Cast dentures for teeth. Partial removable dentures – types and tips for choosing. Fixed orthopedic structures

Dental prosthetics is often a forced and necessary method of treatment, but modern medicine has advanced so much that there are plenty of opportunities for such an event.

You can choose exactly the method of prosthetics that best suits your needs, while the aesthetic appeal will remain at a high level.

Conventionally, prostheses can be divided into two groups:

  • fixed;
  • removable.

Each type has both advantages and disadvantages; they are not applicable in every case.

Let's set it once and for all

What types of fixed dentures are there? For example, with the help of a crown you can restore a tooth even if it is almost half destroyed. To install this prosthesis, it is enough to have a strong, healthy root. used when there is a threat to the health and preservation of the tooth, as well as to improve its appearance.

The denture is fixed to the remaining part using dental cement. Crowns are made from a wide range of materials, which varies in price and their service life.

Photo shows crown installation

The advantages of this type of prosthetics include:

  • wide variety of materials;
  • relatively low price;
  • long service life;
  • positive result.

This method, however, has a significant drawback, in particular, the need to grind the tooth down to 2.5 mm and depulp it.

The process requires breaking the integrity of the surface tissue, which is undesirable in the case of a healthy tooth.

Lumineers - modern and beautiful

For aesthetic purposes, they are used for the restoration of the anterior teeth. They are mini dentures that are placed over the front part of the tooth. This requires turning the surface up to 1 mm.

There is a more advanced variety, called one that is not accompanied by turning. The prosthesis is so thin that when glued on top of a tooth it does not seem unnatural.

The advantage of this type of denture is the high degree of attractiveness of the smile, but this method is not able to cope with serious damage to the tooth.

The prosthesis can cover only one part of the tooth, while the inner zone must be healthy. The main disadvantages of the method are the short service life and high cost.

Bridge supported by your own teeth

Bridge structures are a prosthesis consisting of several cast-type crowns. This method helps to hide the absence of one or more teeth. To install a bridge, you need at least two supporting teeth; if they are missing, implants are used.

The bridge resembles a row of teeth that covers the missing areas and is secured at the edges. There is a huge variety of materials for this prosthesis, so it can be used to imitate a set of teeth similar to natural ones.

The method has many positive characteristics. These include:

  • aesthetics of the dentition;
  • relatively affordable price;
  • comfortable to wear and easy to care for.

Adhesive bridge

Prosthetic bridges are only permissible on absolutely healthy teeth, but it does not eliminate the need for grinding when resting on them.

In this regard, due to excessive stress, teeth may become mobile over time. Lack of pressure under the middle part of the bridge often leads to bone atrophy.

An alternative is adhesive prosthetics, which in essence resembles a bridge, but the fastening is not fixed to a ground support, but to the adjacent teeth using a metal frame.

can be called the most expensive method of prosthetics, but it is the most durable. With the right approach to choosing treatment, as well as following all the dentist’s recommendations, you can get a durable artificial root that will not need to be replaced later.

The implanted pin provides a strong foundation for a bridge or crown, which does not require grinding down adjacent teeth. This method is reliable but has many limitations.

In addition, there is a risk of foreign body rejection, as a result of which the surgical intervention will have to be repeated.

False teeth - click, click, click

Removable plate dentures

Which teeth are better to insert? This question is asked by patients who have a significant dental defect and want to learn more about modern dental capabilities.

They have their own characteristics, and a large group of consumers prefer them. Often there are plate dentures, which are a section of gum and dental crowns that cover missing areas of the teeth.

The plates can be complete throughout the entire row or partially removable, which are installed on a specific area.

For partial removable dentures, a prerequisite is the presence of at least several healthy teeth on which the structure will be installed. The support for completely removable laminar dentures is the gums or palate.

Fastening occurs due to suction properties; additional use is often required. Such designs are often called suction cup dentures.

Fastening with locks

This method of prosthetics differs in price depending on the material. In general, removable structures require careful care, since after eating, food debris can accumulate under them.

