Why do mice run into the house? Signs about mice in the house. Mouse trap

In many countries, there is a belief that the seventh son in the family has a magical gift, is able to heal people and foresee the future, so superstitious parents sometimes insist that their child become a doctor.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future.

Why did the mouse appear in the apartment?

In a private home, mice are not uncommon guests. They seek warmth and food during the cold months, especially if the year has been frosty and cropless. But why is there a mouse in the apartment? Especially if your house is not on the first floor and the house as a whole is prosperous and relatively new.

A logical explanation for the appearance of mice in the apartment

First of all, don't panic. Still, a mouse is not an exotic tarantula or a boa constrictor in the toilet. There are quite logical explanations for its appearance in your high-rise home.

Moved with my things

It sounds a little strange, but if people move from a private house, taking bales from the barn with things stored there (that have become small, winter, out of fashion), then mice can be transferred into such bales. Even if it’s not you, but your neighbors who have moved, this is not a guarantee of protection from the invasion of tailed guests - the walls are now made so thin that mice, which can even handle concrete floors, can chew a hole there in a piece of cake.

Escaped from the cage

Are there mice in your apartment? This means that one of the neighbors kept this living creature in a cage, from where a daring escape was made. By the way, don’t think that you have to leave the cage open to do this. Mice, rats and hamsters are very smart animals; they can lift the valves above the drinking bowl and feeder with their paws, after which their owners find them in the most unexpected places. Or they don’t find it because the mouse found or gnawed a hole and ran away to the neighbors.

Migrated from the place

You can meet anyone in the basements of old five- and nine-story buildings, and mice can definitely live there. Moving from there to apartments is a matter of technique. Mice travel through risers, garbage chutes, and form colonies under wooden floors. Since mice breed quickly, under the right conditions they can inhabit an entire high-rise building.

Is a mouse in the apartment a good or bad omen?

Most often, you can come across the opinion that the appearance of mustachioed and tailed minions promises the owners a quick move to a new home.

There are other signs why mice appear in an apartment:

  • It would be profitable if the animals dragged something into the dwelling and left it there.
  • It's good news if you saw the mustachioed guest only once, and then he disappeared into the ground.
  • For a wedding - if an unmarried girl of suitable age lives in the apartment.

Despite the fact that small rodents such as mice or rats evoke feelings of fear and sometimes disgust in people, sometimes you can be glad that there is a mouse in the house.

Since ancient times, people have taken mice in the house very seriously. People observed the behavior of mice, associated it with nearby events, and this is where signs about mice appeared.

There are many signs, beliefs, and superstitions regarding mice in the house.

Of course, most often mice appear in wooden private houses, mainly in towns and villages. But sometimes you may encounter a mouse in a house in a city apartment, especially on the ground floor.


Folk signs - a mouse in the house

There are both positive and negative aspects to having a mouse in the house.

First, let's look at the bad omens associated with this animal.

There is a general sign that a mouse in the house means illness, and perhaps even the death of someone in the family. The sign is especially effective when the mouse seems to start scratching into a room or door. In this way she wants to survive the person from the house.

There is a sign regarding whether a mouse has bitten you in the house. That person is expected to have a time of misfortune, illness, and some troubles will occur in his life. There is even a sign that a person bitten by a mouse can become illegally obedient, a criminal, or take the wrong path.

If there is a bat in the house?

Sometimes it happens like this and it turns out that a bat flew into the house. In this case, there are also several signs associated with a mouse in the house.
Since ancient times, the bat has been associated with something black, frightening, and terrible.

But different cultures have different attitudes about when a bat flies into the house. For example, in Russian culture this is a bad omen. Symbol of misfortunes and troubles.

In Chinese culture, it is a symbol of wealth and money.

But here you can look from the other side. There is no need to immediately blame the bat for all troubles, believing in its dark forces. It is more likely that the bat accidentally entered your home rather than flying there on purpose. Their vision is poorly developed, especially during the day. Therefore, there is no need to get scared and kill the animal, but simply help her get out of the room. Perhaps the bat itself is just as scared as you are.

