What is useful badger jet for men. Badger jet: what is it and what helps? How to prepare an aqueous infusion of castoreum

Any field of knowledge related to issues of life and health is quickly overgrown with rumors, erroneous opinions and real mysticism. One of the common misconceptions is the badger jet. Probably, after a lot of repetition and word of mouth transfer of names, two completely different names for natural components of animal origin - badger fat and castoreum- transformed in this way.

Does a badger jet exist in nature and what does it help with?

Unfortunately for humans, and fortunately for the animals themselves, the body of a badger simply does not have glands similar to those found in beavers and male musk deer. The body of a badger is not able to produce any biologically active components, and all stored useful material fall directly into the fat layer. That is why the badger is of value only for the extraction of healing badger fat (fat), and there are no “badger jets” in nature and cannot be. badger jet By definition, it cannot be a medicine, so if they start telling you how to take a badger stream, then this is most likely a scam.

Beavers are a completely different matter. These waterfowl have their own secret, which many centuries ago was tested far and wide by ancient healers from Siberia and Asia. You can buy badger fat and beaver stream in our online store. All products undergo strict veterinary control and have all the necessary certificates of conformity.

Beaver (badger) jet treats many diseases, ranging from sexual impotence in men and ending with severe cases of oncology. For advanced and complex cases, you need loading dose drug that can cellular level get to the affected tissues, stop the course of the disease and allow the body to heal.

What is a beaver (badger) stream?

This is the name of the contents of the paired glands that are in the body of any beaver. As the animal grows and develops, the glands accumulate a complex complex of organic compounds. And at the moments when the beaver hibernates or suffers from diseases, the reverse process occurs - the glands begin to nourish the body, start adaptogenic processes and stimulate the immune system. It turns out that the beaver constantly carries a complex of strong immunomodulators and nutrients.

Experienced harvesters know that it is necessary to extract glands so that the animal does not have time to be frightened and in no case suffer. In this case, the beaver does not have time to use the products of its own glands, and their healing power will be maximum. The main thing is to immediately remove the remnants of foreign flesh, and the organs themselves contain a natural antiseptic substance and are not subject to decay.

Based on the fact that a badger does not and cannot have such a secret, the question of how to take a badger stream disappears by itself. However, one can talk endlessly about the use of a beaver jet. It is known that it helps in the treatment of more than 150 diseases, and is also quite effective for preventive purposes.

How to take the tincture of the "badger" jet?

Sometimes inexperienced people correctly guess the animal from which the extraction of medicinal and beneficial glands, but categorically cannot formulate in an accessible way what exactly they want. From beaver they get a "beaver stream" unknown to science and specialists. It's good that the producers and sellers have long been accustomed to distortions of reality and are able to understand what a person wants, insistently demanding to sell him "badger jet tincture" - this is not a joke.

Although, it should be recognized, no matter how you call a really effective remedy - even a beaver, even a badger stream, and if it helps the patient survive and cope with the disease during oncology, the rest is not important. The main thing is to know exactly how the badger jet tincture is prepared and how to take it correctly.

  1. Ready dried organs, experts recommend grinding and pouring vodka to make a strong tincture.
  2. For 400-500 milliliters of vodka, you need about 100 grams of dry preparation.
  3. The finer the dry matter, the better faster tincture will be ready.

In this way, it will be enough just once to prepare the medicine on your own, so that once and for all questions in the style of “where to buy a badger jet” disappear.

The tool is perfectly combined with any justified methods. traditional treatment- in this case, the natural medicine reinforces the action of drugs and allows the body to increase its protective functions.

How useful is a badger if a badger stream is a myth and a mistake

Tincture of "badger" jet

All the most useful and valuable in any badger is right under the skin. Before falling into hibernation, the animal stores for a long time nutrients. They are collected in the layer of subcutaneous fat. The result is a complex oleic acids with vitamins A and B.

Badger fat has an overwhelming effect on pathogens and malignant tumors due to its ability to integrate into metabolic processes and bring them back to normal. The disease creates a favorable environment for development, and the substances from the composition of badger fat destroy this balance, which is harmful to human health.

Badger fat is actively used in the treatment of tuberculosis with folk remedies, as well as in diseases of the respiratory system in general. Fat is no less effective for problems with skin and hair, with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and excretory system. Also, lard copes well with minor wounds and cuts, treats problematic or injured joints and ligaments, and is used in cosmetology.

The badger jet is another "miracle product" that is in high demand among fans of traditional medicine. It is even more wonderful than many others because it doesn't really exist at all. What is it?

Description of badger jet

This means is not generated by nature, but by the wild human imagination and lack of knowledge. Many are convinced that badger fat helps with most diseases, better than any medicine. Others have heard of magical properties. At the junction of these two myths, the idea of ​​​​a badger jet appears.

People diligently search for it on the Internet, without even realizing what it is, is there such a thing at all! But they firmly believe in advance that it is the badger stream that will help them heal. They have already picked up recipes, outlined the tactics of treatment ... Absurd.

Badger jet does not exist . In any store of "natural medicines" you will be offered a beaver stream.

Interestingly, sites selling such drugs have published extensive articles about the "badger jet". Moreover, the photographs depict beavers, on the bottles with tincture (or what they give out for it) it says “beaver”. Such trifles cannot confuse someone who has already believed or is ready to believe and pay money.

And our article is another reason to think about how we, not possessing elementary knowledge, invade such a complex area as our body, neglect the help of specialists, and try to independently regulate our condition. Nothing good can be expected from such experiments, of course.

What is a badger stream? Badger stream (more correctly, beaver) is the secretion of glands located in the beaver's body. With the growth and development of the animal, these glands accumulate many valuable organic compounds. During the wintering period of the beaver, lack of food or disease, the adaptogenic process is activated, that is, the glands themselves nourish the beaver's body and support immune system. This means that the beaver has its own immunomodulating nutrients.

The badger (beaver) stream is a dense mass of brown color, saturated with a caustic animal musky substance (castoreum). Its chemical composition was carefully studied by scientists, who found in it more than 40 very valuable substances. The beaver's organism is arranged in such a way that valuable substances taken from nature and produced by the body are not excreted along with the beaver's urine, as in other animals, but accumulate in the above-mentioned glands.

The diet of badger animals involves up to 150 items of the most valuable medicinal plants, therefore, the jet has a lot of useful properties and its use is considered effective in many dangerous diseases.

For many centuries, mankind has collected a large number of recipes using a beaver jet. These products can be used both internally and externally.

You need to be very careful when calculating the dosage of the jet. General contraindications have not been identified, they include only individual intolerance to preparations based on the badger jet, therefore, when taking them, it is necessary to analyze your internal well-being, and if it worsens, stop taking it.

An interesting video of Malakhov's program about the badger stream


Badger jet useful properties

What is it in general - a beaver stream? Preparation and methods of application of the beaver jet.

Whoever has not had to deal with this remedy is sometimes asked what kind of beaver stream this is, isn't it urine? Of course not.

Beaver stream is an animal aromatic substance (castoreum), a brown dense mass with a rich musky smell. These paired glands are found only in beavers and beavers; active nutrients are collected in them “for a rainy day”: they are used by beavers in case of illness, wounds, hunger.

The chemical composition of the beaver jet has been studied by many researchers. More than forty valuable substances were found in it. And this is not accidental - organic substances excreted by other animals with urine accumulate in the aforementioned glands in the beaver.

