Who cured gastritis with folk remedies. Gastritis: folk remedies, treatment of gastritis. Therapy for gastritis with high acidity

In this article, we will look at the symptoms and causes of gastritis, the best treatment recipes from the Healthy Healthy Bulletin newspaper, which helped get rid of the disease quickly and permanently, the most effective folk remedies and drugs recommended by doctors.

Gastritis is a disease in which the gastric mucosa becomes inflamed. The mucous membrane becomes inflamed in response to irritation - the action of damaging factors on the stomach: chemicals, infections, high or low temperatures

Causes of gastritis

1. Helicobacter pylori bacterium,
2. Improper nutrition (irregular, with chemical food additives, too spicy, hot, with spices, smoked meats, canned food, marinades, lack of protein, iron, vitamins, transmission)
3. Stress
4. Smoking, alcoholism.
5. Some medications
6. Accidental consumption of acids and alkalis
7. Improper functioning of the immune system, when the gastric mucosa is attacked by the immune system (autoimmune gastritis)

Gastritis of the stomach can be acute and chronic.

Acute gastritis develops rapidly and is a consequence of infection of the gastric mucosa by Helicobacter pylori, or other bacteria that enter the stomach when eating poor-quality food contaminated with pathogenic microbes. An acute form can also develop after taking chemicals (acids, alkalis, alcohols, drugs).
Acute gastritis can become chronic due to frequent relapses of the disease, poor treatment, and prolonged exposure to substances that irritate the mucous membrane.
Chronic gastritis develops as a consequence of acute gastritis or as an independent primary disease. Symptoms of chronic gastritis may not appear for a long time. With a long chronic course of the disease, the stomach cells that produce gastric juice are replaced by connective tissue (atrophic gastritis). Chronic gastritis occurs with exacerbations and remissions.

Symptoms of chronic gastritis

1. pain in the stomach on an empty stomach or after eating,
2. nausea after eating, heartburn
3. constipation or diarrhea
4. Bad taste in the mouth

Symptoms of acute gastritis

1. nausea, vomiting after eating
2. weakness, dizziness, sweating, tachycardia
3. diarrhea
4. heaviness in the stomach,

Types, symptoms and treatment of gastritis

From a conversation with a doctor at the Institute of Emergency Medicine named after. Sklifosovsky, gastroenterologist. Vladimirova E. S.

There are many types of gastritis - atrophic, allergic, phlegmonous, erosive, autoimmune.
They are also divided into chronic and acute. Gastritis can occur against the background of low or high stomach acidity.

Treatment of gastritis at home

What to do if you are diagnosed with gastritis? Means of treatment can be divided into three types: those that help with any form of gastritis, those that help treat gastritis of the stomach with high acidity, and those with low acidity.
Here is the most universal recipe (but it still works better with high acidity): before meals, drink a decoction of dried cucumber three times a day (1 tablespoon of herb per 1 glass of boiling water). After meals, eat 1 tsp. blue cyanosis roots ground into powder. Sushenitsa relieves spasms, quickly heals wounds on the walls of the stomach, cyanosis has an enveloping and calming effect. That is, this recipe can treat gastritis in all areas.
Collection of herbs for high stomach acidity: calamus root, yarrow, mint, nettle, chamomile flowers - in equal parts.
Collection of herbs for gastritis with reduced secretory activity: St. John's wort - 3 parts, plantain leaves, immortelle inflorescences, wormwood, calendula flowers - 1 part each.
Both of these collections are brewed and taken according to the same scheme. Brew 1 tbsp. l. with the top of the collection a glass of boiling water, hold in a water bath for 15 minutes. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals
Universal remedies and herbs for the treatment of gastritis of any kind for any acidity: sea buckthorn oil, calendula, nettle, shepherd's purse, yarrow, bedstraw - these remedies accelerate the healing of the gastric mucosa. Marshmallow, flax seeds, plantain, angelica, calamus (powder from its roots is taken after meals, 1/4 tsp) - these folk remedies for treating gastritis when preparing decoctions and infusions produce a large amount of mucus that envelops the mucous membrane and protects it reduces heartburn after eating.
Potato juice is useful for high acidity, You should take it 100 g 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals. It is better to take potatoes with pink skin to treat gastritis.
Aloe juice is beneficial for low acidity, it is simply squeezed out of the leaf with the movement of your fingers and mixed with honey in a 1:1 ratio. Take 1 tsp. 30 minutes before meals. Leaves should be taken from a three-year-old plant and kept in the dark in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2004, No. 22, pp. 6-7)

Gastritis Treatment of gastritis with folk remedies according to healthy lifestyle recipes.

These simple folk remedies for treating gastritis have helped many patients heal their stomach. The main thing here is willpower and perseverance, if you have started treatment, then you need to complete the course without missing a day

Simple treatment of erosive gastritis with alcohol

Buy 250 g of pure medical alcohol. Eat 1 tbsp. l. butter and wash down the oil with 2 tsp. alcohol, then drink 2 raw eggs. Do this every day in the morning on an empty stomach. When the alcohol runs out, gastritis of the stomach will be completely cured. (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2000, No. 15, p. 20).
Another folk remedy with alcohol: drink 1 tsp in the morning on an empty stomach. alcohol, then 1 tsp. good honey and 1 tsp. butter. You can have breakfast only after 1.5-2 hours. The course of treatment is 1 week. Using this recipe, within a week the woman managed to cure gastritis, which she had with numerous erosions (erosive gastritis). (Newspaper Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2007, No. 20, p. 32).

How to treat gastritis using the Chinese method

This folk recipe for treating the stomach helped a woman recover after surgery to remove stomach cancer; it was brought by her relative from China. It also helps cure gastritis and stomach ulcers.
You need to take 7 components, 1 glass each: beet juice, carrot juice, cocoa powder, melted lard, melted butter, sugar, honey. Place all components in a clay pot, mix and place in the oven (in the oven) at a temperature of 30 degrees for 7 days, covering the neck of the pot with dough. After this, drink 1 tbsp. l. 1 time a day in the morning on an empty stomach with hot milk. An hour after taking the product, you can have breakfast. (Newspaper Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2000, No. 19, p. 20)

Traditional treatment of gastritis with plantain

Brew dry or fresh plantain leaves, leave overnight, wrapped. Drink 0.5-1 glass 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Plantain infusion is very easy to drink, has no side effects, and gastritis of the stomach can be cured with plantain. (Newspaper Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2000, No. 19, p. 21)

Flaxseed in the treatment of gastritis with folk remedies

The young woman was diagnosed with gastritis. Flaxseed helped cure gastritis. 1 tbsp. l. Brew flaxseed without top in the evening with 1 glass of boiling water, stir after 5 minutes and leave until morning. In the morning, drink the infusion on an empty stomach 30 minutes before breakfast. The course of treatment for gastritis is 30 days. Then a month break. In total, you need to conduct 3-4 such courses. Using this recipe you can also cure stomach ulcers, colitis, and constipation. (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2000, No. 23, p. 19)
Acute gastritis can be cured by flaxseed. 1 tbsp. l. leave the seeds for 1 hour in two glasses of boiling water, strain. Take 1 glass 2 times a day, in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed. (Newspaper Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2004, No. 4, p. 23)

Treatment of gastritis with wormwood

Wormwood must be collected before flowering, during the budding period, collecting only the tops of the plant. Fill the jar to the top with wormwood, pressing lightly but not compacting. Pour vodka or 40% alcohol. Close the jar tightly, wrap it in film and bury it deeper in the ground for 10 days. Then strain, bottle, and store in the refrigerator. To cure gastritis or stomach ulcers, take 1 tbsp. l. tinctures 30 minutes before meals, 3 times a day, eating 1 tbsp. l. butter and 1 tbsp. l. honey The course is 10 days, after 20 days repeat the course again. The man took only 2 courses to forget about stomach pain, and before that he often spent time in the hospital, healing ulcers. (Newspaper Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2001, No. 4, pp. 12-13)

Serum in the treatment of gastritis

A 26-year-old woman fell ill with gastritis with low acidity; in order to cure it, she was advised to drink whey for three months. Every day she bought 2 liters of milk, threw black bread into the milk and fermented it on the windowsill on the sunny side. After straining the cottage cheese, I drank all the whey throughout the day. I drank the serum for three months without missing a day. As a result, the gastritis went away, and the stomach was fine until old age. (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2001, No. 6, p. 16)

How to treat gastritis with whey and oats

The woman had gastritis with severe pain, she even had to call an ambulance. All this dragged on until a relative sent a folk recipe for treating gastritis.
You need to take 5 liters of fresh, good milk and put it in a warm place so that it sours faster. Heat the curdled milk without bringing it to a boil, discard the cottage cheese. Boil washed oats in whey in a ratio of 5:1 (approximately 900 g of oats). Cook the oats in an enamel pan for 3-4 hours over very low heat. After cooling, strain, add 300 g of honey and 125 g of alcohol to the whey. Keep refrigerated. Take 30 g (room temperature) 15-20 minutes before meals. You need to drink 3 such servings, i.e. use 15 liters of milk. (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2002, No. 24, p. 18,)

Chronic gastritis - folk treatment with fly agaric.

