Nausea but not vomiting. What to do when you feel sick: general recommendations on how to improve your well-being. Reasons that do not threaten human health

Constant nausea: causes and treatment

Quite often, people are faced with the problem of deteriorating health as a result of eating spoiled or too fatty food, overeating or motion sickness in transport. In the listed cases, the causes of the malaise are more than understandable and do not cause concern. Single attacks of nausea do not pose a danger to human health and are quickly eliminated without medical intervention. However, in case of persistent nausea, it is necessary to consult a doctor and visit the hospital for diagnosis and adequate treatment. The sources of nausea are different. They can be caused by many diseases that require treatment, sometimes long and multi-stage. Especially it concerns running forms diseases when restoring the patient’s health requires a considerable investment of time and money.

A constant feeling of nausea can be observed as a result of fatty, salty and smoked foods in the daily diet. An incorrect ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and an irresponsible attitude towards the concept of proper nutrition most often cause diseases of the digestive system. The most pronounced and one of the first symptoms is the appearance of nausea, leading to vomiting.

Frequent nausea, constant nausea and a feeling of nausea, why do you feel sick, what diseases can there be?

Gallbladder dysfunction and frequent nausea

Nausea, coupled with stomach discomfort, is most likely to occur in people with gallbladder problems. It is worth thinking about disorders in the gallbladder if you feel nausea directly during a meal. Also, painful symptoms are accompanied by pain in the right hypochondrium, heartburn, increased gas formation in the intestines, changes in taste preferences, and a feeling of bitterness in the mouth. Favorite dishes may not cause appetite, sweets may seem too cloying, etc., but in quality painful symptoms Frequent nausea and abdominal pain may occur.

Detection of the disease is carried out through tests and ultrasound examination of organs gastrointestinal tract. If a deviation from the normal functioning of the gallbladder is confirmed, stones are found in it. If their size is insignificant, it is possible to restore the patient’s health using conservative treatment methods, namely: proper diet and medicines. With a favorable outcome of treatment, the stones resolve or shrink. If the gallbladder is filled with large stones, especially if their number is large, you only need to solve the problem surgically. Gallbladder diseases are characterized by painful sensations in the abdomen (top right), nausea, which during exacerbation ends in vomiting.

Peptic ulcer, stomach ulcer - causes of nausea, something that often makes you feel nauseous and sick

Nausea is the first harbinger of gastritis, in particular in the morning or when hunger sets in, as well as after eating. Unpleasant sensations do not leave the patient until the evening, becoming weaker and stronger during the day. After eating, in addition to nausea, feelings of burning and bloating appear in the stomach, abdominal pain and a feeling of nausea may appear.

Revealed peptic ulcer the same way as gallbladder pathologies: using ultrasound and blood tests. A biochemical blood test helps identify bacteria that provoke the occurrence and development of stomach and intestinal ulcers. Treatment is carried out by taking the patient individually selected medications and strictly following the diet prescribed by the doctor, excluding the consumption of fatty, salty and spicy foods.

Pancreatitis and frequent nausea

This disease manifests itself through a feeling of nausea in combination with bloating and bitterness in the mouth. Appearance specified symptoms should push a person to the idea of ​​definitely visiting a doctor. If such manifestations of the disease are left unattended, the result can be serious complications and the development of pathologies. Secondary signs pancreatitis are stomach upsets, pain in the right hypochondrium. At the same time, the patient loses weight quite rapidly. Since similar signs are also inherent in other diseases (in particular, diabetes), ultrasound examinations, blood tests for sugar and stool are necessary to make an accurate diagnosis. Based on the examination results, the patient is usually prescribed drug treatment and a special diet.

Appendicitis (inflammation of the appendix)

The first symptom of an attack of appendicitis is nausea, which turns into vomiting. Only after this do other symptoms appear that clearly indicate the source of the problem: increased body temperature, abdominal pain localized on the lower right side, which intensifies over time. Suspicion of inflammation of the appendix requires immediate contact with a surgeon, since if the diagnosis is confirmed, it requires urgent surgical intervention. Ignoring appendicitis has severe complications and can be fatal.

Infections in the intestines as a cause of constant nausea and nausea

An intestinal infection that provokes poisoning is also detected primarily through nausea. Later, heaviness in the stomach, retching or vomiting are added to it. The patient may have a fever. If it is reliably known that the cause of a person’s deterioration in well-being is the result of eating low-quality or spoiled food, gastric lavage and an enema will be sufficient measures. It is recommended to drink as much fluid as possible, including chamomile tea, which has anti-inflammatory properties. Thus, the patient’s stomach is washed, nausea and vomiting stop.

If the actions described above do not help get rid of the painful manifestations, and the vomit is replaced by bile, you should immediately call an ambulance. Serious poisonings require medical intervention, since in some cases salmonellosis can be a consequence. Constant nausea in the presence of infections in the intestines requires a visit to a doctor and urgent examination.

Diseases of the vestibular apparatus

Disruption of this part of the body is accompanied by constant nausea, vomiting and other unpleasant symptoms. Sudden dizziness and inability to maintain balance are often observed, especially when bending or quickly changing position, or suddenly rising. To obtain advice and prescribe treatment, you should contact a neurologist. After the diagnosis, the doctor will be able to correctly determine the method of treatment necessary for the patient.

Myocardial infarction and frequent, constant nausea

The opinion that during a heart attack only the heart can hurt is far from the truth. One of the symptoms of this disease is nausea, which often turns into vomiting. The patient turns very pale, and pain under the ribs cannot be ruled out. At normal air temperatures, the patient may experience suffocation. Only experienced healthcare workers can provide proper assistance during a heart attack, so if you suspect this disease, you must urgently call ambulance. Other causes of nausea. Pregnant women often experience constant nausea during periods of toxicosis. Nausea can also be caused by drug overdose.

Besides everyone above listed diseases, constant nausea may be caused by the following reasons:

1 Side effects of medications, therefore, before using medications, you should carefully read their instructions.

2 Concussion.

3 Pregnancy and toxicosis during it, most often in the second trimester.

4 Constant headaches and migraines.

For any manifestations of nausea, especially if it is accompanied by other unpleasant sensations, it is necessary to seek medical help from specialists who can determine the feasibility of the examination and its type, and prescribe the treatment that is appropriate for you. You can try to eliminate nausea on your own only if you are 100% sure of your knowledge of its origin (for example, motion sickness), and have experience in similar actions in past. Otherwise, self-medication can cause a deterioration in the patient’s condition and lead to serious complications.

