Bay oil is from which plant. Characteristics and useful properties. The use of bey oil for hair, in cosmetology

Essential oils are often used in cosmetology. Most products are also great for hair care. Take Bay oil, for example. It has gained popularity due to its beneficial effects on the body. And in Lately Bay oil has increasingly become used to treat hair and maintain its health.

Beneficial properties of Bay essential oil

Bay oil or American laurel oil is extracted from an evergreen tree of the myrtle family. This remedy has many beneficial properties due to which it is used for treatment. various diseases. Bay oil is an excellent remedy for colds and copes with coughs just as well as any expectorant. Very often this remedy is used to treat problems with blood vessels and vegetative-vascular dystonia. In addition, bay oil has a calming effect, so it can be safely used as an antidepressant.

Many representatives of the fair sex are familiar with American laurel oil as the best remedy for healthy hair:

  • the product effectively restores the hair follicle;
  • Bay oil prevents and promotes their active growth.

American laurel essential oil can also be used to treat scalp diseases. It helps in as soon as possible get rid of dandruff.

The main advantage of Bay oil for hair is that it affects not only the root, but also the body of the hair. Owners of all hair types can use it. True, before we start treatment course It is best to consult a specialist. The fact is that not everyone is allowed to use American laurel essential oil:

  1. Experts do not recommend using oil during pregnancy.
  2. Bay essential oil should not be used on hair pure form. It itself is very concentrated, so if you use it pure, you can earn chemical burns. For the product to be beneficial, it should be mixed with other components, such as olive, burdock or Coconut oil.
  3. Doctors advise people suffering from high blood pressure to find an alternative to Bay oil.

To check whether your body can tolerate American laurel oil or not, just apply a few drops to your skin. If no reactions occur, then the product is suitable and can be used without fear.

How to use bay oil?

There are no tricks to using Bay oil. All products based on it can be easily prepared at home. The easiest way to use oil is to add it to shampoo. Five drops per hundred milliliters will be enough. This way, you can take care of your hair without putting any special effort into it. There are also more labor-intensive recipes.

Masks with Bay oil are considered very effective. To prepare the mask:

The mask must be distributed over the entire length of the hair, starting from the roots. You need to keep it for at least half an hour. A two-month health course is considered the most optimal, and masks should be done no more than a couple of times a week.

Another mask based on bay oil will be effective for:

  1. The base of the mask can be any oil that is on hand. Add a teaspoon of iodized salt to it.
  2. Once the salt is mixed, add three drops of bay oil.
  3. The mask should be applied to the hair for a quarter of an hour, distributing along the length and rubbing into the roots with massaging movements.

But a mask made from rich sour cream and bay oil will effectively heal weakened hair and give it shine.

Today I want to talk about Bey essential oil from which my love for all other oils began... it really works and I see the result on my hair.

Let's start in order. My hair began to fall out very much with the arrival of spring (the trees are putting on their leaves, and I...) I think that this is familiar to many and one friend recommended Bay oil as excellent remedy to awaken hair follicles. I didn’t buy it right away, but went to study the information on the Internet (Google to the rescue). After reading the reviews, I simply could not help but buy it, its properties for hair turned out to be so unique, and so:

Properties of essential oil

Bay oil is extracted from the leaves of the Bay tree (American laurel), a member of the myrtle family. It has a unique chemical composition, thanks to which it helps with anxiety, depressive states, the oil simultaneously soothes and tones our body.

  1. stops excessive hair loss;
  2. strengthens weak hair (hair follicle);
  3. activates the growth of new hair by stimulating blood supply to the scalp;
  4. makes the hair structure smoother and stronger;
  5. prevents dandruff and other fungal diseases;
  6. the oil affects not only the hair follicle, but also the hair shaft itself, nourishes it from the nutria, which in turn prevents brittle hair!

Contraindications for the use of Bay essential oil

The oil has a very specific smell, it reminds me of the smell bay leaves, only 10 times concentrated (my husband gets sick of it).

  1. individual intolerance to components;
  2. pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  3. hypertension;

Ways to use bey essential oil

Having tried numerous ways to use bay oil, I have identified the best of them, which I have been using for more than a year in courses:

Salt peeling with bay oil

For oily hair


- 1 tablespoon of water or herbal decoction.

For dry hair


- 2 tablespoons sea ​​salt;

— 3-5 drops of essential oil;

- 1 tablespoon olive oil.

Do this before washing your hair.

Stage 1. Mix all the ingredients in a glass bowl, depending on your hair type (I alternate between dry and oily).

Stage 2. Wet your hair and head warm water and begin to rub salt along the partings. But, just rub it into the scalp, don’t touch the hair (a lot of salt will fall off, but even what remains will be enough).

Stage 3. Massage the scalp for about 5 minutes and leave the salt and oil on the head for another 5 minutes. Next, wash your hair as usual.

Scheme of the trick:

We do it once a week to one month. Then a break for a month, then once every two weeks, then another break for a month... and so on.

