How to restore the body after an unsuccessful IVF. Pregnancy after an unsuccessful IVF attempt

Modern medicine provides numerous methods for performing artificial insemination. However, in some cases, the eco fails, after which you need to decide what to do next. With the help of an experienced doctor, you can understand what tips and actions will contribute to pregnancy in the future.


Sometimes an unsuccessful protocol is noted even if all the actions were performed correctly and the advice was followed. This is due to reasons related to physiology. Most often, a great deal of responsibility is required to carry out artificial insemination and achieve pregnancy. Pregnancy is diagnosed only in 30–50% of cases.

Why might the first eco-friendly attempt be unsuccessful:

  1. low-quality embryos. For a successful procedure, high-quality embryos should be used that have high performance divisions;
  2. pathology of the uterine tubes. Presence of liquid in fallopian tubes ah always requires effective treatment;
  3. hereditary factor;
  4. similarity between men and women in HLA antigens;
  5. endocrine and hormonal problems;
  6. polycystic ovary syndrome, in which the eggs cannot be of high quality;
  7. decrease in follicular reserve, which occurs with ovarian depletion and inflammation;
  8. chronic diseases of the reproductive system, kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract, lungs and other organs and their systems;
  9. infectious diseases;
  10. influenza, ARVI, injury or exacerbation chronic diseases during IVF. In this case, the body fights major diseases.

Pathological processes affecting the endometrium. The success of fertilization is guaranteed if the endometrial size is from 7 to 14 millimeters at the time of embryo transfer. Chronic endometritis leads not only to infertility, but also to...

Antibodies in women that make it difficult to get pregnant. In this regard, a woman should undergo tests after an unsuccessful IVF. It is recommended to carry out a comprehensive examination, since problems are often explained by genetic abnormalities.

It is important to note that the second eco after the first unsuccessful first event requires a more thorough approach and consideration of numerous nuances.

Repeated procedure

When can you do a repeat eco after a flight? If the first artificial insemination was unsuccessful, and pregnancy did not occur, you should approach the second protocol in a special way. However, before repeating the event, it is advisable to wait a certain time.

The duration of preparatory activities depends on the situation, and necessary examinations, features female body. Most often, the break is from 2 to 3 months. This period is required not only for re-training, carrying out all diagnostic measures, but also restoration of the ovaries after stimulation. It should be understood that IVF always becomes severe stress for the female body.

A second attempt can be made only after menstruation has returned and any irregularities have become a thing of the past.

Regular menstruation is a mandatory aspect for menstruation after an unsuccessful one. IN otherwise the risks of failure will exceed the chances of success.

The doctor carefully evaluates the previous protocol in order to understand how after the unsuccessful first event. More often normal ovulation passes in the first or second menstrual cycle s.

It turns out that not only physiological, but also psychological rehabilitation. Future mother should not be in a depressed and depressed mood. In this regard, a woman needs special support from loved ones and her husband. Good mood guarantees fast recovery body and strengthening the immune system.


Before repeating IVF after an unsuccessful attempt, it is imperative to work with an experienced doctor and have a clear understanding of the potential results of artificial insemination.

The doctor draws increased attention on the following aspects:

  • endometrial and embryo quality;
  • the level of preparation of the female body for a potential pregnancy;
  • features of the ovarian response to their stimulation;
  • presence or absence of fertilization;
  • physical parameters of the female endometrium at the time of its transfer;
  • the quality of embryos initially developing in laboratory conditions;
  • potential reasons for pregnancy failure that can be taken into account and addressed;
  • deviations in the development of the endometrium during fertilization;
  • the need for additional diagnostic measures before the second procedure;
  • the possibility of changing the protocol for repeated IVF, which consists in the specifics of ovarian stimulation and certain drug therapy;
  • optimal timing for a repeat procedure;
  • the need to use a donor cell.

After unsuccessful artificial insemination, additional interaction with a doctor becomes mandatory to determine the optimal further actions.

Often requires additional techniques treatment: drug therapy using antibiotics, laser therapy, physiotherapy, Spa treatment, homeopathy, herbal treatment, hirudotherapy. Supporting the body is a guarantee of a successful pregnancy. Monitoring by a doctor and analysis of an unsuccessful protocol make it possible to understand what results should be expected in the future, and how much the chances of a favorable outcome increase.

