I did not take sick leave in the hospital after the operation. Laparoscopy and laparotomy: how many days of sick leave are given after surgery

Surgical interventions in the human body, in addition to undeniable assistance, entail prolonged recovery and the impossibility of performing various kinds work over a period of time.

For the employer, on the one hand, it is extremely important that the employee comes to his senses as quickly as possible. workplace, but, on the other hand, it is in his interests that the employee fully recovers.

Sick leave period for surgery

How many days of sick leave are given after surgery is determined by the condition of the person operated on.

The duration of the bulletin during surgery depends on other categories. If a citizen goes to the hospital himself with complaints about bad feeling, then the doctor is obliged to give him a certificate of incapacity for work for a maximum of 15 days. During this period, the patient undergoes tests and is examined. If the diagnosis is confirmed, then he is sent to surgery for surgical intervention.

A person's stay in the hospital can vary in duration. The most common surgical interventions require this amount of time:

  1. From 10 to 15 days when appendicitis is removed.
  2. When the uterus is removed, the recovery period ranges from 65 to 100 days.
  3. Up to 55 days is given to those who have had their gallbladder removed.
  4. 20-28 days are allotted for the cyst.
  5. Tooth extraction surgery can free you from work for a period of three to ten days.
  6. Three to five days are given for abortion.
  7. An inguinal hernia will require up to one and a half months of rehabilitation.
  8. Eye operations free a person from work for up to two months.
  9. Up to 40 days are given for removal of the fallopian tubes and recovery.
  10. Varicose surgical treatment extends sick leave for a month.
  11. The intervention on the spine will require at least two months.
  12. Heart surgery and recovery lasts up to 70 days.

The recovery period directly depends on the type of surgery. They are divided into two types:

  1. Laparotomy, in which external and internal cavities are subject to cuts. This type of surgery is extremely difficult and requires more time for the incisions to heal and the body to recover.
  2. Laparoscopy is less traumatic; it does not require incisions, but is performed using small punctures of external and internal tissues. This method surgery allows you to cause less harm to the body and heal wounds much faster.

The final duration of sick leave after surgery is determined by the attending physician and, if necessary, by a medical commission.

Possibility of extension

How many days sick leave is given depends on the individual indications of the body and the complexity of the operation performed. Is it possible to extend it after discharge from the hospital? Let's see what the law says about this.

As a rule, the operated patient is kept in a hospital bed strictly set time, then he is discharged home for further treatment and recovery. After the patient is released home with the condition further treatment at home, he is monitored, that is, the person operated on is obliged to visit the doctor on prescribed days for examination, change of bandages, etc.

As treatment continues, the one issued at the surgery is closed, and a new form is opened at the clinic.

But it may also happen that a person was discharged without the need for further treatment and rehabilitation, but he does not feel too well and wants to. In both cases, an extension is possible.

To increase the period of sick leave after surgery, the patient will need to contact medical commission. The commission, without the presence of the patient, guided by his medical history and the results of the postoperative examination, makes a decision on the need to increase the duration of the standard period of sick leave. For the entire extension period, it is mandatory to visit the attending physician at intervals of at least once every 15 days.

If the patient's condition is considered chronic and full recovery is impossible, then he is sent to MSEC, where the issue is recognition of disability.

Sick leave payment amount

Regardless of the duration of the certificate of incapacity for work, the employer is obliged to pay for it. The sick leave must be, and in case of extension, have the signatures of representatives of the medical commission confirming the legality of the increase in duration.

Sick leave is paid for surgical interventions as follows:

  1. The first three days of an open form are repaid at the expense of the employer’s own funds.
  2. Subsequent days are compensated from the social security fund.

Despite the division by payment, it is the employer who accepts the document and makes full accrual for it.

The amount of compensation for sick days depends on three indicators:

  1. Duration of sick leave.
  2. Average daily income of an employee.
  3. Duration of individual insurance experience.

From the amount of accumulated funds during which they were paid insurance premiums, the percentage of compensation depends.

