Profuse brown coloration. What does dark brown discharge mean?

Vaginal discharge is a natural process of a woman's genitals. Brown discharge from the vagina should alert her. blood inclusions in the vaginal secretion. It is impossible not to notice such highlights. It is very important to find out the cause of their appearance in a timely manner. It is dangerous for health to solve this problem on your own, a qualified specialist should deal with the diagnosis and prescribing treatment.

Types of manifestation of the disease

There are 2 types of vaginal discharge: physiological and pathological. The secret is released on the inner and outer walls of the vagina. The glands work around the clock, in the hot season there is the most abundant release of secretory fluid. Some objective factors can influence changes in secretion production, for example:

  • climate change;
  • visiting the pool;
  • unsuitable hygiene detergents;
  • synthetic underwear that causes irritation;
  • stress;
  • trauma;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • eating disorders;
  • hormonal changes.

This list goes on. Every woman is able to feel her body.

In the period preceding ovulation, the discharge acquires a whitish hue, after menstruation, weak dark discharges can be observed, ending 5-6 days after heavy blood.

Discharges vary in density and consistency. Both the smell and the volume of secretions are important.

The causes of increased vaginal discharge lie in a wide range of factors. If a woman begins to suspect that the discharge occurs with some violations, it is urgent to take gynecological tests and conduct a full examination with the identification of pathologies.

Physiological norms

Vaginal discharge mixed with blood is brown in color. Menstrual periods in the absence of pathologies can be characterized as liquid, abundant, dark red.

In some cases, discharge in the middle of the cycle from the vagina may be the norm:

  1. During the period of the establishment of the menstrual cycle, the discharge in girls can be chaotic, irregular, changing color shades, with an admixture of lumps and a large amount of mucus.
  2. On the eve of menstruation. Usually such discharges are not a cause for concern because they correspond to the beginning of the cycle.
  3. After menstruation. Usually, such discharge does not cause concern and indicates that the cleansing of the uterus is coming to an end.
  4. ovulation period. Occasionally, it may occur, indicating the release of the egg from the ovary, or its transition to the endometrium during fertilization. If, however, discharge began in the middle of the cycle, you should see a doctor.
  5. The consequences of taking hormonal drugs for contraception or during therapeutic measures. Depending on the abundance and duration of such discharge, you should consult a doctor.
  6. Hormonal changes in the body during menopause. Scarce are allowed. With an increase in their intensity and volume, diagnostic measures should be taken.
  7. After removal of the intrauterine device. The period after the removal of intrauterine contraceptives is especially difficult in a woman's life, you should carefully consider all the symptoms supplied by the body.
  8. postoperative period. After major operations performed on the abdominal organs, vaginal discharge with various shades may appear. In each individual case, additional counseling and examination is required.

Pathological processes

Pathology does not keep itself waiting long in most cases. Women's diseases can develop gradually and sometimes asymptomatically. Many women stubbornly ignore various symptoms when there is still a chance to help the body cope with the disease without surgical intervention.

All the criticality of the situation is already manifested when the belated consultation simply states the fact of the course of irreversible processes. The tissues of the uterine endometrium are able to asymptomatically and quickly grow into the abdominal cavity, manifesting as tumor pathologies. A common ailment called cervical erosion can occur spontaneously and painlessly for a number of reasons, sometimes even diametrically opposed.

So, let us dwell in detail on the most common pathological conditions that can cause thick brown discharge in women at different periods of life.

The threat of disruption of the gestation of the embryo. The first sign of pathological development of the fetus with the risk of absolute abortion is with blood and lumps. With timely treatment to the doctor, miscarriage can be prevented.

Ectopic pregnancy. A fairly common pathology in women of any age. In cases where a fertilized egg attaches to the walls of organs or the abdominal cavity without entering the uterus, profuse bleeding or scanty brown discharge may occur, accompanied by severe cutting pain syndromes.

Cervical erosion. This disease is usually asymptomatic, only after sexual intercourse can there be slight spotting. In advanced conditions, the discharge becomes brown and becomes more intense and plentiful.

Injuries of the uterus and internal genital organs. Injury can be different, for example, after intercourse with insufficient lubrication, as well as bruises and ruptures of large vessels of internal organs.

Bladder inflammation.

With inflammatory diseases of the urinary organs, bloody discharge through the urethra is possible, accompanied by pain and burning, depending on the stage of inflammation.

Myoma of the uterus. Fibroids, capable of growing, can exert strong pressure on the internal female organs, the walls of which become inflamed and can bleed due to ruptures of small vessels and tissues.

