What medications should be in your home medicine cabinet? What should a home first aid kit have - a list of medications

A home first aid kit should be in every home, regardless of whether you have health problems or not (after all, God protects those who are careful). Most of us take it lightly, going years without replenishing it or checking expiration dates, or not even starting it at all. So, a few useful tips about what should be the composition of a home first aid kit necessary for all occasions.

The general rule is to store the medicine in a dark, cool place, away from children and animals. When storing, each medicine should have its name and expiration date written on it, and it is highly desirable that it be in its original packaging and along with the instructions.

Once every six months or so, it is necessary to inspect all medications in the medicine cabinet, replenish supplies and throw away those with expired expiration dates.

It would be most convenient to organize a universal first aid kit according to the principle of “what and for what disease.” On medicine boxes or on pieces of paper (attached with an elastic band), write the name of the medicine, what it is for, and how to use it. This will make your life a lot easier emergency situation. You can stick a piece of paper on the first aid kit from the telephone number of the clinic, family and other medical services and pharmacies you need.

Composition of a home first aid kit

Now, let's make a list of a home first aid kit: what exactly should be in every apartment? Naturally, the composition of the drugs will be very approximate. If you or your family members have chronic diseases, it is imperative to include medications prescribed for them in your first aid kit.

1. Dressing materials

  • Sterile bandage - for dressings
  • Elastic bandage - for fixation in case of fractures, bruises, etc., as well as for applying compresses.
  • Cotton wool (or cotton pads)
  • Tourniquet – to stop bleeding
  • A variety of plasters according to shape and purpose (medical (for fixation) and bactericidal (for abrasions and paresis))

2. Materials for treating wounds, burns, stopping bleeding

  • Panthenol – for burns, wound healing agent

Only after the burned area has been under cold water for 15 minutes.

  • Hydrogen peroxide 3% - used for minor bleeding and wound treatment for mechanical flushing and stopping bleeding
  • Iodine, brilliant green - for disinfecting wounds.

At large and deep wounds Only the edges can be treated with iodine so as not to irritate damaged tissue, otherwise it may even cause a burn.

3. For colds and flu

  • Paracetamol, Efferalgan or Nurofen - to reduce elevated temperature(temperature above 39.0 in an adult and 38.0 degrees in a child)

In cases of heart disease, increased intracranial pressure or epilepsy, an adult needs to drink an antipyretic already at 38 degrees. We do not recommend using aspirin, especially for children and people with stomach problems.

  • At the first symptoms of flu and colds, the earlier it is applied, the better effect(Theraflu, Antigrippin, etc.)
  • Combination drugs for the treatment of influenza and colds(Angri-max, Grippostad, Coldrex)
  • Spray or lozenges for sore throat (Hexoral-spray, Strepsils, Ingalipt)
  • Expectorants (pectusin, bronchicum, pectosol)
  • Nasal drops to ease breathing and reduce nasal swelling (Naphthyzin, Galazolin, Sanorin, Nazivin)

4. Painkillers

  • Validol (nitroglycerin, carvalol) - for heart pain, angina pectoris, etc.
  • No-shpa, spasmalgon - to relieve spastic pain (when you suddenly “grab your stomach”) and during painful menstruation
  • Painkillers (ketanov, tempalgin)
  • Ointments to relieve muscle pain

5. Help with stomach problems

  • Festal (Mezim) – enzymes that help with digestion
  • Activated carbon - for food poisoning

If you have abdominal pain, you should not use painkillers until you consult a doctor, because After the pain subsides, it will be difficult to determine why it occurred.

6. Antihistamines

  • Claritin, Diazolin, Tavegil, Suprastin - for allergies

7. Other

  • Thermometer
  • Scissors, tweezers
  • Measuring cup
  • Warmer
  • Ammonia - for fainting

Well, that seems to be all, we hope that our advice on what should be included in a home first aid kit will help you and you will be prepared for any situation.

What are the necessary medications at home? medical kit families should be for children and adults: list and recommendations for selection

Every family should have a home first aid kit. It is collected based on who is part of the family, what chronic diseases they suffer from, what injuries and damages they are exposed to. Thus, the mandatory medications in a home medicine cabinet in a family with frequently and long-term ill children are antiviral, immunostrengthening and antibacterial drugs. And where children are mobile and constantly injured, emphasis should be placed on disinfectants and dressings.

When starting to compile your list of medications for your home medicine cabinet, pay attention to the recommendations that doctors give in the material provided. It is worth choosing 1-2 items from each category. You should not store all of the listed funds. They have approximately the same pharmacological effects.

After you have compiled a list of medications for your family's home medicine cabinet, select a suitable container and a place to store it. It must be inaccessible to children. Then go to the pharmacy and buy what you are going to put in for adults and children. The choice of drugs based on price and manufacturer is yours.

List of necessary medications in a home medicine cabinet

Unfortunately, life is not always a holiday. Especially family life. After all, we must be able to take care not only of ourselves, but also of our husband and child. Certainly, modern medicine stepped far forward. But you should know that there are situations in life when too much time may pass before the doctor arrives. Therefore, you yourself must be a competent doctor, a patient nurse, and the kindest nurse in the world.

Let's start our medical educational program with the fact that there must be a home first aid kit in the house, which should contain all the essentials. The list of home first aid kits provided in this article will help you create a list of the essentials for your family. It is worth understanding that the list necessary medications What you need for a home first aid kit will largely depend on whether you have children or elderly family members with chronic illnesses. If you have a young family without children, then the necessary medications in your home medicine cabinet are aspirin and Activated carbon, suprastin and ampiox, analgin and bandages.

Diseases, as a rule, are never part of our plans. But you should not be caught off guard by any illness. To give the disease a worthy rebuff, you must be able to fight it. After all, swallowing a pill does not mean stopping the pain. You need to fight diseases competently, and you must treat this with full responsibility.

For a home first aid kit, it is not at all necessary to have a huge suitcase and put packages of newfangled medicines there. To do this, you can adapt a small box that will fit your arsenal of medicinal and medications, which you can’t do without.

What should be included in home first aid kit? Everything that will help you help out your loved ones when they feel bad. But when using medications, you must learn the basic rule: never give your loved ones medicine without being firmly convinced that it is really necessary!

List of disinfecting medications: what should be in your home medicine cabinet

Disinfectants- this is the first thing that should be in a home medicine cabinet, and detailed list medications can be seen later in this article.

So, let's start assembling a home first aid kit. The first thing you should put there are antiseptic (disinfectants), that is, a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, iodine, potassium permanganate, boric acid, brilliant green solution, chloramine B.

