Severe intestinal colic in an adult. Types of colic in adults. Characteristics and types

Intestinal colic– does not constitute a disease. Most likely, it is a symptom of a combination of gastrointestinal diseases. Colic is characterized by a pain syndrome that occurs in the abdomen of a spastic type; it can actively increase or disappear suddenly. Often the result of pain is the urge to defecate or pass gas.

As a rule, pain occurs due to some changes occurring in the intestines. But it is not easy to understand the origin of pain, because, as mentioned above, colic is not a separate disease - it is a whole series of complications that signal that the normal functioning of the digestive tract organs in the body is disrupted. However, for most attacks the inherent general state, indicating a disorder of intestinal motility, its tone and spasm.

IN medical practice There are several types of colic, but intestinal colic is considered the more famous type, also called intestinal dyskinesia. Represents a complex of violations due to failures motor function intestines, and without its organic changes.


The pain manifestations are based on functional disorders of the intestine, spasmodic contractions of the colon. The cause can be a variety of factors based on internal or external properties.

For example, pain is often caused by:

  • The patient has gastritis or stomach ulcers. And also as a result of other diseases of the digestive system. For example, colitis of a non-infectious type or with functional failures occurring in other organs, when poorly digested food in large quantities enters the small intestine and contributes to the development of colic.
  • An adult patient may suffer from intestinal colic as a result of intestinal loop distension.
  • A condition often occurs when the nerve endings in the intestinal walls are irritated by some factor.
  • Carrying or lifting heavy various items, and also large exercise stress may cause colic.
  • Intestinal colic often occurs due to acute intestinal obstruction. This occurs as a result of the accumulation of feces in the intestines, as well as other factors when the intestinal muscles “struggle” with the obstacles that have arisen. These are intestinal adhesions, volvulus, increased growth of tumors, and the like. Of the factors external character Symptoms are often caused by injuries or other damage to the area abdominal cavity causing obstruction.
  • As a result of poisoning. These can be both food products and plant poisons, chemicals, and heavy metal salts.
  • The patient suffers from any intestinal infection, such as dysentery or salmonellosis, as well as cholera or typhoid fever. Provoking factors are often viral infections - acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis and others.
  • Poor-quality nutrition also affects the manifestation of symptoms of intestinal colic, for example, excessive consumption of foods that contribute to high gas formation and fermentation, for example, kvass, lemonade, sauerkraut. Their use is strictly prohibited;
  • Helminths can cause colic.

There are many other reasons that provoke the appearance of symptoms of this phenomenon. It should be noted that the risk group includes patients:

  • at the age of forty and older, regardless of gender;
  • those who have undergone abdominal surgery;
  • patients who have adhesions on the abdomen;
  • patients suffering from chronic constipation;
  • patients complaining of intestinal bleeding.

As already mentioned, intestinal colic is characterized, for example, by a sudden appearance and spontaneous disappearance. Such phenomena can often be observed in patients during public speaking, when passing exams, and the like, who are particularly suspicious. If spasms are triggered by a stressful environment. In other cases, such colic in adult patients occurs, as a rule, periodically, often with increasing severity of pain. This condition requires immediate treatment at the hospital for examination and consultation with a doctor.

Intestinal colic in adults: symptoms

What could be the main signs of this phenomenon? The very first thing to note is sharp, severe pain in the intestines, usually coming in waves or spasms. They can be acute and growing. Most of all, the patient feels pain in the navel area, but often they are felt in the lower abdomen. There are fewer cases where patients complain of spasms in the lumbar region. Pain often begins in the groin area, with male patients radiating to the testicular area, and in female patients - to the area of ​​the genital organ.

The duration of colic varies and it happens that in in some cases can last ten minutes or more, and sometimes last only half a minute, or even less. However, when difficult situations happen similar symptoms can last all day. It should be noted here that patients experience other symptoms between attacks.

The nature of pain when intestinal colic occurs is also very diverse. The pain can be barely noticeable, or, on the contrary, pronounced. There are often complaints of paroxysmal, cramping, cutting and stabbing symptoms.

Intestinal colic should also be considered. Symptoms in adults typically include:

  • Bloating, flatulence. It often becomes hard. The patient feels discomfort upon palpation.
  • Stool disorders, patients experience both constipation and diarrhea. Often there is a disturbance in the formation of feces.
  • Mucous discharge during bowel movements and white ribbons are found in the stool.
  • State of nausea and dizziness.

Also, colic can appear after a lot of nervous strain or conflict. When the abdomen is felt during an attack, the patient feels severe pain, although the muscles, as a rule, are not relaxed. Body temperature remains normal.

When the patient has diseases such as gastritis in acute form, then to the main symptoms of this disease, perhaps the addition of dyspeptic symptoms - vomiting and refusal to eat.

Clinical manifestations

Medical practice divides intestinal colic in adults, the symptoms accompanying them, into some types of pathology:

  • Appendicular. Serves most of all initial sign in acute appendicitis. In this case, it is characterized by the appearance of a severe attack of pain that occurs unexpectedly; the patient feels a sharp pain that extends to the right bottom side belly. This occurs as a result of inflammation that has begun in the appendage of the colon; the pain does not stop over time, but on the contrary becomes stronger.
  • Rectal. Characterized by acute attacks of pain in the rectal area; they intensify over time; Along with them, the patient suffers from a painful urge to defecate.
  • Lead. This phenomenon occurs when the patient’s body is exposed to lead poisoning, in most cases this is the result of hazardous production. It is characterized by acute, excruciating pain, which in turn strains the abdominal wall; periods of calm occur rarely; severe bleeding of the gums, they become covered with a white coating; The patient's temperature rises and may approach a critical level. In such a situation, immediate medical attention is required.
  • Vascular. The main reason This type of intestinal colic should be called a poor blood supply to the tissues of the intestinal muscles as a result of various pathologies - tumors, vein thrombosis, polyps and adhesions. Initially, the pain may be mild, slightly aching; but then they begin to intensify; due to oxygen starvation, attacks of sharp pain appear in the muscle tissues, which spread throughout the abdominal cavity.

Regardless of the initial reasons that contribute to the formation of painful spasms, the main symptoms in most cases are pain of a sudden, cramping nature, localized in the abdominal cavity and only intensifying over time. They manifest themselves, as a rule, after eating, but in diseases of a gastroenterological nature, their unexpected appearance is acceptable, and on an empty stomach, regardless of the time of day.

Muscle spasms may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • if pain during attacks continues long time, then they begin to radiate to the lower back and tailbone area, creating the feeling that the pain has spread throughout the entire abdominal cavity;
  • with prolonged spasm, an obstacle is created for the normal release of gases and feces, resulting in flatulence with severe bloating. The patient develops belching with nausea due to diseases such as gastritis or a stomach ulcer;
  • in some cases, blood pressure suddenly increases, this does not apply to cases where the patient suffers from intestinal obstruction, in this situation, on the contrary, the pressure drops;
  • the patient experiences a loss of strength, his health is steadily deteriorating, this condition is typical for acute intestinal obstruction;
  • in the patient’s bowel movements (constipation, diarrhea) you can see not only mucus, but also an admixture of blood;
  • The patient’s body temperature rises during spasmodic attacks, but only if provoked by poisoning or viral and intestinal infections.

In the event that the patient’s condition begins to steadily deteriorate from the onset of painful attacks, it is necessary to immediately seek medical attention. medical care, so as to determine the reasons that caused similar condition Only a doctor can do it. We must not forget that such serious conditions as intestinal obstruction, severe dysentery and poisoning require immediate treatment. Otherwise, the risk of death increases.

Differences and Diagnosis

Is it possible, without the help of specialists, to correctly recognize that the patient has symptoms of acute intestinal colic, and not another problem? By at least, such an opportunity exists if you are able to distinguish the symptoms of other diseases.

At acute gastritis, uncharacteristic symptoms appear, for example, this can be expressed in a coated tongue, lack of appetite, even moreover, aversion to food, as well as nausea and vomiting.

If the patient has the lead type of colic, then the symptoms are expressed in a gray face and other skin, and a gray border with a leaden tint appears on the gums.

With intestinal obstruction, symptoms atypical for colic may include difficulty passing stool and gases, and vomiting. In this case, the pain sensations do not have a characteristic localization and completely disappear during the moment of respite between attacks.

If the patient suffers from an abdominal crisis, then this condition is characterized by symptoms such as the appearance of sharp and severe pain in the umbilical region. It should be taken into account that there must be the presence of hemorrhagic rashes on the skin- something like bruises. The presence of blood impurities in the stool cannot be ruled out.

This information is relevant, since intestinal colic is often confused with these diseases.


