How to use licorice root for cough. Additional dosage forms of the root

Grass prevalence

It is also important to note that not all people will be able to find omics in their region. So, it mainly grows in the Asian region, where the climate is most suitable for it. It can be found in Iran, China, Mongolia, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, India, as well as in some regions of Russia (for example, Altai and the Novosibirsk region).

Omic is a plant that does not like loneliness, and therefore it can be found among other shrubs. This grass grows mainly on rocky mountain slopes, river banks, forest edges, as well as in dry valleys and highlands (but not higher than 1500 meters above sea level).

A little history

It is also important to clarify that the healing properties of this plant have been known for a very long time. Thus, it was actively used by specialists of Avestan medicine in the distant 8th-6th centuries BC. e. Already at that time, the roots of this plant were actively used, as well as the milk extracted from it - camel resin (“asafetida”). The product was obtained during the solidification process on fresh air root juice. Its aroma is reminiscent of the smell pine resin. Large droplets that gradually harden during the drying process of the root look very unique. They give this part of the plant a very unusual look. Thus, in cross-section after drying, the omic root is very similar to homemade sweet sausage, which is made from cocoa and crushed shortbread.

It should also be noted that the root of the described plant itself is very large, one might even say huge. This is because this grass has to grow on rocks and rocky surfaces. In order to extract water from the depths of the soil, such a large root is needed. He has brown color, thick and extremely heavy (can weigh up to several kilograms). If you try to break the root, a whitish liquid will seep out of it, which, upon contact with air, will gradually become yellow.

If we talk about its constituent parts, resin gum consists of resins (10-65%), essential oils (approximately 5-20%), and gum (12-45%).

If we talk about the name, the omic root is also called: “Adam’s root”, “turpentine root”.

Main action

  • This root is an immunomodulator, that is, a remedy that increases immunity and improves protective forces body.
  • Omic root is an excellent antispasmodic that helps cope with various types pain.
  • This plant can have an antioxidant effect, removing harmful toxins from the body, as well as the most dangerous salts heavy metals.
  • The herb also has antimicrobial activity.
  • This plant is widely used as an anticancer and antitumor agent.
  • Also, the miracle herb is capable of short time restore normal bile secretion, qualitatively improving the production of bile acids, as well as bilirubin.

Application of the root

We looked at the omic root, the application of this gift of nature. In what situations should it be used as medicinal product?

  1. Medicines based on this ingredient are widely used for rheumatism, arthritis, polyarthritis, radiculitis, gout, and also for hernias.
  2. Omic root should also be used if you need to restore blood composition, cleanse blood vessels, strengthen the heart muscle. It helps a lot with problems such as cerebral atherosclerosis.
  3. This tool allows you to cope with various diseases that concern nervous system human (restores the functioning of the central nervous system).
  4. Doctors also recommend taking the root of the omik herb in gynecology to get rid of a wide variety of female problems. So, it helps in the treatment of fibroids, and the root also has an abortifacient effect.
  5. Omic root is also widely used by men. Its use is important for impotence (the drug increases potency), prostate adenoma and prostatitis.
  6. If we talk about cancer patients, the use of omics root relieves pain from tumors. There is information that when long-term use With drugs made from this ingredient, a person was completely cured of a terrible disease.
  7. Medicines containing this root help with various problems ah s gastrointestinal tract, light.
  8. It is worth noting that this remedy is often used for diabetes mellitus. After all, it can lower blood sugar levels. Also, drugs with this ingredient normalize hemoglobin levels.
  9. When else can you use the omic root? Its use is important if you need to increase the body's defenses, because it has an excellent immunomodulatory effect.
  10. This remedy is successfully used even in veterinary medicine. In this case, it can be used when stomach problems that occur in young animals.

External use of the drug

In what other cases is the omik root used? Its use can be not only internal (in the form of a decoction or tincture), but also external. Various creams and ointments are made based on this ingredient. You can also use alcohol infusions. When will the external use of preparations based on omica root be relevant?

  • It helps to cope with hematomas, dissolving them in the shortest possible time.
  • Also, medications that contain this ingredient perfectly dissolve the stars that occur with varicose veins.


