“Blockchain. Blueprint for the New Economy by Melanie Swan. Basics of cryptography, blockchain and digital currencies

Warm greetings to everyone! Today’s post is dedicated to a very important matter in optimizing web resources for any blogger or SEO. Correct internal linking of website pages is the topic of my detailed guide about what it is, why it is needed, and how to do it correctly on your website. Previously, I wrote a number of articles on this topic, where I described the basic concepts, a universal template, basic diagrams and my small experiment. More than 4 months have passed since then and I decided to return to this important topic. This time you will find some necessary and useful theory and a practical manual on how to do everything in the best possible way.

Internal website linking - tasks

Using competent linking of their web resource, each blogger or website owner solves a number of important tasks to influence internal and behavioral factors. Each such moment is important for successful search engine promotion. I will list the most basic issues that can be resolved with the help of proper internal linking of the site:

  1. Full indexing of your website or blog. Everything is simple here - when indexing, the search robot crawls through more pages than without them. Because the robot’s task includes scanning one document, it will certainly capture, in addition to the given one, others (posts, records, etc.), which are visible using internal links on the original one.
  2. Improving the usability of a web resource. The more we influence behavioral factors using extensive internal page linking, the better the impact on behavioral factors when ranking a site. A visitor, following internal links, lingers longer on its pages. And it returns back to the search much less often.
  3. Increasing the weight of website pages. The more different internal links there are on a web resource, the more weight each page can ultimately receive. When generating search results, the weight of the document is small, but still important. And with other parameters being equal, the site with greater weight will be higher. With the help of competent linking schemes, you can strengthen target documents by transferring more weight to them than to others (not so important).
  4. Successful website promotion in a low-competition niche. With the help of proper internal linking, you can easily promote landing pages in search engines for low-competition mid-range and low-frequency queries. This is especially true for young blogs and web resources, which, due to their small age, cannot use promotion methods by purchasing external links. It is enough to correctly link to key queries using all the intricacies of text optimization, and with a high probability, a month after indexing, the promoted documents will be in the top 10.

I have listed the main tasks that can be solved with the help of competent website linking. There are a number of other questions, but they already follow from the above. Now let’s look at the very scheme of interaction between web resource documents.

Page linking scheme

When a visitor clicks on a link, he goes to another section of the site - a completely different page opens. An internal link serves as a bridge between the first page and the second. Its text (anchor) pushes the reader to obtain other information. It may complement the text or differ in meaning, but it is by reading the anchor that the visitor makes his own conclusion - whether to click on the link or not. To promote a web resource or blog in search engines, it is extremely important to correctly create both the transition itself from one document to another and to compose an anchor. In the following figure you will see a typical link from one page to another, taking into account all ranking factors.

According to the picture from page A, which is promoted by its key query “promotion methods”, the visitor goes to document B. The transition bridge is a link with the anchor “search engine promotion”, which is a keyword for page B. As you can see, each document has its own title , which contains the key phrase in the exact occurrence. This is exactly the scheme that is used for internal linking of the site (without taking into account the dilution of the anchor). On page B there is another link with the anchor “blog promotion in Yandex”, which already leads further to the third document of the web resource.

The links themselves can be opened in the same browser window, or in a separate one (using the target="_blank" attribute of the a tag). On my blog, almost all internal links open a separate window so that the visitor does not get confused with the information, forget it, etc.

Linking options

There are various ways to internally link a website. Each of them has its pros and cons. Let's get to know them better.

Automatic internal linking

This is an option for creating transitions in which links are placed to various sections of the site using its structure. For example, many bloggers use breadcrumbs by using a plugin or adding code themselves. Here is an example of this type of interaction between pages on my blog (in the previous version of the old template):

Anchor text is taken from various tags, and the links themselves are located at the beginning of the page. Let's look at the pros and cons of this internal linking option:

  • installation is not difficult for any blogger or webmaster;
  • the process time is very short (installed the plugin and everything worked);
  • excellent navigation on the site (the visitor can always go back to a section or to the main page);
  • with such linking, behavioral factors improve;
  • The anchor text is duplicated with the text of the donor tag;
  • does not help promote landing pages as much as the manual linking option.

