How to increase high density cholesterol. Which reduces HDL levels. Fatty fish in the diet

Cholesterol is a fat-like substance (lipid) that is actively involved in metabolic processes. The cholesterol level reflects the lipid status of a person, which characterizes fat metabolism in the body.

The effect of cholesterol on the body and its varieties

Cholesterol is involved in a number of important life-supporting processes, such as:

It is produced in the liver, kidneys, adrenal glands, gonads, and also partially comes from food. Forms 2 types of compounds with proteins of a specific purpose:

  1. LDL - low density lipoproteins.
  2. HDL - high density lipoproteins.

An excess mass of low-density proteins is deposited on the walls of blood vessels, which leads to narrowing of the lumen and impairs blood flow. LDL is defined as bad cholesterol. It is its elevated level that indicates the risk of many diseases.

Good cholesterol is HDL. He helps:

  • decrease LDL content in blood;
  • increase immunity;
  • control metabolic processes;
  • provide protection against cancer.

Why is low blood cholesterol dangerous?

Almost everyone has heard about the dangers of high blood cholesterol levels. However, its low level, namely, the content of HDL, also indicates an unfavorable state of health.

What are the symptoms of low blood cholesterol? There are no obvious symptoms indicating a decrease in blood cholesterol levels.

Only tests can show its insufficiency, so it is very important to undergo regular examinations. If you find low cholesterol, you should first consult an endocrinologist.

To raise the level of HDL, it is necessary to identify the cause of its deficiency. Problems cause like various diseases(liver, kidney, nervous system, thyroid gland, poisoning), and wrong image life.

Lack of good cholesterol can cause:

  • fragility of blood vessels and hemorrhage;
  • nervous disorders and suicidal states;
  • impaired absorption of calcium, leading to osteoporosis;
  • obesity;
  • violations in the sexual sphere.

How can you raise your good cholesterol levels?

If the main reason lies in the lifestyle, then it needs to be reconsidered. To do this, you should take several steps that will help improve the quality of life.

Balanced diet

Right organized meals is the main component of success in the fight for HDL increase(good cholesterol).

Sources of saturated fats are:

By minimizing your intake of these foods, you can significantly reduce your dietary intake of LDL.

It is necessary to enrich the diet with foods with unsaturated fats or Omega 3 fatty acids. Fish should be included in the menu, first of all. These are salmon, sea bass, mackerel, mackerel, mackerel, tuna, herring, sardine.

Increase oil cholesterol:

  • animal origin in small quantities butter and pork fat;
  • vegetable - olive, rapeseed, linseed, soy.

Very helpful in diet food avocados, walnuts and almonds, as well as flax and pumpkin seeds.

The level of good cholesterol in the blood can be raised by eating soy protein, which is found in soy products- milk, nuts, cottage cheese (tofu), cheese.

Very useful beet juice, supporting the gallbladder. Bile is the main component in fat metabolism.

A low-carbohydrate diet contributes to an increase in HDL. Nutritionists believe that to increase good cholesterol, it more important than diet with minimal fat content.

This means that in the list of daily consumed products should be left minimal amount refined sugar, white bread, confectionery.

The use of vitamins

The most useful vitamin for the production of cholesterol is niacin or a nicotinic acid. It is found in high amounts in nuts, eggs, meats, and fortified breads.

Cranberry juice, rich in antioxidant polyphenols, has unique properties. Studies have found that these polyphenols are able to quickly increase HDL in the blood. It has the same properties green tea.

Exercise stress

It has been experimentally proven that an increase in physical activity leads to an increase in the content of good cholesterol in the blood.

Suitable for body health different kinds activities such as swimming, walking, playing volleyball or badminton, jogging, cycling.

Physical activity before meals stimulates the production of HDL. Increasing it percentage analyzes will show in 2-3 months after changing the regimen.

Getting rid of excess weight

In the blood of people who have overweight, fixed more bad and less good cholesterol.

When dropping extra pounds, the ratio of LDL to HDL improves.

Well organized meals and physical exercise help to lose weight and prevent the appearance of unnecessary kilograms.

Rejection of bad habits

Smoking inhibits the production of cholesterol. Getting rid of this bad habit will help improve blood counts within 2 weeks.

Moderate consumption of alcohol, particularly red wine, raises blood cholesterol levels. But allowable rate is no more than 1 glass. If you have problems with alcohol, it is better to refuse this method.