The woman was diagnosed with chronic gastritis, took pills, tried to treat gastritis in a hospital, but the pain still returned, her stomach ached day and night. One summer, during mushroom season, an acquaintance, an honored doctor, came to visit her in the village. She said that fly agaric cures many diseases, including the stomach. Thanks to the fly agaric, the disease was cured, and since that summer, for 4 years, my stomach has never hurt.
Here is a recipe for treating gastritis: dry a young fly agaric mushroom, cut the dried mushroom or break it into small slices about the size of your little fingernail. Every morning from autumn to spring, eat one small piece of fly agaric every day on an empty stomach. Friends and relatives were at first wary of this folk remedy, but soon they themselves began to treat various diseases with fly agaric. (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2001, No. 13, p. 6)

Traditional treatment of gastritis with cedar oil

Doctors recognized that the woman had gastritis with high acidity, there were suspicions of an ulcer, and the following symptoms of gastritis were strongly manifested: nausea, heartburn, cramps. I had to strictly adhere to the diet, otherwise I would experience severe stomach pain. Cedar oil helped cure gastritis and stomach. Every morning the woman took 1 tbsp of cedar oil on an empty stomach. l. and 1 tsp. each time 30 minutes before meals. Gradually all the symptoms of gastritis disappeared. To check the functioning of her stomach, the woman began to break her diet - spicy food no longer caused any unpleasant symptoms. In addition, the intestines began to work well and overall health improved significantly. (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2001, No. 14, p. 21)

Potatoes in the treatment of gastritis with folk remedies

The use of potato juice always gives a stable positive result in the treatment of gastritis and stomach ulcers; it is often used in folk remedies. Potato juice normalizes the acidity of gastric juice - lowers high acidity and increases low acidity. To prepare the juice, you need to rinse one large potato well, grate it on a fine grater and squeeze out the juice. You should get approximately 60 g of juice. Add 1 tsp to this juice. starch and drink.
It is recommended to drink 60 g of potato juice 2 times a day. People with high acidity - 15-20 minutes before meals, patients with gastritis with low acidity - 30-45 minutes before meals. The course of treatment for gastritis is 2 weeks on the background of a dairy-vegetable diet. Then a week break and a new course.
Potato juice is easy to drink, quickly relieves the symptoms of gastritis, improves the patient’s well-being, and is a gentle laxative. (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2001, No. 16, pp. 18-19, 2010, No. 8, p. 8).
A man managed to cure gastritis with zero acidity using potato juice. Twice a day before meals he took 100 g of potato juice. He spent only 2 courses of treatment, 2 weeks each. The disease has gone away completely and has not been seen for 44 years. Before treatment with potatoes, he tried to treat gastritis with diet and various medications, but this did not help. (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2005, No. 18, p. 29).
The man suffered from gastritis with debilitating heartburn for many years. He managed to get rid of the disease with the help of potato juice: every morning on an empty stomach he took 1 glass of juice, then lay down for 30 minutes, and after another 30 minutes had breakfast. He was treated like this for 10 days, then took a break for 10 days and repeated the 10-day treatment. (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2012, No. 3, p. 32).

The most effective folk remedy for gastritis is plantain.

The woman managed to cure gastritis with low acidity in one summer with the help of psyllium leaves. Every day, she chewed washed plantain leaves (3-5 pieces) 1 hour before meals, sucked out the juice, and spit out the cake. For the winter, I also dried the leaves and added them to tea leaves. 30 years have passed, and there are no symptoms of gastritis (Healthy Lifestyle Bulletin 2003, No. 5, p. 28)
A man cured gastritis with high acidity using plantain. The medicines did not help for long, but plantain cured me forever. In May, I collected a lot of leaves with cuttings, squeezed the juice, added 1 liter of honey to 1 liter of juice, and kept this remedy in the refrigerator. I took 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. A course of treatment requires 2 liters of product. After a year, repeat the course of treatment (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2005, No. 8, p. 29)

Treatment of gastritis with low acidity with plantain - a few more recipes

1 tbsp. l. Brew plantain leaves with 1 cup of boiling water and leave. Take 100 g 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. This simple folk remedy helps cure chronic gastritis. (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2003, No. 17 p. 27).
You can treat the disease not only with infusion, but also with fresh plantain juice. It should be taken into account that plantain juice stimulates acid production and relieves inflammation. You need to drink juice 1 tbsp. l. three times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 2 months without a break.
Stronger combination: 1 kg fresh honey, 250 g plantain juice. 150 g of aloe juice - mix, put in the refrigerator. Take 1 tbsp. l. three times a day 30 minutes before meals. (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2003, No. 23 p. 11).
Another folk remedy for atrophic gastritis with low acidity. Collect a pound of plantain leaves before it blooms in early summer. Wash, cut, place in a glass jar in layers: a layer of plantain, a layer of sugar, etc. In total, you need to use 1 glass of sugar. Place in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. Drain the resulting syrup. Take 2 tbsp. l. syrup, diluting it in 50 ml of water, 20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment for gastritis is until the syrup runs out. After a month, repeat the course of treatment, although the plantain leaves will no longer be as young as in May, so the dose can be doubled. (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2004, No. 10 p. 15).

Treatment of gastritis with trichopolum and cranberry juice

Feeling stomach pain, the woman went to the hospital. They sent me for a gastroscopy. Diagnosis: atrophic gastritis. They prescribed treatment and a diet, but the pain did not stop. By chance, the patient came across an article about how a woman, a doctor of chemical sciences, treated atrophic gastritis of the stomach with trichopolum and cranberry juice. Using this example of healing, the patient underwent three courses of such treatment, and the severe pain disappeared.
Later, when the woman underwent gastroscopy at a sanatorium, she was discovered to have a large scar on her duodenum. This means that there was an ulcer, and it healed.
The method of treatment of atrophic gastritis is as follows: take Trichopolum 1 tablet 2 times a day, morning and evening with meals for 10 days. Drink fruit drink without the norm for all 10 days, instead of water. Morse is prepared from crushed berries, pouring hot water over them, but not boiling water, without sugar. After completing a 10-day course of treatment, rest for 2 weeks and repeat the course of treatment for the stomach. Then, a month later, conduct another 10-day course. (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2003, No. 8, p. 19)

How to treat erosive gastritis of the stomach with aloe

For ulcerative erosive gastritis, accompanied by constipation with high acidity, aloe juice, 1 tsp. three times a day before meals 30 minutes. 20 minutes after drinking the juice, drink this mixture: 1 tsp. Stir potato starch thoroughly in 50 ml of cool water and drink quickly, taking 1 tsp. honey Instead of starch solution, you can drink 50 ml of freshly squeezed potato juice. (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2003, No. 11 p. 23. From the recipes of Clara Doronina.).

Balm against gastritis and ulcers

The man suffered a perforated stomach ulcer and severe bleeding. The anti-ulcer balm helped - just two days after the start of treatment, the gastric bleeding stopped, and the man quickly recovered.
After some time, a friend of his was able to cure gastritis with this balm; he was discharged from a transport ship with severe stomach pain; he lost a lot of weight and did not eat anything. The examination showed erosive gastritis and a stomach ulcer. After several days of treatment, the continuous pain stopped.
The recipe for this remedy for gastritis and ulcers: almagel - 100 g, vinylin (Shostakovsky balm) - 100 g, novocaine 1% - 100 g, honey - 100 g, sea buckthorn oil - 100 g, aloe juice - 100 g. Mix all ingredients and take 1 tsp. every 2 hours, 5-6 times a day, regardless of food. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2003, No. 13 p. 24).

Treatment of gastritis at home with hot water

Drinking 1 glass of hot water in the morning on an empty stomach gives wonderful results. The woman drank hot water in the morning for several months, as a result, her gastritis and heartburn went away, sand came out of her kidneys, and her spine stopped hurting. (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2003, No. 13 p. 24).

Chronic gastritis - treatment with salads

The man had chronic gastritis with high acidity, he could not eat many foods, and was constantly bothered by debilitating heartburn and stomach pain. The effect of the drugs lasted only for 2 hours. Green salads, which his wife began preparing with the onset of spring, helped cure gastritis: she finely chopped the emerging greens: dandelion, yarrow, nettle, plantain, clover, lungwort, leaves of berry bushes, while they were still young and not hard, ground the leaves with salt and seasoned vegetable oil. When green onions, garlic, tops of carrots, turnips and beets appeared in June, I also added them to the salad. The main components of the salad are plantain, dandelion, nettle and knotweed. After the summer season, all the symptoms of gastritis in the man went away; since then, for 10 years, he has not remembered the disease, but every summer he eats green salads (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2004, No. 9 p. 26-27).

Cabbage juice for gastritis

Gastritis with low acidity can be cured with cabbage juice. Drink 1/3 glass 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day. Stomach pain goes away within a few days, but to achieve lasting results, take cabbage juice for 1-2 months. After a week's break, you can repeat the course. (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2004, No. 10 p. 15, 2005, No. 15 p. 6-7).
A man was able to cure gastritis and duodenal ulcer with cabbage juice. After the hospital, he barely made it home. I started drinking warmed cabbage juice 0.5 cups 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Course 2-3 weeks. A month later I went to see a doctor - no gastritis was found, the ulcer had healed (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2011, No. 24, p. 33).

Honey for gastritis

It is better to treat gastritis with low acidity with honey. Here is a good folk remedy: take honey, aloe juice, and fresh butter in equal proportions. Grind into a homogeneous mass, take 2 tsp. 15 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 3 liters of this mixture, then there will be a 100% effect of the treatment.
Another recipe for treating the stomach with honey for low acidity. Squeeze the juice from two lemons, add 2 tbsp. l. aloe juice, 200 g honey, 2 tbsp. l. cognac Drink 1 tsp. before eating. (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2004, No. 10 p. 15).
If you take honey 2 hours before a meal, it will lower the acidity of gastric juice. If the acidity is already low, then the treatment of gastritis with honey is carried out in this order: 1 tbsp. l. dissolve honey in 1 glass of warm water and take immediately before meals, 3 times a day. (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2005, No. 15 p. 6-7).
Here is another recipe for treatment with honey and aloe juice, which helped cure gastritis. Finely chop 200 g of aloe leaves, add 500 g of linden honey, 500 ml of vodka, mix, leave for 2 weeks in a dark place. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals, until the medicine runs out. The woman underwent two such courses of treatment, gastritis completely disappeared (2010, No. 21, p. 30-31). Another woman managed to cure gastritis in her youth with a similar folk remedy, only instead of vodka she took cahors in the following proportion: scroll 1.5 kg of aloe leaves in a meat grinder, add 2.5 kg of honey and 2.5 kg of cahors. The most effective treatment period is 1.5-2 months, although the symptoms of gastritis disappear within a week. This folk remedy improves the functioning of all internal organs. (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2012, No. 7, p. 9).
Here is a method for treating gastritis with honey with high acidity: mix honey and butter in equal parts. Drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course is 1.5-2 months.
Place 0.2 g of mumiyo and 1 tsp in a glass of milk. honey Take in the morning and before bed for 3-4 weeks (Healthy Lifestyle Bulletin 2012, No. 3 p. 30).

Treatment of gastritis of the stomach with eggs and milk

At the age of 19, the young man fell ill with gastritis; one day a relative came to visit and asked why he looked so sour. The patient told about his illness. Then a relative said that in his youth he also had gastritis of the stomach and he treated it with an egg and fresh milk. You need to treat gastritis for at least a month: in the morning, break a fresh chicken egg into a cup, stir, add a little salt, and drink. Then slowly drink half a liter of warm fresh milk. Do the same before dinner. The young man lived in a village, he had chickens and a cow, so it was not difficult for him to treat the disease using this recipe. He ate eggs and drank milk for a month, after which he recovered; now he is 73 years old and his stomach has always been fine. (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2004, No. 12 p. 26).

