Causes of a burning sensation in the mouth. Dental causes of burning sensation in the mouth

Most people, regardless of race, age and gender, experience frequent and unpleasant phenomenon– burning tongue or glossalgia.

This is a chronic painful syndrome characteristic of many diseases of the oral cavity, both inflammatory and non-inflammatory. inflammatory in nature. A pathological phenomenon can manifest itself or signal the presence of a specific disease.

In common parlance, this symptom is called “burning tongue” syndrome. When you have glossalgia, a burning sensation appears on the tongue, but without any visible changes. In this case, a violation of the chewing and swallowing reflex may occur, and in rare cases, swelling of the upper respiratory tract is observed.

Burning tongue syndrome is a secondary disease to the main one. The main problem may be diseases and injuries, namely:

  • disorders in the endocrine and digestive system;
  • liver diseases;
  • neurosis;
  • injury resulting from the installation of dental crowns;
  • surgical interventions in the oral cavity.

To get rid of the problem, you should find the cause of the pathology by diagnosing it by identifying symptoms accompanied by a burning sensation of the tongue.

Causes of the syndrome

The causes of burning in the mouth and tongue can be different. The occurrence of the syndrome occurs against the background of various pathologies and diseases.

Trauma to the oral cavity

Arises as a result:

Poor hygiene

There is a risk of overgrowth of pathogenic microorganisms and inflammation affecting areas of the oral cavity.

Dental plaque occurs during the life of microorganisms on the teeth, accompanied by the formation hard plaque and turning into tartar.

The structure of such deposits is toxic, pathogenic and has a rough surface.

This leads to disruption of the integrity of the epidermis and causes a burning sensation.

Development of anemia

Lack of iron, folic acid and B vitamins is characterized by:

  • pale skin;
  • tendency to lower blood pressure;
  • frequent dizziness;
  • general weakness;
  • malaise.

Problems with the respiratory tract of the ENT organs

Problems with the respiratory tract, as a result of which the mucous membrane dries out, can also cause the symptom.

  1. Xerostomia. Due to insufficient salivation, dry mouth appears, which is accompanied by a burning sensation on the surface of the tongue in an adult. The mucous membranes dry out, forming microcracks with a tingling sensation. Symptoms worsen after eating, especially with increased content salts and acids. Xerostomia is often provoked by constant nasal congestion and the formation of the habit of breathing through it.
  2. Schenger's disease. Malfunction salivary glands.
  3. Bad habits. Due to hot air or bad habits irritation of the respiratory tract occurs.

Fungal infections

Candidiasis is an infection of the Candida fungus, characterized by the presence of a whitish, cheesy coating on the surface of the tongue. Sometimes the lesion appears as redness without plaque.

Burning syndrome often appears at the very tip of the tongue. The main reasons for its exit from the remission stage are diseases such as:

  • oncology;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • chronic gastrointestinal pathologies;
  • blood diseases;
  • avitaminosis;
  • radiation and chemotherapy;
  • taking antibacterial and steroid therapy.


An allergic reaction to substances and components that have entered the mouth. This symptom is characterized primarily by specific symptoms in the form of a “burning tongue.” This occurs during direct interaction with an allergen. When the allergic process worsens, redness, tingling, numbness and local inflammation can be observed.

Oral diseases

Oral diseases are the most common causes of discomfort in the mouth.

Digestive system problems

Some problems can also cause dry mouth and burning tongue digestive tract.

  1. Gastritis. Accompanied by reflux (throwing in of hydrochloric acid into the esophagus from the stomach) and a bitter taste.
  2. Cholecystitis. Characterized by a violation of the excretory function of bile and the ingestion of gastric juice up the esophagus.
  3. Poisoning. Accompanied by vomiting and intoxication of the body.

Hormonal imbalance

Occurs when the thyroid gland or adrenal glands malfunction and is accompanied by:

  • feeling of numbness and burning;
  • significant sweating;
  • rash;
  • hypersensitivity.


Occurs against the background of many internal diseases:

  • childhood pathologies (rubella, measles, scarlet fever);
  • chronic inflammation;
  • blood pathologies;
  • decreased immunity.

Neurological problems

Rarely, the answer to the question of why the tongue bakes or burns can be problems with the nervous system.

  1. Osteochondrosis. Failure in the blood circulation and nerve patency system. In particular, with cervical osteochondrosis, blood flow to the head is obstructed and dizziness, a feeling of numbness and burning are observed.
  2. Psychosis. A perceptual disorder that manifests itself after a nervous breakdown, depression, or due to an exacerbation of mental pathologies and is accompanied by a feeling of goosebumps, numbness, burning, and difficulty speaking.

Associated symptoms

Pathological cider is accompanied by discomfort in the oral cavity at the time of eating and during communication. Symptoms other than burning appear with increasing pain and swelling.

The tongue takes on a rich red color with a whitish coating. There is difficulty in swallowing, chewing and speaking. There is a violation of taste and increased sensitivity.

In the usual form without any special pathological changes the phenomenon occurs mildly, without affecting the respiratory tract. If the inflammatory process takes hold more strongly, then a dense, stronger plaque is observed with the formation of erosions and ulcers and is accompanied by swelling of the entire oral cavity.

In an advanced situation, it is possible:

  • smell of rot from the mouth;
  • increased flow of saliva;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • increase in body temperature.

Diagnosis of burning tongue

The syndrome can be diagnosed only through examination, conversation and assessment of the patient’s condition. To determine the possible causes of the problem, you will need to consult the following specialists:

In some cases and with certain pathologies, a throat smear or scraping from the surface of the tongue, as well as x-ray and other studies may be required.

Treatment methods

To eliminate the causes of discomfort and “burning tongue” syndrome, it is necessary to undergo a therapeutic course.

Drug therapy

Treatment is selected individually, but contains a general list of actions aimed at recovery:

  • treatment of affected areas with antiseptics with the effect of anesthesia and destruction of pathogenic bacteria (Octenisept, Metrogyl Denta, Miramistin);
  • thorough oral care by rinsing baking soda, decoctions medicinal herbs(chamomile, calendula, celandine, St. John's wort) and applications using sea buckthorn, rose hip, peach oil (help healing and tissue regeneration);
  • in case of an allergic reaction, it is necessary to stop using medications containing a possible allergen and take antihistamines and enterosorbents;
  • for problems with metabolism, a course of vitamin therapy is required;
  • if the syndrome is caused by an infection, you should start taking antibacterial and antiviral agents;
  • if there is a stone on the teeth, perform hygienic procedures to remove it correctly and carefully;
  • drinking regime of at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day (if there is no kidney pathology).


In general therapy, you can also resort to traditional methods of treating the oral cavity, which have soothing, antimicrobial, analgesic, healing and antiseptic properties.

  1. Oak bark decoction. Bring 20 grams per 500 ml of water to a boil, infuse and strain. Rinse with the resulting solution every 4 hours a day.
  2. A decoction of dried chamomile, St. John's wort or immortelle flowers. 1 tsp. in a glass of boiling water, leave for about 15 minutes. Rinse your mouth with the solution up to 3 times a day.
  3. Cottage cheese with sour cream. Mix, wrap in gauze and apply to the tongue for 5 hours.
  4. Peach and rosehip oil. Lubricate the surface of the tongue.
  5. Strong green tea . 1 tbsp. l. per glass of water, brew and leave covered for 1 hour. Rinse at intervals of 5-6 hours.
  6. Soda-salt solution. 1 tsp per glass of water. baking soda and sea ​​salt. Mix well and rinse every 2 hours.

To prevent the occurrence of the disease, preventive measures should be taken:

  • dental examination;
  • observe hygienic rules for oral care - regularly brush your teeth (use toothpaste without sodium lauryl sulfate), special products after meals (dental floss, chewing gum without sugar);
  • drink clean water;
  • exclude alcohol and drinks containing sugar and acid;
  • limit rough, spicy and scalding foods.

If a symptom such as a burning tongue appears, you should immediately seek help from a specialist, especially in cases of its long-term presence. Such a syndrome can signal the presence of serious pathological changes in the body, which must be diagnosed in time and then appropriate treatment prescribed.

If there is a constant burning sensation in the mouth and tongue, the reasons may be different and not always of a dental nature. Unpleasant sensations can spread to the gums, cheek or throat, be episodic or continuous.

Why does it bake in your mouth?

Burning and bitterness in the mouth may indicate problems with the digestive system, taking antibiotics or other medications, or an allergy to them.