Using folk recipes

Majority action folk remedies based on cleansing the liver and saturating the body with vitamins.

Thistle infusion helps to remove toxins from the liver. To prepare the infusion, 2 tablespoons of thistle seeds (milk thistle) are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and kept in a thermos for 12 hours.

The contents of the thermos are divided into 4 parts and drunk throughout the day. It is recommended to take the infusion after meals after 1 hour. Regular use lettuce from white cabbage combined with celery and bell pepper perfectly regulates cholesterol levels.

The carrot diet is excellent as prophylactic. The high content of fiber in carrots contributes to fast cleansing intestines and detoxification.

It is important to note that the boiled product contains almost 2 times more antioxidants than the raw one. Wherein boiled carrots more gently acts on the gastric mucosa.

As an ingredient in salads, carrots allow for various combinations. The product goes well with other vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, cereals.

The most famous salads are Olivier and herring under a fur coat. But it is good with cheese, cabbage, kiwi, mango, prunes. Basic rule carrot salad- dressing with fatty components: vegetable oil, mayonnaise, sour cream. In this case, carotene is absorbed better.

In contact with

HDL (high-density lipoprotein, HDL) is often referred to as "good" cholesterol because it helps remove "bad" cholesterol from the body and is essential for many vital important processes in our body. Research has shown that lowering LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol levels reduces the risk of heart disease. vascular diseases. Read on to find out how you can naturally increase your HDL cholesterol levels.

What is HDL cholesterol

High-density lipoproteins (HDL) are one of the classes of plasma lipoproteins. They are able to transport fat molecules (lipids) throughout the body. HDL is often referred to as "good" because it promotes the degradation of another class of lipoproteins, LDL (low-density lipoprotein), which contributes to heart disease.

HDL differs from LDL in higher density, since it contains a higher percentage of protein and lipids.

HDL also plays an important role role in reducing oxidation and inflammation, improving the functioning of body cells and immune system, in increasing insulin sensitivity, and may protect us from developing neurodegenerative diseases.

HDL cholesterol is synthesized in the liver and taken from small intestine into the blood, where particles of excess cholesterol are quickly captured and returned to the liver to reduce blood cholesterol. That is why a sufficient and healthy amount of HDL is associated with a reduced risk of diseases in elevated level cholesterol.

The harm of "bad" LDL cholesterol depends on the size of the particles

Types of lipids

HDL is just one of the classes of lipids, or fatty molecules, that have been found in our blood. Other lipids circulating in the blood include low density lipoproteins (LDL), very low density lipoproteins (VLDL), and triglycerides.

LDL transports cholesterol throughout the body, while HDL binds up excess unused cholesterol and returns it back to the liver for disposal. VLDL are formed in the liver and, entering the bloodstream, are converted there into LDL.

For certain diseases such as diabetes And sickle cell anemia, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels may be impaired and contribute to the development general inflammation. In these cases, very high performance HDL can be harmful, not helpful.

A study of 767 non-diabetic patients who had recently suffered a heart attack found that patients with very high HDL levels also had high levels, which did not save but, on the contrary, increased the risk of heart disease.

What lowers HDL levels

There are genetic prerequisites for lowering HDL, but it is worth paying attention to those opportunities that can be controlled and brought HDL to a healthy norm.

Consumption of artificial trans fats

Artificial trans fats, found in margarine and many processed foods, cause inflammation and are harmful to our health.

A study in 27 young women found that eating partially hydrogenated soybean oil resulted in a 10% reduction in HDL levels compared to eating palm oil.

A study in 40 healthy adult women compared the effects of eating trans- fatty acids from natural natural sources with the effect of eating industrial fats. The result of this comparison was the conclusion that industrially produced trans fats contributed to a decrease in the amount of HDL in the blood.


Cigarette smoking has certainly been shown to be a serious factor in increasing the risk of heart disease. Cigarette smoking helps to reduce high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels, and cigarette smoke can directly damage the HDL molecule, which deprives this molecule of the ability to protect the heart and blood vessels from cholesterol and inflammation.


Several health conditions that fall under the category of metabolic syndromes are associated with low levels of HDL in the blood. These violations include - type 2 diabetes, central obesity(excess fat in the abdomen), and a high level.

