Write an invoice in 1s 8.3. How to issue an invoice for payment: learning how to fill out an important document. We set prices for services

This article “How to make an invoice in 1C” is intended for novice users; it explains how to generate a printed form of an invoice for payment to a buyer in the 1C: Enterprise system program in order to print the generated invoice form for payment or send it by email in pdf format . The article is a step-by-step instruction on how to create an account in the 1C programs listed below.

How to issue an invoice for payment in 1C: Trade Management 10.3

To generate an invoice for payment, we will need some settings, such as the name of the organization, bank account number and others. The easiest way is to fill out these settings by going through all the steps of the wizard Starting assistant. Fields underlined in red are required.

If, when going through the steps of the starting assistant when entering the BIC of the bank, the bank is not filled in and the button does not become available Further follow the steps in the following figure.

Now open the list of accounts and press the button Add as shown in the picture below.

An invoice form will open in which you need to fill in the required fields sequentially. Let's start by filling out the field Counterparty. To do this, follow the steps presented in the figure below.

Let's go to the bookmark Contacts and fill in the legal address.

After we pressed the button OK a new counterparty has appeared in the open form of the list of counterparties. Let's add it to our account by double-clicking on the corresponding line in the list of counterparties.

Now let's add a new row to the table section Goods, open the item selection form, create a new element and start filling it out. These steps are shown in the figure below.

Select the base unit of measurement and save the created element by pressing the button OK.

Let's add the created item to our invoice as shown in the figure below.

Let's fill in the fields Quantity, Price, VAT rate. Let's press the buttons Write down And An invoice for payment.

How to issue an invoice for payment in 1C: Trade Management 11.2

First, we will make the initial settings necessary to generate an invoice for payment to the buyer, such as entering information about the organization, current account, warehouse. To enter information about the organization, we will sequentially perform the steps presented in the figures below.

Now let's enter the current account information.

Let's also enter warehouse information.

Now we will add the ability to register and store information about customer orders in the database. This is necessary because the printed form of the invoice is generated from this document.

Open the list of customer orders and add a new order using the button Create.

The buyer’s order form has opened, to select a counterparty, click the button with three dots next to the field Client. Because There is not a single counterparty registered in our program yet, we will add a new one using the button Create.

In the opened form of the assistant for registering a new counterparty, enter the name of the counterparty. In the example presented this is Our counterparty, in real accounting this will be, for example, Berezka LLC. You must also fill in the field Email. If you do not know the real email address, then enter the one shown in the picture. After this you need to press the button several times Further and once the button Create.

Let's write down the counterparty and select it in our document.

Let's go to the bookmark Goods, add a new row to the table section and open the item selection form by clicking on the button with three dots. After this, let's create a new directory element Nomenclature by pressing the button Create.

Let's fill in the field Type of nomenclature adding a new type of item to the database Product.

Fill in the name and unit of measurement of the item. Then save the created element in the database by clicking on the button Save and close.

Let's select the created item into our document.

Let's fill in the numerical values, VAT rate and we will process the document. Please note that in order to fill out the field Price, you need to clear the field Price type by clicking on the button with a cross (action 2 in the figure below).

We will print out the invoice form.

Now we have created a printed form of the invoice for payment. We can print it on a printer or save it in pdf format and send it by email to the client.

Payment for the sale or purchase of goods is made by invoice. In some cases a contract is required. Let's look at how to issue an invoice for payment and print an agreement in version 3.0.

Find the “Sales” tab in the menu on the left and go to the “Customer Accounts” journal:

In the window that opens, click the “Create” button and get to the filling page:

    “Counterparty” - select the name of the organization for which you want to issue an invoice.

    “Agreement” - is entered automatically after selecting a counterparty, since it must be registered in the counterparty’s card.

    “Price type” - filled in automatically based on the information entered in the counterparty’s card. This data can be checked if you go to the contract card. To do this, you need to click the button with two small squares to the right of the contract. And expand the “Calculations” section.

    “Discount” - here you can select options for providing a discount on this document.

    For example, we will issue an invoice without a discount, so we select “not provided.”

    “Payment by” - the date by which the client needs to pay this invoice is entered here. In the field on the right, select the status: Paid, Partially Paid, Unpaid or Canceled.

    “Price type” - can be changed if necessary. For example, if a client makes a large purchase. To do this, click on the inscription “Price type: Small wholesale” and select the desired option in the drop-down box.

