Inflammation of the genitourinary system in a girl. Urinary tract infections in children: treatment, prescribed medications, symptoms, diagnosis and pediatrician recommendations

Depending on the location of the infection urinary tract In children, the signs may be different: problems with urination, painful sensations near Bladder(pain can often be observed in the lumbar region), leukocytes and bacteria in the urine, high temperature.

The infection may affect various organs urinary system: kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. In children suspected of having the disease, all kinds of studies are carried out, including: ultrasound of the urinary system, x-ray of the bladder and urethra, examination of the urinary tract, cystoscopy (examination internal structure Bladder). The treatment is also based on uroseptics.

According to statistics, infection genitourinary organs in childhood it takes second place when they are in first place viral diseases. Most often, the disease occurs in children under one year of age. Strongly severe symptoms are observed extremely rarely, but the consequences of the disease can be very serious.

Even specialists may not detect the infection in time, since most signs are hidden under the guise of various viral or intestinal diseases. Due to the specifics child's body, infection spreads instantly and can subsequently cause pyelonephritis.

Causes of infection

Microorganisms that cause genitourinary infections in children depend on the child’s immunity (also gender and age). The most common bacterial pathogen– enterobacteria, including E. coli (it occurs in almost 90% of situations).

Girls get sick more often, at the age of 3-4 years. But in infancy, the opposite is true - boys are more likely to become infected (especially in the first 3 months of life). A particularly common cause is poor hygiene.

To avoid infection entering the body, it is necessary to thoroughly study the issue of washing the child (to do this, you can consult with your local pediatrician, or with a doctor in the maternity hospital).

One of the most common causes of urinary tract inflammation is hypothermia. During which convulsions of the kidney vessels occur, as a result of which the filtration of urine is disrupted and the pressure in the urinary system is significantly reduced. All together this leads to the onset of the inflammatory process. Therefore, it is especially important to ensure that the child does not sit on a cold floor, metal swing, etc.

Symptoms of UTI in children

Infection in children manifests itself depending on the location of the inflammatory processes, the severity of the disease and the period. The most common urinary tract infections in childhood are:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • cystitis;
  • asymptomatic bacteremia;
  • urethritis.


- This is an inflammation of the kidneys. Its danger is that after the disease it is difficult to restore full functioning of the kidneys. As a result, it may develop renal failure, followed by inferiority of the body, and this is already a disability.

First of all, the temperature rises to 38 °C (sometimes up to 38.5 °C). Next, chills appear, signs of intoxication (lethargy, pale skin, lack of appetite, headaches). With more strong manifestation intoxication may cause vomiting, diarrhea, meningeal symptoms and neurotoxicosis. The child appears sharp pains in the lower back and/or abdomen, and when tapping on the lower back appear painful sensations.

At an earlier age when infected upper sections urinary tract inflammatory processes can be masked by pylorospasm, problems with urination, cutting pain in the abdomen, intestinal syndrome and etc.; In older children, the disease is hidden under a flu-like syndrome.

In infants, pyelonephritis can cause jaundice (after about the first week of birth).


First of all, with cystitis, children begin to have problems with urination - they occur little by little and are accompanied by painful sensations. In addition, there may be moments of urinary incontinence or complete emptying of the bladder occurs in several passes. In infants, cystitis often manifests itself as urinary retention.

A child under one year old may indicate a disturbance in the urination process by restlessness or crying, and there is an uneven (intermittent) stream that flows very weakly.

Cystitis usually causes pain and severe tension in the suprapubic area. Body temperature with this type of infection rarely exceeds normal (in some cases it can reach 38 °C).

It should be noted that cystitis is most common among young children.

Asymptomatic bacteremia

Girls are more likely to experience this urinary tract inflammation. And the disease can be identified only after laboratory research. Because there are none special symptoms does not appear. In some situations, parents note that their child’s urine is cloudy and has a bad odor.

Most signs of UTI are directly related to age. The youngest children experience a sharp loss of appetite, lack of weight gain, and they often begin to be capricious. IN in rare cases Infants may experience diarrhea and/or vomiting. But very often in children under two years of age, with inflammation, only increased body temperature can be observed. How older child, the brighter and more painful the signs.