When no spicy food has not been consumed, but it burns in the mouth, we can mean the following:

  • allergic reaction to the use of toothpaste with sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • allergies, after dentures;
  • candidal stomatitis;
  • the mucous membrane is burned by chemical or thermal ingredients;
  • diabetes;
  • acid reflux (throwing some of the gastric juice into the esophagus);
  • decrease in hormones produced by the thyroid gland - hypothyroidism;
  • menopause period;
  • depression, stress, high anxiety;
  • cancer therapy;
  • taking medications for hypertension;
  • hypovitaminosis of B vitamins;
  • lack of zinc and iron;
  • anemia (anemia);
  • glossitis – inflammation of the tongue due to infection or damage;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • pancreatitis, duodenitis, gastritis, peptic ulcer, colitis;
  • mechanical damage.

A burning sensation may accompany dryness, tingling and numbness in the mouth, changes in taste qualities food, bitter or metallic taste. Sometimes they appear frequent belching, heartburn. The latter symptoms indicate pathology or disease of the digestive tract.

A feeling of moderate burning and tingling in the mouth often occurs in pregnant women. This is due to changes in hormonal status. Over time, all symptoms disappear on their own and do not require special therapy.

What disease is this symptomatic of?

Feeling of burning and itching on the tongue, inside cheeks, gums and lips, dry mouth, the appearance of a cheesy white coating is a sign of the development of candidiasis.

And also these sensations indicate:

  • if your tongue bakes, you feel dry, you feel thirsty all the time and you have frequent urination - you need to check your blood sugar, very often these are signs of diabetes;
  • when the feeling that everything is burning in the mouth appears after performing hygiene procedures - this may be a manifestation of an allergy; this also applies to food intake - some ingredient provokes an allergic reaction;
  • Long courses of treatment with antibiotics, diuretics or antipsychotics can cause dysbiosis, followed by a burning sensation in the mouth.

The most common reason for pinching lips and feeling as if the whole throat is burned is too much frequent use strong alcohol, spicy, salty and very hot foods.

Burning and redness of the gums are characteristic symptoms when they develop active form periodontal disease. An immediate visit to the dentist can resolve the problem.

When both the tongue and palate burn, this may be a sign of micronutrient deficiency and hypovitaminosis. But, if the diagnosis is made, treatment is prescribed and the patient regularly follows all recommendations, possible reason is Sjögren's syndrome. This is an autoimmune disease that requires drinking more fluids, using artificial saliva, and eating a diet that won't irritate the mucous membranes.

Burning of the palate, tongue and dry mouth can also occur with neuralgia or mental disorder. Very often, heat in the mouth appears in stressful situations, for anxiety, depression. After the appointment sedatives, everything disappears.

If only the root of the tongue burns, frequent belching, heartburn and bitterness appear - the reason is acid reflux. The presence of hydrochloric acid in the gastric contents, which are thrown into the esophagus, irritates the mucous membrane of the tongue and causes a burning sensation. Symptoms intensify after eating and go away on their own within a few hours.

The presence of a burning sensation in the mouth, accompanied by sudden weight loss, drowsiness, irritability, heart failure (attacks of tachycardia), tremors of the limbs and insomnia may indicate a thyroid disease - hypothyroidism.

If there is pain in the right hypochondrium, burning tongue, dryness, bitter taste and yellowness of the skin, you need to examine the liver and gall bladder.

A metallic taste is observed during inflammatory processes in the gums.


To get rid of the burning sensation, you need to visit a dentist, or, if there are no dental problems, a therapist. If a diagnosis is not made, treatment will not be effective, and the discomfort will return. Lips, tongue, gums, palate - why they bake, the reason will be established only after an examination.

Before that, what to avoid:

  • eating too cold or hot food;
  • from pepper (red, black), any spices, pickled and other spicy foods;
  • cigarettes;
  • sour fruits and drinks;
  • mouth rinses that contain alcohol;
  • alcoholic and carbonated drinks;
  • use traditional methods if you suspect an allergic reaction;
  • taking medications.

To reduce discomfort, the doctor, after diagnosis, may prescribe analgesic drugs, certain type neuroleptics, anticonvulsants, benzodiazepines, antidepressants.

If the feeling of a burned tongue and throat is caused by disorders in the digestive tract, consultation with a gastroenterologist and diagnostic measures to identify probable causes are necessary.

When there is a burning and tingling sensation, signs of illness may indicate illness or pathology of cardio-vascular system(circulatory disorders, thrombophlebitis). We need to see a doctor.

Don't make a diagnosis yourself! It's better to trust a professional.

Glossalgia is caused, in addition to infection, by vegetative-vascular dystonia. If the mouth is hot, a symptom will indicate this disorder on the side of the nervous system - while eating, the discomfort disappears. The tip of the tongue bakes more.

If xerostomia (increased dryness of the tongue) is detected, oil solutions of vitamin A and sea buckthorn oil are prescribed, which help the wounds heal faster.

For the tongue and lips, treatment at home and without consulting a specialist is impossible.

You can only alleviate the condition before visiting a doctor. For extreme dryness, use sugar-free chewing gum. If your lips pinch, use chapstick without additives or vegetable oil (sunflower, sea buckthorn, olive, flaxseed).

The mouth should be rinsed with a soda solution; if there is a suspicion that toothpaste is causing discomfort, it should also be temporarily replaced with soda or activated carbon. If there is an infectious burning sensation in the mouth, use solutions of Chlorhexedine or Furacilin or Miramistin spray as a rinse.

If your tongue starts to burn due to nervous disorders The use of Amitriptyline, Glycised, Librium will help.

Traditional methods for reducing discomfort in the mouth:

  • rinsing with infusions of herbs: sage, chamomile, wormwood, valerian and oak bark (1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water), repeat the procedure at least four times a day after meals;
  • freshly squeezed potato juice relieves inflammation well, but can greatly dry out the mucous membrane, so you should keep it for no longer than 5-7 minutes;
  • propolis;
  • peach, sea buckthorn or rosehip oil - they are used to make applications on inflamed areas;
  • cubes of frozen herbal infusion that slowly dissolve in the mouth.


If the burning sensation recurs, you need to undergo a full-scale examination and find the cause. Treating only the symptom is ineffective.


Burning sensation in the mouth is a fairly common complaint among people visiting the dentist or family doctor, since the causes of such an unpleasant sensation in the mouth can be factors of a completely different etiological nature. Often the symptom goes away on its own within a short time without any further drug therapy, however, other cases require the intervention of a specialist who will need to make an accurate diagnosis for subsequent treatment.

Burning sensation with stomatitis

When studying the reasons that caused a burning sensation in the mouth, it is necessary to interview the patient and collect a possible history to exclude external factors such as mechanical or chemical irritations of the mucous membrane. The most likely cause of inflammation is stomatitis, a common disease that affects the epithelium that lines the oral cavity.

Despite the fact that each type of stomatitis can cause a burning sensation in the mouth due to the patient’s subjective perception of his own sensations, some types of this disease are objectively characterized by this symptom:

  • catarrhal stomatitis;
  • ulcerative stomatitis;
  • necrotizing stomatitis;

A burning sensation in the mouth is one of the symptoms of stomatitis.

Catarrhal stomatitis is the most common type of this disease, the causes of which can equally be poor oral hygiene, mechanical damage to the mucous membrane or decreased immunity. All of these factors lead to a common consequence - excessive activation of pathogenic microflora in the mouth and tongue, and its penetration into the epithelial layer of the mucosa.

Important! In some cases, inflammation may be secondary symptom any infectious disease such as measles or scarlet fever.

The affected mucous membrane turns red and swells with the parallel appearance of white plaque around the area of ​​its damage, if any. A general pain syndrome occurs in the oral cavity, gums may begin to bleed, and the temperature rises to subfebrile levels.

Aphthous stomatitis can also provoke a burning sensation in the mouth, however, unlike the catarrhal type, this type of inflammation provokes the formation of aphthae on the surface of the mucosa - small round erosions. The causes of aphthous stomatitis are not precisely understood, but an excessive reaction of the immune system to a certain chemical irritant is assumed.

Therefore, the most likely nature of this disease can be considered the patient’s individual allergy to a particular substance. Mechanical injuries and vitamin deficiency only increase the risk of developing the disease, as does genetic inheritance.

Launched form catarrhal stomatitis is its ulcerative type, so the reasons for its development can be considered similar. Usually, we're talking about about infectious lesion body, but in rare cases, ulcerative stomatitis can be caused by one of the following internal pathologies:

Obvious clinical manifestations ulcerative stomatitis on early stages are symptoms characteristic of the catarrhal type of inflammation: the patient complains that his mouth is baking, and the mucous membrane swells and turns red. After a short period of time, small painful ulcers form on it, covered with a gray coating, the appearance of which provokes bad breath and general weakness patient.

If left untreated, the process can spread to the roof of the mouth, and removal of the ulcerated surface causes bleeding of the mucous membrane. In many cases, there is a thickening of the regional lymph nodes.

