Feeling of emptiness in the stomach. Feeling of an empty stomach after eating Feeling of emptiness in the stomach causes

We have all experienced at least once feeling of emptiness in the stomach. People tend to associate this feeling with nerves and emotional imbalance. No wonder this organ is called second brain.

If feeling of emptiness in the stomach appears too often or is accompanied by pain, which means something has gone wrong in the body.

It is known that negative factors such as stress can affect digestion. However, there are specific diseases that are accompanied by this symptom - a feeling of emptiness in the stomach.

Next we will tell you about the reasons for this phenomenon. It is worth noting that if you are bothered by unpleasant sensations and you do not know what is causing them, only a medical specialist can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Feeling of emptiness in the stomach: what explains it?

There are several types of stomach pain. Depending on the nature of the pain, you can determine the cause that causes it.

If you experience a burning sensation in your stomach every time after eating certain foods, it is obvious that the problem is with the food. On the other hand, discomfort in the stomach may appear after you get really nervous.

As a result of nervous tension pain appears in the stomach, appetite disappears, and diarrhea may even appear.

As for the feeling of emptiness in the stomach, if there is any disease, this symptom is sure to accompanied by a strong burning sensation. Today we will talk about exactly what diseases may be hidden behind these symptoms.


A feeling of emptiness in the stomach is one of the most common symptoms. This emptiness causes a burning sensation, resulting in severe fatigue. In especially severe cases, it is difficult to stand on your feet.

  • In this case, the feeling of emptiness appears due to irritation of the gastric mucosa. It is hardly possible to find a person who has not encountered this problem at least once.

Studies have shown that gastritis is of infectious origin. So, some of its types are caused by bacteria helicobacter pylori.

  • Gastritis can also worsen after consuming alcohol and certain medications.

In addition to the feeling of emptiness in the stomach, this disease is manifested by symptoms such as:

  • Temperature
  • Chills
  • Vomit
  • Dizziness
  • Cold sweat.
  • In the most severe cases, gastritis may be accompanied by the appearance of blood in stool and vomiting.

Correctly prescribed treatment is important for success in the fight against the disease. taking into account the individual characteristics of a person.

Also, do not forget that if a child suddenly begins to complain of a burning sensation and a feeling of emptiness in the stomach, it is necessary see a doctor as soon as possible.

Stomach ulcer

As we have already said, there are different types of stomach pain. One of them is quite easy to determine:

  • If a feeling of emptiness in the stomach appears 1-3 hours after eating, we can talk about a disease such as a stomach ulcer.

What happens to the stomach in this case? Gastric juice disrupts the integrity of the mucous membrane of the stomach or duodenum.

  • People suffering from stomach ulcers experience a burning sensation and emptiness immediately after eating or at night. This prevents a full night's rest and sleep.
  • The most common cause of stomach ulcers is bacteria. helicobacter pylori. The occurrence of this disease can also be triggered by taking certain anti-inflammatory drugs, for example ibuprofen.
  • It must be remembered that stress and eating spicy foods worsen the patient's condition.

How to relieve the feeling of emptiness in your stomach

As we have already written, the first thing you need to do is consult a doctor so that he can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

There are also simple ones that can help in the treatment of gastritis and stomach ulcers.

For example:

  • A glass of warm water (it should not be cold or hot) with one tablespoon of honey (25 g)
  • Natural carrot juice.
  • Ginger tea will also be of great benefit: it will soothe the pain and you will feel better.
  • Coconut milk also helps in treating these diseases.
  • Since ancient times, people have used potato juice to treat stomach ulcers. It's quite simple to prepare. Grate a medium-sized potato and squeeze the juice out of it.
  • Another useful natural remedy is aloe vera. A couple of glasses will significantly improve the condition.
  • Pay attention to the pears too. These fruits also help relieve the feeling of emptiness in the stomach.

So, now you know that the feeling of emptiness in the stomach is only a symptom, for which there is almost always an explanation. Your health is in your hands!

There are 2 types of such sensations:

  • Physiological or true. It is associated with a drop in blood sugar concentration, which, in turn, activates food centers that signal the body about the need to eat to replenish its energy reserves. By the “sucking” in the pit of the stomach and the rumbling in the stomach, you can learn about the true feeling of hunger.
  • False. It occurs at the mental level and is not related to the amount of food in the stomach. Not accompanied by any sounds. Attempts to satisfy the deceptive feeling of emptiness in the stomach lead to disturbances in the emotional sphere, deterioration of the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and the gastrointestinal tract. Against this background, depression, anxiety, and mental instability are possible, that is, conditions that require a qualified psychologist to provide adequate assistance.


American nutritionists associate the constant feeling of emptiness in the stomach with the appetite hormone ghrelin. As it turns out, this substance, produced by the stomach, determines our eating behavior. The structure of ghrelin is a peptide that reacts with fats eaten by humans. Its content reaches a maximum immediately before a meal, then falls and remains at a minimum level for about 2 hours. By filling the stomach with large volumes of high-calorie food, a person maintains a high level of the appetite hormone, as well as the feeling of hunger.

Today, research is being conducted to find medications that can regulate the synthesis of the hormone ghrelin.

The feeling of satiety with food may not occur due to damage to the corresponding nerve center located in the hypothalamus. The cerebral cortex receives a signal of satiety from this center. A malfunction in its operation becomes the reason that a person, regardless of the volume and calorie content of what he eats, does not receive any signals of saturation and continues to eat.

Eating behavior becomes disordered to the point of bulimia. Fear of obesity develops. To avoid this, a person stimulates artificial vomiting and takes laxatives.

As a result, he begins to worry:

  • tachycardia;
  • excessive sweating;
  • fainting;
  • irritable stomach syndrome;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • mental disorders.


There are several types of diagnostics for this condition.

They depend on when the feeling of emptiness in the stomach occurs after eating and what it is associated with:

  • If there are hormonal imbalances, as well as the menstrual cycle, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist.
  • Contacting a neurologist will help if there is a connection between bulimia and negative emotions and frequent stressful situations.
  • A nutritionist will help you adjust your diet to get rid of extra pounds and evaluate your diet to find out whether it covers energy costs when performing daily activities.
  • By bacteriological and biochemical analysis of feces, one can judge the state of the intestinal microflora and the presence of dysbacteriosis. With the results of such a study, it is advisable to visit a gastroenterologist.
  • Consultation with an endocrinologist and determination of blood glucose levels may be necessary in the presence of endocrine pathologies.

This is a list of the main medical specialties that you should resort to if you feel incessant hunger after eating. If food is consumed out of boredom, it is better to occupy yourself with something interesting.

Treating hunger after eating

Having undergone diagnostics and having determined the factor or group of factors that provoke this condition, you can begin treatment, for which:

  • Take an anthelmintic course.
  • Introduce fresh fruits into your diet instead of empty carbohydrates in the form of sweets and cookies.
  • Eat food at a specific time so that the body develops conditioned reflexes for the time of consumption, which promotes better digestion, absorption of nutrients and a feeling of fullness.
  • Bring your emotional sphere back to normal, avoid stressful situations.

Folk remedies to reduce appetite

Before meals, you can take traditional medicine, which should also be agreed with your doctor.

  • Garlic infusion, for which you will need:
    • garlic - 3 cloves;
    • warm boiled water - 200 ml. The infusion lasts for a day. Before going to bed, take 1 tbsp. l. infusion.
  • Before meals, take 1 tbsp 3 times a day. l. linseed oil.
  • A mixture of dry parsley and mint (1 tsp each), infused for 30 minutes in 200 ml boiling water, works against persistent hunger.
  • Compote of 250 g of dried fruits in 1.5 liters of water. Cook until the volume of water is reduced by ¼. Drink 100 ml before meals.
  • The following composition is prepared in a thermos, where you need to put corn silk (10 g) and pour 250 ml of boiling water. Leave for half an hour. Take 1 tbsp. l. before eating.

A cup of plain water, kefir or green tea before meals will help you outwit hunger.


The feeling of emptiness in the stomach after eating can be avoided if:

  • Always have dried fruits or nuts with you for snacks.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of still water, 2 hours after meals and 30 minutes before. After all, it is thirst that people often mistake for hunger.
  • If there are signs of intestinal dysfunction, you should consult a doctor and take a course of prescribed medications. In case of dysbacteriosis, it may be bifidubacterin.

If you want to lose weight, you shouldn’t starve, it won’t lead to anything good. It's better to refuse:

  • fatty foods;
  • fast food;
  • bakery products made from premium flour;
  • empty carbohydrates and other unhealthy foods.

The daily calorie content of food should not be lower than 1200 kcal.

