What makes your face and lips numb? Numbness. Numbness of the lower lip

Numbness of the lips leads to a decrease in taste and tactile sensitivity, can be sudden or gradual, but is most often accompanied by other manifestations of a disease. The reason for the decrease in sensitivity is a violation of innervation. Vascular and mechanical infectious factors can lead to it. The main task is to find out why the lips are numb.

Looking for a reason

Conditions manifested by numbness of the lips and tongue:

  1. Migraine with aura. An hour later a headache occurs. The condition is accompanied by numbness of the hands;
  2. Stroke. It is often preceded by intense and prolonged pain. Sensitivity is impaired in one half of the body;
  3. Bell's palsy. Half of the face goes numb;
  4. Hypoglycemia;
  5. Anemia;
  6. Anxiety disorders. Accompanied by dizziness. Characterized by short-term disturbances in the sensitivity of different parts of the body;
  7. Angioedema;
  8. Neoplasms (malignant, benign).

Why does my tongue and both lips go numb?

Diseases accompanied by a similar symptom can be divided into several groups:

  • Pathologies of the nervous system; ailments not related to the nervous system, but indirectly affecting it;
  • Pathologies of the nervous system, in turn, are divided into diseases of the central parts and peripheral nerves. The first include brain tumors (malignant, benign) and its degenerative changes. The second group includes idiopathic neuritis of the facial nerve and inflammatory neuralgia of the trigeminal, facial and other facial nerves;
  • Diseases not related to the nervous system: vascular lesions (stroke, ischemic attack), pathologies of the blood system (anemia due to vitamin B12 deficiency), infectious-allergic conditions (allergic reactions, changes associated with herpes);
  • Mechanical injuries include head/facial injuries and consequences of dental procedures.

To accurately establish the cause, comprehensive diagnostics are performed: vascular Dopplerography, general blood test, MRI, CT and other procedures. Treatment directly depends on the identified disease.

Why does only the lower lip and chin go numb?

The above pathological conditions can provoke this phenomenon, but most often this happens after dental procedures, especially with wisdom teeth. Often tooth extraction, especially in a horizontal position, is long and difficult and requires anesthesia.

It is because of the anesthesia that the lower or upper lip, as well as the chin, become numb. And, it is worth noting that its consequences can bother a person for up to six months, although they do not pose a danger and do not require specific treatment.

Why do lips, tongue and hands go numb?

When the sensitivity of the tongue is lost, a stroke and other episodes of ischemia can be suspected, so you need to pay attention to the presence of other symptoms: numbness, paralysis of one half of the face, speech is absent or slurred, movement of one arm and leg is difficult, coordination is impaired, consciousness may be depressed. You should immediately seek medical help.

Doctors may use surgical treatments to restore speech and muscle function. Conservative therapy comes down to monitoring glucose levels, nutrition, fluid intake, maintaining normal blood pressure, taking sedatives, and preventing thrombosis.

When the tongue or other parts of the body go numb, and this phenomenon is accompanied by causeless anxiety, lack of air, this is a sign of a mental disorder. In the absence of organic pathology, a diagnosis of VSD is made - vegetative-vascular dystonia. In this case, we are talking about a set of symptoms associated with mental disorders.

VSD often accompanies anxiety and depression. Treatment should be carried out by a psychotherapist. Mental disorders of this kind are accompanied by increased heart rate, tremors, profuse sweating, periodic redness of the face, tingling and numbness of the extremities, discomfort in a certain organ (without the presence of pathology in it), and high concern for one’s condition. If diseases are excluded, antidepressants and work with a psychologist are prescribed.

Why does only the face and lips go numb?

Sometimes doctors cannot determine the cause of numbness in the lower lip and tongue. Patients suffer from partial or complete paralysis of half the face. Often this pathology is preceded by acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, colds, and herpes. In this case we are talking about Bell's palsy. Recovery can occur on its own, without consequences for the nerve endings.

If treatment is necessary, it is carried out in a hospital with corticosteroid hormones and antiviral drugs for 1-2 weeks. It is necessary to perform special gymnastics for the face. Recovery may take a whole year. Relapses are quite rare, but if they occur, it is necessary to examine the brain for space-occupying lesions.

