Increased discharge before menstruation. Signs of the appearance of pathological discharge. If your discharge is pink before your period

Vaginal discharge is a completely natural phenomenon, familiar to every woman - of course, if it is not the impact of diseases and stressful situations. During certain periods of life, secretion can intensify; a change in its color and consistency may indicate pregnancy or approaching menstruation. You don’t always need to panic, but when the secretion is accompanied by discomfort in the form of itching, soreness, and unpleasant odor, a visit to the doctor becomes a necessity. In order for a woman to feel more confident, she should understand the reasons under the influence of which various changes occur during menstruation, before and after it.

What does discharge look like before menstruation?

Before talking about pathologies, let's consider normal discharge in women, and what natural changes should be under various conditions. Often women have a question about whether the discharge before menstruation is similar to mucus. Such a secret is not a pathology; in this way the body protects itself from bacteria that can penetrate the genitourinary system. Typically vaginal secretions:

  • white or with a yellow tint, somewhat cloudy;
  • the consistency of the discharged leucorrhoea can be viscous or liquid;
  • despite possible changes in volume, the amount of secretion should not be more than a teaspoon;
  • discharge is too abundant before the menstrual cycle, during sexual arousal or after intercourse with a partner;
  • The smell is also normally absent or there is a slight sour tint.

In many ways, the properties of vaginal secretion depend on the woman’s age category and hormonal background - for example, the abundance of discharge before menstruation increases, which can be understood by the moist labia. The secretion can also change under the influence of oral contraceptives taken, which also cannot be considered a pathology. For girls, before their first menstruation in their lives, the secretion also appears for the first time, but it is not too abundant, it can be thicker or thinner.

When pregnancy occurs, a secretion that has already changed is released - if during ovulation it is a mucous mass that is transparent, then about a week before the expected menstruation, bloody impurities appear in it. Such a daub can be mistaken by a woman for regulation, but then the fertilized egg is removed into the uterine cavity, and the secretion stops. However, brown secretion a few days before full regulation is a normal indicator for almost every woman. The same phenomenon is often observed two days after menstruation has ended. The spot can be not only brown, but also pink, scarlet or dark red, to black, and such shades are not pathological.

Conclusion. We can say that vaginal secretion at various periods of a woman’s life is considered normal if it is not accompanied by unpleasant or painful sensations and stench.

Why do leucorrhoea appear before menstruation?

Discharge in the form of leucorrhoea, which cannot be mistaken for ordinary spotting, is considered pathological. These can be in the form of bloody clots, mucus or foam. Their appearance is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and swelling of the mammary glands. Additional symptoms are an unusual color combined with an unpleasant odor; the consistency of the secretion may also change. Let's look at why pathological vaginal discharge appears before the regula:

  • Infectious and inflammatory processes occurring in the genitourinary system or kidneys.
  • Hormonal imbalance, prolonged uncontrolled use of oral contraceptives.
  • Impaired functionality of the endocrine system.
  • The presence of gynecological problems - for example, cervical dysplasia, the development of endometriosis or the formation of endometrial hyperplasia can change the nature of the discharge.
  • Oncological processes and already emerging malignant neoplasms.

Causes may include diabetes mellitus, the development of which will result in profuse discharge of thick leucorrhoea, impaired acidity in the uterine cavity, and a weakened immune system.

Hormonal imbalance can be caused not only by taking birth control pills, but also by installing an IUD. In this case, until the body gets used to the foreign body, a very dark, almost black smear will be observed for approximately three months, which is not considered a pathology. However, if such a secretion appears for four months, you should be concerned and consult a specialist - inflammation, pathology of the reproductive system, or changes in the vaginal microflora may develop.

Leucorrhoea in various diseases

Let's consider what kind of discharge before and outside menstruation, when certain pathologies develop in the genitourinary system, while simultaneously assessing other symptoms:

Name of the disease How does leucorrhoea change? Associated symptoms
Cervicitis, which forms during inflammatory processes in the mucous layer of the uterine cervix. Copious discharge of a watery nature with an unpleasant odor. Their color may not change, but the secretion contains pus. In the active phase, yellow-green or green discharge is often observed. Pulling pain in the lower abdomen, discomfort during sexual intercourse, dysuria, ulcerative lesions on the cervix and its vaginal part.
Vaginitis, provoked by inflammatory processes in the mucous layers of the genitourinary system. Due to the increase in the number of leukocytes, discharge before and after menstruation is characterized by abundance, liquid consistency and a yellowish tint. A burning sensation that occurs in the labia area, pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the sacral area.
Endometritis, which occurs when there is inflammation of the upper layers. A few days before menstruation, the discharge of cloudy leucorrhoea with a disgusting odor increases. If the inflammation spreads to the fallopian tubes, greenish leucorrhoea is observed. During urination, a pain or burning sensation occurs. Colic appears in the lower abdomen and body temperature rises.
Bacterial vaginosis. Accompanied by yellow leucorrhoea with the smell of rotten fish. A burning sensation in the vaginal area that increases during sexual intercourse.
Urogenital candidiasis caused by the fungus Candida. Strong white curdled discharge before and after menstruation. Curd leucorrhoea may acquire a yellowish tint, but is always accompanied by an unpleasant sour odor. Irritation occurs in the genital area and noticeable itching occurs.
Erosion of the uterine cervix accompanied by inflammatory processes in the mucous layer. The appearance of white discharge before menstruation may be a sign of this pathology. If the mucus takes on a scarlet hue, damaged tubules of the uterine cervix may be suspected. In 90% of cases, there are no symptoms; a woman can find out about erosion only during a routine examination or during examination in connection with other diseases.
Trichomonas colpitis. Green, foamy leucorrhoea with a repulsive odor appears, and there may be some pus in it. A feeling of dryness appears in the vagina, itching develops, and a burning sensation occurs.