Three percentage stages of payments are accepted:

  1. 60% if less than five years of insurance experience have been accumulated.
  2. 80% with five to eight years of experience.
  3. 100% if worked for more than eight years.

The average daily income of the person operated on is calculated for the last 24 months.

To do this, the paid salaries for two years are taken and divided by the average amount calendar days for this period.

To get the total average figure salary per day is multiplied by the number of sick days and by the prescribed percentage factor. 13% personal income tax is deducted from the accrued compensation. The net amount is transferred to the employee's current account.

The duration of sick leave varies. Often people take such a vacation for only 3 days - this is enough time to cure a cold or food poisoning. But if the illness is really serious, then the period increases. Maximum period if not emergency situations– 15 days, including the day of going to the doctor.

In situations with dangerous viral diseases, as well as with operations after which it is necessary long recovery, sick leave can be issued for more long period time.

The interval is set by the attending physician after examining the patient. But in ordinary situations(for example, ARVI) cannot be expected to last more than 15 days. It is clear that in case of complications, sick leave is extended.

How to register at the clinic?

The procedure for renewing a certificate is as follows:

  1. When the sick leave ends, we go to the doctor who issued it. It is advisable to do this on the last day of the sick leave, and not when the period has already expired.
  2. The doctor conducts an examination and makes a decision based on its results. There can be 2 solutions - either close the sick leave or extend it.
  3. If a decision is made to extend, the doctor enters the date until which the sheet is extended in the free field on this form.
  4. We inform the employer about the extension of sick leave, if necessary. This is worth doing, because the employer is probably familiar with the deadlines for issuing certificates of incapacity for work, and he will be at a loss if the employee does not show up after a long time.
  5. On the day indicated by the doctor as the final day for extending sick leave, we come back to the clinic for another examination. This must be done even if the person is already healthy. In this case, the sheet will be closed, and in case of illness, it will be extended for a short time.

Important! You cannot ignore the extension of sick leave. If a person does not show up for work for 2 weeks, and he only has sick leave for 7 days, then he will be given benefits in 7 days. Moreover, he will get into trouble for not showing up in the second week.

For how long?

At the clinic, sick leave is extended for no more than 3 days. When this period passes, you need to appear at the clinic again and meet with the doctor.

How does the procedure occur after inpatient treatment?

Extending a certificate of incapacity for work after hospital treatment is a common practice.

Before starting hospital treatment, it is difficult to predict how long it will take for rehabilitation. Therefore, the period indicated on the sick leave certificate is often not enough. Then the extension occurs.

Who makes the decision?

At a hospital, compared to a clinic, everything is much more serious. Here Sick leave can be extended only with the permission of the medical commission- the only one authorized body in this situation.

The commission reviews the situation and makes a final decision. If a person has not yet recovered, then his sick leave will certainly be extended. But if the dynamics of the disease are frankly bad, then there may be other solutions - for example, assigning a disability group.

How does this work and the procedure for passing a medical commission?

The procedure for extending sick leave is quite simple, because most of the actions are performed by doctors instead of the patient:

  1. We receive a certificate of incapacity for work from the hospital. This should be done after the main phase of treatment has been completed and discharge is being considered.
  2. We contact the appropriate doctor. It is best if it is the same doctor who issued the sick leave. If he is on a day off or on vacation, we go to someone else. The disease must be within his area of ​​expertise. For example, if you have eye surgery, you need to contact an ophthalmologist. Let's show this doctor the old one sick leave and talk about the need for rehabilitation.
  3. The doctor conducts an examination. If he sees that rehabilitation is really necessary, he prescribes medical commission. Failures occur very rarely and only in exceptional situations.
  4. We go through a medical examination. Doctors comprehensively assess a person’s health and see how favorable the prognosis is. Based on the results of the commission, an extension of the previous sheet or a new copy may be issued.
  5. We see the doctor once every 14-15 days. This necessary condition when extending sick leave.

Important! If the commission concludes that a person’s health is very bad, then he will be sent to medical and social examination. This examination considers the issue of assigning a disability group.