As already mentioned, intestinal colic is not a separate disease, but rather a consequence of a large number of disorders in the body, so doctors need to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis. This need is due to the fact that it is necessary to determine the real reason spasmodic attacks of muscle tissue. As a rule, the initial diagnosis is made during a patient interview. However, about final diagnosis It will be possible to speak only after the results of the procedures performed, which are described below:

  • Gastroduodenoscopy. During this endoscopic examination, where the doctor visually examines the esophagus, stomach and duodenum, possible disturbances in the functioning of the digestive organs that provoke the occurrence of intestinal colic are identified.
  • Cholecystography. This is the name of the method that involves x-rays and a contrast agent, which help to identify abnormalities in the functioning of the gallbladder.
  • Colonoscopy. Using this method, the doctor can detect quite a lot of abnormalities in the large intestine. For example, it is possible to diagnose diverticulitis, malignant and benign tumors, inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, narrowing of the intestinal ducts, which were caused by inflammatory processes.
  • Sigmoidoscopy. With its help, the intestines are examined, more precisely, the rectum and sigmoid sections, to identify the presence of various kinds neoplasms, ulcers, inflammatory processes, adhesions and the like.
  • Ultrasound. Allows you to conduct a visual examination of the structure and functioning of organs and identify the patient’s pathologies.
  • Blood. An analysis is carried out to detect inflammatory processes.
  • Urine. This analysis is necessary, first of all, to identify possible pathologies in the functioning of the pancreas, kidneys and liver.
  • Cal. This type of diagnosis should be given a special place when intestinal colic occurs. It allows you to identify enzyme activity, the presence of infections, as well as the presence of dysbacteriosis.

The results will help the doctor choose the treatment necessary in this case.

Doctor's advice: when intestinal colic appears, it is strictly not recommended to use painkillers, as they can affect the clinical picture, which, in turn, will create difficulties in making a diagnosis.

After passing the examination, the doctor selects for the patient required course therapy. Treatment is mainly aimed at eliminating the factors of the underlying disease that provoked the pain syndrome.


To eliminate the symptoms of intestinal colic and relieve the patient of severe pain, they are initially blocked. Moreover, when the pain is eliminated, the patient should go to a specialist to find out the true causes of this phenomenon. It must be remembered that intestinal colic can be accompanied by severe diarrhea, or, conversely, persistent constipation will occur.

Therefore, you should not hesitate to go to the doctor. Moreover, it is impossible to exclude, for example, the presence of a dangerous intestinal infection, which requires immediate hospitalization in the infectious diseases department. The acute phase of intestinal obstruction also requires serious attention; it may even require urgent surgical intervention.

If you ignore contacting a doctor, then both in the first case and in the second, this will lead to serious complications.

Treatment of intestinal colic in adult patients, as is known, is based on the diagnosis and factors that provoked this symptom. What means are used for treatment? First, you should probably focus on those that help cope with pain:

  • The patient's use of a relaxing bath helps relieve spasms and give respite. At the same time, the temperature of the water in it should not be very high. Warm water has a beneficial effect on the body. You need to know: you cannot use a hot heating pad as a compress for intestinal colic and place it on your stomach. For biliary colic, it is recommended to use an ice heating pad.
  • In the case when attacks are provoked poor quality food, you definitely need to empty your stomach by inducing vomiting. Such products as “No-shpa” and “Spazmalgon” help quite well in this situation.
  • It is also recommended to use products that help restore normal work stomach. For example, such a drug is Smecta.
  • In case of poisoning, Enterosgel helps well. It helps eliminate toxins, which in turn significantly speeds up the healing process. At the same time, you can use a cleansing enema.
  • At viral nature for colic, activated carbon is used, as well as vitamins and diet.


Intestinal colic of any kind requires compliance special diet, which is the basis of treatment. When an adult patient experiences a severe spasm, he needs, first of all, to provide his diet with foods that are rich in fiber and vitamins. It should also consist of fermented milk products, decoctions different herbs and vegetable juices.

You should eat food according to a schedule, preferably in small portions, to prevent overeating and at the same time avoid prolonged fasting.

  • Vegetables. They must be boiled. However, eating raw carrots, green apples and pumpkins is not prohibited.
  • Dairy products. The patient can eat cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir, as well as low-fat sour cream and snowballs.
  • Fish. This product should be consumed boiled or steamed. Veal and chicken are prepared in the same form.
  • Kash. They should be low-fat and cooked in water.
  • Bread. The dried white variety is recommended. Crackers are also not prohibited.
  • Vegetables. These include those species that contribute to increased gas formation. Therefore, it is undesirable to eat cabbage, legumes, corn, radishes and other similar vegetables.
  • Milk. There should be no fatty sour cream in the diet.
  • Pork.
  • Porridge. Prepared not with water, but also with the use of rolled oats, millet and pearl barley.
  • Sweets. Pastries, cakes, pastries and other similar products should be avoided.

Intestinal colic is paroxysmal pain that occurs in the abdomen along the location of the intestines. Their appearance is associated with overeating or poor diet of the child, the inflammatory process in the tract and the influence of other factors. The term "intestinal colic" is not associated with a specific disease. Gastroenterologists classify it as a special type of sensation that occurs in various pathologies.

What causes colic?

Intestinal colic is provoked by spastic contractions of the small or large intestine, which come from thin section and spread throughout the entire tract. Usually a spasm occurs due to irritation, which has many causes:

  1. binge eating;
  2. helminthic infestations;
  3. intestinal obstruction;
  4. poisoning by mushrooms or toxins;
  5. bacterial damage to the intestines;
  6. diseases of the oral cavity, stomach, pancreas;
  7. consumption of stale, low-quality or exotic food;
  8. stressful situations and nervous tension in children school age adapting to a new way of life.

Symptoms of intestinal spasms

Clinical symptoms of colic in children appear suddenly with acute sharp pain in the abdomen. Attacks occur after running fast, lifting heavy weights, or eating a heavy meal. Abdominal pain seems cutting to the child. In attempts to get rid of them, the baby changes his body position, becomes capricious, screams, and experiences nervous excitement.

Irritation nerve endings peritoneum causes symptoms in the child such as: flatulence, nausea, problems with bowel movements, headache. Possible increase in blood pressure. If intestinal colic has had a significant duration, the baby will look tired and indifferent. Diarrhea that appears after a spasm gives dramatic relief, but nagging pain are stored in the stomach.

Dr. Komarovsky draws the attention of parents to the child’s bowel movements. If fatty or mucous inclusions are visible in the feces, this indicates improper digestion of food. The process causes general discomfort, loss of appetite and motor activity.

Signs of acute intestinal colic

Spastic sensations are always acute and are manifested by a burning sensation in the intestinal area and cramping pain. As soon as the child feels better, he should undergo an examination to clarify the diagnosis that provoked the adverse changes.

The following symptoms will help parents make sure that the spasm is truly acute:

  • pain occurs suddenly;
  • during cramps, the abdominal muscles tense;
  • loose, heterogeneous stool with mucus and a foul odor is released;
  • Intestinal spasms in children appear periodically and for a short time.

When intestinal colic occurs, the baby's body temperature may remain normal if the discomfort is not associated with an intestinal infection. When the tract becomes infected, the thermometer reaches the high performance, and the symptoms of colic resemble a cold in combination with an intestinal disorder.

Intestinal colic as a sign of disease

Diagnosis of the condition in which intestinal spasm occurs is carried out taking into account the doctor’s suspicions of a specific disease. After collecting anamnesis, the child is sent for various studies. A complete blood count reveals anemia and inflammatory changes. The biochemical method shows the ratio of electrolytes and dysfunction of the kidneys, pancreas, and liver.

The coprogram allows you to study the composition of the child’s stool and determine the presence of pathological changes affecting the intestines, pancreas, and liver. Urinalysis also detects disorders of important digestive organs.

To obtain more reliable information, children with intestinal colic are referred for instrumental examination:

  • FEGDS;
  • colonoscopy;
  • sigmoidoscopy;
  • CT scan;
  • X-ray of the abdominal cavity.

Treatment of intestinal colic in children

If a child has severe spasms in the intestines, it is advisable to call a doctor at home. Before the specialist arrives, it is forbidden to give enemas, apply heating pads or give the baby painkillers, otherwise the measures will make it difficult to make a diagnosis.

How treatment will be carried out depends on the pathology that provoked the colic. IN special cases the baby is taken to the hospital and surgical intervention is performed if the need arises.

P For simple colic, treatment is carried out at home using the following medications:

  1. Antidiarrheals with simethicone - Smecta and Espumisan.
  2. Sorbents – Activated carbon, Atoxil, Enterosgel, Sorbex.
  3. Antispasmodics – No-shpa (Drotaverine), Buscopan, Duspatalin. They relax the smooth muscles of the intestines.
  4. Sedatives – motherwort or valerian extract tablets relieve stress and nervous tension.

For simple colic, as a self-help measure, you can apply a warm heating pad to the child's groin area. The procedure will eliminate spasms and pain. If the problem of intestinal colic is associated with flatulence or constipation, a warm enema with mint infusion will help clear the tract of feces and gases.

Herbal medicine against spasms

Harmless treatment of intestinal colic can be carried out using folk remedies (after consultation with a specialist). If the spasm is accompanied by constipation, decoctions obtained from herbal infusions with anise fruits, elderberry flowers, buckthorn or licorice bark will help to relax the intestines and speed up bowel movements.

