Pregnancy during menstruation is possible. Pregnancy during menstruation. Can you have periods during pregnancy? Is bleeding in the early stages of pregnancy always dangerous?

The answer cannot be unambiguous. Each female body is individual, and deviations from the “normal” ovulation period are possible. Let's take a closer look at the various situations.

Making love during menstruation. For what?

And really - why? This is not a very pleasant thing. And since the question about pregnancy is asked, it means sexual intercourse is planned without using a condom. Is it due to all-consuming passion? Not always... More often - the belief that it is impossible to get pregnant at the beginning of the menstrual cycle. And this statement is very heartwarming for those women who do not use reliable contraception. Firstly, this statement is very doubtful (we will look at why below), and “is it possible to get pregnant during menstruation” is the right question. Secondly, during menstruation, the cervix is ​​slightly open, which means that the entrance to the uterus for various pathogens is open!

What is the probability of pregnancy?

Surely, many of you know that pregnancy can only begin if the sperm meets the egg. And this can only happen during the period of ovulation. Sperm can live in the vagina for up to 7 days, and an egg can live for no more than 2 days. That is, it would be logical to assume that rapid conception even in a healthy couple is not always possible; the likelihood of this increases with the frequency and regularity of sexual intercourse.

Ovulation is the second, short phase of the menstrual cycle and occurs right in the middle. Thus, if the menstrual cycle is classically 28 days (the cycle is counted from the first day of the last menstruation to the first day of the next), then ovulation will occur on day 14 (plus or minus 2 days). In this situation, determining whether “it is possible to get pregnant during menstruation” is quite simple - this is impossible, unless menstruation lasts no more than the prescribed 7 days. But if the menstrual cycle is short - 23-24 days, then dangerous days may occur precisely on the last days of menstruation, that is, on days 5-7. Let ovulation occur on the 11th day, but as we have already said, sperm have the ability to maintain their viability for several days, being already inside the female body. If some nimble sperm waits for ovulation, then conception is quite likely.

However, the answer to the question “is it possible to get pregnant on the first day of your period” can definitely be answered in the negative, even if the menstrual cycle is very short. Conditions for sperm are unfavorable during this period, especially if the discharge is abundant. On the other hand, for the same reason, few people would think of making love during this period. If someone claims that pregnancy occurred on the first day of menstruation, then the matter is different - pregnancy occurred earlier, 2 weeks before the “not real” menstruation, and the woman did not know about it. And in the first weeks of pregnancy, bleeding may occur, especially on the days when your period would begin.

There will be a completely different answer to the question “ Is it possible to get pregnant on the first day after your period?" Of course, there are many such cases. Moreover, if your periods are long - 7-8 days. Then conception is quite likely.

What to do?

The answer suggests itself - make love with reliable contraception, and not rely on the calendar method for determining days likely to conceive and sexual abstinence at this time. If you want love during your period, be sure to use a condom.

Every young girl, woman, or even accomplished mother is concerned about the topic of pregnancy. For some, pregnancy is desirable, and they try by any means to fulfill their dream. Others do not need pregnancy, and there are always plenty of reasons for this. Sooner or later, many people have a question: is it possible to get pregnant during menstruation?

Should you try to get pregnant during your period, and what are the possible consequences? Is menstruation a guarantee of the absence of unwanted pregnancy? These questions should be answered in more detail, clearly understood, once and for all.

Menstrual cycle

It’s worth starting with a reminder of the processes occurring in the female body. We will talk about the menstrual cycle - a special reproductive process in the female body. The beginning of the menstrual cycle is considered the first day of menstruation.

The main culprits behind “favorite” periods are the hormones estrogen and progesterone. At the beginning of the menstrual cycle, the body produces a large amount of estrogen, which, in the company of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones (FSH and LH), stimulates the growth of follicles with eggs, and the endometrial layer also begins to grow.

Ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle. The corpus luteum, a special gland, forms in the ovary and begins to actively produce progesterone, the main hormone during pregnancy. The task of progesterone is to prepare the body for possible fertilization. The formed endometrium prepares to receive a fertilized egg 1.

If during this period the egg meets the sperm, fertilization occurs. Subsequently, progesterone is produced by the formed placenta. If conception does not occur, then the unnecessary layer of the endometrium, the egg and the corpus luteum come out in the form of blood discharge.

A woman's cycle can vary in length, but should be regular. Each woman has her own individual cycle regularity.