And among them are noted:

  • pain in the lower back and abdomen;
  • burning and stinging during urination;
  • the urge to go to the toilet in small portions becomes more frequent;
  • changes in the appearance of urine (dark or cloudy urine, often containing blood);
  • the temperature rises (up to 38 ° C, accompanied by chills and weakness).


It is worth noting that urethritis can be not only infectious, but also non-infectious. With urethritis, there is a burning sensation during urination. There is no temperature or signs of intoxication. Drops of blood may be observed in the urine (especially at the end of emission). Even when the child does not go to the toilet, there is itching and burning in the genitals, and pus discharge.

Urethritis occurs mainly in boys. IN adolescence the disease can be transmitted through intimate intimacy.

Urinary tract infection in children develops rapidly. What does it mean if urethritis is not treated in time, literally in a few days it can turn into more serious illnesses: cystitis or pyelonephritis. Therefore, after detecting one of the signs of infection, you must immediately contact a specialist.

For all urinary tract infections in a child, the main symptoms can be identified:

  • elevated temperature;
  • frequent hikes to the toilet in too small portions;
  • constant thirst;
  • urinary incontinence (it is important to note that the symptom is noted starting at age 8);
  • general condition (loss of appetite, drowsiness);
  • pain in the lower abdomen or lower back.

Some important facts about the disease

A genitourinary infection involves a sudden increase in the number of infected bacteria in the genitourinary system. Usually bacteria in urinary canal come from infected genitals.

Often the symptoms that can be found in an adult (frequent trips to the toilet, accompanied by pain, cutting pains in the lower back and abdomen, etc.), are absent in children, except for elevated body temperature. In other words, when a child has a fever without other signs of a particular disease, doctors suspect he has inflammation of the genitourinary organs. The diagnosis can be confirmed or refuted after laboratory analysis urine.

Unfortunately, UTIs in children are very common: for example, among junior grades, approximately 8-9% of girls and 3% of boys have already encountered the disease and have relapses of one of them. infectious disease genitourinary system.

Among newborns, the disease is more common in boys, and when analyzing children aged 3 to 15 years, the situation completely changes - inflammation occurs more often in girls (there are almost 6 times more of them than boys).

Treatment of urinary tract infections in children

Uncomplicated urinary tract infections can be treated medicines, oral administration(sulfafurazole, amoxicillin, cefixime, nitrofurantoin). The course of treatment takes only 10 days.

Pyelonephritis implies mandatory intervention doctors At the clinic, doctors prescribe intravenous administration antibiotics. Most infectious agents are killed by Ampicillin. Many people use it in conjunction with sulbactam (in some cases with aminoglycosides).

Doses are determined based on age, and are administered at least once every 6 hours. In addition to these drugs, aztreonam or cephalosporins are used. Antibiotics are administered until fever and bacteriuria disappear. Next, oral medications are started.

From the first days of a child’s life, it is important to conduct a urological examination, and a very thorough one. How effective the treatment used can be determined 24-48 hours after taking the medications using a general urine test. Almost all hospitals and paid laboratories carry out the analysis. According to the results, the urine should not contain bacteria and leukocytes.

If treatment does not bring results, you should consider testing for a kidney abscess.

After the course of treatment has been completed (how the infection has been cured), it is necessary to regularly examine the urinary tract, especially in children. Because relapses are possible, but they usually do not have any symptoms. Relapses can occur during the first 6-12 months after the infection.


Children's health is very fragile and easily susceptible to even the most minor illnesses. It is important to monitor its condition regularly to avoid unpleasant consequences. Treatment of inflammatory urinary tract infection in children should begin at the first symptoms, according to the recommendations of a specialist.

Urinary tract infections are very common in children. This pathology is typical for patients younger age. This is primarily due to inadequate care for the child’s health.

Often the diseases are asymptomatic, resulting in serious complications that are difficult to treat. In the article we'll talk about the main causes, methods of diagnosis and treatment of UTIs in children.

First you need to understand what a urinary tract infection is. This is an inflammatory process in the organs responsible for storing, filtering and excreting urine, which is caused by exposure to pathogens. Infection among pediatric patients is very common, especially under 2 years of age.

Most often, the pathogen enters the urinary system from the genital area. Among the microorganisms that cause the disease are Escherichia coli, Enterococcus, Proteus and Klebsiella.

If treatment is not started in time, the disease will progress and lead to serious complications. At the first suspicious symptoms, it is necessary to show the child to a pediatric nephrologist. It will help you install the real reason pathology and will select effective scheme therapy.