If you constantly, often feel sick after eating or without eating, if there is a feeling of heartburn that leads to vomiting, what could be the reasons?

What types of persistent nausea exist?

Brain nausea

Appears when there are disturbances in the functioning of the brain and various diseases vessels. At hypertension Nausea is not a constant phenomenon: it can either intensify or become less pronounced. Hypertensive nausea is accompanied by throbbing pain in the back of the head, swelling of the face and fingers, and redness of the eyes. With atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries, dizziness, tachycardia, chest pain, and weakness are added to nausea. With head injuries (concussions), nausea appears sharply and suddenly. The victim feels weak, dizzy, and has a throbbing headache in the back of his head. Coordination of movements is impaired. Loss of consciousness and partial amnesia are possible. Symptoms of a concussion may disappear quite quickly or over a significant period of time. This depends on the severity of the injury.

Toxic nausea

Occurs when toxic substances of various origins enter the body. At food poisoning Nausea does not appear immediately, but increases over two to three hours. Accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, chills and fever. For treatment, you should perform gastric lavage, take sorbents that remove toxic substances from the body, and drink enough fluid to prevent dehydration. For diarrhea, it would be appropriate to prescribe some kind of intestinal antiseptic to suppress the growth of pathogenic bacteria in the intestines.

Acid poisoning occurs severe nausea, vomiting mixed with blood, severe stomach pain. Before the ambulance arrives, continuous gastric lavage with magnesium or almagel is recommended. It is advisable to cool the stomach area by applying ice packs. With alcohol poisoning, a person is first overly excited, and then significantly inhibited. The face first turns red, then turns pale. Breathing becomes difficult, coordination of movements is impaired. Alcohol poisoning with delirium or loss of consciousness requires an urgent call to the ambulance. Before the doctors arrive, you should try to revive the poisoned person using ammonia.

Vestibular nausea

Often accompanies women during pregnancy. Usually bothers in the morning and on an empty stomach. In severe cases, it lasts from morning until evening and is accompanied by frequent vomiting, dizziness, and low blood pressure. Many expectant mothers notice that nausea is caused by those smells that seemed very pleasant before pregnancy (the smell of mint toothpaste, the aroma of your favorite perfume, the smell of fried meat or onion). As a rule, nausea goes away by 13-14 weeks of pregnancy. Sometimes nausea occurs for more later. This is due to the growth of the baby and the pressure it puts on internal organs moms. More dangerous condition is gestosis, in which, in addition to nausea, swelling appears, protein in the urine, and blood pressure increases. These symptoms should become a mandatory reason for careful monitoring of the pregnant woman’s kidney function and prescription necessary treatment. During menopause, nausea is associated with a decrease in the level of hormones (estrogen and progesterone) in the body. In addition to nausea, dizziness, weakness, and insomnia may occur. Hormone replacement therapy usually reduces the severity of menopausal symptoms and significantly improves a woman's quality of life.

Exchange nausea

Is one of the manifestations diabetes mellitus and indicates the onset of the disease. In addition to nausea, the following symptoms should alert you:

1 weakness;

2 loss of strength;

3 sudden increase in appetite;

4 feeling of dry mouth;

5 excessive thirst.

If you are diagnosed with diabetes, you must carefully monitor your health to prevent the condition from worsening and the development of complications. In pursuit of beauty and slimness, women often severely limit themselves in nutrition and use “starvation” diets. The body experiences severe shortage nutrients and begins to work “half-heartedly.” In this condition, the production of necessary enzymes in the stomach is reduced. Food is digested slowly, gases accumulate in the intestines, and bloating and constipation may occur. Best recommendation in this situation is to switch to proper nutrition. The best option is to eat little and often, exclude fried, fatty, confectionery. To safely lose weight, nutritionists recommend creating a reasonable calorie deficit: reducing food portions and performing feasible physical exercise.

Reflex nausea

It occurs due to irritation of the nerve endings of various organs. Reflex nausea also includes motor and psychogenic nausea. Motor nausea occurs when irritated vestibular apparatus. Often occurs when moving in different types transport, when riding on a swing, performing sports exercises. Is normal in healthy person and is not serious reason for concern.

Psychogenic nausea

Psychogenic nausea is observed in impressionable people with an easily excitable nervous system. Appears at the sight of ordinary objects, the sensation of certain smells as an association with bad events, unpleasant people.

Why I always feel sick in the morning, reasons

At constant emergence morning sickness, must be reversed Special attention on the digestive system, as well as the liver. Sometimes a similar symptom characterizes other diseases, for example, of cardio-vascular system, endocrine disorders. In addition, attacks of nausea in the morning can occur as a result of helminth infection. It is very difficult to determine the cause on your own, so it is important to see a doctor who can make the correct diagnosis. To do this, you will need to undergo an examination, for example, conduct a general and biochemical blood test, do a test for the presence of Helicobacter pylori infection, gastroscopy, and examine the abdominal cavity using ultrasound. Based on these tests, the doctor will be able to give more accurate diagnosis and recommends treatment methods.

Why do I often, constantly feel sick after eating, after eating, what could be the reasons?

To find out the reasons for this condition, it is necessary to analyze what a person eats and what kind of lifestyle he leads. If you constantly feel sick after finishing a meal, then this is one of the signals that you need to change your lifestyle. You need to radically change your diet: eliminate fatty and fried foods, as well as salt and spices. Best eaten as food fresh vegetables and fruits, greens and cereals. Stressful situations, poor nutrition, active image life - all this leads to various problems with health. Therefore, it is important to engage in sports, such as swimming. Literally a few weeks after starting classes, your overall health will improve, headaches will go away, as well as constant fatigue.

Sometimes nausea occurs as a result of taking medications. In this case, you should consult your doctor. Perhaps he will replace the drug or otherwise adjust the treatment. Nausea after eating may also indicate poisoning. Toxins stimulate certain areas of the digestive system, which in turn sends a signal to the brain. As a result of this, it appears vomiting reflex and a state of nausea. In this case, it is necessary to help the body and empty the stomach of its contents. You can help yourself with this by drinking a few glasses of water. After vomiting, you need to drink the adsorbent. You can continue to drink sour juice or water. If vomiting occurs again, you should contact an ambulance.

I constantly feel sick before my period, menstruation, what are the reasons?

