If water does not flow out of the ear. Earplugs can be helpful. Methods for removing fluid from the ear canal

Almost everyone has experienced the problem of getting water in their ears at some point in their life. Water entering the ear canal and/or middle ear is irritating and uncomfortable. The presence of sulfur can exacerbate the situation, as it traps moisture and allows it to stay there for a longer period of time.

Children, adults and the elderly can suffer from water getting into their ears. Often this trouble happens after taking a bath or shower, especially if you tilt your head so that water can easily penetrate inside or after swimming in a lake, river, pool, sea, especially if you swim under water.

Water can be in one ear or both at once, it can disturb for one, two, three, four or five days or more long periods if no action is taken. Some people have reported having water in their ears for weeks or months. Such a prolonged presence of a stuffy ear sensation cannot be ignored, since it can be an infection, and not just water.

Symptoms and signs

In addition to an uncomfortable and irritating sensation, some of the common symptoms may include pain, hearing loss (“water in the ear reduces hearing and makes it feel like something is foreign”), and inflammation of the ear canal if it does not come out within a few days or develops infections. There may also be popping or ringing, pressure behind the ears, pain in the jaw or ear, itching, dizziness, headache caused by pressure, and other symptoms.

If blood or pus comes out, it may be a sign of an infection or injury. You need to see a doctor immediately for further diagnosis and treatment.


Having water in your ears is not fatal. dangerous state, but "uncontrolled, excess moisture can lead to infection and pain." One common cause of infection in swimmers is ignoring pool, ocean, lake, river water ingress, which can be contaminated with fungi, bacteria, or viruses.

In addition, neglecting this problem for weeks or months, or ignoring some of the symptoms, can lead to permanent damage or permanent hearing loss, as well as eardrum inflammation, cyst formation, and other complications.

Means and methods for removing water

Most of the methods can be applied at home. It should be remembered that not every method recommended online is safe, as it can damage the sensitive structure. inner ear.

1. Ways to remove water immediately after swimming

2. Add water

Lie on your side with the affected ear up, ask someone to add a few more drops. clean water room temperature to avoid dizziness, and immediately turn to the opposite side.

3. Chewing gum

Another easy way to cleanse is chewing gum. It sets the temporomandibular joint in motion, which creates pressure on the middle ear and the ear canal is stretched.

4. Use alcohol

This approach can also help kill bacteria and prevent infections.

Tilt your head, drip a few drops of alcohol, wait about 30 seconds. Then turn your head in the opposite direction so that the remaining alcohol and water flow out.

Repeat the process several times until the desired result is achieved. During this procedure, the presence of crackling and crunching is normal.

5. Dry your ear

You can try to dry your ear with a dryer with non-hot air, holding it at a distance of about 30 centimeters. This will help the liquid to come out as a vapor. To increase the efficiency of the process, gently pull the earlobe down. Precautions must be taken to avoid burns.

6. Solutions

If eardrum intact, a few drops of an alcohol and vinegar mixture, a salt water solution, or a mixture of garlic and olive oil. They must be at body temperature to avoid dizziness.

Alcohol and vinegar

mixed in equal amounts. The mixture helps remove water and limit bacterial growth, preventing infections.

Salt solution

Salt water (a quarter teaspoon of salt added to a glass of warm water) is good at fighting infections. It is necessary to pour the solution into the ears with a syringe or pipette.

A mixture of olive oil and garlic

Garlic has antibacterial and olive oil antiseptic properties and reduces discomfort. You need to crush a little garlic, add not a large number of olive oil, heat and strain the mixture. Place a few drops in the ear, wait a while and, tilting your head, let the liquid come out. The oil can also be used separately.

7. Steam inhalation or hot compress

Hot ear compress can help get rid of water in the ear

Another simple but effective method is the use of steam. Should be placed hot water V large capacity, cover with a towel and inhale the steam slowly for about 5-10 minutes, then tilt your head to let the water flow out. A hot ear compress also has a similar effect.

8. Ear cleaning drops

There are many types in pharmacies. ear drops containing alcohol, which aid in the removal of water as the alcohol evaporates quickly.

9. Hydrogen peroxide

A few drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide will help soften earwax which can collect drops of moisture. This remedy will also prevent the development of infection.

Precautionary measures

  • "Never try to use cotton buds to dry or remove anything from the ears, as this can damage the eardrum, ear canal.
  • Do not insert anything into your ear, including keys, pens, fingers, etc., as this may cause infections and injury.
  • Dry your ears after getting out of the water using a soft towel or cloth.
  • Call your doctor if you experience swelling, redness, hearing loss, itching, or pus.
  • Do not use headphones until all liquid has been removed.
  • Water removers that do not include alcohol are ideal for low levels of earwax.