To suppress fermentation and putrefactive processes, treatment is carried out by combining herbs. Bird cherry, oak bark and alder cones are simmered in a water bath and the child is given the decoction to drink in small sips throughout the day (daily dosage – 250 ml).

Immortelle flowers, sage, blueberries, cinquefoil root and caraway have astringent effects. All ingredients are poured with boiling water and after infusion, given to the child for treatment. You need to drink the drug 3 times. per day before meals, 100 ml.

Hello dear readers. Colic (cramping) in the abdomen is a paroxysmal pain sensation characterized by suddenness, sharpness and sufficient intensity. They are not a specific disease. This is a definite symptom, a signal that a malfunction has occurred somewhere in the digestive system. There are many causes of colic - from banal overeating to serious diseases. The problem cannot be left unattended. Moreover, if this is not an isolated case and pain attacks occur regularly. So you can’t do without consulting a specialist. But it never hurts to have a general understanding of the problem.

Abdominal colic in adults - causes, treatment

Intestinal colic in the abdomen occurs as a result of spasm of the muscle structures in the peritoneum.

The cause of cramps may be a lack of digestive enzymes, poor nutrition, illness individual organs related to food digestion.

Therefore, taking an antispasmodic drug or an analgesic will relieve pain, but will not solve the problem at all.

Causes of abdominal colic

  1. Violation of quality or quantity in the diet Eating stale or low-quality food can cause colic. Overeating, either one-time or systematically, can also have the same consequences.
  2. Irregularity and imbalance. Occasional snacks instead of full meals, insufficient fluid intake (dry food), spicy, spicy, overcooked foods and smoked foods also cause pain in the stomach.
  3. Poisoning can also trigger the appearance of this symptom. You can get poisoned food products(for example, mushrooms), toxic substances, medicines.
  4. Dishes prepared with foods that stimulate gas formation in the digestive tract can also cause colic. This includes beans, beans, peas, corn, and cabbage. This group also includes food, the preparation of which is based on a fermentation reaction (yeast dough, sour cabbage, kvass).
  5. Disease of organs related to the process of digesting food (problems with the stomach, gall bladder, pancreas). The products are poorly digested and cause spasms in the muscles of the small intestine.
  6. Infectious lesions of the intestines due to cholera, dysentery, salmonellosis, as well as dysbacteriosis and helminthic infections are accompanied by painful spasms in the abdominal area. The same phenomena are sometimes observed with colds.
  7. Obstruction of the intestines and a decrease in their motor activity leads to the accumulation of feces. It also causes colic attacks. Obstruction is caused by various reasons, including tumor growth or adhesions.
  8. Psycho-emotional stress has various consequences, the possibility of intestinal colic occurring here is also possible.
  9. Women's cyclical processes can cause pain in the abdominal area.
  10. An attack of appendicitis will not happen without cutting sensations in the right side.
  11. An ectopic pregnancy can also manifest itself as colic in the abdominal area.

Associated symptoms

Eat certain symptoms, which can both accompany colic and be its harbingers.

These include:

- flatulence, bloating, grumbling;

- constipation or disorders (may alternate);

- presence of belching;

- nausea, urge to vomit;

- false desire to defecate, unsatisfactory bowel movement;

- weakness, deterioration or loss of appetite, sleep disturbance;

- painful spasms can radiate to the subcostal area and be accompanied by migraines;

- a fever may appear.

Possible examinations for abdominal colic

Abdominal colic in adults - causes, treatment, examination methods and recommendations are under the supervision of a doctor. He often prescribes a number of examinations to determine correct diagnosis or to clarify it.

First, a survey and examination of the patient is carried out. Then you will need to get tested. Particular attention is paid to stool examination.

After this, examinations such as:

— gastroscopy (they look at the stomach) or gastroduodenoscopy (they also study the condition of the duodenum);

— ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity;

— irrigoscopy and cholecystography (x-ray of the large intestine and gallbladder, respectively);

- sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy (examination of the rectum);

- computed tomography of the intestine.

These examination methods are aimed at identifying all possible damage in the digestive tract.

Doctors need to find out the main cause of abdominal colic, assess the severity of the disease and correctly prescribe treatment.

Some of the procedures are quite unpleasant and even painful, but you should not refuse to perform them.

Timely identification of the root cause of the painful condition will help to avoid possible complications. The consequence of delay may be the inevitability of death.

Types of abdominal colic

Depending on the reasons that cause pain in the abdomen, there are several types of colic.

  1. Appendicular - is a sure sign of appendicitis. Pain sensations are localized in the right iliac region. Their intensity increases rapidly over several hours.
  2. Hepatic - associated with damage to the liver or gallbladder or exacerbation of chronic conditions of these structures.
  3. Renal colic - usually caused by the passage of stones through the ureters. But it can also be observed in other pathological conditions of the kidneys.
  4. Pancreatic – problems associated with the pancreas. Accompanied by vomiting and nausea. The pain is initially concentrated on the left, but can grow and become encircling. Excessive formation of gases is typical.
  5. Rectal – problems with the rectum. At the same time, a false desire to defecate arises.
  6. Lead – in case of lead poisoning. Other heavy metals can also cause poisoning. The problem is related to professional activities (working with batteries, paints, direct contact with hazardous metals). This condition also accompanied by the presence of colic.

Irritable bowel syndrome

This condition is functional disorder digestive organs, which are chronic in nature.

This disorder is associated with a decrease in the level of intestinal activity up to critical. The main symptoms are stool disturbances and the appearance of persistent pain, usually of low or moderate intensity.

During moments of emotional stress, symptoms intensify. Therefore, the development of the syndrome is associated with stress, as well as with unhealthy diet (overeating, eating overcooked food, fast food, alcohol and caffeine-containing products).

Physical inactivity and previous intestinal infections are also factors leading to the development of this condition.

Irritable bowel syndrome is also often accompanied by abdominal cramps. But there are a number of other symptoms characteristic of it:

- delayed or frequent bowel movements, changes in its consistency, sudden strong urge to defecate;

- bloating;

- excessive gas formation;

- Difficulty in digestion, painful process;

- nausea, poor appetite;

- musculoskeletal pain;

- migraine;

- depressive or anxiety states, other mental disorders;

- urinary disorders and some others.

Intestinal colic in this case is treated using a set of measures. In addition to diet, consultation with a neurologist and psychotherapist is often required.

Pathology of the digestive organs is not always present here, so drug assistance often comes down to only relieving pain attacks.

Treatment of abdominal colic in adults

As it turned out, colic in the abdomen can occur due to various reasons. When a person begins to experience such cramp-like pain, the first desire is to get rid of the torment. But taking medications can make diagnosis difficult.

Therefore, in case of severe pain, it is necessary to call an ambulance, and if it is less intense, go to the clinic. You need to make an appointment with a therapist or gastroenterologist.

Depending on the cause of colic, various pharmaceuticals are prescribed.

  1. Enzyme complexes , improving food digestion.
  2. Analgesics - help relieve pain.
  3. Antispasmodics – effectively relieve spasms, which leads to relief from pain and normalization of intestinal functions.
  4. Products containing spores of essential bacteria - to harmonize the intestinal microflora. Prescribed for dysbacteriosis.
  5. Anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics necessary for infectious lesions. They can also be prescribed for stones in gallbladder and problems with the pancreas to prevent complications.

Nutritional Features

But any drug intervention will not have the desired effect without normalizing nutrition.

After all, this is where the root cause of most digestive problems (and colic in particular) lies.

Therefore, you should develop a normal diet and strictly adhere to it. Food should be supplied regularly and in small quantities. All products must be fresh.

It is necessary to introduce a significant amount of fresh plant products (with the exception of those that increase gas formation) and other rough foods: whole grain, bran, oatmeal, dietary fiber.

However, in some cases, fiber will need to be eliminated for a while. For example, if you have diarrhea.

So even in the matter of selecting dietary products, you will need qualified medical advice.

It is better to completely eliminate or minimize fatty and fried foods. The diet should be harmonious. It must contain animal and vegetable protein, complex carbohydrates and vitamin complexes.

We should not forget about necessary for the body volume of liquid (20 ml per kilogram of weight daily).

Therefore, it is important to introduce warm liquid dishes (broths, soups, decoctions) into the diet. But coffee and alcohol will now be prohibited.

Homemade food is always better than street food or cafeteria snacks. Therefore, you should not be embarrassed to take lunch from home. You just need to choose convenient containers, buy a thermos or a thermal mug.

Traditional medicine in the fight against colic

Alternative medicine can help improve digestion, reduce the amount of gas produced, make bowel movements easier, or, conversely, have an astringent effect and relieve painful conditions.

Fennel tincture. Thus, a popular remedy - fennel tincture, more popularly known as “dill water”, is recommended for symptoms of flatulence. Dill seeds are used (1 tsp per liter of boiling water).

