Powder sorbents. Apsorbin. The most effective sorbent preparations

Sorbents are materials used to absorb liquids and gases, representing the most effective method capture of a chemical substance which, in otherwise, difficult to assemble. In the context of occupational health and safety, the use of sorbents is a method of absorbing harmful or potentially hazardous chemicals released into the work environment due to an accident or as a by-product.

IN clinical medicine sorbents are widely used in various forms, in direct contact with body fluids. Adsorbent and absorbent are two words that are similar to each other, and refer to actions that have almost the same appearance. But these sorbents work differently.

Sometimes confusion arises - adsorbent or absorbent. The operating principle of the two categories of sorbents is like the difference between a magnet and straw. Adsorption is a surface process. Adsorbents work by selective molecular attraction - only some molecules are attracted to the surface of the material (an adsorbate film is created on the surface).

Adsorbents are substances that are usually porous in nature with a high surface area that can adsorb substances using intermolecular forces.

In industrial applications, specialized adsorbents are used to clean up toxic spills (other than oil) in a variety of refining processes where they are used to separate specific components of a chemical stream.

The main types of adsorbents used are: activated alumina, silica gel, activated carbon, molecular sieve carbon, molecular sieve zeolites and polymer adsorbents. Most adsorbents are produced (eg activated carbons), but some zeolites are found naturally. Each adsorbent has its own characteristics, such as porosity, pore structure and the nature of its adsorbing surfaces.

An absorbent is a material that is capable of absorbing (absorbing) liquid or gas and containing them inside. Absorbents usually have a large number of small pores

Most so-called "universal" sorption products are absorbents that rely on capillarity to draw any liquids into their structure. All-purpose absorbents are often mixed with various cellulosic products such as wood pulp, corn or paper scraps, but can be made from polypropylene or other inorganic substances.


Adsorbents and absorbents can be natural organic, natural inorganic and synthetic. Natural organic sorbents include peat moss, sawdust, feathers and anything else natural that contains carbon. Natural inorganic sorbents include substances such as clay, sand, or even volcanic ash. Synthetic sorbents are man-made and include substances such as polyethylene and nylon.

  • adsorbents and absorbents as products of mineral origin;
  • adsorbents and absorbents as products of animal or plant origin;
  • adsorbents and absorbents such as synthetic products and organic polymers.

Sorbents for cleansing the body and indications for use

In clinical medicine, adsorbents and absorbents are widely used in various forms, in direct contact with body fluids, adsorbents and absorbents are effective in cases of poisoning.

For example, activated carbon, a natural carbon-based sorbent, is used in centers emergency assistance worldwide, is considered the most popular remedy for treating poisoning and drug overdose, in addition to reducing bloating and gas, lowering cholesterol, bile problems during pregnancy and even preventing hangovers. Research shows that activated charcoal, through an adsorption process, works better than colonic lavage in some situations.

The porous surface of the sorbent has a negative electric charge, which causes association with positively charged toxins and gases.

Contraindications and who should abstain

Adsorbents and absorbents can be harmful materials for some diseases. Adsorbents and absorbents are contraindicated in patients at risk bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, gastric perforation caused by pathology or medical diseases; prohibited when intestinal obstruction, atony of the intestinal walls, lack of peristalsis. You should refrain from taking adsorbents and absorbents if you have an individual intolerance to the components in their composition.

Preparations with aluminum and magnesium

Antacids (an antacid is an acid-neutralizing agent), like adsorbents, are used to treat symptoms of increased acidity in the stomach (indigestion, heartburn, acid indigestion). Aluminum and magnesium antacids, like adsorbents, work quickly to reduce acidity; Liquid antacids are considered more effective than tablets or capsules. The drugs affect only existing acidity, but do not prevent acid production. The medicine can be taken alone or with other medicines that reduce acidity (for example, H2 blockers such as cimetidine/ranitidine and proton pump inhibitors such as omeprazole).

Aluminum salts slowly dissolve in the stomach, gradually reducing the symptoms of heartburn; but they can cause constipation. Magnesium salts work quickly to neutralize the acid, but are known to cause diarrhea.

Because the effects of aluminum and magnesium can cancel each other out, their combined use is often considered good remedy for indigestion.

Aluminum hydroxide and aluminum phosphate adjuvants are usually prepared by aqueous solutions aluminum salts, usually in the form of sulfates or chlorides, under alkaline conditions in a well-defined and controlled chemical environment. Various soluble aluminum salts can be used to obtain aluminum hydroxide, but experimental conditions (temperature, concentration, and even the rate of addition of reagents) greatly influence the results. Anions present during preparation can coprecipitate and change the characteristics compared to those of “pure” aluminum hydroxide. Phosphalugel, an aluminum phosphate gel, can be considered an example of such a preparation in which soluble aluminum salts are precipitated in the presence of a sufficient amount of phosphate ions.