Treatment of all of these types of stomatitis has a common goal: accelerating the healing process of the mucous membrane and alleviating discomfort. For this reason, it is important to use various anesthetics in the form of applications and solutions, as well as antiviral and antibacterial drugs.

Burning sensation with glossitis

Glossitis is one of the diseases that is accompanied by a burning sensation in the mouth.

One type of inflammation in the oral cavity is that of the tongue, and many types can also sting the mucous membrane and cause a burning sensation. This symptom is one of the main possible signs of glossitis, which includes swelling of the tongue and the appearance of plaque on it, changes in taste, as well as difficulties during eating and speaking.

Advanced glossitis can lead to the development of an abscess or phlegmon, which will worsen the general condition of the patient and cause characteristic features intoxication - in such a case the patient may have to be hospitalized. The causes of burning in the mouth with glossitis are similar to those characteristic of stomatitis: irritation from ulcers, erosions or blistering rash appearing on the surface of the tongue. The main types of glossitis that can provoke a similar syndrome are the following:

  • desquamative;
  • ulcerative;
  • diamond-shaped;
  • herpetic;
  • villous;
  • allergic.

To get rid of the burning sensation, it is necessary to eliminate the cause that caused it.

If glossitis turns out to be a consequence of the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system or other organs, its complete cure is possible only after eliminating the root cause of the pathology. In other situations it will be necessary symptomatic treatment, which will be based on suppressing microbial activity in the oral cavity, disinfecting and healing the mucous membrane of the tongue, pain relief, and relieving swelling in order to return the patient to the ability to eat and articulate normally.

Other possible causes of burning

A burning sensation in the mouth, which does not require specific treatment, in most cases is a consequence of household damage to the mucous membrane or tongue. As a rule, we are talking about mechanical injuries(solid food, sharp teeth, cutlery, dentures) or thermal injuries - hot food or drinks. Somewhat less frequently, a burning sensation in the oral cavity is caused by contact of the mucous membrane with potent chemicals, which usually happens by mistake.

Separately, it is necessary to highlight some types of products that can in some sense burn the mouth: we are talking about various plants and seasonings that have a sharp, pungent and burning taste. In this situation, the need for special treatment no, it’s enough just to give up such taste preferences.

Treatment should be carried out by a doctor; self-medication can worsen the situation.

In some cases, a burning sensation occurs due to the presence of various kinds tumors – both malignant and benign. It is practically typical for them complete absence symptoms in the early stages of the disease, but as the tumors increase, the discomfort they cause to the patient will increase.

Additional Information. A burning sensation is one of the likely symptoms of cancer, given the fact that the location of the tumor in the mouth suggests its constant physical irritation when moving the tongue or teeth.

To date, there is no specific reason that can directly indicate a burning sensation in the tongue or mucous membranes of the pharynx. Similar manifestations can characterize many various diseases and directions medical field. Typically, middle-aged women and children over 5 years old suffer from a burning sensation in the mouth. The burning sensation can be localized or spread throughout the entire oral cavity, including the tongue, gums, and palate. A burning sensation is one of the symptoms of any oral disease.

Predisposing factors when the mucous membrane in the mouth seems to be burned include dental and non-dental reasons, which largely complement each other or overlap with each other. The main reasons are:

    State of xerotomy. The disease is accompanied by dry mucous membranes and subsequent cracking of the lips and tongue. The burning sensation during xerotomy is caused by the contact of aggressive irritating components on the cracked areas of the oral cavity.

    Allergic sensitivity. Allergies may be caused dental preparations, toothpaste, the body’s reaction to corrective orthodontic structures (plates, braces, removable dentures).

    Candidiasis. Fungal disease caused by Candida fungus is accompanied by severe itching, burning, whitish ulcers on the mucous membranes of the throat various localizations and size. Candidiasis often causes decreased immunity, a lack of vitamin B, zinc, and iron.

    Dental deposits. Stones on tooth enamel are formed due to insufficient oral hygiene. As a result of the destruction of deposits into the smallest components, irritation of the oral cavity with characteristic itching, burning, and redness is possible.

    Teeth grinding (a manifestation of bruxism). The condition often occurs in children, mainly at night. When teeth grind, the mucous membrane of the tongue and the inner surface of the cheeks suffer. Bruxism is also recorded in adults when the cause is nervous tension, stress, or mental illness.

    Herpetic rashes. Blisters on the mucous membranes of the mouth occur during an exacerbation of the herpes virus. Often the blisters transform into erosive lesions with severe inflammation. The disease is accompanied by severe itching and a feeling of burned mucous membranes.

    Leukoplakia. The disease causes a burning sensation in rare cases, accompanied by the appearance of whitish plaques due to a violation of the regenerative function of the upper epithelial layers.

    Red lichen planus. A disease of mucous structures, characterized by the formation of ulcerative lesions. The lesions resemble herpes blisters. The disease causes severe burning and pain when speaking.

Other reasons include trauma to the tongue and subsequent inflammation (glossitis), burns to the mucous membrane (hot tea, water, chemical reagents). During inflammation, aphthae (ulcerative lesions) are formed, which characterize the appearance of aphthous stomatitis in children and adults. When it changes hormonal levels in women, when becoming menstrual cycle in girls, pregnancy and menopause can contribute to burning of the oral mucosa. Another cause of pathology is iron deficiency anemia.

Eating aggressive foods can cause a specific burning sensation both immediately after eating and a day after that. These products include spices, spicy salads, pickled or canned foods. Dried fish, fish by-products, preserves, smoked meat or fish, nuts, nut butter - all this can cause an unpleasant bitter taste and a slight burning sensation at the base of the tongue.

Secondary reasons that may be indirectly accompanied by a burning sensation in the mouth are the following:

    irritation of the mucous membranes when wearing braces (hard fastenings, rubbing with wire arches);

    allergies to oral care products;

    the habit of children sticking their tongue out forward;

    gastroesophageal reflux (return of food from the stomach into the esophagus);

    long-term drug treatment;

    oncological diseases;

    change biochemical composition saliva;

    disturbances in the hormonal balance of the thyroid gland.

The causes of burning are quite varied, so it is very important to see a doctor for accurate diagnosis. An important aspect is the burning sensation in the tongue and the entire oral cavity due to the use of medications. The following may cause discomfort: pharmacological groups:

    antihypertensive drugs (ACE blockers, calcium channel blockers: Monopril, Amlodipine, Captopril);

    vasoconstrictors (nasal drops, sprays);

    drugs for chemotherapy (especially when administered intravenously).

Typically, a burning sensation occurs with prolonged use of medications. With unbearable side effects You can consult your doctor to review the dosage, regimen, or prescribe alternative therapy.

Treatment process is to eliminate the symptoms and root cause of discomfort. Patients should first see a dentist. If there are no dental reasons, then it is recommended to visit a therapist for a referral to a nutritionist, endocrinologist, oncologist, infectious disease specialist, or neurologist. When there is a burning sensation in the mouth, the diagnosis is often made by excluding precipitating diseases.

It’s as if your mouth is burned and your tongue is burning: treatment with folk remedies

If there is a constant burning sensation in the mouth and tongue, the reasons may be different and not always of a dental nature. Unpleasant sensations can spread to the gums, cheek or throat, be episodic or continuous.

Why does it bake in your mouth?

Burning and bitterness in the mouth may indicate problems with the digestive system, taking antibiotics or other medications, or an allergy to them.

When no spicy food has been consumed, but there is a burning sensation in the mouth, we can mean the following:

  • allergic reaction to the use of toothpaste with sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • allergies, after dentures;
  • candidal stomatitis;
  • the mucous membrane is burned by chemical or thermal ingredients;
  • diabetes;
  • acid reflux (throwing some of the gastric juice into the esophagus);
  • decrease in hormones produced by the thyroid gland - hypothyroidism;
  • menopause period;
  • depression, stress, high anxiety;
  • cancer therapy;
  • taking medications for hypertension;
  • hypovitaminosis of B vitamins;
  • lack of zinc and iron;
  • anemia (anemia);
  • glossitis – inflammation of the tongue due to infection or damage;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • pancreatitis, duodenitis, gastritis, peptic ulcer, colitis;
  • mechanical damage.

A burning sensation may accompany dryness, a tingling sensation and numbness in the mouth, changes in the taste of food, a bitter or metallic taste. Sometimes frequent belching and heartburn occur. The latter symptoms indicate pathology or disease of the digestive tract.

A feeling of moderate burning and tingling in the mouth often occurs in pregnant women. This is due to changes in hormonal status. Over time, all symptoms disappear on their own and do not require special therapy. to contents

What disease is this symptomatic of?

A feeling of burning and itching on the tongue, the inside of the cheeks, gums and lips, dryness in the mouth, the appearance of a cheesy white coating is a sign of the development of candidiasis.