A migraine attack with aura begins with changes in vision, hearing, smell and skin sensitivity. For example, patients complain of lines or flashes before the eyes, foreign odors, tingling, and numbness on one side of the face.

The aura occurs about an hour before the onset of a migraine and disappears after the condition normalizes. Treatment involves the use of triptans, and prevention involves avoiding migraine-provoking foods.

In diabetes mellitus, the upper lip often becomes numb, but only if insulin intake is impaired. The reason lies in a decrease in blood glucose levels.

Symptoms of hypoglycemia also include:

  1. Weakness;
  2. Attack of hunger;
  3. Hand trembling;
  4. Cold clammy sweat;
  5. Numbness.

You can stop an attack with products that increase glucose levels (sugar, caramel, fruit juices, honey).

What to do if you have numbness caused by allergies?

For example, a disease such as urticaria can affect the deep layers of the skin. Then, in addition to reddish raised rashes, other symptoms occur: partial or complete loss of sensitivity, tingling and other unpleasant symptoms.

In this case we are talking about Quincke's edema or angioedema. Typically, the extremities, ears, genitals and lips become swollen. Laryngeal swelling is a very dangerous condition because it can lead to suffocation.

The cause of angioedema is autoimmune. The allergen becomes the provoking factor. Often it is not possible to determine the cause of the allergic reaction. For diagnostic purposes, the body's reaction to 5 main components is examined: food and medicine; pollen and dust; infections; chronic pathologies, including autoimmune ones; insect bites and medications for parenteral administration.

After establishing the cause, treatment is prescribed, which consists of taking anti-inflammatory, hormonal, diuretic and antihistamines. Angioedema may disappear without drug therapy after a few days. As a rule, the disease recurs for 2-3 years, but then completely disappears. People who have experienced angioedema at least once in their lives should have antihistamines, corticosteroids, and epinephrine with them to stop the attack.

Decreased sensitivity or numbness of tongue and lips indicate problems that develop in the body. A person immediately notices if their lips lose sensitivity or their tongue becomes numb.

What this means, and what specific diseases may be manifested by a decrease in taste and tactile sensitivity, is best to find out from a doctor. But there are still certain features of this symptom. Thus, the tongue or lips may become numb gradually or almost instantly. Almost always, this symptom is accompanied by other signs of the disease, which makes it possible to facilitate diagnosis.

Sensitivity decreases due to impaired innervation of the lips and tongue. Speaking about whether numbness of the tongue is a sign of what and what diseases it may indicate, a number of factors should be noted: infectious, vascular, mechanical, etc. However, it is important to find out exactly what disease is causing the tongue and lips to numb. The features of this symptom and the diseases in which it manifests itself will be discussed below.

Conditions that cause numbness of the lips and tongue

Headache Sensory disorders Features of the blood test Additional examinations
Migraine Appears an hour after numbness My hands are going numb No changes Taking triptans, monitoring results
Bell's palsy Doesn't appear Half of the face loses sensitivity In rare cases, markers of inflammation are present Perform MRI, CT
Stroke Long-lasting, intense, appears before numbness Most often, sensitivity is impaired in one half of the body The parameters of the coagulation system change. Possible increase in quantity Perform MRI, CT
Hypoglycemia Doesn't appear Diabetic polyneuropathy Blood glucose levels drop to 3 mmol/l or less MRI, CT to rule out insulinoma
Anemia (B12 deficiency) Doesn't appear Peripheral polyneuropathy The content of red blood cells decreases, in some cases leukopenia and thrombopenia A bone marrow puncture is performed
Anxiety disorders Doesn't show up, bothers me Possible short-term disturbances in the sensitivity of parts of the body associated with the stress experienced No changes A consultation with a psychotherapist is scheduled, tests are carried out to determine anxiety and
Angioedema Does not appear if the swelling is extensive, discomfort in the head area is possible Loss of sensitivity in the area of ​​edema Inflammatory markers may appear If allergic edema develops, tests are performed with allergens; if it is hereditary, an examination for defects in the complement system is performed.
Formations benign and malignant Pain at the site of the tumor or diffuse pain if the meningeal membrane is involved in the process. It is poorly controlled with analgesics. Not with all formations, sometimes If the process is malignant, all blood counts decrease; if it is benign, there are no changes. CT, MRI of neck, head, brain

Causes of numbness of lips and tongue

Why your tongue tingles, why your lips go numb - the reasons for this can be determined by a doctor after a comprehensive examination. A blood test, MRI, and CT Dopplerography of blood vessels will help to specifically determine why the lower lip is numb and the reasons for the numbness of the tongue. The treatment regimen depends on the underlying disease.

