What does genital herpes look like? Genital herpes in women: causes, symptoms, treatment. Complications of herpes infection

First of all, you should learn as much as possible about the disease that has affected you.
The disease is caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus (there are two types). You can get it in two ways: through sexual contact with a carrier of the virus, or through failure to follow hygiene rules. If you have a common cold on your lips and, after touching the sore, you accidentally touch your genitals, expect trouble. In the same way, the virus can spread from the genitals of one partner to the genitals of another in the presence of a cold.

The virus penetrates nerve cells in the area of ​​the sacral plexus through small abrasions and cracks in the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs. There he freezes until “better times.” What brings him to life? Doctors consider stress to be the main and most likely cause. Nervous tension, fits of anger and the like suppress the body's immune system, and in response it sends evidence of complete surrender - itchy sores in the most inappropriate places.

It is noteworthy that contracting genital herpes, you may not even suspect it for a long time. As long as you are calm, follow a diet and hygiene regimen, the disease may not manifest itself for years. Moreover, being a carrier of the virus and not knowing anything about it, you become dangerous to your partner. Herpes rashes can be located not only outside, but also on the cervix or in the urethra. Therefore, if you have any doubts, it is better to use a condom.

And if the disease is in the active phase, that is, noticeable to the naked eye, it is more logical to abstain from sex altogether, because it is several times easier to get the virus from a partner with obvious manifestations of the disease.

However, not only stress can awaken the disease, although all other reasons are also directly related to weakened immunity. For example, you were overheated in the sun or, on the contrary, hypothermic, abused alcohol, were very worried, or you just started menstruating - all these reasons can become the starting button for a harmful virus.

Usually the first manifestations genital herpes manifest themselves in the form of itching, tingling, swelling or redness in the genital area, as well as on the inner thighs and buttocks. The next stage is characteristic blistering rashes, fever, and general malaise. Then the bubbles burst, and in their place ulcers form, of which after a while not a trace remains.

The first relapse is the most violent. Then the body produces antibodies to the virus, and the next reactivation proceeds more calmly, although this does not make it any better.
Of particular note is the risk you face if you become infected during pregnancy. The herpes virus can cause enormous harm to the baby during childbirth.

What to do with this terrible disease?
The only prevention is confidence in the health of your partner and compliance with personal hygiene rules.

But if everything has already happened, you can also take some measures.
In the first two hours after contact with a carrier of the virus, doctors advise using betadine. The drug in the form of a suppository is inserted into the vagina, and it is recommended to treat the genital area, thighs, lower abdomen and buttocks with a betadine solution. In this case, doctors will not give you a 100% guarantee, but it will still be better than nothing.

In case of obvious genital herpes infection and the appearance of bubbles, you should not panic (you remember that the main reason for reactivation is stress), otherwise you will only harm yourself even more. To begin with, you must firmly understand, what you should never do.

1. Do not touch the sores with your hands. You can accidentally transfer the infection to other parts of the body, and there they will look no less terrible.

2. If you are afraid that you might touch them in your sleep, make a small protective pad of bandage or gauze at night. Do not use thick or synthetic fabrics - the skin must breathe so that the bubbles dry out.

3. Under no circumstances apply ointments to sores. It is clear that when you see the disgrace, you will rush to treat them with all possible means. And the first thing that comes to your mind is antibiotic ointments. They will not help you, just like Vaseline and other fatty substances. The bubbles must dry out, and the ointments form a dense film through which air does not penetrate, so such treatment will only do harm.

4. Do not have sexual intercourse during an exacerbation of the disease, and when it passes, it is better to still use a condom.

Now let's see what you can do to improve your condition.

1. The most important thing during this period is to strengthen the immune system. Try to eat right (exclude sweets, fatty foods, alcohol), take vitamins, get more rest and don’t forget about exercise. Doctors advise taking special biological supplements, for example, “Lysine”, “Gerpinat”.

2. Try to look at the world in a less gloomy way. Although herpes is considered an “incurable disease,” this does not mean that there is no medical treatment. Drugs such as Acyclovir, Panavir, Valtrex are created specifically to combat genital herpes. These remedies can be found in tablets and ointments. Remember, only these special ointments can help you, do not use anything else, including hormonal drugs. Hormonal ointments, in particular cortisone ointments, weaken the immune system, and, therefore, only help the virus conquer new territories.

3. For daily hygiene procedures, use soap and water - the skin in the affected areas should always remain clean so that the bursting wounds do not get infected. After washing, you don’t have to dry yourself with a towel, but use a hairdryer (choose a cool setting).

4. Wear simple cotton underwear, no synthetics!

5. To relieve discomfort, try moistening the affected area with warm water three times a day - it helps many.

6. Your biggest problem may be going to the toilet. If the ulcers are located close to the urethra, urine falling on them can cause unbearable itching and burning. You can get out of this position using a tube made of toilet paper - with its help you can divert the stream to the side.

Prevention and treatment of genital herpes with folk remedies

So, for example, between relapses (that is, when there are no obvious manifestations of the disease), you can support the immune system with the help of medicinal herbs. Rhodiola rosea, eleutherococcus, Chinese lemongrass and other plants that have a general strengthening effect are suitable here. They will help increase the time between exacerbations. Just remember that preparations made from these herbs can increase blood pressure, so it would be a good idea to consult a doctor.

Oak bark, lemon balm, sage and walnut will have a drying effect. Decoctions of these plants can be used to wash the skin or add them to medicinal baths.
Cauterization with pure essential oils is considered a good remedy. Oils of geranium, cedar, lavender, tea tree are carefully applied undiluted to the sores.
If this method seems too radical to you, you can use these substances for compresses. Just dilute 3-4 drops of oil in a glass of warm water, dip a piece of cloth into the solution and apply to the desired area. This compress will have an antimicrobial and drying effect and will help calm the virus.

In conclusion, I would like to say that today there are vaccines to prevent and treatment of genital herpes, but they cannot be called 100% effective, although if you want to try, you should contact a special center where they will give you advice and provide the necessary assistance.

In any case, treating yourself would be stupid and even dangerous. Only a doctor can recommend you adequate treatment that will help you live with this disease and even enjoy this life.