    “Add” - through this function we select a product from the product range and manually enter the required quantity. You can see that the program has automatically set prices for the specified price type. The VAT percentage and VAT amount are filled in automatically for each added product, based on the entered data from the product card.

Let's look at the "Additional conditions" field. By clicking on the dash on the right you can select the appropriate condition for shipment:

If you click on two squares, you get to the description of the condition. Here you can enter arbitrary text on the basis of which the goods will be shipped. This text will be displayed on the printed invoice form:

Next, check the “Seller Signatures” field. This indicates who will sign the documents on the seller's side. This information will also be displayed when documents are printed. The next field is “Buyer”. The delivery address is indicated here. It can be changed by clicking on the dash on the right. After filling out and checking the document, you need to submit it by clicking the “Post” button at the top of the screen. After posting, the “Print” button becomes active. Let's click and see that based on the created invoice, you can print four documents.

There are two types of invoices you can print:

    “Invoice for payment” is a regular invoice for payment without signatures and without a seal.

    “Invoice for payment (with stamp and signatures)” is an invoice with facsimile stamps and signatures.

Let's choose the second option and consider:

Pay attention to what appears on the printed form.

It must be indicated:

    Supplier is an organization that sells goods.

    Buyer is the organization that buys the product.

    Basis – the number of the agreement on the basis of which the sale is carried out.

    Products – name, quantity, price and total amount.

    VAT – is allocated as a separate line in the total amount.

    By what date must this invoice be paid?

    Terms of payment.

If everything is correct, you can print this document.

Let's return to the printed forms and select the contract:

A directory of contract templates will open:

Let's choose any one and see what it consists of.

Generally speaking, the answer to the question "how to issue an invoice in 1C" so simple that it is not worth discussing separately. Nevertheless, I will show you with an example how invoices are issued in 1C. I will show the buyer an invoice using the example of 1C Accounting 8.2, but the same applies to any version 8.

As I tell you in the 1C Accounting courses, an invoice for payment to a buyer in 1C refers to documents that are required exclusively for generating a printed form. It does not generate postings. Generally speaking, the account is not mandatory, that is, you can do without it. Now let's see how a typical invoice is issued in 1C.

Who is invoiced in 1C?

First of all, it is worth remembering that in 1C an invoice can only be issued to the buyer. I understand that it is obvious, but nevertheless I remind you - this is an operation sales, therefore, the suppliers have nothing to do with it.

Another question that often comes up on the Internet is: "how to issue an invoice to a supplier in 1C". The answer is exactly the same as for the buyer. This is understandable, because if our supplier asks to issue him an invoice, then in this case he is no longer a supplier, but a buyer (by the way, an agreement with this counterparty is of the appropriate type).

There was an important part of the article, but without JavaScript it is not visible!

How to issue an invoice in 1C

Now, in fact, let’s see how, using the example of 1C Accounting 8.2. The figure below shows a typical invoice to a customer. Please immediately note the absence of a post button - as I wrote above, an invoice for payment is not posted in 1C. also does NOT occur.


Since issuing an invoice in 1C is an extremely simple operation, the picture does not need any comments. Save the image on your computer as a reference. On the "Services" tab, everything is filled out in the same way as on the "Products" tab; The tab additionally contains only the Responsible field. In this case, the delivery address is not filled in: there are possible options with the data type (an example is shown in the picture below).


Keep in mind that there is one caveat when issuing an invoice. See which one in the video below.

Video tutorial with an example of issuing an invoice to a buyer in 1C Accounting 8

Issuing an invoice to a counterparty using the example of the Enterprise Accounting configuration version 8.2. In later versions of the program, all operations are similar and the only differences are in the interface.

Let's sum it up

So we sorted out the question "how to issue an invoice in 1C". Invoicing is one of the simplest operations. If you have problems with even simple operations, then you definitely need proper training. Otherwise one day there will be serious problems due to errors in truly complex paperwork and accounting procedures.

I remind you that all the information on mine is intended only to complement my training sessions, nothing more. Telling everything here in full is not only not interesting to me, but also makes no sense, since it can be explained much faster and better in class.

If you came to this page through a search, then it’s better to subscribe to my VKontakte group - there I always publish all new articles from the site.