Tumor processes at any stage can lead to poor discharge and heavy bleeding from the uterus.

Inflammatory diseases caused by a fungal infection, staphylococci, streptococci, E. coli, salmonella, can cause prolonged discharge with different shades and odors.

Sexually transmitted diseases. The neglected states of gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, in addition to all sorts of uncomfortable conditions and pain, are accompanied by abundant fetid, color-changing discharge.

A huge range of diseases, represented by symptoms of uncharacteristic vaginal discharge, gives food for thought when making the correct diagnosis, even for the most experienced gynecologist.

Healing procedures

Getting rid of uncharacteristic vaginal discharge should predetermine a whole range of medical procedures and drugs. Depending on the disease that provoked the discharge, the doctor prescribes treatment.

It is worth paying special attention to the high effect of using vaginal suppository suppositories, which relieve inflammation in a matter of days, as well as douching procedures performed at home. In inflammatory processes of the female genital organs, it is strictly forbidden to warm up the pelvic area, uncontrolled intake of drugs that are not agreed with the attending physician.

Treatment with the use of herbs and herbal remedies should also be agreed with a gynecologist, since most plants have an abortive effect and contribute to the accumulation in a woman's body, which can adversely affect future pregnancy planning.

Some women are so eager to clean their body that they perceive vaginal discharge as something unnatural and polluting their body and underwear. Many try by any means to get rid of secretions by not quite suitable means. Thus, the microflora of the mucous membranes of the vagina, the alkaline balance is disturbed. This can lead to a number of diseases of the female reproductive system. For example, cause erosion of the cervix, thrush, dysbacteriosis, even more abundant discharge, disruption of the external secretion glands of the vagina.

Cosmetic firms for the production of personal care products do not always take into account and certify their products. Therefore, making purchases and using certain types of products can be hazardous to health. Prolonged use of cotton swabs, sanitary pads with the addition of various flavoring substances can provoke diseases that can cause a number of complications and even trigger the mechanisms of tumor processes.

Brown, odorless discharge is not at all the norm. Very often, women who care about their health come to the doctor with just such a symptom. Sometimes such a manifestation is the body's reaction to a disease of the genital organs. Also, these discharges appear with the onset of menopause. During this period, a woman's monthly menstruation stops, and instead of them, spotting appears.

brown, odorless discharge. This may be a manifestation of hormonal changes and preparation of the body for menopause.

Crashes in the loop

Very often, women have brown, odorless discharge instead of normal menstruation. This state of affairs is not normal. From the point of view of gynecology, a healthy woman should have bleeding every month - menstruation. If there is a delay, and after it comes a "daub", it's about hormonal failure. In this case, it is necessary to find out the cause of the imbalance and try to eliminate it. For any disease, you do not need to self-medicate! Only a specialist should, based on the results of the tests, determine the causes of this manifestation and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Doctor's consultation

The first thing the doctor will ask is: “When was the last time you had sexual intercourse?” The fact is that often, if after a certain time after sex, brown

discharge, then we are talking about either a serious illness or pregnancy. In any case, it is necessary to be checked and tested. According to the results of laboratory tests, the doctor will report that the partner has awarded you either a child or a sexually transmitted disease. Be that as it may, clarity is better than speculation about the nature of secretions.

The main causes of the appearance of brownish mucus from the vagina

1. Brown, odorless discharge that lasts for a long period may be a symptom of endometriosis. This is inflammation of the endometrium as a result of the multiplication of staphylococci, pneumococci, streptococci, which entered the uterus as a result of difficult childbirth, abortion or miscarriage. If this is not treated in time, then cell growth in the tissues of the endometrium may occur.

2. Hyperplasia caused by the growth of the inner wall of the uterus. It must be urgently treated, because the disease can develop into the formation of malignant tumors.

3. Chlamydia, ureplasma, herpes, mycoplasma can also cause prolonged periods with brown discharge.


Special attention should be paid to a woman in position. Brown discharge during early pregnancy may indicate the presence of a serious illness. For example, the presence of bleeding or smearing brown mucus may indicate placental abruption. This can lead to miscarriage. In the first trimester of your pregnancy, you should be especially careful, in case of detecting the slightest deviation, immediately go to the doctor. Brown discharge with an unpleasant odor can also occur as a result of the development of a sexually transmitted disease. You should not joke with this case, because the fetus may begin abnormal development and other pathologies. Consultation of a specialist and timely treatment is the key to saving a child.

Vaginal discharge is divided into physiological, normal for a certain age and stage of the menstrual cycle, and pathological associated with diseases of the genital organs. It is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe a course of treatment for a single symptom, but the appearance of a discharge that is different from the norm gives a reason to contact a gynecologist and undergo an examination.