If possible, avoid stressful situations, and if this happens, it is better, instead of walking to the refrigerator, to go out into the fresh air and walk through the park, drink soothing tea and watch a funny comedy.

The feeling of hunger does not go away after eating - what to do

Feeling hungry after eating: how to cope yourself

It is not uncommon to feel hungry immediately after eating, even though you have eaten enough food.

There are many reasons for this phenomenon, but you can easily deal with them yourself.

Feeling hungry after eating: what is the reason, reasons ^

The feeling of hunger is a kind of signal from the body that it needs energy. This phenomenon is considered absolutely normal if eating food does not lead to excess weight gain and the appearance of diseases that occur due to obesity.

Why you don’t feel full after eating: reasons

Why doesn't the feeling of hunger go away after eating? This could be for several reasons:

  • Stress: in this state, the body accumulates energy, trying to make “reserves”. A person has a desire to eat something, and, as a rule, these are sweets containing fast carbohydrates, which cause weight gain;
  • Mental stress: with high mental activity, the body actively consumes glucose, which is why there is a desire to replenish it by eating food. The idea that only athletes need energy is a common one, but it is wrong: people who work as engineers or in other industries that require enormous mental concentration burn just as many calories as those who work out in the gym. It is precisely because of the impossibility of following a diet that they have to snack on, at best, nuts or dried fruits;
  • False hunger. It can occur on a psychological level, or when the body experiences a lack of substances: calcium, magnesium, sulfur, chromium, phosphorus, etc.

Also, a constant feeling of hunger even after eating may appear while following a diet, in which case it is necessary to either increase the amount of water consumed or choose a different weight loss method.

A feeling of hunger in the stomach after eating often occurs due to diseases:

  • Pathologies of the nervous system;
  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or endocrine system.

What do food whims mean: what does the body lack?

  • If after a meal you want to eat some fatty dish, this indicates a lack of calcium: it is present in fermented milk products, almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios, oatmeal, peas and barley.
  • If you have a craving for salty foods, there may be a lack of sodium or chlorine. Such elements can be obtained from seaweed, mussels, anchovies, shrimp, squid, sturgeon, crayfish and crabs.
  • Cravings for confectionery products often indicate a lack of phosphorus, sulfur or chromium - they are found in raisins, poultry, broccoli and fresh fruits.

The feeling of hunger does not go away after eating: what to do, the best remedies and recipes at home ^

Feeling hungry after eating: advice from nutritionists and psychologists

Feeling hungry and nauseous after eating

Such symptoms may indicate hypoglycemia or gastrointestinal diseases, in which case you should consult a doctor. If there is no doubt about the absence of diseases, then the following drugs will help:

  • Motilium;
  • Activated carbon;
  • Tea with ginger or lemon;
  • Mint infusion: brew a few leaves in a glass of boiling water, wait 10 minutes, strain and drink.

Feeling hungry after eating during pregnancy

The constant desire to eat something in this case is explained by changes in hormonal levels. In order not to gain a lot of excess weight, but also not to go hungry, you can use little tricks:

  • Replace fatty meat with chicken or turkey;
  • Instead of sweets and cakes, eat fruits and dried fruits;
  • Completely exclude spicy dishes from the menu, because... they only increase your appetite.

Symptoms and treatment of gastric neurosis

Many people have encountered problems such as heaviness in the stomach, pain, belching (involuntary, random release of gas from the stomach into the oral cavity), heartburn (an unpleasant burning sensation in the pit of the stomach or behind the sternum). Unfortunately, very often we simply lose sight of this, deliberately do not pay attention to it, and our excuse is something like this: “I ate something wrong.” We take some painkiller and go about our business.

But such symptoms should not be present in a healthy person. And, if you often feel at least one thing, then you should go to the doctor. Problems of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases and methods of their treatment are studied by the branch of medicine Gastroenterology. Therefore, as soon as you notice the symptoms mentioned above, contact a gastroenterologist.

There are many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and all the symptoms are quite similar. If abdominal pain can be interpreted in different ways, then you should not immediately take painkillers, laxatives, drink medicinal teas, use heating pads, enemas, or rinse your stomach, because you don’t know for sure whether you will feel better or worse. If, in the case of a simple peptic ulcer, a heating pad can slightly reduce pain, then, for example, in acute appendicitis, the use of heat can create irreparable harm.

Functional gastric dyspepsia, or gastric neurosis

In fact, now there is no such diagnosis as “stomach neurosis” - it is called differently. Namely: “functional dyspepsia of the stomach of the dyskinetic type.”

You can acquire such a disease by getting into some kind of stressful situation, experiencing mental trauma or suffering mental overstrain, as well as due to improper, unhealthy nutrition. Burning, spasmodic pain in the stomach are the most obvious signs of neurosis. Various factors can awaken a riot in the stomach; even drinking too strong coffee, alcohol or smoking a cigarette, you can cause irritation inside. Many pills, for example painkillers, are also harmful to the mucous membrane stomach and can hit it.Therefore, you should not self-medicate, but rather go to the doctor immediately.

Stomach neurosis: symptoms

First you need to find out the symptoms of this disease. The clinical picture is quite diverse. Quite often, the patient experiences a feeling of discomfort, fullness (or emptiness, but this happens less frequently) in the stomach. During the course of the disease, pain occurs that migrates throughout the abdomen. But such pain can also have a clear location: under the ribs or in the pit of the stomach. In the most severe cases, individual symptoms of chronic gastritis are possible, which in reality are not associated with gastritis, but with a reflex decrease in the acidity of digestive juice and the accumulation of mucus in the stomach. In this case, there is belching, nausea, bloating in the epigastric region, a feeling of pain, a coated tongue, and loss of appetite.

The patient also experiences frequent urge to defecate, diarrhea (sometimes constipation), rumbling in the stomach, stabbing pain, and a feeling of fullness. When a patient drinks, immediately after a few sips he has the feeling that his stomach is already completely full. As you know, any pain intensifies at night - and this was no exception. The thing is that a person initially mentally prepares himself for pain, prepares for it, as a result of which he becomes overexcited and after that cannot fall asleep, which is the cause of insomnia. Symptoms may also include attacks of nausea - at night, and by the morning, due to the stress experienced, unbearable pain begins in the epigastric region.

Treatment of gastric neurosis

But, fortunately, this is all treatable. First of all, you should limit emotional and physical stress, quit smoking and alcohol. Treatment for gastric neurosis is selected by a neurologist personally for you based on what kind of nervous system you have. Diet therapy is extremely important and must be strictly adhered to. It consists in smoothly transitioning from light food to regular food. During treatment, you should not eat fatty, spicy, various spices, as well as foods that quickly ferment. Tibetan doctors recommend eating nuts, raisins and cheese every day. This has a positive effect on the nervous system.

Enemas with chamomile decoction have a beneficial effect on the stomach. Warm baths with infusions or decoctions of medicinal plants that have sedative properties, such as mint, are also extremely useful. In addition to soothing baths, you can make infusions and decoctions for oral administration. To obtain such “medicines” you can take plants such as valerian, oregano and motherwort. They contain fragrances that have a positive effect on the nervous system. Uncomfortable sensations in the epigastric region, which accompany abdominal sensations, are eliminated with the help of plants that have antispastic and sedative effects - such as chamomile, peppermint, yarrow and cinquefoil.

But, still, you should not rely solely on traditional medicine, because gastric neurosis is not a simple cold, but a serious disease that can significantly reduce your quality of life. So, if you discover symptoms of neurosis, immediately consult a doctor and do everything he advises, and in addition you can apply the tips indicated above.

Feeling of hungry emptiness in the stomach - ignore it? (if the ulcer is playing around, and not hunger)

I ate yesterday at about 9 pm, after 2 hours it was as if there was no food, but I know that it is there. I started drinking water, my stomach hurt (I have chronic gastritis)

but in general, before, if my stomach hurt, I had to eat immediately and it didn’t feel great, but it felt better, but now it’s somehow different

Introduces a series of new unique medicinal and health products made according to ancient and modern beekeeping recipes


Ingredients: plant extracts: calamus root, licorice root, St. John's wort, centaury herb, watermint leaf, belladonna leaf, fennel fruit, coriander fruit, white acacia bark, pine buds.

Bee products: high-quality honey, bee pollen (pollen) and pegus component from propolis.

Nutritional value per 100 g of product: proteins - 1.9 g; fat - 0.003 g; carbohydrates - 83 g. Calorie content - 339.6 Kcal.

Microelements: potassium, sodium, calcium, chlorine, magnesium, iron, selenium, zinc, chromium, cobalt, molybdenum, silver, vanadium, manganese, copper, etc.

Vitamins: A, E, thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, nicotinamide, folic acid, ascorbic acid, pantothenic acid, cyanocobalamin.