Solution potassium permanganate, or potassium permanganate, is used as a disinfectant. It is sold in pharmacies in the form of a powder with red-violet crystals. Dissolve this powder in water. You need to use potassium permanganate wisely, otherwise you can dry out the skin very much. The solution, ready for use, should be light pink in color.

Since potassium permanganate is used quite often, you can make a solution of a rich dark purple color and add a small amount of this solution to the water for rinsing and washing.

A solution of potassium permanganate must be in the house where there is a newborn child. Potassium permanganate is also used in gynecology for washing and douching. You can gargle with a 0.1% solution for reddened tonsils or small wounds in the mouth. This remedy is well suited for children. External wounds can be washed with a 0.5% solution. If the wounds, for example, fester, then you can use a stronger solution - 2-5%. A solution of the same concentration can be used for large festering wounds and for treating burn surfaces.

For internal use Very weak solutions of potassium permanganate are suitable. A 0.02-0.1% solution can be used for various poisonings, for example, poisons, for gastric lavage.

Potassium permanganate perfectly destroys various unpleasant odors. Brilliant green, or brilliant green, as this drug is more often called popularly, can be used to lubricate pustular formations on the skin, to disinfect wounds, abrasions and cuts. Lubricated with brilliant green skin rash with chickenpox. Zelenka also helps with childhood stomatitis. In this case, brilliant green is used to treat the inflamed areas of the oral mucosa. Zelenka disinfects well, but does not dry out the skin.

Iodine tincture, like brilliant green, is used to disinfect wounds. Iodine - excellent remedy for cauterization of inflamed skin areas. Iodine is also used as a resolving agent.

A 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide is used both as an external disinfectant and as an internal one. They can be used to gargle with sore throat and stomatitis, and to wash festering or poorly healing wounds. Hydrogen peroxide is also used for gynecological diseases.

Perhydrol- This is a stronger solution of hydrogen peroxide. It can be used for large festering wounds. Such a solution may be too strong for children’s skin, so it is better to treat the wound directly with a cotton swab soaked in the solution.

Hydrogen peroxide perfectly destroys unpleasant odor, so a 3% solution can be used to rinse the mouth for diseases of the nasopharynx.

Disinfecting medicines in a home medicine cabinet for children

There should be special medicines in the home medicine cabinet for children with disinfecting properties. They don't provide negative influence when treating wounds and abrasions.

Boric acid - excellent antimicrobial agent. This drug is sold in pharmacies in the form of a white powder that easily dissolves in water or alcohol. For an aqueous disinfectant solution, it is enough to take 1 tsp. powder boric acid for 1 glass of boiled water. You can gargle with this solution and oral cavity in case of inflammation of the mucous membrane, rinse eyes when inflammatory processes, use for caring for a newborn.

Boric acid- one of the components of ear drops.

Chloramine B is a white or yellowish color. It is used as a disinfectant to disinfect patient care items. This powder dissolves well in hot water. It is recommended to wash bathroom floors with a chloramine solution from time to time. During a flu epidemic, you need to wipe down floors and door handles. weak solution chloramine.

However, given how many disinfectants and deodorizing agents the modern drug market can offer, you can abandon chloramine and use other disinfectant solutions.

Furacilin and streptocide are useful, which can be used as disinfectants when rinsing the mouth and with purulent wounds.

Bandages and cotton wool in the first aid kit

Your home first aid kit must include bandages, adhesive plasters, and cotton wool. You need to have both narrow and wide bandages. Bandages are needed to bandage wounds and to secure splints that are applied for fractures.

A bactericidal adhesive plaster is needed to close the wound. The adhesive plaster can be used only for small wounds, because, sticking to large areas of skin, it is difficult to remove later. The adhesive side of the patch may cause mild irritation.

Even if the wound is small, it must be closed: it is better to wrap it in a bandage and tie it loosely.

Adhesive patch inside without a bactericidal layer, it can be used for compresses on wounds. For example, having covered a wound or inflamed surface with streptocide, syntomycin emulsion or Vishnevsky ointment, you need to put a small cotton swab and only then attach the patch.

The cotton wool should be in a sterile bag, the same one in which it is usually purchased at the pharmacy. Cotton wool is applied to wounds for disinfecting and healing compresses. You probably have to use cotton wool more often than any other item in your home medicine cabinet. Cotton wool is especially needed if there is a newborn in the house. Use sterile cotton wool to wash the eyes and clean the baby’s nose. Cotton wool will be needed to wash and disinfect wounds and abrasions that are large quantities appear in little tomboys.

A hemostatic tourniquet is required. Of course, when purchasing it, you don’t need to prepare yourself for the worst that can happen in life. Just don’t forget that you need to get out of many unpleasant situations with the least losses - for this you should always have everything you need at hand.

A hemostatic tourniquet is a rubber tube. With its help you can stop bleeding and save a person.

By using hemostatic sponge you can stop the bleeding and close the wound surface.

List of what should be in a home medicine cabinet

Let us open the list of what should be in a home medicine cabinet with a thermometer.

Thermometer- perhaps one of the most necessary and necessary things in a home medicine cabinet. This is what we use as soon as we feel mild signs of illness. The mercury scale of a thermometer shows how the body reacts to a possible disease. As a rule, an increase in temperature, that is, a thermometer reading above 37 °C, indicates the body’s struggle with the onset of the disease. The thermometer should be stored in a special case and should be handled with care.

Nice to have electronic thermometer. It measures the temperature within 2 minutes. The numbers are displayed on a special board. There is no need to worry about the device breaking and spilling mercury.

Each first aid kit should have a syringe (syringe bulb), a heating pad complete with a tube and tips for enemas.

The next thing you should have in your first aid kit is: is a control device blood pressure- tonometer, especially if there is an elderly person in the house.

Be sure to purchase several pipettes for your home medicine cabinet, with blunt tips, so as not to accidentally damage the mucous membrane when instilling them. Mustard plasters and jars are needed. It is better to purchase mustard plasters in small quantities, as they can become damp. Mustard plasters are stored wrapped in thick paper, but not in cellophane. It is better to put the jars in a separate box. Jars and mustard plasters are used for persistent colds that do not go away for a long time.

What essential medications should be in your home medicine cabinet?

Let's figure out what medications should be in your home medicine cabinet to combat colds. These are the medications that should always be in your home medicine cabinet in sufficient quantities, since with their help you can lower your temperature and relieve pain.

To treat colds, purchase pepper patch. This medicine is applied to the area that needs warming, like a warming compress.

