Plaque. How to deal with soft and hard plaque at home

Plaque is a very common dental problem..

Pathology can appear even with careful dental care.

Black plaque is considered the most complex and unpleasant violation.

This problem can occur in both adults and children.

Therefore, the question of how to clean teeth from black plaque at home is very relevant.


Before you get rid of black plaque on your teeth, it is worth determining the reasons for its appearance. In adults, this problem appears under the influence of the following factors:

If you notice darkening of the tooth enamel, you should immediately consult a doctor. The specialist will conduct a detailed examination and determine the provoking factor.

Sometimes dark plaque appears on a child’s teeth, causing serious concern to parents. The occurrence of these problems has certain characteristics.

First of all, plaque appears very quickly. Parents can see that the enamel has darkened literally overnight.

In addition, it is worth considering that plaque usually appears on the back of the teeth.. It is impossible to remove it yourself. In such a situation, you need to contact a dentist who will be able to cope with the problem with the help of special medications and equipment.

Before removing black plaque from a child’s teeth, it is worth analyzing the reasons for its appearance:

To answer the question of how to remove black plaque on teeth at home, you need to determine the causes of the problem.

If we are talking about the appearance of a disorder in a child, it is useless to clean teeth. The use of abrasive products can lead to deep damage to the enamel. In this case, dark spots will appear again after some time.

Plaque may be present before baby teeth fall out. However, the appearance of molars will allow you to forget about problems forever. Sometimes the spots disappear on their own. This indicates the normalization of intestinal microflora and improved immune function. As a rule, this occurs after 4 years.

The question of how to clean dark plaque in adults is considered more difficult. To cope with the problem, it is very important to identify and eliminate the cause of its occurrence:

Brushing teeth from black plaque should be done using an electric or ultrasonic brush. Special pastes must be selected by the dentist. In addition to such remedies, you can use the following recipes:


To prevent problems from occurring, you need to regularly visit the dentist.

In addition, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Eliminate bad habits, especially smoking.
  2. Use special brushes for children to massage the gums. After a year you need to use a special paste.
  3. Include solid foods in your menu that contain a lot of fiber, minerals and vitamins.
  4. Monitor your health and treat all pathologies in a timely manner.

If one tooth has acquired a dark color, this may indicate root damage. When a black dot appears, we are most likely talking about a carious lesion. In such a situation, you cannot do without the help of a dentist.

The appearance of black plaque on teeth is considered a fairly serious problem that causes people a lot of inconvenience. To cope with this anomaly, it is very important to establish the causes of its occurrence. To do this, you need to undergo a detailed examination of the body.

Yellow and black plaque on teeth has many causes. This includes insufficient hygiene of teeth and gums, abuse of harmful products, smoking, and oral diseases. There are soft and hard deposits. The first ones can be dealt with independently at home. Tartar can only be removed by a dentist in a dental setting (we recommend reading:).

How to get rid of plaque on your own?

You can remove black, yellow and brown plaque on your teeth yourself. For this, there are both folk remedies and pharmaceutical preparations. Most of them are not harmful, but it is still better to consult a doctor. Only a qualified dentist will advise you on the most appropriate cleaning regimen.

Daily hygiene procedures

  • To clean dark deposits on your teeth and gums, use toothpaste and a brush at least twice a day. Proper cleaning lasts from 5 minutes. Try to penetrate into the most inaccessible places, grab wisdom teeth, and also pay enough attention to the inside, because this is where plaque most often occurs.
  • To protect yourself from pathogenic microbes that develop on leftover food, be sure to use dental floss. Only this remedy will cope with plaque between the teeth. Use flat floss if your teeth are close together, round floss if the space between your teeth allows it, and “superfloss,” a floss that changes its properties depending on the size of the gap.
  • After each meal, rinse your mouth with a special solution or at least plain water.
  • When brushing your teeth, do not forget to remove food particles from your tongue as well, otherwise your efforts to maintain oral hygiene will be completely pointless. For such cleaning, special scrapers or brushes are suitable, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or store.

Pastes and brushes for removing plaque without harming the enamel

  • Dentists recommend fluoride toothpastes to prevent black teeth. Fluoride is a natural element involved in creating strong and healthy enamel.
  • The brush should have bristles long enough to reach the outermost teeth. Dentists recommend electronic brushes. Such devices create vibration, which properly removes plaque from the teeth and tongue.