Further actions

To increase the chances of pregnancy after a second attempt, it is extremely important to take care of the successful preparation and take into account additional factors.

What to do next after a failed eco? The first attempt allows you to get pregnant only in 30 - 50% of cases. To achieve successful fertilization, many women try to change the clinic and find another doctor. You need to understand that cooperation with experienced specialist- this is half the success. At the same time, unsuccessful embryo transfer can be associated not only with incorrect actions of the doctor, but also with the specific state of the female body.

How to prepare for eco after an unsuccessful attempt? Every patient should understand what is the best course of action if IVF is unsuccessful. Proper preparation increases the chances that if the first procedure fails, it will still lead to pregnancy.

To prepare for a repeat procedure, you need:

  • it becomes mandatory to undergo a full examination with the passing of all necessary tests. Such health monitoring reduces the risks associated with repeated failure;
  • It is recommended to return to your personal life “at will.” During the break, adherence to the schedule is not necessary;
  • restoration of the body is necessary. At the same time, the ovaries after an unsuccessful IVF must restore their optimal level of functionality;
  • getting out of depression is another mandatory task set for a woman.

Before the next protocol you need to switch to correct image life: light sports, performing gymnastics to improve blood supply to the pelvic organs. Only this approach guarantees high level effectiveness of the upcoming event. Need to remember: overweight– this is a serious obstacle to IVF.

Only the right approach to health and emotional state will increase the chances of pregnancy.

Research will make it possible to understand what the cause of failure is and what the consequences may be after repeated IVF. After this, treatment becomes mandatory, which is necessary to completely eliminate inflammatory processes and guaranteed conception with further successful pregnancy. The treatment often increases the chances of having a child through artificial insemination.

Many representatives of the fair sex are interested in what to do next after 2 unsuccessful IVFs. Doctors note the absence negative influence IVF procedures on the female body. Required amount procedures are determined on an individual basis. Sometimes 8 – 9 procedures are required, but usually after the 3rd and 4th unsuccessful attempts they are offered alternative options, among which is the use of a donor egg or sperm.

Modern medicine is developing rapidly, so IVF is no longer the only possible way pregnancy for couples who have difficulty conceiving and giving birth to a child.

In most cases, the reasons for failure in vitro fertilization can be eliminated, so pregnancy is still a possibility. Every woman has the right to experience the happiness of her mother, but this often requires effort.

The painful wait for the result is already over. It seems that all the tears have already been cried, but they still flow...

“Well, why am I so unlucky! Others are doing well, but for me...” The sad eyes of a husband who is trying to be brave and console. It's hard...

Unfortunately, many of us have been through this several times already.

It is impossible to get used to grief.

And when except heartache Health problems also begin to bother you, and you feel sick.

So, what is “bad luck” and how to deal with it.


Many people believe that depression is a constant state of bad mood, tearfulness, etc. Therefore, many people do not consider their condition after unsuccessful IVF to be depression. Rather, we say “apathy,” noting depression, lack of motivation (“I don’t want anything,” “a feeling of emptiness,” “everything is falling out of my hands,” “I come to the kitchen and don’t remember why,” “I don’t want to see anyone,” etc.) .P.). Even after sleeping for 10 hours, you feel sleepy and exhausted. It starts to hurt here and there, but the doctors can’t find anything. All desire to have sex disappears - “Why? Nothing will work out anyway!” So, all these are signs of hidden depression.

What to do?

Unfortunately, at this moment I don’t want to do anything. I want everyone to be left alone. We don't believe in anything own strength, nor doctors. And time goes by...

The easiest way to advise is to contact to a good psychologist. But, as a rule, psychologists have a vague idea about IVF and cannot establish contact. Even doctors at IVF clinics complain about this, who sometimes invite psychologists to consult their patients. Until we have created a psychological support office (and this is in our plans), we will fight this problem with available means.

Here sample list what helps:

1. Talk it out and cry.

2. Draw up a further action plan.

For example,

a. try to find out the reason for the failure,

b. restore poor health

c. think about changing doctor or clinic

d. plan your next attempt

e. go on vacation, etc.

