Knee pain and aching: causes and treatment. Unpleasant sensations in the knee when walking Chronic knee pain

The knee is complex and one of the most mobile and stressed joints in the human body, so it is not surprising that the knee mechanism breaks down one day. The knee begins to give the first signals in the form of short-term arthralgia - quickly passing pain: such symptoms are familiar to many people from a young age. But in old age, knee pain ceases to be a small, harmless nuisance: it becomes difficult to walk, go up and down stairs, and gait becomes like rearranging the legs of a compass. Surely everyone has seen such people.

Therefore, if your knee hurts, you need to think about it from a young age.

How exactly your knee hurts is important

All knee pain can be roughly divided according to its duration, intensity, nature and causes.

Depending on their duration, they can be divided into three categories:

  • short-term, passing in a few days;
  • long-term (can last three months or more);
  • chronic (lasting constantly, with short shortening intervals of remission).

According to the intensity of pain, they are divided into weak, moderate, strong, and intense.

The nature:

  • pulling, aching;
  • sharp sudden;
  • shooting;
  • pulsating, etc.

The intensity and color of pain is extremely important for diagnosis, since pain analysis allows us to suspect the presence of not only a certain pathology, but also to determine the areas affected by it and the stage of development.

Short-term pain

Which person hasn't had knee pain from time to time? Short-term pain may result from:

  • physical activity;
  • sudden amplitude movements reaching critical points of joint limitation;
  • prolonged immobile position (sitting, squatting, kneeling);
  • walking in high heels;

Such pain is the result of a muscle or tendon strain, and usually goes away without treatment, or with the help of simple procedures: massage, kneading actions, gymnastics. Sometimes just lying down is enough to relieve the stress on your knee.

When it hurts seriously

  1. Acute, sudden pain in the knee that does not go away for several hours is a signal to immediately consult a doctor, as it may be associated with injury.
  2. Long-lasting pain in the knee joint, not associated with a previous injury, indicates: degenerative-dystrophic or inflammatory (possibly infectious, autoimmune, reactive) processes occurring in the joint or in its ligaments, tendons and bursae; the formation of microtraumas in the meniscus or ligaments under the influence of fatigue stress, which often occurs in athletes.
  3. Chronic, almost constant pain, usually combined with a limited range of motion, when the knee cannot be bent 90 degrees, are signs of advanced arthropathy.

33 Most Important Causes of Knee Pain

If your knees hurt, the reasons can be very serious.

Pain may result from:

  • traumatic or pre-traumatic condition of the knee;
  • a consequence of hidden processes: gonarthrosis and periarthrosis;
  • atritis and periarthritis;
  • osteopathy and osteochondropathy.

Behind each name is a number of diseases with their own specifics. Let's look at the most common causes of knee pain.

Knee injuries

Injuries (dislocation, fracture, torn meniscus, sprained/torn ligaments, etc.) are one of the most common problems in sports, as well as in childhood/adolescence.

Meniscus tear

Meniscopathy when ruptured manifests itself:

  • sudden sharp pain;
  • joint blockade;
  • pain when pressing on the groove between the tibia and the kneecap;
  • swelling, sometimes aggravated by hemarthrosis (bleeding into the joint capsule).

The torn one must be removed, since its flap, when moving, rubs against the cartilage tissue of the joint and gradually destroys it. This process is called chondromalacia.

Ligament rupture is accompanied by:

  • pain and swelling;
  • a characteristic crack from a torn ligament;
  • knee stability problems;
  • with an injury to the anterior cruciate ligament, the lower leg moves forward;
  • in case of injury to the posterior cruciate ligament - backwards.

A triad injury is possible with simultaneous rupture of both ligaments and the medial meniscus with aggravated symptoms: pain, blockage and instability.


In second place in terms of prevalence is degenerative-dystrophic disease (), which gradually mutilates and deforms the joint.

Initial symptoms:

  • mild pain in the knees after exercise;
  • after a long period of absence of movement, especially in a sitting position, the knee joints become stiff and they have to be “walked”;
  • when periarthrosis begins, the first manifestations of synovitis are possible: the knee swells evenly due to the synovial fluid accumulating inside the joint capsule.

In the future, with the progression of gonarthrosis, the following is observed:

  • increased pain, morning stiffness;
  • when moving, a dull crunching sound appears;
  • the knee is deformed with thickening of the subchondral bone;
  • due to the narrowing of the interarticular space, the free movement of the knee and the elevation angle are increasingly limited;
  • synovitis becomes frequent and more pronounced, and can lead to a Baker's cyst - an accumulation of fluid in the posterior popliteal region

Late arthrosis of the knee can be determined by:

  • for unrelenting night pain; lameness;
  • axial deformation of the thigh and lower leg (X-shaped legs);
  • tuberous surface of the knee due to replacement of cartilage with calcium deposits;
  • ossification of ligaments;
  • myopathies.

Arthritis of the knee joint

Arthrosis is most often an age-related disease, but if the knee joints hurt in adolescence and childhood, then arthritis may be the cause.

Arthritis is a systemic disease that affects not only the joints, but the entire body.

The main differences between arthritis and arthrosis are:

  • Painful attacks at night/morning that go away with the onset of movement (with arthrosis, pain, on the contrary, intensifies with movement).
  • Aching nature of the pain.
  • Temperature rises to 38 - 40˚.
  • The skin surface over the joint may be swollen, red, and hot to the touch.

General poor health is caused by intoxication due to inflammatory infections that are the cause of arthritis.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is the most threatening form of arthritis, affecting the cardiovascular, nervous, urinary systems, hematopoietic organs, vision, etc.

It destroys joints symmetrically and multiple times, turning into polyarthritis. The joints of the knees are less commonly affected than the small joints of the hands and feet, where rheumatoid arthritis usually begins. People more often suffer from rheumatoid arthritis in their youth and young years. The disease is accompanied by a number of syndromes (Still, Felty, pseudoseptic, allergic septic), manifested in increased leukocytes, ESR, fever, rash, enlarged spleen, etc.

Reactive arthritis

Reactive arthritis causes unilateral damage and is rapid in nature, quickly starting and ending in one joint and literally flying to another. Joint symptoms (pain, swelling, redness of the skin) appear late, after recovery from an infectious disease (flu, chickenpox, rubella, etc.) occurs.