Using Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide (H-2 O-2) is not the safest way to brush your teeth because it creates an oxidizing chemical reaction. As a result, the enamel brightens, but becomes more fragile.

Several ways to use H-2 O-2 at home:

  1. Use a regular toothbrush and toothpaste. After this, rinse your mouth with peroxide and wipe your teeth with a piece of cotton wool with a few drops of this liquid;
  2. Place some peroxide directly on your toothbrush and brush. This method is more effective, since the cotton swab simply cannot reach the places where the bristles penetrate.

Peroxide copes especially well with black plaque. After each use of H-2 O-2 at home, rinse your mouth thoroughly with clean water.

Pharmacy whitening products

Pharmacy products include various gels, lightening strips and trays - reservoirs in which a special gel is placed. You can find these drugs yourself at the pharmacy, but it is better to contact a specialist so that he can advise the most suitable whitening method for you. All pharmaceutical products are easy to use.

Gels and sticks

The easiest and safest way to clean enamel yourself is with whitening gels and sticks, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. Gels contain a rather aggressive substance - hydrogen peroxide. Peroxide itself can injure teeth, but gels also contain auxiliary elements that reduce the destructive effect of the main substance.

Gels are applied to teeth using toothbrushes, special applicators or sticks. Sticks are cases like lipsticks with a small brush at the end. This case is convenient to take with you and is easy to use. It is enough to apply the gel with a brush to your teeth so that the product penetrates into the most difficult to reach places.

The advantage of gels is that they can be used even for sensitive teeth. However, be careful with carious lesions. Penetrating into carious cavities, the gel can cause additional destruction of the enamel.

Whitening strips

Whitening strips are strips with gel applied on one side. Such strips should be carefully applied to the teeth with the gel side for 30-60 minutes a day, depending on the lightening method you have chosen.

Whitening strips allow you to achieve the effect of professional teeth cleaning in just a few weeks. The first results are noticeable within 1-3 days, depending on the brand of the strips. The fruits of this clarification last for approximately 12 months.

Mouth guards

Mouth guards are special containers for brightening gel that replicate the impression of the patient’s dentition. The mouthguards must be placed on the teeth and worn for half an hour to 8 hours. The time of wearing the gel trays is determined by the degree of concentration of the bleaching agent.

There are several types of mouth guards:

  1. Standard – intended for mass consumers. Such mouth guards do not match the dentition of a particular patient, so wearing them may cause discomfort;
  2. Individual – made according to individual impressions after visiting the dental office;
  3. Thermoplastic - mouthguards made of a special thermoplastic material that can change its shape at hot temperatures. Such tanks are very comfortable to use.

The gel used in mouth guards should not come into contact with the gums to avoid injury. Excess gel should be removed with a napkin.

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Removal of black deposits in the dental office should be carried out 1-2 times a year. Visit your dentist to determine the degree of sensitivity of your teeth, your personal pain threshold, and ultimately agree on the most suitable whitening method specifically for you. During the consultation, the doctor will see all the problems associated with plaque and will recommend not only professional cleaning, but also tell you how to properly brush your teeth at home.

Ultrasonic cleaning

Ultrasound is a professional cleaning performed by a dentist using a special device. The device creates a vibration of approximately 100 million vibrations per minute, which allows you to get rid of the oldest plaque. The number of oscillations is calculated for each client individually.

This procedure can cause pain when cleaning the deposits from under the gums. Often, patients with a low pain threshold are given local anesthesia.

Air cleaning

The Air Flow technique is the gentlest way to remove plaque (we recommend reading:). It does not use chemicals, so it is absolutely harmless to the enamel and is painless for the client. However, air brushing, unlike more aggressive methods, can lighten teeth by just a few shades and deal with deposits that have arisen only under the influence of external factors. To remove genetic yellowness, use ultrasonic or laser resurfacing.

Laser cleaning

Laser cleaning is similar to home maintenance of oral hygiene, only it is a deeper and better procedure. The technique uses a laser that affects water. Any deposits are like a sponge that absorbs liquid. There is much less of this liquid in tooth enamel. Therefore, the laser penetrates only into the tartar, splitting and removing it, as a result of which the teeth acquire natural whiteness.