The appearance of bloody secretion before the onset of menstruation

Scarlet secretion before menstruation can be caused by various pathological factors, and at the same time, its appearance 2 days before full periods can be a natural phenomenon. For example, when installing an intrauterine device, scanty bloody discharge does not indicate a problem if its volume does not exceed approximately two milliliters. Surgical interventions can cause dark scarlet spotting leucorrhoea before the onset of menstruation, but this phenomenon can be observed for one or two cycles, after which the condition should return to normal. If this does not happen, you need to contact the clinic.

The scarlet substance, after which menstruation begins on the second or third day, can be a consequence of constant stressful situations and emotional overload.

Fact. It has been proven that the intense rhythm of life with constant psychological fluctuations has a negative impact on the body, as a result, the functions of the reproductive system are temporarily suspended so that more energy is devoted to protection under stressful conditions. The result is a bloody secretion before menstruation.

Another reason why there may be discharge before menstruation is a woman’s weight, or rather, its sharp fluctuations. In an effort to gain the shape of a fashion model and get rid of extra pounds, many representatives of the fairer sex so zealously go on diets and deprive themselves of food that the hormonal balance is inevitably disturbed. As a result, 2-3 days before menstruation a bloody spot appears.

But it is much more dangerous when the onset of bleeding a week before menstruation, or on any other day, is provoked by various pathologies or factors that should be treated with increased attention:

  • An ectopic pregnancy is accompanied not only by a suspicious secretion, but also by increasing pain. At the same time, the appearance of bloody discharge before menstruation may be the norm - the attachment of the fertilized egg to the uterine wall manifests itself in a similar way. In this case, implantation can damage small blood vessels, hence the phenomenon in question. However, implantation is not accompanied by pain, and if discomfort in the lower abdomen appears along with spotting, it may be a spontaneous abortion.
  • Most often, the cause of bloody leucorrhoea lies in endometriosis, when the uterine walls grow beyond the organ, which can result in infertility. Then the discharge at the end of the cycle and before menstruation becomes dark brown and sometimes black, the amount of menstrual blood is increased, and this symptom is accompanied by abdominal pain.
  • With endometritis, the rejection of the endometrium occurs incorrectly; as a result, brown leucorrhoea occurs before, after and between cycles; the same manifestations can be observed after intercourse.
  • Very dark, almost black leucorrhoea up to regulation is often provoked by diseases transmitted through unprotected sex - chlamydia, gonorrhea and genital warts.
  • Brown leucorrhoea mixed with blood immediately before regula without other negative symptoms often indicates uterine fibroids.
  • Could bloody vaginal leucorrhoea that occurs on any day of the cycle indicate more serious problems? Yes, malignant neoplasms manifest themselves in this way.

There are signs that clearly indicate the presence of the disease and the need to go to the gynecological office. This may be vaginal mucus with a stench, bloody, brownish or black smear with painful sensations in the lumbar region and abdomen, accompanied by a suspicious secretion and elevated body temperature. Also, a visit to the doctor is necessary when bloody leucorrhoea occurs regardless of the day of the cycle and lasts longer than 48 hours.

The appearance of leucorrhoea when menstruation is delayed

We looked at what kind of discharge there should be before normal periods, and got acquainted with the leucorrhoea that precedes menstruation in pathological conditions. However, a situation may arise when there is no discharge at all before menstruation, or menstrual bleeding itself is not observed, although the test shows the absence of pregnancy. Reasons may include:

  • Changed hormonal levels under the influence of gynecological diseases, endocrine disorders, neuropsychic pathologies. The vaginal secretion is watery, very dark and with the addition of mucus. However, when it comes to pathologies of the reproductive organs, the usual is the absence of discharge, which is observed with adnexitis, uterine hypoplasia, polycystic ovary syndrome or oligomenorrhea. The problem may lie in problems with ovulation or impaired functionality of the adrenal cortex, in which there is also no discharge.
  • If there is no vaginal secretion before menstruation, this is considered an abnormality, which can be caused by severe stress, menopause, breastfeeding, too careful hygiene and douching, an allergic reaction to pads, taking contraceptives with only progesterone and the use of antihistamines.
  • Heavy white discharge before menstruation that does not occur exactly on time is often caused by thrush or bacterial vaginosis. In this case, leucorrhoea is accompanied by a disgusting odor, itching, pain on tactile contact, and burning.
  • Light, thick discharge with a cheesy structure may indicate dysbiosis due to diabetes mellitus or hypothyroidism. After getting rid of the original source, the problem will go away on its own.
  • Short-term problems with the cycle and creamy discharge are possible against the background of flu or a severe cold.

