Why does osteochondrosis cause noise in the ear and how to get rid of it? Noise in the head - causes, diagnosis, treatment Noise in the ears in a horizontal position

One of the symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis is noise, ringing and sometimes pain in the ears. In this case, the patient's noise is accompanied by hypersensitivity to sounds. Chronic noise becomes a slow torture for a patient with osteochondrosis. Such people cannot fully relax, they develop irritability, and their efficiency decreases. Quite often, people suffering from these unpleasant symptoms experience depression.

Tinnitus can also be caused by other causes:

  • Acoustic nerve disorders due to head trauma.
  • Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels (noise causes pulsating blood flow).
  • Neurosis, fatigue, exhaustion.
  • Acute viral infections.
  • Inflammatory diseases.

Therefore, before proceeding with the treatment of osteochondrosis, it is necessary to undergo an examination and find out the real cause.

Cause of tinnitus

Noise in the ears with osteochondrosis occurs due to poor blood circulation. The cervical vertebrae are very mobile and bear a large load. Therefore, the wear of the intervertebral discs in the cervical region occurs faster.

With degenerative changes in the cervical vertebrae, painful muscle seals appear. Deformed intervertebral discs compress the blood vessels (artery, vein) and the sympathetic nerve passing through the gaps of the cervical spine. Vessels supply blood to the vestibular apparatus and the inner ear. With disorders in the cervical spine, the blood vessels narrow.

Tinnitus - ringing in the ears

Compression of the neurovascular bundle leads to disruption of the arterial blood supply to the brain and venous congestion. There are atherosclerotic symptoms. The nerve cells that are responsible for hearing do not receive enough signals from the brain. Because of this, they emit their own signals in the same rhythm continuously. As a result of these processes, noise is generated.

The patient, in addition to tinnitus, may feel:

  • Dizziness
  • Often high blood pressure
  • Visual impairment (shroud, midges)
  • Pain in the neck, neck, temples
  • Memory impairment
  • Sleep disturbance.

After the cessation of attacks of headaches, the patient often recovers hearing and vision, noise and ringing in the ears disappear.

Causes of ringing in the ears

Noise in the ear with osteochondrosis may be accompanied by ringing (tinnitus), which is also a concomitant symptom of the disease. Often the ringing is combined with crackling and buzzing. It is considered normal if the ringing in the ear is of a temporary short-term nature (physiological ringing). If the ringing is constant, this indicates a violation of the organ of hearing or a violation of the transmission of nerve impulses to the brain.

In addition to osteochondrosis of the cervical region, ringing in the ears can also be caused by such reasons:

  • Harsh sounds.
  • Otosclerosis.
  • Abuse of nicotine, caffeine, energy drinks.
  • Use of certain antibiotics and aspirin.
  • Head and ear injuries.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Diabetes mellitus, kidney disease.

With cervical osteochondrosis, ringing is combined with dizziness. Unlike other diseases accompanied by similar symptoms (atherosclerosis, inflammatory diseases of the ear), osteochondrosis appears:

  • pain in the neck;
  • "stars" in the eyes;
  • blurred vision at dusk;
  • irritability;
  • pain in the temples and neck.

All these symptoms are aggravated by moving the head. Ear pain can occur in the morning after a night's sleep.

Treatment and prevention of tinnitus in osteochondrosis

Before treatment, the condition of the hearing organs and the presence of diseases that can provoke noise, ringing and pain in the ears are checked. If the cause of the noise is osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, appropriate therapy is prescribed, which includes:

  • Medical treatment.
  • Massage.
  • Physiotherapy.

In order to prevent tinnitus in cervical osteochondrosis, it is recommended to massage the collar region, neck and head and perform a set of exercises aimed at restoring the mobility of the cervical vertebrae, stretching and strengthening the neck muscles.

Massage helps with cervical osteochondrosis

Experts recommend doing self-massage of the neck in any free time. Especially if a person's professional activity forces him to be in a sitting position most of the time. Self-massage is performed with two hands from the base to the head. By pressing on tense and painful muscles, circular movements should be performed. Such simple massage movements improve blood circulation.

There is a simple exercise that will help prevent tinnitus. It is necessary to imagine a pencil in your teeth and slowly display numbers from 0 to 10 in the air.

Only 2-3 times a day of such self-massage and exercises can improve the condition, reduce muscle tension, prevent unpleasant symptoms and pain.

It is one of the most unpleasant complaints, it can significantly reduce the quality of life, disrupting a person's daily activities. Of particular note is a pulsating noise in the ears, sometimes coinciding with the beating of the heart. Such noise, most often, is not constant, it is difficult to adapt or get used to it. Why can it arise?


The causes of acoustic phenomena coinciding with the pulse are varied. Most often, such phenomena occur with an increase in blood pressure. Somewhat less often, tinnitus accompanies violations of the venous outflow (described in more detail), then the sound will increase when tilted, in the supine position, and also after physical exertion. It can also be caused by decompensated (severe) heart failure.

One-sided noise in the left or right ear should be alarming. Such noise can be caused by the presence of an aneurysmal expansion of the vessel passing near the inner ear. In this situation, the sound from the pulsation of blood in the aneurysm can be transmitted to the sound-receiving structures of the cochlea. Also, noise can be produced by a large atherosclerotic plaque localized in a vessel near the cochlea.

Also, pulsating noise can develop during inflammatory processes from the ENT organs. Sometimes this noise accompanies psycho-emotional disorders.


An otorhinolaryngologist, together with a neurologist, should diagnose the causes of tinnitus. It is necessary to conduct a thorough analysis: is there a dependence of the severity of the symptom on the level of blood pressure, what is the nature of the noise (one-sided, two-sided), is there a dependence on external factors (body position in space, weather, body temperature, etc.). It is imperative to conduct an external examination of the ENT organs to exclude inflammation, check the neurological status to exclude central (brain-related) causes for the appearance of pulsating noise.

Instrumental research may include the following techniques:

  • Ultrasound examination of the vessels of the neck/head. Allows you to identify atherosclerosis of the vessels of the head / neck, the presence of violations of the venous outflow.
  • MRI of the brain, with indications - with contrast. Allows you to identify a brain tumor, aneurysms, demyelinating diseases, consequences of injuries, etc.
  • MSCT of the inner ear. Exclusion of inflammatory processes, tumors of the inner ear, etc.
  • REG (rheoencephalography). Allows you to clarify the state of vascular tone, the presence of venous outflow.


Treatment depends on the cause of the noise. In the presence of an aneurysm, the intervention of a neurosurgeon or a vascular surgeon is indicated. Also, surgical treatment is possible in the presence of a tumor of the inner ear (cholesteatoma).