Alexandra Panyutina
Women's magazine JustLady

Both women and men are susceptible to genital herpes. The virus is sexually transmitted and is considered quite resistant to the environment - at a temperature of 36 degrees it fully retains its activity for 20 hours. Medical statistics claim that every fifth inhabitant of the Earth has already become its prey (ICD-10 code for this disease is A60), but many of those infected do not even suspect that they have such a problem - the disease is often asymptomatic. However, an infection is an infection, and if it somehow manifests itself, you need to know how to deal with it.

Causes of herpes on the genitals and pubis

There are several types of herpes virus, only two of them cause the genital one: HSV-1 and HSV-2 (HSV stands for “herpes simplex virus”). The first gives 20, and the second - 80 percent of infections. Rashes appear on the skin and mucous membranes - on the pubis, in the groin area, on the genitals, sometimes on the thighs and buttocks. About herpes on the butt in the next article.

Here reasons why a person gets sick:

  • weakened immune system;
  • ignoring hygiene standards;
  • early onset of sexual activity;
  • frequent change of sexual partners, promiscuity of contacts;
  • a person already has any sexually transmitted infections that make the body more vulnerable.

At risk are young people aged 16 to 22 who begin sexual relations. There is also a high risk of infection among adults 30-35 years old who are already quite experienced in sex and do not consider it necessary to use contraception. If we talk about the preferences of the virus by gender, then here Herpes more readily chooses the female body - it is more susceptible to hormonal changes and associated weakening of the immune system (for example, before menstruation).

How is it transmitted and how can you become infected?

Infection usually occurs through sexual contact – traditional, anal or oral. But there are other ways of transmitting the virus:

  • airborne (provided that the person who has been infected has damaged mucous membranes or has open wounds);
  • from mother to baby during childbirth;
  • self-infection (a person transfers the infection from inflamed areas of the body to his own genitals);
  • blood transfusion performed without proper precautions;
  • household route (in which pathogens enter the body of the next victim through an open wound on the skin from a damp towel, handkerchief or swimsuit of a sick person).

The degree of contagiousness of genital herpes is extremely high: if one partner is infected and his disease is in an acute stage, then the second partner will get sick after sexual contact with a 100% “guarantee”.

Primary genital herpes can reveal itself with characteristic manifestations 3-14 days after infection. Symptoms of the disease persist in one person for 1-2 weeks, in another – for more than a month (depending on the state of health and the reliability of the immune system). All this time, the person is already contagious and potentially dangerous to those who come into close contact with him.

By the way, experts say this about the possibilities of safe intimate relationships: During an exacerbation, it is advisable to refuse sex, since even a condom will not protect your partner from infection. The fact is that the herpes virus can be found not only on the genitals, but also on other areas of the skin that look completely healthy and “lull one’s vigilance.”

Oral sex is especially dangerous with a person who has a cold on their lips. However, another situation is also possible: if one partner’s genitals are affected by the virus, then the other has a risk of infecting his lips during oral sex. There is nothing surprising in this, because both lips and genitals are affected by the same viruses - HSV-1 and HSV-2.

We talked about how to quickly treat herpes on the lip in the article.


The popular point of view that supposedly most diseases “come from nerves” takes on concrete meaning in the case of herpes. Not only has the insidious virus found a home in the spinal ganglia (nerve ganglia), it is also responsible for causing severe internal suffering in humans.

Here is a typical example. My husband has secondary (recurrent) herpes, which makes intimate relationships impossible. But as soon as the man recovers, herpes appears in his wife - this is the unexpected reaction of a man who has long wanted intimacy, but was afraid of getting infected, for whom both kissing and hugging were prohibited.

Psychosomatics also explains the reasons for the so-called “post-travel” illness: the husband spends a lot of time traveling, and when he finally finds himself at home, his wife, who has long dreamed of meeting him, develops rashes on her genitals.

In order not to live in fear that this will happen again and again, and you can’t get rid of the problems on your own, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Incubation period

The incubation period for those who become ill with genital herpes for the first time is not a constant value: sometimes it can be 1 day, a week, sometimes (and this is the maximum period) - 26 days. However most often this period is 2 – 10 days.

Symptoms and signs: how it manifests itself

Quite often the disease is asymptomatic, and it is possible to avoid rashes and blisters. If the virus is strong and active, the following manifestations of the disease have to be observed:

  • muscle pain in the hips, lower back, pelvic area;
  • feeling of general weakness, malaise;
  • headache;
  • frequent urination with unpleasant tingling sensations;
  • There is a burning sensation between the legs, itching, the skin itches;
  • the lymph nodes in the groin are enlarged;
  • First, redness and then blisters appear on the mucous membranes of the genital organs and on the skin.

For men, swelling of the glans penis and pain during intercourse are typical; for women, inflammation of the lymph nodes in the pubic area and severe itching (including in the anus area).

In rare cases, sick people may develop a fever.

Further symptoms are as follows: the blisters open, and in their place weeping ulcers appear, which quickly become covered with crusts. After the crusts fall off, traces of them may remain on the skin.

Symptoms, treatment and photos of herpes on the head in men are collected in the article. You will find information about the treatment of herpes on the labia.

What does genital herpes look like (photo)

Types and stages

According to the nature of the onset and development of the disease There are 4 types of genital herpes:

  • in the first case (meaning primary infection), the sick person has not previously had contact with a carrier of the virus, no antibodies have been produced in his blood, infection occurs for the first time;
  • in the second case (secondary infection), herpes is already present in the body, there are also antibodies, but infection with a genital virus occurs for the first time;
  • the third type is recurrent (typical or atypical), associated with the activation of a genital virus already present in the body;
  • the fourth type is asymptomatic.

There is also a classification based on duration of symptoms. The disease can occur:

  • arrhythmic - remission and exacerbation replace each other at various time intervals, from 20 days to six months;
  • monotonous - the intervals between remission and exacerbation are almost the same, usually 3-4 months;
  • fading - the length of the remission period becomes longer and longer, and active symptoms disappear.

