Difference between anaerobic and aerobic processes. Aerobic training regimen to develop endurance, fat loss and overall health. Aerobic exercise for weight loss

Many people believe that there is a clear division between aerobic and anaerobic exercise. For example, lifting a barbell is an anaerobic (strength) exercise, while running is an aerobic exercise. In accordance with these ideas, training is built: strength (anaerobic) - for gaining muscle mass, cardio (aerobic) - for losing weight. This approach is often incorrect and ineffective.

Let's figure out what the difference is between strength (anaerobic) and cardio (aerobic) exercises, what is the impact of strength and aerobic exercises on the body, and how to properly combine different types of exercises to get the desired result - a beautiful body that meets your desires :)

Key Differences

  • Aerobic exercise differs from strength (anaerobic) exercise in the source of energy used by the body.
  • Aerobic exercise - oxygen is the only and sufficient source of energy.

Anaerobic (strength) exercise - oxygen is not involved in energy production. Energy is generated from a supply of “ready fuel” contained directly in the muscles. This reserve is enough for 8-12 seconds. And then the body begins to use oxygen... and the exercise becomes aerobic.

Thus, no exercise lasting longer than 12 seconds will be pure strength.

But there are no purely aerobic exercises - at the beginning of any exercise, energy is produced anaerobically (without the participation of oxygen), as during strength exercises.

Therefore, when talking about anaerobic or aerobic training, they usually mean which method of energy production is predominant.
And this depends on the intensity and duration of the load. That is, 15 minutes of continuous running at an average pace is a “more aerobic” exercise than 2 runs of 10 minutes each with a break in between. Another example is that running at a moderate pace over long distances can be considered an aerobic exercise. And sprinting is already strength training.

Some exercises and sports are inherently “more aerobic”, others are “more anaerobic”.

Examples of aerobic exercises:

  • Long distance running.
  • Fast walk.
  • Swimming.
  • Cycling or exercising on an exercise bike.
  • Aerobics.

Examples of anaerobic exercises:

  • Lifting weights (short sets - no more than 10-15 repetitions).
  • Sprint running (up to 30 seconds).

Examples of complex exercises (combining aerobic and anaerobic exercise):

  • Kickboxing.
  • A 20-30 minute workout alternating between easy jogging and sprinting.

When exercising on machines or with free weights (dumbbells, barbells), the general rule is:

Aerobic exercise - perform more repetitions with lighter weight and reduce the rest between sets. Signs indicating aerobic training will be increased heart rate (up to 90% of maximum) and sweating. You can calculate your maximum heart rate by subtracting your age from 220. For example, if you are 30, then your maximum heart rate will be 190 (220-30). Accordingly, your heart rate during aerobic exercise should not rise above 170. In addition to increasing your heart rate, pay attention to the increase in breathing. If your breathing does not increase, it means you are not training intensely enough. And if you are unable to speak, then you should reduce the intensity of your training.
Anaerobic exercise - increase the weight, reduce the number of repetitions and remember to rest between sets.

The effects of anaerobic and aerobic exercise on the body.

Although the line between strength and aerobic exercises, as we see, is quite thin, the effect of both will be completely different. And here we return to the popular opinion about strength and aerobic exercises mentioned at the beginning of the article: the former are intended for gaining muscle mass, and the latter for losing weight. Is it so?

And again everything is not so simple...

The effects of anaerobic (strength) training on the body.

Anaerobic exercise promotes muscle growth, strengthening and strengthening. But this growth is only possible with sufficient nutrition. Otherwise, the muscles you work on will grow at the expense of other muscles that are least used in the exercises. Girls should not be afraid to build up big muscles - this is simply impossible due to low testosterone levels.

Strength (anaerobic) training uses fewer calories than cardio (aerobic) training. But muscles themselves consume more calories. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn throughout the day - when you sit, lie down, watch TV and even sleep. Plus, the increased metabolism that helps burn fat lasts for an additional 36 hours post-workout! Thus, anaerobic training is very effective for losing weight.

Muscle weighs more than fat. That is, body volume decreases even when weight does not fall. When losing weight, the result is usually measured in kilograms. But, you see, it’s unlikely that anyone will weigh you - what’s much more important is how many centimeters your waist will decrease :)

Only anaerobic exercises can “sculpt” an ideal figure. Neither diet nor aerobics will help here.
Anaerobic exercise is extremely beneficial for your health...

  • Increase bone density - bones will always remain strong.
  • Strengthens the cardiovascular system.
  • Prevents diabetes mellitus and helps in the treatment of diabetes mellitus.
  • Reduce the risk of cancer.
  • Extend life.
  • Improves mood and helps fight depression.
  • Improves sleep quality and improves well-being if you don't get enough sleep.
  • Helps cleanse the skin.

The effects of aerobic training on the body.

Aerobic exercise burns fat. True, fat does not begin to burn immediately, but only when glycogen reserves are depleted. During the first 20 minutes of training, fat is almost not burned, and only after 40 minutes of training does fat become the main source of energy!

Remember when I promised to tell you the secret of how to make your body burn fat starting from the first minute of aerobic exercise? No, no, it's too early! The secret is at the end of the article...