In the presence of "general vascular" causes for noise coinciding with the beating of the heart, vasoactive drugs are indicated (, Nicergoline,

It is difficult to remain calm when constantly bothered by tinnitus. In this state, it is difficult to fall asleep, it is impossible to concentrate. Very often, pulsation provokes pain.

The main causes of pulsation

All the causes that cause pulsation in the ear can be conditionally divided into categories:

  • ENT diseases - external, internal and middle ear;
  • injuries to the organ of hearing, neck and head;
  • tumor diseases;
  • intoxication;
  • disruption of the cardiovascular system.

Sound waves are transmitted through the ear passages to the brain. The ear consists of many individual elements - the ear canal, labyrinth, hammer, anvil, villi.

Any violations of the structure reduce the perception of sounds, distort them, cause an unpleasant sensation of pulsation.

If the ear canal is stuffed up - this happens when foreign objects get in or sulfur plugs occur, an echo effect occurs in the inner ear - blood pulsations are constantly heard.

The ear is blocked with edema, with inflammatory processes - otitis media and eustachitis disrupt the outflow of intra-ear fluid, cause the accumulation of purulent discharge

Severe ear pain and ringing provoke infections and injuries that affect the inner ear in the labyrinth area. The functions of the auditory cells are disturbed, leading to impaired perception of signals from the outside, as well as to dizziness and coordination disorders.

With head and neck injuries, the perception of sound can also be distorted - soft tissues swell in the injured area, this disrupts blood circulation, and sometimes provokes oxygen starvation. Signals may not be properly translated and transformed.

Tumors localized in the neck put pressure on the spinal cord, which also causes circulatory disorders. Any neoplasms in the region of the organ of hearing and the brain act on the auditory nerve, causing a steady pulsation. As the neoplasm grows, it presses on the vessels, which also contributes to the appearance of tinnitus.

Intoxications and allergic reactions change the rate of metabolic processes, some of them provoke swelling of the larynx, mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, ear passages, which communicate with the nasopharynx. This causes a temporary ripple.

In cardiovascular diseases, the noise in the ear canal increases in the supine position on the side from which the head is pressed against the pillow. In the upright state, ringing in the ears is felt to a lesser extent if the pressure is normal. The slightest changes in pressure provoke ringing and noise effects in the ear canal, which - in turn - cause a headache.

During the tilt, sudden movements of the neck, the noise in the ears intensifies, additional symptoms may join it - heaviness in the head, dizziness, a feeling of tightness in the neck.

Usually, the pulsation coincides with the rhythm of the heart, with the exception of atherosclerosis. During it, the heart rhythm with tinnitus does not match.

It is not the movements of the heart that are heard, but the "crack" from the inelastic walls of the vessels, through which blood is pushed with force.

Noise Causing Factors

Age changes. As we age, the tissues of the hearing aid undergo natural degeneration, the auditory cells do not correspond to their functions, which leads to the distortion of sound signals. Hearing acuity is also impaired with age, and the sounds coming from outside are transformed, forming a constant noise background.

Pulsation in the ear often occurs during pregnancy. In order for the pregnancy to be successful, the body changes the amount of female hormones produced. Excess progesterone causes disturbances in water-salt metabolism, fluid accumulates in the body, swelling of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx appears.

Any hormonal changes, including pregnancy, can cause tinnitus.

The treatment of many diseases - chronic and infectious - provokes a pulsation. Many drugs cause these side effects. Especially often there is damage to the auditory nerve when using gentamicin.

Often, tinnitus provokes osteochondrosis of the cervical region.

Deformations of the vertebral discs affect the blood flow, the blood is depleted of oxygen, the signals coming to the brain are distorted during oxygen deficiency. And this provokes a change in pressure and the appearance of a pulsation in the ear canal.

Symptoms are not treated

Tinnitus is not a separate disease, the treatment of pulsation in the ear begins after the identification of the cause that caused it.

It is very important to find out what the condition is connected with and, if possible, alleviate the course of the underlying disease, since the constant pulsation in the head provokes mental and neurotic disorders.

These include insomnia, apathy and depression, increased aggressiveness and irritability.

To identify the underlying disease, first of all, it is necessary to visit an ENT doctor, and later - a phonator.

Together with the therapy of the underlying disease, it is necessary to find out if the condition has affected the hearing, and if so, it is necessary to eliminate the progress of degeneration of the auditory nerve.

Eliminate ripple

If tinnitus is caused by the presence of sulfur plugs, the presence of a foreign body, infectious diseases of the hearing aid, then it is possible to eliminate it.

To remove a foreign body, you need to consult a doctor - taking it out yourself with a sharp object, it is possible to damage the eardrum.

Sulfur plugs can be removed independently. To do this, a few drops of hydrogen peroxide or an oily liquid are first instilled into the ear canal so that the cork softens, then it is washed out with a small enema or syringe without a needle. The head must be tilted to the side of the ear that is being manipulated so that water does not flood into the ear canal.

After the procedure, anti-inflammatory ear drops should be dripped into the ear canal for 3 days to eliminate the possibility of developing an inflammatory process.

If the pulsation in the ear occurs during diseases, then 2 methods can be used:

  • attach a bag of heated salt or a boiled egg wrapped in a towel to the auricle - no alcohol compresses, otherwise the delicate skin of the shell may be damaged;
  • insert a cotton swab soaked in diluted camphor or boric alcohol into the ear canal.

Usually, after warming up, the pain and tinnitus recede.

To prevent the appearance of tinnitus in osteochondrosis, it is advisable to adhere to the following rules:

  • it is necessary to take breaks if you are in the same position during work;
  • learn self-massage techniques and periodically massage the neck and neck area;
  • you need to pay attention to bedding and purchase an orthopedic pillow.

If there are no pressure crises, then the possibility of tinnitus will decrease. The pressure must be constantly monitored, to prevent deviations from the usual "working" indicators by more than 10 mm of mercury.

If it is impossible to get rid of tinnitus, you should do auto-training, try to create conditions for yourself under which the pulsation will be less audible. You can drown out the sound effects by constantly working the TV, or by opening the window to the street - the natural noise of the wind, the rustle of leaves and passing cars are much less unnerving.

Colds should be treated on time, preventing the occurrence of otitis media. Any swelling in the nasopharyngeal area can cause a sensation of tinnitus - as the medical term for throbbing in the ear.

Causes of noise in the head and in the ears - what to do

Noise in the ears and head (tinnitus) does not necessarily indicate a disease. This condition can appear as a result of overwork, physical activity and resolve on its own. But quite often, constant noise in the ears and head is a symptom of a disease that requires mandatory treatment.


