.

Recipe for colon cleansing using the yoga method

Water – 1.5 l
Salt – 1 tbsp. l.
Lemon – 1 pc.

Prepare a solution of water and salt, adding freshly squeezed lemon juice. Drink 1 glass of liquid in the morning on an empty stomach, then perform physical gymnastics for 2-3 minutes, including turning the torso, rotating the pelvis, bending the body forward, left and right, walking with high knees. Repeat the procedure every 10 minutes, in total it will take about 5 times until the first urge to have a bowel movement. You should not lie down while performing all stages of detoxification.

Natural juices

Fruit and vegetable juices are useful for cleansing the intestines once every 30 days. It is permissible to choose a type of product according to your taste, taking into account the presence of allergies or increased acidity gastric juice. You are also allowed to mix liquids in your favorite combinations. To enhance the effect, you can give preference to juices with a laxative effect: plum or beetroot.

It is important that the drink is fresh and completely natural, and does not contain preservatives or coloring additives, taste or smell enhancers. To carry out the detox procedure, drink 2 liters of juice in 5-6 doses throughout the day. No solid food is consumed on this day; you can quench your thirst with a small amount of clean water.

Medicinal herbs

Colon cleansing effect medicinal herbs based on their mild laxative and disinfecting effect. Any herbal collection or the drug has a complex effect on the body, so the choice of its type and method of administration must be made with the help of a specialist.

A universal recipe for preparing a cleanser includes:

  • 4 parts of any plant material with choleretic effect(immortelle, wormwood, dandelion roots);
  • 3 parts laxative herbs (senna, joster, rhubarb roots);
  • 2 parts of plants that help dissolve mucus (plantain, fennel, elderberry);
  • 1 part herbs with a calming effect (chamomile, mint, motherwort).

The plant material is thoroughly mixed and brewed with 1.5 tbsp of boiling water. l. collection The drink must be wrapped or placed in a thermos to infuse for 60 minutes, then strain and take shortly before bed in small sips for 14 days.

The course can be carried out once a year; preventive administration of the infusion is acceptable no more than once a week. To enhance the effect, you can drink 100 g of fresh kefir in the morning on an empty stomach.

Recipe for laxative from plantain seeds

Infuse 15 g of seeds in a glass of boiling water for an hour, drink the cooled drink before going to bed.

Recipe for infusion of flax seeds

Pour a glass of boiling water over 1 dessert spoon of flax seeds, let the drink brew and cool, then strain. You need to take 100 g of liquid in the morning and evening.

Calendula officinalis infusion recipe

Brew 200 g of boiling water 1 tbsp. l. crushed calendula flowers, take the drink chilled, half a glass twice a day between meals.

Alder cone potion recipe

Alder cones in the amount of 6 tsp. add 300 g of boiling water, leave, take the drink cooled, 100 g three times a day. If you expose water to vegetable raw materials boil for 15 minutes, the resulting decoction should be consumed 1 tbsp. l. 2-3 times a day.

Chamomile infusion recipe

Place chamomile in the amount of 2 tbsp. l. in 200 g of boiling water, leave, then strain. Drink the drink in equal parts after meals.

Recipe for infusion of centaury

Infuse 1 tbsp in a glass of boiling water. l. medicinal raw materials for half an hour, strain. Use the product 2 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.


You can get reliable results by using ready-made pharmaceuticals:

  1. Activated carbon is the most well-known product in this category. To complete the cleansing procedure, it is recommended to take 3-5 tablets every day for a week.
  2. Polysorb is a modern, safe sorbent available without a prescription. It is taken for 1-2 weeks 1 hour before meals (or 1 hour after it) three times a day as a suspension, dissolving required amount powder in 50-100 ml of water. The recommended dose of the drug depends on body weight and is calculated according to the instructions; there are no age restrictions.
  3. Polyphepan should be consumed for 7-10 days, observing a vegetarian diet during this time. The drug not only cleanses the intestines efficiently, it also frees the body of salts heavy metals, other toxic compounds and cholesterol.
  4. Enterosgel is a new generation medicine that can effectively collect waste and toxins. Passing through the digestive tract, it does not enter the bloodstream and does not deprive the body of beneficial nutrients. Its working time is about 6-7 hours, after which it is completely eliminated naturally.