Simple treatment of gastritis with carrots

The woman managed to cure gastritis with a simple and useful folk remedy: every day she ate carrots, grated on a fine grater and seasoned with sugar and sour cream. I ate as much as I wanted, as a result, the gastritis passed and has not reminded of itself for 15 years. (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2004, No. 12 p. 26).

Treatment of gastritis with ASD-2 fraction

Dilute 15-30 drops of the ASD-2 fraction in 50-100 ml of cold boiled water or strong tea. Drink 1 time per day - in the morning on an empty stomach 20-40 minutes before breakfast. For stomach ulcers, take the same dose a second time, also 20–40 minutes before lunch. (2007, no. 9 p. 7).
For several years after treatment with antibiotics, a woman had erosive gastritis with high acidity, which she could not cure with any medications or folk remedies, and diet did not help. Then she decided to use the ASD fraction for treatment. I drank 15 drops in the morning on an empty stomach, but diluted it not in water, but in an infusion of dried fruit, and sometimes added potato juice. The total amount of liquid for diluting the fraction was 100 g. Drying herb helps with non-healing wounds and ulcers. When I started treatment with the ASD fraction, after 8 days I forgot about the pain. (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2010, No. 16 p. 9).

Treatment of gastritis with low acidity with apples

A proven remedy for gastritis with low acidity is green apples. 2 apples must be peeled and seeded and grated. Eat the resulting pulp immediately in the morning on an empty stomach. After this, do not eat for 5 hours. For the first month, apples are taken daily. In the second month - 3 times a week. Third month – 1-2 times a week. (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2008, No. 19 p. 23).
The woman had the following diseases: chronic gastritis with low acidity, biliary dyskinesia, liver hemangioma. When Lent began, she decided to use a folk remedy - apple treatment (see above). For three months she ate grated green apples in the morning on an empty stomach, followed a diet and fasting, focusing on oatmeal. After three months, all three diseases disappeared, even the moles on the body all fell off. (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2010, No. 7, p. 7).

Atrophic gastritis of the stomach - symptoms - causes - treatment of atrophic gastritis.

From a conversation with a gastroenterologist of the highest category, Candidate of Medical Sciences. Sciences, senior researcher at the Central Research Institute of Gastroenterology D. S. Borodin.

It is believed that atrophic gastritis is an incurable disease, and once it has started, it will only progress. But modern medicine has the means to slow down the development of the disease and avoid its consequences.

Causes of atrophic gastritis
The cells of the gastric mucosa must be constantly renewed, because they are continuously damaged by contact with acid and the enzyme pepsin. But sometimes this mechanism malfunctions, the renewal process slows down, the number of functional gastric glands decreases - atrophic gastritis occurs. The cause of atrophic gastritis is chronic inflammation of the gastric mucosa. The onset of atrophic gastritis is often bacterial gastritis - caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. This microbe destroys the mucous membrane in two ways: it damages it directly, and also triggers the mechanism of excessive production of hydrochloric acid. Gradually, the cell restoration mechanism begins to malfunction, atrophy of stomach cells occurs - the death processes are ahead of the restoration processes. If bacterial gastritis is treated promptly and correctly, atrophic gastritis will not occur. Another cause of the disease is disorders in the immune system, when the immune system perceives the gastric mucosa as something foreign and begins to destroy its cells. For this reason, atrophic gastritis develops more often at a young age, for a bacterial reason - after 40-50 years.
With atrophic gastritis, cells that produce hydrochloric acid and the enzyme pepsin, which digests food, die. In addition, pepsin only works in an acidic environment; in addition, acid disinfects food.
Symptoms of atrophic gastritis: a feeling of heaviness in the stomach after eating, bad breath, frequent food poisoning. For a more accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct an endoscopic examination, taking a piece of the gastric mucosa. In addition, symptoms may include sticking in the corners of the mouth, bloating and rumbling in the abdomen, constipation and diarrhea, peeling of the skin, yellow-gray coating on the tongue, hair loss
Prevention of atrophic gastritis— cure Helicobacter pylori infection completely. This requires a 1-2 week course of treatment with 3-4 medications, two of which are antibiotics. It is necessary to follow a diet, avoid canned, pickled and smoked foods, beware of stale food, eat small portions 4-5 times a day.
Atrophic gastritis treatment. To cure, or rather, stop this disease, you must first cope with the bacterial infection. Then replacement treatment is prescribed - hydrochloric acid and pepsin, or a means that stimulates their production.
Often, atrophic gastritis can develop into cancer asymptomatically, so you need to be constantly monitored by a doctor.
Traditional medicine believes that this disease is treatable; stomach acidity can be restored with the help of herbs. The most effective remedy against atrophic gastritis is plantain leaves.
Phytotherapist, candidate of medical sciences Alexander Gerasimenko offers such a treatment regimen. Collection: calamus root, St. John's wort, calendula flowers, peppermint, dandelion and sage, chamomile, plantain leaves, yarrow, trifoliate - take equally. Grind everything, mix and leave for 4 full tbsp. l. in 1 liter of boiling water. Strain. Take half a glass warm 3 times a day. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days! The course is at least 3 months. (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2008, No. 15 p. 6-7).

Treatment of chronic gastritis at home with a golden mustache

This recipe was recommended to a woman who had been suffering from chronic gastritis for a long time by friends - eat 1 leaf of golden mustache every morning on an empty stomach and every evening. This recipe helped her; she did not use any other means, she only ate the golden mustache. All the symptoms of Prosha’s gastritis have not bothered her for many years (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2009, No. 19 p. 32).

Acute gastritis - treatment with pine buds

1 tsp. Pour a glass of boiling water over pine buds and strain. Drink 2 tbsp. l. 5-6 times a day. Sea buckthorn will also help cure acute gastritis - 3 tbsp. l. berries pour 500 ml of hot water, boil for 10 minutes, add honey to taste and drink warm instead of tea. (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2010, No. 10 p. 16).

Erosive gastritis - treatment with folk remedies

Erosive gastritis is characterized by the presence of erosions in the gastric mucosa and more severe pain. If "erosive gastritis" is diagnosed, it is absolutely impossible to starve, you need to eat sparing food 5-6 times a day. Patients with an erosive form are prescribed enveloping agents, such as phosphalugel or de-nol. Treatment of erosive gastritis with herbs gives good results. Here is a recipe for an effective collection that normalizes the functions of the stomach: 3 parts of cyanosis, 1 part of cudweed, lungwort, plantain, hops. 2 tbsp. l. pour 500 ml of boiling water over the mixture, wrap, leave for 2 hours, drain, strain, squeeze. Take about half a glass three times a day 30 minutes before meals, and another half a glass just before bedtime. The course of treatment is 1-2 months, depending on the severity of the disease.
Erosive gastritis can also provoke other stomach diseases, so you need to constantly see a doctor and do a gastroscopy once a year, including a test for the presence of Helicobacter and the degree of its activity. (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2009, No. 11 p. 14-15).

Atrophic gastritis - treatment with folk remedies

Atrophy is the thinning of the gastric mucosa. And since the mucosa contains a glandular apparatus, atrophic gastritis is accompanied by low acidity. One of the most important elements of treatment is diet, another element is the use of enveloping agents, for example the drug de-nol - it has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, envelops the stomach and intestines, protecting against atrophy. Take 1 tablet 30 minutes before meals.
For low acidity, Venter is often prescribed, as well as medications containing digestive enzymes.
During exacerbations, folk remedies - infusions and decoctions - will also help. A good remedy for atrophic gastritis is oat decoction: pour 1 cup of washed oats into 1 liter of boiling water. Boil over low heat until 1/4 of the liquid has evaporated. Strain, drink half a glass 3 times a day before meals. A very good remedy is plantain, it can be taken in the form of plantaglucid tablets, as well as in the form of a decoction of its leaves. (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2010, No. 7, pp. 32-33).

Erosive gastritis - treatment with eggs

In the morning on an empty stomach, drink the whites of two chicken eggs; the eggs should be fresh from healthy domestic chickens. Eat and drink only after 2 hours. During this time, the active substance of chicken protein envelops and heals the damaged area. This remedy helps cure gastritis and stomach ulcers. In the evening before dinner, it is also advisable to drink 2 proteins. In a week you will be healthy. (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2010, No. 9 p. 33).

Recipe for gastritis and stomach ulcers

For the course of treatment, you need to take 600 g of flaxseed, grind it into powder, add 500 ml of water, add 2 beaten eggs. Place on the fire, bring to a boil and simmer for 20 minutes. Add 500 g butter, 500 g honey. Stirring, boil for 7 minutes. Cool, put in jars, store in the refrigerator. Take 1 tbsp three times a day before meals. spoon. This is a guarantee for five years, then the course of treatment must be repeated (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2010, No. 21 p. 33).

How to treat gastritis with low acidity with cognac

Take 25 g of propolis, 1 liter of cognac, 1 kg of honey, 1 kg of lemons, minced. Mix everything in a three-liter jar, close the lid, leave for 1 month, stirring after 1-2 days. Strain, take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment for gastritis is until the mixture runs out. After some time, the course can be repeated. (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2011, No. 7 p. 31).

Polypous anacid warty gastritis - a treatment

A polyp was found in the man's stomach, they suggested an operation, but he refused it, and began to treat the polyp with a decoction of celandine. I drank a decoction (0.5 tsp of grass per 1 cup of boiling water) 3 times a day for 1/3 cup for a month. After that, the examination showed that the polyp decreased by 1 mm, but erosive gastritis appeared.
The patient came across an article on how a woman was able to cure polyposis anacid warty gastritis with the help of a tincture, which includes pine nut shells, propolis, cinquefoil root, celandine grass, aloe juice, honey. I prepared this tincture and took 1 tbsp. l. 30 minutes before meals without drinking or eating anything. I drank half a liter and went for examination - neither gastritis nor a polyp were found.
A year later, a polyp was found again, the man drank another portion of the healing tincture, and everything became clear.
Here is the tincture recipe: place 30 g of pine nut shells, 30 g of propolis, 30 g of cinquefoil root (galangal) in a liter jar, add 150 g of 70% alcohol. Leave for 3 weeks, shaking daily. In another liter jar, place 30 g of celandine and 150 g of vodka, Infuse for 1 week. Pick aloe leaves, wrap in dark paper and put in the refrigerator for a week, then squeeze the juice out of them, add 150 g of honey to 150 g of aloe juice. Strain the tinctures from the first and second jars and mix with a mixture of honey and aloe. Leave this entire mixture for another week. It turns out 600 g of mixture. This folk remedy for gastritis should be taken 1 tbsp. l. in the morning on an empty stomach, eating butter. The course of treatment is until the mixture runs out. You need to drink this remedy 4 times a year with a break of 2 months. (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2011, No. 4 p. 34).