Noise may be caused by:

It is very difficult to determine the cause of the discomfort. Often it is not possible to determine exactly what caused the hearing loss.

In such cases, they resort to masking the obsessive hum with the help of tinnitus devices (tinnitus maskers) or hearing aids with a tinnitus masker function to suppress tinnitus.

ENT diseases

  • Otitis, eustachitis - noise caused by inflammatory diseases of the ear, is treated with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • acoustic trauma - a strong hum is caused when the inner ear is damaged;
  • treatment with ototoxic drugs;
  • barotrauma;
  • foreign body in the ear canal;
  • sulfur plug - the sound is more often one-sided, increases with high humidity due to the soaking of the sulfur plug.

Vascular disorders

The pulsation of the blood flowing through the vessels is softened by the elasticity of the walls, and the person does not feel the hydrodynamic shock created by contractions of the heart. When the walls of the blood vessels lose their elasticity, a sound appears in the ears, which is created by the beating of the heart.

  1. Hypertension destroys small arteries, causes thickening of the walls, causes vasoconstriction, which increases pressure in the vessel, these phenomena are accompanied by a feeling of noise in the ears and head.
  2. Vascular changes develop in diabetes mellitus, which causes the patient to have a ringing in the head.
  3. Stenosis of the renal artery is accompanied by a buzzing in the ears, headache, flies before the eyes.
  4. Vascular aneurysm (wall expansion) is more common in the elderly, but also occurs in young people. With an aneurysm, the hum is accompanied by a headache.
  5. Dyscirculatory encephalopathy is a brain disease that develops due to hypoxia of nerve cells caused by the destruction of blood vessels that feed the brain. In addition to cognitive disorders, manifested by memory impairment, learning ability, there is a buzz in the head.

One of the signs of vascular noise is increased discomfort in the supine position. To combat noise in the head and in the ears, you need to improve the condition of the blood vessels - at least do exercises daily, which will improve blood flow and oxygen delivery to tissues.


A common cause of tinnitus is atherosclerosis, which increases with age, which is why there is a constant strong noise in the ears and in the head in the elderly. The sound in the head caused by atherosclerosis is like the steady rumble of the sea in a low pitch. With poor health, infectious diseases, uncomfortable posture during sleep, the buzz in the head and ears intensifies.

How to treat noise in the head and in the ears caused by atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels?

Correction of nutrition can improve the condition of the vessels of the brain, and reduce the level of noise in the head. The diet should not contain egg yolks, fatty sour cream, cream, lard, fatty meat, margarine.

For treatment, drugs that reduce cholesterol in the blood, vasodilators, drugs for cerebral circulation are used.

Vegetovascular dystonia

A decrease in vascular tone in vegetative-vascular dystonia is accompanied by low blood pressure, which causes dizziness, impaired coordination, and noise in the ears and in the head, similar to the noise of a compressor, which does not stop for a minute.

When dysregulating blood vessels, it is helpful to learn relaxation techniques. It will help to cope with the buzz in the head caused by vegetovascular dystonia, yoga, playing sports, walking in the fresh air, giving up bad habits.


A continuous hum, similar to the sound of a working refrigerator, occurs with osteochondrosis of the cervical region and compression of the auditory nerve. Noise in the ears caused by osteochondrosis increases in an uncomfortable position, and decreases or even completely disappears in an upright position of the body.

What to do if the noise in the ears and in the head is caused by osteochondrosis, why doesn’t regular exercise help?

With osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, it is necessary to perform physiotherapy exercises for the cervical spine, since it is he who most often becomes the source of the problem. The complex must be performed daily, only with due perseverance the buzz in the head caused by osteochondrosis will recede.

It is necessary to sleep in a comfortable position, on a low pillow. The use of chondroprotectors, vitamin-mineral complexes will benefit from ringing in the head with osteochondrosis.

cochlear neuritis

With inflammation of the auditory nerve, the noise in the head and ears is sharp, in a high tone, reminiscent of a shrill squeak. It is impossible to delay when such symptoms appear. If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, you can completely get rid of the noise and restore hearing. Otherwise, the person is threatened with deafness.

How to treat noise in the head and in the ears with this disease, you can read in the article Cochlear neuritis.

muscle tension

Emotional and mental stress causes an increase in the tone of the temporal and masticatory muscles. Due to muscle strain, the blood vessels passing through them, which feed the auditory analyzer, are squeezed.

In the ears and head, noise appears, which increases with the pulsation of the blood. In this case, a relaxing massage, a calm environment will help.

Other reasons

Ringing in the ears can occur with anemia. In this case, it resembles the rumble of moving vehicles along the highway, and is accompanied by the characteristic symptoms for anemia of dry skin, hair loss, and sleep disturbance. A common sign of anemia is the flickering of flies before the eyes.

A buzz in the head may occur due to the growth of a malignant tumor. But such noise is always accompanied by severe vomiting, headache, fainting.


Tinnitus is difficult to treat because it is not a disease in and of itself. It serves as a sign of some pathological process in the body.

If the cause was a violation of cerebral circulation, then Vinpocetine and its analogue Cavinton are used to treat severe noise in the ears and in the head. These drugs improve cerebral circulation, regulate metabolism, and have a positive effect on metabolism.

  • Improve blood circulation in the inner ear drugs Vasobral, Trental, Tanakan.
  • Promotes microcirculation and reduces the excitability of brain neurons Betaserc.
  • It is also prescribed for brain nutrition omega-3, Ateroblock.
  • For disorders of cerebral circulation, Piracetam, Lucetam, Memotropil, Nootropil are used.

Treatment with drugs that improve the condition of blood vessels and microcirculation is long-term. Vinpocetine injections are used for up to 2 weeks, Cavinton tablets are prescribed for 1.5 months. B vitamins are drunk in courses.

To get rid of tinnitus, hirudotherapy, massage, acupuncture, hydrotherapy, electrophonophoresis are used. Auto-training, yoga classes help to heal or reduce discomfort. A necessary condition for recovery is a timely visit to a doctor and an accurate diagnosis of the disease that caused tinnitus and head noise.

You can additionally read about the causes and symptoms of tinnitus and head noise that occur with ENT diseases in the article Why does tinnitus appear, how to treat it.

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By self-medicating, you can waste time and harm your health!

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Why does osteochondrosis cause noise in the ear and how to get rid of it?

One of the symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis is noise, ringing and sometimes pain in the ears. In this case, the patient's noise is accompanied by hypersensitivity to sounds. Chronic noise becomes a slow torture for a patient with osteochondrosis. Such people cannot fully relax, they develop irritability, and their efficiency decreases. Quite often, people suffering from these unpleasant symptoms experience depression.