Normal the discharge consists of a mixture of mucus, dead epithelium and microbial cells, the secret of the Bartholin glands located on the threshold of the vagina. They contain glycogen - a nutrient for beneficial microflora, and lactic acid - a waste product of lactobacilli. The content of glycogen is maximum on the day of ovulation. Normally, there are transparent discharges or whitish, the consistency is mucous, with small lumps or homogeneous, without an unpleasant odor, up to 4-5 ml per day in volume.


Abundant vaginal discharge or scanty, but atypical in nature or smell, is called leucorrhoea. Whites create a constant feeling of moisture, burning and itching in the perineum. Causes copious discharge - inflammatory processes ( , ); infectious diseases of the urogenital organs, non-specific or STDs; tumors or injuries of the internal genitalia; allergic reactions to latex, spermicidal lubricants, underwear and hygiene products for intimate areas.

By origin, there are vaginal discharges, uterine and tubal (watery, large in volume) and cervical (thick, scanty).

White with pus - a symptom of inflammation,bloody are often associated with tumor development; curdled or resembling white flakes are characteristic of thrush; orange and greenish with a putrid odor - for gardnerellosis (bacterial vaginosis);foaming appear with trichomoniasis.

Beli can appear after long courses of contraceptives, after douching with antiseptics; with constipation and a static lifestyle, leading to stagnation of venous blood in the small pelvis. The omission of the walls of the vagina, microtrauma of the genitals after sexual intercourse, ruptures of the perineum also cause the formation of leucorrhoea.

Mucous discharge is normal

The first mucous secretions are observed in newborn girls, the appearance of a secret is associated with residual amounts of maternal hormones. After 3-4 weeks, the discharge disappears and reappears by the age of 8-11 years, when the production of one's own estrogen increases. Mucus is secreted periodically, similar to raw egg white or rice water, sour in smell, color - white with a yellowish tint.

Further, during puberty, cyclic vaginal discharge appears. The beginning of the cycle is the first day of menstruation; in the 1st half of the cycle and until its middle, coinciding with ovulation, there is less discharge. They are mucous or watery, homogeneous, possibly with small lumps. In the middle of the cycle - mucous and abundant, viscous in consistency, possibly beige or brownish.

After ovulation jelly-like discharge, similar to jelly. They increase the content of lactic acid, which is produced by lactobacilli, and the discharge acquires a sour smell. Increased acidity protects the vaginal mucosa, which is looser and more vulnerable to infection during this time period. Before menstruation, the volume of mucous secretions increases again.

Discharge during pregnancy liquid and copious, whitish or transparent. Before childbirth, the cervix dilates, and the cervical plug comes out in the form of a rather large clot of mucus, possibly with an admixture of scarlet blood. Usually the release of the cork coincides with the first contractions. If there is more vaginal secretion than usual, then you should go to the gynecologist: perhaps amniotic fluid is “leaking”.

The presence of liquid blood or blood clots in the discharge suggests an ectopic pregnancy, a threat of interruption gestation, atypical position (previa) or placental abruption. All options are dangerous, at any moment they can be complicated by bleeding and end in death. A pregnant woman who has noted the appearance of scarlet blood from the vagina should immediately lie down, then immediately call an ambulance.

White discharge

During puberty, vaginal discharge may be due to inflammation. intestines, bladder, uterus or ovaries. These episodes include pain associated with urination, intestinal colic or pulling sensations in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region. Perhaps the temperature will rise, a blood test will show signs of inflammation (leukocytosis, an increase in ESR): then inflammation treatment will be needed.

10-12 months before the onset of the first menstruation, the vaginal mucosa reacts to hormonal changes and liquid, transparent discharges or white, the color of highly diluted milk, odorless or sour are formed. No measures need to be taken if there are no complaints of burning or itching in the perineum, and the discharge does not take on a curdled appearance.

After the onset of sexual activity, the consistency and composition of the secretions change, the reason is the addition of the partner's microflora, which is different in composition from the vaginal flora. It takes time to adapt, in each case is different, and the situation will return to normal again. During the adaptation period, the volume of secretion increases, the discharge becomes more liquid, with a pale yellowish or whitish tint. A change in sexual partner is almost always associated with a variation in the nature of vaginal discharge.

After unprotected intercourse, the discharge normally first takes the form of yellowish or white clots, and after 5-8 hours the secret turns into a liquid and plentiful. After protected intercourse, a white and thick discharge appears, resembling a lubricant.

