How you can get poisoned: a list of hazardous substances and products. Poisoning with hawthorn tincture - symptoms, causes and what to do

Poisoning with certain low-quality or expired products is a common occurrence. In this case, the person feels pain in the stomach, weakness, and malaise.

You will figure out what exactly you were poisoned with later; the most important thing in such a situation is to take immediate action. If it gets really bad, be sure to call an ambulance. In such a situation, knowledge about how to do it at home will also help. This is what we will talk about.

A toxic substance that enters our stomach can provoke quite serious disruptions in vital processes. To prevent toxins from penetrating the blood before the doctors arrive, you need to know at home. This will help flush out the stomach. Why vomiting? It's simple!

The fact is that vomiting and nausea (as its harbinger) are defense mechanisms of our body aimed at getting rid of poison or other substances that are unpleasant to our stomach. This will ease the general condition of a person in the following cases:

We bring to your attention the so-called restaurant method.

How to induce vomiting at home?

Let's use potassium permanganate. For those who don’t know: this is potassium permanganate. It is a very powerful oxidizing agent with pronounced antimicrobial activity. This is possible due to the astringent properties of weak concentrations, which is important to consider because it causes irritation and burns to the gastric mucosa. Otherwise, we will be faced with the question of: Then we certainly cannot do without the help of doctors!

Preparing the solution

Take some potassium permanganate and dilute it in a five-liter jar with warm boiled water. Note that the solution should be pink with noticeable clarity. Never overdo it! Sometimes not all crystals may dissolve. This risks getting them onto the inner walls of the stomach. Therefore, it is better to first mix the potassium permanganate in a smaller jar, and then pour the liquid into another jar or pan through cheesecloth. This will help you avoid undissolved sediment. Do not forget to add the required amount of water to the total mass (5 liters).

Important! We must take into account the age of the victim! For example, to rinse the stomach of a 9-month-old baby, you need to use about 800 ml of solution, and for a child older than one year, you need to proceed from the following calculation: 1 liter per year of life. An adult needs from 5 to 10 liters of this product. Be aware that potassium permanganate does not have a very pleasant smell, much less taste. This will significantly speed up the self-cleansing of your stomach! All. The solution is ready. Now let's find out how to induce vomiting at home using potassium permanganate.

Induce vomiting

The victim needs to drink the prepared solution. The procedure should be carried out in several stages. If vomiting still does not start, do the following: press with a clean finger on the root of the tongue. This provokes a good response from the stomach. The effectiveness of this method can be judged if vomiting occurs after each time you give the prepared solution to the victim.

Mild food poisoning can be caused by eating expired or incompatible foods.

Expired products

Using expired products is risky because it can give you a “bathroom break” for several days. However, if the main thing for you is to avoid participating in another event, this method is quite suitable.

You can prepare in advance - buy a product that will last longer than its expiration date. It should be borne in mind that violation of storage periods must be significant. If, for example, milk can be stored for 14 days, it does not mean that by the 15th day it is no longer suitable. It is necessary that at least half of the period beyond what the product is designed for has passed.

For example, if purchased milk can be stored for 14 days, you can drink it on the 21st, etc.

Also, not for every product, consuming it after the expiration date leads to poisoning. For example, flour products only become stale, but do not cause any significant harm. But dairy products can cause stomach upset.

The easiest way is to use expired milk or kefir. The main thing is that they are not noticed by family members and thrown into the trash.

You can even be poisoned by products that have not expired but were stored incorrectly. The same milk or kefir, if stored not in the refrigerator but on a radiator, can turn sour the very next day. And then their use will cause severe upset.

Precautionary measures. You should never eat foods on which mold has formed - this is fraught not only with poisoning, but also with more serious consequences.

Incompatible products

Some foods go poorly together, and their combined use also leads to poisoning. The easiest way is to eat lightly salted or pickled cucumbers, washing them down with milk. The dose is selected individually.

The method provides stable diarrhea with a good smell (frightening for parents).

Usually, if you start consuming foods during the day, by the evening you will develop a persistent stomach upset. If the performance is intended for home audiences, it is effective to continue it at night. you can just go to the toilet so that others can see it and spend a long time there. The absence of diarrhea and, as a result, odor, can be hidden by generously using an air freshener - a complete illusion is created that you really have real diarrhea.

The performance also needs to be continued in the morning - complaining of fatigue and feigning a weak stomach.

You can save a bottle of sour milk in advance (see above) and drink it early in the morning - then you will have real diarrhea, which you can show to your parents.

The main thing is to convince your family that you cannot go anywhere in this condition.

© 2016. How to get sick - information resource of the association for helping truants

Thoughtless use of these methods can harm your health.

Food poisoning: how to induce vomiting at home

Poisoning with certain low-quality or expired products is a common occurrence. In this case, the person feels pain in the stomach, weakness, and malaise. You will figure out what exactly you were poisoned with later; the most important thing in such a situation is to take immediate action. If it gets really bad, be sure to call an ambulance. In such a situation, knowledge of how to induce vomiting at home will also help. This is what we will talk about.

A toxic substance that enters our stomach can provoke quite serious disruptions in vital processes. To prevent toxins from entering the bloodstream before doctors arrive, you need to know how to induce vomiting at home. This will help flush out the stomach. Why vomiting? It's simple!

The fact is that vomiting and nausea (as its harbinger) are defense mechanisms of our body aimed at getting rid of poison or other substances that are unpleasant to our stomach. This will ease the general condition of a person in the following cases:

  • during food poisoning;
  • for intestinal infections;
  • during an acute disorder of the digestive tract.
  • We bring to your attention the so-called restaurant method.

    How to induce vomiting at home?

    Let's use potassium permanganate. For those who don’t know: this is potassium permanganate. It is a very powerful oxidizing agent with pronounced antimicrobial activity. This is possible due to the astringent properties of weak concentrations, which is important to consider, since a concentrated solution causes irritation and burns to the gastric mucosa. Otherwise, we will be faced with the question of how to get rid of vomiting. Then you certainly can’t do without the help of doctors!

    Take some potassium permanganate and dilute it in a five-liter jar with warm boiled water. Note that the solution should be pink with noticeable clarity. Never overdo it! Sometimes not all crystals may dissolve. This risks getting them onto the inner walls of the stomach. Therefore, it is better to first mix the potassium permanganate in a smaller jar, and then pour the liquid into another jar or pan through cheesecloth. This will help you avoid undissolved sediment. Do not forget to add the required amount of water to the total mass (5 liters). Important! We must take into account the age of the victim! For example, to rinse the stomach of a 9-month-old baby, you need to use about 800 ml of solution, and for a child older than one year, you need to proceed from the following calculation: 1 liter per year of life. An adult needs from 5 to 10 liters of this product. Be aware that potassium permanganate does not have a very pleasant smell, much less taste. This will significantly speed up the self-cleansing of your stomach! All. The solution is ready. Now let's find out how to induce vomiting at home using potassium permanganate.