If mice get into the house, why?

There are also positive aspects and signs if a mouse appears in the house.

For example, if an animal constantly drags something into its hole from food, then this is a sign of wealth, luck, money.

There is a sign about a mouse squeaking. This means a quick wedding with one of the relatives. This sign has existed for a long time, since it was noticed that if a mouse squeaks often and a lot, then a girl from the family would soon get married. Thus, gray animals can bring joy to the house.

If there is a mouse in the apartment?

Nowadays there are many domesticated mice and rats; parents buy mice in cages for their children.

There are also several signs here, especially regarding the weather. For example, by the behavior of a mouse in a cage in an apartment or house, you can judge what the weather is expected to be like. If the mouse quickly and abruptly begins to run around the cage, for no reason, as if anxious, then, most likely, sudden changes in weather conditions are expected. For example, a storm.

In general, it is now believed that if a mouse appears in the house, then this is a wedding sign.

The principle of leaving and coming applies here; if a mouse comes into a house or apartment, it means someone must leave it. For example, a daughter gets married and leaves her parents' nest. And vice versa. If a mouse runs away from the apartment, it means that someone will soon come to your house. New family member. These are wedding signs, as well as signs for the birth of a child.

Why do mice come to the house of signs?

If a mouse appears in a private house, and especially on a plot, then this is a sign of a bad harvest next year. This means there will be days of hunger and poverty. But this sign can easily be explained by the fact that mice and rats can simply eat the entire harvest and all the supplies.

It is believed that if a mouse ate something straight from the owner’s dinner table, then he will begin to have pain in his mouth - teeth, gums.

It has long been known that mice run away from a ship that is sinking. It's not that simple either. Small and gray mice have a special sense that warns them of trouble. Therefore, if mice suddenly run away in the house, then this sign symbolizes a fire or trouble in the house. But here you can believe this sign if there is a cat in the house. If the cat is alive and active, there will be no mice in the house.

The most important thing is that a person needs to realize that it is not the mouse itself that, for example, brings trouble to the house. The fact is that such an animal is capable of feeling all the changes that occur in a house or apartment. That’s why they have such reactions - they squeak, run, run away, and carry food. Here you need to take a closer look at what exactly the mouse is doing, and then take action.

Thus, mice in the house predict and give good omens to a person. It must be treated with caution in terms of health, since it is unknown what this animal may be sick with. Nowadays, a mouse is increasingly welcome in the house - as a symbol of money. Some homeowners even have a variety of mouse figurines, a sign of wealth and good luck.

Mice- These are constant companions of man for many centuries. But this neighborhood has not yet brought pleasure to a single person; on the contrary, only disgust, panic, holes in the walls, stench, etc.

Mice also pose a threat of infection: leptospirosis, plague, rabies, etc. Therefore, immediately prepare for “war”: either they take you, or you take them!


Common house mice usually enter a person's home. They are considered synanthropic animals, that is, they are attached to people and always live close to them. The damage they cause is quite serious.

And so people are coming up with new ways to get rid of this scourge. There are more humane ways to get rid of mice in the house, but mankind has also come up with many cruel ones. The difficulty of catching lies in the fact that rodents quickly adapt to many conditions: they can withstand prolonged hunger, cold, and survive even in water.

Tired of fighting pests?

Are there cockroaches, mice or other pests in your dacha or apartment? We need to fight them! They are carriers of serious diseases: salmonellosis, rabies.

Many summer residents are faced with pests that destroy crops and damage plants.

It has the following properties:

  • Gets rid of mosquitoes, cockroaches, rodents, ants, bedbugs
  • Safe for children and pets
  • Powered by mains, no recharging required
  • There is no addictive effect in pests
  • Large area of ​​operation of the device

Where do mice come from in an apartment?

At first, mice prefer basements; this is a good place for breeding. Especially if they are littered with rubbish, and there is something to profit from there. And they get to the upper floors through ventilation shafts, garbage chutes, sewers, and make passages, gnawing numerous holes.

They can migrate from other houses. Or they get into the apartment during a move, when transporting things, delivering large items to the home, etc.