Cycles are usually divided into short, long and standard. The duration of a short cycle is 21 days or less, and a long cycle starts at 35 days or more. Accordingly, the normal time value of the menstrual cycle is from 21 to 35 days. The average value is determined by a duration of 26-29 days 2.

Ovum and fertilization

The egg begins its personal journey between days 7 and 21, taking into account the average length of the menstrual cycle. With non-standard cycle values, this period increases or decreases.

Let's say a woman knows exactly when ovulation will occur and her period will begin. Logically, you cannot get pregnant during menstruation. However, there are many cases of such pregnancies, which is also logical, given the unpredictability of menstruation, the unusual behavior of the egg or the survivability of sperm.

The causes of pregnancy during menstruation may be the following:

  • Various lengths of the menstrual cycle. With a short cycle of 20 days, the best days of conception almost coincide with the beginning of menstruation.
  • Sperm survival. They are extremely active, and especially strong ones are able to survive for several days and even a week. If even one sperm survives to ovulation, there remains a high risk of conception.
  • Disturbances in the rhythm of ovulation. This is possible after an abortion, childbirth, during perimenopause and in other cases. As you age, the chance of the problem increases. You should never rely on ovulation timing as a form of birth control.
  • Spontaneous ovulation. In such cases, two eggs mature, which accordingly increases the chances of conception. An unusual phenomenon is possible due to irregular sex life, heredity, a strong hormonal surge or a particularly strong orgasm.
  • Violations in taking oral contraceptives. If you stop taking the pill before your period, your chance of pregnancy during your period increases. Such tablets should be taken strictly according to the instructions - there are no monthly concessions 3.

The period with the lowest chance of conception is the beginning of the menstrual cycle. For most people, sexual intercourse at this time is unpleasant, but some use this condition as a natural contraceptive. In the first few days of menstruation, an aggressive environment is created, a strong blood flow simply sweeps away all sperm in its path, and if someone manages to gain a foothold, then the chances of survival are extremely small.

But even if you decide to have sex in the midst of menstruation, you should remember about real contraceptives, because the chance of conception, although small, remains. Moreover, at this time the risk of infections is extremely high, because the blood is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria, and the uterus is not protected by the cervical plug. It is necessary to pay very close attention to hygiene for both women and men.

The last days of menstruation, especially prolonged periods, pose a particular risk. There is practically no discharge, menstruation is still formally underway, but the sperm are already ready to wait for their egg. If pregnancy is not desired, it is always best to use contraception in the form of condoms or other forms of birth control 3 .

Sex during menstruation - who likes it?

Most people simply do not understand why a person even gets the desire to have sex during menstruation. But in practice this happens quite often, for example among young people for whom the process itself is important, and the rest is simply not important. As a rule, these are loving couples who trust each other so much that menstruation is viewed completely differently from their perspective. Quite often men insist, because they don’t want to miss the opportunity to have sex. No less often, women themselves insist on sex during menstruation, whose libido reaches its climax these days. This is why questions constantly arise regarding pregnancy during menstruation.

In general, there are no special restrictions on sex during menstruation. Of course, it is advisable to have a permanent partner, maintain hygiene and use protection to avoid infections, even if pregnancy is desired.

Is it possible to get pregnant during menstruation using contraceptives?

The best contraceptives are still considered to be condoms, hormonal agents and intrauterine devices. When used correctly, such products almost completely eliminate the possibility of pregnancy; in addition, condoms significantly reduce the risk of infections 4 .

Considering the fact that during menstruation, by coincidence, you can get pregnant, the use of contraceptives is very desirable. Contraceptives do not provide 100% protection against pregnancy, but they reduce the risk to a minimum.

  • 1. Radetskaya, L.E. Mechanisms of uterine bleeding in normal and pathological conditions / L.E. Radetskaya // Protection of motherhood and childhood - 2007 - No. 9 - pp. 54-59.
  • 2. Savelyeva, G.M. Obstetrics / G.M. Savelyeva, V.I. Kulakov, A.N. Strizhakov // “GEOTAR-Media”, - 2011, - pp. 50-62.
  • 3. Sumyatina L.V. Modern hormonal contraceptives: new options for choice / L.V. Sumyatina // Problems of reproduction - 2014 - No. 6 - pp. 46-48.
  • 4. Savelyeva, G.M. Obstetrics: national guide / ed. G. M. Savelyeva, G. T. Sukhikh, V. N. Serov, V. E. Radzinsky // 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: GEOTAR-Media - 2018 - P. 1088.