    The victim needs to drink the prepared solution. The procedure should be carried out in several stages. If vomiting still does not start, do the following: press with a clean finger on the root of the tongue. This provokes a good response from the stomach. The effectiveness of this method can be judged if vomiting occurs after each time you give the prepared solution to the victim.

    how to cause food poisoning

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    Questions and answers on: how to cause food poisoning

    a month ago I was examined for food poisoning. Blood test dated 04/07/14: creatinine 473, alkaline phosphatase 112, ast17, alt 11, glucose 5.26-qi, potassium 6.8.

    total blood: soe 42, le 5.7, er 4.2, hemogl 117. an. urine relative pl. 1016, protein 0.132 acidic solution, le 3-6, hyaline cylinders. 2-3, renal unit in a large number, sq. epit.10-12. ultrasound of the liver, pancreas in N, angiomyolipoma of the right kidney. symptoms: nausea, bitterness, dry skin, discomfort in the right hypochondrium, in the region. kidneys, polyuria, nocturia, a/d 180/100. consulted a nephrologist. The diagnosis was made: stage 3 CKD. glomerulonephritis, stage 3 chronic renal failure. arterial hypertension. They prescribed outpatient treatment: fosicard, lactofiltrum or enterosgel, artichoke, ascorutin. They were treated for 2 weeks, the condition remained unchanged, although creatinine dropped to 327, then she caught a cold. She called a doctor at home, she sent her to the hospital for general therapy. I passed a urine test, leukocytes in the entire field of view, protein 1.06, ep. renal in a large number, cylinders 10, creatinine 300, urea 20. prescribed: Loraxone 1.0 IV, Mildrocard, Korglykon, Enterosgel, Sorbex, Lokren. after 4 days, potassium dropped to 5.9, and creatinine rose to 670, urea 31, the symptoms of uremia did not disappear, they were sent again to a nephrologist, she consulted and confirmed the diagnosis of stage 3 CKD. Stage 4 chronic renal failure, hypertension, prescribed outpatient treatment with sorbents, antihypertensives and choleretic agents. please tell me whether I need to insist on inpatient treatment and how far am I from hemodialysis? I will be very grateful for the answer.

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    Food poisoning of the body. Types of food poisoning. Symptoms and first aid for food poisoning. Mushroom poisoning.

    In recent years, the problem of poisoning has become particularly acute. According to the World Health Organization, in European countries one person out of every thousand ends up in hospital with this diagnosis; the number of poisoning victims is even greater than in road accidents! It is especially worrying that these accidents primarily occur among young people.

    What causes poisoning in the body?

    Severe poisoning can occur if medications are used incorrectly during self-medication and if their dosage is incorrect. Poisoning can also be caused by household chemicals, pesticides, other toxic substances, poor-quality food, some plants and berries.

    Crops grown in garden plots and beds can also become toxic. For example, in green potatoes that have been lying in the sun, a very dangerous substance is concentrated - solanine. Sprouted grain also contains poison. There are countless dramatic and tragic incidents that occurred only because people tried unknown berries, mushrooms, or even simply put a stem of an unfamiliar plant in their mouth.

    Poisoning caused by inedible mushrooms is very serious. The most poisonous of mushrooms are toadstools. Toxic substances - fast-acting phalloidin and amantine, contained in pale toadstools, fatally affect the kidneys and liver.

    When going into the forest with a basket, do not forget that every edible mushroom has its own poisonous counterpart. Even chanterelles have it, which seem to be unmistakable.

    Pale grebes change their appearance during dry seasons, with frequent strong winds and other climate changes. Put one such “werewolf” in a basket and it will be enough to cause severe poisoning, and the toxicity of the toadstool does not decrease even after intense boiling.

    Anyone who likes to pick mushrooms should adhere to the old and proven rule: if you are not 100% sure that it is safe to eat a mushroom, then do not even think about putting it in the basket. And even after returning home from the forest, before starting cooking, re-sort the mushrooms contained in the basket twice or even three times.

    Before frying mushrooms, they should be boiled, then drained and it would be a good idea to boil them again.

    Symptoms of mushroom poisoning.

    You need to know the symptoms of mushroom poisoning in order to help the victim in time.

    The insidiousness of mushroom poisoning is that its first symptoms do not appear immediately, but only after a certain time - the “latent period”. This period for poisoning with toadstool can last from 8 to 24 hours. Symptoms of mushroom poisoning appear suddenly:

  • nausea begins;
  • vomit;
  • stomach ache;
  • intestinal disorders, which are becoming more noticeable.
  • Time truly counts for life here. Therefore, if there is even the slightest suspicion of mushroom poisoning, then urgently call a doctor to save a person’s life!

    Before the ambulance arrives, the victim needs to cleanse (rinse) the stomach, give a laxative (saline) or activated charcoal to drink. A person poisoned by mushrooms will have to fight for the life, and success will directly depend on the speed of removal of toxic substances from the body. In case of loss of consciousness and if signs of clinical death appear, immediately begin resuscitation measures.

    In the summer, the number of food poisoning caused by bacteria also increases noticeably. About a third of all infectious diseases now are acute gastric diseases. More than 500 million people on the planet suffer from them every year.

    Such poisoning is much easier to prevent than to treat.

    Prevention of food poisoning.

    It is no coincidence that acute gastric diseases are called “dirty hands disorders.” How much trouble, and even suffering, can be avoided if you thoroughly wash your hands with soap every day before each meal.

    Proper storage of food is also a means of preventing food poisoning.

    Ready-made meat dishes, for example, broth, meat, jellied meat, vinaigrette, salad, delicacies with cream quickly spoil and become an excellent environment for various microorganisms. Therefore, such products should be stored at a temperature of +4. +6 0 C (lower or middle shelf of the refrigerator), but not longer than three days. At room temperature, these dishes can be stored for 4-6 hours.

    At a temperature of 0. +8 0 C the following can be stored:

  • boiled sausage and ham - 48 hours;
  • blood and liver sausage - 12 hours;
  • semi-finished products (cutlets, schnitzels, steaks) - 72 hours.
  • It is safe to keep beef, pork and poultry in the freezer for no longer than 5 days, and fish for 3 days.

    It is not recommended to keep ready-made meals or semi-finished products in plastic bags in the refrigerator, since ventilation is impaired in them, and contact of products with chemicals is undesirable. It is better to use thick paper bags, glass jars or other sealable containers.

    Dairy spoil quickly. Therefore, kefir, cheese curds and cheese can remain in the refrigerator for no longer than 36 hours, and boiled milk and sour cream - more than three days. Butter does not spoil at 0 0 C for about 10 days, cheeses for 15 days.

    Eggs at a temperature of 0 0 C can be stored for about 40 days.

    Often products are sold in polymer packaging. They can be kept in the refrigerator for about 48 hours without opening.

    Vegetables and fruits store clean but unwashed in the refrigerator. Just put them in a separate bowl and close them. To do this, you can use a cellophane or paper bag.

    People have long revered bread, because it contains the work of many people, so everyone needs to take care that the bread in their house does not go to waste. Bread and other flour products are stored well in special bread bins or in closed enamel containers. It is better to keep wheat and rye bread separately. Plastic bags are used here only for a short time, as they will moisten the valuable product, after which an unpleasant odor will appear, and the baked goods will simply spoil or bloom.

    How do food poisoning occur?

    We should not forget that low temperature in the refrigerator does not kill, but only stops the proliferation of microbes. Once in the human body, these pathogens quickly multiply under favorable conditions and cause complex diseases. This primarily applies to meat products. For example, a gram of minced meat immediately after its preparation contains about two million microbes, and within a day their number increases 50 times!

    Quite often, food poisoning occurs on hiking trips. Neglect of basic hygiene rules leads to disaster: drinking raw water from rivers, springs or wells long abandoned by the owners, consuming perishable foods along the route, such as sausage or sour cream. To avoid poisoning, it is enough to replace them with canned food, vegetables, boiled eggs, and also use special cooler bags that can be purchased at grocery supermarkets or markets. When going on a hike, do not forget to take soap, a towel and a small first aid kit, which should contain remedies for indigestion and poisoning, as well as bandages, napkins, cotton wool, a bactericidal patch, a solution of iodine and brilliant green (brilliant green), ammonia, validol, analgin, etc. Special anti-mosquito sprays, ointments and other protective agents will protect you from mosquito bites.

    Symptoms of food poisoning.

    And, of course, you need to know how to behave correctly in case of food poisoning. Symptoms of the disease from eating low-quality food, as a rule, appear within 4-12 hours, or even earlier.

    Symptoms of food poisoning:

    First aid for food poisoning.

    When the first symptoms of poisoning appear, you should act quickly and harmoniously:

  • Cleanse the victim's body of toxic substances. To do this, rinse the stomach and give a saline laxative or activated charcoal. In case of loss of consciousness or clinical death, immediately begin resuscitation.