Infectious arthritis

It is characterized by a violent onset, fever and deterioration of well-being caused by general intoxication. It is provoked by staphylococcal and streptococcal infections, as well as gonococci, meningococci, and gram-negative intestinal bacteria. The pain in the joints is acute, accompanied by high fever, and radiates to other areas. In children, an infectious-allergic form is most often observed with skin rashes, conjunctivitis, and Quincke's edema.


Gout rarely affects the knee, usually concentrated in the feet. It begins suddenly with very intense pain, often at night. The skin over the joint turns red, and soon tophi form on it - protruding formations consisting of urate salts. The cause of gout lies in the increased content of uric acid in the blood - this is due to impaired metabolism.

Psoriatic arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis manifests itself as severely swollen joints, thickened bones, and the appearance of characteristic white, itchy, scaly patches on the skin of the body and scalp. It is less common in the knee joints than in the arm joints.


Osteoarthritis is an inflammatory process caused by arthrosis, so it combines the symptoms of both diseases: pain with movement and rest, swelling and redness, deformation, crunching, periarthritis, etc. It develops slowly, joining already existing arthrosis.

Traumatic arthritis

Traumatic arthritis has a hidden course: sometimes it manifests itself years after the injury. The main sign of post-traumatic injuries: constant aching pain at the site of injury; crunching, swelling of the joint.

Inflammation of the periarticular tissues of the knee joint

The knees hurt not so much because of the deformation of the joint, but because of the inflammation of its soft tissues (muscles, membranes, ligaments, tendons). It is periarthritis that causes swelling.


The most common cause of swelling in the knee joints is synovitis.

Distinctive signs of synovitis:

  • uniform smooth swelling of the knee;
  • pain when palpating the knee and moving;
  • in acute purulent or purulent-hemorrhagic form (septic synovitis), fever, nausea, and weakness are possible.

Septic synovitis requires urgent puncture with evacuation of liquid contents from the joint cavity.

Baker's cyst

In some cases, synovial fluid collects in the posterior folds of the joint capsule, forming a Baker's cyst in the form of a ball in the popliteal fossa. In this case, the area of ​​the knee behind swells, and when you try to bend it, posterior surface pain occurs. If the pain radiates to neighboring areas and is accompanied by tingling or numbness, this indicates compression of the peripheral nerve by the cyst.

The rupture of a cyst is accompanied by sharp, intense pain, increased swelling, redness of the skin and high fever. This requires urgent aspiration (puncture).


Tendinitis is inflammation of the tendons. If your knees hurt after constant training or hard work, then it is quite possible that the tendons are inflamed. The most common tendinitis is the kneecap's own ligament. This disease is not only a sports disease: a good half of people have knee pain not so much from osteoarthropathy as from tendon-ligament inflammation, that is, periarthritis. And the reasons for this are simple:

  • age-related tissue fibrosis with the appearance of pseudocysts;
  • flat feet;
  • dislocation of the knee joint;
  • knee stability problems;
  • myofascial syndrome of the muscles of the posterior surface of the thigh, in which a forced change in the anatomical position of the kneecap occurs.

Knee tendinitis is almost always observed with any injury and often accompanies knee arthrosis.

Signs that your knee hurts due to tendinitis:

  1. Tendinitis in the initial stages manifests itself as a dull pain under the kneecap and near the condylar tubercle of the tibia.
  2. At first, pain occurs only after movements or exertion, but then it begins to accompany all movements and becomes more and more intense.
  3. Tension and stiffness arise in the knee, making it more difficult to straighten.

Test for knee tendinitis

The following test allows you to diagnose a partial or complete ligament tear:

  • While sitting or lying down with your knee bent, wrap your arms around it.
  • Try to straighten your knee while resisting with your hands using the PIRM method.

If, when you try to straighten your knee, pain occurs under the kneecap or near the tubercle on the outside of the knee, this indicates possible inflammation of the tendon.

Knee bursitis

Bursitis is an inflammation of the tendon bags that attach the muscles to the bones of the joints.

In contrast, synovitis of the knee, which always manifests itself in the form of evenly distributed swelling around the knee (the exception is Baker's cyst), produces localized swelling (one or several) in the peri-knee area. The position of the edema corresponds to the topography of the tendon bursa, of which there are a lot in the knee joint: there are ten main ones. If the bursa is deep, the swelling may not be visualized.

Symptoms depend on which bursa is affected.

Osteopathy and osteochondropathy

If degenerative processes affect the kneecap itself, we are talking about chondropathy.

Chondropathy of the patella occurs with constant physical activity, and can also be a consequence of a knee fracture. It is diagnosed by severe pain, a crunch in the knee, and the inability to lean on the affected leg.

Osteopathies (osteoporosis, osteomyelitis) are systemic, difficult-to-treat pathologies.

Osteoporosis mainly affects older people, especially women. It is accompanied by aching chronic pain and a continuous decrease in bone density, which can lead to a traumatic knee fracture - this injury ranks second among osteoporotic fractures in old age after a hip fracture.

is a rare infectious bone disease that affects the bone marrow.

It begins acutely with severe pain in the joint area, its swelling, redness of the skin, and temperature up to 40. Then the disease becomes latent and can be practically asymptomatic in the initial stages. In the later stages, purulent abscesses begin with penetration into the surrounding tissues.

Joint pain can also be caused by many diseases; it is impossible to talk about them all in one article. It presents the most common causes of pain in the knee joints.

How to treat knee pain

The causes and treatment of knee joint pain are closely related. It is impossible to give the same scheme for all pathologies.

What to do if your knee suddenly hurts

Do not try to diagnose sudden onset of acute knee pain yourself. Even if it subsides, you should definitely visit an orthopedist and get a diagnosis. This primarily concerns knee injuries. Only a doctor can decide how to treat the knee joint.

In case of traumatic injury, first aid is provided in the form of immobilization of the knee using a tight bandage or orthosis. Before visiting a doctor, you can apply the bandage yourself at home and relieve any stress on the knee.

If a dislocation occurs, the orthopedist will simply straighten the knee. A fracture of the kneecap, a torn meniscus, or may require surgery, after which the doctor will also immobilize the knee with an orthopedic piece and prescribe a rehabilitation regimen.