Aerobic exercise uses a lot of calories. As a result, if you follow a diet, you can lose weight. What's the catch? It would seem that run 40 minutes a week and lose weight. But the fact is that the body very quickly gets used to aerobic exercise. After 2 weeks, you will spend much less calories on a half-hour jog than at the beginning.

Losing weight using only aerobic exercise is extremely difficult. If during the first month, subject to regular training and following a diet, you can lose 2-3 kg, then the process will slow down.

The effects of low- to moderate-intensity aerobic exercise will differ from more intense exercise. Light and moderate aerobic exercise mainly involves the cardiovascular system (that's why they are also called cardio training). High-intensity aerobic training loads not only the heart, but also the muscles, since it is no longer aerobic in its pure form. Rather, they can be called complex.

If we talk about “purely” aerobic training, then it contributes not only to fat burning, but also to the loss of muscle mass, which is extremely undesirable. "More" does not always mean "better". It’s important not to overdo it with aerobic exercise! Excess aerobic exercise is perceived as a shock by the body, causing a hormonal reaction that leads to the breakdown of muscle tissue. In more detail, the level of cortisol, which causes muscle breakdown, increases and the level of testosterone, responsible for their growth, decreases.

Research has shown that hormonal changes begin after about an hour of aerobic exercise. Thus, the optimal duration of aerobic training should not exceed 1 hour. Longer aerobic exercise is dangerous by reducing immunity, increasing the amount of free radicals and increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases and cancer!
At the same time, the health benefits of moderate aerobic exercise are obvious:

  • Increases the overall endurance of the body.
  • Prevents cardiovascular diseases.
  • Help cleanse the body of toxins.
  • Helps cleanse the skin.

So, we looked at the main features of aerobic and anaerobic (strength) exercises. Now let's talk about how to properly combine these two types of exercises to get the maximum effect, depending on the purpose of the training.
A combination of anaerobic and aerobic exercise.

More than one or two articles could be written about how to properly combine anaerobic and aerobic exercises. Here I want to look at the basic principles of combining different types of exercises to achieve the desired result.

Let's look at 4 possible training program options:

Only aerobic (cardio) exercises.

Due to the peculiarities of the impact of aerobic exercise on the body, the optimal duration of one workout should be from 20 minutes to 1 hour.

Training that includes only aerobic exercise serves two purposes:

  • Maintaining a stable weight, preventing cardiovascular disease and maintaining health.
  • Quick, one-time weight loss of several kilograms.

To maintain a stable weight, prevent cardiovascular disease and maintain health:

20-30 minutes of aerobic exercise is enough. Such training should be performed regularly. You can do it every day.
To quickly lose weight by a few kilograms at once:

Regular (daily) aerobic training with a constantly increasing duration of exercise (up to 1 hour). We remember that the body quickly gets used to aerobic exercise, so the result should be obtained in 1-2 months. Then aerobic training will be of no use! Therefore, we do not skip training and do not neglect our diet.

Once the result is achieved, it is recommended to choose a training program designed for long-term use and follow it, not forgetting about other components of a healthy lifestyle (proper nutrition and cleansing the body).
Only anaerobic (strength) exercises.

In order for anaerobic training to be effective, you need to perform exercises for each muscle group at least 2 times a week. At the same time, you cannot load the same muscle group every day. It takes time for muscles to recover from anaerobic training. Thus, if you train 2-3 times a week, then each workout should include exercises for all muscle groups. If you train more often, it would be advisable to compile 2 sets of exercises and perform them every other time.

To make it clearer, I will give 2 examples:

A strength training program to be used 2-3 times a week.

Such a program should include exercises for all of the muscle groups listed below. Examples of exercises can be found in the articles given here (I think that after reading this article, it will not be difficult for you to choose strength (anaerobic) exercises from the exercises given in the articles).

Attention! To avoid injury, never perform abdominal exercises before exercises that target the back muscles (not only exercises that specifically target the back muscles, but also some leg exercises, such as weighted squats).
Strength training program to be used 4-7 times per week.

As I already said, such a program should be divided into 2 sets of exercises, each of which involves only certain muscle groups. Below I will give an example of two such complexes, but you can compose them differently. The main thing is that the muscles involved in the first complex (A) should not be involved in the second (B).

Set of strength exercises A:

Legs, hips and buttocks (Exercises for legs, Exercises for hips, Exercises for hips and buttocks, Exercises for buttocks).
Back and chest (Sets of exercises for the back, Exercises to strengthen the back muscles, Basic exercises for the chest, Isolation exercises for the chest, Exercises for the chest for women, Exercises for the arms and chest for women).

Set of strength exercises B:

Abs (Abs exercises, Waist exercises).
Shoulders and arms (How to pump up your arms, How to pump up your shoulders, Arm exercises for women).

Workouts that include only strength (anaerobic) exercises can be used for various purposes:

For general health purposes.
In order to “sculpt” the ideal figure, in accordance with your wishes.
For gaining muscle mass.
To reduce body weight.

Complexes consisting only of anaerobic (strength) exercises can be used for a long time. To achieve a permanent effect, the anaerobic exercise program needs to be changed every 1-2 months.

Weight loss through anaerobic exercise does not occur due to the burning of calories directly during exercise, but due to the acceleration of metabolism after exercise, which lasts for 12-36 hours (depending on the duration and intensity of the workout). And, of course, due to the growth of muscles, which consume much more calories to maintain their existence than fat.