You should take the drug depending on the characteristics of the disease, following the instructions on the product packaging or as directed by your doctor. Aluminum may react with other medications, including digoxin, iron, tetracycline antibiotics, pazopanib, and quinolones (like ciprofloxacin), so it's a good idea to discuss this with your pharmacist or doctor ahead of time to help prevent problems.


An effective drug containing aluminum hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide and simethicone, it can generally be used to prevent and treat ulcers, gastroesophageal reflux (a condition associated with heartburn and regurgitation of stomach acid), or to relieve symptoms of heartburn and indigestion. The effect of the suspension can be felt within a few minutes.

Gastal, which belongs to adsorbents and antacids (in the form of lozenges), can be used for gastrointestinal diseases, vomiting, dyspepsia, dizziness, hiccups, gastroesophageal reflux. In any case, treatment with antacids is only warranted for minor symptoms.

Classic antacids - such as aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate, calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate - are absorbed only to a limited extent. No toxic effects from aluminum have been described. But since chronic consumption of small amounts of aluminum is considered problematic, drugs called magaldrate, algeldrate, almasilate, hydrotalcite and sucralfate, of which only traces of aluminum (at most) are believed to be absorbed, or preparations of calcium carbonate plus magnesium carbonate or hydroxide, without aluminum content, are of greater therapeutic interest.

Polysorb - a new direction in cleansing the body

Enterosorbent based on colloidal silicon dioxide has an absorption capacity of 300 mg/g when administered orally. Powder (for preparation of suspension) with an adsorption mechanism of action or capsule has a wide range of applications:

  • adsorbent – ​​for conditions of various origins associated with intoxication, when the stomach hurts;
  • adsorbent – ​​for acute intestinal infections(for the treatment of diarrheal syndrome, Polysorb can be prescribed to both adults and children (the dosage is calculated based on the child’s age), as well as to patients with impaired renal and liver function, pregnant and lactating women); intestinal flu;
  • adsorbent for allergies (allergic reaction to food products and medications);
  • adsorbent – ​​for hyperbilirubinemia and hyperazotemia;
  • adsorbent for prevention under unfavorable environmental conditions and hazardous industries (including acute poisoning toxic substances).

Silicon oxides can be called silicates; the most common type is SiO2. It can be found naturally in crystalline form (such as quartz sand) and is the most common component of the earth's crust; silicates are present in water, animals and plants and are consumed as part of natural diet person. Amorphous silica, on the other hand, is manufactured industrially in the most different forms, including silica gels, precipitated silica, colloidal silica. What does colloidal mean? A colloid is a stable dispersion of particles that are small enough that gravity does not cause them to settle, but large enough that they do not pass through the membrane and do not allow other molecules and ions to pass freely. The particle size ranges from 1 to 100 nm.

In the pharmaceutical industry, the substance (also known as colloidal silica) has many uses in tabletting: anti-caking agent, adsorbent, glidant.

Cleansing the body with activated carbon

Due to its enormous adsorption capacity, activated carbon is the most widely used sorbent in conventional hemoperfusion systems.

Activated carbon is an adsorbent and powerful natural cleaning, used to trap toxins and chemicals in millions of tiny pores, allowing them to be flushed out and not absorbed by the body.

In order to effectively cleanse the body, it is important to choose the best activated charcoal made from natural sources, for example from coconut shells.


An effective enterosorbent binds to toxins or pathogens in the intestinal lumen, allowing them to pass naturally through the stool. If enterosorbent were not used, these particles would remain free molecules, with the ability to cross the intestinal wall and penetrate the bloodstream and body tissues. Some enterosorbents are based on carbon (the most famous is activated carbon), others are based on silicon dioxide (Polysorb, Enterosgel). All sorbents have a porous structure, so they act like microscopic sponges. Based on the molecular structure of the sorbents, each enterosorbent will function to absorb particles of different molecular weights.

  1. Enterosgel is a hydrophobic sorbent, the effect of which is due to dispersion forces.
  2. The sorbent will not absorb minerals, since the pore size of its organosilicone matrix ensures exclusively the absorption of medium-sized molecules, in other words, such substances include most of the toxins that damage the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

If normal microbial flora has a high affinity for enterocyte receptors, then pathogenic flora does not have such characteristics. To attach to the surface of the mucosa, it uses other binding methods. Due to electrostatic interaction with the surface of Enterosgel, the destruction of pathogens occurs even before contact with the surface of the mucosa, and the components of bacteria bind to the sorbent. Whereas sorbent particles do not interact with the surface of the mucosa due to its hydrophobic properties.