If a sharp pain occurs for no reason and is accompanied by general incomprehensible symptoms, the orthopedist should redirect the patient to a rheumatologist.

What to do if your knee hurts all the time

It is necessary to consult a rheumatologist:

  • with constant pain of any nature that does not go away for two months or more;
  • emerging motor dysfunctions;
  • the appearance of swelling and redness in the knee area;
  • the appearance of non-articular symptoms (fever, nausea, rash, diseases of the eyes and other organs) accompanying knee pain or appearing after it.

Diagnosis of knee pain

First, a regular x-ray is done.

Based on the results, the doctor may prescribe the following types of research:

  • CT or MRI.
  • Densimetry;
  • Arthroscopy (for synovitis, Baker's cyst, damage to the meniscus and ligaments).

Laboratory diagnostics are carried out:

  • general and biochemical blood test with rheumatic factor testing;
  • bacterial analysis (if infectious arthritis is suspected), etc.

Relief of pain in the knee joint

Pain during exacerbation of arthropathy (degenerative-inflammatory process in the knees) is relieved:

  • NSAIDs (diclofenac, nimesil, ketonal, etc.).
  • Post-traumatic pain is treated with novocaine/lidocaine blockade.
  • To reduce spasm of the femoral and tibial muscles, antispasmodics (mydocalm, sirlalud) are prescribed.

Relieving swelling in the knee

  • The formation of effusion in the joint area during synovitis is reduced by injections of glucocorticosteroids (hydrocortisone/dexamethasone).
  • In an emergency, fluid is evacuated from the joint (aspiration).
  • Chronic synovitis can be treated with proteolytics (trypsin/lysozyme).

Treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes

For infectious arthritis, differentiated antibacterial therapy is carried out taking into account the identified pathogen and the selection of the desired antibiotic.

Rheumatoid arthritis requires long-term complex treatment using basic drugs (methotrexate/sulfasalazine), immunosuppressants (cyclophosphomide/cyclosporine) and modern means of genetic engineering biology.

Thanks to the knee joint, a person can move, squat, turn and perform many other actions. This is possible due to the special structure of the knee. It is formed by bones, cartilage, ligaments, muscles and tendons. Being a complex mechanism, the knee joint is susceptible to injury and may fail. Disturbances in the structure lead to discomfort, crunching and pain appearing in the knee when moving.

Structure of the knee joint

Discomfort in the knee joint can occur due to many reasons. To know the cause of knee discomfort, you must first become familiar with its anatomy. The knee joint is formed by the femur and tibia, as well as a small round bone - the patella.

The surfaces of articulating bones are covered with cartilage. Cartilage provides a smooth and durable sliding surface that allows for ease of movement. The bones at their junctions have articular surfaces called condyles. The condyles are covered with special cartilage tissue. The end of the femur has a peculiar spherical thickening that forms a movable joint.

The spherical shape of the bone should fit into the depression in the other articulating bone. But the tibia does not have such a depression. The end of this bone is called the tibial plateau. The round bone puts too much pressure on the flat bone, so it is necessary to distribute the load. This function is performed by the menisci: internal (medial) and external (lateral).

The meniscus is an additional cartilage pad that performs a shock-absorbing function. The menisci are located on the tibial plateau. They are shaped like the letter “C”. The meniscus has a posterior horn, a body and an anterior horn. The meniscus lacks nerve endings and blood vessels, which allows you to walk on your foot painlessly.

The bones are connected to each other by ligaments. They connect the femur and tibia, and also limit the range of motion in the knee. Within the joint itself there are two ligaments: the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments. It is also held together by ligaments on the sides. On the inner side there is the medial collateral ligament, and on the outer side there is the lateral collateral ligament. The cruciate ligaments limit the movement of the limb back and forth, and the lateral ligament limits the movement of the limb from side to side.

The joint is hermetically covered with a dense capsule that protects it from various damages. The inside of the capsule is covered with a synovial membrane, which produces a special fluid necessary to lubricate and nourish the knee.

How is the classical one performed?
Cupping back massage.

Symptoms and causes of joint discomfort

Knee discomfort may occur due to unusually long periods of standing or strain. As a rule, the feeling of fatigue or aching pain disappears the next day. But it is necessary to know the symptoms of serious joint diseases, so that if they appear, recognize the presence of the disease and consult a doctor. Symptoms that should not be ignored include the following.

  1. Morning stiffness. Discomfort in the knees after sleep or when rising from a sitting position may indicate the presence of diseases.
  2. Pain. Aching pain, which initially occurs only at the end of the working day, over time can develop into attacks of acute pain.
  3. Induration and swelling in the area of ​​the affected joints.
  4. Local and general increase in temperature. An inflammatory process of an infectious nature can manifest itself as a severe cold.

There can be many reasons why knees suffer. Injuries can cause joint discomfort. Excessive stress and improper weight distribution can seriously injure the joint. In addition, turning the leg, when, for example, the foot does not lift off the floor, and at the same time the whole body is rotated, can damage the ligaments and menisci in the knee. The presence of damage may be indicated by acute pain at the time of injury, redness and swelling.

An infection that enters the knee through the bloodstream, or if any surgical intervention has been performed, can also cause inflammation and pain. An infection such as staphylococcus can cause a peculiar reaction in the body. The body, fighting a hostile microorganism, begins to secrete antibodies that attack its own cells.

Foot diseases that damage the joints are also the most common cause of joint problems. The cartilage of the joint does not receive proper nutrition and depletes over time. As a result, a disease such as arthrosis may develop, in which degenerative processes in cartilage tissue can lead to disability.

A disease such as varicose veins leads to impaired blood circulation in the legs.

Joint diseases

The most common joint disease is arthrosis (osteoarthrosis).

Arthrosis is a non-inflammatory disease in which the cartilage tissue of the joint is gradually destroyed. Most often, it affects older people, since over time the cartilage tissue wears off, and the process of formation of new cells in older people is slowed down.

The main cause of arthrosis is a violation of metabolic processes in the body. The body does not receive, or cannot properly distribute, beneficial substances, as a result of which the composition of the synovial fluid that nourishes the joint changes. The cartilage “starves”, dries out, and friction appears between the articular surfaces. Under mechanical stress, the cartilage wears off, the cracks become larger, and it collapses. At the first stage of the disease, when the cartilage tissue has not yet been destroyed, the knee can be saved. But in the later stages it is no longer possible to restore cartilage.