One of better ways protection - use earplugs for swimming. You can buy them in many online stores. There are different brands and types for adults and children. They often come with a nose clip.

Water in the middle ear

Such a problem can affect people who have undergone a myringotomy - surgical procedure, in which "an incision is made in the eardrum to help drain fluid and thus balance the pressure outside and inside the ear", to correct a dysfunction of the Eustachian tube or the presence of perforated eardrums. They can get water into the middle ear, that is, it is located behind the eardrum.

This often happens after swimming, diving, or showering, and can cause pain, dizziness (because the middle ear helps in balancing the body), hearing loss, etc.

Sometimes otitis media, especially with effusion, can result in "thick or sticky fluid behind the tympanic membrane in the middle ear", which feels almost the same as having water in the middle ear. Young children are more likely to suffer from otitis media with effusion, because their Eustachian tubes are shorter, with smaller openings, and they catch colds more often.

To treat or remove water from the middle ear, you need to visit a doctor. Doing this on your own can lead to complications.

Water in ear with pain

If water ingress is accompanied by pain, it is recommended to see a doctor for a diagnosis, as there is a risk of deformation of the eardrum or infection.

Is it possible for water to enter the inner ear?

The ear is divided into three parts: the outer, which ends at the eardrums, the middle and the inner. Fluid cannot enter the inner ear.

Why does it feel like water is in my ear?

If fluid is felt, accompanied by a ringing or crackling sound, this often happens during awakening and none of the removal methods work, then this may be congestion caused by different reasons(infection, sulfur plug, allergies, air pressure drops, some diseases). This problem may persist for weeks or months and return from time to time.

Another common symptom of stuffy ears is hearing loss. This happens when the Eustachian tube becomes blocked and/or the ear canal becomes clogged with earwax. There may also be a feeling that you are under water and dizziness.

Everyone faced the problem of water getting into the ear. First of all, a person feels discomfort, fluid transfusion in the ear and gurgling during head movements. What to do if water gets into the ear?

This problem occurs especially in children in the summer, since summer is associated with the bathing season for everyone.

Remember, if there were no problems with the hearing aid before, then water ingress should not be considered a disaster and the problem can be solved by itself. IN normal condition there is a sufficient amount of lubricant in the auricle, which performs the function of protecting the ear. Thus, you don't have to do anything special.

If you have previously suffered from any ear disease, then water ingress can become a serious problem for you. Patients note a sharp headache, dizziness. Water can cause an infectious disease. As a rule, water in reservoirs is not always clean, so the ingress of contaminated water into middle part hearing aid in most cases ends with the occurrence of an infectious disease. If water gets into the ear, it must be evacuated immediately. So what do you do if water gets into your ear?

Measures to remove water from the ears of a healthy person

Measures to remove water from the ears of a person with chronic diseases of the hearing aid

If a person has had otitis media at least once in his life, then the eardrum has perforations or small holes, which makes it possible for fluid to enter the middle ear. As a result of this, there may be infection middle ear.

  • Instillation of the ear with anti-inflammatory drops, such as sofradex, okomistin, taufon (2 drops per sore ear 2-3 times a day, it is advisable to do the last instillation of the ears before going to bed).
  • To remove water from the middle ear, insert a turunda or loose cotton swab, moistened with boric alcohol heated to a temperature of 37 degrees.

  • As a rule, the presence of water in the middle ear causes severe pain, therefore, it is advisable to take painkillers, such as analgin, ibuprom (1 tablet after meals no more than three times a day).
  • Performing frequent swallowing movements also helps to evacuate fluid from the ears.

Prevention of water ingress into the ears

  1. The use of a special rubber cap for swimming, which, due to its snug fit to the ears, closes the ear canals and prevents water from entering the outer and middle ear.
  2. With low sulfur production in the ears, it is necessary to lubricate the ear canals with petroleum jelly in order to maintain the state of the microflora.
  3. Use of special ear plugs while swimming.

The cavities of the middle ear and nose are connected to each other through the Eustachian tube. ENT doctors often prescribe nasal lavage with saline solutions to cleanse the cavity, but if not proper conduct procedures, the solution can penetrate inside. This can lead to a variety of consequences, ranging from simple congestion to an inflammatory process.

The washing procedure can create discomfort.