Due to its hydrophobic properties, the adsorbent is located in the intestinal lumen and is not absorbed by the blood. Decomposition products (ethanol) that are present in the blood are secreted in the intestinal lumen (due to the mechanisms of enteroendogenous recycling of substances). Inside the intestinal lumen, the adsorbent acts as a scavenger and can activate the uptake of these substances, preventing their absorption by the body and thereby reducing the ethanol content in the blood.

  1. The sorbent has a positive effect in the treatment viral hepatitis: hydrophobic sorbent removes hepatitis viruses from the body that enter the gastrointestinal tract; reduces the toxic and metabolic load on the liver.
  2. The adsorbent does not recognize the allergen for everyone individual patient, but the main effect (in the treatment of allergies) of this enterosorbent is due to the regeneration of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, as a result it is restored immune defense, the secretory content of immunoglobulin A is normalized, endotoxic aggression is reduced.
  3. The adsorbent is used in the treatment of patients with hypercholesterolemia.
  4. An adsorbent is administered at any stage of the disease with giardiasis (it cannot remove helmites from the body, but together with helminthicidal drugs it has a significant effect on treatment, given that the enterosorbent reduces the symptoms of intoxication).
  5. The use of an adsorbent helps reduce systemic intoxication, which increases when a person can be poisoned by alcohol.

How to use?

The dosage of the adsorbent depends on various factors:

  • age group (adsorbent can be prescribed to children from birth);
  • degree of poisoning;
  • severity of condition;
  • underlying disease.

On average, the duration of treatment with sorbent is 21 days. The minimum duration of sorbent treatment is from 10 to 15 days; it is during this period that the gastrointestinal mucosa is regenerated to a predominant extent.

The sorbent can be used together with antibacterial drugs(with any antibiotics), keeping to a two-hour interval.

It is undesirable to use enterosorbent with long-release antibiotics, which include sorption material as a carrier. Otherwise, competition between sorbents may occur.


An effective and widely used detoxifying sorbent (absorbent) is polyphepane, produced from native lingin. A class of complex organic polymers, lingin forms important structural materials in the tissues of vascular plants and some algae. Lingins are especially important in formations cell walls(especially in wood and bark), as they impart rigidity and prevent easy rotting. Lingin hydrolysis adsorbs toxins and different types microorganisms and removes them. This definition includes:

  • bacteria, viruses, fungi, toxic products of their vital activity;
  • a range of metabolites, neurotransmitters and endotoxins;
  • allergens;
  • fats;
  • radioactive nucleotides, salts of heavy metals.

Indications for use

Cleaning with an absorbent takes place by removing toxic metals from the gastrointestinal tract, which leads to their subsequent removal through feces. Reduces absorbent recirculation elevated levels histamine, IgA, alcohol and urea.

  • Polyphepan sorbent is indicated for food poisoning;
  • as an absorbent for intestinal infections;
  • absorbent for diarrhea syndrome;
  • absorbent for vaginal discbacteriosis;
  • absorbent for diseases chronic type which are accompanied by intoxication;
  • absorbent at allergic reactions;
  • absorbent in complex therapy.

How to use?

Polyphepane is offered in several forms (powder, paste for suspension, granules). The drug is administered into the body orally, by enema, gastronasal tube, or in the form of vaginal tampons. The absorbent dose is calculated in accordance with the instructions depending on age category. The absorbent solution is made with purified water.

Average single dose of absorbent:

  • adult – 5-7 g;
  • baby after one year – 3-4 g – safe absorbent for children;
  • infant up to one year - 1-1.5 years.

Absorbent treatment lasts from three to seven days, with chronic diseases– up to two weeks; the course of taking the sorbent can be repeated if necessary.

Sorbents for allergies

Enterosorbents are applicable for various medical conditions, including allergies. The use of sorbents in pathologies of various etiologies is based on the important role of the gastrointestinal tract in the development various diseases. Sorbents are not able to colonize the intestines with normal microbial flora, but due to their effect on the intestinal mucosa they provide favorable conditions for its growth and development.

Sorbents are especially indicative for atopic dermatitis. Enterosorbent containing pectin, inulin and fennel extract, as part of complex therapy for the treatment of blood pressure, helps alleviate an allergic episode.

For children

There is no concept of a children's sorbent; almost all enterosorbents presented on pharmaceutical market, represent a product safe for children. The main thing when prescribing a sorbent is to follow the dosage instructions.

Pregnant and lactating

High-quality and safe enterosorbents, such as Enterosgel, Polysorb, Polyphepan, each of which is a universal drug, are officially approved for pregnant and lactating women with certain intestinal conditions, including diarrhea and constipation. For pregnant women, enterosorbent can help cope with nausea.