The disease goes through a number of stages in its development. They can be distinguished by their symptoms:

  1. redness, rash, burning sensation appear (this occurs within 3-4 days);
  2. the rashes, merging, transform into bubbles filled with liquid contents - first transparent, and then darkening (5-7 days);
  3. the blisters burst, ulcers form, which can bleed, the burning sensation is replaced by painful sensations (3-7 days), if the disease is advanced, then new blisters will appear in place of unhealed wounds and the disease will last for a long time (up to 2-3 months) term;
  4. the ulcers will be covered with scabs that will fall off on their own; tearing them off is not recommended, otherwise scars may form in their place (the healing process lasts 5-10 days).

What can it be confused with?

The difficulty of diagnosis is due to the fact that the virus affects each person differently: if his opponent is weak, the symptoms can be pronounced, if he is strong, the signs may be vague or absent altogether.

Most questions arise when other infections join genital herpes– fungal, bacterial, viral, in this case it is difficult to identify the true culprit of troubles without laboratory tests.

What can genital herpes be confused with? A person who does not have a medical education will first of all suspect the most unpleasant thing - a sexually transmitted disease. Doctors will see similarities with diseases such as:

  • thrush;
  • colds;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • allergic reaction;
  • food poisoning;
  • syphilis.


When the disease is in the “bubble” stage, the doctor can easily make a diagnosis as a result of a visual examination of the patient. What to do if there are no characteristic external signs yet? Get tested and have biological samples examined in the laboratory for the presence of antibodies in the body - check blood, study genetic material for DNA viruses. If the research gives a negative answer, it means that the patient’s condition has worsened not because of genital herpes and research needs to be continued to find the true culprit of the troubles.

Particularly accurate diagnostic methods include:

  • PCR – polymerase chain reaction method(helps identify fragments of viral DNA);
  • ELISA – enzyme immunoassay(based on the fact that the body remembers how it has already fought a similar disease, so it will give a clear answer about whether the patient is infected or not, even in the absence of a relapse).

This video will also tell you about diagnostic methods:

How long does it take

If we exclude the danger of any complications, then genital herpes goes away, even without treatment, in two weeks in men and three in women. A competent treatment regimen and precisely selected medicine make it possible to shorten the most unpleasant period for the patient (with blisters and ulcers) to five days.

It must also be kept in mind that The timing of treatment is very individual, and no antiviral drugs can completely cure the disease: once herpes enters the body, it will remain there forever, and the disease will become chronic—fortunately, asymptomatic in most cases.

Which doctor treats this disease?

Usually treated at home, without hospitalization. But certainly - with medical participation.
Who should I contact with such an intimate problem? Representatives of the stronger sex should see a urologist, women – see a gynecologist. Both of them, if necessary, can receive help from a dermatovenerologist. Consulting an immunologist will also not hurt, since the reasons for the activation of the herpes virus are always closely related to the weakening of the immune defense of the human body.

Treatment of genital herpes in men and women

The main goals of treatment are to alleviate the patient’s condition, stop the spread of infection and strengthen the body’s immune response to a dangerous virus.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies cannot be used as independent treatment, but it is advisable to use them in addition to medications prescribed by a doctor. The following can help with genital herpes:

  • lavender and geranium oil diluted in water, - for preparing lotions;
  • tea tree oil- in the early stages of the disease;
  • propolis - for treating rashes to prevent the spread of infection;
  • apple cider vinegar - to wipe the rash until ulcers form;
  • decoction of birch buds– for lotions;
  • aloe juice – as a bactericidal agent.

Baths with an infusion of medicinal herbs are also useful, and for oral administration - a puree of products with a “general strengthening effect” - fresh apples, onions, honey.


Effective treatment is achieved through the use of various pharmaceutical agents - antiviral, antipruritic, immunostrengthening. In situations where the underlying disease is accompanied by other infections and the patient’s condition is severe, the doctor prescribes antibiotics.

  • Acyclovir;
  • Famciclovir (compared to Acyclovir, it has a faster absorption rate, so the recommended dosage may be lower);
  • Valaciclovir (sometimes used simultaneously with Acyclovir);
  • Zovirax (not only tablets, but also cream);
  • Cycloferon (has the properties of an antiviral drug and immunomodulator).

Besides, Depending on the problem he is solving, the doctor may prescribe:

The ideal remedy would, of course, be a vaccination against genital herpes, but, unfortunately, this is not yet available. The Herpevac vaccine is under development, and pharmacists expect it to be effective protection for people who are sexually active. So far, it has been possible to reduce the risk of infection by up to 75 percent, and the drug has a better effect on the female body than on the male body.

Diet and proper nutrition

The goal of the anti-herpes diet is to give the body the strength to strengthen the immune system and fight infection. It is not recommended to drink alcohol, coffee, strong tea. You should limit yourself to flour and sweet foods (chocolate, sugar, raisins), and do not eat peanuts.

Useful for genital herpes: dairy and seafood, fruits that contain vitamins, lean meat (for example, chicken). Cooking methods: steamed, in a slow cooker (in stewing and baking modes). Drinking should be plentiful.

Suppressive therapy

This is a branch of medicine provides methods that minimize the number of relapses in the patient. The doctor develops a special course of treatment, and quite a long one. Sometimes it involves taking antiviral pills for a year.

Suppressive therapy is used for patients whose disease exacerbation is an exhausting reality that does not provide long-term respite.

Thanks to this therapy:

  • the patient’s quality of life improves;
  • the development of his disease is monitored;
  • the likelihood of infecting others is reduced.

The best result is the complete destruction of the virus, but this happens extremely rarely and only with prompt (within 24 hours after infection) use of antiviral drugs - during this time the virus has not yet had time to go into a latent state.

How to cure a disease in children

Well-known pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky is sure that it is almost impossible to protect a child from the virus; it is transmitted from parents who, for example, had a cold on the lips. A child who falls ill after mom and dad can easily transfer the infection from the face to other parts of the body. According to a well-known pediatrician, you can help your baby by strengthening his immunity, strengthening him, not spoiling him, and encouraging him to play sports.

