All about beauty and fashion. Dangerous salt of the earth. How to protect your body from toxins

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Winter is the period when the season of flu, colds and various viral diseases begins, from which all of humanity suffers greatly, but most of all children. For some reason it turns out that everywhere on the planet, wherever it comes winter time, along with it come seasonal diseases. Scientists have put forward several theories on this matter as to why this happens.

  • First theory is that at this time of year, people spend a lot more time in indoors inhaling and exhaling the same air.
  • Second says that everything is caused by too much short days, and very long nights. After all, it is a known fact that in dark time days, the body does not receive enough melanin and vitamin D, and the drop in temperature weakens the body’s protective properties too much, the immune system becomes very weak to independently resist viral infections.
  • A third theory, explains the tendency and susceptibility of our body to infectious diseases in winter due to very cold and too dry air. It is for this simple reason that there are no epidemiological outbreaks of influenza in summer period when the air is very warm and humid.
One of the most insidious and unpredictable infectious diseases is influenza. It is he who is capable of a week, and sometimes more long time complicate a person’s usual rhythm of life, and in some cases, even put him to bed. Sometimes people are mistaken and confuse a cold or ARVI with the flu, which can be accompanied by complications.

Influenza is an acute, respiratory and infectious disease respiratory tract which is caused by influenza viruses. Quite often it spreads in the form of large-scale epidemics. In almost 100% of people, this disease is characterized by a rapid onset. The head begins to hurt severely, the person feels weak in all parts of the body, it becomes difficult and painful to swallow, a runny nose and sneezing appear, often all this is accompanied by sharp increase body temperature, in some cases this temperature reaches 40 degrees.

At first glance, the flu is a fairly simple disease that goes away within a few days. But we categorically disagree with this. The flu itself may not be very dangerous, but the complications that can follow it improper treatment or a generally indifferent attitude towards this disease, can lead to very serious complications, for example, pneumonia or bronchitis. Sometimes it's insidious disease may negatively affect the sinuses or cause complications in the ears.

Also, if you do not get rid of the flu in time, it may well cause complications on the kidneys. But, as you know, in most cases it is much easier to prevent a disease than to cure it later. You should always remember that with any treatment for influenza, the first rule is bed rest, at least 3 days to fully recover, and be cheerful and full of energy. So today we will tell you about all possible ways increasing immunity in winter, when the body so needs protection and vitaminization.

  1. Correct and balanced diet. First of all, you need to make every effort to ensure that your daily ration included proteins, fats and carbohydrates. If you deny yourself any of these components, you may experience unexpected disruptions in your body. Proteins are responsible for the formation of antibodies - immunoglobulins, fats contribute to the proliferation of macrophages, which capture and process bacteria, and foods rich in carbohydrates are simply irreplaceable in the body as energy suppliers. People often make mistakes when choosing carbohydrates; they choose buns, sweets or pasta, which have minimal benefits. Useful and necessary for the body carbohydrates are fruits, vegetables and various grains.
  2. Vitamins are one of the main means of protecting the body from colds or flu. If you provide your body with vitamins C, A and E as much as possible during the cold season, then the risk of catching the flu virus will decrease by 50–70%. If we're talking about about vitamins, for some reason everyone immediately rushes only to fruits and vegetables. This is considered incorrect, because vitamins and microelements are found not only in this type of food. Your diet must include a variety of foods, ranging from cereals, berries, fruits, herbs, and ending with meat and fish. To obtain a strong and resistant immunity to viral diseases, it is necessary to: large quantities provide him with manganese, zinc, iron and iodine. Also, in order to strengthen the immune system, you need to eat legumes, nuts and pumpkin seeds.
  3. Fresh air, sports and healthy image life. Teach your body that, regardless of the time of year or weather, you need to spend at least two hours a day on fresh air. It is best if it is a sport, for example, morning jogging, which in the end will end contrast shower. You will then forget about headaches, fatigue, drowsiness and frequent viral diseases, and also form a beautiful and fit body.
  4. Onions and garlic, the main enemies of viruses, respiratory diseases. These products are simply irreplaceable in strengthening the immune system and resisting viral diseases. Just one clove of garlic or half a small onion per day will bring many benefits to your body. But to get maximum protection against the flu with the help of these foods, you need to eat them in the morning (on an empty stomach) and in the evening (before bed). Many people do not do this in the morning due to the fact that after eating such peculiar foods there remains a lot of bad smell from mouth. Some people boost their immunity with onions and garlic by swallowing them in small pieces without chewing. This is wrong, because to overcome the disease it is necessary that a little juice from these vegetables remain in the oral cavity, then you can fully count on maximum protection from viruses.
  5. Green tea. Every cup of this drink contributes to ruin pharmacy business. Everyone has long known that this tea contains a lot of antioxidants, which help remove toxins from the body and also prevent their reappearance. This tea contains many vitamins and microelements that help improve immunity and thus protect the body from colds. If you cook at initial stages colds and flu green tea, then we can completely prevent further development this temporary disease. Also, if you drink green tea, at least one cup every half hour, you can significantly reduce your body temperature.