Arthritis is an inflammatory disease of the joints, accompanied by fever, swelling and pain when moving. There are several types of arthritis: osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. Osteoarthritis occurs due to metabolic disorders in the body, the joints wear out and become inflamed. Rheumatoid arthritis occurs due to a breakdown in the immune system when the body begins to attack its own cells.

In people who are actively involved in sports, a common problem is damage or rupture of ligaments. Lack of warm-up, sudden movements or loads beyond their capabilities lead to the fact that the joint cannot withstand and is injured.

Restoring joint mobility

To treat degenerative processes of cartilage tissue, drugs are needed that accelerate the healing process and the formation of new healthy cells. Such drugs are chondroprotectors. They help strengthen the joint, prevent tissue destruction, relieve pain, inflammation and swelling.

The chondroprotector “Joint Comfort” has proven itself on the market. In fact, “Joint Comfort” is not a medicine, but a dietary supplement (dietary supplement). “Joint Comfort” contains all the necessary substances and microelements that will help prevent the occurrence of degenerative processes and ensure healthy joints for many years.

Substances Action
Chondroitin sulfate. A substance necessary for the formation of cartilage tissue. It also participates in the formation of other tissues (ligaments, joint capsule tissue), prevents the leaching of calcium from the body, and increases the elasticity of bone and cartilage tissue.
Glucosamine. Another substance that is part of cartilage, ligaments and synovial fluid. It is necessary for the nutrition and restoration of cartilage, as well as for the production of substances such as collagen.
Pantothenic acid. Helps prevent stiffness in joints in the morning, relieves pain, improves metabolic processes and digestibility of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, gives cartilage strength and elasticity.

Glucosamine and N-acetylglucosamine are natural substances, the source of which is the shell of marine crustaceans (shrimp, crabs). These substances are involved in the formation of hyaluaronic acid, the main element from which cartilage is formed. In addition, “Joint Comfort” also contains elements such as boron, manganese, magnesium, and molybdenum. It also contains hyaluronic acid, microhydrin, glutathione, etc.

“Joint comfort” take 1 capsule 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 3 months.

Article publication date: 02/12/2013

Article updated date: 12/01/2018

Suddenly my knee hurt. Why? How serious is this? Many of us ask ourselves these questions sooner or later. According to statistics, over 50% of humanity faces joint diseases, and all kinds of knee damage are among the most common problems. If you are worried about pain in the knee joint, the causes of its occurrence must be determined first.

Treatment of knee pain is one of the most important areas in arthrology*

*Arthrology is a branch of medicine that studies joints and their diseases.

Main causes of knee pain

As a rule, pain is a symptom of damage to the joints themselves, but this is not always the case. Here are the main reasons why pain often occurs:

  • Osteoarthritis of the knee joint (gonarthrosis) is a degenerative process of destruction of articular tissues, which, over a long period of time, causes deformation and deprives the joint of mobility.
  • Arthritis of the knee joint (gonarthritis, gonitis) is an inflammatory disease. It can be either an independent pathology or a symptom or complication of other diseases.
  • Meniscopathy – . It manifests itself as a sharp pain that occurs after an injury (sometimes very minor - one awkward movement). If left untreated, the problem becomes chronic and can become a cause.
  • Vascular pain is not a joint pathology, but up to 10% of patients see orthopedists with such a problem. Discomfort occurs due to poor circulation in the joints and can accompany a person throughout his life.
  • (periarthritis) - manifests itself as discomfort in the area of ​​the inner side of the knee, which intensifies when going up and down the stairs. Most often, women over 40 years of age who are overweight are affected.
  • “Referred” pain in (coxarthrosis). In this case, the knees themselves do not suffer, the range of motion in them does not decrease, and no changes are visible on x-rays. Similar symptoms develop in 3–4% of patients suffering from coxarthrosis.

The causes of pain can be guessed by their nature. Dull, chronic pain that occurs during movements and intensifies in the morning after waking up are signs of arthrosis.

If there is swelling in the sore spot and a local increase in temperature (the knee feels hot to the touch), this is most likely arthritis.

Constant or frequent (especially at night) aching pain may be a sign of thrombosis of the leg veins. This is a quite serious and even life-threatening pathology. Therefore, with such a symptom, consult a doctor immediately!

If severe pain occurs suddenly and unexpectedly, the meniscus may be damaged.

Symmetrical severe pain can occur with rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis and other general diseases of the body.

How to get rid of pain

Without treating the underlying disease, it will not be possible to get rid of discomfort. Therefore, a visit to the doctor is a top priority. After the diagnosis is established, the patient is prescribed therapy appropriate to his disease, and, if necessary, painkillers are prescribed.

There are cases when immediate consultation with a doctor is required:

  • unexpected sharp pain in the knee joint, up to the inability to step on the leg;
  • pain arising after injury, which is accompanied by knee deformation;
  • discomfort in the knee with a simultaneous increase in body temperature.

Warming ointments and compresses that you can prepare at home have a good pain-relieving effect. Here are some proven recipes:

    Mix a teaspoon of salt with a teaspoon of baking soda. Add 7 drops of iodine to this mixture. Steam your knees and apply the resulting mixture to them. Wrap your feet for 15 minutes, then rinse the mixture with water and lubricate the affected areas with vitamin cream. You will feel the positive effect after 5 – 6 procedures.

    Mix 100 grams of dry mustard and 100 grams of camphor oil. Whisk 2 egg whites and add them to the mixture. At night, apply the resulting mixture and wrap your knees with a woolen cloth. Use until the pain subsides.

    Tincture of bitter pepper. Cut the pods and place in a container, filling half of its volume. Next, fill the container completely with alcohol or vodka and leave for a week. After this, use it as a rub.

    You can prepare golden mustache tincture yourself or buy it at a pharmacy. Use as a rub at night.

    Applying fresh birch, horseradish and burdock leaves to the knee joints provides some pain relief. Use several times a day.

Massage and therapeutic exercises will also help you. Massage will improve blood circulation and relieve stiffness in movements. Gymnastics will strengthen the muscle corset.