There is also a semi-automatic linking option, when the webmaster needs to write the anchor text himself. This greatly improves the promotion task. Among the latest innovations that help to link a site, I would like to mention Sergei Pervushin’s WP Smart Linker plugin. I used to have a block on many documents with internal links created by this plugin. I wrote their anchors myself. Only pages of certain categories were linked. (Now I don't use this plugin because I do everything manually).

Manual internal linking

Well, everything is clear here - no automatic plugins for you, we do everything ourselves, with our own hands. Therefore, let's immediately move on to the positive and negative:

  • the best way to promote low-end and mid-range queries on low-competition topics;
  • each link has a unique anchor (of course, if the webmaster is not lazy);
  • the only way you can control the weight of documents;
  • all internal links are in the text of the post or article, which improves their clickability by visitors (behavioral factors improve);
  • long and tedious process.

On my own behalf, I can add one more plus - during internal manual linking of the site, all sorts of creative thoughts often come to mind. 🙂 Overall, I recommend it!

Competent website linking - manual method

It's time to consider all the stages of manual, competent website linking. Each stage is important in itself, so excluding any point from the entire process is highly undesirable. Any correct linking requires the webmaster or blogger to strictly follow the rules, take into account every little detail and have the skills to scrupulously fill out statistics. Now everything is in order.

New site. Everything is very simple here. For proper internal linking, it is necessary to put a link on a new post or article to other previous pages with an anchor, the text of which must contain the key query. Accordingly, links are placed from previous documents of the web resource to the new document. The main thing is to avoid mistakes when composing anchor text. With the gradual addition of new pages, the webmaster must link new text with old ones. All links should come from the text of the article in paragraphs, and not in the form of separate pieces in the document. Thus, on the one hand, the visitor is made to understand the significance of the transition as a source of additional information, and on the other hand, it is shown that it is natural (that is, it is not an advertising block).

The most important thing when composing anchors for proper website linking is not to repeat them. Each link text must be unique, including the main query or an additional keyword in diluted form. One time I use the anchor text as an exact occurrence of the keyword. All other link texts are completely different sentences with keywords. They can include a different number of words - from two to seven (I didn’t do more).

Old site. For each of my new posts, I provide links in the text to old pages. But I don’t always look at previous posts or articles in order to add internal transitions to strengthen the new article. This takes a lot of time - each time you have to look at all previously written posts and select anchor texts for them. Therefore, I do competent manual linking once a month, when new posts are indexed. If a page is not promoted in search engines, then it does not receive internal links from other documents. If I need to link through the text to a non-target page, I close the link from indexing.

So, manual correct linking of the site - a detailed plan (I have been using it since the beginning of 2013 to this day).

Scanning the current site linking

First you need to view the indexed pages and write down the following data (see figure):

It is necessary to write the keyword of each document on which it is promoted (the main query), the text of the anchors of internal links and the keywords of the pages to which these links go. When all indexed documents have been viewed, it is necessary to calculate the number of internal links going to each and write it down. A record with all the data can be made in cells such as in the figure, or in the form of a regular Excel table.

When all the pages of a web resource have been viewed, you need to put aside for now all the data on documents that are not promoted. They are our resource for conveying weight to landing pages. In theory, there should be few of them, because every SEO specialist or advanced blogger wants to promote their sites in search engines and therefore try not to write non-thematic posts or articles.

Checking the relevance of landing pages

Now that the database of all target documents has been collected, it is necessary to check their relevance. New posts after indexing are ranked in search engines and get their places in the search results. It happens that due to some errors of the webmaster or incorrect previous internal linking, new site documents are not relevant to the key query. It seems that all the tags are written, the headings are filled out correctly, and a completely different page of the site appears in the search for the keyword. Therefore, before proper linking, it is necessary to check the relevance of the pages and correct all shortcomings.