I regularly inspect my site, and I am very pleased with the results! I really liked that it runs on a solar battery. I recommend this repeller to everyone."

Why are mice dangerous?

These seemingly harmless rodents can cause significant harm not only to your home, but also to your health. You can easily become infected by eating foods contaminated with mice. Therefore, you need to think immediately, and there will be mice in the house forever.

You need to get rid of them for the following reasons:

  • spoil food in the house, furniture, wiring, electrical appliances, walls, etc.;
  • can cause a fire - they gnaw through wiring in hard-to-reach places invisible to humans;
  • cause intractable diseases - in their mouths there are entire populations of pathogenic bacteria, viruses that cause: various poisonings, plague, cholera, typhus, etc.;
  • easily transfer radiation from one place to another;
  • leave behind a difficult-to-remove odor;
  • are carriers of fleas.

Signs of mice in the house

Typical signs of mice:

  • the presence of mouse passages - holes in walls, baseboards;
  • chewed food and droppings left in them;
  • traces of vital activity - excrement with a specific odor and a grayish tint;
  • rustling or grinding is often heard, especially at night their fussing will be clearly audible;
  • if there are a lot of rodents, a characteristic mouse smell will appear.

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What are mice afraid of?

Mice are afraid and simply cannot tolerate many things: unpleasant smells, loud sounds, sudden changes in light brightness, poisonous baits - they are quite effective, but due to dead mice and a terrifying stench, the home may be uninhabitable for some time.

Mice are afraid of ultrasonic devices. The only bad thing is that ultrasound does not pass through walls, so you need to equip every room with it. You can easily find in nature many things that rodents are afraid of. For example, if you cover the floor with freshly picked wormwood or agrimonies, or place them in the expected places of accumulation, the mice will leave this place and will not appear there again.

What sounds are mice afraid of?

They are terrified of loud, unusual sounds, especially those that arise unexpectedly: listening to music loudly, playing a musical instrument, the operation of a washing machine, etc.

What smells repel mice?

Rodents are repelled by strong, pungent odors, they have the smell of danger:

  1. Vegetable origin- coriander (cilantro), wild rosemary, chamomile, peppermint, wormwood, coriander, elderberry, black root, tansy.
  2. Non-vegetable- chlorine, ammonia, vinegar.
  3. Synthetic flavors- They can be bought or ordered online. After all, not everyone will be able to get chamomile, mint, etc., especially in the city.

How to get rid of mice in an apartment forever?

Follow these tips:

  1. The apartment needs to be cleaned. Clean out corners, shelves, and closets that you haven't touched before. Inspect the food supplies, remove all excess from the floor. Wash the apartment with a detergent containing chlorine.
  2. Inspect the apartment for the presence of minks. You should especially look under the sink, behind kitchen cabinets, in the bathroom, etc. Cover all holes with construction foam. Place the optimal type of poison for you in places that are difficult for children and animals to reach.
  3. You can install mousetraps. You can use anything for bait: a piece of lard, peanut butter, cheese, etc. Remember to check the mouse traps periodically.
  4. Get a cat in your apartment. Mice cannot even stand the smell of a cat, so when a cat appears, they will soon leave the room.
  5. Prepare an unusual bait: cement and any cereal grains: wheat, oats, barley, etc. Mix everything in arbitrary proportions and scatter in the corners. Place bowls of water nearby. The death of all rodents in the apartment will be guaranteed.
  6. The most effective, safe, but expensive way to get rid of rodents is ultrasound. Using sound signals, the device will scare away uninvited guests, and they will have no desire to return.

Ultrasonic repellers

Now let's talk about how to quickly get rid of mice in an apartment. Recently they have become very popular ultrasonic repellers. The principle of their action: they affect the hearing with powerful ultrasonic attacks of a certain frequency, causing panic and unbearable pain in the ears.

Ultrasound, filling the room, does not allow mice to exist normally. Humans do not feel it, but for rodents it is unbearable. The instinct of self-preservation works flawlessly, and they begin to flee, leaving the territory within the range of the device.