Tinnitus can also be caused by other causes:

  • Acoustic nerve disorders due to head trauma.
  • Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels (noise causes pulsating blood flow).
  • Neurosis, fatigue, exhaustion.
  • Acute viral infections.
  • Inflammatory diseases.

Therefore, before proceeding with the treatment of osteochondrosis, it is necessary to undergo an examination and find out the real cause.

Cause of tinnitus

Noise in the ears with osteochondrosis occurs due to poor blood circulation. The cervical vertebrae are very mobile and bear a large load. Therefore, the wear of the intervertebral discs in the cervical region occurs faster.

With degenerative changes in the cervical vertebrae, painful muscle seals appear. Deformed intervertebral discs compress the blood vessels (artery, vein) and the sympathetic nerve passing through the gaps of the cervical spine. Vessels supply blood to the vestibular apparatus and the inner ear. With disorders in the cervical spine, the blood vessels narrow.

Compression of the neurovascular bundle leads to disruption of the arterial blood supply to the brain and venous congestion. There are atherosclerotic symptoms. The nerve cells that are responsible for hearing do not receive enough signals from the brain. Because of this, they emit their own signals in the same rhythm continuously. As a result of these processes, noise is generated.

The patient, in addition to tinnitus, may feel:

  • Dizziness
  • Often high blood pressure
  • Visual impairment (shroud, midges)
  • Pain in the neck, neck, temples
  • Memory impairment
  • Sleep disturbance.

After the cessation of attacks of headaches, the patient often recovers hearing and vision, noise and ringing in the ears disappear.

Causes of ringing in the ears

Noise in the ear with osteochondrosis may be accompanied by ringing (tinnitus), which is also a concomitant symptom of the disease. Often the ringing is combined with crackling and buzzing. It is considered normal if the ringing in the ear is of a temporary short-term nature (physiological ringing). If the ringing is constant, this indicates a violation of the organ of hearing or a violation of the transmission of nerve impulses to the brain.

In addition to osteochondrosis of the cervical region, ringing in the ears can also be caused by such reasons:

  • Harsh sounds.
  • Otosclerosis.
  • Abuse of nicotine, caffeine, energy drinks.
  • Use of certain antibiotics and aspirin.
  • Head and ear injuries.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Diabetes mellitus, kidney disease.

With cervical osteochondrosis, ringing is combined with dizziness. Unlike other diseases accompanied by similar symptoms (atherosclerosis, inflammatory diseases of the ear), osteochondrosis appears:

  • pain in the neck;
  • "stars" in the eyes;
  • blurred vision at dusk;
  • irritability;
  • pain in the temples and neck.

All these symptoms are aggravated by moving the head. Ear pain can occur in the morning after a night's sleep.

Treatment and prevention of tinnitus in osteochondrosis

Before treatment, the condition of the hearing organs and the presence of diseases that can provoke noise, ringing and pain in the ears are checked. If the cause of the noise is osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, appropriate therapy is prescribed, which includes:

In order to prevent tinnitus in cervical osteochondrosis, it is recommended to massage the collar region, neck and head and perform a set of exercises aimed at restoring the mobility of the cervical vertebrae, stretching and strengthening the neck muscles.

Experts recommend doing self-massage of the neck in any free time. Especially if a person's professional activity forces him to be in a sitting position most of the time. Self-massage is performed with two hands from the base to the head. By pressing on tense and painful muscles, circular movements should be performed. Such simple massage movements improve blood circulation.

There is a simple exercise that will help prevent tinnitus. It is necessary to imagine a pencil in your teeth and slowly display numbers from 0 to 10 in the air.

Only 2-3 times a day of such self-massage and exercises can improve the condition, reduce muscle tension, prevent unpleasant symptoms and pain.


dear guest, I have had noise and ringing in my head for 5 years already. probably the best thing to help is physiotherapy exercises, and pills are only for acute pain.

  • answer

Guest - 06.02.:33

Unfortunately, I have had tinnitus for 13 years already. Osteochondrosis. I went through a bunch of doctors. Nothing helps. You just need to try to ignore it. . Saved money is better to spend on yourself - sports and travel.

The most correct answer. I have had ringing in my ears for 10 years. All the doctors have gone through - zero results, and a lot of money. Live by the rule - it is better to live longer than to heal.

Please tell me, do you have noise associated with osteochondrosis? And how did you adjust to this noise?

Good day to all! I have the same problem - tinnitus, especially going off scale today. Tell me which doctor should I go to?

To the neurologist, of course

I have tinnitus for 1.5 years after severe stress (osteochondrosis also exists) I drink vascular drugs all the time, I did everything I could and MRI, and an audiogram, and a neurologist, and an otoneurologist, they don’t see anything, they say vascular noise. what can I say, it has decreased a lot, somewhere from 100% to 15%, maybe it won’t leave at all, but there is progress, but at the beginning I didn’t want to live so badly, it was very loud.

MRI of the neck and head of the ostechondra made a little noise for me too, and the vessels of the head, like everyone else with the wife, the noise is still treated (((, I think I need to see a psychiatrist. The noise also started after stress ((

  • answer

Timur - 25.12.:33

Lena, apart from vascular medicines, could you clarify whether you had a neck massage, what medicines you took and how you feel at the moment. P.S. I will be very grateful.

  • answer

Guest - 24.04.:34

Hello Lena! I've also had tinnitus for a year now. I would like to talk to you personally about this. Send me your story to my email. thanks in advance

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Guest - 10.07.:24

Lena, tell me, what drugs?

I drank Piracetam and Glycine for a long time. It helps me.

What drugs have helped you? I have a lot of noise in my head after stress. Doctors don't find anything.

I had the same situation. At first she turned to the ENT specialist, then to a neurologist, she made an x-ray of the neck, an ultrasound of the vessels of the neck. Cervical osteochondrosis and vessels of the neck S-shaped. Treatment helps temporarily. A rehabilitation doctor (vertebrologist) treats well without any medication.

Lena, what drugs do you take? Have you taken Vinpocetine?

  • answer

Masha - 11/18:51

Lena, how did your tinnitus decrease? What did you do?

Please answer my question, since the day before yesterday I started having tinnitus, yesterday it receded a little) and today in the morning noise and pain have increased again already. What should I do? Do I need to see a doctor?

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Guest - 04.11.:18

And otosclerosis is not given to anyone with tinnitus? Only me? They put otosclerosis, I am 35 years old, but in this disease I am confused by the confirmation of the diagnosis on the operating table. Does anyone know something? Thank you.