If a child gets sick (and children suffer from genital herpes more severely than adults), it is imperative to seek medical help. The doctor will select medications appropriate to the age and condition of the young patient and may prescribe injections. Among the drugs prescribed to children: Acyclovir, Groprinosin, Gerpevir, Zovirax, Arpetol, Neovir. Helps to get rid of itching: Claritin, Cetrin, Fenistal. At temperatures exceeding 38.5 degrees, antipyretic medications are started.

Relapse and exacerbation of the disease

Relapses occur more often in women than in men. And also, according to medical statistics, they depend on a person's socioeconomic status: the lower it is, the higher the likelihood of reactivation of the viral infection. As for age, here risk zone – 30-40 years. And the immediate impetus for relapse can be stress, hypothermia, overwhelming mental and physical stress.

It is important to remember that in 20-30 percent of cases complications are possible that pose a threat to the joints, nervous system, and pelvic organs.

Why it’s dangerous: consequences and complications

The consequences of the disease (especially if recovery occurred without medical control) are:

  • dry skin and mucous membranes on the genitals;
  • development of various bacterial infections;
  • spread of papilloma virus;
  • persistent neurosis, depression;
  • aching pain that affects the lower abdomen and perineum;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system (cystitis, urethritis).

For women, the consequences of a poorly treated disease are especially dangerous; there is a threat of infertility and cancer.


The best means of prevention is the type of relationship when there are no promiscuous intimate relationships and unprotected contacts. If this does happen, genital hygiene is necessary (especially during the first one and a half to two hours after possible infection), as well as vaccination to develop immunity.

By the way, you can take care of your immunity in other ways - by playing sports, strengthening your body, and eating a balanced diet.

Genital herpes in women is a complex disease of the genital organs that occurs when infected by the herpes virus.

This pathology is dangerous because it can spread not only to the external genitalia, but also be localized in the vagina and cervix.

Let's take a closer look at the symptoms of herpes in women, as well as ways to eliminate this unpleasant disease.

Herpes in women: causes

You can become infected with the herpes virus in the following cases:

1. During unprotected sexual intercourse. This is the most common cause of transmission of genital herpes. This can happen during both oral and anal sexual contact. It is also worth knowing that sometimes the carrier of this infection may not have any manifestations of the disease for a long time.

2. Household infection (when using common hygiene products, towels, bed linen, etc.) is not observed very often, but this infection can also be contracted in this way.

3. It happens that the patient infects himself (if he carries the virus on his face for a long time, then there is a risk of transmitting it to the genitals).

4. The transmission of the virus from woman to child during childbirth is considered very dangerous. If infection occurs during pregnancy, there is a high risk of miscarriage, intrauterine fetal death or premature birth.

Herpes in women: symptoms and signs

Genital herpes in women is accompanied by the following symptoms:

1. Small bubbles form on the genitals, which are filled with cloudy liquid. They can also spread to the inner thighs and anus. If left untreated, the rash will begin to localize to the vagina and cervix.

2. Redness of the genitals.

3. Characteristic severe itching and burning.

4. Gradually, the bubbles will begin to burst, causing severe pain. In their place, ulcers form, which will disappear after 1-2 weeks.

5. Burning sensation when urinating.

6. Enlarged inguinal lymph nodes.

7. Increased body temperature.

8. Malaise and weakness.

9. Muscle pain.

10. In more severe cases, staphylococcus is also associated with herpes infection. In this condition, the patient may develop local suppuration of blisters and severe intoxication of the body. The ulcers will not heal for a long time.

Herpes in women: treatment tactics

If you suspect genital herpes, you should contact a gynecologist. After an initial examination and medical history, the doctor may prescribe tests to detect the herpes virus.

As an auxiliary diagnosis, an analysis of the state of immunity and antibodies to the herpes virus can be used.

Due to the fact that herpes by its nature is considered a sluggish disease, death from it is possible only with immunodeficiency syndrome. In patients with strong immunity, this pathology can be treated quite successfully.

The classic treatment regimen for genital herpes in women includes the following:

1. Carrying out antiviral therapy aimed at suppressing the activity of infection.

2. Carrying out immunomodulatory therapy.

3. Symptomatic therapy.

4. Vaccination.

5. Physiotherapy (rarely).

You should know that if a woman is diagnosed with this type of herpes, she needs to abstain from sexual intercourse during therapy so as not to infect her partner and not to introduce an additional infection into her rash.

Traditional therapy for genital herpes involves prescribing the following groups of drugs:

1. The drug Acyclovir is used to suppress the activity of the virus.

2. At high temperatures, antipyretic drugs are used.

3. Valacyclavir is an analogue of Acyclovir. It affects the DNA of the herpes virus and prevents its further reproduction. The duration of treatment with this drug should be ten days.

4. Panavir is a solution for intravenous administration. It can also be in the form of rectal capsules.

5. In severe forms of herpes, antiviral chemotherapy with Valtrex and Penciclovir is prescribed.

6. Immunomodulators are often prescribed to strengthen the patient’s immunity (Interferon).

7. For pain and itching, the use of mild analgesics is indicated.

During therapy, the patient must follow these tips:

1. Wear only cotton underwear, as synthetics will irritate already inflamed skin.

2. Carefully observe personal hygiene. In this case, you should use only gentle soap, without dyes and caustic fragrances (they can also irritate the wounds and cause even more itching).

3. After washing, you cannot use a regular towel. It is better to use soft paper towels or dry the skin with a hairdryer with a cool stream of air. This is necessary to protect yourself from infection.

5. It is important to know that even if the rash is very itchy, you should never scratch it, otherwise this can cause even more infection. Moreover, with dirty hands it is quite possible to spread the rash to other parts of the body, which can lead to prolongation of treatment and dangerous complications.

Herpes in women: treatment and prevention

The following traditional methods can be used as an auxiliary therapy in the treatment of genital herpes:

1. Take a bunch of green onions, wash them and chop them. Mix with olive oil and eat a tablespoon daily. This dietary supplement will help compensate for the lack of vitamins A, E and C in the body.

2. Grind horseradish root and red pepper. Put them in a jar. Pour boiling water over it. Leave in a dark place for three days, then take a teaspoon twice a day. The product will also help strengthen the immune system.