What do you need to know before you start using root-omic? Application similar drug in the first couple of days it is fraught with an increase in blood pressure. This is worth remembering especially for hypertensive patients (that is, those who suffer from high blood pressure). Thus, blood pressure readings can increase for about two hours, after which they return to normal on their own, without the use of appropriate medications. Then the body most often gets used to the new remedy, and pressure surges do not occur. Otherwise, it is best to abandon this medication.

Contraindications for use

What else do you need to know when planning to use omics root as a medicine? Contraindications to its use, that is, in what cases you should not use medications that contain this ingredient. Among them are the following:

  • Individual intolerance to this herb and its components.
  • Pregnancy, as well as lactation (the drug has an abortifacient effect).
  • Contraindicated for use in children under 13 years of age.
  • As mentioned above, if you have hypertension, you need to be very careful when starting to use this medication. In some cases, it is better to completely refuse to take it for this problem.

It is worth noting that allergic reactions to this plant are extremely rare. On the contrary, medicines with omik root are often used to treat all kinds of allergies.


It must be remembered: omica root is poisonous. So you need to start taking it only with the doctor’s permission. In addition, it is important to observe the correct dosage not only during the use of a drug that contains this root, but also at the stage self-cooking such medicines.

Alcohol tincture

Omic alcohol tincture can be used as a medicine. To prepare it, you need to pour about three to four tablespoons of the root with half a liter of vodka (or 40% alcohol). Next, the medicine should be infused in a dark place for about 10-14 days. It is important to prevent contact with the container with the medicinal product. sun rays. After the expiration date, the drug must be filtered.

After this, the product is ready for use. So, initially, only one drop of this drug should be used as a medicine. Then the dosage increases to two drops, then to three, and so on up to twenty. But not more. The drug is taken before meals approximately 50 minutes or an hour twice a day.

If you use alcohol tincture for external use, cotton swab You need to drop about 15 drops of the product, then rub it all over the sore area of ​​the body. For better effect The painful area must first be massaged or simply rubbed with your hands.

Root decoction for oral use

In what other form can the omics root be used? The treatment is effective even if it is carried out using a decoction. In this case, the medicine itself is not at all difficult to prepare. So, you will first have to grind about three tablespoons of previously prepared raw materials. Pour half a liter of boiling water over it all. Further not yet fully prepared medicine Place on low heat and simmer for 35 minutes. After this, the broth is removed from the heat, cooled and necessarily filtered. And only at this stage the medicine is ready.

The drug is taken exclusively warm, one tablespoon once a day: preferably before bed. The most common course of treatment with this decoction is one and a half weeks. However, if necessary, it can be extended. But in this case, treatment should be carried out under the supervision of the attending doctor.

Root decoction

As mentioned above, omics root is also widely used for external use. Reviews from patients indicate that it is better in this case to take special baths that help get rid of wide range problems (primarily skin problems).

So, to prepare a medicine for external use, you need to grind four tablespoons of the ingredient, pouring them with a third of a liter (that is, 300-350 milliliters) of boiling water. A simple conclusion can be drawn that in this case the decoction will be more concentrated than when prepared for external use.

Next, the resulting mass is infused for about 60 minutes, after which it is placed on low heat and simmered for about 20 minutes. Then the product is filtered, the root itself is thoroughly squeezed out (in this case, the cake can be reused by squeezing it and mixing the liquids).

In what volume should a ready-made decoction of such a remedy as omic root be added to the bath? Reviews from patients indicate that it is better to use it at a rate of 10 mg of the finished drug per 1 kg of person’s weight. Such baths should be taken every other day.

Burdock root is one of the simplest yet effective natural remedies for hair care. At the same time, positive changes will be noticeable very soon.

IN Lately Medicinal plants are becoming increasingly popular and are recommended for use to treat various hair and scalp problems. Thanks to the use of burdock root, hair returns not only beauty, but also health.

Benefits of burdock root for hair

Common burdock or burdock is a fairly common plant that grows in almost any area and does not require any special care. As a rule, the plant is classified as a weed, but few people know that it has a mass useful qualities and contains great amount nutrients and oils that can quickly cure and restore dull and weakened hair.

Burdock root can be used to treat hair pure form and also do various tinctures, decoctions, juices, ointments, creams and oils.

The beneficial properties of burdock root are due to its unique chemical composition. That is why, after just one rinse of your hair with burdock root, you can forever forget about expensive cosmetics, which do not always give the desired result.

