How to speed up the onset of your period by a few. Is it possible to speed up the process of menstruation? How to bring your period closer or delay it with emergency contraception

There are many ways to speed up your periods. This can be done using folk remedies or taking medications. It must be borne in mind that all these actions are aimed at changing hormonal levels, which can have a detrimental effect on women's health.

Sometimes situations arise in which it is necessary for menstruation to come and end faster. These include a wedding, a long trip, a vacation. In this case, a one-time intervention will not harm the body. In this case, you should remember the exact date of the end of menstruation and the duration of the menstrual cycle.

We recommend weighing the possible benefits of speeding up your period against the potential health risks. Only deliberate actions, which it is advisable to coordinate with a doctor, are safe. It should be noted that calling menstruation is necessary for a disease such as amenorrhea, in which regular bleeding does not occur in women of childbearing age.

Sometimes there is a need to speed up menstruation in a completely healthy woman. For example, a long trip, vacation, or special event awaits you. Sometimes menstruation can ruin plans. But there is a way out! It involves bringing your period closer by a few days so that you feel comfortable and confident when the time comes. We recommend bringing your period closer using folk remedies, as this is the safest method that does not have a strong effect on hormonal levels.

Often, when there is a disruption in the functioning of the female sphere, disruptions in the menstrual cycle occur. A disease in which menstruation disappears for several months is called amenorrhea. It is caused by a hormonal imbalance that regulates the menstrual cycle.

If the body does not produce enough progesterone and estrogen, this may result in the absence of regular menstruation for several months, or even years.

There are other diseases that pose the threat of menstrual irregularities. These primarily include:

  • ovarian cyst;
  • inflammation of the appendages;
  • venereal diseases;
  • tumor neoplasms.

It should be noted that if there is no bleeding for two months, you should immediately consult a doctor to determine the cause and undergo appropriate treatment. It should be taken into account that the absence of regular menstrual bleeding does not always indicate a disease. The onset of menstruation may be delayed for up to two weeks due to changes in temperature. Often such a failure occurs in the off-season, when the weather and temperature change sharply. The body simply does not have time to adapt. Sometimes, during abnormal heat, menstruation may be delayed.

Changing your diet can also contribute to a delay in menstruation. Often this condition occurs with sudden weight loss due to a strict diet. On the one hand, the body does not receive the nutrients necessary for normal functioning, and on the other, the hormonal system does not have time to adapt to the new weight.

It should be noted that problems with the menstrual cycle are often observed in girls who are too thin and weigh less than 45 kilograms. Taking certain medications can disrupt your menstrual cycle. Before taking any medications, be sure to read the list of side effects.

Sometimes the onset of menstruation does not occur on time due to intense physical activity or emotional stress. The fact is that the production of hormones is influenced by the pituitary and hypothalamus glands. The hypothalamus is unusually sensitive to emotional stress, stress and anxiety.

But of course, the most pleasant reason why periods do not come on time is pregnancy. It is very important to understand that you can speed up the onset of menstruation only if its absence is not caused by pregnancy and diseases of the female reproductive system.


An effective way to speed up the arrival of your period is to take medications. To make menstruation come faster, you can take Duphaston. We recommend consulting a doctor before resorting to this method. Duphaston increases the level of progesterone in the body, thereby regulating the menstrual cycle. After using this method, menstruation should begin on the 3rd – 4th day.

Unlike the hormonal Duphaston, the drug Pulsatilla refers to homeopathic remedies on a natural basis. This means that taking it is much safer for women's health. At the same time, it effectively helps your period come faster. It is necessary to take 6 granules of the remedy every morning and evening to normalize the menstrual cycle and speed up the onset of menstruation by several days.

Taking oral hormonal contraceptives according to a special regimen can also speed up the onset of menstruation. The fact is that they contain the hormone progesterone, which is known to regulate the cycle. The following drugs are very popular: Marvelon, Silest, Yarina. Each drug contains different doses of hormones. For this reason, you should definitely consult a doctor before using them.