I have had tinnitus for over a year. Have put too an atherosclerosis beginner. Like, it makes noise due to the narrowing of the lumen of the vessels in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ears, the thinnest. Did or made ultrasonography of vessels (UZDG of vessels). Pathology is not revealed. I doubted this diagnosis. It all started with neck pain. Within a year the noise subsided and I got used to it. But one of these days the neck again was ill and all has repeated. The noise intensified. Maybe it's still a syndrome of vertebral arteries due to spinal problems.

I have had tinnitus for 9 years now, nothing helps, my diagnoses are bilateral cochleoneuritis, cervical osteochondrosis.

  • answer

Bella - 08.12.:18

I have noise in my right ear. It doesn't stop for a minute. It sounds so loud that it hurts your head. I drink Betaserc. And it doesn't help.

  • answer

Timur - 25.12.:25

I also have tinnitus for about a year, and the main thing is hearing loss by 25% -30%. This is expressed by the fact that I do not hear high frequencies well, and low frequencies are normal, as well as frequent cods and sometimes gurgling in my ears. The hearing got worse about 4 years ago. Crack and noise appeared about a year ago. He also went through all medical instances and all types of tests. At present I receive treatment at other neuropathologist I hope, but. If someone has recovered and someone has been helped by the treatment, please share.

  • answer

Guest - 17.01.:38

Perhaps tinnitus is associated with the wrong position of the first cervical vertebra?

  • answer

Guest - 17.01.:56

And those who promise to put the 1st cervical vertebra in place in one session, the so-called "atlas", for 15 thousand rubles. and the truth solves many problems problems? And in general, this is not charlatanism? Who knows anything about them? Olga.

Is it dangerous! If only a very good vertebroneurologist. On the contrary, it happened to me that after the mechanical intervention of the chiropractor, there was noise in the ears or in the head and osteochondrosis began. It wasn't there before. (I went to a chiropractor on the advice of a friend, out of curiosity. And he discovered, like a problem. As a result, she only made problems for herself. The noise disappeared for a month, after treatment by a neurologist, and then again. And it seems to me that it’s not only from the neck, But it also depends on the chest.

It turns out that so many people experience this unpleasant problem. Noise in ears. I also recently started. Diagnosis - cervical osteochondrosis. Pills and injections have little effect so far

  • answer

Guest - 08.02.:33

The course of massage of the cervical-collar zone helps me a lot with osteochondrosis at least once a year, I need to do it, and without medicine if there is no severe pain, there is also tinnitus and visual impairment, but after a well-done massage for some period everything gets better Thank you

  • answer

Jeanne - 13.02.:27

And nothing helps me at all. Noise in the ears all the time only music helps. This garbage tortured me with osteochondrosis, there is an infection, the hump has grown, the head hurts, I gained a little weight. Maybe teraflex chondroprotector try to drink.

Damn, now every second person has osteochondrosis, if not everyone else .. Recently from a neurologist, my head ached and my ears were also noisy - all because of osteochondrosis. You know, vazobral helped me, the doctor prescribed these pills. In general, I forgot about the noise, it became easier to live straight. She also did a massage. Go to the doctor, let them also examine you properly and prescribe treatment.

I have tinnitus for more than a year and the pressure is 160 over 80, tell me why there is such a gap in pressure. Novel

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Guest - 20.04.:40

I, too, have been suffering for 3 years with noise, and my hearing has decreased. It all started with otitis media, the doctor made a late diagnosis and did not put her in the hospital when her hearing began to decline and noise appeared. I want to shoot myself. They say sensorineural hearing loss. But how? I am 25 years old, and I am suffering from 22. I did an MRI, they say it is advisable to clarify the state of bone structures on MSCs. They also sing something about osteochondrosis.

Hello, I'm 24. I wanted to ask you personally, and you gave birth with these symptoms again.

I always thought that only older people had such problems. I am 30 years old and have been suffering from tinnitus for a year now. After stress, I started and for a long time was accompanied by high blood pressure and dizziness. I visited many doctors and abroad, took a bunch of pills, it does not help. It interferes with life. But you don't have to give up. There are different musics and sounds on the internet for tinnitus relief, find some that suit (in tone) your tinnitus and soothe you. Listen as often as possible during the day (mostly before going to bed and in the morning as soon as you wake up). If you follow, in a month you will feel the difference. Most importantly, try not to focus on the noise.

Good night! I have noise for 1.5 years after the injury + I caught a cold + stress. I hoped it would pass, but alas. I went to the doctors, they say it's too late to treat, because 31, but it makes noise in my head like a swarm of wasps. What to do? Here is an interesting article about tinnitus, I will study. Thank you!

The same situation. Frozen, cold. Then my grandmother suddenly passed away. And everything was buzzing in my ears. Injected, introduced a lot of drugs, did not help. Inside despair, how to get rid of? I don't represent.

And I'm already used to it. And it rings, and whistles, chirps, and now there is already a waterfall in the ears))))))).

Tell me, how did you get used to the noise?

I have tinnitus due to osteochondrosis, first noise, then my head began to spin. The doctor prescribed an examination, after which it turned out that the vessels were being clamped and therefore such problems appeared, and if nothing was done further, it would only get worse. I drank vasobral for blood vessels and went for a massage. The noise has stopped, I feel like a man, I will continue the treatment.

Yes, yes, and everyone should drink vazobral! Sales managers and part-time writers.

And I got a crackling in my ears, for the second year I suffer, I ran around doctors, which diagnoses they didn’t make: osteochondrosis, VVD, dysfunction of the auditory tube. We tried both massage and catheterization - nothing helps ((When the pressure rises, the ears begin to spasm more, everything is fine with hearing. Now I'm in a position, because I'm tired of running to the doctors, but the problem has not been solved ((

Marina, congratulations! :) I would like to know how your pregnancy is going?

The pregnancy was going well, but my VVD symptoms and tinnitus did not leave me and my pulse used to go off scale, I endured, there was nothing left to do, pills are not allowed during pregnancy. On October 14, 2015, she gave birth to a healthy baby girl. So give birth and do not listen to anyone, no matter how bad it is. Now, too, all this worries, but there is a beautiful baby.

I got tinnitus after giving birth

Did you get noise? How are you treated?

And do otoneurologists deal with tinnitus?

First time I hear about these. I went to an ordinary neurologist with tinnitus, head to the usual neurologist. In principle, nothing serious was revealed - it was just necessary to feed the blood vessels, so to speak. I took Vazobral so that everything went back to normal. And indeed, even “thinking” became better, not to mention the fact that the noise stopped bothering me.

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Dasha - 05.09.:47

I took this vase of yours and drank two packs, but there was no point.