Warning: Before taking ready-made industrially produced sorbents, you must carefully read the instructions and ensure their strict compliance during the intestinal cleansing procedure.


Detoxification using special laxatives requires prior consultation with a specialist. Self-administration of drugs of this kind is unacceptable, since each of them has certain contraindications and can cause disruption of the digestion and absorption process nutrients, leaching of beneficial microflora and dehydration. After using the chosen medicine, you should abstain from food until the intestines are cleansed.

Senna leaf laxative recipe

Senna plant material has a powerful laxative effect and cleanses well colon. To prepare the infusion, you need to take 1 tbsp. l. herbs in a glass of water, cook it for 5 minutes, and then leave covered for a quarter of an hour. Take a third of a glass 2 hours before going to bed for a course of no more than 7 days.

Recipe for using castor oil to cleanse the intestines

The dose of castor oil as a laxative is calculated based on weight: approximately 1 g of product is required per 1 kg. However, it is necessary to accurately determine this indicator experimentally, paying attention to the body’s reaction and your feelings. For detoxification small intestine it is necessary to consume 10-30 g of the product, dissolved in 70 g of water, for 20 days.

Recipe for using magnesium sulfate to cleanse all parts of the intestines

Epsom salt is taken at the rate of 60 g per 70 kg of weight, dissolving it in a glass of water. It has a prolonged effect, which is important to take into account when planning activities for the day of your appointment. To detoxify the small intestine, use weak doses of the drug, drinking 1 tsp in the morning on an empty stomach. divorced in warm water magnesia. The cleansing course takes 20 days and is carried out once every six months.


Reception baking soda improves intestinal motility and digestion of foods, reduces gas formation, and eliminates constipation. It is drunk on an empty stomach in the morning, adding 1 tsp. in 50 ml of slightly warmed water and stir until completely dissolved.

Before using soda, you should consult a specialist, since for people suffering from diseases of the stomach, kidneys, liver and heart it regular use may turn out to be dangerous.

Cleansing enemas

Using an enema seems to be one of the simplest and most effective methods for cleansing the intestines, but in practice it should not be used without a doctor's prescription. It is fraught with mechanical damage mucous membrane and even puncture of the rectum. The leaching of mineral salts and electrolytes that occurs as a result of the procedure causes dehydration and may have serious consequences for people with heart failure and kidney disease.

Warning: Regular enema procedures wash away the natural intestinal microflora, leading to the death of the human-friendly population and stool disturbances.

To cleanse the intestines, prepare enemas with clean boiled water at a temperature of 30-35°C with a volume of at least 2 liters, to which you can add natural Apple vinegar or Fresh Juice lemon. The solution is prepared at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. 4-6% vinegar per 1 liter of water.

Herbal infusions also have a pronounced cleansing and disinfecting effect. Particularly effective is a crushed mixture of calendula, celandine, oregano, sage, yarrow, chamomile, seeds of fragrant dill and plantain, as well as birch and eucalyptus leaves, taken in equal parts. To prepare the enema liquid, add 2 tbsp of boiling water. l. vegetable raw materials and leave it for 30 minutes.

Procedures are carried out no more than once every 7-10 days. If possible, they should be replaced with effective and safe options cleansing intestinal sections digestive tract, not associated with open intervention in internal environment rectum.

Video: A doctor’s opinion on bowel cleansing and using an enema at home in the program “About the Most Important Thing”

General rules for colon cleansing

Colon cleansing serves as the first step in a comprehensive detoxification program for the body. In general, contraindications to its implementation are:

When performing procedures, you must adhere to the principles healthy eating, limit the consumption of refined foods, bread, processed meats, and dairy foods. It is necessary to ensure that the fresh pure water entered the body in sufficient quantities. It is also important to take care whether detox activities are overloading excretory systems bodies.

The day before the start of cleansing, it is recommended to follow a diet rich in vegetables and fruits; you can fast on juices or water, provided that it is sufficiently tolerated. It is also useful to visit a bathhouse or sauna so that the body warms up well.

Video: Rules for keeping the intestines clean: the program “Live Healthy!” with Elena Malysheva