There is another drug that can induce menstruation. But please note that this information is provided for informational purposes only. This is about Postinore. Taking it can cause premature onset of menstruation. But it should be borne in mind that the drug has an extremely negative effect on women’s health. It can disrupt the menstrual cycle, as a result of which you will have to undergo a long and difficult course of treatment. Many qualified doctors say that it is better to take regular oral contraceptives for several days to prevent pregnancy and speed up the onset of menstruation than to take two Postinor tablets.

Traditional methods

To make menstruation start faster by a few days, you can use folk recipes. One method involves taking 100 milliliters of parsley decoction twice a day. In 3 to 4 days, menstruation will begin. Another recipe for speeding up the onset of menstruation involves taking cornflower decoction. You need to take 10 tablespoons of herb per 1 liter of water and prepare an infusion in a water bath. After this, you need to drink a decoction of 100 milliliters twice a day until the process of rejection of the functional layer of the endometrium occurs.

Carrot seeds help menstruation start faster. You should consume 5 grams of dry seeds daily before your main meal to induce menstruation. This method is very effective. However, using seeds will not harm your health. Drinking chamomile decoction can also speed up the onset of menstrual bleeding.

There are many ways to speed up your periods. But before resorting to them, it is necessary to understand exactly how justified such measures are. We recommend using exclusively folk remedies, and not medications that can disrupt hormonal levels.

It should be noted that it is important to find the reason if menstruation does not come on time. Typically, a long delay of more than 2 months occurs with diseases of the female reproductive system.

Many women and girls sometimes want to bring the onset of menstruation closer. Basically, they need this in cases where an important event is planned (vacation, holidays) that coincides with the dates of menstruation.

In such cases they are interested Is it possible to effectively speed up the arrival of menstruation? . It is quite possible. For such purposes, they resort to both traditional methods and medicinal methods.

Hormonal agents

Hormonal drugs that artificially increase progesterone levels and then sharply reduce them can speed up the onset of menstruation.

It can be:

  1. Oral contraceptives based on hormones. The tablets contain progestins and estrogens in different dosages. Take them 1 piece per day for 3 weeks. After completing the course, hormone levels drop sharply and menstrual bleeding begins. But this method is only suitable for those women who have been using this type of contraception for at least 3 months;
  2. Progesterone. Injections are made intramuscularly with a 1% or 2.5% solution. These manipulations are used to induce menstruation if it is delayed, followed by hormonal or other types of treatment;
  3. Progesterone-based drugs. These include Duphaston, Norkolut, Utrozhestan. These drugs are used for treatment, so do not overuse them. Take 2 times a day, 1 tablet of any of the drugs described above for 5 days. Menstruation occurs two days after the end of the course;
  4. Postinor is a means of emergency contraception. It contains a large dose of hormones. Use may cause prolonged and heavy bleeding. First, take one tablet, and 12 hours later the second. The result is expected in three days.

Which folk methods speed up the arrival of menstruation?

Bay leaf . 60 leaves are poured into 400 g of water and brought to a boil under a closed lid over low heat. The cooled broth is filtered and drunk on an empty stomach. The onset of menstruation can be expected the next day.

Parsley and dill. These products are eaten in large quantities. Parsley decoction is also used. It is drunk three days before the desired date of menstruation.

Chamomile, mint, valerian root. Mix the plants in a ratio of 4:4:3, brew 1 tsp. 200 ml of boiling water and infuse. Take 2 times a day, half a glass. The method allows you to speed up menstruation 2-3 days earlier than usual.

Calendula. Herb inflorescences (10 g) are poured into 250 ml of boiling water and left for half an hour. Consume 3 tbsp before meals. l. three times a day.

Rue leaves. They are added to boiling water, simmered over low heat for another 1 minute and filtered. In the morning, drink the entire decoction on an empty stomach. After taking it, do not eat for 6 hours. If your period has not started, drinking the decoction again is not recommended.