Certain substances contained in burdock root have complex impact, allowing you to conduct a complete and effective wellness course. As a result, hair becomes stronger, healthier, shiny and silky.

Burdock root can become an indispensable assistant in maintaining the beauty and health of hair:

  1. The plant contains a large amount of valuable vitamins D, E, C, including group B.
  2. The main component of the plant, inulin, is a polysaccharide that is found in the root in fairly large quantities. This substance promotes the appearance of glossy shine in the hair. After several uses of a decoction or masks with burdock root, the strands become soft, silky and smooth.
  3. Burdock root contains large quantities of essential oils that have a calming effect. To get rid of dandruff and unpleasant itching, it is enough to carry out just a few rinses with a decoction of burdock root. Burdock root contains essential oils that help relieve irritation. skin scalp and itching after an insect bite. It is also useful to use burdock root when diagnosing pediculosis, as it helps prevent the development of scabs.
  4. Burdock root contains: fatty acid(stearic, palmitic), due to which it occurs effective strengthening hair. As a result of exposure to acids, a thin protective film appears on the surface of the hair, preventing Negative influence by factors environment. The film also retains moisture inside the hair.
  5. Burdock root contains valuable protein, which is part of the hair and helps speed up the process of its restoration. That is why it is recommended to use various decoctions of burdock root for frequent dyeing, since this procedure causes serious damage to hair.
  6. This plant helps accelerate hair growth and prevents hair loss, because it contains a large amount tannins. If you combine burdock root tincture with burdock oil during rinsing, strengthening occurs hair follicles and their loss is minimized. If there is a problem severe loss hair, trichologists recommend using burdock root.
  7. Burdock contains stigmasterol, which promotes better accelerated process restoration and regeneration of injured cells. Therefore, burdock root helps get rid of such unpleasant problem like split ends.

Indications for using burdock root for hair care

Remedies based on burdock root help get rid of a variety of problems associated with the condition of the scalp and hair:
  1. Infusions and decoctions of burdock are indicated for restoring brittle and weakened hair.
  2. Burdock root helps restore shine and natural shine to hair.
  3. Helps get rid of the problem high fat content scalp.
  4. Burdock root contains a wide variety of useful substances, which helps get rid of brittle and split ends.
  5. Such products are useful for restoring severely damaged and weakened hair, which is often subjected to negative impact from environmental factors, constant coloring and the use of stylers.
  6. One of the most important qualities of burdock root is that it helps stop hair loss and accelerate hair growth.
  7. At increased dryness It is recommended to regularly use products based on burdock root for hair. This plant contains special substances that envelop every hair. protective layer and provide active hydration.

Contraindications to the use of burdock root for hair

Like any other plant, burdock root brings not only benefits, but also harm. That is why, before using it, you need to know about the available contraindications:
  1. It is forbidden to use burdock root if there is an individual intolerance to the plant, in otherwise serious negative consequences may occur.
  2. It is not recommended to use burdock root if you have excessive oily hair.
  3. Products based on burdock root are prohibited if an allergic reaction occurs. Before using this plant, a sensitivity test must be performed.

How to prepare burdock root products for hair?

Both fresh and dried burdock root can be used to treat hair in a variety of ways. For example, most often decoctions, infusions, masks and juices are prepared from raw materials, which are then applied to the hair. However, it is not recommended to harvest burdock root in large quantities, as this may result in long-term storage he loses his beneficial features.

Burdock root infusion for hair

This product is the easiest to prepare and is used to rinse hair after each wash:

  1. To prepare the infusion, you can use either fresh or dried burdock root.
  2. The infusion should be made for one-time use.
  3. Take 2 tbsp. l. pre-crushed burdock root and pour in 1 tbsp. boiling water.
  4. The container is covered with a lid and left for half an hour to brew well.
  5. The hair is washed with any shampoo, and then rinsed with a warm infusion, which must first be filtered.
  6. The finished tincture can be rubbed into the hair or scalp.
Burdock root decoction for hair
  1. To prepare the decoction, take 2 tbsp. l. dry and crushed burdock root and add 500 ml of boiling water.
  2. Depending on the length of the hair, the volume of water may vary, but the amount of liquid should not exceed 1000 ml.
  3. The components are thoroughly mixed and the mixture is placed on water bath.
  4. The composition is boiled over low heat for 15–18 minutes.
  5. Then the container is covered with a lid and left for about half an hour to brew well.
  6. The finished broth is filtered and boiled water is added until the original volume is obtained.
  7. The product should be used instead of a rinse after each hair wash.
The decoction is recommended for use to restore damaged and weakened hair, as well as for severe hair loss.