In addition, most autoimmune diseases:, lupus erythematosus, psoriasis, as well as periodontal disease and any infectious diseases reduce HDL levels.

Ways to Increase HDL Cholesterol

Olive oil in nutrition

Saturated fats found in dairy products and in fatty meat, increase LDL values and HDL in the blood. Replacing these saturated fats with "healthy fats" (polyunsaturated or monounsaturated fats from nuts, seeds, avocados, vegetable oils) has been shown in studies to help lower LDL levels.

Numerous studies have also shown that supplementing your diet can help lower total cholesterol levels and increase high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels. Olive oil contains antioxidants called polyphenols, which are responsible for its cardiovascular protective properties.

Olive oil also improves cholesterol profiles by improving the ability of HDL to properly interact with cholesterol. A study conducted with 26 healthy volunteers suggests that olive oil (25 ml/day or 2 tablespoons) improves cholesterol levels by increasing the production of ABCA1 and ABCG1 proteins necessary for the transport of fats across cell membranes.

Olive oil also helps boost the anti-inflammatory properties of HDL. Another study with 20 healthy adults found that 25 ml per day olive oil The first cold press for 12 weeks increased the amount of HDL-associated protein (paraoxonase 1), which helps HDL to exert its anti-inflammatory properties.

Eggs in the diet

A small study of 28 obese people found that a low-carbohydrate diet supplemented with 3 eggs per day increased high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels by 25%. The inclusion of eggs in the diet helped reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome. And this effect was more pronounced in people with obesity.

In another study involving 15 fat people also gave 3 chicken eggs per day and the level of HDL (“good” cholesterol) increased by 52%. However, this second study was sponsored American Association for the production of chicken eggs.

Another one scientific work in 42 elderly men and women demonstrated that 3 chicken eggs per day increased HDL by 23%.

And a study in older people taking statins and consuming 4 eggs a day concluded that these people had a 5% increase in HDL levels over 5 weeks without an increase in LDL (“bad” cholesterol).

Decreased carbohydrate content in the diet

Numerous studies show that reducing carbs and increasing healthy fats in the diet can provide many health benefits, including decrease in blood sugar, weight loss And improved insulin sensitivity. Another big benefit of this diet is the increase in high-density lipoprotein (HDL).

In a randomized controlled trial of 115 adults with obesity and diabetes 2nd type, consuming less than 50 gr. carbohydrates per day, as a result of weight loss, an increase in HDL cholesterol levels was almost 2 times higher compared to those people who did not switch to such a diet.

Overweight people with diabetes (total 194 people) were followed with low carbohydrate levels for 12 months in a randomized trial. At the end of these 12 months, these people experienced an increase in HDL in the blood, which did not occur in those subjects who simply observed mediterranean diet without reducing the amount of carbohydrates.

In a prospective study of 22 adult patients with obesity and metabolic syndrome followed the "Spanish Mediterranean ketogenic diet" for 12 weeks. The long-term result of this diet was an increase in HDL values ​​in their blood, as well as the fact complete cure their metabolic syndrome.

Another cohort study studied for 56 weeks 64 obese adults who were all this time on. The result of this experiment was an increase in HDL levels and a decrease in total cholesterol along with a decrease in HDL (“bad” cholesterol).

Fruits and vegetables with anthocyanins

In one experiment, 58 adults with diabetes were given 160 mg of anthocyanin concentrate twice daily for 24 weeks, resulting in a 20% increase in HDL cholesterol.

Another study of 120 patients with high cholesterol showed an almost 14% increase in HDL after 12 weeks of anthocyanin supplementation (160 mg, twice a day).

A study in 18 overweight men and women for 12 weeks examined the effect of regular exercise on endurance on HDL levels. As a result of the experiment, an increase in HDL in men and a favorable shift in HDL fractions in women were recorded. The important thing is that no diets were followed.

The result of regular exercise for 12 months: an increase in HDL and a decrease in LDL along with total cholesterol.

Another study (prospective observation) with 200 men showed that the increase in HDL occurred along with regular workouts for endurance. At the same time, the most significant positive changes occurred in patients who had high levels of harmful triglycerides in the blood and had big amount fat in abdominal cavity(abdominal obesity).

weight loss

Many studies have shown that (weight loss), regardless of the diet used, leads to a mandatory increase in HDL (“good” cholesterol). In a study of 3,480 Japanese adults, it was shown that a 3 kg weight loss resulted in an average increase in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) by 4 mg/dL.