  • Congestion after washing or instillation of the nose. Occurs due to misadministration a means by which fluid enters the ear cavity through the Eustachian tube.
  • After instillation of the nose, the ear hurt. Painful sensations in the ear cavity can be associated with damage to the tympanic septum and the presence of an inflammatory process in it.
  • After washing, otitis media began. Dolphin or Aqualor solutions are prescribed for cleansing, their action is based on washing out viruses, bacteria, dust particles and allergens from the cavity. As a result, breathing becomes easy, the symptoms of rhinitis are smoothed out. At correct use these funds do not pose a danger to the health and condition of the hearing organs. Otitis occurs against the background of getting into the cavity of the rinse solution, but not because of it. If, after the procedure, otitis media began to develop, then there was already inflammation in the middle ear, and the drug only accelerated the process.


A negative impact on health can be associated with a number of errors:

  • A sharp injection of the drug into the nose, which caused it to enter the Eustachian tube.
  • A high concentration of salts in the solution for washing occurs when dry preparations are incorrectly diluted, as a result of improper storage or expiration of the product.
  • Carrying out the procedure in the presence of injuries in the eardrum. Through the hole in the septum, the solution easily penetrates into the middle ear and causes the development of the pathological process.
  • The presence of severe congestion or swelling. Contraindications to the use of lavages include nasal congestion and swelling of the mucous membrane, these processes can cause fluid to penetrate into the middle ear and develop an inflammatory process in it.
  • Manipulation in patients with otitis media or prone to frequent development illness. Water in itself is not the cause of the development of inflammation, but when penetrated, it exacerbates an already existing pathology.


Symptoms that, after the procedure, the washing solution got into the ear cavity are the following sensations:

  1. Congestion, sensation of water.
  2. Sounds are heard muffled or ringing.
  3. Fluctuation - the feeling that fluid is flowing in the ear cavity.
  4. Bubbling sensations.
  5. Pain.


When water enters the ear during irrigation, it leads to a feeling of congestion, the presence of liquid is felt in it, which is accompanied by ringing or a feeling of transfusion. Rarely there are painful manifestations after the manipulation. Improper conduction with the ingress of liquid can cause the development of several pathologies, this is due not only to the ingress of water, but also to the presence of salts and microorganisms in it, washed out from the nasal mucosa.

  • eustachitis;
  • inflammation of the middle section;
  • inflammation of the tympanic septum;
  • purulent chronic inflammation eardrum.

Normally, water masses are excreted naturally without causing an inflammatory process. The danger during the washing procedure is that it uses saline solutions having irritant effect on the mucous membrane.

Another reason for the development of pathology is that particles of pus or mucus are washed out of the cavity, in which there are a large number of bacteria. Bacteria provoke the development of the inflammatory process. This leads to the formation of purulent exudate in the cavity, which melts the tissues and damages the delicate structure of the organs of the middle ear and the tympanic septum.

It is necessary to carry out the washing procedure very carefully in order to avoid the penetration of the solution into the Eustachian tube, and through it into the middle ear cavity.

What to do

Fluid that has entered the ear cavity can be one of the causes of the onset or aggravation of the existing inflammatory process. When similar problem, it is recommended to take measures to remove the solution yourself. If it was not possible to remove it on your own, it is recommended to urgently seek advice from a specialist. The development of the pathological process can cause hearing impairment, which can be almost impossible to correct.


If, when washing the nose, water gets into the ear, then it should be removed from there as soon as possible. There are several ways to independently remove the liquid without seeking medical help.

  1. Creating a vacuum. The presence of a vacuum causes the masses to move in its direction. Thanks to this physical technique, you can try to remove water. To do this, you need to enter ear canal finger and try to create a vacuum. The angle of insertion of the finger depends on the structure of the ear canal. The whole procedure must be carried out very carefully so as not to damage the eardrum.
  2. Creating pressure in the ear that will push the fluid out. To do this, take a full mouth of air and close the nostrils. In this case, you need to be confused to squeeze out the air with your mouth closed. With the right procedure air gets in into the Eustachian tubes and push the water out. If this was done, then a characteristic cotton will be heard, after which the discomfort and nasal congestion disappear.
  3. Removal of fluid by gravity. To do this, you need to tilt your head from the side of the ear into which the water has fallen and shake your head a little. The opposite ear can be closed.
  4. Chewing or swallowing movements. With their help, you can expand the openings of the Eustachian tubes, this will allow the fluid to exit.
  5. Fen. A stream of cold air from a hair dryer is directed into the ear, which evaporates the water. Using this technique can be dangerous. Do not direct hot air into the ear, as this can damage the eardrum.
  6. Instillation with vasoconstrictor and decongestants.