In this article we will take a detailed look at the process of generating an “Invoice for payment to the buyer” in various 1C Enterprise configurations. Experienced users usually have no problems with this operation, so the current instructions are intended more for beginners.

After reading this material you will learn:

  • What is the document we are interested in used for, in what cases is it required to be written out?
  • How to perform initial settings in 1C to generate a document
  • Learn to issue an invoice for payment in 1C

Also here you can download printed document templates from 1C absolutely free of charge in various formats.

Download forms: PDF | DOC | DOCX | XLS | XLSX

First, let's define the document in question.

An invoice for payment is an optional document containing the payment details of the recipient (seller), according to which the payer (buyer) transfers funds for the listed goods (works, services); this document does not have a unified form.

What details should be in the document:

  • Provider
  • Buyer
  • Supplier's bank details: Bank, INN, KPP, BIC, number, etc.
  • List of goods, services with quantities, prices and total amount for payment
  • Seal of the organization
  • Signatures of the manager and accountant

Many also post the following additional information:

  • Organization logo
  • Brief terms of delivery

Invoice for payment to supplier

Before delving into the specifics of displaying this document in different configurations, let’s make a small digression and give comments on the issue raised in the title above. Many inexperienced 1C users ask questions: how to generate an invoice for a supplier? Everything is simple with the buyer. This will be discussed in detail within this material. What to do with the supplier? In fact, the answer lies on the surface and stems from the very essence and definition of the operation. The fact is that as soon as you need to issue an invoice to your counterparty, who is a supplier, he immediately ceases to be a supplier for this business transaction. Moreover, this is still the same counterparty. In 1C 8, all suppliers, buyers, etc. are stored in one directory "Counterparties". Therefore, in order to issue an invoice to the supplier, you need to do the same thing by selecting this counterparty in the “Counterparty” field. The only thing is that you will have to create a new contract, since the contract you have in the database looks like “With supplier”, and we need to select type of contract "With the buyer".

We will step by step consider the algorithm for working with the object in question in the following configurations:

It should be said that the 1C platform used does not affect the process in any way, i.e. If your company uses 8.1, 8.2 or 8.3 and you need to create the document we are talking about, feel free to read this article.

Enterprise accounting, edition 2.0/ Enterprise accounting KORP, edition 2.0 (BP 2.0)

In the configuration "Enterprise Accounting, Rev. 2.0 Enterprise Accounting CORP, Rev. 2.0" document generation is simple. To begin with, you need to call up, through the main menu, the “Sale” item, a list of documents. See how this is done on the screen below:

After this, in the window that opens, you need to fill in all the necessary details and add the data to the tabular part of the document. Moreover, when selecting a contract, the program filters only contracts with the type: “with the buyer” and a number of others (agency). It is worth noting that for entering goods and services, there are different tabular parts: “Products” for goods, “Services” for services. But each tabular part is characterized by the following details:

  • Nomenclature - product or service sold
  • Quantity - the quantity of a product or service sold (the service can be measured in hours or in pieces)
  • Price - unit price
  • Amount - quantity multiplied by price
  • % VAT - the percentage of VAT that is applied to you when selling goods. In general, the rate is 18%
  • VAT amount - the amount of VAT that the buyer pays as part of the goods
  • Total - total amount including VAT

After entering all the data, you can click on the print form selection button at the bottom of the form to send the document for printing.

Formation is complete. Please note that this document does not generate any postings in the system in accounting configurations. Therefore, immediately after recording it has the status “Passed”.

Enterprise accounting, edition 3.0/ Enterprise accounting KORP, edition 3.0 (BP 3.0)

In the configuration “Enterprise Accounting, Rev. 3.0/Enterprise Accounting CORP, Rev. 3.0” for formation, you need to open the “Sales” section and select the first item in the list, as shown in the figure below.

After this, in the new document window that opens, you need to fill in all the necessary details and add the data to the tabular part of the document

After entering all the data, you can click on the “Print” button and select one of two options for printing forms to print the document:

Trade Management 10.3 (UT 10)

In the configuration "Trade Management 10.3 (UT 10)" to create the object in question, you need to open the "Documents" menu item, the "Sales" section and select "Invoices for payment to customers"

After this, in the window that opens, you need to fill in all the necessary details and add the data to the tabular section

After entering all the data, you can click on the button at the bottom of the form, highlighted in the figure below, to generate a printable form:

Trade management 11

UT start configuration

In the Trade Management 11 configuration, there are several options for printing the document you are looking for.