During menstruation, changes occur in the female body, in particular in cerebrospinal fluid. There is an increase in the amount of serotonin, which leads to attacks of nausea. Of course, this condition is not dangerous. There are ways to help alleviate a woman’s condition a little. On such days you need to give up.

Hello dear readers. Today I want to talk about a sensitive topic, it concerns nausea. After all, nausea can occur not only during early pregnancy. When nausea occurs, everything is quite logical. There is only one question: how to help yourself and relieve the symptoms of nausea? But it also happens that a girl or woman is not pregnant, but she has frequent nausea. What are the reasons for this situation? Undoubtedly, it is necessary to consult a doctor for help, because our body “signals” to us that there is a problem in its functioning. But as always, first we want to figure everything out ourselves. I had a similar situation three years ago. Frequent nausea began, but without vomiting. I couldn’t understand what it was, and I wasn’t pregnant at that time. I immediately began to analyze everything and look for reasons; with the help of doctors, I managed to find out that I had stagnation of bile. Here main reason my nausea. Naturally, for this I needed to take tests and undergo an examination.

But while I was registered for examination, time passed, and I took different methods, which helped me cope with nausea, which I will share below. Perhaps they will be useful to you too. The most important thing is to know how to quickly get rid of nausea, what to do and how to help yourself in such a situation.

After all, health problems are a huge nuisance in the life of every person. The success of the work process and the enjoyment of relaxation directly depend on how you feel. That is why good health is the subject of wishes, aspirations and a motivator for grandiose plans. What to do if such a nuisance as nausea enters your life? We will deal with everything in detail.

What is nausea and why does it occur?

remember, that long trip or a flight become a reason for nausea in many people. Therefore, one-time situations when you feel sick are not a reason to panic. Most often, leisurely rest in the fresh air and pure water without gas.

However, if you feel a regular urge to vomit for no apparent reason, then you should consult a doctor, because nausea can be a symptom of many diseases, among which diseases of the stomach and intestines are only part of a rather impressive list of disorders.

Nausea most often precedes vomiting. Muscle contractions cause the contents of the stomach to simply come out. But sometimes the contractions may not be strong enough for nausea to develop into new process. In this case, the painful feeling does not go away, forcing the person to suffer and look for the reasons for what is happening.

So, possible reasons Nausea without vomiting can be quite a lot.

Here are some of them:

Stomach diseases

Gastritis, peptic ulcer. In this case, a feeling of nausea after eating is typical, often accompanied by heartburn. In addition, with stomach diseases, it is difficult not to notice acute pain in the upper abdomen.


With gallbladder diseases, abdominal distension and nausea during eating are observed. Bitter or metallic taste in the mouth. Painful sensations With right side under the rib. Nausea may also be a sign of gallstones.


Bloating and nausea after eating. There is a bitter taste in the mouth and pain in the right precostal area. Diarrhea.


Nausea with pain throughout the abdomen. This disease has nothing to do with the moment of eating, so nausea and pain can begin at any time. Also, with appendicitis, a slight increase in temperature is observed.


Nausea develops into vomiting, accompanied by diarrhea and low body temperature. The same symptoms sometimes accompany intestinal infection. It is not uncommon, especially in the summer, in this case you need to immediately know what to do and be sure to consult a doctor, especially if the poisoning occurs in children.

Vestibular disorders

In case of disorders of the vestibular apparatus, nausea occurs during movements in space, the symptoms are especially expressed when the head moves sharply. In addition to nausea specified type Diseases include loss of balance, impaired focus of vision and attention, and confusion.


In the case of high blood pressure, nausea is a fairly common symptom. The urge to vomit is especially strong in the morning. In parallel, symptoms such as swelling, fatigue, and dizziness may occur.

Cardiovascular diseases

Heart attack. A feeling of shortness of breath and pain in the area of ​​the heart muscle accompany nausea caused by heart failure. Also in this case, there is unhealthy pallor, hiccups, and aching sensations on the left side of the body.


Hormonal imbalances can also cause nausea. Hypothyroidism is characterized by decreased appetite, drowsiness, lethargy, and chills. Despite your weak appetite, your weight may only increase.

Kidney failure

Kidney problems are a serious cause of concern and nausea. Pyelonephritis and other inflammatory processes in the kidneys are accompanied by severe chills, with an increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees, as well as lower back pain.


Perhaps your nausea appeared as a result of the administration of some medication. Regular appointment a drug whose side effects include nausea and vomiting can lead to changes in the body.


Common headache, called migraine - this is a real scourge for everyone, I experienced a similar feeling. Nausea in this case is accompanied by a severe headache, a feeling of irritation and complete weakness.

Concussion and other neuralgic causes

Contractions of the stomach can also be provoked by neuralgic problems. Common symptoms of a concussion are vomiting and nausea.


This terrible disease is accompanied by severe and varied symptoms. Among the most striking symptoms are nausea, vomiting, elevated temperature, photophobia, feeling of pressure in the back of the head.


Regular fasting for forced reasons or in an attempt to lose weight can also lead to nausea due to disturbances in metabolism and the functioning of the stomach and intestines.


Excessive amounts of sugar in the blood cause nausea. Therefore, if you regularly eat something sweet on an empty stomach, you should not be surprised at the nausea that appears. Review your diet and everything will get better.

Frequent stress

Stressful situations greatly affect the nervous system, which in turn affects the stomach, causing unwanted cuts in him. Thus, regular stress in the family or at work can lead to regular vomiting.


During the first 3 months of pregnancy, nausea and vomiting become companions for many women. Sharp jumps In the hormonal balance, women provoke these processes.

Nausea often accompanies other symptoms - this is what makes it easier to determine the level of severity of the disease and how to deal with it. However, if you still feel a regular urge to vomit, then you should consult a doctor with such a complaint, because only a comprehensive analysis can become the basis for making a diagnosis and prescribing treatment.

Severe and frequent nausea without vomiting - causes

Nausea without vomiting can even become bigger problem than traditional nausea, which results in relief with vomiting. But if it is impossible to achieve relaxation, then the entire time you feel sick you will experience terrible discomfort and difficulty concentrating on anything.

Returning to the causes of nausea, it makes sense to touch on such a slippery topic as types of nausea. Even by feeling one can determine that in different situations Nausea feels different. This will contribute to preliminary self-diagnosis of the disease.