Getting used to such dentures is not always easy; diction and taste are often impaired.

There are also conditionally removable bridge structures that are easy to remove and fasten yourself, without outside help. Fastening is carried out using special locks that are installed on adjacent teeth, and there is no need to grind them down.

This type of prosthetics is attached not only to healthy teeth, but also to implants and crowns, and this is the main advantage of the design. In general, this method does not have significant drawbacks.

Materials for prosthetics

Materials may vary depending on the type of prosthetics. Thus, for fixed dentures the main raw materials are:

In dentistry, the above-mentioned materials are often combined to achieve the desired effect. Metal is considered the most reliable and durable, but it does not have the aesthetic qualities that are characteristic of ceramics.

In this regard, the most preferable option would be a metal-ceramic prosthesis, which has a steel frame and an external design made of zirconium oxide.

The prosthesis is highly durable and aesthetically pleasing, but its price is significantly higher than that of its analogues. They are plastic and inexpensive, but they can last no longer than two to three years. In addition, artificial material is susceptible to external factors.

Other materials are used to make removable dentures:

  • acrylic;
  • Akri Free;
  • nylon;
  • acetal polyurethane;
  • clasp designs.

Acrylic structures, due to their nature, are susceptible to external influences. The material loses its original appearance and acquires a specific smell and color over time.

It takes a long time to get used to it; the prosthesis often falls off during eating due to the rigidity of the base.

Acetal denture

A new technique in the manufacture of removable structures is Akri Free. The attachment base is made of acrylic translucent resins, invisible on the gums. The material is flexible, so the service life of the equipment is long.

The only disadvantage of such prosthetics is the high cost of manufacturing, which is not inherent in other materials of removable structures.

Nylon and acetal dentures are close in their properties to Acre Free technology. They do not rub the gums and fasten well, the service life is quite long, and the aesthetic appearance is of a high level.

True, this material also has its drawbacks:

Can be called the most perfect method for a removable type. The design is made with a focus on the patient’s characteristics; the load is distributed evenly across the jaw.

The aesthetic appearance of the structure is excellent, but the price of clasp dentures is corresponding. However, this method is one of the most durable for removable dentures.

The only drawback is the long production time. It is necessary to visit the dentist more than once so that he can adjust the design down to the millimeter.

Thoughts of ordinary people

Prosthetics have already become so popular that many people have permanent structures that others don’t even know about. Patient reviews only contribute to making the right decision in favor of various prostheses: removable and permanent.

I suffered with the tooth for a long time and couldn’t hold it together at all. As soon as it was installed, within a week it began to deteriorate, then large pieces fell off, after a couple of months I went to the dentist again. After a couple of replacements, the dentist suggested installing a crown; there was so little left of his tooth, and such frequent fillings could completely ruin it.

The procedure for cutting down the tooth was painless, and the crown was ready quite quickly. I thought it would be unusual with metal ceramics, but overall I don’t see any noticeable difference. I've been happy for a year now, I don't have any problems. According to the dentist, I can still go through ten more without any problems.

Oksana, Smolensk

My front teeth have become completely wobbly, I’ve already lost a couple of them, and I don’t really want to eat only porridge and mashed potatoes. When I went to treat a tooth, the dentist suggested a bridge structure that would not only strengthen the teeth, but would also look attractive. Of course, appearance is not particularly important to me, but the opportunity to eat apples is what I need. I had to wait about a month, but now I have a stable prosthesis that is nice to look at.

Victor Ivanovich, Samara

I have terrible teeth, the row in front is uneven, and even the pronounced yellowness has always confused me. It was already too late to fix anything, and there was no particular desire, but my friend got veneers for herself. After consulting a dentist, I came to the conclusion that this was a suitable solution. Now I walk with a beautiful smile, my self-esteem has increased significantly.

Olga Sergeevna, Moscow

I didn’t dare to get permanent dentures, and I need so much money. The doctor suggested trying removable plates first. I've been going with them for several months now, I'm happy with everything. True, the realization still comes that the permanent ones will be even better.