Reducing alcohol consumption

In a study of 2,473 men and 1,530 women, it was found that moderate (no more than 1-2 drinks per day, where the drink is 200 ml of wine or beer, but not spirits) alcohol consumption demonstrated higher levels of HDL cholesterol.

Adding Coconut Oil

Several studies have found that eating edible coconut oil (usually about 2 tablespoons a day) can increase HDL levels more than other types of fat. Coconut oil It also helps lower the ratio of LDL to HDL, which can reduce the risk of heart disease.

Fatty fish in the diet

There are conflicting reports about the effect of eating oily fish or food additives with fish oil for HDL cholesterol levels. Some studies noted an increase in HDL when participants consumed a large number of fish, but the effects were minimal, and other studies found an increase in HDL in response to an increase in the amount of fish in the diet or supplementation.


Note: at the time of writing this section, we do not recommend these drugs. We just provide information that is in scientific literature. Please discuss medication with your doctor.


Statins can lower LDL cholesterol levels and increase HDL cholesterol levels. However, whether this actually has a significant impact on the risk of developing cardiovascular disease is still unclear. A meta-analysis of 12 large studies, including those involving more than 26,000 patients, found that changing blood cholesterol levels with medicines does not have positive effects because people do not reduce their risk and still have a high risk of heart disease.

Statins increase the risk of diabetes and insulin resistance (

Fibrates (alpha-agonists) or thiazolidinions

The Health Dangers of Lowering HDL Cholesterol

The biggest risk of low high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels is the development of cardiovascular disease. There is a large amount of data that demonstrates the protective effect of HDL: approximately 30% of patients with heart disease have normal performance total cholesterol in the blood, but only the reduced HDL levels underline the important role this molecule plays in protecting the heart.

HDL (“good” cholesterol) also plays an important role in the functioning of the immune system. A large prospective population-based study of 20,000 adults found that people with very low HDL levels showed 75% increased risk infectious diseases . It's interesting that very high HDL levels can also be problematic: those people who had very high levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) had a 43% increased risk of infectious disease compared to people with "normal" levels.

Additional Information

The main problem in interpreting the results of studies on the topic of HDL is that it is difficult to determine how big the role of other factors is. For example, if there is an association between young men who eat a low-fat diet and also have high HDL cholesterol levels, it is also possible that the same men do not smoke and exercise regularly. In addition, many of these studies are self-reporting and participants do not always answer truthfully.

It is generally assumed that increasing dietary intake of cholesterol will also increase blood cholesterol levels and lead to heart disease over time. While this is partially true, it is important to note that only 25% of blood cholesterol comes from food. The remaining 75% of cholesterol in the blood is synthesized by the body, and this is largely controlled by genetics.


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We will learn about the risks associated with low HDL cholesterol levels. We explore the symptoms and causes of low cholesterol values ​​well, and we see how to return values ​​to the level of a physiological diet.

What is HDL cholesterol

Low HDL is spoken of when it is concentration V peripheral blood turns out below 40 mg/dL for men and 50 mg/dL for women.

It would seem that, low level cholesterol can be interpreted as a sign good health however, the opposite is true for HDL.

Why Low Good Cholesterol Is Harmful

Of course you know that high cholesterol levels are the enemy of health. of cardio-vascular system. But this axiom does not apply to all types of cholesterol. In fact, in the case of HDL, the higher its concentration, the lower the risk of developing atherosclerotic changes and, as a result, heart disease.

Cholesterol is a necessary component for the proper functioning of the body (a component of cell membranes, a precursor important hormones such as steroids). To move freely along with the bloodstream, cholesterol is packaged in special proteins that increase its solubility.

Basic information about lipoproteins:

low density lipoproteins. Also known as "bad" cholesterol, they are produced in the liver. Under normal physiological conditions this process is balanced. In the sense that each cell is able to maintain the level of cholesterol necessary for its functioning, and return the excess to the liver. If this natural balance is upset, then there will be an increase in the level of LDL in the blood, which can be deposited on the walls of the arteries and lead to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

L high density hypoproteins. Also known as "good" cholesterol. They are involved in the reverse transport of excess cholesterol. That is, excess lipoproteins circulating there are obtained from the cells and transferred to the liver. In addition, HDL perform other important features: protect the body from atherosclerotic deposits, from the occurrence cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke.