There is one secret that will help extend the effect of accelerating metabolism after strength training for 36 hours or more. Here he is:

If, within 36 hours after an anaerobic (strength) workout that lasted at least 1.5-2 hours, you do a 15-minute strength training (this is 2-3 anaerobic exercises of your choice), then the accelerated metabolism will last for another 12 hours! Moreover, this trick with a 15-minute workout can be repeated again - and extend the effect for another 12 hours.
Complex training with an emphasis on aerobic exercises.

Including anaerobic exercises in aerobic training will enhance both the general health effect and the impact of training on your appearance. I will not repeat myself (the effect of anaerobic exercise on the body is written above), I will only say that adding strength exercises to a complex of aerobic exercises will make this complex suitable for longer use and varied use.

Let's look at various options for incorporating strength (anaerobic) exercises into aerobic training:

Incorporating anaerobic exercise into aerobic training - option 1:

The most common option is when, after 30-40 minutes of aerobic training, a 15-20-minute set of strength exercises is performed. This option is not only the most common - it is also the most unfortunate!

In this situation, strength exercises are performed with tired muscles, which is not only ineffective, but also leads to overtraining. It is especially harmful to add strength exercises without taking into account when such muscle groups were used in anaerobic exercise. For example, strength exercises are performed on the legs after running...

Incorporating anaerobic exercise into aerobic training - option 2:

Another option is to perform a small set of anaerobic exercises before starting aerobic exercises (after warming up).

Disadvantages of this option:

Time limit on strength exercises (15-20 minutes). During this time, you can perform either a lighter version of strength exercises (1 approach per exercise for each muscle group), or exercises for only one muscle group. Neither one nor the other will have almost any effect. In order for anaerobic exercises to be effective, it is necessary to perform 2-3 sets per exercise for each muscle group, 2-3 times a week.
Overtraining. The danger of overtraining with this approach is no less than in the first option.

Conclusion: the second option is not much better than the first.

Incorporating anaerobic exercise into aerobic training - option 3:

The third option is radically different from the first two. This is the separation of strength and aerobic training. Anaerobic (strength) exercises are performed separately from aerobic exercises, i.e. on other days or at other times of the day (for example, aerobic training in the morning, and strength training in the evening).

In this version, strength training is built on the same principle as in a program consisting exclusively of strength exercises. The only difference is that when creating a strength training program, you need to pay more attention to the danger of overtraining. That is, you need to take into account what days you do aerobic training and not load the same muscles with strength exercises for 24 hours before and after aerobic training.

Incorporating anaerobic exercise into aerobic training - option 4:

And finally, interval training.

What it is? This is a set of various exercises combined according to the principle of alternating loads. Strength and aerobic exercises alternate with each other. Each cycle lasts 5-7 minutes.

The duration of each lesson should not exceed 40 minutes. Training is conducted no more than 2 times a week.

When adding interval training to your schedule, limit other athletic training (both aerobic and strength training) to 1-2 sessions per week.

Attention! Interval training involves very intense physical activity and is not suitable for beginners (up to 1 year of regular sports training). It is recommended to consult a doctor before starting exercise.

Interval training helps you burn fat more efficiently for two reasons:

Interval training has a greater impact on muscle strengthening and growth than aerobic training (cardio).
Oxygen consumption remains elevated longer than after aerobic exercise.

But the increase in oxygen consumption after interval training (and, accordingly, burning an increased amount of calories) is not at all as great and long-lasting as after anaerobic (strength) training!

Conclusion: the most effective (and safest!) way to include anaerobic (strength) exercises in an aerobic training program is the third (adding a set of strength exercises on separate days).
Complex training with an emphasis on anaerobic exercise.

So, why should you include aerobic exercise in your training program? There are several reasons for this:

Aerobic exercise will increase your endurance.
Aerobic exercise is an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
Although anaerobic (strength) exercise is more effective for weight loss, adding aerobic exercise correctly will speed up your weight loss process.

Let's look at several options for combining aerobic exercises with anaerobic ones:

Incorporating aerobic exercise into anaerobic (strength) training - option 1:

Remember at the beginning of the article I promised to tell you the secret of burning fat from the first minute of aerobic exercise? So, for this you just need to do aerobic exercises after a full strength training. Glycogen in the muscles is already completely used up and aerobic exercise will force the body to burn fat from the very first minute. No 20 minutes of running “in vain” - we’ll lose weight right away!

As you already understood, the first way to add cardio exercises to strength training is to perform aerobic exercises (cardio) immediately after completing anaerobic training. If you want to lose weight, the effect will be visible almost immediately.

The duration of aerobic exercise will depend on the duration of anaerobic exercise. In some cases, 5-10 minutes will be enough.

The disadvantage of this method of adding cardio exercises is a slight decrease in the effectiveness of strength training for the growth of muscle mass and strength.

Incorporating aerobic exercise into anaerobic (strength) training - option 2:

The second option is to use aerobic exercise as a 5-15 minute warm-up before starting strength training. This is a fairly common option, but its effectiveness is extremely low - after all, the glycogen in the muscles has not yet been used up, which means that such a warm-up cannot even be called an aerobic exercise.

In principle, this is just a warm-up and should be treated as such. The purpose of the warm-up is to warm up the muscles and prevent injuries during the main workout.