Kristina, Ryazan

Questions for the dentist

What to do if there are complete absence of teeth?

the only option is complete removable dentures. The plates are attached with suction cups to the gums and hard palate. The patient can choose the most suitable option as a material; Acree Free is more advanced.

Due to the complex fixation in the lower jaw, in the absence of teeth it is often recommended to resort to implants, which are easier to attach to other types of dentures. This will ensure the reliability of the design and facilitate the process of chewing food.

Which temporary prosthesis for the front teeth is better?

It is better to install a temporary crown on the front teeth, and it is not necessary to choose expensive material. Many dentists suggest using polymer dentures, which are quickly manufactured and have a pleasant appearance, but a short service life.

This type of prosthesis is especially good after the installation of implants, since for the best effect a load on the pin and the surrounding gum is necessary. The crown will perform this function, and when installing a permanent prosthesis, an undesirable reaction will no longer follow.

The photo shows an adhesive prosthesis of the upper incisor

Another option is an adhesive bridge, which fills the empty space with the appearance of a natural tooth. A huge advantage of this method is that neighboring teeth are not subject to significant intervention. In some cases, minor indentations may be required, but this can be done by building up a filling that is subsequently polished.

As a temporary prosthesis, you should never install removable dentures attached to the gums with Velcro, as the tissue will deform over time. As a result, plastic surgery may be required before installing a permanent prosthesis, regardless of its type. This will complicate the process and increase the cost of the procedure.

Which dentures are best?

The choice of prostheses should, first of all, be based on the need to return the main function of the organ - chewing. For many, along with it, the aesthetic component is also important.

There is not a patient who is not interested in the issue of price. All these factors should be taken into account, and only the dentist will help you choose the most suitable option according to the patient’s characteristics.

Depending on how many teeth are missing and the overall degree of damage to surrounding teeth, a preference may be given to permanent prosthetics, such as crowns or bridges. Fixed prosthetics do not require special care.

To restore aesthetic appeal, veneers are usually installed, but if there are problems with chewing function, it is better to give preference to more stable options, for example, implants.

What types of dental prosthetics are there and how to choose the right one for you will be told by your dentist:

© bunwit/Fotolia

When it is necessary to have dental prosthetics, each patient is faced with the question of which system to choose to restore the dentition. The best thing to do in this case is contact a specialist and get the necessary dental advice.

An experienced orthopedist will tell you about the advantages of various types of prostheses and help you make the right decision, especially since modern medicine has made great strides forward and offers patients a wide range of removable and non-removable structures that meet all hygienic requirements and quality and safety standards.

Types of dentures

According to the dental classification, the types of replacement structures are divided according to the characteristics of their permanent presence in the mouth or their temporary use, as well as the degree of intervention in the jaw tissue during prosthetics.

  1. Permanents include non-removable designs. They are placed for a long time and are used to restore missing units or eliminate deformation in dental tissues.
  2. Removable are installed in the complete or almost complete absence of units, they are used when necessary. They are structures that imitate the dentition and are placed on the jaw.
  3. Implants- these are pins implanted into the jaw to a certain depth, which over time become an artificial replacement for missing units due to ingrowth into the bone tissue of the jaw.

Any type of prosthesis solves the problem of restoring the dentition, eliminating aesthetic imperfections and discomfort associated with the absence of teeth when eating and communicating.

In this video you will learn how dentures are made:


Removable dentures are in demand among older people who have lost most of their teeth and cannot do without them when eating and talking, and also feel discomfort of an aesthetic nature.

Removable structures offered by modern dentistry have many advantages:

  • they do not differ in appearance from natural teeth;
  • they are easy to care for - they just need to be washed and cleaned, and also stored properly;
  • they are convenient to use, easy to take off and put on;
  • dentures are made from environmentally friendly materials and are absolutely harmless;
  • removable structures are economical and affordable for everyone.

Modern removable designs do not cause allergic reactions, there is no need to be afraid of this. Local or generalized allergies can occur due to individual intolerance to the substance that makes up the prosthesis.