All diseases in which the tongue goes numb, numbness of the lower lip and chin manifests itself, are divided into several groups.

Nervous system diseases

Diseases of the central departments

Often the patient notes that the lip or tongue is numb if formations, both benign and malignant, appear in the brain structures. These symptoms also appear when degenerative changes in the brain .

Peripheral nerve diseases

The answer to the question why the upper lip goes numb may be idiopathic neuritis of the facial nerve . Also, the causes of numbness of the upper and lower lips may be associated with the facial, trigeminal and other nerves of the face.

Diseases that are not related to the nervous system, but affect it

Swelling and numbness are possible with vascular pathologies leading to acute disruption of blood flow (transient ischemic attack, stroke ). This symptom also manifests itself in diseases of the circulatory system, in particular anemia associated with deficiency.

If the lower or upper lip is swollen or the tongue is numb, this may be associated with infectious-allergic processes - allergic manifestations, simplex virus.

Mechanical damage

When the upper lip becomes numb or twitches, or the tongue curls, this may be a consequence of head or facial injuries. This is also possible after recent dental surgery.

Those who are interested in why the tongue goes numb can also find the reasons for this phenomenon in the recent performance of any dental manipulations with “wisdom teeth”. Surgical removal of the eighth teeth, especially if they have assumed a horizontal position, is difficult, using.

The causes of tongue numbness may be associated with local anesthesia. Sensitivity on one side disappears for a while. If the palate becomes numb, the reasons may also be related to dental procedures. This manifestation is not dangerous, but can be repeated for up to six months, causing a person to feel discomfort. In this case, treatment is not required. However, a person must clearly know why the tongue becomes numb and that this is due specifically to dental procedures, so as not to miss the development of serious diseases.

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels

One of the most serious reasons why the tongue and lips go numb is associated with the so-called “vascular accident”. - a disease that occupies a leading place in terms of mortality. Therefore, it is very important to know the symptoms of this terrible disease, including numbness of the lips and tongue. The causes of this disease can be different. The signs are as follows:

  • Paralysis and numbness of the right or left side of the face, while one eye may be closed and the corner of the mouth droops.
  • Numbness on the left side of the body or on the right side.
  • Speech is absent or slurred.
  • A person cannot move his leg and arm on one side, or it is very difficult for him to do so.
  • Coordination is impaired.
  • Possible manifestation of depression of consciousness.

It is necessary to provide assistance to a person with such symptoms very quickly: it is important that this is done within 6 hours from the onset of the attack. If adequate assistance is provided on time, there is a high probability of restoration of speech and muscle function.

Conservative therapy is practiced in rehabilitation centers where recovery after a stroke is carried out. The following actions are also important for recovery:

  • Maintain within normal limits (no more than 140/90).
  • Control of fluid intake - its amount per day should be 1.5-2 liters.
  • ACE inhibitors are considered the drug of choice.
  • Balanced diet.
  • Monitoring glucose levels, since when its level is more than 11-12 mmol/l, rehabilitation becomes more complicated.
  • Preventive measures to prevent blood clots.
  • Sedative treatment to ensure psycho-emotional comfort.

To the question of whether blue lips are a sign of what disease, the answer may also be problems with the heart and blood vessels.

Migraine with aura

People who suffer migraine , often before an attack they feel changes in their sense of smell, vision, and hearing. Sometimes these are only short flashes - the appearance of lines before the eyes, numbness, tingling of the face. The aura appears one hour before the attack and disappears completely after the condition has returned to normal.