Preventing plaque formation at home

Preventing the appearance of plaque on teeth includes giving up bad habits (smoking and drinking alcohol), as well as reducing the amount of tea, coffee, carbonated drinks and foods containing sugar in the diet. Eat more solid food, because it mechanically removes plaque when chewing, and fiber, which is found in vegetables and fruits. Use dental toothbrushes and toothpastes that contain fluoride and enamel strengthening substances. An important point in preventing plaque is visiting the dentist and professional cleaning twice a year.

Useful tips

Most people want sparkling white teeth - they look both beautiful and healthy. Proper oral care. including teeth and gums, should be considered a health priority as proper hygiene can help prevent bad breath, gum disease and tooth loss.

Soft deposits on teeth form in all people; this is a natural and constant process associated not only with food intake, but also with the microflora of the oral cavity.When plaque hardens, it becomes tartar—and this can lead to serious problems, including gum disease and inflammation.

To prevent the formation of tartar and gum disease, we offer you several recipes for removing plaque.

Plaque removal

Recipe No. 1

Since ancient times, various herbs have been widely used for the prevention and treatment of oral cavity organs. Medicinal herbal mixtures help to avoid bad breath, remove food debris and plaque in places that are difficult to reach with a toothbrush and floss (dental floss). To this day, string, mint, strawberry leaves and flowers, berries and leaves of raspberries and currants, plantain and walnut leaves, sage, chamomile, eucalyptus, St. John's wort and calendula are used to strengthen gums and stop bleeding.

Ingredients: 1/2 cup rosemary, 1 cup fresh mint, 2 cups water. Bring the water to a boil, then add the mint and rosemary. Leave the mixture for about 15 minutes. When the mixture has cooled, rinse your mouth thoroughly.

Recipe No. 2

Essential oils provide beneficial effects on teeth and gums in addition to medicinal herbs and other natural remedies.The most effective oils for the oral cavity are essential oils that are extracted from oak bark, anise, sage, myrrh, cloves, sea buckthorn, chamomile, calendula, etc.

Recipe No. 3

The use of tea tree oil is considered an absolutely safe means for removing plaque and tartar. Unlike activated carbon, soda and hydrogen peroxide, which have an aggressive effect on tooth enamel, tea tree oil has a mild effect.Most often it is used along with toothpaste during daily brushing or instead of it.

First, you need to thoroughly brush your teeth with toothpaste, removing most of the plaque. Then rinse the brush. Place 2-3 drops of tea tree oil on the bristles of a damp brush and brush your teeth again as usual. If you dilute the oil in mineral water, you will get a good mouth rinse. Using tea tree oil will prevent tooth decay, gum disease and eliminate bad breath.

How to whiten your teeth

Recipe No. 4

Coconut oil is a popular folk remedy for teeth whitening. In addition, you will get rid of such problems as: oral diseases, bad breath, ulcers on the mucous membranes, tartar, inflammation of the gums, dental diseases, dental hypersensitivity, scurvy and oral candidiasis.

Ingredients: coconut oil. Whisk in a couple of tablespoons of coconut oil and let it sit for 15-20 minutes. Rinse your mouth with this oil daily!It is necessary to circulate the oil in the mouth for at least 20 minutes, and then spit it out.Dentists highly praise coconut oil for its many benefits: fighting bacteria, cleaning the mouth, preventing tooth decay and whitening teeth.

Recipe No. 5

One of the most effective folk remedies to help remove tartar is regular baking soda. You can use this mixture daily instead of regular toothpaste.

Ingredients: 7 tbsp. spoons of baking soda, 7 tbsp. spoons of coconut oil, essential oils (tea tree and cloves), 1.5 tbsp. spoons of stevia. Mix all the ingredients until you get a smooth texture and the paste is ready.

The main cause of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity is dental plaque. Try using our tips as an addition to your standard dental hygiene routine.

And don’t forget that for healthy teeth and gums you need to brush your teeth 2 times a day, use dental floss, eat right, and visit the dentist on time.

The interlocutor or on your own, dark areas are noticeable in the interdental spaces. This is not aesthetically pleasing, dulls the whiteness of teeth and causes dental problems.