Principles and rules for cleansing the body using sorbents

Every day our body is poisoned by one or another toxin (car exhaust fumes, heavy metals, food additives and cleaning chemicals). Absorbents for body cleansing help rid the body of almost all unwanted toxins, including mold mitotoxins and others. harmful gases. Sorbents are effective in blood purification to directly remove various circulating toxin materials and metabolites. Cleansing the body with sorbents is not difficult; just follow a few steps:

  1. Take the sorbent once a day in the amount of one teaspoon, preferably empty stomach one hour before meals (or two hours after meals).
  2. Over the course of several days, the dosage of the sorbent is gradually increased, from one teaspoon to two teaspoons, taking the sorbent in the morning and evening, or a tablespoon per day.
  3. It is important, when cleansing the body with the help of a sorbent, to drink a lot of water throughout the day.

White carbon - an analogue of activated carbon (absorbent)

Enterosorbent white coal is an innovative medicine, a sorbent based on silicon dioxide provides rapid therapeutic effect, releasing toxins from the intestinal lumen, and in a lower dosage than activated charcoal. The absorbent reduces the concentration of lipid peroxidation products and increases antioxidant systemic enzymes in the serum. The advantage of the absorbent relative to its analogue is that this sorbent does not cause constipation.

End products of metabolism and entering the human body harmful substances accumulate in cells and tissues in the form of waste and toxins. Their effective removal Sorbents help cleanse the body.

Sorbents are drugs on a synthetic or natural basis that can absorb toxic and harmful compounds and remove them naturally through the digestive tract.

They are used to treat food and chemical poisoning, allergic reactions, to support the functioning of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys.

Pectins and fiber contained in fruits and vegetables have similar properties, but they are not able to cope with severe poisoning.

Sorbents intended for oral administration in the form of tablets, powders, suspensions are called enterosorbents.

Mechanism of action of sorbent drugs

Experts identify 4 groups of mechanisms that provide the sorbing function of pharmaceuticals.

  1. Absorption of toxic substances, potential allergens, and pathogenic microorganisms in the intestine.
  2. Normalization of digestion by changing the concentration of enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract that help combat harmful substances.
  3. Increased excretion of toxic compounds from tissues into the intestinal cavity and internal organs followed by removal from the body.
  4. Stimulates metabolism, promoting natural cleansing of internal organs.

In addition to the cleansing effect, enterosorbents gently envelop the mucous membranes digestive tract, prevent their irritation and reabsorption of toxic compounds.

The scope of application of sorbent agents is extensive and does not have strictly established indications. Most often they are prescribed in the following cases:

  • dysfunction of the liver and kidneys when internal systems cease to cope with toxins on their own;
  • dysbacteriosis and changes in metabolic processes;
  • all types of allergic reactions;
  • intoxication due to the intake of alcohol, medications, narcotic or toxic substances;
  • food poisoning;
  • infectious diseases of the digestive system;
  • bronchial asthma and atopic dermatitis.

Sorbents can be used to relieve withdrawal and hangover syndromes.

Sorbents for cleansing the body are distinguished by the method of absorption:

  • absorbents - react with toxic components, forming one compound;
  • adsorbents – attract toxins to their surface due to a large absorption area;
  • chemical agents - act through chemical interaction with pectins;
  • Ion exchangers – work on the principle of substitution, replacing harmful ions with safe ones.

Sorbent preparations are classified according to their release form - powder, tablets, granules, capsules, slurries, suspensions, pastes.

Based on their origin, they are divided into natural, synthetic and semi-synthetic. The most active agents are synthetic origin, but complex drugs have a wider range of action.

The most popular sorbents

Medicinal adsorbents, drugs and their names are indicated by the doctor after collecting a thorough medical history of the patient and diagnostic procedures. At home, the products can be used exclusively as first aid. Each of the drugs has its own spectrum of action and effectively copes with a specific medical problem.

At the stage of using sorbents, it is necessary to avoid constipation, otherwise toxic substances can be reabsorbed in the intestines.

Activated carbon

An adsorbent substance of animal or plant origin, previously purified from impurities. Coal is capable of absorbing alkaloids, sulfonamides, hydrocyanic acid, natural and chemical toxins, heavy metal salts, sleeping pills, acids and alkalis.

The drug is effective for dyspeptic disorders, salmonellosis, dysentery, hepatitis, asthma, chronic cholecystitis and cirrhosis of the liver. It is used during preparation for endoscopic diagnostics– it is able to effectively remove gas accumulations.

It is produced in the form of tablets, granules, powder and paste. To enhance the sorbing properties, it is recommended to crush activated carbon in tablets.

Activated carbon can stain feces black - this phenomenon should not frighten the patient.


A drug of natural origin with absorbent and antidiarrheal properties. The main active ingredient is dioctahedral smectite, supplemented with auxiliary components - sweeteners and flavorings.