Stroganina against gastritis

A man experienced an exacerbation of chronic gastritis. And the exacerbation lasted for three years, no medications and procedures helped, the pain was constant. A casual acquaintance, having learned about his illness, said that he would be able to cure gastritis, because, being at the construction of BAM, the old-timers managed to save him from the most severe
gastritis. For treatment, you need to buy 500 g of good beef meat, cut it into bars with a cross-section of 5 by 5 cm, and freeze it in the freezer. Every morning on an empty stomach, 10-15 minutes before breakfast, cut the stroganina 2-3 mm thick so that it is translucent, put it on the tongue and suck it out until only tasteless fibers remain that need to be chewed and swallowed. The course of treatment is until the meat runs out (500 g). The patient reacted to this advice with great doubt; his wife was categorically against it. But whatever you can do for the pain, I decided to try. It turned out that it was not at all disgusting, especially since after a week the constant pain went away. After two weeks, all the symptoms of gastritis disappeared, but the man completed the course of treatment. 30 years have passed, the stomach is in perfect order (2011, No. 19 p. 10).

Chronic gastritis with low acidity - treatment with oats

Wash the oats, dry them, and grind them in a coffee grinder. 2 tbsp. l. crushed oats, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water into a thermos in the evening, strain in the morning. Drink 0.5 glasses 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment for chronic gastritis with this folk remedy is 20 days, then a 10-day break and a new course. (2012, no. 15 p. 33).

From an article in the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2011, No. 18, pp. 6-7. Conversation with a therapist of the highest category, S. V. Petrin.

One of the causes of gastritis is poor nutrition. Therefore, when treating gastritis, it is especially important to follow a diet.
For gastritis, meals should be frequent, but you need to eat little by little, without overloading the stomach.
It is advisable to eat in a cozy environment, in a good mood. Under no circumstances should you eat “on the go”, in a hurry, or in a hurry. Food should be freshly prepared, not left in the refrigerator for 2-3 days, and warm (if you have gastritis, you should not eat very hot or very cold food).

There are 2 types of gastritis: with increased and decreased acidity of gastric juice.
Diet for gastritis with high acidity.
You can’t eat anything fatty, salty, spicy, or sweet. Many foods should be completely excluded - white cabbage, turnips, brown bread, pastries, sparkling water, coffee, juices, alcohol, citrus fruits, chocolate, sugar, sour cream. Reduce consumption of beans, lentils, and baked goods.
What can you eat if you have gastritis with high acidity? During exacerbations, include boiled beets, buckwheat porridge, mucous soups made from rice, barley and oats into the diet. You can also eat river fish, rabbit meat, egg whites, tomatoes, spinach, zucchini, pumpkin, peas, carrots, and sweet berries. Sour fruits and rosehips should be avoided.
For gastritis, it is advisable to eat foods rich in vitamins E and B - vegetable oil, milk, salad, cereals. However, we must remember that if you have gastritis, you cannot eat pearl barley, wheat and barley porridge, but it is useful to eat buckwheat and oatmeal.

Diet for gastritis with low acidity.
The diet for this type of gastritis is very similar to the diet for high acidity (nothing fatty, spicy, fried), but there are a few subtleties. Patients who lack acidity in the stomach need to chew food very carefully - each piece for at least 30 seconds. If there are no chewing teeth, it is necessary to consider prosthetics.
Patients with low acidity need to drink 100 g of mineral water (still) before meals, and eat fruit only during meals. A diet for gastritis with low acidity must necessarily include juices (1/3 glass 3 times a day) of sea buckthorn, cabbage, potatoes, and carrots.
Is it possible to eat milk if you have gastritis? Some gastroenterologists claim that milk is contraindicated, while others say that it is beneficial. There are people who cannot digest milk and dairy products are contraindicated for them. If there is no milk intolerance, then it all depends on the acidity. For gastritis with low acidity, drinking milk is not recommended, but lactic acid products can be eaten in small quantities. And if you have gastritis with high acidity, then there are no restrictions on milk.

What mineral waters to drink for gastritis

If you have gastritis, be sure to drink mineral water. For ulcers and high acidity and stomach ulcers, any water that says “bicarbonate” is suitable. It should be taken warm 30 minutes before meals. In case of low acidity, you should choose from salt-alkaline waters; in this case, mineral water should be drunk during meals or immediately after it. (From a conversation with herbalist Gerasimenko, “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” 2008, No. 19 p. 22-23)

For atrophic gastritis, you can drink mineral water from Essentuki No. 4, No. 17, Narzan, Mirgorodskaya. It is necessary to drink mineral water in a warm form, 1 glass three times a day, 20 minutes before meals. (From a conversation with gastroenterologist Stepanova T.V., Healthy Lifestyle Bulletin 2012, No. 16 p. 22-23)

Nutrition for atrophic gastritis

From a conversation with a gastroenterologist of the highest category, Candidate of Medical Sciences. Sciences, senior researcher at the Central Research Institute of Gastroenterology D. S. Borodin. (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2008, No. 15 p. 6-7).

If you have atrophic gastritis, you must avoid canned, pickled and smoked foods. Eat simple, freshly prepared foods. It is better to eat at home, avoid various pies, pasties, etc. Beware of stale food - if there are suspicions about the freshness of the product, under no circumstances eat it, because with atrophic gastritis, there is not enough hydrochloric acid in the stomach to disinfect harmful microorganisms that enter the stomach with food. Eat small meals 4-5 times a day. Eat more dairy products. Avoid stress, emotional and physical overload. Smoking and strong alcoholic drinks are extremely harmful to the stomach with atrophied mucosa.

From a conversation with a doctor, Dr. med. Nazarov V. E .. (Healthy lifestyle bulletin 2010, No. 19 p. 6-7).

First of all, you need to exclude whole milk, duck meat, fatty pork and fish, fresh bread, pastries, spicy dishes, and grapes from your diet. It is useful for atrophic gastritis to eat oatmeal, buckwheat and rice porridge, sauerkraut, beet juice, baked sour apples, onions, garlic.
Well enhances the secretion of gastric juice horseradish: 1 tsp. grated horseradish should be mixed with sugar or honey - eaten before lunch, once a day. It is also useful to drink black radish juice 1/4 cup 3 times a day.
With atrophic gastritis, the following folk recipes are very effective:
1. Mix 100 g of sea buckthorn oil with 150 g of unrefined sunflower oil. Take 1 tbsp. l. before bedtime.
2. Grind and mix 1 part celandine herb and 2 parts each chamomile, yarrow, St. John's wort. 1 tbsp. l. Brew a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, drink 1/2 glass 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals.
3. Mix in equal parts St. John's wort, plantain, blueberry leaves. 4 tbsp. l. collection pour 1 cup boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Treatment of gastritis with diet and herbs

A woman was diagnosed with gastritis with high acidity 3 years ago. There were severe stomach pains, flatulence, and heartburn. To improve my health, I had to use a special diet and herbal medicine.
A diet for gastritis should be aimed at suppressing inflammation of the stomach, so food should be boiled or steamed. I had to completely eliminate foods that increase acidity from my diet: strong broths, mushrooms, fried and fatty foods, brown bread, coffee, tomatoes. The woman ate 5-6 times a day and drank low-acid kefir or yogurt at night.
What can you eat if you have gastritis with high acidity: white stale bread, or white bread dried in a toaster, milk, non-acidic sour cream and cottage cheese, butter, vegetable oil. boiled eggs or omelets, milk soups from noodles or rolled oats, minced meat products, boiled fish, cereals, pasta, boiled vegetables, compotes, jelly, sweet fruits and berries, weak tea, weak cocoa. The woman followed this diet. In addition to the diet, she was treated with herbal infusions.
2 tbsp. l. Brew centaury with 1 liter of boiling water, drink 0.5 cup 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. 1-2 tsp. chamomile flowers pour 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, drink warm 30 minutes before meals.
To reduce acidity in the stomach, I drank carrot juice and potato juice. The juice should be drunk on an empty stomach 1 hour before meals, 3 times a day, 1/2-3/4 cup.
As a result of this treatment, my health has improved significantly, and the symptoms of gastritis no longer bother me. (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2010, No. 8, pp. 8-9).

How to treat gastritis - “herbal” recipes from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH”.

Treatment of gastritis with herbs

If you have gastritis with high stomach acidity, then the following collection will help: calamus roots - 1 part, centaury - 2 parts, chamomile, mint, coltsfoot - 3 parts each. Yarrow – 5 parts. 2 tbsp. l. pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over the collection, leave for 5 hours, drink 100 g warm 30-40 minutes before meals (Healthy Lifestyle Bulletin 2001, No. 12, p. 7)

Gastritis-cholecystitis-pancreatitis - Dr. Karasev’s prescription.

This bouquet of diseases is very widespread and poorly treated. With the help of traditional medicine, these serious diseases can be cured at home. It's not easy, but it can be done if you want.
Treatment consists of three stages. At the first and third stages (they last 12 days), only pheonine is taken. Total Phionin need 1.5 liters. You need to prepare it like this: put 1 liter of well-washed and finely chopped hawthorn roots, 2 liters of horse sorrel roots into a three-liter saucepan. The roots must be sour; there are varieties of horse sorrel with bitter roots - these are not suitable for medicine. Pour clean crushed roots with cold water, leave for 1 hour. Then bring to a boil and simmer over very low heat for 5-7 hours, covering with a lid. Strain the broth, mix the roots and pour cold water again for 1 hour, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 3-5 hours, strain. Then mix the first and second decoction and boil together for 5 minutes. Fionin is ready! This is a very powerful multi-purpose tool.
First stage. Drink pheonin for 12 days according to the following scheme. 5 days - 1 tbsp. l. three times a day half an hour before meals, the next 4 days - 1.5 tablespoons, the next 3 days - 2 tbsp. spoons, also 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
Second phase treatment. They drink a decoction of wild rose and pine needles for 5-7 days. To prepare a decoction, you need to take enamel. 3.5 liter saucepan, add 0.5 kg of washed dry rose hips, fill to the top with cold water, leave for 30 minutes and put on fire. When the rosehip infusion boils, simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. After 2 hours, when the broth has cooled and the berries have sunk to the bottom, mash them with a masher and put them on the fire again, bring to a boil, after 5 minutes add 100 g of pine needles, boil for another 5 minutes. Then cool the broth, strain. It should turn out about three liters of broth, add 3 tbsp. l. honey, stir and pour into glass jars. Take a decoction 3 times a day after meals, 200 grams. This decoction lowers the acidity of gastric juice. If it is very high, then before starting treatment it is recommended to drink 70-100 g of carrot juice in the morning on an empty stomach.
Third stage. Drink pheonin in the same way as in the first stage.
Keep both decoctions in the refrigerator and warm to room temperature before taking.
After a full course of treatment (36 days), it will be possible to cure all three diseases.
(Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2001, No. 14, p. 15)

Treatment of gastritis at home - an effective collection of herbs

When treating the stomach, liver, and intestines, the following collection gives very good results: calendula, chamomile, yarrow in equal parts. 2 tbsp. l. collection, pour 500 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 night. Take 3/4 cup of infusion 3 times a day. The course of treatment for gastritis is 40 days, then take a break for 1 month and again 40 days of treatment. (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2003, No. 7, p. 23, From the recipes of Clara Doronina)

How to treat gastritis and stomach ulcers with burdock seeds

To cure gastritis, stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, as well as constipation, hemorrhoids, take burdock fruits along with the pericarp, dried and mashed, 2 tbsp. l. 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave overnight. Drink 1 glass in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed. (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2003, No. 12, p. 17. From the recipes of Clara Doronina.)

