Sunglasses for women according to face shape. How to protect your eyes and skin from ultraviolet radiation. Glasses for round faces

Sunglasses are a very difficult accessory. How long do you have to stand in front of a revolving display window, choosing and trying on one or the other until you are completely satisfied with the reflection in the mirror. Some people even think that no frame will suit their face. And it seems completely impossible to choose glasses based on pictures from an online store catalog (and sometimes that’s where you can buy a quality product at a reasonable price).

It's really just a matter of knowing which frame shapes to consider first based on your individual face shape. Of course, a lot depends on your haircut and hairstyle, as well as on your unique features, but nevertheless, in general, each face type can be classified as one of 5 types. We will tell you about them and what sunglasses will suit each of them in the article. Let men not be embarrassed by the fact that our illustrations depict women’s faces; the principles of selecting frames remain common to everyone.

Round face

Square frames with wide temples will suit this type of face. It will be good if the upper edges of the frame are somewhat pointed, this will correct the shape of the face. Round frames should be avoided.

Oval face

Happy are those who have an oval face shape. Whatever glasses you try on, even the most incredible ones, almost everything will suit them.

Triangular face

This type of face is also called a “heart” face. He is characterized by: a wide forehead and cheekbones, a narrow chin. Round frames and cat-eye frames will look good on a triangular face.

Square face

This type of face is distinguished by a wide forehead and a rectangular, somewhat “weighted” chin. When choosing glasses, you should opt for soft, rounded frames to soften your features, and avoid rectangular glasses with sharp corners.

Long face shape

On such a face glasses with wide frames will look good, but too narrow ones will make it look ridiculous.

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Glasses are not only the main summer accessory, they protect our eyes from harmful radiation, reduce fatigue and harmoniously complement the image. If, of course, you choose them correctly.

website I decided to figure out how to choose glasses specifically for your face shape and how to distinguish good lenses from bad ones. And at the end there is a bonus for you.

How to determine your face type

Take a washable marker, lipstick, soap or pencil. Stand in front of a mirror at arm's length. Without deviating, outline the contour of the face, starting from the chin and ending with the hairline. Take a step back and look at the resulting shape.

The goal is to visually lengthen the face, so choose dark-colored frames. They narrow the face and bring it closer to an oval. To balance your facial proportions, choose frames that are wider than they are tall.

Suitable for round face shape:

  • Pointed, rectangular, square glasses.
  • "Cat" frames.
  • Butterfly glasses.
  • Glasses with a narrow bridge of the nose.
  • "Aviators".
  • "Wayfarers".

Not suitable for round face shape:

  • Round glasses.
  • Narrow frames.
  • Glasses with sharply defined corners.
  • Glasses in the form of geometric shapes.
  • Color contact lenses.
  • Eyebrow-covering glasses.

The main task is not to disturb the harmonious proportions of the face, so avoid glasses that are too massive. It is better if the width of the frame is equal to the width of the face or slightly wider. Make sure that the top of the frame coincides with the eyebrow line.

Suitable for oval face shape:

  • Frames of smooth shape: rectangular, oval, round.
  • Butterfly glasses
  • "Aviators".
  • "Cat" frames.

Not suitable for oval face shape:

  • Frames with sharp angles.
  • Frames are too massive.
  • Frames too wide.
  • Narrow frames.

Rectangular or square sharp shapes will overload the face. Rounded frames will help visually balance and soften the proportions of the face.

Suitable for square face shape:

  • Big glasses.
  • Glasses with frame widths equal to the width of your face.
  • Glasses with colored frames.
  • Oval, round, drop-shaped frames.
  • Rimless glasses.
  • "Cat" frames.
  • "Aviators".

Not suitable for square face shape:

  • Square frames with sharp corners.
  • Small, narrow and petite.
  • Glasses with frames wider than the face.

You should visually expand your face. Choose large, chunky glasses. Transparent glasses - with thin frames to match your skin tone.

Suitable for rectangular face shape:

  • Large frames.
  • "Aviators" (with large frames).
  • Round frames.

Not suitable for rectangular face shape:

  • Narrow frames.
  • Small frames.
  • Bright colored frames.

The goal is to balance the upper part of the face while weighing down the lower part. Massive ones will make the top even heavier, we don’t need that. Choose glasses whose width is equal to the width of your face, preferably teardrop-shaped. Aviators are perfect.