The liquid must infuse. Afterwards it is filtered and taken three times a day, several sips (about a quarter of a glass).

Potato juice. Another medicine - freshly squeezed potato juice - is recommended to be drunk in the morning on empty stomach(about half a glass). It will cover the walls of the mucous membrane with a starch film, speed up the healing of existing erosions and help cope with inflammation.

This remedy can also be taken in for preventive purposes. The same goes for cabbage juice. But before use it is recommended to dilute it slightly with water. You can add beet or carrot juice here.

Chamomile decoction. It has a pronounced antiseptic effect, and also has a slight calming effect on the patient. The root of the plant is also used for medicinal purposes.

Tea with ginger rhizome is also a proven remedy. It is prepared to stimulate digestion and improve appetite. At the pharmacy you can buy special herbal mixtures that help improve digestion and drink them according to the instructions on the package.

An enema with a decoction of mint, lemon balm or chamomile will help get rid of fecal formations that cause colic.

A warm heating pad or a non-hot bath can help relieve pain (if there are no contraindications for these procedures). As you can see, here you can’t do without consulting a doctor.

Colic during pregnancy

During pregnancy, intestinal colic is almost impossible to avoid. Mild colic-like pain may appear at the very beginning of pregnancy.

This is due to the redirection of the fertilized egg into the uterine cavity. Abdominal pain may occur due to hormonal changes and various processes concentrated in the mother’s abdomen.

During pregnancy, a woman's smooth muscles of the uterus are in a weakened state so that the baby is not born. ahead of schedule. This relaxation is possible due to the action of the hormone progesterone. But it acts not only on the uterus, but also on the intestines located in close proximity to it. And he behaves in a similar way - he reduces his activity. As a result, problems with defecation, flatulence, belching, and colic appear.

Increased excitability of a woman during pregnancy can lead to colic in stressful situations.

These abdominal pains may indicate various violationsectopic pregnancy, threat of miscarriage, premature labor. But it could be something less serious.

For example, cramps can be the result of an incorrect diet or an emotional outburst. If the pain is not severe and goes away quickly, then there is nothing much to worry about. If the symptom recurs or becomes more pronounced, you should definitely notify your gynecologist.

general doctor.

If an attack of intestinal colic occurs, you must definitely call an ambulance. Sometimes colic occurs against the background of severe disorders in the digestive organs, which requires immediate medical intervention.

What is intestinal colic

Colic is a pain syndrome that occurs in the abdomen and is characterized by a spasmodic type. There are several types of colic, depending on the organ system in which it appears. Intestinal colic is the most common variant.

Often intestinal colic occurs due to errors in nutrition, however, such a symptom may also indicate diseases of the digestive system, including very severe ones, requiring immediate attention. surgical intervention(for example, with intestinal obstruction). At the first symptoms of intestinal colic, you need to consult a doctor and find out the exact cause of its occurrence.

Causes of intestinal colic

It is noteworthy that intestinal colic may hide serious illnesses digestive tract, among which there are some that require surgical intervention to treat. In this regard, in case of intestinal colic, the doctor needs to quickly make a diagnosis and establish the true cause of the pathology.

Main symptoms of intestinal colic

In medical practice, there are several types of intestinal colic, each of which is characterized by its own unique symptoms.

  • Appendiceal colic. Often this type of colic is the first sign of the development of acute appendicitis. Appendiceal colic is characterized by a severe pain attack that occurs suddenly. The pain is localized in the lower abdomen on the right, which is caused by inflammation vermiform appendix colon. With the development of such pathology, an increase in pain is observed.
  • Rectal colic. With rectal colic, acute pain occurs in the rectal area. As in the previous case, the pain increases over time. In addition to pain, the patient also experiences a painful urge to have a bowel movement.
  • Lead colic. This type of colic occurs due to lead poisoning. Usually, this happens in hazardous industries. With lead colic, acute attacks of excruciating pain occur, which lead to severe tension in the anterior abdominal wall. The pain is cramping, and periods of rest during lead colic become shorter over time. A characteristic symptom Lead colic is characterized by bleeding gums and the appearance of a whitish plaque. The body temperature rises to 40 degrees. Lead colic is a condition that requires immediate assistance to the patient.
  • Vascular colic. The main reason for the appearance of vascular colic is that the intestinal muscle tissue receives insufficient blood supply. This can be caused by hereditary factors, as well as a number of diseases, such as tumors, polyps, thrombosis, adhesions and other conditions. At the beginning, the pain may be mild and aching in nature. Over time, the pain only intensifies. At oxygen starvation in the intestinal tissues, as a rule, an attack of acute pain occurs, which covers the entire abdominal cavity.

If we talk about the general symptoms of intestinal colic, these are primarily spasms and pain. Such symptoms often appear after eating food, but with some diseases of the digestive system they can also occur on an empty stomach, regardless of the time of day. For intestinal colic muscle spasm may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Radiating pain. If an attack of intestinal colic lasts a long time, then the pain can spread to the lower back, tailbone and groin area. In some cases, the patient may have the feeling that the pain covers the entire abdominal cavity.
  • Severe bloating, flatulence, nausea and vomiting. These symptoms occur with prolonged intestinal colic, which interferes with the normal passage of stool and gases.
  • Increased blood pressure. In some cases, a sudden increase in blood pressure may occur. However, if intestinal colic occurs against the background of intestinal obstruction, then the pressure drops.
  • Prostration. This is a common symptom that occurs with intestinal colic. Over time, the patient's condition worsens.
  • Stool disorder. With intestinal colic, diarrhea mixed with blood or mucus is possible. In other cases, patients are concerned about constipation.
  • Heat. An increase in body temperature is typical when infectious lesion digestive tract, in particular, viral or bacterial intestinal infections.

Diagnosis of intestinal colic

Intestinal colic can develop against the background of many conditions and diseases, so it may be impossible to do without qualified medical help. Intestinal colic will go away on its own if it is caused by occasional bloating or dietary errors. In other cases it is necessary correct diagnosis which will help identify the cause of colic.

Diagnosis of intestinal colic includes the following procedures:

  • Anamnesis collection. First of all, the attending physician collects an anamnesis. The patient is asked about the presence concomitant diseases, symptoms, conditions under which intestinal colic appeared, and so on. The doctor pays special attention to information about the nature of the pain, family history, place of work of the patient and the nature of his diet.
  • Palpation of the abdomen. After the interview, the doctor palpates the abdomen. If the abdominal muscles are tense and painful, this indicates a pathological cause of colic. To clarify the diagnosis, the patient is prescribed a series of laboratory and instrumental studies.
  • Gastroduodenoscopy. This is an instrumental type of diagnosis in which endoscopic examination organs of the digestive tract. During gastroduodenoscopy, a visual examination of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum is performed. Such a study allows us to identify some disturbances in the functioning of the above-mentioned organs.
  • Colonoscopy. This is a method of examining the large intestine using a flexible endoscope. During diagnosis, a number of disorders can be detected, for example, inflammation of the mucous tissue of the intestinal walls, various neoplasms, ulcers, diverticulitis, narrowing of the intestinal ducts and many others.
  • Sigmoidoscopy. This is an examination of the rectum and sigmoid intestine, which can show the presence of tumors (benign or malignant), ulcers, inflammatory processes, adhesions and other pathological disorders that can provoke the appearance of intestinal colic.
  • Cholecystography- diagnosis of the gallbladder using radiography and contrast agent. Cholecystography helps detect abnormalities in the functioning of the gallbladder, which can also cause intestinal colic.
  • Ultrasound- visual examination of internal organs, allowing to identify deviations in the structure and functioning of the digestive system and other organs.
  • MRI and CT- visual diagnostic methods that show, with a high degree of detail, disturbances in the structure and function of the organs being examined.
  • Stool analysis. Particular attention is paid to this study for intestinal colic. The patient's feces are checked for enzymatic activity, the presence of helminths, intestinal infections and dysbacteriosis.
  • General blood analysis. Since intestinal colic can occur against the background of an inflammatory process in the body or anemia, a blood test helps to identify such disorders.
  • General urine analysis- is necessary to identify possible pathological conditions of the urinary system, in the liver or pancreas, which can provoke the appearance of intestinal colic.
  • Other research methods- are carried out at the discretion of doctors.

After conducting research, the team of doctors establishes a diagnosis, on the basis of which the patient is prescribed treatment. Therapy for intestinal colic may include drug, non-drug and surgical treatment.

First aid for intestinal colic

Intestinal colic is a rather painful phenomenon, and therefore requires immediate assistance to the victim. First of all, you need to alleviate the condition as soon as possible - relieve spasm and eliminate pain. In this case, you should definitely seek emergency medical help. Keep in mind that after an acute attack of intestinal colic is relieved, the patient should be under the supervision of doctors for some time, who should identify the true causes of colic.