What is tartar

– this is hardened plaque that was not removed in time. This undesirable formation appears due to unscrupulous brushing of teeth and the presence of other factors. If you don't clean your mouth regularly, plaque turns into stone within a week. The process looks like this:

  • after eating, a film of food debris, dead cells and bacteria forms on the teeth;
  • in hard-to-reach places or with irregular teeth brushing, the rough film increases in size;
  • plaque accumulates in the interdental spaces and on the back of the tooth;
  • over time, the plaque hardens, becoming saturated with calcium salts and thickening;
  • The process is completed after six months.

The result is the appearance of limescale deposits on the surface of the teeth, which cannot be removed by daily cleaning.

Causes of mineral deposits

Tartar does not appear on the teeth suddenly, but this process cannot be called long-term: by twice ignoring the cleaning of the oral cavity from food components, a person does not interfere with the initial accumulation of plaque, hardening and transformation into stone. Causes of stones on teeth:

  1. , incorrectly selected brush or paste;
  2. snacking, excessive consumption of sweet, fatty foods and carbonated drinks;
  3. malocclusion, incomplete dentition;
  4. nicotine leaves a residue;
  5. Regular consumption of coffee and strong tea pigments the enamel;
  6. Alcohol abuse harms teeth;
  7. ignoring solid foods and raw fruits provokes plaque on the teeth;
  8. chronic diseases of the digestive tract.

If you eliminate the provoking factors, the problem can be avoided.

Characteristic symptoms

There are two types: supragingival and subgingival. You can see it with the help of a mirror: there are yellowish or brown inclusions on the inside (the color depends on the food you eat), dark spaces have appeared between the teeth. The second type of plaque is more difficult: it hides in the gum pockets. Method of determination at home: lubricate the teeth near the surface of the gums with an iodine solution, and if a color change occurs, then a stone is present.

Supragingival plaque is a relatively easily removable calculus located on the outer surface of the teeth. The insidiousness of such inclusions lies in the gradual development of caries and. Subgingival stone is much more dangerous. Only a dentist with the help of special instruments can fully see the tumor. The permanent location of such plaque is the root area. This type of stone causes destructive processes in the gums, inflammation, and in advanced cases, periodontal disease.

Defining symptoms:

  • the mouth exudes an unpleasant aroma;
  • chewing discomfort;
  • gum hyperemia;
  • when you try to clean your teeth, blood appears;
  • loose teeth;
  • purulent inflammation;
  • Unaesthetic appearance of teeth.

Tartar is the result of an unhealthy lifestyle or problems with oral hygiene. In addition, such troubles are likely to arise if a person has not visited a dentist for years.

Getting rid of tartar: the impossible is possible

Such formations threaten the following troubles: the microorganisms that make up hard plaque over time turn into pathogenic bacteria, which, in turn, cause destructive changes in the gums and inflammatory processes. They become a source of infection of internal organs, and saliva, which prevents tooth decay, does not reach the tooth surface due to mineral deposits. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of tartar.

The dentist will help you remove tartar in several ways:

  1. Tartar can be removed manually. Manipulation is used extremely rarely due to pain and insufficiently acceptable results. The dentist works with the help of available instruments, and this is a lengthy process. Therefore, immediately after the emergence of new methods, it was abandoned.
  2. It is possible to get rid of it using ultrasound. This is a new method that has proven itself successfully. A special device uses targeted ultrasonic action to remove hardened plaque from the surface of the teeth without affecting healthy tissue. If it has accumulated, then it is softened using the means intended for this. An enamel polishing procedure is required after ultrasonic cleaning. The strengthening complex will not allow further accumulation of plaque, eliminating roughness from the teeth. Doctors sometimes recommend an anti-inflammatory complex and fluoridation.
  3. A progressive procedure using a laser will allow you to quickly remove tartar. This is a non-contact cleaning of the dentition, absolutely painless and safe. The principle of operation of the laser is to act on water molecules contained in plaque.

The last two methods are painless, but with ultrasound therapy sometimes discomfort occurs; in such cases, local anesthesia is used. In addition, there are contraindications: diabetes mellitus, cancer, hemophilia, epilepsy, asthmatic disorders. Ultrasound is not recommended for teenagers whose bite is changing and people with heart problems. And also for people using implants, tuberculosis and HIV-infected people.

Traditional methods

For minor deposits, it is possible to remove tartar at home. Using folk recipes that are based on dissolving calcium, it is possible to remove tartar. It is softened with the help of these drugs and cleaned with a stiff brush.