Nausea is divided into the following subtypes:

  1. Brain nausea accompanied by a feeling of a “splitting” head. In case of such sensations, immediately consult a doctor and diagnose the disease at an early stage.
  1. Toxic nausea characterized by unpleasant sensations in the stomach. In this case, it is logical to induce vomiting and get rid of sources of toxic elements.
  1. Exchange nausea so named because it relates to metabolism. It occurs as a result of poor nutrition, malnutrition and similar dietary problems. The sensation of metabolic nausea always clearly indicates the source of the problem. Hunger is accompanied by weakness and a feeling of emptiness in the stomach, and fatty food makes the stomach heavy.
  1. Vestibular nausea - This is a predominantly female type of nausea. This is what a woman experiences during pregnancy and sometimes during menstruation.
  1. Reflex nausea - These are reactions to specific stimuli. In case of gastrointestinal disease, nausea occurs at the same time after eating. Sometimes the reaction persists only to certain products.

Separately, we should consider the situation when a pregnant woman becomes the target of the disease. The fact is that traditionally the 1st trimester of pregnancy is considered the norm for the appearance of nausea.

Why do you feel sick during early pregnancy?

However, nausea is not always normal for a pregnant woman. It happens that discomfort and convulsions are a consequence serious illnesses, which should be dealt with quickly to preserve the baby’s health.

Such troubles include:

Poor nutrition

In connection with the onset of pregnancy, it is necessary to review your diet in accordance with the recommendations of your gynecologist. Even if throughout for long years some product was included in your daily diet, now perhaps this should stop, since the renewed body does not accept this food product.

Inflammation in the reproductive system

It is very dangerous for the unborn baby if during pregnancy your genitals suffer from any infections or inflammations. Ideally, restoration of the reproductive system should occur before the child is conceived.

But if you feel that nausea is accompanied by discomfort in the genital area, then immediately consult a gynecologist, because the quality of your reproductive organs depends on how the fetus develops.

Stress and overwork

Do not forget that with the onset of pregnancy, your body is already working on the unimaginable work of creating a new person. Your loads should be reduced so that the body can work efficiently and without stress.

Therefore, if you feel nauseous, then stop doing work or solving other people's emotional problems. Dedicate yourself to something you love that won’t require any stress from you. Provide yourself with quality food and water and enjoy your pregnancy in high spirits. Then the nausea will go away.

Hormonal imbalance

During pregnancy, the body undergoes major changes. Therefore, imbalance in hormones is a common companion for expectant mothers. Regular visits to the endocrinologist should attract your attention especially if you often feel weak and nauseated.

Viral and colds

If in the everyday situation of ordinary life a cold seems like a trifle to many, then for a pregnant woman it is a real collapse, because the symptoms of a cold during pregnancy intensify, driving the expectant mother to nausea.

Additionally, more cold medications are not available for use during pregnancy. Contact your doctor immediately and he will prescribe you medications that are suitable to combat the problem.

If all these cases are not about you, then your nausea is really caused by toxicosis. In this situation, it is recommended not to be nervous and not to attack the food. All it will go faster, if you maintain a moderate pace of your life.

How to quickly get rid of nausea - how to help yourself?

Most main help If you have regular nausea, you should go to the doctor for a professional diagnosis of the causes of nausea. However, before you take off, you need to get rid of acute symptom. There are many techniques that suppress the urge to vomit. Perhaps some of this will suit you.

Folk remedies to combat nausea:

Ammonia can help combat nausea.

If the urge to vomit is not strong, then a regular mint candy can help. Or an infusion made from peppermint.

Ginger root is good remedy. Pour boiling water over the grated root and drink the cooled liquid.

For severe and frequent nausea, lemon juice mixed with water helps. helps restore the acid-base balance, which in turn relieves nausea.

Half a spoonful of baking soda mixed with a glass of water also soothes the stomach;

A banana is a good remedy for nausea. Its viscous structure envelops the stomach, helping to protect the stomach walls from contact with the irritant.

Don't forget about fresh air. Ventilate the room or go out onto the balcony (if you live in an apartment). Fresh air helps to get rid of an attack of nausea very quickly.

Herbal remedies for nausea are sold in pharmacies. Perhaps this is the remedy that will save you from illness.

Activated carbon will help if the source of discomfort is in the intestinal area.

Headaches and migraines will partially go away if you lie in a quiet, cool room with dim lighting, placing a cold compress on your forehead.

If these remedies do not help, and the symptoms of the disease go far beyond ordinary nausea, immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance. This precaution could save your life.

Whatever happens, remember that your life and health are the main object of your interests. Therefore, during or after the onset unpleasant symptoms Be sure to meet with professionals to prevent further troubles.

Nausea is a common symptom for many diseases, and it is unlikely that you will be able to independently diagnose a particular disorder without the help of a medical professional.

Keep your finger on the pulse and get to work complex treatment organism, so that life proceeds in the struggle for success, and not for survival.

Nausea and its causes are familiar to almost every second person on our planet. For everyone, without exception, this is a very unpleasant sensation, radiating into the chest cavity and into the oral cavity. As a rule, a rush of nausea occurs accompanied by chills, fever, excessive sweating, increased salivation and even lower blood pressure. All this occurs during an attack of nausea.

1 Unpleasant sensations

The causes of nausea can vary. And they are not always a link with a specific disease. Nausea and vomiting may be short-lived and a rare occurrence, or a sign of disease. But it is very difficult to determine for sure, especially in the first stages of a vomiting state.

Causes of constant nausea:

  • systematic overeating, that is, eating everything that has high concentration fat;
  • as one of the side effects resulting from taking medications. Nausea and vomiting occur, usually due to ingestion of large quantity toxins contained in drugs;
  • as a result of psychogenic attacks on the subconscious in the form of fear, anxiety, fear and hysteria;
  • If a person suffers from seasickness, it is also called kinetosis. It is its presence that is mainly the main cause of nausea and even vomiting;
  • during pregnancy female body hormonally changes. In this state, a woman begins to feel sick in transport, she is haunted by a feeling of nausea from smells, from foods, and so on. In this case, the manifestation of nausea in women, or, as they also say, toxicosis, is provoked by pregnancy, which, as a rule, goes away in the second half of the term;
  • You may feel sick from smoke, burning, toxic evaporation of harmful substances;
  • Nausea and vomiting can also be a consequence of sunstroke, overheating in the sun, that is, hyperthermia.