The device imperceptibly affects the nervous system and literally drives mice crazy. To date, there is no more effective method of rodent control. It is harmless to humans and pets.


hail is a popular ultrasonic, silent mouse that can forever rid a residential area of ​​uninvited guests. Impact area - 500 sq. meters. Can operate on 220 V mains and batteries.

There is no addictive effect. Ultrasonic waves negatively affect the nervous system. Rodents feel: discomfort, pain, disorientation. They lose the ability to: reproduce, consume water, food.

It affects mice using ultrasonic vibrations of various frequencies. The impact area is quite large - up to 200 square meters. m.

Operates from a 220 volt network, connected using a 12 volt power supply. Its current strength is at least 0.15 A.

Can work in 2 modes: night, day. The operating principle is a built-in generator that continuously produces ultrasonic and sound waves with a regularly changing frequency.

These sounds are unbearable for mice. And therefore after a maximum of 8–13 days they leave and never return.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies are good because they are not expensive, have been tested by more than one generation and are quite effective. Of course, they cannot be called humane, but they will help clear the area.

So, the following folk remedies are popular:

  1. Take a glass bottle with a wide neck. Pour some homemade sunflower oil inside and swirl so that it spreads along the walls. Lay it slightly at an angle, neck up. In the morning you will find live rodents that were unable to crawl back out of the slippery bottle.
  2. Mix: 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. flour, 400 gr. plaster, a little oil. Place on plastic plates. Intestinal blockage will be ensured.
  3. Take any leftover food and mix it with any ingredient of your choice: poison, cement, lime, crushed glass.
  4. You can buy special glue and apply it to any surface.- pieces of cardboard, plywood, etc. - in a layer of 2–3 mm. Don't forget to put pieces of bait in the middle. The only downside is that the glue dries out and needs to be lubricated periodically. Mice, running through the trap, become tightly glued to it.
  5. Place a half-liter jar turned upside down on an edge-on coin with a face value of five kopecks. Place a piece of lard, sausage, etc. in the middle. The mouse, seeing the food, will try to eat it, but the jar will cover it.
  6. Pour water into a bucket, up to halfway. Place a small board with a piece of any food in the middle. And move the bucket to any platform so that the animals can climb onto the bucket. And if they try to get to the goodies, they will simply drown.

Many people are still concerned about the question - how to get rid of the smell of mice?

You can use the same folk remedies:

  1. 9% vinegar- is a natural antiseptic, it neutralizes odors and kills pathogens. Mix 0.5 liters of water and 50 g. vinegar. Spray or wash any areas that produce odor with this solution.
  2. Potassium permangantsovka- destroys toxic fumes. Dissolve in water, create a rich color and wipe off dirty surfaces.


Peppermint has a very strong, persistent odor that mice hate so much. It contains a number of essential oils that are naturally endowed with repellent properties. Peppermint will repel rodents with its pungent odor alone.

What do we have to do:

  1. You can place fresh herbs on the floor, on shelves, near holes, cracks in the floor, etc. If you don’t have fresh ones, use dried ones.
  2. It is permissible to use mint alcohol tincture, it is equivalent.
  3. Use peppermint oil, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Soak cotton balls in alcohol tincture or oil and spread out. They need to be changed periodically, every 6-9 days. The room should literally be saturated with a minty smell.


Sagebrush has a bitter-tart intoxicating aroma. To combat rodents, freshly harvested (during the flowering period) or dried wormwood is used. You can hang it up or just spread it out.

A good raticidal effect can be achieved by fumigation: set fire to dry plants and ensure that it does not burn, but only smolders. They also use it: make a decoction, infuse it and sprinkle it in places where uninvited guests are expected to visit. Or you can buy it at the pharmacy.


Fresh elderberry branches have a repellent effect for all types of rodents. Elderberry roots produce poisonous hydrocyanic acid. If a building is surrounded by elderberries, rodents will never settle there.

The animals simply cannot stand its unpleasant, poisonous smell. If you cut elderberry branches and place them around the house, the rodents living there will leave the house forever.