To achieve this goal, we will use the service (http://www.seogadget.ru/serppos) and check the positions of the target indexed documents according to their key queries. The beauty of the service is that working very quickly (usually 10-15 seconds for 30 keywords at once), it shows the url of each relevant page. Our task is to compare them with those promoted. If it doesn’t connect, then optimization errors need to be corrected. As an example, I checked a number of positions on my blog:

Selection of website pages for competent linking

Now that we have checked all the landing pages, we need to add weight to them for promotion. I usually try to make sure that every promoted post and article on my blog is linked to at least 7 other documents. Let's say that after our check and collection of all the data, several pages have very little weight - they are referenced by 2-3 other documents. Therefore, we must also find a couple of pages on the site for each and write an internal link on them with an anchor, the text of which will include the keyword in a diluted form. The only question is how to quickly and efficiently find these additional documents.

A) manual method . To do this, you need to go to the Yandex search engine and ask a request to identify relevant pages for this key query. From the entire list of received links, select the best documents, and the anchor text will be contained in the highlighted words in the snippet. For example, in the following figure you will see the most relevant posts on my blog for the query “competitor analysis”:

In the first place is the link to the most relevant page (underlined with a red line). Usually, with proper internal optimization, it corresponds to the one that is promoted by the key request. Next come the transitions of those documents that are less relevant to the keyword. From these documents we select those that will become donors for our promoted page. The figure shows that all five additional posts have my key query (competitor analysis) in their text and each can be a donor. Let's say I only need two and I take the next pair of documents after the most relevant one for the request. In the snippets, the search engine already shows those places where you can make an internal transition (underlined with a blue line). It is enough to take these selected areas into the body of the anchors, add adjacent words and the links are ready.

This way, all possible donors are checked for landing pages with a small number of external links from their site. The disadvantage of this method is that if there are a lot of such documents, then this process will take a lot of time.

b) automatic method . For users of the unique program for collecting the semantic core, Key Collector, the process of selecting donors will take very little time. First, you need to add to the program all the keywords of the promoted pages, which we will use to search for other donors for links. Next, you need to start the process of collecting recommendations from the Yandex search engine for internal linking based on the results. Enter the address of your website or blog, select the promotion region and click the button (see figure):

After 5-10 minutes we get a list of the same posts that are relevant to all the queries we set (the picture is clickable):

As you can see from the figure, the web resources selected by the program are exactly the same with the same snippets as with the manual method (I would be surprised if it were different :)

Creating internal website linking

The last point remains - the process of internal linking of the site itself. Having all the data on the target documents (key query, donor pages), you need to add links with key queries on the selected posts. It is important that the anchor text contains the search query, and the internal linking itself is done according to the above scheme. You can add a number of internal transitions from non-promoted pages to strengthen your target ones.

When the work is completed, it is advisable to enter all the data into one table, so that in the future it will be easier to track various parameters of keywords and easier to check the relevance of target documents. For example, I use such a table to check the positions of promoted posts for key queries in the semantic core of my blog.

The table contains the following items: keywords of my core, their basic and exact frequency, quality of words, number of internal links to the promoted page, its address, title of the page, its positions in Yandex and Google, KEI of the request. Having such data before my eyes, I always see for which key query my blog is ranking lower, whether the document is currently in the search results, whether the quality of the search query has improved, etc.

So, for manual correct internal linking of the site, you need to do the following:

  1. Scan the current linking of a web resource.
  2. Check the relevance of landing pages.
  3. Select donor pages.
  4. Create new internal links according to Yandex recommendations.

As you can see, the process of creating website linking is an important stage for successful SEO promotion of a website. And besides, it is quite labor-intensive - you have to do many repetitive actions and take various points into account.

Bonus - my scheme for using internal links

As an auxiliary material, to make it easier for you, dear readers, to do internal linking for your projects, I offer one practical SEO cheat sheet. In it, I reveal my practices of working with internal links in the process of creating linking. Namely:

  • what rules do I take into account when creating internal transitions?
  • how I carry out linking for new and old pages;
  • How I check the clickability of created internal links.

This concludes my guide and a small educational program on internal competent linking of the site. I would be glad to receive your comments or additions to the text of this post. I am sure that many readers of my blog know this important method of internal optimization.Maybe you can share your secret?

Hello, friends!

Linking website pages is one of the many internal factors that can really help a website promote itself by linking pages to each other.

Therefore, I decided to write a very detailed guide on this topic and address most of the most common questions. You won’t be able to do without some very cool information that will help you understand the deeper meaning of linking.