It is important to know, that this remedy should not be taken by people with acute stomach diseases, as it can irritate the gastric mucosa.

3. Mix the following herbs in equal quantities: thyme, motherwort, nettle and lemon balm. Add water and boil for an hour. Strain and take two tablespoons twice a day.

4. Mix lavender and tea tree oil. Soak a cotton swab in it and apply it to the rash. Repeat the procedure twice a day after washing. The product will help relieve inflammation and eliminate pain.

5. A honey compress helps very well. It should be applied cold to the rash and left for a couple of hours. It will relieve irritation and help eliminate infection, as it has an antibacterial effect.

6. Tea with herbs (chamomile, calendula) can strengthen the immune system. You can also add viburnum fruits.

To reduce the likelihood of contracting herpes, it is important for women to adhere to the following doctor’s recommendations:

1. Regularly vaccinate against the herpes virus. The same should be done with your sexual partner.

2. Be tested several times a year to detect antibodies to herpes. This especially needs to be done during pregnancy and during its planning.

3. If genital herpes is detected already during pregnancy, a cesarean section is indicated.

4. If a woman discovers the first signs of this disease, she should immediately consult a doctor.

5. It is important to avoid casual sex. It is worth knowing that even a condom cannot completely protect against all existing sexually transmitted infections.

6. Carefully observe genital hygiene (wash yourself at least twice a day). At the same time, it is also very important to have your own personal hygiene products (soap, towel, washcloth, etc.). Even close people should not be allowed to use such personal items.

7. It is important to know, that during oral contact, herpes easily “spreads” from the lips to the genitals, so you need to engage in this type of sexual contact using special latex wipes. And during the period of obvious rashes on the lips, such contact should be completely abandoned.

8. If a woman has herpes on her lips, then she needs to wash her hands thoroughly so as not to accidentally transfer the virus to her genitals.

In addition, there is the so-called emergency prevention of genital herpes. It is needed during sexual contact with a herpes carrier without using a condom.

In this case, the woman should take a drug called Herpferon as soon as possible. It will significantly reduce the risk of developing herpes.

Herpes is an incurable viral disease that affects the nervous system. For the female genitourinary system, the greatest danger is its second type, HSV 2. It has a recurrent course. With proper therapy, it is only possible to suppress the activity of viruses, but it is impossible to cope with them forever. Therefore, it is necessary to remember what it looks like, the features of its treatment and prevention.

Features of the infection

According to statistics, about 90% of the population of our planet is infected with herpervirus. There are 8 main varieties that are dangerous to human health. Genital herpes causes the greatest harm to female reproductive function. It is characterized by the appearance of specific rashes in the genital area.

Women are twice as likely to suffer from this problem than men. The risk group includes girls aged 20 to 25 years and from 35 to 40. The disease is often asymptomatic. The lady may not even be aware of the presence of infection. At the same time, she becomes its carrier.

The human body develops immunity to herpes. But this does not exclude the possibility of re-infection and relapse of the disease. The reason for this is not completely clear to experts.

Routes of transmission

The key reason for the development of the disease is the entry of the virus into the human body. Among the main routes of transmission of herpes in women are:

  • Sexual. The infection is transmitted during sexual contact with an infected partner. This can happen with any form of sex. The virus settles on a man’s penis and may not manifest itself in any way. During the act, it enters the female body and, in the presence of aggravating factors, begins to actively multiply.
  • Domestic. This method of transmission of infection is rare, but it cannot be completely excluded. The virus can exist for some time on the patient’s personal hygiene items. If they are used by a healthy person with a weakened immune system, then there is a high probability that he will develop the disease.
  • Self-infection. This is possible if a person suffers from herpes, for example, on the lips. With insufficient hygiene, he can transfer the virus to the genitals with his hands.
  • Vertical. Infection occurs during the fetal development phase if the pregnant woman is a carrier of the virus. The infection easily penetrates the placental barrier. The baby is born already infected. With a high concentration of the virus in the mother's blood, the risk of miscarriage or complications during childbirth increases.

It is possible to avoid genital herpes in women only if all rules of individual hygiene are strictly observed. The main one is the refusal of promiscuity and the use of a condom during sexual intercourse.

Factors provoking the acute stage of the disease

Genital herpes in women remains in the latent phase for a long time and does not manifest itself in any way. The following factors can provoke the active reproduction of viruses and the manifestation of vivid symptoms:

  • Taking a course of chemotherapy, using medications, exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Prolonged stay in conditions of mental and emotional stress.
  • A monotonous diet lacking sufficient amounts of fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Regular excessive physical activity.
  • Hypothermia or overheating.
  • Moving to a region with different climatic conditions.
  • Hormonal changes in the body.
  • Installation of an intrauterine device.
  • Bad habits.
  • Prolonged exposure to sunlight.

Any other factors that lead to a decrease in the body’s protective functions can cause the disease to become acute. The disease is especially severe in people diagnosed with HIV.

Elimination of provoking factors plays an important role in reducing the number of relapses of the disease. All efforts must be directed towards strengthening the immune system.

Forms of the disease

Experts identify three main forms of genital herpes in women:

  • Primary. Symptoms of this type of herpes appear immediately after infection. Antibodies to HSV are not detected in the blood.
  • Recurrent. Involves the systematic occurrence of periods of exacerbation of the disease. Depending on the frequency of relapses and their clinical picture, mild, moderate and severe forms are distinguished. If the disease is mild, symptoms appear no more than three times a year.
  • Asymptomatic. It is characterized by the complete absence of any manifestations of the disease. At the same time, the virus continues to live in the woman’s body and harm the health of her reproductive system. This problem can only be identified through a thorough medical examination. At the same time, the lady becomes a carrier of infection, which is dangerous for her sexual partners.

The method of its treatment will depend on how it manifests itself. The asymptomatic form becomes the most insidious, so women are advised to regularly undergo appropriate tests for sexually transmitted infections.