First aid for colic consists of 4 points:

  • Take an antispasmodic, for example, 2 tablets of no-shpa. If you don’t have no-shpa, then you can take one tablet of papaverine with patifylline.
  • If colic is accompanied by vomiting, and taking the drug is complicated, then you can do a cleansing enema based on mint decoction. You can enter into the rectum rectal suppositories with belladonna, which have an antispasmodic effect.
  • Drink Smecta. Dissolve one sachet of the drug in 100 ml of warm water.
  • If you suspect poisoning, take some sorbent inside, for example, activated carbon.

After applying the above measures, you should avoid eating food for 12 hours. When treating intestinal colic, it is possible to take pure still water or warm tea without sugar, which promotes the passage of gases and stool.

Wait for the ambulance to arrive, and even if you feel noticeably better, do not cancel the call. Be sure to consult a doctor and find out the cause of colic, especially if this is not the first time this has happened to you.

Medicines for intestinal colic

For intestinal colic, doctors can prescribe the following medications to the patient:

  • Activated carbon. This is a sorbent that absorbs toxic substances, such as gases, some fermentation products and other toxins, which can alleviate the patient’s condition. As a rule, activated carbon is used for increased gas formation, digestive disorders and poisoning. Activated carbon should be taken based on the recalculation of 0.5 g of the drug per 10 kilograms of the patient’s body weight. As a rule, no more than 3-4 g of the drug is taken at a time. There are analogs of activated carbon that are available in a different form, for example, granular.
  • Silica. Preparations based on silicon dioxide are effective fourth-generation enterosorbents. On the one hand, such drugs neutralize toxic substances, as well as microbial and food allergens, metabolites and bacteria that appear during putrefactive processes in the body. Enterosorbent preparations based on silicon dioxide are used for salmonellosis, poisoning, alcohol and septic intoxication, enterocolitis and other disorders, which can also trigger the onset of intestinal colic.
  • Antispasmodic drugs. The most popular is no-spa, which is used to eliminate spasms of various localizations. Caution should be exercised when taking antispasmodic drugs, especially for people who have low blood pressure. In addition to the drug No-shpa, Spazmolgon, Spasmomen, Buscopan and other drugs that eliminate spasms are also used for intestinal colic.
  • Combination drugs(antispasmodic + pain reliever). For severe pain, it is appropriate to use drugs that combine the effects of an antispasmodic and an anesthetic drug.
  • Antibiotics. In the case where it is established that intestinal colic is caused by bacterial infection, then the doctor prescribes to the patient antibacterial drugs(antibiotics). Do not take it yourself under any circumstances, since uncontrolled use of these drugs can negatively affect the liver and lead to an imbalance of intestinal microflora, which will only worsen the situation. Remember that antibiotics are only taken against bacteria, not viruses or fungal infections. Antiviral drugs and antifungal drugs are used against these microbes, respectively, which can also be prescribed for intestinal colic caused by these infectious agents.

If the cause of intestinal colic is acute intestinal obstruction, then surgical intervention may be required.

In the treatment of intestinal colic and diseases of the digestive system that cause them, they are widely used. folk remedies. The most effective of them are the following:

  • Pumpkin seeds. Take two tablespoons of crushed pumpkin seeds and pour 300 ml of boiling water, add 1-2 teaspoons of sugar and drink this infusion throughout the day.
  • Tansy flowers. You need to take one tablespoon of dried tansy flowers and pour hot water. The decoction must be allowed to brew, after which it can be drunk. in small portions during the day. The course of treatment with a decoction of tansy flowers is 2-3 days.
  • Lavender oil. Lavender oil, which has a calming effect, helps well with intestinal colic. The substances that make up lavender calm the nervous system, relieve spasms and eliminate pain. Take no a large number of water, add 5 drops of lavender oil to it and drink.
  • White wormwood decoction. Take 100 g of white wormwood and pour cold water for 2 days. Then the mixture is placed on low heat and cooked for about an hour. The resulting broth must be filtered and 400 grams of honey added to it. After this, the resulting mixture with honey is put back on the fire and kept until the broth thickens. The prepared thick decoction should be taken 1 tablespoon 4 times a day.
  • Ginger tea or cabbage juice. Ginger tea or juice from fresh ginger helps to cope with colic. white cabbage. For cooking ginger tea you need to take half a teaspoon of chopped ginger root per glass of boiling water. You need to drink 2-3 cups of hot drink a day. As for cabbage juice, it is best to drink it before meals, diluting it with a small amount of water. It will be useful to add beet or carrot juice to the drink.
  • Infusion of alder cones. If you have intestinal colic accompanied by diarrhea, an infusion of alder cones, cinquefoil root, thyme, nettle leaves, lemon balm and St. John's wort will help. All of the above ingredients are taken from equal quantities. A tablespoon of the mixture is poured into a glass of boiling water and infused. You need to take half a glass twice a day before meals.

Diet for intestinal colic

  • fat;
  • fried foods;
  • spicy dishes, seasonings, marinades and pickles;
  • smoked products;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • sweets;
  • canned food;
  • yeast dough;
  • legumes;
  • (turnip, pear, corn, radish, radish, cabbage);
  • baking

For intestinal colic, the following dishes and products are allowed:

Try to lead a healthy lifestyle. Move more, it stimulates your intestines. Give up bad habits, and when preparing food, follow the rules of heat treatment and sanitary standards. Do not overeat under any circumstances, and eat in small portions.

Intestinal colic- this is a sharp cramping abdominal pain occurring in the navel area or in lower parts abdominal cavity. The pain is intense, cramping in nature, when painful attacks are replaced by periods of rest. The duration of the pain itself is usually short - from a few seconds to a minute, but the number and frequency of attacks can vary. Intestinal colic is a symptom of many diseases of the intestines or other organs of the digestive tract.

The essence of intestinal colic and the mechanism of its development

Any colic is a sudden cramping pain in the abdomen. Accordingly, intestinal colic is an attack of sudden cramping pain in the abdomen caused by dysfunction or damage to the intestines.

Currently, there are two main types of intestinal colic - pathological and infantile. Pathological colic is always a sign of intestinal dysfunction, and can develop in adults or children from the age of eight months, regardless of gender. Infantile colic occurs only in infants aged three weeks to six months, and is not a pathology. Thus, when talking about intestinal colic, one should always distinguish whether we are talking about pathology or the infant norm.

Infantile colic is not a disease or a symptom of any pathology, but is a feature of the normal functioning of the body early age. Colic in infants is not dangerous because it is not a symptom of the disease and does not lead to the development of any pathology. Currently, the causes of infant colic have not been established, but according to statistics, they develop in 30–70% of all children aged 3 weeks to six months. Presumably, colic is caused by the immaturity of the nervous system and digestive tract, which during this period is still adjusting its work, “learning” to digest food coming through the mouth, and not through the umbilical cord, as was the case during the period intrauterine development. Infant colic goes away on its own and without a trace without any treatment by the age of 3 – 6 months.

Both infantile and pathological colic are alternating attacks of pain with light intervals. Pain with intestinal colic is usually localized in the navel or lower abdomen, most often on the left side. Attacks of pain occur sharply, unexpectedly, suddenly, without connection with any factors. The pain is usually strong, sharp, forcing a person to take a forced position and wrap his arms around his stomach. Painful sensation usually does not last long - from a few seconds to a minute, after which a light interval occurs. The frequency of pain episodes and their number during one attack of colic may vary. That is, with intestinal colic, a person may suffer from frequent attacks pain that occurs every 5 minutes and lasts for several hours in total, or experience pain once every half hour.

Pathological colic begins suddenly, usually after eating or before the urge to defecate. The duration of the attack can vary - from several minutes to hours. If you do not take antispasmodic drugs, then an attack of colic usually ends on its own as suddenly as it began. Colic can bother a person at any time, but more often it happens in the evening hours.

Infant colic stops as suddenly as it starts, and does so without any treatment or intervention. As a rule, colic in infants lasts 2–3 hours, less often up to 6 hours, and always begins at approximately the same time. For example, in one child colic may begin at 18-00 and end at 20-00, and in another from 20-00 to 22-00, etc. Infant colic may affect your baby daily or only occasionally. However, with episodic colic, they occur at least 2 to 3 days a week. During an attack of colic, nothing helps the baby; he cries or screams angrily until the painful sensation passes. It is impossible to calm the baby down, since neither rocking, nor feeding, nor other methods help to stop his crying, which parents simply need to endure. As soon as the colic ends, the baby begins to smile and stops crying.

The mechanism of development of both infantile and pathological colic includes a strong effect on the intestinal wall and the nerve endings located in its mesentery. This impact may include the following factors:

  • Distension of the intestine with expansion of its lumen, as a result of which the organ begins to compress the nerve endings of the abdominal cavity (for example, with bloating, flatulence, overeating, etc.);
  • Intestinal spasm with sharp narrowing its lumen, as a result of which the food bolus cannot move normally (for example, under stress or strong excitement, consumption of stale, low-quality or exotic food, gastritis, gastric or duodenal ulcers, helminthiasis, etc.);
  • Irritation of muscles and nerve endings located in the intestinal wall (for example, in case of poisoning, intestinal infections, influenza and ARVI);
  • Impaired intestinal motility, as a result of which the intestine either contracts too strongly and painfully, or, on the contrary, is practically paralyzed (for example, with irritable bowel syndrome, enteritis, etc.);
  • Obstacle to the advancement of the food bolus present in the intestinal lumen (for example, tumor, polyp, obstruction, diverticulum, adhesions after surgery or inflammation, etc.).
Regardless of the specific mechanism of development, intestinal colic is always an acute, sharp, cramping pain in the abdomen, which gives a person discomfort.