Incorporating aerobic exercise into anaerobic (strength) training - option 3:

Conducting aerobic and anaerobic training at different times. The principles of constructing such a training program are described above (Inclusion of anaerobic exercises in aerobic training - option 3). The only difference is in proportion.

Incorporating aerobic exercise into anaerobic (strength) training - option 4:

Well, the last option is interval training (see above - Including anaerobic exercises in aerobic training - option 4).

Conclusion: option 1 and option 3 are the most promising. The first option will help save time, and the second is suitable if you are ready to devote more than 2-3 times a week to training in order to achieve maximum results.

Types and rules of performing exercises for fat burning

Aerobic training is long-term, moderate-intensity training that targets major muscle groups. During aerobic exercise, the body consumes a large amount of oxygen and effectively burns subcutaneous fat.

Aerobic exercises include cycling, running, stepper training, swimming, dancing, basketball, aerobics and much more. Everyone, through experience, can find exactly what will bring benefit and pleasure.

Why is aerobic training necessary?

With the right approach, such training has a positive effect on the condition of the entire body. The positive aspects that you will notice by regularly receiving aerobic exercise:

  • getting rid of excess weight;
  • increasing the body's endurance;
  • increased performance;
  • strengthening the cardiovascular system;
  • raising vitality.

People who make aerobic exercise a part of their life note that they become more cheerful and balanced.

Aerobic training for intense fat burning

Many people use aerobic exercise to burn fat. It is worth paying special attention to the rules that will help you lose weight quickly and without harm.


The optimal duration of aerobic training is 30-60 minutes - this time does not include warm-up and cool-down.

If you have never done this kind of training or have been doing it for a long time, you can start with shorter sessions. Increase the duration of the workout gradually, starting with 5 minutes, and as soon as you feel that it is easy, do 10 minutes. Proceed in this way until you reach the optimal load.

You should not deplete your body's strength and exercise for more than 60 minutes: this can negatively affect your condition and slow down the fat burning process.


Aerobic exercise is not strenuous exercise that takes up all the body's resources. It is important to exercise at moderate intensity and monitor your well-being. After training, you should feel pleasantly tired and energized, not exhausted.

There is a simple test to determine the optimal intensity of an activity. During training, try to speak - if intermittent breathing prevents you from doing this, then the load is too high, you need to reduce it.

Training frequency

The optimal training frequency is 3-5 workouts per week. It is recommended to start with 3. When the body adapts to the load, the number of sessions can be increased to 5.


Eat 1.5-2 hours before training. After training, you can eat, but preferably protein foods (for example, low-fat cottage cheese).

You can drink water before, during and after training. Drink exactly as much as your body requires.

What time of day to train?

How to get maximum effect

If your goal is fat burning, then it is better to combine aerobic training with strength training. You can start with an aerobic warm-up, move on to the strength part and finish the workout with aerobic exercises again - after strength training, fat will be burned more efficiently.

In this case, aerobic training at the end of the session should not be more than 30 minutes.

Types of aerobic training

There are many aerobic programs: you can go to the gym, sign up for a fitness class, dance, start jogging in the park or exercise at home.

In the gym These exercises include classes on:

  • treadmill;
  • stepper;
  • elliptical trainer;
  • climber;
  • rowing machine.

As a rule, in the gym they are located in a special zone (cardio zone).

If you prefer study in a group There is also a large selection of aerobic activities here:

  • aerobics (dance, step aerobics, water aerobics);
  • dancing;
  • fitball

Each fitness center has its own set of group workouts, and they are not always called exactly as in the list above. It's worth asking how the session is going to understand whether there is an aerobic component: if the workout involves constant movement and includes exercises with moderate physical activity, it is suitable for you.

For those who prefer to do something that requires preparation and a serious approach, there are aerobic sports. The most popular include:

  • swimming;
  • cycling;
  • tennis.

If you are not ready to spend time on the road to get to a fitness center or other point, you can arrange classes at home - just find a video with a workout you like.

For home activities you will need a mat, and you can buy dumbbells, weights, belts and other sports equipment as needed.

Another great workout option at no extra cost is brisk walking or running. But, of course, such activities are only appropriate in the warm season, and in winter you can go skiing or skating.

Exercises in a fitness club or at home: pros and cons

To make a choice, you need to carefully weigh all aspects of different types of training and the existing circumstances: the ability to self-motivate, financial capabilities and much more.

Group training and gym classes


  1. There is less risk of injury because you are exercising under the guidance of a trainer.
  2. You get extra motivation by watching others exercise.
  3. Low probability of poor-quality training, because you will not be allowed to rest without a reason.
  4. There is no need to choose a program for a long time and buy additional equipment.


  1. Quite a high cost.
  2. It is not always possible to choose a convenient time for classes.
  3. It takes time to get there.

Exercises at home

Aerobic exercise at home is an excellent alternative to group exercise. However, this scheme also has its advantages and disadvantages.


  1. It's cheaper than working out at a gym or fitness center.
  2. You can adjust the class schedule to suit you.


  1. You can get injured if you do the exercises incorrectly.
  2. Maintaining motivation and getting ready for a workout is much more difficult than in a fitness center.
  3. Over time, you will need to purchase additional sports equipment, but it is still difficult to get the same variety as in a fitness club.