Where can a decision be made about longer rehabilitation after hospitalization?

If after treatment in a hospital there is a need for long-term rehabilitation, then the decision to extend the sick leave is made there, at the medical institution. But there are other cases:

For how long is it possible?

The length of sick leave after hospitalization depends on how complex the treatment was. The Ministry of Health does not establish clear periods, but There are approximate frameworks depending on the specific situation:

  1. If the disease did not require surgical intervention, then sick leave for rehabilitation is extended for up to 3 months. At serious illnesses the extension period may extend beyond these limits.
  2. After surgery, if there is a need for long-term rehabilitation, sick leave can be extended for up to 10 months.
  3. After complex operations, the maximum period is 1 year.

Important! This does not mean that a person always receives an extension for such long term. If there is a positive trend in his illness, and he is already recovering, then the sick leave may well be extended by 1-2 weeks.

Is it possible to ask a therapist to extend the worksheet if you are not sick?

After recovery, many people want to stay at home a little longer. Therefore, they resort to cunning, pretending to be sick. In most cases experienced doctors They immediately see the catch, and the situation takes an unpleasant turn. Oddly enough, this issue is solved much easier.

What should you tell your doctor?

You should not feign illness - it is useless. It is enough just to tell the doctor that you feel a fever in the mornings or evenings.

Even if the doctor does not believe you, he will not be able to refuse to extend the sick leave - this is the recommendation of the Ministry of Health. At the slightest increase in temperature, the Ministry of Health advises taking sick leave so as not to encounter complications and not infect colleagues.

When talking to your therapist, it's worth remembering the following:

Maximum possible period

Citing a “jumping” temperature, a person can count on an extension of sick leave for 3 days. It won’t happen again, and the second time the same request is unlikely to be successful.

Therefore, without having good relations with a therapist healthy man can extend sick leave by only 3 days. This is quite enough to enjoy your vacation or solve problems without being distracted by work.


Extending sick leave is a simple procedure. But it has its own characteristics in the clinic and on inpatient treatment. To achieve an extension of sick leave, you need to remember the circumstances under which the treatment took place and act in accordance with them.

If the symptoms of the disease have already subsided, then the certificate of incapacity for work can still be extended for several days. It would be a trick, but who would refuse it? An additional 3 days of rest is a worthy reward after a successful fight against the disease.

The human body is a perfect thing, similar to a well-functioning, highly intelligent computer mechanism, only better. But its components sometimes “break” and fail. And then the person goes to the doctor. In the most extreme cases, when nothing else (neither pills, nor ointments, nor injections, nor drips) can help, the patient is prescribed surgery. Fortunately, now there is a choice - to do abdominal surgery, with full incisions abdominal wall, or minimally invasive - laparoscopy. Moreover, now in most cases both medical specialists and patients themselves make a choice in favor of minimally invasive, endoscopic operations.

Many patients have questions about whether they should be given sick leave after laparoscopy

Although laparoscopy is a minimally invasive (low-traumatic) intervention, it remains an operation, after which it also needs to be treated and recovered, so the patient is also entitled to a certificate of incapacity for work. And laparoscopy gallbladder- not an exception. When the gallbladder is removed, even with the help of a minimally invasive intervention, the patient has every right to receive sick leave. However, many patients still have questions about whether they should be given sick leave after laparoscopy: how long it lasts, how to open and extend it. During laparoscopy of the gallbladder, is sick leave ordinary or some kind of special one? Is this even a reason for not going to work? Which specialists and where will the sick leave be registered and issued to you?

Is it necessary to remove it?

Although laparoscopy is a minimally invasive (low-traumatic) intervention, it remains an operation, after which you also need to undergo treatment and recovery

For many years, the gallbladder was removed in a very traumatic way, after which the peritoneum, organs and tissues next to removed bubble took a long time to heal. In some cases, both the stitched areas and everything nearby became inflamed - and this meant pain and discomfort. They say that people recovered after removal for three or even four months. And if the patient is already old and things are healing much worse for him than in his youth, of course, this leads to additional problems and increases the recovery time significantly.