If anyone knows what else can help or identify the cause, write

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Alina - 14.09.:15

Hello. I have the same problem too. I would like to know if any of you with these symptoms were able to give birth to a healthy baby?

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Alina - 14.09.:30

Hello. I am also very worried about tinnitus. Would you like to know if anyone with these symptoms was able to give birth to a healthy baby?

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Guest - 19.10.:53

Alina, I have been making noise in my ears since the 7th grade. What started it all, I don't remember. Today I did an ultrasound of the brachiocephalic arteries - the norm. There is cervical osteochondrosis, it must be treated. I endured and gave birth to a child, tinnitus did not interfere with this.

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Love - 22.10.:01

Pulsating noise on the left (as if I hear blood running through the arteries) coincides with the pulse for 18 years. This year the noise level has increased. I want silence, help. Recently treated in neurology (droppers, injections, Cytoflafin, Cavinton, Neurox, Compligam, Bilobil,

pentaflucil. ZERO RESULT! It feels like something is about to burst.

Love, how are you?

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Galina - 11.02.:28

Kuznetsov's applicator helps with pulsating noise and at the same time exercises for the neck of A. Shishonin

I have a hernia in the cervical region, hence the noise. You can remove and put the prosthesis, but ssykotno. I save myself by physical education - running and swimming, for an hour 3 times a week. With an increase in blood flow, the noise almost completely disappears. If you do not skip classes, the effect is permanent. I recommend to all.

On the contrary, with an increase in blood flow, the noise increases.

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Hello! Like your hernia and noise. Years have passed, I have the same problem, I wonder if you managed to cope and how?

My noise started six months ago, quiet, did not pay attention. Six months later, due to nerves, it increased so much that she could not sleep, work and live in peace. Good people suggested to drink inexpensive pills for cerebral circulation, such as piracetam, vinpocetine. Now the noise is barely quiet, sometimes even not. I continue to massage my neck and head, doing the exercises that I did at school. Life is getting better. Believe in healing.

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Marinai - 20.02.:29

I wrote above that I was in a position. In October, with all my symptoms of VVD, PA, osteochondrosis, pressure surges and this stupid tinnitus, I gave birth to a healthy girl. The desire was stronger than these symptoms. So the main thing is not to be afraid and believe in yourself! Now, too, sometimes this crackling in the ears also covers. But I do have a baby.

Marina, I would like to talk to you personally. Are you in contact?

More than three years noise in ears very much even decently. I didn’t do anything, a lot of money spent and the result was 0. A couple of weeks ago I went to the pharmacy and bought a couple of hematogen bars along the way, while I was walking home I ate them, after a few hours my tinnitus began to change, even quieted down a little and began to hear much better. Doctors find nothing, MRI, ultrasound everything is fine but. Now I eat this hematogen and wonder if it could really help.

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Lyudmila - 06.03.:12

I will buy Vasobral or Vinpocetine and I will chew hematogen. I wish you all to deal with this problem. How I understand you!

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Katerina - 08.03.:51

I've had crackling in my ear like grasshoppers for two years now. Only Corinfar helps, although the pressure is normal. Doctors do not understand why it helps, the rest of the vascular does not. There is a hernia in the neck and outflow is reduced. How to treat, I do not know.

How did you deal with the noise?

V. D. Gitt, an experienced chiropractor, author of the theory of micromovements, gives effective recommendations for performing exercises for cervical osteochondrosis

Watch a video with his advice on the Internet. There are only two exercises for 2 minutes a day. In a month or two everything goes away. Maybe it will help someone.

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Ringing in the ears, midges before the eyes, sometimes numb fingers on the left hand. MRI showed a pre-hernial condition of the cervical spine. What to do?

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Guest - 29.03.:47

I am 61 years old, my left ear is buzzing for 13 years. The diagnosis is sensorineural hearing loss due to cervical osteochondrosis. For two weeks, the buzzing became stronger, the left side of the face began to go numb, when I tilt my head, I feel blood flow to the left side of the head. I tried Ceraxon 1000, it became much easier, apparently, the vessels of the head became sick.

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Leela - 12.04.:51

I will continue. Maybe someone else will help with tinnitus: nicotinic acid tablets, succinic acid, cinnarizine, fir oil.

How to take?

25 years. The third year is ringing in my head, it all started after visiting a disco. What I have learned over the years:

1. We do an MRI of the brain and cerebral vessels - we find out if there is any pathology of the vessels, MRI of the cervical region, ultrasound or MRI of the vessels of the neck.

2. I went to the hospital twice, without this it seems like nothing. From the initial noise level, it turned out to be reduced by 75%, before there was a hum that drowned out the sound from the TV.

I was pierced with cytoflavin, mildronate, neurox. I drink Cytoflavin in courses periodically, already like sweets, it won’t get worse from it, it stimulates blood circulation.

3. If you have my case, then I have noise against the background of cervical osteochondrosis. It would be nice to find a good massage therapist, but in my city it seems to be a problem with this (in general, if something changes, I’ll write). If anyone has recovered, please write to the post office. All the best!

And I also forgot - Mexidol.

In 2006, I was brought to life in Voenmed in St. Petersburg, there was a terrible tinnitus, dizziness such that the walls swayed, apathy, lack of appetite, hand tremors. She just lay quietly. There was no sleep either. This is the cervical region, actovegin was dripped, milgamma and nicotine were injected, they were given a sedative, but don’t joke, no manual and massages without a neurologist! The noise gradually disappeared.

Tatyana, I also have a strong noise against the background of cervical osteochondrosis, yesterday I had a massage with a massager - the noise became several times stronger. Does cytoflavin help?

Try to drink more vitamins Pentovit, Undevit, Geksavit - they strengthen blood vessels. Also buy tinctures of hawthorn, peony, valerian and motherwort at the pharmacy. Mixing them and drinking, calms the nerves and with it the noise in the ears and head subsides and it is easier to fall asleep. As soon as Tashkent or Tajik orange thin-skinned lemons appear on sale, you need to lean on them. Divide the lemon into pieces and eat throughout the day.

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Sergey - 27.10.:19

I've had tinnitus for 3 months now. Put down vasodilating droppers - did not help. I hear a hiss, it comes from the side of the cervical spine, yesterday I massaged it with a vibrating massager, in the evening there was such a noise that I could not fall asleep, I want to try vinpocetine tablets.

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Leela - 30.10.:31

Sergey, probably, they were very nervous? I bought Kuznetsov's applicator and lie down for several minutes a day. Improves blood circulation. Lemons Tashkent are already on sale.