Infections of the genitourinary system in children are divided into two types: descending and ascending. Among the most common diseases are:

  • urethritis (the presence of inflammation in the urethra);
  • cystitis (bacterial infection of the bladder mucosa in children);
  • pyelonephritis (inflammatory process in the renal tubules);
  • ureteritis (the source of inflammation is localized in the ureter);
  • pyelitis (bacterial infection of the kidney pelvis).

There is also a classification of these diseases based on the presence or absence of symptoms. They often proceed without visible signs. Depending on the type of pathogen, pathologies of the bladder, kidneys and ureter are divided into bacterial, viral and fungal.

In children, relapses are very often detected, which are associated with an incompletely cured infection or re-infection. Based on the severity level, they are divided into mild, moderate and severe form UTI.

Each of them is accompanied certain symptoms. At improper treatment from acute stage the disease can become chronic.

This condition poses a certain danger to the child's health.

Causes and predisposing factors

The most common cause of urinary system diseases is Escherichia coli. Less commonly, the causative agents of infection are streptococci, staphylococci, Klebsiella, Proteus or fungi. The main reasons also include:

  • congenital anomalies of the genitourinary system;
  • vesicoureteral reflux and other dysfunctions of urine excretion;
  • decreased immunity;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • impaired blood supply to the kidneys;
  • infections of the genital organs, which, if improperly or untimely treatment spread further;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • consequences of organ surgery urinary system.

The manifestation of the disease is more common in girls due to the characteristics anatomical structure: shorter urethra, its location close to the anus. Thus, the infection through the urethra immediately enters the urinary system.

According to statistics, UTIs are more common in children under 12 months of age, but incidence rates vary and depend on gender. In female patients, pathologies are recorded mainly at the age of 3 to 4 years.

Boys suffer from inflammatory processes more often in infancy. This is primarily due to improper hygiene of the external genitalia or congenital pathologies.

Among the factors contributing to the development of inflammation in children, it is necessary to highlight:

  • disruption of the normal outflow of urine, which causes it to accumulate in the kidneys and promote the development of bacteria;
  • obstructive uropathy;
  • vesicoureteral reflux;
  • deposits of calcifications in the kidneys;
  • bladder dysfunction of a neurogenic nature (when the process of filling and emptying is disrupted);
  • poor hygiene in the postoperative period.

For the development of infection in the urinary system, the presence of only one factor is sufficient. However, as practice shows, in cases of UTIs, several causes are often identified in a child.

Often the impetus for the development of pathogenic microflora is severe hypothermia or diseases of other organs and systems (for example, dysbiosis, colitis or intestinal infections).

In males, the cause may be phimosis (in this case, severe narrowing is diagnosed foreskin), in females - synechia (fusion of the labia). Only an experienced doctor can help determine the cause of a UTI.


Symptoms of urinary tract infection in children depend on the location of the infection, the form and severity of the disease. For this category of patients characteristic diseases cystitis, pyelonephritis and asymptomatic bacteriuria are considered.

Symptoms in newborn babies are as follows:

  • loss of appetite;
  • severe irritability and tearfulness;
  • frequently repeated regurgitation;
  • gastrointestinal disorders (diarrhea or constipation);
  • change in skin color, which is a sign of intoxication;
  • weight loss.

Features of manifestation genitourinary infection in children depend on their age and gender. With bacteriuria in girls, the color and smell of urine changes. Cystitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • urination in small portions, which is accompanied by severe pain and burning;
  • pain in the area above the pubis;
  • slightly elevated body temperature.

In infants the manifestation infectious lesion urinary tract is weak and intermittent urination. The disease causes him discomfort, he becomes moody and irritable.

At acute pyelonephritis the child's body temperature rises, nausea or vomiting occurs, the skin becomes pale, he eats and sleeps poorly. IN severe cases signs of neurotoxicosis and irritation of the membranes of the brain may appear. Also arises strong pain V lumbar region, which intensifies during urination.

Often in infants, these pathologies are mistaken for intestinal or stomach disorders; in older children, the first symptoms may be similar to those of the flu. This makes the treatment process very difficult. As a result, children end up in the hospital with serious complications.