You can remove tartar at home using the following means:

  • abrasive toothpaste and a high-hardness brush will help remove tartar that has accumulated on surfaces for a short time;
  • soda applications are a common cleaning method; mix hydrogen peroxide, soda, lemon juice (10:1:3) and apply to the plaque for 2 minutes, then rinse your mouth; the procedure does not tolerate frequent use, and it is not recommended for persons with stomatitis or serious damage to the gums;
  • regular honey rinses will help remove tartar at home, if it is small;
  • an exotic way to remove tartar yourself - burnt eggplant; Damaged surfaces are smeared with eggplant ash;
  • from stone at home, a decoction of celandine is also effective: rinsing twice a day will clean your teeth, but swallowing the decoction is strictly not recommended;
  • before the main brushing of teeth, apply tea tree oil or a decoction of walnut bark to the brush and cleanse problem areas from plaque;
  • treatment at home is carried out by thoroughly chewing a mixture of grated radish and lemon juice: the procedure is carried out before brushing your teeth with regular paste;
  • Tartar cleaning is carried out with the help of citrus fruits in two ways: by rubbing the teeth with lemon, orange juice or regularly eating grapefruits and other exotic fruits, which is also useful for metabolism;
  • using tooth powder and flossing are useful for keeping teeth clean;
  • cleansing with table salt is an ancient way to get rid of plaque, and at the same time massage the gums: apply salt to the bristles of a medium-soft toothbrush and massage the gums for 3 minutes; the procedure is carried out for 5 months in a row;
  • will solve the problem of rinsing with linden broth with the addition of sunflower: the dry product is mixed and boiled over low heat for half an hour in an enamel bowl (it is also used for cleaning teeth).

How effective traditional methods are is easy to track on your own: if everything goes correctly, then the interdental spaces will soon be cleared and plaque will disappear.

Prevention in this case plays an important role: it is much easier to prevent the occurrence of stones. To do this, preventive rules are consistently followed:

  1. The detection of a problem with tartar directly depends on a visit to the dentist;
  2. reducing the number of intensely colored drinks;
  3. exclusion of nicotine and alcohol;
  4. maintaining a balanced diet: less sweets and fats, eating fresh vegetables and fruits;
  5. brush your teeth for at least 5 minutes.

It is possible to get rid of, or even smarter to avoid, the occurrence of tartar. It is more difficult to treat dental diseases caused by it. Everyone draws their own conclusions.

The formation of rough deposits on the enamel indicates plaque, which can cause discomfort to the patient. You can get rid of a problem by finding out what caused it and what a person is ready to do to eliminate it. It is useful to know the differences between the types of deposits and how to safely remove them at home.

What to do if there is plaque on your teeth

The accumulation on the enamel of an impressive number of the smallest remnants of food and other substances is called dental plaque, which can also be found in the interdental spaces throughout the entire cavity. Deposits are not noticeable to the naked eye and are relatively safe, but they serve as a favorable environment for the development of microbes. They multiply, forming tartar, which can cause many dangerous diseases - from gingivitis to periodontitis.

The causes of the defect are considered:

  • improper oral hygiene - if a person does not clean his mouth thoroughly, less than 2 times a day, does not use rinses after each meal, then he is susceptible to the accumulation of food debris;
  • incorrectly selected or poor-quality brush or toothpaste;
  • improper cleaning technique, neglect of hard-to-reach places;
  • for children, the cause is soft food that is not cleaned as well as hard food;
  • bad habits – smoking, drinking caffeine-containing drinks;
  • chewing defects, indirectly caused by diseased teeth, malocclusion, diseases of the gums and mucous membranes;
  • diseases of the digestive and endocrine systems that disrupt the acid-base balance in the mouth, which promotes the growth of bacteria.

How to remove plaque at home:

  • maintain oral hygiene;
  • ask the dentist to show the correct cleaning technique, choose a brush, toothpaste with strong abrasives;
  • get rid of bad habits;
  • adjust your diet;
  • correct the bite.


Dentists note that patients come with complaints of yellow plaque, which is considered soft, forms every day in every person, but can be easily cleaned with a toothbrush. It is based on food debris, bacteria, and mucous particles. In itself, yellow deposits on the tooth surface are not dangerous, but they can harden. The place of its localization is the roots, the method of getting rid of it is deep root brushing of teeth at home.