In addition, mucus can replace menstrual blood after childbirth, since during this period the body of a nursing woman produces an increased amount of prolactin and the hormonal balance is disturbed.

How external factors affect the production of vaginal secretions

Cycle disturbances can be caused not only by pathological conditions, but also by numerous external factors. Even moving from place to place can provoke acclimatization, against the background of which white creamy discharge is observed instead of regulation. However, this phenomenon is not permanent; the return of familiar conditions or addiction leads to self-elimination of the condition. In addition, failures may occur in the following cases:

  • Increased physical activity often provokes a slight delay and the appearance of a pink secretion. This phenomenon is usually observed in a sports environment.
  • Instead of menstruation, white leucorrhoea can be observed as a consequence of surgical interventions affecting the organs of the reproductive system, after induced abortions, or when taking emergency contraception, which includes Postinor and Escapelle.
  • Allergic reactions to synthetics may result in white discharge and delayed menstrual bleeding. Usually it lasts no more than two days. In this case, the cycle can be restored using symptomatic anti-inflammatory treatment.
  • Pathological leucorrhoea in the absence or delay of regulation is observed as a result of regular use of certain pharmaceutical drugs. These are oral contraceptives, weight loss aids, and antimicrobial drugs. Usually, after stopping taking such substances, the usual cycle is restored on its own.
  • Poor secretions and delayed menstrual bleeding can be caused by poor nutrition and lack of vitamins, strict diets and obesity. Such situations do not contribute to the normal functionality of the body, which it signals in accessible ways. In this case, meager regulations or their complete absence can be observed over a long period.

Usually, to eliminate negative symptoms and restore a normal cycle, it is necessary to identify the source of the problem. It happens that the absence of menstruation does not last long and everything returns to normal without the prescription of hormones, antiviral and antibacterial agents. However, if such a period exceeds five days, and pathological leucorrhoea is added to the absence of menstrual bleeding, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Most women, shortly before menstrual flow, notice the appearance of symptoms such as pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, tenderness of the mammary glands and their engorgement, sudden changes in mood, etc. This is the norm. However, not everyone knows what discharge should be like before menstruation, and whether it is even normal before menstruation. Let's take a closer look at this issue.

What kind of discharge should normally be observed before menstruation?

Due to the fact that throughout a woman’s menstrual cycle her hormonal levels change, vaginal discharge changes in consistency, color and volume.

So, immediately before menstruation, due to the fact that in the girl’s body there is an increase in the concentration of the hormone and at the same time it is synthesized in smaller quantities, vaginal discharge becomes a little unusual.

If we talk about what normal discharge should be like before menstruation, then at this time vaginal leucorrhoea acquires a more creamy consistency. In this case, their color becomes white or slightly cloudy, and sometimes they have a yellowish tint. All of the above is the norm and should not arouse suspicion among girls.

Normally, vaginal discharge immediately before menstruation should not have any odor, and its appearance should in no case be accompanied by itching or burning. It is also worth noting that the volume of leucorrhoea increases these days, and most women note the so-called moisture of the labia.

In some cases, shortly before the appearance of menstrual flow, women notice spotting. Their volume is so small that this phenomenon is popularly called “daub.” They are usually observed 1-2 days before menstruation and are the norm.

It is worth noting that women who take various types of oral contraceptives for a long time, for the most part, do not notice changes in the nature of vaginal secretions, which is not a sign of a gynecological disorder.

Separately, it is necessary to say what kind of discharge is observed before the first menstruation.

So, about 3-4 months before the first menstruation, vaginal leucorrhoea appears. They are not abundant, and their consistency can be either liquid or viscous. Their main difference from the discharge that appears during infections of the genitourinary system is its white or transparent color and the absence of an unpleasant odor.

What kind of discharge is observed before menstruation during pregnancy?

In such cases, even before the woman knows about the delay, she may experience white vaginal discharge. They are quite thick, but not voluminous. Sometimes in the first days of pregnancy, pregnant women notice the presence of bloody discharge from the vagina. Their appearance, as a rule, is the result of an increase in the tone of the uterine myometrium. With an increase in the volume of bloody discharge in the early stages, When a sanitary pad becomes soaked through with blood within 1 hour, you should immediately consult a doctor, because... Perhaps this is a spontaneous miscarriage.