Objectives and where it is effective

Linking of website pages is one of the strongest factors involved in the ranking of search results. It is the linking of internal pages of a site to each other in order to distribute static weight between documents and encourage the visitor to move on to studying other materials using internal links.

Internal linking can play both into your favor and in the direction of pessimization of the site (lower rankings). Therefore, it must be approached carefully and wisely. Do not be afraid under any circumstances, as everyone will have to work with it. Another thing is “how to work?”, manually or automatically? I will consider all these points further.

Effective in the following cases:

  • Adding queries to the TOP - when there are already pages in the TOP 10-20, you can push them to higher positions by placing links to them from other documents in order to add static weight to them;
  • Comprehensive increase for a large number of requests - by making a competent connection between the site’s pages using the necessary anchors, after re-indexing the resource, they will begin to rise to higher positions. In the case of low frequency queries, it is more than possible to get into the TOP without purchasing external links;
  • Directing traffic to profitable pages - Every site has priority landing pages that are profitable to direct visitors to. These could be pages with affiliate links to sell someone else's products. It is logical to put a link to such a page from pages with a large number of visitors so that more visitors see your offer.


The basics include 3 rules that you must learn before starting practice.

  1. Internal linking is most effective when it is clickable. That is, a link placed in a document should not be for show in order to add static weight to the document. If it is placed only for this purpose, then over time the effect of such a link will decrease. If the link is clickable, then search engines understand its importance and usefulness. Such a link has a tremendous effect;
  2. The best anchor for linking is the anchor of the key phrase of the page to which we are linking. This will allow you to add weight exactly for the desired keyword and the page should rise in positions for exactly the required keyword. But it is very important that the anchor in the text does not compromise the readability of the text;
  3. Incorrect linking often leads to pessimization of the site - as I said above, instead of advantages, you can also get disadvantages in the form of a decrease in positions. Therefore, you should adhere to some important rules.

Ways to build linking

Now we could go deeper into the schemes, but they are not so important, since they are quite difficult to implement and in most cases you will not succeed. The most competent option is the ring version, in which all the pages are linked into a ring and form one chain.

From the picture above you can see that each previous page links to the next, and the last one links to the first.

The great advantage of this scheme is the uniform distribution of static weight between all documents, which will allow uniform progress in the PS. It will not be the case that some pages have a lot of weight, while others exist just for show.

The disadvantage is that if even one page falls out, the entire circuit is torn and static weight is lost. Therefore, pure circular linking cannot be achieved. We will also have to make other connections that will connect the documents with other schemes, so that if a page falls out, the weight is retained and the page is “in use.”

Well, now to the methods that you need to use to connect pages with each other with links. First of all, it is worth understanding that there is manual and automatic linking.

The manual method is implemented by placing links on each page either with html tags or using engine tools (for example, WordPress) using functions in the formatting panel in the page editor.

Both manual and automatic internal linking must be present on the site and they must work together. But what goals do we seek from each type? We begin in more detail about each construction method below.

  • Manual method of binding according to the meaning. Involves placing links when it is really necessary and has logic;
  • Automatic method using linking plugins. They link pages by relevance, that is, by similarity to each other. In my opinion, there are 2 most successful solutions:
    1. Plugin
    2. Plugin

    For both, I wrote detailed instructions with video tutorials. Both options have the ability to select related post styles at the end of each post. At the end of the article you can see what this block looks like with the Yet another related posts plugin.

    This automatic linking is the most effective, since it has the highest click-through rate and pages are linked not just any way, but according to the highest percentage of similarity.

    By the way, the Related posts plugin has a very cool functionality that allows you to change links in a given box of similar posts. In this way, you can experiment and create links on each page of the site that will be as clickable as possible. It is very important.

  • The next option is manual linking by relevance, based on search engine suggestions. This method is the most correct and most labor-intensive. It involves searching for the most relevant pages of a site using a specific keyword and placing a link to the desired document on it. In practice, this looks like this. You go to the desired search engine (under which you link pages) and enter the address of your site with the desired key phrase, under which you should find the most targeted (relevant) pages for further linking.