Burdock root juice for hair care

  1. Squeezing the juice out of burdock root is quite problematic, but ready-made remedy worth the effort.
  2. To prepare this remedy, you need to take only fresh burdock roots.
  3. First the roots are washed cold water and dry a little.
  4. Using a grater or meat grinder, the roots are crushed.
  5. Grated burdock root is squeezed through gauze.
  6. The resulting juice can be used in its pure form, since in this case all useful substances are retained in its composition.
  7. This is an excellent remedy for treating weakened and damaged hair.
  8. You can also dilute the juice boiled water and store in the refrigerator.
You can prepare a solution of juice from burdock root and alcohol - the components are mixed in equal quantities. This product can also be stored in the refrigerator.

After rinsing your hair with burdock root juice, it is not necessary to rinse it off further. clean water. This product can be rubbed into the scalp and hair to nourish, strengthen and treat weakened and injured strands.

Burdock root oil

  1. Burdock root oil can be used in its pure form and rubbed directly into the scalp or hair.
  2. After some time, the strands should be rinsed thoroughly with warm water.
You can easily prepare this oil yourself at home:
  • burdock root is peeled and crushed;
  • a decoction is prepared from the raw materials;
  • Oil is added to the prepared decoction (you can use olive oil, lavender oil, vegetable oil, basil oil, etc.).
Burdock root cream for hair
  1. The burdock root cream is based on a decoction.
  2. To prepare the decoction, you need to take pre-chopped burdock root (3 tbsp), place it in a deep container and add boiled water (300 ml).
  3. The mixture is brought to a boil and boiled for 15–18 minutes.
  4. Remove the container from the heat and cover with a lid, leave for 15 minutes.
  5. The broth must be filtered through gauze folded in several layers.
  6. Added to the decoction sea ​​buckthorn oil(5 tbsp) and beat well.
  7. You can additionally add butter at room temperature (1 tbsp) - this is useful for caring for dry hair.
  8. The finished cream is applied to the hair, after which the head is wrapped on top with a layer of polyethylene and a warm towel.
  9. After 15–18 minutes the cream is washed off warm water and shampoo.
This cream is an excellent remedy to restore dry hair - thanks to its regular use, strands become soft, smooth, silky, natural shine and radiance returns.

Burdock root ointment for hair care

This product is ideal for the care and restoration of dry hair:

  1. You need to take pre-chopped burdock root (3 tbsp) and add water (100 ml).
  2. The container is placed on low heat and the mixture is brought to a boil.
  3. The composition is boiled until half of the initial volume remains.
  4. The broth is filtered through cheesecloth.
  5. Added pork fat(5 tbsp) and the mixture is placed in a water bath, where it is heated for several hours.
  6. After 2-3 hours, the mixture is removed from the stove and left until it cools.
  7. It is useful to apply the finished ointment to your hair several times a week.
This product helps strengthen and restore hair, get rid of dandruff, and has a stimulating effect on the hair growth process.

Burdock root is an excellent folk remedy for the treatment and restoration of hair. After just a few procedures you can get beautiful, well-groomed, healthy, silky and smooth hair.

For more information on how to use burdock root for hair, see below:

In folk recipes, elecampane root is often used, which has a wide range of beneficial properties, but it is not without contraindications. There are several ways to use it, the main thing is to follow the recipe and recommendations for use.