Perhaps this is why people are still afraid of such an operation on some intuitive level. Even when hearing the words “bile removal,” many of us have unpleasant and even frightening associations. Such as pain, discomfort, "bloody", complex operation, large incisions, many stitches, and after all this you can’t do anything for a long time.

When it comes to removing this organ, many patients try to find out from doctors whether something can be done to leave the bubble, not cut it out, or be cured in other ways, not surgical. Some experts (and there are a lot of such opinions on the Internet, it’s worth entering the corresponding request in search engine and you will get a million links) they say that you can do without surgery and not cut out the bubble. For example, to undergo treatment with some miracle drugs or magic pills. However, other surgeons (and most of them) object: it is very, very risky.

For example, you can “break” the stones or take medications so that they begin to come out. But in this case, no one can predict what size these stones will be or how they will move. And this is pain, to say the least. And at the most, it can lead to completely unpredictable consequences. How many such cases are known when a stone moves and then gets stuck, causing unbearable pain to a person? Such therapy in any case leads to surgery. Only in front of her does the patient still have time to suffer.

Nowadays, the gallbladder is removed using a full-fledged operation only in very difficult cases when minimally invasive endoscopic intervention does not help, or for some reason it is impossible to carry out.

Laparoscopy is mandatory in a hospital setting with all necessary steps, as in abdominal surgery

However, even laparoscopy must be done in a hospital setting with all the necessary steps, as in abdominal surgery. A person enters (goes to bed) in a medical institution, there they take tests from him, thoroughly examine him, and do them again ultrasound diagnostics to make sure that deletion is still necessary. And a person’s sick leave should be opened on the same date when he was admitted to the hospital.

General characteristics of the disease: as a rule, it occurs in older people who have other concomitant diagnoses. The patient begins to experience discomfort, and then unbearable pain in the right side of the abdomen, which then spreads further. It is clear that all this negatively affects the quality of life. This type of intervention must be carried out in the first day after an attack, otherwise everything can develop into something more serious and lead to irreversible consequences.

Removal of the gallbladder using a minimally invasive method (laparoscopy) is done using small punctures on the surface of the abdomen. When removing the gallbladder, surgeons make four (and, if necessary, when the area where the liver was greatly enlarged, five) such punctures - this will be decided by the attending physician based on the general clinical picture. A microvideo camera is inserted into these punctures on the electrode. And through it, a 3D image of what is happening in the room is displayed on the monitor. abdominal cavity patient.

The doctor studies the picture, looks at the degree of damage to the gallbladder, looks at what kind of neoplasms are inside it, and only then finally makes a decision: to remove the bladder or not.

But a sick leave after surgery to remove the gallbladder is given to the patient as if he had undergone a full-fledged surgery.

How long does sick leave last after laparoscopy?

Of course, patients are interested in how long sick leave lasts after gallbladder removal. How many days of sick leave is given after removal of the gallbladder in a particular case is impossible to answer this question unequivocally; everything is decided individually. The length of time you are on sick leave, the length of your sick leave, and the length of your stay in the hospital are determined by more than one circumstance. First of all, of course, how many days of sick leave you will have after the operation depends on how the cut and stitches (internal and external) heal and are restored.

The removal of the gallbladder itself - cholecystectomy - will only take about an hour (sometimes a little more, but two hours, they say, is the maximum). In the average case, several more days after such interventions are spent recovering in the hospital. Leading doctors will watch how the incisions are healing and internal seams. Although already on this day the patient is allowed to get up, and the next day after the operation the person will feel much better.

A sick leave will be issued for the period while a person is in the hospital - undergoing tests before the procedure, preparing for it, and recovering after the operation in a hospital setting.

In total, you will have to stay in the hospital for about seven days, although the period in the hospital can last longer or shorter - everything will depend on the condition of the body after the removal of the organ. Advice: do not rush to run home from the hospital, even if, as they say, you feel better. How long does your sick leave last after gallstone laparoscopy? All these days will only be beneficial. After removal of the gallbladder, they are kept on sick leave no more than required.