3. Go to Gym And

do fitness, shaping, go to the pool, etc. Physical activity promotes the production of endorphins - “happiness hormones” (And we’ll lose weight at the same time!)

4. Throw yourself into work.

(Definitely with your head! Otherwise we can drag our mortal body to the office, and continue to scroll through ECO-related thoughts in our heads)

5. Do something interesting, but requiring concentration.

6. Buy yourself some good books.

8. Take care of other people's problems.

For example, go to your relatives and find out that your grandmother’s refrigerator is broken, and your mother hasn’t been able to decide to go to the dentist for six months, cousin I quarreled with a friend, and my dad urgently needs to translate an article, but everyone is afraid to disturb you, because... You already have enough problems of your own. (I wouldn't have survived the death of my babies if I had only thought about myself.)

9. And don’t forget that time heals.

(Tested on my already pretty worn skin).

In addition to depression, there are several other psychological problems:

1. Blame doctors for failure, get angry at them and, in the end, work yourself up until you completely lose heart (happens often)

2. Blame yourself for everything, engage in self-flagellation and bring yourself to nervous breakdown(happens often)

3. Blame your husband for everything, quarrel regularly empty space and bring the situation in the family to the boiling point (happens less often)

How to deal with all this?

Tell yourself that neither the doctor nor you and your husband are the Lord God, that IVF is a chance, but not a panacea. Nothing can be changed in the past. But the future partly depends on us. The one who walks will master the road. In such cases, stories about long-awaited pregnancy after many attempts.

Health problems

Unfortunately, after an unsuccessful protocol, health problems quite often begin. Not all doctors invite you for an examination after a failure. Most often they simply say: “Come back in a couple of months for a new protocol.” If your doctor did exactly this, then you will have to take the initiative into your own hands. Be sure to do an ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries and go to a mammologist. It’s better to hear once again that everything is fine than to miss something serious. There were cases of polycystic ovary syndrome, cervical polyposis, neoplasms, etc.

Quite often after stimulation, the menstrual cycle is disrupted. Those. The first menstruation comes 3-5 days after the support is discontinued, but then the cycle begins to fluctuate. Its recovery may take several months, sometimes six months, sometimes a year.

What to do?

Allow the body to recover from hormone therapy, i.e. Don’t start suppressing it with medications. Leeches help some, herbs help others. Check out our collection of recipes

Pay attention to B vitamins and vitamin E.

Quite often stomach problems begin (gastritis, ulcers). On the one hand, not everyone responds well to medications, on the other hand, stress causes an exacerbation of old sores and provokes the emergence of new ones. I’ll share my experience right away - I cured an ulcer with a diet (banal oatmeal) And sea ​​buckthorn oil- no medications. The gastroenterologist could not believe his eyes - the ulcer had healed completely and without a scar.

Problems with the veins in the legs may begin. It's better not to let the situation get worse. In the event of a long-awaited pregnancy, deterioration may occur. Creams help some, special tights help others, and sometimes you have to go to a surgeon...

The kidneys begin to act up and swelling appears. The reason, as a rule, is the load on the kidneys due to taking medications + exacerbation of old problems due to stress. My advice, as an old kidney sufferer (if not a pepper shaker?) is to be careful with diuretics. It's better to just drink lingonberry tea And cranberry juice. You should not severely limit your fluid intake - this is a common misconception. It seems that if you drink less, there will be less swelling. And the body is cunning. If he feels that he is not getting enough food, he will begin to store liquid. In principle, swelling can go away on its own in a couple of months.

The most important thing is to continue to love yourself and take care of yourself. Our future children need healthy mothers!

Weight gain

Almost everyone who has made 2 or more attempts faces this problem. Gain from 2 to 15 kg. On the one hand, metabolism is disrupted due to hormonal imbalance, and on the other hand, we usually console ourselves with sweets.

In principle, you can ignore this, because... a skinny cow is not yet a gazelle. But there is evidence that excess weight, as well as lack of it, can lead to cycle disruption and interfere with conception. So why add problems to yourself?

First, I propose to decide whether the weight gained is excessive. I bring the “fork” normal weight body according to the latest data from the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Height in cm. Weight in kg

Most likely, everything is not so scary.