Thus, every girl should have an idea of ​​what color and consistency the discharge should be before menstruation. This will allow her to respond to the current situation in a timely manner and, if necessary, consult a doctor for advice. Indeed, in most situations, a change in the nature of leucorrhoea before menstruation is only a symptom of a gynecological disorder, which, in turn, requires the appointment of correct, qualified treatment.

Secretory discharge from the vagina is observed in women at different phases of the menstrual cycle. On some days they are more abundant, sometimes they are barely noticeable, but sometimes it happens that white discharge appears before menstruation.

Leucorrhoea plays a protective role in the body, protecting the internal genital organs from infections. However, in large quantities and in the presence of foreign impurities, they signal problems in the reproductive system. When leucorrhoea is normal and when it is a pathology, you will find out further.

White discharge - what is it and can it happen before menstruation?

In an adult woman who has a full sexual life, in the first days after menstruation, the discharge is scanty and transparent, colorless. At the stage of ovulation, they intensify, but remain transparent, and disappear closer to menstruation.

Any changes indicate damage to the reproductive system by infectious strains. The worst thing is when heavy discharge is observed against the background. The situation is aggravated by the strange color, unpleasant smell and unusual consistency of the discharge.

Normal vaginal discharge has the following characteristics:

  • Watery or slimy.
  • Odorless or slightly sour.
  • Colorless, yellowish, white or pale cream.
  • Does not cause discomfort.

But this is the ideal option. To figure out whether there can be white discharge before menstruation, you need to understand that the color and composition of vaginal discharge is influenced by various factors - nutrition, medication, psycho-emotional state, change in climatic conditions and even the appearance of a new sexual partner.

Before menstruation, leucorrhoea may change color to , and this is also considered normal. Light spotting indicates the readiness of the uterus to clear the endometrium, which has become unnecessary due to the lack of pregnancy. Your period will start in 2 – 4 days. The thick consistency of leucorrhoea is explained by the influence of sex hormones.

White discharge instead of menstruation in women can occur due to severe stress. Psycho-emotional shocks disrupt hormonal status and affect the nature of menstrual flow. But the amount of leucorrhoea is much less than the amount of bleeding that accompanies full menstruation.

In teenagers

Leucorrhoea appears in girls about six months before menarche - the first menstruation. Sometimes this period extends for 1 – 2 years. The normal age for leucorrhoea to appear is 11 – 14 years.

Hormonal changes make the figure more feminine, but the reproductive organs undergo the main changes. During puberty, the uterus grows, the ovaries learn to produce follicles, the cervix works more actively and secretes mucus.

Before their first period, teenage girls' leucorrhoea becomes more profuse than before. Both liquid and viscous consistency of the discharge is allowed. The mucus looks clear or slightly cloudy, but it should not have a foul odor or cause pain. Soon the preliminary discharge turns into real menstruation.

During pregnancy

Consider white discharge before menstruation as a sign of pregnancy. Abundant, thick leucorrhoea with delayed bleeding signals hormonal fluctuations associated with conception.

Progesterone levels increase and affect the secretory function of the gonads. An increased amount of mucus protects the uterus and embryo from infection. There is also a renewal of the cells that make up the vaginal mucous tissue. For this reason, the density of leucorrhoea increases.

In the case of an ectopic pregnancy, the leucorrhoea may have brown spots or be completely brown. These are traces of dried blood. An additional symptom of an ectopic pregnancy is constant aching pain on the side of the abdomen where the embryo is located. Gradually the pain increases and brings significant anxiety.

If the pregnancy test is negative, but there is a delay and white discharge, this may also indicate a hormonal imbalance. Only it is not associated with gestation, but with stress or vitamin deficiency. Low-fat dishes and food depleted in nutrients negatively affect the body's performance and provoke delays in menstruation. Instead of bleeding, intense leucorrhoea continues.

Diseases with the sign of “white discharge before menstruation”

White discharge that appears a week before your period may be abnormal. They are distinguished from normal leucorrhoea by their composition, increased volume, pungent odor and discomfort experienced by the woman.

There are quite a lot of diseases with the common symptom “white discharge on the eve of menstruation”. They affect not only the gynecological, but also the endocrine system. Let's talk about this in detail.

Problems of endocrine origin

With diseases of different organs of the endocrine system in women, the discharge before menstruation changes. Patients with diabetes mellitus complain of thick and profuse leucorrhoea.

Deviations are associated with hormonal disorders, improper functioning of the pancreas and changes in the acidic environment in the vagina. Diseases of the thyroid gland and ovaries create the preconditions for profuse discharge of colorless leucorrhoea.


Cervical erosion is ulceration of the mucous tissue and damage to the local glands. With this disease, leucorrhoea appears before menstruation. They are colorless in appearance, but contain mucous inclusions.