  • Firstly, the body, even after minimally invasive intervention, can behave completely unpredictably. And at this time it is very important to be under the supervision of experienced and qualified doctors who can help in an emergency.
  • Secondly, it is worth understanding that the main thing in this period is diet.

So, immediately after the operation you can’t do anything at all. Then you can start drinking - water, juices, broths, fruit drinks. When it's time to check out, you can switch to normal food. But you need to strictly monitor how it is prepared. Nothing fried. Only boiled and steamed. Approximately the same diet should be followed after the hospital. This may seem unusual to some. On the other hand, this is proper nutrition, which will help not only restore the body, but also reset accumulated overweight, If there are any.

You will be kept on sick leave for about 10 more days after you are discharged from the hospital.

In total, you will have to remain on sick leave for about two weeks after removing the gallbladder using endoscopic technologies. And on average, the length of sick leave after such interventions is 19 days.

As a rule, it is during this time that the patient recovers and can go to work with some dietary restrictions and physical activity. Then laparoscopy of the gallbladder will be forgotten, like horrible dream, and you can calmly take your closed sick leave to your employer, without fear that you will have to take it again.

How to open a sick leave during laparoscopy

Of course, this is not the heart or the lungs; a person can easily live without biliousness. Of course, observing certain rules. Gallstone formation deleted, sick leave will be given upon admission to the hospital for laparoscopy. Sick leave is issued as follows: when the patient is discharged from the hospital, he is given a sick leave certificate. After this, the patient comes under outpatient observation in the clinic, where he is assigned under the mandatory health insurance, or in the clinic he chose himself. Certificates of incapacity for work, which were issued at the institution where laparoscopy was performed, will be extended and will be issued at the outpatient clinic.

How to extend sick leave when removing the gallbladder

After laparoscopy, complications are sometimes recorded in the form of poor recovery tissues injured as a result of and after the intervention. And then it is simply necessary to extend the sick leave after removal of the gallbladder.

What problems and troubles may arise after biliary laparoscopy? For example, leakage of bile into the peritoneum. This happens if doctors did something wrong during the intervention, and the section of the bile duct was poorly sutured by the surgeon. This occurs if the patient’s condition after surgery is poor.

In this case, most likely, you will have to do another laparoscopy and sew up the bile duct. Otherwise, everything can develop into a more complex deviation, such as peritonitis. Therefore, it will be necessary to have a cholecystectomy again; it is difficult to say for how many days sick leave is given in this case. They will give you new leaf, preliminary, for the same number of days as before, you will have to stay in the hospital for about a week. And then the doctors will look at the facts and decide whether to keep you in the hospital or discharge you home for further treatment. That is, patients must be on sick leave until full recovery, and this usually takes a couple of weeks after laparoscopy.

Be that as it may, it all depends on the complexity of the case, and the supervising physician will make the conclusions regarding the need for extension and the extension period.

From all of the above I would like to draw a conclusion. If the doctor says that you need to have your gallbladder removed, you shouldn’t look for any other ways to get rid of the problem, it’s better to listen to the doctor and undergo laparoscopy. And how many days do they give or should they give sick leave after laparoscopy of the gallbladder? This question is in this case should be the least of your worries.


Peculiarities recovery period after cholecystectomy.

The duration of sick leave after surgery is determined by the attending physician. And only if the illness does not last longer than two weeks. If treatment requires longer period— the issue of extension is resolved with the medical control commission (Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 624 n dated June 29, 2011).

It is also important to remember who can issue this type of document. Not every specialist with medical education may help in this matter.

Important! The duration of sick leave after surgery can only be approved by the attending physician and paramedic with the appropriate qualifications.

Certificates of incapacity for work cannot be obtained from an ambulance worker or at a blood transfusion station. Doctors working in balneological centers, mud baths, and disaster medicine institutions do not have this right either. supervisory authorities, from forensic experts.