Personally, I “ate” 5 kg and did not even reach the upper limit of the norm. Sometimes your reflection in the mirror appears to be the fattest for absolutely no reason. But if excess weight After IVF has still become a problem, losing it may be more difficult than ordinary “winter” fat.

What to do?

If you haven't hit the gym yet while battling depression, now is the time to start. If you (like me?) are a sloth animal, then you will have to limit yourself in food.

When Maya Plisetskaya was asked how she manages to maintain such good figure, she replied: “You need to eat less.” Rough, but honest. How much is less?

The Nutrition Research Institute recommends reducing caloric intake depending on the nature of the activity. Your current kcal norm per day is your weight x 32.5 (if you do mental work, which includes regular office work) or your weight x 35.5 (if you count your work easy physical). For fun, you can calculate your norm for moderate (x 41.5) and heavy (x 48.5) physical labor. But this is definitely not about you.

Most women fail to get pregnant with IVF on the first try. Even in very healthy and young people with natural conception without the use of any assistive technology, pregnancy is not guaranteed the first time.

The couple tries again and again, and after a few months the pregnancy occurs. Up to 12 months of natural attempts is the norm. With IVF, the chances of pregnancy are much greater than with sexual intercourse. The meeting of eggs and sperm takes place under the strict supervision of embryologists.

However, no one can still guarantee 100% pregnancy in a couple, despite obtaining embryos of the highest quality.

If the IVF procedure was carried out only once, and pregnancy did not occur, this is not a cause for alarm, but ordinary situation, which, according to statistics, most women fall into. A second IVF attempt can be successful if correct analysis previous failure, thorough further examination and new tactics.

Second attempt at IVF. Statistics and odds.

The number of attempts depends not only on the state of health, but also on age. Even if a woman is in good condition health, and her age does not exceed 30 years, using the most modern techniques The chances of success the first time are about 50%.

If a woman is over 40 years old and uses her own eggs for fertilization, the IVF success rate is about 15%. The second or all subsequent IVF attempts give women a chance to become a mother.

What are the chances of success with repeated IVF and how to increase them?

By trying IVF again, the chances of pregnancy can be significantly increased. To do this, VitroClinic carries out the following actions:

  1. Diagnostic measures aimed at identifying possible reason failures at the first IVF attempt (genetic blood tests, more detailed study of sperm, etc.). VitroClinic has the opportunity to undergo tests for a very wide range of studies, including rare genetic ones.
  2. The use of additional reproductive technologies that increase the efficiency of in vitro fertilization (ICSI, PIXI, PGD).
  3. Use of donor sperm, eggs or embryos.
To find out the reasons for failures, VitroClinic conducts monthly joint receptions patients by two specialists at once - a reproductologist and an embryologist, during which an examination plan and choice are outlined further tactics. This service is available to patients from any clinic where IVF was unsuccessful.

Features of the second and all subsequent IVF attempts

When repeating IVF attempts, a cryoprotocol program can be used if the couple still has embryos after the first attempt. Re-run the procedure is much easier. Women no longer have to undergo ovulation stimulation and follicle puncture to obtain eggs.

The best embryos are always selected for cryopreservation, therefore, after the cryopreservation good try becomes more likely.

If there are no embryos left after the first attempt, then they begin again with repeated IVF attempts, which will proceed somewhat differently than the first. In order for IVF to be successful on the second attempt, the attending physician, a reproductologist, selects individual plan examinations and additional techniques.

How to prepare for the second IVF attempt

Before starting your next IVF attempt, your healthcare provider may:

  • change the stimulation scheme (select a different protocol);
  • increase the number of embryos transferred into the uterus (not one, but two);
  • prescribe examination and/or treatment before the second attempt, which will increase the chances of success;
  • use ICSI;
  • recommend preimplantation genetic diagnostics embryos.

If the second or third attempt at IVF is again unsuccessful and, despite a thorough examination and change medical tactics If you didn't get pregnant, then perhaps this could be due to genetic pathology in the embryo.

A second unsuccessful IVF attempt is not a reason to give up. Sometimes it is enough just to carry out PGD (genetic diagnostics) of embryos and select only healthy ones for implantation, so that IVF results in the birth of a baby.