At constant delay urine, the baby may experience severe swelling of the limbs. Pyelonephritis is characterized by an increase in bilirubin in the blood, so this disease is often confused with jaundice in early stages.

If treatment is not treated promptly, kidney tissue begins to be replaced connective tissue, the organ decreases in size, its functioning is impaired, and this leads to acute renal failure.


For staging accurate diagnosis The child will need to undergo a number of mandatory tests. First of all, he will be examined by a pediatrician, urologist, nephrologist, and a gynecologist. Further examination involves the use laboratory methods Diagnosis of urinary tract infection:

  • general urine analysis;
  • general and biochemical analysis blood.
  • with bacteriuria, a urine test is required to determine the type of pathogenic microorganisms - bacterial culture. In this case, it is also possible to identify resistance to certain types antibacterial drugs. It must be remembered that pathogenic microflora tends to multiply quickly, therefore timely diagnosis very important.
  • plays an important role when examining a patient serological analysis blood. It allows you to determine the type of pathogen that causes the disease by the presence of antibodies.

Among the instrumental research methods prescribed:

  • ultrasound examination kidneys, bladder and urethra. Allows you to determine the size of the organ and identify possible pathologies;
  • carrying out voiding cystography and other types of X-ray contrast diagnostics (only for re-infection);
  • scintigraphy, which helps to assess the condition of the renal parenchyma;
  • endoscopic methods (ureteroscopy, etc.);
  • uroflowmetry or cystometry, which helps to study the urodynamics of the patient.

It's important to note that endoscopic examinations prescribed only for chronic infectious diseases. They must be carried out during a period of stable remission.

Treatment of urinary tract infections in children

After receiving the results complex diagnostics Doctors decide on a treatment regimen for a child’s urinary tract infection. It may include drug therapy or surgery. First of all, the age of the child and the severity of the disease are taken into account.

For drug therapy Antibacterial drugs are most often used for urinary tract infections. Antibiotics are usually prescribed wide range actions. For patients under 3 years of age they are used in the form of syrup, for older patients - mainly in tablets.

The doctor selects the dosage based on the baby’s weight. The duration of treatment is on average 7-10 days. If necessary, the course can be extended to 2 weeks. It is very important to take these medications full course to prevent relapse and completely kill pathogenic microflora.

If other symptoms are present, antipyretics and uroseptics may be used. which help remove accumulated urine. During antibiotic therapy, probiotics are prescribed to preserve normal microflora intestines. It is also recommended to take vitamins to strengthen the immune system.

A prerequisite for urinary tract infections is proper drinking regimen. In order for bacteria to be eliminated faster in the urine, the child should be given as much to drink as possible. In this case, you need to carefully monitor the amount of urine excreted: if the volume is less than 50 ml, then a catheter may be required.

The child can also be treated using folk remedies. After cupping general symptoms warm baths with decoctions are shown medicinal plants(St. John's wort, chamomile, etc.).

It is imperative to adjust the child’s diet: exclude everything spicy, fried, fatty or salty. To normalize intestinal function, dairy products are recommended.

Among the methods of physiotherapy, it is necessary to highlight electrophoresis, UHF, paraffin applications, etc. The decision on the advisability of using such procedures is made solely by the attending physician.

It is important to remember that untimely treatment leads to complications such as chronic cystitis or pyelonephritis. In this case, the child experiences periodic phases of exacerbation, which also require the use of antibacterial drugs and uroseptics.

In severe cases, it is indicated surgical intervention. Most often it is carried out when there is congenital pathologies, which provoke the development of UTIs. Operations are performed in children laparoscopic method.

It is low-traumatic; the baby is sent home already on the 3-4th day. During the rehabilitation period, it is very important to ensure that the wounds do not become infected.

In general, in the acute stage of an infectious disease, thanks to today's pharmaceuticals, it can be cured with the help of medications. For selection effective drug it is necessary to take into account the results of bacteriological analysis of urine.

How to prevent disease

If treatment is untimely or incorrect, the patient develops renal failure, sepsis or arterial hypertension. Relapses occur very rarely if a child who has had a UTI regularly visits a nephrologist or urologist in a children's clinic.

Prevention is very important to reduce the risk of infection. The main measures are:

  • compliance with hygiene rules;
  • breast-feeding(this allows the baby’s body to be provided with all necessary substances and microelements);
  • proper use of diapers;
  • timely rehabilitation of the inflammatory process;
  • strengthening the immune system, regular hardening;
  • avoiding severe hypothermia;
  • wearing underwear only made from natural fabrics;
  • choosing hygiene products only with neutral acidity.