If you don’t want to work out at home, but group training doesn’t suit you, and the services of a personal trainer are too expensive, then there is a way out. Work out on your own in the gym. However, you must first carefully study the technique of performing each exercise, otherwise you may get injured.


The main contraindications to aerobic exercise include:

  • heart disease;
  • bronchial asthma with frequent attacks;
  • severe mental illness;
  • any acute illness.

If you have any doubts, be sure to consult your doctor. And even with ideal health, you need to monitor your well-being: if training is difficult for you, you need to reduce the load or find other, comfortable exercises.

If you have serious health problems, pay attention to swimming: this is the gentlest aerobic exercise, in which the risk of injuring the skeleton and muscles is minimal. But, again, do not neglect prior consultation with your doctor.

The world of aerobic training is so huge and exciting that you are sure to find one that is right for you. The main thing is to find a balance and not exercise at the expense of your health.

- this is the performance of high-intensity short-term exercises, during which the body experiences a lack of oxygen and uses phosphorus compounds (ATP, creatine phosphate) and glycogen contained in the muscles and liver as a source of energy supply. That is, anaerobic exercise intensively uses muscle energy in a short time.

As a result, anaerobic exercise allows you to:

  • Strengthen and build muscles
  • Increase the body's ability to resist the accumulation of toxins and eliminate them
  • Increase your speed

Anaerobic sources of energy production are less economical than aerobic ones and are used when the supply of oxygen to working muscles is limited, namely at the beginning of any physical activity.

Anaerobic energy sources divided into anaerobic alactic and anaerobic lactate.

Examples of anaerobic exercise:

  • Any type of sprint (running, cycling, skiing)
  • Weightlifting

Principles of anaerobic exercise:

  • duration 5-15 seconds, maximum intensity (aimed at increasing anaerobic alactic capacity)
  • duration 15-30 seconds, intensity 95-100% of maximum (parallel improvement of alactic and lactate anaerobic abilities)
  • duration 30-60 seconds, intensity 85-90% of maximum (aimed at increasing lactate anaerobic capacity)
  • duration 1-5 minutes, intensity 85-95% of maximum (parallel improvement of anaerobic lactate and aerobic abilities)

Anaerobic load in training swimmers

Anaerobic alactate sources have a decisive role in short-term sprint work and are relevant at distances of 25 and 50 meters, as well as in speed-strength exercises lasting 15-30 seconds.

Anaerobic lactate sources are associated with the glycogen content in the muscles and liver and which, during work, is broken down into lactic acid with the formation of ATP and creatine phosphate. Compared to anaerobic alactic sources, it is characterized by lower power but longer duration. Anaerobic lactate sources are the main source of energy supply at distances of 100 and 200 meters, and also play an important role at a distance of 400 m freestyle. Read more about. And other exercises on land lasting from 30 seconds to 4-5 minutes.

Anaerobic training involves improving two ways of energy supply: an increase in the number of high-energy compounds in the muscles (alactate potential) and an increase in the potential for glycolysis (lactate potential).

During anaerobic exercise, attention must be paid to the duration of rest intervals.
  • In exercises aimed at increasing alactic capacity, rest intervals should be long. For example, on 25 meter segments the rest can be 1.5-2 minutes. The work should be performed in series, 3-4 repetitions each, with rest intervals of up to 3 minutes. Such rest is needed to restore high-energy compounds, and this requires such a long rest. This type of training improves a swimmer's speed.
  • When training to increase glycosis, it must be taken into account that it is necessary to perform work under conditions of high oxygen debt. This can be solved by short rest breaks, during which the next repetition occurs against the background of significant changes in the body.

An example of anaerobic lactate capacity training:

  • 20, 30 times 50 meters with a rest interval of 15-20 seconds
  • 10, 20 times 100 meters with a rest interval of 20-30 seconds.

An increase in anaerobic lactate capacity is facilitated by training under hypoxic conditions - it is based on a deterioration in the oxygen supply to the blood. This is achieved by training in mid-altitude conditions, breathing through additional “dead space” (breathing through a tube 25-30 cm long), swimming while holding your breath, or reducing the number of breaths in a segment.

Loads: out with fat, in with muscle!

According to popular belief, any sport is equally good for all purposes. If we want to lose a couple of kilograms, we go to the gym, and we get rid of the beer belly by buying a bicycle. And then we wonder why nothing comes of it. The fact is that there are two fundamentally different type of physical activity, each of which has a specific effect on our body. Depending on the mechanism of energy synthesis and heart rate, all exercises are divided into aerobic, anaerobic and mixed. We will talk about them below.

Aerobic exercise: burning fat

Scientifically speaking, aerobic exercise is any type of low-intensity exercise during which oxygen is the main source for maintaining muscle activity. Energy consumed by muscles is generated through the oxidation of glucose cells (in in the form of glycogen, contained in muscles and liver) and fats (in the form of fatty acids). But since glycogen reserves in the body last for quite a long time and fat breakdown begins only 20-30 minutes after the start of low-intensity training, it is believed that for effective weight loss, aerobic training should last about an hour.