Taking into account the diet of beavers - about 150 species of medicinal plants - the stream is the most healing remedy that helps with more than a hundred different ailments.

Castoreum. A few words about history

The beaver stream has been valued since ancient times: in the old days it cost 4 times more than a beaver skin. Already in the 16th century, it was included in the list of official medicines, the so-called “elixir for all diseases” was discovered, the recipe of which, unfortunately, was lost.

However, even without that, knowledge about the beaver stream is quite enough to consider it the most powerful immunomodulator that benefits any organism. A jet is more likely not a medicine, it is a valuable biological substance that significantly increases immunity, thanks to which your body finds a lot of strength and energy to fight against any ailment.

Medicinal derivatives (that is, of animal origin) are already known in Ancient China, Ancient Rus', in Europe.

The soldiers of Alexander Nevsky used a tincture of beaver stream: tumors quickly subsided, cuts from arrows, swords, and spears healed.

Mao Zedong used the beaver jet to treat his diabetes.

Ivan the Terrible, injured during the capture of Kazan, was quickly put on his feet by this means.

Peter the Great treated with this remedy hangover syndrome, as well as colds: having a sharp musky-tar smell, the beaver stream perfectly treats respiratory diseases.

Alexander Pushkin, while in exile in Pyatigorsk, treated his joints with a beaver stream. In addition, Pushkin has a work "Ode to a beaver stream": as a fan of women, he praises the natural "Viagra".

In the 19th century, severe and protracted mental illnesses, various types of epileptic seizures, depression, manic psychoses and chronic fatigue.

The Institute of Space Medicine, after conducting a lot of research, made castoreum tinctures for astronauts.

The beaver jet was prescribed to those who were in the zone of the Chernobyl accident, the victims and liquidators, with leukemia, leukemia, and the consequences of radiation sickness.

Beaver stream application

Let's clarify: the beaver stream has never been a dietary supplement and will not be. Also, it does not replace the drugs prescribed by the doctor, it is impossible to stop taking them, but it should be used in combination with each other.

In general, castoreum is used in the form of a powder, tincture, ointment - externally and internally. This unique natural substance has a tonic, rejuvenating, tonic, immune-restoring effect. In addition, the beaver stream is used in cosmetology, having a rejuvenating effect, as well as in perfumery as an odor fixative, a natural fragrance.

Beaver stream is an excellent assistant to traditional medicine, especially if laser therapy, chemotherapy, and other non-natural remedies are prescribed.

Often patients, taking a jet for the treatment of one problem, find that they have received other improvements at the same time: for example, they treated the joints, and vision, general well-being also improved, and the skin rejuvenated. Just castoreum acts in a complex, generally strengthening the body.

First of all, the beaver stream is considered great solution female gynecological and especially male urological problems. No wonder the beaver stream is also called "Russian Viagra" ("natural Viagra").

Prostate adenoma, impotence, urethritis, prostatitis are cured, premature ejaculation, weakness, pain when urinating. The prostate is the second heart in men, after forty it should be given special attention, the beaver stream is a wonderful helper in this.

However, its effect of increasing sexuality should be taken into account: after all, with some cardiovascular problems sexual activity is contraindicated. Therefore, before using the jet, consult your doctor.

In gynecology, the effect is as follows: thrush, candidiasis, colpitis, cystitis, pain in the chest and lower abdomen disappear, cysts resolve, inflammation of the glands, bartholinitis disappear.

The range of application of the beaver jet is very wide: for stroke paralysis and angina pectoris, atherosclerosis and ischemia, hypertension and hypotension, hepatitis A, B and gastric diseases, with pulmonary and respiratory diseases, even pneumonia and tuberculosis, with radiculitis and osteochondrosis, with furunculosis and barley, sepsis and herpes, with severe oncological and blood diseases.

The beaver's jet destroys viruses, staphylococci, fungi, Koch's bacillus. The beaver jet normalizes the hormonal background and pressure, stops inflammatory, tumor, infectious processes, relieves convulsions.

It quickly, effectively helps with kidney failure, pyelonephritis, kidney stones, in the treatment of migraine, cardiovascular system, and nervous disorders.

Taking funds with a stream of beavers accelerates recovery after injuries, surgical operations, wounds: the stream increases metabolism, stimulating the rehabilitation of the body.

If you instill a remedy with castoreum in the eyes, itching, inflammation, a feeling of sand are removed, in general, vision improves at a rapid pace. Ear drops heal the auditory nerve, clarify the thought process, improve hearing.

There are good reasons to believe that the stream of beavers is able to overcome even a pyogenic infection, against which antibiotics are often powerless: there is a fact that a newborn is healed by a stream of beavers from sepsis.

For the prevention of joint diseases, it is especially effective to use it in a Finnish sauna or a Russian bath.

Healthy people can be used for beriberi, loss of strength, overwork, depression and for prevention. For record achievements, it is recommended to take athletes.

The main "side effect" of the beaver stream, no matter what you treat with it, is an increase in mood and potency, efficiency and vigor, an improvement in the appearance and condition of the nerves, general rejuvenation and peace.


The beaver stream, like any remedy, must be taken at the calculated rate, under the supervision of a doctor. The course and dosage are prescribed according to the height and weight of the person. Although experts say: there are no contraindications for taking a beaver jet, it is still necessary to take into account the tolerance of the substance and infusion components individually, be sure to follow the prescribed dosage.

As with any medication, an overdose of beaver jet can give unnecessary consequences. In any case, be sure to consult a doctor.


The jet of beavers can be used both in the form of an alcohol tincture, powder, and rectal suppositories.

For tincture, it is necessary to finely chop the dried beaver gland, so that it infuses faster. Then pour into a jar, pour alcohol or vodka: 100 g of jet for 500-700 ml. But it is best to use medical 70% alcohol.

Insist for several weeks (3-4) at room temperature in a dark place, and shaking it every three days. You will get a cognac-colored tincture.

You can store the tincture of the beaver jet in the refrigerator or at room temperature in a dark place. Sediment will appear at the bottom - you do not need to remove it.

To obtain a powder, the beaver stream, separated from blood, fat and mucus, is dried in a cool place without direct sun for about a month to a state of hardness, and then finely chopped or grated. The powder can also be used to make a tincture.

To prepare candles, you need to purchase candles from herbal extract in a pharmacy, melt them in a water bath. Add the powder from the beaver's jet to the melted mixture: for one candle - powder with a match head. After mixing thoroughly, pour it into suitable forms, put in the refrigerator to solidify. Candles are used in the treatment of prostatitis or hemorrhoids.

Beaver stream application and doses.

The use of tincture from the beaver stream inside for prevention - 1 teaspoon twice a day, morning and evening. In the evening, three to four hours before bedtime, otherwise there may be difficulty sleeping. When treating, take 1-1.5 teaspoons three times a day.

If a person cannot drink alcohol at all, then either the tincture prepared with alcohol is diluted with water very much, or the tincture is not made at all, and the beaver stream is taken in powder. The Chinese advise taking bread and putting a grain of beaver jet inside.

If the disease is pulmonary, and alcohol is contraindicated, then the tincture is not taken orally, but “inhalations” are made with it: a jar is opened and a breath is taken - either through the nostrils in turn, or through the mouth.