Collection of herbs for the treatment of gastritis

Gastritis with low acidity. St. John's wort, immortelle, corn silk, crushed rose hips, yarrow, chamomile, mint, calendula, valerian root - mix everything. Take half a handful of herbs and pour 1 liter of cold water, leave overnight, bring to a boil in the morning, cool. Drink half a glass 3 times a day half an hour after meals for two months.
Gastritis with high acidity. Mint leaves - 20 g, buckthorn bark - 10 g, St. John's wort - 20 g, knotweed - 30 g, yarrow - 20 g, plantain leaf - 30 g, calamus root - 40 g, comfrey root - 20 g. Mix all ingredients, 1 Art. l. collection, pour a glass of boiling water, leave, drink 0.5 cup 3 times a day 40 minutes before meals. (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2003, No. 23 p. 11).

Iceland moss

Stomach ulcers, colitis, gastritis are well treated by Icelandic moss. Add 1 handful of moss to 500 ml of water, bring to a boil, and boil for 8-10 minutes. Leave for 1 hour, strain. Drink 1/2 glass 3-4 times a day 20 minutes before meals. (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2005, No. 5 p. 12).

Traditional treatment of gastritis and stomach ulcers with walnuts

A 20-year-old woman had gastritis, constant heartburn, and then a stomach ulcer began. A doctor in a Crimean sanatorium was able to cure her of all these diseases. She gave her this folk recipe: mince 200 g of green walnuts, mix with 400 g of sugar, put in a liter jar and put in the refrigerator for 10 days. In the morning on an empty stomach, eat 1 tsp. mixture with water. (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2007, No. 12 p. 31).

How to treat gastritis with sunflower petals

Take 1-2 handfuls of dried sunflower petals, add 1 liter of cold water, bring to a boil, simmer for 20 minutes over low heat. Cool and drink 50-70 ml of decoction every 2 hours. Symptoms of gastritis disappear immediately or within 2-3 days. But the course of treatment is 1 week. During the treatment of gastritis, you must follow a diet and refrain from spicy foods (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2007, No. 14 p. 30).

Treatment of gastritis at home with celandine

The woman managed to cure chronic gastritis and stomach ulcers with celandine. She was sick for a very long time until she read a note about how one patient managed to cure gastritis by eating 1 leaf of celandine. I decided to use this treatment, but in a more active form: I squeezed celandine juice and mixed 1 liter of juice with 1 liter of alcohol. I took 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals, drinking 1 tbsp. l. olive oil. In addition, I ate 1 leaf of celandine in the morning on an empty stomach. When she drank 1 liter of tincture, she took a break for 10 days. In total, I conducted 3 such courses of treatment. Immediately after this, she went to the regional hospital for examination. There she was thoroughly examined, but nothing was found, not even scars. My general condition also improved – my blood pressure returned to normal and my shortness of breath went away. (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2009, No. 4 p. 31).
The young man was admitted to the hospital after a medical examination with a diagnosis of gastritis; his mother went to a doctor she knew for advice. He advised her this folk remedy: 1 tbsp. l. Mix dry ground celandine into powder with 1 cup of honey. Take 1 tbsp. l. in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening, without drinking or eating anything. The patient took a little more - during the 21 days he was in the hospital, he ate 2 kg of the drug. 22 years have passed since then, and there have been no symptoms of gastritis since then. (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2010, No. 1 p. 38,).
A woman managed to cure gastritis with an infusion of celandine. I took it 30-45 minutes before meals, 3 times a day, 130 ml. Course 21 days. She took 6 courses, 2 courses per year, and the gastritis disappeared. The recipe is as follows: for 400 ml of boiling water 1 tsp. dry celandine, leave for 45 minutes, strain, drink warm. (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2011, No. 18 p. 9).

Heliobag theory of gastritis: pros and cons. Conversation with herbalist Gerasimenko

Is the bacterium Heliobacter pylori the main culprit of gastritis? This bacterium is very common. In developing countries, it is found in 90% of children and 100% of adults over 30 years of age. But few of them suffer from gastritis. Many people live peacefully with this bacterium until gastritis or an ulcer is triggered by a trigger - stress, poor diet, etc.
The microorganism Heliobacter pylori is an indispensable participant in digestion; it enhances the production of hydrochloric acid by stomach cells. Under the influence of this acid, hordes of pathogenic microbes that enter the body with food die. With age, the natural production of acid by the stomach decreases, therefore, the older a person is, the more often this microbe is found in his stomach. In a healthy body, this microbe eats only dead or weakened stomach epithelial cells, including cancerous ones. But this same microbe, under the influence of changed living conditions (stress, poor nutrition), also changes its properties. Forced to defend himself, he turns to aggression, and as a result, gastritis or an ulcer blooms in full bloom.
Official medicine, guided by the Heliobacter theory, uses antibiotics in the treatment of gastritis and ulcers to expel the bacterium from the stomach and duodenum. Traditional medicine restores the proper functioning of these organs in order to return the microbe to its beneficial activities. Treatment of gastritis of the stomach with folk remedies follows the following directions: restore the optimal secretion of hydrochloric acid, protect the surface of the ulcer with an enveloping film, help the healing of the mucous membrane, relieve inflammation, eliminate spasms, and reduce pain.
All these tasks will help you complete two collections.
Collection of herbs for gastritis No. 1.
Roots of marshmallow, licorice, comfrey, blue cyanosis, belladonna.
Herbs St. John's wort, cudweed, celandine, yarrow.
Chamomile and linden flowers.
Flax seeds.
Fennel fruit
Take all components equally. First take 1 tbsp. l. mixture of all roots and flax seeds, pour 600 ml of hot water, bring to a boil, boil for 20 minutes. Then add 2 tbsp. l. a mixture of all herbs, flowers and fennel fruits. Leave for 1 hour, strain. Drink 150-180 g warm 30 minutes before meals. In case of a stomach ulcer, belladonna root should be excluded from this collection, since it complicates the evacuation function of the stomach. But for duodenal ulcers, the use of belladonna is very desirable.
Collection of herbs for gastritis No. 2.
The effect of this collection is approximately the same as collection No. 1, but this recipe is very good if gastritis is accompanied by long-term non-healing ulcers.
Herbs centaury, St. John's wort, cucumber, plantain, mint, valerian root, calamus, chamomile and calendula flowers - take everything in equal parts and chop. 2 tbsp. l. collection, pour 600 ml of boiling water, cover, leave for 1 hour. Drink warm 40 minutes before meals. 150-180 ml each
The course of treatment of gastritis with both preparations is 40-50 days
Collection of herbs for gastritis with high acidity.
Plantain, mint, St. John's wort, cudweed, centaury, yarrow, knotweed, calamus roots, caraway fruits - take in equal parts. 2 tbsp. l. Boil the mixture for 10 minutes in 500 ml of water. Leave for 1 hour, strain. Drink 100-120 g 4 times a day 1 hour after meals.
Collection of herbs for gastritis with low acidity.
Plantain - 2 parts, other herbs - 1 part each: mint, St. John's wort, calendula, chamomile, dandelion, calamus, three-leaf watch. 1 tbsp. l. Boil the mixture for 10 minutes in 250 ml of water. Leave for 30 minutes. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals
(Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2008, No. 19 p. 22-23).

How to relieve pain from chronic gastritis with wormwood

Place a pinch of wormwood flowers at the bottom of the glass and pour boiling water to the top, then strain very quickly through a strainer. The resulting infusion is without bitterness, with a light wormwood aroma. Drink 1 glass of this infusion in the morning on an empty stomach. Helps relieve pain after the first dose. (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2010, No. 16 p. 32).

How to treat gastritis with elecampane

Grind the dry elecampane roots into powder. Take 1/6 teaspoon of root powder with water. This folk remedy helps cure gastritis, cholecystitis, stomach ulcers, colitis, and hemorrhoids. (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2011, No. 22 p. 36-37).

Traditional treatment of gastritis at home with porridges and herbal decoctions

The woman experienced an exacerbation of gastritis, the medications helped only for a short time, the pain was especially severe at night. A friend gave me a recipe for oatmeal with herbs. Place 2 tbsp in a saucepan. l. calendula, pour boiling water, keep on low heat for 10 minutes, then leave for 20 minutes, strain. Add 3 tbsp to this herbal decoction. l. oatmeal, cook porridge, add honey. The first time the woman ate this healing porridge in the evening, her stomach did not hurt at night. In the morning I cooked porridge again, ate this porridge for a total of 3 days, the exacerbation of gastritis passed, my stomach calmed down. This woman had high stomach acidity, so she used calendula. In case of low acidity, yarrow should be used for herbal decoction. (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2011, No. 22 p. 38,).

Gastritis is one of the diseases that can be cured using old “old fashioned” methods. Although they are not recognized by official medical science, since they have not undergone appropriate clinical trials. But doctors do not deny their effectiveness and even recommend them to their patients as an addition to drug therapy.

Treatment of inflammation of the gastric mucosa with tinctures and decoctions is recommended only under the supervision of a specialist. A doctor’s assessment of the safety and feasibility of both primary and secondary methods guarantees a speedy, uncomplicated recovery. Let's consider the most accessible recipes that have helped patients in the fight against complex pathology.

When can you use folk remedies?

Gastritis is a group of diseases with different courses and symptoms. The diagnosis can be clarified, as well as the degree of inflammation of the gastric mucosa can be determined by endoscopic examination with the collection of a biopsy sample for microscopic analysis.