You can’t do without antipyretics and painkillers. Antipyretic drugs are mandatory medications in the home medicine cabinet that cause a decrease in temperature. Most often, antipyretic drugs also contain analgesic components.

Aspirin ( acetylsalicylic acid) - perhaps the most popular and affordable antipyretic drug. Included in powders taken for the flu. Aspirin is available in tablets. Its use is recommended for colds, flu, and inflammatory diseases. Use aspirin 1 tablet 2-3 times a day. For children, the dose should be reduced in accordance with the doctor's recommendations.

Askofen is an antipyretic drug that contains aspirin. It has an analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect. Recommended for colds, neuralgia and headaches.

Amidopyrine can be used as an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic. Children are prescribed 0.025-0.15 g per dose, adults - 0.25-0.3 g 3-4 times a day.

Paracetamol has antipyretic and analgesic properties. This drug is available in the form of tablets or syrup. A special mixture is available for children under five years of age. Children over 12 years of age and adults can take 1-2 tablets 1-3 times a day. Children from 5 to 12 years old can take half a tablet 1-3 times a day.

Efferalgan is commercially available in solution or tablet form. This is a fairly effective analgesic and antipyretic. Used for colds, infections in the bronchi, lungs or upper respiratory tract. Efferalgan solution is available for children under 1 year of age; use it 1 tsp. twice a day. From one to three years of age, children can be given 1 tsp. three times a day. For children over three years of age, the permissible dose of medication is 1 tsp. 4-5 times a day. After seven years, you can give efferalgan tablets, from 7 to 15 years - half a tablet 1-3 times a day; from 15 years and older - 1-2 tablets 1-3 times a day. The tablets dissolve quickly in water in accordance with the recommended proportions. Efferalgan should not be used more often than after four hours.

Panadol is used as an antipyretic and analgesic. It is recommended for flu, neuralgic pain, radiculitis, and helps with toothache and headaches. Like efferalgan, panadol should not be taken more often than every 4 hours; no more than four doses can be taken during the day. For children under one year old, Panadol is available in suspension (0.5-1 tsp), from one year to 6 years - 1-2 tsp, from 6 to 12 years - 2-4 tsp. . Children from 6 to 12 years old can be given Panadol in tablets, 0.5-1 tablet per dose. Children over 12 years of age and adults can take 1-2 tablets at a time.

Coldrex is available in tablets and powder. The drug has an antipyretic and analgesic effect. Recommended for use against flu and colds. Coldrex tablets should not be given to children under 6 years of age. But children from 6 to 12 years old can take 1 tablet up to four times a day, adults - 2 tablets up to four times a day. Coldrex powder should not be taken by children under 12 years of age. Adults can take 1 powder, dissolving it in hot water.

Solpadeine- instant effervescent tablets. Used as a quick and effective remedy for pain relief for neuralgia, rheumatism, toothache and headache, flu and colds. 1 tablet of solpadeine should be dissolved in 1 glass of water, adults - 2 tablets. You can take solpadeine up to four times a day. The interval between taking tablets should be at least 4 hours. Solpadeine should not be given to children under seven years of age! From 7 to 12 years old, you can give half a tablet or a whole one.

Aspirin Oops- also effervescent tablets. Recommended for colds, flu, as an anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent; indispensable for colds, since the tablets contain ascorbic acid. This is especially important in the first days of the disease. The drug should not be given to children under four years of age! Children from 4 to 10 years old can be given 1/2 tablet or a whole tablet, no more than four times a day, children from 10 to 15 years old - 1-2 tablets 4 times a day, adults - 1-3 tablets 4 times. in a day. The tablets must be dissolved in a full glass of water.

Aspirin Bayer, like many modern painkillers and antipyretics, is available in effervescent tablets. These tablets contain aspirin, soda and lemon acid. The drug should not be given to children under three years of age. Children over three years old can be given 0.5-1.5 tablets per dose, up to 4 tablets per day, adults - 1-2 tablets per dose, up to 8 tablets per day.

Very convenient and effective antipyretics rectal suppositories. Their selection is very wide, both domestic and imported production. Some have (like tablets) a complex antipyretic and analgesic effect. Suppositories are convenient because they have a mild effect and do not put a strain on the stomach. After all, sometimes during an illness a person has to take a lot of medications.

Painkillers in a home medicine cabinet

All painkillers in your home medicine cabinet should be taken in accordance with the instructions supplied with them. The main non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the home medicine cabinet are analgin, ketorol, ortofen, panadol, etc.

Analgin is most often used as an analgesic, but can also be taken as an anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent. Recommended for flu, colds, neuralgia, radiculitis, toothache and headache. For children, the permissible dose of analgin is easy to calculate: for every kilogram of weight, 0.005-0.01 g of medication, up to 3-4 times a day. Adults take analgin 0.25-0.5 g 2 times a day.

Panadeine is a very effective pain reliever. Recommended for headaches and toothaches, rheumatism, radiculitis, neuralgia, arthritis, colds and flu. The drug is strictly contraindicated for children under seven years of age! Children under 12 years of age can be given 1/2 or a whole tablet, adults - 1-2 tablets, no more than four times a day. The interval between taking each dose is at least four hours.

Pain can have the most different origins- headache or dental, with neuralgia or radiculitis.

Dental drops are used for toothache. Place 2-3 drops on a small cotton swab and place the cotton wool on the sore tooth. This remedy will help relieve pain for a while, but you should definitely visit a dentist.

Finalgon can be used for muscle and joint pain, for radiculitis and neuralgia, for pain resulting from bruises or sports injuries. In these cases, the tincture will help capsicum. The preparations are thoroughly rubbed into the skin, then the area is well wrapped.

Cough tablets in a home medicine cabinet

Your home medicine cabinet must contain antitussives and expectorants.

Mucaltin is available in tablets and is used as an expectorant, 1-2 tablets before meals. Tablets are made from medicinal herbs, and there are no contraindications for use.

Mucaltin does not have a pronounced antitussive effect. Therefore, it is good to have medications in your medicine cabinet that can soften an adult’s cough and help a child cough up.

Pertussin- This is a medicine that softens cough, it also has an expectorant effect. Recommended for bronchitis and diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Available in the form of suckable tablets or as a mixture. The mixture is taken 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. Children under three years old are given 1/2 tsp. 3 times a day, from 3 to 12 years - 1 dessert spoon.

The chest elixir will soften cough and ease breathing. A fairly harmless product made from herbal extracts. Can be taken as an expectorant, 20-40 drops several times a day. For children, the dosage is different: usually children are given as many drops as the child is old. Drops can be diluted in small quantity warm water. If after the drops there remains bad taste, you can take a few more sips of water.