Taking contraceptives or breastfeeding reduce normal secretion: vaginal discharge is scanty and thick, white or yellowish.

gives white curdled discharge, copious, sour in smell. Sometimes the discharge resembles yellowish curd lumps or white flakes. The disease is accompanied by itching and swelling of the genitals, irritation of the skin of the perineum. The development of candidiasis is a sign of a decrease in immunity.

cheesy white plaque in the vagina with thrush

Thrush is often associated with STDs(, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis) and, manifests itself in metabolic diseases (diabetes mellitus) and tumors. Candidiasis definitely requires treatment.

Video: vaginal discharge - norm and pathology

Yellow and green discharge

"Colored" discharge from the vagina occurs with STDs, bacterial vaginosis (gardnerellosis), with nonspecific genital inflammation.

With STDs, leucorrhoea is always pain and burning associated with urination.

: visible on examination of the vagina yellow discharge, emerging from the cervical canal and flowing down the walls of the vagina. Belyam is accompanied by pain in the lower back and lower abdomen, an increase in Bartholin's glands. The diagnosis is confirmed by PCR analysis.

: leucorrhoea plentiful, frothy, greenish or yellowish with a strong putrid odor. May drain onto the perineum, inner thighs and cause skin irritation.

: moderate in volume, the color is yellowish white. May be accompanied by bleeding without matching the cycle, pain of the "lowered belt" type - lower back, lower abdomen, inner thighs. With gonorrhea, a putrid smell of leucorrhoea is often found; a change in their color from grayish-white to yellow indicates the transition of the acute stage of the disease to the chronic one.

: leucorrhoea plentiful, grayish-white, with the smell of rotting fish. Sticky, yellow-green and even orange discharge is typical of an untreated, long-term disease. Itching is not strong, occurs periodically. All symptoms are exacerbated immediately after intercourse.

Nonspecific vaginitis(colpitis): with this disease, leucorrhoea is the main symptom. The type of vaginal discharge varies, depending on the severity of the process. With inflammation of the vagina, the secret becomes sour by reaction, by consistency - viscous and stretching or plentiful and liquid, loses its transparency. A hazy white tint is given by leukocytes,yellowish-green color due to the presence of pus,yellowish-pink - blood. In the initial stages of inflammation, serous leucorrhoea is liquid, watery; then they transform into purulent - thick, green, with a strong putrefactive odor.

and adnexitis: inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries. May appear as specific complications caused by ascending venereal infection in STDs, or "normal" inflammation of the internal genitalia. The discharge is always accompanied by pain in the abdomen; in the acute period - periodic, cramping and strong, in the chronic stage - of medium and low intensity, constant, dull, pulling.

Let's summarize. Causes of yellow and green whites:

  • foamy discharge - a characteristic sign of STDs;
  • abundant discharge is typical for the acute stage of colpitis, adnexitis and salpingitis;
  • scanty whites - for chronic adnexitis and salpingitis.

Brown and pink discharge

Associated with the presence of blood in vaginal secretions; may appear for physiological or pathological reasons.

Physiological reasons:

  1. small brown, pink or scarlet discharge in the middle of the cycle: the laundry does not get dirty, the color is noticeable only on sanitary napkins or toilet paper. Secretion signals that ovulation has taken place, which helps plan pregnancy.
  2. Pinkish and brownish discharge- the norm for the end of menstruation, when there was a complete rejection of the endometrium and the proliferation phase begins (growth of a new endometrium).
  3. Bloody issues during the period of taking hormonal drugs. If they last more than three cycles, then it is worth changing the contraceptive and being examined by a gynecologist.
  4. Secretion of cervical mucus with bright blood- in pregnant women before childbirth.

Pathological causes

Pathological causes can be: sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea), endometritis, uterine tumors, endometrial hyperplasia, polyposis, cervical erosion, endometriosis.

For gonorrhea the infection rises from the vagina upwards, affecting the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. Appearance blood in streaksamong mucopurulent secretions and intermenstrual bleeding are signs of an ascending gonococcal infection. A confirmed diagnosis is made after, which must be positive for gonorrhea, or after the detection of gonococci in it.

- inflammation of the functional uterine layer, which is updated after each menstrual cycle. brown whites, associated with endometritis, appear before and after menstruation, it is also possible to produce brownish mucus in the middle of the cycle. Almost always, inflammation of the endometrium is combined with its hyperplasia (growth) and menstrual bleeding, often the cycle is shortened. Profuse bleeding leads to anemia, the hemoglobin content drops to 50-70 g / l (the norm for women is 120-140 g / l). A woman feels constant fatigue, shortness of breath and dizziness appear even with little physical effort.