Suitable for heart-shaped faces:

  • Rounded, round glasses.
  • Small frames with a narrow bridge.
  • Low set temples.
  • "Aviators".
  • "Wayfarers".
  • Rimless glasses.
  • Light and neutral color of glasses.

Not suitable for heart-shaped faces:

  • Heavy and large frames.
  • Sharp forms.
  • Eyebrow-covering glasses.
  • Butterfly glasses, drop glasses.
  • "Cat" frames.
  • Frames with bright colors.

If you are wondering how to choose sunglasses based on your face shape for women, we will tell you and help you choose the best option.

Initially, you need to decide what type of face you have, and then go shopping in search of the perfect sunglasses!

The selection of your wardrobe will also be important - after all, the neckline of a blouse, for example, can elongate a round face or shorten a long one, so here you also need to carefully select blouses or fashionable dresses.

Next, when choosing glasses you also need to take into account some nuances, for example:
A girl with small facial features simply needs to choose glasses that are not large in size.
For those with full lips, large frames are perfect.
If you have straight bangs, your ideal is a frame with raised corners.
A thin frame will decorate a graceful face, while a large frame will make it even more massive.
If a lady has a large nose, a frame with a low bridge is simply necessary.
If you want to preserve your individuality, choose glasses no higher than the eyebrow line, or, as a last resort (which is also a good option), at eyebrow level.

Face shapes

Stylists tell us that there are only a few of the most striking face shapes, the rest are derivatives of them. The most favorable shape, as stylists have found out, is an oval face; almost any frame goes with it. Signs: soft outline, slightly longer than wide, slightly prominent cheekbones, looks like an inverted egg. If you have this shape, you are very lucky! Feel free to go to the store and choose only according to your soul, your style and clothing preferences. But, advice: it is better to avoid maximalism; too small products, as well as very large ones, can upset the proportions.
This is Liv Tyler's face type, and Charlize Theron has the same beautiful oval.

A round face is clearly understandable - with a round chin, smooth contours and no straight lines at all. It needs to be brought as close as possible to the desired oval; to do this, choose frames that lengthen the face. Rectangular shapes are perfect, showing sharp corners as much as possible. Dark frames are good, visually lengthening the face, and narrow rather than wide frames are shown. Frames with raised edges, butterfly glasses, and products with delicate thin arms are perfect. Cameron Diaz and the wonderful charmer Emmy Stone have a round face.

Triangle - owners of this type have a powerful chin, a narrow forehead, they are shown a model that accentuates the upper part of the face. Aviators, half frames are their option.

Square face - no smooth lines, cheekbones the same width as the forehead, wide chin, hairline at the same level. Glasses frames are designed to soften the contour of the face and give it a feminine softness. Therefore, round, oval, and definitely somewhat large ones are perfect. Drop-shaped ones will also be good, glasses without frames are perfect.
Celebrities who have this type of face include Angelina Jolie and Sandra Bullock.

Rectangle - similar to a square face shape, longer than wide, has clear boundaries. The frames shown here are large, slightly rounded; aviators would be good. Small glasses are not recommended.

The elongated or pear-shaped shape is characterized by an elongated length, a rounded chin, a high forehead and a certain angularity of the lines. The goal is to visually shorten the face and give it softness. Wide large frames are shown here, square glasses will be good, oval and rectangular glasses are also shown, bright frames will be good. You should avoid glasses without frames, small and narrow.

Ideally fitted glasses will not fall off and put pressure behind your ears. If you are in doubt about your choice, leave the glasses you like on your face for 6-10 minutes. You will feel how they fit and whether they will be comfortable to wear.

If you want to choose quality glasses, go to a company store. Branded glasses must be accompanied by a certificate indicating the degree of protection from UV rays, accompanied by a case and a special cleaning cloth.
Polycarbonate lenses provide better protection from rays A and B than glass lenses.
Lenses that are too dark do not necessarily provide better protection from intense sun rays. If they are simply colored, but do not have protective properties, as in cheap copies, the influence of the sun can be even more negative than without glasses at all.
Remember, a cap or headband with a visor is half the success in protecting your eyes.
You should also wear glasses in winter, because they protect your eyes and prevent wrinkles.