In general, medicinal infusions, ointments and powders from the beaver stream are recommended for everyone, and for men, for potency, activity in sex, and in order not to finish longer, especially.

Note: You must know and understand that all sorts of problems and sores, in more than 80% of cases, are not related to the physics of the body, but to psychology. Frequent stress, tension, some kind of complexes, anxiety disorders, obsessive states, fears, etc. . And they are not solved only with medicines and infusions, all this can only help in the cure, but the main Cause must be eliminated. And if you feel that something is wrong with you, your thinking and your way of life, then isn't it time to take care of yourself? Where to start, how and what to do, you can see here.

Video about Beaver Stream and where the product is used

Beaver stream (beaver musk officinalis)

The product that is secreted by the special (prepuntal) glands of beavers (both male and female) is called beaver stream, beaver musk or castoreum. This substance has a strong resistance, therefore, as an odor fixative, it is widely used in perfumery. In addition, the beaver stream is widely used in folk medicine, as it has a wide range of positive properties, among which are anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antispasmodic, bronchodilator, cardiotonic, diuretic, anti-atherosclerotic, immunomodulating, increasing the function of the gonads in men, restorative, painkillers and many others.

In the photo, a dried beaver stream

The jet is two glands connected together. The weight of both is from 100 to 200 grams. The smell is similar to tree resin or birch tar. Fresh glands contain a bright orange oily liquid that fades in air, but does not lose its properties. When dry, the jet darkens. It contains a complex of more than fifty different organic compounds, the main of which is musk.

There is the only analogue of beaver medicinal musk in the world - this is the musk of the musk deer - musk deer.

Application of the beaver jet

Due to the presence of a large number of useful properties, this substance can be used (as an addition to the main treatment) for the following diseases:

  • nervous system - headaches, cerebrovascular accidents;
  • the circulatory system is coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, pathology of blood pressure, circulatory failure;
  • male reproductive system - prostatitis, prostate adenoma, impotence (has strong activity), male infertility (improves the functional state of spermatozoa), with menopausal syndrome in men;
  • urinary system - pyelonephritis, renal failure, stones in excretory system;
  • female reproductive system - cysts, inflammatory pathologies, thrush, climacteric syndrome among women;
  • respiratory system - inflammatory pathologies of the respiratory system (bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, respiratory viral acute pathological processes), it can be used for tuberculosis, it relieves coughing fits;
  • system of support and movement - pathology of the joints (inflammatory, degenerative-dystrophic), osteochondrosis of the spine;
  • in addition, with hepatitis and inflammatory changes in the gastrointestinal tract, fungal infections, varicose veins (strengthens the vascular walls, fights swelling), thrombophlebitis (reduces pain, dissolves blood clots, reduces the likelihood of re-formation), with infectious wounds, injuries, skin suppuration.

In general, products made on the basis of a beaver jet are used as general tonic. They have a positive effect on the nervous system, prevent inflammatory processes. The level of testosterone in men rises significantly, and the hormonal background stabilizes. The jet has a beneficial effect on sex drive women.

Beaver stream treatment

Beaver jet can be used in the following options.

Beaver stream recipes:

Candles for rectal use - you must first transfer the beaver stream into a solid form (if it is fresh, not dried), for this this substance can be placed in the freezer. Grind the dry stream. Use this way: heat pork fat until melting, add in a very small amount of frozen beaver stream (from a match head to 1 candle), then all this resulting substance must be cooled to freeze, cut into portions the size of an ordinary rectal candle and then you can use ( once a day, preferably at night, the course is one month, then a break for one month, if necessary, repeat the course).

In the form of a powder - dry the beaver stream and finely grate until a powder, take in a very small amount (like the head of a match) once a day, for two months with a break of one month.

As tinctures - first you need to very finely chop the beaver stream, then pass it through a meat grinder, then add alcohol or vodka in the following ratio: 100 grams of the stream per half liter of vodka, then you need to insist in a glass dish in a cool and, necessarily, dark place about weeks. In this case, it is often necessary to shake or mix the future tincture. If during preparation the color of the tincture becomes too saturated, then it is necessary to dilute it with alcohol to a cognac color, after a week of infusion the product is ready for use. From a jet weighing 100 grams, on average, from 800 to 1200 ml is obtained. hoods. The tincture can be used both for the treatment and prevention of diseases, inside one teaspoon per day - to prevent diseases, two teaspoons - for treatment various pathologies. It is best to take the balm in the evening, after taking something to drink or eat. Also, the balm can be used by adding it to various drinks (for example, coffee, tea, etc.). The tincture is used like this: drink for ten days, then take a break for ten days and then take it again for ten days. Externally used in the complex treatment of varicose veins, with pain associated with thrombophlebitis.

The beaver stream is sold as a whole gland, and in the form of ready-made tinctures. The price of the gland is from 100 r per 1 g, tinctures from 1000 r per 100 ml. The shelf life of dry matter is long (does not lose its properties for several years), tinctures - 1-2 years.

Beaver stream contraindications

Contraindications have not been studied. Individual intolerance is possible. But what is known for sure is that the dosage cannot be exceeded. About possible adverse reactions and the presence of contraindications, consult your doctor before use. Use as an addition to the main treatment.

Therapist Naumov Yu.N.

Beaver stream medicine: what explains its healing properties

The beaver stream was valued many centuries ago so much that even the skin of the beaver itself was cheaper at times.

In the old days, with the help of this remedy, warriors treated their wounds from spears and arrows, and rulers for joints and colds. But not only these healing properties beaver stream attracted attention to it, especially from men: since ancient times it was believed that it increases sexual health and strength, and today it is called "natural viagra", recognizing as one of the most effective drugs from impotence.

Beaver stream, castoreum or musk is an aromatic substance produced in special bags by beavers, both males and females, which is a brown dense mass with a rich musky smell. Quite often, these sacs are also called "odorous glands."

The high healing properties of the beaver stream are explained by the fact that beavers feed only on fresh medicinal plants: nettle, horse sorrel, meadowsweet, goutweed, reed, angelica, water lilies, in total there are about 150 different herbs in the beaver's diet, the organic compounds of which remain in the "odorous glands" after processing. During the study, more than 40 valuable components were found in the beaver stream, which help to treat many diseases.

The medicine beaver stream can be found in several forms:

  • natural. When dried, it is a whole dry gland, or, extremely rarely, fresh, it is a yellow-brown liquid, both of which are later used to make tinctures;
  • Alcohol tincture ready for use;
  • In the form of a powder for the preparation of tinctures;
  • Potent ointments and rubbing, which are usually made from natural raw materials by traditional healers in small quantities;
  • The drug "Kasolin", intended for the treatment of impotence and infertility, consists of an oil extract obtained from the infused secretion of the beaver glands.

And although castoreum is widely used in medicine as a powerful modulator and stimulant of immunity, which normalizes all human systems, the medicine has not received formal recognition. Officially, the alcohol extract of the beaver stream is used only in the perfume industry, as a fragrant substance and odor fixative.

What is useful and from what diseases the beaver stream helps to treat

The beaver jet has always been considered "the elixir for all diseases." This unique natural substance does not replace medical preparations, in fact it is not a medicine, but it acts as an excellent assistant to traditional forms of treatment.

Increasing the general tone of the body, restoring, restorative, rejuvenating effect - this is what the beaver stream is useful for, especially in cases where laser therapy or chemotherapy is prescribed.