To prevent this from ever happening, you should contact a professional clinic that has the necessary equipment and qualified specialists.

Removable dentures differ in materials of manufacture and design features:

  • Acrylic made from high-quality plastics, they are the most popular because they are inexpensive, quickly manufactured and comfortable for patients. But first, before installing plastic structures, it is necessary to check their allergenicity for the patient.
  • Nylon designs differ from acrylic ones only in the material of manufacture. They have the same positive properties, plus one more thing - they do not need to be removed at night.

    It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that dentures undergo elastic deformation in the mouth when chewing and can slightly injure the gums in the area of ​​the outermost units.

  • Clasp differ from the previous ones in their design: they are fixed with the help of strong lamellar arches and are single elements.

    The advantages of the structures lie in the possibility of uniformly distributing the load throughout the entire dentition and allowing patients to quickly get used to them.

© vetkit / Fotolia

When comparing the price categories of the presented removable dental products, it is necessary to warn clinic clients that the budget option is to install acrylic dentures, nylon structures will be average in cost, and clasp dentures will be more expensive.

There is know-how in this type of prosthetics - this is an offer conditionally removable products. They are attached to adjacent teeth using specialized devices - fasteners.

Despite the apparent fragility of the structures that replace individual lost units, they last for years and are quite stable.

Innovative methods of removable prosthetics include replacement elements on vacuum suction cups, attached to protrusions on the jaw. It is convenient for the patient to use them; he can install and remove them at home independently.


Fixed prosthetics are used in cases of tooth decay and loss of one or more units.

Among people of the middle and younger generations, the demand for this method is very high. This is due to the fact that a non-removable design is a more natural replacement than a removable one.

In aesthetic terms, this type of dental orthopedics can be used to change the shape of teeth and improve their color.

Implantation as a promising technology

Implants can be classified as an interspecific type of prosthesis, since they belong to both removable and non-removable dental products. This is not just installing an element in place of a missing tooth, but constructing the lost unit anew.

It is carried out by implanting a pin into the jaw bone tissue. The titanium pin has the ability to fuse with the bone; a metal-ceramic or ceramic crown is installed on it, and the artificial tooth becomes an integral part of the dentition.

Implantation is an innovative technology in orthopedics and is used in many dental clinics. This method is recommended by orthopedists themselves, but not because it costs more, and the clinic benefits from it, but because it is universal and solves all problems at once.

With the help of implantation, you can restore the dentition in its natural form, make it beautiful, and it will serve for a long time. Implants installed by professionals last 20 years or more.

Implants can be titanium, tantalum; ceramics, zirconium and other environmentally friendly and natural materials are used to make crowns. They do not cause allergies and are not rejected by the body. Therefore, implantation is the safest method of tooth replacement.

Such prosthetic elements can be installed in the absence of one unit and many teeth. Moreover, there may be significantly fewer implants than the number of missing units of the dentition, since bridges can be installed on the implanted pins.

In some cases it is used conditionally removable design, that is, an implant without end supports with lateral fixation. The advantage of such prostheses is the ability to remove them for cleaning and washing; the disadvantage is their lower reliability compared to fixed implants.

If you were first looking for an answer to the question: “Which dentures are the best?”, and then decided to install implants, it will be useful for you to watch the following video, which presents the dentist’s recommendations and talks about the existing contraindications to this procedure:

Approximate prices

Pricing for prosthetics consists of several components:

  • complexity of the prosthesis design;
  • the cost of materials from which the replacement element is made;
  • complexity of the orthopedic process.

Obviously, removable dentures made of synthetic materials will cost less, while fixed and metal-ceramic ones, as well as bridges made of precious metals, will be expensive.

Implantation, as a complex technology using rare earth metals, also cannot be considered a low-cost method of orthopedics. Nevertheless, dental services today are available to everyone, and patients can choose the method of prosthetics depending on their financial capabilities.