And also these sensations indicate:

  • if your tongue bakes, you feel dry, you feel thirsty all the time and you have frequent urination - you need to check your blood sugar, very often these are signs of diabetes;
  • when the feeling that everything is burning in the mouth appears after performing hygiene procedures - this may be a manifestation of an allergy; this also applies to food intake - some ingredient provokes an allergic reaction;
  • Long courses of treatment with antibiotics, diuretics or antipsychotics can cause dysbiosis, followed by a burning sensation in the mouth.

The most common reason for pinching lips and a feeling as if the whole throat is burned is too frequent consumption of strong alcohol, spicy, salty and very hot foods.

Burning and redness of the gums are characteristic symptoms when an active form of periodontal disease has developed. An immediate visit to the dentist can resolve the problem.

When both the tongue and palate burn, this may be a sign of micronutrient deficiency and hypovitaminosis. But, if a diagnosis is made, treatment is prescribed and the patient regularly follows all recommendations, the possible cause is Sjögren's syndrome. This is an autoimmune disease that requires drinking more fluids, using artificial saliva, and eating a diet that won't irritate the mucous membranes.

Burning of the palate, tongue and dry mouth can also occur with neuralgia or mental disorder. Very often, heat in the mouth appears in stressful situations, anxiety, and depression. After taking sedatives, everything disappears.

If only the root of the tongue burns, frequent belching, heartburn and bitterness appear - the reason is acid reflux. The presence of hydrochloric acid in the gastric contents, which are thrown into the esophagus, irritates the mucous membrane of the tongue and causes a burning sensation. Symptoms intensify after eating and go away on their own within a few hours.

The presence of a burning sensation in the mouth, accompanied by sudden weight loss, drowsiness, irritability, heart failure (attacks of tachycardia), tremors of the limbs and insomnia may indicate a thyroid disease - hypothyroidism.

If there is pain in the right hypochondrium, burning tongue, dryness, bitter taste and yellowness of the skin, you need to examine the liver and gall bladder.

A metallic taste is observed during inflammatory processes in the gums.

Before that, what to avoid:

  • eating too cold or hot food;
  • from pepper (red, black), any spices, pickled and other spicy foods;
  • cigarettes;
  • sour fruits and drinks;
  • mouth rinses that contain alcohol;
  • alcoholic and carbonated drinks;
  • using traditional methods if an allergic reaction is suspected;
  • taking medications.

To reduce discomfort, the doctor, after diagnosis, may prescribe analgesics, a certain type of antipsychotics, anticonvulsants, benzodiazepines, antidepressants.

If the feeling of a burned tongue and throat is caused by disorders in the digestive tract, consultation with a gastroenterologist and diagnostic measures to identify probable causes are necessary.

When there is a burning and tingling sensation, signs of the disease may indicate illnesses or pathologies of the cardiovascular system (poor circulation, thrombophlebitis). We need to see a doctor.

Don't make a diagnosis yourself! It's better to trust a professional.

Glossalgia is caused, in addition to infection, by vegetative-vascular dystonia. If the mouth is hot, a symptom will indicate this disorder on the side of the nervous system - while eating, the discomfort disappears. The tip of the tongue bakes more.

If xerostomia (increased dryness of the tongue) is detected, oil solutions of vitamin A and sea buckthorn oil are prescribed, which help the wounds heal faster.

For the tongue and lips, treatment at home and without consulting a specialist is impossible. You can only alleviate the condition before visiting a doctor. For extreme dryness, use sugar-free chewing gum. If your lips pinch, use chapstick without additives or vegetable oil (sunflower, sea buckthorn, olive, flaxseed).

The mouth should be rinsed with a soda solution; if there is a suspicion that toothpaste is causing discomfort, it should also be temporarily replaced with soda or activated carbon. If there is an infectious burning sensation in the mouth, use solutions of Chlorhexedine or Furacilin or Miramistin spray as a rinse.

If the tongue begins to burn due to nervous disorders, the use of Amitriptyline, Glycised, Librium will help.

Glycised Librium Amitriptyline to contents

Traditional methods for reducing discomfort in the mouth:

  • rinsing with infusions of herbs: sage, chamomile, wormwood, valerian and oak bark (1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water), repeat the procedure at least four times a day after meals;
  • freshly squeezed potato juice relieves inflammation well, but can greatly dry out the mucous membrane, so you should keep it for no longer than 5-7 minutes;
  • propolis;
  • peach, sea buckthorn or rosehip oil - they are used to make applications on inflamed areas;
  • cubes of frozen herbal infusion that slowly dissolve in the mouth.
to contents


  • consult a dentist in a timely manner and treat dental diseases;
  • Drink enough fluids throughout the day;
  • avoid nervous tension;
  • stick to a diet;
  • stop smoking and drinking strong alcohol;
  • choose chewing gum, which do not contain sugar, but contain xylitol;
  • Perform oral hygiene regularly.

If the burning sensation recurs, you need to undergo a full-scale examination and find the cause. Treating only the symptom is ineffective.

Burning mouth syndrome - glossalgia: symptoms, causes and treatment

Burning mouth is a chronic, painful syndrome characterized by a burning sensation on the tongue, lips, roof of the mouth, gums, inner cheeks, back of the tongue, or throat. These unpleasant sensations cannot be easily associated with any specific physiological phenomena in the mouth, or any diseases that caused them.

A complex and poorly understood condition, burning mouth syndrome affects women seven times more often than men. Most people suffering from this are middle-aged, but some sufferers are young.

Burning mouth syndrome is also called burning tongue syndrome, burning lips syndrome, glossodynia, stomatalgia and burning mouth syndrome.


There are a number of symptoms associated with burning mouth syndrome, most notably a sensation of pain or burning. This painful sensation in the morning is usually moderate, but as the day progresses it intensifies, reaches a maximum in the evening, and goes away at night. Some patients feel pain constantly, while others experience a burning sensation from time to time. This pain can continue for months and years.

Other symptoms include dry lips, pain or dry mouth, tingling or numbness on the tip of the tongue or in the mouth, and a bitter or metallic taste.

Causes of burning in the mouth

The exact cause of this phenomenon has not yet been clearly established. It is known, however, that a burning sensation can appear due to a number of diseases of the oral cavity or the body as a whole, or be a symptom of them. A doctor will be able to diagnose “burning mouth syndrome” only after ruling out the presence of these diseases.

Factors that contribute to a burning mouth include:

  • Lack of certain substances in the diet: lack of iron, folic acid salts and vitamin B can cause a burning sensation in the mouth. Therefore, some treatments include supplements of vitamin B and elements such as zinc and iron (see Diet and Dentistry section).
  • Dry mouth syndrome (xerostomia): Drugs, Sjögren's syndrome (a type of autoimmune systemic connective tissue disorder) and many other causes can lead to dry mouth and the associated burning sensation. By drinking fluids throughout the day, using artificial saliva, and/or addressing the underlying causes of your dry mouth, you may be able to reduce or stop the burning sensation.
  • Candidiasis of the oral mucosa (aphthous stomatitis): Symptoms of this fungal infection of the mouth include a burning sensation in the mouth, especially when eating acidic or spicy foods, and cheesy formations that peel off from the inner surfaces of the mouth. A canker sore throat treatment plan from your dentist will help relieve the burning sensations associated with this fungal oral infection.
  • Diabetes: Diabetics are more susceptible to oral infections (including canker sores) that cause a burning sensation. In addition, diabetics are also susceptible to vascular changes that affect the condition of small vessels located in the mouth, and this reduces the pain threshold. Taking better control of a diabetic's blood sugar can help prevent or reduce the symptoms of a burning mouth.
  • Menopause: Hormonal changes cause a burning sensation in the mouth in middle-aged women. Burning sensation is one of the most common signs of menopause observed in the mouth. However, hormone therapy helps eliminate burning mouth syndrome only in some patients.
  • Anxiety/Depression: Psychological problems do not directly cause a burning sensation in the mouth, but may aggravate these symptoms or even result from the distress that patients experience with chronic pain. Anxiety or depression can lead to bad habits such as teeth grinding (bruxism) or tongue thrusting, which will only further irritate burning lips and mouth. Stress can also change the amount of saliva produced or the composition of your saliva, which again will only make the burning sensation in your mouth worse.
  • Others: Other causes of burning in the mouth may be physical irritation from dentures, an allergic reaction to contact with them (contact stomatitis) or to certain hygiene products (sodium lauryl sulfite in toothpastes), gastroesophageal reflux (the release of part of the stomach fluid into the esophagus) , decreased levels of hormones in thyroid gland, certain means to reduce blood pressure, changes in saliva, tongue protrusion, cancer treatment.