Ammonia-anise drops- an excellent expectorant. Recommended for bronchitis. Take 10-15 drops 3-4 times a day. For children, a single dose is determined by age: how old is the number of drops.

Bronholitin- an effective bronchodilator. These tablets in your home medicine cabinet are recommended for chesty, hoarse, dry coughs and acute bronchitis. It is not recommended to give the drug to children under three years of age. (For children of this age there are more soft drugs.) Children from 3 to 10 years old - 1 tsp. 3 times a day, children over 10 years old - 2 tsp. 3 times a day. Adults take 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day.

Bromhexine is used as an expectorant and antitussive. Prescribed for bronchitis and pneumonia. Children from 3 to 4 years old can be given 0.002 g, from 5 to 14 years old - 0.004 g, adults - 0.016 g, also 3 times a day.

Falimint- Not expectorant, it is used for inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and nasopharynx. It has slight anesthetic and disinfectant properties. Available in suckable tablets. Permissible dose- 7-8 tablets per day.

All of the drugs listed are freely sold in pharmacies and can be stored at home. Of course, this does not mean that, having made stockpiles of medicines that have very specific expiration dates, you don’t have to resort to the help of a doctor at all. They may just come in handy before the doctor comes, but you can use the medicine if you are sure that it is necessary. For example, if breathing is hoarse, wheezing is heard, and the patient feels chest pain when coughing, you can take bromhexine and broncholithin.

A sore throat and cough caused by a tingling sensation in the throat can be relieved with pertussin or falimint. These same drugs will help with any ailment in the throat and nasopharynx. Pectusin will help eliminate a coughing attack. It is advisable to have pectusin tablets in every home medicine cabinet; they will also help with inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

It's not bad if you have a bottle of Lugol in your first aid kit. This is an excellent remedy at the first sign of discomfort in the throat, especially if someone in the household often suffers from sore throat or colds.

Remedies for colds in a home medicine cabinet

But if you have a stuffy nose, you need to keep your feet in warm water and immediately put on warm socks, because when a runny nose begins, it is very important to keep your feet warm. You cannot do without special medications. There must be decongestants and vasoconstrictors in your home medicine cabinet, which are used for runny noses and sinusitis.

Galazolin is used, as a rule, for runny nose and sinusitis, for allergic diseases nasal and throat cavities. When instilling the drug into the nasal cavity, you must also follow the doses indicated in the attached annotation; for adults, 1-3 drops in each nostril 1-3 times a day of a 0.1% solution. Galazolin for children is a 0.05% solution, instilled 1 drop once a day.

Naphthyzin is used in the same cases as galazolin, as well as for nosebleeds and conjunctivitis. Children over one year old are instilled with 1-2 drops of a 0.05% solution of naphthyzine, adults - 1-2 drops 2-3 times a day of a 0.1% solution. In case of nosebleeds, small cotton wool flagella should be moistened in a 0.5% naphthysin solution and inserted into the nasal passages, held for about 10 minutes, then carefully removed.

Sanorin contains a 0.1% solution of naphthyzine and is available in the form of an emulsion.

Pinosol is used for diseases of the nasal cavity and throat; it is an excellent decongestant. The effect after using the drops remains quite long time, since the drops contain healing oils, which envelop the mucous membrane and relieve inflammation. For children over three years old, pinosol is instilled 1 drop 2 times a day, for adults - 1-2 drops 2 times a day.

Drops that seem completely harmless at first glance may also have contraindications. If doses are administered too high and too often, it will lead to various side effects, which can be expressed as a burning sensation in the throat and nose. An allergic reaction may also occur.

When purchasing a cold remedy for your home medicine cabinet, choose the most suitable one for your family members.

What is included in a home first aid kit for a child with allergies?

The composition of a home first aid kit often depends on the presence of diseases among family members. The home medicine cabinet of a child with allergies should be filled with special medications. Let's look at what is included in the home first aid kit of a baby suffering from allergic reactions. Antihistamines are taken for allergic diseases. Tavegil, diphenhydramine, suprastin, fencalor, claretin will relieve itching, swelling and other symptoms of an allergic reaction.

Under no circumstances should you make a diagnosis of “allergy” on your own. For example, a rash on the body is not always a sign of only an allergic reaction of the body to something. A rash can be a symptom of many infectious diseases, which are not treated with diphenhydramine. Therefore, if you suspect an allergy, you should still consult a doctor immediately. IN severe cases, when a patient experiences shortness of breath, spasms, or difficulty breathing, you need to call “ ambulance" Independent and unsupervised use antihistamines extremely undesirable. The doctor will prescribe exactly the drug that is needed in a particular case.

Tavegil is taken for allergic diseases of the upper respiratory tract, with acute course urticaria, skin itching, allergic dermatitis, neurodermatitis. Children from 6 to 12 years old can take the drug 0.5-1 tablet 2 times a day, adults - 1 tablet 2 times a day. The drug is available in tablets of 0.001 g.

Suprastin is recommended for rashes caused by allergies to medications, skin allergic diseases, urticaria and eczema. Children under 12 months are given 1/4 tablet 2-3 times a day, up to 6 years old - 1/3 tablet 2-3 times a day, up to 14 years old - 1/2 tablet 2-3 times a day. The permissible dose for adults is 1 tablet 2-3 times a day. Take with meals.

Diphenhydramine is taken as an antiallergic drug, as a sedative and sleeping pill. The permissible dose for adults is 0.25 g per day.

It is not advisable to use these medications without a doctor’s recommendation. The same drugs include antibiotics. At the first sign of a cold, do not immediately try to give the patient a drug from this group. After the examination, the doctor will prescribe exactly the remedy that the patient needs.

Contents of a home first aid kit

Still, your home medicine cabinet should contain some of the most frequently prescribed medications. If you turn out to be thrifty, then you won’t have to run around pharmacies, for example, on Sunday evening, looking for the right medicine.

You can probably put ampiox and ampicillin in the contents of your first aid kit. These drugs are most often prescribed for bronchitis, pneumonia, tonsillitis, cholecystitis and some infectious diseases.

You can also put a drug from the sulfonamide group in your home first aid kit: sulfadimethoxine, sulfadimezin, biseptol. But don’t make large reserves - everyone has medicinal product There is a certain expiration date. Drugs that have expired should not be taken; they should be replaced.

If antibiotics or antiallergic drugs can not be stored in a medicine cabinet, but can be purchased at a pharmacy on the recommendation of a doctor, then antiviral drugs It is desirable to have in every home.