Treatment of infant colic is not carried out, because, firstly, there are currently no medications that effectively eliminate this condition, and secondly, this phenomenon is not dangerous and does not harm the baby. Despite the lack of medications that can relieve colic in infants, various means to combat this phenomenon are widely used in everyday life, since parents believe that “something must be done, because the child is not feeling well.” However, all drugs and devices used to eliminate colic (dill water, Espumisan, Disflatil, Lactase-baby, vent pipe etc.), simply reassure parents who feel psychological satisfaction from the fact that they are trying to help the baby, but in no way relieve colic. By the age of 3 – 6 months, the infant’s colic goes away on its own, and the parents believe that finally some drug given to the baby last helped relieve him of the discomfort. In reality, infant colic does not need to be treated - you just need to endure this period, not paying attention to the baby’s angry crying.

Pathological colic is treated with various symptomatic drugs, which relieve spasms, for example, Spasmomen, No-Shpa, Buscopan, etc. But these drugs only eliminate abdominal pain and do not affect the causes of its occurrence. That's why antispasmodics are only symptomatic, which can and should be used to relieve pain, but at the same time a thorough examination must be carried out in order to identify the cause of colic and begin therapy for this underlying disease.


Causes of pathological intestinal colic

The following diseases and conditions may be the causes of pathological intestinal colic in children over 8 months of age and adults:
  • Gastritis;
  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum;
  • Enterocolitis (inflammation of the small and large intestines);
  • Pancreatitis;
  • Hepatitis and other liver diseases;
  • Acute appendicitis ;
  • Intestinal infections (cholera, dysentery, salmonellosis);
  • Food toxic infections (botulism, staphylococcal poisoning, escherichiosis, etc.);
  • Poisoning by mushrooms or plant poisons (for example, when consuming green potato tubers, berry seeds, etc.);
  • Poisoning by products of animal origin (meat of poisonous fish, honey from poisonous plants, etc.);
  • Poisoning by various chemicals and industrial poisons (for example, pesticides, nitrates, etc.);
  • Poisoning with salts of heavy metals;
  • Helminthiases (ascariasis, giardiasis, opisthorchiasis, enterobiasis);
  • Systemic viral infections (influenza, ARVI, parainfluenza, etc.);
  • Intestinal obstruction caused by the closure of its lumen by a tumor, fecal or gallstones, bezoars (clumps of hair or fibers plant food), balls of helminths or foreign bodies;
  • Adhesions in the abdominal cavity formed after surgery, peritonitis, radiation therapy or infectious diseases of the pelvic or abdominal organs;
  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Stress or severe nervous tension (this factor, as a rule, causes colic in impressionable and emotionally sensitive people);
  • Errors in the diet, such as irregular meals, eating “dry” or “on the go”, overeating, consuming large quantities of products made from yeast dough, fermented milk and fermented dishes, as well as stale, low-quality products and too cold, hot, smoked, spicy or exotic food.

Causes of infant colic

The causes of infant colic are currently not known for certain. But scientists and doctors suggest that possible reasons The following factors are responsible for infant colic:
  • Immaturity of the central nervous system of a child of the first year of life;
  • Immaturity of the intestine, which does not completely digest the food that enters it, as a result of which gas formation and peristalsis increase;
  • Accumulation of gases in the intestines;
  • Lactase deficiency in a child;
  • Deficiency of digestive system enzymes in a child;
  • Deficiency of hormone-like substances that regulate the functioning of the digestive tract (gastrin, secretin, cholecystokinin);
  • Lack of stable and mature intestinal microflora;
  • Swallowing air due to improper feeding technique, greedy sucking or sucking on an empty nipple;
  • Allergic reaction to infant formula;
  • Increased anxiety of a nursing mother;
  • Maternal smoking during pregnancy.


Symptoms of pathological intestinal colic in adults

The only symptom of intestinal colic is a sharp, severe cramping pain in the abdomen. The pain can be localized throughout the abdomen or in its individual areas, most often in the navel area or in the lower left segment near the wing ilium. Pain during intestinal colic can spread to the lower back, groin, genitals or diaphragm area.

With colic, the pain is usually not constant, it occurs in episodic attacks. Such painful attacks are always unexpected, sudden and very strong in severity. An attack of pain can last for a varying period of time - from a few seconds to 1 - 2 minutes, after which a light interval occurs. The duration of light intervals between attacks of pain can also vary - from several minutes to half an hour. The total duration of intestinal colic, when attacks of pain alternate with light intervals, is also variable - from half an hour to 10 - 12 hours.

Against the background of a painful attack of colic, a person tries to find a position in which the pain is not so strong, but this fails. As a result, a person simply instinctively clasps his stomach with his hands and tries to press himself against his legs bent at the knees. During pain abdominal wall tense, and attempts to palpate the intestines and other internal organs are sharply painful. After colic has passed, the person is exhausted, apathetic and indifferent to others.

Intestinal colic goes away as suddenly as it appears. In some cases, colic ends with defecation, and in this situation relief occurs after bowel movement.

As a rule, colic occurs suddenly, against the background of complete health and completely satisfactory health. The onset of colic can be triggered by a heavy meal, stress, emotional stress or physical activity. Most often, colic develops in the evening hours, although it can appear at any time of the day.

Intestinal colic always leads to disruption of gas formation and defecation, as a result of which, some time after the onset of pain or simultaneously with it, a person develops bloating, flatulence (increased gas formation), as well as nausea and vomiting. Nausea and vomiting appear only at the peak of abdominal pain, and during the rest of the colic period these symptoms are absent. Flatulence and bloating appear either simultaneously with colic or some time after its onset. Characteristic feature flatulence and bloating is that they persist for some period of time after the end of the intestinal colic itself.

Intestinal colic can be combined with other symptoms inherent in a particular disease or condition that caused its development. For example, with gastritis, intestinal colic is combined with nausea and vomiting, heartburn, sour belching, with pancreatitis - with girdle pain throughout the abdomen, diarrhea, uncontrollable vomiting, with intestinal infections - with elevated body temperature and diarrhea. In a stressful situation, intestinal colic is combined with anxiety, rapid heart rate, high blood pressure, etc.

Symptoms of intestinal colic in women

Symptoms of intestinal colic in women are no different from the pathological colic described above, which can occur in any adult, regardless of gender.

Symptoms of intestinal colic in children

In children over 8 months of age Only pathological colic can develop. Moreover, their symptoms are the same as those of adults, with the exception of the localization of sensations. Pain in children almost always localized in the navel area or spread throughout the abdomen. Otherwise, there are no differences from adults in the symptoms of pathological colic in children over 8 months old.

In children younger than 8 months but older than 3 weeks so-called infant colic develops, which is a variant of the norm for them. The symptoms of such colic are described in detail in the subsection below.

Thus, when talking about the symptoms of intestinal colic in children, you must first determine the age of the baby. If he is older than 8 months, he will have symptoms of pathological colic. If the child is younger than 8 months, he will have symptoms of infant colic.

Symptoms of infant colic

Since the newborn cannot speak yet, he cannot say that his stomach hurts, so the only symptom of infant colic is certain behavior of the baby.

Firstly, you need to know that colic can only affect children from the age of 3 weeks to 6 - 8 months. Before three weeks and after 8 months, infants do not experience harmless colic. If a child older than 8 months has a stomach ache, then we're talking about no longer about infant colic, but about pathological colic, and in this case you need to call a doctor to diagnose the disease. Therefore, you need to remember that infant colic can and should be diagnosed only in children 3 weeks - 8 months.

Secondly, it should be remembered that colic in newborns usually occurs in the evening, some time after eating or during feeding. Moreover, as a rule, colic in children occurs at the same time of day and has the same duration. different days. For example, a baby’s colic begins at 20-00 and lasts for 2 hours, and this means that every day or every other day from 20-00 to 22-00 he will scream and cry for no reason, suffering from colic.

Infant colic lasts from half an hour to 3 hours (occasionally up to 6 hours), appears at least three times a week and lasts for at least three weeks in total.

When colic develops, the child begins to cry for no reason, twists his legs and tries to press them to his stomach. Any attempts to calm the child down are unsuccessful; he continues to scream and cry, no matter what the parents do (carry him in their arms, roll him in a stroller, rock him in a crib). In this case, the child has no objective reasons for crying - he is not hungry (no more than 3 hours have passed since the last feeding), his diaper or diapers are dry, his body temperature is normal, there are no signs of illness (the throat is not red, the nose is not stuffy, the ear does not hurt, etc.), the room is cool (20 - 24 o C). The only ones objective symptoms, accompanying infant colic are bloated belly, tense anterior abdominal wall and red face.