Elecampane root - beneficial properties and contraindications

To understand that this plant is useful and its use in folk medicine justified, you need to look at its composition. The roots contain various resins, waxes and essential oil. Elecampane root, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which have been studied by scientists, contains vitamin E, saponins and up to 44% of the polysaccharide inulin and mucus. All these substances make the plant useful in the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

Elecampane root - medicinal properties

We can talk about the benefits of this plant for a long time, and many of the properties of the herb have been proven by scientists. The main beneficial properties of elecampane are as follows:

  1. Included in active substances are able to suppress the vital activity of viruses and bacteria, so decoctions and infusions strengthen the immune system.
  2. Elecampane, whose medicinal properties are confirmed by many people, relieves male infertility. It increases sperm motility, which increases the chance.
  3. The plant has a beneficial effect on reproductive functions women, normalizing the process of egg maturation and hormonal levels.
  4. Tincture and decoction of elecampane well tones and stimulates, due to which it accelerates, which helps cleanse the body of toxins.
  5. Folk remedies with elecampane remove excess fluid from the body, eliminating swelling. This is due to the presence of a diuretic effect.
  6. Roots will also have a positive effect on activity digestive system, helping to better absorb nutrients and get rid of.
  7. The plant will be useful for people who suffer from allergic plants, as it will rid the body of allergens.
  8. Given the antibacterial and antiseptic effect, products with elecampane can strengthen gums and teeth.
  9. The plant is used in for cosmetic purposes to get rid of skin problems. Root tincture has astringent action, tones well and has a tightening effect. At regular use You can reduce the appearance of age spots on your face. If you add root powder to a scrub, you can effective cleaning from acne.

Elecampane - contraindications

Before starting to use any folk remedy, it is recommended to consult a doctor for advice. It is important to take into account existing contraindications:

  • problems with the heart and blood vessels;
  • kidney diseases;
  • scanty menstruation;
  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • tendency to constipation;
  • increased blood viscosity;
  • gastritis with low acidity;
  • individual intolerance.

Elecampane can be taken by children and the elderly, but only strictly according to the recommendations. It is important not to use roots that are more than three years old, as you can be seriously poisoned. Some people may develop side effects, and in most cases they occur with excessive dosage:

  • the appearance of weakness and general malaise;
  • increased salivation;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • allergy;
  • slow breathing.

How to prepare elecampane root?

IN medicinal purposes The roots are used externally and internally. The most popular options are decoction and tincture, which are discussed below. Lovers useful tinctures can use elecampane wine, which has a positive effect on the acidity of digestion and is effective in the treatment of enterocolitis, and it also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the whole body. The elecampane plant must be crushed, poured with wine and left for a day in a cold place. Afterwards you need to boil it over low heat for 10 minutes.

How to prepare a decoction of elecampane root?

The traditional way to use the roots is a decoction, which involves heat treatment in clean water.

  1. Oman root is taken in the amount of 1 tbsp. spoons, and you also need 200 ml of boiling water.
  2. It is better to use an enamel or glass pan with thick walls and a lid.
  3. To save large quantity useful substances, it is better to cook the decoction not over an open fire, but to use a water bath.
  4. After everything boils, boil everything for 5-7 minutes. Turn off the heat and leave for at least another 1-2 hours. The finished decoction can be used as a separate remedy or combined with other herbs.

How to prepare a tincture from elecampane root?

A vodka tincture is used in treatment, which has antimicrobial, expectorant, anti-inflammatory and choleretic effect. It is important to drink it strictly in the permitted dosage. Alcohol tincture of elecampane is not suitable for ulcers and people prone to hypoglycemia.

How to prepare the tincture:

  1. Take 250 g of crushed roots and pour 0.5 liters of vodka over them. It is important to choose a dark glass container.
  2. Shake well and leave in a cool place for at least two weeks. Once a day you need to shake the container.
  3. After the end of the allotted period, strain the tincture. You need to take 15 drops three times a day. At skin diseases You can use the tincture for rubbing and compresses.

Elecampane root - application

The plant comes in different folk recipes, helping with numerous ailments. It is recommended for diseases of the upper respiratory tract and tuberculosis. The use of elecampane will help with problems with the gastrointestinal tract and organs genitourinary system. You can take decoctions and infusions for hypertension, jaundice, bronchial asthma and diabetes. This is just a small list of diseases for which roots help.

Elecampane for cough

It was mentioned above that the plant is effective for problems with respiratory system, because it destroys bacteria, relieves spasms and inflammation, and also strengthens the immune system and has an expectorant effect. Elecampane grass helps with bronchial diseases. The infusion is recommended for use as it will dilute accumulated mucus.