The brownish tint of the mucus is explained by the bleeding of the wounds that are on the surface of the cervix. Often women complain about a delay in menstruation.


Urogenital candidiasis destroys the mucous membranes of the vagina and triggers an inflammatory process in the genitourinary region. A characteristic symptom is a white, cheesy discharge that smells like sour milk.

Before menstruation, pathological leucorrhoea intensifies. Patients complain of severe itching in the vagina and irritation of the external genitalia.

Oncological diseases of the uterus

Doctors warn that malignant tumors are the most dangerous. In most cases, they develop asymptomatically, and only foul-smelling white thick discharge before menstruation attracts the attention of women. The shade of mucus varies. Bloody clots may be visible.

Leucorrhoea with bloody impurities may also indicate endometriosis. This is an abnormal growth of the mucous tissue that lines the uterine cavity. Oncopathology disrupts the structure of the endometrium, causing damage to blood vessels. In addition to bloody discharge, women note nagging pain in the lower abdomen.


Growths form on the mucous surface of the uterus. On the eve of menstruation, the endometrial layer loosens and swells. New growths are damaged or twisted. These events make the leucorrhoea bloody. There may be no other symptoms.

Bacterial vaginosis

Leucorrhoea with a yellowish tint and a distinct fishy odor facilitates the diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis. Before menstruation, their volume increases.

Pathological discharge irritates the vagina and causes... Sexual intercourse is painful. Vaginosis develops due to bacterial infection of the genital organs.

Inflammatory diseases

When discharge appears like egg white before menstruation, women must pay attention to its composition, smell and accompanying signs. Leucorrhoea often signals the development of an inflammatory process in the reproductive system.

What gynecological diseases may leucorrhoea indicate:

  1. Cervicitis. The mucous membrane of the cervix suffers from inflammation. Before menstruation, leucorrhoea intensifies and thins out. In the presence of pus, the discharge acquires an unpleasant odor.
  2. Vaginitis. The inflammatory process affects the mucous membrane of the vaginal tube. Local swelling, itching and burning are observed. Women feel pain in the sacrum. Leucorrhoea is thin, profuse and yellow, appearing about a week before menstruation. The analysis shows an elevated level of leukocytes.
  3. Endometritis. In this case, the uterine cavity suffers. Patients complain of foul-smelling cloudy discharge, pain when urinating, hyperthermia, and pain in the lower abdomen. Chronic endometritis on the eve of menstruation causes profuse leucorrhoea with a greenish tint. From the uterus, the pathology can spread to the appendages.

Venereal diseases

Sexually transmitted infections have an incubation period of development. Therefore, an STD may not appear immediately, but only after some time.

For example, as soon as menstruation ends, a woman will see yellow leucorrhoea. Menstruation is a kind of inflammatory process. They activate bacteria and increase discomfort if a woman develops:

  • Chlamydia. It manifests itself as yellow discharge after menstruation, itching of the perineum and a sharp unpleasant odor.
  • Trichomoniasis. Copious mucus, smelling like rotten fish, irritates the vagina and external organs. Transparent mucus first turns yellow, then greenish. Pain occurs during sex.
  • Gonorrhea. Copious discharge contains pus. They feel sticky to the touch. Symptoms of the disease are sharp pain during intimacy and urination.

Is leucorrhoea necessary before menstruation?

Since clear mucus performs a protective function, the genitals always produce it.

However, in some cases, there may not be white discharge before menstruation. The absence of leucorrhoea on the eve of menstrual periods has its own reasons. For example, in case of allergies, the amount of vaginal secretion can be affected by synthetic fabrics of underwear or unsuitable intimate hygiene products.

If, according to indications, a woman takes antibiotics or is protected with oral contraceptives, the reproductive organs also reduce secretory activity. Mini-pills especially affect the volume of discharge. The composition of these birth control pills is rich in estrogen.

Frequent douching affects the intensity and composition of discharge. Abuse of manipulation disrupts the proper functioning of mucous tissues. The result is dryness in the genitals. There will be no mucus before menstruation in this situation.

As menopause approaches, age-related changes begin to occur in the female body, affecting the hormonal system. These processes are natural. But they inhibit the production of mucus by the internal genital organs.

White discharge before menstruation is absent in those women who smoke a lot and abuse alcohol. Harmful substances disrupt hormonal levels and dry out the vaginal mucosa. There is little discharge due to improper functioning of the endocrine glands.

Do I need to treat white discharge before menstruation?

If leucorrhoea appears as a physiological phenomenon on the eve of menstruation, there is no need for treatment. It is enough to strengthen your personal hygiene and use panty liners to protect your underwear.

It is recommended to wash the intimate area at least once a day by moving your hand from front to back. This will help avoid infection of the vagina with intestinal microbes. For washing, you can use unscented baby soap and care products for delicate areas.