The treatment regimen is selected by a gastroenterologist based on the results of laboratory and instrumental diagnostics. The most effective is considered to be a tandem of medications and ancient recipes, but only while following a diet.

Where to start treatment

Treatment of gastritis, especially the acute form, begins with drinking warm mineral water to lavage the stomach, refusing food for 1-2 days and staying in bed. Then you can include oatmeal jelly in your diet. It helps with any form of disease and is prepared from crushed flakes.


For 200 g of product you will need 8 tbsp. warm, pre-boiled water. Infusion time - 12 hours. After straining, the mixture is simmered over low heat until a thick, stretchy substance is obtained. She successfully copes with hypoacid gastritis. If there is no allergy, it can be supplemented with 0.5 tsp. honey and salt to taste. Take before meals.

Folk remedies for gastritis

The disease either worsens or subsides. Patients with this diagnosis are subject to lifelong dispensary registration and observation. Adequate treatment results in rapid healing. But the risk that chronic gastritis will develop into peptic ulcer disease remains high. To prevent this from happening, a highly specialized doctor should select the most effective methods of therapy.

Chronic gastritis

A form of gastric pathology that develops with poorly treated acute inflammation of the digestive canal. It is characterized by hidden symptoms, but a less favorable prognosis. Accompanied by stool disorders, bloating, morning nausea, unpleasant taste in the mouth, aching pain in the epigastric region.

Leads to irreversible changes in the structure of the stomach lining and requires constant support. The essence of therapy is to find the most effective folk remedies for gastritis that can put the disease into a state of “hibernation.” Delayed treatment of pathology leads to its erosive variety.


An insidious form of gastritis, in which the parietal cells of the stomach disappear, the production of hydrochloric acid decreases, hypovitaminosis B12 and megaloblastic anemia occur. The thickness of the mucosa decreases to critical values. The reason is Helicobacter pylori infection and autoimmune processes. It is considered the last and most severe form, capable of degenerating into cancer. Hyperplastic gastritis, on the contrary, is characterized by an increase in the mass and volume of the mucous membrane.

Traditional methods of treatment help with minimal focal changes in the “picture of the stomach.” They are designed to restore the mucous membrane without overloading the body with medicinal chemicals.

Among the most effective means are the following:

  • In the morning, take 125 ml of potato juice, and for breakfast a mixture of chopped raw pumpkin and green apple (3:1) with a slice of lemon and a teaspoon of honey. The next meal should take place 3-4 hours later.
  • A solution of calamus root (15 g) and 1 liter of cognac. Infusion time is 1.5 months. After straining and adding 100 g of honey, let it stand for another 4 weeks, and then store it in the basement for six months for full ripening. Drink 2 times a day, 1 tsp. The effectiveness of the recipe has been tested by time and thousands of patients.
  • Bananas have a mild enveloping and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • A decoction of flax seeds can be included in this category. Take three times a day.
  • Fresh blueberries, ground with sugar, but not in the form of jam, will quickly expel Helicobacter pillory if taken 1 tsp. immediately after waking up.
  • Medicinal cumin tea. A mixture of 500 ml boiling water and 1 tbsp. l. Leave the seeds for 30 minutes. Drink in the mornings and evenings.
  • Chamomile has an excellent calming effect. It is difficult to find a safer and healthier drink. Prepared from 1 liter of boiling water and 2 tbsp. l. flowers. Tea can be supplemented with yarrow, celandine and St. John's wort, and the taste can be improved with honey and lemon juice. Drink throughout the day.
  • Medicinal decoction of rose hips. Method of preparation: take a mixture of berries and leaves, cook in 500 ml of water for 10 minutes. Take 3 times a day between meals. Course duration: 1-1.5 months.


An inflammatory process that affects the antrum (the outlet of the stomach), where the chyme is alkalized before entering the intestines. It is a bacterially caused form of gastritis, which is determined by the presence of a large number of pathogenic microbes in the digestive canal. As a result, the production of bicarbonates decreases, gastric juice becomes more acidic, which provokes the formation of ulcerations on the surface of the duodenum.

According to the symptoms, the form of inflammation resembles a stomach ulcer. Drug treatment is supported by traditional medicine recipes. Green apple puree and cabbage juice have a special therapeutic effect.


A type of antral gastritis. For treatment, an infusion of burdock leaves is used, prepared from 0.5 liters of boiling water and 1 tsp. crushed dried vegetable matter. Drink every day after the main meals.


It is a fairly harmless form of inflammation, affecting only the superficial layers of the gastric mucosa. Occurs with alcohol abuse, prolonged fasting, and intake of low-quality foods.

It can be treated with medication, as well as with the help of folk remedies, for example, chamomile tea, which has an antiseptic effect. To prevent pain and reflux, enveloping decoctions, for example, from flaxseeds, are used. After an exacerbation, you can take infusions of St. John's wort, which relieve heartburn and inflammation.


It is observed when the gastric wall is injured by Helicobacter pylori infection. The immune system works against it, sending lymphocytes to the affected areas. Their accumulations lead to the formation of follicles that interfere with the secretion of juice and the digestion of food.

Modern medicine does not consider this form as an independent disease, since its development is associated with existing pathologies of the stomach.

“Grandma’s” recipes come to the aid of conservative treatment. Among them is aloe juice, which is drunk for 3 weeks, 2 times a day, 25 ml.

A drink based on licorice rhizome is effective. It is prepared from a glass of water and 1 tbsp. l. vegetable raw materials. Take 60 ml per day, dividing the volume into 4 doses. Course - 21 days.


The most common type of gastritis. It is distinguished by a large number of different-sized erosions on the gastric mucosa.

The following remedies will help cure:

  • Olive oil and sea buckthorn juice (1:1). Leave for 3 days. Take 1 tsp in the morning. The course lasts 14-20 days.
  • Agave leaves are at least 3 years old. They must be kept in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. Then get the juice and combine with honey. Dosage regimen: for 20 days, 1 tsp. on empty stomach.
  • For the next remedy you will need 250 ml of warm goat milk, 1 mummy tablet, 1 tbsp. l. honey. Take morning and evening with a total volume of 500 ml. Duration of treatment is 2 weeks, repeated after 7 days.

Gastritis with high acidity

A form of the disease in which excessive secretion of hydrogen chloride damages mucosal epithelial cells. The walls of the stomach become irritated and injured.

  • A honey drink, prepared from a glass of warm water and 1 tsp, will help you heal. sweet nectar. Drink the composition 3 times a day 1.5 hours before meals. The course of treatment is at least 2 months.
  • Chew bee propolis (8 g) 1 hour before meals. Perform the procedure 3 times a day. The course is a month. It also helps with the diagnosis of gastric ulcer.
  • For the next remedy you will need honey and Kalanchoe juice (1:1). The resulting mixture is dissolved in 200 ml of vodka. Leave it in the dark for a month and a half, shaking it every day. Take 1 tbsp in the morning on an empty stomach. l.
  • Treatment with alcohol is carried out according to the following scheme: an hour before breakfast, slowly dissolve 1 tbsp. l. homemade butter, then drink the same amount of alcohol and 2 raw eggs.
  • The following recipe is freshly prepared potato juice. A volume of 100 ml is drunk on an empty stomach immediately after waking up. Duration of therapy is 10 days, repeated after the same period of time.
  • Beetroot juice has a good healing effect, which should be diluted by half with water and drunk 2 tbsp. l. 1 hour before each meal. For the second recipe you will need a boiled root vegetable, which is crushed, and then taken 100 g 3 times a day.
  • Sea buckthorn helps relieve severe pain. Compote is boiled from 0.5 liters of water and 3 tbsp. l. berries Honey is added for sweetness. Drink 1 tbsp. 2 times a day.
  • Dill tea helps fight heartburn. The medicine is prepared overnight from seeds (2 tbsp) and 0.5 liters of boiling water. In the morning, strain and add linden honey to taste. Drink 100 ml before main meals.

Gastritis with low acidity

In oncology it is considered as a form that leads to cancer. Popular recipes that increase gastric pH include:

  • Cabbage juice. Drink 2 times a day, 0.5 glasses 1 hour before meals.
  • Olive oil. Course of treatment: 2 weeks. Dosage regimen: 2 times a day, 1 tbsp. l. 30 minutes before meals.
  • Aloe juice. For several months, take 10 ml of this valuable product 3 times a day.
  • Plantain decoction. An effective composition used in the treatment of peptic ulcers. Prepared from 2 tbsp. boiling water and 5 g of vegetable raw materials. Infusion time 30 minutes. Divide the entire volume into equal parts and drink warm.

A special mixture can be prepared based on plantain juice. It needs to be heated, but not boiled. Take 4 times a day, 15 ml.

Reflux gastritis

Protracted illness with reflux of chyme from the duodenum into the stomach. It is characterized by a clear manifestation with stool disorders, heartburn, nausea, and pain.

Treatment in children

Fathers and mothers must provide the little person with a calm, comfortable state, timely nutrition, and the correct daily routine. Medicines are not very welcome among adults, but folk recipes are popular. They are selected by a doctor who takes into account the age and weight of the small patient.

To determine the most effective folk remedies for the treatment of gastritis, you need to consult your doctor. These methods can be used only in the absence of relapses of exacerbations of the disease. And stop such treatment after the appearance of the slightest unpleasant symptom of the disease, which is a sign of deterioration of the patient’s condition. You should not rely on home healing; it cannot completely cure, but as part of comprehensive healing it will contribute to the effectiveness of treatment.

Treatment with fruits

To overcome gastritis, doctors recommend using green apples. The fruit must be peeled, chopped or grated and taken orally. But treatment in this way is not suitable for all people, since after it you should abstain from food for 2-3 hours so as not to provoke gas formation. The best time for such improvement is in the morning, when the human body does not yet require food. For people who eat porridge for breakfast, you just need to add the apple mixture to the dish and refresh yourself in the morning.

In the first month of such recovery, you need to eat apples every day, maybe even twice a day. To avoid causing pain and bloating, this procedure should not be performed at night. In the second month, you can take apples every other day, and starting from the third month of treatment, you are allowed to eat fruit once a week.

For those who do not want to eat grated apples, you can drink apple juice mixed with carrots every morning. To do this, you need to mix liquids in the same ratio and drink a glass of the drink in the morning on an empty stomach.

These recipes prove that folk remedies for gastritis are not only healthy, but also tasty, and therefore suitable for children - patients. It is always necessary to take into account obvious symptoms, and then treatment will be effective.