Endometrial hyperplasia is considered a precancerous condition.

To return the endometrium to normal, you must first cure the inflammation. The course of antibiotics lasts at least 3 months, the drugs are prescribed for 3 menstrual cycles.

Endometriosis is an overgrowth of glandular tissue (endometrium) in the neck and muscular layer of the uterus (myometrium), fallopian tubes, ovaries, in the abdominal organs. Endometrial cells get into atypical places during abortions, during instrumental examinations of the uterus, during childbirth and during the return of menstrual masses. endometriosis spreads i, leads to numerous local inflammations and the formation adhesions; common complication - infertility.

Drawing pains during menstruation are typical, bloody discharge from all foci of growths of the endometrium. At colposcopy small multiple nodules or cysts, cyanotic or red stripes are visible on the cervix. Bloody-brown leucorrhoea becomes lighter after menstruation, their volume decreases during this period and increases again before the next menstruation. Abdominal endometriosis is a common cause of internal bleeding and subsequent surgery (laparotomy).

Cervical erosion: violation of the integrity of the mucosa, when viewed to determine the boundaries of erosion, acetic acid, 3-5% solution is used. After smearing the surface with acid, erosion is visible as a whitish spot on a pink background. When erosion occurs, small spotting appears, their number increases after intercourse.

Bleeding in cancer patients

endometrial hyperplasia accompanied by smearing brown or bloody discharge before and after menstruation. Acyclic uterine bleeding is possible: they are long, up to several weeks and even months, leading to anemia. The disease develops due to hormonal imbalance, with problems with lipid and carbohydrate metabolism (obesity, diabetes mellitus), hypertension, after gynecological operations, with hereditary predisposition, as a result of STDs - after inflammation of the uterus, with endometritis.

For treatment, combined estrogen / progestogen preparations are used, with severe bleeding - curettage of the endometrium. Be sure to do a biopsy, assess the degree of cellular atypia and growth of glandular tissue. If cancer is suspected, the examination is repeated.

Polyps in the uterus- these are elongated growths of the endometrium, symptoms of polyposis often become brown discharge and postmenstrual bleeding. Discomfort during sexual contact is possible, immediately after its completion - spotting brownish discharge. The reasons for the formation of polyps are an imbalance of estrogens and progestogens, inflammation of the endometrium and cervical canal. Small polyps are discovered by chance; large (more than 2 cm) are manifested by pain in the form of contractions, increased menstrual blood loss. The main complication is infertility; the transition of polyposis to a malignant tumor has not been proven.

Tumors in the uterus in the later stages they are manifested by bleeding, in the early period - by spotting vaginal brown discharge. Tumors of the uterus are divided into benign(polyps, fibromyomas and myomas) and malignant(endometrial cancer and myosarcoma, cervical cancer). Leucorrhoea with pus and scarlet blood, possibly offensive, is characteristic of the decay of the tumor; with cervical cancer appear thick discharge, scanty, streaked with blood. Submucosal fibromatous nodes always give severe bleeding, that is, they clinically proceed malignantly. Cervical cancer quickly metastasizes, spreading to the pelvic lymph nodes, the liver and lungs, and can move to the walls of the vagina.

Video: discharge from women, expert opinion

Brown discharge from the vagina is almost always a symptom of some kind of pathology. Based on their appearance, an examination may be prescribed. Consider several possible causes of this phenomenon in different phases of the menstrual cycle, as well as during pregnancy.

Girls get acquainted with menstruation at the age of 11-16, and brown discharge - what is it, and what is the nature of their appearance? In fact, this is the same blood, but only released in small quantities, mixed with vaginal secretions, which is why the color is not bright. Blood may appear from the uterus (endometrium) or cervix (in violation of the integrity of its mucosa). That is why the doctor first of all conducts a gynecological examination, which assesses the condition of the vaginal mucosa and cervix, and then prescribes an ultrasound, which can examine the condition of the endometrium.

And now about the possible causes of daubing. But, as you know, this is only an assumption. For the diagnosis of one symptomatology will not be enough.

Discharge from the female genital organs is a fairly physiological phenomenon if they are colorless, odorless and impurity. Brown discharge can serve as an unpleasant signal, which can appear at different periods - before and after critical days, during pregnancy, after intercourse, and so on. But also a brownish tint of discharge in women can be the norm. What are the reasons for such phenomena and what to pay attention to?

The discharge can be of different shades: from light brown to dark and saturated. This may indirectly reveal the cause of their occurrence.

Light brown discharge is the result of bacterial vaginosis, an infectious process that is sexually transmitted, microtrauma of the uterine cervix.