    As I said at the beginning of the article, food poisoning is better prevented than cured, so wash your hands well before eating, store food in the right packaging and in the right conditions (temperature, humidity), and don’t eat anything you have even the slightest doubt about.

    Everyone is familiar with the definition of food poisoning. But not everyone knows the causes and symptoms of its manifestation, as well as ways to combat this disease.

    Causes of food poisoning

    The cause of food poisoning in humans is most often poor quality foods. But sometimes it is very difficult to determine which food contributed to its occurrence.

    In this case, poisoning, as a rule, is caused not by the food itself, but by microbes and bacteria that enter the human body with it. And to be even more precise, the toxins that they release in the course of their life. In addition, some foods may contain toxic chemicals, which are also a common cause of food poisoning.

    What foods most often cause food poisoning?

  • Vegetables and fruits. These products, as a rule, most often cause poisoning, especially in the summer. Chemicals with which gardeners and gardeners treat their plants can accumulate in any vegetables and fruits. You can also be poisoned by foods that have been stored incorrectly. Thus, at high temperatures, fruits and vegetables begin to deteriorate and become a source of pathogens that can cause food poisoning.
  • Fish. Eating low-quality or spoiled fish almost always leads to food poisoning. In this case, it is important to know not only the rules for storing it, but also how to prepare it, in particular this applies to smoking fish. During the decomposition process, toxic substances accumulate in fish that can cause not only poisoning, but even cancer.
  • Meat. Basically, meat can only cause poisoning if it is improperly prepared or stored. At room temperature, dangerous microorganisms begin to actively develop in meat, and most of them can be contained in chicken meat.
  • Mushrooms. They can cause the most severe cases of food poisoning. In this case, it is extremely important to seek qualified help as quickly as possible, since such poisoning often leads to death. The cause of such poisoning is most often the consumption of poisonous mushrooms, because in appearance some of them are very difficult to distinguish from edible ones. Therefore, novice mushroom pickers can easily make mistakes when collecting them. In addition, poisoning can also be caused by edible mushrooms that grow in an ecologically unfavorable place, since they, like a sponge, absorb heavy metals and other poisons from their environment. As a result, collecting mushrooms along highways, railways, near factories and in other environmentally hazardous places is strictly prohibited.
  • Canned foods. Even home-canned food prepared in accordance with all sanitary standards can cause poisoning. This is due to the fact that in nature there are bacteria that can live well in an airless space, including in a tin can. Therefore, if you notice that the lid of the jar on the inside is covered with rust stains or is swollen, then throw away such canned food without hesitation!
  • Dairy and fermented milk products. If such products are kept for a long time at above-zero temperatures, then staphylococcus will certainly begin to actively multiply in them.
  • Industrial products. The danger of such food comes down to violations of the technology of its production and storage. You should also not consume products that have expired, were made using low-quality raw materials, or whose packaging was damaged during transportation or storage.
  • How to properly store food? After all, it is a careless attitude to this issue that most often becomes the cause of poisoning. The most important thing to do is to store already cooked foods in a cool place, that is, in the refrigerator. At room temperature, especially during the summer months, food becomes an ideal breeding ground for dangerous bacteria that cause food poisoning.

    Often the cause of food poisoning is a banal violation of good hygiene during the cooking process. Therefore, you need to cook only with clean hands and in clean dishes.

    Symptoms characteristic of food poisoning

    As a rule, the first signs of the disease appear two hours after eating contaminated foods. Symptoms manifest differently for everyone, depending on the type of pathogen and their number. Common symptoms of poisoning include: acute abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, pale skin, thirst, fever, body aches.

    Treatment of food poisoning

    If you have discovered at least some of the symptoms listed above, then this most likely means that you have been exposed to food poisoning and you urgently need help.

    First, it is necessary to determine the cause of the poisoning. To do this, you will have to remember all the foods you have consumed recently. It is also worth interviewing all family members to see if they are developing signs of poisoning. If you find a product that caused poisoning, you should immediately throw it away. This is what you need to do with all the products that you think caused your illness.

    Secondly, you need to urgently call an ambulance. If your condition is rapidly deteriorating, then you should not self-medicate. Medical workers will immediately rinse your stomach, and if there is no diarrhea, they will give you a laxative and an anesthetic.

    Thirdly, immediately take any of the medications - adsorbents (Smecta, Polysorb, Enterosgel, activated carbon, white carbon). Adults can take up to three sachets of Smecta per day, children - one. Activated carbon is taken at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of body weight. Polysorb – 1 heaped teaspoon per 20 kg of body weight for 1 dose, be sure to dilute in 50-100 ml of water. These drugs actively adsorb and remove toxins from the body.

    Fourthly, after curing food poisoning, you need to adhere to a special diet. In addition, proper nutrition is included in the treatment of this disease itself. The most important thing is to prevent dehydration of the body, so patients need to drink at least three liters of clean, plain water per day. Patients are allowed to eat only steamed food, and after poisoning it is generally not recommended to eat for several hours. After your stomach finally “calms down,” you can drink a cup of black or green tea with crackers. It is also recommended to drink rosehip infusion. Also, to avoid deterioration of the condition and weakening of the body, it is worth snacking on chicken broth with potatoes or oatmeal. To avoid relapse of the disease, the diet must be followed for at least a day after poisoning.

    As sad as it may be, food poisoning is a fairly common occurrence in the modern world. Of course, it is impossible to completely avoid the risk of poisoning, but it is possible to significantly reduce its likelihood. To do this, it is enough to eat only high-quality, properly prepared products and strictly adhere to hygienic rules when preparing and eating food.

    First aid for different types of poisoning

    You can go to a description of first aid for each specific type of poisoning by clicking on the subheading you need in the content.

    In case of poisoning with any poisons, it is very important to provide first aid in a timely manner. Each toxic substance has its own mechanism of action, so first aid may vary significantly.

    In any case, if you are poisoned, you need to call an ambulance!

    If you are not sure what exactly caused the poisoning, proceed according to the following general scheme.

  • Break contact with the poison.
  • If the substance gets into the stomach, drink salted water and induce vomiting, then take enterosorbents.
  • Call an ambulance. Even if hospitalization is not required, they will help you assess the condition of the victim and give the necessary recommendations.
  • Important! Monitor your breathing and pulse. In case of severe poisoning, cardiac arrest or cessation of breathing may occur. In this case, you need to start resuscitation.

    If you know the type of toxic substance, then before the doctor arrives, refer to the instructions below.

    First aid for poisoning with poisonous gases

    The most common type is household gas poisoning. In second place are poisonings due to accidents at work.

  • Provide fresh air: remove the victim from the room or open windows and doors.
  • Ensure free breathing by unbuttoning clothes, loosening a tie, etc.
  • Allow to gargle with a weak soda solution.
  • In severe cases, perform artificial respiration and closed heart massage.
  • Place in bed, wrap up, and provide plenty of fluids until the doctors arrive to speed up the removal of poison from the body.
  • First aid for food poisoning

  • Induce vomiting. If it is present without intervention, then you still need to rinse your stomach - drink about a liter of salted water and vomit. You can also use a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate. Important! If the victim is unconscious, then you cannot induce vomiting or give him water.
  • In case of severe diarrhea, take Smecta - 2 sachets and then after 4 hours according to the instructions.
  • If nausea and vomiting predominate, take an enterosorbent: Polyphepan, Enterosgel or Polysorb. If you only have activated carbon on hand, take it (at the rate of 1-2 tablets per 10 kg of weight), crush it and drink 100 ml of water.
  • In addition to enterosorbents, take an enveloping agent: a solution of egg white in water (1:1), a decoction of flaxseed, starch jelly.
  • To replenish fluid, 1–1.5 hours after taking adsorbents, drink “Regidron” or its analogues, or, if they are unavailable, lightly salted water.
  • First aid for poisoning with pesticides

    In case of poisoning by chemical industry products (except alkalis and acids), agricultural poisons - insecticides, herbicides and others, if they enter the stomach, you need to do the following.