Stages of genital herpes

It is customary to classify diseases according to where exactly the source of infection is localized. The following stages of development of the problem are distinguished:

  • First. Infection of the external genitalia occurs. Characteristic rashes appear on the skin of the perineum, as well as on the mucous surfaces of the vagina. The symptoms resemble vulvitis.
  • Second. Herpes appears on the cervix. The infection affects the cervical canal and urethra. In this case, urethritis, endocervitis, and vulvovaginitis develop.
  • Third. The infection spreads to the uterus and fallopian tubes. The bladder is also involved in the process. At this stage, the development of endometritis, cystitis, and salpingitis is possible. In severe cases, the rectum is also affected.

It is important to prevent the disease from progressing to the third stage. Herpes of the cervix and the organ itself is fraught with problems with conception, including complete infertility. Therefore, it is important to diagnose the problem in a timely manner and approach therapy correctly.

Characteristic symptoms

The first signs of infection appear 3-14 days after infection. They can persist for three weeks even with proper treatment. The following characteristic symptoms of genital herpes in women are distinguished:

  • Redness, swelling, unbearable itching and burning sensation in the affected area.
  • After some time, rashes in the form of small blisters begin to appear.
  • There is an increase in the size of the lymph nodes.
  • Sometimes body temperature rises.
  • General health deteriorates. The woman feels tired and overwhelmed, and her ability to work decreases.
  • Pain appears that spreads to the hips and lower back.

The rashes that appear cause real suffering. While walking, friction occurs, which aggravates the course of the disease. Sharp pain may occur while emptying the bladder. This is due to urine particles getting into the wounds formed at the site of the blisters. Genital herpes in men has similar symptoms, but its manifestations are not so bright and painful.

How do rashes change over the course of the disease?

It is important to know what herpes looks like. Often it resembles lichen. Therefore, you should not make a diagnosis yourself; it is better to seek help from a professional. A herpetic lesion looks like this:

  • Infected areas initially change color. There is slight swelling. There is a feeling of slight discomfort. The duration of this stage is about three days.
  • Small bubbles filled with clear liquid appear. They are painful and cause suffering to the woman. The size of the affected area gradually increases. After four to five days, the color of the bubble changes to pale yellow.
  • The bubbles begin to burst. The liquid they contain flows out.
  • The wounds from the blisters become covered with crusts. Gradually, the skin regenerates and the affected area heals completely.

The liquid that fills the bubbles contains the maximum concentration of viruses. Therefore, at the stage of its leakage, a woman becomes the most dangerous for the sexual partner.

Diagnostic measures

Only a specialist knows what genital herpes may look like in women. Do not try to make a diagnosis yourself, much less prescribe therapy. This can only be done after passing a medical examination. The following diagnostic techniques are used:

  • The doctor conducts a visual examination of the patient's genitals. The nature of the rashes, their localization and the presence of accompanying symptoms are assessed.
  • The biological material taken from the woman is examined using the polymerase chain reaction technique. This makes it possible to detect the presence of viral DNA in it.
  • Direct immunofluorescence helps determine the stage of disease development. Using this technique, the presence of antibodies to herpes in the blood is detected.
  • A general biochemical analysis of blood and urine is performed. Thanks to this, the general health of the patient and the presence of inflammatory processes in the body are determined.

The liquid contained in the vials is taken as material for PCR. If the examination reveals the presence of an associated infection or concomitant diseases, consultation with highly specialized specialists will be required.

Therapy methods

As soon as the first signs of genital herpes appear in women, it is necessary to begin treatment. The specialist will select the right strategy based on the characteristics of the patient’s body. The following methods are used:

  • Taking antiviral drugs. Among the most effective drugs are: Acyclovir, Penciclovir, Zovirax, Famciclovir and some others. Such remedies can be used to treat girls from an early age. They act on the DNA of the pathogen and stop the reproduction process. The duration of use of such medications is about ten days.
  • Elimination of painful symptoms. Analgesics are used to eliminate pain, itching and burning. Douching with the use of local antiseptics is also indicated. It is better to use Chlorgeskidine or Miramistin. If herpetic manifestations are accompanied by an increase in body temperature, then antipyretics are prescribed.
  • Restoring full immunity. The attending physician prescribes immunomodulators, vitamin-mineral complexes and interferon-based drugs.
  • Adjustment of lifestyle and nutrition. You will need to completely stop wearing synthetic underwear. It creates a favorable atmosphere for the spread of viral infection. A woman must carefully monitor compliance with personal hygiene standards. For washing it is necessary to use only specialized non-aggressive means. Do not rub damaged areas with a towel. After washing, it is better to blot your skin with paper napkins or blow it with a hairdryer.
  • Physiotherapy. This technique has been used less and less recently.

No matter how painful the itching may be, it is strictly forbidden to scratch. This will cause premature damage to the bubbles. In this case, the herpes virus spreads to healthy tissue. The risk of other types of infection increases.

Treatment of genital herpes in women is a long process that requires strict compliance with all the specialist’s instructions. You cannot change medications without permission or stop the course early. This can provoke rapid progression of the disease and damage to internal organs.

During the treatment of the acute phase of the disease, you will have to stop having sex. During the remission stage, sexual intercourse is permitted, but it is necessary to use barrier methods of contraception.

Traditional methods of treatment

One of their methods is the use of alternative medicine recipes. They can only be used as a supplement to the main course of therapy after consultation with a specialist. The following remedies will help cure the disease:

  • Mix thyme, lemon balm, nettle and motherwort in equal proportions. Pour two tablespoons of the composition into half a liter of water and boil for about half an hour. The filtered decoction is taken a couple of tablespoons twice a day. Treatment is carried out until the problem is completely eliminated.
  • Chop a bunch of fresh green onions. Fill it with olive oil. Eat the prepared mixture one tablespoon every day. This remedy will help replenish the deficiency of vitamins E, A and C, which will help speed up the healing process.
  • To treat herpes on a woman's genitals, you can use horseradish root. It is crushed and placed in a glass container. A little red pepper is also sent there. The prepared composition is poured to the top with boiling water and left for 24 hours. You need to take this medicine one teaspoon every day. This recipe should not be used by people suffering from diseases of the stomach and pancreas.
  • Tea tree and lavender oils can help cure herpes. They are mixed in equal proportions. A cotton pad is moistened with the resulting composition and the affected areas are treated with it. Such procedures are carried out after washing the genitals twice a day.
  • A honey compress will help relieve itching and pain. A little of this beekeeping product is applied to the problem area and left for about two hours.
  • Tea made from chamomile and calendula with the addition of viburnum berries will help strengthen your immune system.