Dark brown discharge usually indicates the presence of clotted blood in the discharge. The blood may have a vaginal, cervical or uterine origin.

In what situation can they appear?

Brown discharge in the form of smearing traces can appear in a teenager before the onset of puberty, at the time of the arrival of critical days, at reproductive age and during menopause. All of them have different reasons.

Photos of brown secretions of different consistency and nature are presented below:

Causes of brown discharge

The brown tint of the discharge always indicates the presence of clotted blood in them. The intensity of the color depends on its volume and the consistency of the mucus. Liquid leucorrhoea, as a rule, can be light brown, almost pink. Thick discharge that contains stagnant blood or clots may be dark brown.

The causes of bleeding can be:

  • Physiological processes that are associated with a violation of blood vessels (such include critical days, ovulation, the introduction of a fertilized egg into the endometrium, cleansing the uterus after childbirth);
  • Failures of a hormonal nature in the body, which lead to pathologies of the menstrual cycle;
  • Violation of the epithelial membranes of the genital organs during abortions, gynecological procedures, sexual contact;
  • Age-related changes in the structure of the mucous layer of the vagina;
  • Violation of the surface layer of the uterine cervix and vagina due to inflammation;
  • Processes in the uterus and ovaries, which lead to an incorrect development of their tissues and vessels;
  • Traumatic lesions of the genital organs;
  • Inflammatory process of the bladder.

Discharges of a normal nature

Normally, brown discharge is not abundant, does not have an unpleasant odor and is uniform in structure. Such secretions can appear when using hormonal contraception, with slight damage to the capillaries of the vagina during douching, examination by a doctor, in some cases even after violent sexual contact, as well as at the beginning and end of menstrual days, during ovulation, fixing the fetal egg in the uterus.

Brownish leucorrhoea can also occur after nervous stress, physical fatigue.

Allocations of a pathological nature

They can be plentiful or spotting, given the type of pathological disorder. It has an unpleasant odor, includes dark-colored blood clots or particles of dead tissue, can include pus, foam, lumps. It can often alternate with bright bleeding.

A clear symptom of a violation is the occurrence of spotting on any day of the menstrual cycle, if they are accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, and other menstrual pathologies also appear, infertility is diagnosed.

The violation is evidenced by the occurrence of bloody whites during menopause. A symptom of significant diseases may be the regular occurrence of spotting after intercourse. Brown discharge is considered pathological, which is accompanied by itching and burning in the genitals, frequent urination, and an increase in body temperature.

Diseases and disorders when bloody whites occur

  • Ectopic pregnancy.

This is a dangerous condition when the fetal egg is attached not in the uterine cavity, but outside it (often in the fallopian tube, rarely in the cervix). The reasons for this may be inflammatory processes of the appendages, the formation of adhesions and tumors in the uterine cavity. Violation of tissues in the area of ​​​​attachment of the fetal egg leads to the appearance of smearing dark brown discharge. They are associated with rupture of the membrane of the embryo, its rejection, "tubal abortion". One of the riskiest options is considered to be a rupture of the fallopian tube at 6-8 weeks.

  • Erosion, dysplasia of the uterus.

Diseases are associated with changes in the structure of the epithelium of the pharynx of the uterine neck, which extends into the vagina, ulceration of the surface and violation of small vessels.

  • Colpitis, cervicitis.

Inflammatory process of the vagina and uterine cervix. There is thinning and atrophy of the mucous membranes, the formation of bleeding cracks on them. Pathologies of the microflora lead to the fact that fungi (candidiasis) begin to develop, the penetration of pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases into the genitals improves. Brown discharge has an unpleasant odor, an unusual consistency.

  • endometritis.

Inflammation in the uterus is the reason that instead of the usual critical days, purulent brownish discharge comes. There are pain in the lower abdomen, probably an increase in body temperature. Chronic course causes late infertility.

  • Hyperplasia of the endometrium, endometriosis.

The pathogenic growth of the endometrium leads to various disorders of the menstrual cycle, the appearance of smearing brown discharge after menstruation, as well as in the intervals between cycles.

  • polyps.

Their formation is one of the signs of endometrial hyperplasia. Polyps are rounded outgrowths in the basal layer. They are often found in menopausal women.

  • Cysts on the ovaries.

Symptoms depend on the type and origin of such neoplasms. There may be smearing brown discharge with ichor before and after menstrual days. This increases the duration and total amount of blood loss. There may be blood clots.

  • Tumors of the uterus.