Sometimes pregnant women discover signs of menstruation, i.e. vaginal bleeding. Can menstruation occur during pregnancy? Is it dangerous or completely acceptable? What do specialists in gynecology and obstetrics say about this?

Physiologically, the appearance of menstruation in pregnant women is by no means a characteristic symptom. After all, in fact, menstruation is the exfoliating endometrium, which grows on the uterine wall in the first half of the cycle. If conception does not occur, then it disintegrates and comes out in the form of menstrual flow. If fertilization occurs, the endometrium, on the contrary, strengthens to provide the baby with additional protection. Therefore, there are no periods during pregnancy. If menstruation does begin during early pregnancy, the woman gets scared, since the symptom indicates a spontaneous interruption. And if the couple waited a long time for conception, then such a circumstance seriously upsets and unsettles them.

Typically, patients present menstruation as any vaginal discharge, which is not entirely true, because the source of bleeding can be different. How do you get your period? Under the influence of the progesterone hormone, or, more precisely, against the background of its decrease towards the end of the cycle, it begins to exfoliate, menstruation begins. Every month the menstrual cycle repeats, the endometrial layer grows again and comes out again with menstruation.

Therefore, if a pregnant woman begins her period, that is, the endometrium begins to come out, then it is impossible to talk about the normal development of the fetus. But in practice, it often happens that patients find out about conception only at 3-4 months, because before that their periods were on time. Why do I get my period during pregnancy?

Origin of bleeding

In fact, menstruation during early pregnancy, or more precisely, uterine bleeding, can begin for many reasons.

  • Threat of impending miscarriage;
  • Death of the embryo;
  • Development of ectopic pregnancy;
  • Features of the uterine structure, for example, bicornuate, etc.

The threat of miscarriage is accompanied mainly by scanty, dark discharge, which is complemented by nagging pain, similar to premenstrual pain. If the embryo dies, there may be no signs for a long time. The appearance of symptoms that help to detect problems with pregnancy early is considered a positive factor. Similar signs of menstruation during early pregnancy include acute pain and spotting dark discharge, softening of the mammary gland, etc.

The ectopic location of the embryo is also accompanied by pain at the site of implantation of the fertilized egg, and with physical activity and movement the pain, as a rule, only intensifies. In such cases, not very heavy periods are observed during pregnancy with dark blood. If the bleeding is severe and prolonged, then this may indicate that the process of spontaneous detachment of the embryo has begun. We cannot exclude the possibility that the cause of bleeding may be the unusual structure of the uterus. For example, with a bicornuate uterus, the fetus is implanted in only one part of it, while the other continues to menstruate monthly. Of course, this state of affairs cannot be considered normal, but menstruation in the early stages of pregnancy with such a feature is quite understandable.

Another situation may occur when a woman had sexual intercourse, and soon her period came, then there was no unprotected contact, but the woman was able to get pregnant. This is possible if pregnancy has already occurred at the time of menstruation; this happens with late ovulation. Hormonal processes have not yet had time to start, so bleeding begins on the prescribed days. Simply, the fertilized cell was sent to the uterus when menstruation began in early pregnancy. Which is understandable, because completed conception is considered to be the time during the implantation period, when the cell is fully embedded in the uterine wall, and not the moment the cell is fertilized by sperm.

If the fact of pregnancy has already been confirmed by tests and ultrasound, then any menstruation at the beginning of pregnancy and even minor spotting should be considered as a serious abnormality that requires examination by a doctor.

Heavy menstruation with clots in pregnant women

Usually, cases associated with menstruation during pregnancy, whatever they may be, indicate a threat of miscarriage or a miscarriage that has already begun. The cause of rejection can be various factors such as:

In such situations, they do not say that menstruation occurs during pregnancy, since we are talking about uterine bleeding. If a pregnant woman has heavy bleeding mixed with blood clots or there is only one large clot, or brown, dark, scanty periods appear during pregnancy, then you need to call an ambulance. Such manifestations of pregnancy can begin when there is a threat of spontaneous abortion, ectopic implantation of the embryo or its death. Over a long period of time, such a clinical picture indicates placental presentation or abruption. Pathological bleeding is accompanied by intense pain and hyperthermia, malaise and nausea.

Pregnant woman has menstrual flow after sex

Classic sexual intercourse is not dangerous and will not cause a miscarriage. But some patients may experience brownish discharge after this. These are not ordinary periods, but bleeding caused by more abundant blood flow in the pelvis, which is why the mucous tissues become much more sensitive and are therefore easily damaged during sexual intercourse. Typically, such smears are not dangerous, but it is still worth talking to your gynecologist about this. If noticeable bleeding occurs after each intimacy, then you will have to abstain from sex for now.