There are two options for how to take elecampane for coughing:

  1. For bronchitis, it is recommended to drink a decoction, consuming 2 teaspoons every hour. Within a day, sputum will begin to disappear. To make a decoction, you need to pour 1 teaspoon of raw material into 1 glass of water, place in a water bath, boil and boil for half an hour. All that remains is to strain and top up warm water to get the initial volume of liquid.
  2. For colds and inflammation, it is better to drink the infusion, and this should be done 2 tablespoons at least three times a day. To prepare it, pour 1 teaspoon of elecampane root into 200 ml of warm water, cover and leave for 10 minutes. Then strain and add a little honey.

Elecampane root to induce menstruation

This plant contains phytohormones similar to human hormones, so they have a beneficial effect on female reproductive system and help with disorders menstrual cycle. You should not use elecampane root to terminate a pregnancy, as it is dangerous and can cause serious consequences.

Recipe for inducing menstruation


  • crushed oman roots - 1 tsp;
  • water - 150 ml.

Preparation, use

  1. Take 1 teaspoon of chopped roots and pour 150 ml of water over them. Place everything on the stove over moderate heat.
  2. Boil and cook for 15-20 minutes. After this you need to leave for about 4 more hours.
  3. You need to take elecampane root 1 teaspoon throughout the day. The effect should be expected after 1-2 days.

Elecampane root for joints

The benefit for the joint tissue of the plant is due to the fact that it contains substances that will improve the recovery process cartilage tissue. Folk remedy will help reduce pain and relieve inflammation. Oman roots are used to make ointment.

Recipe for joints


  • oman roots - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. l.

Preparation, use

  1. Combine the roots into equal amount with honey. Leave everything to steep for a week.
  2. After this, rub the finished product into the joint, but you can also take 1 teaspoon of it orally, but only dilute it in water first.

Elecampane root for hair

Since the plant has a good anti-inflammatory and restorative effect, it can be used in for cosmetic purposes, for example, to care for your hair. A decoction of elecampane helps to cope with dandruff, severe itching, hair loss, dullness, and also dryness. In addition, it will accelerate growth, add shine and make the curls more vibrant.

Elecampane root for hair - recipe


  • elecampane roots - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 1 l.

Preparation, use

  1. Take 1 tbsp. spoon and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Cover with a lid and leave for 20 minutes.
  2. After this, strain the infusion several times so that the herb does not get stuck in your hair.
  3. When you wash your hair, complete the procedure by rinsing with the prepared product. If possible, it is better to keep it in useful liquid strands for 10 minutes. There is no need to rinse off anything, just blot with a towel and that’s it.
  4. For the best effect, it is recommended to combine this procedure with taking the herb internally.

Elecampane root for men

Traditional medicine can be used by men who have problems with fertilization. Good results gives treatment with elecampane, which helps increase potency and production male hormone. In addition, the plant helps with diseases urinary system, prostatitis and gout.

For men, the following products should be used:

  1. Pour 2.5 tbsp. spoons of dry raw materials 400 ml of water and boil after boiling for 20 minutes. The decoction should be taken 1 tbsp. spoon every two hours.
  2. The indicated amount of the plant can be brewed in a thermos, then the infusion should be taken according to the scheme: drink for two days and take a break for the same amount. During treatment it is recommended to abstain from sexual relations.

Greens and parsley root in dried and fresh They are widely used in cooking and medicine. The plant gives a special taste to many dishes due to its spicy aroma, and healing properties allow the culture to be used to combat diseases. At the same time, parsley root has both medicinal properties and contraindications for use.

Wide list useful characteristics The plant is due to its rich chemical composition. The root part of parsley contains the following set of components:

  • essential oils;
  • starch;
  • coarse fibers;
  • flavonoids;
  • essences.

The root also contains vitamin complex and such minerals, like phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, selenium, calcium and potassium. The root vegetable contains carotene in the same ratio as carrots.

Medicinal properties of parsley root

Widespread use of the plant in medical purposes made possible thanks to the availability medicinal properties. Including, the roots of the spice have such beneficial healing properties as:

  1. Antibacterial. Activates the process of getting rid of bacteria and microorganisms that provoke the development of infections.
  2. Choleretic. Stabilizes the functioning of the liver and gall bladder.
  3. Diuretic. Leads to normative value arterial pressure, eliminates swelling, improves the functioning of the urinary organs.
  4. Anti-inflammatory. Helps the body more actively eliminate the effects of inflammatory processes.
  5. Analgesic and regenerative. Removes painful sensations and promotes accelerated healing skin damage.
  6. Carminative. Reduces discomfort due to stomach upsets, improves the digestion process and relieves pain from bloating.
  7. Tonic. Strengthens the body and increases resistance to diseases, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the internal organ system.