Beaver stream helps and healthy people with overwork and depression, during a period of loss of strength and with beriberi. It is recommended to be used by athletes to achieve sports records, and tinctures are made for astronauts. The musky substance of the beaver stream can very quickly increase the mental, physical and psychological performance of the body, a person is able to literally work for days on end without harm to health, while maintaining a clear mind.

Given the main property of the beaver stream - increasing potency and sexual activity, it is generally accepted that this remedy is mainly designed to solve urological problems in men and gynecological problems in women, but this is far from being the case.

Wounds, injuries and bruises, swelling and colds, infections and convulsions, and even prolonged mental illness - this is an incomplete list of what the beaver stream helps with. At the same time, it is necessary to emphasize, no matter what you use it for, vivacity, improvement of the nervous state, rejuvenation of the skin, hair and the whole organism in the process of "inevitable".

It is important to know

This substance significantly increases sexual activity, which is sometimes unacceptable for some diseases that the beaver stream treats, for example, for problems associated with the cardiovascular system. Therefore, before you start using this remedy, you need to consult with your doctor.

Below is a more detailed description of what the beaver stream treats:

  • Various injuries and wounds, hematomas, fractures - rapid healing; used for recovery surgical intervention;
  • Radiculitis, osteochondrosis; prevention of joint diseases;
  • Cardiovascular diseases: angina pectoris, ischemia, atherosclerosis, normalization of pressure in hypotension and hypertension; paralysis due to stroke - more quick result achieved when taken in the initial stages;
  • Varicose veins of the lower extremities - reduces swelling, relieves pain, strengthens the walls of the vein; thrombophlebitis - dissolves old and prevents the formation of new blood clots;
  • Furunculosis, barley - destroys viruses, fungi, staphylococci; serious illnesses blood, oncological diseases;
  • Powerful remedy to fight a pyogenic infection that cannot be treated with antibiotics - there are precedents for healing from sepsis;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; hepatitis A and B, jaundice;
  • Due to the presence of a musky substance in the beaver stream, which can kill Koch's bacillus and is traditionally used in the treatment of severe lung diseases: bronchopneumonia, pulmonary silicosis, bilateral pneumonia, purulent pneumonia, tuberculosis, lung sarcoidosis; effectively relieves cough, including a smoker;
  • Influenza, SARS, ENT diseases - it is useful to inhale the vapors of the beaver stream;
  • Gynecological diseases: thrush, candidiasis, colpitis, cysts, inflammation of the glands, bartholinitis;
  • Urological diseases: cystitis, pain during urination, urethritis, prostatitis; treatment of prostate adenoma without surgery;
  • Age-related changes affecting male potency, premature ejaculation, decreased libido, impotence - without side effects;
  • Endocrine system: renal failure, pyelonephritis, kidney stones;
  • Neurological diseases: migraine, stuttering, fright, convulsions, nervous disorders, epilepsy, traumatic disorders nervous system- conductivity is restored nerve impulses;
  • Severe mental states: depression, manic-depressive psychosis;
  • Radiation sickness, leukemia, leukemia; during the period of chemotherapy, radiotherapy;
  • Ear drops: hearing improves, traffic jams disappear, the auditory nerve is healed;
  • Eye drops: relieve inflammation, itching, feeling of "sand" in the eyes; contribute to the improvement of vision;
  • How prophylactic for leading excessively active image life, often in a state of stress, engaged in heavy mental and physical labor.

There are no special contraindications in the treatment with a beaver stream, but, like any other remedy, it is necessary to strictly follow the dosage that is prescribed depending on the height and weight of the person, the form of the disease. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the individual tolerance of the patient of the substance itself and other components of the tincture.

How to prepare and take tincture from the beaver stream

A stream of beaver is taken externally and internally in the form of ointments, rubbing, powder, and most often tinctures. In addition to oral administration, tincture is the main component in the manufacture of compresses, lotions, drops, therapeutic tampons.

To date, tincture from the beaver stream can be easily purchased already in ready-made, however, in order to be sure of its quality, it is better to infuse the dried or raw original product on your own. It should be noted that the dried beaver stream is infused faster than the raw one.

There is only one recipe for preparing a tincture from a beaver stream: crushed dried iron is poured with high-quality vodka or medical alcohol diluted to 45-50o, in the proportion of 100 g of the stream per 500 ml of liquid, infused for at least 3 days, periodically shaken, then again diluted with vodka “by eye” until it acquires a cognac color.

Usually from 0.8 to 1.2 liters of extract is obtained from 100 g of dry product. The tincture should not be filtered, the resulting precipitate is not removed, it can be used for repeated infusion in a halved proportion.

You can grind the jet with scissors, a sharp knife, rub it on a grater. A ready-made powder is also suitable for preparing the tincture, you can simply pour a stream of beaver with 70 degrees of alcohol in the same initial doses, then you won’t have to wait 3 days - the alcohol is pulled much faster. In the case of using 70o alcohol, the resulting tincture will need to be diluted clean water in a ratio of 1:1.

The basic principles of how to insist a beaver stream correctly:

  • strictly observe the proportions and cooking time;
  • use only a glass transparent container (an ordinary jar will do);
  • a properly prepared tincture has a cognac color, and not dark brown, on the contrary, if a pale color is obtained, the concentration of the jet must be increased;
  • it is necessary to withstand and then store the hood in a cool room away from direct sun rays; storage is allowed finished product in a refrigerator;
  • it is believed that the most healing balm becomes after 3-4 months.

For the preparation of ointments, candles, powder from a beaver jet is usually used, which is added to the base product. In the case of rectal suppositories, herbal extract suppositories are purchased at the pharmacy, heated in a water bath, then musk powder is added to the melted mixture the size of a match head per candle, mixed thoroughly, poured into suitable forms (you can use cropped insulin syringes), put in the refrigerator until completely solidified.

The dosage and how to properly take the beaver stream depends on the purpose of its use. There is, however, one general advice, based on the fact that the tincture on the beaver stream has an unpleasant smell and taste - drink it with coffee, it is the taste of coffee that helps to smooth out the natural bitterness and sharp musky smell of the substance. It is necessary to take a spoonful of warm coffee drink in your mouth, hold it in your mouth, add a spoonful of tincture to it and immediately swallow it. In cases where you can not drink coffee, it is recommended to try chicory or barley drink.

It is worth noting

Those who should not drink alcohol at all should dilute the tincture very strongly with water, however, from this its healing properties will decrease somewhat. You can not make a tincture at all, but take a stream in the form of a powder: no more than one match head or on the tip of a knife, it is recommended to “hide” the powder in a piece of bread.

In order to properly take the beaver stream, it is better to start with small doses: 1-2 drops of extract or a pinch on the tip of a dry agent knife once a day, especially for healthy people. In the future, for prevention, a dessert spoon is taken 1 time per day or 1 teaspoon 2 times a day half an hour before meals, but a few hours before bedtime, to avoid insomnia.

During treatment: also half an hour before meals, one dessert spoon three times a day. With a person weighing over 80 kg, the dosage increases to a tablespoon and above. The course of admission for prevention is usually 1-2 months, for treatment - individually, depending on the program drawn up by the doctor.