The reasons for sick leave are as follows:

  • injury;
  • disease;
  • operation;
  • pregnancy and childbirth;
  • baby care;
  • caring for a sick relative.

If an operation is required (a set of surgical actions on human tissue for therapeutic, diagnostic or symptomatic purposes), then the sick leave is opened on the day when the patient was admitted to the hospital, and closed on the day when he was discharged the federal law No. 255-FZ)

How many days of sick leave are given after surgery?

Now let’s take a closer look at how many days sick leave is issued after surgery for each surgical intervention.


This type of operation is the least traumatic, because the surgeon will not cut anything extensively. A laparoscope with a video camera at one end and a manipulator are inserted into the abdominal cavity. Within a few hours after emerging from anesthesia, the patient can walk, and go to enough active life- the next day.

But how many days of sick leave is given after laparoscopy? The duration of sick leave depends on the pathology, it is determined by the attending physician - but in any case no more than ten months.


It is also the so-called “abdominal operation”. This is already more serious intervention . The surgeon cuts the wall of the abdominal cavity to provide access to the patient's internal organs for manipulation.

How long does sick leave last after abdominal surgery in this case? Sick leave can be issued in in some cases and for a year, with an update frequency every 15 calendar days. After this period, either recovery is confirmed, or the patient is sent to medical examination in order to determine whether work is possible for him at all and in what capacity.

How to open a certificate of incapacity for work?

If the clinic decides that the matter is much more serious than simple cold, the person is sent for examination and then a decision is made about surgery. After surgery, the patient is admitted to the hospital.

How many days is sick leave given after surgery and can it be extended? For the entire duration of his stay there, he is issued a certificate of incapacity for work, which will be covered by the date of discharge from the hospital.

Worth knowing! After this, the patient submits it to the clinic at his place of residence, where he will be observed for some more time.

According to the same Federal Law 255, if necessary, the certificate can be extended for a maximum of ten days after discharge from the hospital. If this turned out to be not enough, the issue of increasing the period of such forced “vacations” is decided by the medical commission.

In some cases (this serious illnesses, after which special rehabilitation is required), the patient is sent to a sanatorium. Maximum time sick leave in this case - 24 days.

If a citizen has not lost the ability to move, he must appear in person each time to renew his ballot.

In case of missing the right day, the doctor, in the absence of any valid reason on the part of the patient, puts an appropriate mark in the document. If the patient cannot walk on his own, the procedure is carried out at home (Orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 31n and No. 624n).

However, no matter how much the rope twists, it will end. In the end, if the patient is alive and at least relatively healthy, there may be two ends - recovery or medical and social examination, because in special cases There are already other questions than the timing of the employee’s return to the workplace. For example, this: will a citizen be able to continue working - if, say, after a long medical and rehabilitation period He never recovered.

If so, then perhaps the manager will have to worry about which position, among the easier ones, can be offered to this particular person, and whether he even agrees to this. If not, then a medical and social examination will decide the degree of loss of ability to work and, as a result, disability will be assigned.

List of surgical interventions and approximate duration of disability (without complications)

Uterus removal

How many days of sick leave is given after a hysterectomy? It all depends on the initial diagnosis and the severity of the prognosis. As a rule, the duration of sick leave after surgery to remove the uterus is twenty - forty days.

Removal of inguinal hernia

How many days of sick leave after surgery? inguinal hernia? This is a complex operation. In some cases, disability may last one year.

Fallopian tube removal

For the entire time that the patient is in the hospital, she will be issued a certificate of incapacity for work. Continuation of sick leave for removal fallopian tube n e exceeds forty days.

Dental operations

Any dentist, no matter what he has to cut - a cyst, an abscess or remove an impacted wisdom tooth, can issue a sick leave certificate for a maximum of ten days.

Removal of the thyroid gland

How many days of sick leave after removal thyroid gland? Everything will depend on the reason for which the operation was performed.