Traditional recipes for treating influenza

  • Almost all people who suffer from the flu are confident that they will get rid of this disease in just one or two days; it is simply not realistic. But if you use garlic and onions correctly, it is quite possible. First of all, you need to take a medium, or better yet, large onion, cut it in half, and during the day, every half hour, inhale its fumes. And at a time when you are not inhaling the vapors of the onion, then put a cotton wool, which has previously been soaked in fresh crushed garlic, into each nasal passage.
  • Another salvation from the flu will be garlic juice. You need to crush a clove of garlic, squeeze out the juice from it, and drop a few drops of this juice onto your tongue, about 3-4 times a day. But you don’t need to swallow garlic juice right away or wash it down with something; you need to hold it in your mouth for a few seconds to get the maximum benefit.
  • While everyone is soaring their feet, we suggest doing the same procedure only for the hands. For such baths we need big basin so that your hands can be placed in it up to your elbows. We heat the water to a temperature of 37–38 degrees, pour it into a previously prepared vessel, and also place a kettle with boiling water near us. Place your hands in 38 degree water and gradually add boiling water until the water reaches 42 degrees. At around 41–42 degrees, the water must be kept constantly for 10 minutes while your hands are immersed in it. Then we take our hands out of the water, put on mittens and sleep in them the whole night. This procedure leaves no chance of survival for any flu.
  • For quick disposal for flu symptoms, in the initial stages, we only need beer and chicken eggs. Take 4 eggs, thoroughly grind them with sugar, add 3-4 cloves, a pinch of cinnamon, 0.5 lemon zest and 0.5 liters of beer. The resulting mixture must be simmered over low heat for 7 minutes. After this folk remedy has cooled slightly, you need to take a little more than half a glass, 3-4 times a day. True, this decoction is not very tasty, but it is a fact that after 1-2 days of taking it, not a trace of the flu will remain.
  • When it comes to folk remedies against the flu, we must not forget about such a wonderful fruit as lemon. Lemon slices can be put in tea, but not in boiling water, because this way you immediately kill it all beneficial features. And also good result can be expected if a cut piece of this fruit with peel is placed behind the cheek and dissolved for several minutes. When you no longer feel its acidity, you can eat this natural vitamin, but after 40 min. do not drink or eat anything. This treatment must be repeated at least 3 times a day.
Now you know everything about the most healthy products which our body needs in winter. They will not only protect you from colds and flu, but will also keep your entire body in good shape. This will allow you to enjoy the fabulous in winter, and are not afraid of any diseases.

Find out more information on how to protect your body in winter from this video:

It is our mission to resist these uninvited guests.
the immune system, which represents
is a complex of organs and cells aimed at
performing an immunological function, i.e. on
protection of the body from foreign agents at the genetic level
substances coming from outside or formed in
the body itself.

Immune system organs
produce special cells (lymphocytes,
plasma cells), active substances at the biological level
(antibodies) that recognize and
neutralize those that have entered the body or
cells formed in it and other foreign
substances (antigens).