Some simple circuits beaver tincture treatment various diseases:

  • colds, SARS, lung diseases: it is enough to make a kind of inhalation - open the container with the tincture and make a few sharp breaths nose and mouth;
  • hematomas, bruises, bruises, aching varicose pain of the lower extremities: the sore spot is steamed out, and then the tincture is rubbed into it with massage movements without pressure, additionally taken orally a teaspoon 3 times a day an hour before meals, without seizing or drinking;
  • hemorrhoids, prostatitis: along with the internal consumption of tincture in the amount of one teaspoon per day, pre-made candles are placed at night with the addition of a beaver jet; the course lasts at least 10 days;
  • thrush: dissolve 2 teaspoons of alcohol tincture in a glass of water, soak a swab with the solution and insert into the vagina, if there is no discomfort, you can leave it overnight; one application is enough running forms- 5-6 receptions, including the use of a teaspoon per day of tincture inside;
  • quick recovery of strength: add a teaspoon of tincture to tea or coffee, drink warm; for insomnia, high blood pressure, use drinks from berries or medicinal herbs.

And although the product is harmless and recommended to everyone, and especially to men, you need to remember: since the beaver stream is very effective remedy, which is absorbed quickly and at 100%, each person should listen very carefully to his body, clearly monitor the dosage and, if necessary, adjust the intake of the drug.

  • Anti-inflammatory are manifested when exposed to burn areas, injuries, purulent skin diseases, with psoriasis, helps to get rid of purulent sores for a short period of time;
  • The antimicrobial characteristics of the musk jet are manifested in the fact that it completely destroys inflammation different nature- pneumonia, pyelonephritis, prostatitis, sinusitis, tuberculosis, etc. In addition, musk normalizes immunity, which has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body;
  • A tonic feature is that the tincture or powder of the beaver stream helps to overcome male impotence and is often used for prostate adenoma, it has been proven that the infusion allows you to increase testosterone, which has a positive effect on increasing potency in men;
  • The regenerating properties of the beaver musk gland are manifested in the composition aqueous solution, which has a beneficial effect on circulatory function, with regular use is strengthening venous vessels, resorption of old blood clots;
  • The antispasmodic property is manifested when using the infusion during spasmodic phenomena in gout;
  • The sedative properties are characterized by the fact that the tincture from the jet balances emotional condition of people. This remedy moderately gives cheerfulness, without causing drowsiness and fatigue. The tincture of this substance is a natural product that does not cause negative effects.

Beaver raw tincture has health effect with heart failure, arrhythmia. What does the musk gland treat:

  • angina;
  • ischemia of the heart;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • with hypertension or hypotension;
  • with diabetes;
  • recovering from a stroke, heart attack or paralysis;
  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • from infertility;
  • circulatory system;
  • urinary system;
  • for weight loss;
  • musculoskeletal system.

Approximately two weeks after application, a person notices a number of positive effects: reduction of puffiness, disappearance pain, removal of inflammatory processes.

Beaver stream - how to take

The fame of this raw material has been going on for a long time, but still modern medicine does not recognize the medicinal properties of this remedy and therefore in medicine the beaver stream is used only as It should be borne in mind that the pharmaceutical industry does not use this raw material for the manufacture of pills, therefore it is realistic to get this drug only from hunters.

Preparation and instructions for use

  • For prevention, use two drops of tincture three times a day, about half an hour before meals;
  • For therapeutic purposes, tincture is used twice a day for 1 teaspoon;
  • For vaginal application, the tincture is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2 and the moistened swab is inserted into the vagina at night. This property is indispensable for women suffering from female diseases;
  • For external use, the tincture should be rubbed into painful places approximately 3 times a day.

A solution of a beaver stream is prepared on the basis of alcohol or vodka, but what about people who cannot tolerate alcohol? This issue is easily resolved alcohol solution musk gland must be diluted with water, this will ensure the evaporation of alcohol vapors after 3 minutes or simply prepare an aqueous extract.

When using tincture as a treatment, you should follow the indications for use and take two drops of liquid at the initial stage of treatment. If you use a powder substance, then you need to use no more than a pinch per day. After ten days of use, the dose is increased by about a teaspoon and preferably half an hour before meals. In the evening, it is necessary to strictly observe the use, since the beaver stream has a stimulating effect, which can adversely affect the night's rest.

For colds, the tincture can simply be inhaled through the mouth or nose; this method of use is great for children. The beaver jet has an unpleasant odor, so the tincture is mixed with honey or added to a coffee drink.

Beaver stream how to cook at home

There are several effective recipes for how to cook medicinal solutions at home:

Recipe number 1. It is necessary to take 1 gram of jet powder and consume 3 times a day. It is advisable to drink a coffee drink;

Recipe number 2. Grind the prepared beaver glands into powder or divide into pieces, approximately 1 gram each, then use in the same way as in the first recipe. The advantage of this recipe is that you will see natural origin beaver stream;

Recipe number 3. Approximately 100 grams of dry or dried raw materials pour 400 milliliters of 70% alcohol. Close the glass container tightly and infuse for 10 days in a dark and dry place. Also, this recipe allows you to use vodka, but then you should increase the volume to 500 milliliters;

Recipe #4. To prepare candles, grind musk and mix with melted unsalted lard, then cool and form small candles, this recipe is suitable for a woman suffering from female diseases;

Recipe number 5. To prepare the ointment, melt about 200 grams or badger fat, add 100 grams of beaver stream powder to the melted fat, hold the resulting mixture in a water bath for 10 minutes, then cool the whole mixture and use it in places of localization of painful places. You can use the ointment once a day, in small quantities.

However, some contraindications should be taken into account, the beaver stream should not be used for children, pregnant women, people with hepatitis, alcoholics. You need to properly approach the process of how to make tinctures, ointments and candles.

Beaver stream - reviews

So we are used to the fact that we treat traditional medicine with some precaution, but this does not fit in with respect to the beaver stream. This drug has all the useful qualities that you can imagine. Beaver stream tincture is an essential attribute of people who often travel outside permanent place residence, as this drug helps the body to adapt and activate the necessary vital reserves.

Many people note special properties in oncology, some with the help of secretory fluid got rid of terrible diagnoses, while others painlessly survived the unpleasant procedures that must be undergone to combat cancer.

Professional hunters speak positively about the beaver stream, in cases of a hopeless condition of dogs, they note that it is enough to feed a sick dog with a fresh gland and the animal recovers.

What is a badger stream? Badger stream (more correctly, beaver) is the secretion of glands located in the beaver's body. With the growth and development of the animal, these glands accumulate many valuable organic compounds. During the wintering period of the beaver, lack of food or disease, the adaptogenic process is activated, that is, the glands themselves nourish the beaver's body and support the immune system. This means that the beaver has its own immunomodulating nutrients.

The badger (beaver) stream is a dense mass of brown color, saturated with a caustic animal musky substance (castoreum). Its chemical composition was carefully studied by scientists, who found in it more than 40 very valuable substances. The beaver's organism is arranged in such a way that valuable substances taken from nature and produced by the body are not excreted along with the beaver's urine, as in other animals, but accumulate in the above-mentioned glands.

Up to 150 items of the most valuable medicinal plants participate in the diet of badger animals, so the jet has a lot of useful properties and its use is considered effective in many dangerous diseases.

Badger jet - 10 useful properties

How to take?

For many centuries, mankind has collected a large number of recipes using a beaver jet. These products can be used both internally and externally.