By the fourth attempt (especially if the woman is about 40 or more), the doctor may suggest using donor eggs or embryos.

When can you make a second attempt at IVF?

To try IVF again, women should not wait long and waste precious time. While all the examinations are “fresh” and no new diseases have appeared, after a short break (2-3 cycles), you can start another attempt again.

The frequency and number of attempts can only be determined by the attending fertility specialist. The second, or for some, the third or fourth IVF attempts in most cases lead to success.

Unsuccessful IVF does not mean that the couple is doomed to childlessness. It is necessary to find out why infertility treatment did not give the desired result. Doctors will find out why IVF was unsuccessful, conduct a thorough analysis of the first attempt, and find weak spots in the original plan and make adjustments. After this you can carry out repeat IVF, which in most cases leads to the birth healthy child. Therefore, you should not despair after unsuccessful IVF. You need to take a break to gain strength and patience, and then try again.

Unsuccessful IVF is not a reason to give up your dream

A failed attempt at in vitro fertilization is a big blow for a couple. However, you should not give your emotions power over you. No treatment is guaranteed to work on the first try. IVF remains the most reliable and increasingly in an accessible way infertility treatment. And if IVF is unsuccessful, there is no need to be disappointed and give up trying to have children. The IVF Center clinic in Smolensk employs excellent specialists who will help you achieve the desired result. Thoughtful, attentive, caring doctors will definitely find out why IVF did not produce results, and then make adjustments to the infertility treatment plan. The clinic has excellent laboratory and diagnostic equipment, which allows full examination after unsuccessful IVF modern level. Doctors will provide the necessary moral support and help you regain confidence in yourself.

Repeated IVF: is it possible?

The first attempt at in vitro fertilization does not give the desired result in 40%. After all, couples who decide to undergo artificial insemination serious problems with fertility, and even healthy people They may not conceive on the first try.

Many couples give up trying to have children after unsuccessful IVF. And this is a big mistake if having a child of your own is the main dream of your family. Failed IVF is not a death sentence. Today, enough research has been conducted that confirms the safety and effectiveness of repeated IVF.

Of course, a couple should decide on a second attempt only after consulting a doctor. But if the doctor does not see any reasons that would prevent the procedure from being carried out, then you should not give up trying. Repeated IVF is carried out only after a thorough analysis of the previous attempt. Doctors are making adjustments to the old plan, so repeat IVF has a greater chance of success.

Why IVF didn't work on the first try

Naturally, when in vitro fertilization fails on the first try, people want to find out why IVF failed. There can be many reasons for unsuccessful IVF, and it is not at all due to the incompetence of doctors.

Here are just some of the factors that cause IVF failure:

  • Autoimmune features, in which the female body reacts aggressively to the embryo;
  • Alloimmune conditions caused by similarity of parental antigens;
  • Thrombophilic features;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Pathologies of the genital organs, including endometrial polyps and others;
  • Infections;
  • Chromosomal disorders.

As you can see, there are many reasons for unsuccessful IVF and they can only be identified after a thorough analysis. Often these factors can only be identified after unsuccessful IVF. Many of these factors can be eliminated with the right treatment.

What are the benefits of repeat IVF?

Research shows that repeated IVF increases the chances of conception. First of all, because doctors have the opportunity to analyze the first protocol and prescribe an additional examination. That is, find out why IVF was ineffective the first time. It is also important that future parents will better understand how the procedure goes. The second time, couples worry less, the stress level is much lower - this also has a beneficial effect on conception and reduces the risk of IVF failure. In addition, the parents’ bodies will be able to rest and recover before trying again to have children. In general, the prognosis for a repeat procedure after unsuccessful IVF is quite optimistic.

However, there are nuances that make IVF impossible for some couples. So, genetic incompatibility parents - only one of them possible options. In this case, you can find a donor with suitable sperm. Only a doctor can decide whether a couple should undergo repeated in vitro fertilization. And only after it has been established why IVF was unsuccessful the first time.

When should repeat IVF be done?

Assign exact time new procedure after unsuccessful IVF, only a doctor can. Of course, the couple's opinion is taken into account. After all, people often need to rest and mentally prepare for new attempt. Usually you need to pause for about two months. During this time, parents will be able to regain strength, get ready for repeated in vitro fertilization, and doctors will be able to make adjustments to the first protocol.