First of all, it is necessary to understand whether records of customer orders are kept in the system and whether invoices for payment are stored in the 1C program as separate documents in the information base. This can be done in the section “Master data and administration” - “Setting up master data and sections” - “Sales”.

In the “Wholesale sales” subsection, you need to check the presence of the following flags “Customer orders” and “Invoices for payment”. If both flags are checked, this means that the printed form can be displayed both from the customer order document and from the invoice document.

If the “Master data and administration” section is not available in the section panel, contact your 1C specialist for advice. You can also get a free consultation on this issue. Leave your contacts or call at the bottom of this page.

You can find the documents “Customer Order” and “Invoice for Payment” in the “Sales” - “Wholesale Sales” section.

It is important to understand that when you draw up a “Sales Order” document, you, as a rule, do not just create an invoice, but reserve goods in the warehouse, control payment stages, etc. . It all depends on the system settings. If you do not require a reservation, then “Order as invoice” should be set in the UT settings.

After filling out and posting a customer order, you can immediately print the document directly from the order. In another case, based on the customer’s order, you can generate an invoice for payment as a separate document. It all depends on how accounting is set up at your enterprise. If you haven’t made these settings and you manually enter a lot of unnecessary documents, or vice versa, you lack the functionality of the system and you don’t even know that everything is already there “out of the box” and you don’t even need to program additional functionality - contact us for help.

When filling out an order, a separate form will open, in which you need to click on the button as shown in the picture below:

Regardless of the method you tried to print, the same printed form will be generated.

Printed form with logo

If you want to set the logo of your organization, as was done in our example, you don’t even need to make any additional settings in the configurator. Get a free consultation through our website form.

Need additional print form settings? Do you want to combine several documents into one aggregated one? Save on services - purchase a comprehensive subscription for 1C support.

Comprehensive automation

KA start configuration

The process of generating the document discussed in the article in the complex automation configuration is no different from a similar process in trade management. Therefore, we recommend that you read the section -

As an addition, let’s say that a document in both the UT and the CA can be drawn up on the basis of an agreement with the buyer.

In this case, some of the details must be filled in manually.

There is no tabular section on the form. Therefore, the data from the order is filled into the printed form, but if the document was created on the basis of an agreement, then the payment purpose includes information from the details of the same name.

ERP Enterprise Management

The 1C ERP Enterprise Management system is the most complex configuration produced by 1C. It is represented by many interconnected subsystems. Accounting in this program is carried out, as a rule, by large industrial enterprises. However, there is no specificity of the operation in question in ERP and in complex automation and trade management configurations. This is due to the fact that, in fact, part of the CA and UT configurations are built on the basis of ERP by removing unnecessary blocks.

Therefore, if you are concerned about the question of how to generate an invoice for payment in the ERP enterprise management configuration, you need to read the step-by-step instructions based on the configurations and

Small company management

Configuration Small Firm Management (SFM) is an ideal solution for accounting for the automation of operational accounting and business processes in small businesses. The solution attracts with its user-friendly interface and relative ease of use, which allows for quick implementation and start-up at small businesses in any industry.

You can try the 1C UNF solution for free. In this case, you do not need to download the UNF. The database is available online, follow the link - demo database UNF.

How to make an invoice for payment to the UNF is very simple. It is enough to configure the button's output in the form for setting up quick actions. After that, in order to complete the document, simply click the button on the home page.

Since the UNF is intended for small enterprises, the configuration functionality is concise, but completely covers all the necessary tasks facing the head of the enterprise.

When creating an account, you will need to fill out very few details

The created and recorded document in the database is reflected in the list. At the same time, the list form looks beautiful and informative. The far left column displays the payment status and you can control whether a specific invoice has been paid directly in the list.

If you don’t know which 1C configuration to choose for your organization, contact us for a free consultation!

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In accounting, an invoice for payment in 1C is a document that an organization presents to the buyer for goods delivered or services provided in order to inform about the need to deposit funds.

1C provides two options for working with invoices for payment in 1C:

As a document that is stored in the database and a corresponding printed form. It is designed to control mutual settlements with customers in the system and display relevant information on paper.