  • To overcome the consequences of wounds and abscesses on the skin, compresses from the tincture of the jet, applied to the sore spot for half an hour, will help. In order for a bruise or bump to come off, two or three daily compresses will be enough. For the treatment of more serious injuries, the time and frequency of exposure of the tincture to the skin will have to be increased.
  • For the treatment of radiculitis and rheumatism, compresses from the tincture of the badger stream are best done immediately after taking a bath, and even better - after a bath or sauna, when the body is steamed and the pores are maximally open.
  • Badger jet powder and its alcohol setting is applied internally. Water tincture used for instillation of the nose and eyes for colds and other inflammations.
  • The tincture on the badger stream has far from the most pleasant smell, therefore it is recommended to take it simultaneously with honey or coffee, these products most effectively suppress the unpleasant smell of the setting.
  • Take a badger stream on an empty stomach, one spoonful of alcohol tincture for the purpose of prevention colds and for a general increase in tone. For treatment respiratory diseases make a kind of inhalation - you should sharply pull the air over your nose and mouth open jar with alcohol tincture of the jet.
  • For the treatment of varicose veins, the tincture is used both internally and externally at the same time: apply with light massage movements to the areas of the legs damaged by varicose veins and take a spoonful of the tincture inside on an empty stomach. You will notice positive results within three weeks after regular use.
  • Candles from the badger jet are used for hemorrhoids, prostatitis and thrush. For a base in a pharmacy, they buy ordinary rectal suppositories, melt them, add a badger jet, pour the mixture into molds and send it to the refrigerator. Once the candles are dry, they can be used.
  • With a general malaise, you can add a spoonful of tuning to warm coffee or tea - such a drink will give you strength and energy for the whole day.

Badger jet contraindications

You need to be very careful when calculating the dosage of the jet. General contraindications have not been identified, they include only individual intolerance to preparations based on the badger jet, therefore, when taking them, it is necessary to analyze your internal well-being, and if it worsens, stop taking it.

An interesting video of Malakhov's program about the badger stream

What else is useful?

Beaver stream, or castoreum- a substance with a sharp specific odor, obtained from the glands of the river beaver. IN liquid form is a brown-brown jelly-like mass, in dry form - a solidified resin. Since ancient times, the remedy was considered a cure for all diseases, although it is not officially a drug.

The chemical composition of the beaver stream includes more than 50 valuable elements, which is due to the diet of animals. The main part of the food consumed by the beaver is plants, many of which are medicinal: horse sorrel, reed, sedge, water lily, nettle and others. Their organic compounds accumulate in the glands of the animal, which provides unique beneficial features this waste product.

Medicinal properties

Castoreum has the following medicinal properties:





General strengthening;




urological diseases (cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis, sand in the kidneys, impotence, prostatitis, balanoposthitis, vesiculitis, infertility, premature ejaculation, pain when urinating);

gynecological diseases (cystic formations of various sizes, thrush, candidiasis, inflammation of the glands, bartholinitis, colpitis);

diseases of the circulatory system (angina pectoris, hypo- and hypertension, myocardial infarction, varicose veins, atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, paralysis after a stroke);

oncological diseases of the blood, radiation sickness;

neurological and mental illnesses (epilepsy, migraine, sclerosis, alcoholism, stuttering, convulsions, mental seizures, chronic fatigue, depressive states, phobias);

lung diseases (bronchitis, pneumonia (including bilateral form), tuberculosis, silicosis, pleurisy);

diseases of the respiratory system (ARVI (including acute respiratory infections, influenza), cough, sinusitis);


burns, fractures, hematomas, wounds of various etiologies, postoperative sutures, scars;

diseases skeletal system(sciatica, joint diseases, osteochondrosis, arthrosis);

fungal infections (lichen);

decreased libido and sexual activity;

high levels of cholesterol;

hangover syndrome;


The musky substance of the beaver stream activates the physical, psychological, mental activity in the body, normalizes the general well-being and state of health during chemotherapy and laser therapy.

Methods of application and doses

Preparations containing a beaver stream are among the universal medications with a wide range of action. Beaver stream is taken orally (orally) and externally. When it is used, the recovery and metabolic processes in all human systems and organs are accelerated. It should be noted that the use of the drug in small doses has a calming effect, while large doses create the opposite effect.

The tool is used in various options- in the form of capsules, suppositories, ointments and tinctures. Therapeutic doses for each person are determined individually. Since the beaver jet (application is described below) is characterized by an unpleasant specific smell and taste, it is recommended to take it with chicory or coffee.

How to take capsules. The content of the beaver jet in 1 capsule is 0.05 g. It is taken 1 time per day on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast. The duration of treatment is a month, then a 4-week break is needed. Thus, the drug is used for 3 months without interruptions. next cycle therapy should be continued after six months according to a similar scheme.

Reception of tincture. It consists of a beaver stream and 40% alcohol. How to drink this remedy:

1st month: the first half of the month - 5 drops on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast, the second half - 5 drops half an hour before breakfast and lunch.

2nd month: the first half of the month - 10 k. in the morning, 5 k. in the afternoon, the second half - 10 k. in the morning, 10 k. in the afternoon.

3rd month - break.

4th month - reception is similar to the scheme of the 1st month.

Application of ointment. Through this tool, compresses are made, wounds, burns are treated. The ointment can be used at any time of the day.

How to use candles The candle contains 1 part beaver stream and 4 parts lard. Candles use a month for 1 piece at bedtime.

Depending on the presence of a specific disease, the beaver stream is used according to the instructions:

For the prevention of ailments and raising immunity: 1 tsp. tincture before breakfast or a small part of the dry gland.

Varicose veins: the remedy is taken in parallel orally and externally. With massaging movements, a tincture or ointment is rubbed into the affected area. Inside, the drug is taken three times a day, one hour before meals, 1 tsp, without drinking anything. The minimum treatment period is 3 weeks.

Treatment of respiratory diseases and their prevention: the infusion of the beaver jet is prescribed in the form of inhalations - the agent is inhaled several times through the nose and mouth. Allowed simultaneous reception 1 tsp drugs inside to activate the immune system (used on an empty stomach).

Diseases of the nervous system: the scheme of the course of therapy is carried out on an increasing basis (1st day - twice a day for 1 to., 2nd day - twice a day for 2 to., etc.). From the 16th day, a gradual decrease in dosage by 1 k., i.e., take 14 k. twice a day and then in descending order. On the 30th day, the dose will be 1 capsule twice a day.

Hemorrhoids, prostatitis: suppositories are prescribed, for the preparation of which a warm pharmacy rectal suppository and beaver stream powder (on the tip of a knife) are needed. This remedy applied 1 - 1.5 weeks of days (1 suppository at bedtime).

At the same time, in the morning on an empty stomach, tincture (1 tsp) is used.

Candidiasis (thrush). Cotton swab wetted in solution (in a glass warm water 2 tsp should be added. jet tincture) and injected into the vagina. In most cases, a single application of the drug is enough to obtain a positive result. In parallel, it is recommended to take the beaver stream inside (1 tsp).

Epilepsy: at the time of the attack, the patient is given several times to inhale the drug (in the form of tincture) from the container.

Prostate adenoma: beaver stream (1 tsp each) is drunk on an empty stomach three times a day, at the same time trouble spot treated with ointment. The course of therapy is six months.