High HDL values ​​not only prevent plaque deposition by preventing LDL oxidation, but also promote the removal of existing plaques by preventing monocytes from adhering to the vessel wall and, as a result, preventing possible blood vessel obstruction.

Optimal Levels HDL concentrations are:

  • Men: 60 mg/dL or more
  • Women: 60 mg/dl or more

What are the symptoms of a decrease in HDL

A decrease in HDL values ​​occurs asymptomatically and few people notice it, only with the usual periodic medical control.

Symptoms occur when health is already damaged and disease develops.

Reasons for lowering cholesterol values

But what are the reasons that can lead to decrease in HDL values?

There are many of them, and they are not always associated with diseases:

  • Pregnancy and menopause are the most common causes of a physiological decrease in HDL cholesterol values. The reason should be sought in hormonal changes. Latest Research showed a marked reduction in cholesterol observed within two years after pregnancy.
  • During menopause lower cholesterol is due to the lack of estrogen, which regulates cholesterol synthesis.
  • Birth control pills can reduce HDL cholesterol levels, as they contain progestin, which leads to an increase in LDL cholesterol, thus increasing the value of total cholesterol.
  • Improper nutrition : rich in fatty foods and poor in vegetables, fiber and monounsaturated fats, which leads to an increase in the proportion of LDL cholesterol and a decrease in the proportion of HDL.
  • Misbehavior: sedentary image life leads to an increase in the level of "bad" cholesterol and reduces "good".
  • Smoking: The mechanism that links smoking to HDL cholesterol is not entirely clear, but smoking cessation has been shown to markedly increase good cholesterol levels.
  • Obesity: with obesity, an excess of triglycerides occurs, which leads to an increase in the concentration of very low density lipoproteins and a number of changes in the cholesterol chain: high density lipoproteins become smaller and lose their atherogenic functions.

Diseases leading to a decrease in the level of good cholesterol:

  • celiac disease or food allergy reduce cholesterol levels, as the body does not absorb food, and therefore does not receive HDL from the diet.
  • hypothyroidism and liver disease such as hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver; excess thyroid hormone leads to an increase in metabolism.
  • Medications such as beta-blockers, diuretics, interferons, or statins used to lower cholesterol.

Risks of Low HDL

Considering protective function HDL against arteries, low HDL cholesterol, exposes the body to high risk cardiovascular diseases.

When HDL cholesterol falls far below optimal levels, with a ratio of total cholesterol above 5, damage to the arteries can lead to:

  • Atherosclerosis: body fat in the arteries, which entail a decrease in blood flow.
  • Stroke: obstruction or rupture of an artery in the brain, resulting in the death of brain tissue.
  • heart attack: reduction or cessation of blood flow, which leads to the death of the heart muscle.
  • Ischemic disease hearts: complete or partial cessation of blood flow to the heart.

What to do to increase HDL levels

Quit smoking. Exclusion of smoking entails an increase in HDL levels by about 10%. Especially if you add physical activity to this (according to at least, 5 days a week for 30 minutes): Swimming, cycling, running, brisk walking, gardening, anything that increases your heart rate.

Lose overweight . A 3 kg weight loss raises HDL levels by 1 mg/dl of blood.

Follow the rules rational nutrition . The basis of such a diet should be the consumption of healthy fats. In particular, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated last case it is an omega 3 found in hard-shelled fruits and oily fish.

Drinking one or two glasses of red wine a day. Not everyone agrees with this recommendation, but wine certainly helps keep HDL values ​​high. It is possible that this is the reason that explains the French paradox. The French, being heavy consumers of saturated fats ( butter, fatty meat) have a low prevalence of cardiovascular disease.

Taking drugs that increase HDL the most common is niacin. There are also supplements based on this ingredient. It should not be used without the advice of a doctor because side effects on liver function may occur.

Diet to increase cholesterol values

To reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, you need to eat foods that help increase the proportion of HDL cholesterol and lower LDL.