A printed form of the Invoice for payment, which is generated from a customer order or sales document and is needed for sending to the buyer. You can print it at any time, and you can also save the form displayed on the screen to your PC in any format.

Which of the above options will be applied depends on the value of the constant Use invoices for payment to clients and is set in the Master Data and Administration section → Sales → Wholesale sales → Invoice for payment.

Document Invoice for payment 1C 8.3

Creating an account in 1s 8.3 is possible by entering a new one from the Register of trade documents, as well as by entering based on, subject to certain conditions

According to the customer's order, if:

In it, an agreement with the order of interaction By orders is selected;

It does not require an agreement, but the agreement specifies the payment procedure for orders.

An invoice for payment in 1C is created based on the Sale of goods and services if:

An agreement is used that defines the procedure for invoices;

An agreement is not needed, but the agreement specifies the rules for payment of invoices.

An account in 1C 8.3 can be created on the basis of any of the above documents, provided that the rules for mutual settlements with the client are according to contracts.

When creating an invoice for payment 1C 8.3 according to the data of any of the specified objects, the “Creation of invoices for payment” workplace is intended; it opens in the list using the Create based on command.

There are two working tabs here: Stages and payments and Invoices for payment. Each has its own details and performs certain functions.

The first displays all planned payments provided for according to the payment schedule.

Let us explain what kind of schedule we are talking about. In an agreement with a client, be it individual or standard, you can establish a payment schedule, in accordance with which it is necessary to record the receipt of funds in the information system.

For the payment schedule, indicate the name and fill in the list of stages. For each stage of the payment schedule, the payment option (advance, prepayment or credit), payment (non-cash or cash), percentage of the total amount (the total of all lines should be equal to 100%), deferment (shift in days from the date of sale) is determined.

Let's give an example. The terms of interaction have been established for the client: to ship products according to the application, the buyer must make an advance payment in the amount of 50% of the amount of this application, the rest must be paid within 5 days after shipment. All payments are made through the cash register.

Filling in the data looks like this:

Detailing: By order;

Form of payment: Cash;

Payment options: prepayment (before shipment) 50% and credit (after shipment) 5 days 50%

According to the schedule established in the agreement, payment stages are automatically calculated in the document itself (Customer Order or Sales of Goods and Services). If necessary, they can be adjusted manually using the link in the Payment field and transferred to the document without changing the data in the directory.

The flags in the first column of the bookmark are set automatically for those lines for which you need to issue an invoice for payment. If payment for the line has already been made (payment documents have been entered into the database), then the line becomes inactive and the amount already received is displayed in the “Paid” column. An invoice is created by pressing the button of the same name. In this case, a new posted invoice will be created, the information in which will be filled in in accordance with the data of the basis document and the amount to be paid. It will appear in the list of invoices on the next tab “Invoices for payment” in the Issued state.

The new 1C account contains the following information:

In the header: on the basis of what it was issued, when, to whom and from whom;

Payment Steps display the form of payment, bank account and/or cash register, and payment schedule;

In Additional, the manager, supervisor, and chief accountant are indicated, the purpose of payment is filled in and, if necessary, additional text is entered for output on a printed form;

In the Comment you can enter other free text for the convenience of the user.

All created invoices for payment for 1C 8.3 are available in the list of invoices in the “Sales” section. You can view all issued invoices for a settlement object using the “Related Documents” report, and open them directly from the report by clicking on the corresponding lines of the report.

You can display a printed form for a posted account in 1C at any time using the “Print” command; it is also possible to display a group of several selected accounts.

Printed form Invoice for payment 1C 8.3

Generating only the printed form Invoice on 1C 8.3 without storing it in the database, is available from the following system objects:

From a sales order, subject to the following conditions:

It uses a contract with detailed calculations for orders;

An agreement is not needed, but the agreement contains the option of payments By orders.

From the sale of goods and services in the event that:

An agreement is used in which mutual settlements are carried out using invoices;

An agreement is not needed, but the agreement specifies details for invoices.

An account in 1s 8.3 can be generated according to the data of any of the above documents, if they apply the procedure for settlements under contracts.

Also for 1C accounts, the ability to display an invoice from a facsimile has been implemented. To do this, a facsimile print must be added to the organization’s card in the print settings (the adding method is available at the link “How to create a facsimile?”). Printing of such an invoice for payment in 1C is carried out using the Print command by selecting the appropriate menu item.