You can fight against rodents even with the help of spices, herbs, and seasonings. Many aromas are unpleasant to mice and have a similar effect to chemicals. Especially coriander, this specific aroma will put pressure on the psyche of the little dirty trickster.

This ancient spice is popularly called cilantro. You can also drive away rodents using store-bought spices. Buy fresh herbs, coriander seeds or powder. Place or scatter them on kitchen cabinets, near cereals, stored food, etc. The amber emanating from them will quickly drive guests away from your home.

Traps and mousetraps

They fight rodents such as rats, mice, moles in various ways, sometimes starting with humane ones. But they often end up radical. This is a forced defense, and therefore all means are good here.

There are mice in the apartment - how to get rid of them? Traditional methods will help - these are the well-known traps and mousetraps. A very old, win-win way to get rid of mice is to install a mousetrap. And preferably more than one.

Install only in areas where mouse droppings have been found. Don’t forget to pre-lubricate the trap with homemade sunflower oil to quickly attract thieves to the fishing spot.

Equip it with a seductive bait, anything will do. And don’t forget to periodically move them to different areas, change smells, and clean them on time. Traps can be in the form of special adhesive tapes, Chinese plastic, homemade, etc.

Cats and dogs

The classic solution to the problem is a cat. But this does not always happen, unfortunately. Because not all cats and even cats can catch mice. Many people completely lack the hunter's instinct.

Mice are afraid of cats, this is a known fact, but this will not make them smaller. Pets are often pampered by their owners and fed, and therefore they do not need to get their own food.

If you have a dog living in your house, then you need to get rid of mice as quickly as possible. Their immune system is not the same as that of cats. She does not always cope with diseases that mice carry.

Professional pest control

You can do it on your own if we are talking about several individuals. But when the scale is alarming, only a professional pest control service can help. She will not only find their location, but will also understand the reason for their appearance and clear any room of them.

Expulsion of mice is usually carried out in 2 stages:

  • first - they will destroy the rodents that have settled in the house;
  • the second - they will deal with the mice that have settled outside.

Professionals use all sorts of methods and techniques for this: chemical and biological preparations, various devices, etc.

Preventing the appearance of mice in apartments and private houses

Prevention will help prevent their occurrence:

  • Maintain hygiene in your home.
  • You need to store food supplies so that they are not accessible.
  • It is necessary to inspect the house for its integrity; if necessary, seal all holes, cracks, manholes, etc.
  • Ventilation hatches must have metal grilles.
  • What smell in the apartment are mice afraid of? We already know that there are many, but especially mint, coriander, wormwood, and elderberry. Therefore, try to periodically place them one by one in problem areas. This will scare gray pests away from the house.
  • Try to place trash cans away from your home.
  • If you live in your own home, do not leave the front door open in the fall.
  • Do everything to ensure that birds of prey settle near your house, for example, make a birdhouse, the birds will help exterminate mice.


Dealing with a mouse infestation is never easy. But it’s still more convenient to do this in a clean, uncluttered room. This makes it easier to control the appearance of rodents. We make only thoughtful decisions, be patient in this difficult situation and act!

Why women squeal when they see a mouse is an unsolved mystery. After all, she is so small, in a beautiful gray fur coat, beady eyes... The tail is big, but there must be some flaws! True, there are more serious reasons not to love these animals.

Mice are smart creatures

Mice: a potential threat to human life and existence

About a hundred species of rodents live on the territory of the Russian Federation. But perhaps only three of them are the most famous:

  • vole;
  • forest;
  • brownie.

Depending on the location of a person’s home, one of the species may appear in it. Most likely it will be in late autumn, when mice rush from hungry forests and fields to warm, well-fed human housing. And animals love to eat: each sexually mature individual can eat a mass of food in one day, amounting to 30% of its body weight.

Why are mice dangerous in an apartment?