Signs depend on their location and volume. Allocations with an admixture of blood occur when the tumors have become quite large, which complicates the diagnosis of such diseases.

Brown discharge after period

A signal from a woman's body about an emerging violation is considered to be discharge that arose a few days after the critical days. In this option, a woman must definitely consult a doctor to determine the causes of the discharge and, if necessary, select the necessary therapy for the woman.

What does this mean? Such discharges can appear due to the following reasons:

  • Protracted endometritis;
  • endometriosis;
  • Significant mucosal injury;
  • Hyperplasia of the uterus;
  • Sexually transmitted diseases and other infections;
  • polyps;
  • Ectopic pregnancy.

As a rule, in addition to brown discharge, which are dangerous for women's health, a woman may experience other unhealthy symptoms. It can be a pulling and sharp pain in the lower abdomen, in the lower back. In addition, there is a breakdown, mood, unwillingness to have sexual contact, and so on.

The most reasonable decision that can be made in such a situation is to immediately contact a specialist. Perhaps everything will not be so dangerous, but only a normal option, but another outcome is also likely. And in this case, going to the doctor in time can be not only a relief from significant health problems, but also protect your life.

Light brown discharge : if they last more than 3 days and have an unpleasant odor, then this is often considered a symptom of chronic endometritis - an infectious and inflammatory disease of the uterus, which in the majority of situations occurs due to difficult births or abortions.

Copious dark brown discharge : discharge of a similar color can become a symptom of hyperplasia or endometriosis of the uterus. Often, such discharge occurs with submucosal (located directly under the mucosa) endometrioid nodes in the uterine wall. In addition to bleeding, the main symptom of endometriosis is severe pain in the lower abdomen.

Spotting brown discharge can be traced after the end of menstruation, if the woman has reduced blood clotting, weak uterine tone, or if the woman was excessively active in the last days of menstruation. If such discharge occurs within 1-2 days, this does not pose any danger. If they last more than 2 days, they also have unpleasant pains in the lower abdomen, then the causes may be diseases of the genital area.

In some cases, such brownish discharge may appear after examination by a gynecologist or after sexual contact, if there is erosion of the uterine cervix and the mucous membrane is injured. This condition should also be treated by a specialist.

Brown discharge in the middle of the cycle

If brown spotting occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle, then first you need to pay attention to their quantity and nature. The value is the color of the selection:

  1. Dark discharge often occurs when a woman is just starting to use oral contraceptives (there is a sharp change in hormonal levels).
  2. Light brown discharge can occur not only when taking hormonal contraceptives, but also as a result of the appearance of disorders in the female genital organs. In such a situation, traces of oxidized blood from damaged small vessels give a shade to the secretions.
  3. Red-brown discharge occurs due to the formation of microcracks on the vaginal walls with insufficient formation of protective mucus during sexual contact. A similar situation appears, for example, during the first sexual acts, when deflowering. Often a woman is faced with such a symptom at the very beginning of menopause.

Normal brown discharge in the middle of the cycle

It is considered normal when a woman has a faintly colored spotting brown-brown hue right before menstruation or immediately after it. In the middle of the cycle, brown highlights are natural if they are insignificant and do not have any unpleasant odor. The cause can be physiological processes in the body.

  • Ovulation.

With the rupture of the follicle and the release of a mature egg, blood may come out in an insignificant volume, which, after oxidation from the air, acquires a brownish tint. This is done, as a rule, on the 14th day from the onset of menstruation.

  • Attachment of the fetal egg to the uterine wall.

During the introduction of the embryo into the endometrium, insignificant damage to the vessels of the endometrium may occur. Drops of clotted blood can color the secreted mucus. During this period, a woman is able to feel mild pain in the lower abdomen.

  • Miscarriage at short notice.

If, for certain reasons, the embryo detaches from the endometrium, then slight bleeding occurs. It acquires a reddish-brown hue, lasts 1-2 days, and then acquires the usual color of menstruation. At the same time, a woman often does not even know that she was pregnant and had a miscarriage.

  • Puberty.

The first menstrual cycles in teenage girls usually come with deviations, the cycle will be established after about 1.5-2 years. Until hormonal processes are fully regulated, between menstruation, adolescents may experience spotting whites of a brown hue.

  • During menopause.

Menstruation with menopause can also become irregular, as there is a weakening of ovarian function. Between menstrual cycles and instead of them, there is often a scanty discharge of a reddish-brown color.

Pay attention ! It is important in the presence of such a sign not to miss a significant disease (inflammation, tumor formation).