If you experience a burning sensation in your mouth, it is important to see your dentist as soon as possible to let them know about these symptoms and get examined. The dentist will likely take your medical history and perform a thorough oral examination to find the local cause of the burning sensation in your mouth. If causes such as aphthous stomatitis (a fungal infection of the mouth), dry mouth, mouth ulcers or other oral or dental conditions are ruled out, you may be referred to a general practitioner or dentist for further diagnosis and treatment.

Blood tests and other tests may be needed to detect infection, deficiency nutrients, diabetes, thyroid problems, Sjogren's syndrome or allergies. After establishing the exact cause of the syndrome, treatment will be aimed at eliminating it.

In the absence of local or systemic causes, causing sensation burning mouth, the phenomenon is diagnosed as burning mouth syndrome caused by nervous disease or dysfunction of the nerves involved in the transmission of pain and taste sensations from the oral cavity.

Treatment of burning sensation in the mouth and tongue

Treatment for burning mouth syndrome aims to alleviate its symptoms. Treatments for the syndrome include a variety of medications traditionally used to alleviate underlying conditions such as depression and chronic pain. Tricyclic antidepressants (amitriptyline, brand name: Elavil), antipsychotics (chlordiazepoxide, brand name: Librium), anticonvulsants (gabapentin, brand name: Neurontin), analgesics, benzodiazepines (clonazepam, brand name: Klonopin), and mucosal protectants have been shown to be effective for some patients.

Additionally, topical capsaicin (a naturally occurring substance found in cayenne pepper) is used to relieve pain in patients suffering from burning mouth syndrome.

However, despite the success of these methods in certain situations, there is no universal recipe that would be effective in all cases. Each case is individual, and treatment is tailored to the individual patient. The cost of treatment varies depending on what medications (if any) were prescribed and how long you took them.

Additional relief from burning mouth symptoms can be achieved by making the following small lifestyle changes:

  • Do not use products containing alcohol to rinse your mouth;
  • Do not use toothpaste containing sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • Chew sugarless gum, preferably with xylitol;
  • Avoid using alcoholic drinks;
  • When brushing your teeth, use water and baking soda;
  • Don't drink drinks with high acidity(fruit juices, coffee, soft drinks);
  • Quit tobacco;
  • Drink water or suck on ice cubes.

Burning in the mouth and tongue: causes of what disease, treatment

An unpleasant burning sensation in the mouth and tongue is called glossodynia. Pathology is observed more often in women and is achieved in many ways: by exposure to high temperatures, strong oxidizing agents or alkalis on the mucous membrane. It is a manifestation of illnesses, a consequence of poisoning with substances or side effects of medications. Regardless of the degree of discomfort inside the mouth, it is important to seek medical help and find out the actual causes of the burning sensation. This will prevent the development of existing pathology if it is caused by a health problem.

Burning sensation in the mouth due to a burn

Delicate and thin tissues are very sensitive to hot drinks and food - therefore they are more susceptible to burns compared to the epithelium lining the body. A careless sip of hot coffee can burn your tongue or palate. The severity of the condition is determined by the temperature of the drink consumed. If it hurts to talk, but there are no signs in the form of blisters or redness, this is a first-degree burn that has damaged the integrity of only the outer layer of the skin. Such consequences do not require medical attention; you can easily cope with them on your own.

The situation is much worse if there is a second or third degree burn: blisters, redness, swelling appear, accompanied by severe pain. White or black spots are a reaction to the penetration of the lesion into the deeper layers of the skin, which entails the need for immediate medical intervention. These burns can damage the nerves inside the mouth. Even after recovery, the fibers will not be able to relay pain signals to parts of the brain, causing serious complications.

First degree burns are relieved by cold creamy foods or drinks (preferably with an astringent effect): ice cream, milk, yogurt, sour cream, cheese, pudding, applesauce etc. When healing burn wounds, it is necessary to eat soft, cool foods and limit yourself from hot, spicy foods with a rough texture. To prevent infections, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with soda solution. For painkillers, it is acceptable to take Ibuprofen, Voltaren or Dolaren.

Aloe vera has proven itself positive in the treatment of burns. A tonic and calming effect is obtained from oral use of the juice or gel of this plant. An alternative is to use a mouthwash containing an extract of this valuable plant. The affected area usually recovers within a week. But it is important to maintain oral hygiene, avoid alcohol and smoking - this will speed up the healing process.

Burning sensation as a result of taking medications

Glossodynia is sometimes caused by excessive or misuse some medications, as well as the presence of individual intolerance to them. You should pay attention to the following groups of medications:

  • Medicines containing iodine, such as potassium iodide. The burning sensation may develop into swelling of the vocal cords or rhinitis, this will be indicated by Brown color oral mucosa.
  • Antihypertensive drugs, due to prolonged and uncontrolled use, cause pain on the mucous surface of the tongue, cheeks and gums.
  • Vasoconstrictors, intranasal sprays that interact with the nasopharyngeal region. After spraying onto the nasal mucosa, drops of the drug can flow from the nasopharynx into the oral cavity.
  • Drugs included in chemotherapy also cause a burning sensation in the mouth in cancer patients. Complaints that the gums and tongue burn after IV placement are quite common.

The source of pain in the mouth can be the consumption of acids, alkalis or other solvents that cause chemical burn(for example, when unsuccessful attempt suicide). The tongue and the inside of the cheeks bake due to alcoholism, in which ethyl alcohol damages the mucous membrane.

Burning mouth - causes of what disease?

It is not uncommon to experience a burning sensation in the mouth after waking up throughout the day. This indicates the presence of pathology in the body. A gastroenterologist, therapist, gynecologist, neurologist, endocrinologist will be able to identify the disorder, since the spectrum probable diseases- quite wide.

Digestive problems with glossodynia are established by observing such signs as a white coating on the tongue, belching, heartburn and increased dryness oral mucosa, which is preceded by salivation.

Glossodynia also occurs in people after a great psycho-emotional shock. The development of each of these pathologies is accompanied by immune deficiency of the body and requires correction. You need to see a doctor and undergo a full examination.

Treatment for burning mouth

Hospitalization of the patient is not required. The only exception is the presence of a burn to the oral cavity. Elimination of the symptom will occur after the underlying disease has been cured: it is important to differentiate it and plan a therapeutic approach.

Aphthous (fungal) stomatitis is treated with anticandidiasis drugs. This eliminates the thick white plaque present on the oral mucosa. Normalizing the condition of the gums will help get rid of the burning sensation.

If the condition is due acid reflux- A gastroenterologist is involved in the treatment. Diagnosis comes down to fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGBS). The patient is prescribed medications that normalize the acid-base balance of the digestive tract. It is recommended not to take horizontal position immediately after eating, do not overeat before bed. The unpleasant sensation in the mouth is eliminated after completing a course of therapy.

Elimination hormonal disorders An endocrinologist deals with it. If the problem is diabetes, a blood glucose test is prescribed. High performance serve as the basis for adjusting the daily dosage of insulin. Statement new scheme The introduction of a sugar-lowering drug in certain cases allows you to get rid of glossodynia.

The therapist and neurologist prescribe vitamin complexes if we are talking about their deficiency. Xerostomia is eliminated by normalizing the water balance.

Since in certain cases the problem is caused by a violation of the integrity of the dental filling, the help of a dentist is necessary. Grinding the tooth and installing a new filling will help get rid of the burning sensation in the mouth. When herpetic infection accompanied by stomatitis with the formation of erosions, the doctor prescribes antiviral drugs.

The gynecologist also provides advice regarding hormonal fluctuations and glossodynia. The doctor determines the quality functional activity ovaries (via ultrasound) and recommends taking a hormone test. By eliminating their imbalance, the patient stops experiencing a burning pain in her mouth.

Since some patients complain that it is the tongue that stings, the doctor will advise rinsing the mouth with an antiseptic solution or mineral water every time after eating. This will prevent irritating particles from getting into the microcracks of the tongue.

Despite wide range diseases that lead to a burning sensation in the mouth, all pathologies are united by one aspect - they need to be treated, which means consult a doctor as soon as possible. Can't run pathological process– it can develop into a protracted form and then it will be more difficult to cure the pathology.

A person may experience an unpleasant sensation in the mouth and throat after spicy, hot food. Sometimes this feeling does not go away and this indicates the presence of pathology. Burning in the mouth, lips, tongue, which long time does not recede, needs diagnosis and treatment. Timely appeal Seeing a doctor will help to identify the underlying disease in time and simplify its treatment.

What is a burning sensation in the mouth

This syndrome is usually characterized by painful sensations on the inner surface of the mucous membrane, palate, tongue (root or tip), lips. Burning sensation in the mouth occurs more often in middle-aged people. Symptoms of the disease appear in the morning, immediately after eating or towards the end of the day. This condition can occur for several reasons, which are associated with allergic reactions, gastrointestinal pathologies and diseases of the gums and teeth.