Depending on the disease and its stage, the doctor will prescribe a complex of physical therapy. During classes, there is no need to strive to break records - a gradual and small increase in load will bring more benefit. The exercises are performed smoothly and slowly: they are aimed at working the muscles near the knee, causing them to relax, improving blood circulation, which helps reduce pain.

It is equally important to follow a diet - eating plant-based foods rich in vitamins, fish dishes and seafood helps restore articular cartilage. And, of course, when the pain can be overcome, we must try to make sure that it does not return: lead a healthy lifestyle, strengthen the body and not subject it to excessive stress.

Owner and responsible for the site and content: Afinogenov Alexey.

Failure of any part of the locomotor organs, especially the knees, leads to disruption of movement and balance of the body. Pain during movement of the knee joint (flexion, extension, internal plus lateral rotation, rotation, elevation and lowering) can occur under different circumstances and under the influence of different factors. The strength of the pain syndrome, as well as its duration, differs depending on the depth of the lesion, etiology and pathogenesis of the pathology.

Painful sensations and a specific crunch most often occur after physical exertion, injury, or against the background of chronic somatic pathologies. After carrying out therapeutic therapy and eliminating the main cause that is the source of the pathology, pain and limitation of movement disappear. Otherwise, the prognosis is not encouraging: complete or partial paralysis of the organ of movement can lead to lifelong disability .

The anatomical design of the knee joint has its own characteristics, which respond to pain with any change. The knee joint consists of a bony structure of the femur and tibia plus the patella. The marginal shape of each bone is equipped with condyles, their thickened shape and a certain relief create conditions for ideal biomechanics, stable balance of the body in a horizontal position, as well as safe movement with joint depreciation. The bones are reinforced with each other by a special plexus of soft tissues.

The muscles and their tendons that hold the knee joint together are directed both from the side of the thigh and from the side of the leg. On the side of the thigh comes the gracilis plus adductor magnus, as well as the biceps femoris, semitendinosus and semimembranosus. The most powerful muscle of the articular knee structure is the quadriceps, in turn it is divided into 4 muscle heads: rectus, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis + vastus intermedius. The creation of the knee joint also involves the sartorius, gracilis, adductor, biceps femoris, semitendinosus + semimembranosus, as well as the triceps surae and popliteus muscles. Their combined plexus creates strength, mobility and mobility of the lower extremities.

Attention! Forced violation of the integrity of the articulation genus such as rupture, impact, inflammation, destruction or infection leads to the development of pain with limited motor function.

Inside the articulatio genus, that is, the internal space of the joint consists of periosteal cartilaginous tissue, cruciate ligament, menisci, and synovial bursa. The blood supply and innervation of the knee joint is carried out through many complex plexuses. The sciatic, peroneal, tibial plus peroneal nerves provide sensation to the anterior and medial aspect of the knee. The posterior part is provided with sensitivity by the tibial nerve and its branches.

To the meniscus along its peripheral part of the cartilaginous plate and inside it, plexuses of nerves and vessels (meat and soft nerve fibers) arrive. When the menisci are injured, an acute pain syndrome develops, because the menisci are quite sensitive. As dystrophic processes develop in the articulation genus, the pain increases and becomes permanent, and the organ itself loses its functionality plus the ability to move.

Risk factors and warning symptoms

Pain in the knee joints develops as a result of certain risk factors involving special conditions associated with the general condition of the body, lifestyle, plus harmful environmental factors. The risk group for articulatio genus pathologies accompanied by pain is made up of people with:

  1. genetic abnormalities;
  2. abnormalities in the development of cartilage and connective tissue;
  3. patients with pathologies of the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system;
  4. neurodysfunctions;
  5. obesity II, III – IV degrees;
  6. diseases of the endocrine glands (thyrotoxicosis, hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, acromegaly, adrenal dysfunction);
  7. pathologies of the kidneys and liver (pyelonephritis, renal failure, urolithiasis, hepatitis B + C);
  8. allergic reactions to various agents;
  9. bronchial asthma;
  10. reactive pathologies of the immune system.

An alarming symptom of knee joint pathology is a crunching sound during biomechanical actions such as flexion, extension or rotation. This symptom indicates destruction of the joint, that is, a disruption of metabolic processes, abrasion of the periosteal cartilaginous plate from the distal areas of the bones, plus thickening of the joint capsules with poor production of synovial fluid. Excess weight with excessive load on the knee joints or constant motor use of the lower extremities gradually destroy the shock-absorbing structure of the locomotor organs, leading to destructive processes.

The causes leading to gonarthrosis or pain in the knee joints can be divided into three large groups, namely:

  1. Infectious-inflammatory type.
  2. Traumatic origin.
  3. Degenerative-dystrophic causes.

Gonarthrosis (inflammatory-destructive arthrosis) affects 65-70% of patients, of the total number of patients suffering from joint pathologies. Rheumatoid arthritis ranks second after arthrosis and arthritis. The mechanism for the development of pain begins from the moment of damage to the cartilaginous periosteal tissue, ligament plexus, accumulation of fluid in the intra-articular space with leakage into the area of ​​neighboring tissues, as well as due to a decrease in synovial lubrication, the ingress of pieces of bone, cartilage tissue, meniscus or other post-traumatic injury between the articular bones. bodies. Acute pain appears after the nerve plexus is pinched as a consequence of injury or disproportionate physical activity.

Causes of inflammation

Most often, inflammation of the articulatio genus (unilateral or bilateral) begins as a result of heavy physical exertion, as well as against the background of other pathologies, leading to the deposition of salts in the joints or leaching of Ca + cartilage. The latter is a trigger for the inflammatory process in the joints of the lower extremities.