Triptans are used to treat migraines, but the form of the drug and its dosage must be selected by a doctor. Those who often have migraines should reconsider their diet and avoid those foods that can trigger headache attacks. This includes cheese, chocolate, wine, canned food, etc. It is also important to prevent stressful situations as much as possible.

Idiopathic facial neuropathy (Bell's palsy)

In rare cases (approximately 1-2%), after a medical examination it is not possible to determine the causes of numbness of the lips. Often in this case, people complain of complete paralysis of the face or that half of the face is numb. The doctor will tell you what to do in this case. Often idiopathic neuropathy develops as a consequence of colds, flu, and sometimes the herpes simplex virus.

In most cases, patients with Bell's palsy recover without additional treatment, and there are no consequences for facial nerves.

If necessary, treatment with corticosteroid hormones is carried out in a hospital setting, which are combined with antiviral therapy for 1-2 weeks.

It is also advisable to practice gymnastic exercises for the facial muscles. Recovery can take a long time, up to one year.

Relapses of the disease are rare. But if they occur, it is necessary to additionally examine the brain in order to identify or exclude formations.


Angioedema is autoimmune in nature; this process is triggered when the body is exposed to an allergen. It is often difficult to determine which substance caused such a reaction. Therefore, a study is conducted of the patient’s body’s response to five different components:

  • food and medicines;
  • plant pollen, dust;
  • insect bites and parenterally administered drugs;
  • chronic diseases;
  • infections.

If Quincke's edema has been confirmed. what to do is determined by the doctor. He prescribes hormonal, antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, and diuretics.

If the disease is not treated, its symptoms last for several days, after which they disappear along with discomfort. Every person who has been diagnosed with angioedema at least once should always have free access to antihistamines, corticosteroids and to, if necessary, stop the spread of edema to the larynx.

If a person's nose becomes numb, it may be due to an allergy to cold. True, the reasons why the tip of the nose goes numb may be associated with more serious problems. If the nose goes numb at the same time as the back of the head, this may indicate stroke .

Other diseases

The answer to the question of why the face or tongue goes numb may be other diseases. The tongue and lips sometimes become numb due to mechanical compression by the neoplasm. A tumor can develop in the brain, and then damage occurs to the nerve centers that determine the sensitivity of a certain part of the body. Therefore, if the face becomes numb, the reasons must be found out, and oncological alertness must take place. Although facial numbness with VSD occurs quite often, it is still important to exclude more serious causes.

When determining the causes of facial numbness, the doctor must necessarily exclude neoplasms of the neck and head. Therefore, you should not think long about what to do if you constantly feel numbness on the right side of your face or the left side loses sensitivity. It is important to get tested as soon as possible.

You should be alert and consult a doctor in time if your head becomes numb. The reasons for this may also be related to the tumor. Therefore, numbness in the head, which occurs regularly, is a reason to visit a doctor.

More rare reasons due to which the tongue, upper and lower jaw and even teeth go numb are Lyme disease , oropharyngeal neoplasms , preeclampsia , as well as other diseases.

Only a specialist in a medical institution can carry out differential diagnosis. Therefore, it is important to determine the causes of numbness in the cheeks, lips, and tongue as soon as possible.

Numb lips are a sign that negative processes are occurring in the body that require immediate treatment. It is better to immediately find out about the causes of numbness of the lips in order to decide on methods of treatment or prevention.

This symptom is not as harmless as it might seem at first glance. Numb lips are sometimes caused by:

  • Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.
  • Head or face injury.
  • Vitamin B deficiency.
  • Pathological process inside the oral cavity.
  • Severe changes in blood pressure.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Neuritis of the facial nerve.

This is just a basic list of pathologies that are accompanied by numbness of the lips. They can be installed only after a comprehensive examination in a hospital, during an examination by a doctor.

Symptoms of manifestation

Each ailment has a corresponding symptomatology, thanks to which it is possible to identify the pathology. Symptoms may appear brightly or not be felt for a long time.

This pathological process can occur due to compression of the spinal cord due to displacement of the vertebrae or prolonged overexertion. Characterized by frequent headaches, lumbago or a crunching sound when turning the head. Often, numbness occurs not only in the lips, but also in other areas of the face. The level of hearing and vision decreases. Requires long-term treatment, which is selected depending on the degree of development of the disease. If the case is severe, surgical treatment will be required.