When energy synthesis occurs with the participation of oxygen, our pulse increases greatly, reaching up to 70% of its maximum value. To determine the upper limit of your heart rate, subtract your age from the number 220. For example, if you are 30 years old, your maximum heart rate is 190 beats per minute. Doctors have found that to start fat burning processes, the heart rate should be 60-70% of the upper value. That is, your heart rate during aerobic exercise should be no more and no less than 120-140 beats per minute. If you exercise at a lower intensity, glycogen stores may last until the end of the workout, and fat breakdown will not begin. Conversely, if you initially set the pace too high, you will quickly become exhausted and stop training before fat tissue is used. Having undergone prolonged aerobic exercise and having exhausted all glycogen reserves, the body urgently needs replenishment, so after aerobic training you need to eat something carbohydrate.

Because aerobic exercise is relatively low intensity and can be easily done for long periods of time, it is considered the best way to burn excess fat quickly and effectively. In addition, they have a pronounced general strengthening effect, improving heart function and blood circulation, developing the lungs and giving an even load on the entire musculoskeletal system.

These include:

fast walk;

running at a slow and medium pace;

a ride on the bicycle;


aerobics and dancing;

gardening and housework.

Anaerobic exercise: building muscle

During anaerobic exercise, which includes all strength exercises and movements of an explosive nature, qualitatively different mechanisms of energy synthesis are activated, which occurs without the participation of oxygen. This process consists of two stages (there will be a little chemistry now, but without this we will not understand why we need to adhere to certain rules of anaerobic training).

Since the energy produced by the oxidation of glycogen is clearly not enough to lift a barbell or perform a sprint, the first step is to use more efficient fuel - CP and ATP acids. When they split, a huge amount of energy is released, but it only lasts for 15-20 seconds. At this time, the muscles are able to withstand the highest load, so the greatest load should occur at the beginning of the exercise. Heart rate during anaerobic exercise accelerates to 80-90% of the maximum value, reaching 160-180 beats per minute.

When the reserves of CP and ATP in the body run out, the oxygen-free breakdown of glycogen begins, which produces lactic acid. The energy produced in this way lasts for a longer time, about 2-3 minutes of high-intensity training. However, if you continue to exercise beyond this time, the amount of lactic acid produced from glycogen anaerobic way, it will exceed the threshold for its consumption by muscles, which will lead to a decrease in performance. Therefore, anaerobic exercises should be performed in short bursts of 2-3 minutes, with breaks between sets to utilize excess lactic acid. By the way, it is precisely the accumulation of its excess amount in the muscles during strength training that is associated with the familiar soreness to all of us the next day, so it is important not to exceed the permissible load level, especially if you have only recently started working with weights.

As you can see, fat reserves are not affected during anaerobic exercise, so they are practically useless in terms of weight loss. But due to increased intensity and active work this kind of muscle training helps to form a beautiful sculpted figure and increase muscle mass. That is why after aerobic exercise you need to eat something protein - this way you will supply your muscles with the material necessary for growth.


strength exercises;

training on simulators;

bodybuilding and powerlifting;

sprint running;

fast cycling.

Mixed type of loads: everything in a complex

But in life, not everything is so simple, and it is often difficult to determine exactly what type of load we are dealing with. Therefore, some types of training are classified as mixed loads. In this case, an alternation of aerobic and anaerobic energy synthesis occurs, and the heart rate is somewhere between 70 and 80% of the maximum value. A well-designed program of such training with the correct distribution of aerobic training allows you to equally effectively lose extra pounds and create a slim figure.

Mixed types of loads include:

fitness and cardio dance;

professional dancing;

sport games;

variable running;

So, we found out that to get the full effect of playing sports, it is necessary to alternate or combine two types of exercise - aerobic (for burning fat) and anaerobic (for building muscle). Follow the recommendations for performing a particular type of exercise, highlighted in bold in the text, so as not to get tired during training and exercise with maximum efficiency - and the result will exceed your expectations

Aerobic and anaerobic exercise - what is it? What are their differences? Not everyone can answer this question, especially if you are far from sports. You can also get confused about these terms. Let's try to figure it out.

The sport is increasingly gaining momentum in its popularity every year. Today, playing sports is fashionable. But we have to agree that such fashion has a great effect on the athlete’s appearance, health and self-esteem. Of course, if you do it right.

There are two types of loads that have their own characteristics

  1. Aerobic (cardio) exercise is understood as a set of exercises aimed primarily at strengthening the cardiovascular system and losing weight.
  2. Anaerobic (strength) exercise is training whose goal is to develop muscles and gain muscle mass. Is this understanding correct? How should sports activities be structured to achieve the desired effect? Let's try to find out as much as possible about these types of loads.

Aerobic exercise

What is aerobic exercise

Aerobic exercise is a type of exercise in which oxygen is the source of energy. They are, first of all, aimed at actively enriching the body with oxygen and strengthening all its systems. These types of loads became popular back in the 70s of the last century thanks to Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Scientists were able to find out that aerobic exercise promotes fat burning, weight loss and control over the level of subcutaneous fat. Generally speaking, this type of load is measured and long-lasting.

  • various types of aerobics;
  • a ride on the bicycle;
  • skiing;
  • exercise on a treadmill, exercise bike, elliptical and stepper;
  • ice skating and roller skating;
  • race walking;
  • running at a measured pace;
  • dancing.

As you can see, the choice is quite wide and everyone can choose something not boring for themselves. You can even combine types of aerobic exercise to diversify your sports activities.