It is also recommended to regularly take urine and blood tests to detect inflammation in a timely manner. By observing all these simple conditions, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing urinary tract infections in your child.

If your doctor has diagnosed your child with a UTI, you will probably need Additional Information about what kind of infection this is, how it occurs, symptoms, and also how treatment is selected - read about it in the article.

Urinary tract infection (UTI) - what is it?

UTI is a group of diseases in which the growth of bacteria in the urinary tract is established. Most common cause urinary tract infection is Escherichia coli. In case of abnormalities or dysfunctions of the urinary tract, the infection can be caused by other, less virulent microbes (enterococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, group B streptococcus aureus, influenza bacillus). Bacteria that cause diseases of the urinary system often come from the patient’s intestines. In boys, the preputial sac may be a reservoir of bacteria. IN urinary tract the infection usually enters through an ascending route.

Causes of UTI

Causes of urinary tract infection:

    Urodynamic disturbances (vesicoureteral reflux, obstructive uropathy, neurogenic dysfunction Bladder).

    The severity of the pathogenic properties of microorganisms (certain serotypes, ability coli to adhesion to the uroepithelium, the ability of Proteus to secrete urease, etc.).

    Features of the patient's immune response (decreased cell-mediated immunity under the influence of factors produced by macrophages and neutrophils, insufficient production of antibodies).

  1. Symptoms of UTI infection in infants

    In children early age(up to a year) symptoms of infection are mild and nonspecific: temperature is normal or slightly elevated, intoxication expressed in gray color skin, apathy, anorexia, weight loss. Children preschool age rarely complain of pain in the back or lower back; more often the only symptom is a rise in temperature. In acute bacterial cystitis 38C and above 38.5 with involvement of the upper urinary tract. Urinary tract infections tend to have a recurrent course.

    Diagnosis of urinary tract infection is based on urine analysis from its bacteriological examination. It is important to teach parents how to collect urine correctly.

    If, however, the urine test showed bacteriuria(presence of bacteria), it is necessary to repeat the examination in order to avoid an incorrect diagnosis and subsequently unnecessary treatment of children with antibacterial drugs.

    In a urine test for urinary system infections, bacteria, lymphocytes, red blood cells, and possibly protein are found. In boys, 2-3 leukocytes can normally be detected, in girls 5-7 leukocytes per field of view, erythrocytes 1-2 per field of view. A more accurate number of leukocytes can be determined by tests according to Nichiporenko, Amburge, Adissa-Kakovsky. The absence of leukocyturia excludes the diagnosis of pyelonephritis and cystitis. To diagnose a urinary tract infection, there are no red blood cells or protein in the urine diagnostic value. If symptoms of infection are present, proteinuria confirms the diagnosis of pyelonephritis.

    For diagnosis they also carry out ultrasound examination of the kidneys and bladder, excretory urography, nephroscytigraphy, radioisotope radiography, urodynamic studies. Ultrasound and urography can identify obstruction and abnormal development of the organs of the urinary system, cystography - vesicoureteral reflux and intravesical obstruction.

    Treatment of UTIs in children

    Treatment of urinary tract infections is based on the following basic principles:

      Prescription of antibacterial drugs in accordance with the sensitivity of the pathogen.

      Reducing intoxication with high activity of the process.

      Long-term antimicrobial prophylaxis in case of detection of vesicoureteral reflux and recurrence of urinary infection.

      Timely correction of urodynamic disorders of the urinary tract.

      Increasing the immunological reactivity of the child’s body.

    How are urinary infections in newborns treated?

    In newborns In children, the antibiotic is administered parenterally; in most other children, it is administered orally. In case of sensitivity to the drug, the urine becomes sterile 24 hours after the start of treatment. If bacteria persist in the urine during treatment, this indicates that the pathogen is resistant to the drug. Other symptoms of inflammation persist longer, fever up to 2-3 days, leukocyturia up to 3-4 days, increase in ESR can be observed for up to 3 weeks. The average duration of antibiotic treatment is 10 days.