  • Facial neuritis

With neuritis of the facial nerve (Bell's palsy), a person experiences a feeling of discomfort in the lips, which begins with tingling. The upper lip begins to go numb, after which it gradually “grows” to the lower part of the face, affecting the tongue or only its tip, lower lip, and chin. In some cases, such a manifestation can cover half of the facial area. In addition, with neuritis, there is increased salivation, facial muscle tone, and squint. If, after the onset of discomfort, signs of numbness appear behind the ear, it is recommended to seek help from a doctor. The disease can develop in conjunction with infectious pathological processes or, on the contrary, be an independent disease.

  • Multiple sclerosis

Numbness of the lip and chin can be considered one of the first signs of the development of multiple sclerosis. Only after a certain period of time does the disease manifest itself as unsteady gait, difficulties in motor activity, and deterioration in vision function.

  • Manifestations of migraine

Migraine is an ailment that causes pain on one side of the head or throughout the entire skull. More often, migraines manifest as persistent painful sensations that can occur in episodes or on a regular basis. There are two types of pathology: migraine without aura and with it. For headaches with aura, additional symptoms include numbness of the lips to obvious signs of the onset of a migraine. The patient may experience a sensation of “dots”, a foggy veil before the eyes, “stars” even with open eyes, and sometimes the ability to speak normally is impaired. Speech becomes slurred due to numbness.

  • Diabetes mellitus and hypoglycemia

Diabetes is a disease that is associated with the endocrine gland. The pathology is manifested by a regular decrease in the sensitivity of areas of the skin. The following symptoms are characteristic of diabetes:

  • Numbness of the lower lip (less commonly the upper or all lips).
  • Appearance of thirst.
  • Increased urge to urinate.
  • Impaired vision and hearing.
  • Development of frequent headaches.
  • The appearance of itching of the mucous membranes or skin.

Diabetes mellitus often causes inflammation of the skin, which is difficult to treat. One of the serious complications is hypoglycemia, which develops with high insulin levels, that is, with an overdose. A person's headaches and hunger increase. The patient becomes irritable and aggressive. In addition, tremor of the limbs develops, the pupils dilate, memory deteriorates, and loss of consciousness occurs. In rare cases, a person falls into a coma with possible swelling of the brain.

  • Allergy

Each person's allergic reaction manifests itself individually. For some patients, allergies may manifest as numbness in the lips. This phenomenon occurs during the development of urticaria. This is due to the fact that urticaria affects the outer layers of the skin and layers that are deeper than the outer ones.

With edema (angioneurotic or Quincke's), swelling of the limbs, lips, and sometimes the larynx develops. In the latter case, the patient is at risk of death due to suffocation if help is not provided in time.

When this disease appears, you can observe not only numbness of the facial area, but also itching, burning attacks, and tingling. In some cases, body temperature rises.

  • Vitamin B deficiency

This phenomenon is considered by many to be harmless to the body, although the B vitamin group is necessary for normal human life. But with prolonged vitamin deficiency, serious pathological conditions develop. A lack of vitamins in this group causes numbness in the upper lip (sometimes lower lip), limbs, convulsive contractions in the muscles, and hair loss.

It is important to remember that vitamin deficiency is a serious reason to seek help from a doctor. It is not recommended to treat such conditions on your own.

  • Hypertension and hypotension

Severe changes in blood pressure lead to serious consequences. Therefore, the ability to distinguish them from other ailments in time can save a person’s life. A low or high level is characterized by numbness of the tongue, lips, chin, persistent pain in the head, shortness of breath, and tinnitus. Consciousness is less likely to be impaired.

  • Pathologies of the oral cavity

There are a number of diseases that develop inside the oral cavity. Paresthesia may be the most common sign of the development of diseases. Among such diseases are: stomatitis, gingivitis, dental diseases. In some cases, numbness is caused by damage to the oral mucosa.