Has the following properties:

has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect due to the biologically active substances of medicinal plants and propolis;

the normal course of physiological processes in the stomach and duodenum, thereby promoting proper digestion and absorption of food;

helps normalize stomach acidity towards its reduction, eliminate heartburn and other unpleasant dyspeptic phenomena;

provides significant assistance in protecting the gastric mucosa, thereby preventing the occurrence or exacerbation of peptic ulcers;

diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, hemorrhoids, gastritis, gastroduodenitis, intestinal colic, spastic colitis, flatulence;

liver and kidney diseases, gallstones and kidney stones, chronic cholecystitis, cholangitis, hepatitis, chronic pancreatitis with fermentation disorders; chronic enterocolitis, in a state of convalescence

after suffering from infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, nutritional intoxications and toxic infections;

metabolic disorders;

to cleanse the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract and improve digestion;

diseases of the upper respiratory tract (bronchitis, bronchial asthma, acute respiratory infections), influenza (has a cortisol-like effect, due to the content of glycyrrhizic acid, helps thin sputum);

skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, herpes, skin allergic manifestations) in the body cleansing program;

inertonic disease, angina pectoris, cerebral vascular spasms;

Indicated for nursing mothers during breastfeeding, as well as in pediatrics and oncology practice

METHOD OF APPLICATION: adults - 5 g (1 teaspoon), children from 1 year - 1/4 teaspoon; from 3 years - 1/3 teaspoon; from 8 to 14 years – 1/2 teaspoon 3 times a day for 4-5 weeks.

For hyperacid gastritis and stomach ulcers - 1.5 hours before meals. To avoid active manifestations of body cleansing, it is recommended to start taking the product with small doses (3-5 peas), gradually increasing to the full dose.

To prevent seasonal exacerbations, it is advisable to conduct nutrition programs 2 times a year for 2-3 weeks (spring and autumn).

LIMITATIONS: if you are intolerant to bee products.

For peptic ulcers in the scarring stage (I assume that you are in this period), frequent split meals in small portions are recommended; soups based on weak meat and fish broths from lean varieties of meat and fish, respectively, are very desirable in the diet, and the food should not be too cold or hot (food temperature is not lower than 15 degrees and not higher). If possible, limit yourself to canned food, smoked meats, spices, marinades and pickles. Avoid smoking and alcohol completely.

Reasons for feeling of an empty stomach after eating

Feeling of a full stomach

I ate a little, but I felt like I had eaten too much, my stomach was full, I felt heaviness, fullness, distension, bloating. What could it be? What are the reasons for this condition? Why is there a constant feeling of a full stomach, even when I haven’t eaten? What to do? How to treat? Unfortunately, people ask themselves these and similar questions already too late. Stop, listen to what your body wants to say. Perhaps this will save you from serious consequences.

Features of the condition

Seek medical help immediately if, in addition to heaviness in your stomach, you experience:

  • the stool is liquid, mixed with blood, dark;
  • interruptions in breathing;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • abdominal pain;
  • fever and dizziness;
  • vomiting dark masses;
  • weakness, increased sweating;
  • chest pain.

Causes of feeling of a full stomach

The emergence of a feeling of early satiety, fullness, distension of the epigastric region, as a result of minor disorders of the digestive system:

  • Lactose intolerance is when the digestive tract cannot digest lactose. The older a person is, the less enzymes are secreted that can digest lactose. Sugar does not break down and begins to ferment, releasing gases. These are the causes of bloating.
  • Food allergy is a condition in which the human body does not accept certain foods. In this case, consultation with a nutritionist is mandatory.
  • A state of rapid satiety and a feeling of a full stomach can occur in heavy smokers. The gastric mucosa is irritated by nicotine and ceases to fully perform its functions.
  • A pregnant woman also complains of feeling similar symptoms. The acidity of gastric juice, as a rule, increases, hence nausea and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, fullness in the abdomen.
  • Functional indigestion, functional dyspepsia, or irritable bowel syndrome is a set of symptoms that includes pain and discomfort in the stomach. A person feels heaviness, pain, the stomach seems to be bursting, there is a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, vomiting, belching. Functional dyspepsia is typical for patients with impaired motility and hypersensitivity of gastric receptors to stretching. The reasons for this condition are stress and serious psychological experiences. Relieving the patient's mental state is the best treatment in this situation.

A feeling of fullness in the epigastric region may be a consequence of serious illnesses. Heaviness in the stomach, combined with bloating and increased gas formation, may indicate the presence of serious diseases: gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis and malignant neoplasms.

Heaviness in the abdomen due to gastritis or ulcers

Gastritis - the inner walls of the stomach become inflamed due to improper, poor-quality nutrition, infection with microorganisms, dysfunction of hydrochloric acid secretions. Symptoms of gastritis:

  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • nausea after eating;
  • vomit;
  • belching;
  • pain in the epigastric region.

Ulcer – wounds form on the walls of the stomach. The symptoms of the disease are the same as for gastritis. However, an ulcer is a more dangerous disease due to complications: bleeding, when the wound becomes through.

Bloating due to pancreatitis or stomach cancer

Pancreatitis is the inability of the pancreas to produce enzymes to digest food. Symptoms of pancreatitis:

  • the stomach is full, even if the stomach is not filled with food;
  • feeling of fullness in the stomach when eating a small amount of food;
  • nausea, possibly vomiting;
  • pain in the umbilical region;
  • “fat”, light-colored feces.

Stomach cancer. The disease is dangerous because it cannot be recognized immediately. The symptoms are similar to those of gastritis, so many people do not attach much importance to this, and when they consult a doctor, it may already be too late. However, one should suspect a dangerous disease when a person loses weight for no reason, is weak, gets tired quickly, and has a slightly elevated body temperature.

Prevention and treatment


  • Overeating is contraindicated to prevent the disease.

Overeating is contraindicated. You need to eat small portions at the same time 5 times a day. Last meal 2 hours before bedtime.


Self-medication is dangerous. The course of treatment is prescribed by a doctor. The gastroenterologist will prescribe the necessary medications and determine the dosage. It can be:

  • Enveloping drugs, such as suspensions of Phosphalugel, Maalox, Gaviston and others. They envelop the walls of the stomach, preventing gastric juice and acid in it from irritating the stomach.
  • Enzyme preparations: tablets “Pancreatin”, “Creon”, “Mezima” - add enzymes for additional assistance in digesting food.
  • Antispasmodic drugs: pills “No-shpy”, “Papaverine” and others. They relax the stomach muscles, relieve pain and spasms.

If your stomach problems are related to a psychological state, then you should make an appointment with a psychologist, attend conversations and, if necessary, take a course of medications to calm you down.

Folk remedies

  • It is recommended to drink a drink made from chamomile flowers.

If you have a full stomach, you can recommend a drink made from chamomile flowers. The drink can be cold or warm. A cold drink can be made as follows: pour 10 tsp of chamomile flowers with 2 cups of boiled water, naturally cooled. Leave for 8-10 hours. Drink in small portions over two days. To make a hot drink we need 1 tbsp. l. inflorescences. Pour it with 1 tbsp. hot water. Infuse min. Strain one third of the glass and drink within 30 minutes. before meals three times a day.

The stomach is constantly full, even if you have eaten little, nausea, vomiting, pain are unpleasant sensations. Whatever the reasons for this condition, the body is signaling you about something. It is necessary to consult a doctor and reconsider your lifestyle.

Why do you feel a feeling of heaviness in your stomach?

Every person has ever experienced a feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region - at the top of the abdomen. There is as if there is a stone or a lump in the stomach; feeling weak and drowsy at the same time...

Most often, we do not pay attention to this kind of problem, finding the simplest explanation for it and hoping that everything will “slip through” in an hour. Meanwhile, even a timid signal from the stomach about discomfort cannot be considered accidental.

It may very well be that you are on a direct path to chronic gastritis, ulcers, or even cancer.

We need to find an exact answer to the question “Why did I feel unwell?” and not make a similar mistake in the future. And if you already have an inflammatory disease of the stomach, then you should know all the contraindications like the “Our Father”.

Possible causes of heaviness in the stomach

Firstly, the stomach can react negatively to poor nutrition and overeating. We dare to assure you that after the New Year holidays, at least 80% of people frown, suffering from a feeling of excessive satiety.

Secondly, heaviness can arise as a result of poor chewing. Haste is known to be good for catching fleas, not for eating.

Severe stress can make it difficult to digest food.

Anxiety distracts the body from the normal performance of natural functions and concentrates all its forces on resisting a threat - real or imagined.

Finally, mention should be made of the feeling of heaviness in the stomach that occurs as a result of overusing certain types of food. What is sometimes better to abstain from?