The enamel acquires a dark or brown tint due to the staining of accumulations of food debris by nicotine, strong coffee, and tea. All of these products are rich in coloring particles that easily adhere to soft deposits, forming pigmented hard stones that are difficult to remove on your own. Ways to get rid of it are: bleaching with abrasive pastes at home, giving up bad habits, professional cleaning.


A child may have black deposits due to dysfunction of the digestive system, dysbiosis, worms, or fungus in the mouth. The black look is not related to hygiene, so removing it requires a comprehensive approach.

An adult may suffer from black teeth due to wearing copper dentures, working in hazardous work, poor oral hygiene, smoking, drinking coffee and not visiting the dentist. An integrated approach to removing plaque: choosing a physical or chemical method, getting rid of bad habits, maintaining proper oral hygiene.


Overnight, every person develops a white coating on their enamel, which is considered soft and safe. It hardens, and if you don't clean it off every day, tartar can form over time. To remove it, you need to brush your teeth twice a day.

How to remove plaque from teeth at home using folk remedies

Dentists advise using traditional or professional methods. The soft type of white or yellow color can be easily removed with available products: soda, lemon, hydrogen peroxide, charcoal or strawberries. Brown and black are eliminated by Air-Flow cleaning, ultrasound, and laser.

Soda and lemon

A simple way to clean enamel is to brush your teeth with a paste of baking soda and lemon, or with these components separately. Soda perfectly polishes the surface, removes deposits, but scratches, leaving microcracks on the surface of the tooth. Using lemon is a safe cleaning method, but it is not used if acidity is impaired, with stomatitis or gum inflammation.

You can wipe your teeth with lemon after brushing, use its oil in combination with the paste, and keep the peels in your mouth for 5-10 minutes. The combination of lemon with soda and drops of hydrogen peroxide is a recipe for removing deposits according to Professor Neumyvakin. This cleaning method can be used only once a day, for two weeks.

Hydrogen peroxide

Without visiting a doctor, you can remove deposits from the enamel with hydrogen peroxide, which is a widely available and inexpensive product. You need to buy the product at the pharmacy along with cotton swabs, soak them and apply them to the enamel, or simply rinse your mouth. Under the influence of peroxide, the deposits will soften, after which they can be easily removed with a regular brush.

Sometimes a solution is made from soda and peroxide, which is used to rinse the mouth, which gradually removes deposits. If you mix them to a paste-like consistency, then you can use it to make applications applied to the tooth surface with a thin brush. Peroxide should not be used by people with thin enamel or hypersensitive gums.


You can use strawberries to get smooth white enamel. The increased content of vitamin C in strawberries helps soften deposits and remove them. To effectively remove plaque, use strawberry paste or a combination of it with soda. The first option can be used twice a day for several weeks, while the second can be used as an application once a week. After each method, it is necessary to clean the tooth surface with a brush and toothpaste.

How to get rid of plaque at home

It is not enough to use only special means at hand - prevention will be required to maintain the result. This will consist of eating solid food, which is a natural cleaner, cleaning with irrigators and daily hygiene of dental surfaces. Comprehensive measures will ensure long-lasting results.

Eating solid foods

To maintain a snow-white smile, it is useful to diversify your diet with raw solid food - eat carrots and apples. This is required so that when chewed, high-fiber foods will remove buildup from the gums and tooth surfaces. Due to the high component content of vitamins, microelements and minerals, such food normalizes the balance in the mouth and improves digestion.

Cleaning with irrigators

The doctor is obliged to explain to the patient the principle of operation of the irrigator, which is based on the supply of water under pressure. Thanks to this, the product is able to wash away food debris from the interdental spaces and clean soft plaque. It is recommended to use irrigators after every meal. Not recommended for people with hypersensitive gums.

Daily dental and oral hygiene

When it comes to getting rid of deposits, don’t forget about everyday oral hygiene. It is necessary to clean the enamel twice a day with a brush and paste for the required time, after each meal, rinse your mouth, use special rinses and threads. Periodic examinations by a doctor and professional cleanings will help remove deposits and preserve a snow-white smile for a long time.

Video: how to remove plaque at home using nutshells