    The first link will always be the article itself to which we want to link. Let's look at the following pages. They will be sorted by relevance in descending order. The snippet will highlight those phrases and words that can be used as an anchor when we place links. But we need an exact occurrence of the keyword, that is, in the form as it is, without changing the endings or diluting it with other words.

    In the image you can see that individual words that are included in my key phrase are highlighted. In this case, I need to go to this page, from which we will create a link, and slightly change its content so that the key is in a direct entry. This can be achieved by adding or changing existing sentences, or by adding a line recommending an article at the end of the article.

    This option is very good, since such a link is present at the end of the material at the border of the visitor’s decision about further actions on the site. After reading the material, he decides whether to leave the site or stay. We push him to one more material on the topic. If it is possible to place a link inside an existing text, then do it without question, but then make sure that the key phrase is inside the text without compromising readability.

  • The next method of construction is random (random) internal linking. It is implemented, as a rule, by the same plugins. I once had a striking example of such an implementation and I described it in an article about . There is an implementation option where links are placed randomly and each time the page is accessed, the block of similar entries changes. This option is suitable for .
  • First, install one of the plugins to enable automatic linking. I gave examples above with links to detailed instructions for setting them up;
  • Secondly, when you publish at least 100 texts, start looking for the most relevant 3 documents under each page in order to leave a link from them as an anchor with a keyword in a direct entry. To search for relevant pages, use the results of the desired search engine (site:site.ru keyword).

Common Mistakes

  • Link from the page keyword. Quite a difficult point. You write each article using keywords and use them a certain number of times on the page, performing a competitor analysis. If the average number of keys is 3 after analyzing competitors, then there is no need to put a link in the text from one of these used keys, since after that it will not participate in determining the relevance of the page. If you need a link from such a keyword, then add part of the text with the same key and make it a link;
  • More than one link from a page to the same document - you should not put several links to the same page. A damping effect will occur and less weight will be transferred. Only one link per page;
  • Overloaded pages - too many links to one document within the site. Such a page will have too much static weight, which could be distributed more evenly and give a more powerful boost to more pages;
  • We forget to pump up the latest documents - the site should never stand still and as the articles grow, the linking should be improved. New articles should also participate in it. This is the most labor-intensive process, since when new materials appear, you have to turn to old ones.

Scheme for placing links to other pages

Here I will give some tips that should be used together to make linking work.

  • 3 links at the end of each post using an automatic linking plugin;
  • Manual placement based on relevance from search results. Try to use no more than 10 links from the document, since a large number of them interferes with readability;
  • We refer to one document by 3 links. This is ideal so as not to pump too much;
  • After pages reach the TOP 10-20, we add 1 more link to them to add weight. After re-indexing the site, we check the positions. Was there an effect?
  • If possible, check the clickability of links, since clickability = effectiveness. If the links are not working, replace them and again track the click statistics;
  • As you accumulate texts, update the linking.

At the end of this material, I would like to give a couple more tips that will certainly come in handy.

  1. First, try to set up tracking statistics of clicks on the links provided. Links should be present for a reason, but have an effect;
  2. Secondly, track traffic counter statistics for search phrases. There are many transitions from a search not based on the main keywords, but on additional ones (dilutions, modified ones). If there are such bold queries, then also pump them up with internal links with appropriate anchors;
  3. Third, try to achieve click-through rates at all costs. If these are manually placed links, then links in the first paragraph work well, as well as at the very end of the text. If this is a block of automatic links (similar posts), then make them attractive. Don't make a simple list of links. Make thumbnails as it attracts attention. It is also logical to place links next to images, which also catches the eye.

That's all for now, friends! This is how the material came out. I hope that you will use all the information in the article when you link your materials on the site. I hope that I have given you a deeper meaning and now linking for you is something more than simply placing links, which we see on most resources. At the end of the article there is a video on the topic from experts.

All friends! If you have any questions or corrections, write them in the comments. See you in touch!

Best regards, Konstantin Khmelev!

Books on blockchain technology continue to excite people’s minds even despite the unsuccessful start to 2018, which was marked by a sudden drop in the value of most popular cryptocurrencies.

Experts admit that blockchain is the future. More and more companies around the world are beginning to use this advanced technology to store, transfer and synchronize data.