The main troubles they cause to humans:

  • spoiled food;
  • wiring faults;
  • destruction of house structures;
  • water infection;
  • danger of short circuit and fire;
  • spread of fleas carried by mice;
  • spread of infections: typhoid fever, plague, salmonellosis, rabies, cholera, toxoplasmosis. Moreover, the animals themselves, exposed to viruses, were able to develop lasting immunity against many of them. Other viruses are only carried by mice and then reach humans.

On a note. In apartments and houses, domesticated rodents reproduce year-round, unlike their wild counterparts. Moreover, from each female, from 3 to 10 mice can be born every three weeks.

A dead mouse under the floor or between ceilings spreads a stench, and a poisoned mouse that is eaten by a pet can cause illness or even death. In a word, if there are mice in the apartment, nothing good can come from it. There is an urgent need to take measures to eliminate them.

Symptoms of mice in an apartment

  1. A small hole between the floor and the wall, near the baseboard.
  2. Traces in the form of droppings.
  3. “Mouse smell”, quite specific.
  4. Monotonous rustling: under the floor covering, behind the wall or above the ceiling.
  5. A cat's alertness if she lives in an apartment: constant sniffing of secluded corners, inspection of the apartment, cautious behavior, as if listening to something.

The problem of fighting mice is so serious that it is dealt with by sanitary services, utility companies, and special companies providing deratization services. But how often do we go there? Excessive red tape, changes in the usual rhythm of life, and fears for the health of pets are stressful. When deciding how to get rid of mice in an apartment, you need to evaluate all known methods and then make a decision. After all, each of them is characterized by both efficiency and non-delivery.

Cat and mouse

Environmentally safe, reliable, not requiring special costs - a live “nurse” - a domestic cat or female cat. It is believed that the cat is most responsible for catching mice. And if it is also three-colored, then getting rid of pests is guaranteed in the shortest possible time. No one has reliably confirmed the theory of tricolor, but no one has refuted it either.

Biological method of rodent control

Attention! If a cat catches mice, you should not simultaneously use chemical methods of destruction. A mouse that eats poison will not die immediately, but will become lethargic, which means it will be easy, but also dangerous, prey for a cat.

Mouse trap

In apartments with limited space, with a large number of furniture, household appliances, and things, it is problematic to install a mousetrap. Therefore, as soon as mice appear in the apartment, you can immediately build a trap using special glue. On a cardboard sheet the size of a notebook sheet, strong adhesive is applied in strips of 2-3 cm. There is bait in the middle of the leaf. The mouse, striving for a tasty morsel, “forever” sticks to the base.

Intimidation method

To prevent mice from appearing in the apartment or leaving it, repellers are actively used: ultrasonic, electromagnetic or combined. It all depends on the method of influencing animals. In the first case, sounds are generated at frequencies that are beyond the sensitivity of the human ear, but are irritating to mice. In the second, the emitter generates electromagnetic waves that irritate the nervous system. A combination device combines these two methods. In all cases, panic and irritation are sown, and the mice leave the “restless” place. The product is safe for both rodents and humans, as well as pets. “Spectrum” is in particular demand: its coverage area is 300 sq. m., it is not afraid of high humidity and voltage surges in the network.

Poison Attack

If conditions permit, mice in an apartment can simply be poisoned

The most merciless, but also effective way is to poison. It could be "Rat Death" in bags. Special flavoring additives promote its active absorption. Other poisons act on the same basis. Destruction of internal organs also occurs with the help of baits that do not contain toxic substances, but which contain components that have a detrimental effect on the animal’s body. A powder mixture of gypsum and flour (1:1), which gets into the esophagus and is washed down with water, leads to the death of animals. Another remedy is prepared using the same scheme:

  • plaster – 2 parts;
  • flour – 3 parts;
  • sugar – 5 parts.

After adding water, prepare a plate-like mixture from the ingredients and spread it out as bait.

You can fight the mouse brethren with folk remedies. It has long been noted that rodents do not like to be where burdock, prickly rose, gooseberry or rose hip grow. They can be planted in the area near the house. Holes and cracks, before being sealed, are plugged with glass wool or broken glass is poured into them.

Mice under the floor: how to fight?