Burning of the oral mucosa is a general description of the unpleasant sensations that a person experiences. In addition to severe itching, a person may experience discomfort in specific areas of the tongue (root or tip) of the upper or lower lip. Doctors note the following symptoms:

  • itching, tingling on the tip of the tongue;
  • bitter, metallic taste in the mouth;
  • discomfort, dry mouth;
  • for chronic pain a person begins to feel depressed and has a feeling of anxiety;
  • Symptoms usually begin late in the morning and worsen in the evening;
  • the pain lasts for several weeks, in some cases months.


There are several possible reasons why your mouth bakes. This may be due to abnormalities in the functioning of certain organs or entire systems of the body. The main causes of oral burning include:

  1. Allergic reaction - some medications and foods cause allergies in a person, which provokes burning, itching on the surface of the tongue, mouth, and throat.
  2. Breathing through your mouth rather than your nose can cause dry mouth. The same symptom provokes Sjögren's syndrome.
  3. Nutrient deficiency. Insufficient amounts of certain vitamins lead to tingling and burning of the oral mucosa.
  4. Hormonal changes. This is one of the signs of menopause.
  5. Pathologies of the oral cavity. The cause may be poorly made dental bridges, dentures, malocclusion or tooth damage. A burning sensation in the mouth can be caused by gum inflammation.
  6. Gastroesophageal reflux disease.
  7. Mucosal candidiasis, fungal infection.

Burning in the mouth and tongue

Exact reason this phenomenon doctors have not yet established. A diagnosis of burning mouth syndrome can only be made if all other diseases that cause this syndrome are excluded. A number of pathologies cause a burning sensation in the tongue and throat, but people characterize this symptom as “burning in the mouth.” What can cause such sensations:

  1. Lack of useful elements in the diet. In the absence of a sufficient amount of folic acid, iron, and vitamin B, a burning sensation in the oral cavity may occur. Some treatment options contain portions of beneficial substances: iron, zinc, vitamin B.
  2. Xerostomia or dry mouth syndrome. It is caused by Sjögren's syndrome ( autoimmune pathology, striking connective tissues), medications.
  3. Aphthous stomatitis or candidiasis of the oral mucosa. Accompanied by a burning sensation after acid-containing, spicy foods. A characteristic symptom become cheesy formations that peel off from the surface of the oral cavity.
  4. Diabetes. People with this condition are more susceptible to oral infections that cause a burning sensation.
  5. Menopause. Hormonal imbalances in the body can cause discomfort in the mouth in middle-aged women. Only some patients manage to eliminate unpleasant symptom with the help of hormone therapy.
  6. Other. This section includes the installation of unsuccessful dentures, allergies to various substances (toothpaste, glue), gastroesophageal reflux, certain medications, changes in the composition of saliva.

Lips are burning

They refer to the outer part of the oral cavity. Burning and pinching lips can occur for the following reasons:

  1. A burning sensation can be a signal of an allergic reaction to lipstick. The girl will experience discomfort every time after use. If you do not want to part with cosmetics, you can use corticosteroid ointment, but it is better to consult a dermatologist.
  2. Vitamin B2. Its deficiency causes the lips to sting and burn. Increase the amount of seafood and meat in your diet, buy a multivitamin complex.
  3. Chapped lips. This unpleasant phenomenon can make your lips “burn” if you are in the cold for a long time, walk in windy weather and do not use balm. To avoid this, do not lick your lips when you are outside.
  4. When you have a cold, your lips burn before herpes appears.
  5. An excess of nicotine, alcohol, and caffeine leads to a burning sensation.
  6. Stress and lack of sleep leads to peeling.

Burning tongue and dry mouth

Unpleasant sensations can be localized on the lips, buccal mucosa, palate, tongue or gums. In some cases, the esophagus and pharynx are involved in the inflammatory process. As a rule, the pain increases in the afternoon and evening. The minimum intensity of burning is observed at night. Itchy, stinging tongue, dry, appears for the following reasons:

  1. Candidiasis (aphthous stomatitis).
  2. Allergic reaction to paste.
  3. Diabetes.
  4. In case of dysfunction of the thyroid gland.
  5. Reflux esophagitis.

Bitterness on the tip of the tongue

Appear this symptom maybe for various reasons. As a rule, it indicates an unhealthy lifestyle, organ diseases abdominal cavity. Common causes of bitterness on the tip of the tongue:

Burns the tongue and has a white coating

Sometimes a whitish substance that covers the surface of the tongue adds to the unpleasant sensations on the surface of the mucous membranes. If the layer is small and appears only in the morning, then there is no need to worry, because it may be remnants of the decay of food that remains in the mouth. If the plaque is dense and lasts throughout the day, then this indicates gastritis, stomach ulcers and duodenum who require mandatory treatment.

Red tip of tongue and burning sensation

This symptom appears when the oral cavity dries out. Moisturizing with saliva becomes insufficient, which leads to the formation of small cracks in the mucous membrane, which causes discomfort. The symptom will intensify when consuming foods and drinks that contain acids. Provokes dryness, as a rule, a decrease in the production of saliva, which occurs with dehydration, Sjogren's syndrome and similar pathological conditions. The following reasons can cause irritation of the tip of the tongue:

  1. Oral candidiasis. This fungal disease, which is activated against the background of a decrease in local immunity.
  2. The tip of your tongue burns if you have removable dentures and are allergic to this dental structure.
  3. If the tip of the tongue burns, but there is no outward sign of it, then doctors diagnose glossalgia. If there is irritation, ulcers, redness - glossitis.
  4. Tingling can be caused by a lack of folic acid, zinc, iron, anemia, blood pathology (leukemia).

Burning in the throat and tongue

If unpleasant sensations spread not only to the oral cavity, but also to the throat (esophagus), then the presence of gastrointestinal pathologies should be checked. A feeling of irritation occurs upon contact with gastric contents, which have a more acidic pH. The reasons for this situation are the following pathologies:

  1. Gastritis – inflammation of the stomach. The condition is accompanied by heartburn, burning in the throat, esophagus, belching and pain syndrome in the epigastric region.
  2. GERD – this pathology is characterized by the reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus. The cause is considered to be weakness of the lower esophageal sphincter. Symptoms usually appear after eating.
  3. Hernia hiatus diaphragm. The pathology is characterized by the following symptoms: belching, heartburn, difficulty swallowing, chest pain, regurgitation, cough, hoarseness.

The tongue and the sky are burning

When patients complain that there is a burning sensation in the mouth, it is necessary to clarify where exactly the unpleasant sensation is localized. Unpleasant sensations that affect the palate and tongue are often a consequence of glossitis. The disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • the tongue acquires a burgundy, bright red tint, slightly enlarges due to swelling, which leads to increased salivation;
  • the sense of taste is completely or partially lost;
  • eating becomes painful and difficult;
  • swelling of the tongue leads to impaired articulation.


If all of the above symptoms appear, a person should consult a doctor for advice. First, you should make an appointment with a therapist, who will take an anamnesis, examine you and be able to prescribe necessary tests. Based on them, you will be given a referral to a specialist. For these purposes, the patient is usually prescribed one or more of the tests described below:

  • consultation with a neurologist;
  • biochemical, general blood test;
  • consultation with an endocrinologist;
  • consultation with a neurologist;
  • consultation with a gastroenterologist;
  • if an allergic reaction is suspected, allegory tests and diagnostic tests are prescribed;
  • checking the level of thyroid hormones in the blood.


When pathological signs symptoms, which manifest themselves as a burning sensation in the mouth and throat, you must consult a doctor. Based on the tests performed and the root cause identified, the specialist will prescribe a suitable course of treatment. Eg:

  1. If the allergic nature of the burning sensation is determined, the doctor will prescribe antihistamines to the patient and recommend limiting contact with possible allergens.
  2. If stomatitis is detected, which is the result of the active proliferation of fungi of the genus Candida, mouth rinsing with a solution of soda and antifungal drugs are prescribed.
  3. The lack of vitamins is replenished multivitamin complexes, iron supplements and diet balancing.
  4. Hormonal medications are prescribed to the patient when thyroid pathology is confirmed.

Hospitalization of the patient is not required. The only exception is the presence of a burn to the oral cavity. Elimination of the symptom will occur after the underlying disease has been cured: it is important to differentiate it and plan a therapeutic approach.

Aphthous (fungal) stomatitis is treated with anticandidiasis drugs. This eliminates the thick white plaque present on the oral mucosa. Normalizing the condition of the gums will help get rid of the burning sensation.