    In children with cystitis The goal of treatment is to relieve dysuria, which for most goes away within 1-2 days, so taking an antibiotic for 3-5 days is usually sufficient. In children with pyelonephritis it is necessary to prevent the persistence of infection and shrinkage of the kidney. In patients with high risk progression, prevention should be carried out for several years. When carrying out treatment it is necessary to carry out with parents outreach work about the need for preventive courses of treatment, for a possible unfavorable prognosis in the presence of progression factors.

    Urinary tract infection (UTI)- this is a generic name inflammatory diseases urinary system. The concept includes urethritis,. UTI ranks second in incidence after inflammation of the respiratory system. In childhood this pathology is also common, but its diagnosis is difficult due to the inability to make complaints and frequent disguise as other diseases (ARI,).

    information During the first year of life, boys suffer from inflammation of the urinary system more often, which is associated with the presence congenital anomalies, and after a year the ratio changes 6:1 towards an increase in this pathology among girls.

    This is explained by the fact that anatomically the female urethra is located closer to anus Therefore, pathogenic microflora more easily enters the intestines into the urethra and further into the urinary system.


    UTIs can be divided into infections based on localization:

    According to the duration of the disease:

    • acute(less than 3 months);
    • chronic(more than 3 months).

    According to the presence of complications:

    • uncomplicated;
    • complicated.

    Causes of infection and risk factors

    The direct cause of inflammation in the urinary system is bacteria. The most common pathogens are:

    • coli;
    • proteas;
    • Klebsiella;
    • pseudomonas;
    • enterococci and others.

    information However, for the development of the disease, the presence of bacteria is not enough; a combination of risk factors, the predisposition of the person himself, and a decrease in immune defense are necessary.

    To the main risk factors in children include:

    • complicated course of pregnancy in the mother (chronic pyelonephritis, gestosis, occupational hazards in the mother during pregnancy, hereditary history and others);
    • decreased general and local immunity;
    • malformations of the urinary system;
    • violation of the outflow of urine (presence of stones, developmental anomalies, vesicoureteral-renal reflux);
    • metabolic diseases () and others.

    Symptoms of UTI in children

    For infection in the lower sections comes to the fore pain syndrome. Older children complain of pain when urinating, frequent urination, discomfort in the stomach, above the pubis. General symptoms may also occur:

    • weakness, lethargy;
    • temperature increase;
    • decreased appetite.

    For acute pyelonephritis the pain syndrome is less pronounced. Symptoms of intoxication come to the fore:

    • lethargy, weakness, fatigue;
    • sleep disturbance;
    • increase in body temperature.

    The pain syndrome is localized in the lumbar region. If it is severe, children can take forced situation(lying on your side with your legs brought towards your body), if weak, pain is felt when you touch the lower back.

    Chronic pyelonephritis More often it manifests itself as a periodic rise in temperature, pain in the lower back. Children become irritable, lethargic, and get tired quickly. With a long course, a lag in physical and mental development is possible.

    UTIs in children under one year of age manifest as intoxication syndrome. It can often be disguised as other diseases (ARI, intestinal colic, ). The child becomes restless and capricious.

    Diagnosis of urinary tract infection in children

    For older children, the main criteria for diagnosing UTIs are the complaints presented.

    important In children, inflammation of the urinary system is more often diagnosed by the presence indirect signs(fever, crying or visible discomfort when urinating, vomiting, diarrhea and others).

    Basic diagnostic methods:

    1. – the simplest and most informative. At inflammatory process leukocytes appear in the urine, possibly the presence of protein, and bacteria.
    2. Urine culture followed by determination of the pathogen and its sensitivity to antibiotics- more informative, but requires some time and money. It makes it possible not only to accurately determine the cause of inflammation, but also helps to more accurately select treatment.
    3. Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko - another test to detect inflammation in the urinary tract. With its help you can more accurately (compared to general analysis urine) estimate the number of red blood cells in 1 ml of urine.
    4. Ultrasound of the kidneys and pelvic system– most often used in children instrumental method. If the pyelocaliceal system is dilated, this indicates pyelonephritis.


    Treatment for UTIs should begin as soon as the diagnosis is confirmed. The main treatment is antibiotic therapy. Diet and regimen also play an important role.

    Drug therapy

    For the first episode of uncomplicated infection Most often, antibiotics from the group of protected penicillins are prescribed in the form of tablets, suspensions, capsules, syrup or 2-3 generation cephalosporins, also in oral form. Most common medications:

    • Augmentin;
    • Amoxiclav;
    • Cefix;
    • Cefaclor;
    • Cefuroxime.