Inflammatory diseases, symptoms:

Inflammation of the ligament plexus and muscles of the knee joint (tendinitis)Pathology occurs at a young age (16–28 years), as well as in physically active patients aged 30–45 years. Athletes often get sick. The pain is acute, with variable exacerbations. As inflammation subsides, it becomes aching in nature. At rest, the leg does not hurt; the slightest movement generates a sharp pain that quickly increases. Motor function is partially or completely limited, it all depends on the degree of inflammation.
Arthritis of the knee jointsInflammation of the articuldtio genus occurs suddenly after injury or intoxication. The joint increases in volume, the skin is hyperemic and swollen. The pain syndrome is severe. Motor paralysis appears. A microbial infection may be involved in the process. Once the cause is eliminated, the pain disappears and the functionality of the knee is restored.
Bursitis articulatio genusThe list of causes is identical to arthritis. The clinical picture is completely similar to inflammation of the knee joint. Method of treatment: medication + surgery (puncture of the bursa, emphasis on suppuration/destruction).
Inflammation of certain muscle groups articuldtio genus or myositisStrenuous exercise or long hikes lead to muscle inflammation. A large accumulation of lactic acid in muscle tissue causes an inflammatory reaction in the muscles of the limbs and especially the knee joints. Visually, the volume of the motor organ is increased. On palpation, muscle tightening is felt, the patient reacts to acute pain, trying to remove the doctor’s hand. The general condition of the patient is satisfactory, in some cases the temperature rises locally over the affected tissues and overall throughout the body (up to 38-39 degrees). After drug therapy, the pain disappears, the joint regains its previous shape + functionality.

By eliminating the source of the pathology through medical or surgical treatment, the functional ability of the knee joint is restored, and acute or aching pain disappears completely. If the inflammatory process has involved larger areas and the depth of the lesion is quite large, then motor function can be partially restored. In some cases, surgical restoration of the joint is performed.

Traumatic causes

Any mechanical injuries can lead to gonarthrosis. Bruises, compression, cracks in the bones of the knee, open or closed injuries, as well as a meniscus tear plus bursitis, ligament ruptures, soft tissue contusion are included in the list of traumatic causes. Chemical and physical exposures can also lead to knee pain. This group of causes includes burns and intoxication with toxic substances.

Causes of degenerative-dystrophic nature

We can name several factors that can activate the mechanism of degenerative-dystrophic destruction with partial or irreversible processes in the knees, namely: constant physical activity with lifting weights, excessive sports, injuries of any etiology. As well as a sedentary lifestyle with poor nutrition and stressful situations. And lastly: aging of the human body with disruption of the normal functioning of all systems and organs.

Pathologies causing degeneration and destruction of the knee joint:

  • Arthritis.
  • Arthrosis articulatio genus.
  • Hardening of muscles, ligaments, ligaments, synovial bursae.
  • Many osteophytes replacing the cartilaginous plate.
  • Meniscopathies.
  • Metabolic disease.
  • Dysfunction of the hormonal system.
  • Intoxication of the body with heavy metals.

In place of the abraded cartilage, bare zones appear, that is, bare bone, which, when the joint moves, creates unbearable pain in the knee. After a certain period of time, pointed osteophytes develop in this zone. Gradual deformation of the joint during gonarthrosis leads to a change in the anatomical configuration of the articular structure and to partial or complete paralysis of the motor function of the knee (or knees). Symptoms of destructive gonarthrosis are acute pain and constant crunching of the knee with swelling of the soft tissues.

Advice! Gonarthrosis of the degenerative-destructive type cannot be treated with folk remedies or a medication regimen invented individually, but only on an inpatient basis under the strict guidance of doctors. Self-treatment will lead to lifelong disability!

Diagnosis of pathology and first aid

The final diagnosis of pathology is carried out in a hospital setting. Through laboratory and instrumental studies, the causes of pain and limited biomechanics of the knees are determined. Diagnosis is approached individually, because each case of morbidity has its own source + mechanism of development, so the same studies are not suitable for all patients.

List of diagnostic measures:

  1. Taking general and biochemical blood tests.
  2. General urine test (if pyelonephritis and urolithiasis are suspected, the Zemnitsky + Nichiporenko test is recommended).
  3. Performing tests to detect rheumatoid factor.
  4. X-rays of the knee in three projections
  5. CT plus MRI articuldtio genus to identify the degree of damage to bones, cartilage, and ligamentous-muscular apparatus.

Patients with gonarthrosis of unknown etiology are recommended to consult the following doctors: traumatologist, arthrologist, rheumatologist and endocrinologist. If there is a suspicion of a malignant process in the joints, the patient is referred to an oncologist.

First aid for acute pain in the knee joints is provided at home or when injured. Before the ambulance arrives, the joint must be immobilized, that is, fixed with a splint. Next, an intramuscular injection with an analgesic drug plus one of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Movalis or Dicloberl) is recommended. A cold compress should be placed on the inflamed joint and in no case a warming or vasodilating one. If the injury is open and bleeding, apply a tourniquet above the knee to stop the bleeding.

Diseases of other organs as a cause of pain in the knee

Pain and impaired functional movements of the knee joints are not only the result of inflammation, arthrosis/arthritis or injury, but a complication of concomitant pathologies. After a full course of medical therapy, pain may subside or disappear altogether, it all depends on the remission of somatic diseases.

List of diseases of organs and systems that lead to pain in the knee joint structures:

  • Hepatitis B, C
  • Thyrotoxicosis
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Diabetes
  • Urolithiasis disease
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Crohn's disease
  • Blood disease
  • Strokes

Anamnesis, laboratory plus instrumental studies help determine the cause. Each pathology has its own treatment regimen. It is prescribed by a doctor after receiving research results.

Types of pain

The pain associated with damage to the knee joints is completely different, it depends on the cause, location, involvement of soft tissue and microbial infection, as well as on the degree of destruction of the joint. The nature of the pain can be: sharp, stabbing, aching. By localization: internal, external, front, back of the knee joint, as well as above and below the patella. By type of distribution: pain is strictly localized or radiating to the thigh or lower leg. By duration: temporary, permanent, variable.

How to get rid of knee pain

Before starting medical therapy, the exact cause of the pathology is clarified; having found out the source, we begin to eliminate it and stabilize the general condition. The therapy consists of a complex of drug treatment, physiotherapy (for medical reasons), exercise therapy, massage, plus time-tested folk remedies.


All efforts of treatment are aimed at eliminating the cause of pain, then at treating the underlying disease. At the same time, you can use medications in the form of ointments, gels, and local compresses. In the first days of acute pain, it is recommended to administer medications intravenously or intramuscularly. After subsiding, you can switch to oral administration.