The child cries and cannot be calmed by any means until the colic goes away. After this, the baby smiles, becomes happy and calm, in other words, returns to his normal state.

Thus, we can say that the main symptom of colic in a baby is causeless crying, when there are no objective reasons for concern (wet diaper, hunger, cold, fever, etc.), which lasts from half an hour to 3 – 6 hours continuously. At the same time, it is not possible to calm the baby in any way. Therefore, if parents heard the child crying, but did not find objective reasons for this behavior and attempts to calm the child within 15 minutes were unsuccessful, then we are talking about infant colic.

An additional criterion for intestinal colic in infants is good appetite, normal weight gain and development in accordance with age. That is, if a child screams for no reason at least three times a week for some time, and it is not possible to calm him down, but otherwise develops well and gains weight, then he is bothered by intestinal colic and does not suffer from any disease.

Combination of pathological colic with other symptoms

Since intestinal colic itself is a symptom of any disease or condition, it is often combined with other pathological manifestations. Let's consider the most common combinations of intestinal colic with some other pathological symptoms.

Intestinal colic and bloating. Bloating very often accompanies intestinal colic, regardless of the causes of the latter. The fact is that with intestinal colic, the movement of the food bolus through the intestine is disrupted, as a result of which, on the one hand, the process of increased gas formation begins, and on the other, certain parts of the intestine swell from excess contents and gases.

Intestinal colic and flatulence. Flatulence almost always accompanies intestinal colic, regardless of what disease provoked its development. This is due to the fact that with colic, the process of normal digestion of food is disrupted, as well as the passage of the food bolus through the intestine, as a result of which excessive formation of gases begins. Therefore, we can say that flatulence and intestinal colic are related to each other, with the second provoking the first.

Intestinal colic and nausea. Nausea can occur with intestinal colic of any origin at the height of pain. In this case, the nausea is short-term, not accompanied by vomiting and quickly passes after the intensity of the pain decreases. Sometimes nausea, which appears at the peak of pain during intestinal colic, can be accompanied by a single vomiting.

In addition, nausea accompanies intestinal colic if it is caused by a disease characterized by nausea and vomiting, for example, gastritis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, intestinal infection, poisoning or intestinal obstruction.

Intestinal colic and diarrhea. As a rule, intestinal colic is combined with diarrhea due to intestinal infections and various poisonings when the body tries to get rid of toxic substances that cause spastic contractions of the intestine and intoxication. In such situations, diarrhea occurs repeatedly.

In more in rare cases intestinal colic may result in a single episode of loose stool in the absence of poisoning or infection. In such situations, diarrhea is provoked by colic itself, as a result of which the intestinal contents are not digested properly, but quickly enter the large intestine, from where they are excreted in a liquid consistency.

Intestinal colic in adults

In adults, intestinal colic is only pathological, and is observed in stressful situations or against the background various diseases digestive tract. In general, colic is not dangerous for an adult, since it goes away on its own and does not entail any serious disturbances in the functioning of the digestive tract. But when colic occurs, it is necessary to remember that the disease that caused the appearance of this symptom may pose a potential danger. Dangerous are colic, combined with vomiting and increasing over time. Other types of intestinal colic are usually harmless and go away on their own after some time.

Treatment of intestinal colic should be comprehensive, aimed primarily at eliminating causative factor. The colic itself, until the underlying disease has been cured or the cause eliminated, can be treated with antispasmodics so as not to suffer from excruciating pain.

Intestinal colic as a result of gas formation: what foods lead to bloating, what to do with increased gas formation, recommendations from a nutritionist - video

Intestinal colic during pregnancy

Intestinal colic in pregnant women occurs quite often, and although in essence they are classified as pathological, in the vast majority of cases they are not dangerous for either the woman or the fetus, since they are caused by the peculiarities of the intestines during the period of bearing a child. The fact is that during pregnancy, a woman’s body produces a large amount of progesterone, which affects the functioning of the intestines and provokes periodic strong contractions of its wall. And the consequence of such strong contractions is the development of colic. But since colic is due to the characteristics hormonal balance body of a woman, then it is not dangerous and does not cause harm.

Intestinal colic during pregnancy can be quite frequent, but always short-lived. After a short painful attack, a clear interval always sets in, and no other symptoms of any pathology appear. Intestinal colic does not increase the tone of the uterus and does not increase the risk of miscarriage or premature birth, and also does not provoke fetal hypoxia. That is why intestinal colic during pregnancy is considered quite normal occurrence, not requiring treatment. However, if colic is poorly tolerated, then pregnant women can take No-shpu or Papaverine to relieve it. But it is better to avoid taking medications, and to relieve abdominal pain, take comfortable position and relax.

Safe intestinal colic must be distinguished from pain syndrome, which is a danger signal for a pregnant woman. If intestinal colic or any abdominal pain in a pregnant woman is not accompanied by bloody discharge from the genital tract, increased body temperature, worsening general well-being or severe dizziness, then it is not dangerous. If the pain is accompanied by any of these symptoms, then it is dangerous sign, and in such a situation it is necessary to immediately call a doctor.

Intestinal colic in children

Children older than 8 months develop only pathological intestinal colic, and babies younger than 8 months develop infantile colic. Pathological colic is a symptom of a disease, and therefore its appearance requires examination of the child in order to identify pathology and subsequent treatment. Infant colic is a normal variant, and therefore, if it is present, there is no need to examine the baby or apply any therapy.

Pathological colic in children occurs more often than in adults, which is due to the lower resistance of their digestive tract to various negative influences, including unusual or low-quality food. Therefore, the digestive tract of children reacts to unusual dishes, irritating (carbonated water, onions, garlic, etc.) or low-quality food products (products made from yeast dough, too salty or spicy dishes, etc.) development of symptoms of poisoning or functional impairment digestion. Therefore, children more often develop intestinal colic precisely because of dietary factors, and not against the background of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Since the most common cause of intestinal colic in children is food, this symptom, as a rule, is not a signal of any serious diseases of the internal organs. As a result, pathological intestinal colic in children, as a rule, needs to be treated and eliminated as food poisoning or overeating.

In general, there are no differences in the course and approaches to the treatment of pathological intestinal colic in children and adults. The main difference between colic in children and those in adults is that in children, the causative factor of the symptom is much more often errors in diet, intolerance to any type of food or poisoning, rather than diseases of the digestive tract.

Intestinal colic in newborns

General characteristics of the phenomenon

Colic in newborn babies is called infant colic because it occurs between the ages of three weeks and eight months. Infant colic does not occur earlier than three weeks and later than eight months of age. And if a child older than 8 months develops colic, then it is pathological, not infantile, and indicates the presence of some disease or digestive disorder. Thus, when talking about colic in newborns, we mean infant colic.

Infant colic is a normal feature of the digestive tract in children and does not harm the baby. According to statistics, colic occurs in 30–70% of newborns in various countries.

Colic in newborns can appear from three weeks of age, and in the vast majority of cases goes away on its own by three months. In rare cases, colic continues until the age of 6 – 8 months.

It is quite easy to identify infant colic because it always meets the following characteristics:

  • Appear between 3 weeks and 8 months of age;
  • Occurs at least three times a week or daily;
  • They always start and end at the same time of day;
  • Most often develop in the evening hours;
  • Continues for at least three consecutive weeks;
  • Develop either during eating or some time after feeding;
  • Start and end suddenly, in the background full health;
  • During colic, the child screams, cries, twists his legs, tries to pull them to his stomach;
  • During colic, a child’s belly is tense, swollen, and passes gas;
  • There are no objective reasons for crying (the child is not hungry, his diaper or diaper is dry, the temperature in the room is comfortable, there are no signs of any disease - that is, the throat is not red, there is no runny nose, etc.);
  • Attempts to calm the child by any means do not have an effect; he still cries and screams until the colic ends;
  • After the colic ends, the child calms down on his own, begins to smile and behave in a normal, familiar way.
Thus, if a baby has no objective reasons for crying, but he persistently screams at least three times a week at the same time, and it is not possible to calm him down by any means, and at the same time he develops normally and gains weight - then this is an infantile condition. colic.

The appearance of colic is a normal feature of children in the first year of life; they do not require treatment, are not dangerous for the baby and do not disrupt its development.

What causes colic in newborns?

Unfortunately, the exact causes of infant colic are not known. However, based on many years of observations, it was found that colic is most often provoked by the following factors:
  • Accumulation of gases in the intestines;
  • Overeating (the child eats too much food for him, which he is not able to digest);
  • Overheating (the child is in a too hot room with dry air);
  • Lactase deficiency in a child;
  • Swallowing air due to improper feeding technique, greedy sucking or sucking on an empty nipple;
  • Allergic reaction to infant formula;
  • Excessively emotional reaction of the mother to the crying of the child;
  • Increased anxiety of a nursing mother;
  • Maternal smoking during pregnancy.