Here is just a small list of industries where blockchain has practically revolutionized:

  1. Healthcare. Project Patientory today aims to store patient data securely;
  2. Music industry. Project Mycelia– a single repository for recordings, music and storage of copyrights for publications;
  3. Finance and banking. Deloitte Smart ID Project specially created to simplify the process of verifying client data when issuing a loan.

Blockchain technology is used for logistics, payments, storage and more. That's why more and more people are looking for books on blockchain in Russian, eager to learn more about altcoins. These works are recommended to be studied by future investors, traders and simply interested persons. All of them are understandable to the common reader and do not require special knowledge to understand the essence. You can purchase them in 3 popular online stores:

  1. Litres.ru
  1. Ozon.ru
  1. Labirint.ru

At the end of the article, some of the books described here will be available for download.

Popular books about blockchain technology in Russian

Unlike other countries, where books about Bitcoin began to be published with enviable frequency, in Russia there are very few such publications and they began to appear regularly only in 2017.

For comparison - "White Book" by Satoshi Nakamoto appeared back in 2008. In it, the anonymous creator of the most popular cryptocurrency of our time spoke about the creation of a new monetary settlement system, in which there are only two sides. Transactions no longer required the involvement of an intermediary. Then, in August 2015, the Bitcoin.org domain was registered, where this creation was also distributed.

You can download books on blockchain in Russian on popular Internet resources such as liters and similar ones. You can search for paper versions in offline stores or place an order for them.

The most famous books about blockchain in Russian:

  • "Digital Gold" Nathaniel Popper;
  • Alex Fork. "Bitcoin. More than money";
  • "Bitcoin For Dummies" Williams;
  • “Bitcoin on autopilot or how to make money on cryptocurrency”, Yuri Kozak.

"Digital Gold" Nathaniel Popper

In this book about blockchain, the author talks about a new financial technology that fundamentally breaks many people’s understanding of money and its functions in the modern world. Here is how a small group of enthusiasts managed to develop their idea and attract the attention of the whole world to it.

The book is a must read for people who use electronic money. Written in simple and understandable language, it attracts attention from the first pages. It is addressed to everyone who is interested in cryptocurrency technologies and modern financial systems. There are no complicated terms or technical details here. The text is not overloaded with details of the structure of the blockchain network and Bitcoin. The author focuses on describing the history and Bitcoin, including talking about the personality of the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto.

And although many are still distrustful of a currency that is not backed by any state, millions of enthusiasts around the world believe that digital money is the future. The most convenient way to download this book about blockchain is in the format epub, which will allow you to read anywhere at a convenient time, having an e-book or smartphone with you.

Alex Fork. "Bitcoin. More than money."

This is the second popular book about blockchain in Russian on our list. The author is the chairman of Blockchain.community, which aims to popularize cryptocurrencies in the Russian Federation. In the book, he talks about the history of the emergence and development of Bitcoin, describes a lot of technical details and touches on the scope of its application. Alex Fork also touches on the legal status of cryptocurrencies in Russia and publishes parts of translations of reports from the FBI, the European Bank and other financial organizations.

You should buy this book about blockchain, if only because it has already collected a lot of positive reviews and reviews. It is a kind of notepad in which the reader can make notes or make notes. An excellent option for beginners and inexperienced users.

“Bitcoin For Dummies” by Williams and “Blockchain for Dummies” by Tiana Lawrence

This book on blockchain can be downloaded by all readers who want to get an idea not only of the features of the functioning of cryptocurrency, but also of its future. The authors answer all possible questions that often arise for those who want to start making money on the “money of the future.”

The book “Bitcoin for Dummies” tells you step by step what methods there are to open a wallet for storing cryptocurrency, how to buy and sell bitcoins, and what risks may await the user. From it, it becomes clear how the cryptocurrency market works, how to identify a promising altcoin for investment, and what opportunities Bitcoin has.

Today you can’t just download the book “Blockchain for Dummies” for free, but you can buy it inexpensively, for example, on Ozon. The purpose of this book is to give the reader an idea of ​​what blockchain is, what its operating principles are and its capabilities. But, if you write in the comments to this article, I will send you a direct link to download this publication.