    1. Induce vomiting, rinse the stomach with a weak pink solution of potassium permanganate (8-10 glasses).
    2. Drink a saline laxative (Glauber's salt, magnesium). Attention! Oil preparations (castor oil, etc.) cannot be used as a laxative, since many pesticides in this group are highly soluble in fats.
    3. Call an ambulance and be sure to tell them the name of the poison and the active ingredient (indicated on the package).
    4. First aid for poisoning with acids and alkalis

      Poisoning with concentrated acids and alkalis is accompanied by burns of the mucous membrane and severe pain in the esophagus and stomach.

    5. Rinse your mouth and throat with water. You cannot induce vomiting!
    6. Call an ambulance immediately, as gastric lavage through a tube is indicated.
    7. In case of acid poisoning, the victim is given mucous decoctions, milk, egg whites, and vegetable oil. Important! In case of poisoning with carbolic acid and its compounds (Lysol, phenol), milk and fats should not be given.
    8. To weaken the effect of the acid, give lime water or burnt magnesia to drink. You should not take soda or other weak alkalis - this will cause a violent reaction in the stomach.
    9. In case of alkali poisoning, drink any mucous liquid and a 2% citric acid solution (small portions every 5 minutes).
    10. You cannot give a laxative; if necessary, perform artificial respiration before the doctor arrives.
    11. To reduce pain, put ice on the stomach area.
    12. First aid for drug poisoning

    13. Induce vomiting.
    14. Take enterosorbent: Enterosgel, Polysorb MP, Smecta or activated carbon.
    15. Drink plenty of fluids.
    16. Most medications have their own antidotes, so when contacting a doctor, it is advisable to provide the name of the medication and the dose the victim took. Taking enterosorbents for acute poisoning:

    • "Enterosgel" - 2 tablespoons;
    • “Polysorb MP” - 3 tablespoons;
    • “Polyphepan” - 2 tablespoons;
    • “Smecta” - 2 sachets;
    • activated carbon - 1–2 tablets per 10 kg of body weight.
    • First aid for alcohol poisoning

    • Induce vomiting and rinse the stomach by drinking 5-6 glasses of warm boiled water or a weak soda solution.
    • Take any enterosorbent.
    • Let ammonia inhale.
    • Drink plenty of water, it is advisable to acidify the water with lemon juice or ascorbic acid.
    • Take a saline laxative (magnesium sulfate 4-6 teaspoons per 1 liter of water).
    • In severe cases, perform artificial respiration and closed heart massage.
    • To stimulate the functions of the heart and breathing, it is recommended to drink strong brewed tea and coffee.
    • Important! In case of alcohol poisoning, you should not take paracetamol and drugs based on it (Citramon and others); it is better to take aspirin.

      First aid for contact of poisons with the skin

    1. Remove the poison from the skin with a swab.
    2. Wash the area with plenty of cool water. Wash off oily poisons with soap or a weak soda solution.
    3. If poison gets on your clothes, take them off.
    4. If it gets into your mouth, rinse with water.
    5. First aid for skin contact with acids or alkalis

    6. If the chemical gets on your clothing, remove it immediately.
    7. Rinse the damaged area under running water for at least 10 minutes. The water should be warm.
    8. If acid gets on the skin, wash the damaged area with a weak alkali solution: 2% soda, lime water.
    9. If alkali gets in, rinse with a 2% solution of weak acid - boric, citric, ascorbic, vinegar.
    10. In case of severe damage, apply a sterile bandage and consult a doctor.
    11. In case of contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes, rinse with water for 20–30 minutes and apply anti-inflammatory eye drops (sulfacyl sodium). If the poison is irritating, apply a bandage and consult an ophthalmologist.
    12. First aid for respiratory and (or) cardiac depression

    13. In case of poisoning, monitor pulse and breathing. Normally, the pulse is 60–70 beats, breathing is 20–25 respiratory movements per minute. With pain, these indicators can increase by 1.5–2 times.
    14. In the absence of a pulse, an indirect cardiac massage is performed: the victim is placed with his back on a hard surface, palms are placed one on top of the other in the heart area and rhythmic pressure is applied with straight arms to the chest (about 80 times per minute). Check for a pulse every minute.
    15. If there is no breathing, artificial ventilation is performed. Clear your mouth and nose of foreign objects (vomit, etc.). Slightly tilt the victim's head back, pinch the nose with one hand, and hold the lower jaw with the other. Inhale “mouth to mouth” for 1 second, while the victim’s chest should rise. When combined with cardiac resuscitation, take 2 breaths and press the chest 30 times. If only artificial respiration is performed, then the rhythm is 1 breath every 3-4 seconds.
    16. If the heart weakens or loses consciousness, the victim is placed on his side, making sure that the tongue does not fall into the larynx.
    17. Give medications that stimulate the vasomotor and respiratory centers of the brain - analeptics (caffeine, camphor, bemegride, strychnine).
    18. Restoring position: the victim is placed on his right side, his head is turned to the side. The right arm is bent at the elbow and placed under the head. The left leg is bent at the knee.

      First aid for carbon monoxide poisoning

      Carbon monoxide poisoning most often occurs during fires or when exhaust gases accumulate in a confined space.

    19. Remove the victim from the gas effect area and provide oxygen flow.
    20. Ensure that clothing does not interfere with breathing.
    21. Apply cold to your head and chest.
    22. If loss of consciousness occurs, give ammonia a sniff.
    23. Monitor breathing and, if it stops, perform artificial respiration.
    24. If the victim is conscious, give plenty of fluids, preferably tea or coffee.
    25. First aid for mushroom poisoning

    26. Rinse the stomach repeatedly, giving water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate to drink, and inducing vomiting.
    27. Take laxatives. You cannot stop diarrhea, as this helps remove poison from the intestines.
    28. Drink plenty of fluids, restorative solutions (Regidron, Hydrovit) are recommended.
    29. Taking any sorbents, activated carbon is possible.
    30. Wrap up, warm with heating pads.
    31. Be sure to consult a doctor, as many mushrooms have a long-term effect. Urgent hospitalization is required.
    32. First aid for botulism

      Botulinum toxin is a very potent poison. Therefore, if you suspect poisoning from canned food or non-perishable food products, seek medical help immediately! While the ambulance is on its way, take the following measures.

    33. Drink a large amount of water with baking soda (2 tablespoons per liter), induce vomiting. Repeat several times.
    34. Take a saline laxative (magnesia - 1 ampoule per half liter of water, Glauber's salt).
    35. After 30 minutes, if the ambulance team has not arrived by this time, give the victim any enterosorbent.
    36. If cardiac and/or respiratory arrest occurs, perform resuscitation until function is restored or until emergency services arrive.
    37. When providing first aid, it is important to first protect yourself and the victim from the effects of poison, then assess the patient’s condition and only then begin measures to provide first aid.

    Food poisoning is a digestive disorder that occurs as a result of eating food that contains microorganisms that are toxic or harmful to the human body. Bacteria, in the presence of a number of factors, are the main cause of exposure to the body.

    • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
    • consumption of stale food;
    • improper storage or preparation of food;
    • weakening of the immune system.

    Types of food poisoning

    Modern medicine divides food poisoning into two main groups:

    • microbial origin – toxic infections, toxicoses, mixed;
    • non-microbial origin, which are caused by poisonous animal tissues and poisonous plants.

    Sometimes the cause cannot be determined.

    Among the food products that carry a potential danger of poisoning are:

    • raw eggs;
    • mushrooms;
    • fish and meat;
    • dairy and fermented milk products;
    • homemade marinades and canned goods;
    • confectionery products with protein and butter creams;
    • catering dishes, the preparation of which violated sanitary standards;
    • products with damaged packaging.