Preparations based on natural ingredients can lead to an allergic reaction. If this happens, then the selected recipe cannot be used. Therefore, before treating herpes with these medications, consult your doctor.

Preventive actions

Coping with the emerging symptoms of herpes can sometimes be difficult. Therefore, all efforts must be devoted to preventing the problem. Follow these guidelines:

  • Avoid contact with untested sexual partners. Be sure to use a condom during sexual intercourse. Fidelity to a regular partner is the best way to protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections.
  • During the year it is necessary to undergo medical examination and tests several times. This will help identify problems at an early stage and deal with them quickly.
  • Strictly follow all rules of personal hygiene. Only specialized products are suitable for washing. Never use other people's personal hygiene items.
  • Do not use panty liners. If it is completely impossible to refuse such hygiene products, use those that do not contain fragrances.
  • Take measures to maintain your immune system at the proper level. Eat more vegetables, berries and fruits, walk outdoors more often, and play sports. Don't exhaust yourself with frequent workouts in the gym on weight machines. Better go swimming or take a bike ride. Avoid stressful situations.

Genital herpes is a disease dangerous to the health of girls. In severe cases, it is fraught with serious disruptions in the reproductive system. Therefore, carefully monitor your health and strictly follow all the rules of prevention. If any unpleasant symptoms appear, consult a specialist immediately.

Herpes is an infectious disease caused by the virus of the same name. Once in the body, it is embedded inside cells, causing the normal immune defense to weaken. Under certain circumstances and a sharp decrease in immunity, genital herpes appears, the treatment of which causes difficulties.

Currently, there are 8 types of this virus (HSV) known to exist. The causative agents of the genital form are HSV-2 (80% of cases) and HSV-1.

During the absence of clinical manifestations, virus carriers are not able to infect their partners.

The disease is most often transmitted through sexual contact, both regular and during anal sex. In rare cases, infection occurs through personal hygiene items.

Genital herpes can be contracted from a partner with herpetic rashes in the mouth area, since during oral contact with the genitals the infection spreads from the lips to the genitals.

Risk factors that increase the chance of contracting this disease:

  1. Impaired immune function due to illness, stressful situations or medications.
  2. Minor damage to the mucous membrane and skin.
  3. Simultaneous presence of several sexual partners.
  4. Having sex without a condom.

Characteristic symptoms

Symptoms and treatment of genital herpes have their own characteristics. During primary infection with HPV-2, the disease occurs in a latent form in 90% of cases. Therefore, the first episode of herpes is, in fact, a relapse.

It can be triggered by sexual contact, a stressful situation, an infectious disease, hypothermia, alcohol abuse, as well as surgical interventions under general or local anesthesia.

With genital herpes in the fairer sex, the rash is localized:

  • near the external opening of the urethra;
  • in the vestibule of the vagina and on the labia;
  • on the cervix;
  • near the anus or in the buttocks area.

In men, during exacerbation of herpes, the rash is located on the skin or mucous membranes:

  • scrotum;
  • around the anus or on the thighs;
  • on the head or foreskin of the penis.

For primary infection with herpes, the incubation period is up to 8 days. Then the following symptoms appear:

  • itching, redness and burning in the genital area;
  • small blisters filled with cloudy liquid form on the skin or mucous membrane;
  • burst blisters transform into small erosions or ulcers covered with a crust;
  • itching and tingling sensation during urination;
  • when the cervix is ​​affected, the mucous membrane becomes hyperemic, erosive, with purulent discharge;
  • the lymph nodes in the groin are enlarged.

Sometimes there is general weakness and malaise. It may take up to 30 days for the symptoms of the disease to completely disappear. Effective treatment of genital herpes shortens this period.

With secondary infection, the disease manifests itself with similar symptoms. Once the virus enters the human body, it turns him into a carrier of the disease. In this case, periods of remission are replaced by exacerbations.

The herpes virus lives in the spinal nerve ganglia, and not on the mucous membranes and skin, so before the appearance of the rash, warning symptoms appear in the form of nagging pain along the nerve ganglia, itching and burning in the area where the rash appears.

Have you noticed unpleasant symptoms, but don’t know which doctor treats genital herpes? If there are signs of this disease, women should contact a gynecologist, and men should contact a urologist or andrologist.

A virus received from a partner does not always lead to rashes; the state of the immune system plays a decisive role in this.

Diagnosis of the disease

Depending on the state of immunity, there are three types of recurrent course of the disease: arrhythmic, monotonous and subsiding.

With atypical genital herpes, its symptoms are disguised as other diseases, and with an asymptomatic course, the disease can only be recognized with the help of special tests.

To correctly diagnose the disease and find out how to cure genital herpes, you need to consult a specialist. In addition to collecting anamnesis, a number of laboratory tests are performed to determine the type of herpes.

For virological research, the contents of the vesicles are taken and placed in a special environment where the pathogen multiplies. This method is not very accurate, so its results are often questioned.

More reliable information is provided by gene diagnostics, which uses the polymerase chain reaction (the presence of viral DNA is determined).

The analysis allows you to identify the pathogen and distinguish it from others. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay is used as an auxiliary method to determine the presence of antibodies to the virus in the patient’s blood.

Treatment of herpes

Many people are interested in the question of how to cure genital herpes forever? Unfortunately, it will not be possible to completely get rid of the disease, since the virus, once it enters the body, remains there. With the help of medications, you can only quickly eliminate the clinical manifestations of the disease and prolong the period of remission.

Drug treatment

Therapy is carried out with tableted medications, as well as ointments for external use.

Effective drugs for the treatment of genital herpes:

  • "Acyclovir" ("Acivir", "Zovirax", "Acyclovir-BSM", "Virolex", "Lizavir", "Ciclovax");
  • Famciclovir (Valtrex);
  • "Penciclovir."