© Michael Tieck/Fotolia

In most clinics, installation of removable replacement structures in Moscow is carried out at prices:

  • from 12 thousand rubles. (plastic);
  • up to 25 thousand rubles. (nylon);
  • over 30 thousand rubles. (clasp).

The cost of replacement bridge elements depends on the size of the bridge and the number of units in the structure. Implantation of one tooth will cost from 10 thousand rubles in Moscow clinics. for domestic implants up to 25 thousand rubles. – for Israeli-made products and 50 thousand rubles. – Swedish-American production.

Modern dentistry today offers a fairly wide selection of methods for solving dental prosthetics. Various technologies and materials, quality and cost of services - sometimes it is not easy to understand all this.

Dental prosthetics is a complex of dental services aimed at restoring natural functions, as well as the color and shape of partially destroyed or completely missing teeth. The following types of prosthetics are distinguished: → fixed prosthetics, → removable dentures, → implant prosthetics.


Fixed prosthetics

It is used to reconstruct the dentition in case of partial destruction of several teeth by caries, with severe abrasion dental tissues, in the absence of one or two teeth in a row, as well as to give a new shape to teeth or change their color.

The fixation of such prostheses is permanent, i.e. it is impossible to remove them without damaging the structure. They are most often made from the following materials:

  1. Metal alloys (gold-palladium, cobalt-chrome);
  2. Ceramics (zirconium dioxide, porcelain, less often aluminum oxide);
  3. Metal ceramics – a metal frame with a ceramic coating.

The following options for fixed prosthetics are available:

The main disadvantage of fixed bridge prosthetics is the need to grind the supporting teeth, which may be absolutely healthy, and it is these teeth that will take the entire load for the missing ones.

In addition, fixed prosthetics have some contraindications, so it is necessary to warn the doctor about the presence of chronic diseases.

Removable dental prosthetics

Used when long-term defect in a number of teeth(absence of more than 2-3 teeth in a row). Most often, such prosthetics are offered to older people who have a large number of missing teeth. But sometimes patients who do not want to grind down healthy teeth for supporting crowns agree to removable dentures.

Clasp prosthetics

It is based on the use of a metal arc (from the German “clasp” - arc) as a support for the prosthesis. Used when partial absence of dentition. This is the most popular, physiologically and anatomically adapted type of prosthetics. This type of prosthetics is the best alternative to a bridge, which is not always possible.

Clasp prosthetics can have several attachment options:

  • Clasps are metal hooks at the ends of the arch-base of the prosthesis, which hook onto the bases of the supporting teeth. This option is not entirely aesthetic and uncomfortable to wear, but it is the cheapest.
  • Attachments are a double fastening, one part of which is located inside the prosthesis, and the other in the supporting teeth. This is a more comfortable and reliable type of fastening than clasps.
  • Telescopic crowns are installed on the supporting teeth and a precisely fitted prosthesis is put on them and the entire structure, after alignment, is securely fixed with locks. This is the most expensive type of clasp prosthetics, as it requires high professionalism of an orthopedist, but it is also the most aesthetic.

Acrylic dentures

The most common and cheapest type of removable prosthetics. Even twenty years ago, this was practically the only way to restore teeth in the absence of complete or significant teeth. The acrylic design completely imitates the natural dentition.

The main advantage of such prostheses is simple installation and ease of maintenance. Often, acrylic dentures are placed only during the production of permanent fixed dentures.

A significant disadvantage is that acrylic plastic often causes an allergic reaction and such dentures must be removed while sleeping.

Nylon prosthetics

Nylon prostheses have appeared relatively recently as an alternative to rigid and uncomfortable plastic prostheses. Dental nylon, soft, durable and elastic, allows you to very skillfully imitate gums. The base of the prosthesis is made from nylon, onto which either ceramic crowns or zirconium dioxide crowns are attached.

There can be two ways to attach such dentures in the mouth.