In particular:

  • Fish, rich in omega-3 (fats), such as salmon or swordfish.
  • cereals, especially from whole grain such as bread and pasta.
  • Non-greasy boiled sausage or fat-free ham.
  • low fat cheese such as mozzarella, ricotta, goat cheese.
  • Milk and yogurt.
  • Lean meat such as turkey, chicken and rabbit.
  • Dried fruits such as hazelnuts, walnuts, and almonds because they contain omega-3s.
  • Foods rich in antioxidants, such as vitamin C, which is abundant in kiwi, broccoli, oranges and lemons.
  • Some legumes, such as soya beans, which contain phytoestrogens, substances that can mimic the effects of estrogen and reduce cholesterol levels.

A diet that can help you keep your "bad" cholesterol levels low vegetarian diet , because it excludes the consumption of animal fats and involves the consumption of large amounts of fruits and vegetables rich in vegetable fats containing sterols, which have a structure similar to cholesterol and stimulate the reduction of total cholesterol.

How to raise cholesterol. Typo? There are no typos, of course. Gone are the days when lipoproteins were fought on the principle of "keep and don't let go." Now, most people who monitor their health know that lipid correction includes several tasks: how to increase cholesterol, which is useful for metabolic systems, how to lower "bad" or harmful, and how to keep their ratio normal and total. It should be noted that an active scientific search continues in this area, therefore, it is necessary to separate the obvious points from the controversial ones, and the desired from the real.

Lipid correction includes several tasks: how to increase good cholesterol, how to lower "bad" cholesterol, and how to keep their ratio normal

Why is low cholesterol dangerous?

Number deaths due to the lack of this substance, three times the number of deaths with its excess. Here are some pathologies:

  1. Obesity. It is impossible to produce bile acids, which means the absorption and breakdown of fats and the metabolism of fat-soluble vitamins.
  2. Chronic indigestion.
  3. Violation of the integrity of the intestinal walls and, as a result, the ingress of toxins into the blood.
  4. Flaw nutrients in organism.
  5. Predisposition to diabetes (2).
  6. The risk of cancer.
  7. Cell walls become vulnerable to free radicals.
  8. Hemorrhagic stroke, heart attack. Circulatory disorders, fragility of capillaries and hemorrhages increase, which means that problems with the heart and blood vessels cannot be avoided.
  9. Osteoporosis. Problems with the absorption of calcium and, as a result, a violation of the composition of bone tissue.
  10. depression. There is a two- to three-fold increase in the frequency of suicides.
  11. Reduced immunity. Without the production of vitamin D, the normal condition nerve cells, mineral metabolism substances, the production of insulin.
  12. Problems with reproductive function. Difficult to develop steroid hormones adrenal glands, incl. sex hormones.
  13. Amenorrhea. In women who thoughtlessly experimented with diets, there are cases of premature menopause.
  14. Impaired thinking and memory. Possibility of developing Alzheimer's disease.
  15. Children have slow growth, sometimes mental retardation.

Reasons for low level:

Cause low cholesterol could be stress

  • liver disease;
  • tuberculosis;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • heart failure;
  • infectious diseases;
  • intoxication;
  • stress;
  • anorexia;
  • vegetarianism and unbalanced diets;
  • genetic predisposition.

How to boost

Another range of problems is associated with measures designed to prevent an increase in the level in order to prevent heart disease, atherosclerotic changes in cerebral vessels, the appearance of stones in gallbladder and other exchange problems. However, in order to select corrective measures, it is necessary to understand some of the features of lipid transport.

Before starting to move with the bloodstream, cholesterol combines with special proteins, forming lipoproteins (lipos - fat, protein - protein). Of these, the main ones are the so-called low-density lipoproteins and high-density lipoproteins. The former move in the direction of the organs, where they have to perform their tasks, the latter in the direction of the liver, where the compounds are converted and then excreted from the body.

These two types of compounds are conventionally called bad and good cholesterol. The fact is that in the first the fat component is greater; in case of metabolic disorders, they begin to leave its excess in the vessels of the brain and body organs. In the latter, on the contrary, the protein is quite free and, moving to the liver, it “captures” excess lipids, freeing the body from them.

Two things become clear from this:

  • V healthy body both types of connections are required;
  • if the total amount has increased beyond the norm, you should try to increase the content of good lipoproteins, since they reduce the level of bad ones.

For convenience, the abbreviations are used: LDL (sometimes more briefly, LDL) - low density lipoproteins. Accordingly, the second type of compounds useful for us is HDL (or HDL).

How to determine when to raise HDL, or good cholesterol?