Smecta is produced in a grayish-yellow powder. Before use, the powder should be diluted in half a glass of water and stirred vigorously until a suspension is formed.

Indications for the use of Smecta are intestinal disorders in the form of chronic, acute or infectious diarrhea, dyspeptic syndrome, accompanied by bloating, heartburn, and heaviness.


Polysorb is an antitoxic drug that is colloidal silicon dioxide. Dry powder white Packaged in disposable sealed bags and jars, diluted immediately before use with clean still water.

Polysorb is prescribed for poisoning by any types of poisons, alcohol and any food, acute infections and other diseases accompanied by diarrhea. He demonstrates good results in the treatment of allergic reactions, dysbacteriosis, renal and liver failure.

Polysorb can be prescribed to children - the dosage is calculated according to the child’s weight.


The active substance of the enterosorbent drug is lignin, which is obtained by hydrolysis of coniferous wood.

This sorbent for effective intestinal cleansing neutralizes almost all toxic substances that enter the digestive tract. It reduces cholesterol, bilirubin and urea levels, removes ammonia, radioactive isotopes and allergens. It has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora and strengthens the immune system at the cellular level.

Polyphepan can be taken in the form of tablets, granules and powder one hour before meals. Studies have shown that a lignin-based drug is 5-10 times more effective than activated carbon against pathogenic bacteria.

Enterosorbent with a gel or paste structure in the form of a molecular sponge. It actively absorbs poisons and antigens, neutralizing their toxic effects on human body. It contains polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate and purified water as an excipient.

The medication removes excess cholesterol and bilirubin from the blood, helps with drug and food poisoning, intestinal infections, improves the functioning of the digestive organs, kidneys and liver, and stabilizes immune reactions.

Enterosgel can be used by workers in hazardous industries and residents of regions with unfavorable environmental conditionsin order to prevent poisoning by harmful substances.


Filtrum is a medicine of natural origin that effectively eliminates constipation and dysbacteriosis, normalizes the functioning of the intestines and stomach. It contains a proven hydrolytic lignin sorbent, which is converted into easy-to-use tablets by pressing - Filtrum STI. The same drug, produced in the form of lozenges, is called Filtrum-Safari, it is used in pediatric practice.

A medication is prescribed for the treatment of poisoning with dysentery bacillus, salmonella, drugs, and alcohol. It successfully fights the consequences of purulent-inflammatory diseases of a viral and bacterial nature.


Lactofiltrum is a combined pharmaceutical preparation that combines the properties of a prebiotic and sorbent. Sorbent substances bind poisons and waste products on their surface, and the prebiotic lactulose promotes growth healthy microflora in the intestines. Double action The medicine helps strengthen the immune system, cleanse tissues and cells, eliminate signs of allergies and dysbacteriosis.

Release forms - tablets dark brown. Suitable for treating adults and children.

Other drugs

Other sorbents are also available for sale - list modern drugs can be supplemented with the following:

  • Karbolen, Sorbex - made on the basis of activated carbon;
  • Neosmectin, Diosmectite are analogues of the drug Smecta;
  • Atoxyl – contains silicon salts;
  • White coal is a bioadditive based on silicon and microcrystalline cellulose;
  • Polyfan is a natural enterosorbent containing lignin;
  • Chitosan - obtained from chitin, which acts as a natural magnet for excess fats, salts and toxins;
  • Pectovit – contains pectin, lactose and fructose, which have detoxifying properties.

The best sorbents for children

Children's sorbent substances are used at the first signs of poisoning, infectious diseases, to combat signs of allergies and diathesis. Some sorbents for children are available in the form of sweet lozenges and suspensions, which make taking the medicine pleasant (Filtrum-Safari, Smecta).

The following drugs are safe for young patients:

  • Sorbovit-K;
  • Lactofiltrum;
  • Polysorb MP.

These drugs can be prescribed to children of any age; they are practically not absorbed in the digestive tract and do not have any adverse effects. general action on the body.

If there are no modern sorbent preparations at hand, crushed activated carbon diluted with water is suitable as first aid for the child.

Contraindications for use and possible adverse reactions

The action of all sorbents is aimed at alleviating the patient’s condition, but experts do not recommend abusing them or self-medicating.

Sorbents for cleansing the body cannot be used if:

  • hypersensitivity to the ingredients included in the medication;
  • peptic ulcer of the intestines and stomach;
  • bleeding of the digestive tract;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • tendency to constipation and decreased intestinal motility;
  • erosive gastritis.

At long-term use sorbent medications can cause constipation, dyspeptic disorders, impair the absorption of nutrients and accelerate the excretion of vitamins.