If without complications, then usually up to 120 calendar days. However, if more than serious problem, For example, malignant tumor, then this period can be a year, and then the medical control commission sends for a medical and social examination (Federal Law No. 323-FZ, Art. 59).

Gallbladder removal

How many days of sick leave is given after laparoscopy of the gallbladder? This is a laparoscopic operation, after which the patient is unable to work for maximum forty days.

Spine surgery

The length of sick leave after spinal surgery depends on how serious the intervention was, but it all comes down to the rehabilitation period - it may be quite long.

Cyst removal

How long is sick leave for laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst? The standard duration of the newsletter in this case is from a week to ten days.

Filling out documents

The doctor fills out his part of the document, indicating his profile and surname (clause 60, Order No. 624n). Further, in order to maintain medical confidentiality, one or another code is assigned, depending on the reason for which the sheet was issued. Minor blots that do not distort the essence of the data of the patient, doctor or disease are allowed.

Here are the most common codes used in newsletters:

  • 01- illness;
  • 02 - injury;
  • 03 - quarantine;
  • 04 - accident at work;
  • 05 - maternity leave;
  • 06 - prosthetics;
  • 07 - occupational disease;
  • 08 — sanatorium treatment;
  • 09 - caring for a sick relative;
  • 10 - food poisoning;
  • 11 - illness of a socially significant nature;
  • 12 and 13 - child care;
  • 14 — post-vaccination complication, or a child with cancer;
  • 15 is a child with AIDS.

If the question arises about an operation for an employee, you should approach this issue with special care. Perhaps the best solution would be to raise the issue of transferring him to an easier job.

Now you know how many days sick leave is given after surgery. It all depends on the complexity, the rehabilitation period and the human body itself.

At least once in our lives, each of us took sick leave. It was good when you had to take sick leave because common cold, and not because surgery awaits. After the operation, it is imperative to undergo complete rehabilitation so that no complications arise and the recovery is successful. Today you will find out how many days sick leave is given after laparoscopic surgery.

Recovery: how is the first day after laparoscopy?

Laparoscopy is a safe, low-traumatic operation compared to abdominal manipulation. However, it is still necessary to complete the rehabilitation period.

On the first day after laparoscopy, the woman should remain in the hospital under close medical supervision. This is because after the anesthesia wears off, the patient may begin to feel pain in the lower abdomen.

First day medical staff processes postoperative sutures. You can get out of bed, but you cannot sudden movements and being too active.

For each patient, recovery occurs differently: depending on the reserves and condition of the body. On average, recovery takes from 4 days, and full course rehabilitation approximately 30 days (month).

Time is necessary for not only the tissue to heal, but also the internal organs on which the operation was performed. To fully return to normal and gain strength, you need to follow all the instructions of your doctor.

The postoperative period begins to count from the time when the operation was completed until discharge on sick leave. After the patient recovers from anesthesia, he begins to feel some discomfort and painful sensations in the area where the operation took place. This is quite normal, considering that the tissues are damaged one way or another.

When the pain is unbearable, the patient may be prescribed analgesics.

There are also other features early period recovery:

  • After laparoscopy, in some cases an appointment is necessary antibacterial drugs in order to avoid infection.
  • If the intervention is minimally invasive, then it allows you to maintain activity in the first days; after 10 hours you can get up to go to the toilet on your own.
  • You can drink only non-carbonated purified water for the first 5 hours; if you have an appetite, you can try drinking low-fat broth.
  • Laparoscopic manipulations are carried out using gas, which is why recovery, especially for thin women, is accompanied by aches in the knees, neck, shoulders and abdomen. In order for the remaining substances to leave the body, the nurse will show exercises. They will need to be done without getting out of bed.
  • Sometimes medications with anticoagulant properties may be prescribed. Lying down can cause thrombosis. Stockings, which should be put on before surgery and worn after, will also help.

How many days does treatment last?

The patient stays in the hospital for about 10 days. This number of days is enough to monitor the healing of the sutures and restore general health. During this time, the woman will already get up and get the hang of caring for herself after laparoscopy.