I stopped eating fatty foods. I eat low-fat or fat-free foods. I drink milk no higher than 3.2%. I stopped eating eggs, I buy them very rarely, only for baking. I try to walk at least one hour a day. I drink green tea. And I try to protect my nerves, my nerves, but so far it's hard not to be nervous. I have noise on the left side of my ear, I can't sleep on my right side, it's noisy. Sometimes it subsides and I feel happy, but not for long. Since childhood, she leaned on fatty, ruined her carotid arteries. When I press on the carotid artery on the left, the noise subsides, but I won’t constantly press them, and it’s probably dangerous. Do not take aspirin, gentamicin, or other harmful ear medications. Do not listen to loud music with headphones, otherwise the auditory hairs in the inner ear can be damaged, and the noise can become constant, God forbid. Protect your ears from the cold, I bought myself a hat with earflaps with a fur pompom, and it's fashionable and warm.

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Leela - 31.10.:01

For intervertebral discs, in order to restore them, I began to eat marmalade without sugar and white and pink marshmallows. But they should not be abused either, the blood can become thick, and this is also not good. I turn my head in different directions, but I can’t tip it back strongly and without sudden movements, the neck is a tender place. I read about Picamilon for cerebral circulation, but did not take it. Has anyone helped?

I pierced Picamilon, zero effect!

I am currently in the hospital for treatment. 25 years. The diagnosis is left-sided cochlear neuritis. Symptoms: buzzing in the ears, knocking in the left ear. They treat me: vitamins B6 B12 (injections), Cavinton, Piracetam. Additional diagnoses: vasomotor rhinitis, cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis, I live under constant stress. Question: I have been using naphthyzinum for seven years now, can this affect cochleaneuritis? I would be grateful for advice on treatment. Thank you.

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3 years, noise and hum in the left ear mainly, periodically spreads to the right. The diagnosis is uncovertebral arthrosis of the neck, but at the same time I easily twist my neck, there is no pain. My neurologist treats me for nerves. The diagnosis is: somatoform dysfunction, vasodilators practically do not help, I die when I drink, because the head begins to live its own separate life. It's hard to sleep on your back, then you jump up from the wild hum in your head. He did all kinds of MRI and ultrasound scans: the arteries of the neck were not pinched, the only thing they found was a spasm of the vessels at the entrance to the head, similar to vasospasm. And please, do not advertise this expensive drug Vazobral, it causes a flicker in the eyes in the dark, apparently due to caffeine, betaserc is the same, but without it, a strong drug helps at first, when it just drowns out, but then a feeling of lightness strangulation on the neck at the top. The most harmless vinpocetine, the noise reduces by 30%, but the body gets used to all vasodilators, then it’s hard to jump off, it is necessary to gradually, reducing the dose, after a couple of weeks it only returns to normal. Valocordin helps a little at night, walking in the evening at a brisk pace for at least an hour, it helps well but temporarily good cognac 4 glasses (I don’t drink at all in my life, I have been in sports all my life, I had to learn to appreciate the golden one), an exercise bike for at least 30 minutes, but all this temporarily, until you go to bed, in the morning everything is anew, a wild rumble, gradually decreasing. I plan to visit a neurosurgeon, because ordinary doctors show incompetence in this matter.

Great, Eugene! Valocordin and 4 glasses of cognac - this is a "brilliant treatment." Did you come up with it yourself or did someone come up with it? Nothing that valocordin is banned in Europe, because. it contains barbiturates. Read at your leisure what threatens their regular use, but I generally keep quiet about alcohol. It would be better for you to visit a narcologist in the first place - most likely this is the case.

Valeria, making such a comment, I don’t think you understand what is at stake, are you a doctor? Then give your advice, if you have a similar situation, then give your advice on how you fight this “illness”, if you are just a reader, it’s a sin to laugh and make stupid sayings. And as for the narcologist, the fact is that I am generally a non-drinker, I have some kind of protection in my genes, my body perceives any alcohol as poison, I smell alcohol in any bottle and turn it back, and taking a couple of glasses of cognac is a feat for me, Therefore, on the subject of a narcologist, advise someone else. And as for valocordin, firstly, there is no need to talk about “Europe”, and secondly, I said that it helps, this does not mean slurping. :-)'

Alexei, you have a stuffy nose, it's hard to breathe, so you're dripping naphthyzine? You are already getting used to it, you need to replace it with mineral water, clean your nose, sprinkle it. I think naphthyzine can cause tinnitus, because it constricts blood vessels, like a spasm, and there is noise from spasm. She herself sat on naphazoline for a long time until she tried strong mineral water, which is sold as drinking water in supermarkets. Try not to use naphthyzinum, only as a last resort.

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Leela - 14.11.:08

Cognac helps, but moderately dilates blood vessels, improving blood circulation and the head as well. The inner ear receives oxygen from the blood and the noise is reduced. Alcohol affects everyone differently. Alexey, try drinking activated charcoal at night for 10 days, 1 tablet per 10 kg of your body. If for example you weigh 80 kg, then 8 tablets. Toxins will come out, however, it also removes vitamins, but you can take vitamins again after treatment with act charcoal.

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Leela - 14.11.:17

Why is Picamilon so praised in Otzovik and Airik? And it is not cheap at all, and even on prescription. Someone told me that Picamilon is a drug with unproven effectiveness, so I doubted it. Cinnarizine has a side effect, drowsiness, but it helps me fall asleep, the noise subsides on its own and I sleep soundly until morning.

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Leela - 14.11.:45

Aleksey, I remembered, because of the thick blood, my nose can also get very stuffy, I have to thin it. But since aspirin is harmful, you need to take a quarter or a maximum of half a tablet a day after a hearty meal.

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Oleg - 11/17:11

My tinnitus is not strong and it seems that my right ear hears worse, there are flies before my eyes a little, vision in my right eye worsens at times. He did an x-ray of the neck (signs of osteochondrosis, arthrosis, torsion of the vertebrae, signs of larthrosis) and the back of the head hurts (the pain is weak and dull and seems to be pulling, it lasts for quite a long time already, when bending, there is a crunch in the neck). But the neck itself does not hurt. Tell me, could it be something more serious because of the neck?

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Leela - 11.17.:51

Oleg, maybe you have a pinched nerve or blood vessel in the back of your head, because of this, cerebral circulation is disturbed. IMHO. I’m thinking about whether it is necessary to take an orthopedic pillow for the neck so that the spine is even during sleep.


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ATTENTION! All information on this website is for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and prescription of medications require knowledge of the medical history and examination by a doctor. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you consult a doctor for treatment and diagnosis, and not self-medicate.