They will certainly come in handy in the fall, when it is so easy to catch a cold or the flu. Buy interferon in advance, oxolinic ointment and rimantadine.

Remantadine can be taken as soon as the first signs of the disease appear or for preventive purposes during influenza epidemics. The drug is taken after meals. To prevent influenza, adults take 1 tablet once a day for 15 days. For treatment in the first days of the disease, the drug is taken as follows. Children from 7 to 10 years old are given 1 tablet 2 times a day, from 11 to 15 years old - 1 tablet 3 times a day, adults - 2 tablets 3 times a day (first day); 2 tablets 2 times a day (second and third day); 2 tablets 1 time per day (fourth day). On the first day of illness, you can drink all daily dose immediately - a “loading dose”.

Interferon is taken to treat influenza and prevent colds and flu during epidemics. For this purpose they bury water solution interferon into the nasal cavity. IN for preventive purposes 5 drops are instilled into each nostril 2 times a day, for a cold or when treating the flu - 5 drops of the drug every hour or two.

Oxolinic ointment can be used to lubricate the nasal mucosa during a flu epidemic. This is an excellent preventative.

List of drugs in an adult's home medicine cabinet for stomach problems

What is still missing from the home medicine cabinet of an adult with stomach problems? Of course, drugs that will help relieve stomach and intestinal illnesses. The first aid kit should have special drugs recommended by your attending physician. What should you do if suddenly someone has a stomach ache, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, or colic in the intestines? Here, too, you must be the first to respond in time. first aid and alleviate suffering. Therefore, put activated carbon and one from the list of drugs in the home first aid kit in your first aid kit, such as smecta, rehydron, enterodez, glucosolan.

With diarrhea, especially in small children, it is very important to catch the disease at the very beginning. The faster you can do this, the less suffering for your baby, and possibly even severe consequences, such as dysbiosis. Therefore, be sure to keep it in your first aid kit, especially if you have Small child, these simple but reliable and proven remedies. All these are drugs of the same series. They remove mucus from the intestines and disinfect gastrointestinal tract, stop diarrhea and, most importantly, make up for the lack organic salts, which are rapidly eliminated from the body. They are very easy to use: you need to dilute them in the amount of boiled water indicated on the bag and give them to your baby very often, a teaspoon at a time. Depending on the age, the child should drink from 0.5 to 1 life-saving liquid. For adults, the dosage is increased.

Activated carbon can be given to a patient for poisoning and various stomach disorders.

Essential heart medications in your home medicine cabinet

Every first aid kit should also contain heart medications. Even if none of your loved ones suffers from cardiovascular diseases. These are essential medicines in a home medicine cabinet, such as nitroglycerin tablets, which it is advisable to store not only in a home medicine cabinet, but also in the purse with which you go to work and shopping. Nitroglycerin is the first urgent Care for heart attacks.

Validol is used for attacks of hysteria, heart disease, as a sedative and analgesic: 5 drops of validol can be applied to a piece of sugar and slowly dissolved in the mouth, you can dilute them in a small amount of water, you can use 2 capsules at a time.

An infusion of valerian root, or valerian, is available in the form of drops or tablets. Taken as a sedative.

It seems that now you will not be in trouble if one of your loved ones suddenly develops a fever, a runny nose and cough, a stomach ache, or a heart attack. You don’t even have to rush headlong to the pharmacy, since your first aid kit has everything you need if the doctor discovers bronchitis, sore throat, or indigestion. You will be able to protect your loved ones from influenza viruses during annual epidemics. Or be on the lookout in spring and summer, when unwashed vegetables and fruits are just asking to be put into your mouth.

When taking any medicine, it is very important to maintain the dose; overdose is very dangerous. This is especially true for antipyretic drugs. It happens that mothers, with the best intentions - to knock down hurry up the temperature- give the baby too much of an antipyretic drug. The temperature, of course, will drop, but the consequences can be very sad. A dose of medication that exceeds the permissible dose can lead to disruption of the kidneys, liver, and cause a severe allergic reaction. Therefore, before giving the medicine, you must read the instructions.

Almost every medicine has contraindications and side effects. And if you find that after taking the medicine the patient has nausea, vomiting or an allergic reaction in the form skin itching or rash, this means that the medicine should not be used under any circumstances.

Taking medications is usually associated with food intake. Some tablets are taken before meals, others after. Many medications need to be taken on an empty stomach - within 10-15 minutes it will enter the intestines and begin to be absorbed into the blood. Doctors recommend crushing or chewing the tablets because empty stomach they have nothing to dissolve in. A crushed tablet will dissolve faster in the stomach.

If the tablets are produced in the form of dragees, in capsules, then, on the contrary, they should under no circumstances be crushed.

Take medications strictly in accordance with the accompanying instructions.

You may have a question: what should you take with your medications? Room temperature water is best; many medications can be taken with alkaline mineral waters. Tea, coffee, compotes contain enzymes that can enter into unwanted reaction with medicinal substances.

A home first aid kit is a very important and irreplaceable attribute. It must be in any home. And it doesn’t matter whether a person has health difficulties or not. Many people take this issue carelessly and replenish and check the first aid kit only when their health is pressing. There are those who don’t even know what it is. So what is a first aid kit, what is it for and what should it contain. You will learn more about this in the article.

What should be in a home medicine cabinet

It is impossible to name the exact composition of a home first aid kit. Since each is individual and comes from the needs and family members. But we can name the components that must be present in any first aid kit.

Home first aid kit: list


  • A simple bandage sterile bandage, there are different sizes (7x14; 10x15, etc.) just choose the one that is most convenient for you to use. It is used for dressing.
  • The bandage is elastic and will help secure a body part in case of a fracture. Also used for compress.
  • Cotton wool.
  • Bactericidal patch.
  • Medical fabric plaster.
  • Venous tourniquet.


Immunostimulating, anti-cold drugs

  • Powder products fast action, knocking down the first symptoms (Rinzasip, Orvirem, Gripferon).
  • Antipyretics (Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Pracetomol, etc.) as a last resort Analgin with Diphenhydramine).
  • A remedy for sore throat, both in the form of tablets and sprays (Strepsils, Faringosept, Agisept, Ingalipt).
  • Cough tablets.
  • (Aqualor, Rinostop)


Drugs for the gastrointestinal tract

  • Festal, pancreatin, helps digestion.
  • Noshpa relieves heaviness and pain.
  • Activated carbon is used for poisoning and nausea.

Antiallergic drugs

Suprastin, Diazolin, Zodak.