Benefits of aerobic exercise:

  • increase the body's endurance;
  • significantly reduce the risk of heart disease and vascular pathologies;
  • help cleanse the body of toxins and the skin of impurities;
  • prevent the development of diabetes mellitus;
  • increase bone density, which makes them stronger;
  • reduce the risk of the occurrence and development of cancer cells;
  • help improve the emotional background, allow you to effectively deal with stress;
  • are an excellent prevention of sleep disorders;
  • help to maintain youth, vigor and good health for as long as possible.

During aerobic exercise, calories are consumed very well, due to which fat reserves are actively burned. However, a very important place is given to the correct diet and composition of nutrition, without which the desired result cannot be achieved. To understand how to eat, you should know what processes occur in the body during aerobic exercise.

During approximately the first 20-30 minutes, the glycogen that was obtained during the day is burned. And only after this the burning of proteins and fats begins. If the workout lasts 40-50 minutes, then the sports activity is not in vain and the fat burning process continues for another 2 hours after its end. It is precisely in this case that you need to know the peculiarities of eating behavior. If, for example, you eat a banana or drink juice during these 2 hours, you will not have the desired effect. The process of fat breakdown will simply stop.

It should also be taken into account that Together with accumulated fat reserves, proteins are also broken down - the main building material of muscles. And this certainly cannot be allowed. An excellent solution in this case: drink only clean still water and eat protein foods. This way, the muscles will receive the nutrition they need, and at the same time, the fat burning process will continue successfully.

There is another important nuance. Yes, aerobic training consumes a large amount of energy and, accordingly, calories. However, the body quickly gets used to the level of stress, which is why soon it will not be enough to achieve the desired effect. That is why experts advise combining aerobic exercise with anaerobic exercise. It is also undesirable that aerobic exercise lasts longer than 1 hour, since hormonal changes are already beginning to occur. This is dangerous for the condition of the heart and blood vessels, and also provokes a decrease in immunity.

Features of anaerobic exercise

Main The peculiarity of anaerobic “oxygen-free” loads is high intensity, short duration, maximum stress. During such exercises, the body receives virtually no oxygen, as a result of which a large amount of energy removed from the muscles is wasted. The exercises are performed at a very fast pace in short sets.

  • sprint running;
  • fast cycling;
  • power training;
  • bodybuilding and powerlifting;
  • exercises in the gym using exercise equipment.

When working with sports equipment, it is necessary to perform several approaches under intense loads, alternating with short breaks. For example, when working out with dumbbells, you need to alternately lift the apparatus with each hand at a very fast pace (for about a minute). Then you need time to rest. The number of repetitions is directly proportional to the athlete's level of physical fitness. The main rule: exercises must be done at a fast pace, without reducing speed or stopping.. Literally 5-7 approaches - and the energy stored in the muscles is actively wasted.

With regular and proper anaerobic training, you can achieve the following results:

  • Developing endurance, achieving high levels of strength.
  • Physiologically accelerate the process of losing weight due to the large number of kilocalories spent on performing the load. Thanks to increased metabolism, excess fat is transformed into material that is used for muscle development.
  • Muscle strengthening and growth. Gaining muscle mass is only possible if you combine anaerobic exercise with special nutrition. Girls should not be afraid that they will pump up their muscles too much. Due to low testosterone levels this is not possible. By the way, it’s a fact: the better developed the muscles are and the more mass they have, the more energy will be spent on their functioning, even outside of training.
  • The body acquires beautiful reliefs, the shapes become more attractive.
  • Strengthening the musculoskeletal system, correcting posture.
  • Boosting immunity.
  • Anaerobic training is a good prevention of diabetes.
  • General well-being improves.
  • A person who exercises regularly feels cheerful, active and strong. Self-esteem increases.
  • The risk of injury in everyday life is dramatically reduced.

Surprisingly, the effects of anaerobic training last for another 36 hours. At this time, intense metabolic processes continue to occur in the body.

Anaerobic glycolysis

Anaerobic exercise is strength exercise that does not involve oxygen. Energy production occurs directly from the reserve contained in the muscles. This reserve will be enough for the load for 8-12 seconds. After this time, the body “turns on” the process of consuming oxygen, causing anaerobic exercise to become aerobic.

In anaerobic exercise there is the concept of “anaerobic glycolysis”, on which the entire effect of such training is based.

In order for a person to perform physical activity, the body needs energy. Its source is the ATP molecule (adenosine triphosphate). It is found in small quantities in the muscles. During anaerobic exercise in the absence of oxygen, glucose breaks down into lactic acid.

Anaerobic threshold

Anaerobic threshold (AnT) is one of the central concepts in those sports that involve intense emphasis on endurance.. It is also called the anaerobic threshold. It represents the threshold of intensity of a particular exercise, during which the amount of lactate (lactic acid) exceeds its neutralization in the blood.

There are different methods for measuring it. Maybe not the most accurate, but an accessible method is to measure heart rate (heart rate) over long competitive distances. ANP can be measured much more accurately in laboratory conditions. The anaerobic threshold is decisive in choosing the degree of load, exercise, training mode, etc.