Here are the specific types of the most insidious products:

  • fatty and spicy foods, fried foods (an ideal example of what should not be abused is fried potatoes with lard);
  • carbohydrates in excess - flour from butter bread to cookies, sugar, sweets, cakes, chocolate;
  • nourishing fruits and vegetables - bananas, grapes, potatoes, legumes;
  • hard-to-digest foods - hard-boiled eggs, mushrooms;
  • low quality fast food.

The cause of inconvenience is sometimes coffee, strong tea, and wine that irritate the mucous membranes. Soda, beer and kvass can also cause heaviness associated with bloating. Some people cannot even drink a glass of milk - the adult body is poorly adapted to digest it.

I would like to limit myself to the list already given, but alas, sometimes heaviness in the epigastrium manifests itself as a symptom of functional disorders (the same case when “I seem to eat little, but my stomach is always full”).

With functional dyspepsia, severity is usually provoked by unstable motor activity of the stomach. At the same time, the patient usually experiences nausea and/or stool upset. Loss of appetite is very likely.

When the disorders are ulcerative in nature, pain is necessarily present in the clinical picture. They occur especially often on an empty stomach - at night, in the morning - in the epigastric region. Fasting pain usually goes away after eating. For complaints that match this description, be sure to take the test “What are your chances of becoming an ulcer?”

If you have additional symptoms or simply have a suspiciously frequent feeling of heaviness in the epigastric area, you should consult a doctor. To begin with, it will be enough to visit a therapist and consult with him.

Based on the results of the initial examination, the therapist will either dispel your alarming suspicions or refer you to diagnostic procedures. With the results of the tests, you will go to an appointment with a gastroenterologist. He will prescribe medications to relieve the painful symptom.

Help: what to do if your stomach feels heavy?

Can I solve the problem myself? In simple cases - yes.

In a separate article you will find simple home remedies for self-help.

Try them, but if alarming symptoms return, do not delay going to the hospital. If the feeling of a full stomach is constant, call a reliable clinic immediately and make an appointment for the next available date.

What you should definitely do on your own is to reconsider your diet. Try to objectively evaluate the quality and quantity of food you eat regularly. Try to reduce your portions. It’s better to eat a little five times a day than one full meal.

Give preference to those types of food and drink that are harmless to a weak stomach. Drink weak tea and juices (with the exception of citrus and grape juices). Dairy should be consumed in the form of yogurt, kefir, and natural yogurt.

Eat light fruits and vegetables. Steam meat and fish, but do not fry.

Let us repeat that a feeling of a full belly can be a punishment for being in a hurry: chew slowly, do not eat on the go, try not to combine lunch with reading magazines or watching TV shows.

Finally, one more piece of good advice. Learn not to worry about life's troubles. Worries ruin your health and at the same time do not in any way contribute to solving problems.

digestive disorders symptoms of gastritis

  • Transversit - causes and manifestations of the disease
  • UC in children - causes, features of the course, approach to treatment
  • Diet for Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis: basic requirements
  • Exacerbation of UC: description, recommendations
  • Tests for Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis: description

A constant feeling of hunger and pain in the stomach can signal disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract and digestive processes. As a rule, a person begins to feel discomfort and unpleasant, sharp pain in the left hypochondrium, which disappears after the next meal. Regardless of the reasons that contributed to the occurrence of pain and discomfort, they are all united by a common name - gastralgia.

In addition, hunger pain can be one of the main clinical symptoms of ulcerative lesions of the gastric mucosa, duodenum, or characterize a pre-ulcerative condition (gastritis). As a rule, the feeling of hunger occurs several hours (3-6 hours) after eating and is accompanied by pain. With more serious disorders and pathologies, throughout the day a person feels that he is constantly hungry, while the period between the onset of clinical symptoms is significantly reduced and their intensity increases.

Hunger pains differ according to the following criteria:

  • character;
  • degree of expression;
  • intensity and duration.

The feeling of hunger is one of the necessary physiological manifestations and is controlled by the nutrition center located in the cerebral cortex. The center is connected to the organs of the digestive system by nerve endings that transmit the necessary impulses, and consists of two sectors: the “saturation area,” which is localized in the ventromedial section of the hypothalamus, and the “hunger area,” located in the lateral sector. Due to the impact on these points, the brain receives a signal about saturation or, conversely, about the need for nutrients.

What are the characteristic symptoms

Unfortunately, many do not pay due attention and, feeling another attack of hunger, simply “eat it up” with a snack, thereby further aggravating their situation.

Hunger pain in a pre-ulcerative state indicates the onset of the development of inflammatory processes in the gastric mucosa, with gastritis or focal lesions of the stomach. In addition to the constant feeling of hunger, discomfort and pain symptoms, there is pain in the stomach, especially when pressing with your fingers in the stomach area.

Hunger pain with an intestinal ulcer, as a rule, appears 3-4 hours after any meal; with more severe lesions, acute pain and hunger appear earlier. With a gastric ulcer, painful sensations appear 1-1.5 after eating. In addition, pain is accompanied by heartburn, belching, and frequent attacks of nausea. If severe pain occurs in the morning, this condition indicates the presence of erosive and ulcerative lesions of the digestive system. A reduction in pain symptoms and normalization of the condition is noted after eating or after vomiting and this is associated with the normalization of the level of acidity in the stomach.

Hunger pain can occur both during the day and at night, causing terrible discomfort. The nature of pain can manifest itself in different ways. So, the pain can be throbbing, sharp, aching, burning, shooting. At the same time, even despite severe pain and hunger, a person can hardly force himself to eat anything. This is explained by the fact that in this way a protective reaction is triggered in the body, as a result of the refusal of the digestive system to digest heavy food.

Causes of hunger pain

The main causes of hunger pain include:

  1. Violation of the motor and secretory functions of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Constant irritation of receptors in the area of ​​ulcerative lesions.
  3. Increased production of hydrochloric acid, resulting in increased acidity in the stomach.
  4. Ingestion of toxic substances or exposure to active components of medications.
  5. Unbalanced, irregular diet, bad habits (excessive drinking, smoking).
  6. Psycho-emotional factors, frequent stress, disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system.
  7. Hormonal imbalance, metabolic disorder.
  8. The appearance of pathological neoplasms in the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition to the reasons listed above, quite often many women during pregnancy experience a constant feeling of hunger. This condition is directly related to intensive restructuring of the entire body and changes in hormonal levels, since all functions are aimed at creating optimal conditions for the intrauterine development of the fetus.

Quite often in medical practice we are faced with situations where a feeling of hunger occurs immediately after eating.

If no pathological processes or concomitant diseases are detected, this condition is caused by psychological or physiological factors. For example, in case of disturbances in insulin metabolism, in which the concentration of glucose in the blood sharply decreases, a sharp change in the usual diet or diet, or a significant limitation in the amount of food consumed.

In the event of a sudden change in diet, the body experiences severe stress, as a result of which metabolic processes slow down and a restructuring of the body occurs, which begins to put aside nutritional components of food “in reserve.”

Additional points

Attacks of severe hunger can also be caused by prolonged mental or intense physical activity. In addition, constant snacking not only leads to disruption of the usual diet, but also forces the body to work more intensively. To avoid such unpleasant phenomena, you need to balance your diet and adhere to the established diet.

The appearance of an acute feeling of hunger is also often noted in the premenstrual period, a few days before or immediately after it due to a decrease in the hormone estrogen in the blood. Women feel the need for constant snacks. When the first symptoms appear, you should not delay a visit to a gastroenterologist or endocrinologist, much less self-medicate. Treatment should only take place under the strict medical supervision of a medical specialist and only after a comprehensive diagnosis. The choice of treatment method depends on the degree of manifestation, form and intensity of clinical symptoms. In addition, it is very important to establish the root cause that led to the appearance of painful sensations.

About the treatment of gastric neurosis

Gastric neurosis is a disease that is caused by stressful events, mental overstrain, exhaustion of the autonomic nervous system, and is accompanied by one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Stomach ache.
  • Heartburn.
  • Belching and regurgitation of food.
  • Stomach cramps.
  • It is not clear where the nausea and vomiting are coming from.
  • Bloating, rumbling, gas, colic.

Typically, discomfort in the stomach with a neurotic nature of the problem does not appear in the same way as it does with gastroenterological diseases. For example, a patient may complain of a feeling of emptiness in the stomach, despite the fact that he has just eaten, or feel full after two or three sips. Or, for some reason, prescribing and taking effective drug treatment does not lead to the desired results.