In order for the enterosorbent to be as effective as possible, you must follow the rules of administration:

  • the calculation of the drug is carried out in accordance with the patient’s body weight - 0.2-1 g per 1 kg of weight;
  • the daily dose recommended by the doctor is divided into 3-4 times;
  • The drug is washed down big amount water;
  • for allergies, combine sorbents with vitamin complexes, after a week, the consumption of sorbents is gradually reduced until complete withdrawal;
  • other medications are taken two hours after consuming sorbents;
  • to reduce the absorption of alcohol, the detox drug is taken 25 minutes before the feast;
  • for preventive purposes, taking absorbent and adsorbent agents lasts from one week to ten days.

In general, the duration of detox therapy is determined individually, in accordance with the pathogenesis of the disease and the presence of concomitant disorders.


A large range of modern sorbent preparations allows you to successfully combat various pathologies, strengthen the body's defenses and improve the well-being of allergy sufferers. But any disease presupposes an occupational A complex approach, therefore, in most cases it is not possible to manage with enterosorbents alone without visiting a doctor.

In case of disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, intoxication, alcohol poisoning, poor nutrition A number of drugs are used, from which sorbents can be isolated. Translated from Latin language the word "sorbent" means "to attract." Absorbing agents are used for therapeutic purposes in many diseases, including infectious and oncological ones.

Sorbents are substances of natural origin or obtained artificially that are capable of absorbing and removing poisons from the intestines, chemical compounds, allergens. Natural components are substances that are part of many food products, and people have learned to use them to benefit the body.

The food products listed in the table, natural resin and birch charcoal have long been used to rid humans of various kinds poisoning

Witch doctors in Ancient Egypt They healed the sick with clay and a potion made from algae and the protective layer of sea animals. Hippocrates treated wounds with activated charcoal. Jaundice and dysentery were also treated with sorbents. The scientist Avicenna described in his writings the benefits of using absorbent substances to cleanse the body.

Sorbents help improve the well-being of patients and increase life expectancy. Of all sorbing substances, pectins act faster. Getting into the stomach and then into the intestines, they swell, attract excess water and harmful substances, and also get rid of excess cholesterol, so consuming products containing pectin helps prevent the development of blockage of blood vessels (atherosclerosis).

Action various drugs differ from each other in composition. In this regard, sorbents are divided into several types:

  • carbon;
  • ion exchange;
  • containing silicon and pectin;
  • absorbent preparations;
  • adsorbents.

People also resort to using absorbent drugs when they want to lose weight and cleanse the body of toxins. Chitin and cellulose cope well with this task. Chitin, entering the body, binds fat and removes it unchanged. Cellulose enhances intestinal motility and stimulates the proliferation of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

Whatever drug a person chooses, the sorbents act almost the same way. Absorbents when entering the digestive system:

Sorbents do not decompose in the digestive tract. They act like a sponge, absorbing all toxins and toxic compounds. They are medicines and before taking sorbents to cleanse the body, check the names with your doctor, as well as which products are suitable in a particular situation.

Types of enterosorbents

Activated carbon, White carbon, Polypephan and have enterosorbing, detoxification, antidiarrheal, antioxidant and hypolipidemic properties.

These and other drugs are widely used in the treatment of diseases allergic nature. They are able to absorb pathogenic organisms that cause allergies in the patient. If a person has the following symptoms, this means that the body requires cleansing with enterosorbents:

  1. Bloating, nausea.
  2. The skin is pale.
  3. Frequent headaches.
  4. Stomach pain and heaviness.
  5. White coating on the tongue.
  6. Bad breath.

If these signs are present, you can use enterosorbents in tablets. Sorbents for intestinal cleansing act in almost the same way: after ingestion, they swell, then dissolve, releasing active substance.

Activated carbon

This is the most affordable drug, if you need to cleanse the intestines of waste and toxins. Helps well with alcohol poisoning. Black coal is produced in tablet form, less often in powder. To cleanse the body you will need one tablet per 10 kg of body weight. You need to take charcoal two hours before meals and taking other medications, as it is able to adsorb all the beneficial substances. With prolonged use, adverse reactions may occur: constipation, black stool, impaired absorption of nutrients.

White coal and Polypephane

The tablets contain the active ingredient - silicon dioxide. This product does the job better than activated carbon. Adults are prescribed three or four tablets several times a day. Side effects practically none, but with a long course of therapy you need to take vitamins.

Absorbing natural substances for cleansing the body are included in the preparation - Polypefan. It is prescribed for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Absorbs pathogenic microflora, poisonous and chemical substances, ethanol and other decomposition products. The drug is not toxic to the body and can be taken during pregnancy. Active ingredient the drug is lignin. For one kilogram of body weight, you need to drink 0.5-1 grams of Polypefan three times a day.