There are two types of immunity:

– Humoral

Cellular immunity

Cellular immunity consists of T cells. Specifically
they protect us from viruses and bacteria, from
radiation, stress and allergic reactions.

Cellular immunity plays an important role in
subsequent reactions.

D. Transplant rejection.
d. Antitumor immunity.

Humoral immunity

Humoral part of immunity
these are blood, lymph, complement system. This part
cleanses our body of toxins, nourishes with healthy
substances. Brings “healthy” to the body
purified blood. In addition, he is responsible for
the formation of antibodies in the body, to which
These are the so-called B cells. They
are formed in bone marrow, in stem cells.

Antibodies presented
immunoglobulin proteins. On this moment open
subsequent immunoglobulins: IgM, IgG, IgA, IgD and IgE. Of them
the most countless, most universal and
the most well studied classes are
immunoglobulins A and G. Specifically, they neutralize
up to 99% of infectious pathogens and toxins,
entering our body.

Immunoglobulin G (IgG). It can be
be called the head of the immunoglobulin family, because
it makes up approximately 75% of the entire family. He
contains antibodies against virtually all
germs and viruses, protects our skin and
respiratory system and acts in the blood.

(especially IgGI) serves as the only
immunoglobulin that can pass through
placenta, and is therefore very important for protecting
baby from infection.

Immunoglobulin A (IgA). Shows
my biological activity not in the blood, but on
surfaces of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract
pathways, eyes, mouth and nasal cavity,
gastrointestinal tract.

To realize everything
the significance of this immunoglobulin is enough to remember that
the vast majority of infectious
pathogens seep into our body specifically
through mucous membranes.

Immunoglobulin D (IgD). He
contained in blood serum.

Immunoglobulin E (IgE) . This kind
responsible for everything allergic reactions. Protects
the body from insect bites, reactions to chocolate,
eggs and fish.

Immunoglobulin M (IgM). His
an overestimated amount indicates the presence
infection with syphilis and rubella. Increase
Ig M level is also observed in diseases
liver (especially with hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver).

If any of these immunoglobulins are not
are produced, immunodeficiency appears.

What is immunodeficiency and how does it work?

Immunodeficiency (immunological
– a group of different
conditions in which the immune system does not
works properly because
diseases caused by infection appear and
are repeated more often, are more severe and continue
longer than usual.

Immunodeficiency may exist from birth
(congenital immunodeficiency) or develop into
course of life.

Congenital immunodeficiencies
usually passed on through inheritance. Even though this is
the rarest conditions, more than 10 different ones are clear
hereditary immunodeficiencies. In some cases
the number of leukocytes is reduced, in others it is not
different from the norm, but these cells work

Thirdly, leukocytes cannot
do your function due to the absence of others
component of the immune system, for example
immunoglobulins or system proteins
complement. By healing the innate
Immunodeficiency is dealt with by pediatricians.

Immunodeficiency that occurs during
(acquired immunodeficiency)
usually caused by a disease or
any other external factor (radiation,
medications, stress, etc.). He's more
more widespread than natural.

Some diseases
cause only minor dysfunction
immune system, while others may
deprive the body of the ability to fight against
infections. The immunodeficiency virus is well known
human (HIV), leading to the development of the syndrome
acquired immunodeficiency (AIDS).

The virus attacks and destroys white blood cells, which are normal
fight viruses, microbes and fungi.
Can also disrupt the functions of the immune system
different states. Almost almost any
long languid illness to some extent
will affect the immune system.

An unbalanced diet can also seriously
disrupt the functioning of the immune system and lead to
lack of everyone nutrients, at first
proteins, some vitamins and minerals
substances (especially vitamin A, iron and zinc).

If the result is missing nutrition
weight loss occurs and he begins
be less than 80% of the rational, then always in
the immune system suffers to one degree or another, and
if the weight is reduced to 70% of the rational one, then it
gets even more damaged.

Infections that affect
people with weakened immune systems,
help reduce appetite and increase
energy needs of the body, closing
sinful circle.

Degree of immune damage
system depends on how
the diet was unbalanced, as long-term unhealthy
Did you eat incorrectly and what was your underlying disease?
it was accompanied. Real nutrition fast
restores the immune system.