Stomach neurosis is often complicated by the fact that the patient does not attach due importance to problems in the functioning of the digestive system, attributing the unpleasant sensations to minor poisoning, which “will go away on its own.” Self-medication begins, limited to taking painkillers, activated carbon or rather harmful enzyme preparations, which are actively advertised on television (festal and others).

Any gastroenterologist can say with 100% certainty that in his practice there have been cases when the patient was not helped by the chosen course of treatment. There were also situations when examinations did not show any organic pathology, while painful sensations still occurred. As a result, it turned out that the disorder of the gastrointestinal tract is associated not with gastroenterology, but with the psychological problems of the patient.

Psychosomatics or gastroenterology?

At first glance, such a statement may seem absurd: really, what can the stomach and the nervous system have in common? In fact, this is quite natural: a person’s spiritual and physical health are closely intertwined, so failures in the functioning of one inevitably affect the condition of the other.

Any of us, finding ourselves in a difficult situation, have encountered the “digestive” aspects of stress: it could be nausea, vomiting, chest pain, heartburn, a lump in the throat, and so on.

Since everything in the human body is interconnected, stress reverberates throughout the body. The connection between the irritating factor and the stomach occurs through the so-called “vagus nerve”. Since the activity of the stomach to produce enzymes necessary for digestion is regulated by this nerve, neuroses can affect the composition and increase/decrease in the secretion of gastric juice.

The secretory activity of the stomach is a complex process that begins, oddly enough, in the head: the initial secretion begins to “work” with the supply of conditioned reflexes through the cortical and subcortical centers of the brain. As for humoral regulation, it occurs precisely with the help of the vagus nerve. It is he who stimulates the secretory functions of gastric juice. Accordingly, disruptions in the functioning of the vagus nerve also affect the development of gastric neurosis.

Evidence for this statement can be found in the research of Hans Selye, who developed the theory of stress. In particular, he conducted experiments on rats: those animals that were systematically exposed to stressful conditions soon developed gastric ulcers. Similar data were confirmed when observing people.

The mental nature of neuroses of the gastrointestinal tract

When a person finds himself in a stressful situation, his body prepares to fight. This also applies to the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract: if adrenaline is released into the blood, the stomach has no time to digest food. But if, even after the danger has passed, we continue to worry, or if we constantly live in a situation of incessant stress, the digestive processes can “stall”. That is why treatment of directly gastroenterological manifestations of the disease may not be effective enough, while psychotherapy provides effective help.

From a psychosomatic point of view, it is believed that problems in the functioning of the stomach are mainly experienced by people with an exaggerated sense of responsibility, who take on a lot, but do not feel the return. This leads to self-flagellation, suspiciousness, despair, and a feeling of unfulfillment.

Some patients have stomach problems because they are used to swallowing food without chewing it: on a psychological level, this can be considered an analogue of a superficial perception of life, a refusal to solve problems, to “chew” them.

According to many psychologists, neurosis of the gastrointestinal tract can be considered a person’s way of giving vent to his internal tension and unresolved conflicts.

How is gastric neurosis determined?

To establish the mental nature of a stomach disease, the doctor must establish in the patient at least some of the following signs:

  • Numerous somatic manifestations without identifying the prevailing one.
  • The difference between symptoms and the traditional picture of the disease (for example, the absence of pathologies in organs, but the presence of pain).
  • Variability of symptoms.
  • Prolonged duration of illness without a hint of improvement.
  • Dependence of painful sensations on external factors (for example, pain intensifies after stressful situations).
  • Vegetative symptoms.
  • The difference between the patient's complaints and the data of his examinations.
  • Ineffectiveness of gastroenterological drug treatment, the patient’s craving for “treatment” with sedatives.

Another significant sign is that, unlike “ordinary” stomach diseases, neuroses usually manifest themselves not only at the digestive, but also at the emotional level:

  • the patient sometimes cannot express exactly what is hurting him (since, according to him, everything hurts!);
  • there may be prolonged melancholy;
  • depressive moods;
  • anxious concerns;
  • emphasized attention/inattention to one’s appearance and food;
  • neglect of personal hygiene rules;
  • sleep disorders;
  • feeling of hopelessness and so on.

When making a diagnosis, the doctor must pay attention to the presence of these “accompanying” symptoms.

Psychotherapeutic treatment as a way to solve the problem

If the patient has determined that the cause of the disease is related to a stressful situation, the primary task is to help the stomach work normally. This requires, in addition to conventional treatment, the development and elimination of stress. And here you will need the help of a psychologist or psychotherapist who will use the most appropriate technique for each specific case.

Sometimes painful sensations due to stomach neurosis can become an obstacle to taking medications, which is why drug treatment can be practically reduced to zero. Stomach neurosis often underlies such a phenomenon as psychological intolerance to drugs. Obviously, if such a problem arises, psychotherapy must be prescribed.

Why is treatment of stomach diseases, including “folk methods” (treatment with decoctions and herbal infusions for stomach pain), often ineffective? The reason for this lies in the fact that treatment should be aimed at eliminating the neurotic (rather than gastroenterological) causes of the disease.

To find an effective treatment method, it is important for a psychotherapist to determine the origin of gastric neurosis. So, if the reason lies in overwork, therapy is carried out aimed at restoring the energetic abilities of the nervous system. It is very important to improve blood circulation and replenish the body’s vitamin reserves in order to normalize sleep and performance. If treatment is aimed at combating “obsession” with obsessive anxious thoughts, thought control techniques and relaxation methods are used.

Taking antidepressants and tranquilizers is complicated by a problematic stomach condition, but in certain cases they are also prescribed (if there is no psychological intolerance to the drug).

Our center specializes in non-drug treatment of gastric neurosis. You can learn more about the features of psychotherapy for neuroses here.

Stomach neurosis: symptoms and treatment

Stomach neurosis - main symptoms:

  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Stomach ache
  • Vomit
  • Belching
  • Irritability
  • Insomnia
  • Rapid pulse
  • High blood pressure
  • Heartburn
  • Migraine
  • Hunger after recently eating
  • Flatulence
  • Feeling of heaviness in the chest area
  • Feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region
  • Panic attacks
  • Nervous chewing movements in the absence of food
  • Feeling disgusted by food
  • Nervous awakenings
  • Nervous colic

Gastric neurosis is a pathological process, the development of which is facilitated by a variety of physiological and psychological factors. Psychological reasons include internal personality conflicts, constant stressful situations, and psychological trauma. This condition can only be cured if you use an integrated approach.

What causes the disease?

Despite the fact that in medical statistics there are very few cases of patients turning to a doctor with such a problem, the symptoms of gastric neurosis were felt by a large part of the population. Moreover, most of them did not even suspect that they had stomach neurosis. There is nothing surprising here, since pathology can arise for a large number of reasons:

  1. Busy rhythm of life, poor quality or short night rest, unbalanced psyche, stress, overexertion associated with professional activities, psychological trauma.
  2. Incorrect and untimely nutrition, frequent consumption of harmful foods such as fast food.
  3. Ulcer, gastritis, tumor formations.
  4. External pathological influences on the stomach. They include intoxication due to inhalation or ingestion of chemicals, poisoning from low-quality products.
  5. Diseases of other organs of the digestive and endocrine system. Such ailments contribute to the occurrence of a reflex reaction of the stomach. Therefore, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, and colic can provoke gastric neurosis.
  6. Viral and infectious diseases.

How to recognize the disease?

Such a pathological process as gastrointestinal neurosis is a common disease in medical practice today. Most often, the disease affects middle-aged women. Patients complain of the following symptoms of the disease:

  • feeling hungry despite recent food intake;
  • feeling of disgust from food, nausea at the sight or smell of it;
  • constant thoughts about food;
  • severe heartburn;
  • feeling of nausea, vomiting after eating (such symptoms refer to a condition called anorexia);
  • nervous colic, flatulence;
  • discomfort in the stomach, pain;
  • belching;
  • nervous chewing movements in the absence of food;
  • feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region.

Symptoms of a psychomatic nature are slightly different from those listed earlier. They do not always appear only from the epigastric region. In this case, the following symptoms are distinguished:

  • constant migraines, dizziness and high blood pressure;
  • poor sleep hygiene, inability to sleep at night, nervous awakenings;
  • irritability, which develops into phobias and panic attacks;
  • rapid pulsation, heaviness in the chest, pain in the heart, frequent trips to the toilet.

Diagnostic methods

The basis of diagnosis is the discovery of the main causes that contributed to the formation of pathology. To do this, the doctor must exclude diseases of the intestines and other organs of the digestive system, which may have similar symptoms. Only comprehensive gastroenterological diagnostics can help in this matter.