Herbal preparation Filtrum

The product contains natural additives - lignin and lactulose. Good absorbent for the intestines, absorbs all negative substances. Has a laxative effect due to the presence of lactulose. The sorbent is used for dysentery or salmonellosis.

It is better to crush the tablet before use. Directions for use: Adults drink 1-2 pieces 3-4 times a day, children aged one to seven years - 1 tablet, children under one year - ½ tablet. The dose is prescribed based on the severity of the disease. It is not recommended to take the drug on your own, only according to the opinion of the attending physician.

The best colon cleansers

To cleanse the digestive tract, whether due to alcohol poisoning or an allergic reaction, adsorbent preparations are suitable, the names of which are familiar to many. Among these drugs we can highlight Polysorb, Enterosgel, Carbosol, Sorbolong and Zosterin Ultra.

Polysorb and Enterosgel

Medicines are classified as silicon sorbents. has good sorption properties, actively removes waste and toxins. The drug treats diarrhea, dysentery, intoxication and allergies of various origins. Available in dry powder form.

In glass warm water dissolve a teaspoon of sorbent. Take the medicine 1/3 dose three times during the day. The dosage is calculated as follows: 0.05 grams of product per 1 kg of body weight.

Enterosgel, an effective silicon-based enterosorbent, fights allergies of various origins. Good for getting rid of. Absorbs pathogenic microflora, helps with heartburn. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of colitis and diarrhea in children. For allergic reactions and dermatitis, it is prescribed to infants on the recommendation of a pediatrician. The dose is determined by the doctor. Adult patients drink one tablespoon three times, children from 5 to 14 years old - 1 dessert spoon, from 1 year to 5 years - 1 teaspoon.

For preventive purposes, take 30 grams once or 15 grams in two doses for 10 days every month. In case of severe poisoning, the dosage of the drug must be doubled.

Carbosorb and Sorbolong

Enterosorbent is an analogue of activated carbon. These include drugs such as Sorbex, Carbolong, Karbatin. Prescribed for the following manifestations:

  1. Dyspepsia, putrefactive processes in the intestines, flatulence.
  2. Gastritis with high acidity.
  3. Intoxication with chemical compounds.
  4. Food allergies, diarrhea, dysentery, salmonellosis.
  5. Chronic and acute hepatitis.
  6. Autoimmune diseases.
  7. Atopic dermatitis.

Adults can take 2-4 tablets of Carbosorb 320 mg. For the effect to come faster, the tablet must be crushed and dissolved in half a glass of water. In case of intoxication, adults are prescribed a dosage of 30 grams per dose, after dissolving the drug in a glass of water.

The drug is prescribed in childhood. They drink it according to the following scheme:

  1. From three years and older drink 2-4 tablets of 250 mg 3-4 times a day, if diarrhea the dose increases to 4-5 pills 3-4 times a day.
  2. From three years to seven years old, they receive the drug five grams three times a day.
  3. Children from 7 to 14 years old take 7 g three times a day. Children are prescribed in the form of a suspension (the tablet is dissolved in water).

Sorbolong is a combined drug (enterosgel + prebiotic inulin). Available in capsules, it is prescribed for poisoning of various etiologies and digestive disorders. Instructions for using the sorbent - drink one or two capsules (depending on the complexity infectious disease or intoxication). When consumed, nausea and flatulence may occur.

Zosterin Ultra

This is a pectin sorbent of organic origin, the active substance is extracted from sea grass. The drug is produced in powder form. It begins to swell in the body, turning into a jelly-like mass that absorbs pathogenic microorganisms and leftovers undigested food. Side effects practically do not manifest themselves; allergies in the form of rashes and redness, bowel dysfunction (constipation, diarrhea) are rare.

The drug can be used in infants to treat dysbiosis: dilute 0.2 grams of powder in boiled hot water. Give one hour before feeding. Children from 3-12 years old drink the drug in the form of a suspension (0.5 grams of 30% powder diluted in 150 ml of water). Teenagers from 12 years of age and adults take one gram, first dissolved in warm liquid.

Contraindications for use

To choose the right intestinal absorbent, it is important to know who should not use this drug. You shouldn’t take them just for the sake of losing weight or cleansing the body.

Sorbents should not be drunk long time, since in addition to pathogenic microflora they begin to absorb useful material, which leads to impaired absorption of vitamins and other components.

Before using absorbent products, you should consult a doctor, as medications have contraindications. Patients should not take sorbents for medical purposes if they have a history of the following diseases:

  1. Stomach ulcer in the acute stage.
  2. Nonspecific ulcerative colitis.
  3. Bleeding of internal organs.
  4. Intestinal atony.
  5. Intolerance to substances included in the sorbents.
  6. Patients with high sugar in the blood (if glucose is added to the drug).