How to use parsley root

The roots of the plant can be used dried or fresh. They do not lose their properties and are even suitable for harvesting at winter period. Depending on what benefits and effects are required from greens, the method of preparation and consumption depends.

For cystitis

To treat cystitis, parsley root can be used exclusively in the form of a decoction. Both freshly collected and dried parts, which can be purchased at the pharmacy in a crushed state, are suitable for this. To prepare a decoction, mix 10 spoons per liter cold water, after which the mixture is brought to a boil.

Parsley promotes healing acute form cystitis is prophylactic exacerbation of pathology. Consumption of the plant relieves the symptoms of the disease and actively fights the consequences. The recommended dosage frequency is 3 times a day. The use of the decoction should be in addition to drug treatment.

For prostatitis

The positive effect on the male body makes it possible to use greens to treat prostatitis. The plant normalizes blood circulation in the pelvis, activates the process of hormone production and promotes cleansing urinary system. Eating parsley on a regular basis eliminates pathogenic microflora, as a result of which the functionality of the prostate is stabilized.

To cleanse the body

The presence of diuretic properties makes it possible to use parsley root to cleanse the body of harmful substances. Consumption of the plant helps to actively remove accumulated salts and toxins. Subject to compliance proper diet the root vegetable also fights overweight, activating metabolism and cleansing the intestines.

For skin

Usage cosmetics based on parsley root, rejuvenates the skin, eliminates wrinkles and slows down the aging process. For the skin, you can use creams and masks with the addition of greens. The presence of carotene in vegetation provides protection against ultraviolet radiation, and pectin components accelerate recovery processes.

To relieve PMS

To stabilize the premenstrual cycle, stop bleeding and reduce painful sensations You can prepare an infusion with the addition of the rhizome of the plant. To do this, a tablespoon of finely chopped root is infused in 250 ml boiled water. One sip of the infusion should be taken before each meal.

For prevention

Consumption of the plant in fresh and dried form is often necessary not to treat specific diseases, but to maintain the body in good shape. IN for preventive purposes The juice of the culture is useful, which can be mixed with honey and taken 3 times a day. Also, for preventive purposes, it is recommended to consume fresh greens, adding them to various dishes.

Healing recipes

For medicinal purposes, parsley root can be used in various forms. You should adhere to one or another recipe depending on your intentions - prevention or combating a specific disease. Almost all varieties of plants are suitable for treatment, but sugar parsley is most useful.


For diseases of the genitourinary system, it is recommended to drink an infusion, for the preparation of which you will need the root crushed to a powder state. Just add a glass of boiled water to the powder and leave for 30 minutes. The course of treatment lasts 2-3 months and involves drinking 100 ml of infusion three times a day.


To stimulate blood circulation and eliminate swelling, a decoction with the addition of herbs is suitable. To prepare the decoction, you need to heat 250 ml of water and 20 g of grated root in a steam bath. The solution is boiled over low heat for 10-15 minutes. The resulting mixture should be drunk 2 times a day, 100-150 ml.


Drinking tea brewed with greens relieves the body from bloating and flatulence. The drink is also used to rid the skin of acne. To prepare tea, you will need to finely chop the plant and add 3-4 tablespoons of chopped herbs to 0.5 liters of boiling water. Healing drink can be consumed several times during the day before or after meals.

Alcohol tincture

To prevent heart disease, a tincture of parsley root in alcohol is used. To prepare the medicine, you need to finely chop 200 g of the plant and mix with 0.5 l ethyl alcohol strength no more than 50 degrees. The mixture must be stored for 20 days, preventing direct contact ultraviolet rays. It is recommended to take one tablespoon of tincture before meals.