Correct diagnosis of immunodeficiency.

Every year, says the doctor highest category, allergist-immunologist Lena Aleksandrovna Zharuk, – more patients
needs to immunological examination. This
associated with stress, the presence of acquired
diseases, environmental problems,
improper nutrition, taking huge
quantities pharmaceuticals etc.

The main indicators for
immunological examinations are:

Acquired diseases internal organs With
frequent exacerbations, difficult to treat
inpatient therapy (pulmonary, digestive,
renal, etc.);
– acute or recurrent (repeated)
purulent processes various localizations: barley,
boils, carbuncles; osteomyelitis, paraproctitis;
– acquired tonsillitis, sinusitis, otitis;
– sexually transmitted infections that are difficult to treat
healing with standard products;
– purchased viral infections: herpes,
cytomegalovirus, human papillomavirus,
– acquired lethargy syndrome;
fungal diseases;
acute diseases with a protracted course
(pneumonia, pyelonephritis, sinusitis, etc.);
– preoperative and postoperative
immunocorrection for planned surgical procedures
unhealthy: improvement of healing processes,
shortening rehabilitation periods, prevention
– multiple and recurrent
benign neoplasms on the skin:
papillomas, condylomas, warts;
allergic diseases, associated with
viral or bacterial infection;
– not uncommon colds, more than 4 times per

If you find at least one of
the reasons listed above, not to mention the presence
several, you need to take care of your own
immune system.

Children require increased attention
aged 14-17 years, who often have 1-3
acquired diseases. In this age
the body is subjected to enormous hormonal
physical and sensory overload.

To people
advanced age also requires painstaking
look after your health, because on the background
physiological decline of immunity with each
year of acquired diseases only
is added.

In able-bodied, initiative young people and people
middle age, the “syndrome” is increasingly observed
acquired fatigue", which in the majority
cases is associated with the presence of a virus in the body

For examination of patients of the SM-Clinic doctor
use only those techniques that will help
get an idea of ​​your abilities
antiviral, antibacterial,
antitumor protection of the body.

treatment is prescribed taking into account clinical data,
examination results and all
diseases from which the patient suffers. Except
pharmaceuticals for different
pathologies used AU-FOK therapy,
laser therapy, ozone therapy, etc.

ATTENTION! You can't be inhumane
exploit own body, work and live in
intense mode, if the body's reserves are small
for such loads.

The body can
it is necessary to help - for this there is a big
arsenal of modern pharmaceuticals and

Diseases, as is clear, are easier to prevent than
cure. For the prevention of FLU, hepatitis A,
hepatitis B, measles, rubella, mumps, tetanus,
diphtheria, HPV infections in the SM clinic
modern, highly efficient

Consultation with an allergist -
An immunologist can be reached at the following addresses:

Infectious diseases are diseases caused in one way or another by bacteria, viruses and other organisms. Since these diseases are often transmitted from person to person, it is very common to see outbreaks in a certain segment of the population. To protect yourself from an infectious disease, it is important to follow certain preventive measures. Thanks to several healthy habits and the tips in this article, you can protect yourself from germs and diseases.


Prevention of infectious diseases

    Wash your hands. Hand hygiene is extremely important when it comes to preventing the spread of infectious diseases. Pathogens (such as viruses, bacteria and fungi) are easily transmitted through various surfaces and remain on the skin, where they can easily enter the body through the eyes, nose or mouth. This is why hand washing is the number one priority for preventing the transmission of infections.

    Try not to touch your face, eyes and nose. People touch their faces repeatedly throughout the day. It is at these moments that infectious agents on the hands can enter the body. While the skin prevents pathogens from entering the body, the eyes and mucous membranes in the nose and mouth do not protect the body from this.