    The clinical picture depends on the amount of poor-quality food products or toxic substances that have entered the gastrointestinal tract, as well as on the type of toxic agent or type of toxin. Depending on this, the duration of the incubation period of the disease can vary from several hours to several days.

    The first symptoms of the disease are sudden pain in the abdomen, and after a short period of time they may be accompanied by diarrhea (however, its presence is not necessary). At this stage, nausea and vomiting are likely to occur. Symptoms of food poisoning during this period arise due to the negative impact of microbes and their toxins on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines (symptoms of gastroenterocolitis).

    The body's response to infection is intoxication, which occurs as a result of toxins entering the blood. The degree of intoxication determines the severity of the patient's condition. The main symptoms of intoxication include:

    • headache and general weakness of the body;
    • lethargy;
    • increased body temperature, chills;
    • nausea and vomiting;
    • pain in muscles and joints.

    Vomiting and diarrhea that accompany food poisoning can lead to loss of fluid in the body.

    Symptoms of dehydration are as follows:

    • diarrhea, nausea and vomiting;
    • general weakness;
    • headache;
    • increased heart rate;
    • thirst;
    • decreased urination;
    • dry mucous membranes.

    First aid

    When the first symptoms occur, you should seek medical help to treat food poisoning. But before the specialist arrives, you can carry out treatment at home to make the patient feel better. Timely provision of emergency first aid often saves not only health, but also a person’s life.

    If a person exhibits characteristic symptoms of food poisoning, the first step is to rinse his stomach. The most common rinsing agent is a weak solution of potassium permanganate. But in this case, there is one caveat - even the tiniest, undissolved crystal can cause severe burns to the mucous membranes of the mouth, esophagus and stomach.

    Treatment of food poisoning at home can be carried out with a solution prepared from a liter of boiled water, five drops of iodine and two tablespoons of baking soda. This tool is no less effective, and in terms of safety, much more reliable. The patient needs to drink the maximum amount of the prepared solution (as much as he can), and then induce vomiting by pressing a finger on the root of the tongue. Gastric lavage is carried out until the vomit becomes clean and transparent.

    Immediately after gastric lavage, in the absence of diarrhea, the patient should be given a laxative or a few tablespoons of vegetable oil. If there is diarrhea, the patient is given activated carbon (1 tablet per 5 kg of weight).

    After these procedures, the patient must be warmed:

    • wrap in a warm blanket;
    • apply a heating pad to your feet;
    • offer warm tea.

    Treating food poisoning at home

    For mild illness, no specific treatment for poisoning is required. Within 1-3 days, if you follow a gentle diet and drink plenty of fluids, the patient’s condition returns to normal. In case of severe poisoning, treatment at home is dangerous.

    Drug treatment will be more effective and will consist of the following elements.

    1. Rehydration therapy as the main method of treating food poisoning. The use of rehydrants leads to the restoration of water and electrolyte deficiency in the body. Rehydration is carried out orally using Regidron, Oralit, Litrozol, Chlorazol. In severe cases or when fluid volume is restored in young children, rehydration is carried out parenterally using the drugs Lactosol, Acesol, Trisol, Chlosol, Kvartasol.

    2. Sorption therapy. Enterosorbents during the period of absence of vomiting and in the intervals between taking other medications help to quickly eliminate toxins. Adsorption involves the use of the following drugs: black or white coal, Enterosgel, Smecta, Polysorb, Sorbogel, Polyphepan, etc.

    Sorption therapy is not carried out at high body temperatures, and also requires maximum caution when administered to children and elderly patients.

    3. Pain therapy. Food poisoning with intense pain syndrome, which is accompanied by diarrhea with a painful urge to defecate, should be treated with antispasmodics: No-Shpa, Spazgan, Drotaverine, Spazmalgon.

    4. Antibacterial and antimicrobial therapy. Drugs in this group are prescribed extremely rarely, as they can aggravate the picture of dysbacteriosis along with poisoning. Antimicrobial drugs and antibiotics are prescribed for mixed poisoning (Fthalazol, Intetrix, Nifuroxazide, Ersefuril).

    5. Antidiarrheal and antiemetic therapy. Due to the fact that diarrhea and vomiting are the body’s defense reactions to poisoning, you should not immediately deal with them. But in cases where these symptoms are very pronounced, the patient is prescribed antiemetic drugs (Motilium, Cerucal) and drugs for diarrhea (Loperamide, Trimebutin).

    6. Antipyretic therapy. The increase in body temperature during poisoning does not reach high levels. However, some adults and children do not tolerate hypothermia well. Such patients are prescribed Ibuprofen, Ibuklin, Paracetamol.

    7. Therapy that restores intestinal microflora. Food poisoning disrupts the normal intestinal biocenosis. It requires restoration with the help of the following drugs: Bifidumbacterin, Bioflor, Linex, Bionorm, Enterozermina, actisubtil.

    Treatment with folk remedies

    There are many home treatments for food poisoning. If poisoning in an adult is not very acute, you can safely use traditional medicine recipes.

    • Every 15 minutes after the first signs appear for an hour, take 3-5 g of activated carbon or specially treated clay.
    • Every hour for 3 hours, take 1-2 g of vitamin C.
    • A decoction of marshmallow root with the addition of honey for oral administration, 1 tablespoon 4 times a day.
    • Treatment of poisoning at home is carried out with a decoction of dill with the addition of honey, take half a glass before meals.
    • An infusion made from ground ginger should be taken every half hour, a tablespoon.
    • Cinnamon infusion is used as a natural sorbent and antispasmodic.
    • A decoction of wormwood and yarrow is used to cleanse the body of toxic substances.
    • You can stop the proliferation of bacteria by using juice squeezed from three lemons, adding water and sugar. The resulting remedy is drunk in one gulp.
    • Mixture for single use, prepared from 150 g of orange juice and raw egg. After this, you need to drink as much water as possible throughout the day.

    If a minor is sick, consult a doctor before treating food poisoning in a child.


    Proper nutrition in most cases is the main factor in the treatment of poisoning. It helps restore normal water-salt balance, normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and prevent exhaustion of the body.

    On the first day of symptoms of food poisoning, special importance is given not to food, but to drink. An adult should drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day. To avoid provoking vomiting, you need to drink in small portions, but often. The following are recommended as safe drinks: sweet tea, boiled water acidified with lemon, rosehip decoction, fruit drinks, compotes.

    When the signs of acute poisoning subside, the patient should follow a gentle diet, which involves:

    • number of meals per day – 5-6 times;
    • small serving size;
    • limiting fatty foods;
    • limiting the consumption of foods containing carbohydrates (vegetables and fruits);
    • introduction of animal protein into the diet;
    • food should be easily digestible (semi-liquid consistency).


    Food poisoning is very easy to provoke from low-quality food products, as well as those with expired expiration dates. Keep your kitchen clean and disinfect kitchen utensils.

    Use fresh produce and wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly. Rinse the greens under running water.

    Keep cooked food in a sealed container. It is better to heat yesterday's food before consumption.

    Maintain personal hygiene by washing your hands before preparing food. Remember that your gut health depends on your food.

    In case of intoxication, it is important to begin taking measures aimed at removing harmful substances from the body as early as possible, so the question of what drugs can be taken in case of poisoning at home is very relevant.

    Why you can get food poisoning

    Food intoxication is generally understood as a dysfunction of organs and systems caused by the ingestion of toxins or poisons. By severity There are three types of poisoning: severe, moderate and mild.

    The most common pathogens include:

    • Clostridium perfringens, enters the body as a result of poor-quality processing of meat, poultry, and fish;
    • Stophylococcus aureus actively reproduces at room temperature. The most likely habitats are salads, fermented milk products, cakes, pates, sauces;
    • Bacillus cereus, all perishable products that have not been stored at temperatures up to 6 ° C are susceptible.