By the way, for winter it is better to choose glasses with polarized lenses; in the dark at night, photochromic lenses are better.
Sunglasses are an important thing; they are not only a fashion accessory, they are primarily designed to protect your eyes, but if not chosen correctly, they can harm your eyesight. When choosing glasses, be sure to pay attention to the fact that you see clearly in them and (necessarily!) feel comfortable, otherwise your head will soon begin to feel dizzy and unpleasant sensations will appear, and you will not understand what this is connected with.

Now you know exactly how to choose glasses, and you can safely go shopping.

How to choose sunglasses based on your face shape - this question sooner or later begins to worry every representative of the fair sex, who, after trying on a dozen accessories that save the eyes from exposure to ultraviolet radiation and are simply an element, could not find a suitable option. In reality, there is no need to despair over this easily solvable problem. It is enough to get acquainted with a few recommendations, and then it will immediately become clear what kind of ideal glasses they are.

Face shape is the right criterion for choosing sunglasses

The selection of sunglasses according to the shape of the face can safely be called the most correct from the point of view of the question: “does it suit or does it not suit?” It is the width of the cheekbones, the distance between the eyes, the shape of the chin and the width of the forehead that largely determine how the glasses will look. The same pair suits one girl and does not suit another at all precisely because of the different face shape.

Choosing the right pair is often complicated by the fact that today designers offer an incredible variety of options, varied not only in shape, but also in decor. With flowers on the frames, rhinestones, various inserts, curly cutouts and ornaments in different colors, as well as in original and traditional shapes - some glasses are no longer just an ordinary accessory, but an image item that can decorate even the most modest outfit.

Which sunglasses go with which face shape?

So, choosing sunglasses based on your face shape will be simple if, immediately, having the necessary information, a fashionista narrows down the search for the pair she needs to those models that really and definitely suit her:

  1. Sunglasses for round shape should play the role of an optical illusion, visually elongating the face. Models with oval frames that have pointed outer edges and slightly raised temples will cope best with this task. Glasses in the “” style will look most advantageous. Chubby ladies, as a rule, have wide cheeks, the width of the face is approximately equal to the distance from the forehead to the chin, which is why you should not choose square glasses, which will “weight down” the face and make it more massive.
  2. Shape of sunglasses for narrow faces should be oval. Glasses with oval frames, and even with unusual decorative details, will only be of fashionable benefit to the owner of such a face. The main requirement is that the glasses give volume and roundness to a narrow face, and do not focus attention on sharp corners.
  3. Sunglasses shape for oval faces could be absolutely anyone. Round, square, elongated - the choice is endless, because the ideal shape of the face cannot be spoiled by anything.
  4. Sunglasses for triangular face shape must be in an oval frame, with a narrow inner side. In this case, the external one, on the contrary, should be massive or even square. This model is also called a “butterfly”. Girls with this type of face, as a rule, have a narrow chin and high, wide cheekbones. For this reason, glasses with strict geometry and clear, sharp lines are definitely not suitable for young ladies with a triangular face shape.
  5. Sunglasses Shape for Square Faces In no case should it be straight, otherwise additional emphasis will be placed on the angularity of the face. It is recommended to choose laconic models with round or oval frames. A square face, as a rule, is characterized by a large chin and wide cheekbones, which is why the purpose of glasses is to “conceal” this feature as much as possible.

Show business stars and top models do not part with dark glasses, not only because this stylish and fashionable accessory allows you to “disengage” yourself from prying eyes or neglect cosmetics. They know very well: sunglasses are one of the best means for preventing crow's feet and wrinkles between the eyebrows. And doctors never tire of repeating that the eyes need to be protected from the sun and burns even more than the skin.

1. Keep in mind: it is a misconception that glasses with plastic lenses are worse

Today, most manufacturers prefer plastic; such glasses are lighter, more practical, and plastic glasses are absolutely not inferior in quality to glass ones. And sometimes they even surpass them, since it is more difficult to apply special filters to the glass that protect the eyes from UVA and UVB rays. By the way, the statement that any glass glasses do not transmit ultraviolet radiation is nothing more than a myth. Glass itself only blocks part of the ultraviolet rays; in order for UV protection to be complete, additional coatings must be applied to it.