  1. If the prosthesis replaces a completely missing row of teeth, then it is attached to the gum due to the “suction” effect and additionally, fixing gels are used.
  2. If the denture is partial and replaces only a few missing teeth, then the structure is attached with nylon hooks to the supporting teeth. The positive aspect of this type of fastening is that there is no need to grind down the supporting teeth.

It is worth noting that nylon prostheses are lightweight, easy to use and hypoallergenic. In addition, they do not have to be taken out while sleeping.

All types of removable dentures are good because they distribute the load also on the gums, and not just on the remaining supporting teeth.

Implant prosthetics

Dentures are installed on special pins (implants) that are implanted into the bone tissue of the jaw. The implant imitates a natural tooth root, on the basis of which an artificial tooth is constructed. For the manufacture of implants are used hypoallergenic bioinert materials, not causing rejection – titanium alloys, tantalum, ceramics, zirconium, etc..

Fixed implant prosthetics

Used when one or more teeth are missing. Implanted into the gum titanium implant, on which a ceramic or metal-ceramic crown is then fixed.

With significant or complete absence of teeth Several implants are implanted into the gum bone, on which a fixed bridge prosthesis is installed. This is still a fairly rare practice.

Removable prosthetics on implants

In case of complete absence of teeth, removable dentures are very difficult to record, there's just nothing to grab onto. Such dentures often fall out, impair diction, are difficult to chew with, etc.

In such cases, salvation will be implantation of 2-4 implants which will help securely secure the prosthesis. This prosthesis can be removed by the patient himself without much effort.

Which type of prosthetics is better?

The choice of prosthetic method depends on a number of related factors, such as age, health, financial capabilities of the patient. In each case, this issue is discussed individually during the consultation of the patient with an orthopedic doctor. The final decision is always made by the patient, so you need to understand the difference between the prostheses, and not rely entirely on the opinion of a specialist.

Convenience and aesthetics

If offered a choice between removable and non-removable dentures, then most often preference for convenience and appearance is given to the second option. Fixed dentures look more natural in the mouth and adaptation to them occurs much faster.

An important role is played by the psychological factor, especially if a person is young enough, “false jaws” are of little attraction.

If the “false jaw” cannot be avoided, then a lot depends on the material and method of fastening. Undoubtedly nylon dentures look more attractive than plastic and clasp ones. But recently there have been many complaints about difficult adaptation to them. Their high elasticity makes it difficult to chew, complicates diction, and injures the gums.

Reliability and durability

In terms of service life, permanent structures made of metal ceramics are again in the lead - 10-12 years. And the use of an alloy of gold and platinum increases this period to 15 years. Metal-ceramic prosthetics is universal; it allows you to restore almost all dental defects with equal success and a long-term prognosis.

Removable dentures of clasp type or acrylic can last 5-6 years. Experts guarantee a slightly longer period (7-8 years) for nylon prostheses.


The price range for dental prosthetics is huge and depends on a number of components.

Firstly, this is the amount of work. If you need to compensate for the loss of one tooth, it is one thing and quite another to provide prosthetics for significant defects in the dentition. The cost of clasp dentures is significantly influenced by the qualifications of the dental technician.

Secondly, this is the material. The more expensive it is, the higher the price of the final product. The most expensive dental materials are ceramics and metal-ceramics, most often used for fixed dentures. The cheapest removable dentures made of plastic. The cost of clasp dentures and acrylic dentures will be higher.

Obviously, it is impossible to single out one type of prosthetics and call it the best. There are many individual clinical cases, as well as financial situations, in which the orthopedic surgeon and the patient must jointly find a compromise solution.

Most often, dental problems arise due to bad habits, hereditary predisposition and poor oral hygiene. Today, the loss of natural teeth is not a problem, thanks to the fact that modern dentures or bridges can be installed in their place.

The patient's new smile depends on what dentures the patient chooses - partial, removable or fixed. That is why each type of dental prosthetics must be studied in as much detail as possible, weighing the pros and cons. It is also useful to look at photos and videos of all types of dental prosthetics.