You should undergo a gynecological examination to find out whether there are any abnormalities, whether sexual intercourse is possible during further pregnancy, etc. If the obstetrician-gynecologist does not identify any pathologies, then you can resume sexual life. In such a situation, it is better to use panty liners to understand the color of the discharge and its abundance. The doctor will need this information to more accurately assess the condition. But you should stop using tampons. If, in addition to blood, large clots and pieces of tissue are released from the vagina, nausea and vomiting attacks and dizziness, severe pain in the uterus, immediate medical intervention is required.

Menstruation with ectopic

When the ovum is located ectopically, implantation most often occurs in the fallopian tube. In fact, conception occurs, therefore hormonal processes are also launched, and the content of human chorionic gonadotropin increases. Therefore, menstruation also stops. But the first weeks may be bothered by bloody brown spotting, which a woman mistakes for menstruation. The outcome of such an ectopic pregnancy can be reduced to spontaneous detachment of the ovum and abortion, or rupture of the fallopian tube. Can I get my period during pregnancy? In such a situation, any outcome is accompanied by heavy bleeding, the consequences of which can be tragic. This is why identifying early pathology is vital.

It often happens that bleeding coincides with the next menstruation, which prevents a woman from noticing an interesting situation in time. After all, she believes that she began to menstruate during pregnancy, which she does not even know about. But an ectopic can be recognized by other signs:

  • Hypotension;
  • Weakness;
  • Frequent fainting and dizziness;
  • Attacks of severe pain in the area of ​​one of the tubes, reflected by lumbar and rectal pain;
  • You can have periods during pregnancy outside the uterus, but they become scanty.

If you suspect ectopic pregnancy, you must be examined, undergo ultrasound diagnostics, and undergo laboratory tests to determine hCG. These measures will help determine whether pregnancy is possible.

Features of bleeding during pregnancy

To distinguish uterine bleeding from menstrual bleeding, you need to know for sure which periods are typical for pregnancy. Being confident in the absence of conception, the patient should be wary of any deviation from the norm. For example, the duration of menstruation has noticeably increased, the nature of the discharge has changed, it has become abundant or scanty, or began to occur between menstruation, etc. Such signs are accompanied by severe pain and poor health, which requires a mandatory visit to the doctor.

It is possible to have periods during pregnancy. They can be distinguished from bleeding by several signs. For example, they are usually scanty and smearing, brown in color, and often have a watery consistency with bloody streaks. Such discharge begins with delays, often quite long. Uncharacteristic signs may be present, for example, previously there were painful sensations before menstruation, but now they are absent. The difference with bleeding lies in how long the menstrual flow can last. Real menstruation in pregnant women can be observed exclusively in the early periods of gestation, when the patient is not yet aware of the situation. Such periods last no more than 2-3 cycles, although exceptions are possible.

What are the dangers of menstrual flow in pregnant women?

Whether there are periods during pregnancy, we have already figured it out. True menstruation poses no threat to pregnancy, but bleeding can seriously harm maternal health and the viability of the fetus. Self-diagnosis when bleeding appears is inappropriate, so any hint of such a sign requires urgent contact with the LC. Unfortunately, today pregnant women often seek advice on various forums or ask their mother or friends for advice. Such stupidity leads to the fact that time is wasted and it is no longer possible to maintain the pregnancy.

Therefore, any changes in the condition should not go unnoticed by the patient, be it the occurrence of unusual discharge, painful ailments, etc. You should immediately consult a doctor if symptoms such as:

  1. Scarlet or bright red bloody discharge;
  2. Side bleeding symptoms in the form of nausea and vomiting syndrome and severe sharp pain in the uterus or on the side of it;
  3. Pieces or clots present in the discharge;
  4. Excessive pallor and dizziness, noticeable weakness or fainting, headaches, etc.

The expected diagnosis for such manifestations may be pathologies such as ectopic pregnancy, hydatidiform mole, spontaneous abortion, etc.

When there's nothing to worry about

Any bleeding if a woman is pregnant cannot be normal, but there are still situations when there is nothing to worry about. Slight bloody smears can occur due to hormonal disorders and during the implantation of a fertilized egg, when pregnancy occurs immediately before menstruation, etc. In addition, a similar phenomenon is possible in cases where two cells matured and were released during ovulation, but only one was fertilized.