Pathological discharge in the middle of the cycle

Pathological discharges include those that, in addition to a brown tint, also have other unusual symptoms. In this embodiment, breakthrough intermenstrual uterine discharge is considered one of the signs of diseases of the uterus or appendages.

You need to contact a specialist in the following options:

  1. Brown discharge with an unpleasant odor occurs between menstrual cycles, while the woman does not use hormonal contraception.
  2. There are pain sensations in the lower abdomen, lower back. There is dryness in the vagina, irritation, burning, body temperature increases. Sexual intercourse brings pain.
  3. Allocations have an unusual character (last several days, include clots of gore, appear regularly between menstruation, are abundant).

Experts advise, in case of any doubts about the prerequisites for brown discharge that occur between critical days, to immediately carry out a gynecological examination, even if there are no specific symptoms of ailments.

brown discharge before period

The organs that make up the reproductive system are considered among the most vulnerable in the female body. Their functioning can be affected by various conditions that are not related to diseases. Doctors identify some causes of brown discharge before menstruation, which are determined by physiological processes:

  • The end of the formation of the organs of the reproductive system

If the girl’s critical days began not so long ago, and the cycle has not yet stabilized, then experts do not consider premenstrual discharge of a brown hue as a pathology. Allocations are normal for six months to two years from the first menstruation and you should not worry about this. It is worth thinking about the presence of violations in the body of a woman if such discharges are permanent and continue for 7-8 months. In this case, you need to immediately consult a doctor to determine the exact diagnostic conclusion.

  • Introduction of hormonal contraception

Such drugs have an effect on the hormonal background of the whole organism. The presence of characteristic brown mucus a few days before menstruation is a symptom of the presence of the desired effect on the body of contraception. You need to worry if such discharge has been going on for more than 3 months. Such a symptom may indicate the need to select another contraceptive.

  • The use of an intrauterine device

The principle of influence of this method affects not only the likelihood of pregnancy, but also the shade of discharge. After installing the spiral, experts admit the possibility of light brown discharge before critical days for several cycles.

  • Eating disorder

Sharp jumps in body weight, diseases (bulimia, anorexia), regular strength training, which exceed the body's allowable load, can cause fluctuations in the menstrual cycle and the appearance of spotting. You can eliminate this phenomenon with the help of treatment. To do this, you should contact a nutritionist.

  • premenopause

This period characterizes the beginning of the restructuring of the reproductive system. The entire hormonal background is subject to change. Changes in estrogen levels can cause dark brown and black discharge before the expected period. to eliminate such phenomena, a specialist can prescribe a woman to take hormonal drugs.

  • after sex

Insufficient lubrication or excessively active sexual intercourse can lead to injuries to the surface of the vagina, uterine cavity and labia. This phenomenon can cause the discharge of brown clots. They can go away a couple of days after sexual contact and do not need special treatment. In addition, after sex, such a symptom may occur due to the presence of erosion of the uterine cervix.

The main actions that are aimed at establishing the cause of the discharge before menstruation include:

  • Gynecological examination;
  • Taking a smear of the vagina;
  • Ultrasonography;
  • Complete blood count and hormone analysis;
  • Histology;
  • Colposcopy;
  • Biopsy;
  • The study of heredity.

Such a range of procedures is required to better study the root cause of such a phenomenon and select an effective course of therapy.

brown discharge during pregnancy

Brown discharge during pregnancy - spotting and bloody is a violation. Normally, discharge can occur when the embryo is fixed to the uterine wall, when the integrity of the endometrium is violated in the early stages of 1-2 weeks of pregnancy. In addition, spotting may occur during pregnancy in the first trimester on days when menstruation was expected. For any discharge of a brown tint, you need to contact a specialist or call an ambulance.

Causes of brown discharge during pregnancy:

  • Insufficient levels of the hormone progesterone, which causes rejection of the endometrium and poses a risk of miscarriage;
  • Ectopic pregnancy;
  • Placental abruption, previa.

Any discharge of brown shades during pregnancy at a later date carries the risk of miscarriage or premature birth.

About normal secretions

Normal brown discharge cannot be abundant and does not have an unpleasant odor, they are uniform in structure. Such secretions occur when using hormonal contraception, with a slight violation of the integrity of the capillaries during douching, examination on the gynecological chair, in some situations after too active sexual intercourse, as well as at the beginning and end of critical days, during ovulation, fixing the embryo to the uterine wall.

Brown discharge from the vagina can also occur due to nervous stress, physical overwork.


If any brown discharge occurs, you need to contact a specialist. First of all, it is required to exclude pregnancy and the threat of miscarriage.

If there is no pregnancy, then detection and therapy of the cause that caused the appearance of brown discharge is required.