Irreplaceable items

  • Measuring spoon.
  • Thermometer.
  • Warmer.
  • Ammonia.

What requirements must a home first aid kit meet?

Exist certain rules, according to which you need to collect and store a first aid kit. Here are some of them:

  1. Medicines should be stored in a cool, dark place.
  2. The availability of medicines should be limited so that children and animals cannot get them.
  3. Make sure that all packaging is marked with the production date and expiration date.
  4. If there are instructions for the drug, try not to lose it, make sure that it is located directly with the medicine for which it is intended.
  5. At least once every six months, check the medications for expired ones, and at the same time, based on its results, replenish the supply.

A home first aid kit should be organized and neatly folded. If it happens that there are those in the family who suffer from chronic diseases, the pills prescribed by the doctor must be placed in the first aid kit. They should always be on top, as the most quickly accessible. It's best to store medications in boxes, but if you decide to save space by clearing your medications out of their boxes, label them. Make an inscription directly on the package, or on a piece of paper and attach it to it. You should write down the name, dosage, pharmacology.

In this article we will look at what medications should be kept in your home medicine cabinet.

Unforeseen situations happen in every person's life. Injuries, cuts, various diseases can overtake anyone. In order to provide the first medical care It is important to have a home first aid kit on hand.

We will look at what groups of drugs everyone should have and what they are needed for. We will also analyze the terms and rules for storing medications, and highlight a list of mandatory medications that can be used by both adults and children for various ailments.

How to organize and assemble a home first aid kit?

In order to assemble a home first aid kit, it is important to understand what groups of drugs it consists of. Some of the main ones are:

  • Antiseptic (iodine, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide)
  • Dressing materials (adhesive plasters, elastic and gauze bandages, cotton wool, cotton swabs)
  • Antibiotics wide range actions
  • Antipyretic drugs (Nurofen, Paracetamol)
  • Painkillers (No-shpa, Spazmalgon)
  • Sorbents (Enterosgel, Activated carbon)
  • Electrolytic drugs (Regidron, Hemodez)

Also, the following remedies can be used at the first signs of illness:

  • Lozenges for coughs and sore throats (Doctor Mom, Chlorophyllipt, Strepsils)
  • Drugs for nasal congestion (Naphthyzin, Pinasol)
  • Mustard plasters
  • Aerosols for the throat (Inhalipt, Propasol, Bioparox, Tantum Verde)

It is important to pack all medications in a special container and place them in a dark place. However, if after opening some drugs need to be stored in a cold room, you can use a refrigerator. But not all medications can be placed in this device, so it is important to strictly adhere to the recommendations on the package inserts.

What should be in a home first aid kit for adults: a list of necessary medications and drugs

Adults and children have various ailments and diseases different systems body. Therefore, when choosing drugs for your home medicine cabinet, it is important to consider the needs and possible risks all family members. So for adults it is necessary to prepare the following medications:

  • Painkillers (Citramon - against headaches; Buscopan - for toothache; Nurofen - used for almost all types of pain)
  • For acute respiratory infections and colds (Panadol, Paracetamol, Upsarin Upsa - against elevated temperature; Pinasol, Xymelin, Rinonorm - help with the runny nose; Doctor Mom, Strepsils, Faringosept - fight sore throat and promote the removal of phlegm)
  • Against heart pain (Corvalol, Validol, Nitroglycerin)
  • Sedatives (Valerian tincture, Volocardin, Persen, Fitosed)
  • Medicines for diarrhea (Loperamide, Imodium, Stoperan)
  • Anti-allergy medications (Supragistim, Alerik, Claritin, Lorano)
  • Medicines for high blood pressure (Heptamil, Mezaton, Fethanol)
  • For hypertension (Telmisartan, Losartan, Zofenopril)
  • Antiseptics (iodine, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, fucorcin)
  • Anti-burn agents (Panthenol, Dexpanthenol)
  • Dressing materials (cotton wool, cotton pads, adhesive plaster, gauze and elastic bandage, finger pads, tourniquet, sterile gloves and napkins)
  • Against increased acidity stomach (Maalox, Rennie, Almagel)
  • For hepatic colic (Allohol, Flamin, Cholesan)
  • Medicines for muscle strain (Diklak gel, Voltaren, Clodifen gel, Feloran)
  • Sorbent drugs (White and black coal, Sorbex, Carbosorb)

It is also necessary to equip the first aid kit with the following equipment:

  • Thermometer
  • Mustard plasters
  • Pharmaceutical jars
  • Hot water bottle
  • Enema
  • Saline solution
  • Herbal mixtures (chamomile, oak bark, sage, rose hips)
  • Ammonia

What should be in a home first aid kit for children: a list of necessary medications and drugs

The list of necessary medications for children that should be in every home is somewhat different from medications intended for adults. Despite the fact that children are more often susceptible to other diseases, not all medications are allowed to be taken from a young age.

Therefore, parents need to prepare a separate first aid kit, including the following medications:

  • Antiseptics (chlorhexidine, iodine)
  • Recovery Tools skin(Bepanten, Levomekol, Solcoseryl, Actovegin cream)
  • Antipyretic medications (Panadol, Nurofen, Ibuprofen)
  • Drugs for nasal congestion (Naphthyzin, Rinazolin, Farmazolin)
  • Cough medicines (Lazolvan, Prospan, Doctor Mom, Ambrobene)
  • Antiallergic drugs (Diazolin, Psilo-balm)
  • Drugs to relieve symptoms of poisoning (Smecta, Sorbex)
  • Ointments to improve breathing (Vaporab, Doctor Mom ointment)
  • Medicines for dehydration (Regidron, Gastrolit, Normohydron, Orsol, Re-Sol)

What should be in a home first aid kit for a newborn: a list of necessary medications and drugs

To treat newborns, as well as eliminate the first symptoms of diseases, it is necessary to prepare a number of drugs that should be in every family of young parents.

  • Preparations for navel disinfection (hydrogen peroxide, cotton wool, cosmetic sticks, tincture of eucalyptus or brilliant green)

Treat the wound in the following sequence:

  • The baby should first be bathed in boiled water with a weak composition of potassium permanganate
  • Next, the stomach is treated with cotton wool soaked in peroxide.
  • A few drops of antiseptic are applied to the navel and washed using cosmetic sticks.
  • After this, the wound must be treated with brilliant green or using tincture of calendula or eucalyptus

After the excess tissue has fallen off, you should consult with your pediatrician about the further use of other medications to speed up the healing process.