Symptoms of colic in newborns

Infantile colic is manifested by persistent crying and screaming of the child, which begins and ends at the same time of day, appearing at least three times a week. It is impossible to calm him down by any means, although there are no objective reasons for screaming (the baby is not sick, his diapers are dry, he is not hungry, his throat is not red, there is no runny nose, etc.). Screaming and crying begin and end suddenly, and this happens by the hour, since colic goes away at the same time of day. That is, the baby, at least three times a week or more often, begins to cry and scream against the background of complete health for a strictly defined, identical period of time.

During colic, the baby's stomach is tense, he twists his legs, tries to pull them towards his tummy, and he may pass gas. The passage of gas usually brings relief, but the baby does not stop crying until the colic ends.

Unfortunately, there are currently no effective methods and medications for relieving colic in newborns, and numerous drugs used for this purpose only reassure parents, but do not bring relief to the baby. Since colic is not dangerous and does not harm the development of the child, then, in principle, there is no need to treat it. Experienced pediatricians and scientists recommend that parents simply endure the period of colic in the baby - they will go away on their own by three, or maximum by 6-8 months.

At the time of colic, pediatricians advise holding the baby in your arms or trying to soothe him in other ways for 15 minutes. If the child has not calmed down in 15 minutes, and he has no objective reasons for crying, then it is recommended to simply put him in the crib and let him scream. To relieve pain and provide emotional contact with parents, you can massage the tummy.

If nervous system mother or father cannot stand the child's crying, then You can try to alleviate the baby’s suffering with the following safe but ineffective means:

  • Dill water;
  • Preparations based on simethicone (Espumizan, Disflatil, etc.);
  • Enterosorbents (Smecta, Enterosgel).
In principle, attempts to give the baby medicine for colic bring relief and reassurance only to parents who feel that they have not abandoned the child and try to help him with everything possible ways. But we must remember that there is currently no truly effective cure for colic in infants.

Intestinal colic - treatment

Treatment in adults

Since intestinal colic in adults is most often a symptom of some disease, for it effective treatment It is necessary to undergo an examination in order to identify the pathology that caused colic, and treat this particular disease.

Considering that intestinal colic can be a symptom of a serious disease requiring urgent surgical intervention (for example, intestinal obstruction), then when it develops for the first time, it is necessary to immediately call " Ambulance", and before the medical team arrives, do not take any medications, do not apply a heating pad to the stomach, and do not carry out any actions aimed at reducing the intensity of pain, as this may blur the overall picture and lead to incorrect diagnosis.

If colic does not occur for the first time, and its cause is precisely known, then symptomatic treatment can be carried out aimed at relieving the pain syndrome. For symptomatic therapy intestinal colic, use either a warm heating pad on the abdominal area or various antispasmodic drugs that can relieve spastic pain:

  • Preparations of drotaverine hydrochloride (No-Shpa, Drotaverine);
  • Papaverine preparations (Papaverine, etc.);
If colic occurs in combination with diarrhea, then to relieve it it is recommended to take enterosorbents, such as Smecta, Enterosgel, Polyphepan, Polysorb, Filtrum, etc.

If colic is combined with flatulence and bloating, then to relieve it it is recommended to take antispasmodics simultaneously with drugs containing simethicone (Espumizan, Disflatil, etc.), which reduce gas formation in the intestines. In addition, in case of colic with flatulence and bloating, it is necessary to refuse food for 12 hours, and then follow a diet in which foods that promote gas formation (peas, beans, lentils, corn, cabbage, etc.) are excluded from the diet.

Treatment of intestinal colic in children

Pathological intestinal colic in children is treated according to the same principles and with the same medications as in adults. Infantile colic does not need to be treated, since this condition is a normal variant and not a pathology.

Remedy (medicine) for intestinal colic

Currently, the following medications are used to relieve intestinal colic:

1. Pain relief medications:

  • Preparations of drotaverine hydrochloride (Bioshpa, No-Shpa, Nosh-Bra, Ple-Spa, Spazmol, Spazmonet, Spazoverin, Spakovin, Drotaverin);
  • Papaverine preparations (Papaverine);
  • Preparations containing belladonna extract (Becarbon, Bellalgin, Besalol);
  • Preparations containing hyoscine butyl bromide (Buscopan).
2. Medicines to reduce gas formation and eliminate flatulence and bloating:
  • Products with simethicone (Espumizan, Disflatil, Sab simplex, Bobotik, Antiflat Lannacher).
3. Medicines to relieve diarrhea:
  • Enterosorbents (Smecta, Laktofiltrum, Polysorb, Polyphepan, Filtrum, Enterosgel, etc.).

Treatment of colic in newborns

General principles of treatment of colic in infants

Because, firstly, infant colic is not dangerous for the child and does not harm him, and secondly, effective remedy Because there is currently no cure for them, experienced pediatricians recommend not treating colic in newborns, but simply enduring it until it goes away on its own. However, if parents still want to try to somehow help the baby tolerate colic more easily, then The following medications and non-drug methods can be used:
  • Products containing simethicone that reduce gas formation (Espumizan, Disflatil, Sab Simplex, Bobotik, Antiflat Lannacher);
  • Products containing lactase, which promote better absorption of food (Lactase-baby);
  • Massage the tummy with your fingers;
  • Warm heating pad on the stomach;
  • Holding a baby in a prone position on an adult's hand.
Best used for colic non-drug methods combating them (abdominal massage, a warm heating pad or holding the baby on the tummy in an adult’s hand), which are guaranteed not to cause any harm to the baby. However, if parents feel uneasy until they try to alleviate the child’s suffering with medication, then they can give the baby dill water, a product with simethicone or lactase, which are also harmless, but can still create additional stress on the child’s internal organs due to the need to remove them from the body. Among medications, according to reviews and observations of parents, Lactase-baby is the most effective in relieving colic, since it helps the baby to better absorb food and, thereby, eliminates the provoking factor of colic.

Anti-colic heating pad for newborns

A warm heating pad placed on the baby's tummy relieves the painful spasms of colic and helps him to cope with this condition more easily. The heating pad should be placed on the stomach when colic begins, and not beforehand - this will not help prevent the appearance of abdominal pain.

For a child, a heating pad should be warm, not hot, so it is very important to choose the right temperature. The optimal temperature of a heating pad is determined as follows: an adult’s wrist is applied to it, and if the skin does not burn, but only feels pleasantly warm for a minute, then this temperature is ideal for a baby. Having set the optimal temperature, you need to wrap the heating pad in a diaper, place it on your own lap and lay the baby on it with his tummy so that his back is on top. You need to hold the baby in this position for 15 to 30 minutes, then transfer him to the crib, and if necessary, after half an hour, put his tummy back on the heating pad.

Applying a heating pad to the stomach of a baby lying on his back is useless, since he will throw it off with active movements of his legs in a few minutes, and attempts to hold it will only lead to increased screaming and crying.


Massaging the tummy during colic helps relieve the baby’s suffering, and this happens not so much by reducing the intensity of pain, but by emotional and tactile contact between the baby and the adults who love him. Massage can be done at any time, including during colic. In this case, the duration of one massage approach should be 3–7 minutes, after which a break is taken for 10–15 minutes, after which you can start the massage again.

A tummy massage for a newborn is done as follows: the child is placed on his back on his own knees so that his head is at the level of his kneecaps and his legs are thrown back onto the adult’s stomach. The head is supported with the left hand, and the wrist with the right, inserted between the child’s legs, is pressed against the pubis. Next with your fingers right hand make circular movements clockwise along the baby's tummy for 3 to 7 minutes. Actually, such stroking movements are a baby abdominal massage.

Medicine for colic in newborns

Unfortunately, there are currently no effective medications that can relieve babies from colic. Therefore, parents try various means that theoretically can be effective, and select the optimal one for this particular child. Today, the following drugs can be used to relieve colic:
  • Dill water (to give to the baby during colic);
  • Products containing simethicone that reduce gas formation (Espumizan, Disflatil, Sab Simplex, Bobotik, Antiflat Lannacher);
  • Products containing lactase that promote better absorption of food (Lactase-baby).
Dill water and products with simethicone are given to the child immediately at the onset of colic, and Lactase-baby is taken before each feeding. According to reviews from parents, Lactase Baby is the most effective at preventing colic, as it helps the baby digest food better, thereby eliminating one of the significant provoking factors for colic.

Colic in newborns: massage techniques, gymnastics and other useful tips - video

Colic in newborns and infants: what it is, its causes and symptoms, what helps with intestinal colic (Dr. Komarovsky) - video

Intestinal colic in newborns and infants: description, reasons, what to do (massage, gas tube, simethicone for a child), advice from a pediatrician - video

Diet for intestinal colic

The diet for intestinal colic is quite simple - you just need to exclude from the diet foods that contribute to gas formation, such as:
Nasedkina A.K. Specialist in research of biomedical problems.