    Particularly dangerous natural and chemical toxins that can cause food poisoning at home are found in poisonous mushrooms and berries, low-quality, expired food products. Poisoning can also be caused by carelessly washed fruits and vegetables that have previously been treated with pesticides used to fertilize plants. Alcohol and surrogates can also be included in this category. Thus, there are known cases of death from methyl alcohol poisoning. Food chemical intoxication occurs when vinegar enters the stomach.

    Symptoms of food poisoning:

    1. Bacterial: vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain and colic, diarrhea.
    2. Viral: fever, chills, trembling, stomach pain, vomiting, fever.
    3. Chemical: increased sweating, dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea, salivation, pain in the eye area.
    4. Botulism: the central nervous system is affected, vomiting, dry mouth, and weakness appear.

    If you suspect food poisoning, you should immediately consult a doctor, especially if it concerns children. However, the opportunity to receive medical care is not always available.

    In case of acute pathology, it is necessary to take emergency measures, including gastric lavage, taking sorbent drugs and restoring the water-salt balance. Organizing proper dietary nutrition is of great importance. The final stage of treatment is restorative procedures, which include taking multivitamin complexes. As a rule, recovery occurs within 3-5 days.

    Clinical picture of food poisoning

    The first symptoms of the disease appear during the first 2-6 hours after eating contaminated or low-quality food. In case of severe food poisoning, clinical signs may develop in the first hours.

    Please note that in the case of botulism, the first signs of the disease may develop within 1-2 days.

    In case of food poisoning, the following symptoms develop:

    • nausea followed by vomiting. Vomit may consist of remnants of food, bile, and gastric juice. Vomiting brings temporary relief, but then nausea returns;
    • abdominal pain can be localized in the stomach or be like intestinal colic;
    • An increase in body temperature is possible with an intestinal infection or with the development of inflammatory complications such as gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis. With salmonellosis it can rise to 39.5 degrees;
    • diarrhea develops in the first hours of the disease. With salmonellosis, the stool is foamy and greenish, and with dysentery, the stool is watery and streaked with blood. Diarrhea may be accompanied by abdominal cramps. profuse diarrhea leads to a rapid increase in dehydration;
    • flatulence and increased discharge of gases are accompanied by pain in the intestinal area;
    • general weakness and dizziness accompany intoxication syndrome. The patient becomes lethargic and drowsy;
    • tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), hypotension (low blood pressure) are signs of toxic effects on the body of food and fluid loss. Poisoning with certain types of mushrooms may cause an increase in blood pressure. With severe dehydration, the pulse becomes weak and arrhythmic;
    • breathing problems develop when the body is intoxicated. The person breathes quickly, shallowly, complains of shortness of breath;
    • convulsions throughout the body, similar to an epileptic seizure, are characteristic of damage to the nervous system by toxins. This is possible due to intoxication with mushrooms, fish, alcohol;
    • impaired consciousness, deep coma are signs of a serious condition of the patient. They develop in acute poisoning, infectious-toxic shock.

    Please note that in small children the condition worsens faster than in adults. It is very difficult for their body to cope with toxins and loss of fluid and electrolytes.

    Why is food poisoning dangerous?

    Many people are accustomed to considering food poisoning as a non-dangerous and trivial condition for which there is no need to seek medical help. Indeed, mild poisoning in most cases does not pose a danger to human life, but only a doctor, after examining the patient, can specifically assess the severity of the disease and the patient's condition.

    The following are conditions that often develop against the background of severe food poisoning:

    • Infectious-toxic shock is a condition caused by severe intoxication and excessive loss of fluid. Shock is accompanied by disruption of the cardiovascular system, breathing, brain and kidneys.
    • Acute gastritis develops with severe stomach poisoning by toxins. The mucous membrane of this organ becomes inflamed. The patient's temperature rises and his condition worsens.
    • Acute pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas. The patient feels unbearable girdle pain in the abdomen, he experiences uncontrollable vomiting, the level of glucose in the blood may decrease and bruises may appear on the skin near the navel. The temperature rises above 38 degrees. This condition requires urgent surgical intervention.
    • Acute renal dysfunction is accompanied by a decrease in the amount of urine, swelling, and lower back pain.
    • Gastrointestinal bleeding is a complication of food poisoning, which often occurs in patients with chronic gastritis and peptic ulcers. Black vomiting and stool develop, severe weakness, pale skin, tachycardia.

    Cleansing the body

    These procedures are necessary, and it is with them that treatment for food poisoning should begin. The purpose of the manipulation is to help the stomach get rid of food debris that has caused intoxication and harmful toxins.

    Even if poisoning is accompanied by severe vomiting, this is not enough to completely cleanse the body. It will have to be induced naturally using a special solution.

    Washing should take place in the following order:

    1. Prepare a solution of potassium permanganate (the water should be pale pink). If potassium permanganate is not available, you can use regular baking soda (1 tablespoon per 2 liters of boiled water at room temperature).
    2. Drink 300-400 ml of solution.
    3. Induce vomiting artificially by pressing your fingers on the root of the tongue.
    4. Repeat the procedure several more times. The number of doses of the solution drunk at one time should be at least 500 ml.

    During the first vomiting, the bulk of the food will be released, but gastric lavage can be stopped only when the liquid ejected from the stomach becomes absolutely clean and transparent.

    The absence of the urge to vomit means that the product that caused the poisoning has moved from the stomach to the intestines. In this case, the washing procedure is no longer effective and pointless.

    Diarrhea, like vomiting, is nothing more than the body’s protective reaction to toxins entering the gastrointestinal tract. Some patients make a common mistake - they try to stop this phenomenon with the help of medications, for example, Imodium and its analogues. It should be understood that diarrhea is the fastest and most effective way to get rid of harmful substances. Retention of feces will lead to the fact that the processes of absorption of toxic poisons and their decay will continue, therefore, the patient’s condition will worsen. The question of taking antidiarrheal medications can only be decided by the attending physician.

    If the patient does not have diarrhea, it must be induced with laxatives or an enema. But it is better not to use folk remedies that can provoke diarrhea, so as not to aggravate the course of the disease.

    Reception of sorbents

    The next step in the treatment of food poisoning is the introduction of sorbent drugs into the body. The action of these products is aimed at absorbing harmful elements., contained in the stomach, and their rapid elimination.

    The most common sorbent used for intoxication is activated carbon. This medicine in the form of standard black tablets can be found in any home medicine cabinet and is an excellent remedy for poisoning. Coal should be used at the rate of one tablet per 10 kilograms of weight. The medicine can be taken in two ways: chewed and washed down with plenty of liquid or diluted in boiled water.

    In case of poisoning, you can also take white activated carbon, available in tablets or powder. It is believed that, unlike black, it removes toxins, but does not affect the beneficial elements found in the body.

    Another advantage of the white sorbent is the dosage: 2-3 tablets are enough (depending on the age and individual characteristics of the patient, the degree of poisoning).

    • smecta;
    • enterosgel;
    • lactofiltrum;
    • attapulgite;
    • polysorb;
    • polyphepan.

    These drugs promote the rapid elimination of toxic substances through adsorption. They should be used in the interval between doses of other drugs, during the absence of vomiting. Contraindications to taking such drugs include high fever and stomach ulcers. Elderly people and young children should use it with caution, after consulting a doctor.

    Restoring water-salt balance

    Vomiting and diarrhea, being a natural reaction of the body to toxins, nevertheless contribute to the excretion of beneficial substances and fluids. Its volume should be replenished. During illness the patient should drink a lot to maintain fluid balance. Mineral water without gas is best suited for this purpose.