Underwear should be changed every day or when soiled. Panties should be made from natural, breathable materials. You can wear lace underwear, but rarely. Synthetics and low-quality fabrics do not allow air to pass through well and create a “greenhouse effect” in the intimate area. A warm, humid environment promotes the development of pathogenic agents.

If an infectious or inflammatory process is suspected, a woman should consult a gynecologist. Treatment will be prescribed after a thorough examination. The patient will be prescribed vaginal suppositories, tablets or ointments. Giving up bad habits, proper nutrition, and measures to strengthen the immune system will help speed up therapy. In order for the body to fully perform its functions, it is important to reconsider your lifestyle and reorganize your daily routine.

Depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle, the mucous secretion secreted from the vagina periodically changes its consistency and color. Using these indicators, you can easily determine the development of pathological processes in the body at the initial stages, when general symptoms are still absent. Particular attention should be paid to discharge that occurs a few days before menstruation, since it is during this period that, under hormonal levels, many diseases worsen or infections actively develop. Now you will find out which discharge is normal and which signals that it is time to go to the doctor.

What is the norm?

Before talking about whether there is discharge before menstruation and what kind it is, you must first talk about what it should be like in principle for every healthy woman. To do this, it is necessary to say a few words about the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system.

The ovaries are responsible for the onset of menstruation, producing a hormone such as estrogen, under the influence of which the uterine epithelium thickens and “pushes out” the egg if it is not fertilized within a few days after release from the follicle.

The uterus has a cervix, which in appearance resembles the neck of a plastic bottle. People simply call it the cervix. Its internal and external surfaces are covered with mucous membranes and glands, which perform a very important function - they produce mucus, which has antibacterial, aseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. Simply put, it protects the uterine cavity from infections entering it and helps eliminate inflammatory processes in it if they occur.

The mucus itself is transparent, it has no aroma and does not cause irritant reactions when it comes into contact with the skin of the genitals. It is secreted in small quantities, but under the influence of hormonal levels it can be produced abundantly and change its character (becomes thinner, thicker, acquires a whitish tint, etc.).

And since before the onset of menstruation there is a change in the production of hormones, the occurrence of copious mucous discharge is the norm. But! If any additional symptoms appear in the form of a specific aroma, irritation and hyperemia of the labia, then this already indicates the presence of diseases, most often infectious. Therefore, their presence cannot be ignored under any circumstances. The appearance of such symptoms and discharge requires immediate consultation with a doctor.

Physiology or pathology?

Throughout the entire menstrual cycle in women of reproductive age, either clear discharge or so-called leucorrhoea comes out of the vagina. The appearance of the latter is also considered normal, and their occurrence is caused by an increase in the amount of protein in the mucus produced by the cervix. This happens due to a hormonal imbalance that occurs upon the onset of ovulation (during this period progesterone is actively produced) and 3 to 4 days before menstruation, which is caused by an increase in estrogen levels. Therefore, if a woman notices heavy discharge a week before her period, she should not worry. If they do not have a specific odor and do not cause irritation, then this is completely natural.

But it should be noted that if a woman 3-4 days before her period notices dense white discharge, which also does not smell of anything and does not cause discomfort in the perineum, then this may still be a sign of pregnancy. True, in this case there are other symptoms in the form of swelling of the mammary glands, sore nipples and morning sickness. To make sure whether pregnancy has occurred or not, you need to take a blood test to determine the level of hCG. It makes no sense to do a test during this period, since before the delay occurs it may give false results.

If the discharge begins to acquire a sour smell, causes a strong burning sensation in the perineum and swelling of the labia minora, then this already indicates a disease such as candidiasis or, as it is popularly called, thrush. In this case, you should definitely visit a doctor, since this disease is classified as infectious and can spread to other internal organs, provoking the development of pathological processes in them. If the discharge is observed for three to four days and the woman immediately begins a course of treatment, then candidiasis can easily be prevented from becoming chronic and causing complications.

Speaking about what kind of discharge before menstruation is still normal, it should be noted that this also includes the presence of brown discharge on the eve of menstruation. Their occurrence is caused by the removal of a dead egg from the uterus, which can take from 2 to 3 hours to a day. Then, in the absence of pathologies, menstruation begins.

Let's run to the doctor!

Quite often, women complain about the appearance of spotting before menstruation. But as mentioned above, its occurrence a day before menstruation is considered normal. But if spotting is observed for about three to four days, then this can no longer be considered normal. Spotting a week before menstruation may indicate the following pathologies:

  • endometriosis;
  • erosion;
  • ovarian cyst;
  • endometritis.

Important! Some women begin to treat incipient spotting with douching and baths. This is absolutely forbidden to do, especially without knowing the exact cause of their occurrence! Remember, inadequate therapy can cause serious complications!