  • It is also necessary to include anti-flatulence medications in the first aid kit (Espumizan, Plantex; Viburkol suppositories, Glycelax)
  • Medicines for fever are also indispensable in the home of young parents. For the treatment of infants, it is permissible to use Viferon, Tsefekon D, Alfarekin suppositories rec., Laferon-Farmbiotek suppositories rec.

These drugs should be used after consultation with a pediatrician, but if the baby has a fever at night, then 1 piece should be used.

  • Because infants are most susceptible allergic reactions, parents should have on hand medications aimed at relieving the main symptoms and improving general well-being child. However, they must be used only after a visit to the doctor, since this group is varied and each medication is prescribed after examination and analysis common features ailments.
  • Most often pediatricians use: Fenistil, Peritol
  • To prevent eye diseases, it is recommended to use drops of Tobrex, Gentamicin, Levomycetin. The dosage and duration of use is determined by the doctor.

Also, when creating a home first aid kit, be sure to prepare:

  • Powder
  • pipette
  • Baby nourishing cream
  • Mild shampoo
  • Pharmacy collections of dry herbs
  • Baby soap (you can also make your own from soap base, milk and cream)
  • Water and body thermometer
  • Napkins, cosmetic sticks and discs

Medicinal herbs in the home medicine cabinet: list with names

Except pharmacological drugs great benefit decoctions and infusions will be brought for the patient natural herbs. They can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently, provided they are grown in environmentally friendly areas. The following will become indispensable auxiliary medications for adults and children:

  • Immortelle – for diseases of the liver and biliary tract
  • Motherwort – normalizes female cycle and also helps against heart disease
  • Calendula flowers - normalize cholesterol levels, increase bile production in the body, and also act as an antiseptic drug
  • Peppermint provides sedative effect, relieves stress. When used for bathing, improves skin condition and eliminates allergies, increased sweating and dermatitis
  • Budra herb – for lung diseases, improves metabolism, increases appetite, helps with cystitis
  • Marsh cinquefoil - used as a gargle for throat diseases, including infectious lesions
  • Stinging nettle - indicated for gastritis, diabetes mellitus, rheumatism, anemia, cholecystitis
  • Ginkgo biloba is usually brewed to treat hemorrhoids, varicose veins veins, with sclerosis and thrombophlebitis
  • Birch chaga is used for tuberculosis, cysts, mastopathy, diabetes
  • Chamomile has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and wound healing effect. Therefore, it can be used for baths, compresses, and also in the form of decoctions.

Also from high temperature and colds it is useful to use:

  • Currant leaves
  • Raspberry leaves and fruits
  • Dog-rose fruit
  • Cranberry tea

  • Hawthorn
  • Motherwort
  • Valerian
  • Immortelle flowers

For constipation, it is useful to use decoctions:

  • Agave
  • Sugary kelp
  • Field steelhead
  • Horse sorrel
  • Dill

To normalize stool, it is necessary to use tea with the following components:

  • Fennel
  • Zhoster Pursha
  • centaury

Should there be antibiotics in a home medicine cabinet and what kind?

When creating a home first aid kit, many people ask the question: “What medications should I put in it and is it possible to buy antibiotics for treatment? possible diseases?. We do not recommend purchasing these medications for a number of reasons:

  • Everyone knows that frequent use antibiotics negatively affect the intestinal microflora and general state body.
  • Also, the use of this group of drugs can negatively affect your well-being, so you cannot prescribe medications yourself.
  • To prevent illness, you should not resort to antibiotics, as they can cause serious complications chronic diseases or provoke the emergence of new ones.
  • The shelf life of each drug is different. Don't buy medications in advance because you may never use them.

  • All doctors select those medications that are most effective in combating various ailments. Therefore, if you are prescribed another medicine, you will have to buy one that is not in your home medicine cabinet, and accordingly, you will incur double expenses.
  • The doctor prescribes a medicine based on symptoms, tests and the presence concomitant diseases. Therefore, you should not try to use the drug yourself.

Should there be homeopathic medicines in a home medicine cabinet and what kind?

Homeopathic medicines are alternative pharmacological medicines official medicine. They can be used as auxiliary methods treatment, but their use does not exclude full-fledged drug therapy. The following medications can be prepared for your home first aid kit:

  • Calm down - sedative, intended for the treatment of neuroses. The course of administration is 1-2 months in a dosage of 1 piece. in a day
  • Iricar - used to combat allergies and skin diseases. The product is used externally on the affected areas up to 3 times a day for 7-14 days
  • Corysalia - helps with runny nose and inflammation of the mucous membranes. The medication is used for 5 days, 1 capsule, with an interval of at least 3 hours between each dose.
  • Girel - prescribed for acute respiratory infections, flu and colds, as well as laryngitis. For adults, it is recommended to take 1 piece. medications three times a day for 5 days
  • Menthol or eucalyptus ointment - used to improve sleep and eliminate neuroses when applied to the external sinuses of the nose. The medicine is also used as an expectorant and for inhalation.

What is the minimum that every family should have in a home first aid kit: list

In order to assemble a complete home first aid kit, you need to use a number of those drugs and aids, which can be used without a doctor’s prescription and to eliminate the first symptoms of diseases. These include:

  • Medicines for high fever
  • Cold drops
  • Cough lozenges or lozenges
  • Aerosols for sore throat
  • Painkillers ( general purpose and toothache)
  • Antiseptics

  • First aid for cuts and open wounds(sterile gloves, cotton wool and bandage, bactericidal adhesive plaster)
  • Medicines for diarrhea
  • Absorbent drugs
  • Heart failure pills
  • Ointments and creams for muscle strains
  • Remedies for burns

How to store medications in a home medicine cabinet: storage container

To prevent medications from deteriorating before their expiration date, and to prevent packaging from being damaged, it is important to consider the following rules:

  • The container must have a tight lid and a spacious volume
  • A special case for medications can be purchased at the pharmacy, as well as on medical equipment websites
  • If it is impossible to buy professional packaging, we recommend using any box with a tight lid without any odors
  • Keep your first aid kit in dark places

How to store medications in a home medicine cabinet: storage rules

To ensure that the drugs do not spoil before the indicated expiration date, and also bring maximum benefit It is important to arm yourself with the following rules:

  • Medicines should not be stored in places exposed to sunlight.
  • In order to prolong life open drugs, they can only be stored in the refrigerator if this information is contained on the manufacturer's package insert
  • Select maximum safe place, where kids and animals cannot reach the box
  • The best place to store medications is the top shelf of the cabinet. In order to avoid the characteristic smell of clothes, we recommend using aromatic sachets
  • Don't let children play with real medicine

  • All medications must be stored in one place
  • Regularly check the expiration dates of medications to avoid poisoning in the future.
  • Do not buy medicines for future use. Purchase 1 tablet of each drug
  • Pack iodine, brilliant green and other brightly colored preparations in a separate box to prevent staining of house surfaces, dishes, furniture and clothing.
  • All medications must be stored in their original packaging.