If the condition is caused by acid reflux, treatment is carried out by a gastroenterologist. Diagnosis comes down to fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGBS). The patient is prescribed medications that normalize the acid-base balance of the digestive tract. It is recommended not to take a horizontal position immediately after eating, and not to overeat before bed. The unpleasant sensation in the mouth is eliminated after completing a course of therapy.

An endocrinologist deals with the elimination of hormonal disorders. If the problem is diabetes, a blood glucose test is prescribed. High levels serve as the basis for adjusting the daily dosage of insulin. The approval of a new regimen for administering a sugar-lowering drug in certain cases makes it possible to get rid of glossodynia.

The therapist and neurologist prescribe vitamin complexes if we are talking about their deficiency. Xerostomia is eliminated by normalizing the water balance.

Since in certain cases the problem is caused by a violation of the integrity of the dental filling, the help of a dentist is necessary. Grinding the tooth and installing a new filling will help get rid of the burning sensation in the mouth. In the case of a herpetic infection accompanied by stomatitis with the formation of erosions, the doctor prescribes antiviral drugs.

The gynecologist also provides advice regarding hormonal fluctuations and glossodynia. The doctor determines the quality of the functional activity of the ovaries (via ultrasound) and recommends taking a hormone test. By eliminating their imbalance, the patient stops experiencing a burning pain in her mouth.

Since some patients complain that it is the tongue that stings, the doctor will advise rinsing the mouth with an antiseptic solution or mineral water every time after eating. This will prevent irritating particles from getting into the microcracks of the tongue.

Despite the wide range of diseases that lead to burning in the mouth, all pathologies are united by one aspect - they need to be treated, which means consult a doctor as soon as possible. You cannot start a pathological process - it can develop into a protracted form and then it will be more difficult to cure the pathology.


Burning tongue is often called "burning tongue" or "burning lips" syndrome. The main symptoms of the phenomenon:

  • stings the tongue over the entire surface or is localized;
  • sometimes there is a bitterness or metallic taste in the mouth;
  • painful sensations and burning sensations on the lips, cheeks, palate, gums, throat;
  • numbness;
  • dryness;
  • the tongue may turn red.

Unpleasant sensations usually subside during the day, but resume and intensify in the evening. At night, the burning sensation on the organ may disappear completely. But the next day the symptoms return. For many people, “burning tongue” or “tingling tongue” syndrome is a temporary one-time phenomenon that disappears on its own without any treatment. For others, the problem causes discomfort with enviable frequency, and this state of affairs can drag on for years.

Causes of burning

The most unpleasant thing is that doctors have not finally identified all the reasons why the tongue stings and burns.

More often this is a consequence of a dental ailment, or a symptom of a disease internal organs. And sometimes the feeling of a fire at the tip of the organ is provoked not by a sore at all, but by completely different reasons:

  • smoking or chewing tobacco;
  • heartburn or reflux of gastric juice into the esophagus;
  • eating spicy, salty, sour, excessively hot food;
  • drinking drinks high in acids and gases;
  • injuries of the tongue and oral mucosa;
  • taking medications;
  • constant neurosis.

Yes, it is neurosis that can cause the development of an illness that causes a burning sensation in the tissues of the organ. After conducting an examination and studying the test results, the doctor can tell whether the burning tongue is a symptom of a disease hidden in the body, or whether it is an independent illness. And based on this, treatment is prescribed.

Burning as a symptom

A burning tongue, pinching, pain and even itching can indicate a number of problems in the organs and processes of the body.

Xerotomia or dry mouth

It is caused by insufficient hydration of the oral mucosa. It can be caused by the fact that a person breathes through his mouth or has the habit of sticking out his tongue. But there are also more serious reasons, such as dysfunction of the salivary glands, diabetes, dehydration, and Sjögren's disease. Such cases require careful medical supervision.

Lichen planus

Usually affects skin covering of the human body, but often provokes irritation of the organ, followed by the described symptoms.

Hormonal imbalance

Sometimes the reasons for a burning tongue may lie in hormonal fluctuations during puberty, as a result of pregnancy or the onset of menopause. This also includes hypothyroidism and other serious hormonal disorders.

Blood diseases

A burning sensation in the tongue, gums and buccal mucosa can also be caused by iron deficiency anemia, leukemia, and anemia. It is explained by insufficient nutrition of the tissues of the oral cavity.

Diabetes mellitus type 2

It is type 2 diabetes that can provoke unpleasant sensations in the mouth, including burning and tingling sensations in the tissues.


Poor nutrition, lack of vitamins, minerals, folic acid, iron, and microelements necessary for the normal functioning of all body systems can provoke a number of serious problems, including tingling of the tongue.

Chemotherapy, taking certain medications

It has been observed that the patient begins to feel discomfort in the mouth after taking a number of pharmacological drugs, especially various inhibitors, and after aggressive chemotherapy.

Stress and neurosis

Disruption of the nervous system, constant depression, neurosis, irritability, insufficient sleep, chronic fatigue also affect general health person and condition individual organs. It has been noticed that with constant nervous tension, people sometimes have a burning sensation and pain in the tongue area, and a bitter taste appears in the saliva.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Some gastrointestinal diseases can cause stomach acid to reflux back into the esophagus, which in turn can irritate the tongue and oral mucosa.

Drop in thyroid hormone levels

The thyroid gland is able to influence the functionality of all organs of the human body.

Dental problems

Mostly, the causes of a burning sensation in the mouth lie in dental problems.


Candida is a fungus that affects many organs in the human body. It also happens that it affects the mucous membrane of the tongue. As a result of candidiasis, the patient experiences white tongue with a dense cheesy coating and an unpleasant odor. White spots may also appear on the cheeks. The tip of the tongue stings, the middle of the back burns. At atrophic candidiasis there is no plaque, but the mucous membrane acquires a bright red color. The vast majority of the world's inhabitants are carriers of the Candida fungus, but not everyone has a tongue coating.

The trigger for the development of the disease is a rapid decrease in immunity, infection, taking a number of antibiotics, corticosteroids, cancer, radiation sickness and others.

Hard tartar

Careful and regular oral hygiene prevents the development of bacterial diseases and plaque deposits on teeth. Otherwise, the enamel will develop solid deposits, in which numerous pathogenic microorganisms. Constant contact of the soft tissues of the tongue with plaque provokes the development of inflammation, which gradually turns into chronic form. This often results in the tip of the tongue being red and stinging.


Desquamative glossitis is the death of the epithelium of the tongue, causing it to become covered with red spots. They can heal on their own, but new lesions appear in new places. This phenomenon is called “geographic language”. Glossitis also includes a folded tongue. The disease is characterized by the formation of symmetrical folds or potholes in the mucosa from the center to the sides. As a result of the disease, regular inflammatory processes, the occurrence of candidiasis, etc. are observed in the oral cavity.


As a result of wearing a braces system, dentures, crowns, or leveling plates, a contact allergic reaction to low-quality plastic with excess monomer or metal may develop.

As a result of an allergy, a person often feels a burning sensation on the tip of the tongue.


It is characterized by the formation of white plaques on the surface of the tongue as a result of impaired exfoliation of the mucosal epithelium. Usually leukoplakia is asymptomatic, but it also happens that the tip of the tongue stings. Leukoplakia is more common in smokers.

Herpetic stomatitis

It is typical for him extensive lesion the mucous membrane of the tongue with watery blisters, which turn into ulcers and erosions. The latter cause a tingling sensation.


A phenomenon in which a person strongly clenches his teeth and grinds them in his sleep. Usually people do not even suspect that they have bruxism, a rare consequence of which is teeth marks on the tongue and a mild burning sensation.

If there is frequent, constant or periodic but severe burning of the tongue, cheeks, lips or gums, it is recommended to consult a dentist for examination and timely detection of possible diseases.

Traditional treatment

Before treating burning tongue syndrome, it is necessary to find out its cause. As you can already verify, a burning sensation in the mouth can have much deeper roots than just spicy food or an allergy to a new toothpaste.

Treatment consists of diagnosing the problem and then eliminating the root causes. However, in some cases the dentist will not be able to help you, but will refer you for further examination by a therapist, endocrinologist and specialists in other fields. Medical care for a patient with a burning sensation in the tongue is provided based on the tests and examinations performed:

  • for candidiasis, the patient is prescribed antifungal drugs;
  • xerostomia is treated depending on the causes of persistent dry mouth;
  • dental plaque is removed using ultrasonic cleaning;
  • glossitis different forms require complete sanitation of the oral cavity, elimination of sore throat, taking antibacterial and antifungal drugs;
  • Depressive states and nervousness are eliminated by psychotherapy and antidepressants;
  • Leukoplakia requires complete cessation of smoking and drinking alcohol, treatment of inflammatory processes, and taking keratolytic medications.