But first, doctors will have to find out why IVF was not successful:

  • Was the woman's body ready for pregnancy?
  • Did the ovaries respond well enough to stimulation?
  • Has fertilization occurred?
  • How did embryos develop before implantation?
  • Was the transplant successful?
  • Is there a need for additional examinations couples?
  • Is treatment necessary before repeat IVF?
  • Is there a need to make changes to the first protocol?

Doctors will have to find out at what stage of the unsuccessful IVF the problems began, and also find ways to eliminate them.

Myths about the dangers of repeated IVF

There is still an opinion that repeating the procedure after unsuccessful IVF is very dangerous for the female body. And this is a misconception. There is no evidence that a repeat procedure increases the risk of developing cardiovascular, cancer or other diseases. Scientists have studied this issue quite carefully, trying to identify any risks to the fetus or the woman’s body. It has been established that a repeated attempt cannot harm the expectant mother or negatively affect the development of the fetus. However, scientists note that it is necessary to take a short break between attempts after unsuccessful IVF.

How many times is it permissible to repeat IVF?

The number of acceptable attempts is calculated individually for each woman. Many factors are taken into account: weight, health status, age and psychological readiness. When deciding on a repeat procedure, the doctor proceeds from the results of past protocols and data on the patient’s condition. IN medical practice There are quite a lot of cases where women managed to get pregnant after the third and even fourth attempt at in vitro fertilization. This is why IVF remains the most effective way infertility treatment, even if the first attempt was not successful. Therefore, you should not give up and stop fighting infertility.

Preparing for IVF is a rather lengthy process. Taking into account the fact that for couples who decide on this procedure, artificial insemination becomes, without exaggeration, last hope, after numerous attempts to conceive a child and long treatment, they have very high hopes for IVF. All the more painful is the realization that the first attempt was unsuccessful. We hasten to reassure you: this is exactly what happens in most cases. Why doesn't IVF work the first time? Let's list the most common reasons.

In cases of viral and bacterial infections the likelihood of IVF success decreases

How older woman, those less likely that the embryo will take root immediately, because with age, fertility decreases - after 35 years, and especially after 38. During this period, success rate is no more than 15%, while for women aged about 30 years - 35%. Often the numbers are even lower; To determine potential fertility, there are special tests - for example, a reaction to clomiphene or a third-day measurement that evaluates the level of FGS in the blood.

Low quality embryos

There is no unified system for assessing the quality of embryos in the world, but, as a rule, the following parameters are used: - correct shape; - crushing rate (the higher it is, the better). The embryo that will be implanted into a woman should have 8 cells on the third day. As a rule, the transfer is carried out on the third day, with the exception of some cases (such as cryopreservation), when a five-day wait is advisable; - absence of fragments. An embryo is considered unsuitable for transfer if fragmentation is 50 percent or more.

Infectious and viral diseases

ARVI and especially influenza have a negative impact on reproductive system, since during illness toxic substances are produced that also affect the uterine cavity. In addition, to treat these diseases, they are often used antibacterial drugs. On their own correct selection they do not have a negative effect on fertility, but can become dangerous when combined with hormonal drugs.

Changes in the endometrium

In order for successful implantation to occur, and then the development of the embryo, the endometrium must be mature, of the required thickness and with a structure that meets the norms. It is generally accepted that before implantation its thickness should be at least 7 millimeters. Usually this parameter is determined by ultrasound before the start of hormonal stimulation, so that the doctor can prescribe additional medications, which do not prevent the maturation of follicles, but at the same time contribute to an increase in the thickness of the endometrium.

Incorrect stimulation

The most important stage of in vitro fertilization is stimulation of the ovaries to increase the number of maturing follicles containing eggs. If the types or dose of drugs were selected incorrectly, the goal will not be achieved: the number of follicles will remain minimal or their quality will be unsatisfactory.

Fallopian tube pathologies

Before the procedure it is always prescribed special study, helping to identify diseases of the fallopian tubes. For example, one of them is hydrosalpinx, which is an accumulation of fluid as a result of inflammatory processes. Moreover, stimulation of ovulation before IVF is one of the factors that contribute to the growth of hydrosalpinx.