Initially, the technology was developed as the basis for the famous Bitcoin, and a few years later it is considered as a universal platform that can be used in many aspects of human activity. The book provides answers to user questions, ranging from theoretical aspects to an overview of all areas of practical application of blockchain.

“Blockchain for Business”, William Mogaiar and Vitalik Buterin

The author himself (the creator of Ethereum) contributed to the popularity of this book by writing an attractive introduction for it. The book “Blockchain for Business” describes in detail all the features of the technology, the main emphasis is on its capabilities and advantages.

The authors emphasize that very soon it will be possible to carry out banking and other transactions without the involvement of intermediaries - directly between the participants. This reality can be imagined through the use of blockchain technology in real life. Trading, business, medicine, insurance, elections, rental housing, product quality control - blockchain can be used in all these areas and beyond.

"The Blockchain Revolution" Don Tapscott, Alex Tapscott

Anyone who decides to buy a book on blockchain will receive answers to the following questions:

  1. How and where did cryptocurrency come from;
  2. Why is the creator of blockchain considered a worthy candidate for the Nobel Prize?
  3. The essence and principle of operation of the blockchain algorithm;
  4. Benefits from using technology and more.

The author explains in detail and clearly how blockchain technology can be used in real life, and who benefits from it. Particular attention is paid to the possible prospects of cryptocurrency. In essence, this is a full-fledged encyclopedia on blockchain.

You can get any one from the list below for free if you leave a detailed comment on this article. I will send a link to Yandex Disk with this publication.


5-6 years ago it was believed that the use of Bitcoin was exclusively for scammers. Since that time, the attitude of users towards cryptocurrencies has changed dramatically. Now blockchain technology is of concern not only to large investment funds chasing profits, but also to ordinary citizens who want to understand something new. Books about blockchain in Russian can help with this.

Useful video on the topic - “TOP books on cryptocurrency and trading 2018”:

Books about Bitcoin are now extremely rare, given the speed with which events around this technology are developing. This is especially true for publications in Russian - there are none. Or rather, it wasn’t until now. Very soon the first book about Bitcoin in Russian will be published - “Bitcoin. More than money." The author of the book, entrepreneur Alex Fork, kindly agreed to give us an interview and tell us more about it.

website: Alex, how long have you been interested in cryptocurrencies and how do you like it? I got the idea to write a book about Bitcoin?

I have been interested in Bitcoin since it became known in Russia. When I learned about Bitcoin, I began to enthusiastically monitor all kinds of information sources, analyze data, and look for answers to the millions of questions I had. The information I found was so scattered and contradictory that I spent a lot of time systematizing everything I learned and understood about bitcoins, “sorting out” the information that needed understanding. And then I decided... to write this book. This was about a year ago.

CR: What is your book about and who is it aimed at?

This book is for a wide range of people. Both beginners and geeks will find interesting aspects for themselves. It touches on the historical development in the world, technical features, applicability in some theoretical financial hypotheses, anonymity analysis, a large number of diverse points of view. Also included are translations of reports on Bitcoin from organizations such as the FBI, the European Central Bank, the US Treasury Department's Financial Crimes Enforcement Agency and hackers.

This book is a kind of quest. You can go through only the first level, read what you consider important and understandable, skipping highly specialized places with a clear conscience. Or you can rise higher by delving into the depths of this innovation and discovering all the facets of this multifaceted and multifaceted cryptocurrency.

The book is for those who are afraid to drown in the chaos of information available about them, for those who, on the contrary, lack information about cryptocurrency, for those who are skeptical and full of doubts about the future of bitcoins, but no matter which of the above categories the reader belongs to - This book is for those who need to know today what tomorrow will be like.

CR: What is the progress and what stage is your book at?

CR: When will it be possible to read it?

In July we are ready to give you the first collectible copy :)

CR: What problems did you encounter? Do you need any help?

There are enough obstacles on the way. There is a problem of how to end up on the shelves of large online bookstores. Need help promoting and financing a large print run under the brand of a reputable publishing house. There are already worked out agreements: 860 thousand rubles are needed in order to appear on the shelves in almost all major bookstores and chains. These investments will bring 100% profit when the entire circulation is sold. Of course, we are investing our money and are going to be very active in promoting not only offline. According to our estimate, the number of people interested in Bitcoin in Russia reaches 3 million people at the moment, so our goal is to sell 50 thousand copies in the Russian-speaking space. We prepared a promotion program. Therefore, if anyone is interested in taking part in this project, we are glad to cooperate.