There are two ways to use antiviral drugs - in the form of episodic administration (short course of up to 10 days) and preventive (within a month or two).

More often in medical practice, Acyclovir (in tablets or capsules) and its analogues are used. Adult patients are prescribed a therapeutic dose of the drug in accordance with the instructions. Taking medications early in the course of the disease helps prevent the rash from appearing.

If you start treatment after the bubbles appear, the symptoms will become less severe and healing will occur faster. With frequent relapses of the disease, it is worth taking antiviral drugs for prevention.

How to treat genital herpes with topical products? For this purpose, ointments are used as part of complex therapy for the disease:

  • "Acyclovir";
  • "Zovirax";
  • "Virolex";
  • "Fukortsin" (if the skin is affected);
  • Oxolinic ointment.

Immunomodulators are prescribed together with antiviral drugs:

  • "Amiksin";
  • "Polyoxidonium";
  • "Lykopid";
  • "Interferon".

The listed drugs affect the immune system of patients with genital herpes, stimulating its specific and nonspecific factors. This allows you to block further spread of the virus and reduce the frequency of relapses.

Treatment regimen for the disease

There are certain treatment regimens for genital herpes. The choice of a specific one depends on the type of disease, its duration and the patient’s condition.
Taking medications during primary infection

Treatment of recurrent genital herpes

Treatment of genital herpes in women

Drugs Treatment regimen Duration of treatment
"Acyclovir" 200 mg 1 g per day, divided into 5 doses 5-7 days
Antiherpetic immunoglobulin Once every 72 hours 14 days
"Taquitin" 1 ml every 3 days 14 days
Vitamins B6 and B1 1 ml once a day, alternate 14 days
"Phenazepam" 1 tablet twice a day 7 days
Calcium chloride 20 ml once a day 21 day
Eleutherococcus tincture 3 ml 3 times a day (last dose no later than 16-00) 21 day

Antiviral therapy is not recommended during pregnancy. The exception is severe forms of genital herpes, complicated by other diseases that threaten the patient’s life.

For effective treatment in this situation, human immunoglobulin is used. It is administered intravenously at 25 ml 3 times (every other day) in the first, second and third trimester (two weeks before the expected date of delivery). Viferon may be prescribed in complex therapy.

Folk remedies

In addition to medicinal methods, it is possible to treat genital herpes with folk remedies:

  1. Tea tree oil. To use, add 10 drops of oil to 400 ml of boiling water. Use the product to wash the genitals. The procedure should be performed before bedtime.
  2. Herbal collection. Mix equal amounts of birch leaves, red clover flowers, calendula, dandelion root and motherwort grass. 10 g of collection pour 350 ml of water. Boil the broth over low heat for 5 minutes. After cooling, it is filtered and used for washing or douching. The procedure is performed once a day before bedtime for two weeks.
  3. A series. To relieve itching at the initial stage of herpes, you need to pour 10 grams of dry herbs into 250 ml of boiling water and let it stand for an hour. Strain the infusion, soak a piece of gauze in it and apply to the affected area for 10 minutes. The product can also be taken orally (100 ml twice a day).
  4. Chamomile. Has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps relieve pain. 5 grams of dried flowers are poured into 200 ml of boiling water and left for 40 minutes. Strain and use for irrigation of mucous membranes or douching. You can use this infusion 2 times a day.
  5. How to treat genital herpes with sea salt: 50 grams of sea salt are dissolved in 10 liters of boiling water and after the product has cooled, it is used to take sitz baths. The procedure is carried out daily (a quarter of an hour for 14 days). There is no need to rinse off the saline solution; just gently blot the external genitalia.
  6. Echinacea root. Used to strengthen the immune system. To prepare the product, you need to pour 20 grams of crushed raw materials into 100 ml of 70% alcohol. The tincture is kept for a week in a cool, dark place. Then, filter the product and take 25 drops 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 months. It can be repeated if necessary.

What should you not do if you are sick?

If symptoms of the disease appear, there is no need to panic, since long-term remission is possible with proper treatment. You should also abstain from sexual activity until the symptoms of herpes completely disappear. It is not recommended to consume alcohol, which serves as a provoking factor for this disease.

Before visiting a doctor, do not rub the affected areas or touch them with your hands. This contributes to the spread of the virus and the appearance of new rashes. It is strictly prohibited to treat blisters with alcohol, as it is not intended to treat such problems and can cause chemical burns to the mucous membranes or skin.

Many patients are interested in the question: is it possible to cure genital herpes without going to the hospital? The answer is negative. Self-medication will only worsen the condition and cause frequent relapses.

Possible complications

You need to know how to quickly cure genital herpes, since complications may occur if you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Without timely treatment, genital herpes causes:

  1. Dysuria or neuropathy causing acute urinary retention.
  2. Massive infection of internal organs. This occurs in rare cases, mainly in immunodeficiency (the hands, buttocks, and mucous membranes of the eyes are affected, and stomatitis, cheilitis, or pharyngitis occurs during oral sex).
  3. In women, having genital herpes increases the likelihood of developing cervical cancer.
  4. Psychological problems and tendency to depression.
  5. With primary genital herpes in pregnant women, in 50% of cases the fetus becomes infected. More often this happens during the passage of a child through the genital tract affected by herpes, and is excluded during a cesarean section. Infection of the fetus leads to damage to its eyes, skin and nervous system, and sometimes to disability.

Disease prevention

Methods of specific prevention include the use of vaccines. But due to the fact that the virus is designed in a special way, it is not always possible to obtain a lasting effect.

Nonspecific measures to prevent genital herpes are:

  • moderate exercise and a healthy lifestyle;
  • cessation of drinking alcohol and smoking;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • use of barrier contraception for any type of sex;
  • proper personal hygiene (do not use other people's underwear, towels, etc.).

If you are already infected with the herpes virus, to prevent frequent exacerbations, avoid overheating and hypothermia, take vitamin complexes for prevention. Be attentive to your body and always stay healthy!

Useful video: life with genital herpes virus (doctor's advice)