If a value less than 1.0-1.3 mmol / l is indicated in the corresponding column of the result of the laboratory analysis, it's time to think about the correction. (Numeric indicators are somewhat different for women and men, depending on age, as well as the method of research in a particular laboratory). Moreover, this must be done even if the overall level is normal or slightly elevated.

So, in order to reduce the risk of vascular diseases, it is necessary, as it was said, not to try to crush the bad, heading to the tissues, cholesterol with an ill-conceived diet, but to increase the content of the compounds with which it is removed from the tissues.

Medical therapy

Nicotinic acid helps lower LDL and triglycerides

Nicotinic acid (niacin, vitamin PP). Helps lower LDL and triglycerides (by 20% and 50% respectively) and increase HDL (by 30%).

Fibrates (derivatives of fibrin to-you). Preparations of this group can achieve an increase of 10-15%.

The latest generation of statins began to possess the same properties.

Unfortunately, the feasibility of using niacin and fibrates is questionable, and even in relation to statins, scientific disputes do not subside. Thus, drug therapy still needs a cautious approach and curbing too rosy hopes.


“As a basis” you can take one of the hypocholesterol options or table number 10, but make accents in the form of products that increase HDL:

  1. Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. Salmon, sardine, sea bass, mackerel, herring, etc. Olive, linseed, soybean, corn oils. Can be taken in the form of dietary supplements (capsules).
  2. Cellulose. Bran, whole grains and cereals, legumes, blackberries, currants, mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, celery.
  3. Antioxidants. Normalize the level of lipoproteins. Avocado, nuts, cabbage, beets, spinach.
  4. Sprouted seeds and cereals. Wheat, sunflower, pumpkin, lentils, etc.
  5. Soy products and oil. Recommended 40g soy protein for a day.

To raise cholesterol, you should follow a low-carbohydrate diet.

You should follow a low-carbohydrate diet, - according to nutritionists, this is much more important than limiting yourself to fats. A minimum of refined sugar, confectionery, white bread.

Finally good news for men, - foods and supplements that increase good cholesterol in the blood can be combined with red wine. It contains resveratrol, which has exactly these properties. However, you need to focus on the volume of one glass per day.

Physical activity and fresh air

During muscle activity, the liver is much better supplied with blood, which leads to its purification and a shift in the lipoprotein balance in a positive direction. In turn, intestinal motility improves, freeing the body from the already spent compound contained in bile.

Physical activity can change the LP balance as well as some drugs. Positive changes in 0.25 mmol/l are already confirmed with a half-hour exercise, repeated 3-4 times a week. Timing before meals can be additional factor: the body actively produces LPL (lipoprotein lipase), which breaks down the most “heavy fractions”, the place of which can be taken by HDL.

Folk remedies

  • Green tea. Contains antioxidant-rich polyphenols. These substances carry out the balance in full: they inhibit the harmful component and “pull up” the useful one.
  • Cranberry. Also contains polyphenols. By using cranberry juice you can raise HDL by 7% in one month.
  • Milk thistle, oil. Useful action associated with the silymarin contained in it.
  • Artichoke. The effect is noted after 8 weeks of taking the extract.

It is probably difficult to find the best folk or medically used remedy for the prevention of atherosclerosis and, at the same time, increasing the level of the “correct” lipoproteins in the blood. The best strategy is to use different methods and follow developments in this area.


How to increase cholesterol: increase a useful level.

Why is good cholesterol so important?

From previous posts, you have already learned about what the level of cholesterol in the blood should be, found out that cholesterol is bad, the level of which should be sought to be reduced, and learned something about the so-called “good” cholesterol. Now we will talk about it in more detail.

In fact, you understand that the names “bad” and “good” are used in common parlance, so it is easier for the doctor to explain the problem to the patient. But these names were given for a reason, they have a direct connection with the properties of cholesterol. As we already know, low-density lipoproteins (LDL) or bad cholesterol tend to settle on the walls of blood vessels, forming atherosclerotic plaques, which lead to irreparable consequences. And what is the difference between high-density lipoproteins (HDL) or the so-called good cholesterol from bad?

HDL has a higher density because it contains more protein molecules. This type of cholesterol can account for up to 30% of total cholesterol.
The unique property of good cholesterol is that it removes excess bad cholesterol from the blood, transports it to the liver, and from there it is subsequently excreted from the body. US studies show that as little as 0.026 mmol/L (1 mg/dL) of HDL increases the risk of heart attack by 3%!