    To maintain electrolyte balance, it is recommended to drink water with a small addition of table salt (not sea salt). The solution is prepared from 1 liter of water and 1 tsp. salt. You should drink at least 2-2.5 liters of salted water per day. In this case, you need to follow a certain rule: a glass of water an hour before a meal, and after a meal you cannot drink for an hour. In this way, the stomach will be prepared for the next meal and will begin to secrete gastric juice correctly.

    To restore the mineral balance, the use of the drugs rehydron and oralite is indicated(contain microelements, glucose and salts).

    In case of poisoning, you can also drink weak, sweet black or green tea, a decoction of chamomile or rose hips.

    Drug treatment for poisoning

    After cleansing the body, restorative therapy with probiotics is indicated to restore the intestinal microflora. The normal intestinal biocenosis after intoxication is almost always disrupted, therefore After recovery, it is recommended to take medications containing beneficial bacteria. These include “Hilak Forte”, “Linex”, “Bionorm”, “Bioflor”.

    If food poisoning is accompanied by fever, you should take antipyretic drugs (ibuprofen, paracetamol).

    Self-medication is dangerous! Antibiotics, painkillers, as well as specific drugs (antiemetics and antidiarrheals, etc.) are prescribed by a doctor!

    Therapeutic diet

    During the period of acute intoxication, the patient, as a rule, does not feel the desire to eat. However, this does not mean that he should refuse to eat. A weakened body needs strength to fight the disease. Besides the stomach and intestines cannot fully restore the epithelium, without food it is problematic. Of course, neither an adult nor a child who does not want to eat should be forced, but hunger is not practiced specifically for medicinal purposes.

    During poisoning, you should adhere to a strict diet, since the gastrointestinal tract does not work properly and cannot cope with large volumes of food.

    During the period of poisoning, the following are prohibited:

    • fatty, salty, heavy foods;
    • fermented milk products, including milk;
    • instant products, semi-finished products;
    • alcohol;
    • sauces, ketchup, mayonnaise;
    • raw fruits, vegetables, berries;
    • sweet.

    You need to eat 5 times a day, in small portions
    . Food must be boiled or steamed. Fried foods are excluded.

    The patient's diet should consist of:

    • mashed potatoes with water, without oil;
    • boiled rice;
    • oatmeal, semolina porridge (with water);
    • chicken meat;
    • crackers, biscuits;
    • low-fat broths.

    It is allowed to eat bananas, as fruits enriched with nutrients, and watermelons, which have a diuretic effect.

    In what cases is hospitalization necessary?

    Food poisoning can be successfully treated at home, but in some cases qualified medical assistance is necessary. Hospitalization is indicated for children under three years of age. In children, treatment of intoxication should be carried out only under the supervision of medical personnel, since diarrhea and vomiting will very quickly lead to dehydration. It is almost impossible to force a small child to drink, and in the hospital he will be given intravenous rehydration solutions. Pregnant women and elderly people are also hospitalized.

    Treatment in a hospital setting is indicated for:

    • intoxication caused by poisonous plants and mushrooms;
    • severe form of poisoning;
    • diarrhea (more than 10-12 times a day);
    • high temperature;
    • diarrhea with blood;
    • persistent vomiting;
    • increasing symptoms of the disease;
    • bloating;
    • loss of consciousness;
    • excessive weakness.

    If any of these signs occur, you should immediately call an ambulance.

    Rehabilitation period after poisoning

    Any poisoning is stressful for all organs and systems. It is important to know what to do after poisoning. When discharged from the hospital, the doctor will give you recommendations on proper nutrition and outpatient treatment.

    In the first 2 weeks, the patient should adhere to a diet
    , stop smoking, drinking alcohol, fried, smoked, fatty and spicy foods.

    To restore the intestinal microflora, probiotics are prescribed - preparations that contain beneficial bacteria. If complications develop (gastritis, cholecystitis), they are treated.

    Traditional methods of treating food poisoning

    Folk methods of combating intoxication have not been canceled, however You should resort to them after consulting a doctor and only in cases of mild poisoning..

    Cinnamon infusion

    Cinnamon is a natural antispasmodic and natural absorbent. Cinnamon infusion is prepared as follows: pour a pinch of dried and crushed bark into 250 ml of hot water, let it brew for 15-20 minutes. Drink the strained broth in small doses throughout the day. Recommended volume is 1.5 liters.

    Decoction of yarrow and wormwood

    Brew 1 tablespoon of medicinal plants that effectively cleanse the stomach of toxins and pour a liter of boiling water. Let it brew for 15 minutes, strain. Divide the decoction into 5 equal parts and drink throughout the day.

    You can use all types of plants - roots, flowers, leaves, as they contribute to a speedy recovery. Marshmallow (1 teaspoon of roots or 2 tablespoons of flowers and leaves) pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 4 hours. Drink 3 times a day. You can add half a teaspoon of honey.

    Dill decoction with honey

    Honey helps retain potassium, which is excreted during diarrhea and vomiting.. Dill reduces abdominal pain, facilitates vomiting, and promotes the rapid elimination of toxins. Brew a teaspoon of dill seeds with 1.5 cups of boiling water, boil for 3 minutes. Cool, strain, add a teaspoon of beekeeping product to the warm broth. In case of food poisoning at home, the infusion should be taken at least 1 liter per day.

    How to Avoid Food Poisoning

    Preventive measures to prevent intoxication come down to observing the necessary hygienic procedures, eating only high-quality products, and their correct shelf life.

    1. Maintain personal hygiene.
    2. Process vegetables and fruits thoroughly.
    3. Do not buy products with damaged sealed packaging.
    4. Do not eat expired food.
    5. Do not hesitate to throw away cloudy drinks with sediment, foods with an unpleasant odor or taste, or ready-made meals that have been sitting in the refrigerator for more than three days.
    6. Eat only those mushrooms and berries that you are confident in.
    7. When preparing food, follow the rules of heat treatment.
    8. Boil homemade milk first.
    9. Drink boiled water.
    10. Eliminate cockroaches, flies, and rodents in your home - they are carriers of bacteria.
    11. Store raw and cooked meats on separate shelves in the refrigerator.

    Follow these simple precautions and you will never experience food poisoning.

    Every person has experienced food poisoning at least once in their life. Doctors distinguish between two types of poisoning. The first type is the consumption of poisonous mushrooms, plants, and berries that are not suitable for ingestion. The second group is the ingestion of spoiled, contaminated or dirty products, which lead to intoxication of the body. This is the type of poisoning we encounter most often. Food poisoning often awaits us if we dine at questionable catering establishments. Poisoning often occurs when hygiene rules are not followed - unwashed fruits and vegetables can be dangerous. The risk of developing food poisoning also depends on the condition of the digestive tract. If the intestines are weak, they react to the slightest changes in diet. In addition, the type of infection is distinguished - poisoning with simple bacteria goes away in a few days, but, for example, salmonellosis is much more difficult to treat. In this article, we will try to understand food poisoning - consider its symptoms, learn how to act in case of poisoning and how to treat it at home.

    Symptoms of food poisoning

    Symptoms of food intoxication may not always be characteristic; sometimes the absence of vomiting and diarrhea leads a person to other diagnoses; the patient may associate weakness and poor health with a cold and other pathologies. Let's try to figure out how poisoning can manifest itself.

    Most often, poisoning is accompanied by pain in the gastrointestinal tract of various localizations - in the stomach or intestines, it can even stab the side.

    A feeling of nausea appears, and in some cases vomiting occurs.

    In most cases, a person develops diarrhea, but this does not always happen. By the way, the absence of vomiting and diarrhea is much more dangerous, because toxins do not leave the body, their concentration increases more and more.

    Often the patient’s abdomen becomes bloated, severe gas formation and flatulence develop.

    Intoxication makes itself felt - weakness, poor health, and dizziness appear. In children this manifests itself especially clearly - the baby constantly lies down, even if by nature he is very active and mobile.

    In case of severe poisoning, the temperature may rise, fever, chills, aching joints may occur, and fog may appear before the eyes.