The “underground” life of rodents is the most secretive. This is where it is most difficult to get them out. The slightest gap in the floor with the front door open will become a “portal” for the animal to move from the street to the floor. A hectic life takes place there: eating insulation, breeding offspring in warmth and satiety. The methods of struggle are similar. This is due to the fact that mice come out of hiding in search of food and can be exposed to any type of influence. In addition, when covering the floor, you can put ash, tobacco or shag dust, crushed dry mint and wormwood into the insulation. Hot pepper and broken glass in the underground are also effective in fighting rats on the first floor.

Intrusion Prevention

Lower apartments can be attacked by mice from basements and garbage disposals. What to do in this case? Having discovered rodents, you need to urgently inspect the apartment. Seal all cracks in the floor, between ceilings, walls and baseboards by adding broken glass to the solution. Remove trash near the yard and in the entrance. Put fine mesh nets on the windows. Repair cracked door frames and poorly hung doors. Store food (the stuff that allows mice to enter apartments) in glass containers or in the refrigerator. Place branches of wormwood, peppermint, eucalyptus, lavender, etc. on kitchen cabinets.

If the mice still haven’t left after all the attempts to remove them, you will have to ask for help from the pest control response teams. With their help, although it is not possible to eliminate rodents forever, it is quite possible to ensure a year, or even two, of a quiet life.

Mice often become heroes of folk tales, poems and beliefs. In the old days, these little fluffy creatures could be found everywhere: in the house, in the field, on the street. It was thanks to the closeness of rodents to people that folk superstitions about mice were born.

Mouse in the house

The most common signs about mice are dedicated to the appearance of furry rodents in a person’s home. In the old days, such uninvited guests were usually not welcomed, because they could thoroughly spoil the host’s supplies and bring serious infectious diseases. This is why most people perceive all signs about mice as negative, which is fundamentally wrong. So, why do mice appear in the house?

Good omens

According to a well-known folk belief, if there is a mouse in the house, you should expect profit.

We can talk about financial income or material benefits, as well as additions to the family. The noise and squeaking of mice, often heard from the underground, is a sign of an approaching noisy feast. Those who have a girl of marriageable age in the family should pay special attention to the described belief, because in this case, constant mouse fuss can be a harbinger of an approaching wedding.

According to legend, seeing a mouse dragging food into its hole at home means prosperity and a significant improvement in one’s financial situation. If your furry neighbors hid bread crumbs, grains or other food in the corners of the house, things will soon go smoothly.

Another sign says: if there are mice in the apartment and you are lucky enough to find a mouse nest, happiness will soon smile on the owners.

Bad omens

Bad omens about mice in the house are associated with the bad habit of rodents ruining everything.

So, if furry neighbors appear in the apartment and chew through the linen, the owners will soon face a dark streak in life.

If they gnawed through the wardrobe items of one of the household members, then it is he who should prepare for trouble. Furniture in the house damaged by rodents is a sure sign of impending disaster that threatens all family members.

Folk omens about the invasion of mice unanimously promise a hungry year. If you can hear mice squeaking everywhere in the house, the owners need to prepare for a funeral. According to signs, death is warned by a norushka that constantly scratches and squeaks under the bed of a sick person.

According to superstitions, if a person is bitten by a mouse, he may soon have health problems. However, there is nothing surprising in this belief, since it is these representatives of the fauna that are carriers of dangerous diseases.

Popular superstitions about mice say that if your furry neighbors feast on leftover food, you should prepare for a trip to the dentist, as this is a harbinger of dental problems. A rodent falling into milk predicts illness or misfortune for one of the family members. Owners in whose house or apartment a lot of mice first settle, and then they suddenly disappear, are at risk of fire. This superstition does not apply to the situation when a cat appears in the home. If you happen to personally kill a little girl, omens interpret this event as a series of troubles.

Cat and mouse

A mouse can appear in the house thanks to the efforts of a cat living in the family. Popular superstitions say that if a cat brings a dead dog as a gift, this is a clear sign of an approaching pleasant event. According to another interpretation, a dead shrew on the threshold, which was caught by a cat, indicates that the plan will soon come true. If from time to time a cat brings back not a dead, but a half-strangled rodent and plays with it in front of the owner, you should prepare for serious life trials.