The overwhelming majority of people suffering from this pathology are the female half of humanity. This disease is characterized by an attack of numbness of the tongue, and there is a feeling of numbness in some areas of the face. The reasons for the development of this pathology are considered to be emotional disturbances, intestinal problems, impaired blood circulation in the capillaries, and injury to the oral mucosa.

  • Numb chin

Numbness of the tongue, chin and lips often indicate the development of serious diseases. Numb chin syndrome can be a sign of neoplasms, tumors and similar ailments that are localized close to the lips. Such diseases are difficult to identify in the early stages, since their symptoms may be similar to other pathological processes.


The occurrence of the above pathologies can be avoided by following the rules of prevention. You should undergo an annual examination and, if necessary, consult a dentist, since many diseases are caused by diseases of the gums and teeth. If problems are detected, it is not recommended to let them take their course, as this can lead to the development of various serious pathologies. In addition, it is recommended to eat fruits, lead a healthy lifestyle and avoid negative factors that may affect the development of the disease.

Sometimes numbness of the tongue and lips can be a short-term phenomenon that goes away very quickly and does not cause any problems. But still, in some cases, this condition may indicate the presence of serious disorders in the body. The reasons for this condition can be very diverse.

How does tongue numbness occur?

Numbness of the tongue (paresthesia) manifests itself in different ways. Sometimes there is a slight and unnoticeable tingling sensation, which does not cause virtually any discomfort. In some cases, a strong tingling sensation occurs, “goosebumps”, and a symptom such as loss of sensitivity progresses. It often happens that in parallel with numbness of the tongue, numbness of the lips also occurs.

In any case, it will not be possible to find out the reasons for the occurrence of such a condition on your own. Only with a thorough examination by specialists can the source of this pathology be detected and proper treatment received.

Causes of paresthesia

The main reasons causing numbness of the tongue:

  • This condition can be caused by various problems related to the spine This often concerns the cervical spine. In addition, cervical osteochondrosis may be indicated by frequent discomfort in the neck, numbness of the fingers, and decreased vision. It is also necessary to trace in what position the numbness occurs, as this can help to find out the exact causes of the disease.
  • Thyroid dysfunction often provoke a similar symptom. To find out, you need to undergo examination by an endocrinologist.
  • Often excessive taking antibiotics causes numbness of the tongue
  • A disease such as diabetes mellitus leads to dryness of the oral mucosa and becomes the reason for the development of such a pathological condition. Patients often observe, in addition to impaired sensitivity of the tongue, numbness of the lips, especially the upper ones. The reasons for this are low blood glucose levels or improper use of insulin.
  • Vascular diseases,stroke and heart attack may also affect the development of paresthesia of the tongue. Therefore, do not forget that numbness can be associated with serious illnesses
  • When removing or treating teeth, the dentist may touch a nerve, which sometimes impairs the sensitivity of the tongue. In this case, there is no need to worry, these symptoms pass quickly
  • Severe stress and regular worries often become the reason for the development of the above phenomenon
  • Vitamin B 12 deficiency causes various disorders and disruptions in the body, including numbness of the tongue
  • In addition to the listed factors, affect the numbness of the tongue and lips maybe toothpaste, which contains low-quality substances or chewing gum. In this case, you must stop using toothpaste and chewing gum.

Numbness of the tip of the tongue and lips

Numbness often affects the tip of the tongue and lips, causing discomfort; the reasons for this are:

  • Side effect from certain medications in particular, from antibiotics. By damaging nerve endings, they can cause numbness of the entire tongue, as well as its tip and lips.
  • Some oral diseases and speeches. Often such a disease is glossalgia. It often occurs in women after 40 years of age, causing problems with the digestive system, endocrine disorders, etc.
  • Age characteristics. For the most part, this applies to women during menopause. This period in the fairer sex is associated with various disruptions and changes in the body, the mucous membrane is disrupted and this often affects the sensitivity of the tip of the tongue, and sometimes the lips.
  • Various allergic reactions. It is known to be characterized by swelling, sensory disturbances, difficulty breathing, and numbness of the lips and tongue is often observed.
  • Often numbness of the lips is associated with various mental disorders. At the same time, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, redness of the face, and a feeling of anxiety develop.
  • Severe numbness of the lips can also lead to high blood pressure, Loss of sensation in the lower extremities may also occur. In this case, you need to take medications that lower blood pressure or, in more complex cases, call a medical team.
  • Side effects during pregnancy associated with increased blood pressure and swelling.
  • Poisoning, alcohol and tobacco abuse, radiation.