Spotting often occurs against the background of the development of endometriosis. This disease is considered very common in gynecology and its distinctive feature is that with its development severe abdominal pain occurs. Before the first menstruation, they are pronounced, but when the pathological process becomes chronic (this usually happens after 1–2 months), the pain syndrome decreases. But serious disturbances appear in the menstrual cycle.

Spotting can occur completely suddenly and never flow into menstrual blood, as is usually the case. In women with endometriosis, menstruation may even be absent for several months, since with this disease significant changes occur in the uterus - its walls thicken, and the internal epithelium begins to grow outside the organ.

According to doctors, this happens due to increased levels of estrogen in the body. And since approximately 5 days before menstruation its amount increases even more, pathological processes in the uterus develop much faster, which leads to the appearance of spotting.

With erosive lesions of the cervix, daubing begins in about 2 days. At the same time, it has a dark shade and when it occurs, painful sensations in the abdomen also appear. But it should be noted that some women with this pathology experience smearing even in the middle of the cycle, when ovulation occurs. Therefore, if you notice small brown discharge 3 days before your period and often notice it on days 12–15 of your cycle, be sure to visit your doctor. Remember, this pathology can provoke cervical cancer!

Regarding the ovarian cyst. When it forms, daubing may also begin. However, in this case it often has a dense consistency and acquires an unpleasant odor. There are also abdominal pains, but they often appear throughout the entire cycle. The pain becomes especially pronounced during physical activity and sexual intercourse.

Important! If you experience spotting 4 to 5 days before your period, and the symptoms described above occur, you need to urgently make an appointment with a doctor. Treatment should be carried out in any case, since cysts on the ovaries are different and certain of them tend to become malignant!

The reasons why vaginal smearing may occur 4 days before the expected date of menstruation may also be hidden in the development of endometritis. This disease occurs against the background of inflammation of the mucous epithelium of the uterus. The development of endometritis in women is often caused by hormonal disorders or infectious processes in the body. And in order to determine the causes of its occurrence and carry out adequate therapy, you will need to visit a doctor and undergo several tests.

Many women wonder whether there can be discharge during pregnancy? As mentioned above, upon the onset of gestation, leucorrhoea comes out of the vagina profusely, but there may also be brown discharge. But in this case, the appearance of spotting before menstruation is a sign of pregnancy, which develops in the fallopian tubes (ectopic pregnancy). In this case, the onset of spotting two to three days before menstruation is accompanied by symptoms such as pain in the left or right side, general malaise and fever.

Important! Since an ectopic pregnancy can cause a rupture of the fallopian tube, when the first signs of its development appear, you should consult a doctor on the same day. The longer you delay visiting a specialist, the higher the risk of complications.

What else do you need to know?

Summing up and talking about what kind of discharge should be, it should be noted that in the absence of pathologies, they are observed in small quantities, do not have any odor and do not cause discomfort.

If the discharge that began before menstruation acquires an unnatural shade, for example, bright yellow or green, you need to urgently go to the doctor. Since the reasons may be hidden in the development of infectious diseases, for example, gonorrhea or chlamydia. These pathologies are transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse and when they develop there is a high risk of complications, because the infection tends to spread throughout the body, affecting organ after organ.

The same applies to those discharges that occur three to four days before menstruation and have a brown or bloody tint. They also indicate the presence of pathologies that need to be urgently treated.

But if at the same time you are taking oral contraceptives, then you should not panic ahead of time. If they started taking them only recently and they are taken every day, as expected, then you should just wait for the body to adapt. As a rule, this takes about 1 month. If, after the next menstruation, spotting appears again, you need to visit a gynecologist and replace the drug.

Remember, any deviations from the norm require special attention. And if you start having discharge before your period that is unusual for your body, you don’t need to count the days until it goes away on its own. This won't happen! If you really have pathologies, then every month their signs will become more pronounced, and your general condition will deteriorate significantly.

During the menstrual cycle, a woman's body constantly undergoes some changes. This also applies to the nature of vaginal secretion.

Let's start with the fact that discharge from the genitals before menstruation and its slight changes in color and consistency in different phases of the menstrual cycle are quite normal. But sometimes a secretion can indicate pathology; this is determined by its color and smell. Most women do not notice discomfort when the color of the secretion changes, but sometimes this symptom is one of the first signs indicating a serious illness.

Discharge before normal, regular periods, what should be normal? Which of them are pathological, and what should you pay attention to first?

Normal discharge

Throughout the menstrual cycle, the amount of female hormones constantly changes. During menstruation, the level of estrogen increases, after critical days it becomes low, and closer to the middle of the cycle it increases again.

After the egg matures and leaves the follicle, progesterone increases; before menstruation, its level drops again, giving way to estrogen. This hormone causes the lining of the uterus to swell, as a result, the glands begin to work more intensely and more mucus is released. This is the main reason that discharge appears during ovulation and before menstrual periods.