    • In addition to maintaining hand hygiene, try not to touch your face, even with clean hands.
    • Try to avoid contact of your hands or arms with your face, even when you are coughing or when you need to blow your nose. Use a scarf for this.
    • If you don't have a tissue, cover your mouth or nose with your elbow. Use paper tissues whenever possible. Throw them away immediately after use and wash your hands with soap.
  1. Get all your vaccinations up to date. Vaccines are disease prevention. They help prevent illness caused by infectious agents or make its course less acute. Vaccines stimulate the immune system's response to specific pathogens, so that if you are exposed to that pathogen, your immune system will fight it more effectively.

    Stay home. If you are sick, it is extremely important to minimize contact with other people to limit the spread of infection. Some infectious diseases are not easily transmitted from person to person through contact, but other infections can spread very quickly, so in any case, if you have any symptoms of an infectious disease, it is recommended to stay home.

    • Being in in public places, cover your mouth and nose with your elbow if you cough. Do not use your hands to avoid the spread of pathogens through the air and various surfaces you touch.
    • If you are sick, wash your hands and shared surfaces frequently to minimize the transmission of germs.
  2. Prepare and store food properly. Some pathogens can enter the body through food—illnesses caused by these pathogens are called foodborne or intestinal infections. Once a contaminated product enters the body, the pathogen begins to multiply and cause illness. This is why it is extremely important to prepare and store all foods safely.

    • Prepare food responsibly to avoid cross-contamination. Raw foods Never cook on the same surfaces as prepared foods.
    • Clean work surfaces regularly and keep them clean and dry. Pathogens thrive and reproduce in humid environments.
    • Wash your hands before handling food and immediately after you finish preparing food. Also wash your hands whenever you finish handling one product and are about to handle another (for example, you have finished handling raw meat and start working with vegetables).
    • Food must be stored at safe temperatures (refrigerated if necessary). If you doubt the quality of the product, it is better to throw it away. If the product has changed color or texture or has strange smell, then it has probably gone bad.
    • Hot food should be eaten after cooking, and if it needs to be preserved, leave it on the table until it cools, and then put it in the refrigerator to prevent the growth of pathogens.
  3. Practice safe sex and do not share personal hygiene items. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are spread from person to person through contact physiological fluids with the genitals, mucous membranes of the mouth and eyes. Exercise safe sex to limit the risk of STDs.

    • Always use condoms or dental dams during any sexual encounter, especially if you are not in a monogamous relationship.
    • Do not have sex if you or your partner has herpes or genital warts, as this may spread the incurable herpes virus.
    • Check yourself for STDs before and after sexual relations with each new partner.
  4. Travel wisely. Know the risks various infections when planning a trip. Certain infections may be common in some places that are not present in the places where you live.

    • Ask your doctor what vaccinations you need before traveling. This will prepare your immune system for exposure to pathogens in the area where you plan to travel.
    • Wash your hands as often as possible while traveling to avoid transferring germs from your hands to your body.
    • Protect yourself from infections that can be carried by mosquitoes. Use mosquito nets for windows and when sleeping, use special insecticides and wear long sleeves.

    Treatment of infectious diseases

    1. Different kinds infectious diseases. remember, that various diseases can be caused by different agents. This will help you know the risk factors and avoid them.

    2. Treat bacterial infections with antibiotics. Antibiotics are medications which help fight bacterial infections. They inactivate or kill bacterial cells, and thus help the immune system fight bacteria.

      • Apply antibiotic cream or ointment to small wounds that have become infected. Signs of a wound infection may include redness, swelling, warmth, or pain. Do not apply antibiotic products to bleeding wounds, especially if they are deep. If bleeding from the wound does not stop, consult a doctor.
      • With systemic bacterial infections Consult your doctor and find out whether you should take oral antibiotics or not.
      • It is important to remember that antibiotics are powerless against viral infections such as influenza or ARVI. A doctor can determine whether an infection is viral or bacterial and prescribe appropriate treatment.
      • Take antibiotics exactly as prescribed. Taking antibiotics when they are not needed (such as during a viral infection) only increases bacterial resistance to antibiotics.
    3. Treatment of viral infections. Viral infections are not treated with antibiotics; there are special ones against them. antiviral drugs, which are used only against certain viruses. Some viral infections can be treated with home remedies such as rest, sleep and drinking plenty of fluids.