If there is constant nausea without vomiting all the time, then after a while it goes away as independently and imperceptibly as it appeared, and, accordingly, treatment is not required. It is another matter if nausea and vomiting is more serious and is a sign of a serious illness. There are many diseases, the main symptom of which is nausea and vomiting. In addition, this may be the first sign of disease. So this cannot be ignored.

2 Possible diseases

All diseases are different. They all have their own symptoms, and each patient feels its course in his own way. Attacks of nausea can be associated with the digestive system, nervous system, reproductive system, cardiovascular system, endocrine system.

Nausea often appears along with diseases of the digestive system and can be associated with serious pathologies.

Serious diseases of surgery:

  • pancreatitis;
  • appendicitis;
  • acute intestinal obstruction;
  • stomach bleeding;
  • cholecystitis.

Chronic diseases:

  • hernias;
  • gastritis;
  • ulcers;
  • colitis;
  • chronic form of pancreatitis;
  • enterocolitis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • gallstone disease.

As well as defects in the form of stenosis, atresia, defects associated with the development of the pancreas.

Infections such as gastroenteritis viruses, toxic infections, helminthiases.

Liver diseases - hepatitis, cirrhosis, individual intolerance to certain types of foods.

In addition, nausea can often be a clear sign of diseases that are not related to the intake and processing of food.

Nausea occurs with pathologies of the central nervous system, which include the following phenomena:

  • tumors in the brain;
  • brain infections;
  • encephalitis;
  • meningitis and meningococcal infection brain;
  • intracranial pressure.

The unpleasant feeling of nausea in women and men can be caused by diseases of the cardiovascular system. This includes a number of diseases:

  • hypertension;
  • heart failure;
  • heart attack

Diseases associated with the ear are Meniere's disease, diseases of the labyrinth of the ear.

Also, an unpleasant sensation often accompanies patients with diabetes mellitus and its varieties, such as:

  • ketoacidosis;
  • thyrotoxicosis;

A kidney patient periodically feels nausea during attacks of urolithiasis or renal failure.

In addition to all these diseases, severe nausea and vomiting accompanies oncological diseases, and after chemotherapy or radiation therapy, nausea and vomiting may also occur. In this case, the main role in the appearance of pre-vomiting sensation is played by an imbalance of blood electrolytes and migraine.

3 Why mild nausea occurs

There is mild nausea when a person has been poisoned, when diabetic ketoacidosis or hemorrhage occurred, as well as with cardiovascular pathology, liver failure and sepsis.

It happens that nausea and vomiting does not appear on its own, but has a number of symptoms. In this case, a frequent accompaniment of nausea can be abdominal pain, belching with an unpleasant clayey odor, diarrhea, chills, trembling, skin rashes, yellowness of the skin, dizziness, severe fatigue, wobbly legs, and so on.

The accompanying symptoms should be taken especially seriously. It could be:

  • black stool;
  • blood in vomit;
  • every day strong pain in the abdominal area;
  • lack of air;
  • elevated temperature;
  • drowsiness;
  • headache appears every day;
  • fainting;
  • pulling muscles.

Nausea for no reason, and even nausea without vomiting - all this may indicate that a disease is developing in the body, which can even be fatal. If any of these symptoms appear, you should see a doctor.

A qualified specialist, first, must listen carefully to the patient. If necessary, ask him those questions, the answer to which could establish a diagnosis. For example, what did he eat and when, in what quantities, are there any diseases, did he hit his head, and so on.

If there is nothing that would clearly indicate the cause of nausea, then the doctor prescribes examinations. The direction of diagnosis depends on the symptoms of nausea.

In addition, during the interview, the doctor clarifies whether the patient has taken any medications or not. It should be borne in mind that most medications have a number of side effects, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, dizziness, etc.

5 Medicines, side effects

Nausea without vomiting may be caused by medications such as:

  • analgesics;
  • cardiovascular drugs;
  • hormonal drugs;
  • antibiotics;
  • antitumor drugs;
  • narcotic drugs.

It is also worth knowing that if the patient, in the event of any illness, took narcotic drugs, regardless of the dosage, in case of withdrawal, in almost 99% of 100, nausea occurs and vomiting may occur.

Objectivity in the examination is the key to success established diagnosis and treatment. If none of the options can help establish the cause of nausea, then the doctor prescribes a laboratory examination.

6 Laboratory examination of the patient

TO laboratory research applies:

  1. General blood analysis.
  2. Stool analysis.
  3. Study of intestinal microflora.

Using this study, you can determine the presence of other diseases or discard their likelihood, and prescribe treatment. For example, based on the results of a general blood test, it is possible to establish the presence of a disease such as anemia, or leukocytosis, a gastric ulcer or a disease associated with duodenum. The result of the test for the presence of electrolytes, urea and creatine is carried out to identify kidney diseases. As for biochemical analysis, in this case it is possible to determine the level of protein, blood albumin and bilirubin. The glucose level shows the likelihood of developing diabetes. Tested antibodies in the blood help identify the functioning of the pancreas.

Feces are examined in case of suspected diseases of the digestive system. The intestinal microflora is examined in order to determine the presence of intestinal dysbiosis.

Further treatment is examined and determined taking into account the clinical picture and the age of the patient. The examination is carried out especially carefully in cases where nausea has been present for quite a long time, especially in women who complain of bouts of vomiting, are in childbearing age, the first test that a doctor prescribes is a pregnancy test. After all, pregnancy can cause similar discomfort associated with the restructuring of the body.

But sometimes there can be different reasons other than pregnancy.

In some cases, a urine test may be necessary toxicological study and crops. If nausea in women is associated with the functioning of the endocrine system, then a consultation with an endocrinologist and a blood test for the presence of hormones is carried out first.

Once the cause is established, the doctor, if this is his profile, will prescribe appropriate treatment. If the disease is not related to the qualifications of the doctor to whom the patient turned, the patient is referred to other specialists to make an accurate diagnosis.

7 Treatments

Nausea goes away on its own for no reason. It's another matter if it is a sign of a disease. Then, along with the elimination of the cause of its appearance, its treatment occurs. The main thing is to ask for help in a timely manner.

Here's how you can relieve nausea:

  • if the cause is the sun, sea, food, then, first of all, the very effect of the harmful factor is eliminated;
  • if the patient suffers from seasickness, scopolamine in the form of a patch, which is attached to the surface of the skin 5 hours before going to sea, will help cope with nausea and weakness;
  • During pregnancy, all that can be used by a woman for nausea is meclozine. This drug can be used in the form of suppositories. In this case, its constituent components bypass the liver and enter through the blood veins in the rectum directly into the blood.