Treatment with vegetables

No less effective in the fight against gastritis, both in adults and in children, are vegetables, on the basis of which you can make decoctions, tinctures and purees. Cabbage juice has managed to prove itself, which is indicated for patients with low acidity of gastric secretions. It is necessary to squeeze a glass of juice from the vegetable leaves using a juicer. It is recommended to warm the drink before use.

Some people find this medicine unpleasant to take due to the strong smell of cabbage. In this case, you need to drink it 3-4 hours after preparing the juice. You need to drink this drink 2 times a day, before eating. The product has a shelf life of up to two days, so it can be prepared in large quantities.

Potato juice is no less effective in the fight against gastritis. It is necessary to drink a glass of fresh drink every morning on an empty stomach. In order for it to be better absorbed by the body, after this you need to lie down for 30-60 minutes. And only then is it allowed to eat. The duration of such treatment is 10 days. In total, it is necessary to undergo three courses of recovery with a break of ten days.

Vegetable folk remedies for gastritis are very effective and harmless to humans, and therefore are popular. But they also need to be taken in the optimal dosage, without exceeding it. A doctor should tell you how to treat gastritis at home, since self-medication often leads to a worsening of the condition and aggravation of the disease.

Fermented milk products for treatment

To get rid of gastritis, you can use dairy products. You need to put five liters of milk in a warm place to sour. After the curdled milk has been cooked, it is recommended to heat the container with the liquid and bring it to a boil. As soon as the milk begins to boil, it must be removed from the heat. The resulting cottage cheese must be removed from the liquid and the oats steamed in milk, which must first be sorted and washed. It is recommended to add cereal to milk in a ratio of 1 to 5.

For cooking, you should use enamel dishes. It is necessary to cook the oats for 3 hours over low heat. Then the liquid must be cooled and strained, discarding the boiled oats. To treat gastritis, you need to take only whey, adding 300 ml of honey and half the amount of alcohol. The finished medicine should be placed in the refrigerator and taken 15 minutes before eating, 30 ml. You need to drink the remedy for gastritis three times a day in a warm form.

To find the answer to the question: how to cure gastritis forever, you need to adhere to proper nutrition, give up bad habits and use the methods recommended by your doctor to improve your stomach health.

Honey against gastritis

Honey is a medicinal product that is used to treat many diseases. To treat gastritis at home, it is better to use white honey - acacia or mountain variety. It is recommended to eat a tablespoon of the product before meals twice a day, morning and evening. In this case, you need to drink it with warm water or tea. Honey can be dissolved in water and drunk as honey decoction. This treatment of gastritis with folk remedies should be carried out for at least a month. You are allowed to eat 15 minutes after using honey, and it should be non-rough food.

There are many recipes based on honey that can help you overcome chronic and acute gastritis. The product goes well with milk, the finished drink can be drunk throughout the day. You will need at least 2 tablespoons of honey per glass of liquid.

If you do not know how to treat gastritis with folk remedies, then it is better to contact your doctor, who will prescribe you proven recipes for recovery, so as not to provoke an exacerbation.

Is oil effective for healing?

If you have chronic gastritis, it is recommended to drink two glasses of clean filtered water on an empty stomach to cleanse the body. You also need to drink olive oil three times a day, a teaspoon on an empty stomach. You should not perform this action more than three times a day, since the oil is a strong laxative and choleretic. For this you can use any oil, but only unrefined one.

If honey is bitter, it will not have a positive effect when applied, it should be replaced. If you regularly take honey from gastritis in two weeks, the severity of the symptoms of the disease will decrease. You can use traditional methods of treating gastritis yourself. Or it can be done in combination, along with drug treatment.

Herbal treatment

For the treatment of gastritis, there are many herbs that can be used only after consulting a doctor. The following medicine is prepared based on medicinal herbs:

  1. Mix a tablespoon of plantain, yarrow, nettle, chamomile, calendula and St. John's wort.
  2. Add a teaspoon of valerian.
  3. Pour a liter of boiling water over the dry herbs.
  4. Boil the broth for no more than two minutes.
  5. Strain.
  6. Take according to the plan.

The medication regimen must be prescribed by the attending physician. But take half a glass of the drink three times a day 30 minutes before meals. For greater effectiveness from such a decoction, it is recommended to eat honey on an empty stomach. Treating gastritis of the stomach at home is very simple and effective.

Also, according to a similar scheme, you can prepare another medicinal decoction based on the following ingredients:

  • sage;
  • sagebrush;
  • chamomile flower;
  • yarrow;
  • mint.

To understand how to get rid of the disease, you need to apply home methods for healing, and be sure to reduce all provoking factors of the disease.

A decoction of burdock root has a positive effect. It is necessary to chop the plant and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over a tablespoon. It is recommended to prepare such a remedy from the night, as it should be insisted for at least 12 hours. The finished drink can be taken 4 times a day, 1/3 cup. But if the pain occurs unexpectedly, you can prepare the remedy without infusion. To do this, you need to brew a teaspoon of burdock with a glass of boiling water and simmer over medium heat for no more than 10 minutes. It is recommended to take the finished drink one tablespoon several times a day. Thanks to regular use of such decoctions, it will be possible to overcome many symptoms of gastritis quickly and not provoke relapses.

Important! To prepare herbal infusions, you need to use fresh herbs from environmentally friendly areas. You should not collect plants near dusty roads, as such grass may contain substances hazardous to health: poisons, exhaust gases. And even after washing, such a plant will not have a positive effect.

Gastritis treatment with folk remedies, which is important to carry out as an additional therapy, requires serious treatment, and if preventive treatment is not carried out, the intestines may also be involved in the pathological process. In order not to harm yourself with gastritis of the stomach, when using folk remedies you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • do not drink drinks that increase the acidity of gastric juice and provoke irritation of the mucous membrane;
  • drink a minimum amount of alcohol tincture;
  • do not take concentrated decoctions;

Whatever traditional method of treating gastritis you choose, it is recommended to follow the correct diet, diet and follow the recommendations of a doctor, whom you should contact when the first signs of the disease appear.

Gastritis is the most common pathology of the digestive system. Damage to the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines leads to an inflammatory process, which entails a lot of unpleasant symptoms. Patients with gastritis complain of stomach pain, frequent heartburn, belching, and digestive problems.

Treatment of the disease according to the canons of traditional medicine involves the patient taking a number of drugs: tablets, drops, suspensions. In most cases, patients are prescribed a course of antibiotics, which have a detrimental effect not only on pathogenic bacteria, but also on normal microflora. In addition, medications have many side effects and contraindications. In view of this, more and more people are asking the question, is it possible to cure gastritis with folk remedies? This path involves not only taking natural medicines, but also a radical change in lifestyle and habits. Without this basis, even the best folk recipes for treating gastritis cannot help.

Basic rules for preparing the body for treatment

These rules imply a generally healthy lifestyle, but have their own nuances dictated by the disease:

  • Gastritis: treatment with folk remedies begins with a complete cessation of alcohol and smoking.
  • Don't skip breakfast. Patients with gastritis often do not eat breakfast, citing the fact that after eating early, their symptoms worsen, and they may even vomit. This is completely the wrong way, since you need to start the day with a light breakfast, which will help establish the digestion process for the whole day.
  • Milk porridge as a morning dish is difficult for the stomach to digest. Therefore, it is better to cook them in water or eat them at lunchtime.
  • Since with gastritis the process of secretion of gastric juice is disrupted and it lacks enzymes, you need to learn to eat at the same time. This will help the stomach prepare for the poisoning process.
  • You should not overeat or allow acute hunger. This has a bad effect on the functions of the gastrointestinal tract. You need to leave the table “underfed” and remember that the feeling of fullness comes only after 20 minutes after eating.
  • You need to make it a rule to take food and drinks in the temperature range of +20-+50 degrees.
  • Dietary nutrition is one of the most important components of therapy. It should exclude the consumption of fatty, fried, spicy foods - anything that can irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

Effective folk recipes to combat the disease

To treat gastritis in folk medicine, teas, herbal and alcohol infusions are used, as well as taking special mixtures of products that will perform a protective function for the mucous membrane and help reduce inflammation.


The most effective recipes for treating gastritis with folk remedies always include medicinal herbs. In order to get rid of gastritis in a few weeks, you need to pay attention to such fees. You can buy ready-made products at the pharmacy, or create them yourself.


  • yarrow,
  • calendula flowers,
  • St. John's wort.

Mix the herbs, taken in equal quantities, and pour 2 tablespoons of the raw material into 3 cups of boiling water. Cover, insulate, leave for 50–60 minutes. If you take this infusion warm 30 minutes before each meal every day for 2 weeks, the symptoms of gastritis will go away, as will the disease itself.

>After completing a course of herbal treatment, it is worth undergoing an examination - the doctor must confirm that the disease has been cured.

Treatment with propolis

Propolis is an indispensable natural remedy in the fight against various manifestations of inflammatory processes. Its alcohol tincture can be bought at any pharmacy, or you can prepare it yourself. Beekeepers, knowing all the possibilities and power of propolis, advise resorting to the second option. To do this, you need to pour 50 grams of the product with 0.5 liters of medical alcohol. The container with the tincture is placed in a dark place, where it is kept for at least one week, or at room temperature.

Propolis needs to be shaken daily so that it does not settle. You need to take the medicine according to the following scheme: dilute 10 drops of the tincture with purified water (100 ml), and drink it 30–40 minutes before each meal daily. Already in the third week of disciplined use of the folk remedy, the mucous membrane is able to fully recover from gastric changes.

Treatment with juices

Vegetable juices, such as potato and cabbage, help fight various manifestations of the disease and are included in folk remedies for gastritis.

Fresh potato juice can be consumed even on an empty stomach. With gastritis, increased acidity of gastric juice is more often diagnosed, and potatoes suppress the secretion of hydrochloric acid well. To do this, you need to take 3 medium potatoes, wash them, and pass them through a juicer without peeling them. You can also extract juice by grating the vegetable, but this process will take longer, and the potatoes lose their properties very quickly. Therefore, each time you need to prepare a new medicine and drink it 30–40 minutes before each meal.

For those who find it difficult to take raw potato juice, you can add a teaspoon of honey to it. It will also help speed up the healing process of the mucous membrane.

If the acidity of the gastric juice is low, it is recommended to drink cabbage juice. The leaves need to be chosen elastic and fresh. You need to extract at least 100 ml of liquid, then let it stand for 4 hours. Cabbage juice should be consumed twice daily: before lunch and half an hour before dinner. Cabbage perfectly stimulates the work of the gastrointestinal tract, activates the production of gastric juice.