If there is no result, you should contact the ENT, the specialist will prescribe the procedures necessary to remove the fluid.

Penetration into the middle ear and consequences

Pain in the ear after washing the nose is most often a sign that the fluid is in the cavity of the middle section. This can lead to serious consequences, so it is urgent to take measures to remove the liquid. Otherwise, it can lead to serious consequences such as:

  • development of otitis;
  • purulent otitis;
  • damage to the eardrum;
  • complete or partial hearing loss, without the possibility of restoring functionality.


To ensure that the cleansing procedure does not cause the development of pathologies of the eardrum or Eustachian tubes, precautions should be taken.

  • Refusal to wash in the presence of edema or severe congestion. If the cavity is swollen, then after cleansing, there may be a feeling that the ear is blocked. To prevent this from happening, before washing, you should drip your nose with vasoconstrictor drops. They will relieve swelling.
  • It is impossible to carry out the procedure for patients with otitis or prone to the development of the process. This is one of the main conditions. Its violation may cause serious consequences for good health.
  • Accurate injection. Solutions should be administered smoothly and carefully. You can not sharply inject it into the nose, this can lead to the solution entering the Eustachian tube.

Solutions are used quite often, they allow you to relieve the symptoms of congestion and speed up the healing process. In order for the procedure not to cause harm, the patient should be very careful about the manipulation and exclude the possibility of penetration into the ear cavity.

water in the ears immediately causes discomfort - there is congestion in the ear and hearing is reduced. If the water is not removed in time, then inflammation develops, which is accompanied by pain and discharge from the ear. Sometimes the inflammatory process is so pronounced that the redness of the auditory canal is visible to the naked eye. Otolaryngologists have a special term for this problem - "swimmer's ear".

Water can get into your ears when you swim in open water, go to the pool, or take a shower.

Should I be afraid of getting water in my ears?

This question is often asked by mothers. infants. When bathing, they try to keep the child's head above the water or cover the ear canals with cotton. These fears are unfounded. In young children, the ear canals are wide and the water in the bathing area flows out freely.

Adults don't have to worry about getting water in their ears either. At healthy person water does not stay in the ear for a long time and does not cause inflammation. Water cannot flow into the middle ear, as it is protected by the eardrum.

Who should be afraid of water in their ears?

Problems arise in such cases.
  1. Wax accumulated in the ear and a wax plug formed. Sulfur accumulations are present in 70% of children school age and 30% of adults. If water lingers in the ear, the cork swells. It increases in size, tightly clogs the ear canal, causes pain and inflammation of the ear - otitis media.

  2. After the postponed chronic otitis media holes appeared in the eardrum. In this case, water enters the middle ear from the outer ear and causes otitis media.

  3. Water got into the middle ear. This situation is possible if you tightened the water with your nose. Between the nasal cavity and the ear there is a narrow passage called the Eustachian tube. It ensures equalization of pressure on both sides of the eardrum. This tube carries water from the nose to the middle ear, causing congestion. Bacteriathat could get in with water cause inflammation.

  4. The walls of the ear canal are too sensitive. In this case, bleach and shampoo cause irritation. And irritated skin is very susceptible to bacteria. As a result, shortly after water enters the ears, otitis externa develops.

Symptoms and signs of water in the ear

Usually an adult accurately determines that water has got into his ear. This is eloquently evidenced by such symptoms.
  • Congestion. We feel the pressure of water on the sensitive tympanic septum, like congestion in the ear.
  • Hearing loss. Water accumulates in the ear canal. At the same time, it interferes with the transmission of sound waves to the tympanic septum, which causes temporary hearing loss.
  • Feeling of overflowing water. A change in the level of fluid in the ear canal is fixed by receptors on the eardrum. These vibrations are amplified by the auditory ossicles and transmitted to the middle ear.
  • Resonance in the blocked ear of one's voice, tinnitus. The presence of water near the eardrum distorts the perception of sounds. Your own voice, which is transmitted to the ear through the bones of the skull, seems distorted.
  • Earache. If after 4-6 hours you do not get rid of the water in the ears, then bacteria develop in it, which cause inflammation, pain and a rise in temperature. Unpleasant sensations can also be caused by the pressure of a swollen sulfur plug.
  • Headache in affected ear. Inflammatory process in the ear causes irritation nerve endings cranial nerves that innervate this area. A unilateral headache does not mean that the inflammation has spread to the brain.