    The duration of therapy for infections of the lower sections is 5 days, and for pyelonephritis it increases to 10.

    Good effect have uroantiseptics (Furamag, Furagin and others).

    For chronic UTI can be prescribed for a long time herbal preparations having anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antibacterial effect, such as Canephron and phytolysin ointment.

    dangerous Chronic pyelonephritis requires longer and more serious treatment. In some cases, it should be carried out in a hospital (severe form, pronounced syndrome intoxication, early childhood).

    Diet and regimen

    Diet and drinking regime allows you to speed up the healing process and prevent new episodes of infection:

    • Sour, fried, spicy, salty foods should be excluded.
    • It is important to drink plenty of fluids. This helps flush out the infection from the urinary system and prevents bacteria from lingering and multiplying. Fruit drinks made from cranberries, lingonberries, kidney teas, decoctions medicinal herbs(chamomile, birch, St. John's wort and others).

    Preventing urinary tract infections in children

    Basic principles of UTI prevention:

    • Explain to your child that holding back (tolerating) urination is harmful. This creates a favorable background for the proliferation of bacteria.
    • If the child already goes to the toilet and serves himself, explain how to wipe his butt correctly and monitor this action.
    • If the child is still small, change the diaper in a timely manner and wash the bottom correctly (from front to back).
    • Dress your child according to the weather, especially pay attention to the crotch area, lower back and legs.
    • Make sure that your baby does not sit in a cold place, even in hot weather.
    • Your child needs to drink enough throughout the day. Be it simple drinking water or juices, compotes and fruit drinks.
    • If a child suffers from a chronic infection of the urinary system, then it is necessary to periodically take preventive courses of uroantiseptics.
    • It is necessary to take regular tests, since UTIs (especially in the upper sections and chronic forms) can occur without obvious signs.

    Urinary tract infections (UTIs) and kidney infections in children occur as often as acute respiratory infections viral infections. It is difficult for parents to immediately find out what is hurting their child. Most often the newborn has symptoms manifests itself as intestinal infection : There may be nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain. If the disease is not identified in time and treatment is not started, the consequences can be unpredictable.

    When signs of infection appear, parents most often suspect cystitis. But this is not entirely correct. Chronic infection lower paths- cystitis - is a lesion of the bladder (not the kidneys), it may be less common in boys.

    An infection of the genitourinary system in a child under one year of age is rarely localized in any one organ, but spreads through the genital tract. That's why correct diagnosis - infection of the upper (pyelonephritis and pyelitis of the kidneys) and lower urinary tract (cystitis,).

    The causes of this disease: improper use of diapers for infants, violation of hygiene rules, hypothermia, contact with patients in the pool - which means all factors can provoke an infection.

    Possible reasons contributing to the development of the disease:

    • congenital anomalies and tumors;
    • abnormal structure of the MPS: in newborn boys, synechia of the MPS in girls;
    • chronic neuralgia accompanied by urination disorder;
    • dysmetabolic disorders;
    • organ infections: worms, intestinal diseases;
    • violation of children's diet rules;
    • eating spicy, smoked, sour and salty foods.

    convert special attention on the child’s condition is necessary in the presence of urticaria. Stones can irritate the mucous membrane of the lower tract and kidneys, cause pain when urinating, ICD provides an “open gate” for infection.


    Manifestations of a urinary tract infection and uncomplicated symptoms depend on both its location and the age of the child.

    is expressed local symptoms : frequent and very painful urination every 15 minutes, the volume of urine is minimal, a feeling of heaviness and cutting-aching tension above the pubis in girls.

    In newborns, urination is accompanied by crying, and the temperature usually does not rise.

    Inflammation renal pelvis(pyelonephritis) is accompanied by fever, chills. Signs of intoxication of the body appear. These symptoms may lead to misdiagnosis in newborns.

    If a child exhibits following symptoms, you must immediately consult a doctor and begin treatment:

    • urinary incontinence;
    • - spontaneous urination during sleep;
    • swelling: under the eyes, lower extremities;
    • signs of intestinal infection: nausea and vomiting, fever;
    • abdominal pain, especially when urinating in boys.