Objectives of dentures

Dental prosthetics means restoring their functions in whole or in part. That is, lost or severely damaged teeth can be easily replaced with dentures, characterized as removable, partial or fixed.

The purpose of dentures is to return the oral cavity to the state that is necessary for its normal functioning. The absence of even a small edge of a tooth negatively affects the entire jaw and displaces the entire dentition. Such changes can disrupt the bite, which is reflected in the face, often making it less attractive.

The absence of one or more teeth entails a change in diction. A smile defect also negatively affects a person’s self-esteem, becoming the cause of many complexes.

That is why it is possible to install one denture or several. Thanks to the variety of designs, you can choose the most optimal type of dental prosthetics.

Let us note that dentures (partial and complete) come in a variety of varieties - removable and non-removable, cheaper and more expensive. Partial dentures will help hide dental imperfections - unevenness, chips, cracks. Partial dentures are the most financially accessible. Photos of partial implants, as well as removable and other types of bridges are presented in the article.

What are the indications and contraindications?

As for the indications for prosthetics, they include:

  • destruction of the crown, in which the roots are preserved in a strong and motionless state;
  • malformation of enamel, where its intensive abrasion is observed;
  • adentia, characterized as primary or secondary;
  • complete absence of teeth in the entire oral cavity.

Before you start planning dental prosthetics, make sure there are no contraindications to the procedure:

  • poor oral hygiene;
  • the presence of stomatitis of any classification;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • neuropsychiatric disorders;
  • lack of jaw bone volume.

Types of fixed products

Fixed dentures are used when the patient has lost only a few teeth (see also: new generation fixed dentures: types of prosthetics and photos). Often these prostheses are used to hide frontal defects. With the help of fixed prosthetics, you can change the color of the enamel and the shape of the incisors, or strengthen them after treatment. The following types of dentures exist:

  • crowns, which are placed on both natural teeth and artificial ones;
  • structures characterized as bridge-like;
  • partial (inlay) type dentures used as fillings;
  • veneers and luminars.

Installation of crowns

In the manufacturing process of prosthetic structures such as crowns, different materials are used. Each of them has its own characteristics and is distinguished by different indicators of strength and aesthetics. Costs vary depending on the material used to make the crown. More often, a material such as cobalt-chromium alloy is used to make crowns. Crowns made of metal-free ceramics and metal-ceramics are no less in demand.

Installation of metal-ceramic crowns is possible for any teeth - both incisors and chewing teeth. This class of crowns is the most popular, as it has a reasonable price and considerable attractiveness. With their help, you can even replace your front teeth with prosthetics.

A metal-ceramic crown contains a metal frame covered with a ceramic layer. This layer is not transparent, so for patients who have transparent tooth enamel on their front teeth, metal-ceramic dentures are not suitable. Such dentures are very different from natural teeth, which attracts attention and does not look very presentable. Metal ceramics are better suited for chewing teeth.

The best option for prosthetics of the upper front teeth are ceramic crowns made from porcelain. The material has excellent color properties and is able to “disguise” as well as natural teeth, both in the color of the enamel and in its transparency.

There are also crowns made entirely of metal. Of course, they cannot boast of aesthetics, so they are installed only on chewing teeth - they are invisible when talking and smiling. The biggest advantage of this option of crowns is that the tooth is ground down much less before their installation, compared to metal-ceramic products.

New generations of implants

The most modern method of dental prosthetics is the installation of modern dentures, which are called new generation implants. This method of prosthetics involves implanting a special root made of artificial material into the bone. This root is necessary as a reliable support on which the crown or prosthesis will be held.

The advantage of new generation implants is that chewing function is restored almost completely. These implants have good attractiveness, due to which they can be placed even in the front. Dentures from the new generation follow the anatomical shape of the tooth and do not harm the teeth in the neighborhood. Attaching restorative implants is possible when treating both lower and upper teeth.

What is microprosthetics?

Microprosthetics involves a procedure in which a special shell, a veneer, is applied to a defective tooth. They are made from materials such as porcelain or ceramics. The tooth, placed in a porcelain or ceramic shell, becomes full and aesthetically attractive again. The main advantage of veneers is that before installation, the tooth is not completely worn down and remains alive.