Onion peel. A strong infusion (dark brown) is prepared from it. Just one glass of warm liquid and you can expect results in the morning.

Verbena officinalis. It is prepared in the same way as cornflower. Drink 50 g infusion three times a day. It is worth noting that the liquid can be used for washing to eliminate vaginal itching. And compresses will relieve headaches. However, verbena should never be used (in any form) by pregnant women, because it can lead to miscarriage or premature birth.

Infusion of nettle leaves, rose hips, oregano, knotweed, elecampane herb, yarrow, Rhodiola rosea root. The plants are crushed and placed in a thermos. Pour in a liter of boiling water. Close tightly with a lid and leave for 12 hours. After this time, it is filtered and a whole liter is drunk per day, half a glass per dose.

Hot bath with salt and iodine. The same effect is expected from a foot bath. This is due to a rush of blood to the lower extremities and pelvic organs, which, in turn, promotes the rejection of the endometrium and causes menstrual bleeding.

Ascorbic acid. You need to take 10-15 tablets or 5 sachets. It can be replaced with lemons (eat at least 2 citrus fruits at a time). Vitamin C has an adverse effect on the stomach and should not be taken if you have gastritis with increased secretion of gastric juice or an ulcer.

Blue cornflower. A tablespoon of herb is poured into a glass of boiling water, covered and left for about an hour. Then you need to strain the infusion and cool to room temperature. Take a tablespoon orally half an hour before meals 3 or 4 times a day.

Gladiolus rhizome. For manipulation you only need a small upper part. It is inserted like a suppository into the vagina. Traditional healers say that this remedy is very strong and menstruation can occur within a couple of hours.

Dry carrot seeds. Take 3-5 g on an empty stomach.

Before greatly speeding up the arrival of menstruation, it is worth noting that all methods affect the body’s hormonal levels and lead to imbalance. There is a risk of complications, ranging from irregular and unpredictable cycles to infertility.


There is such a disease as amenorrhea - the absence of menstruation for more than 6 months during reproductive age (from 16 years to 45). This pathology can occur due to hormonal imbalance, diseases of the genital organs, unexpected stress, serious changes in diet, fasting and other similar reasons.

Amenorrhea is divided into two types:

  • Primary – never had a period. Usually manifests itself due to the lack of sexual development in a teenage girl (due to genetically determined underdevelopment of the hormonal system) or its delay (due to stress, serious illness);
  • Secondary. There were menses, but they stopped. Most often it develops against the background of serious illnesses (heart disease, tuberculosis, etc.), poisoning, alcoholism, malnutrition, damage to the endocrine glands, and stress.

Treatment of amenorrhea caused by psychological factors may be successful with the help of herbs (see methods described above). The course is usually 1-2 weeks. Menstruation occurs after several doses of medicinal plants (infusions, decoctions), but this is only when the reason is from the emotional side.

If the source of the imbalance is any pathology in the body, then it is necessary to eliminate it and at the same time restore the hormonal level.

How can you speed up the arrival of your first period?

If the delay in first menstrual bleeding is caused by amenorrhea, then you need to undergo a full examination. If cysts and tumors are detected, they are removed, and other diseases are eliminated in one or another appropriate way.

The main principle of treating amenorrhea is cyclic hormone therapy. The course lasts 3-4 months, then take a break for a month or two and repeat again. It is worth noting that the treatment is very long.

If the delay is insignificant, then do not worry, because the cycle is also different for different women. For some, the norm is 32-34 days, for others – 23-25. However, if they are absent for more than 40 days, you need to consult a doctor.

There are a large number of other folk methods to speed up the arrival of menstruation, and the field of pharmacology is rapidly developing, so you can choose any method at your discretion. However, it is better to entrust this important matter to a specialist, that is, a gynecologist.