What discharge is considered normal? The secret is influenced by the following factors:

  1. Woman's age.
  2. Sex life.
  3. Nutrition.
  4. Lifestyle.
  5. Presence of chronic infectious diseases.
  6. State of immunity.
  7. Use of hormonal oral contraceptives.

Before the onset of the first menstruation, a teenage girl undergoes hormonal changes; the nature of the secretion from her genitals changes significantly. After menarche, while the regularity of the menstrual cycle is being established and the hormonal background is not yet stable, the amount of mucus in each cycle may be different. If a woman has regular sex life, her hormonal levels are more stable.

Normal leucorrhoea before menstruation is observed in all women. They include:

  • secretion secreted by the glands of the cervical canal and vagina;
  • microflora (lactobacteria and opportunistic bacteria);
  • epithelial cells that have died (it is they, if there are many of them, that give the white color).

Based on the above factors, we can say that the nature of the discharge is different for everyone, the main thing is that it is light and not accompanied by additional symptoms indicating possible pathologies.

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The secretion is a kind of barrier to infections entering a woman’s body and a lubricant during sexual intercourse. What exactly should be normal discharge before menstruation? A gynecologist can undoubtedly give an accurate answer to this question.

Signs of the appearance of pathological discharge

Normal discharge is light, has a neutral odor and is not accompanied by discomfort or pain. Also, their amount that is released varies depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle.

A change in the color of vaginal secretion to pink, black, brown, yellow, the presence of blood in it may be normal, but rare. If you feel signs of hormonal changes in your body, consult your doctor. As a rule, these are symptoms of disease and pathology.

An unpleasant smell of discharge is a cause for concern. This phenomenon rarely occurs, and in almost 100% of cases it is a sign of illness.

It is very important to pay attention to the smell and color of the secretion, because its change may be a sign of erosion or that pregnancy has occurred.

Mucous masses

Transparent mucus performs the cleansing function of the reproductive system of the female body. Transparent mucous discharge has the following composition:

  • dead cells;
  • microorganisms that have already outlived their usefulness;
  • cervical fluid that performs a moisturizing and protective function.

We can safely say, whatever the consistency, mucus can be considered normal only if there is no odor.

Brown and black discharge

Blood, after coagulating and combining with oxygen, becomes dark in color. This kind of coagulated blood, getting into the normal secretion produced by the glands, colors it black or brown. The secret of this shade is the norm during ovulation and in the first days after conception occurs.

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If your period begins with small brown discharge, then this is not a cause for concern. This may be due to a lack of hormones in the follicle maturation phase.

Brown and black discharge may also be a reaction to the use of hormonal oral contraceptives or the installation of an intrauterine device as a means of protection against unplanned pregnancy.

Brown and black secretion may appear 2-3 days before the start of menstruation, not earlier. But in this case, it is considered normal if the volume is small and there is no pain or cramping in the lower abdomen.

In the opposite situation, the nature of the discharge may indicate the presence of the following diseases in the woman’s body:

  1. Endometritis is an inflammatory process in the inner layer of the uterus.
  2. Endometriosis is the growth of tissue in the uterine lining.
  3. Cervical erosion (brown, appears a week before the onset of menstruation).
  4. Endometrial polyps (especially a lot of dark-colored secretions before menstruation).
  5. Uterine fibroids (dark brown clots 3-5 days before menstruation).


The history of the appearance of bloody discharge before menstruation is a little similar to the nature of the occurrence of brown discharge. The main difference is that the amount of blood is greater, and it simply does not have time to clot.

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If white discharge is observed before “these days,” then this is a completely natural phenomenon. But if they have a curd consistency, an unpleasant sour milk smell and are accompanied by itching and burning in the genitals, then these are symptoms of candidiasis.

If white discharge before menstruation resembles rolled paper, this may be a reaction to vaginal suppositories or a sign of thrush. More abundant white discharge may indicate pregnancy.


The presence of yellow secretion before menstruation is not a pathology if it does not cause any discomfort in the external genitalia (neutral odor and insignificant amount). Discharges of this kind indicate hormonal changes or the use of hormonal drugs.

The secretion may turn yellow due to an allergy, for example, to synthetic underwear or hygiene products. This can be observed in each phase of the menstrual cycle, but on the eve of menstruation, due to hormonal changes that enhance the functioning of the glands, the volume of discharge increases.

During sex, when excited, the appearance of a yellow spot may also be observed. The secretion increases in volume and resembles the white of a raw egg.

But still, very often yellow-green discharge indicates an inflammatory process or the presence of an infectious disease. But in such cases, as a rule, there is an unpleasant odor, burning and itching, pain in the lower abdomen, and discomfort during sex. The listed symptoms usually indicate vaginitis, salpingitis, colpitis, inflammation of the urethra or chlamydia.

If the yellow mucus contains blood impurities, this may be a sign of cervical erosion, advanced inflammatory processes, and sexually transmitted diseases. The amount of discharge increases and all of the above symptoms worsen before menstruation.