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5 secrets for choosing the perfect sunglasses

Monica Bellucci

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5 secrets for choosing the perfect sunglasses

Kim Kardashian

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5 secrets for choosing the perfect sunglasses

Kate Middleton

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5 secrets for choosing the perfect sunglasses

Katie Holmes

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5 secrets for choosing the perfect sunglasses

Keira Knightley

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5 secrets for choosing the perfect sunglasses

Charlize Theron

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5 secrets for choosing the perfect sunglasses

Angelina Jolie

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5 secrets for choosing the perfect sunglasses

Gwyneth Paltrow

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5 secrets for choosing the perfect sunglasses

Jennifer Aniston

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5 secrets for choosing the perfect sunglasses


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5 secrets for choosing the perfect sunglasses

Victoria Beckham

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5 secrets for choosing the perfect sunglasses

Reese Witherspoon

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5 secrets for choosing the perfect sunglasses

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2. Before purchasing, ask for a passport!

To choose good sunglasses, be sure to look at the passport (certificate) for them. It must indicate the most important characteristics of the glasses, namely: what wavelengths and what percentage of ultraviolet radiation they block. Good sunglasses should block ultraviolet wavelengths of at least 400 nm, which are the most dangerous to the eyes. There are also standards for light transmission, depending on which all sunglasses are divided into five categories.

Zero (look for the number “0”) are very light, only slightly darkened glasses for cloudy weather, transmitting 80-100% of the light. The first (number “1”) is slightly tinted glasses for partly cloudy weather; such glasses are well suited for early spring or mid-autumn in mid-latitudes. The second category (number “2”) - glasses of medium darkness, which are suitable for sunny weather in the middle zone, but for the south they are rather weak. The third and most common category (number “3”) is glasses for summer, the beach, and bright sun. These are the ones we usually take with us on vacation. Glasses of the fourth group (number 4") transmit less than 8-10% of light; they are recommended for very strong sun, for example, high in the mountains, or at sea near the equator. In addition, glasses for bright sunshine should have polarized lenses that dampen the sun's glare on the surface of water and snow.

The easiest way to tell if your glasses are dark enough or not is how comfortable you feel wearing them. If you squint in the sun, despite wearing dark glasses, it means the darkness is too weak. And keep in mind: the color and tone of the glass does not affect UV protection in any way: high-quality lenses of group zero can block even 100% of ultraviolet radiation (the international standard is at least 95%).

3. Don't skimp on sunglasses

When choosing sunglasses, you need to remember that this is not an accessory, but, first of all, a means of protecting your eyes from ultraviolet radiation. And it depends on the quality of the glass how good this protection will be, not to mention the fact that bad glass will inevitably negatively affect vision. An independent study of one of the specialized magazines published in the USA and dedicated to optics showed that none of the several hundred models that street vendors sell for an average of $5-15 meet quality standards, and bright stickers from the “100% UV protection” series - nothing more than a fiction. Saving on sunglasses means saving on health, which is fraught with blurred vision, cataracts, corneal or retinal burns, and other eye damage caused by ultraviolet radiation. The darkening of the glasses causes the pupil to dilate and, if UV filters are not applied to the lenses, an increased amount of ultraviolet radiation penetrates into the eyes. Thus, it is better not to wear sunglasses at all than to wear bad ones.

Buy glasses only from specialized points of sale, shops or opticians. Even if it is not an expensive model, it will be of high quality. Besides, if you don’t chase trendy models, good sunglasses are an accessory that you buy for several years. Well, if you doubt the quality and origin of the glasses you have already purchased, many optical stores have special devices on which you can check their light transmission and degree of UV protection.

4. Pay attention to color

The eyes feel most comfortable in glasses with lenses of neutral colors - gray, gray-brown, gray-green. But doctors do not recommend wearing pink, blue, orange and, especially, yellow glasses for a long time - your eyes will quickly get tired. There is also an opinion that these colors overstimulate the retina and cause so-called optical stress; the eyes become very strained and get tired quickly. But dim greenish lenses, on the contrary, calm the nerves and can even reduce eye pressure. In the opinion of many ophthalmologists, nearsighted people are most comfortable in lenses of brownish shades, while farsighted people are most comfortable in grayish and greenish ones. The program experts will tell you more about how different colors affect our nervous system and health. "In the shape of".

5. Size matters too!

The larger the size of the lenses, the better the sunglasses will protect the eyes and skin around them from the rays of the sun, so one can only rejoice at the fashion for large, massive glasses. Glasses with massive temple bases also protect well from side sun rays (this is especially important if you are driving, relaxing in the mountains or at sea, where there is a lot of sun).