Also, brownish spotting may appear due to excessive levels of androgens or progesterone deficiency. Such violations are generally not dangerous, but how long they last is of considerable importance; if there are serious deviations, they need correction. Implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterine walls can last quite a long time, about a couple of weeks. With such a long passage of the cell into the uterus, the hormonal status does not have time to adjust to the pregnant state, so menstruation begins. In obstetric practice, there are quite a few patients who had menstruation in the first trimester.

Is it possible to get pregnant during menstruation or late ovulation?

Many people believe that it is absolutely impossible to get pregnant during menstruation. But this opinion is not entirely correct, because experts do not exclude such a possibility at all. This is also acceptable before menstruation, when the egg, by definition, can no longer be fertilized. But this is possible due to the late onset of the ovulatory period, just before menstruation. In such a situation, the delay is observed only in the second month of gestation, and normal periods will come immediately after conception.

Therefore, myths regarding whether menstruation can occur in the early stages have been debunked. This is quite possible, however, it is important to distinguish them from uterine bleeding, which is incredibly dangerous for the fetus and mother. Menstruation in the first and sometimes the second cycle is considered safe. A longer presence of bleeding in pregnant patients already indicates the pathological nature of the bleeding.

If this happens, remain sane and calm. Analyze the events of the last days, whether there was sexual intimacy, physical activity, etc. Perhaps the reason is too passionate sex. Then it’s worth discussing these issues with your spouse to avoid undesirable consequences. And be sure to consult with an obstetrician-gynecologist to exclude the pathological origin of bleeding.

First of all, I want women to confirm to themselves that menstruation during pregnancy, In the literal sense of the word, not possible by definition. Yes, there are situations when bleeding during pregnancy occurs around the time when a woman should have started her period, however, firstly, most often their character is very different from normal menstruation, which suggests something is wrong, and secondly, when In any case, this is a deviation from the norm, which means it requires consultation with a doctor.

The situation is complicated by the fact that menstruation during early pregnancy misinforms the woman, which is why she may not even be aware of her pregnancy. Especially if menstruation during pregnancy and a negative test are combined. That is why from time to time situations arise when women do not know about their interesting situation until they are 3-4 months old. But situations are not uncommon when early diagnosis of pregnancy is a decisive factor in its preservation.

To understand why menstruation in the usual interpretation and pregnancy are not compatible, it is enough to recall the basic knowledge of anatomy that we were all given at school, but most women have already forgotten it, as it seems to them, as unnecessary.

The uterus consists of three layers: an outer mucous layer, a middle layer consisting of smooth muscle, and an inner mucous layer. Each of these layers performs its own function. For example, the myometrium, a muscle layer, protects the fetus from external influences, and also actively participates in the birth process, pushing the baby out with its contractions.

The most mobile and changeable layer of the uterus is called the endometrium. It increases during the first half of the cycle. The purpose of thickening the endometrium is to maintain pregnancy until the formation of the placenta, if one occurs. Implantation of the fertilized egg occurs in the mucous membrane.

Menstruation is the complete rejection of the endometrium if pregnancy does not occur. Mucus, along with blood from damaged blood vessels, leaves the body, and the process repeats from the very beginning. The simplest logical calculations will lead us to the natural conclusion that complete rejection of the endometrium during pregnancy will lead to miscarriage, since it will also capture the newly implanted fertilized egg.

So it turns out that the questions “Do you have periods during pregnancy?” and “How are periods during pregnancy?” They simply have no meaning, since menstruation is impossible during pregnancy. It is much more logical to talk about bleeding during pregnancy, and this is in most cases an alarming signal.

Are periods always dangerous during pregnancy?

In most cases, but fortunately not always. Yes, periods during early pregnancy are always a deviation from the norm, but they do not always threaten the health of the mother and child; in some cases, the situation is absolutely safe. The simplest and safest reason for bleeding for a period of several weeks is the period implantation of fertilized egg. This process may be accompanied by damage to blood vessels, and hence spotting from the vagina. However, implantation can take place without any symptoms such as bleeding.

Scanty periods during pregnancy can also occur in a number of other cases that do not harm the body. For example, if a fertilized egg didn't have time to implant into the mucous layer before the onset of menstruation. This process takes 7 to 15 days, so delays are possible, although extremely rare. There are no hormonal changes at this stage yet, which means there is no cancellation of menstrual bleeding. And the delay occurs only for the next cycle. A month later than it should be. In rare cases, two eggs mature in different ovaries at the same time or almost simultaneously. If one of them is fertilized, and the second is rejected, then menstruation occurs during pregnancy.