A first aid kit should be in every home. After all, with its help you can not only stop bleeding in time, disinfect a cut or wound, but also improve your well-being during the manifestation of dangerous diseases before the ambulance arrives.

Today's topic is a home first aid kit, what list of necessary medications it should contain. Things happen in life when we or our children need urgent medical care. However, it does not always reach a doctor or pharmacy. Why is this happening? It's very simple - we have a first aid kit in our house.

It’s our custom that we usually store all our uneaten medicines in our home medicine cabinets. We place them there, and after that they live there permanently. In our country, every second resident who seems to be completely healthy person, goes to the pharmacy and buys medicine, so to speak, just in case.

Usually, people only buy medicine if someone really requires it. The law requires the driver to keep a first aid kit in his car, which is why he buys it.

And if you carefully examine this miracle, then the contents may just make your hair stand on end. But, nevertheless, everyone knows very well that if the driver does not have this first aid kit in his car, then various guys in uniform will pester him on the road.

This happens when something happens to a child:

  • he was injured;
  • got burned;
  • there was bleeding from the wound;
  • allergies appeared.

And what do you order me to do? Looking for a doctor? What if there is no doctor nearby, or we are vacationing somewhere far away, or even a day off? Or that new year holidays, or the pharmacy is re-registering, and this is one pharmacy for the whole area. What should we do and what should we have at home in such cases? These are the questions you should ask doctors at appointments.

If something bad happens in the house, then all family members must be informed in advance about where they can get a bandage, for example. Give your home medicine cabinet a special place that everyone in the house will know about. And if something happens, then we will know exactly where and what to look for.

This often happens, for example, we broke our knee and we urgently need a band-aid. And so our dad runs around and shouts at everyone: “Where is our patch?” And his mother tells him: “Look for him in such and such a box, there and there.” And in almost every home there is a similar situation.

There are generally accepted rules for the contents of a home first aid kit. There are medicines and products that should be in every first aid kit. For example, there is a bactericidal patch there, or a tourniquet to stop bleeding. These things should be in every home medicine cabinet.

Let's try together to make an approximate list of what should be in every home medicine cabinet. IN mandatory it must contain:

  1. Dressing materials:
  • sterile bandages for dressings (different widths);
  • medical cotton wool(cotton pads are fine);
  • elastic bandage for fixation for bruises and fractures;
  • elastic tourniquet (rubber) to stop bleeding;
  • plasters – bactericidal (for cuts and abrasions) and medical for fixation.
  1. To stop bleeding and treat wounds:
  • brilliant green and iodine for treating and disinfecting wounds;
  • 3% hydrogen peroxide for treating wounds and stopping bleeding in case of minor bleeding;
  • medical alcohol for disinfection of wounds.

To avoid additional burns in deep and large wounds, treat only the edges with iodine.

  1. For the treatment of burns (Bepanten, Panthenol, Spray)
  2. For gastrointestinal disorders:
  • Mezim;
  • Festal;
  • Smecta.
  1. At :
  • potassium permanganate;
  • Activated carbon.
  1. For flu and colds:
  • Antigrippin, Theraflu, Coldrex – combination drugs;
  • Nurofen, Efferalgan, Paracetamol - to reduce temperature;
  • Inhalipt, Strepsils, Hexoral - for sore throat;
  • Bronchicum, Pexusin - for expectoration;
  • Nazivin, Sanorin, Naphthyzin - to ease breathing.
  1. Painkillers:
  • Corvalol, Nitroglycerin, Validol - for angina pectoris, heart pain;
  • Spazmalgon, No-Shpa - with sharp pain in a stomach;
  • Ointments for relieving muscle pain.
  1. Herbal infusions:
  • sage;
  • chamomile;
  1. Antihistamines for allergies:
  • Fenistil;
  • Suprastin;
  • Claritin.
  1. Others:
  • tonometer;
  • thermometer;
  • tweezers;
  • warmer;
  • ammonia;
  • measuring cup.

There are medications that are individual for each person. And it’s completely wrong to tell everyone: “Keep nitroglycerin in your first aid kit.” This is a medicine for heart patients. Or: “Just in case, keep blood pressure medications in your medicine cabinet. You never know what can happen to your grandmother.” It's up to you to choose, we've compiled an approximate list necessary medications in the home medicine cabinet.

If you find it too difficult to assemble it, you can buy a ready-made one at the pharmacy. standard set.

The contents of your first aid kit should also depend on where you are. There are medicines that are needed here and now. And we simply don’t have time to run to the pharmacy for them. For example, a child gets burned, and we need to immediately treat the affected area with a certain medicine.

Even if we live in big city, then we also need to spend a certain time to get to the pharmacy. But when you go somewhere to the country, and you know that it will be difficult for you to find a pharmacy there, then, of course, the contents of the first aid kit in this case will also depend on this specific situation.

The main purpose of our home first aid kit is to provide emergency assistance in those cases when we do not have time at all for a pharmacy:

  • if our child gets burned,
  • bleeding,
  • bitten by a bee, from which and the like.

Don't forget this. Thus, to similar situations we need to prepare in advance. It is necessary that every person who lives in the house knows that a home first aid kit is, for example, in this box. Even those people who visit this house should know this.

Attention! If you have small children in your home, the first aid kit must be kept out of their reach and locked!

Let's say our child was treated with antibiotics, and after this treatment we have a few capsules left, this does not mean at all that these medications will be useful to you in the next few years. Therefore, there is no need to put these medications in your home medicine cabinet, just in case, so to speak.

Unfortunately, this is exactly how they are filled. Had a cough, acute respiratory disease(ARI) passed, but all sorts of pills remained there. So we put them in our first aid kit. I don't want to throw it away.

It is necessary to decide what we will have in our first aid kit for the home not when we need something, but when everyone in the family is healthy. At the same time, we gather our thoughts and calmly decide which drugs may actually be useful.

It is necessary to remember that if your child is burned, you provided him with medical assistance on time, did everything as it should, the wound will heal much faster in this case. And when you don't, the child will suffer for another couple of months. And who is to blame in this case? Of course, mom and dad.

You can place medications for adults wherever you want. But if you have become a parent and are raising children, then you must take this matter very seriously. Be sure to pay attention to your home first aid kit.

You might be interested. Be healthy!