The complex of treatment measures consists of:

  • Pain relief for affected joints.
  • Eliminate inflammation of the knees.
  • Restorative measures of a biomechanical nature, that is, the motor function of the articulatio genus.
  • Treatment of pathology leading to knee pain (the treatment regimen is prescribed by the attending physician or highly specialized specialists such as an endocrinologist, hepatologist, allergist, rheumatologist, arthrologist, oncologist).
  • Increasing the body's resistance.
  • Normalization of metabolism.
  • Hepatoprotectors.
  • Restoring the cartilaginous periosteal layer and normalizing the production of synovial fluid (use of the latest generation chondroprotectors, vitamins B and C, Calcemid D).

Therapeutic gymnastics and massage

Constant passive movements of the sore joint and massage of the inflamed organs of movement will restore the function of the lower extremities in 1-1.5 months. A set of exercises is selected by a physical therapy doctor. The massage is done locally only on the joints of the legs or of a general nature. The use of warming, anti-inflammatory or analgesic ointments will improve blood circulation and metabolism. The course of massage procedures depends on the speed of organ recovery. Plus, these events include a special diet that excludes fried, fatty, sweet, and sour foods. The nutritionist adjusts the menu, adding dishes rich in gelatin in the form of fractional meals. All procedures combined in one course of treatment will eradicate pain and paralysis of the knee joints.

Folk remedies

Grandmother's methods in the form of folk recipes can be used in parallel with drug therapy. All remedies are discussed with the attending physician and applied locally directly to the affected joint. The effect of folk remedies is aimed at eliminating pain + swelling, as well as at warming, which in turn improves blood supply and innervation, intensively nourishing the sore knee.

Popular folk remedies:

  1. Herbal baths: celandine, chamomile, mint, wormwood + ginseng root. The ingredients are taken one spoon at a time, pour 1 liter of boiling water, then brew for 2-3 minutes. At a tolerable temperature, a foot bath is performed.
  2. Baking soda compress: a spoonful of baking soda per 1 liter of boiling water. After generously lubricating the knee with fortified cream, apply a compress overnight.
  3. A compress of moonshine and grated potatoes: half a kilogram of grated potatoes + 0.5 moonshine. It is recommended to keep it for an hour. Repeat 3-4 times a week until pain and swelling disappear.
  4. Honey rub: honey 200g + 100ml vodka + 200g grated horseradish. Let it sit for a day. Rub sore joints 2-5 times a day.

Patients with an increased reaction to certain herbs or substances should refrain from traditional medicine.


For preventive purposes, so that the lower limbs are healthy until old age, it is recommended to adjust the nutritional diet, be careful when moving, excluding injuries, constantly engage in sports, swimming, and walk in the fresh air more often. People over 45 years of age are advised to adjust their hormonal levels of sex hormones, plus eat foods rich in gelatin. Spa treatments are recommended for all patients with musculoskeletal problems. Get examined by your doctor once every six months.

Many people experience discomfort in their knee joints, but some people are bothered by this problem too often, so they wonder whether how to get rid of aching pain in the knees and what to do to prevent it from coming back.

The knee joint has a complex structure because it is formed from several bones: femoral, tibial and patella. The menisci located between the bones serve as a kind of shock absorbers. They prevent bones from rubbing against each other and ensure joint integrity is maintained during physical activity.

In addition to bones, the joint includes muscles and tendons located on the side of the thigh and lower leg.

Damage to any element of the knee joint can lead to pain, the localization of which is difficult to determine. However, any discomfort in the knee is an alarming signal and requires immediate attention to a specialist.

Dystrophic changes in joints

The lifestyle of most people does not allow them to pay due attention to the issues of nutritious and proper nutrition. Snacking on the go and eating unhealthy foods negatively affect the functioning of all body systems and disrupt normal metabolism in the joints.

In addition, the lack of nutrients affects the condition of the cartilage tissue that protects the joint from excessive friction and subsequent destruction.

When cartilage tissue undergoes degeneration, the supply of synovial fluid to the joints is reduced, which serves as a “lubricant” that protects the articular surfaces of the bone from friction during movement, and they are injured when they come into contact with each other.

An optimal diet (4-5 times a day) will allow you to continuously saturate your blood with nutrients, then all organs and systems will receive the components necessary for full functioning on time.

Causes of aching knee pain

There may be several reasons why your knees ache, and they can hurt not only during physical activity, but also at rest or at night. In this case, the joints need immediate treatment, but to answer the question why the knees constantly hurt, only a doctor can.

Joint pain can signal serious illnesses, so it is highly undesirable to limit yourself to taking painkillers in this case. To decide on treatment tactics, you should first find the cause of the pain. Let's look at each of them.


One of the reasons is the inflammatory process in the joint. It can be a consequence of certain diseases:

  • Bursitis. This disease is characterized by inflammation of the joint capsule (bursa), which protects the joint from mechanical damage and infections. In this case, redness and swelling of the limb are noted.
  • Arthritis. This pathology is often the first stage of the development of polyarthritis, affecting several groups of joints. Symptoms of this disease may include the following: redness and swelling, increased pain at night and when the weather changes.
  • Tendinitis. In this case, inflammation of the tendons and ligaments occurs. As a result, the leg swells and appears or runs. The pain may radiate to the thigh or lower leg.
  • Becker's cyst. Inflammation forms on the back of the lower leg, just below the popliteal fossa. It causes pain during movement, and it intensifies when bending the leg.

ATTENTION! Inflammation of the knee joint can be a consequence of the following diseases: gonorrhea, syphilis, tuberculosis, Reiter's disease, coccidioidomycosis.

Inflammation can occur not only due to disease. Other causes of the inflammatory process may be:

  • insect bites and allergic reactions to them;
  • hypothermia;
  • prolonged kneeling or other overload.

Degenerative diseases

Degenerative diseases are characterized by constant, ongoing deterioration of the structure of the affected tissues and organs. Most often, degenerative processes originate in the tissues that form the joints: articular cartilage, ligaments, areas of bone tissue in contact with the fibers of the ligaments.

Symptoms of the disease develop gradually, at first the knee joints just sometimes ache, but over time the pain and discomfort will only intensify, disrupting night sleep and becoming aggravated at rest. The aching pain soon becomes constant, not letting up day or night, as the disease begins to affect more and more connective tissues.