Aloe recipe

Among folk recipes for gastritis, aloe juice enjoys special honor. It has a powerful antiseptic effect, so taking it is extremely useful for gastritis. It will suppress the activity of pathogenic bacteria, which often cause the development of gastritis. You need to take the juice of this medicinal plant twice a day before meals, 2 tablespoons. The bitterness of the medicine is high, but you can prepare an infusion from it, which will be easier to consume.

To do this, mix 200 grams of aloe juice with the same amount of honey and pour half a liter of red table wine over it. Mix all ingredients and leave the infusion for at least two weeks in a cool, dark place before using. Every day you need to drink one tablespoon of medicine three times a day.

An important condition: the honey must be natural, and aloe leaves must be selected from an old, healthy plant that is at least 5 years old.

Quail eggs

Patients often resort to folk remedies for treating gastritis symptoms with the help of quail eggs. They provide an enveloping effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. In addition, eggs saturate the body with a number of vitamins, minerals, amino acids - this helps it better fight pathology. You need to drink at least 2-3 quail eggs a day, before each meal. By the end of the first month of therapy, the symptoms of gastritis will significantly decrease or disappear completely.

Sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn oil will help cope with the manifestations of gastritis of the stomach with high acidity. It has good enveloping, anti-inflammatory, wound healing properties. You need to drink it in a volume of 5 ml (1 teaspoon) 3 times daily, 30-40 minutes before meals.

Olive oil has the same effect. True, its dosage is slightly lower: 2 tablespoons for an adult. They can be drunk at a time, or added to salads and other dishes.

Treatment with decoctions

Effective medicinal decoctions can be prepared from the following plants:

  • yarrow,
  • burdock root,
  • calendula,
  • mint,
  • golden mustache,
  • birch bark.

Recipe with alcohol

For the traditional treatment of gastritis with alcohol, you need to eat 1 tablespoon of butter (natural) on an empty stomach, wash it down with 1 tbsp. l. alcohol (or vodka) and two raw eggs. Alcohol does provide an antimicrobial effect, but you shouldn’t get carried away with it: the slightest overdose or deviation from the dose recommended by the recipe will cause severe irritation of the mucous membrane.

Treatment with oat jelly

Oatmeal jelly will not only saturate the body with useful substances, but also perform a protective function in the gastrointestinal tract. To prepare it, you need to grind the flakes, pour a liter of boiling water over them, and cook for an hour, stirring. When it cools down before use, you can add honey to it.

Consequently, treatment with folk remedies for gastritis takes approximately the same time as drug therapy. However, such recipes contain components of exclusively natural origin, they do not provide side effects, and contraindications are minimal. In addition, they have a general strengthening effect on the entire body, increase its protective functions.

If alternative methods of treatment could not help in the fight against symptoms, you should consult a specialist. Only the attending physician will tell you how to cure gastritis in each individual case and whether it is possible to take non-traditional remedies.

Gastritis is an inflammatory process in the gastric mucosa, which can be complicated by conditions such as atrophy and bleeding. In the absence of therapy or its ineffectiveness, the patient may develop necrosis of the tissues of the stomach, cancerous neoplasms and ulcers. One of the methods of treating gastritis is the use of folk remedies, which, when used correctly, can minimize the unpleasant symptoms of the disease, and completely eliminate the disease at its initial stage.

St. John's wort herb

To prepare a home remedy, you need to take 5 g of St. John's wort and pour 500 ml of boiling water over it, boil for 5 minutes. Then it is important to cover the container with St. John's wort tightly and leave for at least 45 minutes. As soon as the herbal mixture is well infused, it should be separated through gauze from the liquid. Take 100 ml of decoction before each meal. The maximum daily amount of St. John's wort is 500 ml. The duration of therapy in this case is three weeks, while maintaining the symptoms, therapy can be extended for another two weeks.

Herbal mixture

To make this home remedy, you need to take the following ingredients: common dandelion rhizome, calamus rhizome, wormwood, gentian and yarrow. Herbs are taken in the ratio 2:2:3:2:2. All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed, after which one tablespoon of the resulting mixture is taken and crushed. After this, the taken amount of herb is boiled in a water bath for 20 minutes in 600 ml of water. After a third of an hour, the mixture is poured into a thermos, where it is infused for another 8-10 hours. Take 100 ml decoction half an hour before meals. Duration of therapy is three weeks.


Burdock root decoction is an excellent remedy for treating gastritis.

You need to prepare a decoction from a teaspoon of finely chopped burdock roots. Before doing this, they need to be washed thoroughly. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over the roots and boil them for 10 minutes. An hour after preparation, the medicine can be consumed. It is required to drink 15 ml of the drug four times a day for one month. It is advisable to take the medication 30 minutes before the main meal.

Attention! It is especially useful to conduct such courses for chronic gastritis 2-3 times a year to avoid acute attacks.

Infusions for gastritis


To obtain a safe and effective tincture, you need to take 50 g of propolis; it is important to ensure that it is of high quality and place it in 0.5 liters of vodka. Infuse the medicine strictly in the dark in a sealed glass container. The container with propolis is shaken daily to obtain the most concentrated solution. After a week, you can begin treatment; for this, ten drops of tincture are dissolved in 100 ml of boiled or filtered water. Take the medication three times a day before main meals. The duration of therapy for gastritis using propolis is 21 days.

Honey and aloe

Honey and aloe are an effective remedy in the treatment of gastritis

To make a homemade medicine, you need to take 200 g of freshly squeezed aloe juice, 200 g of liquid natural honey and 500 ml of good red wine. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and infused in a cool, dark place for two weeks. It is advisable to shake the bottle well every two days. After two weeks, the patient is recommended to take a tablespoon of the medicine three times a day before main meals. The container with the tincture should be stored in the refrigerator. Treatment of gastritis in this way continues until the tincture is completely finished.

Flax seeds

The tincture is prepared according to a simple and accessible recipe. Half a tablespoon of flax seeds must be poured into 250 ml of boiling water and left under a tight lid for an hour. After this, the medicine is taken an hour before meals once a day in the amount of 200-250 ml of solution. The duration of therapy in this case is two weeks.


To prepare a homemade medicine, you need to take two tablespoons of crushed plant mixture, which is poured into 0.4 liters of boiling water. Infuse the medication for two hours. After this, sage must be taken 100 ml of the medicine four times a day. The duration of treatment is three weeks.

Attention! Such infusions not only soothe the gastric mucosa, but also prevent flatulence and the development of peptic ulcers.

Juices for gastritis


Before squeezing out the required amount of liquid, you need to thoroughly rinse the vegetables under running water. Since the peel cannot be removed, the potatoes can be additionally treated with a brush. After this, the required amount of liquid is squeezed out. On the first day, you need to drink 15 ml of juice 45 minutes before your main meal. Each day of treatment, the dose should be increased by a tablespoon with each use until the amount of potato juice is brought to 100 ml. This dose is also taken 45 minutes before the main meal three times a day. Duration of therapy is one month.

Cabbage juice

A good remedy that allows you to normalize digestion and reduce the load on the gastric mucosa. To prepare juice, it is important to use only fresh cabbage that has no signs of rotting or staleness. Twice a day you need to drink 100 ml of liquid. Before use, you must first squeeze out the juice and then let it brew for four hours. Drink cabbage juice 40 minutes before meals. The duration of therapy is four weeks.


To prepare the medicine, you need to take only fresh carrots that have reached the stage of ripeness. It is necessary to squeeze the juice an hour before breakfast and drink 100 ml on an empty stomach. You can be treated in this way for ten days. After this, it is imperative to take a break for two weeks and repeat the full course of therapy again.

Attention! After an active course of therapy, the described juices can be drunk 2-3 times a week for preventive purposes. It is especially useful to do this for chronic gastritis.

Other methods of eliminating gastritis

Honey with milk

A good tool that has practically no contraindications. To prepare, you need to take warm boiled milk and add two tablespoons of natural honey to it. It is necessary to use this remedy up to four times a day. It is advisable that the last dose of milk with honey is drunk before going to bed. This will not only help reduce pain, but also improve your overall health and sleep.

Hydrogen peroxide

To prepare the medicine, you need to take 50 ml of boiled warm water. On the first day of therapy, one drop of peroxide is added to it and the medication is drunk in this dosage three times a day before main meals. Each day, the amount of peroxide is increased by one drop. On the last tenth day of treatment, you need to drink the drug in a dosage of 10 drops per 50 ml of liquid. A second course of treatment can be taken only after four days, after first checking the condition of the gastric mucosa.

Attention! Those who are allergic to any bee product should not use the medicine with honey.

Reasons for the development of gastritis

In the table you can get acquainted with the main causes of gastritis, as well as the frequency of excitation of gastritis by them.

Gastritis factorHow often is the disease provoked
Digestion problemsOften
Drinking alcohol and smokingOften
Artificial induction of vomitingOften
Poor nutritionOften
Passion for spicy and fatty foodsOften
Frequent stress and problems with anger controlRarely
Presence of other gastrointestinal diseasesRarely
Taking medicationsRarely
Non-compliance with the dietOften
Eating a lot of sour fruitsOften
Development of vitamin deficiencyRarely
Presence of autoimmune diseasesRarely

Attention! Excluding these factors from the patient’s life allows us to minimize the possibility of developing gastritis several times. It is especially important to adhere to the right lifestyle for those who have a predisposition to gastrointestinal diseases.

Video - Gastritis

Diet for gastritis of any type

When diagnosing gastritis, it is important to follow recommendations for proper nutrition for this disease:

  • Do not eat sour fruits on an empty stomach and do not eat more than one serving every three days;
  • diversify your diet with fermented milk products with a high content of beneficial bacteria and prebiotics;
  • do not allow long breaks between meals, it is ideal to eat small portions of 200-250 g every three to four hours;
  • give preference to lean meats that are easy to digest and quickly absorbed;
  • it is advisable not to consume more than three servings of meat per week;
  • be sure to eat fish once a week, preferably baked or stewed;
  • be sure to eat a large number of cereals;
  • eliminate legumes for a while, as they are quite difficult to digest and can cause flatulence;
  • completely give up coffee and strong tea;
  • do not drink alcohol, stop smoking.

Attention! It is advisable to contact a nutritionist to draw up an individual therapy regimen, which will make treatment more effective and faster.

When choosing traditional methods of therapy, it is worth understanding that home remedies can cause the same side effects as traditional medications. Among the most common unpleasant symptoms from use are allergic reactions and rashes. To prevent such consequences, you should first consult with your doctor and carefully monitor your condition. At the slightest unpleasant symptoms, you should immediately stop therapy and consult a therapist or gastroenterologist.