    With obvious dehydration, when a person suffers from diarrhea and vomiting, the smell of acetone appears from the mouth. In such a situation, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

    Poisoning can occur within an hour after consuming a spoiled product. The maximum time after which signs of food poisoning appear is a day.

    First aid for food poisoning

    If you are poisoned by low-quality, dirty or spoiled products, it is very important to act wisely in the first hours. As soon as you suspect that you are poisoned, analyze what you have eaten recently. If you are not sure about the freshness or sterility of the prepared dishes, it is better to do a gastric lavage. This will help cleanse the body of the remnants of spoiled food that has not yet been absorbed into the walls. Remember, the fewer toxins in the body, the faster you will recover. The remnants of these toxins can be removed using a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Make pale pink water, drink at least two glasses of the solution, after which the body itself will experience the urge to vomit. Once you have emptied your stomach, you need to drink and vomit again. This should be done until food stops coming out of the stomach and the water remains clean. If there is no urge to vomit, drink more water and press your fingers on the root of the tongue - the contents of the stomach will come out very quickly.

    In difficult cases, in a hospital setting, not only the stomach, but also the intestines are washed. To do this, they do a cleansing enema to rid the intestinal walls of toxins that have penetrated beyond the stomach. After washing the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to take sorbents. The simplest option is activated carbon, which should be taken in a dosage of one tablet per 10 kg of weight. That is, if your weight is 60 kg, you need to drink at least 6 tablets of coal at a time. Instead of this sorbent, you can drink what you have on hand - Filtrum, Polysorb, Enterosgel, Smecta, etc. If vomiting occurs after taking the sorbent, repeat the procedure after half an hour, do not be afraid of an overdose. Try to hold back vomiting at least a little, after a few minutes the sorbent will begin to act and the nausea will pass.

    The best cure for food poisoning is fasting. Under no circumstances should you eat in the first hours after intoxication, even if you want to. Doctors say that fasting is much more beneficial, even than dieting, although not everyone can handle it. If you do not eat anything for 24 hours, the body will be able to cope with the poisoning faster, and there will be no trace of the disease. But eating is an additional burden. Compassionate mothers who are trying to feed their baby during the period of poisoning should know about this, with the words “He will not have the strength to fight the disease.”

    You can’t eat, but you can and even need to drink. Excessive vomiting and diarrhea lead to dehydration, which is very dangerous, especially for young children. The fact is that a baby can have physiological stool 10-12 times a day, this is normal. In such a situation, the mother does not immediately notice that the baby has diarrhea. Mucus or blood in the stool, or unusual color of bowel movements should alert the mother. Dehydration is a very dangerous condition; in a child it can occur in an unrealistically short time. Therefore, you need to solder the baby. In order not to induce vomiting, it is necessary to give the baby a teaspoon of water every 5 minutes; large portions of liquid will cause the baby to vomit. During the period of poisoning, breastfeeding is very helpful - it is a natural protection against dehydration. However, do not allow prolonged latching - a large portion of milk can lead to the baby vomiting again. It is better to put the baby to the breast more often, but not for long.

    You can restore the water-salt balance in adults and children using a special solution called Regidron. If you don’t have it on hand, you can prepare the composition yourself - add half a teaspoon of salt and the same amount of baking soda per liter of water. Drink as often as possible - liquid flushes out the remaining toxins from the body. After all the above measures, you can lie down to rest, because the patient feels weakened.

    As noted, the best diet is fasting. However, not many people can withstand daily fasting, especially if their health has already returned to normal. But this does not mean that you need to again eat questionable foods, fatty dishes and stale fruits. In the first days after poisoning, only lean and light meals are allowed. This includes steamed chicken and rabbit meat, simple cereals, crackers, dried bread, bananas, baked apples, biscuits. Rice has a very good effect - it perfectly strengthens and relieves diarrhea. Oatmeal is recommended for stomach pain - it gently envelops its walls, relieves spasms, it is a light food that will not cause discomfort. It is very good to drink jelly, tea, herbal infusions. Light vegetarian dishes are acceptable, without a lot of salt and spices. You should exclude baked goods, heavy meat, fatty, smoked, spicy and fried foods from your diet.

    After the acute period of the disease has passed, some patients note that their stool has still not recovered. This occurs against the background of disruption of the normal intestinal microflora. To correct the situation, you should take a course of probiotics - Linex, Hilak Forte, Acipol, etc. You can improve your intestinal health by drinking fermented milk products with live bacteria.

    Folk remedies in the fight against poisoning

    There are a lot of recommendations in the collection of home medicine recipes that will help get rid of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
    Cinnamon. Cinnamon powder perfectly absorbs everything unnecessary; it is an excellent natural sorbent. Pour boiling water over a teaspoon of spice, let it brew and cool, drink in small sips throughout the day.

    1. Ginger. This is an excellent remedy in the fight against nausea. Grate the root and add it to the teapot along with the tea leaves. But remember, nausea can only be suppressed if the stomach is completely cleansed.
    2. Althea. The root of this plant perfectly removes toxins and stops diarrhea. Pour a tablespoon of crushed root into a glass of boiling water, let it brew and drink 50 ml three times a day.
    3. Dill. You need to prepare a decoction from dill seeds - this is an excellent remedy in the fight against flatulence, bloating and increased gas formation.
    4. Rose hip. Rose hip decoction contains a lot of acids and vitamin C, which is so necessary for poisoning and dehydration. The decoction should be drunk in small portions half an hour before meals.

    Home treatment recipes perfectly restore the body after poisoning, but you should not always rely only on yourself. Some categories of patients should never stay at home if poisoned - only stay in a hospital under the supervision of doctors. Such patients include children under three years of age, pregnant women, and the elderly. If poisoning does not go away, and the symptoms only get worse, you should definitely consult a doctor at any age. You should also consult a general practitioner or infectious disease specialist if you have a high fever during poisoning, a rash on the skin, blood in your stool, vomiting that doesn’t stop, or the patient loses consciousness. If you ingest poisonous mushrooms or plants, you should immediately call an ambulance.

    How to protect yourself from poisoning

    We all know that we need to wash our hands after using the toilet and before eating anything. But, unfortunately, this rule is not always followed, especially if we are talking about children. Here are some more tips to help you protect yourself from poisoning.

    You need to eat only in trusted places. Questionable food service outlets, where the seller takes money with one hand and holds a hamburger bun with the other, can be dangerous.

    You need to wash your hands before and after preparing food, especially if you handled raw meat or poultry.

    Every 2-3 days, check the refrigerator, do not allow food to stagnate. Do not eat products that have expired. If you notice that a product is about to expire, cook something from it for dinner. For example, sausage can be added to pizza, a cupcake can be baked from sour kefir, etc.

    Do not leave food open on the table - cockroaches and flies can crawl on it, after which you eat contaminated food.

    Keep a separate cutting board for raw meat, fish and poultry.

    Fry meat, fish and eggs thoroughly.

    Carefully inspect the cans for integrity. Any product, even one with a good shelf life, should be thrown away if it has an unpleasant, sour or unusual odor.

    After opening condensed milk or other canned food, you need to transfer the contents into glass or porcelain containers; food in a metal container oxidizes when exposed to air.

    Do not leave cooked soups on the stove overnight; be sure to put all prepared food in the refrigerator. If you didn’t eat the soup right away, but left it for tomorrow, when you eat again, try to warm it up thoroughly, i.e. boil.

    And, of course, buy only fresh and high-quality products, use filtered or boiled water for drinking and cooking.

    We can say that food poisoning is a minor disorder that passes quickly, the body recovers in a few days. But sometimes food poisoning can be hiding something more serious, such as salmonellosis or botulism. Therefore, if you cannot cope with poisoning on your own, do not experiment, go to the hospital as soon as possible. After all, any disease can be treated more successfully if you seek help in time!

    Video: what to do if a child has food poisoning