The long-awaited vacation is just around the corner, and you look at the calendar in anticipation to get one more day closer to your planned vacation, but... you see a number treacherously circled with a red felt-tip pen... And this ill-fated number is the date of the onset of the next critical days. Vacation, at a minimum, threatens to be ruined or even suggests being postponed until better days. But if you know how to speed up the onset of your period, you can “suffer yourself” in advance and spend your vacation without this minor trouble.

How to induce menstruation ahead of schedule?
Such experiments are very dangerous for women's health, as they can lead to hormonal disruptions and cause serious problems with the cycle. But if the decision has been made and is not subject to discussion, then before that you need, just in case, to make sure that there is no pregnancy. Visit your doctor or buy a test. The doctor can give the necessary instructions before calling for an urgent menstruation. If the doctor gives the go-ahead, then you can begin to take measures to speed up the onset of menstruation:
  1. Oral contraceptives. If you are taking birth control pills, you can stop taking them a few days earlier. Your period will come the day after the last pill you take. During the first 2 weeks of taking the next package, additionally use condoms. Usually the annotation states the need to speed up the onset of menstruation with detailed instructions.
  2. You can start doing intense exercise, such as toning up your abs, starting running or lifting weights, and your period will come a few days earlier.
  3. A more pleasant way. Make love to your partner. And hotly and passionately. And, preferably, for as long as possible. This method can also speed up the onset of menstruation by several days.
Folk remedies to help
Some representatives of the fair sex use exclusively folk remedies and consider them more effective and safe:
  1. Decoction of bay leaf. To do this, rinse 60 leaves and place them in a saucepan, pour two glasses of water over them and bring to a boil. Cover the pan with a lid and set aside, let it brew. The resulting decoction is drunk warm on an empty stomach and awaits the onset of menstruation the next day.
  2. Alcohol and hot bath. Lightly warm a glass of wine and drink. Then immediately take a hot bath. “Guests” can come on the same day or the next.
  3. Parsley. It can speed up the onset of menstruation by several days. To do this, chop a bunch of parsley and pour a glass of boiling water. After 3 hours you can drink. You need to take half a glass of the decoction 2 times a day for 2-3 days.
  4. Milk and iodine. If you add 4 drops of iodine to a glass of milk, drink it in one gulp and steam your legs, your period will come in a day or two.
  5. Tansy. To get your period ahead of schedule, you can use a decoction of tansy. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over two tablespoons and leave for 30 minutes. You need to take the decoction 15 minutes before meals, 1/3 cup 3 times a day.
  6. Elecampane root. One tablespoon is poured into a glass of water and boiled over low heat for 5 minutes. After this, the broth should be wrapped and left for 30 minutes. Take 3 times a day, 50 ml. Your period may begin on the first day of treatment.
  7. Carrot seeds. If you eat 3-5 grams of carrot seeds before meals, your period will come several days ahead of schedule.
Interfering with the physiological processes of the female body is very dangerous, even if you decide to speed up the onset of menstruation using folk remedies. Maybe it’s better to stock up on antispasmodics and tampons than to then restore the regularity of your cycle for several months?

Probably, in the life of every woman or girl there were situations when the arrival of menstruation was not an expected event, but, on the contrary, completely inappropriate. A long-awaited date, a swimming or figure gymnastics competition, a vacation - all these events are often incompatible with a woman’s biological cycle. It will be possible to completely get rid of a regular natural process only when pregnancy occurs, but you can move the cycle without such a radical method. How to speed up the onset of menstruation and not harm your body? Our article will teach you this!

Why don't periods start on time?

Very often, women want to speed up the onset of menstruation not only due to various circumstances, but also due to a long period of time without discharge. Failure of the monthly cycle can be caused by three most common reasons:

  • Pregnancy
  • Reproductive system disease
  • Hormonal imbalance

In the first case, you should not expect your period for 9 months. In order to accurately diagnose your interesting situation, you can use the help of a strip test - if the result is positive, congratulations! Don't worry, your cycle hasn't gone wrong, you're just expecting a baby!