Burning tongue for no reason dental diseases are treated depending on the identified problem. Therapy is mainly aimed at relieving symptoms, including a burning sensation in the mouth, and addressing the underlying cause.

What can't you do?

If you begin to worry about a burning sensation on your tongue, do not start self-medicating. First of all, without finding out the main cause of this phenomenon, you simply cannot get rid of the source disease. The most you will achieve is symptom relief. Also, wasting time on home treatment can be catastrophic for your health.

With timely drug treatment, the disease can be completely eliminated, but late stages this is already extremely difficult to do.


  • use alcohol-containing liquids as rinsing disinfectants;
  • treat the mucous membrane of the tongue with aggressive agents (iodine, brilliant green, alcohol);
  • use a paste containing sodium lauryl sulfate for oral hygiene;
  • use highly allergenic products for rinsing;
  • take medications and folk remedies at the same time;
  • take any medications without a doctor’s prescription;
  • use chewing gum with sugar.


It is easy to get sick, but difficult to recover. Therefore, it is better to prevent any occurrence of ailments than to worry about eliminating them later.

You can avoid a burning sensation in your mouth if:

  • be examined by a dentist at least twice a year;
  • carefully monitor oral hygiene;
  • choose the right toothpaste and mouthwash;
  • give up alcohol and cigarettes;
  • minimize the consumption of spicy and sour foods, drinks with high acidity;
  • monitor your diet;
  • avoid stress and do not neglect proper rest;
  • treat diseases of systems and organs in a timely manner, avoiding chronic stages; monitor the intake of vitamins, iron, microelements and essential acids from the diet;
  • drink at least a liter of clean water daily.

Take care of your health and don't get sick!

Burns the palate, gums, tongue and cheeks

If the burning sensation is accompanied by dry mucous membranes, the cause may be the so-called Sjogren's syndrome. In this case, due to certain autoimmune factors, connective tissue damage occurs. Treatment for this condition should only be prescribed by a doctor after preliminary examinations.

Dryness and burning can occur with aphthous stomatitis, candidiasis, and fungal infections. The causes of burning of the tongue and the inner surface of the cheeks can be:

  • eating spicy and sour foods.
  • diabetes;
  • hormonal imbalance during menopause;
  • stress, prolonged emotional stress, increased anxiety that is not eliminated, neuralgia.

Unpleasant sensations in the gums may be associated with periodontitis, inflammatory processes in the gums. Unpleasant sensations on the lips and tongue may be evidence of problems with the organs of the digestive system, with long-term treatment antibacterial drugs, in case of an allergic reaction to food, medicines, personal hygiene products. If burning and dry mouth are accompanied by pain in the right side, this may indicate the presence of cholecystitis. The same sensations may be accompanied by pain in epigastric region. This is a signal about the possible development of gastritis.

With prolonged amenorrhea, with hormonal imbalance Due to various reasons, glossodynia and xerostomia may occur.

It is very important to contact a specialist in a timely manner to find out the cause. similar symptoms and undergo a course of appropriate therapeutic measures.

Causes of oral disorders

Burning of the tongue and dry mouth with painful, unpleasant sensations are observed in many patients moderately in the morning, but during the day they can intensify and become unbearable in the evening. At night, it is quite possible not to feel this condition, or the burning sensation may appear periodically and torment some patients for several months or even years. Symptoms such as tingling in the mouth, the tip of the tongue, the presence of bitter, metallic taste, numbness, dry lips.

The causes of burning in the mouth are characterized by the presence of factors such as:

  • an insufficient amount useful components, substances in the diet, such as iron, folic acid, vitamin B, often cause a burning sensation. During treatment, vitamin complexes containing vitamin B, iron and other substances must be included;
  • a fungal infection provokes tingling, dryness, burning in the mouth. Unpleasant sensations in the mouth and tongue especially appear when consuming spicy or acidic foods. In this case, peeling of cheesy formations from the inner surface is noted. Candidiasis (aphthous stomatitis) is treated according to the scheme suggested by the dentist;
  • xerotomy or bakes the palate in the mouth, has causes caused by autoimmune systemic damage to connective tissues, medications lead to a burning sensation. Consistent fluid intake can help stop or reduce the burning sensation;
  • in female representatives over the age of 40 years during menopause, hormonal changes with disorders that often provoke burning of the gums and the entire oral cavity. For some patients, hormonal medications prescribed by the doctor help them cope well with the problem;
  • stress, depression, anxiety states and other psychological problems contribute to increased burning in the mouth, or it is formed as a result of disorders. These conditions also contribute to involuntary grinding of teeth (bruxism) and increase burning sensation on the lips and in the oral cavity. The condition is aggravated by changes in the composition of saliva under stress and its volume of production.
  • diabetes mellitus contributes to infection of the oral cavity with a burning sensation. Vascular changes in the oral cavity are also possible in diabetics with a decrease pain threshold. To get rid of the unpleasant sensation, you should control your blood sugar levels, which will help ease or get rid of the burning sensation;
  • Other problems that provoke a burning sensation in the oral cavity include irritation from orthodontic structures, such as crowns, dentures, and an unpleasant condition is the result of an allergic reaction upon contact with dentures, such as contact stomatitis. The burning sensation may be due to stomatitis, herpes, candidiasis, gastrointestinal problems. intestinal tract, liver, adverse reactions after taking medications.

If there is a prolonged burning sensation and when your mouth and lips often dry out, you should be examined by a dentist. If it is impossible to determine the cause of the burning sensation, he will refer you for a consultation with a therapist or a specialist with a narrow specialization to diagnose and determine the method of treatment. You will also need to take blood tests, which will detect the presence of infection in the body, deficiency necessary substances, will check for the presence of thyroid diseases, diabetes, allergies.

In the absence of any systemic or local causes, the phenomenon is diagnosed as a syndrome caused by nervous diseases or dysfunction of nerve endings.


Identifying the cause of the burning sensation requires the participation of a dentist, therapist, endocrinologist, neurologist, ENT doctor, gastroenterologist and others. It is noteworthy that with burning syndrome, the tongue, palate, and oral cavity do not undergo any special changes. Sanitation of the oral cavity allows you to get quick results, in particular, carrying out a number of dental procedures to restore damaged teeth, performing hygiene at a professional level, removing deposits, plaque, and stones.

If necessary, orthodontic structures are replaced, metal differences are eliminated, and the physiological height of the bite is restored. To complex and lengthy medical procedures This includes treatment for a burning sensation in the mouth, the causes of which lie in the internal organs and systems of the body. Specialists prescribe drugs that stimulate nervous system , activating blood circulation in the brain, as well as a vitamin and mineral complex, which includes vitamins of groups B, C, E, PP and others. In particular, drugs such as bromine, valerian, and mild tranquilizers are prescribed. Emotionally irritated, impressionable patients are prescribed visits to a psychologist, as well as a course of hypnotic sleep, after which the problem may disappear without a trace. In the case of a disease such as anemia, treatment is carried out to eliminate blood pathologies, and medications containing folic acid, vitamin B12, and replacement therapy are prescribed.

Effective drugs

Burning syndrome is eliminated therapeutic methods which usually include various drugs that have an effect on other diseases. Antidepressants, analgesics, protective agents for the mucous membrane, and anticonvulsants are considered effective.

Doctors recommend changing your lifestyle along with treatment. When rinsing the mouth, it is necessary to exclude products containing alcohol, and it is better to use decoctions of medicinal herbs, which can be recommended by a doctor. During treatment, it is advisable to abstain from drinking alcohol. You can brush your teeth with water and baking soda, do not drink juices or coffee. Also, during treatment you should quit smoking and it is better to drink water more often and suck ice cubes.

For diabetes mellitus, treatment involves the participation of an endocrinologist and a dentist, and the main goal is to stop the progression of the disease. Anesthetic applications, which are applied to problem areas of the tongue, and anesthetic rinsing solutions are also used to relieve the unpleasant symptom. Drugs and methods of their use are determined by the doctor according to individual indications conditions of patients with the exception of allergic reactions and intolerance. An oil solution containing vitamin A and sea buckthorn oil, which lubricates the tongue, effectively helps with xerostomia. Sour and dairy products such as candies, lemon, and others help stimulate salivation.

Glossalgia, for example, in neglected form completely eliminated with the help of doctors after a couple of months. But otherwise, you can get the opposite effect and worsen your condition. Specialists can accurately determine the cause of the disease, conduct an examination and prescribe a set of therapeutic measures including complete, thorough sanitation of the oral cavity. If diseases of the internal organs are detected, their symptoms should be eliminated and then the burning sensation of the tongue should be treated. Also an important issue is adjusting your diet, taking vitamins, what foods you can eat, what products are best suited traditional medicine for effective, Get well soon– the attending physician will tell you all this.