Mouse in the yard, in the office

Oddly enough, a mouse can live not only in the house, but also in the office. If a little mischief has settled in at work, then the first thing to do is observe her behavior.

Folk omens about mice foretell a promotion or salary increase for a person at whose workplace a mouse has gotten into the habit of storing her food supplies.

If the fluffy has gotten used to pooping under a table or chair, this is a sure sign of ill-wishers in the team.

The appearance of rodents in the barn, and if there are quite a lot of them, warns of a lean year. It often happens that the owner, upon entering an outbuilding, sees a running shrew. If it runs high above the ground, you should expect an increase in prices, and if it runs low, it means a decrease in prices. If a lady runs across the road, then this is a signal that it is time to reconsider spending. In addition, if a mouse crossed the path of a traveler as soon as he left the house, this is a sure sign of obstacles on the way.

Hunger and cold in winter are brought by the shrew, which eats hay and straw in the fall, and the shrew, which has made a nest in the flax, foretells heavy snow in the winter.

If you happen to see mice scratching and climbing into the house, this is a sign of trouble and the machinations of evil people. If rodents ask to leave the house, all the bad things will soon pass.

Wallet mouse

One of the strangest folk superstitions involves a dead mouse. Despite the fact that in the beliefs of many peoples a dead mouse is a bad omen, in Rus' there was a custom of carrying a dead rodent in a wallet with money. The reason for this strange custom was the extreme thriftiness of this animal, constantly carrying various food items into its burrow. In addition, merchants believed that a dead mouse could scare off ill-wishers who decided to encroach on someone else's property. A wallet kept in a wallet was called a wallet.

Signs about the purse mouse have survived to this day. Today, of course, no one will carry a dead animal in their wallet; rather, these will be special mouse talismans made from a wide variety of materials and corresponding to the size of the average wallet. However, in order to improve your financial situation, it is not enough to simply put a souvenir rodent in your wallet; there is a certain ritual for this.

If you need to use the magical power of a purse mouse, you should pay attention to the following rules for the ritual of settling a mouse in a purse:

  1. When choosing an amulet with the image of a mouse, you should look at its tail. The correct mascot should have a bent tail. There is a belief that the animal can make a hole in your wallet with its straight, sharp tail, and money will flow out of it.
  2. It is best to place the talisman in the wallet compartment where coins are usually found.
  3. The purse mouse should be constantly fed. What does it mean? The amulet should always be among the coins.
  4. When placing the talisman in your wallet, you must say: “I put a mouse in the house, I attract money into the wallet.” It is best to carry out the ritual during the waxing moon or on the new moon.
  5. If you bought a new wallet, you need to carry out the ritual of relocating the wallet animal. Before putting the talisman in a new wallet, you should say: “I’m moving a mouse to a new house, I’m attracting money to a new wallet.” The best time to relocate a purse mouse is also during the lunar waxing phase or new moon.


There is another type of animal with which many different superstitions of everyday and mystical nature are associated. We are talking about a bat. In the old days, these animals were feared, considered harbingers of terrible events. The prejudiced attitude of our ancestors towards bats is associated with their extraordinary appearance and the ominous sounds that they make.

Got knocked up. Mouse. Signs?!

It happens that bats appear at weddings. This is considered a very bad omen for newlyweds, predicting a short or unhappy family life.

According to popular belief, you should not bring a bat into your home, even if the animal is injured and needs care. It is also prohibited for children to hold it in their hands. In the old days, it was believed that an animal hitting the window would soon bring rain. If a mouse flew into the house and circled the room three times, this greatly enhances all bad predictions.

However, along with the negative consequences of having an animal in the house, there are also positive ones. For example, the Chinese regard this as a prediction of a quick improvement in their financial situation. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, there must be a figurine of this strange animal in the house, which will serve as a kind of magnet to attract money. Many also believe that bats only visit houses with positive energy, indicating that all is well in a given family.