Contraindications for use

Eating large amounts of the plant or taking it contrary to contraindications may be harmful. to the human body. To avoid adverse consequences, it is important to be aware of the following restrictions:

  1. Individual intolerance to the product or the presence allergic reactions on certain components in the composition of greens.
  2. Pregnancy or lactation in women.
  3. Severe kidney diseases (nephritis, glomerulonephritis).
  4. Epilepsy.
  5. Exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease.

Eating moderate amount greenery and respecting healing recipes, it will be possible to extract maximum benefit and have a positive impact on the condition of your body. Before using cosmetic preparations or solutions with the addition of a plant, you can consult a specialist to ensure that a negative effect is prevented.

The sick part of the healing ingredients medicinal plants concentrated precisely in plant roots.

For example, comfrey (vis-herb, fatty root, borage, bonebreaker), in which the part used is precisely the roots, which contain a lot of starch, sugar, mucous and tannin ingredients, asparagine, alkaloids, and digallic acid. Despite the fact that the plant is considered poisonous, comfrey is widely known in folk medicine many countries and is used both internally and externally. From fresh roots prepare a mucous decoction and infusion, with the help of which they slow down and stop inflammatory processes, reduce and relieve pain, destroy germs, stop bleeding and effectively heal purulent wounds. An infusion of comfrey roots is known for its astringent and emollient effect. An infusion and decoction of these roots perfectly promotes tissue restoration, numbs pain and promotes accelerated healing of bones during fractures.

Not only here, but also abroad, for example, in German folk medicine water infusion Comfrey roots are used for gastrointestinal diseases. These are diarrhea, dysentery, chronic intestinal catarrh, stomach ulcers and duodenum, Qatar respiratory organs with difficulty and copious discharge sputum, hemoptysis and bleeding, paralysis. As an external treatment, comfrey root preparations are effective for inflammation of the veins, periosteum, bone fractures and dislocations, pain in amputation stumps and sciatica. Comfrey is taken orally with parallel external use for skin diseases, ulcers and wounds.

Plant roots for baths

An infusion of plant roots is used for baths, washes and compresses. Alcohol tincture roots are good for anti-inflammatory and analgesic compresses. In addition, ointments are prepared from the roots against rheumatic and gouty pain, wounds and ulcers. To prepare the ointment, two tablespoons of fresh roots are ground with two tablespoons of unsalted lard.

Roots of various plants in folk medicine

Burdock root is no less famous in our folk medicine. Preparations based on it are effective in kidney stone disease, gout and rheumatism, diabetes, hemorrhoids, dropsy, rickets and scrofula, chronic eczema, furunculosis, constipation. They have shown their effectiveness in treating poisoning with mercury drugs and saving from bites of poisonous animals. And a decoction of burdock root is also applicable for venereal diseases and aching joints.

In Bulgaria traditional healers Burdock root is used as a remedy for kidney stones and bladder, with gastritis and stomach ulcers. For dermatitis and severe itching Burdock root is used externally to prepare a compress.

At tumor diseases Burdock root is used in the form of infusion, decoction, powder or tincture. It is prepared by mixing equal parts of burdock root, honey and medical alcohol, and insisted for half a month. Take a tablespoon three times a day.

Twenty-five grams of burdock roots and leaves are crushed from burdock, boiled in 100 ml of water for twenty minutes, then this decoction is ground with one hundred grams butter. The ointment is used to prevent and treat baldness, treat burns and frostbite.

In Bedrenets-saxifrage medicinal parts also are rhizomes and roots. Tinctures and decoctions from this raw material are used in the treatment of kidney disease, urolithiasis and bladder diseases.

To prepare a decoction of femoral roots, take ten grams of crushed raw material and boil it in half a liter of water for a quarter of an hour. Leave for an hour, strain and take half a glass daily up to five times a day. Used for gout, gastritis or kidney stones. As a rinse it is good for sore throats and ulcers on the gums.

The root of the dandelion plant is best stimulant liver, it tones and activates. as a liver tonic, use a tincture of fresh root dandelion

Besides, in folk methods Since ancient times, the rhizomes and roots of elecampane have been used as a blood purifying and metabolism-improving medicine, as well as for joint diseases, radiculitis, brucellosis, scurvy, thrombophlebitis and many other diseases.

And in no case should we forget about the golden root and the drug from it, rhodosin, which improves mental activity, promoting the active occurrence of oxidative processes and the maintenance of high level energy potential of the brain.