      • Some drugs, known as antivirals or antiretrovirals, are effective against certain types viruses, preventing them from reproducing their DNA in the cells of the body.
      • Some viral infections, such as ARVI, require only symptomatic treatment to alleviate the patient's condition. The virus will be fought by the body's immune system, unless, of course, you have an immune deficiency and you get enough rest and enough nutrients.
      • Many viral diseases can be prevented through vaccination. This is why it is important to do everything necessary vaccinations during.
      • Follow the rules of personal hygiene - make these rules part of Everyday life: Wash your hands, don’t touch your face, and get all your required vaccinations up to date.


      • If you think you have an infectious disease, call your doctor immediately. Infectious diseases may be caused by pathogenic agents - only a doctor can diagnose them and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Most of us are not aware of how real and dangerous the threat of infection is, because we often think about these uninvited “guests” when we or our children have to be tested for “worm eggs.” The need goes away, and now it seems to us that we are safe. But that's not true.

To prevent “uninvited guests” from destroying your health, follow a few simple rules.

Wash your hands thoroughly with soap after visiting the toilet, returning from the street, after contact with the ground, and before eating.

WITH early age Teach children to observe the rules of hygiene.

Always wash vegetables, berries and fruits before eating - preferably boiled water. Garden greens - lettuce, dill, parsley - before eating, we recommend soaking them for 15 minutes in salted water: 1 tsp. per liter of water.

Do not drink raw water. When relaxing in nature, use bottled drinking water for cooking.

Subject all products to thorough heat treatment.

Do not buy milk, eggs, cottage cheese, meat, homemade sausage and fish from random sellers in spontaneous markets.

Choose open waters for swimming carefully.

Store food in the refrigerator.

Marinate barbecue meat only in vinegar and no less

Milk with garlic was used for worms. Simmer a glass of milk with 2 crushed cloves of garlic in a water bath for a quarter of an hour, let it brew for several hours. Take a glass warm four times a day on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is 1 week.

Pumpkin seed decoction. Grind 300 g of raw materials in a food processor (in a meat grinder), add water (take 2 parts of water for 1 part of plant raw materials), keep in a water bath for 2 hours, remove the oil film from the surface, strain. Take the decoction in the morning in small sips for half an hour (about ½ liter). After three hours you should take a laxative.

Tincture of wormwood. Grind 100 g of dry wormwood herb, pour ½ l medical alcohol(70%), leave in a dark place for 2 weeks, shaking regularly, then filter. Take 3 times a day, 30 drops diluted in ¼ glass of drinking water.

Cognac and castor oil against roundworms. Attention, recipe for adults! Drink 50 g of cognac, wash down with sweets fruit juice. After 15 minutes, take 50 g of castor oil. Do this for 2-3 days.

You must be tested for worm eggs at least 3 times for the result to be reliable.

Photo: ShutterStock/

Currently, due to environmental disturbances, salt heavy metals found in the earth, water, and air. These are aggressive substances that have a negative effect on the human body.

Modern detox

Metals accumulate in the body gradually. A person who is attentive to his health may well notice the first signs of poisoning: weakness, decreased performance, fatigue. True, as a rule, he often chalks it up to other reasons and does not sound the alarm. And the negative impact hazardous substances meanwhile it continues...

Scientists have found a way to combat this problem. Selenium, the 34th element in the periodic table, can bind and remove from the body salts of such complex and dangerous poisons, like arsenic, cadmium, lead, platinum, mercury. Selenium also perfectly fights the toxic effects of nitrites and nitrates and removes breakdown products of many from the liver. synthetic drugs. And this is especially important for older people who need to cleanse the body of toxins as much as possible.

In addition, it has been proven that selenium can resist and tobacco smoke. At the same time, it is worth understanding that the more toxic factors accumulate around a person, the more acutely he needs detox.

Selenium deficiency is observed in 80% of the population - scientists from the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences came to such disappointing conclusions. This means that most people are completely defenseless against negative influence environment. But making up for the lack of substance is not so difficult. It is enough, for example, to buy selenium-containing drugs at the pharmacy, such as Selenium-Active.