You can try to treat signs of nausea in everyone except pregnant women using old fashioned methods.

All that is needed:

  1. Drink water with fresh lemon juice. To do this, every morning, on an empty stomach, you need to drink a glass warm water with the addition of a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice.
  2. Green tea prepared with herbs or dried ginger tea.
  3. An attack of nausea will be eased by juice from fresh potatoes, which you need to drink a tablespoon three times a day.
  4. Brewed dill seeds per 1 glass of water 1 tsp. seeds that are brewed, infused for 2 hours, filtered and consumed in equal portions in 3 doses.
  5. Decoctions, infusions prepared based on recipes traditional medicine, will cope perfectly with the surging nausea. Moreover, there is now quite a lot of information about the usefulness and harm of this or that product.

If frequent nausea and vomiting is not a disease, then it is quite easy to cope with. To do this, there is no need to immediately start taking medications.

Nausea is one of the reflex reactions that occurs, necessary for the body’s natural defense against various toxins and foreign objects that penetrate the human digestive system. This condition develops in most cases as a result of general intoxication the body due to serious illness, consumption of toxic substances, spoiled foods, etc. Also, long-term nausea often indicates damage to the central nervous system. This dysfunction is especially dangerous for humans, as it can lead to disruption of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Attention! Damage to basic vital functions caused by a widespread disorder of the brain or spinal cord, can lead to fatal outcome and requires immediate hospitalization of the patient.

Constant nausea is a rather nonspecific symptom that is observed in patients with various pathologies. To accurately determine the cause of the ailment, it is necessary to pay attention to the accompanying signs and promptly seek advice from a specialist.

Normally, nausea can bother a person after a heavy meal, as a result of strong emotional experiences, prolonged exposure to moving vehicles, etc. Constantly persistent vomiting is a sign of a pronounced pathological process in the patient’s body. In most cases, such symptoms arise as a result of the development of the following diseases:

  • pathologies of the esophagus and stomach;
  • inflammatory and degenerative processes of the intestine, including obstruction of the digestive tract, peptic ulcers and diverticulitis;
  • dysfunction of the urinary system, especially kidney damage;
  • severe pathologies of the heart and great vessels;
  • malignant tumor processes in various body systems;
  • general intoxication as a result of food poisoning, microbial waste, fumes of toxic substances, etc.

Attention! The clinical picture is most pronounced in pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Such disorders are in most cases accompanied by a characteristic manifestation of digestive dysfunction.

Lack of any additional manifestations disease with persistent nausea is a sign of either a general dysfunction of various body systems, or a symptom of a dysfunction of the immune system.

Nausea during gestation

Vomiting and sudden change taste preferences– the most common complaint among women during pregnancy. Poor health most often begins to bother patients in the middle of the first trimester of gestation. This condition is caused by toxicosis.

Attention! Toxicosis in pregnant women is a health disorder caused by exposure of a woman’s body to harmful substances of endogenous origin. This complication of gestation occurs in more than 70% of expectant mothers. Severe toxicosis can lead to dysfunction of the nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory systems. In addition, in some patients, such a disorder leads to the threat of miscarriage or premature birth.

Toxicosis occurs under the influence of the following factors:

  1. Protective reaction of a woman's body. In the first weeks of gestation, the patient’s body may perceive the embryo as foreign body. The woman’s condition usually improves significantly after the middle of the second month of pregnancy, when active formation of the placenta begins.
  2. Changes in hormonal levels. Excess progesterone can cause weakness, nausea, temporary deterioration of well-being and increased drowsiness.
  3. Increased sensitivity of the nervous system. Excessive activity of the central nervous system affects the state of all body systems, which can be accompanied by nausea, loss of appetite and frequent bowel movements.

Based on the intensity of the clinical picture, several stages of toxicosis are distinguished. In this case, patients with dysfunction of the second degree of severity are required to hospital treatment. In the most severe form of toxicosis, the question is raised about the need to terminate gestation as a condition that threatens the woman’s life.

Degree of toxicosis in pregnant women

Degree of development of pathologyClinical picture
First degree toxicosisNausea mainly in the morning, vomiting no more than 3-4 times a day or not at all, weight loss up to 3 kg
Toxicosis of the second degreeBouts of vomiting reach 10 times a day, the patient’s body weight decreases by 3-4 kg within 14 days
Toxicosis of the third degreeThe urge to vomit reaches 25 times during the day or more, weight loss exceeds 10 kg

Tumor processes of the digestive system

Carcinoma of the digestive tract often occurs without pronounced symptoms. Often the only sign of dysfunction is long-lasting nausea with regular vomiting and defecation disorders. In most cases, patients do not pay attention to these manifestations of pathology until pain appears. If the tumor is located in upper sections digestive tract, then the pain develops quite quickly due to compression of the esophagus or deformation of the gastric wall, which leads to heartburn and other pronounced unpleasant sensations.

Tumors of the lower digestive system are quite a long period are asymptomatic. It is possible to detect colon cancer in 70% of patients only at the stage of carcinomatosis, that is, large-scale damage to the gastrointestinal tract by numerous metastases.

Nausea with cancer of the digestive tract can occur due to the following reasons:

  1. Poisoning of the body with waste products as a result of intestinal obstruction by a tumor. On late stages diseases, the neoplasm often almost completely blocks the intestinal lumen, which leads to the accumulation feces and general intoxication. This condition manifested by persistent nausea, cephalalgia, dizziness, and increased body temperature to subfebrile levels. At severe poisoning, accompanied by constipation for 72 hours or more, patients experience vomiting containing feces, especially in cases of damage to the duodenum or small intestine.
  2. Accumulation of tumor decay products in the patient’s body. In some cases, the neoplasm grows not into the organ cavity, but beyond its boundaries. In this case, carcinoma may not cause significant discomfort to the patient until the malignant tissue begins to decompose.
  1. Deficiency of nutrients in the patient's body. Cancerous tumors cause quick violation absorption of vitamins and microelements necessary for the normal functioning of various systems. The most common diagnoses in patients with carcinomatosis are iron deficiency and B-deficiency anemia. Such conditions are accompanied by nausea, weakness and frequent dizziness.