How to remove water from the ear?

If water has accumulated in the outer ear

  1. Lie on your back. Turn your head towards the blocked ear. This movement must be done very slowly. It helps water run down the side wall of the ear canal.
  2. Make a soft cotton flagellum. Pull the pinna up and back to open the ear canal wider. Insert a small cotton turunda into your ear for 10-15 seconds, and it will absorb water. This method is suitable for young children.
  3. Jump on one leg with your head tilted to the side. The vibrations will help the water to pour out. If it didn’t work out, repeat the jumps, patting your ear with your palm. Place your palm firmly against your ear to expel air from your ear canal. Then quickly take your hand. In this way, you reduce the pressure in the ear canal, and contribute to the removal of water.
  4. Lie with your stuffed ear down and make 3-4 swallowing movements. This will help tighten your muscles. auricle, will create vibrations of the eardrum and push water out of the external auditory canal.

If water gets into the middle ear

  1. Drop any vasoconstrictor drops. They relieve swelling and contribute to the expansion of the nasal passages and eustachian tube. After 5-10 minutes, lie on the opposite side so that the water from the inner ear flows into the nose.
  2. Eat warm Hot soup. Pepper and others spicy seasonings cause a reflex contraction of the muscles and water comes out.
  3. If there is pain in the ear and backache, drip Otipax or Otinum ear drops. You will not remove the water, but remove the pain.
If you have tried everything, but the congestion in the ear remains, then the reason is the sulfur plug. Do not try to get it yourself with a cotton swab. Such attempts lead to the fact that sulfur is compacted and pushed deep into the tympanic septum, which causes increased pain. You can put a few drops in your ear vegetable oil warmed up to body temperature. Lie on the opposite side for 15-20 minutes so that the oil softens the sulfur. Then roll over with the affected ear down. Oil with sulfur will flow out faster if you pull the ear a little.

If relief does not come, contact an otolaryngologist. It will quickly and painlessly relieve you of the cork with warm water or furacilin solution.

Can't be washed sulfur plug at home with a syringe. If the eardrum is damaged, flushing can cause hearing loss. Before the procedure, the doctor must make sure that the eardrum is intact.

What not to do to remove water from the ears

  • Drying the ears with a hair dryer can burn the delicate skin of the ear.
  • Take out the cork with a cotton swab. Such a procedure can result in trauma to the eardrum. The cotton swab can damage the skin. If bacteria gets on the abrasion, it will lead to inflammation of the outer ear.
  • Use earplugs for children. They disrupt blood circulation and damage the skin lining the ear canal.
  • Bury hot alcohol. In this way, some try to relieve ear pain. However similar treatment may cause severe burns.

Prevention measures

  • Use special earplugs for swimming.
  • Wear a rubber cap in the pool.
  • Before swimming, put mineral oil, lanolin, or special drops for swimmers in your ear. Ear drops».
  • After water procedures Dry your ears with a corner of a towel.

An active lifestyle is inconceivable without swimming. Staying in water brings physical and emotional satisfaction, increases muscle tone and has virtually no contraindications. But it happens that water got into the ear and laid down what to do under such circumstances.

From time to time it happens that after a shower or diving into the water, the liquid enters the ear hole. If everything is in order with this organ, then thanks to the device of the ear canal and the layer of sulfur, the water should gradually flow out by itself. But if, after swimming in the sea, swimming in the pool, a person feels that the liquid has accumulated and is not removed, then the reason may be the following:

  • in the middle ear there are inflammatory processes;
  • the bather choked on the water;
  • a person incorrectly washed his nose or gargled his throat;
  • there is a large sulfur plug that swells under the influence of liquid and does not allow it to flow back;
  • in the structure of the organ there are anatomical deviations or pathologies that contribute to the retention of water.