Normalization of pressure: in case of hyper- or hypotension, the drug is used for a month twice a day, 5-6 drops.

Herpes, acute respiratory infections, sepsis, fungi on the legs, barley: for a week, three times a day, use 15 k.

Increasing potency: tincture is taken 1 tbsp. l. in the morning and in the evening.

Application in oncology, in the presence of tuberculosis: about 100 g of musk deer and 100 g of bear bile are added to the beaver stream (weighing 500 g or more). The dosage of such a tincture is strictly individual, and in order to achieve positive results it is necessary to follow the recommendations of specialists.

In case of inflammation of the eyes, drops of the tincture solution will relieve itching and inflammation, improve vision, and help restore hearing as a result of damage to the auditory nerve.

The only contraindication in relation to the beaver stream is the individual intolerance to the drug. In case of overdose, the manifestation side effects(insomnia, headache).

Before starting treatment, a full-time consultation with the attending physician is desirable. In addition, prior to the start of the course of therapy, it is recommended to pass basic tests. This is necessary to track the dynamics of the state of the body before and after the use of the beaver stream and determine the effectiveness of treatment with this remedy.

The application of the beaver jet has a very interesting story and has long enjoyed universal respect, as universal remedy traditional folk medicine. The beaver stream is used mainly by the peoples of the Northern Hemisphere, both in the Old and in the New World. Since time immemorial, the beaver stream has been included in the medicinal treasury of many peoples of the world. Since ancient times, many healers considered the beaver stream to be a potent medicine. Many ancient encyclopedists wrote about the beaver stream in their writings, and since the 18th century, the beaver stream has been recognized by almost all the pharmacopoeias of Europe and was considered one of the best medicines with various diseases.
in Rus' about medicinal properties ah beaver jet have known for a long time. Information has been preserved that the beaver stream was widely used among the people from therapeutic purpose with many ailments, even during the reign of Alexander Nevsky, and the prince himself often resorted to this remedy. More wide application beaver stream in Russia was organized, perhaps, only under Peter the Great.
The beaver stream and the tincture obtained from it have long been used both for the treatment and for the prevention of almost all human diseases. These include cardiovascular disorders, gastrointestinal, nervous, skin and other diseases of various etiologies, and even malignant neoplasms.
Centuries of experience a large number countries and peoples on the use of the beaver stream formed the basis of traditional medicine. Later, the ability of the beaver stream to synthesize and accumulate numerous chemical compounds that have a physiological effect on the human body was revealed, which made it possible to radically change the process of using these natural, biologically active substances by modern doctors and traditional healers.

CASTOREUM is a complex biological, informational and physiological life support system of beavers.
Beavers, both males and females, have tails at the base paired organ(beaver stream) pear-shaped, weighing about 150 - 200 grams or more - this refers to sexually mature individuals. The research conducted by the Research Institute of Biology and Genetics showed that the beaver stream does not have a glandular base, but is compressed connective tissue microfibers of epithelial origin. In this regard, it is not entirely correct to call the beaver stream "iron". Many contemporary scientists agree on the idea that the beaver stream is an independent organ responsible for various processes in the beaver's body. The biological and physiological function of the beaver stream is not well studied, but scientific work in this direction is underway.

The content of the BOBROVO JET is a very thick resinous brownish, sometimes Brown a bitter-tasting mixture that gives off a sharp, specific, penetrating, but pleasant enough, one might say interesting smell. The last property of the beaver jet is still used in the perfume industry for the stability of the fragrance of perfumes.
In our opinion, the beaver stream performs at least three important functions, both for one individual and for the entire species.

JET BOBRA is a biological, temporal informant. With the help of a jet, beavers transmit information, in space and time, from one individual to another. The presence of the beaver stream is found on feeding grounds, in places of permanent and temporary stay of animals. It is difficult to say whether other animals read this information.

JET BOBRA is a storage battery of a complex of biologically active substances and compounds necessary for survival in a long winter time of the year. Beavers, in winter, from the end of the growing season to the appearance of greenery, have exclusively tree food, this is what is harvested by flooding in the water. The growing season is a varied green fodder in which tree bark no longer plays a role. Undoubtedly, such changes in nutrition cannot but lead to changes in the physiological functions of the body, and in connection with this, the need for medicinal substances. Hunters note that the beavers caught in November and December have a full, large, filled to the limit beaver stream, and the spring beaver stream, in most cases, is “empty”.
Studies of the chemical composition of the beaver stream show that the further north the region where the stream was mined, the more saturated with macro and microelements the composition of the beaver stream. This is most likely due to the longer winter and the difficulty of surviving in difficult conditions North.

JET BOBRA- is an element of the protective and regenerative system of the body of beavers. When injured, the beaver stream serves as a source of wound healing lubricant. Adult males defend their territory by engaging in fierce fights, often inflicting serious wounds on each other, and the beaver stream helps to quickly heal dangerous injuries. That is why commercial trap hunting for beavers, for harvesting a beaver stream, is considered an unpromising occupation. A beaver caught in a trap spends the contents of the stream on treating the wound. Such a beaver stream has not only a low weight, but also a negative information field.


To study the chemical composition of the beaver stream, we caught a male European beaver in the month of November. Hunting place Novgorod region "National Park Valdai". The beaver was taken at night with the help of a rifled weapon and a thermal imager. The weight of the seized jet was 271 grams. In the morning, a fresh beaver stream was delivered to the Moscow Research Institute for study.
Exploring the beaver stream is not a cheap pleasure. The results are obtained according to the allocated budget.
In the contents of the beaver stream were found essential oils and resin. Due to the complexity of the chemical composition, their qualification is difficult. The number of components in the composition of resins and oils of the beaver stream can reach more than a hundred.
Castorine and beaver gum were found - these are complex complexes chemical compounds, poorly soluble in water, but highly soluble in alcohol with the formation of viscous and sticky colloidal solutions. Due to the high emulsifying and enveloping ability of gum, the beaver stream is widely used for the preparation of various preparations.
In the beaver stream, enzymes were found - complex organic compounds of a protein nature that catalyze biochemical reactions.
From the found organic acids, we would like to isolate a sufficiently large amount of salicylic acid. It is an active component of the beaver stream. With a significant concentration of salicylic acid, the beaver stream can work wonders. Also in the beaver stream there are macroelements (sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus), microelements (copper, iron, aluminum, manganese, zinc) and ultramicroelements (silicon, titanium and nickel ).
The chemical composition of the beaver stream may vary depending on the beaver habitat, season, etc.


The use of a beaver stream by patients with weakened immunity has its own characteristics, in which, quite often, tonsillitis, exacerbations of chronic tonsillitis are noted, and long-term cases of influenza are recorded in the autumn-winter period.
In our country with a long winter season, beaver stream, bear and badger fat have always been successfully used, which effectively eliminate the symptoms of colds, flu and other common viral diseases. This prompted traditional medicine specialists to study the active therapeutic antiviral principle - a complex of biologically active substances contained in the beaver stream. It has been established that the biologically active compounds of the beaver stream have a pronounced stimulating effect on the central nervous system, most likely by stimulating the ascending activating system of the midbrain reticular formation. The beaver jet has strong adaptogenic properties, creating a state of steady state in the body. increased immunity, including infectious agents, especially during the period of seasonal growth of colds.
Beaver stream is recommended as both the main and auxiliary means in the treatment of inflammatory and infectious (influenza, SARS) and other diseases.