Taking into account the existing clinical picture, the differential diagnosis is made with peptic ulcer, helminthic infestation, cholecystitis, pancreatitis. In the absence of other functional pathologies of the stomach, further examination is carried out by an experienced neurologist. He will be able to send the patient for additional consultation with a psychiatrist. Such activities are necessary to collect a detailed history and develop psychotherapeutic treatment. Its essence is the correction of the patient’s psycho-emotional state.

Effective therapy

If gastric neurosis is in an advanced stage, then there is a danger of infection with intestinal diseases, which become chronic over time. Therefore, as soon as you notice the first symptoms of the disease, do not sit and wait for everything to go away on its own, but go to the doctor for an appointment. An advanced form of neurosis will lead to a worsening of the condition and can cause a whole bunch of serious complications.

Treatment of neurosis includes a set of measures that are aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease and all unpleasant manifestations. After visiting specialists such as a neurologist, psychiatrist and psychotherapist, it will be possible to draw up an effective scheme of therapeutic measures. Comprehensive treatment of the disease includes:

  1. Taking psychotropic medications - tranquilizers. Their sale is carried out strictly according to the recipe.
  2. Treatment with the help of a psychotherapeutic course that will resolve the conflict situation.
  3. Physiotherapy, including massage, baths and applications. This treatment is aimed at normalizing processes in the nervous system.
  4. General restorative preventive measures, including therapeutic manipulations, vitamin therapy, spa treatment.
  5. Herbal medicine is based on taking decoctions and tinctures. But only the attending physician should select such therapy.

In addition to the presented activities, the patient should rest and be in the fresh air more often. Therefore, try to normalize your rest and work schedule. Your night's sleep should last at least 6 hours.

A balanced diet is an important condition for successful recovery. Thanks to a properly formulated diet, it will be possible to eliminate abdominal pain due to neurosis. It is compiled taking into account such characteristics of the body as the presence of chronic gastrointestinal disease and the level of stomach acidity.

This treatment involves the use of only natural products (nuts, dried fruits) that have a positive effect on a person’s mental state. You will have to give up meat and fried foods. The basis of nutrition should be vegetables and fruits, fresh or boiled.

Preventive actions

To protect yourself from such a disease, it is very important to follow prevention. It includes creating conditions for a painless existence. Try not to take all life's troubles to heart, avoid negative emotions and personal conflicts both at work and at home. Perform a simple set of physical exercises daily and lead an active lifestyle. If your whole life is scheduled minute by minute, then all sorts of incomprehensible thoughts will not enter your head.

In the issue of prevention, drugs play an important role. But they must be prescribed by a doctor. It is best to purchase herbal medicines. An excellent option would be valerian, motherwort, mint and rosemary. In some cases, the doctor prescribes taking luminal in small dosages.

Stomach neurosis is a disease that brings with it a lot of unpleasant sensations. It can be provoked by various stressful conflict situations. Therefore, try to fill your life only with positive moments, enjoy every new day, pay more attention to your loved ones rather than work, walk in the fresh air and you will never hear about such an illness.

If you think that you have Stomach Neurosis and the symptoms characteristic of this disease, then doctors can help you: a gastroenterologist, a neurologist, a psychotherapist.

We also suggest using our online disease diagnostic service, which selects probable diseases based on the entered symptoms.

It’s not for nothing that they say that all diseases are caused by nerves. Even stomach pain may not be a sign of gastritis at all, but one of the types of neurotic disorders.

Stomach neurosis is a disease that is caused by a stressful situation and is aggravated by poor nutrition, alcohol or nicotine intoxication, physical and mental stress.

The following symptoms of gastric neurosis can be distinguished:

  • abdominal pain, an unpleasant “burning” feeling in the abdominal area;
  • heaviness and rumbling in the stomach;
  • a feeling of fullness in the stomach (less often, a feeling of emptiness);
  • bowel problems (diarrhea or constipation);
  • aerophagia (swallowing excess air and associated belching).

Aerophagia can be provoked by talking while eating, the habit of rushing and quickly swallowing food.

Which specialist should I go to?

Stomach neurosis in its symptoms is very similar to various gastroenterological diseases. Therefore, without the help of a specialist it is impossible to determine what you are faced with. It is imperative to visit a gastroenterologist and neurologist. Consultations with these specialists will help to accurately determine whether your disease is neurogenic in nature or not.

For example, a phenomenon such as aerophagia may be a symptom of gastric neurosis, or may act as one of the symptoms of gastritis. As well as abdominal pain, a burning sensation, etc. Therefore, under no circumstances make a diagnosis yourself; be sure to undergo an examination by specialists.

Stomach neurosis should be treated comprehensively by a neurologist and gastroenterologist. A gastroenterologist will help fight the unpleasant and painful symptoms of the disease. And the neurologist will prescribe the treatment necessary for neurosis; in this case, taking tablets or syrups on a natural basis (herbal) is usually sufficient. Sometimes treatment with a psychotherapist may be necessary to work through the stressful situation that caused the development of the disease. The easiest way to remove a symptom such as aerophagia is with the help of psychotherapy.

How to help yourself

Treatment by specialists is necessary. But there are a number of measures that you can take yourself to make the treatment more effective and faster.

Being a neurogenic disease (that is, arising from nervousness), gastric neurosis requires mandatory measures that are relevant for any neurosis:

  1. Reduce and further regulate physical and emotional stress.
  2. Enough sleep (at least 9 hours a day) and exposure to fresh air every day.
  3. Take sedatives prescribed by the neurologist (in the future you can use them yourself as needed).
  4. Follow the diet prescribed by the gastroenterologist, exclude any stimulant drinks (coffee, strong tea) and carbonated drinks (aerophagia is caused by such drinks as well).
  5. Quit alcohol and smoking. In addition to the negative impact on the nervous system, they significantly affect the health of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. If necessary, treat other diseases, since their presence can also serve as an impetus for the development of neurosis.

It is important to know that untreated gastric neurosis can gradually develop into a full-fledged disease of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, stomach ulcer).

Feeling hungry after eating is a common problem that everyone copes with as best they can. But in each specific case it is necessary to find the factor that causes such a feeling, because for a healthy person it is absolutely not normal.

Types of empty stomach sensations

There are 2 types of such sensations:

  • Physiological or true. It is associated with a drop in blood sugar concentration, which, in turn, activates food centers that signal the body about the need to eat to replenish its energy reserves. By the “sucking” in the pit of the stomach and the rumbling in the stomach, you can learn about the true feeling of hunger.
  • False. It occurs at the mental level and is not related to the amount of food in the stomach. Not accompanied by any sounds. Attempts to satisfy the deceptive feeling of emptiness in the stomach lead to disturbances in the emotional sphere, deterioration of the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and the gastrointestinal tract. Against this background, depression, anxiety, and mental instability are possible, that is, conditions that require a qualified psychologist to provide adequate assistance.


American nutritionists associate the constant feeling of emptiness in the stomach with the appetite hormone ghrelin. As it turns out, this substance, produced by the stomach, determines our eating behavior. The structure of ghrelin is a peptide that reacts with fats eaten by humans. Its content reaches a maximum immediately before a meal, then falls and remains at a minimum level for about 2 hours. By filling the stomach with large volumes of high-calorie food, a person maintains a high level of the appetite hormone, as well as the feeling of hunger.

Today, research is being conducted to find medications that can regulate the synthesis of the hormone ghrelin.

The feeling of satiety with food may not occur due to damage to the corresponding nerve center located in the hypothalamus. The cerebral cortex receives a signal of satiety from this center. A malfunction in its operation becomes the reason that a person, regardless of the volume and calorie content of what he eats, does not receive any signals of saturation and continues to eat.

Eating behavior becomes disordered to the point of bulimia. Fear of obesity develops. To avoid this, a person stimulates artificial vomiting and takes laxatives.

As a result, he begins to worry:

  • tachycardia;
  • excessive sweating;
  • fainting;
  • irritable stomach syndrome;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • mental disorders.


There are several types of diagnostics for this condition.

They depend on when the feeling of emptiness in the stomach occurs after eating and what it is associated with:

  • If there are hormonal imbalances, as well as the menstrual cycle, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist.
  • Contacting a neurologist will help if there is a connection between bulimia and negative emotions and frequent stressful situations.
  • A nutritionist will help you adjust your diet to get rid of extra pounds and evaluate your diet to find out whether it covers energy costs when performing daily activities.
  • By bacteriological and biochemical analysis of feces, one can judge the state of the intestinal microflora and the presence of dysbacteriosis. With the results of such a study, it is advisable to visit a gastroenterologist.
  • Consultation with an endocrinologist and determination of blood glucose levels may be necessary in the presence of endocrine pathologies.

This is a list of the main medical specialties that you should resort to if you feel incessant hunger after eating. If food is consumed out of boredom, it is better to occupy yourself with something interesting.