Symptoms and signs

If a person, after water procedures, felt the penetration of liquid into the auditory opening, then the following signs can confirm the fear that a water plug has appeared in the ear:

  1. Feeling stuffed. The tympanic membrane is highly sensitive, fluid pressure is felt as a stuffy ear.
  2. Hearing impairment. The accumulation of water prevents sound waves from passing through the ear canal and reaching the eardrum. This causes the person to hear worse.
  3. Sensation of transfusion in the ear. Due to the sensitivity of the receptors, the eardrum transmits vibrations caused by changes in the level of fluid in the ear canal. auditory ossicles contribute to the amplification of the sound that is felt in the middle ear.
  4. resonate own voice and tinnitus. The accumulation of moisture near the eardrum contributes to distortion sound perception. A person hears the sound of his voice, transmitted to the organ of hearing through the cranial bones, in an unrecognizable form.
  5. Pain sensations. If the liquid is not removed from the auditory organ, then favorable conditions for development and reproduction pathogenic bacteria. This becomes a factor that provokes inflammation, pain and fever. The sulfur mass swells, and its pressure on the walls can also cause pain.
  6. Headache. Inflammatory processes in the affected organ contribute to irritation of the nerve endings, and they transmit pain impulses from the damaged area, and there is a feeling of pain in the head, in the area pathological processes. It creates a misleading impression that inflammation has engulfed the brain tissue.

How to remove water from your ear

It is possible at home to independently remove moisture that has entered the auditory organ:

  1. Raise your head up and look at the ceiling. Then you need to strongly rotate your head from side to side, and pull your ear up a little to achieve alignment of the ear canal. The described method can help to remove the water plug.
  2. You can try to stick the tip of a terry towel or a thin tourniquet twisted from cotton wool into the auditory organ so that the moisture is well absorbed. Using a cotton swab for these procedures is not safe, since if it is deeply inserted, the eardrum can be damaged. Violation of integrity can cause undesirable consequences.
  3. Turning your head to that shoulder, from the side of which water is not removed from the ear, jump on one leg. At the same time, the earlobe should be pulled down to auditory canal leveled off.
  4. You can lie down on your side so that the organ in which moisture has accumulated is with the hole down. At the same time, one must begin to move the jaws using chewing gum while often swallowing the accumulated saliva. Muscle reflexes contribute to the removal of fluid.
  5. Fill a heating pad with warm water and lie down on it with the affected ear. It is recommended to lie in this position for about 15 minutes.
  6. Effective is vacuum method. It is necessary to press the palm or finger more tightly to the auditory opening, and then tear it off sharply. The resulting pressure pushes the liquid out. This method is especially good for children.
  7. Need to make the most deep breath, close your mouth and, holding your nose with your hand, try to exhale. Air pressure helps to remove the water plug from the auditory opening. At correct execution a faint popping sound can be heard.
  8. Pour salt or sand into a small bag, preheating them. Apply to the affected organ, taking such a lying position in which the heated liquid would flow down.
  9. Turn on and adjust the hair dryer so that a weak stream of air beats from 20 cm into the ear canal, in which moisture has accumulated. Perform the procedure for 15 minutes, while the air should not be warm.
  10. If the liquid that entered the hole was dirty, then in order to avoid consequences, it is worth dripping a few alcohol-containing drops or hydrogen peroxide.

All these methods will be effective if the moisture has passed no deeper than the outer ear.

What not to do

If moisture has accumulated inside the ear canals, then when removing it, you should follow the rules so as not to cause injury to the organ:

  • to prevent, do not use cotton swabs or little fingers;
  • disinfection of the auditory organ with alcohol is not recommended, as this can cause burns to the mucous membrane;
  • do not use an enema to drain fluid.

First aid for a child

If, after bathing, the child begins to shake his head or tug at his ear, then, most likely, liquid has flowed into the ear canal. Taking measures to remove moisture at home will help to avoid undesirable consequences:

  1. The baby can be laid on its side, with the affected ear down, to facilitate leakage.
  2. If the child already understands adults, then it is necessary to explain to him that he needs to tilt his head to the side, towards the ear with water. Let him pull the lobe down and back and hold it for a short period of time.
  3. If you drip 2 drops of hydrogen peroxide or diluted with water up to 40% medical alcohol, that is folk remedy can lead to positive results.
  4. If there is a swollen sulfur plug in the ear, then it can be removed with a special baby solution. You should drip the solution, tilting your head so that the ear with water "looks" up. After a minute, tilt your head to the side with the same side down. This method is suitable for children over 3 years of age.

You can not dry the ears of children with a hairdryer, use cotton swabs, make them shake their heads and jump on one leg, and remove the sulfur plug with various objects.

When Doctor's Help Is Needed

When water does not leave the ear for an extended period of time, various inflammations and complications. Therefore, if the following symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor for advice:

  • during the day, the symptoms of a water plug do not go away;
  • body temperature above 37 ° C;
  • sharp, sharp and shooting pains appear;
  • a tumor is formed in the auricle;
  • the place around the affected organ continuously hurts;
  • hearing is completely lost.