Levels of 1.56 mmol/L (60 mg/dL) are considered best, levels between 1.3 and 1.53 mmol/L (50-59 mg/dL) are considered good, and levels below 1.3 mmol/L (50 mg/dl) for women and 1.04 mmol/l (40 mg/dl) for men is considered low, which may increase the risk of heart disease.
In other words, the higher the level of good cholesterol in the blood, the better body protected from heart attack or stroke! If lowering the level of bad cholesterol from maximum to minimum reduces the likelihood of a heart attack by 3-4 times, then at a level of good cholesterol of 1.56 mmol / l, the probability of a heart attack is reduced by 8 times, compared with a level of 0.8 mmol / l. That's it…

So, if you have already passed the test and found out that you have “not very good” cholesterol, then proceed to action! However, the recommendations that I will give below will not hurt in any case, even if your cholesterol is normal. But, believe me, this happens only in absolutely healthy people leading a healthy lifestyle, and for at least a few years.

How to Raise Good Cholesterol

Point one - follow the recommendations for lowering bad cholesterol! Without this, all other points are monkey work! If you have already read and understood, read on.
Omega-3 fatty acids. Products with high content unsaturated fats include oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, tuna, sardines, herring, mackerel, halibut, sea bass. They contain healthy fats called omega-3 fatty acids, which can help increase your "good" cholesterol levels. Eat fish two to three times a week as part of a healthy diet.
Very useful nuts - almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios, cashews, Australian nuts, pecans, sesame seeds, they contain monounsaturated fats. The content of Omega-3 acids is also increased here.
Linseed and camelina oil. These oils are high in various vitamins, unsaturated fatty acids, including polyunsaturated ones. They are used in the morning on an empty stomach, one tablespoon.
Soy protein (such as tofu (bean curd), soy nuts, and soy cheeses). In people who consume 40 g of soy protein daily, HDL levels increase significantly.
Complete cessation of smoking! Studies have shown that for every 20 cigarettes smoked, the level of “good” cholesterol decreases by about 3.5 mg/dl. By quitting smoking, you can raise your HDL by 10%.
Moderate alcohol consumption, especially red wine, can help raise HDL levels. Red wine contains a substance called resveratrol, which has been linked to an increase in "good" cholesterol levels.
Studies have shown that with daily consumption of one glass of cranberry juice or cranberry juice for four weeks, HDL levels increase by about 8%.
Green tea polyphenols help block intestinal absorption of cholesterol, reduce total cholesterol, increase HDL levels in your body. 2-3 cups per day is considered optimal. However, please note that green tea is a more tonic drink than coffee - if you have problems sleeping, it is better to refrain from drinking this drink.
Well physical activity, of course, where without it! Walking, swimming, jogging and various physical activities will help raise HDL levels. To do this, you must burn at least 1200 kilocalories per week through exercise. Timing your exercise can also be a factor in raising your HDL. When you exercise before meals, you thus stimulate the production of LPL (lipoprotein lipase), which cleanses the vessels of fat and reduces triglycerides, while clearing the way for HDL.
Here are some simple tips that I think. It is quite feasible and does not require any very deprivation. From my own experience, I can say that being a passionate meat eater and sweet tooth in this moment I have significantly reduced the consumption of meat, I don’t eat sausage and other “delicacies” at all, I almost don’t eat cheese, sour cream and other fatty dairy products. I began to eat more fish, especially salmon and trout. Previously, I almost did not eat fruits, now they are included in the mandatory daily diet. And you know ... I'm already used to both fish and fruits :) But there remains an irresistible craving for sweets, I confess, sometimes I allow myself too much :) The only thing that calms me is that I mostly “hamster” homemade cookies and dark chocolate. Those. pastries are not made with margarine, even butter is strictly limited. Well, dark chocolate (in reasonable quantities) even has a beneficial effect on the level of good cholesterol, by the way.

At the moment I'm just doing one interesting experiment (and what else to do?) with linseed oil. Knowing that linseed oil increases HDL somewhat, I decided to look for more detailed information on the internet about this product and came across a rather amusing article stating that a mixture of flaxseed oil and fat-free cottage cheese almost a cure for cancer!

So in next post read details about linseed oil and its miraculous properties.