The first information about the use of the beaver stream for impotence and sexual weakness, its use as an aphrodisiac, can be read in the writings of many travelers and ethnographers.
In one of the Siberian bear hunts, we recorded two legends from the words of local residents (the people of Mansi), which report that the beaver stream has a strong effect on the genitals of humans and animals. In many peoples of our country, the beaver stream is used as an aphrodiasis remedy. It is interesting to note that wolves before and during the rut do not eat the whole beaver they have caught, but only the entrails and the beaver stream.
The vasodilating effect of the beaver stream is the result of its direct effect on the neuromuscular apparatus of the vascular wall, mainly on its nerve elements. Beaver stream stimulates the activity of the central nervous system, increases endurance to physical and mental stress, reduces the feeling of fatigue, stabilizes the heart rhythm, normalizes blood pressure, expands peripheral vessels, increases the speed of blood flow, increases efficiency, enhances the activity of the gonads (helps restore sexual function), etc. The biologically active components of the beaver stream are able to stimulate the intensity of contractions of the striated muscles and expand the peripheral blood vessels and increase the speed of blood flow.
The beaver stream, of course, cannot compete with such powerful synthetic drugs like Viagra, etc., but it also has a number of advantages. The main thing is no side effects like synthetics. The impact of the beaver stream comes on gradually, gently and only when systematic application reaches the maximum level.
BOBROVA STREAM REVIEWS- it has been experimentally established that the beaver stream, obtained in the month of January, has the ability to best solve men's problems.


There are no analogues of such a successful application of the beaver jet in chronic prostatitis and prostate adenoma in domestic traditional folk practice. Given the almost complete absence of side effects and contraindications, we can say with confidence that the complex of biologically active substances contained in the beaver stream is a step towards a completely new approach in modern methods treatment of patients with chronic prostatitis and prostate adenoma. These serious illnesses they always go side by side, so their treatment is almost the same.
Prostate disease is an inflammation of the prostate gland. Among the "male" ailments, this pathology is the most common. Prostate problems usually begin after 35-40 years of age. Most of all, the disease occurs in obese men with a large belly and leading a sedentary lifestyle. The origins of the disease are usually associated with impaired blood circulation in the pelvic area. There is a stagnation of blood, leading to an increase in the prostate, and then bacteria (microorganisms) enter the prostate gland and inflammation develops.
The beaver stream has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial properties, which are associated with the presence of pharmacologically active salicylic acid and beaver gum in the composition of the beaver stream, which have an anti-infective effect in the prostate gland.
For the prevention of chronic prostatitis and prostate adenoma, men over 45 are recommended to consume daily dessert spoon beaver tincture. In this dosage, the beaver stream has a beneficial effect in the treatment of premature decrepitude, working as a natural stimulant.


Beaver stream in Lately recognized by traditional folk medicine as a remedy that has a positive effect on carbohydrate metabolism.
The hypoglycemic (hypoglycemic) effect of the beaver jet has already been experimentally proven.
The beaver stream is successfully used in type 2 diabetes mellitus. In the second type of diabetes mellitus, there is a decrease in the sensitivity of the tissue to insulin and its relative insufficiency occurs, despite the preservation or even increase in the flow of insulin into the blood. Insulin deficiency in type 2 diabetes is corrected by the use of a beaver jet and a special diet.
Our observations also distinguish the 3rd type of diabetes mellitus - a shuttle, migratory, stress-induced type, which is largely correlated with the use of a beaver jet.
Diabetes mellitus type 1 is a very complex disease, as a rule, characterized by the absence or decrease in insulin production and requires mandatory administration of it for replacement purposes. This type of diabetes is called insulin dependent. The use of beaver jet in type 1 diabetes should be taken only under the supervision of an experienced endocrinologist.


It is important to know! The use of a beaver jet in acute forms cardiovascular diseases can only be helpful. Beaver stream can only supplement or temporarily replace the actions of drugs prescribed by a doctor. So, for example, the auxiliary therapeutic effect of the beaver stream will be that it has a vasodilating, stabilizing effect, and normalizes arterial pressure. The beaver jet also has a smooth cardiotonic effect and favorably affects the patient's condition.
It is noticed that the beaver stream dilates the vessels of the heart and is therefore indicated for all types of coronary disease. The use of beaver jet tincture normalizes blood pressure, acts on the nervous system as a stabilizing agent and enhances the effect of painkillers in myocardial infarction and angina pectoris.
From the beaver stream, it was possible to isolate a number of biologically active compounds that normalize mineral metabolism which lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood and contributes to the disappearance of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels. Beaver stream has a reparative property, reduces capillary fragility. Also, the beaver jet is used for the prevention and treatment various kinds hemorrhages, in which, as suggested, there is increased fragility and capillary permeability - with hemorrhages in the brain, retina, hypertension, capillary hemorrhages of toxic origin.
You need to understand that the fight against advanced atherosclerosis and other life-threatening diseases will not have an effect, and the use of a beaver stream does not give tangible results until the body is slagged and rid of toxins. It follows that before you start using the beaver stream, you need to cleanse the body according to one of the many methods of cleansing


  • CASTOREUM- is one of the most strong means giving a good effect in the treatment of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.
    The use of tincture of the beaver stream strengthens the walls of veins and capillaries, prevents the formation of blood clots in the vessels. Previously formed blood clots gradually dissolve and soften. It has been experimentally established that the beaver stream has the ability to prevent the formation of blood clots in blood vessels.
  • CASTOREUM- Infused beaver stream for varicose veins is taken long time, while following a diet: do not eat meat, avoid fried foods.


According to research conducted by Russian specialists in the field of medicine, the beaver stream has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiviral, antimycotic, antiseptic and antitumor effects, which determines the possibility of its use in the fight against cancer. Our specialists are credited with studying the complex chemical composition and medicinal properties of the beaver stream, including the possibility of its application in oncology.
The effective action of the beaver jet at malignant formations(oncology, cancer), according to the same employees, is explained primarily by its effect on the immune system. Activation in progress defensive forces body (increase in the level of interferon, phagocytic activity of leukocytes, the level of lymphocytes in the blood, stimulation of the level of mesenchymal elements (fibroblasts), activation of macrophages, etc.). A number of biologically active compounds from the beaver stream stimulate the production of antibody-forming cells and cellular immunity more effective than such well-known immunostimulants as MDP, T-activin, methyluracil, etc.
According to well-known folk healers, the beaver stream does not have a specific effect on young undifferentiated tissues, but stimulates the activity of the central nervous system and humoral system body and metabolic processes. They increase the body's resistance to various exogenous and endogenous influences and enhance the formation of compensatory-adaptive mechanisms. Experimental studies beaver stream, they talk about the expediency of its use in the complex treatment (BEAR BIL + beaver stream + internal bear fat) of cancer patients. Lack of toxicity, good tolerability, normalizing and stimulating effect on the body are the advantages of the beaver stream over chemotherapeutic drugs. Complex treatment with the use of a beaver stream, bear bile and internal bear fat is carried out in courses of 3-5 months with breaks of 15 days.
Noticed. In the treatment of oncological diseases, it is desirable to use a jet from beavers, in whose diet birch was present. Such a beaver stream treats cancer more effectively, especially in the later stages.