The cause of constant aching pain in the knee at rest and at night may lie in arthrosis. With arthrosis, the joints begin to hurt severely, as the synovial membrane and articular cartilage are destroyed.

The main symptoms of this disease are as follows:

  • aching pain and;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • in the later stages, their complete immobilization is possible.

The result of the disease can be displacement and deformation of the kneecap.

Deforming osteoarthritis

This joint disease manifests itself by changes in tissue structure and the formation of bone growths.

The causes and features of the course of the disease remain poorly understood.

The only known factors under the influence of which deforming osteoarthritis can develop are:

  • heredity;
  • hormonal changes;
  • circulatory or metabolic disorders;
  • entry of proteoglycans into joints.

At the initial stage, the disease is asymptomatic, since it affects cartilage, which has neither blood vessels nor nerve endings.

Osgood-Schlatter pathology

This disease is one of the subtypes of osteochondrosis. It is very dangerous and can lead to complete loss of leg mobility, since it affects not only the knee, but also the entire tibia.

Its first symptom is. Pain may intensify during and after physical activity.


Very often, the cause of pain in the knee lies in its damage. Injury can occur from falling, hitting a hard object, or simply bending your leg incorrectly.

Discomfort increases with physical activity, the knee hurts at rest and at night, preventing you from sleeping peacefully.

Aching pain in the knee indicates a dislocated patella when, during sports, the leg bends or twists unnaturally, or when cartilage or bone tissue is detached due to an impact.

If you receive a knee injury, damage to the nerve endings and blood vessels is possible, then the aching pain will be accompanied by tingling in the joint area and numbness. In this case, the skin first turns red, and then appears blue.

ATTENTION! The result of injury can be post-traumatic arthritis, which can manifest itself after a significant period of time after injury.


If the night's state of rest is disturbed by constant aching pain in the knee due to aching knee joints, then you can take a painkiller to fall asleep, but in the morning you should definitely see a doctor. In no case should you self-medicate; it is better to consult a specialist who will determine the source of pain and select appropriate treatment methods.

Conservative methods

At the initial stage of joint disease or in case of minor injury, conservative treatment methods will help cope with aching pain, including:

  • compliance with bed rest followed by gradual activation of the limb;
  • using crutches or a cane when walking;
  • wearing soft, comfortable shoes, using orthopedic insoles;
  • applying a pressure bandage or wearing a bandage;
  • use of hot compresses.

The attending physician can also advise drug treatment and prescribe:

  • anti-inflammatory, chondroprective, painkillers;
  • applying a special ointment, gel or cream to the sore knee; they may also be anti-inflammatory, warming or analgesic;
  • injections.

If your knee aches for a long time, it is additionally recommended to undergo a course of physical therapy:

  • laser treatment;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • treatment with mineral waters;
  • mud baths.

Surgical treatment

Severe diseases (purulent arthritis in the acute phase, gonarthrosis of the last stages, severe damage to the knees due to syphilis and tuberculosis) cannot be treated with conservative measures, so in such situations they resort to surgical intervention.

Surgical intervention is considered a radical measure and is prescribed only in extreme cases.

The operation can be carried out in several ways:

  1. Arthroscopy. This operation allows you to remove the destroyed elements of the joints through 2-3 small incisions. It will not be possible to solve global problems with its help, so if the joint is severely damaged, doctors resort to more serious surgical interventions.
  2. Partial replacement of joint elements. During this operation, the damaged elements of the joint are replaced with prostheses.
  3. Total joint replacement. If the joint and adjacent bones are damaged, the entire knee joint is replaced with a prosthesis.

After any of the described operations, the patient is recommended to wear a tight pressure bandage.

IMPORTANT! If the cause of joint damage is rheumatoid or gouty arthritis or osteoarthritis, then surgery is not the end point in treating the joint: the patient must take preventive measures throughout his life so that the disease does not return.

Traditional methods

Painful sensations can be eliminated using traditional methods, but before using them you should consult your doctor.


Compresses will help relieve aching pain and prevent its recurrence. The ingredients for their manufacture are available to everyone.

  1. Yellow clay compress. The clay should be diluted with warm water until the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained. Apply the mixture to your knee before going to bed, wrap it with film, and tie a woolen scarf on top. Keep it on all night. The course of treatment is one week.
  2. Herbal compress. Mix chestnuts, dandelions and lilacs. Pour hot water and leave for two weeks. A gauze bandage soaked in the infusion should also be applied to the affected area at night.
  3. Mustard compress. Mix a tablespoon of mustard and vegetable oil, heat in a water bath and apply to the knee, cover with a cloth on top.


Knee pain intensifies at night and at rest, causing severe discomfort. Rubbing that can be prepared at home will help relieve an acute attack of pain.

  1. Rubbing based on alcohol and potato sprouts. Pour a handful of potato sprouts with vodka (500 ml). Infuse for three weeks.
  2. Rubbing of vodka and burdock. Squeeze the juice from crushed burdock leaves and mix it with vodka in a 1:1 ratio.


If your knee aches at rest, the pain can be relieved by applying a warming ointment to the sore area. Homemade ointments can also be applied for preventive purposes.

  1. Ointment based on black radish juice. Mix 100 g of vodka and honey, add 20 g of salt, pour the resulting mixture with black radish juice (200 g). Rub into the inflamed joint until completely absorbed.
  2. Herbal ointment. Mix a tablespoon of St. John's wort and yarrow, add the same amount of Vaseline, melted in a water bath. You need to rub your knees with the resulting product before going to bed.


Knee pain will help overcome a course of exercise therapy.

  • Gymnastics can be done only if the patient is able to confidently stand on the sore leg without experiencing acute pain.
  • Exercise therapy involves performing exercises smoothly; fast and sudden movements are not allowed.
  • The patient should not experience pain or discomfort; if they occur, the exercises are replaced with simpler ones.
  • The load on the joint increases gradually.

Exercises allowed for joint pain can be as follows:

  • alternately pulling the knees to the stomach in a lying and sitting position;
  • flexion and extension of limbs;
  • moving the legs to the sides;
  • alternate half turns.

Attention! Knee pain is often caused by us ourselves, by being careless about our own health and forgetting about disease prevention and banal safety precautions.

To prevent joint disease or to prevent them from returning again and again just try to follow the simple rules of VKontakte