Diseases of the hollow sphere or urinary tract also provoke a change in the cycle. In order to eliminate this problem, be sure to visit a gynecologist if the delay is already 2 or 3 days. Pay special attention! No folk methods used at your own will will help you get rid of diseases! They can only be eliminated with the help of a qualified doctor.

In some cases, problems with menstrual regularity occur due to hormonal imbalance. Stress, colds, physical activity and even a change of place of residence can make adjustments to the normal functioning of hormones. It is prohibited to take medications without a doctor’s prescription, but you can help quickly normalize your general condition with the help of folk recipes, increasing the time for sleep and rest.

Before providing a list of the most effective methods for accelerating the monthly cycle, it is worth recalling that if you have a delay or feel pain in the lower abdomen, be sure to consult a doctor and do not try to force your period. This may worsen your illness or cause irreparable harm to the fetus if there is a history of pregnancy.

Traditional methods to speed up the monthly cycle

Traditional methods cannot and should not affect the genitals or change their functionality. Their advantage is that they are able to accelerate the onset of discharge by 2-3 days, without affecting the hormonal balance at all.

Mothers know how to speed up menstruation using folk remedies, but grandmothers especially often used such methods. Among most known methods, parsley decoction can provide results without side effects. In order to hasten the onset of bleeding, it is enough to start drinking half a glass of parsley decoction 4 times a day 3-4 days before the expected date. Preparing the drink is not difficult - you only need a tablespoon of chopped parsley and a glass of boiling water. Before you start taking the prepared medicine, set yourself up for a positive result, since negative emotions, in any case, are only a deterrent.

An infusion of mint, lemon balm or chamomile will help you calm down.
This method is very useful if the cause of the delay in the cycle is stress, deep emotions or physical activity. The substances contained in these plants help to calm down and improve emotional well-being, causing hormonal imbalance to stop and all biological processes to return to normal. In principle, any soothing herbs can be used to prepare herbal infusions, but mint, lemon balm, and chamomile show a special effect. They can be used both together and separately. In order to prepare a medicinal infusion, you will need half a tablespoon of crushed leaves. They should be filled with boiling water and wait a certain amount of time. You should use at least three cups of infusion per day, otherwise you will not get any positive results.

Upper part of gladiolus rhizome

According to traditional healers, there is one remedy that, and only the upper part, i.e. as close as possible to the bulb itself. This method may not be suitable for all women (for example, if there is erosion or inflammation of the cervix), so before use it is necessary to weigh all the pros and cons. The upper part of the rhizome, cut off and scalded with boiling water, must be inserted into the vagina. After a few hours (after absorbing the special substance), bleeding should begin. This method should not be used constantly, as disruption of the monthly cycle can negatively affect your well-being and health.

Carrot seeds
Carrot seeds are very rich in substances that are found in abortion pills. In order to trigger the onset of discharge, you should take 5 grams of seeds on an empty stomach and wait for the result.

Tincture of elecampane
Elecampane is often used as a strong abortifacient, so the slightest excess can cause profuse uterine bleeding. Pour boiling water over 1 teaspoon of elecampane, close the lid, and let it brew for some time. Take 50 mg twice daily.

If for some reason you need to get your period sooner, don’t get carried away! Your health is more important than any trips or meetings! Be healthy and always take care of yourself!

Video: how to speed up the onset of menstruation

Such a natural process in the female body as menstruation occurs mainly once a month and lasts from 3 to 7 days. With a normal lifestyle, every woman adapts to some inconveniences during menstruation, and menstruation does not disrupt her usual lifestyle. But there are situations when the onset of menstruation is delayed. Then the need arises to artificially bring menstruation closer.

Key Caveats

Menstruation, which is the first phase of the menstrual cycle and is accompanied by bleeding, is often accompanied by pain, discomfort and general poor health, especially on the first day. It happens that the date of the onset of menstruation coincides with the date of a vital event.