CR: How and in what form will your book be distributed?

For the first time, the book combines such a set of cutting-edge interactive, informational and stylistic solutions. It uses QR codes formed from links in order to avoid typing them manually: to read them you will need to install a special application on your phone, such as QR Code Reader and, of course, you will need an Internet connection.

CR: Are any publishers already interested?

We have not yet received a positive decision from the publishers. At the moment we are implementing everything ourselves.

We thank Alex Fork for this interview and hope that his book will appear on the shelves of our bookstores. If you want to help Alex realize his idea, you can send him donations to this Bitcoin wallet:


Blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies are penetrating deeper into the lives of the average person. In order not to be considered an ignorant, sooner or later, you will have to figure out what the crypto industry and related technologies are. In anticipation of the long weekend, Coinlife has prepared a selection of the most interesting and educational books that will answer all questions about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, mining, blockchain and ICOs.

"Digital Gold" by Nathaniel Popper

Literally a reference book for those interested in the world of digital assets. It is recognized as one of the best books about cryptocurrencies. It tells the story of how the idea of ​​blockchain, initially interesting only to a narrow circle of people, gradually attracted the attention of the whole world.

"Blockchain Technology", Don Tapscott, Alex Tapscott

The book tells how blockchain technology emerged and how the world will change with its implementation. The authors share their vision of blockchain development and predict how the new technology will be used in the future. For example, one of the upcoming changes is the democratization of society based on blockchain.

"Bitcoin. More than money, Alex Fork

In the book “Bitcoin. More than money,” the author describes the history of the development of Bitcoin and its spread in the world, analyzes technical features and analyzes the anonymity of network participants. Particular attention is paid to cryptocurrency mining, Bitcoin ban and regulation in different countries.

“The era of cryptocurrencies. How Bitcoin and Blockchain are Changing the Global Economic Order by Paul Vigna and Michael Casey

Wall Street Journal columnists Paul Vigna and Michael Casey tell the history of Bitcoin in detail and analyze the role of cryptocurrencies in the modern world: how they developed, what functions they perform, and what you need to know before stepping into the new digital world.

“Blockchain. How it works and what awaits us tomorrow,” Artem Genkin, Alexey Mikheev

Using global and Russian examples, the authors analyze how and why blockchain technology has become so popular in just a few years and attracted huge investments. The book analyzes the use of blockchain in the financial industry, the public sector and other industries and highlights leading startups and ICO practices.

“Mastering Bitcoin”, Andreas Antonopoulos

After reading this book, you will learn the basics of how Bitcoin works, what types of transactions exist, and in what situations they are used. The author provides a detailed review of multi-signature wallets and analysis of other key technologies.

“Blockchain. Blueprint for the New Economy by Melanie Swan

The book is intended for those interested in finance and technological innovation. Melanie Swan, author of the publication, analyzes all aspects of the blockchain, explains the potential value for widespread use of the technology and gives advice on how to use the Bitcoin cryptocurrency.

“Blockchain for Business”, William Mogaiar, Vitalik Buterin

According to the authors, blockchain creates a different reality, in which security and anonymity are guaranteed by numbers and formulas. Originating as a platform for cryptocurrency, blockchain technology is now becoming a tool for carrying out various transactions. And most importantly, it can track and record all actions without the participation of third parties.

"Bitcoin for dummies"

It becomes clear from the title how this book will help the reader to imagine the general functions, goals and capabilities of the most popular and expensive cryptocurrency at the moment, Bitcoin. Here are the answers to the main questions that a newcomer to the world of digital currency asks: what is Bitcoin, where can I get it and how to store this cryptocurrency? You will receive a detailed explanation of all points.

"Bitcoin: Money Without Borders" by Yvonne Jenkins
(not translated into Russian)

As the author himself writes, this book is a short and objective guide to the use of Bitcoin. For example, it describes how digital currency can be used in conjunction with the social network Facebook to increase income or for charitable purposes.