W mind in the head can be localized in the head itself or in the ears. To provide rational assistance, it is necessary to determine the cause of the noise in the head, which is not always easy. With acoustic neuritis, the noise is monotonous and is felt continuously day and night. "Vascular" noises amplify when lying down; in silence, these noises are felt more strongly and sometimes prevent the patient from sleeping. The nature of the noise also matters: “motor noise”, “humming primus noise” (with eustachitis), “dragonfly buzzing”, “cricket noise” (with neuritis), “the sound of air escaping from a perforated ball”, “hum in the head”, “feeling of the splashing of the sea” (in violation of arterial or venous circulation in the brain) or “pulsating” noise (with cerebral aneurysm), “buzzing” noise with thrombosis of the cerebral sinuses (B. I. Sharapov’s syndrome).

With noise in the head, it is necessary to find out whether it is felt one-sidedly or has a diffuse character. Unilateral noise occurs when the Eustachian tube is blocked, with neuritis of the auditory nerve, sometimes with an aneurysm of the cerebral vessel. Noises associated with damage to the auditory artery often occur suddenly; with neuritis - gradually.

With noise in the ear, it is necessary to carefully examine the ears, nose and nasopharynx. Noise in the head, which manifests itself unilaterally (hissing, whistling, etc.), associated with hearing loss, with a feeling that the ear is stuffed with cotton and when swallowing, “bubbles” burst in the ear, is observed when the Eustachian tube is blocked (especially if the noise develops after catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, flowing with copious discharge from the nasopharynx). With eustachitis, a strong noise occurs sharply and is localized in the back of the head or ear, in contrast to the noise with an aneurysm, which appears gradually and is felt in the region of the crown. With eustachitis, the noise is never "pulsating" and has a constant, continuous character, often intensifying when the patient is in a horizontal position, especially on the side where the noise is projected, and with a low head position. This noise is facilitated when the patient moves to a vertical position. Diagnosis is helped by otoscopic examination (retracted tympanic membrane, difficulty in passing air through the corresponding nostril, swelling of the posterior end of the shell, drainage of mucus through the nasopharynx, hearing loss on the side of eustachitis). When making a diagnosis, it is impossible to rely only on the description of noise by patients, since sometimes they perceive in a peculiar way and do not clearly define their feelings. Noise in the ear with neuritis of the auditory nerve is combined with a decrease in hearing on the same side, has a high tone (with eustachitis - low) - and is interrupted by short periods of "ringing" or "whistling", sometimes combined with dizziness. With arachnoiditis of the cerebellopontine angle, noise in the ear is combined with cochlear and vestibular disorders, cerebellar and meningeal symptoms in case of trigeminal lesions (pain and hypesthesia in the corresponding half of the face, decreased corneal reflex) and facial nerves. »

Noise in the head, localized in the back of the head or in the ear, can occur with neuritis (infectious or traumatic) of the sympathetic plexus of the vertebral artery, from which the innervation of the auditory artery comes. With aneurysms of the cerebral vessels, the noise appears gradually. Often, such patients have a history of head trauma, rheumatism, and atherosclerosis. Initially, these noises occur at a certain position of the head. Vascular murmurs manifest themselves in different ways: arterial "pulsating" murmurs correspond to pulse beats, "venous" murmurs (arterio-venous aneurysms) resemble the sound of a top, "grasshoppers chirp", hum, and are usually continuous. With neuralgia of the pterygopalatine node, sometimes a crack is heard by strangers. With hemangiomas, noise is rarely observed. With an aneurysm of the artery, the noise usually initially has a pulsating character, then as the lumen of the aneurysm is filled with thrombotic layers, the noise disappears. With obliteration of the vessel and calcification of the aneurysm, the noise, if any, becomes constant, not pulsating. In the acute period of a stroke with an aneurysm, as a result of a rupture of its wall, the pulsating noise disappears. With dynamic disorders of cerebral circulation, there is sometimes a feeling of a hum in the head. In hypertensive crises, noise is associated with a sensation of “brain pulsation”, stuffy ears, heaviness in the back of the head or crown. These patients show tension of the veins in the neck, increased pulsation of the carotid arteries, hyperemia and swelling of the face, and other vasomotor disorders. Noise associated with plethora of the brain, aggravated by tilting the head and combined with a feeling of heaviness and headache, occurs with venous congestion in the brain. With noise in the head, auscultation of the head should be performed to determine the presence and nature of the noise. Sometimes noise is projected into the head with aneurysms of the internal carotid artery (in its intracranial section).

The combination (when listening) of a blowing noise or a hum in the occipital region with a venous noise above the collarbones indicates an arteriovenous aneurysm. Tinnitus and hearing impairment can occur with intoxication with quinine, antipyrine, caffeine, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, salicylic acid, etc.

For rational treatment of noise in the head, it is necessary to establish its cause. In case of aneurysm, it is necessary to treat the underlying vascular disease (rheumatism, syphilis, atherosclerosis). With noise of unknown etiology, treatment with quinine (0.1) in combination with papaverine (0.02), camphor bromide (0.1) and belladonna extract (0.015) can be used. Sodium bromide (1-2% solution) with caffeine (0.05 per dose) is shown. It is necessary to establish sleep, if he is upset, and try to lengthen it by using various sleeping pills. Mustard plasters have a beneficial effect on the back of the head or a hot foot bath, and especially magnesium sulphate (half a tablespoon in the morning).

With eustachitis, nose drops are prescribed:

  1. 2-3% solution of ephedrine, 8-10 drops each (when instilled into the nose, you need to tilt your head back and in the direction into which the drops are injected),
  2. cocaine with adrenaline or 2% menthol oil in the nose (8 drops in each nostril). Pyramidone or phenacetin is prescribed in combination with caffeine, however, this does not provide much relief from noise. With noise due to catarrh of the Eustachian tube, mustard plasters and a compress of camphor oil or alcohol on the back of the head and on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mastoid processes have a beneficial effect. Of the physical methods, UHF therapy is recommended.

To prevent the recurrence of noise in violation of the functions of the auditory nerve, vitamins B1 and C, dibazol (0.02), alternating it with prozerin (0.015) are prescribed; injections of aloe or FiBS (Filatov biostimulant) 30 injections of 1 ml. With sympathetic plexus neuritis of the vertebral artery, the noise may decrease after radiotherapy. With noise of a vasomotor nature, novocaine blockade of the pterygopalatine node is indicated. In case of violations of venous circulation, magnesium sulfate is prescribed (5 ml of a 25% solution intramuscularly or 10 ml intravenously). Sometimes intravenous administration of 10 ml of a mixture of sodium bromide (10% solution) with magnesium sulfate (25% solution) is effective, with vascular hypertension give serpasil.