Benefits (with regular use):

  • cleanses the scalp of dead cells (most importantly);
  • regulates fat metabolism (relevant for oily hair);
  • eliminates dandruff;
  • eliminates itching, stimulates scalp tone;
  • activates the growth of new hair.

Hair mask with Bay oil


  • 2 tablespoons of capsicum tincture;
  • 2 tablespoons base oil (almond)
  • 5 drops of bey essential oil.

Mix all ingredients in a glass bowl. We apply it to dirty hair along the partings (using a hair coloring brush), put on a shower cap and insulate it with a towel (warm hat). Leave the mask on for 40 minutes and wash your hair as usual.

Aroma combing with bey essential oil

Very simple and pleasant procedure(I like to do it before bed), besides it great massage scalp, which causes blood flow and thereby stimulates the growth of new hair.

What do we need?

  • a comb made of natural materials (wooden is better for me);
  • essential oil 3-5 drops (you can use other essential oils);
  • a well-ventilated room, some favorite movie and a good mood.

First comb your hair well to make the massage easier. Apply a few drops (3-5) of bey essential oil to the comb. Carefully and gently begin to comb your hair, you can try massaging your scalp in a circular motion (I really like to comb with my head down in the direction of hair growth), it depends on your preferences. We do this massage for no more than 5 to 10 minutes, about 2-3 times a week.

The benefits of this procedure are incredible!

  • massage the scalp, which stimulates blood flow and accelerates growth;
  • saturate your hair with oxygen;
  • helps with complex therapy from hair loss;
  • essential oils help solve many problems depending on hair type;
  • just a pleasant, relaxing procedure.

Beautiful and healthy hair to everyone!

Looking for effective remedy for hair care? Then go ahead and you will learn how to restore your hair.

Details Updated 01/02/2016 06:36

Nowadays, modern girls and women daily cope with problems that fall on their fragile shoulders, experience stress at work, try to do several things at the same time, and therefore it is not surprising that overwork of a busy lady brings with it Negative consequences for the whole body.

These consequences may include: weakening immune system, colds, headaches and even hair loss. We will pay more attention to the problem of hair loss, or rather, consider a product that will strengthen curls, make them strong and accelerate hair growth.

We'll talk about effective means, suitable for any hair type - oil beat. With the help of a unique and very peculiar composition, this oil has excellent strengthening properties, and correct use oils, in a couple of weeks you will see the result.

Bay is an evergreen tree of the myrtle family. To obtain essential oil, bey leaves are picked in mid-autumn or winter. After which, thanks to steam distillation of the leaves, the miraculous oil is obtained.

Properties and benefits of oil for hair

Penetrating into the scalp, it literally immediately causes a certain irritating and stimulating effect, thereby providing the oil with the necessary inflow to the hair root. nutrients. This process leads to significant compaction of weak strands and general health hair. The roots are strengthened, hair loss slows down, and the most interesting thing is that Bay hair oil stimulates the growth of new hair. Studies have shown that after just two months permanent use, the number of new hairs increases, and the so-called “undercoat” appears.

In addition to all of the above, masks with Bay oil will prevent the appearance of fungal diseases, including dandruff. Bay oil is an ideal remedy for thin and weakened hair.

The healing properties of bey oil include:

  • Prevents the occurrence of split ends;
  • Replaces antioxidant conditioner in winter, autumn and spring;
  • Restores balance - moisturizes or dries the scalp depending on the type of deviation (oily or dry hair);
  • Returns natural shine to curls;
  • Helps restore hair after negative impact hair dryer and iron.

It is not recommended and even prohibited to use this oil in its pure, undiluted form. Bay tree oil is so powerful and strong remedy that it is best to use it exclusively in solutions with other products - bases and oils, where the ratio should be 3-4 drops per tablespoon of the base product.

Be sure to test for allergic tolerance before applying masks with this oil. Apply a thin layer of the mask prepared in advance to the skin of your hand, wait fifteen minutes, if there is no allergic irritation or other reaction and the oil does not cause itching, then it can be applied to the scalp and strands. It is also prohibited to use Bay oil for pregnant women and people with high blood pressure.

The simplest method of using oil is to add it to cosmetic shampoo, mask or balm. That is, for 100-120 milliliters of shampoo there should be five drops of oil, mix everything together, lather the product on your head and rinse as usual with warm water. Thus, without spending a lot of time, you can use Bay oil for hair growth.

Recipes for hair masks with Bay oil

Surely, after everything you have read, you are interested in bey oil and, of course, want to know where to buy this essential oil. So, let's report. You can purchase the described product in large pharmacies or order it online. Usually the price for oil in a pharmacy is somewhat overpriced, but if you consider that when purchasing online you will also need to pay for delivery (on some sites), then it is better to buy the oil at the pharmacy.

Recipe No. 1 - speed up hair growth

This recipe contains:

  • 1 tbsp. spoon of castor oil;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon burdock oil;
  • 1 teaspoon wheat germ oil;
  • Add 3-4 drops of oil.