During intense physical activity, muscles release lactic acid. The harder a muscle works, the more lactate it releases. The body tries to get rid of this product as quickly as possible. If he does not have time to utilize lactic acid, this will affect the athlete’s well-being and his performance. To prevent this from happening, you must not exceed the ANP.

To summarize, the threshold of anaerobic metabolism is the boundary at which a balanced balance is achieved between the rate at which lactate is released and the rate at which it is utilized.

Aerobic and anaerobic respiration

The purpose of the respiratory system is to produce special molecules called energy stores. They play an important role when performing physical activity.

There are two types of breathing that can be used during sports training - aerobic and anaerobic.

Aerobic exercise uses oxygen as an important element to expend energy intensively. This gas is necessary for the oxidation of carbohydrates and lipids. The lungs are actively involved in breathing, which allows you to saturate the body with a large amount of oxygen. Aerobic breathing technique is widely used to reduce body weight and strengthen the lungs.

In the anaerobic respiration technique, a completely different system is connected, the operation of which does not require oxygen from the outside. . The role of the oxidizing agent is assigned to the oxygen of inorganic substances (nitrates, sulfates, etc.). This type of respiration can also be called cellular. It will take more time to organize it, since cellular respiration is a slower process.

To activate anaerobic respiration, strength training is performed quickly and in short bursts.

Cardio load

Cardio exercise is physical activity that increases your heart rate and heart rate. The main benefit of such a load is that it helps strengthen the heart muscle and stabilize its work.

How does cardio work and what are its beneficial effects?

Everything is easily explained from a physiological point of view. The general well-being of a person depends on the state of the heart. If there are any problems in the functioning of this organ, this will certainly affect the deterioration of health.

With cardio exercise, accompanied by an increase in heart rate, the whole body improves. However, Do not overload the heart too intensely. The main guideline in such training is the individual state of health. Everyone needs a different program. Otherwise, if the body receives a load that is too high for itself, this can result in serious consequences.

When choosing the level of cardio load, you should first of all pay attention to fitness, since the pulse during the exercise can increase either slightly or extremely. A person who regularly plays sports tolerates a gradual increase in load well. But for older people and those in poor health, it is better to give preference to light exercise.

There are different types of cardio exercises and in many ways they overlap with aerobic exercises, that is, the same aerobic exercises:

  • Walking. This type of cardio exercise is an excellent workout for beginners in sports, as it is better to start with low-intensity walking. You can gradually increase the pace, making it very accelerated. Brisk walking can be considered walking at a speed of more than 110 steps per minute. It will be very difficult and dangerous for someone who is not athletically prepared to immediately start at such a pace. If you have some experience, you can try alternating 5 minutes of walking at an easy pace with 5 minutes of fast walking. Gradually, increasing the pace with each workout, you need to reach a brisk walk. It should look like the person is very late for somewhere.
  • Run– another very popular type of cardio exercise. Due to the fact that most muscles are loaded during running, there may be a number of restrictions for such training.. For example, if you have diseases of the joints or spine, or serious heart problems, then it is better to consult a doctor. Perhaps the doctor will give recommendations that will help you not give up running completely.
  • Dancing. Yes, they can also be safely classified as cardio exercises. The effect they achieve is the same as after a regular workout in the gym.. During dancing, the heart rate increases intensely, which is beneficial for the heart, muscles and the whole body. In addition to the fact that the body becomes slender and fit, a person who dances acquires plasticity, grace, and elegance.
  • Cycling. They help strengthen the heart, different muscle groups (especially legs), lose weight. An excellent alternative to such loads is training on an exercise bike in the gym or at home.

Cardio exercise is a great way to improve your health and become much slimmer and fitter. However, in order to have the desired effect, you need to exercise regularly, 4-5 times a week.

Combination of aerobic and anaerobic exercise

In their pure form, aerobic and anaerobic exercise practically does not exist. It is very difficult to separate one from the other, since an anaerobic exercise literally becomes aerobic after just 10-15 seconds of execution.

To achieve maximum effect in losing weight, strengthening muscles and the cardiovascular system, it is better to train comprehensively - do both anaerobic and aerobic exercises (if there are no contraindications). You can combine them in different ways, but you must adhere to the basic principles.

Several options are possible:

  • comprehensive sports activities with an emphasis on aerobic exercise;
  • complex sports activities with an emphasis on anaerobic exercises.

In the first case, training allows you to enhance the overall health effect and get rid of extra pounds. . Strength exercises are added to aerobic exercises, which are the majority.

There are several options for such training programs. The most common is 30-40 minutes of aerobic exercise, followed by strength exercises performed for 15-20 minutes. However, this approach is not only ineffective, but can also be dangerous for the muscles. The best option is aerobic and anaerobic training, which are performed separately from each other on different days. This allows you not to overload the muscles and achieve the desired effect.

There is also the concept of compound training, which focuses on anaerobic exercise. Within them there are also several options:

  • The first is 15-20 minutes of aerobic exercise after a full strength training session.
  • Second, aerobic exercises are performed for 5-15 minutes as a warm-up before anaerobic exercise.
  • The third is conducting “oxygen” and “oxygen-free” training on different days according to a predetermined program.

So, a conclusion should be drawn. To improve health, develop muscle mass, tighten your figure and stay in good shape, it is advisable to combine aerobic and anaerobic exercise. The main thing is that they must be clearly thought out in order to bring benefit and not harm.

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