There are several fairly common reasons that prompt women to try to speed up the onset of their periods by a few days in order to complete them before a certain date. Among them, the most frequently cited reasons are:

  • trip to the sea;
  • sport competitions;
  • the wedding night;
  • a long-awaited date with a loved one, for example, after a long separation;
  • long excursion trip;
  • other pre-planned special events.

Delay of menstruation

When making such a decision, every woman must be aware that this activity is unsafe for her health. In any case, before accelerating the appearance of menstruation, especially in case of delay, you need to make sure that there is no pregnancy.

This can be done quite simply by visiting a gynecologist or using a pregnancy test, which can be purchased inexpensively at your nearest pharmacy. If testing reveals two lines, indicating pregnancy, it is strictly forbidden to take any action to artificially bring your period closer, because:

  • if the pregnancy is normal, this will lead to a miscarriage;
  • if the pregnancy is ectopic, a rupture of the fallopian tube is possible and, in the worst case, death.

To establish pregnancy in the early stages, a gynecologist may prescribe a test for human chorionic gonadotropin, which allows for an accurate diagnosis.

After making sure that there is no pregnancy, you need to make sure that there are no diseases that can cause menstrual irregularities. Thus, with diseases of the pelvic organs, the onset of menstruation may be delayed. In this case, you need to undergo a course of drug treatment, which will be prescribed by a gynecologist.

Another reason for a delay in menstruation can be hormonal disorders of the female body caused by a variety of reasons. Stressful situations, heavy physical work, sudden climate change, taking certain medications and other circumstances can affect hormonal balance.

If a female has a regular menstrual cycle, this indicates the normal state of her female health, and therefore, before accelerating the menstrual cycle, you should think about the possible consequences of these actions. Artificial approximation of the regulators can provoke:

  • hormonal imbalances;
  • infertility;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • irregularity of the menstrual cycle;
  • death.

A specialist who, after conducting the necessary examinations, will suggest the safest method for bringing menstruation closer by a few days can help minimize possible negative consequences.

How to stimulate and speed up menstruation

If there are no contraindications for artificially prolonging menstruation, and the delay is not associated with pathologies, then it is quite possible to speed up the menstrual cycle at home, using one of the most acceptable methods.

There are many of them, but they are all divided into such groups. Medicinal, the following medications are used:

  • oral contraceptives;
  • medications containing progesterone;
  • drugs used for emergency contraception.

Folk. Infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants, their seeds, and alcohol tinctures are used.

Physiotherapy. Possible impact through massage, hot baths, and physical exercise.

The procedures are performed at home, but when choosing a method for implementing the plan, it is recommended to trust specialists. The doctor, based on the results of the examinations, will be able to expertly design therapy to make your periods go faster. Only a gynecologist can determine how to speed up their onset and rebuild the menstrual cycle without harming a woman’s health. Otherwise, you can disrupt the hormonal system, which will lead to cycle disruption and long-term health problems.


The action of this method is based on the properties of the hormone progesterone. When using these drugs, progesterone levels increase significantly and then sharply decrease.

Women who have been taking oral contraceptives for three months or more can use them to speed up their period. They contain progestins and estrogens in varying proportions. The principle of action of these drugs is that one tablet per day is taken daily for three weeks. As soon as the drug is stopped, the hormone levels decrease sharply and bleeding occurs.

In order for menstruation to come a few days earlier, it is necessary to reduce the duration of taking the drug by this number of days. When using this method, the body’s hormonal levels disrupt, which is unsafe for a woman’s health. The method is recommended to be used only when absolutely necessary.

An intramuscular injection of a 1% solution of progesterone, a hormone of natural origin, can bring menstruation closer. Bleeding begins on average 2-4 days after the procedure. The use of this method is an emergency measure and is advisable if a course of hormonal therapy is subsequently planned. Side effects of the method may include: increased hair growth, menstrual irregularities.