Treating hunger after eating

Having undergone diagnostics and having determined the factor or group of factors that provoke this condition, you can begin treatment, for which:

  • Take an anthelmintic course.
  • Introduce fresh fruits into your diet instead of empty carbohydrates in the form of sweets and cookies.
  • Eat food at a specific time so that the body develops conditioned reflexes for the time of consumption, which promotes better digestion, absorption of nutrients and a feeling of fullness.
  • Bring your emotional sphere back to normal, avoid stressful situations.

Folk remedies to reduce appetite

Before meals, you can take traditional medicine, which should also be agreed with your doctor..

  • Garlic infusion, for which you will need:
    • garlic - 3 cloves;
    • warm boiled water - 200 ml. The infusion lasts for a day. Before going to bed, take 1 tbsp. l. infusion.
  • Before meals, take 1 tbsp 3 times a day. l. linseed oil.
  • A mixture of dry parsley and mint (1 tsp each), infused for 30 minutes in 200 ml boiling water, works against persistent hunger.
  • Compote of 250 g of dried fruits in 1.5 liters of water. Cook until the volume of water is reduced by ¼. Drink 100 ml before meals.
  • The following composition is prepared in a thermos, where you need to put corn silk (10 g) and pour 250 ml of boiling water. Leave for half an hour. Take 1 tbsp. l. before eating.

A cup of plain water, kefir or green tea before meals will help you outwit hunger.

  • fatty foods;
  • fast food;
  • bakery products made from premium flour;
  • empty carbohydrates and other unhealthy foods.

The daily calorie content of food should not be lower than 1200 kcal.

If possible, avoid stressful situations, and if this happens, it is better, instead of walking to the refrigerator, to go out into the fresh air and walk through the park, drink soothing tea and watch a funny comedy.

A person may feel unwell either immediately after eating or after a few hours. The sensations at this time are either intense or weak.

Most often, after eating recently, you can feel the following:

  • belching accompanied by a bitter taste in the throat;
  • bloating, accompanied by a feeling of fullness;
  • gurgling in the stomach area, in which rumbling and other sounds are heard;
  • nausea, which causes vomiting a little later;
  • accumulation of gases in the stomach.

These unpleasant sensations appear when something provokes the production of an excess amount of gastric secretion or spasm of the walls of the digestive organ.

This often happens due to a person eating too large a portion of a dish. A huge lump of food that enters the stomach in a short time puts pressure on its walls, causing them to stretch.

In this case, belching and pain in the stomach area may occur even while eating food. To avoid such unpleasant sensations, you do not need to eat in excess.

Often the cause of deterioration in a person’s well-being after eating is irritable stomach syndrome.

In this case, a person is worried about symptoms such as belching that does not go away for an hour and a half and has a paroxysmal nature, as well as sudden nausea and heartburn.

At the same time, the stomach can become very sore, which is caused by spasmodic contractions of the stomach walls during the first hours after eating. The person may then lose appetite and lose significant weight.

Typically, irritable stomach syndrome occurs in those who prefer to eat certain foods.

These include dishes with a high fat content, generously seasoned with spices or salt, as well as smoked foods.

To get rid of painful sensations in the stomach area, you need to prohibit yourself from eating such foods.

In addition to them, the doctor may recommend treatment with drugs that stimulate the stomach to function smoothly.

Sometimes belching, heartburn and discomfort in the abdomen after eating are a consequence of an allergy to a particular product.

This happens when the stomach is not able to digest some of the ingredients of the dish. Most allergic reactions are caused by milk-based products and fish.

To know exactly what caused the symptoms of food intolerance, you need to keep a diary. It is important to write down the menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner and how the body reacted to it.

Nausea, vomiting, belching and abdominal pain are constant companions of food poisoning. Perhaps some product eaten at lunch turned out to be of poor quality or stale.

To cleanse the body of toxins, you need to take activated charcoal. Smecta will cope with the task of eliminating symptoms and normalizing digestion.

Actions to take if there are signs of illness

A diaphragmatic hernia, that is, a disease in which the esophagus extends beyond the abdominal cavity, can cause discomfort after eating.

As a result of this, the stomach is greatly compressed, which is especially noticeable when leaving the table, because the stomach filled with food increases in size. Only surgery will help get rid of pain and other symptoms of the disease.

First, severe pain, and then nausea, vomiting and belching appear with spasm of the pylorus, a section of the stomach.

These unpleasant sensations disappear only when the digestive organ is completely freed of its contents. Most often they are associated with disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.

In case of such a disease, you should urgently consult a doctor who will prescribe antispasmodics and drugs that affect the nervous system.

With stenosis of the esophagus, that is, a reduction in its lumen, unbearable pain appears immediately after eating. She is accompanied by belching, vomiting and nausea.

The patient will not be able to improve his health on his own; he will need urgent medical care.

In the future, a person with esophageal stenosis will have to go on a liquid diet and follow the doctor’s instructions to expand the space of the digestive organ.

Another problem that can lead to discomfort in the abdominal area is an obstruction of part of the stomach.

Since the food bolus cannot descend lower, bypassing an obstacle in the form of a polyp or tumor, the walls of the stomach are stretched and cause pain.

The barrier formed in the digestive organ must be removed surgically, otherwise the patient may lose a lot of weight.

It happens that pain in the stomach appears due to problems in the functioning of the gallbladder.

The fact is that an unhealthy organ that accumulates bile can become compressed during periods when the stomach is filled with food.

In such a situation, painkillers alone are not enough. You need to rush to the doctor and get examined.

Often, belching and abdominal pain that occur when leaving the table are a consequence of pancreatitis.

Since the appearance of this disease is provoked by pathologies of the digestive organs, damage to internal tissues or infections, it must be treated not only with anti-inflammatory drugs. Medicines are chosen by a doctor who knows what caused pancreatitis.

Patients with gastroduodenitis, stomach ulcers and gastritis also experience symptoms such as vomiting, belching, heartburn, upset stool and abdominal pain.

Unpleasant sensations usually occur several hours after eating and are a consequence of eating harmful foods or the activity of Helicobacter.

Treatment of these diseases is based on taking antacids that change the level of acid in the secretion of the stomach, sedative tablets and antibiotics.

Another therapeutic measure involves organizing a special gentle diet that prohibits eating smoked meats, flour, spicy and fatty foods.

So, to eliminate discomfort in the stomach, it is not enough to take a painkiller. It is necessary to influence the cause that caused the disease.

Drug treatment is selected depending on what disease led to the appearance of belching, heartburn, pain and nausea.

Such painful sensations cannot be ignored, as they can subsequently lead to severe weakness, exhaustion and other dangerous diseases.

Feeling of a lump in the stomach

We often say that something is bothering us in our throat, but not many people experience the feeling of a lump in the stomach. Moreover, no one wonders how the food lump ends up there. Basic knowledge of passing a food coma is necessary not only for general development. With their help, you can prevent complications in the gastrointestinal tract or provide the necessary treatment.

Intermediate stages of food passage

A person needs to eat several times a day to replenish energy and improve health. Before products release all their beneficial substances and provide energy to the body, they go through a complex path of change. The gastrointestinal tract takes on the task of converting foods into useful microelements. It consists of various devices that ensure the passage of a bolus of food through the alimentary tract. The entire digestion process can be divided into several stages:

  • Formation of a food coma in the oral cavity. The process begins with food entering the mouth. Solid pieces are crushed with teeth, and the tongue helps to combine the mixed pulp into a common mass. In the oral cavity, on the right and left, there are several pairs of salivary glands that produce saliva. During the chewing process, the amount of saliva increases. It is necessary for simultaneous wetting and disinfection. The antiseptic effect occurs due to lysozyme contained in saliva. It also contains amylase and pitalin - enzymes responsible for the breakdown of complex components. Therefore, the separation of food gruel into carbohydrates begins immediately in the oral cavity.
  • Movement from the throat to the esophagus. The muscles of the cheeks and tongue constantly contract, moving the formed bolus of food closer to the throat. Swallowing actions help push the lump down the throat, sending it further down the digestive tract. An important role is played by the epiglottis, which is located near the root of the tongue. It does not allow pieces of food to enter the respiratory organs as food gruel passes through the throat. The food gruel does not linger in the throat and goes straight into the esophagus. It is the epiglottis that shows her the right path.
  • Through the esophagus to the stomach. The esophagus is a long, vertical tube that connects the throat and stomach. Its diameter is 2-2.5 cm, height is about 25 cm. It does not take an active part in the digestion process, but serves as a connecting “segment”. The walls of the organ consist of three layers, which is very similar to the structure of the main digestive organs:
    • The first layer is the inner one. It contains a huge number of glands, each performing an individual function. The mucus secreted by the glands protects the organ from possible irritation from rough, spicy foods.
    • The second layer is the middle one. This is the “heart of the esophagus”, as it contains muscle tissue, including longitudinal, circular muscles. Thanks to the alternating contraction and relaxation of muscle tissue, the food bolus moves down the esophagus.
    • The third layer is the outer one. The organ is covered with dense tissue with blood vessels. Their task is to supply blood to the digestive organs and nerve endings.
  • Below, near the junction of the esophagus and stomach, there is a valve. Its important mission is to let a lump of food into the stomach and not let it back out.
  • On the way to the stomach. Food travels through the esophagus in a few seconds and enters the stomach. This is the main organ of the digestive system, responsible for thorough digestion. It is located diagonally from left to right and occupies the upper place in the center of the abdominal cavity. The upper part is located to the left of the middle of the body. He “feels” the imminent arrival of an energy source, even before the moment of grinding food in the oral cavity. As soon as we find ourselves near food, salivation involuntarily begins and at this moment the stomach produces the first portion of digestive juice, and we feel hunger pain and rumbling. The second portion is produced the moment the treat enters the mouth. By the time the gruel, crushed and formed into a lump, enters the stomach, it is completely ready to accept it. In an elongated bag, under the influence of digestive juice, crushed food particles are mixed and partially digested. After a long stay in the stomach, the food bolus passes further - into the duodenum.

Possible failure in the digestive system

The transformation of products during passage through the food tract is very significant. And if something goes wrong during the digestion process, the organs of the gastrointestinal tract immediately feel it: a stomach ache, a stabbing sensation in the left side, nausea. The reasons that provoke violations are very diverse: rapid swallowing of foods with air entrapment, fried, salty, hot, fatty foods.

Many are haunted by the feeling of a lump in the center of the stomach, belching. An unpleasant sensation is not always associated with a disease; most often the culprit is a physiological process (overeating, poor nutrition, medications).


The feeling of a lump of food in the stomach (near the throat) is the most important symptom that cannot be ignored. This symptom does not come alone; it always has company. As a rule, it is accompanied by:

  • Belching. Since the stomach is standing, regurgitation occurs quite often. The belching can be sour, with a taste of the food eaten. Sometimes the belching comes out with air or stomach juice. Shortness of breath may occur.
  • Nausea, vomiting in the throat.
  • Stomach ache. The intensity of the pain is different: on the left, in the middle, cutting, aching or stabbing. It hurts in the left hypochondrium, near the navel.
  • Feeling of heaviness. The feeling of a stone in the stomach occurs due to a malfunction of the valve between the esophagus and the stomach, which affects the general well-being and functioning of the entire digestive tract.


Overeating harms not only our figure, but also our health.

Pain in the left hypochondrium and a feeling as if there might be a lump in the stomach do not always occur immediately after eating, but after a short period of time. The reasons that provoke such a situation include:

  • Overeating is one of the most common causes. Quickly swallowing poorly chewed food while swallowing air creates a large volume in the stomach. The walls of the organ are greatly stretched, hence the pain, nausea and sensation of stone. By adjusting your diet, the discomfort will immediately disappear.
  • Physical activity immediately after a meal. Meals should take place in a calm environment, after which you should not exercise or do house cleaning. Bending over and tensing the abdominal muscles helps the stomach stop. This causes nausea, shortness of breath, and weakness.
  • A stressful situation provokes a spasm of the stomach walls, causing pain, belching and a feeling of heaviness, rolling in waves from left to right. The cause is irritated nerve endings, both throughout the central nervous system and the nerve fibers of the stomach.
  • Medicines containing iron. Patients are disturbed by a feeling of heaviness, air is belched, and stool is disturbed. Discomfort in the body goes away immediately after stopping these drugs and prescribing suitable treatment.
  • Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. Trouble can come from inflammation of the organ mucosa, which occurs due to poor nutrition and possible penetration of bacteria. Most often, the sensation of a coma is provoked by a tumor in the stomach. If your stomach hurts and you are worried about frequent nausea, shortness of breath, weakness, you need to be checked by a specialist and receive special treatment. Do not delay going to the doctor - such a problem cannot always be solved on your own.


Is it possible to avoid the pain and unpleasant sensation of a stone in the stomach? Of course it is possible. To do this, you must follow the following preventive recommendations and the feeling of heaviness in the stomach will not haunt you:

  • healthy lifestyle;
  • correct daily routine and moderate amount of food;
  • calm atmosphere during meals;
  • fresh food;
  • avoid salty, fatty, spicy, flour dishes;
  • give up street cuisine (minimize eating fast food);
  • quit smoking;
  • do not drink alcoholic beverages.

Love vegetables and fruits, drink plenty of fluids (juices, mineral water), switch to lactic acid products (yogurt, kefir). Learn not to worry and face any stressful situation with a smile. After all, everyone knows that nervousness does not solve problems, but only undermines health.

Why do you feel a feeling of heaviness in your stomach?

Every person has ever experienced a feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region - at the top of the abdomen. There is as if there is a stone or a lump in the stomach; feeling weak and drowsy at the same time...

Most often, we do not pay attention to this kind of problem, finding the simplest explanation for it and hoping that everything will “slip through” in an hour. Meanwhile, even a timid signal from the stomach about discomfort cannot be considered accidental.

It may very well be that you are on a direct path to chronic gastritis, ulcers, or even cancer.

We need to find an exact answer to the question “Why did I feel unwell?” and not make a similar mistake in the future. And if you already have an inflammatory disease of the stomach, then you should know all the contraindications like the “Our Father”.

Possible causes of heaviness in the stomach

Firstly, the stomach can react negatively to poor nutrition and overeating. We dare to assure you that after the New Year holidays, at least 80% of people frown, suffering from a feeling of excessive satiety.

Secondly, heaviness can arise as a result of poor chewing. Haste is known to be good for catching fleas, not for eating.

Severe stress can make it difficult to digest food.

Anxiety distracts the body from the normal performance of natural functions and concentrates all its forces on resisting a threat - real or imagined.

Finally, mention should be made of the feeling of heaviness in the stomach that occurs as a result of overusing certain types of food. What is sometimes better to abstain from?

Here are the specific types of the most insidious products:

  • fatty and spicy foods, fried foods (an ideal example of what should not be abused is fried potatoes with lard);
  • carbohydrates in excess - flour from butter bread to cookies, sugar, sweets, cakes, chocolate;
  • nourishing fruits and vegetables - bananas, grapes, potatoes, legumes;
  • hard-to-digest foods - hard-boiled eggs, mushrooms;
  • low quality fast food.

The cause of inconvenience is sometimes coffee, strong tea, and wine that irritate the mucous membranes. Soda, beer and kvass can also cause heaviness associated with bloating. Some people cannot even drink a glass of milk - the adult body is poorly equipped to digest it.

I would like to limit myself to the list already given, but alas, sometimes heaviness in the epigastrium manifests itself as a symptom of functional disorders (the same case when “I seem to be eating little, but my stomach is always full”).

With functional dyspepsia, severity is usually provoked by unstable motor activity of the stomach. At the same time, the patient usually experiences nausea and/or stool upset. Loss of appetite is very likely.

When the disorders are ulcerative in nature, pain is necessarily present in the clinical picture. They occur especially often on an empty stomach - at night, in the morning - in the epigastric region. Fasting pain usually goes away after eating. For complaints that match this description, be sure to take the test “What are your chances of becoming an ulcer?”

If you have additional symptoms or simply have a suspiciously frequent feeling of heaviness in the epigastric area, you should consult a doctor. To begin with, it will be enough to visit a therapist and consult with him.

Based on the results of the initial examination, the therapist will either dispel your alarming suspicions or refer you to diagnostic procedures. With the results of the tests, you will go to an appointment with a gastroenterologist. He will prescribe medications to relieve the painful symptom.

Help: what to do if your stomach feels heavy?

Can I solve the problem myself? In simple cases - yes.

In a separate article you will find simple home remedies for self-help.

Try them, but if alarming symptoms return, do not delay going to the hospital. If the feeling of a full stomach is constant, call a reliable clinic immediately and make an appointment for the next available date.

What you should definitely do on your own is to reconsider your diet. Try to objectively evaluate the quality and quantity of food you eat regularly. Try to reduce your portions. It’s better to eat a little five times a day than one full meal.

Give preference to those types of food and drink that are harmless to a weak stomach. Drink weak tea and juices (with the exception of citrus and grape juices). Dairy should be consumed in the form of yogurt, kefir, and natural yogurt.

Eat light fruits and vegetables. Steam meat and fish, but do not fry.