May bother you in the first 4 days aching pain in areas where punctures were made. This occurs because the tissues have been injured. One more unpleasant symptom general malaise appears.

It will also be possible for your body temperature to rise slightly above 37 degrees – this is also normal after such an operation. Other discomfort will be monitored by a doctor who knows whether it is dangerous or within normal limits.

Certainly, postoperative rehabilitation– this is not only 10 days of staying under the supervision of doctors. A woman also needs to rest at home for some time before going to work. Sick leave after laparoscopy is issued for approximately 7-10 days.

But after 10 days it cannot be said that the body is ready for heavy stress.

You need to take care:

  • you cannot have sexual intercourse for a month;
  • visit solariums, baths, saunas, beaches (wash only in the shower);
  • you can’t play sports for 1 month;
  • do not travel;
  • control the weight of the objects being lifted;
  • It is recommended to wear special stockings for 3 weeks after surgery.

Taking into account the fact that laparoscopy is considered a low-traumatic operation compared to abdominal surgery, how many days of sick leave are given still depends on the following factors:

  • what size was the cyst or other formation that was removed;
  • were there any complications;
  • general condition after surgery.

If there are some problems with health and recovery, sick leave can be extended by prescribing additional therapy.

What complications can occur after laparoscopy?

As we said above, you can extend sick leave if, after the rehabilitation period, problems arise with recovery. Complications, of course, are rare. However, you need to know about them in order to seek medical help in time.

Possible complications after laparoscopy:

  • damage to others internal organs(urea, intestines);
  • vascular injury;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • suppuration of postoperative sutures;
  • bleeding;
  • pneumonia;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • allergy to anesthesia.

Also, after laparoscopy, the body is weakened, and you can easily catch an infection.

You need to sound the alarm if after laparoscopy:

  • temperature stays above 38 degrees for more than 1 day;
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen;
  • pain in the suture area, redness;
  • weakness, fatigue, confusion, after anesthesia for more than 6 hours;
  • yellow-red vaginal discharge.

Sick leave after surgery

An important question after the intervention: how many days is sick leave given? As a rule, under normal circumstances, sick leave is issued for approximately 10 days. After the stitches have completely healed, you can go to work.

Sometimes patients already on the 5th day feel full of strength and energy, ready for work and defense, this depends on the characteristics of the body. But it's still not worth the risk. You must fully adhere to the recommendations of your doctor in order to fully recover.

In some cases, due to complications or major surgery, the period of sick leave may be longer.

Throughout the entire rehabilitation period, it is recommended to move as much as possible, starting with slow walking. This is necessary to renew and intensify normal work intestines, other organs (in particular the ovaries). Already 5-7 days after laparoscopy, if the patient’s general health is good, the sutures are removed and the woman is discharged from the hospital.

How to open a sick leave?

So, how to open a sick leave, how long is it valid for and is it possible to extend it? During the patient's stay in the hospital, he is issued a certificate of incapacity for work, which is covered by the date of discharge from the hospital.

Also, if necessary, sick leave can be extended by a maximum of 10 days, if there are no complications or problems with recovery.

If complications arise and the patient is sent to a sanatorium for recovery, then in such a situation the maximum sick leave is 24 days. The patient must appear in person to renew the ballot.

If the required day is missed, the doctor indicates the reason from the patient. Sometimes, if the patient is unable to come, the procedure can be performed at home.

Let's consider the duration of sick leave for some surgical interventions:

  • removal of the uterus – 20-40 days;
  • inguinal hernia may be 1 year old;
  • fallopian tube no more than 40 days;
  • thyroid up to 120 days;
  • urea for a maximum of 40 days;
  • cysts from 7 to 10 days.

Here we looked at how long sick leave is given after laparoscopic operations. It all depends on general condition body, how quickly the patient recovers and whether there are complications. Also, sick leave can be extended if necessary.

It is important to follow all the recommendations of your doctor during the recovery period; you need to take care and eat right. Diet food– the key to any recovery after surgery. After a month, you can return to your normal diet.