The drug Duphaston, which is based on dydrogesterone in the amount of 10 mg per tablet, can speed up the onset of menstruation. The drug acts similarly to the natural hormone progesterone and is safe, unlike other synthetic progestogens. If you need to provoke a premature onset of menstruation, Duphaston is taken twice a day, 1 tablet for 5 days. Bleeding occurs immediately upon completion of the course of taking the drug or after 2-5 days.

This drug may be prescribed to treat endometriosis, premenstrual syndrome, irregular periods and amenorrhea. In addition, dydrogesterone has a positive effect on blood lipids and does not affect blood clotting; it does not affect liver function or carbon metabolism in the body.

The drug Utrozhestan is available in the form of gelatin capsules and vaginal suppositories. The active ingredient is micronized progesterone. Each capsule contains 100 mg of the substance. Utrozhestan is used to suppress estrogen functions. To speed up the arrival of menstruation, from the 16th-20th day of the menstrual cycle, start taking the drug at 200-400 mg per day. The daily dose is divided into two doses - morning and evening. A vaginal route of administration of the drug is possible. Bleeding usually occurs on the 2nd or 3rd day. The drug has contraindications:

  • oncological diseases of the genital organs and breasts;
  • asthma;
  • thrombosis;
  • epilepsy;
  • uterine bleeding.

One of the popular drugs that can accelerate the onset of regular bleeding is Postinor. This drug is dangerous due to its side effects. Disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver may occur. The use of this drug in the presence of thrombosis, during lactation and puberty is strictly prohibited. Postinor contains a huge dose of hormones and is used in emergency situations, such as an act of violence or unprotected intercourse, etc. The desired result is guaranteed to occur after taking two tablets of the drug with an interval of 12 hours.

Folk recipes

The use of traditional medicine methods is not as effective as the use of medications, but is safer for the body. They are suitable for those women who are thinking about how to bring their periods closer by a couple of days without causing harm to their health. There are many proven recipes in folk medicine. The simplest and most effective of them are the following recipes. Infusion of elecampane root:

Products containing ascorbic acid:

  • A decoction made from parsley seeds. 20 g of raw materials are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and placed in a water bath for 1 hour. After which the broth is filtered and taken in three doses over one day. The effect occurs on the same day.
  • Lemons. They eat 2-3 fruits at once. This product should be used with caution by people with high acidity.

Blue cornflower decoction. Two tablespoons of medicinal plant flowers are poured into 0.2 liters of boiling water and set aside for 4 hours, after which the product is ready for use. You should take half a glass twice a day before meals.

Despite the fact that these methods of approaching menstruation are less dangerous than the use of medications and will not harm a healthy body, you should consult your doctor before using them. Some diseases that a woman may have may be a contraindication for using the prescription. In addition, before using medicinal plants, you need to make sure that there is no allergic reaction to this plant.

Physiotherapeutic methods

The safest methods used to speed up your period are based on accelerating blood circulation in the body through certain procedures. One of them is a hot bath. The water should be as hot as possible. The maximum time spent in such a bath is 20 minutes. After the bath - active sexual intercourse. Menstruation occurs on the 1st–3rd day after the procedure. A hot bath with added salt and iodine will enhance the effect. 2 packs of regular rock salt and 8 drops of iodine can be used.

Intense sports, especially cycling, running, and abdominal exercises, will help speed up the onset of your period.

Massage in the uterine area will also help achieve the desired effect. This method works by increasing blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

There are many ways to regulate the onset of monthly bleeding. But no matter how important the reason for interfering with the natural, well-regulated processes in a woman’s body, there is always a risk of disrupting them with your intervention and harming your own health. Therefore, every time menstruation falls on an inconvenient date, it is necessary to weigh all the risks of such an intervention. Today there are a sufficient number of means and methods to alleviate a woman’s condition during her period and continue to lead an active lifestyle.