    At the first signs of infection, urine tests should be immediately performed and treatment prescribed. Important nuance: In the last two decades, the effect of decreased immunity in the mucous membranes has been observed. Therefore, urine tests may not detect bacterial infections.

    • Recommended reading:

    Observed in urine elevated white blood cells, bacteria, less often erythrocytes. Clinical tests blood: leukocyte formula shifts to the left, ESR is increased, the content of acute-phase proteins is increased. Only a doctor should interpret test results.


    To confirm the diagnosis be sure to submit urine for bacterial culture to determine the pathogen and the degree of resistance to antibiotics. The result will be ready in 5–6 days.

    Thanks to bacterial culture, you can accurately determine the threat to the kidneys. If the kidneys are involved in the process, it is necessary to conduct an ultrasound examination. In newborns, the norm is 10 4 bacteria per 1 liter of urine.

    Urine for bacterial culture must be collected in such a way as to exclude the slightest ingress of bacteria into the liquid. The collection should be done in the morning, after thoroughly washing the child’s external genitalia. An average portion of urine is taken for analysis. In newborns, it is best to undergo catheterization or suprapubic puncture of the bladder.

    Through ultrasound examination MPS in children can assess the structure and size of the renal parenchyma. In case of obstruction of urine outflow (congenital anomalies, tumor, urticaria), it is necessary to conduct an X-ray contrast study: relapse - excretory urography kidneys, for cystitis - voiding cystography.

    An important nuance: in boys, cystography should be done during the first episodes of the disease, in girls - during repeated episodes. In case of congenital anomalies, it is necessary to undergo regular urine tests.


    For cystitis manifestations, treatment can be carried out at home. The main thing is to choose the right one necessary medications and an antibiotic. If parents treat their children by strictly following the doctor's recommendations and regularly administering the prescribed antibiotic and antispasmodics, the child’s well-being can quickly return to normal.

    Eliminating the infection is possible only with antibiotics - this is the only effective medicine. Painful sensations are relieved by antispasmodic drugs.

    Timely treatment and correctly selected antibiotics and uroantiseptic drugs are half the success. The treatment process is complex and exclusively individual. Without a doctor, it is impossible to eliminate the infection.

    Treatment of pyelonephritis is carried out in a hospital setting. Especially children under two years of age. TO inpatient treatment The following procedures are required: the antibiotic is administered parenterally, infusion therapy.

    Bed rest is not a requirement. Exception: severe fever and pain. The most important condition: choose an effective antibiotic.


    Treatment of infection antimicrobials: a prescribed antibiotic for a specific pathogen. An important nuance: nephrotoxic drugs are excluded. An antibiotic is prescribed penicillin group, cephalosporins.

    For cystitis, antibiotics are taken for at least seven days. For pyelonephritis, an antibiotic is taken for at least two weeks. After a repeated urine test, a series of uroantiseptics are prescribed.


    Appointed special diet: protein-vegetable products and dairy foods. Avoid eating sour and fried foods, smoked foods, citrus fruits, fruits, tomatoes, grapes, pickles, and sauerkraut.

    After the pain syndrome has been relieved, you need to drink as much fluid as possible - this limits the effect of urine on the mucous membrane and promotes the rapid elimination of toxins. Preference: slightly alkaline liquids, fruit drinks.

    To prevent the development of diarrhea, medications such as probiotics are prescribed. For prevention re-infection The doctor may recommend taking herbal medicines.

    Folk remedies

    Very effective treatment folk remedies. Preparations of St. John's wort and leaves of lingonberry, nettle, chamomile, rose hips and yarrow are used as teas and decoctions. Herbal teas- an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. Folk remedies can relieve not only inflammation and uncomplicated symptoms, but also pain. A course of treatment with folk remedies can be prescribed for a long time.


    It is important to understand: urinary tract disease is an ascending infection. Most effective way prevention: hygiene and proper nutrition. Use diapers correctly; when caring for newborns, it is useful to use folk remedies: bathing in chamomile, string.

    For newborns best diet- breast-feeding. Mom should watch the foods she eats. It is necessary to exclude hot, spicy and sweet food. Children need to be given plenty of protein and limit the consumption of sour fruits and vegetables.

    Do not allow children wearing only swimming trunks to sit on the side of the pool or bench. The infection is transmitted by contact. Avoid hypothermia in your child.

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