Another reason why menstruation is possible during pregnancy: various hormonal imbalances. For example, a lack of progesterone or an excess of androgens, male hormones. Both of them, up to a certain point, do not threaten pregnancy if they do not cross specific boundaries. In more complex cases, the consequences may be more serious. Fortunately, both are easily corrected by taking hormonal medications, but require timely consultation with a doctor. It is dangerous to “prescribe” these drugs to yourself.

Pathologies that cause menstruation during pregnancy

Depending on what kind of menstruation occurs during pregnancy, a variety of diagnoses can be made, and they are not always insignificant. In the early stages, bleeding most often indicates detachment of the fertilized egg, and, as a consequence, threatened miscarriage.

If the detachment is small, then the body will most likely cope with the situation on its own by increasing the production of progesterone to maintain pregnancy. In this case, the discharge will be scanty, most likely spotting. There may be no other symptoms. In more complex and dangerous cases, painful, heavy periods may occur during pregnancy. Such symptoms should be a reason for immediate visiting a doctor, as well as compliance bed rest and complete peace. Compliance or non-compliance with the last rule can be decisive in the matter of saving the pregnancy, so it should not be neglected.

Unfortunately, many women treat this recommendation condescendingly, considering light fussing around the house an analogue of bed rest: and really, how can you lie in bed if your husband comes home from work hungry in the evening? In fact, even a light jog with a broom can become a critical load in the event of a threatened miscarriage. That is why they try to hospitalize patients with this diagnosis, which ensures that women comply with bed rest.

Detachment of the ovum can be caused by a variety of reasons. For example, neoplasms on the myometrium, the muscular layer of the uterus, or a focus of endometriosis, if attachment occurs precisely in the affected area. This causes a lack of oxygen in the fetus and death.

Genetic disorders or significant pathological changes in the fetus as a result of intrauterine diseases, most often infectious, can also cause a miscarriage. In this case, it will most likely not be possible to save the pregnancy; all that remains is to examine the rejected fetus and try to avoid similar situations in the future.

Another very deplorable diagnosis, due to which some women have periods during pregnancy, is ectopic pregnancy. In this case, implantation of the fertilized egg occurs not in the uterus, but in the fallopian tube. As the embryo grows, it begins to run out of space, and as a result, the tube may rupture, which threatens the woman’s life, as internal bleeding occurs. Even if death can be avoided, which is very likely, the woman’s reproductive functions will be truncated, since the ruptured fallopian tube cannot be restored.

If a woman and her gynecologist suspect an ectopic pregnancy, the patient is immediately sent for an ultrasound examination to clarify the diagnosis, and if it is confirmed, then urgent surgical intervention is necessary. Previously, we were talking about abdominal surgery, but now ectopic pregnancy is removed by laparoscopy. This procedure involves three small punctures, through one of which a video camera is inserted into the abdominal cavity, through the rest - manipulators, with their help the fertilized egg is removed.

Laparoscopy is a much more gentle procedure than abdominal surgery. The rehabilitation period after this procedure is approximately 2 times less. Already on the second day, the woman will be able to stand up independently. The time of forced abstinence from food is also reduced. And purely aesthetically, three small, almost imperceptible scars from laparoscopy are much better than an incision across the entire abdomen.

What are the dangers of menstruation during pregnancy?

It is not difficult to guess that menstruation itself during pregnancy (with a positive test) does not pose a danger, except in cases where it is a case of really heavy bleeding that threatens serious blood loss. In most cases, the causes of menstruation during pregnancy are dangerous.

As in most other cases, a woman will not be able to make a diagnosis on her own, without consulting a gynecologist. Although he tries very often: he consults with friends, looks through thematic forums, and wastes time. Unfortunately, in some cases this ends disastrously for the woman’s pregnancy and health.

That is why both pregnant women and women who have not yet encountered pregnancy need to be attentive to their body. Any changes in the menstrual cycle, the nature of menstruation, consistency, abundance, and so on, may be a cause for concern. It makes sense to urgently seek consultation to clarify the diagnosis.

I would like to repeat once again: it doesn’t matter why you have periods during pregnancy, in any case it is necessary to get examined by a doctor as early as possible. The sooner a diagnosis is made and treatment is started, the greater the chance of maintaining the pregnancy.

And, even if the doctor does not find any cause for concern, he will at least reassure the pregnant woman. She will know for sure that nothing bad is happening to her, and all changes are absolutely safe. But the expectant mother does not need unnecessary worries and stress.

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