Attention! Constipation or constipation is a disturbance in the process of defecation, manifested by retention of stool for 48 hours or more. If the dysfunction is caused by an obstruction in the intestinal lumen, then treatment involves surgery.

In order not to miss the onset of the development of the pathological process, you should pay attention to the appearance of the following pathological symptoms:

  1. Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. Manifested by decreased appetite periodic violations stool and attacks of long-lasting nausea.
  2. Loss of body weight. Malignant tumors quickly lead the patient to a state of cachexia, that is, an extreme degree of exhaustion of the body.
  1. Deterioration of the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Due to an aggressive pathological process, nutritional deficiency quickly develops in the patient’s body, which leads to thinning of the nail plates, hair loss, acne and redness on the skin.
  2. Fatigue, mental instability. In patients suffering malignant tumors, there is rapid exhaustion and deterioration of the nervous system, which is manifested by frequent mood swings, increased sleepiness and nervousness.

Attention! Often this symptom does not cause concern to the patient until the weight loss exceeds 10%. Fast weight loss, which is not caused by targeted adherence to a diet, should serve as a reason to contact a specialist.

It should be noted that depending on the stage of development of the disease and the type of tumor, the clinical picture can vary significantly. Therefore, even if the only pathological manifestation is persistent nausea, you should seek advice from a specialist.

Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C - pathology inflammatory in nature, in which destructive and degenerative processes are observed in the liver tissues. Most hepatitis is viral origin and are a socially dangerous disease.

The disease can occur for a long time without significant clinical symptoms. The peculiarity of the liver is that its tissues do not contain nerve endings, so the inflammatory process does not cause the patient pain. Often, persistent nausea is the reason to consult a doctor. However, there are other characteristic manifestations of pathology:

  1. Decreased appetite, sharp deterioration in health after drinking alcoholic beverages.
  2. Increase in body temperature to low-grade levels. Fever may occur in evening time and often does not exceed 37-37.2°C. In some cases, hyperthermia is accompanied by symptoms characteristic of ARVI: cephalgia, weakness, cough, rhinitis.
  3. Sleep disturbance. Patients with hepatitis may complain of both prolonged insomnia and constant drowsiness.
  4. Fatigue, drowsiness. Long-term intoxication, caused by dysfunction of hepatocytes, leads to exhaustion of the body. This condition leads to the patient’s emotional instability, decreased performance, and deterioration of cognitive function.

Attention! The acute form of hepatitis in the vast majority of cases is accompanied by severe jaundice. This is a condition in which skin patient, his mucous membranes and sclera of the eyes acquire a grayish-yellow tint. This symptom occurs due to the accumulation of large amounts of bilirubin in the blood.

Atrophic gastritis

Atrophic gastritis is a chronic pathological process in which the functioning of the stomach is disrupted. The disease develops as a result of the destruction of parietal cells, that is, secreting hydrochloric acid. Unlike other types of gastritis, the atrophic form of the disease does not manifest itself clinical picture, characteristic of this type of pathology. Patients do not complain of heartburn, severe pain syndrome and vomiting sour.

Due to lack of production gastric juice Atrophic gastritis is manifested by the following symptoms:

  1. Persistent nausea that worsens after eating.
  2. Decreased appetite, bowel dysfunction. Patients may experience constipation followed by bouts of diarrhea.
  3. Unpleasant bursting sensations in the epigastric area that occur immediately after eating.
  4. Weakness, lethargy, increased irritability.
  5. Rotten burps, increased gas formation, flatulence.

Attention! Atrophic gastritis is a precancerous condition. Degeneration of gastric secretory cells often leads to their destruction or malignancy. To prevent development malignant process, when the first symptoms of the disease appear, you should seek the help of a specialist.

Video - Nausea without vomiting


Helminths are several types of lower worms that are able to function and develop in the human body at the expense of its resources. All representatives of this group can be divided into three classes:

  • roundworms;
  • tapeworms;
  • flukes.

Attention! The greatest danger to humans is the larval forms of worms. They are able to move freely throughout the patient’s body, striking various systems. Most dangerous form helminthiasis is cerebral cysticercosis - infection of brain tissue with pork tapeworm germs. This variety helminthic infestation in most cases it cannot be treated and leads to the death of the patient.

Depending on the state of health, the patient may experience various manifestations of helminthic infestation; in some cases, the disease proceeds without any severe symptoms. To prevent the development of a pathological process, you should regularly undergo preventive medical examinations.

Brain concussion

Persistent nausea may be a sign of a malfunction of the central nervous system. One of the most common causes of this dysfunction is a concussion. Such an injury can be caused by a bruise, blow or flick resulting from a person’s fall, sudden deceleration or acceleration.

A concussion can be accompanied by a pronounced clinical picture or occur in an erased form. The patient should pay attention to alarming symptoms and contact a medical clinic if any characteristic features diseases:

  1. Nausea, vomiting.
  2. Weakness, drowsiness, lethargy. The patient often experiences a lack of coherence in speech, a decreased emotional response to current events, and impaired concentration.
  3. Cephalgia, dizziness. The patient complains of deterioration in health during physical activity.
  4. Noise in the ears, possible nosebleeds.

Concussion is the most minor injury brain. However, lack of treatment can lead to the development of various complications from the nervous system.

Long-lasting nausea, which is not accompanied by other severe symptoms, can be a manifestation of a number of diseases. To accurately determine the cause of the malaise, it is necessary to promptly seek advice from a specialist.

Video – Nausea

In most cases, nausea after eating indicates chronic or acute disorders in the human body. The attack can be either short or long with uncontrollable vomiting. To diagnose concomitant illness or find out the cause of nausea, you need to consult a doctor, analyze symptoms and full examination patient.

The main causes of nausea after eating

The problem can arise against the background of some illness or separate condition. There are several main causes of nausea:

  • diseases of the digestive tract (cholecystitis, duodenitis, peptic ulcer of the intestines and stomach, pancreatitis);
  • overdose or side effects from taking medications;
  • toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • development of cancer;
  • strong emotional arousal, stress;
  • pathologies of the vestibular apparatus;
  • helminth infection;
  • intestinal infection in case of poisoning;
  • food allergies;
  • unbalanced diet (fasting, overeating, dieting, frequent use fat, spicy food and confectionery).

Nausea can also be caused by other causes not related to food. These are sunstroke, high blood pressure, migraine, concussion, appendicitis attack, etc.