In addition, numbness of the tip of the tongue and lips can also be observed in certain diseases:

  • Stroke
  • Diabetes
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Neuritis
  • Syphilis
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Brain tumors
  • Malignant tumors of the spinal cord
  • Bell's palsy
  • Certain types of migraine.

In addition to the listed diseases, this phenomenon is diagnosed with tumors of the nasopharynx, multiple sclerosis, herpes zoster on the face, with some viral infections, etc.

Diagnosis of these pathologies is possible only in medical centers; in no case can such diseases be treated independently.

Particular attention should be paid to vascular problems, since they are becoming the leading cause of death in the world. In addition to impaired coordination and speech, a patient with a stroke attack is almost always diagnosed with numbness of the lips and tongue, and sometimes paralysis of one part of the face. If the listed signs are observed, you should immediately call an ambulance. Before her arrival, place the patient on a high pillow, provide access to air, and do not use any medications yourself.


If numbness of the lips and tongue is observed with cervical osteochondrosis, it is treated with medications, and also includes massage and physical therapy. Regarding this condition with neuritis, the therapeutic course includes: glucocorticoids, vasodilators, vitamins. When such a phenomenon is observed in viral diseases, treatment of the underlying pathology is mandatory.

Multiple sclerosis, which causes numbness of the lips and tongue, is treated with hormone therapy, immunomodulators, and some other drugs. This therapy allows you to cope with this disease and remove numbness.

Allergies can also cause the above condition. In this case, the allergen is determined; for the most part, food products and some medications can cause an allergic reaction. In parallel with this, antihistamines are prescribed.

It must be remembered that almost always numbness of the lips and tongue appears against the background of some ailment, so it is necessary to initially treat the underlying disease.

Numbness of the tongue and lips at first glance seems like a minor problem. But, having found out why this can happen, and if it concerns certain diseases, you should seek medical help, where they will help make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

Numbness of the lips is a rare phenomenon that occurs in people for one reason or another. However, few people pay attention when their upper lip goes numb.

Some people believe that there is nothing wrong with this and that it will go away on its own over time. Some people themselves begin to treat numbness of the lips. However, few people know that this symptom can be a sign of many diseases.

Cervical osteochondrosis is a common cause of numbness of the upper lip. With this disease, a person’s lip goes numb because the nerves that are responsible for the innervation of the lips are compressed. If a person knows that he has cervical osteochondrosis and this disease has progressed to the point where his lips have become numb, he should immediately consult a doctor. Further delay could result in very unpleasant consequences.

The second common cause of numbness of the upper lip is neuritis of the facial nerve. This diagnosis is observed quite often. If you do not seek help in a timely manner, the disease can develop into facial paralysis.

The third reason is an increase or decrease in pressure. In this case, the symptom of numbness of the lips can be associated with several other symptoms at the same time. This may include pain in the head, dilated pupils, and dizziness in the head. With all these symptoms, you should under no circumstances hesitate.

Many people wonder why upper lip goes numb for allergies. Yes, this phenomenon happens very, very often. This especially happens with an allergic reaction to medications such as inhibitors. They somewhat change the function of the nerves that innervate the human lips.

And finally, dental diseases can also lead to numbness of the lips. It’s just that it’s very, very difficult to understand that the cause of numbness was a really diseased tooth.

Numbness of the upper lip cannot occur on its own. That is why it is still worth consulting a doctor with such a symptom. In most cases, the cause of the alarm is false, but the doctor will reassure you and answer the question of why this condition happened.

It is almost impossible to independently determine why the lip goes numb, because, as mentioned above, there are a great many reasons for this.

That is why there is no medicine that can cure this disease. And it can be cured only when the underlying disease - the cause - is cured. Therefore, you should not assume that numbness of the lips is a pure accident that will go away on its own. It won't work. In addition, often numbness of the lips is the only symptom of a particular disease, which a person may simply not be aware of.