Recipe No. 2 – for hair loss

The second mask will contain four teaspoons of burdock oil, four drops of bey oil and the yolk of one egg. Combine the oils and mix, beat the yolk separately and add it to the resulting oil mixture - the mask is ready. The resulting substance is rubbed into the roots and distributed throughout the entire length of the hair with a comb. We put on a shower cap and wrap a towel on top of it. The mask remains on the hair for half an hour. The course of this mask lasts two months, taking into account the fact that the mixture cannot be applied more than twice every seven days. If your curls are very weak and falling out, then coconut oil can help you against hair loss.

Recipe No. 3 – for damaged and dry hair

The described mask with Bay oil for damaged hair, includes only two ingredients - sour cream (4 full tablespoons) and bay oil (4 drops). The important thing is that before pouring the oil into the sour cream, you need to warm it up a little until barely warm state, only then add four drops of bey. Apply the resulting white mixture to your hair and roots, and put a shower cap on top. The mask should remain for about 40 minutes, then rinse off the sour cream mixture and wash your hair with shampoo. You can use the mask once a week.

We hope that one of these masks will definitely help you strengthen your hair, restore it after damage and accelerate the growth of curls. As you may have noticed, all the masks are quite simple to prepare, so you can easily prepare them yourself at home, without anyone else’s help.

Essential oil Bay is extracted from the leaves of Pimenta branchata, which belongs to the Myrtle family. Another name for the plant is American laurel, and the name “bay” is also quite common, which is incorrect. A tree with light bark more than 12 meters high grows in forests South America and India.

The collection of raw materials is carried out in November and February - it is at this time that the leaves are richest in essential oils. To extract the oil, steam treatment of the raw material is used, resulting in a liquid containing about 50-55% of aromatic substances. A high concentration of these substances indicates poor quality of the product and the presence of chemical additives. The age of the tree from which leaves are collected must exceed 5 years. From 100 kg of leaf raw materials, only 1 kg of finished aroma oil is obtained.

Bay oil has a spicy aroma and taste containing sweetish-smoky notes. Bay oil in the form clear liquid light brown color can retain its qualities for more than 5 years. It is recommended to store it in a tightly screwed dark glass bottle.


The use of bay oil in restoring scalp has become widespread:

Treatment available at home

Many people use Bay essential oil for hair at home, adding it to shampoos and conditioners. Also effective healing masks. Essential oil is recommended to be diluted base oil at the rate of 5-10 drops per 100 ml of product.

Bay essential oil has medicinal properties, promoting hair restoration, strengthening and regeneration of hair follicles, cleansing the scalp from fungal and bacterial infections.

One of the most common and available ways use bay oil when washing your hair:

  1. add 1-2 drops of ether mixed with a base oil to the shampoo, apply to the scalp, massage intensively, then rinse with warm water;
  2. Add 2 drops to a portion of balm for single use. Apply the mixture to your hair, evenly distributing it throughout the strands. Then rinse with water.

Recipes for hair masks using Bay oil

Mask for growth: mix 1 teaspoon of iodized or finely ground sea salt with 2 teaspoons of olive or burdock oil, which serves as a base, and 3 drops of Bay aroma oil. Apply the heated mixture to scalp head with massaging movements, focusing increased attention temple and bald areas. Wash off with shampoo after 15 minutes.

Moisturizing mask: mix 4 tablespoons of fresh fat sour cream with 5 drops of bay. Apply the mixture heated to body temperature to the entire length of the hair. This recipe is especially relevant for ladies with split ends. Keep the mask on for 30 to 45 minutes, covered with a terry towel and a cellophane scarf. The result will be visible after 2 months of regular use.

Enhances growth and prevents hair loss mask for dry scalp: 1 tablespoon mustard powder Mix with warm water until a thick paste is obtained. Next you should add raw chicken yolk and 40 ml olive oil. Mix the mixture thoroughly and add 3 drops of bey. After rubbing the composition, you should keep the mask until feeling of lightness burning. Then rinse with water containing regular shampoo. You can rinse with a vinegar solution: 1 tablespoon per liter mug of warm water.

Mask option for oily skin It differs by adding half a glass of yogurt or kefir instead of olive oil.

Oily dandruff is eliminated by rinsing with green tea with the addition of 5-7 drops of bei per half liter volume. Dry dandruff is removed with decoctions of black elderberry flowers, dandelion leaves, chamomile herb with the addition of bay oil in the same proportion.

When is the result of treatment visible?

Bay oil is used to restore hair. First results of application health product visible after a month of regular use:

  • the hair becomes thicker, thereby increasing the volume and fullness of the hair;
  • dandruff disappears;
  • blood supply improves: each individual hair is fully supplied with the necessary nutrients;
  • are strengthening hair follicles, hair loss when combing is reduced;
  • hair acquires a healthy, well-groomed appearance, becomes shiny and soft, split ends are eliminated, and the oiliness of the scalp is normalized.

Who should be careful

Contraindications to the use of Bay oil:

  1. individual intolerance to essential oil;
  2. pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  3. high blood pressure;
  4. allergies, a test for which should be carried out 12 hours before using the product, lubricated with oil outer side elbow or wrist.

Despite wonderful properties beat essential oil before using it as remedy for hair, you should consult a doctor to exclude harmful effects on the human body.