Gastroenterologists note that more and more often patients are seeking help for nausea and pain in the stomach after eating. The problem may arise due to an inflammatory process, nervous overstrain etc. If during an attack there is heartburn, burning, heaviness in the stomach, then this indicates the development of a peptic ulcer.

Common causes of nausea after eating:

Frequent attacks of nausea after eating

Nausea is unpleasant condition, which appears in the upper abdomen, closer to the diaphragm. It often occurs immediately after eating. In isolated cases, there is no need to worry, but systematic attacks indicate a disruption of the digestive tract.

Dizziness and nausea after eating

There are many reasons why you feel dizzy and nauseous after eating. Here are the most common ones.

  1. Vestibular neuritis. The disease most often develops against the background of previous illnesses respiratory system and is characterized by ear congestion, imbalance, panic attacks, and vomiting.
  2. Meniere's disease. The causes of the anomaly are still not fully understood; doctors claim that the disease is a consequence of infections and injuries. This disease causes prolonged attacks of nausea, dizziness, vomiting, and hearing loss. Symptoms disappear after 10 days to 2 weeks, but after a certain period of time they return.
  3. Migraine. This condition not only provokes a severe headache, but also dizziness, loss of balance, nausea, vomiting, and photophobia. The disease develops due to poor blood supply brain, especially those areas that are responsible for the functionality of the vestibular apparatus.
  4. Hormonal imbalance. Such changes are more typical for women whose hormone levels change with each menstruation, pregnancy, or menopause. With iron deficiency and unstable hormonal background The brain does not receive enough oxygen, causing nausea and dizziness.

Food aversions are not uncommon, so it is recommended to consult a doctor. A neurologist, therapist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, psychotherapist and even a nutritionist will be able to identify the cause of this condition.

The main provocateurs of nausea from any type of food:

  • toxicosis (chemical, food or drug poisoning, pregnancy);
  • nervous tension, depressive state, psychotic disorder;
  • drug, household or food allergies;
  • hormonal changes (pathologies of the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, thyroid gland);
  • infectious diseases;
  • internal ailments (lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.);
  • dysfunction of the gallbladder, liver, pancreas (colitis, gastritis, duodenitis);
  • metabolic abnormalities and protective functions body (gout, diabetes, hemochromatosis);
  • helminths;
  • viral illnesses (flu, HIV, hepatitis, cancer).

Most likely, the problem is superficial if a person does not have a rash, pain, dizziness, sudden weight loss, or increased body temperature.

Why do you feel sick after eating during pregnancy?

Nausea is a companion of almost all women who are pregnant. As the fetus grows, the body begins to adapt to this position. From the second to the third month, nausea in the morning is considered normal and indicates the normal development of the child. From 12 to 15 weeks, women who are carrying two children or are sick complain of nausea. From the 16th week, doctors determine toxicosis if attacks of nausea and vomiting exceed 6 times a day.

Causes of nausea during pregnancy:

  • emotional tension, stress;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • pathologies of the endocrine system;
  • bad habits or abrupt refusal of them;
  • gynecological diseases, inflammation of the appendages;
  • neurological diseases.

With normal fetal development and the health of the expectant mother, nausea should disappear by the second trimester.

Help with nausea

An attack of nausea can occur at any time, so people prone to this symptom You should reconsider your lifestyle and know what medications you can take during unpleasant reflex sensations.

Nausea is directly related to the functioning of the digestive system. An unhealthy lifestyle and bad habits such as alcohol abuse, smoking, and lack of exercise negatively affect the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, nausea, indigestion and other health problems occur.

Diet and nutrition correction

Healthy eating is correct selection products, control of their quality and safety. But this also applies to eating food at the same time, in moderate portions, and excluding all harmful products for the digestive tract. Acute attack nausea becomes a signal of health problems, so after it you need to give up sweet, fried, spicy, fatty foods. IN ideal The daily amount of food is divided into 5 meals, but without too cold or hot dishes.

Tablets that can be used to eliminate and prevent the symptom will quickly help you overcome nausea. An unpleasant sensation occurs during pregnancy, poisoning, or traveling in transport. This type of medication is prescribed to combat nausea. of different origins. The main components of the medications have antihistamine, antiemetic and anticholinergic effects. Their pharmacokinetics is complete dissolution in digestive system. The effect of the tablets begins 20-30 minutes after administration and lasts up to 6 hours.

If you have nausea during pregnancy, you need to consult a doctor so as not to harm the baby. self-treatment. In case of severe toxicosis, it is necessary to pass all the necessary tests and, based on them, a medicine is prescribed. Typically, Polysorb, Polyphepan, and Essentiale Forte are used in a short course. For toxicosis, experts recommend using Splenin; it is effective in the early stages. Pregnant women are prohibited from drinking Etaperazine and Torekan.

Anti-nausea medications have contraindications. It is better for people with individual intolerance to the components of the tablets to avoid taking them. Medicines are prohibited for children under two years of age. To avoid negative effects consultation with a doctor is required. In case of overdose medicines dry mouth, drowsiness, general weakness, and headache occur. At large doses, accommodation disturbance is observed.

Preventing vomiting after eating

To prevent attacks of vomiting, you need to avoid overeating and stop using alcoholic drinks, fried food in large quantities. If you have ailments of the digestive tract, you should follow special diet, which facilitates the digestion process and minimizes discomfort. Vomiting is often a consequence of poisoning, so it is necessary to carefully monitor the quality of the products consumed. At serious illnesses such as oncological diseases, pathologies of the nervous system, etc., you should urgently consult a doctor who will determine therapy.

When to see a doctor

If the attack of nausea after eating passes soon, then there is no need to worry. If the unpleasant condition does not go away within a week, you should go to the hospital. The most alarming associated symptoms are diarrhea and vomiting with blood, prolonged diarrhea, confusion, sharp pain in the abdomen, weakness, severe thirst, increased body temperature above 39 degrees.

If there are no other symptoms besides nausea, the specialist will ask the patient to keep a diet diary. To make a correct diagnosis, additional studies and tests such as x-rays are sometimes necessary. general analysis urine and blood, ultrasound, endoscopy, food allergen test.

About the causes of nausea in next video the specialist will tell you:

Nausea after eating is a reaction of the human body to certain disorders or diseases. Depending on the provocateur of the appearance of such a condition, it needs to be dealt with differently. The treatment of some ailments requires therapy under the supervision of a physician, but other causes can be eliminated independently.

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