In addition to veneers, the process of microprosthetics involves the use of so-called inlays (partial dentures). They make teeth stronger and are used in the form of a filling, due to which, after installing such inlays, it is necessary to treat the tooth and install a crown (we recommend reading: how is a tooth prepared for the installation of an inlay and further prosthetics?).

Classification of removable dentures

Almost all removable structures differ from the previous ones in that they can be easily removed and then inserted back yourself. Such dentures must be removed before going to bed and when brushing your teeth, since removable dentures are difficult to secure to the jaw. There is only one type of removable dentures that fit well in the oral cavity - clasp insert structures (we recommend reading: what types of clasp dentures are there?).

The use of removable bridges is used if the patient has a large gap in the dentition or no teeth at all.

There are such types of dentures and bridges as:

  • lamellar;
  • clasp

Partially removable

The products are installed on patients who cannot be fitted with another type of prosthesis. To install partial dentures, you must have several natural teeth in your mouth - your own teeth support the removable structure.

Often dentures, characterized as partially removable, are used to replace several teeth at once. Moreover, they can be attached both from below and from above without any problems. The structures can be installed at almost any age. Photos of partial dentures will help in choosing prosthetics.


Fully removable dentures are made from materials such as acrylic and nylon. Such dentures are a solid plate on which there is the required number of teeth along with simulated gums. Dental jaws made of acrylic have an attractive price, due to which they are often used by elderly people with complete edentia. They must be removed at night, as sleeping with such dentures is not comfortable.

As for nylon dentures, they have more advantages than acrylic ones: they are more comfortable to wear and even at night they can be left on. However, nylon dentures often become deformed from chewing, which occurs over time.

The highest quality and most durable are clasp removable dentures, photos of which are presented in the article. They are distinguished by their attractive appearance and ease of use. Due to the fact that clasp dentures have a very high cost, not everyone can afford them.

Pros and cons of types of prostheses

Each type of prosthesis has its own advantages and disadvantages. When planning this type of procedure and determining which option is better, it is necessary to take into account every plus and minus.

Fixed prosthetics are popular because they can help you regain lost teeth for some reason. This type of prosthetics has the following advantages:

  • highly reliable fastening;
  • use of high-quality equipment during installation;
  • convenience during use;
  • high aesthetics;
  • usual care, similar to caring for your teeth.

Disadvantages of fixed prostheses:

  • installation complexity;
  • not suitable for patients without many teeth.

As for removable dentures, they have the following advantages:

  • external attractiveness;
  • good cost, which allows them to be used by a large number of patients;
  • 100% versatility.

About the disadvantages of this type of prosthetics:

The patient decides which prosthesis is best to install, taking into account all the indicators of each individual type. Before choosing dentures, it is very useful to watch a video about these designs.

Material of manufacture

The materials used for the manufacture of various types of dentures must be highly resistant to food and saliva. In addition, it is better if they have ideal compatibility with the tissues in the human oral cavity. The materials must have excellent hypoallergenic properties, as well as all other indicators inherent in natural teeth.

Pay attention to the appearance of the dentures - it should be as similar as possible to the patient’s teeth. Let us remind you that dentures are made of metal-ceramics, ceramics and plastic.

Criteria for choosing a clinic for high-quality prosthetics

Having decided which artificial teeth are best to install, we proceed to choosing a clinic for this procedure. When choosing a clinic for dental treatment through prosthetics, pay attention to how many years it has been offering its clients this type of service. Wholesale is the main indicator of reliability and quality of services. It is useful to study reviews about the selected clinic and its leading specialists.

When choosing a medical facility, pay attention to the cost of dental prosthetics. The high cost of a dental price list does not always indicate 100% quality.

If, after prosthetics, for example, the upper tooth moves, this means that you need to urgently consult a doctor. This may indicate unreliable attachment of the prosthesis to the gum.