Therefore, if a person decides to cleanse his body, it is better to choose natural sorbents (cellulose, pectin, fiber, chitin). They can be used for a long time and there are no side effects.

Undoubtedly, every first aid kit in the family should contain coal, but not black, but white.

If you compare it with classic version white coal, then I’ll note that white is at times the better that it begins to work in the body many times faster and, unlike the black angle, it does not deprive the body of everything useful, that is, it simply eliminates the bad accumulated.

Among the advantages of such a drug, it is also worth taking into account that given the composition of white coal, as well as black, its effectiveness is 10 times higher in comparison with black activated carbon. Besides, what I like about it is that it is better perceived digestive system and in principle with the whole body, there is no addiction from it.

In general, it is well absorbed, helps both in case of poisoning and in general excellent remedy in order to cleanse the intestines.

But that's not all, since we can say that this drug has selective absorption, that is, it works very delicately and at the same time does not cause absolutely any harm to the body, which means it removes only harmful substances from the body, removes toxins, waste, heavy metals, it helps very well and quickly with colitis, when it is necessary to quickly remove all accumulated gases in the intestinal lumen, without having any effect on beneficial elements.

More than once it turned out to be useful in the case of food poisoning, with it the process of cleansing and intoxication of the body occurs more delicately, since it skillfully copes with unfavorable symptoms, such as nausea, it is very helpful if intestinal motility is impaired, it works on such a principle that it does not burden, and recovery after taking white coal occurs in times faster.

It’s good that it has such a neutral composition, from side effect I didn’t notice anything, it’s well accepted, quickly eliminated, and doesn’t remain in the body.

As for the other option, in comparison with black charcoal tablets this drug does not cause constipation, but this has always happened with black, and it is of little use, since it slowly begins to work, while white sorbent in tablets it already provides treatment and, on the contrary, activates intestinal motility.

From strengths With this version of the sorbent, I can also note that such coal does not have an unpleasant taste, it is not perceived at all, since it does not contain flavoring additives.

You can even successfully lose kilos on it, that is, in this case you just need to arrange fasting days on it, it turns out 2 times a week and in the end it takes 2 kilograms, although it’s a minuscule amount, but everything does not harm the body.

But that’s not all, because I noticed that this drug stimulates the functioning of the stomach, and this, in turn, is good because it helps the breakdown of nutrients, leads to normal condition microflora can be used to cleanse the intestines and thereby improve the condition later skin, noticeable by the fact that blackheads disappear and the skin acquires a pleasant and uniform healthy shade, effective remedy from pimples and acne, and for this it is enough to drink the course according to the instructions for a week and the result, as they say, is obvious.

And in terms of use, I like it for its simplicity, since we take everything by weight. For your 10 kg you need to take 1 tablet of coal, all this is washed down with a glass of water once during the day, it starts working after 30 minutes, it is also better to chew it first.

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Apsorbin sachet - dietary supplement, double silicate of aluminum and magnesium. Due to the spatial structure and high plastic viscosity, the active substance Apsorbin sachet has a high enveloping ability on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, preventing water and electrolyte losses. By interacting with mucus glycoproteins, it increases barrier function mucous membrane of the digestive tract. Active substance sorbs (absorbs) and removes toxins and radionuclides from the body, thereby having absorption and detoxifying effects. In addition, diosmectite protects the mucous membrane of the digestive tract from the effects of such aggressive factors, How hydrochloric acid, bile acids and pepsin.

Indications for use

Apsorbin used to correct diets dietary nutrition: at the first signs of gastrointestinal disorder; when the body is overloaded with toxic, noxious substances, medications, as well as under unfavorable environmental conditions; when changing your usual image and diet during vacation, travel, business trip; for poisoning and intestinal infections; in order to reduce the absorption of alcohol and to accelerate its removal from the body.

Mode of application

For children from 2 months to 2 years, use 1 sachet Apsorbin per day.
From 2 to 6 years, use 1 sachet 2 times a day.
Adults and children over 6 years old are recommended to take 1 sachet 3 times a day.
The contents of the sachet are dissolved in half a glass of water and taken orally 1-1.5 hours after eating or taking medications.
For a child, the contents of the sachet can be mixed in a bottle with 50 ml of water or compote for use throughout the day, or mixed well with broth, puree, or baby food.
Duration of use: 3-7 days. If necessary, the course can be repeated.


Contraindicated for use Apsorbin persons with individual sensitivity to the components of the drug and with intestinal obstruction.

Storage conditions

Store the drug at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C; Keep out of the reach of children.

Release form

Apsorbin - sachet.
Packaging: 30 bags per pack.


1 package (sachet) Apsorbin contains diosmectite (dioctahedral smectite) 3 g.
Excipients: glucose monohydrate, sodium saccharin, vanillin.

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